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You are on patrol (in uniform and in a squad car) when you see a white male
with long hair and a dirty jacket. He seems a little out of place for the
neighbourhood he is in, however, he has not broken any laws. You swing your
squad car around to meet up with him, and he pays no attention to you. You
just have a “feeling” that something about this guy isn’t right. You pull up and
get out to talk with the male. You introduce yourself and ask him if you can
speak with him for a minute. He replies “I don’t talk to cops” and continues
walking on as if nothing happened. What can you as a police officer do?

As a police officer i will leave the guy alone as long as he did not commited any
prohibited act or violation to the law. And maybe the guy had a mental illness or a
homeless base on the description.


You have a beat partner whom you really like. He is one of the best cops you
know. He looks sharp, does good work, and can always depended upon. You
have noticed, however, that every once in a while he smells of alcohol. Finally,
one night while on duty, you ask him about the smell. He produces a small
flask from his uniformed jacket inside pocket. He states “this is my one vice in
the world, I have a nip now and then. Never more than two in a shift. You know,
it’s like sex. It’s not the amount, it’s the fun doing it when you know it’s taboo.
Trust me, it’s no problem.” As far as you know it is not! He thanks you for
mentioning the smell, and he says he’ll do something about that.

We all know that drinking liquor or any alcohol product while on duty is a wrongful act
specially if you are a law enforcer. I will not condone such acts by this officer,
however base on the scenario above it is a big loss if this officer will get suspended.
So i will give this man a warning to stop his vice while we are on duty because both
of us will get suspended or fired because of his foolishness and my negligence. If he
doesn't stop i will report him to who is someone up the ladder.

Your friend, Jim, has a drug problem, which he refuses to admit. His
personality has changed, he is flunking most of his classes, and he has lost
most of his friends. His parents are unaware of the drug problem. They only
know Jim is having some problems. They invite you over and ask if you know
what is bothering Jim. What would you do?

Base on the scenario above he did not admitted to me that he's got a problem
involving drugs, but we can see the side effect of the drugs base on the scenario and
maybe i have a glimpse of idea what is going on. Let just say that i have an idea or i
know that he's using drug and his parents ask me what is his problem. I will not tell
them the truth that jim has a drug problem not to protect jim but to protect his parents
feeling. As a parent it is so stressful and problematic if you know that your child is
addicted to drugs and maybe lead to unpleasant result. I will advise them that they
need a family meeting or family bonding to share their opinion or problems because
the attitude of the child starts in the family. For me as his friend i will also advise him
and discuss or lecture him the side or bad effect of using dangerous drugs in the
physical, mental and social. Dangerous drug means any drug, other than a
controlled substance, unsafe for self-medication or unsupervised use.



Armando , convicted of Rape but granted absolute pardon by the President,

and one year thereafter, convicted of homicide. question: Is he recidivist?
Justify your answer in applying the legal provision of the law.

Rape and Homicide is in the same title of the Revise Penal Code of the Philippines
therefore Armando is a Recidivist. Even if the accuse granted pardon by the
president in his first offense and still committed another felony in the same title of the
Revise Penal Code of the Philippines the first condition is still counted to make him a
Recidivist since Pardon does not obliterate the fact of his prior conviction.

Arthur Makabayan was convicted of the crime of Rebellion,While serving

sentence, he escaped from jail. Captured, he was charge with, and convicted
of , Evasion of Service of Sentence. Thereafter, the President of the Philippines
issued an amnesty proclamation for the offense of Rebellion. Arthur applied
for and was granted the benefit of amnesty proclamation. Arthur then filed a
petition for habeas corpus, praying for his immediate release from
confinement. He claims that the amnesty to the offense of evasion of service
of sentence. Will you grant the petition? if yes , Why? If no , Why?

Rebellion and Evasion of service of sentence belongs to the same title Crimes
against public order but it is a different felony. Although the president issued an
amnesty proclamation it doesn't mean he is not liable for Evasion of service of
sentence because the amnesty issued is for Rebellion only. And for me i will not
grant him the petition for habeas corpus because he is lawfully arrested by the crime
of Evasion of service of sentence. If the rebellion was obliterated because of the
amnesty then he will still serve his remaining sentence for the crime of Evasion of
service of sentence.


