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Should the death penalty for serious crime be abolished around the world?

Did you know that a country with the most crime in now world is Honduras with average
rate of 90.4 murders per 100,000 people? Many people think that death penalty is too
horrible, and it should be changed to other punishment. In the other hand, “When you
don’t have a death penalty, bad things happen,” (Former State Attorney Lawson Lamar), this
word may make people supported the death penalty caused they think that it is a
punishment that suit to the crime and murder. Death penalty may give some benefit to
people such as justice and deterrence.

First of all, why should a murderer be allowed to live in relative comfort without
punishment that suit to their guilt? Death penalty is what hardened criminals deserve such
as murder, but some murderer did not get any punishment and still commit an offense to
other people which make people afraid to go outside their house. For death penalty,
criminals who are repeat offenders and not scared to rape and murder again, they continue
commit an offense because they know that they will only be imprisoned. These types of
people and those who cannot be transformed should be received death penalty for
punishment. (

Next, death penalty can deter bad people to commit heinous crimes. Only the most severe
punishment possible will dissuade the most violent crimes. ( In
fact, it is the greatest deterrent of criminal acts. If an offender commits a crime that is
punishable by death and gets executed, this will be known by the public. Then, people will
fear of suffering the same plight, they will be afraid to commit crimes. Without harsh
punishments for their offenses, criminals will be taking advantage of weaker people and
victims, so this punishment will decrease the crime in country and make people stay

To conclude, because the offenders guilt is a very serious offense that make many people
afraid of them, so the death penalty is the best punishment for the crime. Also, it can
reduce the number of committed crimes by making people afraid of this punishment. Death
penalty is the better way to punish their murderer for peacefully of country.

Walaipan Sirithanyakant (Jennie) Class:1005

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