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Kabini Reservoir in Mysore District .

Kabini reservoir is built across river Kabini, a This masony gravity dam with overflow and non
tributary to river Cauvery and is located near over flow sections with earthen flanks on either side
Beechanahally of Heggadadevan Kote taluk. is 8,965 Ft long and 95 Ft high with a spillway of
Catchment area of the reservoir is 2,141.90 Sq.Km 265 Ft. long.
and designed to yield 97.70 Thousand Million Cubic
Left Bank Canal and the Right Bank Canal run
Feet (TMG) of water. Gross storage capacity is 19.52
a distance of 26 Kms and 202 Kms. providing
TMC, submerging a total area of 15,820 Acres and
irrigation to 1,214 hectares and 44,516 hectares
140 .84 Acres of Karnataka and Kerala State
respectively. The cost of the project is Rs. 1,102.50
respectively affecting 22 villages and 14 hamlets. Crores.
Canals on both Left and Right Banks have been
provided. Source : Irrigation Department, Government of
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Page No.

District Map iii

Foreword ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgement Xlll
District Highlights - 2001 xv
Important Statistics xvii
Ranking of Taluks in the District XIX

Statement 1-9
Statement 1 Name of the Head Quarters of the District/Taluk, their rural-urban status and
distance from the district headquarters, 2001 xx
.Statement 2 Name of the Head Quarters of the District/C.D.Block, their rural-urban· status and
distance from the district headquarters, 2001 xx
Statement 3 Population of the district at each Census from 1901 to 2001 XXI

Statement 4 Area, number of villages/towns and Population in the district and Taluk, 2001 XXll

Statement·5 C.O.Blockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001 XXlll

Statement 6 Population of urban agglomerations (including constituent units)/towns, 2001 xxiii

Statement 7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D.Block level as per 2001
Census and amenities available xxiv
Statement 8 Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 2001 Census and amenities
available xxv .
Statement 9 Houseless arid Institutional population oftaluks, rural and urban, 2001 xxv
Summary statement - Jurisdiction of C.D~ Blocks in each taluk, 2001 xxvi

Analytical Note .

i) History and scope of the District Cep.sus Handbook 001

ii) Brief history of the district 004
iii) Administrative setup and jurisdictional changes during the decade 1991-2001 006
iv) Physical Features (1) Location and size, (2) Physiography, (3) Drainage, (4) Climate,
(5) Winds, (6) Rainfall pattern, (7) Forestry, (8) Geology, (9) Flora and Fauna, (10) Soils,
(11) Cropping p~ttern, (12) Irrigation, (13) Natural Wealth, (14) Animal Husbandry,
(14A) Veterinary Services, (15) Fisheries, (16) Industries, (17) Trade and Commerce,
(18) Transport and Communication, (19) Electricity and Power 008

v) Census Concept 024

vi) Non Census Concept 031

vii) 2001 Census Findings - Population, its distribution 035

viii) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables I to 36 037

ix) Brief analysis of Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47 060
x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and households amenities, Houselisting Operations,
Census of India 2001 based on inset tables 48 to 52 066
xi) Archaeology 070
xii) Brief description on places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in villages
and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district 071
xiii) Scope ofViUage Directory and Town directory 074

Section-I: Village Directory

(a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 079

(b) List of merged villages in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 083
(c) C.D. Blockwise presentation of Village Directory data

Taluk Map of Piriyapatna 088

Alphabetical list of villages ofPiriyapatna C.D.Block 089
Village Directory Statement of Piriyapatna C.D.Block 093

Taluk Map of Hunsur 134

Alphabetical list of villages of Hunsur C.D.Block 135
Village Directory Statement of Hunsur C.D.Block 139

Taluk Map of Krishnarajanagara 178

Alphabetical list of villages of Krishnarajanagara C.D.Block 179
Village Directory Statement of Krishnarajanagara C.D.Block 183

. Taluk Map of Mysore 216

Alphabetical list of villages of My sore C.D.Block 217
Village Directory Statement of Mysore C.D.Block 221

Taluk Map of Heggadadevankote 248

Alphabetical list of villages of Heggadadevankote C.D.Block 249
Village Directory Statement ofHeggadadevankote C.D.Block 255

Taluk Map of Nanjangud

Alphabetical list of villages ofNanjangud C.D.Block
Village Directory Statement ofNanjangud C.D.Block
TalUk Map of Tirumakudal Narsipur 346
Alphabetical list of villages ofTirumakudal Narsipur C.D.Block 347
Village Directory Statement of Tirumakudal Narsipur C.D.Block 351

(d) Appendix to Village Directory

Appendix I Abstract of Educational, medical and other amenities available in villages-C 0

Block level 376
Appendix I A- Villages by number of Primary schools 380
Appendix 1 B- Villages by primary, middle and secondary schools 380
Appendix 1 C- Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 380
Appendix II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more
amenities available. 381
Appendix II A- Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 381
Appendix III Land utilization data in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal Towns 382
Appendix N C.D.Block wise list of inhabited villages where no ainenity other than drinking
water facility is available 382
Appendix V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Caste population 382
Appendix VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribe population 382
Appendix Vll A- List of villages according to proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total
. population by ranges 383
Appendix Vll B- List of villages according to proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total
population by ranges 394
AppendixVlll C.D.Block wise number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 403
Appendix IX Statement showing number of girl schools in the district 435

Section-II: Town Directory

(a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 439

(b) Town Directory Statements

Statement I - Status and Growth History 444

Statement II - Physical Aspects and Location of towns, 1999 446

Statement III - Municipal Finance 1998 - 1999 448

Statement N - Civic and Other amenities, 1999 450

Statement V - Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 452
Statement VI - Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 454
Statement Vll - Civic and other Amenities in Slums, 1999 456

Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowths with population 460


(a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 463

(b) District Primary Census Abstract 467
(c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. urban blockwise figures of Total
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population 480

Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 519

Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 527

Primary Census Abstract of Piriyapatna CD.Block 537

Primary Census Abstract of Hunsur C.D.Block 563

Primary Census Abstract of Krishnarajanagara C.D.Block 589

Primary Census Abstract of Mysore CD.Block 615

Primary Census Abstract of Heggadadevankote C.D.Block 635

Primary Census Abstract of Nanjangud C.D.Block 667

Primary Census Abstract of Tirumakudal Narsipur C.D.Block 693

Urban Primary Census Abstract 713


Annexure - I Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat, 2001 Census 747
Annexure - II Note on Fertility & Mortality and Migration - 1991 Census 786
Annexure - III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage-1991 Census 787
Almexure - IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/last residence, 1991-2001 789
Annexure - V Brief account on Main Religions in the DistrictlTaluk as per 1991-2001 Census 791
Annexure - VI Marital Status of population as per 1991-200 I Census 797
Almexure - vn Sex and Education in the district - 1991-2001 Census 798
Annexure -VllI Distribution of different Mother Tongue returned during 1991-2001 Census 800


1. The District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one
of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication,
which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socia-economic characteristics village-
wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the stahlS of availability of civic amenities, infrastruchlral facilities,

2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract
(PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage
has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district,
administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census-
DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA
and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical
tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was in two parts:
Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and
STs PCA up to talukltown levels. New features alongwith restrucruring of the formats of village and town
directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and
if any amenity was ·not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place
having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health
sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of
some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for
the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of inaccessible villages in each
district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic
and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns.
3. The 1991 census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except
the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against
the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex-wise population in 0-6 age
group was irIcluded in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic
literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census.
One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD block) level
presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional taluklPS level presentation. It was
expected that the presentation of village directory and PCA data at CD block level will help the planners in
formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit.
4. The present series of200l census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms
of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other
facilities like bankirIg, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines and 'most important
commodity' manufachired in village. Income and expendihire of gram panchayat, wherever possible, has been
provided. Apart from these, more details on distance(s) at which basic amenities are available (if not available
in the village), are given. This includes educational facilities (namely primary and middle schools and college),
medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre and Primary Health Centre),
drinking water, post & telegraph (post office and phone), communication, bank, credit societies and recreational
facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including
details on all slums irIstead of 'notified slums'. The information is given in case of all starutory towns irrespective
of their class, against only Class I and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 censuses. The basic amenities
available in the villages and towns are analysed in depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset
tables and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of 'motif highlighting
significant characteristic of the district and analytical notes as annexures. The analytical notes on (i) fertility
and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage are prepared based on 1991
census. Whereas, in the notes relating to (i) percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/place oflast
residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of population, (iv) sex and education, and (v) distribution of
spectmm of mother tongue, nature and extent of changes occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic
features during the decade 1991-2001 are analysed. The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) to all
the villages and towns have been assigned keeping in view the future needs.
5. The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerized in prescribed
record structure under the supervision of Shri.H.Shashidhar, Director of Census Operations,· Karnataka.
Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 census data
and the infonnation brought out by the respective state governments in their annual reports and statistical
handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and co-ordination of this publication
was carried out by Shri R.G. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Senior Research
Officer of Social Studies Division, Dr. R.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical
guidance in the preparation of maps. Whereas, Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Director of Data Processing
Division who worked under the overall supervision of Shri Himakar, Add!. Director (EDP) helped in preparation
of record structure for computerization of village and town directory data and the programme for the generation
of Village Directory and Town Directory statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCHB
manuscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinized in the Social Studies Division under
the guidance of Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director and Shri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director. I am thankful to
all of them and other who have contributed to make this publication possible.

D.K. Sikri
Dated: 17.10.2006 Registrar General &
New Delhi Census Commissioner, India


In the foreword to the 2001 series of the District Census Handbooks, Sri. D.K. Sikri, LA.S., the Registrar
General and Census Commissioner, India, has traced the history of the District Census Handbooks. He has
also succinctly explained the scope and coverage of the District Census Handbooks. These volumes contain
salient data on the population for every village and town as revealed by 2001 Census. They also contain a
wealth of infonnation regarding villages and towns which, throw some light on the circumstances in which
people live and is therefore relevant to the data on the population. This infonnation is also of considerable
importance in the context of planned development.
The District Census Handbook is divided into two parts: 'Part A contains infonnation regarding each village
and town (Village Directory and Town Dir~ctory collected from various sources) and Part B which contains
the data on the population collected during 2001 Census - the Primary Census Abstract. The data published
in Part B was collected during February-March 200t·in the Population Census.
The process of data collection for the Village Directory and the Town Directory (Part A) commenced
in 1999. The Village Directory fonnats were mailed to the Deputy Commissioners of Districts for obtaining
the village wise particulars through Village Accountants. Similarly the Town Directory formats were mailed
to the Commissioners of Corporations, Chief Officers of Town Municipal Councils, Town Panchayats, etc.
The village wise and town wise data furnished by these officers were then exarpined exhaustively for consistency
in reporting and comparability with the information published in the 1991 District Census Handbooks. The
Household Schedules, which were canvassed to collect the population data during 2001 Census, were scanned
and data captured was processed electronically. The Primary Census Abstract was generated centrally on the
computers by Registrar General; India.
In compilation of the District Census Handbooks, the Census Directorate had the co-operation of various
departments of the State/Central Government. The Census Directorate gratefully·acknowledge their assistance.
I take this opportunity to offer my grateful thanks to Sri. H. Shashidhar, Director of Census Operations
and Sri. S.R. Raghavendra Rao, Deputy Director (Retd.) for their valuable guidance. I am also thankful to
all the officers and officials of this Directorate who have been actively involved in the compilation of this
I am highly grateful to Sri. J.K.Banthia, l.A.S., Ex. Registrar General, India for the benefit I have
derived by way of guidance and advice. I express my thanks to Sri RG Mitra, Ex. Deputy Registrar General
(C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Assistant Registrar General and Sri S.LJain Deputy Director of Social Studies
Division and Dr. R.P. Singh, Ex. Deputy Registrar General (Map) for their guidance.

S.D. Bhaisare
Bangalore, Deputy Director of Census
Date:03.12.2007 Operations, Kamataka


Overall Supervision and Guidance

Sri S.D.Bhaisare, DDCO
Sri. GBapuji, DDCO

Drafting, Editing and Supervision Drafting and Supervision

Sri M.H.R. Khasimi, DDCO Sri K. Narayana Bhat, ADCO

Smt. M. Vasantha, ADCO
Smt. D. Helen Premakumari, ADCO

Validation & Tabulation Validation .& Computerization

Sri. RVasudevan, S.l.Gr.I Sri S. Sunder Kumar, S.l. Gr. III
Smt. C.S. Saroj a, S.l. Gr.III (Retd.) Sri A. Kannappa, S.l. Gr.III
Smt. S.N. Lalitha, S.l. Gr.III (Retd) Sri H.C. Arunachala, Sr. Compiler
Smt. Ponnamma Abraham, Jr. Supervisor
Smt. Salomi Abraham, Jr. Supervisor
Sri K.S. Ravi Prakash, S.l. Gr.lll
Smt. $weta Nandwana, S.I.Gr. III
Sri. B.R. Raghu Nayak, Assistant Compiler

Computerization & Preparation of Final Mss Co-ordination

Smt. N. Vanajakshi, Stenographer Gr.II Sri AV. Krishna Murthy, S.l. Gr.III
Sri. S. Sreeramulu, DEO Gr. 'B' Sri R Nagendra Prasad, S.1. .Gr.III
Sri. M. Majhi, DBO Gr. 'B'

Map Section
Smt. M.G Mangala, Research Officer
Sri N. Srinivasa Murthy, Geographer
Sri H. Vijayendra Rao, Senior Drawing Assistant(Retd.)
Smt. AA Geetha, Senior Draughtsman
Smt. M.S. Poornima, Senior Draughtsman
Sri S. Rajendra Kumar, Senior Draughtsman
. Sri Shivakant Shekar, Draughtsman
Sri M.S. Manjunatha, Assistant Compiler


Jurisdiction of district has undergone changes between 1991-2001., it was bifurcated into two districts viz.,
Mysore with seven taIuks and Chamrajnagar with four taluks.

2 As per 2001 Census Mysore district stand in 4th place among the 27 districts in population size.

3 It's decadaI growth is 11th highest in the state.

4 Density of population of the district is 385. The district stand 3rd in rank among the high population density
district in the state.

5 Mysore district has registered with 964 females per 1,000 males (sex ratio) and stands in 18th position
in the state.

6 Premier scientific and research institutions such as Central Food Technological and Research Institute,
Defence Food Research Laboratory, Anthropological Survey of India, etc., are located in Mysore city.

7 It rank at 17th place in its literacy rate.

8 University of Mysore is the first University of the state which is located in Mysore.

9 Panchalinga Darshana a very famous religious congregation of 2 Iakhs is held once in 12 years at Talkad
of TirumakudaI Narsipur taIuk.

10 The district is famous for its cultural heritage especially the Dasara festival of Mysore which is famous
in the country.

11 Sandal Soap and Oil Factory of Mysore is famous in the country.

Particulars Persons State Percentage District Percentage
2, 3 4 5 6
Number ofvlllages Total 29,406 1,340

Inhabited 27,481 1,216

Un-inhabited 1,925 124

Number of Towns Total 270 II

Staturory Towns 226 8

Non-Statutory Towns 44 3

Number of Households Normal 10,401,918 545,741

Institutional 21,802 1,244

Houseless 26,057 581

Population - (Total) Persons 52,850,562 2,641,027

Males· 26,898,918 1,344,670

Females 25,951,644 1,296,357

Population - (Rural) Persons 34,889,033 1,658,899

Males 17,648,958 845,379

Females 17,240,075 813,520

Population - (Urban) Persons 17,961,529 982,128

Males 9,249,960 499,291

Females 8,711,569 482,837

Percentage of urban population 17,961,529 34.0 982,128 37.2

Population Growth (1991-2001) 7,873,361 17.5 359,374 15.8

Area (Sq. Kms.) 191,791.00 6,854.00

Density of Population (Persons / Sq. Kms.) 276 385

Sex Ratio (No. of Females per 1,000 Males) 965 964

Literates Persons 30,434,962 66.6 1,471,155 63.5

Males 17,661,211 76.1 836,195 70.9

Females 12,773,751 56.9 634,960 59.6

Persons . 8,563,930 16.2 467,640 17.7

Scheduled Castes Population
Males 4,339,745 16.1 237,476 17.7

Females 4,224,185 16.3 230,164 17.8

Persons 3,463,986 6.6 271,351 10.3

Scheduled Tribes Population
Males 1,756,238 6.5 136,831 10.2

Females 1,707,748 6.6 134,520 10.4

Particulars Persons State Percentage District Percentage
2 3 4 5 6


Total Workers (Main and Marginal) Persons 23,534,791 44.5 1,110,264 42.0

Males 15,235,355 56.6 782,593 58.2

Females 8,299,436 32.0 327,671 25.3

(i) Main Workers Persons 19,364,759 36.6 926,129 35.1

Males 13,896,845 51.6 712,159 53.0

Females 5,467,914 21. I 213,970 16.5

(ii) Marginal Workers Persons 4,170,032 7.9 184,135 7.0

Males 1,338,510 5.0 70,434 5.2

Females 2,831,522 10.9 113,701 8.8

(iii) Total Non-workers Persons 29,315,771 55.5 1,530,763 58.0

Males 11,663,563 43.4 562,077 41.8

Females 17,652,208 68.0 968,686 74.7


(i) Cultivators Persons 6,883,856 29.0 397,957 35.8

Males 4,832,840 32.0 287,070 36.7

Females 2,051,016 25.0 110,887 33.8

(ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 6,226,942 27.0 250,362 22.5

Males 2,620,927 17.0 126,912 16.2

Females 3,606,015 43.0 123,450 37.7

(iii) Household Industry Workers Persons 959,665 4.0 21,602 1.9

Males 405,091 3.0 8,986 1.J

Females 554,574 7.0 12,616 3.9

(iv) Other Workers Persons 9,464,328 40.0 440,343 39.7

Males 7,376,497 48.0 359,625 46.0

.Females 2,087,831 25.0 80,718 24.6

81 In Term of Piriyapatna Hunsur Krishnaraja Mysore
. No. nagara
Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Population 224,254 VII 253,926 N 239,199 VI 1,038,490 I
2 Totid area (in sq. kms.) 785.5 V 900.08 III 596.76 VII 828.31 IV
3 Density of population per sq. km. 285 V 282 VI 401 III 1,254 .1
4 Sex Ratio 936 VII 962 V 985 I- 961 VI
5 Proportion Urban 6.7 VI 17.30 II 12.8.00 IV 77.00 I
6 Proportion Scheduled Castes 16.2 V 18.20 IV 14.60 VI 12.80 VII
7 Proportion Scheduled Tribes 7.7 V 15.50 II 6.50 VI 6.00 VII
8 Proportion Literate 59.2 1II 58.00 IV 59.70 II 76.50 I
9 Work participation rate (Main + Marginal) 45.5 IV 53.80 I 47.00 III 35.60 VII
10 Percentage of villages having Primary School 88.3 VI 89.60 V 93.60 IV 94.70 III
II Percentage of villages having Primary Health Sub-Centre 24.4 VI 24.00 VII 33.30 III 28.20 1V
12 Percentage of villages having Well 78.2 III 41.10 VI 81.40 II 49.60 V
13 Percentage of villages having Post .office 28.9 V 23.40 VI 31.40. III 30.50 N
14 Percentage of villages having Bus facility 73.6 VI 89.10 IV 77.60 V 92.40 I
15 Percentage of villages having approach by Pucca Road 75.4 III 52.60 VI 65.70 V 74.80 IV
16 Percentage.of villages having Electricity for domestic
purpose 100.0 100.00 100.00 100.00 I
17 Percentage of villages having forest area 13.8 II 7.00 IV 6.20 V 11.90 III
18 Percentage of villages having Irrigated Area 85.2 IV . 56.30 VI 84.30 V 88.80 III
SI In Term of Heggada Nanjangud Tirumakudal
No. devankote N arsipur
Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank
2 11 12 13 14 15 16
I Total Population 245,930 V. 360,223 II 279,005 III
2 Total area (in sq. lans.) 1622.4 I 991.08 II 598.21 VI
3 Density of population per sq. km. 152 VII 363· N 466 II
4 Sex Ratio 972 III 974 II 963 IV
5 Proportion Urban 4.9 VII 13.40 III 11.90 V
6 Proportion Scheduled Castes 27.0 22.50 III 25.20 II
7 Proportion Scheduled Tribes 20.9 13.20 N 13.40 TIl
8 Proportion Literate 52.8 VI '49.60 VII 53.60 V
9 Work participation rate (Main + Margimil) 51.0 II 43.40 V 38.70 VI
10 Percentage of villages having Primary School 81.5 VII 95.50 . II 100.00 I
II Percentage of villages having Primary Health Sub-Centre 27.2 V 36.40 I 33.90 II
12 Percentage of villages having Well 34.6 VII 71.60 IV 95.90
13 Percentage of villages having Post Office 21.0 VII 45.50 43.00 II
14 Percentage of villages having Bus facility 70.0 VII 90.30 III 90.90 II
15 Percentage of villages having approach by Pucca Road 52.0 VII 83.70 83.30 II
16 Percentage of villages having Electricity for domestic
purpose 99.6 II 100.00 100.00 I
17 Percentage of villages having forest area 22.4 I 2.10 VI 1.50 VII
18 Percentage of villages having Irrigated Area 52.0 VII 92.60 I 90.90 II

S). Name of Dis trictlTal uk Name of Dis trictlTal uk Whether Rurall Urban Distance from Taluk
No. Head Quarters Head Quarters to District
Head Quarters by
RoadlRailway (in Kms)

1 2 3 4 :5
Mysore District Mysore Urban
Piriyapatna Piriyapatna Urban 64

2 Hunsur Hunsur Urban 43

3 Krishnarajanagara Krishnarajanagar Urban 40

4 Mysore Mysore Urban 0
5 Heggadadevankote Heggadadevankote Urban 52
6 Nanjangud Nanjangud Urban 24
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur Timmakudal Narsipur Urban ~2
Note: Distance given in Column 5 is by road


SI. Name ofDistrictlTaluk Namc of Whether Rural/ Urban Distance from C.D.Block
No. District/C.D.Block Head Head Quarters to District
Quarters Head Quarters by
RoadlRailway (in Kms)
1 2 3 4 5
Mysore District Mysore Urban
Piriyapatna Piriyapatna Urban 6~
2 Hunsur Hunsur Urban 43
3 Krishnarajanagara Klishnarajanagar Urban 40
4 Mysore Mysore Urban o
5 Heggadadevankote Heggadadevankote Urban 52
6 Nanjangud Nanjangud Urban 24
7 Tirurnakudal Narsipur Tirumakudal Narsipur Urban 3~
Note: Distance given in Column 5 is by road

Dis trict . Total/Rural/U Census Persons Males Females Decadal
rban Year population
2 3 4 5 6 8
Mysore Total 1901 589,987 293,743 296,244 0.00
1911 608,961 303,479 305,482 18,974 3.22
1921 624,889 314,145 310,744 15,928 2.62
1931 678,700 343,452 335,248 53,811 8.61
1941 788,657 402,187 386,470 109,957 16.20
1951 975,193 496,147 479,046 186,536 23.65
1961 1,137,640 585,669 551,971 162,447 16.66
1971 1,460,736 754,492 706,244 323,096 28.40
1981 1,827,702 938,018 889,684 366,966 25.12
1991 2,281,653 1,168,291 1,113,362 453,951 24.84
2001 2,641,027 1,344,670 1,296,357 359,374 15.80

Rural 1901 477,755 237,454 240,301 0.00

1911 503,362 250,222 253,140 25,607 5.36
1921 499,512 249,353 250,159 -3,850 -0.76

1931 523,671 262,228 261,443 24,159 4.84

1941 580,214 293,860 286,354 56,543 10.80

1951 649,819 329,396 320,423 69,605 12.00

1961 791,699 404,665 387,034 ·141,880 21.83

1971 1,011,267 519,418 491,849 219,568 27.73

1981 1,219,341 623,952 595,389 208,074 20.58.

1991 1,465,034 748,558 716,476 245,693 20.15

2001 1,658,899 845,379 813,520 193,865 13.23

Urban 1901 112,232 56,289 55,943 0.00

1911 105,599 53,257 52,342 -6,633 -5.91

1921 125,377 64,792 60,585 19,778 18.73

1931 . 155,029 81,224 73,805 29,652 23.65

1941 208,443 108,327 100,116 53,414 34.45

1951 325,374 166,751 158,623 ll6,931 56.10

1961 345,941 181,004 164,937 20,567 6.32

1971 449,469 235,074 214,395 103,528 29.93

1981 608,361 314,066 294,295 158,892 35.35

1991 816,619 419,733 . 396,886 208,258 34.23

2001 982,128 499,291 482,837 165,508 20.3

TALUK, 2001
SI. District ITaluk I Totall Area in Popu Number of Number Number Number Population
No. UA ITown Rurall square lation \illages of statu of of
Urban ~ilo per Inhab Un- tory census house Persons Males Females
meters square ited inhab towns towns holds
kilo ited
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Mysore Total 6,854.- 385 1,216 124 8 545,741 2,641,0271,344,670 1,296,357
Rural 6,675.7 248 1,216 124 338,560 1,658,899 845,379 813,520
Urban 178.3 5,508 8 207,181 982,128 499,291 482,837
2 Piriyapatna Total 785.5 285 197 6 42,693 224,254 115,849 108,405
Rural 779.5 269 197 6 39,543 209,330 108,257 101,073
Urban 6.- 2,491 3,150 14,924 7,592 7,332
3 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 6.- 2,491 3,150 14,924 7,592 7.332
4 Hunsllr Total 900.1 282 192 21 52,437 253,926 129,409 124,517
Rural 888.3 236 192 2J 43,184 210,026 107,049 102,977
Urban 11.8 3,733 9,253 43,900 22,360 21,540
5 !lunsur (TMC) Urban 11.8 3,733 9,253 43,900 22,360 21,540
6 Krishnarajanagara Total 596.8 401 156 22 50,573 239,199 120,481 118,718
Rural 588.2 355 156 22 44,122 208,566 104,881 103,685
Urban 8.6 3,562 6,451 30,633 . 15,600 15,033
7 Krishnarajanagara
(Ti'vlC) Urban 8.6 3,562 6,451 30,633 15,600 15,033
8 Mysore Total 828.3 1,254 131 12 2 J 7,208 1,038,490 529,531 508,959
Rural 696.4 344 131 12 48,479 239,262 123,168 116,094
Urban 131.9 6,059 168,729 799,228 406,363 392,865
9 I'vlysorc UA Urban 131.9 6,059 168,729 799,228 406,363 392,865
10 (a) J'vlysore

(M Corp+OG) Urban 117.5 6,699 165,815 787,179 400,109 387,070

I I (b) Belvata (CT) Urban 2.- 2,868 1,439 5,707 2,939 2,768
12 (c) Bhogadi (eT) Urban 4.7 1,018 1,063 4,815 2,529 2,286
13 (d) Hebbalu (CT) Urban 7.7 199 412 1,527 786 741
14 Heggadadevankote Total 1,622.4 152 243 38 50,178 245,930124,705 121,225
Rural 1,620.5 144 243 38 47,606 233,885 118,536 115,349
Urban 1.9 6,373 2,572 12,045 6,169 5,876
15 Heggadadevankote
(TP) Urban 1.9 6,373 2,572 12,045 6,169 5,876
16 Nanjangud Total 991.1 363 176 14 74,102 360,223 182,528 177,695
Rural 977.- 319 176 14 64,052 311,991 158,135 153,856
Urban 14.1 3,426 10,050 48,232 24,393 23,839
17 Nanjanglld (TMC) Urban 14.1 3,426 10,050 48,232 24,393 23,839
18 Tirllmakudal Narsipur Total 598.2 466 121 II 2 58,550 279,005 142,167 136,838
Rural 594.1 414 121 11 51,574 245,839 125,353 120,486
Urban 4.1 8,109 2 6,976 33,166 16,814 16,352
I 9 Bannur (TP) Urban 3.1 7,521 4,831 23,239 11,825 11,414
20 Timmakudal
Narsipur (TP) Urban 1.- 9,927 2,145 9,927 4,989 4,938

SI. Name of C.D. block Number of villages Rural population
No. Total Inhabited Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna 203 197 209,330 108,257 101,073
2 Hunsur 213 192 210,026 107,049 102,977
3 Krishnarajanagara 178 156 208,566 104,881 103,685
4 Mysore 143 131 239,262 123,168 116,094
5 Heggadadevankote 281 243 233,885 118,536 115,349
6 Nanjangud 190 176 311,991 158,135 153,856
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 132 121 245,839 125,353 120,486
District (Rural) Total 1,340 1,216 1,658,899 845,379 813,520


TOWNS 2001
Sl. Name of Urban status N arne of taluk Population
. No. UAffown where. town is
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna TP Piriyapatna 14,924 7,592 7,332
2 Hunsur TMC Hunsur 43,900 22,360 21,540
3 Krishnarajanagara TMC Krishnarajanagara 30,633 15,600 15,033
4 Mysore UA UA Mysore 799,228 406,363 392,865

5 (a) Mysore M Corp+OG Mysore 787,179 400,109 387,070

6 (i) Mysore M Corp. Mysore 755,379 383,480 371,899

7 (b) Belvata CT Mysore 5,707 2,939 2,768

8 (c) Bhogadi CT Mysore 4,815 2,529 2,286

9 (d) Hebbalu CT Mysore 1,527 786 741

10 Heggadadevankote TP Heggadadevankote 12,045 6,169 5,876

11 Nanjangud TMC Nanjangud 48,232 24,393 23,839

12 Bannur TP Tirumakudal-Narsipur 23,239 11,825 11,414

13 Tirumakudal-Narsipur TP Tirumakudal-Narsipur 9,927 4,989 4,938

District (Urban) total 982,128 499,291 482,837

SI. Name of Name of Location Popu Whe Whe Amenities available
No C.D. block ,mage code la Ii on th e r it th c r --Ed=-=-u-c-n-t-:-io-n-a-l----::j\-='I-ed-=-I:-'c-a-:-I---::n::--:ri:-n----,C=-o-m-m----:B=-a-n:-k-=-in-g--
number is it is king u
Taluk C.D. Wate nienti
head block-::_-=--_~~--::~--~~--~~-~~-~--~~_
quaT head Senior College Primary Primary Tap Rail Comm Co-
ters quar Secon Health Health wale way erdal ope
ters dary' Centre Sub- r statio Bank rative
School centre n Bank
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Piriyapatna Doddaharve 02761600 5.064 No No Yes No
2 Piriyapatna Bettadapura 02763900 5,837 No No Yes No
3 Hunsur Kaltemalalavndi 02778600 5,451 No No 2 Yes No
4 Hunsur Aspatllrekaval 02789400 5,090 No No Yes No
5 Krishnaraja Saligrama 0279980011,780 No No 3 Yes No 2
6 Krishnaraja Mirle 02802600 6,075 No No 2 Yes No 3
7 Krishnaraja Gandhanahalli 02804900 5, I 06 No No Yes No
8 Krishnaraja Haleyuru 0280R600 5,581 No No Yes No
9 Krishnaraja Kestur 0280<)400 5,449 No No 2 No
10 Mysore Elwala 02817400 8,327 No No 2 Yes No
II Mysore Koorgalli 02817500 5.019 No No Yes No
12 Mysore Kesare 02819600 5,289 No No Yes No
13 Mysore Rammanahnlli 02819700 7,474 No No No No
14 Mysore Danagalli 02822600 5,881 No No Yes No
15 Mysore Udburu 02822700 8,080 No No 3 Yes No
16 Mysore Kadakola 02825300 5,327 No No 2 Yes Yes
17 Mysore Harohalli 02825600 7,888 No No Yes No
18 Heggada Saragur 02844400 9,931 No No 2 Yes No
I 9 Nanjangud Hullahalli 02858000 8,278 No No 2 Yes No
20 Nanjangud Thandavapura 02864300 5.156 No No Yes Yes
2 I Nanjangud Hadinaru 02865300 6,136 No No Yes No
22 Nanjangud Thagadooru 02868600 7,280 No No 2 Yes No
23 Nanjangud Kalale 02870900 7,278 No No 2 Yes No
24 Nanjangud Hedathale 02873000 5,791 No No Yes No
25 Tirumakudal Sosale 02882500 7.064 No No 2 Yes No
26 Tirumakudal Byrapura 02885300 12.095 No No 2 Yes No
27 Tirumakudal Algodu 02885900 5,951 No No Yes . No
28 Tirumakudal Muguru 02887500 7.727 No No 2 Yes No
29 Tirumakudal Talakadu 02889400 8,842 No No 3 Yes No 2
Narsi ur

SI. Name Location Popula Whether Whether Amenities availa.,le
No. of code tion it is it is C.D. ~~~~~--~~~~~----~~--~-----
Educational Medical Improved Commu Banking
Town number Taluk block drinking nication
headqua headquar water
rters ters ~~~~~~~~~--=---~~--~~
Senior College Hospital Health Tap Railway Bank
Secon Centre water 'station
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13



SI. District/Taluk/Town Total! Houseless population Institutional population
No. Runlll Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females
Urban of of
househo househo
Ids Ids
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Mysorc Total 581 2,131 1,172 959 1,244 32,842 23,029 9,813
Rural 306 1,300 704 596.00 611 12,957 10,638 2,319
Urban 275 831 468 363 633 19,885 12,391 7,494
2 Piriyapatna Total 80 322 174 148 290 6,997 6,149 848
Rural, 59 230 121 109 281 6,753 5,990 763
Urban 21 92 53 39 9 244 159 85
3 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 21 92 53 39 9 244 159 85
4 Hunsur Total 103 411 215 196 98 1,290 1,041 249
Rural 68 282 147 135 77 1,099 939 160
Urban 35 129 68 61 21 191 102 89
5 Hunsur (TMC) Urban 35 129 68 61 21 191 102 89
6 Krishnarajanagara Total 77 314 174 140 46 1,064 876 188
Rural 46 196 109 87 32 645 522 123
Urban 31 118 65 53 14 419 354 65
7 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 31 118 65 53 14 419 354 65
8 Mysore Total' 197 587 332 255 602 18,833 11,633 7,200
Rural 48 224 117 107 61 1,062 723 339
Urban 149 363 215 148 541 17,771 10,910 6,861
9 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Urban 142 340 201 139 529 17,421 10,648 6,773
10 ~ebbalu (CT) Urban 7 23 14 9
11 Belvat3 (CT) Urban 40 40
12 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 11 310 222 88
13 Heggadadevankote Total 16 53 28 25 66 1,391 922 469
Rural 15 47 26 21 54 1,040 660 380
Urban, 6 2 4 12 351 262 89
14 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 6 2 4 12 351 262 89
15 Nanjangud Total 63 218 114 104 97 2,048 1,452 596
Rural 39 156 84 72 69 1,330 1,025 305
Urban 24 62 30 32 28 718 427 291
Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 24 62 30 32 28 718 427 291
Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 45 226 135 91 45 1,219 956 263
Rural 31 165 100 65 37 1,028 779 249
Urban 14 61 35 26 8 191 177 14
12 59 34 25 5 123 115 8
18 Bannur (TP) Urban
TirumakudaJ-Narsipur(TP) Urban 2 2 1 1 3 68 62 6
District Taluk C.D Blocks Remarks
Name Village
2 3 4 5
Mysore Piriyapatna Piriyapatna 203 Co-tenninus
Hunsur Hunsur 213 Co-temlinus
Krishnarajanagara Krishnarajanagara 178 Co-terminus
Mysore Mysore 143 Co-terminus
Heggadadevankote Heggadadevankote 281 Co-temlinus
Nanjangud Nanjangud 190 Co-tenninus
Tirumakudal Narsipur Tirumahldal Narsipur 132 Co-terminus
(i) HISTORY AND SCOPE OF THE DISTRICT The data in the District Census Handbook will
CENSUS HANDBOOK help not only in local area planning but also in
Introduction regulating the provision of goods and services as well
as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process
The District Census Handbook is the most of development. The District Census Hand Book
valuable district level publication brought out by the sought to replace ''Part IV - Taluk Tables and Part
Census Organization. It contains micro-level data V - Village Tables" of the earlier censuses and to
down to the lowest administrative units viz, revenue present the basic demographic and economic data in
village in the case of rural areas and DivisionlWard the form of "Primary Census Abstract" in respect of
level in the case of urban areas. It is extremely useful each and every village and town within the jurisdiction
to the· planners,. administrators, demographers, of the district. The district census handbook consists
sociologists, etc., as it contains resourceful wealth of of two parts, viz, Part A and Part B. Part A comprises
data regarding· basic amenities available in. each village and Town Directory while Part-B contains
villages and towns of the district such as educational, Village and Town level Primary Census Abstracts.
medical, drinking water, post and telegraphs, In addition, these volumes contain a set of statistical
transportation and communication, banks, societies, tables based on the census data in respect of the
recreation, power supply, export/import of important district and its constituent taluks and towns.
commodities and land use besides, the particulars District Census Handbook 1961
revealed during the latest census enumeration. It is
It was in 1961 Census that the scope of District
for the first time that the district census hand book
Census Hand Book was shaped in the present form
series was included in the census publication by presenting (i) an account of descriptive note on
programme at the 1951 census, in order to satisfY the district, (ii) a set of non-census data tables dealing
the growing demand by the administrators, the with the administrative statistics of the district for a
planners, research scholars, demographers and the decade, (iii) taluk and town level census tables on
other such census data users, for micro-level data. economic and socio-cultural aspects and (iv) the
The idea of Gompiling the District Census Handbooks village and urban Primary Census Abstracts depicting
was pioneered by Sri R.A.Gopala Swamy, I.C.S. the the nine fold industrial classification of workers.
then Registrar General, India and Ex-officio Census Information on the availability of certain basic
Commissioner of India, with a view to preserve the amenities in villages and towns, such as the source
Census records prepared for areas below the district of drinking water and educational institutions was also
level. He proposed that all the district Census tables presented in the volumes. However, the district
and Census abstracts prepared during the process of census handbooks of3 out of then existing 19 districts
sorting and compilation, should be bound together in viz, Bangalore, Dharwad and Mysore were confmed
to the publication of the village-wise and urban (census
a single man~script volume and named as the District
enumeration block-wise) Primary Census Abstract
Census Handbook and suggested that the State
Government should take up printing and publication
at their own cost. Then onwards, the District Census District Census Handbook 1971
Handbooks were published in each Census with Physiographically Karnataka State has been
improved pattern with an aim to give the Census and formed into well-defined macro regions of the Indian
. Non-census data at .micro. level for each village of Union: the Deccan Plateau and the coastal plains and
the taluk as a whole to suit the requirements of various islands. Further, the state has been divided into four
departments. micro regions considering the physiographic

charecteristics of the regions. The micro regions are the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from
the N orthcrn Karnataka Plateau, the Central the nearest place/village where it is available were
Karnataka Plateau, the Southern Karnataka Plateau given. A few new items of information such as adult
and the Karnataka Coast. Mysore falls with the literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and
regions of southern Karnataka Plateau. The lands of community health centres/workers, data on the
the district form an undulating tableland with granite availability of Newspapers, Motor Vehicles, etc., in
rocks protruding at odd intervals. The southern taluk the village, were introduced in the village directory to
of the district is covered with few mountain ranges meet the requirements of the "Revised Minimum
with dense forests. The principal ranges are the Needs Programmes". Anew column "total population
Bettadapura hills near Mysore. The Chamundi betta and number of households" was introduced to examine
rises to a height of 1,074 meters above mean sea the correlation of the amenities with the population
level. Bettadapura hill is an isolated conical hill of and number of households they serve. The contents
1,338.6 meters above mean sea level and the cel- . of Part-A were further enlarged by including two
ebrated temple of Mallikarjuna is situated on top of appendices, namely a list of villages not having any
this hill. amenities and a distribution of villages according to
the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Schedules
During the 1971 census, the district census
Tribes in the total population of the village. The fOlmat
handbook was further refmed to present the data in
of Town Directory were also modified to meet the
a systematic way. In view of countrywide uniformity
requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by
in approach and to have a comprehensive coverage,
providing information on a few new items such as
the District Census Hand Books were presented in
class of town and its population, population of SC &
three parts each, for a district. Part A incorporated
ST, decadal growth rate of population, working
the Town and Village Directories. Pali-B incorporated
women's hostel, adult literacy classes / centres,
the Primary Census Abstract and included data, in
storage system regarding drinking water supply etc.,
the case of rural areas down to the village level and
in the case of urban areas up to the block level. In and also the information about the nearest place and
addition, an introduction was given wherein the distance having educational, medical and fire-fighting
changes in jurisdiction, ifany, of the district or ofthe facilities, in case such a facility is not available in the
taluks and the changes in the number of villages referent town. A new statement on civic and other
between 1961 and 1971 were explained. Part-B was amenities in slums in Class I and Class II town were
essentially demographic in nature and was the end included to help the plarmers to chalk out their
product of the tabulation of the enumeration results. programmes of slum improvements.
Part C incorporated other census tables and District Census Handbook 1991
administrative statistics. For convenience, Part-A and
The presentation of the District Census Hand
Part-B of the District Census Hand Book were
Book for the 1991 Census was more or less similar
presented in one volume and Part-C in a separate
to the manner followed in 1981. The format of
volume. In part-C volume, the district and taluk maps
Primary Census Abstract was restructured slightly.
were included. These maps were prepared on the
Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was
basis of maps obtained from the competent authorities
given as against four-fold classification. The sex-
wise population in the age-group of 0-6 was included
District Census Handbook 1981 in the Primary Census Abstract for the first time to
The District Census Hand Book series of 1981, enable data users to compute more realistic literacy
had some new features along with the restructuring· rates as all the children below 7 years of age were
of the formats of village and town directories, keeping treated as illiterate at the 1991 census. One of the
in view the comparability of 1971 data. All the important innovations in the 1991 census was the
amenities except power supply in the village were Community Development Block-level presentation of
brought together in the village directory with the data in the village directory and Primary Census
instruction that in case an amenity is not available in Abstract instead of the traditional taluk/PS level


presentation. CD.Block is the lowest administrative in the town directory there are no changes· except in
unit for developmental planning. The choice of the the statement IV-A where this statement is separately
C.D. Block as the unit for data presentation was numbered as Statement VII in 2001. Except these,
formulated to help the planners in micro-level the scope of2001 series of the District Census Hand
developmental plans. Another important improvement Book has, by and large remained the same as in 1991.
at the 1991 Census was dissemination of data through The non-census information collected at the village
magnetic tapes/floppies in which both the computer level and town level was scrutinized and verified. In
as well as manual codes for each revenue village case of glaring discrepancies the data were cross-
were provided along with the corresponding codes of checked with data made available by the respective
1981 Census. In the volumes of the District Census parent departments for validation.
Hand Books, the computer codes assigned to the
One ofthe significant changes made in 2001 series
revenue villages in the 1991 Census and the
of District Census Hand Book is that Primary Census
corresponding codes of 1981 Census were presented
Abstracts are available to the jurisdiction of the
so that it may facilitate the data users to use the data
Panchayats in the district. With the constitution (7Yd
either from magnetic tapes or computer floppies.
Amendment) Act, 1992, it has become necessary for
Scope of the 2001 District Census Handbook the census organisation to provide population data for
Like in the previous censuses, the District Census the territorial area of a panchayat in order to
Hand Book (DCHB) for the 2001 Census is brought strengthen parichayat raj system in the country. In
out in two parts as usual viz., Part-A The Village and view of this, panchayat-wise population figures for
Town Directory, and Pact-B the Village and Town total population and for Scheduled Castes and
Primary Census Abstract. Scheduled Tribes population has been compiled and
presented in the form of Annexure-I for each district.
The District Census Hand Books for the 2001
Further another important step taken during the
census is essentially presented in the similar manner
in which the District Census Hand Books of 1991 2001 census, is assigning the Permanent Location
census were presented. This is because the data Code Numbers (PLCN) to the villages. Location
code number is a simple but unique device by which
would be comparable with the earlier censuses and
every area in an administrative unit in the StatelU.T.
also to study the changes taken place during the
can be identified. Thus assigning of Location Code
decades and hence the approach in 2001 census is
Numbers at various administrative levels, right from
similar to 1991 census. The contents have been
StatelU.T. to the lowest level namely enumeration
slightly enlarged and the formats too are restructured
block, in census taking is an important step. Each
to suit the requirements of the data users. In the
clearly demarcated area can be referred to by a
village directory for 2001 census certain new
combination of numbers. In a State or U.T. the next
amenities like, news papers, magazine received,
administrative area is District, followed by taluk or
Income-Expenditure of the local bodies, information
police station, circle, Development Block or MandaI,
on number of banks, credit societies, recreational and
etc. Next below this administrative area, in urban
cultural facilities, ·most important commodities
areas are cities/towns, further divided into wards/
imported, manufactured and exported have been
divisions and villages in rural areas. The Location
included whereas the information regarding the "Day
Code Numbers to various administrative areas are
or Days of market/hat if any" which was there in
assigned in an orderly manner always beginning from
1991 has been excluded. Apart from providing the
northwest point and the numbering proceeds in a
information about the nearest place and distance in
serpentine manner, keeping the geographical continuity,
broad ranges for villages not having basic educational
ultimately ending at the South-East point.
and medical facilities, information about the nearest
place ap.d distance in broad ranges for villages not There was a great demand from different
having Middle School, College, Hospital (Allopathic), organizations to study the village level data over a
Maternity and Child Welfare Center and Primary time span and hence a scheme of assigning permanent
Health Center are also provided this time. However, location code numbers to the villages and the higher


levels of administrative areas is devised to ensure the devas and the rishis went to Kailas, the abode
data comparability over a period of time. In Indian of Lord Shiva and pleaded him to destroy the cruel
Census, Location Code Numbers are allotted to each Rakshasa and establish peace on earth. When Lord
village based on traverse system (zigzag) in a ShiVQ expressed his inability to kill their tormenter,
serpentine manner at taluk level. These numbers for they approached Parvathi, his consort. Thereupon,
villages run from '1' to 'N' in each taluk Parvafhi assumed the responsibility by waging a war
independently. This system was adopted until 1991 and finally killed the Asura when he took on the form
census. But, for the Census of India 2001, all the of a buffalo and attacked her. She came to be known
villages in a statelU.T. are assigned with a Location as Mahishasura Mardini. Later, the mling family
Code Number in one continuous series beginning from of the Wodeyars of Mysore adopted Mahishasura
"1" to "N" for the entire statefU.T. and it is not Mardini, also called Chamundeshwari, as their
confined to a taluk The field length of the complete family goddess. Another theory behind naming it as
PLCN structure for a village has been kcpt up to 8 'MYSORE' is the mention of'MYSOORU' in the
digits and therefore the location code number ofvillage copper plate inscription dated 862 AD and later in
in a taluk contains 8 digits number for 2001 Census. 11 th and 12th centuries it was called as
'MAISURNAD' and later it took the anglicised form
of Mysore.
Earlier to first Novemb~r, 1975, Karnataka State
Mysore district is not only rich· in antiquarian
was knowri as Mysore. Mysore city is now the
headquarters of the district and the Revenue Division. remains but also enjoys the distinction of yielding the
The city is famous for the Dasara Festival which is largest number of inscriptions among the districts of
celebrated with pomp and gaiety annually during the the state. Activity of the pre-historic man is
Navaratri (September-October). The festival attracts noticeable, particularly in the alluvial plains of the river
tourists from all over the country and abroad in large valleys like those of the Cauvery and its tributaries.
numbers to witness Jambo Savari - the chief Artifacts of the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Megalithic
attraction. Besides, the city is also famous for its phases have been unearthed at several sites located
nearby Brindavan Gardens that are laid out at in the taluks of Mysore, Timmakudal-Narsipur and
Krislmarajasagar Reservoir. Nanjangud. Recent excavations at a Megalithic site
in Kappa village of Mysore taluk yielded iron
Due to the formation of a new district, namely, implements such as huge axes, arrow-heads and
Chamarajnagar from out of the erstwhile Mysore knives, paddy husk and a three legged jar.
district, vide Government of Karnataka Notification
NO.RD.42.LRD.87(Part-3) dated 2.8.1997, four The earliest mention of Mysore in recorded
taluks, i.e., Chamarajnagar, Gundlupet, KoUegal and history may be traced to 245 B.C., i.e., to the period
Yelandur which earlier formed part of Mysore district, of Asoka when on the conclusion of the third Buddhist
are now under the newly constituted Chamarajnagar convocation, a team was despatched to 'Mahisha-
district. Presently Mysore district comprise of seven mandala' for propogating Buddhism. An old Jaina
taluks, namely, Heggadadevankote, Hunsur, work of 10th Century mentions that when
Krishnarajanagara, Mysore, Nanjangud, Bhadrabahu came to the South with Chandragupta in
Tirumakudal-Narsipur and Piriyapatna. the 3rd century B.C., he was on his way to the
Punnata country. This 'Punnata' corresponds to
According to a legend, the name 'Mysore' is said
'Puonnata' mentioned by Ptolemy and the 'Punnadu
to be derived from 'MAHISHASURA'. In Sanskrit
Ten Thousand' which the Gangas were mling during
'Mahisha' means a buffalo. There is a popular story
the 5th Century A.D.
to substantiate the assoication of a buffalo with the
city's name. In the ancient days, Mahishashura, a Ganga dynasty which appears to have been
Rakshasa who could at his will assume any form established in the second century A.D. ruled over
including that of a buffalo, ruled the town. He was the greater part of Mysore district til11004 A.D. and
very cruel and took pleasure in torturing the devas the tract under their region was known as 'Gangavadi
and the rishis living in the hermitages. To seek relief, Ninety Six Thousand'. During the third century, the


Gangas established their capital at Talakad on the and Krishnaraya of Yadava dynasty, who induced
banks ofthe river Cauvery in Tirumakudalu-Narisipur by circumstances had moved South from Gujarat to
taluk. During this period, the South of the Mysore carve out their careers and happened to encamp at
District formed part of the 'Punnadu Ten Thousand' Hadinadu on the outskirts of Mysore in about 1399
kingdom with its capital at Kittipura - identified with A.D. Their help was sought for by the ruling family
Kittur on the banks of the river Kabini in at Hadinadu to vanquish a tormenter. Later the
Heggadadevanakote taluk. In the 5th century, Ganga heiress of Hadinadu was offered in marriage to
King Avinita married the daughter of Skandavarma Yeduraya and thenceforth he became the chief of
the Punnada King and later, his son Durvinita absorbed Hadinadu and the founder of the Wodayar family.
Punnadu Ten Thousand into the Ganga dominions. These Rajas established themselves as feudatory
During the earlier 9th century, the Rashtrakutas whose chiefs under the renovated suzerainty of the
capital was at Manyakheta seiged and imprisoned the Vijayanagara empire. During the reign of Chamaraja
reigning Ganga King and appointed their own Viceroy Wodeyar III (1513-1533 AD) who divided his estate
to administer the erstwhile Ganga territory. However, among his three sons, Puragere or Mysore was
later the Ganga King was again restored to power. assigned to Chamaraja Wodeyar, the 'bald'. In about
In the 10th century, there were matrimonial alliances 1524 AD, a fort was either built or rennovated at
between the Gangas and the Rashtrakutas resulting Mysore. With the decline of Vijayanagar, the
in the two powers becoming allies. Wodeyars of Mysore gradually rose to a position of
independence. In 1610 AD, Raja Wodeyar (1578-
In about 1004 AD, Rajendra Chola invaded the
161 7 AD) gained possession of Srirangapattana. The
Ganga kingdom, captured Talakad and renamed the
quite retirement of Tirumalaraya, the Viceroy of
place as Raj araj apura. The Cholas captured all the
Vijayanagara, to Talakad, enabled peaceful occupation
tracts south of the Cauvery along with the areas east
of the capital. Raja Wodeyar soon shifted the seat of
to Srirangapattana, Bangalore and Kolar districts.
his government from Mysore to Srirangapattana from
They held these territories for about a century and
where he and his decendents continued to rule the
imposed their own names on the conquered provinces.
country without any interruption till 1761A.D.
Accoridngly, the south of Mysore district' was
Kanthirava Narasaraja (1638-1662 AD) and
renamed as 'Mudikonda Chola Mandala' and the
Chikkadevaraya (1672-1704 AD) are amongst the
Talakad came to be known as 'Rajendra Chola
most illustrious rulers of this dynasty. The kingdom
Valanad'. Towards the west, the Cholas subdued
extended from the mountain ranges of Chikmagalur
Changalva King of Nanjarajapatna and Piriyapatna,
to Tumkur districts in the north to Annamalai and
who in consequence received the name 'Kulottunga Palani hills in the south; from Selam in the east to
Chola Changalva'. Belur and Kodagu in the west by 1704 AD. After
In 1104 AD, the Hoyasala King Bittideva, who the demise ofChikkadevaraya, the royal power began
later assumed the name 'Vishnuvardhana', captured to decline and the administration of the State fell into
Talakad, conquered the former Ganga strongholds and the hands of the Dalavayis.
drove the Cholas out of Mysore. He earned the title In 1761 AD, Hyder Ali usurped power and
'Viraganga'. The Hoysalas continued their control became the de facto ruler of the kingdom for the
over the Ganga territory till 14th century whereafter next 20 years during which the territories of the
the Vijayanagara Kings established their supremacy kingdom were greatly extended. In 1780 AD Hyder
throughout the South. In 1495 AD, Srirangapattana Ali joined the confederacy formed against the English
was captured by Narasanayaka and later on by the Marathas and the Nizam. In the Second Anglo-
Srirangaraya was appointed as the Viceroy and he Mysore War, Hyder Ali died of sickness in December
ruled over these territories with Srirangapattana as 1782 A.D. He was succeeded by his son Tipu Sultan
his capital. who continued the war and defeated the British at
The subsequent history of Mysore is closely Wandiwash in 1783 A.D. However, at the Third
associated with the rise ofWodeyars of Mysore. The Anglo-Mysore War, Tipu Sultan suffered defeat and
origin ofthis family is traced to two brothers, Yaduraya humiliation. Ultimately, during the Fourth Anglo-


Mysore War, when Shrirangapattana was besieged In September 1947 Mysore became a part of the
in 1799 A.D., Tipu Sultan fought heroically and was Union ofIndia and erstwhile Maharaja was appointed
slain in the battle field. as the Rajapramukh of the State. As a result of the
reorganisation of the states in 1956~ the taluk of
With the fall of Tipu Sultan in 1799 A.D., the
Kollegal belonging to the erstwhile Coimbatore district
kingdom was restored to the Wodeyars of Mysore
, of Tamil Nadu was included in the Mysore district
by the British. In 1800 A.D., the seat of the
which formed part of the newly constituted
Government was shifted to Mysore which paved the
Chamrajnagar district.
way for a flourished Mysore. Under the suzerainty
of the British empire, the Wodeyars of My sore ruled In 1997 a new district namely Chamarajnagar
over Mysore kingdom till the independence of the was carved out of the Mysore district. Presently
nation in 1947. However, for 50 years st311ing from Mysore district consists of seven taluks namely
1831 A.D. to l881A.D., the British ruled the State Heggadadevanakote, Hun sur, Krishnarajanagar,
directly through their Commissioners and reinstated Mysore, Nanjangud, Tirumakkudal Narsipur and
the Wodeyar dynasty on the throne in March 1881 Piriyapatna and the remaining four taluks namely,
A.D. After Rendition when Chamaraja Wodeyar I Kollegal, Yelandur, Chamarajnagar and Gundlupet
was crowned as the king, many administrative formed the newly constituted Chamarajnagar district.
changes were introduced. The post of the (iii) Administrative setup and jurisidictional
Commissioner was abolished. A British Resident changes during the decade, 1991-2001
was appointed at the Mysore Court to head the During 1991 Census, geographical and political
administration of the state. Apost of Deewan along map of Kamataka depicted the territories of 20
with that of two advisors was also created. A districts. As a sequel to Government of Karnataka
Representative Assembly constituting of 144 Notification No.RD 42 LRD 97 Part-III, Bangalore
members was formed and this institution was the dated 2nd August, 1997 published in Extraordinary
first of its kind in the country under the British rule. Gazette No.894, dated 2.8.1997, seven new districts
Subsequent rulers of 'the State like Krishnaraja took birth showing territorial changes on the
Wodeyar IV and Jayachamaraja Wodeyar endeared administrative map of Kamataka thus raising the
themselves with the masses by their exemplary number to 27 from 20 during 200 I Census. The State
actions. The administration of the State was manned is divided into four revenue divisions and 27 districts
by many able and illustrious Deewans including Sri for the purpose of revenue administration. One of
M.Visweswaraya who is hailed as the "Maker of the eight districts of Mysore revenue division situated
Modern Mysore" and Mysore state greatly in the southern part of State,Mysore city is the
developed into a model state in the country. The divisional headquarters of Mysore Diyision and the
state of My sore and its surroundings ertioyed an aura district. The jurisdiction extends over the district of
of royal splendor and had their share of Mysore, Mandya, Kodagu, Hassan, Dakshina
development. Kannada, Udupi, Chikmagalur and Chamarajnagar.

