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Production Enhancement by Redevelopment

Through Multilateral Well Drilling in Tight
Clastic Reservoirs with Low Primary Recovery
R. Singh, O.P. Jhamb, T.C. Patra, U.K. Ghosh, A. Roy
Institute of Reservoir Studies, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)

This paper is to be presented at the Petroleum Society’s Canadian International Petroleum Conference 2001, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, June 12 – 14, 2001. Discussion of this paper is invited and may be presented at the meeting if filed in writing with the
technical program chairman prior to the conclusion of the meeting. This paper and any discussion filed will be considered for
publication in Petroleum Society journals. Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre-print and subject to correction.

The relative angle between two laterals will be 60 o. The
Kalol field was discovered in June 1961 and over 500 reduction in well spacing from 600-700m to 250m is also
wells have been drilled so far. The field has multi-layered good for optimising oil production in tight reservoirs.
reservoirs with 11 pay horizons. Layers X and VII have Improvement in recovery factors to the tune of 1.2% in
better sand thickness and continuity. Gross lithology is horizon-X and 3.5% in horizon-VII have been envisaged
mainly siltstone associated with shale and coal. The in 15 years at a favourable IRR with conservative oil
permeability ranges from moderate to poor and the price of US$16/bbl.
primary reservoir drive mechanism is depletion. The
reservoir pressure has fallen sharply from super- INTRODUCTION
hydrostatic to substantially sub-hydrostatic at present.
Kalol field is located about 16 km north of
Ahmedabad in the Ahmedabad-Mehsana tectonic block
An attempt is underway for the first time in onshore
of North Cambay basin in western India (Fig.1). The
areas, India to apply multilateral well technology in X
Cambay basin comprises of many small to medium
and VII reservoirs with suitable configuration after
oilfields. Some of them having production history of
integrating geological, reservoir and production data to
more than 30 years. Kalol is one such field. It was
improve oil recovery. Two Pilot areas, one each in
discovered in June 1961 and put on production in mid
horizon X and VII have been selected on the basis of pay
sixties. It is amongst the first few finds by the state
thickness and support of water injection. Current oil
owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC). One of
recovery factors are 6.4% in pilot area of X and 12% in
the major studies of the field was carried out in early
VII. Two such wells, one each in horizon X and VII are
eighties by an Indo-Russian team 1. On implementation of
proposed to be drilled, having two laterals of 250m each.
the recommendations production increased 2 fold to 1620
t/d during 1989-90 and gradually declined to about 800t/d in 1995-96. Another major study namely, Integrated Development

