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Unit # 04

Lesson # 01


Q1. What is sun?

Ans. It is a huge ball of burning gases.

Q2. What is the temperature of sun?

Ans. The surface temperature of sun is 6000°C and the inside temperature of sun is 16 million

Q3. How much away sun is from us?

Ans. Sun is about 150 million km away from us.

Q4. How many ways can you think of in which we depend on heat and light of sun?

Ans. 1. Sun light makes day and night.

2. plants need sunlight to make their food.

3. sun causes the weather on Earth.

Q5. Draw and label the diagram.

Unit # 04

Lesson # 02


Q1. What is solar system?

Ans. The sun and the eight main planets including Earth that orbits around the sun is called
solar system.

Q2. Write down the difference between star and a planet?

Ans. 1. Star:

A huge glowing ball of gas in space.

2. planet: one of the large bodies in space that orbits around the sun many planets are present in the solar system?

Ans. There are eight planets are present in the solar system.

1. Mercury
2. venus
3. earth
4. Mars
5. Jupiter
6. Saturn
7. Uranus
8. Neptune

Q4. How much time earth takes to orbit around the sun?

Ans. Earth takes 365 days to orbit around the sun.

Q5. Which planet is known as dwarf planet?

Ans. Pluto is known as dwarf planet.

Q6. Define the following.

a. Asteroids:
One of the many thousands of small rocky planets that orbits around the sun.
b. Meteor:
A small piece of matter travelling around the sun when it enters the earth’s atmosphere
the meteor burns up and then it is called a shooting star.
c. Comet:

Unit # 04

Lesson # 03


Q1. In your own words describe what causes day and night? And why some times we see
beautiful sunrise and sunset?

Ans. Earth’s rotation causes day and night. Sun light scattered in all direction and it causes
beautiful sun rise and sunset.

Q2. In your own words, explain why the length and direction of shadow made by the sun
change during the course of a day?

Ans. i. Shadow would be shortest at the middle of the day when sun is high in the sky.

ii. Shadow would be longest at the beginning or ending of the day when sun is away from

Q3. Why not all places have exactly 12 hour day and 12 hour night?

Ans. Because the earth’s axis is slightly tilted.

Q4. Why do we see red and yellow sky at the time of sunset?

Ans. Because blue light scattered mostly only red and yellow light left by the time sunlight
reaches Earth.

Q5. What is axis?

Ans. An imaginary line around which Earth rotates.

Unit 04

Lesson 04

The changing season

Q1. What is leap year?

Ans. Year that comes after every four years and is has 29 days of February

Q2. How do seasons change?

Ans. Due to the rotation of earth the seasons change. When earth rotates on its axis some
places receive more light and heat from sun at some time of the year than others that causes
change in seasons.

Q3. What do we mean by short days?

Ans. The short days means that the sun has less time to heat the earth.

Q4. How the earth moves in a year?

Ans. The earth moves in a curved path around the sun it also rotates on its own axis. The earth
takes 365 days or 1 year to orbit around the sun and that movement of earth cause seasons.

Q5. What do you mean by southern and northern hemisphere?

Ans. The division of Earth into two equal halves is called hemisphere. The north side of earth
included in northern hemisphere and the south part of earth makes southern hemisphere.
Unit #04
lesson # 05
The moon our neighbor in space

Q1. Write down the names of different phases of moon?

Ans. New moon, crescent moon, gibbous moon, full moon, first quarter moon, last
quarter moon

Q2. If moon does not have its own light, how it shines at night time?

Ans. The moon reflects sun light at night.

Q3. How does moon effect on earth?


1. It reflects the light of sun.

2. The moon changes the water level in oceans and sea.

Q4. Define satellite.

Ans. Satellite is a smaller object that revolves around the larger objects in space.

Q5. Why moon is known as earth’s satellite?

Ans. The moon is known as earth’s satellite because it revolves around the earth.

Q6. How extra high tides and extra low tides form?

Ans Tides are form by the gravitational pull of moon. When sun, moon and earth
are in one line it makes extra high and extra low tides.
UNIT #04
lesson # 05

Q1. How can we travel in space?

Ans. By the rocket.

Q2. Why we cannot travel in space by air craft?

Ans. Because air craft require air to move and in space there is no air.

Q3. At how many days rocket takes to reach the moon?

Ans. Three days.

Q4. Who was the man that first time went to the moon?

Ans. In 21st April 1967 an American astronauts Neil Armstrong first time travel on moon.

Q5. How much the gravity of moon is different from the gravity of Earth?

Ans. The gravity of Earth is 6 times greater than the gravity of moon.

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