SI. Name of Taluk Total No. of villages Total No. of towns Reasons for variation
No according to the list according to the list
finalised for finalized for
2001 1991 2001 1991
Census Census Census Census
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna 203 201 Two villages namely Borehosahalli and Rajivnagar was
created vide Notification No.26 LRD 92 dated


SI. Name of Taluk Total No. of villages Total No. of towns Reasons for variation
No according to the list according to the list
finalised for finalized for
2001 1991 2001 1991
Census Census Census Census
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Hunsur 213 210 I) Kabbe Koppalu, 2) Rathnapuri and 3) Maralaina
Koppaly villages are newly created vide Notification
No. RD 26 LRD 92 dated 28.1.1995.

3 Krishnarajanagar 178 176 I) Kuhime Hosuru and 2) Kalammana Koppalu

villages are newly created villages vide Notification
No.RD 26 LRD 92 dated 28.1.1995.

4 Mysore 143 144 4' 4 Lingambudi, a revenue village is treated as 00 in

2001 Census and hence deleted from lisl' of villages.

5 Heggadadevankote 281 281 3 Two towns viz. Sargur (MP) and Kabini Colony
(NMCT) of 1991 Census are declassified and the
areas of these towns are included in the respective
revenue villages from which the towns were f~rmed

6 Nanjangud 190 188 Jeemaralli and Srikantanagar villages are newly created
villages vide Notification No.RD 26 LRD 92 dated

7 Tirumakudal
-Narsipur 132 132 2 2

Total 1,340 1,332 11 13

Total Number of Towns/ Villages various committees are also elected from among the
elected Councilors for a term of one year.
Mysore district comprises of 7 taluks which are
grouped into two Revenue Sub-Divisions and the Sub- . The Chief Officer in Municipal Council and the
Divisional Headquarters are Mysore and Hunsur. The Commissioner in a City Corporation are responsible
Mysore Sub-Division has its jurisdiction over the taluks for day-to-day administration and the executive
of Mysore, Nanjangud and T.Narsipur. The Hunsur authority is vested with them.
Sub-Division has jurisdiction over Heggadadevankote, Zilla Pancbayat and Taluk Panchayat
Hunsur, Krishnarajanagar and Piriyapatna. According
To promote the development of institution and
to 2001 Census, there are 1,351 villages and 11 towns
secure greater measure of participation by the people
in the district as against 1,353 villages and 13 towns
in the local and governmental affairs by
during 1991.
decentralization of power and functions for the
Urban local bodies purpose of development, planning and implementation
The statutory urban local bodies are the Municipal of various programmes thereof Zilla Panchayats have
Corporations and Municipal Councils. These urban been constituted in the State. The jurisdiction of Zilla
local bodies elect Councilors/ Corporators from each Panchayat is coterminous with that of the
ward and the tenure of the Councilors/Corporators corresponding district but excludes the statutory
would be for five years. The President or Vice- towns. Accordingly, Zilla Panchayat has been
President of the Municipal Council and the Mayor/ constituted for Mysore district and its jurisdiction
Deputy Mayor of the Corporations whose tenure will extends over the Taluk Panchayats of the district.
be for a period one year are elected from among the The jurisdiction of each Taluk Panchayat is
elected Councilors/Corporators. The Chairman of coterminous with that of the taluk of the same name

-- --- __
but excludes the area incorporated in the statutory Executive Officer of the Zilla Panchayat. Various
towns or cities, if any. departments assist the Panchayat.
The Zilla Panchayat elects its president and vice- Grama Panchayats
president and chairman of its committees from The Government of Karnataka enacted the
amongst the elected members. The term of these Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act 1993 on 30.4.1993
elected representatives will be for five years. An lAS replacing its previous enactmcnt in this regard for
officer is posted by the State Government as Chief the formation of Grama Panchayat.


SI. No. Name of Taluk No. of Hoblis/Firkas No. of Panchayats
2 3 4
Piriyapatna 4 26
2 Hunsur 4 30
3 Krishnarajanagara 6 31
4 Mysore 4 39
5 Heggadadevankote 5 33
6 Nanjangud 5 45
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 5 36
Total 33 240

Details regarding Panchayatwise number of villages have been furnished in Annexure I.

The Grama Panchayat is authorised to function other work or measure which is likely to promote the
on the items listed in Schedule I of the Act namely, health, safety, education, comfort, convenience or
preparation of annual plans for the development of social or economic well being of the inhabitants of
Panchayat area, preparation of annual budget, the Panchayat area.
providing reliefs in natural calamities, removal of
encroachments on public properties, organising
voluntary labour and contribution for community Mysore is located at the southern most of the
works, maintenance of essential statistics of the Karnataka state. It has the greatest extent of 99
village, in addition to matters relating to Agriculhlre, Kms from North to South and 131 Kms from East
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Social & Farm Forestry, to West. After the bifurcation of Chamrajnagar,
Khadi, Village & Cottage Industries, Rural Housing, Gundlupet, KoIIegal and Yelandur to form as a
Drinking Water, Roads, etc., Rural Electrification, separate district, the total geographical area of the
Non-conventional energy sources, Poverty Alleviation district stands as 6,854, which ranks at 121h
Programmes, Markets & Fairs, Rural Sanitation,
place in the state. The most conspicuous areas of
Public Health & Family Welfare, Women and Child
very high and very low areas of the distict is located
Development, Social Welfare, Welfare of Weaker
at 700 and 950 metres of contour lines above the
Sections, Public Distribution System, Maintenance of
mean sea level respectively.
Community assets, Construction and Maintenance of
Dharmashalas, Chatras, Cattle Sheds, Ponds, Cart (1) Location and Size
Stands, Slaughter Houses, Public Parks, Play The district lies between the North latitude 11
Grounds, etc. Regulation of manure pits in public
degree 44 minutes to 12 degree 37 minutes and East
places and establishment and control of shandies.
longirude between 75 degree 57 minutes to 77 degree
Such other functions as may be entrusted.
12 minutes. The district is bound on the North by
The Grama Panchayat is also empowered to Mandya and part of Hassan districts. On the East, it
make provisions for carrying out within its area any is bound by Chamarajanagar. Kodagu forms its


Western boundary and the Southern portion is covered originates from the western ghats at an elevation of
by Kerala and part of Chamarajanagar district. about 2,140 meters in Kerala. The river enters the
(2) Physiography district near Bavali in the southwest of
Heggadadevankote. It is a perennial river. The
Physiographically Karnataka State has been
tributaries of Kabini includes, the Nugu, the Taraka,
formed into well-defined macro regions of the Indian
the Sutnalla,the Barala hole and the Voddallihole.All
Union: the Deccan Plateau and the coastal plains and
these tributaries flow into the district at
Islands. Further, the state has been divided into four
Heggadadevanakote taluk before joining Kabini.The
micro regions considering the physiographic
river Gundal also known as the Kaundinya is a
characteristics of the regions. The micro regions are
tributary of Kabini and joins the river at Nanjangud.
the Northern Karnataka Plateau, the Central
Karnataka Plateau, the Southern Karnataka Plateau (4) Climate
and the Karnataka Coast. Mysore falls with the Though the climate of the district is moderate
regions of southern Karnataka Plateau. The lands of throughout the year, it may be divided into four
the district form an undulating tableland with granite seasons. The summer season starts from March and
rocks protruding at odd intervals. The southern taluk prevails up to May and is followed by South-west
of the district is covered with few mountain ranges monsoon season or rainy season, which is between
with dense forests .. The principal ranges are the June to September. October and November, may be
Bettadapura hills in the north-west and the Chamundi termed as the post-monsoon or retreating monsoon
Hills near Mysore. The Chamundi betta rises to a seasons. The period from December to February is
height of 1,074 meters above mean sea level. the dry or winter season. April is usually the hottest
Bettadapura hill is an isolated conical hill of 1,338.6 month and December is the coldest month of the year.
meters above mean sea level and the celebrated Generally the temperature during the period from
temple of Mallikarjuna is situated on top of this hill. March to May rises continuously. April being the
(3) Drainage
hottest month, the mean daily maximum temperature
is at 34 degree Celsius and the mean daily minimum
The drainage is generally towards the east and is at 21.4 degree Celsius. On individual days, the day
the most important rivers are the Cauvery and the temperatures during summer may exceed 39 degree
Kabini, which is the tributary of River Cauvery. River Celsius. December is the coldest month with the
Cauvery forms a natural boundary between Mysore mean daily maximum temperature at 27 degree Celsius
and Kodagu districts and has its origin in the Western and the mean daily minimum at 16.5 degree Celsius.
Ghats. Cauvery flows into the district near Abbur in On some days during the period from November to
the northwest of Krishnarajanagar taluk and traverses January the minimum temperature may go below 11
eastwards. After flowing for some distance in degree Celsius. The rainfall and the climate of the
Mandya, tbe river enters the district again at district are quite congenial for those working in the
Ranganathapura in the north-west of Tirumakudal fields as well as for those who are engaged in
Narsipur (T. Narsipur). The Lakshmanatirtha a sericulture.
tributary of river Cauvery also flows in the district.
(5) Winds
It rises at Brahmagiri Devasi hills in the Western
Ghats in southern Kodagu. It enters thc district near The winds are generally moderate with some
Chikkabejjur in Hunsur taluk and flows through strengthening during the southwest monsoon season.
Hanagodu, Hunsur and Kattemalalavadi before joining During the period from May to September, winds are
the Cauvery at Sagarakatte in Krishrajanagara taluk. mostly westerly or southwesterly. North easterlies
Among the number of falls on the river bed, one and easterlies appear in October and these become
important fall is the Chuncanakatte which is about 20 more predominant in the next four montbs. During
metres in height and 60 kms. upstream of March and April, winds are mainly southwesterly or
Krislinarajasagara Dam. The next important river is westerly in the mornings, while, in the afternoons,
the Kabini, a tributary of the river Cauvery also blow from directions between north and east. There


will be heavy rains and high winds due to depressions Among the taluks in the district the premonsoon
and cyclonic storms, which originate in Bay of Bengal. rainfall contributes 26 to 30% of the annual rainfall,
Relative humidities are generally high during the southwest monsoon contributes 38 to 49% and
southwest monsoon season. northeast ,monsoon contriblltes 23 to 32% of the
(6) Rainfall pattern atillual rainfall.
The District falls lUlder southern dry and southern The co-efficient of variation ranges from 37 to
transition agroclimatic zones of the state. The taluks 43% for the premonsoon season, the highest variability
of Krishnarajanagara, Mysore, Nanjangud and (43%) being in the talllks of Krislmarajanagara and
Tirumakudal Narsipur taluks fall under southern dry Tirumakudal Narsipur.
zone. The rest of the taluks, viz. Heggadadevankote,
Hunsur and Piriyapatana fall under southern transition The co-efficient of variation for southwest
zone. monsoon ranges from 33 to 46%, the highest (46%)
being in Krishnarajangara talllk. The c-oefficient of
The average Rainfall in the district ranges from
variation for northeast monsoon ranges from 47 to
706 mm in Nanjanglld talllk to 866 mm in
55%, the highest (55%) being Hunsur taluks.
Heggadadevankote and Piriyapatna taluks. The
rainfall decreases from western part of the district The co-efficient of variation for Annual rainfall
towards eastern part. The southeast part ofNanjangud ranges from 23 to 31 %, highest being in
taluk receives the lowest rainfall. Krishnarajanagara taluk.


Taluks (No. of years of Statistical Parameters Pre South West Northeast Annual
rainfall data available) Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Rainfall
1 2 3 4 5 6
Heggadadevankote 99 Average rninfall (mm) 241 422 203 866
Minimum rainfall (mm) 0 131 23 471
Maximum rainfall (mm) 444 758 474 1440
Standard Deviation (mm) 92 141 98 201
C.v.(%) 38 33 48 23
Hunsur 99 Average rainfall (mm) 220 339 221 780
Minimum rainfall (mm) 37 121 3 429
Maximum rainfall (mm) 537 718 850 1416
Standard Deviation (mm) 89 123 122 199
C.v.(%) 40 36 55 25
Krishnarajanagara 98 Average rainfall (mm) 215 282 236 733
Minimum rainfall (mm) 30 64 2 340
Maximum rainfall (mm) 488 864 644 1408
Standard Deviation (mm) 92 131 118 231
C.Y.(%) 43 46 50 31
Mysore 99 Average rainfall (mm) 230 311 232 773
Minimum rainfall (mm) 40 104 21 395
Maximum rainfall (mm) 579 713 725 1598
Standard Deviation (mm) 90 125 117 221
c.Y.(%) 39 40 50 29
Nanjangud 99 Average rainfall (mm) 211 281 215 708
Minimum rainfall (mm) 4 96 36 297
Maximum rainfall (mm) 467 577 563 1348
Standard Deviation (mm) 78 114 WI 186
C.V(%) 37 41 47 26


Taluks (No. of year,s of Statistical Parameters Pre South West Northeast Annual
rainfall' data "available) Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Rainfall
2 3 4 5 6
Periyapatna 89 Average rainfall (mm) 224 418 225 866
Minimum rainfall (mm) 50 177 59 487
Maximum rainfall (mm) 596 950 544 1564
Standard Deviation (mm) 91 151 110 210
C.V.(%) 41 36 49 24
T.Narasipura 99 Average rainfall (mm) 210 294 226 729
Minimum rainfall (mm) 46 86 10 367
Maximum rainfall (mm) 518 641 619 1268
Standard Deviation (mm) 90 124 107 180
C.V.(%) 43 42 47 25

A study of the rainfall deficit pattern during the Nanjangud, Piriyapattana and Tirumakudal Narsipur.
last 20 years compared with the long term data for During northeast monsoon period the rainfall deficiency
different seasons indicate increase in rainfall deficiency is increasing in all the taluks except Hunsur taluk.
in the recent past during the premonsoon period. During
southwest monsoon period, the deficiency is increasing Rainfall deficit during last 20 years has been
in Heggadadevankote taluk and decreasing in rest of compared with that of long term data in different
the taluks viz. Hunsur, Krishnarajanagara, Mysore, seasons and is presented below.


Name ofTaluk Seasons and no. of years with D et1cit Rainfall
Pre Monsoon Southwest Monsoon Northeast Monsoon Annual Rainfall
Long Recent 20 Long Recent 20 Long Recent 20 Long Recent 20
term Yrs. term Yrs. term Yrs. term Yrs.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Heggadadevankote 99 36(36) 9(45%) 34(34) . 7(35%) 43(43) 13(65%) 28(28) 8(40%)
Hunsur 99 35(35) 11(55%) 31(31) 3(15%) 38(38) 7(35%) 19(19) 4(20%)
Krishnarajanagar 98 46(46) 13(65%) 35(35) 6(30%) 42(42) 12(60%) 32(32) 8(40%)
Mysore 99 33(33) 8(40%) 40(40) 5(25%) 37(37) 9(45%) 25(25) 6(30%)
Nanjangud 99 41(41) 13(65%) 30(30) 4(20%) 37(37) 9(45%) 21(21) 3(15%)
Periyapatna 89 42(47) 11(55%) 27(30) 4(20%) 39(44) 10(50%) 23(26) 4(20%)
T.Narasipura 99 41(41) 12(60%) 32(32) 5(25%) 40(40) 12(60%) 18(18) 3(15%)
Note: Figures in bracket indicate values as percentage of number of years for which data is available or for 20 years depending on the column in
which it is given

The following inferences could be made. The trend analysis of annual rainfall shows
decrease of rainfall in Heggadadevankote and .
The Premonsoon rainfall in the recent 20
years is more deficit compared to· the long Krishnarajanagara taluks and increase of that
in Nanjangud, pjrjyapatna and Tirumakudal
term data.
South-west monsoon is less deficit in the Narsipur taluks. Hunsur do not show .any
recent 20 years compared to the long term significant change.
data with H.D.Kote taluk as an exception. Source : Drought Monitoring Cell (Society of Govt. of Karnataka)
The rainfall deficit during northeast monsoon (7) Forestry .
is increasing during recent 20 years compared
to the long term data with an exception of Forest area accounts for 9.3 per cent of the total
Hunsur taluk. geograhical area of the district. Heggadadevanakote

" 11

and Piriyapatna taluks have vast forest area, when terrain to the west of Piriyapatna in the western
compared with other taluks. These forests are border of the district.
classified as moist deciduous forest. The Mysore (9) Flora and Fauna
rulers had made the sandal wood tree a State property
Flora: The structure of moist deciduous forest
as early as in the days of Chikkadevaraya ..
consists of a tree layer with an open canopy. A
Teak was always a royal tree and protected. The number of good timber trees are native here. Nandi
forest products are exploited on the principle of (Lagerstroemia microcarpa), saguvanii (Tectone
progressive and sustained yield and sold to various grandis) and matti (Terminalia alata) dominate in some
industries and individuals as per government policy. places. Especially prominent during the dry period
The raw materials alloted are plywood, matchwood, are the white flowers of Konanakombu
softwood, and packing case wood. The industries (Radermachera· xylocarpa) and the red flowers of
are permitted to extract softwood from the areas Kempuvanija (Erythrina indica) and bilisulige
leased to them. (Pterocarpus marsupium). The composition and
Government has opened a few fire wood depots frequency of the canopy trees vary depending on soil
in the district to make available firewood for domestic and rainfall.
use. The dry deciduous forest is adapted to a longer
(8) Geology dry period. The trees are shorter, often armed. The
undergrowth forms thorny thickets. Climbers are wiry
The Mysore district exposes a vast expanse of
and often with latex. SclerophyIIous and succulent
migmatite gneisses (popularly known as peninsular
xerophytes are not in frequent. Survival during the
gneissic complex) within which elongate raffs and
dry months and protection from browsing are priorities
enclaves of supracrustal rocks consisting of high-grade
for this type of vegetation. Dinduga (Anogeissus
schists occur. The migmatites are the predominant
latifolia), taremara (Terminalia bellirica) and alale
rock types occupying the vast stretch of plain terrain
(Tenninalia chebula) are the principal broad-leaved
in the district. The high-grade schists are noticed as
trees of these forests. Crotalaria berteroana. with
rafts within the gneissic complex in the southern part
silky leaves and yellow flowers is a common and
of the district. It is the largest schist belts with the
elegant shrub.
length of 70 kms.and a maximum width of 10 kIlls.
It contains garnetiferous Kyanite-sillimanite-staurolite, To summarise, there are two types of vegetation
fuchsitic quartzite, Kyanite, quartzite, crystalline, in the district - the wet and the dry. The Southern
limestone, dolomite, garnetiferous, pyribolite and Montane and Moist Deciduous belong to the wet
amphibolite, ironstone, metaultramafic schists intruded type. The Dry Deciduous and the Thorn-scrub belong
by basic dykes (dolerite, amphibolite). The schist band to the dry type. Irrigation and agriculture have
occuring at north-northwest ofNanjangud is about 8 modified part of the plant cover. Sanctuaries and
kIns in length and comprises of hornblende-granulite, Parks have helped in preserving other areas.
fuchsite quartzite and calc-silicate rocks. The Fauna: Mysore district has a rich and colourful
existence of layered complexes near Konkanhundi heritage in respect of wildlife. The forests of the
and Lalithadripura was brought to light recently. The district offer good habitat for larger grazing animals
Chamundi granite, which has been dated around 800 like gaur and deer. The old Mysore plateau includes
m.y., represented the youngest ignitous activity in the moist and dry deciduous forests and undulating plains.
district. Several dykes of felsite and porphyry, This area harbours a rich and variegated array of
associated with Chamundi granite episode occur in wild animals and is probably best known by naturalists.
clusters and ate found to the north-west of Mysore. There is a good representation of the sambar and
The charnockites or the granulitic hypersthene rocks spotted deer, which seems to prefer a semi-degraded
are found in small bands in the vast stretch of plain habitat.


The notable fauna that is found in the district is outcrops and Ustalfs - Orthents. Patches of Schists
as follows: are found in Timmakudal Narsipur. The western taluks
The tiger (Panthera tigris), the most magnificent of Piriyapatna, Hunsur and Heggadadevankote are
of the greater cats, is called huli and some hirey covered with hilly terrain and contain red shallow
huli in Kannada. Panthers (Panthera pardus) are gravelly soils. Deep red loams occasional1y
common and constitute the co-predators of the tiger. interspersed with black soils are found in Tirumakudal
Panthers are also nocturnal. The jungle cat (Felis Narsipur taluk. The red soils are generally shallow to
chaus) or kadu bekkll mainly prey upon rats, lizards deep, red to pale brown in colour, well drained, does
and birds and also potential predator of chi tal fawns. not contain lime nodules at depth. The black soils are
The Indian or wild dog or silunayi; (Cuon alpinus) is shallow from four to five feet in depth,· contain lime
the real competitor to the tiger and panther. The small nodules rich in bases with good water holding
Indian civet (Viverricula indica) or punugina bekku capacity. The soils of the district are generally alkaline
and the toddy cat or common palm civet to neutral in reaction. There are few acidic soils in
Paradoxunfs Hermaphroditus is the animals of the the district. The soils in all the taluks are normal in
civet tribe in the district. Both are small, long and phosphorous except in Tirumakudal Narsipur taluk,
low to ground animals with long nails. The common where the soluble salt content is normal, the organic
mangoose Herpestes edwardsii and striped-necked matter content is high, the availability of phosphorous
mongoose Herpestes vitticollis are common here. is poor and the soils contain variable amounts of
The two primates in the district are the bonnet
macaque (Mucaca radiata) and the common langur (11) Cropping pattern
(Presby tis entellus). The bonnet monkey is the The perennial flow of the river Cauvery and its
familiar red monkey of South India, common around tributaries had helped the alluvial valleys to bloom as
shrines and jwigleside towns. They are omnivorous, fertile agricultural fields right from the pre-historic
often found near water and are excellent swimmers. periods. Moreover, the eastern, southern and western
Langurs are vegetarians and seen in fair numbers. parts of the district being on the edge of the ghats
The bonnet monkey is called kapi, kothi, manga· receives good amount of rainfall. In addition, irrigation
and the common langur as mllscia or muela. through well, tank and canals have helped agriculture
The Indian giant squirrel or kendalilu, .Ralufa and horticulture flourish in the district. According to
indica is the largest of all squirrels, arboreal and the Census of India 2001, among the main workers,
diurnaL The other diurnal squirrel of the area is the 39.00 per cent are cultivators and 15.41 per cent are
familiar three striped palm squirrel or alilu. The agricultural labourers. Thus cultivators and
fascinating large brown flying squirrel (haruva bekku) agricultural labourers together account for 54.4 per
is even bigger than the giant squirrel. cent which only highlights the fact that
Chital or spotted deer, are found all over the predominant in the district economy.
forests and are among the commonest wild animals. Paddy, Ragi, Iowar and Maize are the major
Minas and fantail flycatchers are often seen. cereal crops grown in all the seven taluks of the
(10) Soils
district. Paddy amd Ragi occupy large area under
cultivation. Under cereals, Tur, Gram and oil seeds
The soils of the district are predominantly red
are the other important pulses. Sugarcane, tobacco
Loams and derived from granites and gneisses and
and cotton are cash crops.
vary from pure sandy soils to typical block cotton
soils. According to National Bureau of Soil Survey The below given table states the data with regard
and land use planning, the soils of the district are to area under each crop in all the seven taluks of the
grouped as Ustalfs -Tropepts, Usterts -Tropepts, Rock district.



Name of Gcogra Forest L'wd put to Non- Uncultivable Cultiva Area Sown Total
Taluk phi cal Area agricultural use Fallow Land ble Net Area
Area -B-a-r-r-=en--L~a-n-:d:---::C:-u-:-lt-:i-v-::::P-er-m-a-n--;:;l1;;-re-c-s- Fallow --N-c-t--M-o-r-e--l1-o-ta-l- Irri gated
and put to able ent and Land Area than Area
Unculti Non- waste pastures groves Sown once Sown
vahle agricul land
land tural-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Piriyapatna 83,121 14,810 4,330 3,555 1,106 7,088 1,673 1,423 49,136 13,135 62,271 4,598
Hunsur 98,194 7,786 10,491 8,371 1,150 2,825 375 2,376 64,820 5,311 70,131 10,470
Krishnaraja 61,976 166 4,486 7,270 350 3,379 110 365 45,850 14,866 60,716 28,940
Mysore 81,740 3,216 6,770 11,260 2,202 3,919 133 3,950 50,290 9,818 60,108 5,708
Heggada 194,138 33,031 16,709 18,851 13,846 33,865 3,256 4,074 70,506 8,517 79,023 9,838
Nanjangud 98,541 3,688 2,246 12,199 2,076 3,922 409 19,013 54,988 23,250 78,238 22,386
Tirumakudal 58,672 154 780 5,398 730 1,258 910 3,776 45,666 9,808 55,474 31,175
Total 676,382 62,851 45,812 66,904 21,460 56,256 6,866 34,977 381,256 84,705 465,961 113,115
Source: Mysorc at a glance; District Statistical Officer, Mysore

The table on land use data for the district for the gauchar and grooves. Permanent fallows are areas
year 1998-99 reveals that the net area sown is 56.4 under roads, tanks, gramatanas 'and other non-
per cent and the total net area sown is 68.9 per cent. agricultural purpose. The remaining 4,16,233 hectares
The details of existing land according to its actual are under cultivation of which only 113,115 hectares
use can be seen from the table above. or 27.18 percentage of land are provided with
The total geographical area of the district is irrigation facilities. The distribution of area under
6,76,382 hectares of which 2,60,149 hectares are area different source of irrigation in each taluk of the
not available for cultivation, as these are put to various district according to the statistics provided by the
non-agricultural use, like forest, permanent pastures, Directorate ofEcollomics and Statistics is given below.
Name ofTaluk _Marginal Small Semi-Medium Medium (4-10) Large (10 & Total Holdings
(Below 1) (1-2) (2-4) above)
Holder Area Holder Area Holder Area Holder Area Holder Area Holder Area
2 ·3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Piriyapalna 14,046 6,985 9,867 14,054 5,504 14,446 2,122 11 ,823 335 7,127 31,874 54,435
Hunsur 16,811 9,227 11,319 16,468 5,616 15,046 1,993 10,969 150 3,291 35,889 55,001
Krishnarajanagar 32,016 13,220 9,141 12,731 3,934 10,654 880 4,789 39 518 46,010 41,912
Mysore 19,538 10,940 12,169 17,499 5,814 15,542 1,794 9,873 132 1,883 39,447 55,737
Heggadadevankote 11,303 6,287 16,524 23,633 6,001 16,050 1,895 10,667 178 2,497 35,901 59,134
Nanjangud 33,310 15,234 15,766 22,189 7,606 20,273 2,344 12,987 190 3,587 59,216 74,270
Tirumakudal 23,899 10,905 9,055 11,558 5,435 13,639 1,927 10,048 201 2,600 40,517 48,750
Total 150,923 72,798 83,841 118,132 39,910 105,650 12,955 71,156 1,225 21,503 288,854 389,239
Source: Mysore District at a Glance, 1998-99, District Stntistical Officer, Mysorc

As a result of the implementation of various holdings, ceiling on land holdings and other land
tenancy laws, measures regarding consolidation of reforms, the agricultural land is now found distributed


amongst a large number of land holders. The constitute 18.3 per cent and the large sized land
following statement based on the Mysore district at holders constitute just 0.42 per cent. Though the
a glance 1998-99 gives a distribution of the land percentage of large sized land holders are just 0.42
holdings by size-group. per cent of the total extent of land held by this group
The figures clearly indicates that the number of is 5.52 per cent. The very small and small sized
persons holding less than 1 hectare of agricultural land holders, who together constitute more than 81
land (very small sized) are predominant in the district per cent hold below 50.00 per cent of the total
with 52.25 per cent, followed by small sized land agricultural land, which clearly indicates the uneven
holders, who constitute 29.02 per cent. The medium distribution of agricultural land amongst the land
sized land holders (2 hectares to 10 hectares) holders.

Principal Irrigated U n-irri8ated Total
Crops Area in Production Yield in Area in Production Yield in Area in Production Yield in
hectare in tones Kgs per hectare in tones Kgs per . hectare in tones Kgs per
hectare hectare hectare
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Paddy 109,666 499,288 4,792 109,666 499,288 4,792
Rice 109,666 333,026 3,197 109,666 333,026 3,197
Jowar 1,173 3,088 2,771 16,319 17,170 1,108 17,492 20,258 1,219
Bajra 6 3 493 6 3 493
Maize 65 ISO 2,429 17,537 74,989 4501 17,602 75,139 4,493
Ragi 5,659 9,626 1,791 78,011 123,534 1,667 83,670 133,160 1,675
Total Cereals 116,563 345,890 3,124 111,873 215,696 2,030 228,436 561,586 2,588
Total Millets 3 374
Total Pulses* 87,731 34,682 416
Total Foodgrains* 316,170 596,269 1,985
Note: * Data for irrigated and un-irrigated area separately are not available.

Crops Area in hectares Production in tones Yield in Kgs per

1 2 3 4
Oil Seeds Crops
Groundnut 11,790 13,149 1,174
Castor 2,476 1,146 487
Seasum 6,314 3,593 599
Soyabean 8 9 1,133
Niger Seed 2,809 578 208
Sun flower 5 3 591
Commercial Crops
Cotton 59,668 153~042 459
9,441 753,392 84
47,794 31,828 701
Plantation and Horticultural Crops
28 309 11,036
12 54 4,500
1,544 14,223 9,212
160 1,418 8,863
301 3,547 11,784
680 11,791 17,340
3 69 22,937


Crops Area in hectares Production in tones Yield in Kgs per

1 2 3 4
1,819 2,809 1,544
3 5 1,638
65 23 350
Cashewnut (Raw)
81 522 6,448
45 158 3,512
Cashewnut (Processed) 65 6 90
Lemon 3 30 10,001
Condiments and Spices Crops
Dry Chillies 2,000 564 282
Turmeric 331 1,On 3,30{}
Dry Ginger 140 1,830 1,320
Black Pepper 5 13 258
Arecanut (Raw) 453 1,589 3,583
Coriander 639 63 100
Arccanut (Processed) 453 322 717
Coconut 11,821 42,095 3,597
Souree: Fully Revised Estimates of Principal Crops in Karnataka for the year 1998-99, Directorate of Economics & Statistics,

Mysore district is divided into two Agro-climatic of 23,402 hectares in the district. Among the
zones namely Southern Dry Zone and Southern commercial crops, cotton, sugarcane and tobacco are
Transition Zone. The Southern Dry Zone consists of grown in the district. In terms of its yield, tobacco's
Nanjangud, Yelandur, T.Narasipur, Mysore and yield is 701 kgs per hectare. Potato, onion, tomato,
Krishnarajanagar taluks. Since more than 50 per cent beans, brinjal, banana, grapes, mango, papaya,
of the rain is received during Kharif season, this zone cashewnut, guava, sapota and lemon are plantation
is also known as Kharif Zone. The soils in this part and horticultural crops grown in the district. Among
of My sore are red sandy loams and black soils, which the condiments and spices, dry chillies, turmeric, dry
are suitable for growing principal crops like paddy, ginger, black pepper, arecanut, coriander and coconut
ragi, pulses, minor millets and sugarcane. The are being raised in the district. The details regarding
remaining taluks namely, Heggadadevankote, Hunsur its area, production and yield can be seen from the
and Piriyapatna comes under Southern Transition above table.
Zone. This zone is also predominantly a Kharif zone (12) Irrigation
as it receives more than 60 per cent of the rain during
kharif season. In major parts of the area the soils The inscription of the Gangas, Cholas, Hoysalas,
are red sandy loams and it is red loams in the the Vijayanagara and the Mysore rulers speaks of
remaining areas making it suitable for cultivation of the various means of irrigation facilities that were
principal crops like paddy, ragi, pulses, jowar and developed and patronage by them. These inscription
tobacco. The cropwise area, production and average talks about canals, tank, sluices and other sources
yield for the year 1998-99 under all seasons is given existed during their regime. Not only these facilities
in the above table. The table reveals that about 60.00 were created, but' considerable efforts were made
per cent of the net-cropped area are put under for the conservation of these facilities by way of
cultivation of cereal crops and minor millets. Of this undertaking of repairing works or de-silting of tanks
paddy and ragi alone constitute 28.8 per cent and and so on. An irrigation commission was set up by
21.9 per cent of the net cropped area. The yield in the Government of India and the commission in its
kg per hectare of paddy is 4,792 and that of maize report in March 1972 A.D made specific
is 4,493. The oil seed crops grown in the district are recommendations on the need for systematic
Groundnut, Castor, Sesamum, Soyabean, Nigerseed development of command area in the country. On
and Sunflower. These crops are grown in an area the basis of its recommendation, the State


Government constituted the Command Area irrigation channels and field drains, on farm
Development Authority (CADA) of the Cauvery Basin development, adoption ofwarabandi system for proper
projects at Mysore during 1974 A.D. to ensure rapid distribution of water, adoption and enforcement of
and optimum utilization of irrigation potential created suitable cropping pattem and development of areas,
through major and medium projects. The CADA was pertaining to agriculture, horticulture, sericulture etc.
made an autonomous statutory body as per the CADA The following table illustrates the taluk wise net area
act of 1980. The major functions of the CADA are, irrigated through various sources for the year 1998-
conservation of land and water, construction of field 99.
Name of Taluk Net area irrigated for .1998-99 (Area in hectares)
Canal Tank Wells Lift Bore Wells' Other Total
Irrigation sources
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Piriyapatna 2,295 1,776 282 30 215 4,598
Hunsur 6,530 1,892 2,007 41 10,470
Krishnarajanagara 27,040 1,101 675 124 28,940
Mysore 2,610 900 2,000 198 5,708
Heggadadevankote 6,019 1,958 1,776 85 9,838
Nanjangud 20,687 1,424 125 150 22,386
Tirumudal-Narsipur 28,850 1,010 961 200 154 31,175
Total 94,031 8,637 9,125 355 967 1,13,II5
Source: District at a Glance, 1999-2000, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Bangalore

As per the statistics given in the above table, same taluk, Hebballa reservoir project has been
about 83.0 per cent of the cropped area is being completed. An earthern dam has been constructed
irrigated through canals followed by 8.07 per cent across the Hebballa, a tributary to the Taraka River
and 7.64 per cent through wells and tanks respectively. in the taluk. An area of 1,235 hectare in the taluk is
Prior to Independence, Krishnarajasagar was the only benefited under this project. The district is also
major irrigation project undertaken in the district. After benefited by the Hemavathy Gorur reservoir project
the initiation of Five-year plan, couple of projects was in Hassan. About 2,266 hectare in Krishnarajanagar
accorded government approval and was completed. taluk of the district receive irrigation facility. Similarly,
After the construction of famous Krishnarajasagar the district is benefited by Harangi project at
dam, on the river Cauvery, the construction of left Sotnvarpet taluk ofJ(odagu district. The taluks, which
and Right Bank canal was' proposed. The left bank are covered under this.project, are Krishnarajanagara
canals was designed to provide irrigational facilities and Piriyapatna covering an area of 12,309 hectare
for 79,800 hectare in Mandya taluk and the right bank and 12,185 hectare respectively.
canal was to irrigate Mysore district. About an area Among the ongoing project, the Taraka project
of32,375 hectare will be benefited under this project. comprises of a reservoir across the river Taraka, a
Another project that was completed is the Nugu tributary to river Kabini near Penjahalli village in
Reservoir project, which consists of two canals Heggadadevankote taluk. It has been designed to
extended from the reservoir, constructed across the construct two canals on both bank~, in order to provide
river Nugu, a tributary to the river Kabini near Birwal irrigation to an extent of 7,040 hectare in the taluk.
village in Heggadadevankote taluk. The project was The administrative approval has been accorded vide
initiated in the year 1946 A.D. and was completed in government order No. P.W.D. 23 GLP 67 dated 12-
1959 A.D. 4-1970. The height of the dam is 32 metre and has
submerged an· extent of 1,093 hectare without
Sagare Doddakere project is another completed
affecting any village.
irrigation project constructed across the
Bandigaduhalla, a tributary to river Kabini near Another project, which is on the progress in the
Hegnur village in Heggadadevankote taluk. In the same taluk, is the Kabini, which comprises of a


reservoir across the river Kabini, a tributary to river parts of the district. These deposits include chromite,
Cauvery near Beechanahalli and Bidarhalli in the conmdum, graphite, kyanite, magnesite, limestone and
taluk. It is expected to cover an area of87,900 hectare dolomite, vermiculite, and ornamental building stones.
under this project. The administrative approval has Chromites occur in altered ultra basic rocks. Workable
been accorded during 1986 vide government order deposits of various grades and varying extent of
no P.W.D. 22 MKR 81 dated 24-6-1986. The dam is chromites occur mostly to the west of the line joining
28.96 metre high with the storage capacity of Mysore city and Nanjangud town. Occurrences of
552.42m. The construction of the dam has affected corundum are reported from Hunsur,
36 villages with the population of21,000, submerging Heggadadevankote and T. Narasipur taluks.
an extent of 6,402 hectares. Crystalline graphite in the form of an lenticular body
Different sources of irr.igation are prevalent in occurs at Heggadadevankote. Also in the same taluk,
the district for the purpose of cultivation. Kyanite and sillimanite are reported. Usually Kyanite
Total area sown in the district is 465,961 hectars and sillimanite occur mostly together as constituents
out of which net area under irrigation by different of the pelitic schists, quartzites and gneisses over a
sources is 113, ll5 hectares. vast stretch of the taluk. Deposits of magnesite which
occur as a network of intersecting veins in the
The given table shows talukwise break up of area
under irrigation by different sources. ultrabase rock are extracted in Hunsur, Mysore and
Nanjangud taluks. Notable deposits of limestone and
The irrigation facilities are available in all the dolomite are quarried in Heggadadevankote taluk and
taluks of the district, however it is more in the taluks
these ~re gray in colour interlayered with their cherty
of Tirumakudal Narsipur, Krishnarajanagar and
quartzite. Soapstone is quarried in Mysore and
Nanjangud taluks, which together constitute nearly
Heggadadevankote taluks. Vermiculite which occurs
two thirds of the total ilTigated area of the district,
at the contact of the ultramafic rocks and the gneisses
the other four taluks share the remaining one third of
the irrigated area. The highest irrigated area is in is being extracted in Hunsur and Mysore taluks. Apart
Tirumakudal Narsipur taluk (27.56 per cent) and the from these, minor minerals like building stones,
least is in Piriyapatna taluk (4.06 per cent). ornamental stones, brick earth, ordinary sand, molding
sand, and lime kanakar arc available in most parts of
(13) Natural Wealth
the district. The taluk wise details of major and minor
Though the district is not rich in its mineral wealth, minerals resources available in the district are given
occurrence of few of them are repoJ1ed from certain in the following table.


Sl. Taluk TyPe of Mineral Remarks

No. Major Minor
1 2 3 4 5
Piriyapatna Building Stone
Ornamental Stone

2 Hunsur Magnesite Ornamental Stone

Vermiculite Brick earth
Corundum Ordinary Sand
Building Stone

3 Krishnarajanagara Building Stone

Brick earth


Sl. Taluk Type of Mineral Remarks

No. Major Minor
1 2 3 4 5
4 Mysore Felsite Building stone Because of variegated colours of
Soap Stone Brick earth felsite, they are used in various
Magnesite building constructions. Enough
Dunite scope is there for investigation due
Vermiculite south and south-west of Mysore
5 Heggadadevankote Dolomite, Ordinary sand Bands of Dolomite are exposed near
Kyanite Bettadabidu on the road to
Soap Stone H.D.Kote and about 7 Million
Graphite Tonnes of Dolomite is estimated to
Corundum be available

6 Nanjangud Magnestie Ornemental stone Magnestie : Hullahalli and Karya

Asbestos Building stone are held under mining lease.
Chromite(Pocket deposit) Brick earth Good quality of Magnesite can be
Ordinary sand made available in Hanagodu in
Lime Kankar Hunsur taluk.
Asbestos : Even though the blocks
are held under lease the out crop is
traced upto 3 Kms and deserves
further exploration. West of
Mavinahalli can also be investigated.
Konur 20 Km. SE of Nanjangud can
be taken up.
Ornamental Stone: the ornamental
stone building stone resources are
quite large and needs investigation.

7 Tirumakudal Narsipur Moulliing sand Ordinary stone

Corundum Building stone
Source: Department of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Kamataka

(14) Animal Husbandry total livestock population in the' state. As a result

of Intensive Poultry Developme:Qt Programme,
The livestock wealth occupies a vital place
the district poultry population has increased to
in any rural economy, as it constitutes the basis
12.53 lakhs by 1998-99, and ranks at 4th place
for agricultural prosperity. Livestock development
in poultry population in the state. The following
in the district has been undergoing revolutionary
table provides the total livestock wealth in the
changes in the recent past. Right from the days
of Vijayanagar viceroys, importance was given
to livestock rearing. More importance was given As per the latest statistics, the total milk
to breeding of indigenous cattle.' Two types of production in the district is 259 thousand tormes and
cattle namely, the Hallikar breed known for about 1,150 lakhs of eggs are produced annually. The
drought cattle and Amrit Mahal were reared on development seen in livestock wealth is a result of
a large scale in the district. Even today breeding organised functioning offew institutions in the district.
of these two varieties are being undertaken They are, one Poultry Rearing Centre at Tirumakudal
throughout the district. The recent development Narasipur taluk, an Intensive Poultry and Egg
in this sector had pushed the district to rank 5 th Marketing Centre and a Sheep Breeders Association
place in its cattle wealth and 12th place in its at Mysore.



SI. No_ Name of Livestock Total Livestock
1 2 3
Cattle 559,492
2 Buffaloes 87,282
3 Sheep 224,134
4 Goats 137,780
5 Pigs 3,145
6 Rabbits 449
7 Dogs 65,365
8 Other Livestock 324
Total Livestock 1,077,971
Total Poultry 1,253,000
Source: A Handbook of Karnataka - 2001, Gazetteer Department, Government of Karnataka.

(14A) Veterinary Services productivity of livestock and the spread of veterinary

The adoption of modern techniques of breeding, services has resulted in improvement in animal health.
feeding management and disease control has The details regarding various services available in the
contributed to ·the overall enhancement of the district are given below.


Sl. No. VeterinarY Services No. of Institutions

1 2 3
Hospital 16
2 Dispensaries 37
3 Primary Veterinary Centres 104
4 Mobile Dispensaries 07
5 Artificial Insemination Centres 09
Total 173
Source: Kamataka at a Glance 2000-2001, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Kamataka.

(15) Fisheries support this activity. Marketing which is most

Fishing activity is confined to inland fishing sources important of any economic activity is provided by the
through its rivers, reservoirs, tanks, ponds, and wells. department as well as by the private agencies. As
As per the latest statistics, there are 207 major tanks such there are two fish markets run by the department
with the water-spread area of6,383.12 hectares. Also and two by the private agencies. The government
there are 870 minor tanks with the water spread area has introduced various welfare schemes for the
of 2,935.0 hectares. Besides these, three reservoirs benefit of fishermen population in the district. The
with the water spread area of 8,585.00 hectars adds active fishermen in the district numbers to 18,724,
to the source of fishing activity in the district. The which rank at 3rd in having largest population among
total fish production for the year 1998-99 is estimated the districts. Some of the schemes introduced for the
as 10,021.38 Metric tons and this has been possible benefit of these fishermen include Group Accident
with the support of 4 fish production farms and 6 fish Insurance, CSS Development of Model Fishermen
rearing farms_ To augment the fishing activity in the Villages, CSS for Motorization of Traditional Fishing
district, private agencies were also encouraged to Craft, CSS for reimbursement of central excise duty
venture into this sector to explore all possible means. on diesel used by mechanized boats, Subsidy on sales
As such there are three private fish seed production tax payment of distress relief fund etc. The following
centre and 7 fish seed-rearing centre. Further seven table highlights in brief the fishing activity in the
Ice plants, two cold storage and one Frozen plant district.



Estimated Fish Production In MTs
Fish Seed Stocked In lakh fingerlings
a) Reservoirs
b) Major Tanks 116.05
c) Minor Tanks 12.64
Total 128.69
a) Cultured 9,387.90
b) Natural 633.48
Total 10,021.38
Source: Statistical Bulletin of Fisheries 1998-99, Directorate of Fisheries, Government of Kamatka

(16) Industries Highest number of establishments are located in

From the point of view of industrial development, Mysore. Most of them are engaged in the field of
there is not much significant and noteworthy to . chemical, engineering and also textiles. Of the
mention about its growth in the district. There are different industries that flourished in the district,
no thermal power or diesel power generating stations sericulture and handloom weaving are the important
in the district. The inscriptions point out some of economic activities, which provide work and
the industries that flourished in the past. Industries livelihood to many in rural and urban areas. Some
engaged in weaving, production of rock salt, oil of the important industries are as foilow: 1) The
presses, carpet weaving, pottery, carpentry, tanning Govt. Sandalwood Oil Factory,. 2) Govt. Silk
etc, were in existerice since ancient time. The Weaving Factory, 3) Govt. Silk Filatures, 4) Mysore
development of modern industries in the district Lac and Paints, 5) South India Paper Mills in
started during the early years of 19 th century. During Nanjangud, 6) Sunanda Aromatic Industries, 7)
1998-99, there were about 461 registered factories. Hunsur Plywood Works at Hunsur.


Name of Taluk Number of Factories in the District No. Employed
Textiles Chemic~ls Engineering Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna 4 5 9 1,310
Hunsur 3 8 11 2,300
Krishnarajanagar 3 4 825
Mysore 3 29 40 306 378 29,851
Nanjangud 5 5 2 32 44 10,240
Tirumakudal Narsipur 14 15 1,085
Total 16 34 43 368 461 45,611
Source: District at a Glance 1998-99, Mysore, Government of Karnataka.

(17) Trade a·nd Commerce Development Banks are functioning in all the
taluks. As on 31.3.99 there are 171 commercial
Trade and Commerce have an important place
banks in the district, of which Mysore itself has
in the economy of the district. Mysore city is the
main centre of all trading and commercial activities. 117 being the highest and Heggadadevankote with
All the taluk headquarters and the municipal towns only 3. The district has 53 rural banks, 11 urban
of Bannur, Sargur, Nanjangud, Krishnarajanagara co-operative banks and 7 primary hmd development
are some of the important centres for trade and banks at the rate one bank for each taluk. These
commerce. All the taluks have branches of banks provide financial help to merchants and small
commercial banks. . State Agricultural and Rural enterprenuers.


There are number of co-operative societies and Heggadadevankote and Nanjangud, in all other taluks
regulated markets in every taluk to help the farmers a sub-market is also functioning, especially Mysore is
to secure better price. As such there are agricultural known for having important regulated market for fruits,
co-operative societies, Milk co-operative societies and flowers and vegetables, onions and potatoes. The
other societies functioning in the district. Also there is talukwise details of number of co-operative societies
one regulated market in every tal uk and except in and regulated markets in the district are given below.


Name ofTaluk Number of Banks as on 31.03.1999

Commercial Regional Rural Urban Co-op Other Co-op Primary Land
Banks Banks Banks Banks Development
2 3 4 5 6
Piriyapatna 8 4
Hunsur 11 4
Krishnarajanagar 8 8
Mysore 117 8 10
I-Ieggadadevankote 3 12
Nanjangud 13 9
Tirumakudal Narsipur 11 8 1
Total 171 53 11 1 7
_-----_.----- ------- - - - - - - - - ... _ - - - - - - - -
Source: Mysorc District at a Glance 1998-99, District Statistical Officer, Mysore


Name ofTaluk Co-operation and Agricultural Marketing as on 31.03.99
Co-operative Societies Regulated Markets
Agriculture Milk Others Total Uqui- Main Sub Total Turnover
Producers dated in crores
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Piriyapatna 30 64 23 II7 16 2 2,492
Hunsur 31 72 48 151 30 2 1,428
Krishnarajanagar 23 66 45 134 38 2 1,225
Mysorc 28 63 475 566 88 2 - 15,326
Heggadadevankote 27 29 69 125 53 3,850
Nanjangud 30 74 33 137 19 3,086
Timmakudal Narsipur 25 66 73 164 48 2 3,744
Total 194 434 766 1394 292 7 5 12 31,151
Source, Mysore District at a Glance 1998-99, District- Statistical Officer, Mysorc

(18) Transport and Communication and Timmakudal Narasipur as NH-209 on June-july

Mysore district is well served by a large network 1999 and work is also in progress. Similarly, the
of roads connecting all the taluks and important trading Mysorc-Bammr-Malavalli road is also likely to be
centres outside the district. It has a total road length elevated as national highway very shortly. As per
of 6,060_8 kms by the year end 1999. As per the statistics given below, the roads in the district are
statistics given in the table, there are no national classified as State highways, district major roads, other
highways passing -through the district. However a district roads, village roads, TDB roads, Municipal
decision has been taken to declare the Kozikode- roads, and forest roads. The taluk wise details of road
Kollegal section passing through Nanjangud, M:ysore length are given below.



Name ofTaluk Length of Roads in kms. Major
National State Dist. Other Village TDB Forest Irrigation Muniei Paneha Total Bridges
High Way High Major Dist. Roads Roads Roads Dept. pality yat Roads
Way Roads Roads Roads Roads Roads
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Piriyapatna 72 153 37 317 200 0.8 2 781.8
Hunsur 55 146 23 344 269 221 1,058.0 2
Krishnarajanagar 39 118 49 246 229 86 768.0 2
Mysore 102 164 41 258 250 127 440 1,382.0
Heggadadevankote 68 102 242 96 201 293 1,005.0 3
Nanjangud 38 215 25 292 225 52 847.0 6
Tirumakuda1 Narsipur - 41 140 30 367 337 45 960.0 4
Total ,415 1,038 205 2,066 1,606 201.8 741 526 6,801.8 17
---_ ... ... ...... - ..._---
- - -

Source: Mysore District at a Glance 1998-99, District Statistical Officer, Mysore

The total length of railways in the district is 102 through Krishnarajanagar, Mysore and Nanjangud.
Krns. Of the total railway length, 59 lans are broad Apart from this, the railway department is planning
gauge and 43 Kms. are metre gauge respectively. to implement the long-standing demand for Mysore-
The metre gauge line passes through Mysore and Madikeri railway line. The taluk wise length of rail-
Nal1iangud, and the total length of railways passes ways is given in the following table.
Name of Taluk Length of Railway Line in klns. Railway Stations
Broad Gauge Meter Gauge Mixed Gauge Total
1 2 3 4 5 6
Krishnarajanagar 41 41 6
Mysore 18 18 36 8
Nanjangud 25 25 6
Tirumakudal Narsipur
Total 59 43 102 20

Further the district has 414 Post Offices, 595 of thcsc facilitics arc locatcd at Mysore taluk.
telegraph offices, 78 Telephone Exchanges and Talukwise details can be seen from the following
good number of telephone connections. Majority table.
Name of Taluk Communication Facilities
Post Offices Telegraph Offices Telephone Exchanges Telephones
1 2 3 4 5
Piriyapatna 43 327 7 1,673
Hunsur 43 37 9 3,188
Krishnarajanagar 50 33 7 2,694
Mysore 107 80 27 63,863
Heggadadevankote 50 35 11 1,511
Nanjangud 69 44 11 3,982
Tirumakudal Narsipur 52 39 6 2,005
Total 414 595 78 78,916
Source: Mysorc District at a Glance _I998-99, District Statistical Officer, Mysore

(19) Electricity and Power KEB) is mainly vested with the functions of
Karnataka has a place of pride in the history of transmission and distribution of power in the entire
power generation in the country. KPTCL - Karnataka state. The Corporation has been attaching great
Power Transmission Corporation Limited (erstwhile importance to electrification of villages and hamlets,


tribal colonies and harijan basthis and energisation of Statement gives below shows talukwise number
irrigation pumpsets. Besides, this with a view to benefit
of villages electrified and talukwise energisation of
weakest among the section of society schemes called
Bhagya JyothilKutir Jyothi have been introduced. IP as on 31.3.1999 in Mysore District.


