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Third grade- Admission test Score

1. Identify the sport from the picture

Identifique el deporte de la
A imagen Archery
B Fencing
C Football

2. Identify the sport from the picture

Identifique el deporte de la
A imagen Swimming
B Boxing
C Diving

3. Choose the correct option to describe the picture

Elija la opción correcta para describir la
A imagen. He catch the ball
B He bounces the ball
C They hit the ball
Choose the correct option to describe the picture
Elija la opción correcta para describir la
A imagen. He thows the ball
B She jumps the rope
C She bounces the rope

5. Write the verbs in parenthesis in third person

form: Remember to use s- es- ies.
Escriba el verbo en paréntesis en tercera persona:
Recuerde usar s- es- ies según corresponda.

Juan (ride) his bike twice a week.


6. Choose the present continuous to complete

the following sentence.
Seleccione el presente continuo para completar la
siguiente oración.

The cat (play) with the

A ball. is playing
B played
C plays
7. Choose the meassure in English
Seleccione la medida en inglés

Cucharada pequeña
A Table spoon
B Tea spoon
C Sugar spoon

8. Choose countable or uncountable according with

the food
Seleccione contable o no contable de acuerdo con el

A Countable
B Uncountable

9. Choose countable or uncountable according with

the food
Seleccione contable o no contable de acuerdo con el

A Countable
B Uncountable
10. Choose the correct quantifier for the food
Seleccione el cuantificador correcto para el alimento

How much milk do you want?

A A few
B A little

11. Choose the correct Illness for the picture

Seleccione la enfermedad correcta para la imagen
A Fever
B Earache
C Runny nose
D Sore throat

12. Choose the correct Illness for the picture

Seleccione la enfermedad correcta para la imagen.
A Cough
B Fever
C Head ache
D Ear ache

13. Choose true or false according to the meaning

of the adverb.
Seleccione verdadero o falso de acuerdo con el
significado del adverbio.

T True
F False
14. Choose true or false according to the meaning of the
adverb. Seleccione verdadero o falso de acuerdo con el
significado del adverbio.

Sometimes- A veces
T True
F False

15. Choose should or shouldn't to complete the

sentence (Seleccione should o shouldn't para
completar la oración)

You cover your nose and mouth

when you cough or sneeze.
A Should
B Shouldn't

16. Choose should or shouldn't to complete the sentence

Seleccione should o shouldn't para completar la oración

You pass on germs to other.

A Should
B Shouldn't
17. Choose the correct option to complete the
sentence, taking into account the picture.
Seleccione la opción correcta para completar la oración,
teniendo en cuenta la imágen.

The cat happy.

A was
B were

18. Write the verb in parenthesis in past simple.

Escriba el verbo en paréntesis en pasado simple.

My grandma (bake) cookies in

the morning.

19. Reading comprehension

Read the story and answer the question.

Lea la historia y responda la pregunta.

What did the sailor need at the beginning?

A Sailors
B Family
C A map
20. Reading comprehension

Read the story and answer the question.

Lea la historia y responda la pregunta.

What is the name of the captain's

A parrot? Dolly
B Polly
C Squawk

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