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Single Type
1. If the units of length and force are increased four times,
then the unit of energy will –
(A) Increase 8 times (B) Increase 16 times
(C) Decreases 16 times (D) Increase 4 times
Ans: (B)
E = ML2T–2
E = (MLT–2) (L)
= (4) (MLT–2) (4L)
= 16 (ML2T–2)

n m
2. Given X = a pb . The percent error in measurement of a, b

and p is 1%, 0.5% and 0.75% respectively. If n = 2, m = 2

and r = 4 then percent error in x is –
(A) 0 (B) 6%
(C) 5.25% (D) 0.75%
Ans: (B)
dX  da db dp 
× 100 =  n  m  r  × 100
X  a b p

= 2 × 1 + 2(0.5) + 4(0.75) = 6%

3. If velocity, force and time are taken to be fundamental

quantities find dimensions formula for (a) mass –
(A) KV–1FT–1 (B) KV–1FT
(C) KVF–1T–1 (D) KV–1F–1T
Ans: (B)
Let the mass in represented by M then
M = f (V,F,T)
Assuming that a function is product of power functions of
V, F and T
M = KVxFyTz
Where k is a dimension less constant of proportionality.
The above equation dimensionally becomes.
[M] = [LT–1]x [MLT–2]y[T]2
i.e. [M] = [My] [Lx + yT–x – 2y + z]
So equation becomes
[M] = [My Lx + y T–x – 2y + z]
For dimentionally correct expression,
y = 1, x + y = 0 and –x – 2y + z = 0
x = –1, y = 1 and z = 1.
Therefore M = KV–1 FT.
Hence, correct answer is (B).

4. In a particular system, the unit of length, mass and time are

chosen to be 10cm, 10gm and 0.1s respectively. The unit of
force in this system will be equivalent to –
(A) 1/10 N (B) 1N
(C) 10N (D) 100N
Ans: (A)
F = MLT–2

In C.G.S. system
1 dyne = 1g 1cm (1s)–2
In new system
1x = (10g) (10cm) (0.1s)–2
1dyne  10s 
= 101gg × 101cm  
1x cm 1s  
1 dyne = 10,000
104 dyne = 1x
10x = 105 dyne = 1N
x = 101 N.

5. The dependency of speed of water surface waves (capillary

waves) on the density of water () their wavelength () and
surface tension () is -
(A) a (B) 
1/ 3
   
(C)   (D) 
  

Ans: (B)
Velocity of surface waves depends on density of water, its
own wavelength of surface tension
v a bc

[LT ]  [ML ] [L]

–1 –3 a b  MLT  2 
 
 L 

[LT–1]  Ma+c L–3a+b T–2c

a+c=0 c = 1/2
–3a + b = 1 a = – ½
–2c = –1 b = 1 + 3a
b = 1 – 3/2
b = –1/2
v –1/2–1/21/2
v   .

6. The viscosity  of a gas depends on the long-range

attractive part of the intermolecular force, which varies
with molecular separation ‘r’ according to F = r–n where n
is a number and  is a constant. If  is a function of mass
‘m’ of the molecules, their mean speed v, and the constant
, then which of following is correct -
n 1 n 3 –2
(A)  mn+1 vn+3 n–2 (B)  m n –1 v n –1  n –1

(C) mn v–n –2 (D)  mv–n

Ans: (B)
Dimension of []   Av  
Fr 

[MLT 2 ][L]
[L2 ][LT 1 ]

[]  [ML–1T–1]
Dimensions of µ = Frn
[µ] = [MLT–2]Ln
[µ] = MLn+1T–2
Let ‘’ depend on mass ‘m’ mean speed ‘v’ and constant
‘µ’ as –
 mavbµc
[ML–1T–1]  Ma[LT–1]b [MLn+1T–2]c
[ML–1T–1]  Ma+c Lb+c(n + 1) T–b–2c
Equating dimensions both sides

a + c = 1 c = 1 – a
b + c (n + 1) = –1 b = – [1 + c (n + 1)]
– (b + 2c) = – 1 b = 1 – 2c
1 – 2c = – [1 + c (n + 1)]
2c –1 = 1 + c (n + 1)
2c – c (n + 1) = 2
c [2 – n – 1] = 2
c [1 – n] = 2
c =  n 21
n 1  2
a = 1  n 2 1 = n 1
n 1
a= n 1
n 1  4
b = 1 – 2c = 1  n 4 1 = n 1
n 3
b = n 1
n 1 n 3

m n 1 v n 1 µ n 1

7. A science student takes 100 observations in an experiment.

Second time he takes 500 observations in the same
experiment, by doing so the possible error becomes -
(A) 15 times (B) 5 times
(C) unchanged (D) none of these
Ans: (A)
If number of observations are large, then average deviation
or possible error  no. of observatio

8. The dimensions of b4 ( = Stefan's constant and b =
Wein's constant) are –
(A) [M0L0T0] (B) [ML4T–3]
(C) [ML–2T] (D) [ML6T–3]
Ans: (B)
mT = b or b4 =  T4 4

and areaenergy
 time
=  T 4

or = (areaenergy
 time )T 4

b4 =  areaenergy
 time

 
or [ b4] = [ML T ] [L4] = [ML4T–3]