SL No. Name of District I Taluk No. of Villages electrified No. of IP Set energised No. of Bhagyajyothi
1 2 3 4 5
MYSORE 64,717*

Piriyapatna 195 2,181

2 Hunsur 176 3,279
3 Krishnarajanagar 148 1,516
4 Mysore 127 4,680
5 Heggadadevankote 222 2,748
6 Nanjangud 170 4,768
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 123 4,108
Source: Annual Administration Report, 1999-2000, Kamataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd., Bangalore
Note: * Talukwisc details arc not available

v) CENSUS CONCEPT Semi-permanent houses

Building Houses in which either the wall or the 'roof is
made of permanent material and the other is made
A 'Building' is generally a single structure on the
of temporary material.
ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than one
component unit which are used or likely to be used Temporary houses
as dwellings (residences) or establishments such as Houses in which both walls and roof are made
shops, business houses, offices, factories, workshops, of materials, which have to be replaced frequently.
worksheds, Schools, places of entertainment, places Walls may be made from anyone of the following
of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible
temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo,
that building which have component units may be used
plastic, polythene, mud, unburnt bricks or wood. Roof
for a combination of purposes such as shop-cum-
may be made from anyone of the following temporary
residence, workshop-cum-residence, office-cum-
materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, wood, mud,
residence, etc.
plastic or polythene.
Usually a structure will have four walls and a
Dwelling Room
roof. But in some areas the very nature of
construction of houses is such that there may not be A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has
any wall. Such is the case of conical structures where walls with a doorway and a roof and should be wide
entrance is also provided but they may not have any and long enough for a person to sleep in, i.e. it should
walls. Therefore, such of the conical structures are have a length of not less than 2 meters and a breadth
also treated as separate buildings. of at least 1.5 meters and a height of 2 meters. A
dwelling room would include living room, bedroom,
Permanent houses
dining room, drawing room, study room, servant's
Houses, the walls and roof of which are made of room and other habitable. rooms. Kitchen, bathroom,
permanent materials. The material of walls can be latrine, store room, passage-way and verandah which
anyone from the following, namely, galvanized iron are not normally usable for living are not considered
sheets or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, burnt as dwelling rooms. A room, used for multipurpose
bricks, stones or concrete. Roof may be made of such as sleeping, sitting, dining, storing, cooking, etc.,
from anyone of the following materials, namely, tiles, is regarded as a dwelling room. In a situation where
slate, galvanized iron sheets, metal sheets, asbestos a census house is used as a shop or office., etc., and
sheets, bricks, stones or concrete. . the household also stays in it then the room is not


considered as a dwelling room. But if a garage or be a situation where within an enclosed compound
servant quarter is used by a servant and if she/ he there are separate buildings owned by an undertaking
also lives in it as a separate household then this has or company or even government that are actually in
been considered as a dwelling room available to the occupation of different persons. For example, Indian
servant's household. Tent or conical shaped hut if Oil Corporation colony where the buildings are owned
used for living by any household is also considered by the Corporation but these are in occupation of
as dwelling room. their employees. Each such building was treated as
A dwelling room, which is shared by more than a separate building. But if in anyone of these buildings
one household, has not been counted for any of them. there were flats in occupation of different households,
If two households have a dwelling room each but in each such flat was reckoned as a separate census
addition also share a common dwelling room, then house.
the common room has not been counted for either of Sometimes it becomes difficult to apply the
the houseJwlds. definition of census house strictly in certain cases.
Census House F or example, in an urban area, if a flat has five rooms,
each room having direct entrance from the common
A 'census house' is a building or part of a building
staircase or courtyard, by definition, this has to be
used or recognised as a separate unit because of
treated as five census houses. If all these five rooms
having a separate main entrance from the road or
are occupied by a single household it was riot realistic
common courtyard or staircase, etc. It may be
to treat them as five census houses. In such a
occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or
case, 'singleness' of use of these rooms along with
non residential purpose or both.
the main house should be considered and the entire
In certain peculiar situations, the manner in which flat was treated as one census house. On the other
buildings and census houses were identified for hand, if two independent households occupy these
numbering in the field by the enumerators is described . five rooms, the first household living in 3 rooms and
hereunder: the second household occupying 2 rooms, then
Sometimes a series of different buildings are found considering the use, the first three rooms together
along a street which are joined with one another by were treated as one census house and the remain~g
common walls on either side looking like a continuous rooms as another census house. But if each room
structure. These different units are practically was occupied by an independent household, then each
independent of one another and are likely to have such room was treated as a separate census house.
been built at different times and owned by different In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door
persons. In such cases, though the whole structure of each room in which ~n inmate lives opens to a
with all the adjoining units apparently appears to be common verandah, staircase, courtyard or a common
one building, each portion was treated as a separate room, as it happens almost invariably, the entire hostel!
building and its constituent units as separate census Hotel building was treated as one census house. But
houses. if such hostels/ hotels have out houses or other
On the other hand, one may come across cases, structures used for different purposes or the same
particularly in large cities of multistoreyed ownership purpose, then each such structure attached to the main
flats. In these cases while the structure looks like hostel/hotel was treated as a separate census house.
one building, different persons own the flats. In case In some parts of the country, in rural areas, the
of such multi storeyed structures, having a number of pattern of habitation is such that a group of huts,
flats owned by different persons, the entire structure located in a compound, whether enclosed or
was treated as one building and each flat as a separate unenclosed, is occupied by one household. While the
census house. main residence may be located in one hut, other huts
If within a large enclosed area, there are separate may be used for sleeping, as a kitchen, bath room,
buildings owned by different persons then each such baithak, etc. Though each of the huts was a separate
building is treated as a separate building. There can structure, they form a single housing unit and


therefore, have to be treated collectively as one For identification of places which would qualifY
building and one census house. If some of the huts to be classified as ·urban' all villages, which, as per
are used by one household and the others by a second the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above,
household as residence, then the two groups of huts a population density of 400 persons per sq. km. and
were treated as separate census houses. However, having at least 75 per cent of male working population
if there were also other huts in the compound used engaged in nonagricultural activity were considered.
for other purposes and not as part of the household's To work out the proportion of male working population
residence such as, cattle shed, workshed, etc., these refen·ed to above against b) (ii), the data relating to
were treated as separate census houses. main workers were taken into account.
Apart from these, the outgrowths (OGs) of cities
On the other hand, in urban areas, where more
and towns have also been treated as urban under
than one structure within an enclosed or open
'Urban Agglomerations'. Examples of outgrowths are
compound (premises) belonging to the same person,
railway colonies, university campuses, port areas,
e.g., the main house, the servant's quarter, the garage,
military camps, etc., that may have come up near a
etc., only one building number was given for this group
statutory town or city but within the revenue limits of
and each of the constituent a separate census house
a village or villages contiguous to the town or city.
Each such individual area by itself may not satisfY
Only cases where a structure with roof and pillars the demographic criteria laid down at (b) above to
has come up was treated as a building. qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit
but may deserve to be clubbed with the towns as a
continuous urban spread. Thus, the town level data,
The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue village wherever presented, also includcs the data for
which has definite surveyed boundaries. The revenue outgrowths of such towns.
village may comprise of one or more hamlets but the
entire village is treated as one unit for presentation
of data. In unsurveyed areas, like villages within forest Towns with population of 100,000 and above are
areas, each habitation area with locally recognized called cities.
boundaries is treatcd as one village. Urban Agglomeration
Rural-Urban area An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban
The data in tables on Houses, Household spread constituting a town and its adjoining urban
Amenities and Assets are presented separately for outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically
rural and urban areas. The unit of classification in contiguous towns together and any adjoining urban
this regard is 'town' for urban areas and 'village' for outgrowths of such towns. In some cases railway
colonies, university campuses, port areas, etc., may
rural areas. In the Census of India 2001, the definition
come up near a city or statutory town outside its
of urban area adopted is as follows:
statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a
a) All places with a municipality, corporation, village or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each
cantonment board or notified .town area committee, such individual area by itself may not satisfy the
etc. minimum popUlation limit to qualify it to be treated as
b) A place satisfYing the following three criteria an independent urban unit but may deserve to be
simultaneously: clubbed with the town as a continuous urban spread.

i) A minimum popUlation of5,000; For the purpose of delineation of Urban

Agglomerations during Census of India 2001,
u) at least 75 per cent of male working following criteria are taken as pre-requisites:
popUlation engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and
(a) The core town or at least one of the
iii) a density of population of at least 400 per sq. constituent towns of an urban agglomeration
km.CI,OOO per sq.mile) should necessarily be.a statutory town; and


(b) The total population of all the constituents (i.e., the open in places of worship, mantaps, railway
towns and outgrowths) of an Urban platforms, etc., are treated as Houseless Households.
Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
(as per the 1991 Census).
Article 341 of the Constitution provides that the
With these two basic criteria having been met, President may, with respect to any State or Union
the following are the possible different situations in
territory, specifY the castes, races or tribes or parts
which Urban Agglomerations would be constituted: of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall
i) a city or town with one or more contiguous for the purposes of the Constitution be deemed to be
outgrowths; Scheduled Castes in relation to that State or Union
it) two or more adjoining towns with their territory. Article 342 similarly provides for
outgrowths; and specification of tribes or tribal communities or parts
of or groups within tribes or tribal communities which .
ill) a city and one or more adjoining towns with are to be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution
their outgrowths all of which form a to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the various States
continuous -spread. and Union territories. In pursuance of these provisions,
Household the list of Scheduled Castes and / or Scheduled Tribes
are notified for each State and Union territory and
A 'household' is usually.a group of persons who
are valid only within the jurisdiction of that State or
normally live together and take their meals from a
Union territory and not outside.
common kitchen unless the exigencies of work
prevent any of them from doing so. Persons in a It is important to mention here that under the
household may be related or unrelat~d or a mix of Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, no
both. However, if a group of unrelated persons live person who professed a religion different from
in a census house but do not take th·eir meals from Hinduism was deemed to be a member of a
the common kitchen, then they are not constituent of Scheduled Castes in addition to every member of the
a common household. Each such person was to be Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi, Majhabi or Sikligar caste
treated as a separate household. The important link resident in Punjab or Patiala and East Punjab States
in finding out whether it was a household or not was Union were in relation to that State whether they
a common kitchen. There may be one member professed the Hindu or the Sikh religion. Subsequently,
households, two member households or multimember in September 1956, by an amendment, the Presidential
households. Order of 1950 and in all subsequent Presidential
Orders relating to Scheduled Castes, the Hindu and
Institutional Household
the Sikh religions were placed on the same footing
A group of unrelated persons who live in an with regard to the specification of Scheduled Castes.
institution and take their meals from a common Later on, as per the amendment made in the
kitchen is called an Institutional Hous~hold. Examples Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the
of Institutional Households are boarding houses, Hindu, the Sikh and the Buddhist were placed on the
messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, same footing with regard to the recognition of the
orphanages, etc. To make the definition more clearly Scheduled Castes.
perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 2001,
The list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
it was specifically mentioned that this category of
are notified for e~ch State and Union Territory and
households would cover only those households where
are valid only within the jurisdiction of that State or
a group of unrelated persons live in an institution and
Union Territory and not outside. In respect of
share a common kitchen. Kamataka State the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Houseless Household Tribes as contained in the Scheduled Castes &
Households who do not live in buildings or census Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 are
. houses but live in the open on roadside, pavements, valid for the purpose of Census of India, 2001. With
in hume pipes, under flyovers and staircases, or in the promulgation of Act 39 of 1991 however, the sub


entries Naik, Nayak, Beda, Bedar and Valmiki were 35 Ganti Chores
added under the main entry at S.No. 38 (Naikda, 36 Garada, Gara
Nayaka, .... .).ofthe Scheduled Tribes list of the State. 37 Godda
There are in all 101 Scheduled Castes and 49 38 Gosangi
Scheduled Tribes in the State which are listed below: 39 Halleer
List of Scheduled Castes 40 Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar,Halasvar
1 Adi Andhra 41 Handi logis
2 Adi Dravidn 42 Hasla
3 Adi Kamataka 43 Holar, Valhar
4 Adiya (in Coorg district) 44 . Holaya, Holer, Holeya
5 Ager 45 Holeya Dasari
6 Ajila 46 laggali
7 Anamuk 47 lambuvulu
8 Aray Mala 48 Kadaiyan
9 Arunthathiyar 49 Kalladi
10 Arwa Mala 50 Kepmaris
11 Baira 51 Kolupulvandlu
12 Bakad 52 Koosa
13 Bant (in Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwar and 53 Koracha
North Kanara districts) 54 Korama
14 Bakuda 55 Kotegar, Metri
15 Balagai 56 Kudumb~
16 Bandi 57 Kuravan
17 Banjara, Lambani 58 Lingader
18 Bathada 59 Machala
19 Beda langam, Budga langam 60 Madari
20 Bellara 61 Madiga
21 Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana,Rukhi, Malkana, 62 Mahar, Taral, Dhegu Megu
Halalkhor, Lalbegi,Balmiki, Korar, 63 Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vankar, Maru Vankar
Zadmalli 64 Maila
22 Bhambi. Bhambi, Asadaru, Asodi, 65 Mala
Chamadia, Chamar, Chambhar, Chamgar, 66 Mala Dasari
Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigar, 67 Mala Hannai
Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi, Muchi, 68 Mala langam
Telegu Mochi, Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, 69 Mala Masti
Rohidas, Rohit, Samgar 70 Mala Sale, Netkani
23 Bhovi 71 Mala Sanyasi
24 Bindla 72 Mang, Matang, Minimadig
25 Byagara 73 Mang Garudi, Mang Garodi
26 Chakkiliyan 74 Manne
27 Chalavadi, Chalvadi, Channayya 75 Masthi
28 Chandala 76 Mavilan
29 Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar 77 Meghval, Menghvar
30 Dakkal, Dokkalwar 78 Moger
31 Dakkaliga 79 Mukri
32 Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya 80 Mundala
33 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 81 Nadia, Hadi
34 Ellamalwar, Yellammalawandlu 82 Nalkadaya


83 Nalakeyava 20 Kattunayakan .
84 Nayadi 21 Kokna, Kokni, Kukna
85 Pale 22 Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha
86 Pallan 23 Konda Kapus
87 Pambada 24 Koraga
88 Panchama 25 Kota
89 Paniliandi 26 Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya
90 Paraiyan, Paraya 27 Kudiya, Melakudi
91 Paravan 28 Kuruba (in Coorg district)
92 Raneyar 29 Kurumans
93 Samagara 30 Maha Malasar
94 Samban 31 Malaikudi
95 Sapari 32 Malasar
96 Sillekyathas 33 Malayekandi
97 Sindhollu, Chindollu 34 Maleru
98 Sudugadu Siddha 35 Maratha (in Coorg district)
99 Thoti 36 Marati (in South Kanara district)
100 Tigar, Tirbanda 37 Meda
101 Valluvan 38 Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka,
Kapadia Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, Nana
List of Scheduled Tribes Nayaka, Naik, Nayak, Bed~, Bedar and
1 Adiyan 39 Palliyan
2 Barda 40 Paniyan
3 Bavacha, Bamcha 41 Pardhi, Advichincher, Phanse Pardhi
4 Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri 42 Patelia
Bhil, Dungri Garasia, Mewasi Bhil, 43 Rathawa
Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia, 44 Sholaga
Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, Vasave "45 Soligaru
5 Chenchu, Chenchwar 46 Toda
6 Chodhara 47 Varli
7 Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 48 Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia "
8 Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi, 49 Yerava"
9 Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond Language and Mother tongue
10 Gowdalu
As per the Census concept, each language is a
11 Hakkipikki
group of mother tongues. The census questionnaire
12 Hasalaru
collects information on the mother tongue of each
13 Irular
person and mother tongue is defmed as the language
14 Iruliga
spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the
15 Jenu Kuruba
person. If the mother died in infancy, the language
16 Kadukuruba
17 Kammara (in South Kanara district and mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood will
Kollegal taluk of Mysore district) be the mother tongue. In the case of infants and deaf
18 Kaniyan, Kanyan (in Kollegal taluk of mutes, the language usually spoken by the mother is
Mysore district) considered as mother tongue. It is not necessary that
19 Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor the language spoken as mother tongue should have
Katkari, Son Kathodi, Son Katkari "a script. The mother tongues returned by the


respondents in census are classified and grouped under Marginal worker

appropriate languages according to their linguistic A person who worked for less than six months
of the reference period ( i.e. in the last one year
Literate preceding the date of enumeration) in any economic
A person aged 7 years and above who can both activity is termed as 'Marginal worker' .
read and write with understanding in any language is Non-worker
taken as literate. A person who can only read but
cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary that A person who has not worked at all in any
to be considered as literate, a person should have economically productive activity during the reference
received any formal education or passed any minimum period (i.e. last one year preceding the date of
educational standard. Literacy could also have been enumeration) is termed as 'Non worker'.
achieved through adult literacy classes or through any Cultivator
non-formal educational system. People who are blind
and can read in Braille are treated as literates. For purposes of the Census a person is classified
as cultivator if she or he is engaged in cultivation
Literacy rate
on land owned or held from government or held from
Literacy rate of the population is defined as the private persons or institutions for payment in money,
percentage of literates in the age group seven years
kind or share. Cultivation includes effective
and above. For different age groups the percentage
supervision or direction in cultivation.
of literates in that age group gives the literacy rate.
A person who has given out her/his land to
Educational level
another person or persons or institution(s) for
The highest level of education a person has cultivation for money, kind or share of crop and who
does not even supervise or direct cultivation in
Work exchange ofland, is not treated as cultivator. Similarly,
Work IS defined as participation in any a person working on another person's land for wages
economically productive activity with or without in cash or kind or a combination of both (agricultural
compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may labourer) is not treated as cultivator.
be physical and/or mental in nature. Work involves
Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing, harvesting
not only actual work but also includes effective
and production of cereals and millet crops such as
supervision and direction of work. It even includes
wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc., and other crops
part time help or unpaid work on farm, family
enterprise or in any other economic activity. All such as sugarcane, tobacco, groundnuts, tapioca, etc.,
persons engaged in 'work' as defined above are and pulses, raw jute and kindred fiber crop, cotton,
workers. Persons who are engaged in cultivation or cinchona and other medicinal plants, fruit growing,
milk production even solely for domestic consumption vegetable growing or keeping orchards or groves, etc.
are also treated as workers. Cultivation does not include the following plantation
Reference period for determining a person as crops - tea, coffee, rubber, coconut and betelnuts
worker and non-worker is one year preceding the (areca).
date of enumeration. Agricultural labourer
Main worker A person who works on another person's land
A person who has worked for major part of the for wages in cash or kind or share is regarded as an
reference period ( i.e. six months or more during the agricultural labourer. Shelhe has no risk in the
last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in cultivation, but merely works on another person's land
any economically productive activity is termed as for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of
'Main worker' .
lease or contract on land on which she/he works.


Household industry worker Sex ratio

Household industry is defined as an .industry Number of females per 1000 males III a
conducted by the head of the household herself/himself population
and or by the members of the household at home or
within the village in rural areas and only within the
precincts of the house where the household lives in
urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in
household industry should consist of members of the Improved drinking water
household including the head. The industry should not
If the household had access to drinking water
be run on the scale of a registered factory which
supplied from a tap, hand pump, tube well or well
would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian
(protected or covered) situated within or outside the
Factories Act and should be engaged in manuf~cturing, premises, it is considered as having access to
processing, servicing and repairs of goods. A person improved drinking water.
who has been engaged in the economic activity like
It may be mentioned that such unifonn definition
above is termed as Household Industry Worker.
may not be valid across all states.
It does not include professions such as a Pleader,
System of sewerage
Doctor; Musician, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer,
Dhobi, Barber, etc. or merely trade or business, even Generally, a sewerage system would mean a
if such professions, trade or services are run at home network of mains and branches of underground
conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point
by members of the household.
of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and
Other worker industrial wastage are called separate sewers; those
A person who has been engaged in some that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other
economic activity during the referenc~ period but not surfaces are known as storm water drains, while those
as a cultivator or agricultural labourer or in Household carrying both sewage and storm water are called
combined sewers. However, in some towns which
Industry is termed as an 'Other Worker (OW)'. The
are not provided with such underground sewerage
type of workers that come under this category of
system, it is served by open surface drain, box drain,
'OW' include all government servants, municipal
sylk pattern drain, etc., in these towns.
employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation
workers, those engaged in trade, commerce, business, Type of latrine and Method of disposal of night
transport, banking, mining, construction, political or soil
social work, priests, entertainment artists, etc. In There are three prevalent systems of disposal of
effect, all those workers other than cultivators or human wastes, viz.(i) underground sewerage, (ii)
agricultural labourers or household industry workers, sanitary water flush latrines with individual disposal
are 'Other Workers'. systems, like septic tank, leaching cess pool and
collecting well, and (iii) dry type of latrines with
Work participation rate manual scavenging.
Percentage of workers (main + marginal) to total The system of underground sewerage provides
population. for the street sewerage with which are connected
Population density the sanitary latrines constructed in the houses having
water closets and fitted with flushing cistern (or hand
Population density is th.e number of persons
flushing). Through this sewer the faecal matter is
inhabited per square kilometer of the area. transported without the need for scavenging. This
Age system generally exists in Cities and big towns.
Age is measured in terms of the completed Where the streets sewer does not exist these
number of years. sanitary water flush latrines are connected to a local


septic tank with a subsoil dispersion system or a Natural growth rate

leaching pit. Here the liquid wastes from the water Growth rate is obtained as the difference between
closet is disposed of locally in leaching pit, a septic crude birth rate and crude death rate in the absence
tank with a soil dispersion system is constructed. This of migration.
dispersion requires an optimum travel through the
Age specific fertility rate (ASFR)
pores of the soil which renders the hannfl.ll liquid
bacterially innocuous by the slow process of filtration Number of live births in a year to female
through the soil traversed. population in any specified age group normally
expressed per 1,000 women.
Where the soil is impermeable, collecting wells
are constructed and the sanitary water flush latrines Number of live births in a
are connected with them. These wells are cleaned particular age group
at periodic intervals by a suitable device. The dry ASFR= --------------------------------------- x 1,000
type of latrines are of service type latrines from where Midyear female population
human excreta is removed by scavengers from house of the same age group
to house, in most cases carrying it on their heads or Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMFR)
shoulders or in baskets with handle or wheel barrows. Number of live births in a year to married female
These are then collected in bullock carts or trucks or population in any specified age group normally
tractors and trolleys for being carried to the dumping expressed per 1,000 married women.
Number of live births in a
Fertility particular age group
In demography, the word fertility is used in relation ASMFR= ----------------------------------- x 1,000
to the actual production of children or occurrence of Midyear married female
births specially live births. Fertility is a measure of population of the same age group
rate at which population adds to itself by births and General fertility rate (GFR)
nonually assessed by relating the number of births to
Number of live births per 1,000 women in the
a full or part of the popUlation, such as number of
reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year.
married women or number of women of childbearing
age. The definitions of the terminology used in Number of live births in a year
computing different fertility rates are mentioned below: GFR = ---------------------------------------- x 1,000
Midyear female population in the
Crude birth rate (CBR) age-group (15-49) years
Ratio of the number of live births in a year to the General marital fertility rate (GMFR)
mid year population, normally expressed per 1,000
population. Number of live births per 1,000 married Women
in reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given
Number of live births year.
during the year
CBR = --------------------------------------- x 1,000 Number of live births in a year·
Mid year Population GMFR = ------------------------------------- x 1,000
Midyear married female
Crude death rate (CDR) population in the age-group
Ratio of the number of deaths in a year to the (15-49) years.
mid year population, normally expressed per 1,000 Total fertility rate (TFR)
It is obtained as the total of the age specific
Number of deaths during the year fertility rates (number of children born per woman of
CDR = x 1,000 the particular age) for the entire reproductive age
Mid year Population span. It provides the average number of children that


will be born to a woman under the fertility levels Number of infant deaths
indicated by the age specific fertility rates assuming during the year
that there is no mortality of women till the completion IMR = ------------------------------------- x 1,000
of reproductive period. Number of live births during
45-49 the year
5 x a ASFR Infant mortality rate comprises of two parts, viz.,
15-19 Neonatal mortality rate and Post neonatal mortality
TFR = rate. The neonatal mortality rate also comprises of
1,000 two parts viz., early neonatal mortality rate and late
Total. marital fertility rate (TMFR) neonatal mortality rate. These are defined as:
Neo-natal mortality rate (NMR)
Average l1umber of children that would be born
to a married woman if she experiences the current Number of infants dying within the fust month of
fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span (15- life (28 days or under) in a year per 1,000 live births
49) years assuming that there is no mortality of women of the same year.
till the completion of reproductive period. Number of infant deaths aged
45-49 28 days or. under during the year
5 x a ·ASMFR NMR= -----:..----------------,.------------------- x 1,000
15-19 Number of live births during
TMFR = the year
1,000 Early neo-natal mortality rate
Age specific mortality rate (ASMR) Number of infant deaths of less
Number of deaths in a particular age and sex than 7 days during the. year
group per 1,000 population of the same age group. - ------------------------------------------------- x 1,000
Number of live births during
Number of deaths in a the year
particular age group
ASMR = x 1,000 Late nco-natal mortality rate
Midyear population of Number of infant deaths of 7 days to
the same age group less than 29 days during the year
- ------------------------------------------------- xl, 000
Number of live births during
Probability of dying between birth and age 1.
the year
This can be used as approximate value of Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR) which gives the ratio of number Post nco-natal mortality rate (PNMR)
of deaths in a year of children aged less than one Number of deaths of 29 gays to
year to the number of births in that year. less than one year during the year
qz = --------------------------------------------------- x 1,000
Number of live births during
Probability of dying between birth and age 2.
the year
qs Perinatal mortality rate (PMR)
Probability of dying between birth and age 5. This Number of still births plus deaths within 1st week
indicator is also known as Under Five Mortality Rate of delivery per 1,000 births in a year.
Number of still births and infant deaths
Infant mortality rate (IMR) of less than 7 days during the year
Ratio of the number of infant deaths (deaths of PMR = ------------------------------------------ x 1,000
children below one year) in a year to the number of Number of live births and still
live births in that year. births during the year


Still birth rate (SBR) for work in a particular season and ~ome back again
to their usual place of residence after three or four
Number of stillbirths during the year
months. All such workers are treated as migrants.
-------------------------------------------- x 1,000
Similarly, if a person moved to any other place for
Number of live births and stillbirths
attending short tenn vocational or educational course
during the year
that lasted for only few months of a year, she/he too
Maternal mortality rate (MMR) were considered as a migrant.
Number of deaths of women in the age group it) Where a person had merely gone out to
15-49 while pregnant or within 42 days of termination another place or had been shifting from one place
of pregnancy from any cause related to pregnancy to another purely on tour, pilgrimage, visit to hospital
and child birth per 100,000 live bilths in a given year. for treatment or for temporalY business purposes, such
persons are not deemed to have had another
Number of maternal deaths to
residence different from the place where she/he or
women in the age group 15-49
her/his family normally resides. She/he is not
MMR= -------------------------------------- x 100,000
considered as migrant
Number of Jive birth
ill) A woman temporarily moves into a hospital
Eligible couple (Couples per 1,000 population)
or to her parents or other relative's house for delivery
Number of currently married females in the age and if the hospital or the parents/relatives houses is
group 15-44 years per l,OOO persons of all ages. in a place different from usual place of residence,
Child woman ratio (0-4) the place where the hospital or parents/ relative's
house is the place of last residence of the child but
1. Number of children in the age group 0-4 years not of the mother.
per 1,000 women in the age group 15-49 years.
A new response category 'Moved after birth' was
Child woman ratio (5-9) added in Census of India 2001 in the question on
2. Number of children in the age group 5-9 years 'reasons for migration' to bring out additional
per 1,000 women in the age group 15-49 years. migration patterns. Natural calamities or distress
migration as a reason for migration for last residence
migrants included in 1991 Census, is covered under
Migration is the third component of population category of 'Others'. The reason for migration has
change, the other two being mortality and fertility. been determined as applicable at the time of migration
A person is considered as a migrant by place of and not in reference to any point of time after that.
birth if the place in which he/she is enumerated during For example, if a person had moved from the place
the census is other than the place of hislher birth. ofherlhis last residence for the purpose of education
and subsequently at some point of time got
Similarly a person is considered as a migrant by employment there only, the reason for migration would
place of last residence if the place in which he/she be 'education' and not 'work/employment'.
is enumerated during the census is other than his/her
place of immediate last residence outside the village Internal and International migration
or town and not simply in another house or locality The migrational movements are of three types
in the same village or town. (i) Migration within the state itself with its components
(a) Migration within the district of enumeration (intra
Certain aspects concerning temporary movement!
district migration) (b) Migration from one district of
migration of people has been explained below as these
. state to another district of state (inter district
are important components concerning migration;
migration), (ii) Migration from one state to another
i) Migration of persons in search of job is high State of the country (interstate migration), (iii)
in the country. In many cases such migrants are only Migration from one country to another country. The
seasonal in nature. People migrate to other places first two streams together constitute internal migration,


while the last type of movement is called international sanitation facilities, or any combination of these
migration. The present name of the country, state or factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morals.
district and not the name by which they were known Mega city
at the time of her/his birth or last residence were
The concept of 'Mega city' is a recent
phenomenon in the Vrban Sociology and is defined in
Rural-Urban components of migration term of metropolitan city in the form of large size,
Rural or Urban status in respect of migrants have problem of management of civic amenities and
been determined as applicable at the time of migration capacity to absorb the relatively high growth of
and not with reference to any point of time after that. population. Indian Census in 1991 treated the
population size of 5 million and above as the cut off
The flow of migrants consists of four streams
point to identifY a place as the mega city. Whereas,
viz. rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and for the purpose of inclusion in Centrally Sponsored
urban to urban. Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Mega
Civic status of urban units cities the Ministry of Vrban Affairs and employment,
Department of Urban Development adopted the
Civic Status of a town/city is determined on the
criteria of 4 million and above population as per 1991
basis of Civic Administrative authority of the .toWn
Census for Mega Cities; In 2001 Census, cities with
e.g., Municipal Corporation! Corporation, Municipal
10 millions and above population have been treated
Committee/Municipal council, Municipality etc.
as Mega cities.
Size class of UA / town
(vii) 2001 Census Findings - Population, its
Size class of VA/Town is based on the population Distribution:
size of the VA/City/Town. UAs'!Towns with 100,000 (a) Distribution of population in Rural-Urban
and above population are classified as Class I VAs. areas:
/ towns. These Class I UAs. / towns are now further
According to the 2001 Censu;, the total population
sub classified in to seven sub classes namely Ml to
of Mysore district is 2,641,027 comprising 1,344,670
M7 depending on the population size of UA/City/
males and 1,296,357 females. The population of the
Town. These are M7 (5,000,000 and above); M6.
district forms 5.0 per cent of the state population and
(2,000,000- 4,999,999); M5 (1,000,000-1,999,999); M4
ranks at 4th place among the districts. Out of the
(500,000-999,999); M3(300,000-499,999); M2 total population of the district, about 62.8 per cent
(200,000-299,999) & Ml (100,000-199,999). Towns lives in rural areas while 37.2 per cent lives in urban
with, 50,000 to 99,999 population are classified as areas. Rural population of the district is distributed
Class II towns, 20,000 to 49,999 population are Class among 7 taluks and urban population spread over in
III towns, population with· 10,000-19,999 are Class 11 towns. The total urban population in the district is
IV towns, population with 5,000 and 9,999 are Class 982,128 persons comprising 499,291 males and
V towns and towns with less than 5,000 population 482,837 females. The total rural population in the
are Class VI' towns. district comes to 1,658,899 persons and is composed
Slum area of 845,379 males and 813,520 females as per 2001
Census. The rural population is distributed in 1,216
The Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) inhabited villages and there are 124 un-inhabited
Act, 1956 which was enacted by the Central Govt. villages in the district.
defined slums as a) Areas where buildings are in any
(b) Size-class and Civic Status of towns:
respect unfit for human habitation; or b) are by reasons
of dilapidation, overcrowding, fault arrangement and The Statement below gives the position and
design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty number of urban units according to size-class of
arrangement of streets, lack of ventilation, light or population as per 2001 Census:



Serial Size-Class of N arne and civic status of tow n Urban Population
number town Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6
IV Piriyapatna TP 14,924 7,592 7,332
2 III Hunsur TMC 43,900 22,360 21,540
3 III Krishnarajanagara TMC 30,633 15,600 15,033
4 Mysore M.Corp* 787,179 400,109 387,070
5 V Belvata CT 5,707 2,939 2,768
6 VI Bhogadi CT 4,815 2,529 2,286
7 VI Hebbalu CT 1,527 786 741
8 IV Heggadadevankote TP 12,045 6,169 5,876
9 III Nanjangud TMC 48,232 24,393 23,839
10 III Bannur TP 23,239 11,825 11,414
II V Tirumakudal-Narsipur TP 9,927 4,989 4,938

* Includes 00

Population Growth, Density and Sex-ratio: comes to 962 girls per 1,000 boys in the district as
a whole. In rural areas, this proportion is 967, while
Population Growth:
in urban areas the sex-ratio ofGhild population works
Mysore district witnessed a positive growth rate out to 952 girls per 1,000 boys.
in each decade with 3.2, 2.6, 8.6, 16.2, 23.7, 16.7,
Work· Participation Rate:
28.4, 25.1, 24.8 and 15.8 per cent during the period
190 1 to 200 1. According to the 1991 Census the The work participation rate is defined as
total population of the district was 2,281,653. There percentage of total workers to total population.
has been net addition 0[359,374 persons during 1991- According to 2001 Census, the total workers including
200 1. The decadal growth rate of the district comes main and marginal workers constitute 42.0 per cent
to 15.8 per cent. The growth rate for the rural and of total population of the district. Of the total workers,
urban areas of the district is 15.2 and 20.3 per cent the share of main workers is 83.4 per cent and
respectively. marginal workers is 16.6 per cent. The remaining
58.0 per cent of population belongs to the category
of non-workers.
The population density of Mysore district is 385
As per 2001 Census among the main workers
persons per Sq. Km. against the state average of
male participation rate in the district is 91.0 per cent
276 persons. At taluk level, the density varies between and corresponding proportion of females is 65.3 per
152 persons in Heggadadevankote taluk and 1,254 cent. The proportion of female marginal workers is
persons in Mysore taluk. In rural areas it comes to higher than male marginal workers, as the females
248 persons per Sq. Km., while in urban areas it comes are attending to one or more economic activities in
to 5,508 persons. In urban areas the density of addition to their household duties to improve the family
population varies between 2,491 persons in income. Majority of the workers are engaged in other
Piriyapatna town and 9,927 persons in Tirumakudal activities. Of the totall,llO,264workers in the district,
Narsipur town. 35.8 per cent of these total workers are categorized
Sex Ratio: as cultivators, 22.5 per cent agricultural labourers, 1.9
per cent in household industries and 39.7 per cent in
There are 964 females for every one thousand
other services.
males in Mysore district. The sex-ratio figures for
mral areas and urban areas of the district are 962 Literacy:
and 967 respectively. It is also observed that, the A person who can read and write in any language
proportion of females in rural· areas is higher than is considered as literate in Census. All children of
that of urban areas. Sex-ratio in the age-group 0-6 age below 7 years are treated as illiterate.


As per 2001 Census, Mysore district has reported (c) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
1,471,155 persons as literates constituting 63.5 per Population 2001:
cent of the total population excluding the population
Of the 2,641,027 total population of the district
of 0-6 years. The proportion of male and female
17.7 per cent of the total population belong to
literacy rates in the district are 70.9 and 55.8 per
Scheduied Castes and 10.3 per cent to Scheduled
cent respectively. The literacy rate of males is higher
Tribes. The percentage of Sc'heduled Castes
than that of females. The gap in the male-female
constitute 87.4 per cent in rural areas and 12.6 per
literacy rate is 15.1 per cent in the district.
cent in urban areas. The proportion of Scheduled
The total literacy rates of rural and urban area Tribes is 80.0 and 20.0 in rural and urban areas
are 51.8 and 82.8 per cent respectively. The rate of respectively.
male and female literacy in rural areas is 61.0 and
(viii) Brief analysis of PCA data based on
42.3 per cent respectively. In urban areas this rate inset tables 1 to 36
is 87.3 and 78.1 per cent respectively. The gap in
male-female literacy rates in urban areas is 9.2 as Following tables, which presents the data on
against 18.7 in rural areas. It is thus clear that popUlation and amenities available within the district,
females are better educated in urban areas than their with a brief notes will provide an overview of the
counterparts in rural areas . district.


Taluk Population Percentage decadal Percentage

199] 2001 variation 1991-2001 Urban .Population
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban ]991 2001
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Piriyapatna 188,902 176,894 12,008 224,254 209,330 14,924 18.71 18.34 24.28 6.36 6.65

Hunsur 222,173 187,420 34,753 253,926 210,026 43,900 14.29 12.06 26.32 15.64 17.29

Krishnaraja 217,370 191,286 26,084 239,199 208,566 30,633 10.04 9.03 17.44 12.00 12.81
Mysore 854,499 201,154 653,345 1,038,490 239,262 799,228 21.53 18.94 22.33 76.46 76.96

Heggada 216,399 196,288 20,111 245,930 233,885 12,045 13.65. 19.15 -40.11 9.29 4.90
Nanjangud 324,198 281,600 42,598 360,223 311,991 48,232 11.11 10.79 13.23 13.14 13.39

Tirumakudal 258,117 230,392 27,720 279,005 245,839 33,166 8.09 6.70 19.65 10.74 11.89
Mysore 2,281,653 1,465,034 816,619 2,641,027 1,658,899 982,128 15.75 13.23 20.27 35.79 37.19

This table indicates taluk wise decadal variation urban areas it comes to 20.27 per cent there by the
both in case of rural and urban constituents so far as population of district has grown faster in urban areas
the total popUlation of the district is concerned. It is than in rural area~. Among the taluks Mysore has
evident from the table that over all growth of 15.75 registered the highest growth in total population. But
per cent population has been recorded in district during in urban areas Hunsur is higher cOl:opared to other
. the decade. The growth of population in rural areas taluks. However in Heggadadevankote taluk the urban
of the district works out to 13.23 per cent while in population is indicating a decreasing trend.




SI. No. District ( C.D. block Total Total rural population Number and Population less than
number of percentage of 200
inhabited villages
Persons Males Females Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I Piriyapalna 197 209,330 108,257 101,073 21 (10.7) 796 764

2. Hunsur 192 210,026 107,049 102,977 23 (12.0) 1,010 968

3 Kiishnardjilnagara 156 208,566 104,881 103,685 16 (10.3) 466 4S0
4 Mysore 131 239,262 123,168 116,094 11 (S.4) 350 307
5 I-Ieggadadevankote 243 233,885 118,536 115,349 48 (19.8) 2,199 2,034
6 Nanjangud 176 311,991 158,135 153,856 10 (5.7) 245 228
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 121 245,839 125,353 120,486 - (0.0)
Districts (Rural) Total: 1,216 1,658,899 845,379 813,520 129 (10.6) 5,066 4,781

Number and Population 200-499 Number and Population 500-999 Number and Population 1,000-1,999
percentage of percentage of percentage of
\illages villages villages
Males Females Males Females Males Females
10 J1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
30 (15.2) 5,283 5,342 69 (35.0) 25,769 25,160 52 (26.4) 36,727 36,035
33 (17.2) 6,351 6,193 58 (30.2) 22,377 21,655 ' 55 (28.6) 38,768 37,184
16 (10.3) 2,945 2,942 47 (30.1) 17,369 17,013 48 (30.8) 32,877 32,534
5 (3.8) 1,010 970 28 (21.4) 10,896 10,251 53 (40.5) 40,621 38,590
50 (20.6) 9,075 8,590 60 (24.7) 22,230 21,321 57 (23.5) 40,350 39,566
12 (6.8) 2,056 1,875 34 (19.3) 12,357 12,029 60 (34.1) 44,818 43,421
6 (5.0) 1,194 1,100 29 (24.0) 11,268 10,843 37 (30.6) 26,218 25,211
152 (12.5) 27,914 27,012 325 (26.7) 122,266 118,272 362 (29.8) 260,379 252,541

Number and Population 2,000- Number and Population 5,000-9,999 Number and Population 10,000
pe"centagc of 4,999 percentage of percentage of and above
villages Males Females villages Males Females villages Males Females
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
23 (11.7) 32,499 30,054 2 (1.0) 7,183 3,718 - (0.0)
21 (10.9) 33,248 31,731 2 (1.0) 5,295 5,246 - (0.0)
24 (15.4) 34,161 33,788 4 (2.6) 11,082 11,129 1 (0.6) 5,981 5,799
26 (19.8) 42,614 40,368 8 (6.1) 27,677 25,608 - (0.0)
27 (11.1) 39,685 38,904 1 (0.4) 4,997 4,934 - (0.0)
54 (30.7) 78,588 76,455 . 6 (3.4) 20,071 19,848 - (0.0)
44 (36.4) 65,553 62,773 4 (3.3) 14,950 14,634 1 (0.8) 6,170 5,925
219 (18.0) 326,348 314,073 27 (2.2) 91,255 85,117 2 (0.2) 12,151 11,724

The above table indicates the number and population range (1000-1999). Only 2 villages (0.2)
percentage of inhabited villages with different having population range above 10,000. 129
population size ranges as per 2001 census. Data villages are having population less than 200. Other
reveals that out of 1,216 inhabited villages, highest details can be observed from the Table No.2
number of villages i.e. 362(29.8) are in the above.



Name of Town
(a) New
(i) Statutory' Town - Nil -
(ii) Census Town Hebbalu (CT)
2 Belavata (CT)
3 Bhogadi (CT)
(b) Denotified
(i) Statutory towns of 1991 Census denotified and also did
not satisfy the criteria to be treated as Census Towns Chamundibetta (NAC)

(ii) Statutory towns of 1991 Census denotified but

identifiable as Census Towns based on demographic
and economic criteria - Nil -

(iii) Census towns of 1991 Census notified as 1 Heggadadevankote (MP)

Statutory town in 2001 Census 2 Pidyapatna (MP)
3 TirumakudaJ-Narsipur (MP)
. (c) Declassified 1 K~bini Colony (NMCT)

2 Sargur (MP)
(d) Wholly merged with other town(s) 1 Mysore Non-Municipal Area (NMCT)
2 Kyathamanahalli (NMCT)
Declassified means the Census towns of 1991 Census whieh failed to satisfY the demographic and economic criteria.


Range of popUlation Total number of villages Percentage of villages in Population Percentage

density (per square in each population each population density distribution of
kilometer) density range range popUlation

2 3 4 5
0-10 35 2.9 1,078 0.1
11-20 18 1.5 891 0.1
21-50 44 3.6 9,127 0.6
51-100 61 5.0 20,254 1.2
101-200 218 17.9 167,216 10.1
201-300 296 24.3 351,381 21.2
301-500 308 25.3 522,093 31.5
SOl + 236 19.4 586,859 35.4
Not known 0.0 0.0
District Total: 1,216 100.0 1,658,899 100.0
Population Density (Rural) of the district: 293.3

Distribution of villages of population density different ranges of population density the picture
and ranges are presented in this table. The density that would emerge for the rural population of the
of population for the district rural is 293.3 district would be as indicated in the above table
persons/ If the villages are distributed by No.4.



Census Years State Census Years District

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1901 983 984 976 1901 1,024 1,023 1,038
1911 981 984 960 1911 1,015 1,015 1,010
1921 969 975 936 1921 1,007 1,008 997
1931 965 972 927 1931 998 1,002 970
1941 960 965 935 1941 975 975 971
1951 966 974 941 1951 978 976 992
1961 959 973 913 1961 968 967 975
1971 957 971 913 1971 955 956 945
1981 963 978 926 1981 956 959 937
1991 960 973 930 1991 953 958 924
2001 965 977 942 2001 964 962 967

The above table gives the sex-ratio for the decreased over the decades. However, in 200 J
rural and urban population of the state as well Census, the district has recorded a sex-ratio of
as that of the district from 1901 to 2001 census. 964 better than that of 1991 Census 953. It is also
It is observed that the state has recorded a observed that the sex-ratio in 2001 Census for the
decrease in the sex-ratio since 1901 census (983). district (964), is slightly less than that for the state
However in 2001 census, the state has registered (965). Again, the ratio for the rural women in
a better sex-ratio of 965 little higher than the 2001 Census is comparatively better than, that for
ratio of 1991 Census (960). For the district, the the urban women in the state but vice-versa for the
sex-ratio in 1901 Census was 1024, which gradually district.


Sl No. Name of Taluk Sex ratio
Total Rural Urbau
2 3 4 ~
I . Piriyapatna 936 934 966
2 Huusur 962 962 963
3 Krishnarajanagara 985 989 964
4 Mysore 961 943 967
5 Heggadadevankote 972 973 953
6 Nanjangud 974 973 977
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 963 961 973
District Total: 964 962 967

This table gives the talukwise sex ratio for rural ratio for rural areas is highest (989) in
and urban population as per 2001 census. It is Krishnarajanagara whereas in urban area it is highest
observed from the above table that the sex ratio for (977) in Nanjangud. The sex ratio of the district as
mral areas is 962 and urban area is 967. The sex a whole is 964 female per 1,000 males.

SLNo. Name of C. D. block Sex ratio

1 2 3
Piriyapatna 934
2 Hunsur 962
3 Krishnarajanagara 989
4 Mysore 943
5 Heggadadevankote 973
6 Nanjangud 973
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 961
District (Rural) Total: 962


This table highlights the data on sex ratio by CD the sex ratio is high in Krishnarajanagar followed by
Blocks which includes all villages in the district. The Heggadedevankote and Nanjangud which is above
sex ratio for the district rural is 962. Comparatively the district rural sex ratio.

Range of sex ratio Number of Percentage of Population 2001 Percentage

for villages inhabited villages in each distribution of
villages range population
1 2 3 4 5
Less than 700 21 1.7 9,770 0.6
700"749 7 0.6 5,321 0.3
750-799 16 1.3 7,146 0.4
800-849 19 1.6 7,768 0.5
850-899 91 7.5 85,779 5.2
900-949 281 23.1 398,807 24.0
950-999 415 34.1 719,235 43.4
1000-1099 312 25.7 405,799 24.5
1100+ 54 4.4 19,274 1.2
District Total: 1,216 100.0 1,658,899 100.0
Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 962

Sex ratio by taluks and CD Blocks has been population by ranges is given for the inhabited
presented in the previous tables i.e. Table No.6 villages in the district the picture that would emerge
and Table No.7. If the sex ratio of the rural is as indicated in the above Table No.8.


SLNo. Name of U.A.! Town Urban status of town Scx ratio

I 2 3 4
Piriyapatna TP 966
2 Hunsur TMC 963
3 Krishnarajanagara TMC 964
4 Mysore VA 967
5 (a) Mysore M.Corp.+OG 967
6 (i) Mysore M.Corp. 970
7 (b) Beivata CT 942
8 (c) Bhogadi CT 904
9 (d) Hebbalu CT 943
10 Heggadadevankote TP 953
II Nanjangud TMC 977
12 Bannur TP 965
!3 Tirumakudal-Narsipur TP 990
Sex ratio Urban for the district: 967

Data on urban sex ratio is presented for the dis- ures and highest in Tirumakudal Narsipur (TP) i.e.
trict on the above table with reference to urban ag- 990. The details of sex ratio of other urban agglom-
glomeration/town, the sex ratio for the district urban erations/towns in the district can be observed from
is 967. The sex ratio is above the district urban fig- the above Table No.9



SI. No. Name of Taluk Totall Total population in 0-6 age grou~ Sex ratio for 0-6
Rural! Persons i\'lales Females age group
2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna Total 29,177 14,854 14,323 964
Rural 27,357 13,915 13,442 966
Urban 1,820 939 881 938
2 Hunsur Total 33,241 16,918 16,323 965
Rural 27,535 13,977 13,558 970
Urban 5,706 2,941 2,765 940
3 Krishnarajanagara Total 27,915 14,348 13,567 946
Rural 24,390 12,522 11,868 948
Urban 3,525 1,826 1,699 930
4 Mysore Total 120,821 61,889 58,932 952
Rural 32,219 16,497 15,722 953
Urban 88,602 45,392 43,210 952
5 Heggadadevankote Total 34,086 17,182 16,904 984
Rural 32,539 16,362 16,177 989
Urban 1,547 820 727 887
6 Nanjangud Total 45,307 22,818 22,489 986
Rural 39,700 20,047 19,653 980
Urban 5,607 2,771 2,836 1,023
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 33,008 16,925 16,083 950
Rural 29,102 14,900 14,202 953
Urban 3,906 2,025 1,881 929
District Total: Total 323,555 164,934 158,621 962
Rural 212,842 108,220 104,622 967
Urban 110,713 56,714 53,999 952

Taluks wise sex ratio of population in the age Heggadadevana kote (984). The district total for sex
group of 0-6 years with rural, urban breakup for the ratio is 962. The rural sex ratio is higher when
district is presented in the above table. Data reveals compared to the urban sex ratio for the district and
that among the taluks the sex ratio in the age group also in taluks of the district. Except for Nanjangud
of 0-6 is highest in Nanjangud (986) followed by where the urban sex ratio is the highest (1,023).


81. No. Name of C.D. block Total popUlation in 0- Sex ratio for 0-6 age
6 age group group
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6
I Piriyapatna 27,357 13,915 13,442 966
2 Hunsur 27,535 13,977 13,558 970
3 Krishnarajanagara 24,390 12,522 11,868 948
4 Mysore 32,219 16,497 15,722 953
5 Heggadadevankote 32,539 16,362 16,177 989
6 Nanjangud 39,700 20,047 19,653 980
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 29,102 14,900 14,202 953
District (Rural) Total: 212,842 108,220 104,622 967

Sex ratio for 0-6 age group in the CD Blocks of highest sex ratio is reported from Heggadadevankote
the district is presented in this table. The sex ratio (989) and lowest of (948) is reported from
for the district rural is 967. Among the CD Blocks Krishnarajanagara CD Block


Range of sex ratio Number of Percentage distribution Population 2001 Percentage distribution
for villages inhabited villages of villages of population
1 2 3 4 5
Less than 700 111 9.1 4,158 2.0
700-749 31 2.5 3,289 1.5
750-799 65 5.3 9,567 4.5
800-849 108 8.9 19,025 8.9
850-899 117 9.6 29,224 13.7
900-949 128 10.5 31,821 15.0
950-999 129 10.6 33,146 15.6
1,000-1,099 244 20.1 48,948 23.0
1,100+ 283 23.3 33,664 15.8
District (Rural) Total 1,216 100.0 212,842 100.0
Sex ratio (Rural) for District : 967

Sex ratio for the rural population by ranges has though the sex ratio for the district rural is 967 fe-
been given in the above table. Data reveals that except males per 1,000 males. It is worth noting that 527
for the ranges 700-749 and 750-799 in all other ranges out of 1,216 inhabited villages have the sex ratio
good number of villages are reported under each range favourable for female child.
TOWNS, 2001

SLNo. Name of UA I Town Urban Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6
status of Persons Males Females age group

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna TP 1,820 939 881 938
2 Hunsur TMC 5,706 2,941 2,765 940
3 Krishnarajanagara TMC 3,525 1,826 1,699 930
4 Mysore UA 88,602 45,392 43,210 952
5 (a) Mysore M.Corp.+OG 87,011 44,568 42,443 952
6 (i) Mysore M.Corp. 82,990 42,521 40,469 952
7 (b) Belvata CT 732 375 357 952
8 (c) Bhogadi CT 582 297 285 960
9 (d) Hebbalu CT 277 152 125 822
10 Heggadadevankote TP 1,547 820 727 887
11 Nanjangud TMC 5,607 2,771 2,836 1,023
12 Brumur TP 2,727 1,449 1,278 882
13 Tirumakudal-Narsipur TP 1,179 576 603 1,047
District (Urban) Total 110,713 56,714 53,999 952

The child sex ratio for the urban agglomerations/ 14. The total' Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
towns of the district is given in the above table. Data population in the district is 467,640 and 271,351 per-
reveals that the child sex ratio for district urban is sons respectively.. The rural-urban distribution re-
952 females per 1,000 males. Highest child sex ratio veals that 74.6 per cent of Scheduled Castes live in
is noticed in Tirumakudal Narsipur (TP) (1,047) rural area and 25.4 per cent of them live in urban
followed by Nanjangud (TMC) (1,023). Lowest child areas. As regards Scheduled Tribes 82.6 per cent
sex ratio of 822 is reported from Hebbalu (CT) of live in iural areas and 17.3 per cent of them live in
Mysore VA. urban areas. The table also indicate the percentage
Taluk wise number and percentage of Scheduled of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population to
Castes/Scheduled Tribes population is given in table total population in the district.




