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The Nano effect.

Roots or Wings

I, me and myself"

Demographic Divisions

tea, coffee or profits ?

Economic situation of india

Should IPL be banned

tea, coffee or profits

Politics & Economic - Independent or Interdependent

Politics & Economic - Independent or Interdependent


The Jai Ho Factor'


why mba?
work ex.
what do you know about the book Imagining India?
Why do you want to leave your company?
Where do u see 5 yrs from now?
Some freshers were asked about their acads...
G: So u have why u want to join BIM when u r already working and hv so and so position?
Me: Gave well prepared funda..

G: how MBA is going to help u in your career?

Me: Blah Blah... Seemed satisfied...

G: Why don't u go for part time MBA instead of full time?

Me: Blah Blah

G: Does your company allow 2 years study leave and then again join back the company?
Me: No Maam

G: What difference do u find in your skills and those passed out in 2009?
Me: Talked on corporate experience, assertiveness skills, articulation skills etc...

G: How r u going to help freshers sitting in the class?

Me: Again gave more funda on Talked on corporate experience and related with college life...

U was just nodding his head in this entire discussion. Then G gave chance to U to ask some

U: Strengths and weaknesses?

Me: Blah Blah

In the meantime G was again going thru my profile sheet...

G: Why there is increasing tendency in your marks in graduation?

Me: Answered

G: This is really good...

Me: Thanks Mam
G: Do u hv reading habits?
Me: Of course.. My day starts with reading newspaper. Further answered on my reading

A: yes... plz sit down

B: ok then S***** how r u??
Me: 5n thank u
B: tel me how u landed up here....what made u land up here??
me: blah blah blah
A: hmm soooo now d standard question... y mba???y do u think it suits u??
me: blah blah blah
B: u think u hav d flair for it...good..(keeps glancing thru dat green application
form) ur dad is a manager in so-&-so insurance company rite??
me: yes sir
A: tel me how an insurance company operates...layman terms will do
me: blah blah blah what news papers do u read?
me: the hindu n the times of india
B: do u know who's d editor of d hindu??can u name some of its sister publications??
me: yes sir....blah blah blah
A: soo what r d functions of a newspaper editor??
me: blah blah...( didnt sound convincing i gues...A cracked a joke using my answer n v all
A: ok then S***** that's it frm me...(turns to B)>.do u want to ask her something??
B: no...(turns to me) u have anythng to ask us??
me: wen'll d results b out??

why you come so far to chennai

2) CII,FICCI,NASSCOM about and full form
3) Why you want to leave TCS
4) chairman of TCS and tata sons
5) OSI and TCP/IP Model in Networking
6) Vice prsident, CEC, CEC( to be)
Tell me about yourself briefly(outside of what I had written on their form).
I explained about myself and managed to direct the interview towards my interests.

-I had mentioned that my enthusiasm & energy-levels rubs off on people around me.And
they were surprised and said,"Does it?Well,we'll see if it rubs off on us as well."
I replied,"I sure hope so Sir's "

-I also told that I had learnt numerous invaluable lessons from my school and college
life.When I mentioned that I have learnt to handle stress in a positive way,they were quick
to drill on that.P2 asked me if he can ask me stressful questions(ala stress interview).
I coolly replied that it was their wish and that it was fine with me.They asked me how I would
react and I replied,"Invariably,I would be smiling throughout your stress interview".There
were smiles on both their faces .P2 said he was just kidding and that he wouldn'd conduct

one (relief )

1st point of embarassment:

-What is the turnover of TCS?
I did not want to risk guessing the number and told him frankly that I didn't know it.
-Who is the Chairman of TCS?
I had forgotten to brush up on info about my company.I blurted out Ramadorai's name (who
is the CEO).I knew I had messed that & I told him that I didn't remember.And to my relief,we
moved on.

-P2 asked if I had anything more to add?

I immediately pounced on it and said that i love painting & blogging.The discussion now
veered towards blogging.

-Why blogging?
Reach out to millions in a easier way.
-Is that so?Why not have a website dedicated for it?
I said its much more easier to maintain a blog and advertise for it.
-Why do so many people(incld celebrities) go for it?
Again,I stated the reasons being ease of creation-maintenance,immense scope to reach

At this point p2 again asked me,"-Do you remember who TCS Chariman is now?"

I am amazed that my memory does work at times and I am thankful for it.I said Ratan
Tata and I had to repeat it to assure of my confidence in the answer.

-P2 then opened my form finally and skimmed through it.He asked for my favourite
subjects from college.
I said English(surprises from both) and AI(justified this).

