Gyhominad and Glorybringer 10-16-2018

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lance point and the other into a handle. Taken by
Ghomyniad the emotions of the one who made it, the lance
became empowered as the final act of the final
(White Jade and Orichalcum drop of the liquid, birthing Ghomyniad, a weapon
that seeks to destroy the foes of its master. From
Direlance, Artifact •••••) this conception until the current day, Ghomyniad’s
powers of destruction and assault have often been
At times called ‘The Spear that Destroys all Oppo- written about and romanticized; from its obliteration
sition’, at times called ‘The Spear that Recreates of the Garrison of the Burning Hills to the creation
Heaven and Earth’, Ghomyniad is a massive lance of the Sapphire Lake Valley, Ghomyniad is written
that is almost impossible to lift, much less use, one of almost reverently in its ability to destroy with it’s
handed. A weapon designed to destroy, it was brilliant, scalding lance-head strikes. However, the
made as large as possible to ensure that it could Miracle Liquid that was within it’s core can not be
pierce and shatter even the toughest of hides and completely suppressed, and from destruction is
thickest of armors. The massive weight of the born creation.
weapon means that even though it only has a sin-
gle pointed edge, the huge pillar can crush and When the miracle liquid within the core of Ghomyn-
smash with heavy blows without having to thrust. iad awakens, the lance begins to glow as if with
infinite light from within it, as spirals of energy en-
Once, there was a miracle substance blessed by circle the lance like the threads of a drill. In this
the hands of Ancients, before Time and before awakened form, Ghomyniad becomes the spear of
Space. Akin to liquid gold, this miracle liquid could legend talked about in plays and poems, able to
be made into any- strike the world and rend it asunder.
thing; a drop would
feed a man for life, a Attunement: 5m
cup could create life, Type: Heavy (+1 Accuracy, +14 DMG, +0 DEF,
a barrel would end all OVW 5)
war. But like all things Tags: Lethal, Bashing, Melee, Piercing, Smash-
of mystery and power, ing, Reaching, Two-Handed
it could not be created Hearthstone Slot(s): 2
multiple times, and Era: Generation of Remorseful Stars
the liquid eventually
ran dry; for it would Evocations of Ghomyniad
not be so powerful if it
was plentiful, as that The Miracle liquid within the core of Ghomyniad
would destroy its mys- allows Exalts to attune to Ghomyniad at the high-
tery. The very last er of their relationship to either Jade or Orichal-
drops of this precious cum.
liquid were placed in a
temple for reverence Ghomyniad requires time to begin to build up the
of this miracle item; a power of the miracle liquid in it’s core. It’s evoca-
place to contemplate tions require the liquid to be active, which causes
the mysteries of the the lance to erupt with ribbons of light that twirl
world and the inner around it, akin to a drill. The only way to awaken
self. Ghomyniad’s core is by Crashing a significant
opponent. Until then, only the first Evocation of
When Thornbiter the Ghomyniad, Heaven Shattering Spike, can be
Crimson burned the used unless otherwise noted.
temple, it was in
search of the last bot- Ghomyniad requires Strength 4 to lift and use
tle of this mystery effectively as a weapon; if the character does not
liquid, he did not find have this amount of strength, the weapon counts
it, as an acolyte spirit- as Improvised and they can not learn Evocations.
ed it away from the
burning temple under the cover of darkness. When Attuning to Ghomyniad awakens Heaven Shatter-
he returned the next day, the acolyte found only ing Spike at no cost.
smoldering ruins where once had been a place of
meditation. Filled with righteous indignation that Heaven Shattering Spike
such a liquid, and only a few drops, could destroy Cost; 4m, 4i Mins; Essence 1
so much, he gathered a marble pillar that had once Type; Supplemental
held aloft the great temple, and poured the liquid Keywords; Withering-Only
into the middle of it, then shaped one side into a
Duration; Instant Summoning the Loyal Steel or Elemental Sheath
Prerequisites; None or Equivalent