SL No. Name ofTaluk Total! Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of

Rural! population Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Urban Castes Tribes population to lolal population to total
population popUlation population population

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Piriyapatna Total 224,254 36,333 17,270 16.2 7.7
Rural 209,330 35,078 15,689 16.8 7.5
Urban 14,924 1,255 1,581 S.4 10.6
2 Hunsur Total 253,926 46,140 39,239 18.2 15.5
Rural 210,026 39,106 35,801 18.6 17.0
Urban 43,900 7,034 3,438 16.0 7.8
3 Krishnarajanagara Total 239,199 34,881 15,600 14.6 6.5
Rural 208,566 30,474 l3,955 14,6 6.7
Urban 30,633 4,407 1,645 14.4 5.4
4 Mysore Total 1,038,490 132,607 62,762 12.8 6.0
Rural 239,262 42,640 32,331 17.8 13.5
Urban 799,228 89,967 30,431 11.3 3.8
5 Heggadadevankote Total 245,930 66,372 51,482 27.0 20.9
Rural 233,885 63,596 49,390 27.2 21.1
Urban 12,045 2,776 2,092 23.0 17.4
6 Nanjangud Total 360,223 80,938 47,550 22.5 13.2
Rural 311,991 71,608 45,239 23.0 14.5
Urban 48,232 9,330 2,311 19.3 4.8
7 Tirumakudal-NarsipllT Total 279,005 70,369 37,448 25.2 13.4
Rural 245,839 66,278 31,849 27.0 13.0
Urban 33,166 4,091 5,599 12.3 16.9
District Total: Total 2,641,027 467,640 271,351 17.7 10.3
Rural 1,658,899 348,780 224,254 21.0 13.5
Urban 982,128 118,860 47,097 12.1 4.8


SLNo. Name ofC.D. block Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of

population SchedUled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Castes Tribes population to total population to total
population popUlation popUlation population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Piriyapatna 209,330 35,078 15,689 16.8 7.5
2 Hunsur 210,026 39,106 35,801 18.6 17.0
3 Krishnarajanagara 208,566 30,474 13,955 14.6 6.7
4 Mysore 239,262 42,640 32,331 17.8 13.5
5 Heggadadevankote 233,885 63,596 49,390 27.2 21.1
6 Nanjangud 311,99 I 71,608 45,239 23.0 14.5
7 Tirumakudal Narsipllf 245;839 66,278 31,849 27.0 13.0
District (Rural) Total: 1,658,899 348,780 224,254 21.0 13.5

This table depicts popUlation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with 27.2 per cent and 21.1 per
and Scheduled Tribes and its percentage proportion cent respectively is found in Heggadadevankote.
to total population. In rural areas of the district 21.0 Whereas the lowest concenration of both Scheduled
per cent and 13.5 per cent population comprises of Castes and Scheduled Tribes with 14.6 per cent and
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. 6.7 per cent respectively is reported from
The highest concentration of both Scheduled Castes Krishnarajanagara.




Percentage range of Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Castes Percentage

Scheduled Castes population Population
to total population
1 2 3 4 5
Nil 199 16.4 0.0
Less than 5 104 8.6 3,384 1.0
5-10 156 12_8 22,286 6.4
11-20 253 20.8 71,619 20.5
21-30 206 16.9 89,099 25.5
31-40 128 10.5 66,188 19_0
41-50 70 5.8 40,670 11.7
51-75 68 5.6 44,476 12.8
- 76 and above 32 2.6 11,058 3.2
District Total 1,216 100.0 348,780 100.0

The above table shows the distribution of villages The maximum Scheduled Castes population falls in
by percentage range of Scheduled Castes population the range 11-20 per cent in 253 villages. There are
to total population and the percent distribution of only 32 villages which comprises of more than 76,0
Scheduled Castes population in different ranges. Data per cent of Scheduled Castes population and number
reveals that out of 1,216 inhabited villages 199 of villages where the Scheduled Castes population
villages do not have Scheduled Castes population. varies between 51-75 per cent are 68.



Percentage range of Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Tribes Percentage

Scheduled Tribes population Population
to total population
1 2 3 4 5
Nil 487 40.0 0.0
Less than 5 226 18.6 6;686 - 3.0
5-10 135 ll.l 17,676 7.9
11-20 118 9.7 32,505 14.5
- 21-30 86 7.1 42,870 19.1
31-40 50 4.1 26,927 12:0
41-50 33 2.7 23,183 10.3
51-75 45 3.7 44,649 19.9
76 and above 36 3.0 29,758 13.3
District Total 1,216 100.0 224,254 100.0

The above table shows the distribution ofviUages Number and percentage of Scheduled Castes
by percentage range of Scheduled Tribes population and Scheduled Tribes population for urban
to total population and the per cc;:nt distribution of agglomeration/towns of the district is presented
Scheduled Ttribes population in different ranges. Data in table 18. Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
reveals that out of 1,216 inhabited villages 487 villages constitute 12.1 per cent and 4.8 per cent of the
do not have Scheduled Tribes population. The district urban population. Highest (23.0 per cent)
maximum Scheduled Tribes population falls in the of Scheduled Castes population is reported from
range of less than 5 per cent in 226 villages. There H.D.Kote (TP) and lowest of 7.9 per cent is
are only 36 villages which-comprises of more than reported from Bhogadi (CT). Highest of27.4 per
76 per cent of Scheduled Tribes population and the cent of Scheduled Tribes population is reported
number of villages where Scheduled Tribes population from -Tirumakudal-Narsipur and lowest of 1.8 per
~aries between 51-75 per cent are 45. cent is reported from Bhogadi (CT).




SLNo. Name of UA I Town Total Total Total Percentnge of Percentage of

population Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Castes Tribes population to total population to total
population popnlation population population

2 3 4 5 6 7
I Piriyapatna (TP) 14,924 1,255 1,581 8.4 10.6
2 Hunsur (TMC) 43,900 7,034 3,438 16.0 7.8
3 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 30,633 4,407 1,645 14.4 5.4
4 Mysore UA 799,228 89,967 30,431 11.3 3.8
5 (a) Mysore (M Corp+OG) 787,179 88,996 30,079 11.3 3.8
6 (i) Mysore (M Corp.) 755,379 85,574 27,695 11.3 3.7
7 (b) Belvata (CT) 5,707 454 155 8.0 2.7
8 (c) Bhogadi (CT) 4,815 379 88 7.9 1.8
9 (d) Hebbalu (CT) 1,527 138 109 9.0 7.1
10 Heggadadevankote (TP) 12,045 2,776 2,092 23.0 17.4
II Nanjangud (TMC) 48,232 9,330 2,311 19.3 4.8
12 Bannur (TP) 23,239 3,261 2,879 14.0 12.4
13 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) 9,927 830 2,720 8.4 27.4
District (Urban) Total 982,128 118,860 47,097 12.1 4.8


SLNo. Name of C. D Block Scheduled Castes sex Scheduled Tribes sex
ratio ratio
2 3 4
Piriyapatna 967 972
2 Hunsur 967 964
3 Krishnarajanagara 987 989
4 Mysore 966 953
5 Heggadadevankote 975 999
6 Nanjangud 984 999
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 968 986
District (Rural) Total 974 982

Sex ratio among the Scheduled Castes and Krishnarajanagara C.D. block followed by
Scheduled Tribes in the C.D. Blocks of the district Nanjangud C.D. Blocks (984) and lowest 966 from
is presented in this table. The sex ratio in the Mysore, whereas highest sex ratio (999) for
district rural for Scheduled Castes is 974 and Scheduled Tribes is reported from
Scheduled Tribes is 982. Highest sex ratio (987) Heggadadevankote and Nanjangud and lowest sex
for Scheduled Castes is reported from ratio of (953) is reported from Mysore.


SL No. Name of U .A. I Town Scheduled Castes sex Scheduled Tribes sex
ratio ratio
1 2 3 4
1 Piriyapatna (TP) 961 1,035
2 Hunsur (TMC) 968 998
3 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 954 992
4 Mysore UA 951 970
5 (a) Mysore (M Corp+OG) 952 972
6 (i) Mysorc eM Corp.) 951 974



SI.No. Name ofU.A.!Town Scheduled Castes sex Scheduled Tribes sex
ratio ratio
I 2 3 4
7 (b) Belvata (CT) 861 938
8 (c) Bhogadi (CT) 886 692
9 (d) Hebbalu (CT) 1,000 912
10 Heggadadevankote (TP) 905 1,067
II Nanjangud (TMC) 1,007 1,022
12 Bannur (TP) 999 969
13 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) 878 1,056
Sex ratio (Urban) for the district: 956 986

Sex ratio among Scheduled Castes/Scheduled than the district urban sex ratio. The lowest of 861
Tribes in urban agglomeration/towns of the district is reported from Belavata (CT). Among Scheduled
is presented in this table. Sex ratio for the district Tribes highest sex ratio of 1,067 is reported from
urban for Scheduled Castes is 956 and Scheduled Heggadadevankote (TP) followed by 1056 from
Tribes is 986. Among Scheduled Castes highest sex Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) which are higher than
ratio of 1,007 and 1,000 is reported from Nanjangud the district urban sex ratio. The lowest sex ratio 692
(rnC) and Hebbalu (CT) respectively. Both are more is reported from Bhogadi (CT).


SL Name of Total! Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in
No. Taluk Rural! male-
Urban female
Number of literates Number of illiterates
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13
I Piriyapatna Total II5,458 70,357 45,101 108,796 45,492 63,304 59.2 69.7 47.9 21.7
Rural 105,704 64,973 40,731 103,626 43,284 60,342 58.1 68.9 46.5 22.4
Urban 9,754' 5,384 4,370 5,170 2,208 2,962 74.4 80.9 67.7 13.2
2 Hunsur Total 127,966 75,968 51,998 125,960 53~441 72,519 58.0 67.5 48.1 19.5
Rural 98,232 59,631 38,601 111,794 47,418 64,376 53.8 64.1 43.2 20.9
Urban 29,734 16,337 13,397 14,166 6,023 8,143 77.9 84:1 71.4 12.8
3 Krishnaraja Total 126,062 74,627 51,435 113,137 45,854 67,283 59.7 70.3 48.9 21.4
nagara Rural 103,994 62,619 41,375 104,572 42,262 62,310 56.5 67.8 45.1 22.7
Urban 22,068 12,008 10,060 8,565 3,592 4,973 81.4 87.2 75.5 11.7
4 Mysore Total 701,882 381,485 320,397 336,608 148,046 188,562 76.5 81.6 71.2 10.4
Rural 102,243 61,852 40,391 137,019 61,316 75,703 49.4 58.0 40.2 17.7
Urban 599,639 319,633 280,006 199,589 86,730 112,859 84.4 88.6 80.1 8.5
5 Heggada Total 111,926 66,614 45,312 134,004 58,091 75,913 52.8 62.0 43.4 18.5
devankote Rural 104,065 62,245 41,820 129,820 56,291 73,529 51.7 60.9 42.2 18.8
Urban 7,861 4,369 3,492 4,184 1,800 2,384 74.9 81.7 67.8 13.9
6 Nanjangud Total 156,128 91,411 64,717 204,095 91,117 112,978 49.6 57.2 41.7 15.5
Rural 123,576 73,597 49,979 188,415 84,538 103,877 45.4 53.3 37.2 . 16.1
Urban 32,552 17,814 14,738 15,680 . 6,579 9,101 76.4 82.4 70.2 12.2
7 Tirumakuda1- Total 131,733 75,733 56,000 147,272 66,434 80,838 53.6 60.5 46.4 14.1
Narsipur Rural 111,841 64,791 47,050 133,998 60,562 73,436 51.6 58.7 44.3 14.4
Urban 19,892 10,942 8,950 .13,274 5,872 7,402 68.0 74.0 61.9 12.1
District Total: Total 1,471,155 836,195 634,9601,169,872 508,475 661,397 63.5 70.9 55.8 15.1
Rural 749,655 449,708 299,947 909,244 395,671 513,573 51.8 61.0 42.3 18.7
Urban 721,500 386,487 335,013 260,628 112,804 147,824 82.8 87.3 78.1 9.2


The above table provides information on sex wise and female literacy rate is 15.1 per cent. Highest
literacy rate of rural and urban population inhabiting literacy rate of 76.5 per cent is reported from Mysore
in the taluks of the district. The literacy rate of the taluk, which is higher than the district literacy rate. It
district works out to 63.5 per cent. It is 70.9 per cent c~n also be noticed that the urban literacy rate is
for males and 55.8 per cent for females. Gap in male . generally higher both at district as well as taluk level.


BLOCKS, 2001
Sl. Name of Number ofliterates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in
No. C.D.block male-
Number of literates Number of illiterates
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Piriyapatna 105,704 64,973 40,731 103,626 43,284 60,342 58.1 68.9 46.5 22.4
2 Hunsur 98,232 59,631 38,601 111,794 47,418 64,376 53.8 64.1 43.2 20.9
3 Krishnarajanagara 103,994 62,619 41,375 104,572 42,262 62,310 56.5 67.8 45.1 22.7
4 Mysore 102,243 61,852 40,391 137,019 61,316 75,703 49.4 58.0 40.2 17.7
5 Heggadadevankote 104,065 62,245 .41,820 129,820 56,291 73,529 51.7 60.9 42.2 18.8
6 Nanjangud 123,576 73,597 49,979 188,415 84,538 103,877 45.4 53.3 37.2 16.1
7 Tirumakudal- Narsipur 111,841 64,791 47,050 133,998 60,562 73,436 51.6 58.7 44.3 14.4
District (Rural) Total: 749,655 449,708 299,947 909,244 395,671 513,573 51.8 61.0 42.3 18.7

The C.D. Block wise percentage of literacy in the Krishnarajanagara 56.5 per cent. Highest percentage
district accOlmts for 51.8 per cent in which male-female of male literates has also been reported from these
literacy rate is 61.0 per cent and 42.3 per cent C.D. blocks. Highest 22.7 per cent of gap in male-
respectively. Among the C.D. blocks highest 58.1 per female literacy rate is reported Jiom Krishnarajanagara
cent is reported from Piriyapatna followed by and lowest of 14.4 per cent from Tirurnakudal-Narsipur.


Range of literacy Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Population Percentage distribution of

rate for villages viUages villages population
1 2 3 4 5
0 3 0.2 13 0.0
1-10 0.0 0.0
11-20 4 0.3 2,509 0.2
21-30 27 2.2 22,021 1.3
31-40 146 12.0 190,294 11.5
41-50 387 31.8 567,840 34.2
51-60 396 32.6 527,672 31.8
61-70 186 15.3 286,539 17.3
71-80 44 3.6 44,589 2.7
81-90 18 1.5 17,385 1.0
91-99 I 0.1 18 0.0
100 4 0.3 19 0.0
District Total: . 1,216 100.0 1,658,899 100.0
Literacy rate for District: 63.5

Sex wise literacy rate by taluks and C.D. blocks the distribution of villages are made by range ofliteracy
has been presented in the previous table nos.21 & 22. rate in the district the picture that would emerge would
Literacy rate of the district rural is 63.5 per cent. If be as indicated in the above table No.23.




SL Name and urban status Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in
No. of UAffown male-
Number of literates Number of illiterates female
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I Piriyapatna (TP) 9,754 5,384 4,370 5,170 2,208 2,962 74.4 80.9 67.7 13.2
2 Hunsur (TMC) 29,734 16,337 13,397 14,166 6,023 8,143 77.8 84.1 71.4 12.8
3 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 22,068 12,008 10,060 8,565 3,592 4,973 81.4 87.2 75.4 11.7
4 Mysore VA 599,639319,633 280,006 199,589 86,730 112,859 84.4 88.5 80.1 8.5
5 (a) Mysore (M Corp+OG) 591,478315,116 276,362 195,701 84,993 110,708 84.5 88.6 80.2 8.4
6 (i) Mysore (M Corp.) 570,474303,201 267,273 184,905 80,279 104,626 84.8 88.9 80.6 8.3
7 (b) Belvata (CT) 4,049 2,214 1,835 1,658 725 933 81.4 86.3 76.1 10.2
8 (c) Bhogadi (CT) 3,042 1,745 1,297 1,773 784 989 71.9 78.2 64.8 13.4
9 (d) Hebbalu (CT) 1,070 558 512 457 228 229 85.6 88.0 83.1 4.9
10 Heggadadevankote (TP) 7,861 4,369 3,492 4,184 1,800 2,384 74.9 81.7 67.8 13.9
II Nanjangud (TMC) 32,552 17,814 14,738 15,680 6,579 9,101 76.4 82.4 70.2 12.2
12 Bannur CTP) 13,458 7,373 6,085 9,781 4,452 5,329 65.6 71.1 60.0 11.0
13 Tirurnakuda1 - Narsipur (TP) 6,434 3,569 2,865 3,493 1,420 2,073 73.5 80.9 66.1 14.8
District(Urban) Total 721,500386,487 335,013 260,628112,804147,824 82.8 87.3 78.1 9.2

The distribution of urban literacy rate by sex is literacy rate is 9.2 per cent for the district urban. Highest
presented in the above table. Data reveals that the gap (14.8 per cent) is noticed in Tirumakudal-Narsipur
literacy rate for the district urban is 82.8 per cent. Urban followed by Heggadadevanakote (TP) (13.9 per cent
literacy rate among the males is 87.3 per cent, which is and Piriyapatna (TP)(13.2 per cent). Lowest of 4.9 per
above the district percentage. The gap in male-female cent is noticed in Hebbalu (CT).
8L Name of Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in
No. C.D.block male/fern
Number of literates Number of ilIite,rates
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Piriyapatna 13,824 8,626 5,198 21,254 9,209 12,045 46.0 56.5 35.2 21.3
2 Hunsul' 15,915 9,779 6,136 23,191 10,104 13,087 47.3 57.0 37.2 19.9
3 Krishnarajanagara 12,430 7,663 4,767 18,044 7,677 10,367 46.9 57.4 36.1 21.3
4 Mysore 17,897 10,640 7,257 24,743 11,050 13,693 49.1 57.3 40.6 16.7
5 Heggadadevankote 25,250 15,108 10,142 38,346 17,094 21,252 46.5 55.0 37.8 17.2
6 Nanjangud 27,790 16,310 11,480 43,818 19,783 24,035 44.9 52.3 37.5 14.8
7 Tirumakudal- Narsipur 28,539 16,536 12,003 37,739 17,140 20,599 49.3 56.0 42.2 13.8
District (Rural) Total: 141,645 84,662 56,983 207,135 92,057 115,078 47.1 55.5 38.4 17.1

This table provides information on sex wise literacy literacy rate is 17.1 per cent. Highest percentage of
rate among the Scheduled Castes in the C.D. blocks literates are reported from the Tirumakudal-Narsipur
of the district. The percentage of literacy rate for the (49.3 per cent) followed by Mysore C.D. blocks (49.1
district rural is 47.1 per cent. The percentage of male per cent and lowest of 44.9 per cent is reported from
literacy rate works out to 55.5 per cent and that of Nanjangud. Highest percentage of literacy is among
female is 38.4 per cent. The gap in male-female the males in all C.D. blocks.



Range of literacy Number of inhabited Percentage distribution Scheduled Castes Pcrccntage distribution of
rate for viUages villages of villages Population population

1 2 3 4 5
0 5 0.5 16 0.0
1-10 3 0.3 163 0.0
11-20 9 0.9 978 0.. 3
21-30 63 6.2 13,431 3.9
31-40 234 23.0 75,290 21.6
41-50 368 36.2 133,568 38.3
51-60 234 23.0 98,450 28.2
61-70 66 6.5 20,597 5.9
71-80 18 1.8 5,688 1.6
81-90 II 1.1 582 0.2
91-99 0.0 0.0
100 6 0.6 17 0.0
District Total: 1,017 100.0 348,780 100.0
Literacy rate for' District (Rural): 47.1

The sex wise literacy rate among Scheduled cent. If the distribution of villages is made by
Castes has been given in the previous table. This range of literacy rate, the picture that would
table highlights the distribution of villages by emerge for all the 1,017 inhabited villages of the
literacy rate for the Scheduled Castes population. district would be as indicated in the above Table
Literacy rate for the district rural is 47.1 per No.26.

SI. Name and urban N u m be r of Ii te rates an d illite rates Percentage of literates Gap in
No status of Town male-
Nu m ber of literates Number of illiterates literacy
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Female rate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Piriyapatna (TP) 792 448 344 463 192 271 71.9 79.3 64.1 15.2
2 Hunsur (TMC) 4,082 2,340 1,742 2,952 1,234 1,718 66.8 75.5 57.8 17.6
3 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 2,451 1,413 1,038 1,956 842 1,114 63.7 71.9 55.1 16.8
4 Mysore (M Corp+OG) 59,734 33.523 26,211 29,262 12,072 17,190 75.9 83.0 68.4 14.6
5 Hebbalu (CT) 90 50 40 48 19 29 85.7 96.2 75.5 20.7
6 Belvata (CT) 332 184 148 122 60 62 82.8 86.4 78.7 7.7
7 Bhogadi (CT) 176 103 73 203 98 105 56.1 62.8 48.7 14.1
8 Heggadadevankote (TP) 1,709 997 712 1,067 460 607 70.6 78.1 62.2 15.9
9 Nanjangud (TMC) 5,647 3,104 2,543 3,683 1,545 2,138 68.7 75.4 61.9 13.5
10 Bannur (TP) 1,803 1,035 768 1,458 596 862 62.1 70.8 53.2 17.7
11 Tirurnakudal-Narsipur (TP) 473 292 181 357 150 207 64.4 73.2 54.0 19.2
Mysore (Urban) 77,289 43,489 33,800 41,571 17,268 24,303 73.7 81.0 66.1 14.9

The distribution of urban literacy rate by sex among for 14.9 per cent. Highest literacy gap is reported
Scheduled Caastes is presented in the above table. from Hebbalu (CT) followed by Tirumakudal-Narsipur
Data reveals that the literacy rate for the district urban (TP) (19.2 per cent). Whereas lowest gap (7.7 per
is 73.7 per cent and that of male literacy rate is 81.0 cent) is from Belvata (CT). Highest percentage of
per cent, female literacy rate is 66.1 per cent. The both male and female literates is reported from Hebbalu
gap between male and female literacy rate accounts and Belvata CTs respectively in the urban district.


S EX IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001
Sl. Name ofC.D. Blocks Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates
Gap in
No male-
Number of literates Number of illiterates literacy
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Female rate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Piriyapatna 6,382 3,902 2,480 9,307 4,054 5,253 47.5 57.4 37.4 20.0
2 Hunsur 13,950 8,847 5,103 21,851 9,377 12,474 45.2 56.2 33.8 22.4
3 Krishnarajanagara 6,633 4,125 2,508 7,322 2,891 4,431 53.8 66.8 40.8 26.0
4 Mysore 9,730 5,984 3,746 22,601 10,574 12,027 35.2 42.5 27.7 14.8
5 Heggadadevankote 17,427 10,660 6,767 31,963 14,042 17,921 41.7 50.9 32.5 18.3
6 Nanjangud 14,481 8,686 5,795 30,758 13,947 16,811 36.9 44.2 . 29.6 14.7
7 Tirumakuda1- Narsipur 12,31 I 7,219 5,092 19,538 8,814 10,724 44.4 51.8 36.9 14.9
District (Rural) Total: 80,914 49,423 31,491 143,340 63,699 79,641 41.9 50.8 32.9 17.8

This table provides information on sex wise Highest male and female literacy rate of 66.8 per
literacy rate among the Scheduled Tribes in the C.D. cent and 40.8 per cent respectively and highest male-
blocks of the district. The percentage of literacy female literacy gap is also reported from
rate for the district rural is 41.9 per cent, the Krishnarajanagara only. Lowest literacy rate of35.2
percentage of male literacy rate works out to 50.8 per cent, lowest male-female literacy rate of 42.5
per cent and that of female is 32.9 per cent. The per cent and 27.7 per cent respectively is reported
gap in male-female literacy rate is 17.8 per cent. from Mysore C.D. block.


Range of literacy Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Scheduled Tribes Percentage distribution
rate for villages villages villages Population of population
1 2 3 4 5
0 29 4.0 295 0.1
1-10 6 0.8 702 0.3
11-20 27 3.7 3,971 1.8
21-30 85 11.7 32,421 14.5
31-40 188 25.8 67,293 30.0
41-50 195 26.7 72,912 32.5
51-60 112 15.4 33,918 15.1
61-70 44 6.0 10,610 4.7
71-80 25 3.4 1,905 0.8
81-90 10 1.4 193 0.1
91-99 0.0 0.0
100 8 1.1 34 0.0
District Total: 729 100.0 224,254 100.0

Literacy rate for District (Rural): 41.9

The sex wise literacy rate among Scheduled Tribes rural is 41.9 per cent. If the distribution of villages is
has been given in the previoUs table. This table highlights made by range of literacy rate, the picture that would
the distribution of villages by literacy rate for the emerge for all the 729 inhabited villages of the district
Scheduled Tnbes population. Literacy rate for the district would be as indicated in the above Table No.29.



. SEX IN TOWNS, 2001

81. Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in
No. status of Town Number of literates Number of illiterates male-
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females female
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I Piriyapatna (TP) 807 447 360 774 330 444 57.4 65.9 49.5 16.4
2 Hunsur (TMC) 1,975 1,145 830 1,463 576 887 65.7 76.6 54.9 21.8
3 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 999 579 420 646 247 399 70.5 80.5 60.2 20.4
4 Mysore (M Corp+OG) 18,334 10,337 7,997 11,745 4,919 6,826 69.3 77.2 61.2 16.0
5 Hebbalu (CT) 60 30 30 49 27 22 65.9 65.2 66.7 -1.4
6 Belvata (CT) 86 51 35 69 29 40 67.2 76.1 57.4 18.7
7 Bhogadi (CT) 54 35 19 34 17 17 68.4 76.1 57.6 18.5
8 Heggadadevankotc (TP) 922 532 390 1,170 480 690 51.3 62.0 41.5 20.5
9 Nanjangud (TMC) 1,408 793 615 903 350 553 69.7 78.7 60.8 17.8
10 Bannur (TP) 1,506 824 682 1,373 638 735 58.9 63.9 53.8 10.1
11 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) 1,532 861 671 1,188 462 726 . 64.4 73.8 55.3 18.6
Mysore (Urban) 27,683 15,634 12,049 19,414 8,075 11,339 67.0 75.3 58.6 16.7

The distribution of urban literacy rate by sex literacy gap of21.8 per cent is reported from Hunsur
among Scheduled Tribes is presented in the above (TMC) followed by Heggadadevanakote of20.5 per
table. Data reveals that the literacy rate for the cent. Lowest of -1.4 per cent is reported from
district urban is 67.0 per cent and that of male Hebbalu CT. Highest male literacy rate of 80.5 per
literacy rate is 75.3 per cent, female literacy rate is cent is reported from Krishnarajanagara whereas
58.6 per cent. The gap between male and female highest female literacy rate of 66.7 per cent is
literacy rate accounts for 16.7 per cent. Highest reported from Hebbalu (CT).
SL Name of Taluk Persons! Total Main workers Marginal Total workers Non workers
No Males! population workers (Main and
Females marginal
Number Percen Number Percen Number Percen Number Percen
tage tage tage tage
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Piriyapatna Persons 224,254 88,035 39.3 ,14,022 6.3 102,057 45.5 122,197 54.5
Males 115,849 61,631 53.2 3,352 2.9 64,983 56.1 50,866 43.9
Females 108,405 26,404 24.4 10,670 9.8 37,074 34.2 71,331 65.8
2 Hunsur Persons 253,926 100,527 39.6 36,092 14.2 136,619 53.8 117,307 46.2
Males 129,409 70,501 54.5 10,574 8.2 8]'075 62.7 48,334 37.3
Females 124,517 30,026 24.1 25,518 20.5 55,544 44.6 68,973 55.4
3 Krishnarajanagara Persons 239,199 87,872 36.7 24,467 10.2 112,339 47.0 126,860 53.0
Males 120,481 67,808 56.3 6,020 5.0 73,828 61.3 46,653 38.7
Females 118,718 20,064 16.9 18,447 15.5 38,511 32.4 80,207 67.6
4 Mysore Persons 1,038,490 339,926 32.7 29,644 2.9 369,570 35.6 668,920 64.4
Males 529,531 273,498 51.6 15,110 2.9 288,608 54.5 240,923 45.5
Females 508,959 66,428 I3.1 14,534 2.9 80,962 15.9 427,997 84.1
5 Heggadadevankote Persons 245,930 103,171 42.0 22,242 9.0 125,413 51.0 120,517 49.0
Males 124,705 68,028 54.6 7,429 6.0 75,457 60.5 49,248 39.5
Females 121,225 35,143 29.0 14,813 12.2 49,956 41.2 71,269 58.8
6 Nal1iangud Persons 360,223 124,175 34.5 32,063 8.9 156,238 43.4 203,985 56.6
Males 182,528 99,941 54.8 13,344 7.3 113,285 62.1 69,243 37.9
Females 177,695 24,234 13.6 18,719 10.5 42,953 24.2 134,742 75.8


SL Name of 'Taluk Persons! Total Main workers Marginal Total workers Non workers
No Males! population workers (Main and
Females marginal
Number Percen Number Percen Number Percen Number Percen
tage tage tage tage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12
7 'Tirumakudal Narsipur Persons 279,005 82,423 29.5 25,605 9.2 108,028 38.7 170,977 61.3
Males 142,167 70,752 49.8 14,605 10.3 85,357 60.0 56,810 40.0
Females 136,838 11,671 8.5 II,OOO 8.0 22,671 16.6 114,167 83.4
District Total: Persons 2,641,027 926,129 35.1 184,135 7.0 1,110,264 42.0 1,530,763 58.0
Males 1,344,670 712,159 53.0 70,434 5.2 782,593 58.2 562,077 41.8
Females 1,296,357 213,970 16.5 113,701 8.8 327,671 25.3 968,686 74.7

The above table provide sex wise distribution of Hunsur. Highest percentage of female workers of
workers by category in the taluks of the district. Data 44.6 per cent are also reported from Hunsur. Lowest
reveals that percentage of total workers constitute percentasge of 15.9 per cent is reported from Mysore.
42.0 per cent. Among the taluks highest percentage, The percentage of non workers accounts for 58.0
of total workers of 53.8 per cent is reported from per cent in the district.

SI. Name of Persons! Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
No. C.D. Blocks Males! population (Main and.
Females marginal workers)
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
age age age age
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Piriyapatna Persons 209,330 82,751 39.5 13,676 6.5 96,427 46.1 112,903' 53.9
Males 108,257 57,461 53.1 3,180 2.9 60,641 56.0 47,616 44.0
Females 101,073 25,290 25.0 10,496 10.4 35,786 35.4 65,287 64.6
2 Hunsur Persons 210,026 86,546 41.2 33,894 16.1 120,440 57.3 89,586 42.7
Males 107,049 58,848 55.0 9,268 8.7 68,116 63.6 38,933 36.4
Females 102,977 27,698 26.9 24,626 23.9 52,324 50.8 50,653 49.2
3 Krishnaraja Persons 208,566 78,709 37.7 23,440 11.2 102,149 49.0 106,417 51.0
nagara Males 104,881 60,156 57.4 5,498 5.2 65,654 62.6 39,227 37.4
Females 103,685 18,553 17.9 17,942 17.3 36,495 35.2 67,190 64.8
4 Mysore Persons 239,262 86,408 36.1 17,189 7.2 103,597 43.3 135,665 56.7
Males 123,168 67,813 55.1 7,484 6.1 . 75,297 61.1 47,871 38.9
Females 116,094 18,595 16.0 ,9,705 8.4 28,300 24.4 87,794 75.6
5 Heggada Persons 233,885 99,432 42.5 21,398 9.1 120,830 51.7 113,055 48.3
devankote Males U 8,536 65,182 55.0 7,010 5.9 72,192 60.9 46,344 39.1
Females 115,349 34,250 29.7 14,388 12.5 48,638 42.2 66,711 57.8
6 Nanjangud Persons 311,991 109,685 35.2 30,113 '9.7 139,798 44.8 172,193 55.2
Males 158,135 87,764 55.5 1l,991 7.6 99,755 63.1 58,380 36.9
Females 153,856 21,921 14.2 18,122 11.8 40,043 26.0 113,813 74.0
7 Tirumakudal Persons 245,839 71,101 28.9 24,707 10.1 95,808 39.0 150,031 61.0
Narsipur Males 125,353 61,232 48.8 14,104 11.3 75,336 60.1 50,017 39.9
Females 120,486 9,869 8.2 10,603 8.8 20,472 17.0 100,014 83.0
District (Rural) Persons 1,658,899 614,632 37.1 164,417 9.9 779,049 47.0 879,850 53.0
Total: Males 845,379 458,456 54.2 58,535 6.9 516,991 61.2 328,388 38.8
Females 813,520 156,176 19.2 105,882 13.0 262,058 32.2 551,462 67.8


Data presented in this table is for the C.D. blocks workers and highest number of female workers of 50.8
of the district, which includes only the rural population. per cent. Whereas the same. is lowest in Tirurnakudal
Data reveals that the percentage of total workers in the Narsipur (17.0 per cent). Percentage of non-workers is
district is 47.0 per cent. Among the CD blocks, Hunsur 53.0 per cent and percentage of main workers is 37.1
has the highest percentage of 57.3 per cent of total per cent in the C.D. blocks of the district.



S 1. N arne and Persons I Total Main work.ers Marginal Total workers Non work.ers
No. urban Males / Population workers (Main and
status of Females marginal
UAI workers)
Town Number Percen Number Percen Number Percen Number Percen
tage tage tagc tage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12·
Piriyapatna (TP) Persons 14,924 5,284 35.4 346 2.3 5,630 37.7 9,294 62.3
Males 7,592 4,170 54.9 172 2.3 4,342 57.2 3,250 42.8
Females 7,332 1,114 15.2 174 2.4 1,288 17.6 6,044 82.4
2 HunsUT (TMC) Persons 43,900 13,981 31.8 2,198 5.0 16,179 36.9 27,721 63.1
Males 22,360 11,653 52.1 1,306 5.8 12,959 58.0 9,401 42.0
Females 21,540 2,328 10.8 892 4.1 3,220 14.9 18,320 85.1
3 Krishnarajanagara Persons 30,633 9,163 29.9 1,027 3.4 10,190 33.3 20,443 66.7
(TMC) Males 15,600 7,652 49.1 522 3.3 8,174 52.4 7,426 47.6
Females 15,033 1,511 10.1 505 3.4 2,016 13.4 13,017 86.6
4 Mysore UA Persons 799,228 253,518 31.7 12,455 1.6 265,973 33.3 533,255 66.7
Males 406,363 205,685 50.6 7,626 1.9 213,311 52.5 193,052 47.5
Females 392,865 47,833 12.2 4,829 1.2 52,662 13.4 340,203 86.6
5 (a) Mysore Persons 787,179 249,360 31.7 12,163 1.5 261,523 33.2 525,656 66.8
(M Corp+OG) Males 400,109 202,315 50.6 7,461 1.9 209,776 52.4 190,333 47.6
Females 387,070 47,045 12.2 4,702 1.2 51,747 13.4 335,323 86.6
6 (i) Mysore Persons 755,379 238,832 31.6 II ,795 1.6 250,627 33.2 504,752 66.8
(M Corp.) Males 383,480 193,328 50.4 7,215 1.9 200,543 52.3 182,937 47.7
Females 371,899 45,504 12.2 4,580 1.2 50,084 13.5 321,815 86.5
7 (b) Belvala (CT) Persons 5,707 . 2,100 36.8 125 2.2 2,225 39.0 3,482 61.0
Males 2,939 1,662 56.5 65 2.2 1,727 58.8 1,212 41.2
Females 2,768 438 15.8 60 2.2 498 18.0 2,270 82.0
8 (c) Bhogadi (CT) Persons 4,815 1,526 31.7 167 3.5 1,693 35.2 3,122 64.8
Males 2,529 1,247 49.3 100 4.0 1,347 53.3 1,182 46.7
Females 2,286 279 12.2 67 2.9 346 15.1 1,940 84.9
9 (d) Hebbalu (CT) Persons 1,527 532 34.8 o 0.0 532 34.8 995 65.2
Males 786 461 58.7 o 0.0 461 58.7 325 41.3
Females 741 71 9.6 o 0.0 71 9.6 670 90.4
10 Heggadadevankote Persons 12,045 '3,739 31.0 844 7.0 4,583 38.0 7,462 62.0
(TP) Males 6,169 2,846 46.1 419 6.8 3,265 52.9 2,904 47.1
Females 5,876 893 15.2 425 7.2 1,318 22.4 4,558 77.6
II Nanjangud (TMC) Persons 48,232 14,490 30.0 1,950 4.0 16,440 34.1 31,792 65.9
Males 24,393 12,177 49.9 1,353 5.5 13,530 55.5 10,863 44.5
Females 23,839 2,313 9.7 597 2.5 2,910 12.2 20,929 87.8
. 12 Bannur (TP) Persons 23,239 8,234 35.4 655 2.8 8,889 38.3 14,350 61.7
Males 11,825 6,845 57.9 336 2.8 7,181 60.7 4,644 39.3
Females 11,414 1,389 12.2 319 2.8 1,708 15.0 9,706 85.0
13 Tirumakudal- Persons 9,927 3,088 31.1 243 2.4 3,331 33.6 6,596 66.4
Narsipur (TP) Males 4,989 2,675 53.6 165 3.3 2,840 56.9 2,149 43.1
Females 4,938 413 8.4 78 1.6 491 9.9 4,447 90.1
District (Urban) Persons 982,128 311,497 31.7 19,718 2.0 331,215 33.7 650,913 66.3
Total: Males 499,291 253,703 50.8 11,899 2.4 265,602 53.2 233,689 46.8
Females 482,837 57,794 12_0 7,819 1.6 65,613 13.6 417,224 86.4


Sex wise distribution of categories of workers percentage of (33.2 per cent) the same is reported
for the urban population of district is given in the above from Mysore (M.Corp.+OG) and Mysore eM. Corp.).
table by number and' percentage. ,It can be seen Highest percentage of female workers (22.4 per cent)
from the above table that, the percentage of total is reported from Heggadadevankote. The' percentage
workers for the district urban is 33.7 per cent. Highest of non-workers accounts for 66.3 per cent for the
percentage of (39.0 per cent) total workers are district urban whereas main workers constitute 31.7
reported from the Belvata urban and lowest per cent.

SI. Name of Taluk Persons I Total Total Category of workers

No Males I Population number of Cultivators Agricultural Household Other
Females workers' Labourers Industry workers
(Main + workers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Piriyapatna Persons 224,254 102,057 64,719 18,597 1,136 17,605
(45.5) (63.4) (18.2) 0.1) (17.3)
Males 115,849 64,983 43,208 8,098 754 12,923
(56.1) (66.5) (12.5) (1.2) (19.9)
Females 108,405 37,074 21,511 10,499 382 4,682
(34.2) (58.0) (28.3) (1.0) (12.6)
2 Hunsur Persons 253,926 136,619 77,588 32,616 2,003 24,412
(53.8) (56.8) (23.9) (1.5) (17.9)
Males 129,409 81,075 47,221 13,616 1,052 19,186
(62.7) (58.2) (16.8) ( 1.3) (23.7)
Females 124,517 55,544 30,367 19,000 951 5,226
(44.6) (54.7) (34.2) (1.7) (9.4)
3 Krishnarajanagara Persons 239,199 112,339 59,799 29,281 1,445 21,814
(47.0) (53.2) (26.1) (I.3) (19.4)
Males 120,481 73,828 42,343 12,846 771 17,868
(61.3) (57.4) (17.4) (1.0) (24.2)
Females 118,718 38,511 17,456 16,435 674 3,946
(32-4) . (45.3) (42.7) (1.8) (10.2)
4 Mysore Persons 1,038,490 369,570 42,156. 20,474 11,980 294,960·
(35.6) (11.4) (5.5) (3.2) (79.8)
Males 529,531 288,608 32,326 10,025 3,948 242,309
(54.5) (11.2) (3.5) (1.4) (84.0)
Females 508,959 80,962 9,830 10,449 8,032 52,651
(15.9) (12.1) (12.9) (9.9) (65.0)
5 Heggadadevankote Persons 245,930 125,413 63,815 43,709 1,450 16,439
(51.0) (50.9) (34.9) (1.2) (13.1)
Males 124,705 75,457 41,845 19,801 745 13,066'
(60.5) (55.5) (26.2) (I.O) (17.3)
Females 121,225 . 49,956 21,970 23,908 705 3,373
(41.2) (44.0) (47.9) (1.4) (6.8)
Nanjangud Persons 360,223 156,238 53,008 60,868 . 2,214 40,148
(43.4) (33.9) (39.0) (1.4) (25.7)
Males 182,528 113,285 ,45,589 33,475 1,111 33,110
(62.1) (40.2) (29.5) (1.0) (29.2)
Females 177,695 42,953 7,419 27,393 1,103 7,038
(24.2) (17.3) (63.8) (2.6) ( 16.4)




S1. Name of Taluk Persons I Total Total Cateaory of workers

No Males I Population number of Cultivators Agricultural Household Other
Females workers Labourers Industry workers
(Main + workers
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur Persons 279,005 108,028 36,872 44,817 1,374 24,965
(38.7) (34.1) (41.5) (1.3) (23.1)
Males 142,167 85,357 34,538 29,051 605 21,163
(60.0) (40.5) (34.0) (0.7) (24.8)
Females 136,838 22,671 2,334 15,766 769 3,802
(16.6) (10.3) (69.5) (3.4) (\6.8)
District Total: Persons 2,641,027 1,110,264 397,957 250,362 21,602 440,343
(42.0) (35.8) (22.5) (1.9) (39.7)
Males 1,344,670 782,593 287,070 126,912 8,986 359,625
(58.2) (36.7) (16.2) (1.1) (46.0)
Females 1,296,357 327,671 110,887 123,450 12,616 80,718
(25.3) (33.8) (37.7) (3.9) (24.6)
Note: Pcr cent of Worker to total worker arc given in brackets

The distribution of total workers by sex according workers. At taluk level maximum number of cultivators
to four fold industrial category in taluks is highlighted in are found in Piriyapatna whereas number of agricultural
this table. Data reveals that Agricultural labourers and labourers are more in TllUlllakudal N arsipur. The number
cultivators together constitute 58.3 per cent of the total . of other workers is found more in Mysore taluk.



SI. Name of C. D. Block Persons! Total Total Category of workers

No Males! Population number of Cultivators Agricultural Household Other
Females workers Labourers Industry workers
(Main + workers
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Piriyapatnu Persons 209,330. 96,427 63,868 17,639 997 13,923
(46.1) (66.2) (18.3) (1.0) (14.4)
Males 108,257 60,641 42,552 7,548 661 9,880
(56.0) (70.2) (12.4) (J.l) (16.3)
Females 101,073 35,786 21,316 10,091 336 4,043
(35.4) (59.6) (28.2) (0.9) (11.3)
2 Hunsur Persons 210,026 120,440 76,255 31,157 1,132 11,896
(57.3) (63.3) (25.9) (0.9) (9.9)
Males 107,049 68,116 46,203 12,688 605 8,620
(63.6) (67.8) (J 8.6) (0.9) (12.7)
Females 102,977 52,324 30,052 18,469 527 3,276
(50.8) (57.4) (35.3) (1.0) (6.3)
3 Krishnarajanagara Persons 208,566 102,149 58,870 28,567 932 13,780
(49.0) (57.6) (28.0) (0.9) (13.5)
Males 104,881 65,654 41,618 12,541 604 10,891
(62.6) (63.4) (19.1) (0.9) (16.6)
Females 103,685 36,495 17,252 16,026 328 2,889
(35.2) (47.3) (43.9) (0.9) (7.9)



SI. Name of C. D. Block Persons / . Total Total Catego!}: of workers
No Males! Population number of Cultivators Agricultural Household Other
Females workers Labourers Industry workers
(Main + workers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 Mysore Persons 239,262 103,597 40,723 19,309 985 42,580
(43.3) (39.3) (18.6) (1.0) (4l.l)
Males 123,168 75,297 31,077 9,104 630 34,486
(61.1) (41.3) (12.1) (0.8) (45.8)
Females 116,094 28,300 9,646 10,205 355 8,094
(24.4) (34.1) (36.1) (1.3) (28.6)
5 Heggadadevankote Persons 233,885 120,830 63,170 42,535 1,331 13,794
(51.7) (52.3) (35.2) (1.1 ) (11.4)
Males 118,536 72,192 41,415 19,216 707 10,854
(60.9) (57.4) (26.6) ( 1.0) (15.0)
Females 115,349 . 48,638 21,755 23,319 624 2,940
(42.2) (44.7) (47.9) (1.3) (6.0)
6 Nanjangud Persons 311,991 139,798 52,468 60,212 1,582 25,536
(44.8) (37.5) (43.1) (1.1 ) (18.3)
Males 158,135 99,755 45,088 33,030 870 20,767
(63.1) (45.2) (33.1) (0.9) (20.8)
Females 153,856 40,043 7,380 27,182 712 4,769
(26.0) (18.4) (67.9) ( 1.8) (11.9)
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur Persons 245,839 95,808 34,529 42,310 1,095 17,874
(39.0) (36.0) (44.2) (1.1 ) (18.7)
Males 125,353 75,336 32,336 27,363 455 15,182
(60.1) (42.9) (36.3) (0.6) (20.2)
Females 120,486 20,472 2,193 14,947 640 2,692
(17.0) (10.7) (73.0) (3.1) (13.1)
District (Rural) Total: .Persons 1,658,899 779,049 389,883 241,729 8,054 139,383
(47.0) (50.0) (31.0) (I.O) (17.9)
Males 845,379 516,991 280,289 121,490 4,532 IlO,680
(61.2) (54.2) (23.5) (0.9) (21.4)
Females 813,520 262,058 109,594 120,239 3,522 28,703
(32.2) (41.8) (45.9) (1.3) (11.0)
Note: Percent of Workers to total workers arc given in brackets

The distribution of total workers by sex according The distribution of total workers by sex according
to four-fold industrial category in C.D. Blocks is to four fold industrial category in urban
highlighted in this table for the C.D.blocks. of the agglomerations/towns is highlighted in table 36. Data
reveals that other workers constitute 90.9%. for the
district which include only the rural population. Data
district urban. Cultivators and agricultural labourers
reveals that Agricultural labourers and cultivators
constitute 5.0 per cent whereas household industry
together constitute 81.0 per cent of the total workers. workers constitute 4.1 per cent. Highest number of
At taluk level maximum number of cultivators are cultivators and agricultural labourers are found in
found in Piriyapatna. Whereas agricultural labourers Bannur TP and· maximum numbers of female
are more in Tirumakudal Narsipur. Number of other agricultural labourers are reported from
workers are found more in Mysore. Heggadadevankote




SI. Name and urban status Persons I Total Total Category of workers
No. ofUAlTown Males / population number of
Females workers Cultivators Agricultural Household Otller
(Main + Labourers Industry workers
Marginal) workers
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Piriyapatna (TP) Persons 14,924 5,630 851 958 139 3,682
(37.7) (15.1 ) (17.0) (2.5) (65.4)
Males 7,592 4,342 656 550 93 3,043
(57.2) (15.1 ) (12.7) (2.1) (70.1)
Females 7,332 1,288 195 408 46 639
(17.6) (15. I) (31.7) (3.6) (49.6)
2 Hunsur (TMC) Persons 43,900 16,179 1,333 1,459 871 12,516
(36.9) (8.2) (9.0) (5.4) (77.4)
Males 22,360 12,959 1,018 928 447 10,566
(58.0) (7.9) (7.2) (3.4) (81.5)
Females 21,540 3,220 315 531 424 1,950
(14.9) (9.8) (16.5) (13.2) (60.6)
3 Krishnarajanagara Persons 30,633 10,190 929 714 513 8,034
(TMC) (33.3) (9. I) (7.0) (5.0) (78.8)
Males 15,600 8,174 725 305 167 6,977
(52.4) (8.9) (3.7) (2.0) (85.4)
Females 15,033 2,016 204 409 346 1,057
(13.4) (10.1) (20.3) (17.2) (52.4)
4 Mysore UA Persons 799,228 265,973 1,433 1,165 10,995 252,380
(33.3) (0.5) (0.4) (4. I) (94.9)
Males 406,363 213,311 1,249 921 3,318 207,823
(52.5) (0.6) (0.4) (1.6) (97.4)
Females 392,865 52,662 11I4 244 7,677 44,557
(13.4) (0.3) (0.5) (14.6) (84.6)
5 (a) Mysore Persons 787,179 261,523 1,354 1,037 10,874 248,258
(M Corp+OG) (33.2) (0.5) (0.4) (4.2) (94.9)
Males 400,109 209,776 1,190 820 3,241 204,525
(52.4) (0.6) (0.4) (\.5) (97.5)
Females . 387,070 51,747 164 217 7,633 43,733
(13.4) (0.3) (0.4) (14.8) (84.5)
6 (i) Mysore (M Corp.) Persons 755,379 250,627 1,111 922 10,760 237,834
(33.2) (0.4) (0.4) (4.3) (94.9)
Males 383,480 200,543 965 732 3,168 195,678
(52.3) (0.5) (0.4) (\.6) (97.6)
Females 371,899 50,084 146 190 7,592 42,156
(13.5) (0.3) (0.4) (15.2) (84.2)
7 (b) Belvata (eT) Persons 5,707 2,225 8 20 87 2,110
(39.0) (004) (0.9) (3.9) (94.8)
Males 2,939 1,727 7 17 52 1,651
(58.8) (0.4) (1.0) (3.0) (95.6)
Females 2,768 498 I 3 35 459
(18.0) (0.2) (0.6) (7.0) (92.2)
8 (c) Bhogadi (eT) Pel·sons 4,815 1,693 67 108 32 1,486
(35.2) (4.0) (6.4) (1.9) (87.8)
Males 2,529 1,347 49 84 24 1,190
(53.3) (3.6) (6.2) (1.8) (88.3)
Females 2,286 346 18 24 8 296
(I5.1) (5.2) (6.9) (2.3) (85.5)


SI. -Name and urban status Persons I Total Total Category of workers
No. of UAJTown Males I population number of
Females workers --;C::::u:;:lt:;:iv=a=to--r---s-A:-g-r7"ic-u7"lt-u-ra"":'I--::U=o-u-s-:eh-o-ld--O-t-h-er-
(Main + Labourers Industry workers
Marginal) workers
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 (d) Hebbalu CCT) Persons 1,527 532 4 2 526
(34.8) (0.8) (0.0) (004) (98.9)
Males 786 461 3 I 457
(58.7) (0.7) (0.0) (0.2) (99.1)
Females 741 71 I I 69
(9.6) (1.4) (0.0) (1.4) (97.2)
10 Heggadadevankote (TP) Persons 4,583 645 1,174 119 2,645
(38.0) (14.1) (25.6) (2.6) (57.7)
Males 6,169 3,265 430 585 38 2,212
(52.9) (13.2) (17.9) (1.2) (67.7)
Females 5,876 1,318 215 589 81 433
(2204) (16.3) (44.7) (6.1) (32.9)
II Nanjangud (TMC) Persons 48,232 16,440 540 656 632 14,612
(34.1) (3.3) (4.0) (3.8) (88.9)
Males 24,393 13,530 501 445 241 12,343
(55.5) (3.7) (3.3) (1.8) (91.2)
Females 23,839 2,910 39 211 391 2,269
(12.2) (1.3) (7.3) (13.4) (78.0)
12 Bannur (TP) Persons 23,239 8,889 2,168 2,422 236 4,063
(38.3) (24.4) (27.2) (2.7) (45.7)
Males 11,825 7,181 2,033 1,618 126 3,404
(60.7) (28.3) (22.5) (1.8) (47.4)
Females 11,414 1,708 135 804 110 659
(15.0) (7.9) (47.J) (6.4) (38.6)
I3 Tirumakudal-Narsipur Persons 9,927 3,331 175 85 43 3,028
(TP) (33.6) (5.3) (2.6) 0.3) (90.9)
Males 4,989 2,840 169 70 24 2,577
(56.9) (6.0) (2.5) (0.8) (90.7)
Females 4,938 491 6 15 19 451
(9.9) (1.2) (3.1) (3.9) (91.9)
District (Urban) Total; Persons 982,128 331,215 8,074 8,633 13,548 300,960
(33.7) (2.4) (2.6) (4.1) (90.9)
Males 499,291 265,602 6,781 5,422 4,454 248,945
(53.2) (2.6) (2.0) (1.7) (93.7)
Females 482,837 65,613 1,293 3,211 9,094 52,015
(13.6) (2.0) (4.9) (13.9) (79.3)

ix) Brief analysis of Village Directory and Town telephone facility. Power supply is available to
Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47. 1,215 villages which is about 99.9 per cent of
The table-37 reveals brief analysis of various the total inhabited villages. C.D.block wise
amenities, which are available in C.D. block. analysis shows that 100 per cent i.e. all the
Data reveals that 90.7 per cent of the inhabited villages III Tirumakudal Narsipur have
villages have educational facility and 96.0 per educational, improved drinking water and power
cent have improved drinking water facilities. supply facilities. The position of medical facility
Medical facility is available for 37.7 per cent of varies from 31.8 per cent to 39.7 per cent in all
villages. Of the 1,216 inhabited villages only 375 the C.D. blocks. Except for Tirumakudal Narsipur
villages have post office. About 702 villages have where it is 59.5 per cent.