A killed his wife and buried here in their backyard. He immediately went into
hiding mountains. Three years later, the bones of A's wife were discovered by
X, the gardener. Since X had a standing warrant of arrest, he hid the bones in
an old clay jar and kept quiet about it. After two years, Z, the caretaker, found
the bones and reported the matter to the police. After 15 years of hiding. A left
the country but returned three years later to take care of his ailing siblings. Six
years thereafter, he was charge with parricide but raised the defense of
proscription. Under the revised penal code, when does the the prescription of
a crime commence to run?

I will make this quick and easy to understand, As a rule, prescription of crime begins
on the day the crime was committed. However, in case the crime was concealed, not
public, in which case, the prescription thereof would only commence from the time
the offended party or the State through a person in authority or his agents learns of
the commission of the crime. The term of prescription shall not run when the offender
is absent from Philippine archipelago.
And also the discovery of crime by a mere witness, who is not a offended party, will
not commence the running of prescriptive period.


You are driving a marked police vehicle while on duty.  You are a couple of
minutes late to meet your beat partner for coffee at a cafe across town.  You
pull up to a red light and stop.  A citizen’s vehicle pulls alongside, and a
female passenger asks if you would pull over for a minute.  Upon getting out of
the police unit, the driver, a male meets you between the cars and explains
he'd been following you for about three blocks back when you ran the stop
sign coming off the side street onto this main boulevard.  The citizen’s six-
year-old son wants to know why policeman don't have to stop like everyone
else.  The citizen wants you to explain it to the boy, who is still in the car out of
earshot.  The citizen is obviously hostile and no friend to law enforcement. 
You remember "rolling" the sign, but this smells like an internal affairs beef in
the making.  What do you do?

For the sake of the child I will tell him that there is an emergency nearby that is why I
did not stop to a stop sign. Police car is not the king of the roads but we are the
priority if there is no other emergency car because we need to save or protect lives. I
rather lie to a child than tell him the truth because we all know that a child will do
what he sees the adults do and maybe he will do the same in the future so I will just
tell him the positive side of the story.


You are a police officer, and you and your wife just purchased a duplex as a
rental.  You are very proud and talk about it at the station.  You tell several of
the officers about how people have already applied to rent it once the painting
is complete.  A little later that same day, you stop by the local paint store,
while on duty, to arrange for the paint to be delivered.  There is no "special"
discount involved, but you are excited and want to get things done.  While
there, another officer, who is a friend of yours, pulls his unit into the parking
lot and motions for you to come out to his car.  At the car, he hands you a
copy of a rap sheet on the applicant you named earlier at the station.  It
indicates that the person has been arrested for burglary, drug charges and
resisting arrest.  What do you do?

As a police officer and in the same time a businessman I will not let my business
intercept my duty as a police officer. I will let the law handle the said offenses that
my applicant committed. And also I will not be involve in any illegal activity. Because
duty first before everything else.

An officer is assigned an investigation involving a dispatcher who supposedly

has been using various illegal drugs off-duty.  Since a deputy friend of yours
lives in the same apartment complex as the dispatcher under suspicion, you
interview him to ascertain whether or not he has any relevant information. 
During the interview, you ask him, as a routine question, if he has ever use
drugs himself.  He responds, "yes, I have smoked marijuana at a party with
some friends who are not officers.  In fact, I think I still have a couple of joints
somewhere."  You are surprised, but when you pursue how often he smokes,
or if he still does, he politely says, "forget it."  He says he shouldn't even have
mentioned it, but it's no problem now.  What do you do?

First thing first I will go back to my place. I will not go to haste because I don’t have
any proof or evidence just yet. I can’t use his confession as an evidence. I will
conduct an investigation I will get a search warrant to get inside in his dwelling
because going inside without any warrant is violation of his right. If ever I will get any
evidence that he’s been using illegal drug I will lawfully arrest him bring him in and
conduct preliminary investigation and let the court the judge him. In short I will
conduct due process of law.