Plan2, was prepared in 1996 and the inputs in the form of per well. The field is under water injection, current
infill wells and water injection were given. Production injection being 1700m3/d through 52 injectors.
increased by about 20% to 1000t/d in 1998- 99.
Recently, in a major restructuring exercise ONGC has Due to continued water injection the reservoir
adopted Asset based concept for exploration and pressure has increased by about 4-5 kg/cm 2 in KS-IX+X
production of its fields located in this part of the country, whereas its effect is yet not appreciable in KS-VI+VII.
which is popularly called the Western Onshore Business About 90% wells are on artificial lift. Well productivity
Unit (WOBU). As a result of this the attention has and injectivity are low. Poor oil recovery and lower
shifted to revitalization of the old and aging fields. production rates are largely attributed to:
(a) fall in reservoir pressure below saturation pressure,
FIELD DESCRIPTION (b) limitations to stimulation jobs due to poor petro-
The field is developed on a doubly plunging NNW- physicals arising out of lithological inhomogeneity,
SSE trending anticline, covering an area of about (c) non-uniform withdrawal from the reservoir due to It is sub-divided by an axial and two variation in petro-physical character, resulting in by-
transverse faults into 4 major structural blocks namely passed oil,
North, Main, South and West. The main axial fault dips (d) relatively larger well spacing (600-700m).
easterly with a throw of 20-30m and is sealing in nature.
The depositional environment is lower delta plain under
fluvial-dominated deltaic system, represented by MULTILATERAL WELL
siltstone-shale-coal litho-association of lower to middle Multilateral well is a variation of horizontal well where
Eocene age. The reservoirs are of structural/ stratigraphic one or more laterals are either drilled at a single elevation
nature. There are 11 hydrocarbon-bearing layers, KS-II to (Fig.3a) or at different elevations (Fig.3b)5. These
KS-XII in top to bottom sequence occurring between laterals essentially offer larger reservoir face for fluids to
1250-1550m depths3&4 (Fig.2). flow into the well bore as well as tapping one or more of
The field has in place oil of 115.5MMt which is reservoir pockets simultaneously. The technical benefits
mainly distributed in KS-IV (11.6%), KS-VI+VII include increased reservoir exposure in depleted, tight
(16.9%), KS-IX+X (41.5%) and KS-XII (11.1%). The reservoirs for optimizing production/ injection strategies,
reservoir pressures of deeper sands like KS-VI+VII, improved drainage geometry to reduce coning and
IX+X and XII were initially 20-50% above hydrostatic increased sweep efficiency6. In offshore environment the
levels and contained undersaturated oil of medium to limitation of drilling slots available on a platform can
light gravity (35-400 API), low viscosity (0.6 to 1.0 CP) also be greatly overcome by use of multilateral drilling
having solution GOR of the order of 70-100v/v. technology. Many leading oil companies, in their effort to
Reservoir temperature varies from 84 to 880C. reduce the finding cost of oil, continues to foster the
evolution and use of multilateral well and associated
The predominant natural drive mechanism in major technologies to develop both new and maturing
reservoirs like KS-VI+VII, KS-IX+X and KS-XII is reservoirs7.
depletion drive. Pressure maintenance by water injection
started in early 70's in KS-XII on central line drive and its
current recovery factor is about 28% thanks to timely SELECTION OF STUDY AREA
initiation of water injection and relatively better In order to study the applicability of Multilateral well
petrophysical properties. In contrast KS-IX+X and KS- technology for enhancing production rates in such kind of
VI+VII were brought under water injection during early reservoirs, one study area in each of KS-IX+X and KS-
90's on recommendations of reservoir performance VI+VII has been selected on pilot basis. Selection of the
analysis carried out by the Indo-Soviet team when the study area is based on primary recovery, adequate pay
pressures were already below saturation pressure. Current thickness from the standpoint of drilling and placement of
recovery factors of KS-IX+X and KS-VI+VII are as low the multilateral sections within the pay sand, performance
as 6.6% and 4.3% respectively. It is a matter of great of existing vertical wells, well spacing and water
concern to increase recovery factor of these reservoirs. injection for pressure maintenance.
The production rate of the field has drastically come
down from a peak of 1620 t/d in 1989-90 to about 900t/d
at present through 280 producers, averaging about 3.2t/d
The study area falls in the southern part of the Main
Block (Fig.4). A prominent coal marker occurs at the top
of KS-IX+X. The structure contour map on top of this
coal marker (Fig.5) shows gently northeasterly dipping (3 to 4o) beds with net pay thickness of sub-layer KS-X