SI Name of Number of Type of amenity available
No C. D. block inhabited -E~d-u-ca-t-=-i-M:-e~di:-ea-:-I-"::"Imp-r-ov-e-:-d--:p:-o-st---=T:-e-=-Ie--:T~ra-ns-po-rt--B~a-n"::"k-s-A-gn-:-'c-u"::"lt-ura-=-I---:""A-pp-r-oa-e-=-h---P-o\-ve-r-
villages on drinking Office # phone communicati Credit by pueea supply
water* ons $ Societies road
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
I Piriyapatna 197 174 66 192 57 120 146 37 35 66 197
(100) (88.3) (33.5) (97.5) (28.9) (60.9) (74.1) ( 18.8) (17.8) (33.5) (100.0)
211unsur 192 172 61 186 45 113 171 32 25 61 192
(100) (89.6) (31.8) (96.9) (23.4) (58.9) (89.1 ) (16.7) (13.0) (31.8) (100.0)
3 Krishnaraja 156 146 62 147 49 86 122 24 II 62 156
nagara (100) (93.6) (39.7) (94.2) (31.4) (55.1) (78.2) ( 15.4) (7.0) (39.7) (100.0)
-I Mysore 131 124 51 128 40 90 122 22 15 51 131
(100) (94.7) (38.9) (97.7) (30.5) (68.7) (93.1) (16.8) (11.4) (38.9) (100.0)
5 Heggada 243 198 80 220 51 85 175 20 II 80 242
dcvankote (100) (81.5) (32.9) (90.5) (21.0) (35.0) (72.0) (8.2) (4.5) (32.9) (99.6)
6 Nanjangud 176 168 67 173 81 126 159 32 32 67 176
(100) (95.5) (38.1) (98.3) (46.0) (71.6) (90.3) (18.2) (18.2) (38.1) (100.0)
7 Tirumakudal 121 121 72 121 52 82 110 25 11 72 121
Narsipur (100) (100.0) (59.5) (100.0) (43.0) (67.8) (90.9) (20.7) (9.1) (59.5) (100.0)
District Total: 1,216 1,103 459 1,167 375 702 1,005 192 140 459 1,215
(100) (90.7) (37.7)
-- - - -- -- ------.--~-.------._:__-'---:_______;_-:...__
(96.0) (30.8) (57.7) (82.6) (15.8) (11.5) (37.7) (99.9)

Note: - Percentages are given in brackets.

* Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved' or otherwise. If the
household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump! tube well situated within or outside the premises
it is considered as having access to 'Improved drinking water source'. !Iowcycr, the concept of improved drinking water is
state specific and this is to be considered accordingly.
# Post office includes Post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph ofticc.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.


SI ;\lame of Total Type of amenity available
No C. D. population--:E:-::d-uc-a-:ti-on--:M~e-d:::-ie-al~I;-m-p-ro-v-e'7d--::P:-os"':"t-;:;T-=el-ep'7h-on-e--=T::-r-an-s-po-r"':"t---:""B;:'a-n7ks-7Ag-r7ie-u~ltu-r-a;-1"':"A-pp-r-o-ae7h---'P;:'0-w-e-r-
block of drinking Office # communicat Credit by pueea supply
inhahited water* ions $ Societies road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
I Piriyaratna 209,330 204,690 108,937 207,491 100,277 149,608 181,891 66,702 60,518 187,925 209,330
(100) (97.8) (52.0) (99.1) (47.9) (71.5) (86.9) (31.9) (28.9) (89.8) (100.0)
2 Hunsllr 210,026 207,393 105,351 209,696 87,954 147,949 199,891 67,570 51,166 148,379 210,026
(100) (98.7) (50.2) (99.8) (41.9) (70.4 ) (95.2) (32.2) (24.4) (70.6) (100.0)
3 Krishnaraja 20S,566 208,372 129,761 207,921 128,018 160,486 189,718 69,894 36,449 185,800 208,566
nagara (100) (99.9) (62.2) (99.7) (61.4) (76.9) (91.0) (33.5) (17.5) (89.1) (100.0)
4 Mysore 239,262 238,989 146,633 239,167 129,766 185,385 236,327 75,309 53,370 221,088 239,262
(100) (99.9) (61.3) (100.0) (54.2) (77.5) (98.8) (31.5) (22.3) (92.4) (100.0)
5 Heggada 233,885 226,467 127,591 231,401 110,022 123,685 206,462 55,276 30,727 175,896 233,229
dcvankotc (100) (96.8) (54.6) (98.9) (47.0) (52.9) (88.3) (23.6) (13.1) (75.2) (99.7)
6 Nanjanglld 311,991 310,422 180,549 311,143 212,628 263.154 304,688 110.025 104,402 297,194 311,991
( 100) (99.5) (57.9) (99.7) (68.2) (84.3) (97.7) (35.3) (33.5) (95.3) (100.0)



SI Name of Total Type of amenity available
No C. D. population Education ;\fedical ImproYed Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultural Approach Power
block of drinking Office # communicat Credit by pucca supply
inhabited water* ions $ Societies road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13
7 Tirumakudal 245.839 245.839 178,526 245,839 166,492 192,201 231,274 99,425 50,899 224,498 245,839
Narsipur ( 100) ( 100.0) (726) ( 100.0) (67.7) (78.2) (94.9) (40.4) (207) (91.3) ( 100.0)
District 1,658,899 1,642,172 977,348 1,652,658 935,157 1,222,468 1,552,251 544,201 387,531 1,440,7801,658,243
Total: (100) (99.0) (58.9) (99.6) (56.4) (73.7) (93.6) (32.8) (23.4) (86.9) (100.0)
-- --------------------~--------.-.-------~---~---- -__ .. - ----- ----------------

~ote :- Pcrccntagc~ arc !!i\ ell in brackets.

* Based Oil the imprc)\ed drinking water source, drinking "ater supply has been classified as 'ImprO\ed' nr othcn\ise. If the household
has access to drinking t\all" supplied hom a tap or a hand pump I tube well Situated within or outside the premises it is considered
as having access to 'Improvcd drinking watcr source', However, the concept of imprO\'ed drinking water is state spccific and this
is to be considcfl'd accordingly.
# Post office includes Post office, telegraph officc and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service. rail facility and navigable waterways.

C.D. Blockwise distribution of rural population while 99.6 per cent of rural population have improved
served by different amenities is presented in Table drinking water facility. About 58.9 per cent of the
No.38. This table depicts that 99.0 per cent of the rural population have medical facility and 56.4 per cent
rural population is served by educational institutions of rural population is served with post office facility.



Village not ha\ing the Distance range of place from the villages where the amenitv is available
amenity of Less than 5 5-10 kilometres 10+ kilometres Total (Col. 2 - 4)
2 3 4 5
I. Education :-
(a) Primary School 113 113
(b) Middle School 445 55 500
(c) Degree College 128 333 746 1,207
2. Medical:- .
(a) Hospital 241 341 608 1,190
(b) PHC 739 382 1,121
3. Post Office 700 124 17 841
4. Telephone 426 46 42 514
5. Bus Service 198 18 3 219
6. Banks
(a) Commercial Bank 542 396 177 1,115
(b) Co-operative Bank 234 346 486 1,066
7. Agricultural Credit Societies 556 279 241 1,076
_._--- -----~~~---


Certain amenities are not available within the There are 608 villages having hospital facility at- a
village. In such cases data on distance range is distance of more than 10 kms. and 739 villages have
given in the above table. About 113 villages, which PHC at a distance of less than 5 l,{ms. range.
do not have primary schools, have this facility at a Regarding facilities like post office, te,lephone and
distance of less than 5 kms. Nearly 746 villages bus service, more number of villageS have these
have access to degree colleges located at a distance available at a distance of less than 5: kms range.
of more than 10 kms. Again 333 villages have this 542 villages have commercial bank at a distance of
facility at a distance ranging between 5-10 kms. less than 5 kms.

Distance range Number of Type of amenity available

from the nearest inhabited Education Medical Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultur Approach
statutory town (in villages in Office communica al Credit by pucca
kilometres) each range # tions $ Societies road
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Less than 5 65 57 27 II 44 54 6 3 49
(100.0) (87.7) (41.5) (16.9) (67.7) (83.1) (9.2) (4.6) (75.4)
5 -15 386 356 159 136 244 318 69 62 314
(100.0) (92.2) (41.2) (35.2) (63.2) (82.4) (17.9) (16:1) (81.3)
16 - 50 515 451 166 148 256 417 73 53 362
(100.0) (87.6) (32.2) (28.7) (49.7) (81.0) (14.2) (10.3) (70.3)
51+ 4 4 2 2 4
(100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (50.0) (50.0) (0.0) (0.0) (100.0)
Unspecified 246 235 107 80 . 156 214 44 22 175
(100.0) (95.5) (43.5) (32.5) (63.4) (87.0) (17.9) (8.9) (71.1)
District total 1,216 1,103 459 375 702 1,005 192 140 904
(100.0) (90.7) (37.7) (30.8) (S7.7) (82.6) (IS.8) (1I.S) (74.3)
# Post oflicc includes Post office, Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
S Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.

Table NoAO depicts distribution Of

villages far as distance is concerned. Distance from nearest
according to distance from the nearest statutory town statutory town to the village has been correlated with
and availability of certain amenities. It is observed the type of amenities available as per 2001 census.
that the distance from the statutory town to the villages F our categories of distance range per nearest statutory
does not exceed 50 kms except for 4 villages. About town and type of amenities available in the villages
246 villages have been classified as unspecified as is indicated in the above table.

Popula Number Type of amenity available

tion orin- Education Medical Improved Post Tele Trans Banks Agrieul Approach Power
range habited drinking Office phone port tural by Pu~ca supply
villages in water* # commu Credit road
each nica Societies
range tions .$
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1-499 281 178 32 236 14 81 IS6 6 5 130 281
(100.0) (63.3) (11.4) (84.0) (5.0) (28.8) (55.5) (2.1) (1.8) (46.3) (100.0)
500-999 325 317 78 322 36 169 270 20 15 241 324
(100.0) (97.S) (24.0) (99.1) (I i. I) (52.0) (83.1) (6.2) (4.6) (74.2) (99.7)
1,000-1,999 362 360 159 361 120 242 336 57 43 301 362
(100.0) (99.4) (43.9) (99.7) (33.1) (66.9) (92.8) (IS.7) (11.9) (83.1) (100.0)
2,000-4,999 219 219 163 219 179 185 214 87 60 20,3 219
(100.0) (100.0) (74.4) (100.0) (81.7) (84.S) (97.7) (39.7) (27.4) (92.7) (100.0)


Popula Number Type of amenity available

tion of in Education Medical Improved Post Tele Trans Banks Agricul Approach Power
range habited drinking Office phone port tural by Pucca supply
villages in water* # commu Credit road
each nica Societies
range tions $
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5,000.9,999 27 27 25 27 24 23 27 20 15 27 27
(100.0) (100.0) (92.6) (J 00.0) (88.9) (85.2) (l00.0) (74.1) (55.6) (100.0) (100.0)
10,000 + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0). (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0)
District total 1,216 1,103 459 1,167 375 702 1,005 192 140 904 1,215
(100.0) (90.7) (37.7) (96.0) (30.8) (57.7) (82.6) (15.8) (11.5) (74.3) (99.9)
# Post office includes Post office, Tclegraph office and Post and telegraph otlice.
$ Transpol1 communication includes bus servicc, rail facility and navigable watcrways.
Bascd on thc improved drinking watcr source, drinking, watcr supply has bcen "classified as 'Improved' or Otherwise. If the household
has access to drinking watcr supplied from a tap or a hand pump I tube well Situated within or outside the premises it is considered
as having access to 'Improved drinking watcr source'. However, the concept of improved drinking watcr is statc spceific and this
is Lo" be considered accordingly.

Table No.41 depicts the distribution of villages villages have population in the range 1,000-1;999.
according to population range and availability of certain Percentage of villages having grants and agricultural credit
amenities. It can be seen from the above table that 606 socities is less in all ranges. More number of villages has
villages are having a population ofless fuan 1,000. Only education and improved drinking water facility. Power
two villages have population above 10,000. About 362 supply is available in almost all the villages.


SI. No. Name of C. D. Numberof Total area Percentage of Percentage of

block inhabited villages cultivable area to irrigated area to
total area total cultivable
2 3 4 5 6
Piriyapatna 197 77,912 63.7 18.8
2 Hun sur 192 81,124 52.3 19.6
3 Krishnarajanagara 156 54,397 74.4 41.0
4 Mysore 131 65,553 72.0 13.5
5 Heggadadevankote 243 137,166 44.0 "13.4
6 Nanjangud 176 93,079 76.9 28.4
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 121 56,292 78.7 49.8
District Total: 1,216 565,523 63.0 25.6
Note : - Cultivablc area = irrigated area + unirrigatcd area

Table No.42 depicts the distribution of villages Narsipur C.D. block is having the highest with 49.8
according to land use. Data reveals that, only the per cent.
cultivable area of the rural district has been taken Table 43 presents the total per capita receipt of
into consideration, which include both irrigated and the urban district is Rs.533.0 and the total per capita
un-irrigated areas. The cultivable area of the rural expenditure is Rs.479.0. The receipts are mainly from
portion comprise of 63.0 per cent of the total area. other sources and only Rs.141.0 is received through
Among the C.D. blocks Tirumakudal Narsipur is taxes. Per head expenditure is incurred mainly on
having the highest percentage of cultivable area i.e. general administration, public works and other
78.7 per cent. If the percentage of irrigated area to expenditure, which account for Rs.147.0, Rs.I02.0
total cultivable area is considered Tirumakudal and Rs.223.0 respectively.



SI. Class, name & urban Per capita receipt Per capita expe'nditure
No. status or the Town Total Through From aU Total General Pub'iic Public Public Other(s)
taxes other Administ health and works instituti
sources ration convenienc ons

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

111 Bannur (TP) 314.0 208.0 55.0 222.0 110.0 0.0 83.0 0.0 28.0
2 IV Heggadadevankote (TP) 182.0 10.0. 172.0 189.0 88.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 41.0
3 III Hunsur (TMC) 175.0 38.0 137.0 181.0 102.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 49.0
4 1Il Krishnaraja 307.0 no 231.0 283.0 97.0 0.0 66.0 9.0 111.0
nagara (TMC)
5 I Mysore (M.Corp") 602.0 153.0 446.0 541.0 157.0 0.0 116.0 5.0 260.0
6 III Nanjangud (TMC) 175.0 137.0 39.0 157.0 91.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 58.0
7 IV Piriyapatna (TP) 270.0 52.0 218.0 325.0 112.0 0.0 86.0 3.0 124.0
8 V Tirumakudal- 418.0 40.0 376.0 226.0 137.0 0.0 11.0 0.0 77.0
Narsipur (TP)
District Total 533.0 141.0 388.0 479.0 147.0 0.0 102.0 5.0 223.0

*.Includcs Outgrowth


SI. No. Name and urban status of Type of educational institution

Town Primary Junior Secondary / Secondary / Senior Collcge
Middle Matriculation· Secondary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Bannur (TP) 6.5 4.7 2.6 0.9 0.4
2 Heggadadevankote (TP) 10.0 5.8 4.2 1.7 0.8
3 Hunsur (TMC) 6.6 3.2 2.1 0.5 0.2
4 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 9.8 6.2 2.9 1.0 0.3
5 Mysore (M.Corp*) 4.5 2.5 1.4 0.3 0.5
6 Nanjangud (TMC) 7.7 4.6 2.3 0.6 0.4
7 Piriyapatna (TP) 1.4 4.7 3.4 2.0 0.7
8 Tirumakudal-Narsipur (TP) 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
District Total 5.1 2.9 1.7 0.4 0.3
*.Includcs Outgrowth

The educational institutions per 10,000 schools are available in the towns. Highest per
population in various statutory towns in the cent of primary and secondary/matriculation
district given above indicates that 5.1 per cent schools are reported from Heggadadevankote.
primary, 2.9 per cent of junior secondary/middle Senior secondary and college constitute 0.4 and
and 1.7 per cent of secondary/matriculation 0.3 per cent respectively.
TOWNS, 2001
Sl. No. Name and urban status orthe Number of beds in medical
Town institutions per 10,000 popUlation
1 2 3
1 Bannur(TP) 17
2 Belvata (CT)
3 Bhogadi (CT)
4 Hebbalu (CT)


S I. No. Name and urban status of the Number of beds in medical

Town institutions per 10,000 population
1 2 3
5 Heggadadevankote (TP) 42
6 Hunsur (TMC) 13
7 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 20
8 Mysore (M.Corp*) 24
9 Nanjangud (TMC) 17
10 Piriyapatna (TP) 26
II Tirumakudal-Narsipur (TP) 30
District Total 23
*.Includcs Outgrowth

The number of beds in medical institutions in beds are reported from Heggadadevankote (TP). No
towns is surmised as 23 per 10,000 population. While bed is available in Belvata (CT), Bhogadi (CT) and
it is low in Hunsur (TMC) of 13 beds, highest of 42 Hebbalu (CT).


SI. No. Name of the Town Total population Slum population Percentage of slum
population to total
1 2 3 4 5
1 Bannur 23,239 5,332 22.9
2 Heggadadevankote 12,045 1,220 10.1
3 Hunsur 43900 7,123 16.2
4 Krishnarajanagar 30,633 3,530 11.5
5 Mysore 787,179 68,543 8.7
6 Nanjangud 48,232 9,103 18.9
7 Piriyapatna 14,924 856 5.7
8 Tirumukudal Narsipur 9,927 1,388 14.0
District Total 970,079 97,095 10.0

The proportion of slum population in towns population in other towns exceeds 10.0 per cent.
constitute 10.0 per cent of the district's town The highest of 22.9 per cent is reported in
population. It is reported in all the statutory Bannur and the lowest of 5.7 per cent from
towns. Except in Piriyapatna and Mysore, slum Piriyapatna.
SI.No. Name and urban status of Town Most important commodity .
Manufactured Exported
1 2 3 4
Bannur (TP) Cut Sizes of Timber Rice
Sugar Cut Sizes of Timber
Jaggery Sheeps

2 Heggadadevankote (TP) Bricks Tobacco

Tobacco Processing Cotton
3 Hunsur (TMC) Paper Tobacco
Cotton Plywood
Woollen Woollen
4 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Paper Beedies
'Beedi Package Paper


SI. No. Name and urban status of Town Most important commodity
Manufactured Exported
2 3 4
5 Mysore (M.Corp*) Incense Sticks, Wood Sandal Oil
Sandal Oil Incense Sticks
Silk Sarees Silk Sarees
6 Nanjangud (TMC) Cotton Thread Cotton Thread
Ayurvedic Medicines Ayurvedic Medicines
Coffee Coffee
7 Piriyapatna (TP) Arecanut Rice
Tobacco Processing Arecanut
8 Tirumakudal-Narsipur (TP) Bcedies Rice
Silk Yam Silk Thread
Groundnut Oil Groundnut Oil
* .Includes Outgrowth
Different types· of commodities are and silk weaving units. The Mysore Silk Sarees,
manufactured as well as exported from the district. which are famous around the globe, is exported
Almost all the towns are engaged in trading of from the district. The townwise details can be
commodities produced or manufactured by them. seen from the table.
Some of the important products include sugar, x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and
jaggery, cotton, coffee, arecanut, etc. Beedies and households amenities, Houselisting Operations,
tobaccos are also manufactured and exported from Census of India 2001 based on inset tables 48
the district. Few towns reported to have woollen to 52.

Tenure Number of Number of Households
Status Dwelling rooms Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 11
Owned No exclusive room 76,119 69,911 6,208 21,021 19,597 1,424 11,285 10,673 612
One room 170,843 133,368 37,475 37,295 29,879 7,416 23,390 20,291 3,099
Two rooms 101,158 68,237 32,921 16,858 12,822 4,036 9,814 8,176 1,638
Three rooms 44,836 26,397 18,439 5,414 3,706 1,708 3,612 2,849 763
3+rooms 34,209 17,527 16,682 3,263 2,004 1,259 2,053 1,622 431
Median number. 1 2 1 1 I I
of rooms
Rented No exclusive room 9,085 2,747 6,338 974 299 675 786 297 489
Onc room 39,854 6,829 33,025 3,093 553 2,540 2,549 686 1,863
Two rooms 26,560 3,190 23,370 2,000 347 1,653 1,149 261 888
Three rooms 10,437 1,073 9,364 746 145 601 399 95 304
3+rooms 7,267 693 6,574 563 73 490 264 83 181
Median number 1 1
of rooms
Others No exclusive room 2,124 1,213 911 383 242 141 231 159 72
One room 6,633 1,964 4,669 1,100 262 838 688 264 424
Two rooms 4,039 965 3,074 349 105 244 254 90 164
Three rooms 1,710 305 1,405 131 39 92 55 18 37
3+rooms 1,053 213 840 65 31 34 39 16 23
Median number I I 1
of rooms


Tenul"e Number of Number of Households

Status Dwelling rooms -----;;Tr:o::t:;a;------....:...:.=:S~c~h~ed~u::;l:.:ed:;:;C~a::st~e:::s=-----:::S""":ch:-e""":d:-u:-Ie""":d:-:T=-I"-:-ib:-e-s---
Total Ruml Ul"ban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 11
Total No exclusive room 87,328 73,871 13,457 22,378 20,.138 2,240 12,302 11,129 1,173
One room 217,330 142,161 75,169 41,488 30,694 10,794 26,627 21,241 5,386
1\vo moms 131,757 72,392 59,365 19,207 13,274 5,933 11,217 8,527 2,690
Three rooms 56,983 27,775 29,208 6,291 3,890 2,401 4,066 2,962 1,104
3+rooms 42,529 18,433 24,096 3,891 2,108 1,783 2,356 1,721 635
Median number 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
of rooms
Source: Census of India, 2001. H-Series: "Tables on Houses, Households amenities and Assets."

Table No.48 gives the distribution of population of the district, with a rural urban
households by size and no. of dwelling rooms breakup. The tenure status of dwelling has also
occupied by them. Data presented here is for the been furnished. The details of which can be seen
general, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes from the above table.


Name of Total Rural Urban
SI.No. District
ffaluk Perma S emi- Tempo Perma Semi- Tempo Perma Semi- Tempo
nent perma rary nent perma I"ary nent perma rary
nent nent nent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Karnataka 5,613,007 3,645,185 971,473 2,842,956 3,009,273 821,303 2,770,051 635,912 150,170
54.9 35.6 9.5 27.8 29.4 8.0 27.) 6.2 1.5
Piriyapatna 17,192 22,667 1,797 14,912 21,897 1,746 2,280 770 51
41.3 54.4 4.3 35.8 52.6 4.2 5.5' ,1.8 0.1
2 Hunsur 18,038 31,638 2,594 12,682 27,993 2,357 5,356 3,645 237
34.5 60.5 5.0 24.3 53.5 4.5 10.2 7.0 0.5

3 Krishnarajanagara 17,092 31,853 1,191 12,196 30,625 1,121 4,896 1,228 70

34.1 63.5 2.4 24.3 61.1 2.2 9.8 2.4 0.1

4 Mysore 158,237 48,611 4,425 17,800 28,585 1,074 140,437 20,026 3,351
74.9 23.0 2.1 8.4 13.5 0.5 66.5 9.5 1.6

5 Heggadadevankote 22,735 23,327 3,535 21,204 22,507 3,467 ' 1,531 820 68
45.8 47.0 7.1 42.8 45.4 7.0 3.1 1.7 0.1

6 Nanjangud 28,739 35,587 8,594 21,647 33,573 8,113 7,092 2,014 481
39.4 , 48.8 11.8 29.7 46.0 11.1 9.7 2.8 0.7

7 Tirumakudal 25,815 26,862 5,352 . 22,004 24,256 4,847 3,811 2,606 505

Narsipur 44.5 46.3 9.2 37.9 41.8 8.4 6.6 4.5 0.9

Mysore 287,848 220,545 27,488 122,445 189,436 22,725 165,403 31,109 4,763

53.7 41.2 5.1 22.8 35.3 4.2 30.9 5.8 0.9

Table No.49 gives the distribution of households the households have been classified with permanent
by the type of census houses occupied by them in the semi permanent and temporary. The taluk wise details
'district The structures of census houses occupied by of which can be seen from the above table.


District! Total! Number of Number and percentage of Households having
Taluk Rural! house --h-np-r-u-\'e-d---p-e-r~E~le~c~tn7'~ci~ty~~P~er~~B~a~th-r-o~om--~Pe-r--~T~o7.i1-'ct~~P~e~r--~D~r~ai=na=g=c--~P~e=r-
Urban holds drinking cen cen cen cen cen
water ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Karnataka Total 10,232,133 8,651,752 84.6 8,037,052 78.5 6,023,650 58.9 3,837,026 37.5 5,242,425 51.2
Rural 6,675,173 5,375,041 80.5 4,816,913 72.2 3,208,448 48.1 1,161,259 17.4 2,362,474 35.4
Urban 3,556,960 3,276,711 92.1 3,220,139 90.5 2,815,202 79.1 2,675,767 75.2 2,879,951 81.0

Piriyapatna Total 41,656 40,001 96.0 29,482 70.8 30,263 72.6 8,415 20.2 20,400 49.0
Rural 38,555 36,937 95.8 26,823 69.6 27,653 71.7 6,320 16.4 17,863 46.3
Urban 3,101 3,064 98.8 2,659 85.7 2,610 84.2 2,095 67.6 2,537 SI.S

Hllnsur Total 52,277 51,103 97.8 37,031 70.8 36,665 70.1 13,293 25.4 22,418 42.9
Rural 43,039 41,928 97.4 28,958 67.3 28,773 66.9 6,729 15.6 15,210 35.3
Urban 9,238 9,175 99.3 8,073 87.4 7,892 85.4 6,564 71.1 7,208 78.0

Krishnaraja Total 50,136 47,839 95.4 41,730 83.2 42,121 84.0 13,903 27.7 29,471 58.8
nagam Rural 43,942 41,663 94.8 36,023 82.0 36,478 83.0 8,585 19.5 23,907 54.4
Urban 6,194 6,176 99.7 5,707 92.1 5,643 91.1 5,318 85.9 5,564 89.8

Mysore Total 211,294 208,208 98.5 188,286 89.1 183,194 86.7 164,320 77.8 183,544 86.9
Rural 47,460 46,620 98.2 34,131 71.9 33,224 70.0 9,166 19.3 30,256 63.8
Urban 163,834 161,588 98.6 154,155 94.1 149,970 91.5 155,154 94.7 153,288 93.6

Heggada Total 49,597 44,411 89.5 31,933 64.4 23,521 47.4 9,371 18.9 17,940 36.2
devankote Rural 47,178 42,015 89.1 29,881 63.3 21,733 46.1 7,989 16.9 16,441 34.8
Urban 2,419 2,396 99.0 2,052 84.8 1,788 73.9 1,382 57.1 1,499 62.0

Nanjangud Total 72,927 67,234 92.2 49,356 67.7 44,315 60.8 13,910 19.1 45,144 61.9
Rural 63,340 57,706 91.1 40,989 64.7 35,905 56.7 7,441 11.7 36,627 57.8 .
Urban 9,587 9,528 99.4 8,367 87.3 8,410 87.7 6,469 67.5 8,517 88.8

Tirumakudal Total 58,040 51,328 88.4 42,633 73.5 36,190 62.4 13,306 22.9 33,919 58.4
Narsipur Rural 51,118 44,768 87.6 37,035 72.5 30,920 60.5 9,706 19.0 28,244 55.3
Urban 6,922 6,560 94.8 5,598 80.9 5,270 76.1 3,600 52.0 5,675 82.0

Mysore Total 535,927 510,124 95.2 420,451 78.5 396,269 73.9 236,518 44.1 352,836 65.8
District Rural 334,632 311,637 93.1 233,840 69.9 214,686 64.2 55,936 16.7 168,548 50.4
Urban 201,295 198,487 98.6 186,611 92.7 181,583 90.2 180,582 89.7 184,288 91.6
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
Table No.50 gives the distribution of Table 51 provides data on type of fuel used for
households by availabiLity of different amenities. cooking by the households. In the different types of
Data reveals that, 95.2 per cent of the households fuel listed above, three types are put to use by the
have improved drinking water, 78.5 per cent of majority of the households. Firewood, LPG and
them have electricity, 73.9 per cent have bathroom Kerosene are widely used by 59.4, 21.0 and 13.2 per
44.1 per cent have toilet facility and 65.8 per cent cent of the households respectively. LPG and Kerosene
have drainage facility. The rural urban break up are important type of fuel for urban households while
can be seen from the above table. All the above 85.3 and 7.2 per cent of rural households use firewood
facilities are reported to be higher in the urban and crop residue respectively for cooking. Talukwise
areas. details can be seen from the table.



51 Name of the Total Total Type of fuel used for cooking
No District! Rural Number Fire wood Cow dung Coal Lig
CroP. Kero Cooking Electri Bio gas Others No Cook
Taluk Urhan of House residue cake nite sene Gas (LPG) city ing
holds (Char

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
KarnatakaTotal 10,232,133 6,639,769 540,957 24,481 3,498 938,747 1,874,198 44,493 124,817 8,003 33,170
64.9 5.3 0.2 0.0 9.2 18.3 0.4 1.2 0.1 0.3
Rural 6,675,173 5,656,984 464,207 19,676 1,064 93,377 307,867 14,304 101,272 4,578 11,844
84.7 7.0 0.3 0.0 1.4 4.6 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.2
Urban 3,556,960 982,785 76,750 4,805 2,434 845,370 1,566,331 30,189 23,545 3,425 21,326
27.6 2.2 0.1 0.1 23.8 44.0 0.8 0.7 0.1 0.6
I Piriyapatna Total 41,656 34,082 1,951 121 3 1,248 3,636 66 433 30 86
81.8 4.7 0.3 0.0 3.0 8.7 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.2
Rural 38,555 32,715 1,900 119 3 597 2,654 40 429 28 70
84.9 4.9 0.3 0.0 1.5 6.9 0.1 1.I 0.1 0.2
Urban 3,101 1,367 51 2 651 982 26 4 2 16
44.1 1.6 0.1 0.0 21.0 31.7 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.5
2 Hunsur Total 52.;277 40,445 3,929 42 8 1,692 5,279 79 699 9 95
77:4 7.5 0.1 0.0 3.2 10.1 0.2 1.3 0.0 0.2
Rural 43,039 36,293 3,766 21 4 321 1,931 44 594 8 57
84.3 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.7 4.5 0.1 1.4 0.0 0.1
Urban 9.;238 4,152 163 21 4 1,371 3,348 35 105 I 38
44.9 1.8 0.2 0.0 14.8 36.2 0.4 1.1 0.0 0.4
3 Krishnaraja Total 50,136 41,064 1,166 70 9 2,347 4,599 132 629 58 62
nagara 81.9 2.3 0.1 0.0 4.7 9.2 0.3 1.3 0.1 0.1
Rural 43,942 39,260 1,072 64 9 688 2,050 85 618 58 38
89.3 2.4 0.1 0.0 1.6 . 4.7 0.2 1.4 0.1 0.1
Urban 6,194 1,804 94 6 1,659 2,549 47 11 24
29.1 1.5 0.1 0.0 26.8 41.2 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.4
4 Mysore Total 211,294 55,510 4,359 191 67 58,815 89,010 1,066 1,311 108 857
26.3 2.1 0.1 0;0 27.8 42.1 0.5 0.6 9.1 0.4
Rural 47,460 39,201 3,089 32 4 2,158 2,581 51 204 26 114
82.6 6.5 0.1 0.0 4.5 5.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2
Urban 163,834 16,309 1,270 159 63 56,657 86,429 1,015 1,107 82 743
10.0 0.8 0.1 0.0 34.6 52.8 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.5
5 Heggada Total 49,597 38,675 6,888 22 3 1,317 1,935 52 578 31 96
devankote 78.0 13.9 0.0 0.0 2.7 3.9 0.1 1.2 0.1 0.2
Rural 47,178 37,408 6,820 21 3 871 1,333 38 568 30 86
79.3 14.5 0.0 0.0 1.8 2.8 0.1 1.2 0.1 0.2
Urban 2,419 1,267 68 1 446 602 14 10 1 10
52.4 2.8 0.0 0.0 18.4 24.9 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.4
6 Nanjangud Total 72,927 58,072 5,388 25 34 2,874 5,708 94 595 I3 124
79.6 7.4 0.0 0.0 3.9 7.8 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.2
Rural 63,340 54,860 5,274 20 5 770 1,789 50 472 II 89
86.6 8.3 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.8 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.1
Urban 9,587 3,212 114 5 29 2,104 3,919 44 123 2 35
33.5 1.2 0.1 0.3 21.9 40.9 0.5 1.3 0.0 0.4
7 Tirumakudal Total 58,040 50,394 2,400 42 25 2,318 2,350 199 219 3 90
Narsipur 86.8 4.1 0.1 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.2
Rural 51,118 45,864 2,114 36 25 1,100 1,633 151 134 2 59
89.7 .4.1 0.1 0.0 2.2 3.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.1
Urban 6,922 4,530 286 6 1,218 717 48 85 1 31
65.4 4.1 0.1 0.0 17.6 10.4 0.7 1.2 0.0 0.4
Total Total 535,927 318,242 26,081 513 149 70,611 112,517 1,688 4,464 252 1,410
59.4 4.9 0.1 0.0 13.2 21.0 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.3
Rural 334,632 285,601 24,035 313 53 6,505 13,971 459 3,019 163 513
85.3 7.2 0.1 0.0 1.9 4.2 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.2
Urban 201,295 32,641 2,046 200 96 64,106 98,546 1,229 1,445 89 897
16.2 1.0 0.1 0.0 31.8 49.0 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.4



81. Taluk Total No. of No.of Availability of Assets
No. Rural House- house-
Urban holds holds Radio, Tele Tele Bicycle Scooter Car, None
availing Transis vision phone Motor Jeep of the
banking tor cycle Van speci
Moped fied
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12
Karnataka Total 10,232,133 4,092,0354,728,781 3,783,346 1,307,008 3,084,050 1,478,026 313,654 3,569,912
Rural 6,675,173 2,350,5502,813,899 1,416,971 379,957 1,858,848 486,479 90,708 2,865,088
Urban 3,556,960 1,741,485 1,914,882 2,366,375 927,051 1,225,202 991,547 222,946 704,824
I Piriyapatna Tolal 41,656 18,762 18,197 7,840 2,466 to,518 4,439 652 17,296
Rurdl 38,555 17,465 16,939 6,397 1,867 9,488 3,870 558 16,365
Urban 3,101 1,297 1,258 1,443 599 1,030 569 94 931
2 Hunsur Total 52,277 14,068 20,580 10,614 3,483 15,814 4,592 662 22,369
Rural 43,039 10,750 16,619 5,794 1,837 12,640 2,736 350 19,868
Urban 9,238 3,318 3,961 4,820 1,646 3,174 1,856 312 2,501
3 Krishnaraja Total 50,136 15,268 22,449 11,005 2,686 15,982 4,535 578 19,154
nagaTa Rural 43,942 11,948 19,056 7,442 1,473 13,811 3,158 389 17,784
Urban 6,194 3,320. 3,393 3,563 1,213 2,171 1,377 189 1,370
4 Mysore Total 21f,294 90,775 109,130 131,200 55,104 84,590 74,149 i 1,838 44,978
Rural 47,460 6,821 18,055 10,877 2,050 14,613 4,433 431 20,433
Urban 163,834 83,9:54 91,075 120,323 53,054 69,977 69,716 11,407 24,545
5 Heggada Total 49,597 8,743 17,702 5,745 1,521 10,659 2,306 408 26,067
devankote Rural 47,178 8,053 16,781 4,776 1,163 10,100 1,959 330 25,075
Urban 2,419 690 921 969.. 358 559 347 78 992
6 Nanjangud Total 72,927 11,975 27,147 12,834 4,108 24,301 5,030 623 33,262
Rural 63,340 8,600 ·22,275 7,132 .1,978 20,006 2,811 322 31,073
Urban 9,587 3,375 4,872 5,702 2,130 4,295 2,219 301 2,189
7 Tirumakudal Total 58,040 7,910 21,070 10,515 2,479 21,828 3,876 386 25,317
Narsipur Rural 51,118 6,739 18,594 8,073 1,852 19,770 3,142 300 22,427
Urban 6,922 1,171 2,476 2,442 627 2,058 734 86 2,890
Mysore Total 535,927 167,501 236,275 189,753 71,847 183,692 98,927 15,147 188,443
Rural 334,632 70,376 128,319 50,491 12,220 100,428 22,109 2,680 153,025
Urban 201,295 97,125 \07,956 139,262 59,627 83,264 76,818 12,467 35,418
The data on banking services available by thc district are the most important source for outlining
households and certain specified assets owned by them the history from the 3n1 to the 19th century. Also there
are given above. The percentage of households are number of temples in the district which are
availing banking services is less which constitute 31.3 important from religious as well as archaeological
per cent, of this 48.3 per cent of urban population and
point of view. Some of the prominent archaeologists
21.0 per cent of rural population avail banking facility.
who had surveyed the tract had discovered the
Whh regard to assets, percentage of households holding
existence of the pre-historic activities of man in the
these assets does not exceed 50 per cent. The
alluvial plains of the river Cauvery and its tributaries.
maximum number of households who owns any of the
specified assets listed above is the 44.1 per cent having These are mostly of the Neolithic and megalithic
radio/transistor. Some 35.4 and 34.3 per cent possess phases found in Mysore and Tirumakudal Narasipur
television and bicycle respectively. These are more in taluks. Discovery of Paleolithic tool in Tirumakudal-
case of urban households. Talukwise details can be Narsipur taluk indicates the existence of Paleolithic
seen from the table. nomadic man in the area. Similar discovery was
unearthed in Mysore city but not much is known about
(xi) Archaeology
their activities. Neolithic sites at Hemmige,
The district is rich in antiquarian remains including Muttalvadi and T Narasipur were excavated by
numerous inscriptions. These inscriptions found in the Archaeologists. The other Neolithic site is at Yachagali


III Nanjangud taluk. Megalithic sites found in the City of Palaces, Mysore retains a quaint charm
Nanjangud and T.Narasipur taluks are noteworthy. that never fails to enchant.
The recent excavations of Megalithic site at Koppa
(xii) Brief description on places of religious,
in Mysore is a prominent location. Apart from these,
historical or archaeological and tourist
a pre-historic site belonging to Neolithic age at Kittur
importance in villages and places of tourist
in Piriyapatna was discovered. This site is located in
interest in the towns of the district
a valley where the eastern and western ghat ranges
converge into a group of hills called Nilgiri hills. This Bettadapura (piriyapatna Taluk):
is a protected site and comes under the administrative The isolated conical hill of Bettadapura, 1350
control of Archaeological Survey of India. As stated metres above the sea level is a conspicuous object to
earlier, the district is known for its numerous temples all the country around. Said to have been founded in
built by the Gangas, Hoysalas and the Mysore rulers. the lOth century by Vikrama Raya, a fugitive from
It has been enriched by their love for art by way of the inundation ofDwaraka, Bettadapura was formerly
constructing beautiful temples endowed with tall a Jain Principality. There is an Anjaneya temple on
'Gopuras' and huge pillared halls. Though, all the the western slope of the smaller hill close to the
temples are beautifi.l1 in many dimensions, it is worth hamlet called Koppal. The lofty hill of the southwest
mentioning about the five temples of archaeological of the village site contains a temple dedicated to
importance, which are protected and controlled by MallikaIjuna. The metallic figure of Tandaveswara.
the Archeological Survey ofIndia. One such protected in the temple is a very fine piece of South Indian
monument is Sidilu Mallikarjuna temple at Bettadapura workmanship in bronze.
in Piriyapatna taluk. The temple date back to 12th
Kuppe (Chunchanakatte) (Krishnarajanagara
century A.D and it belongs to Chola 7 Hoysaia period.
There are many inscriptions on the walls of the
temple. The temple is on the summit of the hill and Chunchanakatte is a dam across the Cauvery built
it can be reached by climbing nearly 3,108 steps. It . in an advantageous position, a short distance from
is dedicated to MallikaIjuna. There are huge copper the head of a narrow gorge called Dhanushkoti and
vessels of antiquity in the temple, which indicates a few hundred yards above the spot where the river
large scale feeding of pilgrims. Sri Srikanteshwara . falls from a height 60 to 80 feet in a succession of
temple is another protected monument at Nanjangud. cascades. The Ramasamudram channel led off from
This is the most notable temple and place of this dam,· together with the aniclit itself, was
pilgrimage at Nanjungud which has grown in the constructed by Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar of Mysore
course of its 1,000 years existence, beginning from who came to the throne in 1672 A.D The rapids in
Ganga period till19 1h century. The temples pillars built the river invest the spot with great sanctity. A festival
in Hoysala style indicates that it must have been built in honour of Ram a and cattle fair is held here annually
during 13 century. Keshava temple at Somanathpur in January for about 15 days.
in T.Narasipur taluk is another protected monument. Mirle (Krishnarajanagara Taluk):
The temple is the most ornate and a perfect model
This place is also associated with Sri
of the Hoysala style of temple architecture. Similarly
Ramanujacharya. When persecuted by the Chola
Keerthinarayana temple at Talkad in same taluk is a
king Kulottunga, Ramanujacharya is said to have fled
protected monument, and it is built in 1117 A.D. Also
the Chola country and first stayed at Vahnipushkarini
at the same place is the Vaidyeshware temple, a
(the place now known as Mirle) from where he moved
protected monument built according to Ganga, Chola
on to Saligrama.
and Hoysala features is datable between lOth and
14th century A.D. The Vaidyeshwara linga in the Saligrama (Krishnarajanagara Taluk):
temple is held with reverence by devotees. Situated on the north bank of the Cauvery, this
The district is 770 mts. above sea level and 140 place is esteemed as sacred by the Shri Vaishnavas
kms from Bangalore, this· imperial city was the on account of its having been the residence of Sri
erstwhile capital of the Wodeyars. Also known as Ramanujacharya.


Chamundibetta (Mysore Taluk): was brought from Huliyurdurga. On the way to the
village a mutilated Jina figure about 2 feet high is
This village consists mainly of a rocky hill, two
found lying to the right. A portion of this village is
miles south-east of the fort of Mysore, that rises to
incorporated within the limits of My sore city and the
a height of 1074 metres above sea level. The oldest
temples of Marbbala or Mahabaleswara is situated rest in Urban Agglomeration.
on the hill and this was endowed by the Hoysala King Varuna (Mysore Taluk):
Vishnuvardhana in 1128 and also in 1620 by a From the remains at this place, it is evident that
descendant of the Vijayanagar kings, ruling at
the place is of great antiquity. There is a Ganga
Chandragiri. This temple stands to the south of the
inscription of the 8th century. At the close of the 9'h
famolls Chamundeswari temple. The hill takes its
century, this place appears to have been the capital
name from the goddess Kali or Chamundi, the consort
of the chiefs of a minor branch of the Chalukya
of Shiva held to delight in blood who is worshipped
dynastry named Durga and Goggi. The oldest temple
in a temple on the summit. Human sacrifices were
in the village is that of Mahalingeswara, which is
said to have been common here in olden times but
probably identical with the Buteswara mentioned in
were rigorously put a stop by Haidar Ali. Krishnaraja
the old inscription. Minute sculptures representing
Wodeyar III got the temple repaired in 1827 and
furnished it with a tower. The temple is a fine scenes from the Ramayana are found here on a
quadrangular structure and is a landmark for many narrow frieze running under the roof. The village
miles around the city. In 1848 the king offered the has also a temple of Mahadeswara built in 1828 A.D.
Simha Vahana and other animal cars used in the in the name of Devarajammanni queen of Krishna raja
processions. Chamundeswari being the patron deity Wodeyar III. A mound to the west of the village is
of the Wodeyars of Mysore the temple enjoyed the known as Basti-tittu where once a large basti or Jain
royal patronage. On the top of the hill there is a temple stood. Six mutilated figures of Jina are the
palace of the former Maharajas of Mysore. Now only remains now. On the basis of the inscriptions
Chamundibetta stands included in Mysore Urban at the Varakodu Varadaraja temple it is found that
Agglomeration. the materials of this basti were removed and used
for the constructions of the temple at Varakodu.
Annual car festival of Chamundeswari is held
during the full moon day of Ashvija Masa (September- Mysore Palace:
. October). The huge bull, Nandi halfway up this hill The residence of the Wodeyars, this structure is
is carved out of a monolith and is artistically executed one of the largest of its kind in IndIa. Built in 1912
with rich ornaments. On the hill close to the palace in the Indo-Saracenic style, this palace exudes a
is seen an imposing figure of Mahishasura holding
grandeur that is unmatched.
a sword in his right hand and a'serpent in the left.
To the east of this is the beautiful Lalithadri hill. The Golden Royal Throne, the Durbar Hall, the
Kalyana Mandap, the Gallery and the Ambavilas are
Dyavalapura (Devalapura) (Mysore Taluk):
the main ath·actions here.
This village in Mysore taluk has an inscription,
Sri Jayachamarajendra Art Gallery:
which refers to Sripurusha the Ganga King of the 8'h
century A.D. There is a small shrine at this place Housed i; the Jaganmohan Palace, this gallery
containing the 'gaddige' tomb of Manteswami. has a collection of exquisite paintings dating back to
Kyathamaranahalli (Ketamanhalli) (Mysore 1875. The collection includes paintings by Raja Ravi
Taluk): Varma, the Russian Svetoslva Roerich and the
traditional Mysore gold leaf style of painting.
This village in Mysore taluk has a large number
of veeragals (hero stones) none of which bears any St.Philomena's Church:
inscription. The goddess of the village, a stone pillar In the Gothic style, it is one of the largest churches
about two feet high with human head, is called in the country and has beautiful stained-glass
Huliyamma, because, according to the tradition she windows.


Mysore Zoo: 11 th century describes it as 'the royal residence, the

Houses some rare animals bred in captivity, and immense great city, Kirthipura'.
exotic species of plants. Mahali (Heggadadevankote Taluk):
Brindavan Gardens: This village contains two important Jain bastis.·
North-west of Mysore is the KRS Dam and the In Bhimanakote, a suburb attached to it, a big Jatra
ornamental Brindavan Gardens. The musical is held every year.
fountains and colourful lights transform this place into Badanavalu (Nanjangud Taluk):
a fairyland in the evenings (actually located in Mandya
At this village a mutilated Jain figure with a well
district but due to its nearness, 19 kms away from
carved 'Prabha" adorned with a triple umbrella is
Mysore it is popularly ~own as Brindavan Gardens found. Near the Siddappa temple to the west is found
of Mysore).
a figure ofNambi-Narayana. These indicate that at
Shopping: one time this village had a Vishnu temple as well as
a Jain temple.
Sandalwood, its products and silk are Mysore's
specialities, sold in Government owned emporia at Devanur (Nanjangud Taluk):
fixed prices. The Government Silk Factory offers silk The village has several small temples of which
straight from the looms. that of Namhi-Narayana has a good figure. The
Festivals: Puradayya temple to the south of the village has a
bull seated on a pillar (Upparige-basava). This portion
The Dasara celebrations in Mysore bring back
of the village is said to be the site on which an old
the glory and grandeur of a bygone era. During Sept-
village named Pura stood. Similarly, the site near the
October the entire city rejoices with colour and gaiety.
Malleswara temple is ·said to have once been occupied
The 10-days festivity culminates in a grand procession
by a village named Baguru.
on the last day-Vijayadashami.
Herathale (Hedatale) (Nanjangud Taluk):
Hampapura (Nugu) (Heggadadevankote Taluk):
Nugu river joins Kabini near this village. It is said The Lakshmikanta temple at this village is a three
that gold dust in small quantities has been occasionally celled structure built of granite in the Hoysala style.
found in the bed of the stream, but never sufficient From the inscription here it is learnt that the temple
to repay the trouble of searching for it. Gold dust is existed here before 1292 A.D. The Nagareswara
supposed to be washed down from the source of the temple situated on the bank of the Gundal River is
river in the Nilambur hills in Malabar. also a Hoysala building in granite with a stone tower.
The temple is in a dilapidated condition.
Kakanakote Forest (Heggadadevankote Taluk):
Kalale (Nanjangud Taluk):
This forest area was formerly being used for the
famous Khedda operations to catch the wild This place was the capital of a line or chiefs
elephants. A ·major part of this is now submerged known as the Kalale chiefs. An old structure, locally
under the Kabini Reservoir. known as the Pattada-Chavadi is said to have been
their coronation hall and the plain in front of it is said
Karapura (Heggadadevankote Taluk): to be the site on which their palace once stood. The
This was also an area of thick forest vegetation Lakshmikantha temple at the village is a good
that formed a part of the site used for Khedda Dravidian structure with stucco figures in fine niches
operations in the past. Now a major part of this over the roof. The Kalale chiefs hold a prominent
forest is also submerged under the Kabini Reservoir. place in the history of this region.
Kittur (Heggadadevankote Taluk): Nagarle (Nanjangud Taluk):
This village is of historical interest, for it is The Durga Parameshwari temple at this village
identified with Kittipura or Kirthipura, which was the has a four-armed figure. The village goddess
capital of the Punnad Rajas. An inscription of the Malagarasi is seated stucco figure, about 3 feet 6


. inches high, bearing in the upper hands a discus and possession a large number of copper plate grants .
a conch and in the lower a sword and a cup. The These are engraved in Tamil, Telugu, Nagari and
ruined Parsvanath basti here is of some architectural Kannada characters and record the grants by the
merit. An epigraph of the time of the Chola king Vijayanagar kings, Nayaks of Madurai and others.
Rajendra Deva has been found here. Talakad (Tirumakudal Narsipur Taluk):
Nerale (Nanjangud Taluk): This is a place of great antiquity. Sri Rama is
There is a Virabhadra temple at this village with said to have stayed for a while on his way to Lanka.
a four-armed figure. According to an inscription The earliest notice of the city of Talakad is in
found in the village the name of the village is Nirili. connection with the Ganga line of kings. Harivanna
(247 - 266 A.D.) is said to have resided in the city
Suthur (Suttur) (Nanjangud Taluk):
of Dalavanapura (Talakad) in the Karnataka desha.
This village is called Srotriyur in a Chola In the middle of the 14th century, Talakad was ruled
inscription of 1032 A.D. and Sottiyur in a Hoysala by Vijayanagar kings. In 1634 A.D. Mysore Rajas
record of 1169 A.D. The present name occurs in conquered the city, the old city of Talakad is now
the records of the Vijayanagar period. In 1169 A.D., completely buried under the sands, It. is said that
it was the headquarters of Lakmayya, a General of more than thirty temples also lay buried under the
the Hoysala king N arasimha I. The Someswara sand dunes. At Talakad there are the Vaidyeswara,
temple here is a three-celled Hoysala structure. Here, Pataleswara and Maraleswara temples containing
we have a rather rare instance of a Hoysala temple three of the well-known 'Panchalingas'. The
built of granite with a carved tower builtofpotstone. remaining two Panchalingas are Arkeswara at
There is also a temple of Narayana, which is in ruins. Vijayapura and Mallikarjuna at Mudukudore. The
The village has a Lingayat Mutt of the 15 th century. temples buried in the sand are opened for the
One of the famous Swaniis of the mutt was ceremonial worship on every occasion when there
Shivaratri-Odeyar. This mutt has of late been running will be five Mondays in the month ofKarthika. This
several educational institutions. usually occurs once in twelve years. On these
Algodu (Tirumakudal Narsipur TaJuk): occasions a large number of devotees visit this place
to have Panchalinga Darshana.
The village has the temples of Siddeswara and
Chennigaraya or Keshava. These temples contain a Tirumukudal (Tirumakudal Narsipur Taluk):
few inscription of the Ganga period (350 A.D. to 1050 The Agastyeswara temple here is a large structure
A.D.). enshrining Agastyeswara in the form of a
So~anathapura (Tirumakudal Narsipur Taluk): Saikatalinga or linga formed of sand with a cavity
This place is noted for the temple of Prasanna at the top in which there is always some water
Channakeshava. This elaborately carved structure representing the divine Ganga. There is also another
is attributed to Iakanachari, the famous sculptor and temple of Hanumanteswara.
architect patronised by the Hoysala kings. According (xiii) Scope of Village Directory and Town
to an ~nscription the construction of this temple was Directory
completed in 1269 A.D. by Soma, a member of the Village Directory
royal family. This temple is a splendid example of
the Hoysala style of architecture. The Panchalinga Village Directory provides micro-level data, which
and Lakshminarasirnha temples are to the east and will help the planners in formulation of micro-level
southwest of the Ke.shava temple. The former, developmental plans as the C.D.Block is the lowest
mostly in ruins is a large structure in this Dravidian administrative unit for developmental planning. Village
style and the latter is built in the Hoysala style. wise information regarding the availability of certain
basic amenities and facilities, within the village, as
Sosale (Tirumakudal Narsipur Taluk):
well as the manner of utilization of the land in the
This village is the headquarters of the Vyasaraya concerned village is furnished in the village directory.
matha. The swamiji of the matha has in his The village directory format adopted for the 2001


Census has 23 columns whereas in the 1991 CensUs available within the villages are shown in the
there were only 18 columns. When compared with _ respective columns arid if a particular amenity
the 1991 Census Village Directory format, column 9, - especially Primary School, Middle School, College,
which refers to the day or days of weekly market! Allopathic Hospital, PHC, MCW, Post Office,
hat if any., has been now left out. New inclusions Telephone, etc., is not available in the village, the -
are in respect offacilities like banks, agricultural credit respective abbreviation is given and next to it in
societies, non-agricultural credit societies, other brackets the distance in broad ranges viz., <5 kms.,
cooperative societies, number of recreational and 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place where
cultural facilities like cinema/ video hall, sports club, the facility available to that particular village is
stadium/auditorium; receipt of news papers/magazines indicated. The next 5 columns, 19 to 23 provide
and the name -of the most important commodities information regarding land use (i.e., area under
manufactured in the village. In all the 23 columns in different types of land use in hectares rounded to
this tabulation statement, first 3 columns relates to two decimal places) such as forest, irrigated land by
serial number, name of the village with location code source of irrigation, un-irrigated, cultivable waste
and area of village while the next 2 provide information (including gauchar and groves) _and finally the area
on total population and number of households in the not available for cultivation.
village as per 2001 Census. The next 8 columns
Town Direc~ory
relate to basic amenities such as educational; medical;
drinking water (potable); post, telegraph and telephone, The Town Directory section- contains seven
commercial and cooperative banks, agricultural, non- statements (I to VII) which furnish information on all
agricultural and other credit societies, number of the statutory towns in the district, on aspects such as
recreational and cultural facilities such as cinema! growth history, physical aspects and location of towns,
video hall, sports club and stadium/auditorium and municipal finance, civic and other amenities in the
communications (bus service, railway station, town, medical, educational, recreational and cultural
waterway). Information in respect of approach to facilities, trade, commerce, industry -and banking in
village, nearest town and distance in KIns., power the towns, civic and other amenities in slum areas of
supply, receipt of news paper/magazine, names 6ftlie the town. The scope of the various column headings
most important commodities manufactured in the adopted during 1991 Census has remained unchanged
village are furnished in columns 14 to 18. Amenities in 2001.

