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Two words or phrases that show how hot summer is are ‘melted’ and
‘naked heat.’
2. The writers mother is portrayed as talkative as she takes up the majority
of the conversation. This helps to show that she is a prominent part of the
writers life as she dominates the conversation.
3. Sadness is evoked in the end of the extract. The word ‘alone’ helps to
convey how the writer evokes the sense of isolation. The use of negative
lexis helps to portray a sense of being alone. The use capitals in ‘ “NO
TRESSPASING” ‘ helps to portray the sense of force and embed a sense of
fear in the end of the passage.
4. The writer uses language to create tension. ‘I wondered weather adults
did’. The use of the word ‘wonder’ helps to show that the author does not
know what everyone thinks. The use of making the author unsure
conveys a sense uncertainty, which helps to convey tension.

The writer creates interest

5. Text A is an autobiography written in first person narrative from the
perspective of a young boy who goes to a lake every summer to discover
that it had been bought and that he was no longer allowed to use it. Text B
is also an autobiography written in first person narrative from the
perspective of a girl who grew up in China in a very traditional family.

Firstly, Text A is written from the perspective of a child and is in

chronological order. The young boy says ‘Life is [was] perfect,’ the use of
the word perfect helps to portray that as a child his memory’s may not be
correct. The use of hyperbole contrasts against the sadness later on in the
text. Where the author could not ‘talk about that [losing the lake].’ This
conveys isolation and a lack of closeness with the people around him.
Similarly Adeline Yen Mah who is the author of Text B was a child when
she was sent to boarding school. ‘Holies of Holies’ helps to portray how in
Chinese culture fathers are often given a God like status. The phrase
‘never been invited’ helps to convey how Yen Mah is not close to her
father, as she has to be invited into his room, and it is a first.

Furthermore, in Text A the text is influenced by the parents. ‘Mum said’

portrays how the writer’s mother is dominating. This is furthered by the
only dialogue in the text is from the mother. The word ‘said’ helps to
show the limited range of vocabulary that the child has. This portrays
how as a child the events that are taking place will have a very big impact
on the child. In Text B the father is very controlling. This is conveyed
when the father says ‘you will go’. The command conveys that the father
is in control. The word ‘will’ shows how Yen Mah has no control over her

However Text A starts by being happy in the beginning, as ‘life is perfect.’

This shows how the child views their life is perfect. The use of the word
‘perfect’ conveys how nothing is wrong. This creates tension as when
something is perfect it can only go downhill. In Text B the piece starts
negatively. ‘Time went by relentlessly.’ This shows how Yen Mah felt that
she had no control. The word ‘relentless’ conveys how time is slipping
away. The use of negative lexis in the beginning of the piece sets a
negative mood throughout the essay.

In Conclusion Text A and B have many similarities and differences.

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