The pillar of the world shatters the boundary of When pulled from the Anima of the Exalt, Ghomyn-
Heaven and Earth. When supplementing a Wither- iad lends some of its infinite light to its wielder, giv-
ing attack, the character turns a number of dice ing them a fragment of the luminous Essence hid-
equal to their extra successes on the attack roll den within it. This charm is active at all times and
into automatic successes, up to their Overwhelm- ignores the requirements to begin spinning
ing. Ghomyniad. When the Exalt retrieves Ghomyniad
using the prerequisite charms, she increases her
Horizon Spanning Obliteration Initiative by 3, and may raise her anima by one
Cost; 3i Mins; Essence 1 level.
Type; Supplemental
Keywords; Decisive-Only Infinite Destruction Engine
Duration; Instant Cost; 3m, 6i Mins; Essence 2
Prerequisites; Heaven Shattering Spike Type; Supplemental
Keywords; Decisive-Only
The light that is born from the heavenly substance Duration; Instant
and the wish of destruction sunders all that stands Prerequisites; Horizon Spanning Obliteration
before it. The Supplemented Decisive attack dou-
bles 10s on the damage roll. The light of Ghomyniad reigns until the end of the
world, at times it can eclipse even the Sun itself,
Special activation rules; This Evocation is shining upon the land in a cleansing nova of de-
learned automatically when the character first un- struction. This charm makes 6s a success on a
leashes the light within Ghomyniad. Decisive damage roll, and increases the Over-
whelming of Ghomyniad by 1 for each time it is
Castle Shattering Spiral used in a scene, up to a maximum additional bo-
Cost; 5m or 5i, 1wp Mins; Essence 1 nus of the Character’s (Essence)
Type; Supplemental
Keywords; None Light that Pierces the Heavens
Duration; Instant Cost; 3i, 1wp Mins; Essence 2
Prerequisites; Heaven Shattering Spike Type; Supplemental
Keywords; Withering-Only
Castles crumble and fall like the ancient monas- Duration; Instant
tery, for destruction begets destruction, and the Prerequisites; Heaven Shattering Spike
infinite light is without judgment or compassion,
existing only to obliterate. This charm enhances a Ghomyniad and it’s infinite light strike an opponent
feat of demolition, adding (Essence) to the Charac- in two distinct timings; the extended spiral of the
ter’s Strength for the purposes of seeing if they blade slices through their defenses before the ac-
qualify, and adding (Essence) non charm dice to tual lance connects with their body, forcing the
the roll. powerful light into them. The supplemented Wither-
ing attack halves the opponent’s defense before
League Spanning Light Strike the character rolls their attack roll. This charm may
Cost; 3m Mins; Essence 1 only be used once per scene but is reset by per-
Type; Supplemental forming an Initiative Shift.
Keywords; Uniform
Duration; Instant Resonant: a Resonant wielder counts 6s on the
Prerequisites; Horizon Spanning Obliteration damage roll as a success when using this charm.

The reach of Ghomyniad is truly great, and when Legion Splitting Sunder
the light of the spiral surges down the spear, it Cost; 2m, 2i Mins; Essence 2
stretches further, as none are safe from the spear’s Type; Supplemental
light of destruction. The attack supplemented by Keywords; Dual
this charm can reach out to short range Duration; Instant
Prerequisites; League Spanning Light Strike
Unsheathed Light of the World
Cost; - Mins; Essence 1 Even armies fall before the spear that destroys all
Type; Permanent opposition; as when it left the Garrison of the Burn-
Keywords; None ing Hills a smoking, blasted crater, the reckoning of
Duration; Permanent the spear is passed down without remorse. This
Prerequisites; Horizon Spanning Obliteration, charm enhances an attack against a battle group,
immediately forcing them to roll for rout after being
struck. In addition, on a decisive attack, it inflicts Keywords; Withering-Only
another automatic level of damage for every 10 on Duration; Instant
the damage roll, to a maximum of 4. Prerequisites; Titan Splitting Thrust

