Tuesdays With Morrie: Zain Rauf BBA-2, D-2 19U00393

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Zain Rauf BBA-2, D-2 19U00393

I am Zain Rauf and if we were in a physical class you would see that my name on my
nameplate is written as “Zain Rauf Pindi” because I am from the city Rawalpindi. In the book,
Tuesdays with Morrie late sociology professor Morrie Schwartz on his first meeting asks the protagonist
Mitch Album a friendly question. Morrie when reading Mitch’s full name, Mitchell David Albom, while
taking the attendance he then asked mitch; Should I call you Mitchell or Mitch? Upon which Mitch
replied, “My friends call me Mitch”. That is the reason why my nameplate has “Pindi” written in the end
because my friends call me “Pindi” as in “Pindi Boy”. I always wanted to tell this little story to an
My mother tongue is Urdu while on my National Identity Card it's Punjabi, I am still learning the
dying language because I want it to live through my generation. I struggle with language subjects the
most since late childhood as Creative Writing is also a subject from the English department of Lahore
School of Economics.
I like to develop ideas like business ideas which would include my hobbies so I enjoy my job and
it would also run my kitchen. My ideas revolve around customized marketing strategy and the right
people for the team, these are the essence of what I develop. I like to surf through social media and
learn from influencers. The kind of books I prefer to read are non-fiction business or personality
development books, I don’t like to read novels or stories that much. I develop my creativity through
visual or audio content like serials, videos, movies, music, and memes.

That is all from my side. Eager to learn from you in class.

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