4-9-19 Cashin - Comments

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April 9, 2019

Market Commentary
By Art Cashin Prepared by UBS Financial Services Inc.

Cashin’s Comments
Fair Value = N.A.
An Encore Presentation
Buy Program = N.A.
Sell Program = N.A. On this day (-2) in 1788, Gen. Rufus Putnam, on behalf of the Ohio Company
of Associates founded the river settlement of Marietta and opened the west.
(Now don't start waving your Daniel Boone coonskin cap at me - Boone never
wore that cap - he hated them - and Ohio was the gateway to the west ---
that's what the French and Indian war was about....so there!!)

At the time, the river near Marietta was so strategic that a few years later,
when Aaron Burr hatched his treasonous plot to seize most of the west, his
kickoff point was right near Marietta.

But Marietta, Putnam and the Ohio Associates really figured in a Presidential
land deal and accidentally helped change America. George Washington, who
was not yet the prez, was wondering how he could increase the value of his
new inheritance, Mount Vernon. Sure it sat right on the Potomac but that
was only good for scenery. The river was too choppy for boats to navigate
that far. So Washington talked his cronies (er…..make that Fellow Founding
Fathers) into backing a plan to make the Potomac navigable and extend it
close to his pal Putnam's intended metropolis on the Ohio. Thus most of
American commerce would sail past Mount Vernon and George could sell
lemonade to the sailors.

But after they founded the Potomack Co., disputes among the bordering
states hampered work. So they called a conference to set up rules on how
states should act with each other. It went so well that Alexander Hamilton
suggested that they go to Philadelphia, invite all the states, buy some clay
pipes and punch….and see what they could agree on. Soon the conference
on rivers decided to become the Constitutional Convention and wrote the
law of the land. They felt badly that Washington never got his canal so they
made him the First President just to keep him busy.

With no canal actually built, Marietta never became Chicago but it did okay
anyway. And tax records failed to show if President Washington ever wrote
off his losses on the land deal.

The bulls thought they might be up the creek when the opening bell rang on
Monday. After just an hour of trading, they realized that a very large chunk
of the weakness came from one stock – Boeing.

Within minutes of the opening, the Dow was down nearly 180 and looking a
bit more vulnerable.
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The bulls quickly circled the wagons as crude climbed toward a five month high, sparking new buy interest in the
energy sector. Also helping the bulls was the fact that European markets seemed to shrug off the opening gap in
U.S. markets.

The rebound rally was most pronounced in the S&P and Nasdaq, which didn't have the same pronounced
negative that Boeing brought to the Dow. By midmorning, the S&P and Nasdaq were close to regaining neutral

The morning bounce-back seemed to crest, just as the European markets were closing at 11:30 (EDT).

After the European markets closed, some of the U.S. buying began to disappear and around noon, stocks in the
U.S. were hit with a bit of a down draft.

Luckily, the bulls managed to hold the averages well above the morning lows. That seemed to inspire the re-
entry of bargain hunters. Prices began to rise again.

The Boeing influence continued to weigh on the Dow and, throughout the afternoon, it moved sideways, like the
EKG on a Maine potato.

The other indices, however, continued to benefit from the buying of the bargain hunters, and from noon into the
close, the S&P and Nasdaq moved steadily higher, ultimately into plus territory.

The Dow continued sideways getting a mild late lift from an estimated $600 million to buy on the bell.

The Boeing question remains.

A Potential Pivot In Crude – Oil continues to benefit from the Iran sanctions and the new fighting in Libya.
There is a potential reverse wild card, however, and that is Venezuela.

If they were able to remove Maduro, it is highly likely that the U.S. would rush in and do everything it could to
get the Venezuelan oil business, and thus, its economy, up and running swiftly. Not immediately likely but a clear
potential pivot that bears watching – carefully.

Overnight And Overseas – Asian equity markets again closed somewhat mixed. Tokyo and Hong Kong had
modest rallies. Shanghai saw a fractional loss, while India had a moderate rally as the multi-week election process

European markets are seeing very modest gains in light volume as May meets with Merkel and then Macron. No
discernible reaction to Trump's new tariff threats.

Among other assets, Bitcoin has slipped slightly and it is trading just below $5225. Gold is higher, climbing
above $1300. Crude is flat as Libya fighting slows. The euro is a bit higher against the dollar and the yield on
the ten year is a tick, or two, lower.

Consensus – Trump threatens new tariffs on European targets like cheese, wine, helicopters and motorcycles.
Also aiming at Airbus subsidies. So far, European markets appear indifferent.

PM May meets with Merkel and Macron in effort to extend Brexit deadline.

Stick with the drill – stay wary, alert and very, very nimble.

Trivia Corner

Answer - The 5 letter synonyms that all begin with "Q" for these words are: A) Put down = Quell; B) Agile =
Quick; C) Scruple = Qualm; D) Twist = Quirk; E) Entirely = Quite.

Today’s Question - Sure, but who takes out the garbage! Betty's brother has one more brother than he has
sisters. How many more brothers than sisters does Betty have? (No you don't need to know the size of the
Cashin’s Comments April 9, 2019
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