2nd point of embarassment:

P2 asked me if I knew about CII.
I said I ddnt know about CII,but I did know about FII.So he asked me what is FII,I said Foreign

International Investors(i bit my tongue here ).He grinned at me for my silly mistake.I had
to admit that I had forgotten the full form.

We finally moved to my work experience part.

-p2:"So Mr.Satish,you work for xyz(my company & client).What kind of work do you do
I had my answer ready for this and explained it.I also mentioned how moderately different
my project is,compared to the other projects.I said that communication with client has
utmost importance in my project and that helps me a lot.

-p2:"what is the strength of your team?I mean,in terms of numbers."

20 Sir.

-p2:"so how would you rate yourself amongst your team mates?The most popular,the most
funny,the most rude,the most hated,.."
I interrupted him politely before he could give more titles and said,"Sir,I would consider
myself the most popular person in my team."
I proceeded to explain how I keep up the energy levels within my team and how often I
conduct games,meetings for them.I conveyed the idea my team enjoys my presence(which is
the truth)

-p2:The killer question.Why MBA satish?

I just spoke my heart out here.Told them that MBA helps me in polishing my managerial

-p2:"which are...?"
Decision making ability,being people-friendly,ability to think with a cool mind,others...

-p1,p2:"so many distinguished personalities in the industry don't have an mba degree.But
aren't they successful.Why would you need an mba degree then satish?"
Yes sir I agree.Am an amateur and I really feel I can improve a lot..

p2:"no no,you should not say that you are an amateur or professional...( I was shocked.Did i

just mess things up?? ).You already have the skills to be a good manager (am not
sure if they were playing with me or that was a real compliment) .Why then would you need
an mba degree?
But managerial skills ought to be sculpted by experienced hands and i get that in an mba.I
also get the chance to interact with a wide variety of people in my mba course,which would
definitely help me in the long run.

They seemed satisfied and were smiling.

Do you have any questions Satish?(they didn't use "Mr." this time )

(Whoa,so my PI is over?? I was numb for 2 seconds.)

I wanted to ask about dual-specialisation.But asking them about it would not be a good
idea(IMO).So I asked the question in a different way.
Me:Sir,I managed to talk to a first year student just a while back.I got most of my doubts
cleared.But still,I would like your opinion on Dual specialisation (I do know about it,I really
p1,p2:they were happy to answer it.This question was answered more by p1.

irst thing they asked me was "Tell me about yourself", and and and as soon as i was about to
open my mouth they asked me WHY MBA
i gave my reasons... (they were not really convinced with it though)
and then after a few questions on my future plans and my current job role, the most
dreaded question came up...
Why did you shift from Mech. graduation to IT job and they did not want to listen to any of
my reasons (and i did not have many convincing reasons either).

Then they quizzzed me with many questions on Finance, Retail and Obama's policies and its
effects on IT industry.( These were the only questions for which they were satisfied with my

At last the same thing came up WHY MBA and same reasons again and no signs of they being

p1- Tell us about your reading habit?