Foe Piercing Heavenly Drill Ghomyniad can pierce mountains and beasts that
Cost; 4m, 1wp Mins; Essence 2 make mountains look like anthills; there is no such
Type; Simple thing as an immovable object when the unstoppa-
Keywords; Decisive-Only ble force of destruction soars through the earth,
Duration; Instant sky, and sea, leaving ruin in its wake. The Wither-
Prerequisites; League Spanning Light Strike ing attack this charm supplements ignores the
foe’s Legendary Size, rerolls 1s until they fail to
Ghomyniad strikes down one foe on its way to the appear on it’s damage roll, and against creatures
next, piercing an opponent and running them with Legendary Size, dealing over 10 levels of
through even as the Exalt and the spear aim to damage on the attack will knock them prone
their true target, intent to impale them upon the
spear. This charm creates a pair of decisive at- Embodied Wish of Destruction
tacks, one aimed at a foe in close range, and one Cost; 5m, 2i Mins; Essence 3
at a foe in short range. The character moves dur- Type; Supplemental
ing the attack and finishes next to the foe in short Keywords; Decisive-Only
range. Initiative is divided evenly, but for each 1 or Duration; Instant
10 in the damage roll on the first opponent, add 1 Prerequisites; Infinite Destruction Engine
to the decisive damage of the second opponent.
Channeling her desire to destroy her opponents
Titan Splitting Thrust into the miracle liquid within the pillar of Ghomyni-
Cost; 3i Mins; Essence 2 ad, reality becomes supplanted by the wish of de-
Type; Supplemental struction, as the weight and the light of Ghomyniad
Keywords; Uniform is unleashed to shine to the ends of Creation. This
Duration; Instant charm enhances a decisive attack, allowing extra
Prerequisites; Horizon Spanning Obliteration successes to add to the raw damage up to a maxi-
mum of the weapon’s Overwhelming, and allowing
Once, the Spear of Destruction was wielded by the the Exalt to raise her Anima banner by 1 stage.
warrior Sevenfold Skies, and with the lance’s spiral
might unveiled, Sevenfold Skies took to fight a Shining Pillar of Eternal Aurora
great behemoth, and pierced it’s hide with the Cost; 7m, 2a Mins; Essence 4
glowing spear as easily as it smashed the country- Type; Reflexive
side and destroyed armies. The supplemented Keywords; None
attack ignores the benefits of Legendary Size on Duration; Instant
an opponent, but only for the purposes of damage. Prerequisites; Embodied Wish of Destruction

