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Ergative system dan Accusative system

a. Accusative
Intransitive: tidak punya objek (S V)
Der hund schalf
Article dog sleeps
Transitive: punya objek (s v o/ s v o o)
Der hund hat much gebissen
Art dog has me bitten

Ciri”: Subject Intransitive = Agent transitive

Intrans The dog run-s

Trans The dog eat-s rice

English= accusative

b. Ergative
Manga pa laparni
Girl aux(will) run
The girl will run
Ngapa pa nyanya manga-ngu
Water aux(will) see girl
The girl would see the water
Ciri”: Subject Intransitive = Patient transitive
Intrans : S
Trans : A P
Intrans : S
Trans : A P

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