p1-Are u placed yet?
p1-why MBA?
p1-Are u saying u r not good at people skills?? (explained what i meant)
p1-What do u feel abt slumdog millionaire?
p1-dont u believe in destiny?
p2-What are your long term career goals?
p2-what re the problems riveting our country?
p2-What will u do if u become PM?
Me – May I come in sir.
OG – So you are <my full name>... come in vikas. Have a seat. Make
yourself comfortable.
Me – Thankyou sir. Good afternoon sirs.
OG, YG – Good afternoon.
OG – So vikas, You are working in <my company>. What does this
company do?
Me – Sir, <my company> is a software services company. It is divided in
three horizontal services. And more blah blah blah...
OG – So in which horizontal you work?
Me – Sir, I work in Consulting and Application Services group.
OG – What you do in that?
Me – Sir, I’m working on Oracle Apps, Operations Module. And more blah
blah blah.
OG – (smiling) I would ask you a question and you will not be evaluated on
this. If you get call from all the colleges where you have applied, which
college will you choose. You must have got GD/PI call from several
colleges. Right? And don’t worry you won’t be evaluated on this.
Me – (smiling) Sir, let me first tell you what all calls I have got. Apart from
BIM I have got IMT G and KJ Somaiya. Now as you can see I’m interested
in Finance. So If I don’t get Finance in IMT G, there is no point going over
there, and hence BIM will be my choice. (Interrupted for a moment by OG,
as he was probably not aware about the selection method of IMT G, but YG
told him immediately that IMT G has separate seats for PGDM Fin, PGDM
IT, PGDM Marketing etc and OG was satisfied) I continued saying that if I
get Finance in IMT G then I will go for IMT G.
OG – very fair, very fair. Okay tell me why you want to do MBA and that’s
too in Finance and you will be evaluated on this.
Me – Sir, I have done MCA and till now all this was technical. However
during my work in the company I realized that I want to become a
consultant, either strategy or finance, and I need to do MBA so that I can
learn the required skills.
OG – Okay tell me what will you do in a consulting company?
Me – Sir, as much as I know a MBA graduate joins as an associate and
works in a team. Here the work is about finding solutions to any business
problem that the client is facing. (Interrupted by YG)
YG – Which consulting companies you know?
Me – Mckinsey, BCG, Deloitte, Accenture Consulting etc.
YG – But most of these companies are not recruiting. For example
Accenture consulting has not recruited this year from here infact none of
the colleges from all over India. Don’t you think you should go for some
other options as well; Irevna, ICRA etc are offering good profile in Finance.
Me – Yes sir. I have thought about it that if not consulting than I will prefer
to go for either equity research or Corporate finance, and I know about
Irevna and ICRA etc and these are very good companies.
OG – Okay so you want to do Finance so have you studied some
management paper in MCA or it was totally technical.
Me – No sir. There was no management related papers. MCA is a technical
course. (YG interrupts in between and says that he had financial
accounting as a subject, reading from the list of subjects attached with my
Me – Yes sir, there was a paper on basics of Financial Accounting.
OG – Okay we would ask you simple question just tell me two financial
Me – Sir, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account.
OG – what is there in Profit & loss account and Balance Sheet?
Me – Sir, Profit & Loss account divided in two columns. One of the columns
lists all the incomes where as 2nd columns lists all expenses and at the
end the difference between the sum of both column tells the amount of
profit or loss. Whereas Balance sheet contains all Assets on one side and
all liabilities on another side and sum of both sides gets balanced at the
OG – Good.Good. Tell me one current asset.
Me – Cash at Bank.
OG - Current Liability?
Me – Short term debt. (He actually asked very simple questions and
thankfully I knew the answers. However I didn’t knew much in this
YG - So what do you usually read? (interrupted by OG)
OG - You have written that you read Financial Express, Economic Times,
Business world. hmm.. all finacial news papers. Tell me what do you read
in Financial Express.
Me - Sir I generally read the front page and the editorial section.
OG - okay tell me any recent, this week or past week head line, from
Financial express.
Me - Sir, I have not been able to read Financial express this week but I
have read Business world magazine of this week.
OG - okay tell me any article of this magazine.
Me - Sir last week cover story was about LG and Samsung and it described
how they both failed in their recent strategy change. LG is a market leader
in terms of market share and gives value for money but the management
tried to launch high priced models to improve the brand value. on the
other hand Samsung is a high priced brand however the management
wanted to get more market share and launched several low priced
products and both of these companies sufferred as their startegy didn't
worked for them.
OG – good. Okay. Tell me who is the Vice-President of India?
Me – Md. Hamid Ansari.
OG – Good. Who is defence Minister?
Me – Sir, earlier Mr. Pranab Mukherjee was Defence minster now he is
Minister of external affairs and have addition charge of Ministry of Finance,
on interim basis. (I had forgot that who was the current defence minister,
thank god he didn’t asked about that)
OG – Very fair, Very fair.
OG – okay what is Data mining?
Me – told with an example.
OG – What is ERP?
Me – again replied and told that I’m working on an ERP package.
OG – tell me name of Business leaders.
Me – Sir, SAP is one the Business leader in ERP Market followed by Oracle.
(I was interrupted by YG as I misunderstood the question. I thought OG is
asking about Business leader in ERP field whereas he was asking about any
Business leader in India, I know.) I said sir Mr Ratan Tata, Mr
OG – tell me any women business leader.
Me – Sorry Sir, I am not able to recollect any top women business leader
right now.
OG, YG – Okay, Okay. No problem. Your interview is over. Thank you

Q1 : What are you doing in Cognizant? Nature of Job.

Q2: What is CMMi?

Q3: What is CMMi level 4 and Level 5?

Q4: What is cost estimation. Do u remember any because it was 3 yrs since u have read that.?
(it was my UG Engg syllabus)

Q5: Egs of Direct and In direct cost?

Q6: Is Electricity is a fixed/ variable cost?

Q6: What are u planning to do after MBA?

Q7: Name some Consulting firms?

Q8: Who is the founder of Mind Tree Consulting?

Q9: Name some Entrepreneurs?

Q10: Name some TN corporate bodies?

Q11: Why IT after having a very good technical profile?

Q12: Discussed some time about RANE company - not a question.

Q13: What magazines you normally read?

Q14: Can u explain me about any recent favorite article?

Tell me about yourself?

