Core Prac Sessions Lesson Plan

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Thursday 19 April – Core Prac Sessions – Year 11

2 Periods (75 min each). 3 Activities per lesson. All the activities are led via the PPT. There is an
introduction slide. All reprographics materials will be waiting in your room.

One of the activities requires use of a second PPT to generate random Core Prac titles. When you
FULL SCREEN this PPT it begins to cycle. The “P” key pause it.

Both sessions require students to be in groups. Please make sure you mix up friendship groups and
sexes and abilities.

Lesson 1

Intro: Explain the format and purpose of the two sessions using the intro slide. There is a summary
of the Core Pracs in Biol/Chem/Phys before the first task.

Activity 1 Put the summary slides of the practicals around the room. Make sure students begin iin
their groups. Ask the groups to split up and go and look at 2 or 3 of the practical slides. Whilst
there they discuss the practical with other students not from their group. Allow a few minutes for
discussion before their second and third slide.

Ask groups to come back together to discuss what practicals they looked at. Then elicit what
practicals or steps of practicals they are unsure of.

You can use the Biology/Chemistry/Physics PPTs to lead discussion about what was investigated and

You could have each student write a Practical Summary for the investigation they feel they have
forgotten most about.

Activity 2: Use the Core Prac Generator PPT to cycle through the Core Prac titles. When it stops the
students should locate the Core Practical in their text books and then pick a team to give a brief
overview of the underpinning science. An example of an answer is given on slide 6

Activity 3: Equipment Slide 10 is a sequence of practical equipment. Teams should be given a copy
of the equipment challenge on slide 11 to complete whilst the pictures are cycled through. The idea
is to name the equipment and remember what it was used for.

Lesson 2

Activity 1 Skills. Allow 1 minute to look at the slide of potential practical skills on slide 7. Ask which
skills they DON’T need for their exam. There is only one

Each team should then be given a Core Prac Skills Practice sheet (slide 9) and allowed 5-10 minutes
with the text book to complete it. They could divide up the sheet to speed up completion.

Review answers.
Activity 2 Exam Practice. Use the past paper exam questions CHECK ANSWERS PRIOR TO LESSON
to lead the students through the question Walking Talking Mock Style. They can attempt the final
one as a group on their own.

Activity 3. It’s a Quiz. If you have ABCD cards it will help. There should be spares in Helene or
Rosie’s room if you don’t.

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