Overwhelming Twirling Absorption Channeling her own Anima into the spiral of
Cost; 4m, 1wp Mins; Essence 3 Ghomyniad, the Exalt, for a moment, becomes the
Type; Reflexive avatar of destructive Essence, as she forces the
Keywords; Decisive-Only, Clash spiral to intensify in strength for an instant. After
Duration; Instant successfully striking an opponent with a Decisive
Prerequisites; Foe Splitting Heavenly Drill Attack, the Exalt may activate this charm to avoid
resetting to Base Initiative, instead only losing Initi-
Lesser blades and blows are caught within the ative equal to the amount of dice that rolled suc-
whirlpool of the swirling light of the infinite spear of cesses on the damage roll. This enhanced Initia-
Ghomyniad, blowing past their own paltry blows tive only lasts for one round before the character
and turning them into further power for its ruinous resets to base Initiative.
light. This charm creates a Clash attack against a
Decisive attack, where the character uses her own Illuminated Spear that Changes the World
Initiative. If she successfully beats her opponent, Cost; 4m, 10i, 1wp Mins; Essence 5
she steals a number of points of Initiative equal to Type; Simple
her extra successes which is immediately added to Keywords; Decisive-Only
her damage roll. This does not count as her action Duration; Instant
for the turn, but may only be used once per scene, Prerequisites; Shining Pillar of Eternal Aurora
resetting when the character gets to 20+ Initiative.
The wish of destruction from within the spear of
Giant Toppling Scourge-Strike obliteration causes it to erupt with the light of a new
Cost; 6m, 3i Mins; Essence 3 world, a wave of obliteration and rebirth that caus-
Type; Supplemental es massive changes in the landscape. Driving the
spear forward, a single drop of the heavenly liquid monsters, the weight of the weapon allows it to
frees itself from the centrifuge of the spear, then slice through hides of beasts and magical materials
erupts forward into an infinite font of light. This like butter, when the weapon can be effectively
charm can only be used against an opponent who swung, anyway. It is much simpler in it’s applica-
is crashed. The Exalt may move up to 3 range tions then other Orichalcum weapons; it does not
bands in a straight line before making the attack, summon volcanos or thunderstorms or shine with
which creates a single decisive attack that is Un- the light of the sun. It is simply a heavy, effective
dodgeable, with 10 automatic levels of damage. In cutting weapon that, if it can be wielded appropri-
addition to the massive amount of damage, the ately, is made for a Solar to use as an extension of
infinite light of the spear uproots and changes the their body. The massive weight may unbalance the
world before the Exalt, as a single drop of the mira- Exalt during the beginning of combat, as they have
cle liquid in the center erupts from the tip of the not yet gotten their adrenaline pumping.. However,
spear. It may cause a desert to erupt into a bloom- like an Emperor Sloth or a rampaging Elephant,
ing field, turn a lake into a mountain, or otherwise the Daiklave does not stop once it begins, building
drastically change the world, even in a way that is it’s force into a brutal onslaught.
utterly impossible for the circumstances. Using this
charm causes Ghomyniad to stop spinning, and As a weapon, it’s Evocations focus on increasing
rather then resetting to base Initiative, the charac- the capabilities of it’s wielder; not one for it’s own
ter instead Crashes to 0 Initiative if it is successful. glory or with it’s own source of power, Glorybringer
This charm may only be used once per Story, and lives up to it’s own name by making it so that the
the Dawn Anima cannot reset it. traits that the Exalt is known for are enhanced and
shown brighter

