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Macbeth is a cold-blooded killer.

Georgia Krok

Macbeth is a Shakespearean play, written to please King James I of England,

about a war hero who turns into a traitor. Themes of witchcraft and
deteriorating mental health contribute to this being Shakespeare’s darkest and
most powerful tragedies. The use of Witches helps to create conflict between the
audience and actors as Witches were seen as traitors to the crown. This essay
will deliberate whether or not Macbeth is a cold-blooded killer by considering
Macbeth’s title and what he did in order to achieve it, the influence of Lady
Macbeth over Macbeth’s actions as well as Macbeth’s mental health.

Firstly Macbeth is given the title ‘Thane of Cawdor;’ who was previously a ‘rebel.’
This is significant as Macbeth is given the title of someone who deceives King
Duncan and betrays the crown. This is symbolic as ‘strange garments, cleave not
to their mould.’ This shows how Macbeth will have to get used to his title by
doing something that makes him Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth earns the title of
Thane of Cawdor by fighting ruthlessly in a battle where he ‘unseam’d him [the
enemy] from the nave to th’chaps’ this is contextually relevant as Macbeth is first
introduced as someone who relishes murder and violence as he did not have to
kill the enemy in such an extravagant way. Shakespeare uses the Captains
recount of the battle scene to forebode Macbeth’s violent tendencies. The use of
iambic pentameter in the captain’s speech shows how what was happening was
normal for Macbeth and therefore shows how no one was alarmed or shocked by
Macbeth’s behaviour. The Captain’s appearance is dishevelled. He has a blood
‘covered’ face, which turns him into something unrecognisable and monster-like,
this is symbolic as Macbeth will be become ‘covered’ metaphorically by the blood
of those he kills in order to fulfil his ambitions. This is ironic, as Macbeth’s
ambitions will lead to his eventual downfall as it his hamartia.

However, Macbeth can be seen as influenced by Lady Macbeth so that he

commits murder. ‘Look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t’ shows
how Lady Macbeth coaxes Macbeth to kill Duncan and to be deceitful. This is
contextually relevant as in the Shakespearian era most women had a lower
status in society than their husband. The word ‘flower’ implies that Lady
Macbeth wants Macbeth to be more feminine and complacent, so no one suspects
his murderous plan. Lady Macbeth’s use of prose compared to verse when she
reads Macbeth's letter shows how she is in control. Lady Macbeth asks the spirits
to ‘make thick my [her] blood’ this shows how as a woman she only has power
because of supernatural influence. The use of blood stems from the idea that
‘blood is thicker than water’ and therefore Lady Macbeth shows how she will do
anything for power. This links to Lady Macbeth asking to ‘pour my [her] spirits
into thine ear’ portraying how she would like to corrupt and control Macbeth.
Macbeth is a cold-blooded killer. Discuss
Georgia Krok
Furthermore, when Macbeth finally decides to kill Duncan he feels that he is
alone. ‘Nature seems dead,’ shows how Macbeth believes that there are no Gods
present as he kills Duncan. This thought process shows how Macbeth believes
that he is being maniacal purely of his own regard. Yet he contradicts himself as
the ‘Witches celebrate/ Pale Hecate’s off’rings’ meaning that the witches are
present. The use of ‘off’rings’ refers to a human sacrifice. This is contextually
relevant as the audience in the Shakespearian era were superstitious and
believed in the Gods. The word ‘seems’ infers that whilst he may feel alone
everything is not as it seems. The use of a paradox when Macbeth talks about
supernatural influences helps to portray his decrease in mental health. From
this, we can infer that whilst Macbeth thought he acted alone he was not in the
right state of mind. This is furthered by his uncertainty around the dagger. ‘Is
this a dagger which I see before me’ conveys how Macbeth whilst calm is
uncertain about what is going on. The use of Macbeth slipping in and out of
iambic pentameter portrays how he is slipping in and out of normality and

In conclusion, this essay shows that Macbeth is not a cold-blooded killer rather
Shakespeare has created a mentally ill character that is under the influence of
supernatural spirits and Gods; the influence of other people over Macbeth's
actions show that he is not in control. His poor mental health conveys how he is
not completely aware of what he was doing and therefore is not a callous
murderer rather an impressionable and easily manipulated man.

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