[L2 ][T]

9. If speed of light c, acceleration due to gravity g and

pressure P are taken as fundamental units, then the
dimensions of gravitational constant is
(A) [cogP3] (B) [c2g3P2]
(C) [cog2P1] (D) [c2g2P2]
Ans: (C)
Let G = cx gy Pz
 [M1L3T2] = [LT1]x [LT2]y[ML1T2]z
= [Mz Lx+y-z T x2y2z]
Comparing powers of M, L and T on both sides, we get
z = 1, x + y - z = 3, x  2y  2z = 2
On solving these equations for x, y and z, we get
x = 0, y = 2, z = 1
 G = [cg2 P1].
10. The errors in ten observations of a physical quantity are -
0.55, +0.43, +0.05, -0.36, 0.08, -0.05, 0.00, -0.03, -0.05, +0.06.
Find the root mean square deviation.
(A) 0.25 (B) 0.3
(C) 0.2 (3) 0.35
Ans: (A)
0.55 2  0.43 2  0.05 2  0.36 2  0.08 2  0.05 2  0.00 2  0.03 2  0.05 2  0.06 2
 2rms 
= 10
 0.0634

or  rms  0.2520  0.25

Multiple Correct Type

11. Which of the following sets cannot enter into the list of
fundamental quantities in any newly proposed system of
(A) length, mass and velocity (B) pressure, density and
(C) force, velocity and time (D) force, momentum and
Ans: (B, D)
For (A): Length [L], mass [M] and velocity [LT–1] are
For (B): Pressure [M'L–1T–2], density [M'L–3T0] and
velocity [M0LT–1] are dependent as
1 1 2
1 3 0  1 3  0   1 1  0   2 1  0   0
0 1 1

Note: Like coplanar vectors, for dependent quantites,
determinant of powers of M, L, T’s must be zero.
For (C): Force [MLT–2], velocity [LT–1] and time [T] are
independent as
1 1 2
0 1 1  11  0   1 0  0   2  0  0   1  0
0 0 1

For (D): force, momentum and time are dependent.

12. If A and B are two physical quantities having different

dimensions then which of the following can denote a new
physical quantity?
(B) exp   BA 
(A) A  AB
(C) AB2 (D) A

Ans: (A, C, D)
For (A): A and B
may have same dimension.
For (B): As A and B have different dimension so exp   BA  is
For (C): AB2 is meaningful.
For (D): AB–4 is meaningful.

13. If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by

MxLyTz, then physical quantity may be
(A) acceleration due to gravity, if x =0, y=1, z=–2
(B) atmospheric pressure, if x=1, y=1, z=–2
(C) linear momentum, if x=1, y=1, z=–1
(D) potential energy, if x=1, y=2, z=–2
Ans: (A, C, D)
For (A): [Acceleration] = [LT–2]
For (B): [Pressure] = [ML–1T–2]
For (C): [Momentum] = [MLT–1]
For (D): [Energy] = [ML2T–2]

14. The Vander wall's equation for n moles of a real gas is

given by  P  nV a  V  nb   nRT , where

P = pressure of gas V = volume of gas

T = temperature of gas R = molar gas constant
a & b = Vander wall's constants
Which of the following have the same dimensions as those
of nRT.
(A) PV (B) aV
b 2

PV 2 na
(C) nb
(D) b

Ans: (A, B, C, D)
Here [P] =  nV a  , V   nb

so [PV] = [nRT]
  PV  V 
Also   aV  PV 2 
   2 
  PV    nRT    n a

b   n

 V / n    nb 

15. Let [0] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity

of the vacuum and [µ0] that of the permeability of the
vacuum. If M = mass, L = length, T = time and I = electric
(A) [0] = [M–1L–3T2 I] (B) [0] = [M–1L–3T4 I2]
(C) [0] = [MLT–2 I–2] (D) [0] = [ML2T–1 I]
Ans: (B, C)
MLT–2 = 1AT
2 2
1 q1q2
F   L2
4 0 r 2  0

 1  = M1L3A–2T–4 0] = M–1L–3A+2T4

 0 
F 0 i1i2

L 4 r

[ML–2] =   0 A2 

 L 
     MLA
T 2

16. The SI unit of the inductance, the henry can by written as –

(A) Weber/ampere (B) Volt–second/ampere
(C) Joule/(ampere)2 (D) Ohm–second
Ans: (A, B, C, D)
di volt  sec
eL   L (Henery)
dt Ampere
= Time constant; [L] = ohm–sec
 = LI  weber
= L(Henery)
E = 12 LI2 = ( Ampere
) 2
 Z ( Henery )

17. Dimension of Young's Modulus are same as

(A) Pressure (B) Energy density
(C) Work per unit volume (D) Torque
Ans: (A, B, C)

18. Select the correct one -
(A) 1.5 × 1.5 = 2.3 (B) 1.5 × 1.5 = 2.2
(C) 11..55 = 1 (D) 11..55 = 1.0
Ans: (B, D)
1.5 × 1.5 = 2.25
= 2.2 (2 Significant figure)
1 .5
1 .5
= 1.0 (2 significant figure)