of about 10m (Fig.6). Well log correlation has been made Also, if rev is the drainage radius of a vertical well,
around the selected area, taking 1350m MSL as reference then drainage radius of horizontal well (lateral section of
level and the 3-D perspective of local sand development multi-lateral), reh, is given by10
in the form of a panel diagram has been shown in Fig.7.
The pay horizon is siltstone to shaly siltstone and having reh =((L/2 + rev)*rev))0.5
sufficient continuity in terms of lithology and thickness. The resulting equation after substitution of terms as
Average depth of the reservoir is around 1400m MSL, mentioned above has been used for calculating the
effective porosity () 20% and initial oil saturation (Soi) productivity index (PI) of the multilateral wells at current
60%. OIIP of K-IX+X comes around 3.45MMt in the conditions of exploitation. The PI of multilateral wells
study area(Table-1). The cumulative production accounts works out to be 5 to 8 times that of vertical wells in the
for 6.4% of OIIP of the block. Plot of water-oil-ratio present case. One set of parameters and calculation is
(WOR) versus cumulative production is shown in Fig.8a. given in Table-2.
The current reservoir pressure is about 85ksc as against
initial value of 200ksc. Current oil production rate is METHODOLOGY FOR OIL PROFILE
27.5m3/d through 7wells and water injection rate of
68.0m3/d through 2 wells. Conventional method has been adopted for working
out oil profiles of the study areas. Following assumptions
have been made:
1. Rise in water cut will follow the trend of semi-log
This study area lies in the central part of the Main plot of cumulative oil production versus water-cut
Block (Fig.4). The layer also shows gentle dip of 2 to 3 0 history of the study area (Fig. 8a & 8b) for base case
(Fig.9). The sub-layer KS-VII is relatively thinner with as well as multilateral-case. It assumes that by
about 4-6m pay thickness (Fig.10). Panel diagram has changing the sweep pattern as can be expected by
also been prepared around this area, taking 1350m MSL drilling of multilaterals in the study area, the same
as reference level (Fig.11). The pay horizon is principally old trend of water cut and cumulative oil production
siltstone and fairly continuous in lithology, thickness and will hold good. In practice, the trend would slightly
also structural level. Average depth of the reservoir is change for the better and water cut would be less
1385m MSL and  18-20%, So 50-55%. OIIP of sub- than predicted.
layer KS-VII in the study area is estimated 1.54MMt. The
2. Liquid production in both cases remains constant as
cumulative production is 12% of OIIP of the block
a result of water injection.
(Table-1). WOR versus cumulative production plot is
given in Fig.8b. The initial and current reservoir 3. Field operating efficiency of 75% has been assumed
pressures are 156ksc and 90ksc respectively. Current oil for gross liquid production from multilateral wells.
production rate is 64m3/d at water-cut of less than 10% Thus Qlh =(Qoh/(1-Wcut))*75%.
through 10 wells and water injection rate of 45.5 m3/d 4. Oil profile have been generated for 15year period.
through 2 wells.
The oil recoveries in base variant and with
multilateral for the study area in KS-IX+X and KS-
ESTIMATION OF PRODUCTION RATE VI+VII have been plotted in Fig.12a and Fig.12b
Assuming steady state conditions, production rate of respectively. Incremental production of about 43000 ton
multilateral well is given by: and 54000 ton over a period of 15 years can be realised
through drilling of Multilateral wells in the study area
0.007078 kh h p/oBo KS-IX+X and KS-VI+VII respectively. This works out to
Qh = ----------------------------------- be an increase of about 1.2% and 3.5% of OIIP over base.
ln(F reh/L)+(h/nL) ln(h/2rw)
This is formula is basically given by Borisov 8 and
translated from Russian to English by Joshi 5. In order to The lateral length of 250m has been found to be
account for permeability anisotropy of the formation, optimum considering the existing well spacing in the
Joshi9 has suggested substituting h by h' and k h by keff, study areas in sands KS-VI+VII and KS-IX+X. The angle
where: between the laterals is fixed at 60 0 in order to avoid
h' = h*(k /k )0.5 and drilling complications. The positioning of lateral sections
have been adjusted so that the nearest injector is at right
angles and away from them (Fig.7 and Fig.11). XC-
h v
polymer based drilling fluid is proposed to be used for
keff = (kh*kv) drilling of lateral sections to avoid formation damage due
to invasion of drilling fluid. The wells will be vertical
upto the kick-off-point (i.e. till 700m depth) and the landing point in the pay will have a horizontal shift of about 500 from
the KOP. The hole will be cased and cemented till of low oil recovery in Kalol Field and suggesting a pilot
landing point whereas the laterals will be bare foot stage leading edge technology for improving the
completion, thus forming Level-1 multilateral under the productivity.
now famous TAML (Technology Advancement-Multi
Laterals) classification11. NOMENCLATURE

