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1. What struck you while watching the film?

2. Is there any scene in the film, or specific part of Ignacio’s life, that you resonate with?

3. How and why?


God do work unexpectedly at a perfect timing. Seeing the life of St. Ignatius de Loyola let me
witness another amazing work of God in each one of us. I had seen how God intricately plan everything,
like how every happening in our life has its own significant, especially our pains and hardships. The
striking moment I had experience during the film is when the time St. Ignatius is at its lowest. During that
time when he was discerning and atoning for his sins in the cave. It had made me realize that the wounds,
pains and difficulties we face is not the way of God to make us quit, it is His way of preparing us into a
new path ahead of us. It had let me discern that in this word full of echoing voices we sometimes get
confuse of the true voice of God, we often get lure by the devil’s voice and mistakenly took it as God’s
voice. But through this film I had realize that in order to hear the true voice of God, all it takes is to be
silent. As what St. Ignatius said that must be silent in order for us to listen and obey God.
The film had really shown me another perspective of life, a perspective that lets me to see God
more clearly. There are two scenes that had really open my eyes in seeing this new perspective. First is
when the time Calixto, surrendered themselves to join St. Ignatius in his journey in facing a trial against
him. There is a particular line that he said that really leaves a mark in me. What he said was, “It is easy to
have faith when all is going well”. It hits me, because what he said is very true and is a reality up to now,
even I personally experience it. Sometimes my faith does fades away when I am stuck in a situation
wherein, I don’t know what to do and it seems like the world is telling me I am a wedlock. Yet, I
unknowingly recover my faith, and much more, it gets deeper every time. It is because of God’s light
shining down on me during those darkest times that had led me into His light. It just shows that hardships
may shaken our faith but every time we experience this hardship, we always get a lesson, a learning and a
realization that can only strengthen our faith in God more. It is like to say that, our faith in God gets
stronger and firmer every time we won a war of problems.
In connection, the second scene that had shifted my view, is during the time where St. Ignatius
had realized that what he has been through in the past is part of God’s plan for him. There is a line that he
said that had indeed change me, what he said was, “I once ask a man to break my leg so that he could heal
and be whole again. For the same reason, I needed God to break my spirit. Fortunately, God is a much
better surgeon than man.” These words taught me that we need to be face with many challenges in life in
order to see our wholeness, because this pains and struggles are pieces in forming ourselves. For every
time we are face with a piece of struggle and pain, we unravel a truth about ourselves and a truth that it is
through God that we became whole. This is also God’s way of training us to be stronger, for life is a
battlefield, it is an unending war with many challenges ahead, and in order to win from it we must be
strong and fully equipped with lessons from our past and God as our armor. This will also form us into a
knight that is prepare for every battle life gives us and a knight that only serves our almighty God. Just
like how St. Ignatius lived as a knight of God, we must also follow his footsteps and live a life as God’s
mighty knight.

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