19. A book with many printing errors contains four different

expressions for the displacement y of a particle executing
simple harmonic motion -
(A) y = A sin (2 t/T)
(B) y = A sin vt
(C) y = (A/T) sin (t/A)
(D) y = (A/ 2 ) (sin t + cos t)
Ans: (B, C)
Find the wrong formulae on dimensional ground. (where A
is length)
[vt]  1 option B wrong
[A/T][y]  option C wrong

20. Acceleration of a particle is given by a = Ax + B Cx , where


x is position of the particle and A, B and C are constant

(A) Dimensional formula of A is [T–2]
(B) Dimensional formula of B is [L2T–2]
(C) Dimensional formula of C is [L+1 T+2]
(D) Dimensional formula of B
is [LT–2]
Ans: (A, C, D)
[a] = [A] [x]
 LT 2 
[A] = [a ]
=   = [T–2]
[x]  L 

[B] = [x2] = [L2]

[B  x ]
= [LT–2]  [C] =
[ C] 2
= L+1 T2

Numeric Type
21. The density of a material in CGS system is 2g /cm3. In a
system of units in which unit of length is 2 cm and unit of
mass is 4 g, what is the numerical value of the density of
the material?
Ans: (4)
 M   L 
1 3
  1g   1cm 3  1
n1u1 = n2u2  n 2  n1   1   1    2      2 8  4
  M 2   L2    4 g   2cm   4

22. A student measures diameter of a sphere using Vernier

Calipers having least count 0.1 mm and reports diameter
equal to 0.025307 meter. Numbers of significant figure in
diameter will be-
Ans: (4)
Numbers of significant digits in a number is equal numbers
of all reliable digits in that number plus 1.

 b2
23. A quantity x is defined as x = a . Value of a, b, c and d

are reported as a = 3 ± 0.001, b = 5 ± 0.0013, c = 6 ± 0.24

and d = 10 ± 0.4. Percentage error in x will be –
Ans: (4)
% error in x = x error in (a3 – b2) + 12 % error in (c + d)
3a 2 a  2bb
% error in (a3 – b2) = × 100
a 3  b2
c  d
% error in (c + d) = cd
× 100

24. A physical quantity A is dependent on other four physical

quantities p, q, r and s as given A = r pqs . The percentage 2 3

error of measurement in p, q, r and s are 1%, 3%, 0.5% and

0.33% respectively, then what is the maximum percentage
error in A?
Ans: (4)
A 1  P q  2r 3S
    
A 2 P q  r S
= 2
[1%  3%]  2  0.5  3  0.33 = 2 + 1 + 1 = 4%

25 The lengths of sides of cuboid are a, 2a and 3a. If the

relative percentage error in the measurement of a is 1%,
then what is the relative percentage error in the
measurement of volume of cube.
Ans: (3)
V = a × 2a × 3a  V = 6a3
V a
3  3%
V a

26. The length of a cylinder is measured with a metre rod
having least count 0.1 cm. Its diameter is measured with
vernier calipers having least count 0.01 cm. Given that
length is 5.0 cm and radius is 2.0 cm. The percentage error
in the calculated value of the volume will be -
Ans: (3)
V = r2h or VV  2 rr  ohh
V  0.01 0.1 
 100   2     100
V  2 5 

= (0.01 + 0.02) × 100

100  0.03100 = 3%

27. A uniform conducting wire of the length and radius l = (10

 0.2) cm and r = (1  0.01) cm respectively, is cut to
form a resistor. The maximum percentage error in the
resistance is (assume that the resistivity of the material of
the wire is known very accurately)
Ans: (4)
R =  l [  is constant]
dR dl 2r
= + [For max error]
R l r
dR 0.2 2  0.01
× 100 = × 100 + × 100 = 4%
R 10 1

28. You may not know integration. But using dimensional

analysis you can check or prove results. In the integral
–1  x 
 (2ax  x ) = a sin  a 1 the value of n should be –
dx n
2 1/ 2

Ans: (0)
n –1 x 
 (2ax  x ) = a sin
 a 1 .
 

From R.H.S. dimension of [a] = [L],

Since  xa  should be dimensionless.
 
Dimension L.H.S. : [L]
= Lº
Since dimension of [2ax – x2]1/2 = [L]
& dimension of [dx] = L
Equating dimensions of L.H.S. & R.H.S.
Lº = Ln

29. A rectangular plate has length (4 ± 0.04) cm and width (2 ±

0.02) cm. The maximum percentage error in the
measurement of its area is –
Ans: (6)
A  b
× 100 = 
× 100 + b
× 100
0.04 0.02
= 4
× 100 + 2
× 100
= 6%

30. The measured mass and volume of a body are 22.42 g and
4.7 cm3 respectively. With possible errors of 0.01 g and 0.1
cm3 in mass and volume, the maximum error in the
calculated density is approximately -
Ans: (2)

d= V

% error in d = 1 × [% error in m] + 1× [1% error in V]

= 22.01.42 × 100 + 4..17 × 100 = 2%

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