1. The area figure for the district given under column No 3 against .. Total" represents "Geographical
Area" and has been furnished by the Surveyor General India. The figures for the urban areas are
either those supplied by civic administration authorities of the towns or compiled and supplied by the
Director of Survey, Settlement and Land Records or compiled in this Directorate on the basis of the
available records pertaining to the delimitation of urban units. Area figures for Rural Areas are derived
by subtracting the Total Urban Area from the Total Area of the District.
The total of the area figures of all the CD. Blocks/Taluks in this district will not tally with the
district figures (except urban), because the area figures for CD. Blocks/Taluk~ represents the land-use
area based on village wise area figures as reported by the local officers. The total area of the taluk
may not tally with the aggregate of the areas of the villages listed for Census purposes for it includes
the area of the statut01Y as well as non-statut01Y towns, villages which may be fully submerged and
reserve forests which may not form part of any revenue village, if al1y; within the jurisdiction of the
concerned taluk. The total area of the CD. Block is derived by subtracting the area of the statut01Y
town or towns (within the jurisdiction of the concerned taluks) from the fotal area of the taluk.
2. Out growths of towns in urban agglomerations are denoted by letter HOG".
3. The following abbreviations have been used to indicate the Civic Administration Status of town.
M.Corp Municipal Corporation
CMC City Municipal Council
TMC Town Municipal Council
TP Town Panchayat
NAC Notified Area Committee
CB Cantonment Board
CT Census Town (Non-Municipal Census Town / Non-Statutory Town)

The "Village Directory" is one of the traditional Column 3 : Area of the village
compilations of the Census. It gives the list of villages,
The area of the village in hectares are given.
their location numbers, their area, population, number
. Wherever the area figures was not furnished by the
of households, amenities such as educational, medical,
concerned department the column is left blank.
drinking water, post and telegraph, commercial and
cooperalive banks, agricultural non-agricultural and Column 4: Total population
other credit societies, recreational and cultural The total population of the village as per 200 I
facilities, communication, approach to village, nearest Census is given against this column.
town with a distance, power supply availability of
Column 5: Number of households
newspaper and magazines, most important commodity
manufactured and land use of each village. The number ofhouseholds as per 2001 Census is
given in this column ..
Village is a statutory recognized unit· having a
definite boundary and separate land records. In case, Amenities:
a complete village is treated as an outgrowth of urban In column 6 to 23, availability in respect of
agglomeration, data on amenities for that village, have different amenities such as education, medical,
not been given in the Village Directory but shown drinking water, post, telegraph, banks, credit societies,
along with the urban component. The villages which communication, power, approach road etc. in each
are considered as a Census Town, the amenities data village has been depicted with appropriate codes
are shown in the Town Directory. For those villages against the column concerned. Wherever the
which have partly merged in an outgrowth of U.A., amenities are not available in the village, a dash (-)
the amenities data are shown in the Village Directory is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the
for that particular village. distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and
The 'uninhabited' villages (villages with no 10+ kms. of the nearest place where the facility is
population) have been indicated as such after available is given. Column wise details are given
furnishing details in columns 1 to 3 i.e., Serial number, below:
Name of village & location code number and area of Column 6: Educational
the village against column no. 4 to 18. The land use
Classes upto class IV included in Primary School.
data for such viliages are shown in col. 19 to 23
This will include nursery school, kindergarten school.
The Village Directory format has 23 columns and Pre-basic school, pre-primary school, junior basic
the details given under each column are as follows : school upto class IV.
Columns 1 : Serial Number Classes from V to VII are included in the middle
Self explanatory. All the villages within the CD school.
Block are presented serially in the ascending order of Classes from VIII to X included in Higher
their location code number. secondary school. Classes XI and XII are treated as
Columns 2: Name and Location Code Number of equivalent to Pre-University Course.
village. In case of composite schools like middle school
The name and location code number of the village with primary school or secondary school with middle
are shown against these columns. This also includes school, these are also included in the number of
the forest and un-inhabited villages. primary and middle schools, respectively.

Accordingly any of the following types of Column 8: Drinking Water

institutions if exists within the village is shown as per The type of the drinking water supply sources
codes given below: available within the village are indicated by codes as
(i) Primary School P follows:
(ii) Middle School M
(i) Tap Water
(iii) Secondary School S
(ii) Well Water W
(iv) Senior Secondary School PUC
(iii) Tank Water TK
(v) Collcge C
(iv) Tubewell Water TW
(vi) Industrial School I
(v) Hand pump HP
(vii) Training School· Tr
(vi) River Water R
(viii) Adult literacy class/centre ' AC
(vii) Canal C
(ix) Others (specifY) e.g. Sanskrit 0
Pathshala, Senior basic school, (viii) Lake L
Navodaya Vidyalaya, Makhtab, etc. (ix) Spring S
(x) Others 0
More than one institution of a type in the village
is indicated by the number within brackets against Column 9: Post, Telegraph and Telephone
the abbreviation, e.g. P(3), M(4), etc. It is indicated by codes as shown below whether
Column 7 : Medical within the village exists the following amenities:

Availability of medical facility within the village is (i) Post Office PO

indicated by following codes: (ii) Telegraph Office TO
(i) Allopathic Hospital H (iii) Post & Telegraph Office PTO
Ayurvedic Hospital HA Civ) Telephone Connection PH
Unani Hospital HU Column 10 :Commercial and Co-operative Banks
Homeopathic Hospital H Hom
If the village is served by any banking service,
(ii) Allopathic Dispensary D
cOllll11ercial bank, co-operative bank etc. the same
Ayurvedic Dispensary DA
is indicated in codes mentioned below along with the
Unani Dispensary DU
number of banks in brackets. If not available the
Homeopathic Dispensary D Hom
(iiI) Maternity & Child Welfare distance of nearest place where the facility exist is
(iv) Maternity Home MH given:
(v) Child Welfare Centre CWC (i) Commercial Bank CM
(vi) Health Centre HC (ii) Co-operative Bank CP
(vii) Primary Health Centre PHC
Column 11 : Credit Societies
(viii) Primary Health Sub Centre PHS
(ix) Family Welfare Centre FWC If the village enjoys the services of Credit
(x) T.B. Clinic TB Societies i.e. Agricultural Credit Societies, Non-
(xi) Nursing Home NH Agricultural Credit Society or Other Credit Societies,
(xii) Registered Private Medical the same is indicated in codes mentioned below along
Practitioner RMP with the number of such societies in brackets. In
(xiii) Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP case the facility is not available within the village the
(xiv) Community Health Worker CHW distance of the nearest place where such facility exist
(xv) Others 0 is given:
More than one institution of a type in the village (i) Agricultural Credit Society ACS
is indicated by the number within brackets against (ii) Non Agricultural Credit Society NCS
the abbreviations, e.g. H(3), D(4), etc.
(iii) Other Credit Society OCS


Column 12 : Recreational and cultural facilities (iii) Electricity for other purposes EO
If facilities such as CinemalVideo hall, Sports Club, (iv) Electricity for all purposes EA
StadiumlAuditonum is available in the village, the same Column 17 : News Paper / Magazine
is recorded in these columns. If not available the
If the village receives any News Paper!
particulars of the nearest place with the facility is
recorded. The information is indicated in codes Magazines, the same is noted in this column using
mentioned below along with the number of such following codes:
facilities in brackets: (i) News Paper N
(i) Cinema / Video Hall CV (ii) Magazine M
(ii) Sports Club SP
(iiI) Stadium / Auditorium ST Column 18 : Most important commodities
Column 13 : Communications
The name of three most important commodities
If the village is served by any mode of public /
manufactured in the village is recorded against this
private transport like Bus, Railway station or
Navigable water ways they are mentioned as follows: column.

(i) Bus BS Column 19 to 23 : Land use i.e. area under

(ii) Railway Station RS different types of land use .
(iii) Navigable Waterway NW Land use data maintained by the State/ UT Govts.
Column 14 : Approach to village are furnished against these columns. The data
Approach to village refers to the state of road concerning area under Forest, Irrigated land (by
leading to village. The approach to the village is source), Unirrigated land, Culturable waste and Area
indicated in following codes : not available for cultivation in the village are shown
against these columns. The area figures are given in
(i) Paved Road PR
hectare(s) up to one decimaL Dash "_" is recorded
(ii) Mud road MR
wherever the information is not made available by
(iii) Foot path FP
the concerned department. The codes used for
(iv) Navigable River NR
different types of irrigation facilities available in the
(v) Navigable Canal NC
NW village are indicated below:
(vi) Navigable waterways
other than River, Canal (i) Government Canal GC
Column 15 : Nearest Town and distance (ii) Private Canal PC
(m) Well (without electricity) W
The distance is given in kilometers in brackets
(iv) Well (with electricity) WE
against the name of the town nearest to the village.
(vi) Tubewell(with electricity) TWE
Column 16 : Power supply
(vii) Tank TK
Availability of Power Supply in the village, (viii) River R
whatever may be the form of its use is given by using L
(ix) Lake
following codes: WF
(x) Waterfall
(i) Electricity for domestic use ED (xi) Others 0
(ii) Electricity for agricultural use EAG (xii) Total T


The village directory also carries the following appendices.

Appendix-I It gives the abstract of educational, medical and other amenities available in villages
C D Block wise of the district.
Appendix-I-A Indicates number of villages C D Block wise having one or more primary schools.
Appendix-I-B Indicates number of villages C D Block wise having primary, middle and secondary
Appendix-I-C Shows number of villages C D Block wise with different sources of drinking water fa
Appendix-II Indicates the list of villages with 5,000 and above popUlation which do not have one or
more important amenities.
Appendix-II-A Indicates list of Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities.
Appendix-III It gives the land utilization data in respect of Census Towns / non-municipal Towns.
Appendix-IV C D Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water
facility is available.
Appendix-V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population.
Appendix-VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population.
Appcndix- VII-A, The appendix shows the list of villages according to proportion of the
VJI-B Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.
Appendix-VTTI Indicates C D Block wise number of villages under each Grama Panchayat.
Appendix-IX Shows number of different types of girls school in a village.


SI.No. Name of Name of Town Name of thc village with L.C. Total gcogra phical area Rural Urban
Taluk No. of the village as per Compo Compo
rcvenue records nent nent
2 3 4 5 6 7
Kurubarahalli (OG) Kurubarahalli 639.75 545.84 93.91
Mysore (OG) Mysore 2017.74 2011.68 6.11
Chamundibetta (OG) Chamundibctta 573.14 573.14
Srirampura (OG) Srirampura 586.13 209.51 376.62
Dattagalli (OG) Dattagalli 5038.85 491.43 17.42
Lingambudi (OG) Lingambudi 337.48 5.75 331.73
05 Bhogadi CT Bhogadi 845.21 371.71 473.44
06 Hebbalu CT Hebbalu 1224.37 768.24
07 Belayatta CT Belayatta 629.79 199.14
08 I Ieggada Heggadadeyankote TP lIeggadadeyankote '02833000 1225.67 1036.72 188.95
09 Nanjanagud Nanjanagud TMC Chamalapura 539.09 539.09
Nanjanagud '02869800 1333.54 921.35 412.19
Deveerammanahalli '02869600 423.57 291.57 132.00
Kallahalli '02869300 458.73 152.17 306.56
Debbur '02869200 680.65 662.51 18.14
10 Tirumakudal Tirumakudal- Narsipur TP Tirumakudal- Narsipur 81.34 81.34
- Narsipur Alagodu '02885900 1,017.96 999.17 18.79
II Bannur TP Bannur '02878200 2,178.17 1,944.35 233.82
Chamanahalli '02878800 281.24 205.96 75.28

Km I o 2 3 4 5 Km

S t::
#' 11 1
,*'" RE'
T t! 4
A ~ !u ,_/

i ~


' .....

<5' I

C.D. Block boundary o f Piriyapalna is co- terminus

with taluk bounda.ry excluding slatu tory t own. I
\ Anechowkur Forest

TOTAL AREA OF TALUK (IN SQ.KMl __ _ ___ _ ___ ______ _ ___

TOTAL POPill..A'TION OF TALUK _ __________ • _0_. _o _____ .
"' ...,:_ . _ ... . .
TOTAL NUMBER OF TOWNS IN TALUK . ___ • __ _ .. .. _ .. .... . ... 01

.... \ .
' .' .
BOUNDARY, DISTRICT •••• ••• • •• • •• •• • • •••• • • •• • •• ••• • •••
TALUK •••••••••••••••••• _. ___ • _______ • __ ._ . - -- . -.- . - . -
......- ....... - . ., ....... ~,.
::IfQQJ3;":R1iJi: ~K~· :
HEADQUARTERS, TALUK __ • _ _ __ _ _ •. __________________ • _ _ _ @
RIVER WITH STREAM •••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• _ • • ••• •• • ~
~:~~~ ~~~~o~~~~lg~ S~ BA~riWA:5~k ____ . ___ _.. ___ . ____ • • • T ANK ._. __ ._. __ • ____ . ____ ._. _ _ • __ _ •• _._. _ __ _ •• ___ ._ •• . Cd
U NINHA BITED VILLAGES WI TH LOCA TION CODE __ uu _ uu • 559 POST OFFICE I TELEGRAPH OFFICE __ __ • _ ______ • __ _ _ • __ • PO / TO
URBAN AREA WITH LOCATION CODE _________ • u __ U u .. _ . 1??0'd?'/t?A0'M HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL ___ _ ______ . __ . ______ _ __ _ _ _ _ 5
STATE HIGHWAY __ • ____ • _. _ • • _. _ _ • _._ • •• • _ • • • _____ _ ___ _ SH 8B POLlCE STAT ION ___ • _. __ • ____ • _ •• ___ • __ _ •• ____ •• _ ____ _ • PS
IMPORTAN T METALLED ROAD _. __ . _ . ____ ._ •. ___ • _______ •. PR IMARY HEALT H CENTRE _. __ •• __ ._._ . _ •••••• •• ••••••• ~
UNMETALLED AND OTHER ROADS~ •••• _ •• _ . __ ._ •• _._. _ _ •• BANK COMMERCIAL I CO-O P ERATIVE _ . ____ ._. ____ ._. __ • B

Government of India Copyright. ZOO6.

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor Genera l of India.


Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number . number
2 3 4
50 Chowdenahalli 02772000 160090099000900054
51 Chowkur 02775000 160090009000900014
52 Chowthi 02773600 160090009000900027
53 Depura 02764100 160090009000900155
54 Dindagadu 02759000 160090009000900107
55 Dodda Vaddarakere 02769800 160090009000900179
56 Doddabya1a1u 02768000 160090009000900169
57 Doddaharve 02761600 160090009000900093
58 Doddaharve Forest 02761500 160090009000900094
59 Doddahonnur 02760100 16009000?000900085
60 Doddahonnurkava1 02759400 160090009000900083
61 Doddahosur 02759800 160090009000900096
62 Doddakamaravalli 02758800 160090009000900109
63 Doddanerale 02758400 160090009000900075
64 Dorekere 02767400 160090009000900198
65 Eachuru 02765200 160090009000900145
66 G.Basavanahalli 02769400 160090009000900185
67 Ga1aganakere 02763200 160090009000900131
68 Ganganakuppe 02757200 160090009000900059
69 Gariguddakaval 02756600 160090009000900060
70 Giragur 02759700 160090009000900097
71 Gobba1ikava1 02755900 160090009000900063
72 Gollarahosahalli 02761000 160090009000900089
73 Gorahalli 02762000 160090009000900117
74 Guddenahalli 02759900 160090009000900087
75 Gudibhadranahosahalli 02756800 160090009000900066
76 Gullcdahalla Jungle 02760300 160090009000900076
77 Habatoor 02773700 160090009000900023
78 Ha1aganahalli 02761800 160090009000900119
79 Halasoor 02775100 160090009000900011
80 Halcpetckantapura 02772800 160090009000900029
81 Ha1eyur 02758000 160090009000900072
82 Handiguddadakaval 02760900 1600900090,00900081
83 Handitavalli 02766100 160090009000900159
84 Haradur 02762100 160090009000900120
85 Haraiahalli 02766400 160090009000900200
86 Haranahalli 02758100 160090009000900056
87 Haravemal1arajapatna 02772900 160090009000900055
88 Harilapura 02774200 160090009000900005
89 Harinahalli 02762400 160090009000900123
90 Hasuvinakava1 02757800 160090009000900070
91 Hegathuf 02756500 160090009000900113
92 Hemmige 02769500 160090009000900184
93 Hiremalali 02763500 160090009000900135
94 Hi tnaJm II i 02767700 160090009000900193
95 Hitnehebbagilu 02768700 160090009000900192
96 Honnenahalli 02765900 160090009000900157
97 Hunasavadi 02771000 160090009000900049
98 Hunasekuppe 02774300 160090009000900012
99 Hunasethoppa1u 02757100 160090009000900069
100 Ichanahalli 02756700 160090009000900065
101 IchanahaHi 02774400 160090009000900013



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
t 2 3 4
102 Ilapura 02771700 160090009000900041
103 IttagaIli 02775500 160090009000900008
104 Javanikuppe 02768100 160090009000900170
105 Joganahalli 02764500 160090009000900154
106 K. Basavanahalli 02755800 160090009000900062
107 K. Haralahalli 02769000 160090009000900189
108 Kachuvanahalli Jungle 02776000 160090009000900017
109 Kaggundi 02769700 160090009000900182
110 Kailasapura 02761200 160090009000900091
111 Ka1ethimmanahalli 02773300 160090009000900033
112 Kalkere 02767300 160090009000900168
113 Kamanahalli 02771100 160090009000900042
114 Kambipura 02756400 160090009000900114
115 Kampalapura 02770300 160090009000900172
116 Kanagal 02756100 160090009000900061
117 Kandegala 02769300 160090009000900186
118 Kanoor 02764800 160090009000900149
119 Ke1aganahalli 02765800 ]60090009000900201
120 Kellur 02766800 ]60090009000900161
121 Kesarakere 02758500 160090009000900104
122 Kiranalli 02770100 160090009000900176
123 Kirangoor 02772300 160090009000900036
124 Kithoor 02763100 160090009000900130
125 Kodihalli 02766700 160090009000900162
126 Kodihalli.K.G 02769600 160090009000900183
127 Kogilavadi 02773500 160090009000900026
128 Komalapura 02764900 160090009000900148
129 Konasur 02764400 160090009000900151
130 Koppa 02759600 160090009000900098
131 Koralahosahalli 02771300 160090009000900044
132 Kothavalli 02763400 160090009000900133
133 Kowlanahalli 02762300 160090009000900122
134 Kudakuru 02765400 160090009000900137
135 Kundanahalli 02770800 160090009000900048
136 Kurgallu 02764000 160090009000900143
137 Lakshmipura 02761100 160090009000900088
138 Laxmipura 02774600' 160090009000900024
139 Lingapura 02761400 160090009000900095
140 Lingapura 02772400 160090009000900037
141 Lingapura Forest 02771400 160090009000900039
142 M. Hosahalli 02760400 160090009000900077
143 M. Settihalli 02767200 160090009000900167
144 Magali 02772700 160090009000900030
145 Makanahalli 02768200 160090009000900171
146 Makodu 02767000 160090009000900165
147 Malaganakere 02767100 160090009000900166
148 Malangi 02774900 160090009000900019
Mallinathapura 02770900 160090009000900050
Manchedevanahalli 02767800 160090009000900195
151 Manchedevanahalli 02770700 160090009000900047
Manuganahalli 02756000 160090009000900064
Maradiyur 02759500 160090009000900101

Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census loca tion code
number number number
1 2 3 4
154 Maradoor 02763000 160090009000900129
155 Mellahalli 02770000 160090009000900177
156 Me1ur 02762900 160090009000900128
157 Muddanahalli * 02775900 160090009000900016
158 Mummadikava1 02774500 160090009000900021
159 Muthakur 02760200 160090009000900084
160 Muthur 02772600 160090009000900034
161 N. Settihalli 02765600 160090009000900138
162 Naganahalli 02762700 160090009000900126
163 Nagaraghatta 02766200 160090009000900160
164 Nandipura 02765500 160090009000900140
165 Naralapura 02772200 160090009000900035
166 Navi100r 02770500 160090009000900045
167 Navi1ukodikava1 02762600 160090009000900125
168 Neralakuppe 02769100 160090009000900188
169 Ni1angala 02765700 160090009000900139
170 Nilavadi 02764300 160090009000900152
171 P. Basavanahalli 02760600 160090009000900078
172 Panchavalli 02775600 160090009000900009
173 Piriyapatna (Rural) 02773000 "60090009000900001
174 Poonadahalli 02760700 160090009000900079
175 R. Hosahalli 02766900 160090009000900164
176 R.Thunga 02767900 160090009000900197
177 Rajanabe\aguli 02751000 160090009000900061
178 Rajapura 02773900 160090009000900002
179 Rajivagnllna 02772500 Newly created village
180 Rasimarlikava1 02756900 160090009000900068
181 Ravandur 02766300 160090009000900156
182 Sangarasettyhalli 02762500 160090009000900124
183 Sanyasipura 02768600 160090009000900181
184 Salhyagala 02775300 160090009000900006
185 Sathyaga1akava1 02775200 160090009000900010
186 Seegekorekava1 02765100 160090009000900146
187 Seeguru 02767600 160090009000900194
188 Senabinakuppe 02769200 160090009000900187
189 Shanllboganahalli 02757400 160090009000900110
190 Su1agodu 02773400 160090009000900032
191 Su1ekote 02756300 160090009000900111
192 Sundava1u 02768400 160090009000900175
193 Sunkadahalli 02759200 160090009000900100
194 SuragahaiJi 02761900 160090009000900118
195 Tatanahalli 02774100 160090009000900004
196 Te1aginakuppe 02768900 160090009000900190
197 Thammadahalli 02763300 160090009000900132
198 Tharika1 02758300 160090009000900074
199 Thimakapura 02773100 160090009000900028
200 Thirumalapura 02760500 160090009000900082
201 U(henahalli 02775700 160090009000900015
202 Vaddarabylakuppe 02757600 160090009000900058
203 Vaderahosahalli Jungle 02764200 160090009000900153

Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Scri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities a"ailable (ifnot available within the '-illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al ,illage & area of populat cr of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms orthe nearest place where the facility is a,-ailable is given)
ber ,ill age (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer AgriclIl Rccrca Commu
(in C~nsus (:Z001 water tc legrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu hand co-opera oon- cultural cations
s) telephon five agricul facilities (Bus
c banks tu ral and (Cinema sCfl"icc,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

CD Illock: Piriyapatna (0001)

K. OCS(2)
P(2) M«5) H(IO+) T HPTW PH PO« CV« 5) RS(IO+)
Basavanahalli 139.0 511 115
C(lO+) MCW(5-10) W CSS- 5)
eM« 5) ACS(IO+)
SP(IO+) NW(5-
(02155800) CP« 5) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) 10)
2 156.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
Man uganahalli H(IOI) HP TW PH PO« CV« 5) RS(IOi')
3 251.0 734 135 P M C(IO+) CM« 5) ACS(IO+)
(02756000) MCW(5-10) we ss. 5) SP(lO+) NW(5-
CP« 5) NCS(10+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) 10)
P(2) M(2) PHS(3) OCS(2) CV
4 390.0 2,470 496 S(2) PUC FWC RMP CMCP ACS(IO+) SP(lO+)
(02756100) W C ss. PTO PH NW(5-
C(lO+) CHW NCS(IO+) ST(lO+)
BS RS(5-
Chamarayanako P(3) M(2) H(IO+) T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5) 10)
5 515.0 2,271 463 CM« 5) OCS(2)
te (02756200) S C(IO+) MCW(IO+) R C ss. 5) SP(5-10) NW(5-
CP« 5) ACS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) 10)
BS RS(5-
Sulckotc P(2) M(2) H(5-10) HPTW PH PO« CV« 5) 10)
6 382.0 1,658 305 CM«5) OCS(2)
(02756300) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) WRCss. 5) SP(lOT) NW(5-
CP('" 5} ACS« 5)
PHC« S) ST(lO+) 10)

OCS(2) BS« 5)
Kambipura P M« 5) H(lO+) HPTW C POTO CV« 5)
7 224.0 283 50 CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02756400) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) ss. PTO PH SP(IO+)
CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(5-
PHC« 5) ST(10+)

Hegathur OCS(2) BS« 5)

H(5-10) CV« 5)
127.0 29 S P«5) M« Css. PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02756500) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
5) C(IO+) PH«5) CP(<: 5) NCS(IO+) NW(5-
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Gariguddaka,-al OCS(2)
P M{< 5) H(lO+) T HPTW CV« 5) RS(IOT)
9 557.0 232 44 PO«5) CM« 5) ACS(IO+)
(02756600) C{lO+) MCW(S-IO) Css. SP(IO+) NW(5-
PH« 5) CP«5) NCS(10+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) 10)
Ichanahalli OCS(2)
P M« 5) H(lO+) HPTW PH PO« CV« 5) RS(IO+)
10 169.0 384 64 CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02756700) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) TK C Ss. 5) SP{lO+) NW(5-
CP« 5) NCS(IO+)
PHC(<: 5) ST(IO+) 10)

P M«5) H«5) HP WTK OCS(2) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
11 sahalli 141.0 240 46 PO« 5) CM«S) A~S(5-10) SP(IO+)
C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) ss. RS(IO+)
(02756800) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS(S-IO) ST(IO+)
PHC« 5) NW(S-


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land usc (i.e. area under differcnt types of land Name of \iJlagc Scria
h to distance (in supply papcr I important usc in hectarc)
village km) Magaz commodity num
ine man u fa ctu rc --:;::--:-----:---:-:--:-----:-:--:---:---;-:----:---...,... bcr
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
d (by gatcd blc availabl
source) waste c for
(ineludi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR Tobacco WE(6.1)
Kushalnagar (24) EA NM 5.7 13.7 18.7 K. Basavanahalli
FP Product TWE(1.6)
-------- Uninhabited ------------ Gobbalikaval 2
PRMR Tobacco WE(4.5)
Kushalnagar (25) EA N 158.3 15.2 11.5 Manuganahalli 3
FP Praccss TWE(3.2)

PRMR Tobacco
Kushalnagar (23) EA NM WE(2.4) 91.4 45.0 38.6 Kanagal 4
FP Process

Kushalnagar (17) EA NM 97.5 109.0 308.5 Chamarayanakotc 5

PRMR GC(232.9)
Kushalnagar (I 6) EA NM Paddy 52.4 0.2 96.5 Sulekotc 6
FP T(232.9)

MRFP Kushalnagar (18) EA NM TWE(IO.O) 146.3 2.2 28.2 Kambipura 7

Tobacco GC(69.8)
MRFP Kushalnagar (25) EA 18.4 28.4 10.4 Hcgathur 8
Process T(69.8)

PRMR Tobacco GC(155.3) 22.3 Gariguddakaval

Kushalnagar (24) EA 267.6 111.8 9
FP Process T(155.3)

PRMR Tobacco TW(3.2) 10.3 Ichanahalli 10
Kushalnagar (26) EA N 116.9 33.4
FP Process TK(4.8)
PRMR TK(7.1) Gudibhadranahosa
Kushalnagar (26) EA 110.3 7.4 14.3 haIli II
FP 0(0.3)


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available "ithin rhe ,'illnge,:, da.h (-) is shown in the
:II yillilgc & :Irca of popu lat er or column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and lOT kms of the nearest place where the facility is ayailable is giyen)
ber village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 water telegrap cial and tural, tional & IIi
hectare Censu hand co-ope ra non- cultural cations
s) tclcphon liyc agricu I facilities (Bus
e bankS tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
cr~dit hall, station,
socie tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audita
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

OCS(l) BS« 5)
Rasim:Htika\'al H« 5) CM(5- CV(IO+)
12 229.0 36 7 P« S) M« HP TK Ss. 1'0« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO-r)
(02756900) MCW(5-10) 10) CP« SP(lO+)
5) C(lO+) PH« 5) NCS« 5) NW(5-
PHC«5) 5) $I(IO+)
Rajanabelaguli P(2) M T HP W PO PH« CM(5- CV(IO+) RS(IO+)
13 615.0 2,412 428 MCW(5-IO) OCS(2}
(02757000) C(10+) TK ss. 5) 10) CP« SP(IO+) NW(5-
PHC« 5) ACS« 5)
5) $I(IO+} 10)
llunasethoppalu P(2) M« S) H« 5} T HP \v CM(5- CV(IO+) RS(IO+)
14 193.0 628 116 PO«5} ACS« 5)
(02757100) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) TK Ss. 10) CP« SP(IO+) NW(5-
PH« 5) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) 5) $I(lO+) 10)
G::mganakuppe H« 5) T HP \v PH 1'0« CV« 5) . RS(IO+)
15 254.0 1,125 205 P MC(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02757200) MCW(IOT) TK ss- 5) S1'(IO+) NW(5-
CP« 5) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) $I (l 0+) 10)

OCS(2) BS« 5)
Adagoor l' M« 5) H(5-10) HP TW CM(5-
PH PO« CV(5-10)
384.0 320 58
C(lO+) MCW(5-10) WeSs. 5) 10) CP(5- A~S(:-IO) SP(lO+) RS(S-IO)
I 0) NCS(~-IO) NW(5-
PIIC« 5) $I(IO+)
Shanubogan<!halJ CV(5-10) RS(IOT)
17 241.0 868 165 l' M C(lOT) MCW(5-IO) WTKR 1'0« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5)
i (02757400) 51'(5-10) NW(5-
PHC« 5) Css. PH(IO+) CP« 5) NCS« 5)
ST(lO+) 10)
Ambalare H(lO+) T HP TW PH(4) eV(5-10) RS(IO+)
18 376.0 1,386 282 l' M C(IO-r) CM(IOT) ACS( I OT)
(02757500) MCW(IO+) W TK ss- 1'0(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(5-
CP(5-IO) NCS( I 0+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+) 10)

Vaddarabylakup OCS(2) BS« 5)

H« 5) HI' W TK CM(5- CV« 5)
19 165.0 289 48 P MC(lO+) PO« 5) ACS{< 5) RS(IO+)
pe (02757600) MCW(5-10) ss. 10) CP« SP(lO+)
PHC(S-IO) PH«5) NCS« 5) NW(5-
5) ST(IO+)
Chapparadahalli NCS CV
20 337.0 2,087 T HP TW PO CP CM(5- OCS(2 RS( I 0+)
399 P M C(IO+) PHSFWC S1' (I 0+)
(02757700) W TK ss- PH(5) 10) ) NW(5-
Hasuvinaka\' .. l OCS(2)
21 P(3) M« 5) H« 5) T HP W PH PO« CV« 5) RS(10+)
790.0 1:046 195 CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02757800) C(lO+) MCW«5) TK ss. 5) SP( I 0+) NW(5-
CP« S) NCS« 5)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+) 10)

Byadarabilaguli P(2) M OCS(2) BS

22 406.0 H« 5) T HP TW CV« 5)
1,075 197 PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02757900) C(lO+) MCW« 5) W TK ss. SP( I 0+)
PH« 5) C1'« 5) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)

Haleyur H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

23 154.0 298 HP TW PH PO« CM(5- CV«S)
60 P« 5) M« ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
5) C(IO+)
MCW(IO+) W TK ss- 5) 10) CP« SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nea.-cs( town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under differenl types of land Name of 'illage Seria
h to distance (in su pply paper I important use in hectare)
\'illage km) Magaz commodity num
ine man u fa ct u re --;;;--:--:---;c-::---:--:---;-;-::--,----:-:---;-----:-
Forest ber
Irrigated Unirri eu Itu ra Area not
d (by gated hie availahl
source) waste e for
(includi culliva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Kushalnagar (26) EA 60.7 117.4 50.8 0.1 Rasimartikaval 12

PRMR TK(45.3)
Kushalnagar (26) EA NM 513.7 45.8 3.1 Rajanabelaguli 13
FP 0(5.5)

PR MR TK(1.5)
Kushalnagar (19) EA N 167.7 5.1 18.7 Hunasethoppalu 14
FP T(I.)

MRFP Kushalnagar (I9) EA NM 206.1 13.1 16.7 Ganganakuppe IS

MR FP Kushalnagar (19) EA NM WE(7.5) 216.4 68.4 46.0 Adagoor 16

PRMR WE(4.I) 12.3 45.7 12.6 Shan uboganahalli
Kushalnagar (12) EA N Jute 17

PRMR TK(40.6)
Piriyapatna (28) EA NM 276.2 19.0 20.5 Ambalare 18
FP 0(1.9)
MRFP Piriyapalna (28) EA 136.4 9.6 6.8 Vaddarabylakuppe 19

PRMR TK(22.3) 20.7 Chapparadahalli 20
Piriyapalna (23) EA NM 273.5 16.1
FP 0(3.6)

PR MR W(2.5) 158.2 Hasuvinakaval 21

Piriyapatna (23) EA NM 589.8 39.6
FP T(2.5)

PRMR TWE(5.4) 42.3 Byadarabilaguli 22
Piriyapatna (23) EA NM 283.9 39.5
FP TK(32.4)
PRMR TK(5.2) 8.9 Haleyur 23
Piriyapatna (22) EA 132.4 5.7
FP 0(0.2)


Census' of India 2001

Amenities and
Sed Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available witbin the ,illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 I water telcgrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telepbon tive agricul facilities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema senice,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station ..
socie ties Sports water
clu~, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Haranahalli P(2) M(2) H(IO+) T HPTW CM(5- CV«5)
24 343.0 941 158 PO« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02758100) SC(IO+) MCW(S-IO) W TK SS- 10) CP« SP(IO+)
PH«5) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) 5) ST(lO+)

Chikkanerale p(i) M PHC PHS(3) T HP TW PO PH« CP CM(5- ACS NCS .CV« 5)
25 175.0 267 52 RS(IO+)
(02758200) C(lO+) FWC W TKSS- 5) 10) oes SP(IO+)
H(IO+) ST(IO+)

Tharikal P M« 5) H« 5) T HPTW CM(5- CV(S-IO)
26 464.0 1,899 350 PO«5) ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
(02758300) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) W TK SS- 10) CP« SP(J 0+)
PH«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) 5) ST(IO+)

Doddanerale P(2) M« 5) 10) TTWW PO
27 484.0 980 175 CM«5) OCS(2) SP(10+) RS( I 0+)
(02758400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PH(2)
CP«5) ACS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kcsarakere 1-1«5) T HP W CM(5- CV«5)
28 192.0 88 17 P M C(lO+) PO« 5) ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
(02758500) MCW(S-IO) TK ss- 10)CP« SP(10+)
PI-I«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) 5) ST(IO+)

Bilagunda OCS(2)
P M«5) H(5-10) PH PO« CV« 5) BS« 5)
29 332.0 625 133 HP SS- CM«5) ACS«5)
(02758600) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) 5) SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
CP(5-10) NCS« 5)

Channakalkav OCS(2) BS
P(5) M(2) H(5-10) HP W e PH PO(5- - eV(S-IO)
30 2,003.0 2,824 568 10) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
al (02758700) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) SS- SP(10+)
CP(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(10+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(10+)

Doddakamarav HA DA H(5- T HP TW
P M C(5- SP eV(5- BS
31 alli 241.0 953 197 10) MCW« W TK R PO PH« CMCP
10) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+)
(02758800) 5) P HC(5- C SS- 5) OCS
10) NW(lO+)

Chikkamarava T I-IPTW OCS(2) BS

32 P(2) M« 5) H(lO+) CV(IO+)
185.0 656 122 WTKR PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS( I 0+)
Hi (02758900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
CSS- PH(IO+) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Dindagadu T HP TW NCS BS
33 P(2) M C(5- 1-1(10+) CV(IO+)
468.0 1,348 268 WTKR PO« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02759000) 10) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
Css. PH(5-10) CP« 5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Avarthi PHSH«5) NCS BS

34 365.0 P M SC(5- T HP TK PH(lO) CV«5)
1,554 309 MCW«5) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02759100) 10) Re SS- RS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different type. of land Name of "!Iage Se.-ia
h to distance (in supply paper I Important use in hectare) I
village km) Magaz commodity num
ine man u factu rc ---:::----:----;----;--:--:---::-:-...,.......,....--:-:----,---- ber
Forest Ir.-igated Unirri cultura Area not
d (hy gated ble availabl
source) ·waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
Piriyapatna (22) EA NM 228.9 25.7 36.4 Haranahalli 24
FP 0(1.1 )
Piriyapatna (22) EA NM TK(12.2) 119.7 0.2 28.5 Chikkanerale 25
Piriyapatna (28) EA NM TK(47.3) 232.3 . 101.5 63.2 Tharikal 26

PRMR Piriyapatna (2S) EA N 212.0 8.5 263.6 Doddanerale 27

MRFP Piriyapatna (2S) EA N - TK(16.1) 141.9 11.9 15.7 Kesarakere 2&

PRMR Piriyapatna (28) EA NM 100.0 232.0 Bilagunda 29

PR Kushalnagar (6) EA N 202.4 WE(20.2) 1425.3 247.4 0.5 Channakalkaval 30

PRMR NM Jute Thread WE(10.2) 51.2 1.0 4S.S Doddakamaravalli 31
Kushalnagar (S) EA
FP T(140.0)

PRMR N Jute Thread WE{4.1) 4.3 48.6 1.0 Chikkamaravalli 32
Kushalnagar {I 0) EA
FP T(131.1)

PRMR EA N Jute Thread WE(6.1) 23.7 4.2 166.S Dindagadu 33
Kushalnagar (S)
FP T(273.4)

PRMR GC(263.1) 0.1 Avarthi 34

Kushalnagar (4) EA NM 49.2 52.6
FP T(263.1)


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Scri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities a\'ailable (iroot available \'Io'ithin the ,illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al "illage & area of populat cr of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.<5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of lhe nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds -Ed~II~c-a~ti~o-n-a--~~~I-e~di~c-a~I--~D~ri~n~k~i-n-g~~p~O-s~t,--~C~o-m--m-c~r--r~\g~r~i~cu~I~~R~e~c~r~.~a--C~o~m~m~u
(in Census (2001 water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu h :lnd co-opera non- cultural cations
s) t~lephon live agriC'ul f!l~iIities (HilS
banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sunkadahalli 114 P M« 5) H(5-10) llP TW PlI(2) CM« 5) ACS« 5) CV«S) RS(IO+)
35 145.0 569
(02759200) C(5-10) MCW(S-IO) W CSS- 1'0(5-10) CP« 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) NW(10+)

HH H(S-I 0) OCS(2) BS
Benagal P M C(5- MCW(S-IO) HI' W SS- PH(4) CV(S-IO) RS( 10+)
36 269.0 996 201 CM« S) ACS« S)
(02759300) 10) PHC(5-10) PO« S) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
CP(S-IO) NCS«.5)

Doddahonnurk CM(S- OCS(2) CV(5-10) BS« 5)

37 aval 549.0 266 4S P( < S)M( < H(5-IO) HPOSS- PO(5-10)
MCW(S-IO) 10) CP(5- ACS(S-I 0) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02759400) 5)C(S-10) PHC(5-10) PH«S) 10) NCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Maradiyur 153 P M« 5) H(5-10) HPTW PH(4) CV« S) BS
38 311.0 772 CM« 5) ACS« S) SI>( 10+) RS( I 0+)
(02759500) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) W CSS- PO« 5)
CP« 5) NCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

D H(10+) T HI' TW CP CM« OCS(2) CV

Koppa P(2) M(2) PO . BSNW
39 176.0 2,555 541 MCW«S) W TKR 5) ACS« S) SP( I 0+) RS( I 0+)
(02759600) S C(S-IO)
PHC(5-10) CO ss- PH(25) ST( 10+)
NCS« 5)

Giragur 182 1'(2) M S H«5) TKRCO PH(IO)
40 404.0 833 CM« S) OCS(2) CV« 5) RS(IO+)
(02759700) C«S) MCW«5) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS« S)
PHC(S-IO) ST (I 0+)
PHS(2) H(S
591.0 2,090
410 1'(3) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- HI' W TK PH(4) CM(5- AC ;-10 CV(S-10) NWas
(02759&00) 10) 10)PHC(5- COSS· PO(S-IO) 10) CP(5- NC~S-IO~ 51'(10+) RS(5-10)
10) 10) ST(IO+)

Guddenahalli HI' TK 0 PH 1'0« CM(5- CV«S) BS«S)
42 207.0 82 18 P( 5) M( H« 5)
(02759900) < < MCW«5) ss- 5) 10) CP« ACS« S) 5P(10+) RS(lO+)
5) C« S) PIIC(S-IO) NCS« S)
5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

319 P(2) M S POTO
43 269.0 1,525 CMCP RS(JO+)
(02760000) C« 5) FWC OSS- PH(18) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
H(IO+) ACS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

DOddahonnur 92 P M C(S- H« 5) HPTW OCS(2) CV« S) BS« S)

44 197.0 469 CM« 5) ACS(5-10) 51'(10+)
(02760 I 00) 10) MCW«5) TK C SS- 1'0« 5)
PHC(S-IO) PH« 5) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

Muthakur 13 P M(5-10) 10) MCW(5- HP TK 0 CM(S- GCS(2) CV(S-IO) BS« S)
45 62.0 S6 PO(S-IO)
(02760200) C(S-IO) 10) P HC(S- ss- 10) CP(S- ACS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
10) PH« 5) 10) NCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (Le. area under dirferent types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper! important use in hectare)
village km) !\Iaga;,; commodity num
ine man u factn re ---,F=o-r-e-s-t---:)-r--:ri:-g-"-te-d:-----,U.,-n--:i:-r-r:-i--cu-I'"'t-u-r-a---:A-r-e-a-n-o-t ber
(by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(inclndi culliva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR Kushalnagar (4) WE(2.8)
EA NM 65.9 16.6 13.4 Sunkadahalli 35

Kushalnagar (6) WE(47.3)

PR EA NM 116.6 105.0 0.2 Benagal 36

MR FP Kushalnagar (7) EA 533.S 13.5 I.S I 37

PR Kushalnagar (4) EA NM WE(S.I) 122.0 100.S 5.3 M aradiyur 38
PRMR Chair, Plastic
Kush.lnagar (2) EA NM TWE(7.3) 65.8 62.5 0.6 Koppa 39

PRMR 264.1
Kushalnagar (4) EA NM Coffee Curing TK(IS.I) 53.2 O.S Giragur 40

PRMR WE(14.8)
Kushalnagar (7) EA NM 350.1 150.4 26.9 Doddahosur 41
FPNW TK(27.0)

MRFP Kushalnagar (3) EA 176.0 17.3 Gnddenahalli 42

PRMR TK(16.6)
Kushalnagar (S) EA NM Coffee, Seeds 138.5 113.9 Bylakuppe 43
FP T(l6.6)

PRMR TWE(7.3) 159.1 22.9 0.3 Doddahonnur 44
Kushalnagar (5) EA NM
FP T(14.6)

Kushaln.gar (8) EA 32.0 IS.2 14.0 Muthakur 45
MRFP T(0.8)


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not a,·ailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al ,illage & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.<5 kms.,S-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 107"- kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code viii age (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post,. Com mer Agricul Re ere a Comn~u
(in Census (2001 I water telegrap cialand tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera non .. cultural cations
s) tclcphon tive agricu I facilities (Bus
banks tural and (Cinema sc n·icc,
other I Yideo railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Gulledahalla NCS
I' Ml<5) 10) MCW(5- CV«5) BS« 5)
46 Jungle 407.0 1,169 239 1'0«5) CM« 5) OCS(2)
C(5-IO) 10) PHC(5- « S) Ss.
PH« 5) CP(5-IO) ACS« 5)
(02760300) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

M. Hosahalli . P(2) I\( H(IO+) HPTW CM(5- CV(lO+)
47 402.0 908 166 PO« 5) ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
(02760400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W TK Ss. (0) CP« SP(IO+)
PH«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) 5) ST(IO+)

Thirumalapura P M C(5- H«5) T HP TK CV(5-10) ·SS« 5)
48 323.0 904 196 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(5-10)
(02760500) 10) MCW« 5) Oss. SP( I 0+) RS« 5)
PH«S) CP« 5) . NCS(5-10)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO I) NW(101)

P(3) M« 5) H(IO+) HP TW PH PO« CM(5- CV(IO+)
49 Basavanahal1i 421.0 814 151 OCS(2) RS( I 0+)
C(lO+) MCW(lO+) W TK Ss. 5) 10) SP( 10+)
(02760600) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) ST(IO+)

Poonadahalli P(Z) M C(5- H(5-10) T HPTW CM(5- CV(5-10)
50 303.0 1,029 212 PTO OCS(2) RS( 10+)
(02760700) 10) MCW(S-IO) W TK ss. 10) CP(5- ACS(S-IO) SP(IO+)
PH(3) NW(IO+)
P HC(5-1 0) 10) ST(IO+)

Charapura P M(<:5) H(5-10) HP TW PH PO« CM(S- OCS(2) CV(S-IO) SS« 5)
5I 69.0 129 27
(02760800) C(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) W TK Ss. 5) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) 10) NCS(5-10) Sf(io+) NW(IO+)

Handiguddadak OCS(2) SS
P M(" 5) Hi<5) T HP CO PH PO«
52 3\'a1 803.0 1,686 356 CM« 5) ACS(5-IO) eV« 5) RS(IO+)
C« 5) MCW« 5) ss. 5) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+)
CP« S) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+)
GolI.rahosahal P M S C(5- 10) MCW(S- T HP TW PH(8)
53 138.0 1,426 2S7 ACSNCS CV(S-IO)
Ii (02761000) 10) CM« S) RS(IO+)
10) PHC« TK ss. PO« 5) OCS(2) SP(lO+)
CP« 5) NW(IO+)
5) ST(IO+)

Lakshmipura NCS
H« 5) T HPTW PH(6) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
161.0 532 83 P« 5) M« CM« 5) OCS(2)
(02761100) MCW« 5) TK ss. PO« 5)
5)C(5-10) CP«S) ACS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC{< 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kailasapura D H(IO+)
55 234.0 683 138 MCW(S-IO)
(02761200) C(5-10) oss. PH(IO) 10) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Aralikumari P M«5) H(5-10) T HPTW PH(30) BS

S6 593.0 3,388 246 CM(S- ACSNCS CV(S-IO)
(02761300) C(5-10) MeW(S-IO) TK ss. RS( I 0+)
PO« S) 10) CP« OCS(2) SP(S-IO)
PHC«5) NW(IO+)
5) ST(IU+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
"illage km) Magaz commodity num
in e man u factu re -;==:-----;==:-;---;-;-:-:-;,-------;-:-----;---7
Forest Irrigated ber
Unirri en Itura Area not
d (hy gated hIe availabl
silurce) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Kushaln.gar (8) EA 200.0 100.0 107.0 Jungle 46

MRFP Piriy.patna (14) EA NM 349.6 5.1 20.6 M. Hosahalli 47

Kush.lnagar (8) EA 181.2 140.5 Thirumalapur. 48
FP T(I.3)

MR FP Piriyapatn. (12) EA NM 53 378.2 4.5 15.0 P. Basavanahalli 49
PRMR TK(16.9)
Piriyapatna(9) EA NM ~225.8 3.3 15.3 Poonadahalli 50
FP 0(1.4)
MRFP P iriyapatna (8) EA 56.9 4.2 Charapura 51

PRMR Handiguddadakava
Kushalnagar (5) EA NM 183.3 607.3 12.4 52

Kushalnagar (7) EA NM Woollen 102.3 34.5 Gollarahosahalli 53

PRMR TK(4.8) 127.9 23.1 1.2 L.kshmipura 54
Kushalnagar (7) EA NM
FP T(S.9)

PRMR Carpet, 0.4 K.ilasapura 55
Kush.lnagar (7) EA NM 224.7 8.9
FP Woollen

PRMR Woollen 273.9 154.5 164.6 Aralikumari 56

Kush.lnagar (6) EA NM
FP Process


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities aYailable (ifnot a"aHable within the \'illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
01 \illage & area of populal er of column and next to it in brackets the dist!lnce in broad ranges \'iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location Ihe ion house km •• and 10+ kms of the ne"rc.t place where the facility i. available is given)
bcr code "ill age (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 water telegrap cial and lural, lional & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera non- . cultural cations
s) telephon ti"e agricul facilities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema ser,ice,
other f Video railway
credit hail, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
f Audito
z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Lingapura P M« 5) H(5-IO) HPTKO CV(5-10) BS« 5)
57 537.0 390 85 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS«5)
(02761400) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) S&- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Doddaharve OCS(2)
P M«5) H(S-IO) CV«5) BS« 5)
58 Forest 1,031.0 3 2 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
C(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) « 5) ss- PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Doddaharve T HP TW PH(7) CM(S- ACSNCS CV(5-10)
59 2,IM.0 5,064 674 P M C(lO+) MCW(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02761600) TK 0 ss- PO(5-10) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) NW(IO+)
10) ST(IO+)

Basavanayeni P(2) M S H(5-10) T HPTW PO CM(5- CV(IO+) BS(5-IO)
60 605.0 2,475 456
(02761700) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) TK ss- PH(l5) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) 10) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Halaganahalli P(3) M(3) T HPTW PO CM CV(5-10)
61 368.0 2,754 456 PHSFWC OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02761800) SC(IO+) TK S&- PHiS) CP(lO+) SP(IO+)

Suragahalli P(2) M H(IO+) NCS

T HP TW CM(5- CV(S-tO) BS« 5)
62 527.0 1,300 214 PO«5) OCS(2)
(02761900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TKSS- 10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) ACS« 5)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

529.0 1,819 376
P(2) M C« MCW(IO+)
CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02762000) 5) W TKSS- 5) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)

Haradur NCS BS
64 457.0 1,653 330 P M C(lO+) CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02762100) MCW(IO+) W TK S&- 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Anivalu OCS(2) BS.

