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Macbeth is a cold-blooded killer.


However Macbeth can be seen as influenced by Lady Macbeth so that he commits

murder. ‘Look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t’ shows how
Lady Macbeth coaxes Macbeth to kill Duncan and to be deceitful. This is
contextually relevant as in the Shakespearian era most women had a lower
status in society than their husband. The word ‘flower’ implies that Lady
Macbeth wants Macbeth to be more feminine and complacent, so no one suspects
his murderous plan. Lady Macbeth’s use of prose compared to verse when she
reads Macbeths letter shows how she is in control. Lady Macbeth askes the
spirits to ‘make thick my [her] blood’ this shows how as a woman she only has
power because of supernatural influence. The use of blood stems from the idea
that ‘blood is thicker than water’ and therefore Lady Macbeth shows how she
will do anything for power. This links to Lady Macbeth asking to ‘pour my [her]
spirits into thine ear’ portraying how she would like to corrupt and control

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