A police officer notifies radio that he is involved in a high-speed chase only a

few blocks away from you.  Before you can respond, the reporting unit says
that the suspect vehicle has had an accident.  You come around the corner
and see the suspects wrecked car against a parked car.  The suspect is
standing next to the patrol car and is being handcuffed by the arresting officer,
a friend of yours, and a good cop.  As you park, exit your car, and start to walk
over to assist, you see the handcuffed suspect turn his head and spit in the
officers face.  The officer grabs the suspect and throws him to the ground.  He
grabs the suspect by the hair, jerks his head up and spits in the suspects
face.  He then pulls the suspect to his feet and shoves him into the patrol car. 
He looks at you and winks.  What do you do?

To be honest I will do nothing that guy need to learn his lesson.


You have just completed your shift and discover that your car is inoperative. 
You ask a fellow officer if you will give you a ride home and he states that he
will.  While riding in the officer's private vehicle you notice an obvious paper
"bundle" between the seats.  The officer stops at a convenience store, leaving
you in the car while he goes inside.  You retrieve the "bundle" and find that it
contains cocaine.  When the officer gets back into the vehicle you ask him
where he obtained the cocaine.  He states that it is half of what he seized from
a suspect three nights ago.  What do you do?

I will conduct an investigation to discover the truth over his claim. And if ever that he
is making some illegal activities of course I will request for a warrant to arrest him
and answer some question that he got involve in. I will not tolerate such action in the
organization. And also there is a saying that in every basket of fruit there is a rotten
Iligan Capitol College
College of Criminology
Roxas Avenue, Mahayahay, Iligan City

A Compilation of

Case Scenario’s

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement In:

On-the job Training (CRIM20)

Submitted to:

Prof. Brooksheilds C. Monteron

Dean of College of Criminology

Submitted by:

Naslanie Jay-r P. Daco

July 2020

The success and completion of this on-the job program is a collective effort

among the student intern and the significant persons around him. With these the

student completer of the said program would like to extend his heartfelt gratitude and

acknowledgement to the significant persons who helped him in his journey as an

intern. He also wanted to acknowledge the persons whose contribution has impacted

the success of this case analysis on the OJT (On-the Job Training).

To his parents, who have worked tirelessly also supporting all his needs along

the way he wanted to extend his gratitude. For the moral, emotional, financial

support that inspired him to continue and persevere in all his endeavors.

To his dean, Prof. Brookshields C. Monteron for all the useful tips and advices

that mold him work ethics and composure as an individual. He would also like to

acknowledge the patience, support, motivation he has bestowed to him and his co-


To his batch mates and “Kabaro”, for giving him the support and the fun

memories along the journey of completing this OJT program. Also for always being a

shoulder in times of doubt, and ears willing to listen to all his sentiments. For the

unending support and love he thanked them all.

To Iligan Capitol College – College of Criminology, for giving him the

knowledge and skills he needs to carry on this OJT program. Million thanks to the

instructors, staffs for sharing and tirelessly sharing their knowledge in order to train

and to mold his mind to become the person he is today.

Above all he would like to raise all the glory and praise to the magnanimous

and merciful ALLAH. He would like to thank him for showering him all the blessings

according to his riches and glory along his journey in this OJT program. More praise
for giving him the grace of family, friends, knowledge, wisdom and peace despite the

pandemic. He wanted to give him all the praises for giving him the motivation,

passion and spirit of perseverance that hurdled him all the hardships and turmoil

along the way.



Title Page……………………………………………………………………………….... 1

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………… 2

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………. 3


Case scenario number 1 ………………………………………………………………..4

Case scenario number 2 ……………………………………………………..…………4

Case scenario number 3 ……………………………………………………………….5


Case scenario number 1…………………………………………………………………5

Case scenario number 2 …………………………………………………………………6

Case scenario number 3 …………………………………………………………………6


Case scenario number 1 …………………………………………………………………7

Case scenario number 2 …………………………………………………………………7

Case scenario number 3 …………………………………………………………………8

Case scenario number 4 …………………………………………………………………8

Case scenario number 5 …………………………………………………………………9

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