65 406.0 H«5) T HP TW CV« 5)
826 154 P M C(IO+) PO«5) CM« 5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02762200) MCW«5) W TK ss- SP« 5)
PH«5) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PlIC« 5) ST(IO+)

Kowlanahalli OCS(2) BS
66 246.0 473 P M C(10+) H«5) T HP TW CM(5- CVeS-IO)
97 PO«5) RS(IO+)
(02762300) MCW(5-IO) WS&- 10) CP(5- ACS(IO+) SP(S-IO)
PH« 5) 10) NCS( I 0+) NW(IO+)

Harinahalli THPTW 0CS(2)

67 P(2) M S H«5) CM(5- CV(5-10) BS
228.0 620 138 W TKC PO« 5)
(02762400) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) 10) CP(5- ACS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
SS- PH« 5) 10) NCS(IO-!-)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under diffel"ent types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare) I
village km) Magaz commodity num
ine man u factn re ---;F;;:o::r::e"':"s';'"'--;I=rr--i-g-a:-te-d;---;-U;-n-=i-rr-=i'---c-u-=17tu-r-a-7A-r-e-a-n-o-=-t ber
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(indudi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Kushalnagar (12) EA 418.1 TK(1.3) 117.2 0.4 Lingapura 57


Kushalnagar (12) EA 500.0 231.0 300.0 Forest 58

Kushalnagar ( 12) EA NM 1644.3 516.1 3.6 Doddaharve 59

PRMR Woollen
Kushalnagar (17) EA NM 571.2 4.4 29.4 Basavanayeni 60
FP Product

PRMR Tobacco TK(l6.6)
Piriyapatna (23) EA N 300.2 26.1 14.5 Halaganahalli 61
FP Process 0(4.8)
PRMR TK(17.3)
Piriyapatna (24) EA NM Tobbaeo 420.3 23.8 38.1 SuragahalJi 62
FP 0(24.3)

PRMR 0(19.2) 399.8 66.4 20.8 Gorahalli 63
Piriyapatna (20) EA NM Tobacco
FP T(42.1)

PRMR 0(36.3) 314.5 59.1 14.5 Haradur 64
Piriyapatna (18) EA NM Tobacco
FP T(68.9)

PRMR T(30.0) 321.2 40.3 14.5 Anivalu 65

Piriyapatna (20) EA NM

PRMR EA T(8.8) 196.4 11.0 29.8 Kowlanahalli 66

Piriyapatna (20)

PRMR Ragi, Colton, WE(2.0) 30.2 Harinahalli 67
Piriyapatna (22) EA NM 153.7 7.1
FP Sand TK(11.0)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Tot.1 Total Numb Amenities available (if not a"nilable within the 'village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & area of popula! er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is a,·ailallle is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Commu
(ill Census (2001 water telegrap cial alld tural, tiollal & ni
hectare) ) Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telephon live agricul facilities (Bus
hanks tural alld (Cinema ser\'ice,
other t Video railway
credit hail, station,
socie ti~s Sports \'Vater
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Sang-drasettyha P(2) M CM(5- NCSOCS CV(5-10)
68 288.0 1.438 290 FWC W TKC 5) RS( I 0+)
Ili (02762500) C(lO+) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5) SP(IO+)
SS- NW(lO+)
H(10+) 10) ST(10+)

. Navilukodikav H«S) CM(5- CV(S-IO) BS« 5)
69 266.0 42 4 P« 5) M« 'HP W SS- PO«5) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-1 0) SP(i 0+) RS(10+)
al (02762600) MCW(IO+)
5)C(lO+) 1'1-1« 5) 10) NCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Naganahalli P(2) M« 5) H(IO+) T HP TW CV« 5)
70 436.0 972 174 PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(10+)
(02762700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- SP( 1 0+)
PH{< 5) CP« 5) NCS( 10+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(10+)
Attigodu P(4) M PO CM CP{5- OCS(2) Cv(5, 10) BSNW
71 539.0 2.050 372 MCW(IO+) WTKC
(02762800) C(lO+) PH(6) 10) NCS( 10+) SP{10+) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) SS-
72 311.0 1,011 174 CHW CM CP OCS(l) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+)
(02762900) 10) R L SS- PH(2)
1-1(10+) NCS« 5) 10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5)
P(4) M(4) TB RMP(3) BS
Maradoor THP W PO TO CP CM(5- ACS CV(5-10)
73 528.0 2,063 356 S 0(7) C(5- CHW H(5- 10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02763000) TK C SS- PH(2) SP(5-10)
10) 10) MCW(5- NCS« 5) NW{IO+)
10) PHC«

Kithoor rOTO CM CP(5- OCS(7 BSNW
74 966.0 4,534 899 S(2) PUC PHC PHS(2) T HP W SP(IO+)
(02763100) FWC TK C SS- PH 10) -) RS( J 0+)

Galaganakere OCS(2) BS
75 P M« 5) H« 5) T lIP W PII(2) CV« 5)
324.0 796 150 CM«5) ACS( 1O-+-) RS(IO+)
(02763200) C« 5) MCW(IO+) TK C SS- PO« 5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(10+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
Thammadahall RMP(2) H(5- T HP TW OCS(2) BS
P(2) M CV«S)
76 530.0 1,847 343 10) MCW(5- W TK C PO PH CM« S) ACS« 5)
i (02763300) C(lO+) RS( 10+)
10) PHC(S- SS- SP« 5)
CP(5-IO) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
10) ST{IO+)

Kothavalli T HP TW -8S
P(3) M C(5- H(lO+) PO CM(5- OCS(2)
77 985.0 3,402 596 WTKC ACS(5-10) Cv(S-10) RS(IO+)
(02763400) 10) MCW(IO+) PH(3)
SS- 10) CP(5- NC < 5 SP(5-10)
PHC(5-10) 10) S ( ) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest lown & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types orland Name of "Biage Seria
h to distance (in supply paperl important use in hectare) I
village km) l\1agaz com modity num
in e man u factu re -;;:--.,--------;----:,---.,----:----:,----:,---;----;-:-----:-----,- ber
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultu ra Area not
d (by gated ble availabl
source) lY3ste c for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Piriyapatna (22) EA NM T(143.0) 98.5 11.5 35.1 Sangarasettyhalli 68

MRFP Piriyapatna (22) EA T(32.8) 188.2 25.9 19.1 Navilukodikaval 69

PRMR Tobacco
Piriyapatna (20) EA NM 0(11.4) 348.5 48.3 Naganahalli 70
FP Process

Piriyap.atna (24) EA NM Tobacco 0(9.8) 398.6 47.6 23.2 Attigodu 71

Piriyapatna (28) EA N T(lI.2) 265.9 23.8 10.2 Melur 72

PRMR TK(12.8)
Piriyapatna (29) EA N 461.4 24.0 29.8 Maradoor 73
FP T(12.8)

PRMR 692.8 119.8 Kithoor 74

Piriyapatna (28) EA NM T(153.4)

PRMR T(25.3) 238.4 60.4 Galaganakere 75

Piriyapatna (28) EA

Tobacco, Ragi, 76
PRMR Piriyapatna (27) EA NM T(45.2) 415.7 56.3 12.8 Thammadahalli

PRMR T(97.2) 786.6 33.9 67.4 Kothavalli 77

Piriyapatna (27) EA


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Tolal Total Numb Amenities available (ifnot available within the ,illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al 'ill age & area of popula! cr of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion- house kms. and 10+ kms orthe nearest place where the facility is 3yailable is gheu)
ber code ,·iIIage (2001 Edu-c-a-Il,.-·o-n-a--l\",-I-e-di,.-c-a-I----,D=--:ri-n-k7in-g-..:.."P:-o-s-t,--::C::-o-m--me-r-A:-g~r"7i-cu-:I:----:R=-e-c-r-e-a-=-C=-o-m-m--u
holds -=:c:-
(in Census (2001 water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu It and co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telephon tive agricul facilities (Bus
banks lural and (Cinema .er,icc,
other I Video rnilway
credit hall, station,
socic tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hiremalali 9 H(IO+) HP TW Pll(2) OCS(2) CV(S-IO) BS« 5)

78 366.0 51 CM(lO+) ACS« 5) SP(10+) RS(IO+)
(02763500) P« 5) M« MCW(IO+) W TK SS- PO« 5)
5) C(lO+) PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chikkamalali 104 P M« 5) H(IO+) T HP TW PH PO« CM(5- ACS« 5) CV(5-IO) 13SNW
79 202.0 623
(02763600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TKSS- 5) (0) CP(5- NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) 10) ST(10+)
Bettada BS
369 P(2) M H(lO+) T HP TW PO CM ACSNCS CV(5-IO) RS( I 0+)
80 Thunga 806.0 2,307
C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- PH(IO) CP(IO+) OCS(2) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Belt adakaval
81 234.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
P(G) M(4) OCS(2) CV SP BS
82 981.0 5,837 1,209 S(4) PUC ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02763900) NHRMP W TK SS- PH(270) CM CP
C(IO+) NCS(IOI) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

156 P(2) M H«5) HP TW PH(6) ACS(IO+) CV« 5)
83 397.0 730 CM« 5) RS(IO+)
(02764000) C(IO+) MCW«5) W TK SS- PO« 5)
CP« 5) NCS( I 0+) SP« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Depura H(S-IO) T HP TW
77 P M« 5)
84 180.0 418 CM(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02764100) C( 10+) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- PO«5)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(S-IO) NCS(" 5) Sri I 0+) NW(IO+)
85 i Jungle 26.0 -------- Uninhabited --------___ _

Nilavadi H(S-IO) HP TW PO CM(5- NCS BS

86 611.0 859 170 P M C(lO+) CV(5-10) RS( I 0+)
(02764300) MC\V(5-10) W TK SS- PH(15) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) 10) ACS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)
639.0 2,002 418 P(2) M
H(IO+) T HP TW PO CM(5- ACS« 5) CV(5-1 0) ~~
MCW(5-10) W TK SS- PH(IO) 10) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) Sr(I 0+) NW(IO+)

Joganahalli 200 P(2)M«5) H(IOI) THPTW CM(5- ACS CV(5-1O) BS

88 460.0 1,139
(02764500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) W SS- PO« 5) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) PH(5-10) 10) NCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Bhuvanahalli 369 P(2) M S H(lO+) THPW PO CM CP« ACSNCS _CV«5) BS

89 284.0 1,753
(02764600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PH(l8) 5) OCS(2) SP« 5) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) , ST(IO+) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important usc in hectare)
,illage km) Magaz commodity nurn
inc manufuclurc ~~~~~--.~~~~~--.~~~----~----~
Forest Irrigated Unirri cuJtura Area not ber
d (by gated ble availabl
souree) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR Tobacco TWE(S.I)
Piriyapatna (23) EA 282.8 24.6 38.4 Hircmalali 78
FP Process TK(7.2)

Piriyapatna (26) EA NM Tobacco 0(0.4) 145.7 21.9 11.2 Chikkamalali 79

PRMR Tobacco TWE(7.1)
Piriyapatna (21) EA N 385.6 320.5 . 79.1 Bellada Thunga 80
FP Process TK(7.1)

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Belladakaval 81

Piriyapatna (16) EA NM T(128.9) 545.9 145.8 160.4 Bettadapura 82

PRMR T(28.3) 293.0 14.3 61.3 Kurgallu 83

Piriyapatna (14) EA N

PRMR TWE(3.6) 136.9 21.9 15.0 Depura 84
Piriyapatna (20) EA NM Tobacco
FP T(6.2)

-------- Uninhabited ------------ 85

PRMR NM Tobacco 70.4 TK(13.8) 320.2 148.5 52.4 Nilavadi 86
Kushalnagar (10) EA
FP T(19.S)

PRMR NM Tobacco TK(11.3) 420.2 148.2 50.4 Konasur 87
Piriyapatna (16) EA
FP T(20.2)

Piriyapatna (20) EA NM T(81.6) 301.5 17.0 60.0 Joganahalli 88


r- EA NM T(71.3) 174.8 25.8 12.1 Bhuvanahalli 89

PRMR Piriyapatna (18)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the "i1lage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \'iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrca Commu
(in Census (2001 water tclegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Ccnsu hand co-opera nun- co Itu ral cations
s) . tclephon five agricu I facilities (Bus
e bank. tural and (Cinema scr,ice,
other I Video raihyay
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audita
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Bekkare H(IO+) T HP W PH(28) CM(5- CV(5-IO)
90 350.0 990 210 P M C(lO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02764700) MC\v(IO+) SS- PO('" 5) 10) CP« SPIIO+)
ACS('" 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) 5) 51 (10+)

Kanoor P(2) M« 5) H(lO+) HP TW PH(6) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
91 462.0 1,021 184 CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02764800) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+) RS( 10+)
CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
PHC(S-IO) 51(10+) N\V(10+)

Komalapura P(3) M(2) 10) MCW(5- HP TW PO ACSNCS CV(S-IO)
92 388.0 1.684 309 CMCP RS( 10+)
(02764900) SC(5-10) 10) PHC(5- W TK SS- PH(30) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
10) 51(10+)

Billahalli P M« 5) H(IO+) TWW CV{5-IO) BS« 5)
93 229.0 511 92 PTa CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02765000) C(lO+) MC\V(5-rO) TK SS- SP(IO+) RS( 10+)
PH(6) CP« S) NCS« 5)
PHC(S-IO) 51(10+) NW(lO+)

Seegekorekava P M« 5) H« 5) HP TW PH(5) CV«5)
94 271.0 213 37 CM« 5) ACS(IO+) RS( 10+)
1(02765100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- PO«S) SP« 5)
CP« 5) NCS(10+) N\v(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
Eachuru T HP TW PH(9) CV«5)
95 277.0 1,210 235 P M C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM« 5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02765200) W TKSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Barse P M SC(S- H(5-10) HP TW CM(5- ACSNCS CV(5-10)
96 478.0 1.201 195 PO PH RS(10+)
(02765300) 10) MCW(5-10) TK SS- 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(lO+)
PHC(S-IO) 10) 51(10+)
Kudakuru P(3) M(S- 10) MeW(S- T HP W PH PO« CV(5-10)
97 615.0 523 92 CM« 5) ACS« 5) 10)
(02765400) 10) C(5-1 0) 10) PHC(S- TK SS- S) SP(IO+)
CP(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
10) 51(10+)
Nandipura P(2) M(Z) HP WTK PH PO« CV(IO+)
98 519.0 1,082 189 FWC CM(10+) ACS« 5) RS(10+)
(02765500) C(10+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
H(10+) CP(lO+) NCS« S) N\v(IO+)

N. Settihalli ACS BS
99 1,444 H« 5) T HP TW PH PO« eM CP« CV('" 5)
249.0 260 P M C«5) OCS(2) RS( I 0+)
(02765600) MC\V«S) W TK SS- S) 5) SP( 10+)
PHC(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

Nilangala P M(5-10) H(5-10) BS

100 305.0 677 III T HP TW PO(S-IO) CM(S- ACS NCS CV(5-10)
(02765700) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- PH« 5) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) RS( 10+)
PHC(5-10) NW(IO+)
10) 51(10+)
Kelaganahalli P(2) M ACS CV BS
101 410.0 1,467 270 10) MCW(5- T HP TW
(02765800) PO(5-10) CM(IO+) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS( 10+)
C(lO+) 10) PHC(5- W TK SS-
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) 51(10+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Appronc Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper / important use in hectare)
village km) Magaz, commodity nllm
inc man u fa ctu re --;;:;----:--~~-:--~--:-;--:--:,----:-:----:----
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
d (by gated ble avail"bl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Piriyapatna (16) EA NM T(4S.S) 243.7 57.6 Bekkare 90

Piriyapatna (12) EA NM Tobacco TK(32.S) 359.1 0.4 63.6 Kanoar 91

Piriyapatna (12) EA NM Tobacco TK(IS.2} 285.1 30.4 49.8 Komalapura 92

,Piriyapatna (12) EA NM Tobacco TK(22.4) 104.7 52.3 46.4 Billahalli 93

MRFP P iriyapatna (12) EA NM T(40.9} 93.7 2.7 133.7 Seegekorekaval 94

PRMR Ragi, Cotton,

Piriyapatna (13) EA NM T(23.9) 178.7 74.5 Eachuru' 95
FP Jower

Piriyapatna (8) EA N 391.9 6.9 45.5 Barse 96
FP O(6.9}

PRMR T(62.2} 447.9 18.4 86.5 Kudakuru 97

P iriyapatna (13) EA NM

PRMR 2()().() 100.() 219.0 Nandipura 98

Piriyapatna (12) EA

PRMR N 149.0 100.0 N. Settihalli 99

Piriyapatna (24) EA

PRMR EA 105.0 100.0 100.0 Nilangala 100

Piriyapatna (25)

PRMR Tobacco, TK(11.2) 14.7 Kelaganahalli 101

Piriyapatna (25) EA NM 335.9 39.9
FP Cotton T(19.S}


Census ofindia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the ,jJlage, a dash (-) is shown in the'
al ,iIlage & area of populat cr of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz.<5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is ayailable is giwn)
ber code ,illage {200t holds Educationn Medical Drinking Post, Com mer AgriclIl Recrea Commu
(in Census (200t water telcgrap cial and tural, tion'al & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) tclcphon tive agricul facilities {Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit ball, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Honnenahalli P(2) M(2) T HPW ACSNCS CV« 5)
102 404.0 1,897 339 MCW(IO+) PTO CM(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02765900) SC(IO+) TK SS- OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PH(2) CP« 5) NW«5)

Bhavalalu P M«5) II(IO+) T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5)
103 167.0 327 58 CM{<5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02766000) C(10+) MCW(10+) W TKSS- 5) SP(10+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)

Handitavalli P M C(lO+) H(lO+) W TK 0 PH(7) CM(lO+) OCS(2) CV(S-IO) RS(IO+)
104 227.0 1,267 269
(02766100) MCW(IO+) PO(5-10) CP( I 0+) ACS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)

OeS(2) BS
Nagaraghatta P M«5) H(IO+) T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5)
105 207.0 417 78 CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02766200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W TKSS- 5) SP{IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)

P(3) M(2) CV BS
106 635.0 2,523 530 S PUC CMCP SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02766300) FWC W TK SS- PH(14) OCS(2)
C{IO+) Sf{IO+) NW(IO+)

Raralahalli P(2) M(2) R(lO+) T HP TW PO(2.) CM CV« 5)
107 231.0 490 98 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02766400) C« 5) MCW(\O+) W TK SS- PH(3) CP(lO+) SP(\O+)
PHC{5-10) Sf(JO+)
Arenahalli Rl\JP H(5- T HP TW OCS(2) BS
P(3) M(2) CV«5)
108 526.0 2,046 358 10) MCW(5- SS- POPR CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02766500) C(5-10) SP{lO+)
10) PHC(5- CP(5-IO) NCS« 5) NW(JO+)
Sf (I 0+)
109 226.0 821 170 CMCP
(02766600) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) SS- 5) oes Sf(JO+) NW{lO+)

Kodihalli H(IO+) OCS(2)

110 THPW PH CV«5) BS« 5)
276.0 41 7 P«5) M{< CM(lO+) ACS« 5)
(02766700) MCW(IO+) TKSS- PO(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
5) qIO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) Sf(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kellur P M S H(lO+) THPTW PO BS

III 521.0 1,188 237 CM ACSNCS CV(S-IO)
(02766800) WTKC RS(IO+)
C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(15) CP(IO+) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
R. Hosahalli T HPTW POTO
112 534.0 711 143 P M C{IO+) H(lO+) WTKC ACSNCS BSRS
(02766900) CMCP CVSPST


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare) I
\illage km) Magaz commodity num
iDe man u factu re ----;~--:----;---;-:-:--:-:-:---,,.--~--_:_--__:_
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includJ cuJtiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
MRFP P iriyapatna (ZO) EA Tobacco TK(lO.I) 184.9 55.2 148.9 Honnenahalli 102

PRMR 15.6 TW(4.9)

Piriyapatna (23) EA NM Tobacco 133:3 7.3 5.9 Bhavalalu . 103
FP T(4.9)

PRMR Piriyapatna (25) EA NM 50.0 50.0 127.0 Handitavalli 104

MRFP Piriyapatna (24) EA NM 107.0 50.0 50.0 Nagaraghatta 105

PRMR Tobacco,
Piriyapatna (20) EA NM TK(109.2) 362.7 128.2 19.9 Ravandur 106
FP Cotton

PRMR Tobacco,
Piriyapatna (22) EA NM TK(6.2) 190.0 20.7 7.8 Haralahalli 107
FP Cotton

PRMR Tobacco
Piriyapatna (16) EA N T(110.2) 115.8 200.0 100.0 Arenahalli 108
FP Process

PRMR Piriyapatna (19) EA N 203.6 9.1 8.9 Bhoganahalli 109

MRFP Piriyapatna (22) EA NM 176.0 50.0 50.0 Kodihalli , 110

Tobacco 72.3 WE(6.5) 374.9 56.8 Kellur III
MRFP Piriyapatna (24) EA NM

PRMR Piriyapatna (18) EA N 134.0 200.0 200.0 R. Hosahalli 112


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Scri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities a"ailable (ifnot a"ailable within the \'illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al "lIage & area of populat cr of column and next to it in bracket~ tha distance in broad r9ngcs viz~< 5 kms., 5-10
num Loc!ltion the ion house km!). and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Reerca Commu
(iu Census (2001 I water telegrap cia] and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Ccnsu hand co-opera 110n- cultu ral cations
s) telephon tive agriclIl facilities (Bus
banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socic tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
HA DA H(5-
Makodu P(5) M(2) 10) MCW(S- T HP TW PO CM ACSNCS CY(S-IO) BSNW
113 933.0 4,245 761 10) PHC« W TK C PH(lO+)
(02767000) S C(I 0+) Cpr 10+) OCS(2) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
5) 0 SS- ST(10+)

MalaganakcTC P M SCI POTO CV(5-10) BSNW
114 432.0 613 1"4Z SMP T HP C SS-pTO PH CM« 5} ACS« 5)
(02767100) Tr 0 SpOO+) RS(IO+)
CHW(2) CI'(5-IO) NCS« S)
PHC« 5)
TB NH(2) OCS(2) BS
M. Scttihalli P M SCI HPTW rOTO CV(S-IO)
379.0 1,000 liz Tr 0 RMPSMP CM« 5) ACS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
CHW(2) CP(5-IO) NCS« S) ST(IO+) NW« S)
PHC« 5)
Kalkerc HPTW CM(5- CY(5-10)
116 531.0 714 110 Tr AC RMP SMP PTO RS(IO+)
(02767300) SS- 10) CP(S- ACS« 5) SP(IO+)
0(2) CHW PH«5) 10) NCS« 5) NW(S-
H(IO+) 10)
PHC« 5)

Dorckcrc OCS(2)
P(2) M C(5- 11(5-10) T HPTW PH PO(5- CM(5- CV(5-10) BS« 5)
117 510.0 982 164 ACS« 5)
(02767400) 10) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- 10) 10) CP« SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

AithanahaIIi ACS BS
T HP TW PH PO(5- CM CP CY(10+)
118 525.0 1,295 229 P M C(IO+) H(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02767500) MCW(S-IO) W TK SS- 10) SP(IO+)
NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Sccguru P M(5-10) H(S-IO) BS
119 309.0 866 145 PH PO(5- eM ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02767600) WTKO
C(IO+) MCW(5-10) 10) CP(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(10+)

Hitllahalli P(Z) M« S) H(S-IO) OCS(2) BS

120 294.0 611 T HPTW PH(2) CV« 5)
118 CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02767700) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- PO«5)
CP« 5) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
·PHC«5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land Name of »lIage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important usc in hectare) I
,;lIage km) Magaz commodity' num
inc manufucture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~----~ ber
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cu Itiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR Tobacco
Piriyapatna (20) EA 32.8 TWE(8.2) 509.7 223.5 Makodu 113
NC Process
T(J 67.0)

PRMR GC(3.4)
Hunsur (17) EA 17.4 T(3.4) 323.3 71.9 16.0 Malaganakcre 114

Hunsur (15) EA 270.7 93.8 12.6 M. Scttihalli 115
FP T(2.0)

P iriyapalna (J 5) EA 310.3 206.9 7.3 Kalkerc 116

PRMR Piriyapatna (IS) EA N Tobacco TWE(8.2) 249.0 226.1 Dorckcrc 117
PRMR Piriyapatna (15) EA N TWE(4.1) 114.0 200.0 200.9 Aithanahalli 118

PRMR Piriyapatna (16) EA 215.3 48.3 Seeguru 119
PRMR TK(23.4) 120
Piriyapatna (7) EA N Tobacco 8.1· 182.9 52.4 10.6 Hitnahalli
FP 0(4.5)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
31 ,illag< & area of popula! er of column and next to it in brackets tbe distanc.'e in broad ranges ,rjz.< 5 krns., 5-10
num Location the ion huuse kms. and 10+ kms oftbe nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Me di ca I Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Reerea Commu
(in Census (2001 I water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telepbon tiYe agricul facilities (Bus
b.nks tural and (Cinema service,
other J Video railway
credit hall, station,
socic ties Sports water
club, way)
J Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

M :Inch ede\'ana NCS BS

H(IO+) Hi' W TK CV(IO+)
121 halli 216.0 62 10 P« 5) M« 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
MCW(lO+) SS- SP(lO+)
(02767800) 5} C(IO+) P 11« 5) CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

R.Thunga H(IO+) T TW W CM(5- BSRS
122 581.0 1,598 280 P M C(lO+) 1'0« 5) ACS(IO+) CVSP ST
(02767900) MCW(lO+) TK SS- (0)CP« NW(lO+)
1'11« 5) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) 5)

Doddabyalalu 1'(3) M(2) PHCPHS T HI' \v ACSNCS CV(5-10)
123 710.0 1,514 289 PO PH CMCP RS(IO+)

.Ia\'anikuppe CM(5- CV(5-10) BS« 5)
124 243.0 858 169 Tr AC NH(2) RMP T HI' SS- pTO OCS(2}
(02768100) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5) SP(IO+) RS( I 0+)
0(2) SMP H(IO+) PH«5)
10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)
PIIC« 5)

Makanahalli P M C(5- H(IO+) T HP W PH PO« CV(S-IO)
125 278.0 1,211 207 CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(O2768200) (0) MeW(5-10) SS- 5) SPO 0+)
CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)


Chikkabyalalu P M« 5) CP CV(5-10) BS« 5)
126 250.0 303 51 MCW(lO+) HI' W SS- PO« 5) OCS(2)
(02768300) C(IO+) CM(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(-<: 5} PlI« 5) NCS« 5}
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Sundavalu P M C(5- (0) MCW(5- T HP TW POTO CM(5- CV(5-10)
127 248.0 1,502 265 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02768400) 10) (0) PHC« W SS- PTO PH (0) CP(5- ACS{5-(0) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
5) (0) .ST(lO+)
Asw·cIlu 1'(2) M C(S- H(5-1 0) T liP TW CM(5- CV(5-10)
\28 323.0 945 167 PTO ACS«5) RS(IO+}
(02768500) (0) MeW e5-(0) W TK SS- 10) CP«
PH(12) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) 5) ST(IO+)
Sanyasipura P M C(5- H(5-10) T HPTW PH(2) CM(5- CV(5-10)
129 247.0 636 116 ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02768600) (0) MCW(S-IO) W TK SS- 1'0« S) 10) CP« SP(S-IO)
NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) 5) ST(IO+)
Hitnehebbagilu ACS BS
130 457.0 2,965 573 CM CP OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02768700) (0) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- PH(2) SP(IO+)
NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
AV3rckaigudda OCS(2) BS
131 dakaval 594.0 H« 5) T HP TW CV«S)
71 19 P«5) M« 1'0«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02768800) MCW«S) W SS- SP(IO+}
5) C« 5) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS« S) NW(lO+)
I' HC« 5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Us e (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land
N:ame of ,;lIage Seria
h to distance (in sUl'ply paper I important use in hectare) I
,;lIage km) l\1agaz commodity num
iDe man u factu re ---:=-----:-~--:--~,.-,-,..--~-----­
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultu ra Area Dot
d (by gated ble a\"ailabi
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 26 21 22 23 2

PRMR TK(0.6) Manchedevanahal

P iriyapatna (14) EA Tobacco 185.2 30.3 121
FP T(0.6) Ii

PRMR 89.3 TWE(lO.I)
Piriyapatna (15). EA N Tobacco, 392.4 53.6 R.Thunga 122
FP TK(20.7)

PRMR P iriyapatna (15) EA 577.7 91.9 Doddabyalalu 123

PRMR TK(l3.8)
Piriyapatna (15) EA 203.9 25.4 Javanikuppe 124
FP T(l3.8)

PR Piriyapatna (12) EA 214.5 51.0 0.3 Makanahalli 125

MR Piriyapatna (15) EA TK(l5.8) 192.5 4.5 24.3 Chikkabyalalu 126

PRMR Tobacco,
Piriyapatna (6) EA N TWE(l2.2) 175.1 52.5 Sundavalu 127
FP Cotton

PRMR TK(28.6)
Piriyapalna (5) EA N Tobacco 219.0 59.3 9.3 Aswalu 128
FP 0(0.4)
PRMR Tobacco, TK(33.7)
Piriyapatna (9) EA N 125.4 62.9 10.6 Sanyasipura 129
FP Maize 0(4.0)
PRMR 809 TK(32.9) 210.4 51.5 58.6 Hitnehebbagilu 130
Piriyapatna (7) EA N Tobacco
FP . 0(6.4)

0.4 Avarekaiguddadak 131

Piriyapatna (4) EA 586.1 7.5


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (Ifnot a\"ailable within the ,illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
31 ,il1age & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
nUIJI Location the ion house kms. 3nd 10+ kms of the where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul RecTea Commu
(in Census (2001 I water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
heclare) Censu band co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telcphon live agricu 1 facilities (Bus
banks lural and (Cinema ser,,;ce,
other / Video railway
credit ball, statl9n,
soc-ie tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
T elaginakuppe P M C(S- 1I(5-10) T HP TW CM(5- CV(5-10)
132 265.0 824 154 PO« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02768900) 10) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- 10) CP« SP(IO+)
PH(5-10) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) 5) ST{IO+)

K. Haralahalli P M« 5) H(IO+) T HP TW CV(IO+) BS« S)
133 18S.0 339 64 PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS«5)
(02769000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

N eralak uppe P M{< 5) H{lO+) T HP TW CV(IO+) BS« 5)
134 188.0 252 50 PO«S) CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02769100) C{lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
PHC{< 5) ST (I 0+) NW(IO+)

Senabinakuppe H{5-IO) T HP TW CM(5- CV(5-10)
135 141.0 153 26 P« 5) M« PO«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02769200) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- SP(IO+)
5) C(5-1 0) PH(5-IO) 10) CP{5- NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) 10) ST(IO+)

Kandegala P M C(5- H(5-IO) T liP TW PO PH«

136 367.0 1,226 229 CP CM(5- OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02769300) 10) MCW(5-IO) WTKSS- 5) 10) NCS« 5) SP( 10+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

G_Basat'anahal P M«5) H(5-10) T HP TW CM(5- CV(5-10) BS« 5)
137 191.0 731 134 PO« 5) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5)
Ii (02769400) C(S-IO) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) 10) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)


Hcmmige P(2) M C(S- MCW« 5) T HP W PH(3) CV«5)
138 316.0 1,192 238 CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
10) PHC« 5) ss- PO« 5)
CP{< 5) ACS« 5)
SP« S)

KodihaIlLK.G OCS(2)
H«5) CV« 5) BS« 5)
134.0 47 8 P{< 5) M{<
HP ss- PO(5-10) CM« 5) ACS« 5)
SP« 5) RS(IO+)
5) C(5-1 0) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
PHS H(5-
Kaggundi OCS(2) BS
P M C(5- 10) MC\V(5- T HP TW PH(2) CM{5- CV{S-IO)
140 366.0 1,101 229 ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02769700) 10) 10) PHC« W TK ss- PO«5) 10) CP« NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
5) 5) ST(lO+)

P M«S) H(5-10) T HP TW CM(5- OCS(2) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
141 Vaddarakere 73.0 179 32 PO(S-IO) 10) CP(5- ACS(S-IO) SP(IO+)
C{5-10) MCW(S-IO) W TK SS- RS(IO+)
(02769800) PH« 5) 10)
PHC« 5) NCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ch ikkavaddara OCS(2)
P(2) M« 5) H« 5) T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5) BS« 5)
142 kerc 73.0 331 66 CM« 5) ACS« 5)
C« 5) MC\V«5) W TK SS- S) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(01769900) CP«5) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+) NW{IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of \illage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
liltage km) l't-Iagaz commodity nUm
inc man u fa ctu re 'F;':o=-=r::e-=-s:-t--;I=rr::;i-=-g-:-a:-te-d;------;U";""n-:i:-r"""ri:---cu:-I:-:t-u-r-a--:A-r-e-a-n-o--:-t ber
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi clIlti\'3
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
Piriyapatna (8) EA NM Tobacco 0(4.2) 138.7 9.6 73.2 Telaginakuppe 132

MRFP Piriyapatna (I I) EA 0(4.5) 147.0 12.9 8.5 K. HaralahaIIi 133

MRFP Piriyapatna (I I) EA 0(4.2) 132.6 12.0 22.4 Neralakuppe 134

Piriyapatna (8) EA 0(3.5) 106.8 6.0 7.6 Senabinakuppe 135

, Piriyapailla (6) EA NM Tobacco 0(6.9) 274.8 23.9 29.8 Kandegala 136

P iriyapatna (10) EA 8.1 0(8.5) 91.3 65.1 G.Basavanahalli 137

PRMR Piriyapatna (5) EA NM Tobacco 214.5 15.6 59.6 Hemmige 138

PRMR Piriyapatna (4) EA NM Tobacco 50.0 50.0 34.0 KodihaIIi.K.G 139

PRMR TK(41.5)
Piriyapatna (5) EA N Tobacco 17.1 221.2 62.0 7.2 Kaggundi 140
FP 0(3.6)

PRMR TK(9.1) Dodda
Piriyapatna (5) EA Tobacco 47.4 5.1 3.1 141
FP 0(2.4) Vaddarakere

TK(45) Chikkavaddaraker
PRMR 36.6 15.0 2.3 142
Piriyapatna (3) EA Tobacco 2.3 0(4.1) e·


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities a\'ailable (irnot 3\'ailablc within the village, a dash (-) is showJ_1 in the
al village & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges Yiz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa 1\ledical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 ",'ater telegrap cialand tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera non ... cultural cations
s) telephon ti\'c agricul facilities (Bus
banks tural and (Cinema sen,icc,
other t Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
t Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
MeHahaHi P M« 5) H«5) T HP TW PH(3) CV« 5)
143 341.0 655 139 CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02770000) C«5) MCW«5) W TK SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Kiranalli T HI' TW PH PO« CM(5- CV(5-10)
144 496.0 1,696 330 P M C« 5) MCW« 5) ACS« S) RS(IO+)
(02770100) W SS- 5) 10) CP(5- NCS« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) NW(IO+)
10) ST(10+)

8 a salapura P M C(5- H«5) T HI' TW PH PO« CV« 5) BS« 5)
145 274.0 1.202 223 CM«5) OCS(2)
(02770200) 10) MCW(S-IO) W SS- 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Kampalapura P M SC(5- T HI' TW PO ACSNCS
146 636.0 4,450 929 FWC CM CP SP(10+) RS(IO+)
(02770300) 10) WTKSS- PH(80) OCS
CHW(2) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Borehosahall; P M C(5- H(5-10) T HI' TW CV«5)
147 278.0 1,019 178 1'0« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02770400) 10) MCW(5 10) WTKSS- NCS(5-10) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP«5) NW(10+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Naviloor H(5-IO) T HI' TW CV(IO+)
148 666.0 1,628 312 P M C(lO+) 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02170500) MCW(5-IO) W TK SS- SP(10+)
PH«5) CP(5-10) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
PHS H(5-
Alanahalli P(3) M 10) MCW(5- T liP TW PO I'H« CV(10+)
149 405.0 2,512 465 CM(10+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02770600) C(10+) 10) PHC« W TK SS- 5) SP(lO+)
CP(lO+) ACS(10+) NW(IO+)
5) ST(10+)
Manchedevana OCS(2) BS
P M C(5- H«5) T HP TW PH(2) CV(S-IO)
1'i0 halli 616.0 733 146 CM«5) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
10) MCW«5) W TK SS- PO«5) SP(5-10)
(02770700) CP« 5) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+i
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Kundanahalli P M SC(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP W PH(5) CM(5- CV(S-IO)
151 259.0 659 127 RS(IO+)
(02770800) 10) 10)PHC« TK SS- PO« 5) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5) SP(10+)
[0) NCS« 5) NW(10+)
5) Sf(IO+)

Mallinathapur OCS(2) BSRS(5-

152 P M«5) H(5-10) CV« 5)
293.0 459 96 PO«5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) 10)
a (02770900) C(5-10) MCW(5-IO) « 5) SS- SP(5-10)
PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Hunasavadi P M S T HI' TK PO PH« CP CM(5- NCS OCS CV(IO+)
153 472.0 1,206 261 MCW(10+) RS(IO+)
(02771000) C(IO+) SS- 5) 10) ACS« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) NW(IO+)

Kamanahalli OCS(2) BS
[54 123.0 H(IO+) HP TK SS- PH PO« CV(IO+)
25 6 P« 5) M« CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02771 100) MCW([O+) 5)
5)C(IO+) SP(10+)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important. use in hectare) I
,·ilfagc km) {\fagaz commodity num
in e man u factu re --;=--:-----:----:,----:-:-----::--:,---:----:----,----
Forest ber
Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
Piriyapntna (2) EA NM Tobacco 182.9 72.1 12.1 MeJlahalli 143
FP 0(16.6)
PRMR Piriyapatna (4) EA TWE(8.2) 285.2 107.3 90.9 Kiranalli 144

PR·MR Piriyapatna (8) EA 100.0 S 8.0 Basalapura 145

PRMR TK(99.7)
Piriyaputna (7) EA NM Tobacco 73.8 322.9 71.2 47.5 Kampalapura 146
FP 0(8.S)

Piriyapatna (9) EA NM Tobacco 100.0 100.0 78.0 Borehosahalli 147

MRFP Piriyapatna (IS) EA N Tobacco 0(13.8) 441.1 125.1 44.8 Naviloor 148

PRMR TK(39.3)
Piriyapalna (12) EA NM Tobacco 289.4 29.9 46.S Alanahalli 149
FP T(39.3)

PRMR TK(16.1) Manchedevanahal

Kushalnagar (7) EA NM Tobacco 437.4 162.S ISO
FP T(16.1) Ii

PRMR Piriyapatna (8) EA NM Tobacco O(O.S) 107.0 113.6 11.6 Kun·danahalli lSI

TK(i6.3) 152
Piriyapatna (8) EA 182.1 50.6 34.0 Mallinathapura

PR Piriyapatna (10) EA 0(2.7) 276.6 112.2 14.8 Hunasavadi IS3

Piriyapalna (15) EA Maize 0(0.1) 52.4 30.4 6.7 Kamanahalli 154


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al ,illage & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code village (2001 bolds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recre. Commu
(in Census (2001 I water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) tclcphon th'c agricul facilities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema se rvice,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
OCS(2) .BS
161_0 892 178
P M«5) lIe 10+) T HP W PH(5)
CM(lO+) ACS« 5)
RS( 10+)
(02771200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TK SS- PO« 5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+)

Koralahosahall H(5-10) HPTW CV(IO+)
156 153_0 lSI 21 P« 5) M« PO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) RS(10+)
i (02771300) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- SP(10+)
5)C(IO+) PH« 5) CP("" 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)
157 Forest 380.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------

Ayarabeedu H(IO+) HP W TK OCS(2) CV( I 0+) BSC< 5)

158 509.0 852 136 P M C(IO+) PO(5-10) CM(lO+) ACS(5-10) SP(IO+)
(02771500) MCW(10+) S$- RS( I 0+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS« 5) ST(IO+)

Bemmathi P M« 5) H(S-IO) HPTW CV(10+)
159 233_0 475 86 PO(5-10) CM( I 0+) ACS( I 0+) RS(10+)
(02T) 1600) C(10+) MCW(5-10) W TK SS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PlIC(S-IO) ST(lO+)

lIapura P M«5) H(10+) HP W TK PH(3) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
160 173.0 449 80 CM(10+) ACS« 5)
(02771700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) S$- PO« 5) SP (l 0+) RS( I 0+)
CP(10+) NCS«S)

- OCS(2) BS
Belathur P M«5) H« 5) T HPW PH(4) CM« 5) CV«5)
161 326.0 627 119 ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02771800) C« 5) MCW«5) TK S$- PO(5-10) CP« 5) SP« 5)
NCS« 5) NW(_10+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)
PHS H(5-
Ch ittenahalli BS
P(3) M(3) 10) MCW(5- T HP W PH(6) ACSNCS CV(5-10)
162 273.0 803 170 CMCP RS(IO+)
(02771900) S(2) C(5-1 0) 10) PHC(5- TK S$- PO« 5) OCS(2) SP(5-10)
10) ST(IO+)

Chowdenahalli OCS(2) BS
97_0 H«5) T HP W PH(4) CV« 5)
163 436 83 P«5) M« CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02772000) MCW« 5) TKSS- PO« 5) SP« 5)
5) C« 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

ChannenahaIli P(3) M«5) tI(5-10) T HP W PH(6) CM(5-

164 397_0 903 179 RS(IO+)
(02772100) C(5-10) MCW(S-IO) TK S$- PO« 5) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5) SP(S-IO)
PHC(5-10) 10) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)

Naralapura OCS(2) BS
165 275.0 P M«5) tI(5-10) T HP TW CM(5- CV(5-10)
736 127 PO« 5) RS(IO+)
(02772200) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) W TK SS- 10) CP(S- ACS« 5) SP(IO+)
PH«5) 10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Kirangoor P M« 5) H(10+) HP W TK PH(3) OCS(2)

166 204.0 474 101 CV(IO+) BS« 5)
(02772300) C(10+) CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
MCW(IO+) S$- PO«S) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
P HC(5-1 0) CP(IO+) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(10+)


Village Directory
Land lise (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of \illage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important usc in hectare) I
'illage km) Magaz. commodity num
in e man u factn re -;;;::=:---;===;---;;-:---,:---~---:----:-
Forest Irrigate·d ber
Unirri cui lura Area not
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1
PRMR Piriyapatna (13) EA NM Tobacco 0(1.4) 78.0 21.8 8.1 Boothanahaili ISS

MRFP P iriy apatna (I) EA Tobacco 105.3 14.5 13.8 Koralahosahalli 156

~-~-~~~ Uninha~ited ~~~~~~~~~~~-

Lingapum Forest 157

PRMR Piriyapatna (14) EA NM 99.6 6S.9 32S.2 Ayarabeedu 158

MR FP P iriyapatna (12) EA N Tobacco 81.9 105.0 16.6 Bemmathi 159

PRMR Piriyapatna PO) EA N 85.3 17.4 49.5 IIapura 160

PRMR Piriyapatna (4) EA NM Tobacco TK(40.9) 219.8 6.9 48.4 Belathur 161

PRMR P iTiyapatna (S) EA NM Tobacco TK(25.1) 161.1 72.6 10.6 Chiltenahalli 162

PRMR Piriyapatna (2) EA NM Tobacco 37.4 6.9 19.9 Chowdenahalli 163

PRMR Piriyapatna (7) EA NM Tobitcco TK(35.2) 180.2 164.4 12.4 Channenahalli 164

PRMR TK(33.3) 29.4 Naralapura 165

Piriyapatna (10) EA NM 212.3
FP T(33.3)

Piriyapatna 0(0.5) 83.1 S.5 76.5 Kirangoor 166
PRMR EA N Tobacco
(122) T(39.0)


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Sed Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe
al "illage & area of popula! cr of column :lnd next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges. viza< 5 kms .. , 5-10
num Location Ihe ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearcst place where the facility is al'ailable is giycn)
ber code "illage (2001 holds Educationa 1'ledical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 ,,'ater tclcgrap cial and tural, lional & ni
heclare) Censu hand co-opera non- cultu ral cations
s) telepbon tive agricu 1 racilities (Rus
e banks tural and (Cinema se rvice,
other J Video railway
credit hall. station,
socie ties Sports water
club. way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Lingapura H(IO+) HP W TK PH(4) CV(lO+)
167 347,0 402 88 P M C(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02772400) MCW(IO+) SS- PO« 5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS{< 5) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+)

OCS(2) BSRS(5-
Rajivagrama H(5-10) HP TW CM(5- CV« 5)
168 432.0 594 135 P« 5) M« PO« 5) ACS« 5) 10)
(02772500) MCW(5-10) SS- 10) CP(5- NCS« 5) SP(5-10)
5) C(5-1 0) PH« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) 10) ST(lO+)
Muthur P(2) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO CP CM(5- ACS NCS CV(5-10)
169 428,0 2,128 457 RS( I 0+)
(027i2600) 10) 10) PHC(5- W TK SS- PH(l5) 10) OCS{2) SP(IO+)
10) ST(IO+)

Magali P M«5) H« 5) T HPTW CV«5)
170 178.0 653 lIS PO« 5) CM«5) ACS{< 5) RS{IO+)
(02772700) C« 5) MCW« 5) W TK SS-
NCS{< 5)
PH« 5) CP« 5)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)

Halepetekanta OCS(2) BS
H« 5) T HP W PH(S) CV« 5)
171 pura 185.0 212 42 P('" 5) M« CM« 5) ACS{< 5) RS(IO+)
MCW« 5) TK SS- PO«5) SP« 5)
(02772800) 5) C« 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(S-IO) ST« 5)
Haravernallara OCS(2) I3S
P M«5) H« 5) T HP TW PH(6) CV« 5)
172 japalna 360,0 677 150 CM«5) ACS{< 5) RS{IO+)
C« 5) MCW«5) W TK SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) NCS{< 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST{lO+)
Piriyapatna MCW PHC PO TO OCS(2) BS
173 (Rural) 119.0 514 85 P M S C PHS{3) PTO ACS{< 5) RS{ 10+)
W TK SS- 5) SP(lO+)
(02773000) FWC H« 5) PH(2) NCS{< 5) NW(IO+)

Thimakapura OCS{2)
P M«5) H« 5) T HP W CV«5) BS« 5)
174 269,0 770 167 PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5)
(02773100) C« 5) MCW« 5) TK SS- SP(lO+) RS« 5)
PHC(5-IO) PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS{< 5)
Sf(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHS H(5-
Begur OCS(2) BS
175 P M« 5) 10) MCW(5- T HP TW CM(5- CV{5-IO)
229,0 367 69 PO« 5) ACS{<5) RS(J 0+)
(02773200) C(5-10) 10) PHC(5- W TK SS- SP(IO+)
PH« 5) 10) CP(5- NCS« 5) NW{lO+)
10) 10) ST(IO+)

Kalelhimmana OCS{2)
H(5-10) CV«5) BS« 5)
176 halli 371.0 179 36 P« 5) M« TK SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
MCW(5-10) SP{5-10) RS(5-10)
(02773300) 5) C(5-10) PH« 5) CP(S-IO) NCS« 5)
p llC(5-1 0) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sulagodu PM(5-JO) H(5-10) OCS(2)

177 HP TW PH PO(5- CM(5- CV(5-10) BS{< 5)
21S.0 350 75
(02773400) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) WTKSS- 10) 10) CP(5- ACS{5-10) SP(IO+) RS{IO+)
PHC(5-10) 10) NCS{5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kogilavadi P M C(5- - OCS(2) BS

178 282.0 H(5-10) HP TW
605 136 PO(S-IO) CM(5- ACS{5-10) CV(5-10) RS{IO+)
(02773500) 10) MCW(5-10) W TK SS-
PH{5-10) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) . 10) ST(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (Le. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
village km) Magaz _ commodity num
in e man u factu re ----;==;:-----;=-:-;-----;;--;---;~-__:_:_--_:_--_c_
Forest Irrigated Unirri collura Area not ber
d (by gated ble ovailabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 IS 16 17 If! 19 20 21 12 23 1
PR MR Piriyapatna (13) EA NM 0(6.7) 139.4 27.0 139.0 Lingapura 167

Piriyapatna (10) EA NM 432.0 Rajivagrama 168

Piriyapatna (S) EA NM 98.6 T K(56.9) 217.4 1.2 46.\ Muthur 169

PRMR TK(l0.9)
Piriyapatna (3) EA N 87.0 56.6 23.5 Magali' 170
FP T(lO.9)

. TK(30.8) 46:2 Halepetekantapur

PRMR Piriyapatna (I) EA NM Tobacco 107.7 0.4 171
T(30.8) a

Tobacco TK(2.8) 14.6 Haravemallarajap
PR FP Piriyapatna (3) EA N 232.0 77.5 172
Process 0(16.9) atna

Piriyapatna (2) EA NM
. Tobacco TK(33.2)
o Piriyapatna 173
FP Process T(33.2) 2. (Rural)

MRFP Piriyapatna {3} EA Tobacco 0(165.5) 88.9 Thimakapura 174

PRMR TK(32.3)
Piriyapatna (6) EA NM 172.1 24.6 Begue 175.
FP T(32.3)

TK(31.6) Kalethimmanahal
Piriyapatna (6) EA 180.9 88.2 41.4 28.9 Ii 176

MRFP Piriyapatna (6) EA Tobacco 43.3 0(93.7) 53.0 Sulagodu 177

EA Tobacco 6.9 0(65.6) 164.5 Kogilavadi 178
MRFP Piriyapatna (7)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is sllown in the
al village & area of populal er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \·iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and ]0+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is a,'ailabll" is gh·en)
ber code village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recre. Commu
(i n Census (2001 I water te legrap cial and tural, lional & ni
hecl:lre) Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telephon ti,'c agricul facilities (Bus
e banks lural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Chowthi P M C(5- H(5-10) T HPTW PO PH(S- CM(S- CV(5-10)
179 408.0 1,134 233 OCS(2) RS( 10+)
(02773600) 10) MCW(5-IO) W TK SS- 10) 10) CP(5- ACS(S-IO) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) 10) ST(IO+)
SMP H(5-
Habatoor P M C(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO CM(5- NCSOCS CV(5-10)
180 710.0 1,937 395 RS(IO+)
(02773700) 10) 10) PHC(S- W TK SS- PH(7) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-10) SP(5-10)
10) 10) ST(IO+)

Ankanahalli P(2) M(2) T HP W CV« 5)
181 283.0 1,553 259 MCW(IO+) PTO CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS( I 0+)
(02773800) C« 5) TK SS- SP« 5)
PHC(5-10) PH(2) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

Rajapura H« 5) HP W TK PH PO« CV«5)
182 226.0 569 116 P« 5) M« CM« 5} ACS« 5) RS( I 0+)
5) C« 5)
MCW(IO+) ss- 5)
CP« 5) NCS« 5)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+)

PHS H« 5) OCS(2)
183 272.0 853 158 P M C«5) MCW(5-10) PO« 5) ACS(5-10)
(02774000) TK SS- 5) SP(IO+) RS( I 0+)
PHC(5-10) PH« 5) NCS«5)

Tatanahalli H« 5) HP TW PH PO« CV«5) BSNW
184 270.0 764 145 P M C«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02774100) MCW(5-10) TK SS- 5) SP(IO+) RS('I 0,)
CP« 5) NCS« 5)
PHC(5-10) 51'(10+)

Harilapura P M« 5) H« 5) HP TW PH(5) CV« 5)
185 398.0 669 116 CM« 5) ACS« 5) 5)
(02774200) C« 5) MCW(S-IO) TK ss- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) NCS« 5) RS( I 0+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)
CHW H(5-
Hunasekuppe 10) OCS(2)
P M(5·10) T HPTW PH(4) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
186 230.0 68S 139 CM« 5) ACS(5-10)
(02774300) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) W TK ss- PO(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CHW H« 5) OCS(2)
Ichanahalli PH PO«. CV« 5) BS« 5)
187 328.0 110 20 P M C«5) MCW(IO+) HP TW CM«5) ACS(5-10)
PHC(5-10) W TK Ss. 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5)

Mummadikava P M« 5) H« 5) T HP W OCS(2) CV« 5) BS« 5)

188 464.0 677 150 PO« 5) CM«5)
1(02774500) C« 5) MCW(lO+) TK SS- ACS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS( I 0+)
PH«5) CP«5) NCS« 5) ST(lO+)
PHC(5-10) NW(10+)

Laxmipura P(2) M(5- OCS(2) BS

189 H(S-IO) HP TW PH PO« CM(5- CV(5-10)
395.0 697 137
(02774600) 10) C(5-IO) MCW(5-10) W TK Ss. 5) 10) CP(S- ACS(5-1 0) SP(S-IO) RS( I 0+)
PHC(5·10) 10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
Anechowkur OCS(2)
H(lO+) BS
190 Forest 3,154.0 9 P« 5) M« HP TK ss- PO(5-1 0) CV(lO+)
(02774700) MCW(S-IO) SP(5-10)
5)C(l0+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Usc (As on 1999)
Approac Neare,llown & Po we r News Mosl, Land use (I.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper! ' important use in hectare)
village km) Magaz commodily Dum.
ine man u faclu re - ; =__~----;=__~;----::-:__,-----:-:----:----
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultu rot Area not ber
d (by gated ble availabl
source) ,,"'3ste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR TK(48,9)
Piriyapatna (7) EA Tobacco 171.9 159.3 27.9 Chowthi 179
FP T(48.9)

Piriyapatna (5) EA Tobacco 92.7 0(1.2) 306.7 273.2 Habatoor 180

P iriyapalna (3) EA Tobacco 0(0.7) 187.7 69.0 Ankanahalli 181

MR FP Piriyapatna (1) EA 46.0 Rajapura 182

FP NR P iriyapalna (I) EA N 200.0 22.7 25.0 Abbur 183

FP NR Piriyapatna (I) EA N 145.1 69.5 Tatanahalli 184

PRMR TK(15.4)
FP NR Piriyapatna (5) EA N 0(13.0) 302.7 34.8 32.1 Harilapura 185
NC T(28.4)

MRFP Piriyapatna (5) EA 54.6 Hunasekuppe 186

MRFP Piriyapatna (3) EA 86.6 lchanahalli 187

MRFP Piriyapatna (4) EA 0.3 Murnmadikava1 188

PRMR Tobacco 130.3 TK(S.3) 116.8 139.6 Laxmipura 189

Piriyapatna (14) EA
FP T(8.3)

PRMR N 3148.5 5.5 190
Piriyapatna (14) EA Forest


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Tolal Tolal Numb Amenities anilable (if nol available within Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in the
31 ,'illage & area of pnpulat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,"'i.:;.<5 kms., 5-10
num Location th e jon h 0 II <. __k_m::_s:..:._n::_":...d_I:...O..."+_k..,,m:--S:-O_f_'=-h-:e,..D-:e-:a_re_s_t_:p-:l::-ac_e.,-W_h-;e::-re_1h_e_fa_c_il:-i_:tY-:-iS,..3;-'_'3,..i1;;-"_h,..le_iS.....::_gi::;',...e_n.:_)_
her code village (200} bolds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Cummer Agricul ReCTea Commll
(in Census (2001 water lelegrap cial and lural, tional & ni
heclare) Censu h and co-opera non- cultural calions
5) lelephon th'e agricul facililies (Bus
e banks tur:ll and (Cinema sen'icc,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
J Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Abbalathi H(5-10) THPW CM(S- NCS CV(S-IO) BS«5)

606 150 P M C(5- PO«5)
191 350.0 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(IO+) . RS(IO+)
(02774800) 10) MCW(5-10) TKSS-
PH« 5) 10) ACS«5)
PHC(5-l0) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PllS H(S-
Malangi 10) MCW(5- T HP W PO CM(S- OCS(2) CV(S-IO) BS« 5)
518.0 1,298 283 PM«5)
192 10) CP(5- ACS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS( I 0+)
(02774900) C(5-IO) 10) PHC(5- TK SS- PH(6)
10) 10) NCS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

ChowkuT l' M« 5) H(5-10) HP W TK PO« 5) CV« 5) 8S(5-10)
193 320.0 625 144 CM« 5) ACS« 5)
(02775000) C(S-IO) MCW(5-1 0) ~<;.. SP(5-10) RS(5-10)
PHC(5-10) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)

Halasoor H(IO+) HP TW CM(5- OCS(2) CV(S-IO) B5(5-10)