Why you shifted jobs?
Why you want to move to consultancy?
Are you ready to accept any other profile if u are not placed in consultancy after 2 yrs?
What is the fundamental difference between consultant and manager?
Discussed the last book I read and I had to explain the theme of the book?

P1 was eating biscuits ...

P2 introduce yourself
me spoke for 2 mins
P2 what are u doin for the past 10 months......( since I told i still didn't receive d call letter
2008 passed out ..)
me told wrote all the xams from CAT to FMS.......
P2 did u get any calls....
me no
P2 u mentioned u read business line wat do u read normally.....
me stocks ....
P2 what is Sensex
me .........told everythin i kno
P2 why MBA?
me told the reasons.....interested in finace....
P1 finally finished his snacks... why BIM?
me .........
p2 u said u r interested in finance .... y?
me ........
P2 tell me something abt financial crsis....
me spoke for 45 secs..
P2 what happened to lehman bros...
me spoke for 2 mins......
P2 tell me specifically what u r goin to do after mba
me .....spoke abt my goal n intterests...
P2 tell me some invesment banking companies....
me listed out 5 to 6 ...

Me:Good morming sir,

Prof:yes,what type of work do you do?
Me:high level design to code
Prof:why u people r coming to do mba
Me:i told i want to be a business analyst
Prof:everyone tells like this,u already lost ur career by going to IT after
doing electronics in B.E.
ME:learnt c,c++ in college tried to justify my role was related to what i studied.
but he doesnt convince
Prof:dont bluff,even a civil engineer can do what u do
ME:there is difference in quality,efficiency
Prof k,i dont want to tell about TQM,POM u learnt in college
ME:(what the hell,i just studied them each for 2 evenings)told abt quality in req phase leads
to lss defects in testing..blah blah
Prof:again not convinced..told that is product quality
ME:(is it so)..i surrendered telling him the truth
Prof:came to cricket..abt IPL ur views
ME:(oh! in my court finally)gave a speech on T20 vs Test
(Prof seems satisfied for the only time)
Prof:some GK questions

P2 - Mr.blitzz tell us about urself.

me - school, college, work, interests....
P1 - So u were a topper throughout school, then what happened in college ? uppydog:
me - ...............
P2 - u said u r a fan of movies, some questions on slumdog, oscars here is did not answer one
question regarding oscar, the prof corrected me.
P2 - tell me about ur career goals
me - told
P2 - do you think is this a right time to leave a job and go for mba ?
me - ...............
P2 - He was trying to say that placements were bleak this time and recovery may take two
years and asking me why you need to take risk. It was a genuine conversation.
P2 - how economic crisis as afected IT companies
me - told
P1 - tell me aht u know about the crisis
me - told the whole story
both of them seems satisfied and P2 said good.
P2 - so what can be done to stop this

me - told again. P2 again a good

P2 - again some questions on my career goal, asked which comapnies i am targetting.
me - told
P2 - Those comapnies did not visit campus this year

me -
P2 - we want to make clear about ur expectations. he sounded genuine.

Then few discussions on campus placements in engg college this year.

)tell me about yourself
2)my interests (old i read business journals)
3)explain the latest article read ( explained about subiksha downfall i read a week
4)which other calls
5)wat u know about bim
6)why u failed in electrical lab in engg (i had a backpaper in 4th sem)

There were two prof in my panel, both seemed to be much experienced.

I was asked to explain briefly about myself.
They asked me why I had low marks and arrears in graduation.
Aksed me to recollect the sub topics I had in my Optimization Techniques and Industrial
management papers.
Asked my ambition.
Why did I take B Tech CSE?
Asked my hobbies.
Aksed why i switched jobs.
Then some general questions.
Governor of TN
States in NE
Home, external affairs and defence ministers

A: so..... shivshekhar anand..... what do your friends call you?

Z: sir... shekhar. actually my name is so long that many dont even remember it properly....smiles
A: tell something about yourself
Z: .........2-4 line...........
A: how do you justify your shift from geography to mba?
Z: ..................i fell that i have the required skill sets for mba
A: is it so?........ smiles
Z: at least i think so sir..... and hope that you also will fell the same ..... smiles all over
A: so your interests?
Z: .................. politics
A: analyse the political situation of bihar
Z: ...................
A: tell us about industries in bihar
Z: ...................
A: why is ther eelectricity shortage in bihar?
Z: gave reason 1....2.....3.....4..... (still he was not satisfied)
A: what else?
Z: sir.. electricity theft
A: yessssssssss. that was what i was looking for.
A: had you prepared for your GD/PI?
Z: no sir...... didn't get time
A: what other Calls?
Z: .............
A: ok. you may leave now.

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