ECONOMICS Qh rate, barrels/day

kh horizontal permeability (md)
The cost of drilling and completion has been worked
kv vertical permeability (md)
out to be around Rs. 2.56 crore after accounting for the
rental charges of special down-hole drilling and survey keff effective permeability (md)
equipment, casing, cementing, and XC-polymer based h formation thickness (ft)
drilling fluids. Techno-economic analysis based on p pressure difference (psi)
discounted cash flow has also been carried out at crude o oil viscosity (cp)
oil price of US$16/bbl, exchange rate of INR 43.00/US$, Bo oil formation volume factor (v/v)
and discount rate of 16%. Internal rate of return is rev drainage radius for vertical well (ft)
profusely positive at 108% for KS-IX+X and 307% for reh drainage radius for multilateral (ft)
KS-VI+VII. rw well bore radius (ft)
L length of lateral section (ft)
n no. of laterals
CONCLUSIONS F depends on n ( F =4, 2, 1.86, 1.78
1. Redevelopment through drilling of multilateral wells for n= 1, 2, 3, 4)
will reduce the well spacing from the existing 600-
700m to 250m in the patterns of study areas where REFERENCES
these wells are proposed to be drilled. This is
1. Indo-Soviet Team, “Final Development Plan of
expected to be suitable for tight, depleted and
Kalol Field”, Report No. IRS/FD-1/139/82, IRS
segmented reservoirs like KS-IX+X and KS-VI+VII.
Library, ONGC, Ahmedabad, India, January 1982.
2. PI of multilateral wells is 6 to 8 times of vertical
2. Lohiya,J.P., et al., “Integrated Development Plan of
wells in the present case.
Kalol Field”, Report No. IRS/D-I-71/1761/96, IRS
3. Conventional calculations shows that multilateral Library, ONGC, Ahmedabad, India, April 1996.
wells in the pilot area can give additional oil
3. Ahmed, A.E., et al., 1993, “Geological Analysis of
production of 43000 ton in KS-IX+X (1.2% of OIIP) Pay Zones of Kalol Field”, in-house R&D Report of
and 54000 ton in KS-VI+VII (3.5% of OIIP) in 15
years period . 4. Mehrotra,R.B., “Kalol Deeper Sand- Discovery of a
4. The investment is paid back in 2 years and internal
new Prospect”, Bulletin of ONGC, Vol.20, No. 2,
rate of return are 108% and 307% for KS-IX+X and December 1983.
KS-VI+VII respectively.
5. Joshi,S.D.,1991, Horizontal Well Technology,
5. The sensitivity analysis shows that the scheme PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
generates IRR of 16% even if the actual production
(p. 122).
profiles come out to be as low as 34.5% and 26.5% 6. Oberkircher, James P., “The Economic Viability of
of the projected figures.
Multilateral Wells”, SPE 59202, 2000 IADC/SPE
6. The experience from drilling and operation of two Drilling Conference, New Orleans, 23-25 February.
multilaterals will open wide possibilities for working
7. Vullinghs,P., et al., “Multilateral Well Utilisation on
out strategy for redevelopment of the field. Both Increase”, SPE 56954, 1999 Offshore Europe
infill producers and injectors may be drilled as multi-
Conference, Aberdeen, 7-9 September.
laterals having high productivity and injectivity 8. Borisov, Ju P., "Oil Production Using Horizontal and
indices which will lead to maximizing reserves and
Multiple Deviation Wells", Nedra, Moscow, 1954,
increasing oil recovery factor of the field. Translated into English by J.Strauss, edited by
S.D.Joshi, Phillips Petroleum Co., the R&D Library
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Translation, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 1984.
We are grateful to Shri S.K.Sood, GGM & Head, IRS, 9. Joshi,S.D.,1991, Horizontal Well Technology,
Ahmedabad for inspiration, encouragement and guidance PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
during the course of work leading to investigating reasons (p. 83).
10. Joshi,S.D.,1991, Horizontal Well Technology,
PennWell Publishing Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
(p. 63).