Glorybringer Attunement: 5m
Type: Heavy(+ ACC, +14 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 6)
(Orichalcum Grand Daiklave, Tags: Lethal, Melee, Balanced, Reaching, Two-
Handed, Improvised
Artifact ••••) Era: The Thousand Nights Unsleeping
A massive weapon that dwarfs even other Grand
Daiklaves, Glorybringer looks more like it would fit Evocations of Glorybringer
in the hand of a Warstrider then the grip of a nor-
mal Exalted. Elegant yet brutal, it has several tas- When using Glorybringer, each point of Initiative
sels that sway in the wind attached to its heavy lose to the Improvised tag increases the Withering
grip, and the blade is carved in pleasing looking and Decisive damage of the weapon by 1 point.
patterns. Even the mightiest of Exalts have trouble This stacks to a maximum of (5 + Character’s Es-
lifting this sword, even when attuned; though it can sence)
be carried over the shoulder or drug behind them,
actually lifting and swinging it requires incredible Weight of Glory
exertion. Cost; 5m Mins; Essence 1
Type; Reflexive
The weapon’s origins are mostly shrouded in mys- Keywords; None
tery. It would have required the fortune of an em- Duration; One Scene
pire to make this weapon; simply the cost of the Prerequisites; None
sheer amount of Orichalcum within the weapon
would have driven many economies into ruin. The There is always a warm-up period when using Glo-
heat required from the forges and the fuels from rybringer, before the Exalt enters into her full pow-
them would have run the landscape dry and er. When the character recovers from Crash
scorched the land to a desert. The engravings through any means while wielding Glorybringer,
would have taken a master artisan a lifetime to she may activate this charm, removing the Impro-
delicately scratch and mold the Orichalcum into vised penalty from Glorybringer for the rest of com-
shape, and the silken tassels would have taken a bat and increasing her base Initiative by 3.
hundred years to find such perfect strands and a
decade to weave them. If the weapon is named Special activation rules: Weight of Glory may be
Glorybringer, then perhaps it was the last gasp of a learned reflexively for no cost the first time the Ex-
Civilization as it descended into darkness, one final alt would be able to activate it.
attempt and offering to bring them to glory. But the
fact that so little is known about it probably makes Strength of Nations Technique
it clear what the end result of such an attempt was. Cost; +1wp Mins; Essence 1
Type; Permanent
Despite its shrouded creation, Glorybringer has Keywords; None
done much to live up to it’s own name. A weapon Duration; Permanent
that is fantastic for hunting hellish beasts and great
Prerequisites; Weight of Glory, Increasing Unbreakable Iron Concentration
Strength Exercise Cost; +3i Mins; Essence 2
Type; Permanent
The mighty can lift the greatest of burdens. When Keywords; Decisive-Only
the Character activates Weight of Glory, she may Duration; Permanent
pay 1 willpower to also reflexively activate Increas- Prerequisites; Weight of Glory, Durability of Oak
ing Strength Exercise, paying for that charm as Meditation
Hardening her body like the gleaming gold of Glo-
Flowering Saxifragales Whirlwind rybringer, the Exalt stands strong against the
Cost; +4i Mins; Essence 2 strikes even of great monsters and demons. When
Type; Permanent the character activates Durability of Oak Meditation
Keywords; None against a Decisive attack while in Weight of Glory,
Duration; Permanent she may add her damage boost from the Attune-
Prerequisites; Weight of Glory, Peony Blossom ment effect of Glorybringer to her Hardness, in
Technique addition to the +4 from the actual charm. This may
only be used once per scene, but is reset by build-
The massive swings of Glorybringer can bring dev- ing Initiative to 20+. An Essence 3 repurchase al-
astation to multiple foes in a single strike. This lows her to pay a 1 willpower surcharge to add the
charm enhances Peony Blossom Technique; when bonus damage from Increasing Strength Exercise
Weight of Glory is active, adding the cost of this to the gained Hardness
charm to Peony Blossom Technique allows the
character to attack two opponents with the same _____________________________________________
attack roll.

Hellflame and Earthquake Strike

Cost; +2i Mins; Essence 2
Type; Permanent
Keywords; None
Duration; Permanent
Prerequisites; Weight of Glory, Fire and Stones

Crashing down with all her force and might, the

Exalt can crater even demons and giants with the
massive blade of Glorybringer. This charm enhanc-
es Fire and Stones Strike while Weight of Glory is
active. By adding 2i to the cost, she may increase
the maximum amount of damage dice added
through Fire and Stones strike by the bonus she
has from the Attunement effect of Glorybringer.
Each dot bought over the Character’s Strength
costs 2 motes instead of one, however.

Apex Predator Mein

Cost; 4m Mins; Essence 2 Credits
Type; Reflexive
Keywords; None Written By: Bryant Devillier
Duration; Instant
Prerequisites; Weight of Glory, Tiger’s Dread Developed By: Bryant Devillier
Edited By: Kate Adams
The terrifying light of the Solar and the brilliant
edge of Glorybringer threaten even armies with Special Thanks
infinite downfall. When activating Weight of Glory,
the Exalt may also activate this charm, granting Thanks to The Battlecat Lizards and Neo-
herself a free intimidate action against all foes in Burgertime, for assisting in my first project, and
the scene. For any opponent who is successfully Andajojo for providing the cover image
intimidated, they lose two Initiative, which the Exalt
gains from up to (Essence) opponents. This only
activates when the Exalt uses Weight of Glory

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