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Subject: Legal Skills VI (Advocacy, Simulation, Client Counseling)

Semester: V Tutorial: III

Batch: (2018 -23) Year: (2020 -21)

On the request of the students, the mode of examination is changed from

client counselling to Assignment. The details of tutorial III are as under.

1. Date of Examination: 26th October 2020

2. Time and of Examination: 26th October 2020 (5.00 PM)
3. Mode of Examination: Assignment on Draft of PIL

Instructions for writing the Assignment:

1. Students will submit it in typed form either in word file or pdf.
2. Write all the Particular Details on the cover page Namely:
a. Name of the Student
b. Subject
c. Name
d. Prn.
e. Division
f. Batch
g. Tutorial
h. Semester
On front page. Student will refer the sample copy of PIL and start work

Submission Guidelines:
1. Student will save the word/pdf file by using his/her name and PRN. (Such as
2. A student can submit the copy of assignment once. Request will not be
entertaining for subsequent submission.
3. The rules relating to plagiarism will be applicable for case analysis. The limit for
plagiarism will be up to 10%.
4. Students will upload the files on the link so provided for submission. Submission
by any other mode will not be consider as valid submission.

5. Any type of Irregularity / Malpractice, if found / discovered in writing &
submitting the Answer sheets (Scanned copies) shall be taken serious note and
according to the decision of the Director/Deputy Director office or Examination
Branch of SLS, Hyderabad & SIU, Pune as the case may be.

The Student will upload the document in word or PDF division wise on or before 26 th
Oct.2020 by 5.00 PM. The links are as follow.

1. A Division -
2. B Division -
3. C Division-
4. D Division-

Facts for an Assignment:

• Citing National Crime Records Bureau statistics, the latest report on child sexual
assaults in India says 48,338 rape cases were reported during the decade. There
was a 336 per cent increase in child rape cases in the country between 2001 and
2011, a large number of the crimes committed in juvenile justice homes run and
aided by the government.

• Among the States, Madhya Pradesh recorded the highest number of child rape
cases at 9,465 from 2001 to 2011, followed by Maharashtra with 6,868 cases,
Uttar Pradesh 5,949, Andhra Pradesh 3,977 and Chhattisgarh 3,688. Delhi
reported 2,909 cases. Rajasthan had 2,776, Kerala 2,101, Tamil Nadu 1,486,
Haryana 1,081, Punjab 1,068, Gujarat 999, West Bengal 744 and Odisha 736.
Many of the child rape cases were reported from homes established under the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. By the end of
financial year 2011-2012, 733 homes were fully supported by the government
under the Integrated Child Protection Scheme of the Ministry of Women and
Child Development.

For more details, please visit the site:

Based on the above facts, students will answer two compulsory questions.
Question No. A 1 to 5 caries 0.5 marks each (0.5 X 5 =2.5). Question No. 3 B
carries 7.5 marks. The detail division of marks are mentioned below.

Questions for an Assignment:

Question. No 1 A: (Word Limits – Not less than 3 line and not more than five lines
for each question) (All questions are compulsory. Each questions carries 0.5
Marks (2.5 Marks)

• A.1 Who are the real victim in these cases?

• A 2. Do you think that the Victims deserves for Justice?
• A3. Which theory of justice you would like to apply while securing the justice?
• A4. What remedies are available to the victims?
• A5. How to seek restorative ad compensatory justice?
Question No. 1. B: (Not More than 2500 Words and not less than 2200 words)
Based on the above fact –
Presume you are the pro-bono lawyer
Presume you have to file a case in court of law
Prepare a draft of your case to file PIL.
Student will not use their own name at the places of parties. However, students are at
liberty to make relevant department as a party or to use their imagination to presume
the relevancy.
The Format of PIL is attached with the notice separately. Student will submit both the
questions in single word file.
• Submit by 17th on the link

Marking Criteria: -

• The submission will be for total of 10 Marks. Weightage of Marks will be as


Sr. no. Content Maximum Marks

1 Answer to the questions in 1 A 2.5
2 Format 2.5
3 Observation of the Provisions 2.5
4 Use of Contents and use of authorities 1.5
5 Prayer / Relief claimed 1
Total 10

• Please go through the sample copy of PIL in SC.

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