11. Flatern,Rick von,”The World is out on multilaterals”,
Asian Oil & Gas , July/August 1988.


bbl x 1.589874 E-01 = m3
ft x 3.048* E-01 = m
psi x 7.0308 E-02 = kg/cm2
cp x 1.0* E-03 = Pas

* Conversion factor is exact.

TABLE-1 :Year-wise Production/Injection TABLE-2 :SAMPLE CALCULATION

Sand KS-IX+X Sand KS-VI+VII Parameters KS-VI+VII KS-IX+X
No. Np, Wi, No. Np, Wi, Kh, md 20.0 7.5
Year op Mm3 Mm3 op Mm3 Mm3 kh / kv 10 10
70-71 2 0.8 h, ft 13.1 32.8
71-72 3 7.9 p, psi 142 142
72-73 2 10.4 o, cp 0.76 0.61
73-74 3 11.7 Bo, res bbl/STB 1.19 1.28
74-75 5 19.1 Nlat 2 2
75-76 5 34.5 F 2.00 2.00
76-77 5 41.9 L, ft 820 820
77-78 6 52.9 rev, ft 820 1148
78-79 6 60.3 Rw, ft 0.25 0.25
79-80 6 65.1 Qh, bopd 299.6 219.1
80-81 6 70.2 Qh, m3/d 47.6 34.8
81-82 6 73.0 PIh, b/d/psi 2.1 1.5
82-83 4 76.4
83-84 5 79.3
84-85 5 82.2 FIGURES
85-86 5 85.5
86-87 6 92.4
87-88 6 98.3
88-89 7 105.7
89-90 11 129.5
90-91 12 156.3
91-92 12 169.7 8.5
92-93 9 182.8 45.3 4 12.4
93-94 11 197.7 86.1 4 30.8
94-95 11 215.6 131.4 4 44.4
95-96 10 221.5 172.1 7 65.9
96-97 10 228.6 223.4 9 114.8
97-98 9 235.0 265.1 10 163.6
98-99 8 260.0 289.0 12 200.7
99-00 8 268.4 309.4 11 224.8 10.
Fig.1 : Location map of fields/structures of Ahmedabad



Fig.2 : Typical well log of Kalol Field

Fig.4 : Study area of sand KS-X and KS-VII in Kalol field

a b

Plan View Plan View




Cross-sectional View Cross-sectional View

Fig.3a : A Schematic of Multilateral wells at a Single Elevation

Fig.3b : A Schematic of Multilateral wells at different Elevations

Fig.5 : Structure contour map on top of KS-IX+X

WOR V S Cum ulative oil production (KS-IX+X)


2.E+05 4.E+05 6.E+05 8.E+05 1.E+06

C u mu l a t iv e o i l ( m 3 )



0 .0 0 1

Fig.8a : WOR vs Cumulative oil production ( KS-IX+X)

WOR VS Cum ulative oil production (KS-VI+VII)




2.E+05 4.E+05 6.E+05 8.E+05 1.E+06

0.01 C u m u la t iv e o i l ( m 3 )

0 .0 0 1

Fig.6 : Effective sand thickness map of KS-X

Fig.7 : Panel diagram showing wells in study area KS-IX+X

Fig.8b : WOR vs Cumulative oil production ( KS-VI+VII)

Fig.9 : Structure contour map on top of KS-VII

Comparison of oil profile (KS-
450 IX+X) Multilateral RF: 10.0%(w/c 84%)

Cumulative oil (Mm3)

250 Base RF: 8.8%(w/c 71%)


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Fig.12a : Predicted performance of KS-X

Comparison of oil profile (KS-VI+VII)

600 Multilateral RF : 30.0%(w/c 80%)


Cumulative oil (Mm3)

400 Base RF : 26.5%(w/c68%)


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Fig.10 : Oil isopay map of KS-VII

Fig.12b : Predicted performance of KS-VII





Fig.11 : Panel diagram showing wells in study area KS-VI+VII

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