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Mario Yrisarry, “Precincts” (1965).

Seem to share one stencil, but the feel and intent, one from the other, is very

 Cities of the Past (1999)

A city emerges from intricate grids of white, structurally sound and
powerful, Arturo Luz builds a fictitious city of old, flourishing with
pagodas and domes alike.

Leo Valledor (1936–1989)
Skeedo (1965) is so quirky and radically shaped that it seems
without precedent.

The Fishermen’, 1981  Ang Kiukok

He is acclaimed for his series of Fishermen at Sea, which connects

both energy, faith and the struggle of fishermen under a vibrant
crimson sun labouring together to bring in the haul for the day.

Eduardo Masferré (1909-1995)

Sagada’, 1952

His photographs capture the culture of the people in his community and

Romulo Olazo's 'Diaphanous Anthuriums (B-CCXXXIV)' was

finished in 2014. It was one of his last works before his death

Romulo Olazo’s ‘Diaphanous B-CCXXXV’ (in photo) and

‘Diaphanous Anthuriums (B-CCXXXIV),’ are two of largest

Fernando Amorsolo (1892-1972)

The figures and illuminated landscapes magically glow on the


‘The Fruit Gatherer’, 1950’

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