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<link rel="icon" href="mee.PNG" type="mee/PNG"> <!-- inorder to add icon to the title-->



<!--how to set background color -->

<body style="background-color:green;"></body>


<p style="color:white;"><b>Debre Markos Univesity</b></p></center>


<p> <img src="mee.PNG"/></p> </center>

<p><a href="">Debre Markos Univesity</a></p>

<hr><p><b><font color="red" size="6"> This the first html program </b> and is very intersting mark-up
language </font> </p>


<p>HTML is a<i><u> markup language</u></i>, a markup language is a set of markup tags </p>

<p><mark>HTML documents are also called web pages</mark></p>

<!--this is unorder list-->


<li> html</li>

<li> css</li>

<li> javascript</li>

<li> php</li>

<!-- this is order list-->

<ol type="A" >



















</ul> <br>


FirstName <input type="text" name="First_Nmae"/><br><br>

LastName <input type="text" name="last_Nmae"/><br>

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<textarea rows="10" cols="20"name="comments">



&nbsp; &nbsp;<input type="button" name="ok" value="login"><br>

<input type="radio" name="genger">Male

<input type="radio" name="genger">female<br>

<input type="checkbox" name="subject">java

<input type="checkbox" name="subject">HTML

<input type="checkbox" name="subject">CSS &nbsp; &nbsp;


<option> programming language</option>

<option> c++</option>

<option> java</option>

<option> c#</option>




&nbsp; <label>Name</label> &nbsp; <input type='text'><br><br>

&nbsp; &nbsp; <input type='button' value='login'><br><br>

<input type='radio'>F<br><br>

<input type='radio'>M<br><br>

<input type='checkbox'>java<br><br>

<input type='checkbox'>html<br><br>

<input type='checkbox'>css<br><br>

<option> select gender</option>

<option> male</option>

<option> female</option>





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