85.0 17 P« 5) M« MCW( I 0+) W TK SS- PO« 5) (0) CP(5- ACS« 5)
194 (02775100) SP( I 0+) RS( I 0+)
5) C(S-I 0) PHC(5-10) PH« 5) 10) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sathyagalakav P M« 5) H« 5) T HP TW 1'0« 5)
195 330.0 667 125 CM« 5) ACS« 5) CV« 5) RS(IO+)
al (02775200) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) W SS- PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Sathyagala 292 1'(4) M(2) CM« 5) NCS OCS CV« 5)
196 507.0 1,535 MCW(5-10) PO« 5) RS(IO-1)
(02775300) C(5-10) CP(5-10) ACS« 5) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) W TK SS- PH« 5) NW(IO+)

Beky. P M C(5- H« 5) T HP TW PH(4) CP CM«
197 290.0 781 176 ACS« 5) CV« 5) RS( I 0+)
(02775400) 10) MCW(5-10) TK SS- PO« 5) 5) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
I' HC(5-1 0) ST(IO+)

198 lttagalli
233.0 738 129 1'« 5) M« H(IO+) T HP TW PH(2)
CM« 5)
OCS(2) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
(02775500) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- PO« 5) ACS( I 0+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+)
5) C(IO+) PHC(5-IO) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHS H(5-
Panchavalli Nes CV(5-10) BS
400.0 1,843 371 1'(3) M(2) 10) MCW (5- T HI' TW PO CM CP
199 (02775600) S C(5-1 0) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
10)PHC(S- WTKSS- PH(53 )
ACS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Uthonahalli OCS(2)
200 332 P(2) M« j) H(lO+) T HI' TW PH(6) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS«S)
726.0 1,725 CM« 5)
(02775700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- PO« 5)
CP« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(\O+) NW(lO+)

AI.lur 113 PM«5) H(5-10) T HP TW PH(6) CM(5- OCS(2) CV(S-IO) BS

201 549.0 519
(02775800) C(5-10) MCW(5-IO) W TK ss. PO(5-IO) I ACS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
0) CP(5- NCS(5-10)
P HC(S-I 0) (0) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land usc (i.c. area under different types of land Name of Yillage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
village km) Magaz com.inodity num
inc man u fa etu re -;;;:-:::-:::--;;===;---;-;-:-.-:---:-:-;:--:---;-:---;-
Forest Irrigated Unirri ber
cultu ra Area not
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(ineludi cultin
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 2

MR FP Piriyopatna (S) EA 0(IOS.1) 230.2 Abbalathi 191

MRFP Piriyapatna (6) EA 107.3 O( 134.9) 257.5 Malang; 192

MRFP P iriyapatna (0) EA 88.6 0(86.9) 141.4 Chowkur 193

MRFP P iriyapatna (7) EA 0(72.7) 9.6 Halosoor 194

PRMR Tobacco TWE(16.6)

Piriyapatna (6) EA N 313.4 Sathyagalakaval 195
FP Process T(16.6)

PRMR Tobacco TK(33.4)
P iriyapatna (6) EA NM 294.8 137.0 16.6 Sathyagala 196
FP Process 0(5.7)
PRMR Tobacco T K(21.6)
Piriyapatna (9) EA NM 179.4 49.3 S.4 Bekya 197
FP Process 0(3.7)

PRMR Tobacco TK(1.3)

Piriyapatna (12) EA NM 81.8 2.6 147.3 Itlagalli 198
FP Process T(1.3)

Tobacco TK(S.O)
PRMR 220.1 14.5 157.4 Panchavalli 199
P iriyapatna (10) EA NM Process, T(S.O)
FP Granite Slabs

PRMR ·Tobacco TK(6.6)

EA NM 112.1 15.1 592.3 Ulhenahalli 200
Piriyapatna (13) T(6.6)
FP Process

PRMR Tobacco TK(22.3) 413.8 Alalur 201

Piriyapatna (10) EA NM 112.1 O.S
FP Process T(22.3)


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not a\'UiJable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber code "illage (2001 holds Educationa Me di cal Drinking Post, Cammer Agricul Recrca Commu
(in Census (2001 I \\'ater telegrap cia] and tural, tional & ni
hectare) Censu hand co-opera 000- cultural cations
s) telephon tive agricul facilities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema ser\;cc,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audita
2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13
202 281.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
• (02775900)
Kaeh uvanahaU
203 i Jungle 1,832.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
P(276) DU(2)
M(137) MCW(13)
S(39) l\ffi(8) PO (58) ACS(35)
1K(156) CV(14) BS(145)
39543 PUC(4) CWC(7) 10 (20) CM(26) NCS(5S)
Block Total 80821.0 209330 HP(IS7) S1"(2) RS(3)
- C(S) 10 HC(IO) P'IO (14) CP(26) OCS(385
lW(132) SpeS) NW(14)
Tr(4) PHC(13) PH(963) )
AC(2) PHS(61)
C(35) L
0(13) FWC(l3)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land usc (Le. area under different types of land Name of 'iHage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
village km) Magaz commodity num
inc man u fa ctu re ----:F=-o-r-c-s-t--=l-rr--:i-g-a.,-te-d=----=U=-n--:i-r-:ri:---c-u-=I,-t-u-ra--A-r-e-a-n-o-t ber
d (by gated ble availabl
sou rce) waste e for
(incJudi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 211 21 22 23 2

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Muddanahalli * 202

-------- Uninhabited ----------- 203

PR(153) )
MR(184) lW(33.52)
FP(lS4) EA(197 N(136)
7433.1 lWE(569.5 40279.8 9265.8 11582.9
NC(S) ) M(97)
NR(5) TK(2869.0
NW(14) 9) R(6.07)

Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
Name of CD Block: Hunsur
Name of Sub-Dist: 0002

Abburu 02785200 160040004000400162

2 AdiganahaUi 02781400 160040004000400122
3 Agrahara 02778700 160040004000400190
4 Angatahalli 02781600 160040004000400126
5 Ankanahalli 02793700 160040004000400050
6 Annarayapura 02795200 160040004000400063
7 Aspathrekaval 02789400 160040004000400023
8 Aswalu 02795600 160040004000400064
9 . Atthikuppe 02780300 160040004000400112
10 Attiguppe 02779400 160040004000400179
11 Ayarahalli 02790600 160040004000400040
12 Ballenahalli 02789500 160040004000400024
13 Bannikuppe 02788200 160040004000400012
14 Basthimadanahalli 02795500 160040004000400083
15 Beejaganahalli 02788500 160040004000400020
16 Beeranahalli 02784100 160040004000400138
17 Beeranahallikaval 02784000 160040004000400137
18 Beerathammanaha11i 02782400 160040004000400170
19 Belthur 02778500 160040004000400193
20 Berikipura 02795000 160040004000400062
21 Bettadur 02792000 160040004000400047
22 Bharathavadi 02786500 160040004000400150
23 Biligere 02778900 160040004000400205
24 Bilikere ·02793000 160040004000400033
25 Bilikerekaval 02793100 160040004000400055
26 Billanahosahalli 02785800 160040004000400158
27 Bo1anahalli 02791500 160040004000400099
28 Bommalapura 02792400 160040004000400034
Boochahalli 02792200 160040004000400052
Challahalli 02794900 160040004000400087
Chennasoge 02781800 160040004000400128
Chikkabeechanahalli 02794100 160040004000400058
Chikkadanahalli 02793600 160040004000400049
Chikkadiganahalli 02776800 160040004000400177
Chikkahejjur 02786200 160040004000400154
Chikkahunsur 02788900 160040004000400029
36 160040004000400111
37 Chi,lkunda 02780400
02780000 160040004000400113
38 Chilkundakaval
Chittikyathanahalli 02777800 160040004000400201
02794000 160040004000400091
40 Dallalu
02785000 160040004000400148
41 Dasanapura.
02797000 160040004000400071
42 Devagalli
02793300 160040004000400053
43 Devarahalh
02795400 160040004000400082
44 Dharmapura
02795300 160040004000400084
45 Dhythyanakerekaval
02793900 160040004000400057
46 Doddabeechanahalli
02786300 160040004000400153
47 Doddahejjur 160040004000400147
Doddahejjurkaval 02785100
48 160040004000400149
Doddahejjurkerekaval 02786400
49 160040004000400001
Doddahunsur 02788600
50 160040004000400048
Doddakadanahalli 02793500


Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census lucation code
number number number
1 2 3 4
52 Gagenahalli 02790500 160040004000400014
53 Gavadagere 02777300 160040004000400174
54 Gejjaiahnavaddaragudi 02795900 160040004000400070
55 Gerasanahalli 02790900 160040004000400043
56 Gohalli 02795100 160040004000400061
57 Govindanahalli 02789000 160040004000400028
58 Govindanahallinala 02788800 160040004000400030
59 Gowdikere 02783100 160040004000400173
60 H.Boreroppadakaval 02783200 160040004000400168
61 Habbanakuppe 02779800 160040004000400114
62 Habbanakuppe K.G 02785700 160040004000400159
63 Hagaranahalli 02787800 160040004000400009
64 Halebeedu 02791800 160040004000400045
65 Halebeedukaval 02792300 160040004000400035
66 Halepura 02790400 160040004000400015
67 Halladakallahalli 02792100 160040004000400046
68 Halladakoppalu 02796100 160040004000400081
69 Hallikerc 02794500 160040004000400089
70 Hanagodu 02783700 160040004000400101 .
71 Hanagodunala 02784500 160040004000400136
72 Hanchya 02789100 160040004000400027
73 Handanahalli 02793800 160040004000400056
74 Hanumanthapuranala 02789300 160040004000400025
75 Haradanahalli 02794200 160040004000400059
76 Haralahalli 02784700 160040004000400144
77 I-larave 02776200 160040004000400200
78 Harinahalli 02780800 160040004000400107
79 Harohalli 02790700 160040004000400041
80 Heggandur 02782900 160040004000400102
81 flejjodlu 02779300 160040004000400183
82 I-lemmige 02782500 160040004000400172
83 Hindllgodlu 02784900 160040004000400146
84 Hirikyathanahalli 02776400 160040004000400207
85 Ilodakckattekaval 02778800 160040004000400189
86 Honnenahalli 02777600 160040004000400204
87 Honnenahalli 02782700 160040004000400139
88 Hosakole 02781900 160040004000400129
89 Hlliaganahalli 02780600 160040004000400109
90 Hullenahalli 02793200 160040004000400054
91 Hulyalu 02777200
Hllnasegala 02782100
93 160040004000400124
Hllscnpura 02791000
94 160040004000400039
Husenpurakaval 02790800
95 160040004000400042
Husenpuranala 02791100
96 Hyrige
02782600 160040004000400104
97 Jabagcrc
02776700 160040004000400176
98 leenahalli
02792900 160040004000400092
99 Kachuvinahalli
02785500 160040004000400164
100 Kadavaddaragudi
02796700 160040004000400075
101 Kademanuganahalli 02783300 160040004000400169
102 Kalkunike
02787100 160040004000400032
103 Kallaboochahalli
02783500 160040004000400167
104 Kallahalli
02781000 160040004000400118
02781500 160040004000400123



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number'
1 2 3 4
106 Kamegowdanahalli 02783000 160040004000400103
107 Kanagal 02780500 160040004000400110
108 Karimuddanahalli 02796000 160040004000400073
109 Karnakuppe 02782300 160040004000400171
110 Kattemalalavadi 02778600 160040004000400191
111 Kattemalalavadinala 02787600 160040004000400007
112 Kebbe Koppalu 02788100 Newly created village
113 Kempanahalli 02791600 160040004000400038
114 Keriyuru 02776900 160040004000400175
115 Khayam Gutta Gudishetti Halli 02794600 160040004000400088
116 Kiranguru 02783800 160040004000400142
117 Kirasodlu 02787500 160040004000400006
118 Kirijaji 02787200 160040004000400002
119 Kolavige 02786000 160040004000400156
120 Konanahosahalli 02785900 160040004000400157
121 Kothegala 02780200 160040004000400117
122 Kottigekaval 02784300 160040004000400131
123 Krishnapura 02779500 160040004000400180
124 Kudineerumuddanahalli 02796400 160040004000400078
125 Kudlur 02784200 160040004000400130
126 Kuppekolagatta 02792800 160040004000400093
127 Kurubarahosahalli 02786900 160040004000400134
128 Kuttavadi 02796800 160040004000400074
129 Lakkur 02191400 160040004000400098
130 Lalanakere 02779900 160040004000400115
131 Machabayanahalli 02771000 160040004000400178
132 Madahalli 02784800 160040004000400143
133 Madahalli 02790200 160040004000400013
134 Madahallikaval 02790100 160040004000400016
135 Madapura 02778400 160040004000400192
136 Mallinathapura 02792600 160040004000400100
137 Manchabayanahalli 02776600 160040004000400210
138 Manuganahalli 02777400 160040004000400209
139 Manuganahal1i 02793400 160040004000400051
140 Maraduru 02788000 160040004000400011
141 Maragowdanahalli 02779000 160040004000400188
142 Maralaiahna Koppalu 02790300 Newly created village
143 Maranahalli 02795700 160040004000400065
144 Marur 02776300 160040004000400202
145 Marurkaval 02777700 160040004000400203
146 ModuTsannena Hallikaval 02778100 160040004000400196
147 Moduru 02778000 160040004000400197
148 Mookanahalli 02787300 160040004000400003
149 Mudaganur 02786100 160040004000400155
150 Mudlapura 02796900 160040004000400072
151 MuUur 02777900 160040004000400198
152 MulluTu 02777100 160040004000400185
153 Muthurayana HosahaIli 02780900 160040004000400106
154 Muthurayana Hosahalli Kaval 02782200 160040004000400105
155 Mydanahalli 02791700 160040004000400037
Mylamburu 02777500 160040004000400206
Nadappanahalli 02790000 160040004000400017
NaganahaUi 02781200 160040004000400120
Nallurunala 02789200 160040004000400026

Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
2 3 4
160 Negathur 02785400 160040004000400160
161 Neralakuppe 02785600 160040004000400165
162 Nilavagilu 02788700 160040004000400031
163 Nilavagilukaval 02781300 160040004000400121
164 Parekoppal u 02783900 160040004000400141
165 Penjahallikaval 02784600 160040004000400135
166 Pinnikyathanahalli 02779100 160040004000400187
167 Ramapatna 02787400 160040004000400005
168 Ramenahalli 02776100 160040004000400199
169 Ramenahalli 02781700 160040004000400127
170 Rangaiahnakoppalu 02792700 160040004000400097
171 Rathnapuri 02789600 Newly created village
172 Rayanahalli 02787900 160040004000400010
173 Sabbanahalli 02792500 160040004000400036
174 Sannenahalli 02778200 160040004000400195
175 Settahalli 02783600 160040004000400163
176 Shankahalli 02794300 160040004000400060
177 Sheerenahalli 02776500 160040004000400208
178 Shravananahalli 02791200 160040004000400094
179 Shsnubhoganahalli 02791300 160040004000400096
180 Sindenahalli 02785300 160040004000400161
181 Singaramaranahalli 02797300 160040004000400067
182 Siriyuru 02779600 160040004000400181
183 Siriyurunala 02779700 160040004000400182
184 Somanahalli 02788300 160040004000400004
185 Sonahalli 02797100 160040004000400068
186 Sulekerekaval 02795800 160040004000400069
187 Tammadahalli 02781100 160040004000400119
188 Tarika1kaval 02796600 160040004000400076
189 Tarikallu 02796200 160040004000400080
190 Tharikalnala 02796300 160040004000400079
191 Thattekere 02782000 160040004000400125
192 Thippalapura 02778300 160040004000400194
193 Thippur 02794700 160040004000400085
194 Thippurkaval 02794800 160040004000400086
195 Thondalu 02787700 160040004000400008
196 Thuppadakola 027&6800 160040004000400145
197 Uddurkaval 02789700 160040004000400022
198 Uddumala 02789800 160040004000400021
199 Udduru 02789900 160040004000400018
200 Uduvepura 02783400 160040004000400166
201 Uminathur 02784400 160040004000400132
202 Undavadi 02779200 160040004000400184
203 Uyyigondanahalli 02796500 160040004000400077
204 Uyyigowdanahalli 02788400 160040004000400019
205 Vaddambalu 02782800 160040004000400140
206 Vaddamhalli 02791900 160040004000400044
207 Vademhosahalli 02794400 160040004000400090
208 Vadlimanuganahalli 02780700 160040004000400108
209 Varanchi Or Gurupura 02787000 160040004000400133
210 Veemnahosahalli 02786600 160040004000400151
211 Veeranahosahalli Jungle 02786700 160040004000400152
212 Yalachanahalli 02797200 160040004000400066
213 Yamagumbha 02780100 160040004000400116

Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Sori Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not amilable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al Yillage & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broac,J ranges viz.< 5 kms. t 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. aud )0+ kms of the nearest place where the fadlity is available is given)
ber village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Rccrea Commu
(in Censlls (2001 water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
h cetare Censu hand co-opera non- eu ltu raJ cations
s) telephon tive agricu I facilities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie tics Sports water
c1uh, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CD Block: HunSDr (0002)
Ramcuahatli P M S H«5) CV« 5) BSNW
702.0 1,831 353 WTK C PO«5) CM(IO+) OCS(2)
(02776100) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) SP(J 0+) RS(IO+)
SS- P H« 5) CP(IO+) ACS(5-10)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+)
Hara\'c P(3) M(2) NCSOCS BSNW
2 791.0 2,222 422 10) MCW(5- W TK C PO PH CM(IO+) SP(lO+)
(02776200) C(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
10) PHC(S- SS- CP(IOT) ST(IO+)
10) .

998.0 1,940 350 MCW(lO+) PO«5) CM« 5) RS( I 0+)
(02776300) C(IO+) TK SS- ACS(IO+) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) PH«5) CPt 10+) NW(IO+)
ST (10+)

Hirikyath<l.nahal P(3) M(2) T liP TW PO PII« CP CM« NCSOCS CV« 5)
4 375.0 2,762 532 PHSFWC RS( 10+)
Ii (02776400) S C« 5) TK SS- 5) 5) ACS« 5) SP(lO+)
H« 5) NW(IO+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Sheerenahalli P(2) M H(IO+) T HPTW CM(S- CV(5-10)
5 420.0 1,291 229 PO«5) ACS(5-IO) 10)
(02776500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- 10) SP(IO+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Manchabayanah P M C(S- H(5-10) T HP TW PH(4) CV« 5)
6 496.0 1,664 311 CM«5) ACS« 5) 10)
alii (02776600) 10) MCW(IO+) W TK SS- PO«5) SP(5-10)
CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+)

PHSH« 5) OCS(2) BS RS«

565.0 2,715 559
P(2) M C« T HPTW PH(4) CV« 5)
MCW«S) CM{< 5) ACS« 5) 5)
(02776700) 5) W TK SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chikkadiganahal H«5) PO CV«5)
8 186.0 561 125 P MC«5) WTKR CM« 5) OCS(2) 5)
Ii (02776800) MCW«5) PH(2) SP(lO+)
SS- CP«5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)

Keriyuru OCS(2) BS RS«

P(2) M« 5) H« 5) T HP W PH PO« CV« 5)
9 456.0 856 163 CM« 5) ACS« 5) 5)
(02776900) C« 5) MCW(lO+) TK SS- 5) SP(IO+)
. CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Machabayanaha P(2) M C(S- H« 5) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

10 396.0 846 181 T HP TW PH(4) CM(5- CV« 5)
1Ii (02777000) 10) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-10) SP(IO+) 10)
MCW(5-IO) W SS- PO« 5)
10) NCS(IO+) NW(\ 0+)
Mulluru P(2) M S PHCPHS T HPTW CM(5- CV« 5)
II 306.0 1,442 324 PTO
(02777100) C(5-10) F\VC 10) CP(5- OCS(2) 10)
WSS- SP(lO+)
PH(8) 10) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
H(lO+) ST(IO+)
PHSH« 5) OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Hulyalu P M« 5) THPTW CV« 5)
12 221.0 776 176 MCW(5-10) PO«5) CM«5)
(02777200) C(5-IO) ACS« 5) 10)
W SS- SP« S)
PHC(5-10) PH« 5) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
ST (10+)


Village Directory
Land Us e (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare) I
'illagc km) l\Iagaz commodity num
inc man u factu re ---'F:::"o-r-e"'"s""'t---=Ir-r-:j-g-a-:-t-ed-=--"'U'-n-:i-r""'ri:--c-u-:I-:-tu-r-a--:A-r-e-a-n-o"-t ber
d (by g a t e d ' ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MRFP Cotton,
Hunsur (22) EA TK(55.3) 495.9 116.5 22.1 Ramenahalli
NW Tobacco

MRFP Cotton,
HunslIr (18) EA 575,0 126,0 90.0 Harave 2
NW Tobacco

Hunsur (0) EA 0(38.9) 684.0 221,0 17.0 Marur 3

Hunsur (0) EA NM 0(25.1) 222.7 109,8 14.5 Hirikyathanahalli 4

Hunsur (0) EA Tobacco 262.3 157.1 0.6 Sheerenahalli 5

PRMR Krishnarajanagar Manchabayanahal

EA Tobacco 253.1 30.0 212.9 6
FP a (0) Ii

Krishnarajanagar Cotton, 55,5 3 1.8 Jabagere

MRFP EA 477.7 7
a (0) Tobacco

PRMR Krishnarajanagar Cotton, 0(12.7)

EA 138.5 24.3 10.5 Chikkadiganahalli 8
FP a (0) Tobacco T(12.7)

Krishnarajanagar Cotton, 0(19,4)

MRFP EA 357.0 37.8 41.9 Keriyuru 9
a (0) Tobacco T(l9,4)

PRMR Krishnarajanagar TWE(4.4) ,10

EA NM 316.0 65.7 10.0 Machabayanahalli
FP a (0) T(4,4)

Krishnarajanagar 208.2 36.7 61.1 Mulluru II

a (0)

Krishnaraja~agar 165,4 12.8 42.7 Hulyalu 12

a (0)


Census of Iudia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (ifnot available within the ,illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al "lIage & area of populat er of column and next to it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.<5 kms., 5-10 kms.
nUIn Loca ti on code the ion house and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber village (2001 holds Educationa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recren Commu
(in Census (2001 I water telegraph cial and lural, tlonal & ni
hectare Ceosu and co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telephone ti\'e agricul facilities (Bus
banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 to It 12 13
Gavadagere P(2) M(2) PHS(2) T HP TW NCSOCS
13 383.0 3,215 716 PTO CMCP 10) 10)
(02777300) S(2) C(5-1 0) FWCCHW W TK ss- ACS« 5)
PII(24) Sf(10+) NW(IO+)

Manuganahalli P M«5) H(5- \ 0) T HP TW CV«5)
14 .243.0 178 40 PO« 5) CM«5) GCS(2) 10)
(02777400) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) W TK ss- SP(5-10)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(5-10)

Mylamburu P M« 5) H«5) CV« 5)
15 312.0 880 169 HP~ PO« 5) CM«S) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02777500) C« 5) MCW(5-IO) SP« 5)
PII« 5) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(10+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)
Honnenahalli CV« 5)
136.0 \97 45 P MC«5) MCW(5-10) HP W ss- PTO PH« CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-JO) 5) sP« 5)
CP«5) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

Marurkaval P M«5) OCS(2)

H« 5) CV« 5) BS« 5)
333.0 143 28
C« 5) MCW(S-IO)
HP ss. PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
sP« 5) RS(J 0+)
PH«5) CP« 5) NCS(10+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+) NW~IO+)

Chittikyathanah NCS BS
18 143.0 748 147 P M C(IO+) H«5) . PO« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
alii (02777800) MCW(5-10) ss- SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)
19 202.0 ------- Uninhabited ------------
Moduru H(IO+) T HP TW POPH«
20 743.0 2,323 448 P M C(IO+) ACSNCS CV« 5) BSNW
(02778000) MCW(IO+) W TK ss- 5) OCS(2) sP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)
21 Hallikaval 249.0 -------- Uninhabited -----------_

Sannenahalli T HPTW OCS(2)

22 226.0 P M«5) H(lO+) CV« 5)
408 73 WTKC PO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS« 5) BSNW
(02778200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+)
ss- PH« 5) sP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(IO+)

Thippalapura PHSH(IO+) T HP TW OCS

23 164.0 863 168 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WTKC PO« 5) CV«5) BSNW
(02778300) CM«5) ACS« 5)
PHC(5-10) SS- PH« 5) CP«5) sP« 5) RS(IO+)
NCS« 5)
Sf« S)
24 196.0
(02778400) -------- Uninhabited ------------

Belrhur P M«5) H«5) OCS(2) BS

25 306.0
70 12 TW C ss- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
CV« S)
C« 5) MCW« S)
SP« 5)
PH« 5) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of \illage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I Important use in hectare) 1
\illage km) Magaz commodity num
inc manu factu re --,F=o-r-e-s...,t-""'I:-r-r:-ig-a""'t""'e-:d:---·~U~n""i-rr-:i:---c-u-:I:-t-u-ra-""'A-r-e-a-n-o-:-t ber
d (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi CUltiVD
ng tion
. and

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR KTishnarajanagaT
EA NM 004 318.8 63.8 Gavadagere 13
FP a (0)

PRMR Krishnarajanagar
EA NM Tobacco 198.6 44.4 Manuganahalli 14
FP a (0)

PRMR 0(8.6)
Hunsur (0) EA 245.1 49.5 8.9 Mylamburu 15
FP T(8.6)

PRMR 0(13.7)
Himsur (0) EA 172.7 44.0 5.6 Honnenahalli 16
FP T(13.7)

MRFP lIunsur (0) EA NM 40.7 292.3 Marurkaval 17

PRMR 0(12.9) Chittikyathanahal

Hunsur (0) EA 94.5 32.6 3.0 18
FP T(12.9) Ii

-------- Uninhabited ----------- Mullur 19

Hunsur (IS) EA 400.0 200.0 143.0 Moduru 20

-------- Uninhabited ----------- 21

MRFP 161.6 46.6 17.7 Sannenahalli 22

Hunsur (IS) EA

MRFP 144.3 19.7 Thippalapura 23

Hunsur (5) EA

-------- Uninhabited ---------- Madapura 24

PRMR Colton TWE(7.3) 240.3 4.1 38.2 Belthur 25
Hunsur (I) EA
FP Industry


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not a,'ailable within the 'illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al ,illage & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber village (2001 bolds Ednca Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricnl Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 tional "rater telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare ) Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telepbon th'e agricul facilities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinem:) service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Katlemalalavadi P(2) MC« RMP H« 5) T HP TW CM CP«
26 912.0 5,451 1,051 PTO OCS(2) 5) RS(IO+)
'(0277&600) S) MCW«5) W ss- 5)
PH(l7) NCS« 5) $T(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5)
Agrahara P M C(5- H(5-10) T HP TW CV« 5)
27 315.0 799 164 PO« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02778700) 10) MCW(5-10) WSS- SP(5-IO)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PlIC« 5) $T(IO+)

Hodakekattekav H(5-10) TW W ss- PH PO« CV« 5)
2i:I 228.0 32 7 P« 5) M« CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
al (02778800) MCW(5-10) 5) SP« 5)
5) C(5-10) CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) $T(l0+)
PHS H(5-
Biligere P M C(5- 10) T HP TW PH(4) CV« 5)
29 373.0 1,100 205 CM«5) ACS« 5) 10)
(02778900) 10) MCW(ID+) W TKSS- PO« 5) SP(5-1O)
CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) $T(IO+)

Maragowdanaha P M« 5) H(5-10) T HP TW PH(4) CV«5)
30 250.0 806 153 CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
IIi (02779000) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) WSS- PO« 5)
CP(5-IO) NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) $T(IO+)

Pinnikyathanah H(IO+) CV«5) BS« 5)
alii (02779100)
224.0 15 2 P«5)M«
TW ss- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
5) C(lO+) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+)
PHC« 5) $T(IO+) NW(IO+)

DA H«5) NCS BS RS(5-

Un dav adi P M«5) T HPTW CM(5- CV(S-IO)
32 329.0 733 183 MeW(5-10)
PO« 5) 10)
(02779200) C(10+) WSS- 10) CP(S- SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) NW(10+)
10) $T(IO;-)

OCS(2) BSRS(5-
Hcjjodlu P M«5) H« 5) T HP TW PH(3) CV« 5)
33 110.0 395 83 CM«5) ACS«5) 10)
(02779300) C(5-10) MCW(5-IO) WSS- PO« 5)
CP«5) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) $T(IO+)

Attiguppe P(2) M C(5- H« 5) NCS

T HP TW PH(4) CM(5- CV(5-IO) BS« 5)
34 374.0 818 163
(02779400) 10) MCW(S-IO) WSS- PO« 5) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(5-10)
PHC« 5) 10) ACS(5-IO) ST (1 0+) NW(lO+)

Krishnapura OCS(2) _ BSRS(5-
35 697.0 P(2) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO
1,177 234 CM« 5) ACS(5-10) CV(:.-IO) 10)
10) 10) PHC« WSS- PH(4)
CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
5) Sf(lO+)

Siriyuru P M« 5) H«5) T HP TW PH(3) CM(5- OCS(2) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
36 226.0 655 121
(02779600) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) WSS- PO«5) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO)
PHC« 5) 10) NCS(IO+) $T(IO+) NW(J 0+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare) I
,illage km) Magaz commodity num
ine manufac Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not ber
tured (by gated ble ",'ailabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2. 1

Hunsur (0) EA NM 654.7 128.4 128.9 Kattemalalavadi 26

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 247.4 40.6 16.9 Agrahara' 27

Hunsur (0) EA NM 21S.6 5.5 0.4 Hodakekattekaval 28

PRMR Krishnarajanagar
EA N Tobacco 303.3 69.7 Biligere 29
FP a (0)

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 199.9 12.3 11.9 Maragowdanahalli. 30

TWE(12.1) Pinnikyathanahal
MRFP Hunsur (0) EA 19S.7 9.9 6.3 31
T(12.1) Ii

PRMR Krishnarajanagar 73.9 Undavadi

EA N 200.S 54:6 32
FP a (0)

Kfishnarajanagar 8S.7 IS.O Hejjodlu 33

a (0)

Krishnarajanagar 4S.2 Attiguppe

MRFP EA N 319.4 9.4 34
a (0)

Krishnarajanagar TWE(4.1) 164.8 43.8 70. I Krishnapura 35
a (0) T(418.3)

Krishnarajanagar GC(173.9)
MRFP EA N 32.1 20.0 Siriyuru 36
a (0) T(173.9)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the "lIage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al \illagc & area of populat cr of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \iz.<5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is giyen)
ber \illagc (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Posl, Commer Agrieul Rccrcii COmDJU
(in Censu. (2001 tion at water telegrap cial and tura!, _ tional & ni
hectare Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
.) telephon tive agricn! facilities (Bus
banks tural and (Cinema se rvice,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Siriyurunala H«5) CM(5- CV«5) BS« 5)
37 333.0 3 I P« 5) M« CSS- PO« 5) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-1 0) SP(IO+)
(02779700) MCW(5-10) RS(5-10)
5) C(5-10) PH(5-10) 10) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) sr (I 0+) NW(lO+)

Habbanakuppe H«5) THPTW PH PO« CM CP« OCS(2) CV«5)
38 416_0 1,209 230 P M C(IO+) RS(10+)
(02779800) MCW(lO~) SS- 5) SP(lO+)
5) ACS« 5) NW(10+)
PHC« 5) sr(IO+)
39 224_0 -------- Un inhabited -----------

Chilktmdakaval H(5.10) T I-IP TW - CM(5- NCS(2) CV(S-10) 8S« 5)

40 228.0 337 65 P« 5) M(S- PO(5-10) 10) CP(5- OeS(2) SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02780000) MCW(S-tO) SS-
10) C(5-10) PH«5) 10) ACS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5)

- OCS(2) BS
Yamagumbha P M C(5- H(5-10) T HP TW PO(5-10) CM(5- ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) RS(IO+)
41 661_0 1,689 322
(02780100) 10) MCW(lO~) TK SS- PH« 5) I 0) CP (5- NCS(5-1 0) SP(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) 10) sr(5-10)

Kothegala P(2) M S
5 OeS(2) BS
42 775.0 1,772 358 PHC FWC PO PH CM( - ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) RS(IO+)
(027&0200) C-(5-10) TK SS- 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(lO+)
10) sr(IO+)

Atthikuppe P M« 5) H(5-IO) TH1'TW PO(5-t 0) CM(S- CV(5-10)
43 528.0 1,201 252 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02780300) C(5-1O) MCW(lO+) TK SS-
PH«5) :~~ CP(5- ACS(S-IO) SP(5-10)
PHC«5) sr(IO+)
Cl-IW(4) CV BS
Chilklmda P(3) M(2) PO ACSNCS
44 1,047.0 2,950 572 H(IO+) T H1' SS- CM CP SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02780400) 8(2) C(IO l) PH(84) OeS(2)
MCW(lO+) sr(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5)

Kanagal OCS(2)
H« 5) PH(2) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
45 255_0 992 175 P M C(lO+) TSS- CM«5) ACS« S)
(01780500) MCW(lO+) PO« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
CP«5) NCS« 5)
PI-IC«5) sr(lO+) NW(lO+)

Hulaganaham H(S-IO) OeS(2)

46 195.0 57 8 P« 5) M« CV« 5) BS« 5)
PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
5) C(5-1 0)
MCW(5-10) « 5) ss:. PI-I«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
S1'(5-10) R,')( I 0+)
1'HC«5) sr(lO+) NW(lO+)

Vadlimanuganah P M« 5) H«5) OCS(2)

47 292.0 332 56 T HP SS- CV« 5) BS« 5)
alli (02780700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
PI-I«5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in su pply paper I important use in hectare)
\illage km) l\fagaz commodity num
iDe manufa Forest Irrigated Unirri cullura Area not ber
ctured (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng tion
gao char

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

Krishnarajanagar GC(198.3)
MRFP EA ILl 5.4 118.2 Siriyurunala 37
a (0) T(l98.3)

MR Honsur (0) EA N TWE(9.1) 322.8 37.7 33.1 Habbanakuppe 38

-------- Uninhabited ----------- Lalanakere 39

Hunsur (0) EA 56.7 0.7 170.5 Chilkundakaval 40

PRMR TK(30.5)
Honsur (0) EA N 398.0 179.0 53.6 Yamagumbha 41
FP T(30.5)

PRMR TK(23.1)
Honsur (0) EA N 480.9 164.0 107.0 Kothegala 42
FP T(23.1)

PRMR 0(227.9) 228.0 62.1 3.8 Atthikuppe 43
Hunsur (0) EA
FP T(234.1)

PRMR 0(31.6)
Humur (0) EA NM Beedi Rolling 774.2 82.6 158.6 Chi1k\D1da 44
FP T(31.6)

TWE(2.1) .
PR Humur (0) EA 196.1 16.5 28.9 Kanagal 45

Hunsur (14) EA 195.0 Hulaganahalli 46

TK(73) Vadlimanuganahal
Htmsur (0) EA 239.3 13.7 31.7 Ii 47
MR T(7.3)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Scri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (ifnot .""il"ble within the ,'lIoge, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe
al vill:tge & arca I)r pop"Iat er of COlUlllU and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz.< 5 kms., 5-10

num Location code Ihe ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearesl place where the facility is aYailable is given)
ber ~illag" (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Cnmrnu
(in Census (2001 tional water telegrap cial an d tural, lional & ni
hectare Censu hand co-opera non- cu ltural c.ations
s) telephon tive agricul facilities (Bus
c banks tural and (Cinema se r'\'icc~
other I Video railway
credit hall, station ..
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I A'udito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Hnrinahalli P M« 5) H« 5) PO PH« CV(,.:: S)
48 283.0 948 206 TSS- CM« S) ACS« 5) RS( I 0+)
(02780800) qIO+) MCW(lO+) S) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)

Muthurayana OCS(2) BS
H« 5) PH PO« CV« 5)
49 Hosahalli 222.0 1,451 263 P M C(IO+) TSS- CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
MCW(IO+) 5) SP(IO+)
(02780900) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC« S) Sf(lO+)
50 595.0 1,094 212 PO PH RS(IO+)
(02781000) 10) PIISFWC· SS- 10) OCS(2) SP(S-IO)
11(10+) Sf(IO+)

Tammadahalli P(2) M C« H« 5) T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5) BS« 5)
SI 514.0 1,148 270 CM« 5) ACS« 5)
(02781 (00) 5) MCW«5) W SS- 5) SP« 5) RS( I 0+)
CP« 5) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (I 0+) NW(IO+)

Naganahalli P M«5) H« 5) PH PO« CV« 5)
52 174.0 382 79 HP W SS- CM« S) ACS« S) RS(IO+)
(02781200) C« 5) MCW«5) 5) SP« 5)
CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (I 0+)

Nilavagilukaval P(Z) M«.5) H(-<5) CV« 5)
53 123.0 1&2 36 HP W SS- PO«5) CM« 5) ACS« S) RS(IO+)
(02781300) C« 5) MCW« S) SP« 5)
PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(",S) Sf (I 0+)

- OCS(2) BS
Adiganahalli PM(5-IO) H(5-10) T HP TW
54 363.0 494 104 PO(5-10) CM(S- ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) RS( 10+)
(02781400) C(5-IO) MC\V(IO+) TK SS- PH« 5) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(lO+)
PliC(" 5) 10) Sf (I 0+)

Kallahallikaval H(5-10) CM(S- CV(S-IO)
55 17.0 141 29 P« 5) M« TK SS- PO« 5) ACS«5) RS( 10+)
(0278 I 500) MCW«S) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(IO+)
5) C(5-1 0) PH« 5)
PHC(,"" 5) 10) Sf(IO+)

Angatahalli OCS(2) BS
P M«5) H(5-IO) T HPTW PH(2) CM(5- CV(5-IO)
56 27S.0 444 78 RS( I 0+)
(02781600) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) WSS- PO« 5) 10) CP (5- ACS( < 5) SP(5-10)
10) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PlIC« 5) Sf(IO+)

Ramenahalli OCS(2) BS
P M«5) H« 5) T HP TW PH PO« CV« S)
57 165.0 873 195 CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02781700) C(5-10) MCW« 5) WSS- 5) SP« 5)
CP« 5) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)

Chennasoge P M«5) OCS(2) BS

58 H(5-10) T HPTW PH(5) CM(5- CV(5-10)
216.0 806 171 RS(IO+)
(02781800) q5-10) MCW(5-10) WSS- PO« 5) 10) CP(S- ACS« 5) SP(5-10)
PHC« 5) 10) NCS(lO+) NW(!O+)
Hosakote P M« 5) 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PH(9) OCS(2) BS
59 408.0 704 CM(5- CV(5-10)
138 RS(IO+)
(0278 1900) C(S-IO) 10) PRe« SS- PO('" 5) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5) SP(5-10)
5) 10) NCS( I 0+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Us e (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland Nam e of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper! important use in hectare) I
'illage km) Magaz com modity Dum
ine manufa Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not ber
etured (by gated. ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi eulti,"a
ng lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR Hunsur (14) EA 199.9 42.6 3004 Hariuahalli 48

TK(So4) Muthurayaua
PR Hunsur (12) EA N 164.8 36.2 15.7 49
T(5.4) Hosahalli

PRMR TK(27.1)
Hunsur (0) EA N 446.4 101.3 20.3 Kallahalli 50
FP T(27.1)

MR FP Hunsur (0) EA N TWE(4.9) 351.2 II L3 16.3 Tammadahalli 51

MR FP Hunsur (2) EA 121.0 17.1 35.9 NaganahaIIi 52

PR Hunsur (I) EA Plywood 112.6 10.5 Nilavagilukaval 53

PRMR 0(140.9) 62.5 Adiganahalli
Hunsur (0) EA 144.9 9.7 54
FP T(145.9)

Hunsur (0) EA 5.4 6.2 Kallahallikaval 55

PRMR TWE(3.2) 128.3 101.3 3.7 Angatahalli 56
Ilunsur (7) EA
FP T(4L7)

PRMR TWE(L6) 72.8 50.7 21.7 Ramenahalli 57
Hunsur (4) EA N
FP T(19.8)

PRMR WE(3.6)
Hunsur (5) EA N .136.6 20.1 21.1 Ch ennaso ge 58
FP TWE(3.2)
PRMR TWE(6.5) 266.7 7L3 16.2 Hosakote 59
Hunsur (0) EA NM
FP TK(I4.2)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities a,'ailable (if not available witbin tbe village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & arca of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges '\'iz.<5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber village (200 I holds Educa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in C enSIlS (2001 tional water telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu hand co-opera nOR- cultural cations
s) tel.phon tive agricul facilities (Bus
e banks tllral and (Cinema scnice,
other J Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13
PHS H(5-
Thattekere P M SC(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO CP CM(5- ACS NCS CV(5-10)
60 506.0 1,416 306 RS( \0+)
(02782000) 10) IO)PHC« W SS- PH(20) 10) OCS(2) SP(5-10)
5) Sf(IO+)

Hunasegal. P M(5-1 0) H(5-10) T HP TW PH(2) CM(5- CV(5-IO)
61 403.0 712 147 OCS(2) RS( I 0+)
(02782100) C(5-10) MCW(5-iO) TK SS- PO(5-10) 10) CP(5-. SP(5-10)
AC S(5_IO) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) (0) Sf(IO+)

Muthurayan" NCS BS
P M« 5} H(5-10) CM(5- CV(5-10}
62 Hosahalli Kaval ###### 723 132 HP SS- PO« 5) OCS(2) RS( I 0+)
C( IO+} MCW(IO+) 1 0) CP (5- ACS(5 -10) SP(IO+)
(02782200) PH« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) 10) Sf(IO+)
Karnakuppe P M S PHC PHS PH(8) CP CM« ACSNCS CV« 5)
63 486.0 1,002 187 T HP SS- RS( I 0+)
(02782300) C(IO+) FWC PO« 5) 5) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
H(IO+) Sf(IO+)

Beerathammana OCS(2)
P(2) M H« 5) CV«5) BS« 5)
64 halli 351.0 763 127 T HP SS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
C( 10+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS( I 0+)
(0278240'0) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS H« 5) OCS(2) BS
Hemmige P(3) M CV«5)
65 519.0 1,539 317 MCW(IO-i-) T HP SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS( I 0+)
(02782500) C(lO+) SP( I 0+)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) CPO 0+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
Sf (I 0+)

Hyrige OCS
P(2) M H(IO+) T HP TK PH(3) CM(5- CV(lO+) BS« 5)
66 714.0 1,128 212 ACS«5)
(02782600) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS- PO« 5) 10) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) Sf(IO+) NW(IO+)

Honnenahalli P M«5) H(IO+) T HP TK PO CM(5- CV(IO+)
67 326.0 545 121 ACS« 5) RS( I 0+)
(02782700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PH(3) 1O) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) CP(lO-i-) Sf (I 0+)
Vaddambalu P M« 5) PH(5) CV«5)
6& 318.0 754 147 MCW(lO+) T HP SS- CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02782800) C(lO+) PO« 5) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) CP(lO+) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)

Heggandur NCS BS
69 H(IO+) PH(5) CP CM« CV«5)
338.0 1,427 283 P M C(IO+) T HP SS- OCS(2) RS( I 0+)
(02782900) MCW(IO+) PO«5) 5) SP(IO+)
ACS« 5) N\v(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (I 0+)

Kamegowdanah OCS(2) BS
70 294.0 1,441 261 P M C( I 0+) H(lO+) PH(4) CV« 5)
alli (02783000) T HP SS- CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
MCW(lO+) PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(10+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)

Gowdikere P M«5) OCS(2) BS

71 457.0 204 H« 5) CV«5)
34 HP SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02783100) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Us e (As on 1999)
Appro.c Nearest luwn & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of Yillage Seria
h 10 dislance (in supply paper I inlport:ant use in hectare) I
,;lIage km) l\1agaz commodity num
ine manufa Forest lrrigal'1 d Unirri cullura Area not ber
cturcd (by gated ble availabl
source) noaste e for
(includi culth"
ng lion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR WE(4.1)
Hunsur (7) EA NM 292.1 113.7 17.6 Thaitekere 60

PRMR TK(23.6)
Hunsur (0) EA N 225.9 l43.l 10.5 Hunasegala 61
FP T(23.6)

PRMR Hunsur (I 5) EA 471.7 W(13.0) Muthurayana

167.4 389.4 65 62
T(13.0) HDsahalli Kaval

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA NM .331.9 63.6 51.S Karuakuppe 63

TK(8.1) Beerathammanah
MR Hunsur (0) EA 229.7 77.0 14.9 64
0(3.2) alii

MR Hunsur (0) EA 424.2 94.8 Hemmige 65

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA 238.4 456.9 9.0 Hyrige 66

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 152.2 145.3 HDnnenahalli 67

MR Hunsur (0) EA 173.0 87.5 57.6 Vaddambalu 68

MR Hunsur (0) EA N 198.8 89.9 32.1 Heggandur 69

MR Hunsur (0) EA TK(24.7) 183.6 62.1 20.4 70

GC(36.4) 71
MR Hunsur (0) EA 161.5 241.3 17.8 Gowdikere


Census of India 2001

. Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Nunlb Amenities available (if not "vailable within the ,iHage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al ,;Hage & ana of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Locatiun code the ion hous-e kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
her village (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Comnlu
(in Census (200) tional waler telegrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s) telephon live agricul facjlities (Bus
e banks tural and (Cinema serlice,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audita
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 )2 13

H.Boreroppadak OCS(2)
P(2) M(2) H(lO+) PH PO« eV«5) BS« 5)
72 aval 783.0 1,373 268 T HP SS- CM«5) ACS« 5)
C(lO+) MCW(10+) 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02783200) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kademanuganah P(2) M(2) PH(2) eV«5)
73 626.0 1,548 314 MCW(IO+) T HP SS- CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
aUi (02783300) C(IO+) PO« 5) SP( 10+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Uduvepura P M«5) H(IO+) eV«5)
74 601.0 655 136 T HP SS- PO« 5) CM« 5} ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02783400) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(JO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)

KallaboochahaII P M«5) H(IO+) CV«5)
75 223.0 459 83 HP SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
i (02783500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Scttahalli P M«5) H« 5) CV«5)
76 438.0 348 82 HP SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02783600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
P(3) M(2) T HPTW CV SP(5- BS
77 675.0 2,976 587 S PUC WTKR CMCP 10) RS( I 0+)
(02783700) CHW PH(20) OCS(2)
C(IO+) CSS- Sf(IO+) N\v(IO+)

Kiranguru H«5) CV«5)
78 202.0 1,095 248 P M C(IO+) T HP SS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
(02783800) MCW(IO+) SP( 10+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)
79 47.0 ------- Uninhabited ------------

Beeranahallikav H(IO+) PH PO« CM(5- CV(IO+)
80 40.0 175 44 P« 5) M(S- HP SS- ACS« 5) RS( 10+)
al (02784000) MCW(lO+) 5) 10) SP(lO+)
10) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) Sf(IO+)

Beeranahalli OCS(2) BS
P M« 5) H(IO+) PH(3) CM(5- CV(IO+)
81 531.0 608 117 HP SS- ACS«5) RS( I 0+)
(02784 I 00) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) PO«5) 10) SP(IO+)
NCS(IO+) N\v(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ST(10+)
KudIur P(3) M PH(3) CV(IO+)
82 426.0 963 218 MCW(lO+) T HP SS- CM(10+) OCS(2) RS(JO+)
(02784200) C(IO+) PO« 5) SP( 10+)
PHC«5) CP(JO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

Kottigek:lvul P M« 5) H(5-10) NeS

83 30.0 336 62 CM(5- CV(5-10) BS« 5)
(02784300) lIP SS- PO« 5) OCS(2)
C(5-10) MCW(S-rO) 10) CP« SP(S-IO) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) ACS«5)
PHC« 5) 5) Sf(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (Le. area under different types of land Name of Yillage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important usc in hectare)
village km) i\1agaz commodity num
iRe manufa Forest Irrigated ber
Unirri cuItura Area not
etured (by gated ble a""ilabl
source) waste e for
(inclu di cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 ]9 20 21 22 23 2
TK(13.0) H.Boreroppadaka
MRFP Hunsur (0) EA 33.1 726.9 72
0(3.2) 0.7 val

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA NM 2803 TK(36.4) 181.7 81.9 25.7 Kademanuganahal
. 0(3.8) 73

MR Hunsur (0) EA 232.0 105.2 . 254.6 9.2 Uduvepura 74

MR Hunsur (25) EA 223.0 Kallaboochahalli 75

MR Hnnsur (0) EA 438.0 Settahalli 76

Hunsur (0) EA NM 675.0 Hanagodu 77

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA 202.0 Kiranguru 78

------ Uninhabited ------------ P arekoppalu 79

MRFp Hnnsur (0) EA 40.0 Beeranahallikaval 80

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA NM 53 1.0 Beeran ahalli 81

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 426.0 Kudlur 82

Hunsur (0) EA 30.0 Kottigekaval 83



Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities a"ailable (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown In the
al village & area of populat cr of catumn and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges vi2.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber \illage (2001 holds Ednea Medical Drinking Post, Conlmer Agricul Re c.l"C a Commu
(in Census (2001 tional water tclcgrap cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu hand co-opera non- cultural cations
s} teleph on tive agricul facilities (Bus
e hanks tural and (Cinema ser'\ice,.
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie tics Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Ummathur P M C(5- H(IO+) T HP TK PO CP ACSNCS CV(5-10)
84 424.0 2,654 523 RS(IO+)
(02784400) (0) MCW(IO+} ss- PH(5) CM(IO+) OCS(2) SP(5-10)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Hanagodunala H(5-10) CV« 5)
85 306.0 II 3 P« 5) M« PTO CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02784500) MeW(5-10) «5) SS- SP(5-10)
5) C(5-10) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P enjahallikaval 1'(2) M H(IO+) T HP TK CV(lO+)
86 454.0 1.497 310 PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02784600) C(iO+) MCW(IO+) SS- SP(5-10)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Haralahalli H« 5) CV« 5)
87 376.0 957 194 I' M C(lO+) T HP SS- PTO CM« 5) ACS« 5). RS(IO+)
(02784700) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH(2) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Madahalli I' M« 5) H« 5) CV« 5)
88 380.0 336 73 T HP SS- PO« S) CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02784800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) $P(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS( I 0+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
Hindugodlu PH(3) CV« 5)
89 507.0 870 184 P M C(lO+) MCW(lO+) T HP SS- CM(lO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02784900) PO« 5) SP( 10+)
PHC« 5) CPt I 0+) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
Oasanapura P(2) M« 5) H« 5) CV«5)
90 437.0 943 207 T HI' SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02785000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS( 10+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
91 35.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
al (02785 I 00)

Abburu H« 5) CV« 5)
92 278.0 827 170 P M C(lO+) T HP SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02185200) MCW(10+) SP(10+)
PH« 5) CPt I 0+) NCS( 10+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
Sindenahalli P M«5) H(IO+) CV« 5)
93 200.0 518 115 T HP SS- PTO CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02785300) CO 0+) MCWO 0+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(i o+}

Negathur OCS(2) BS
94 P M«5) H« 5) PH PO« CV«5)
240.0 255 50 HP Ss. CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02785400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) 5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Kachm';nahalli H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

95 P M« 5) T HP TW CV« 5)
155.0 814 159 1'0« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02785500) C« 5) MCW(10+) SS-
PH« 5) CP(IO+) SP« 5)
PHC«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
ST« 5)

NeraJakuppe PM S H(J 0+) NCS BS

9G 293.0 751 148 HP SS- PO PH CM« 5) CV« 5)
(02785600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
CP(IO+) SP{lO+)
PHC« 5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
,illage . km) l\fagaz commodity num
ine manufa Forest Irriga ted ber
Unirri cultura Area not
ctured (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cultiva
ng lion
gall char

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR HunsllT (0) EA NM 424.0 Ummathur 84

HunsllT (25) EA 306.0 Hanagodunala 85

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA 454.0 Penjahallikaval 86

MR Hunsur (0) EA NM 376.0 Haralahalli 87

MR Hunsur (0) EA 380.0 Madahalli 88

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA NM 507.0 Hindugodlu 89

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA 437.0 Dasanapura 90

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Doddahejjurkaval 91

MR Hunsur (0) EA 278.0 Abburu 92

MR Hunsur (0) EA 200.0 Sindenahalli 93

MR Hunsur (0) EA 240.0 Negathur 94

MR Hunsur (0) EA N 155.0 Kachuvinahalli 95

Hunsur (20) EA N 293.0 Neralakuppe 96



Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if nol ayailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in tbe
al ,.lIage & arca of populal er of column and next to it in brackels the distance in broad ranges ,iz.<5 kms., 5-10
num Locati on code Ihe ion "house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where Ihe facility is available is given)
ber "Ilage (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Reerea Commu
(in Census (2001 tional water tele cial and tural, lional & nj
hectare Ccnsu graph co-upe ra oon- cultural cations
s) and lele tive agricul facilities (Bus
phone banks lural and (Cinema scr'\ice,
olher I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socic ti es Sporls . water
club, way)
I Audilo
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Habbanakuppe OCS(2) BS
H(IO+) PH PO« CV« 5)
97 K.G 484.0 231 44 P« 5) M« HP ss. CM« 5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
MCW(lO+) 5) SP(10+)
(02785700) 5) C(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS( I 0+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) SICIO+)

Billanahosah alii H(IO+) CV« 5)
98 182.0 528 115 P« 5) M« HP ss. PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02785800) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
5)C(10+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
Konanahosahall H(lO+) PH ~O« CV«5)
99 141.0 115 22 " P«5) M«
HP ss. 5)
CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
i (02785900) SP(IO+)
5) C(I 0+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Kolavige PH PO« CV« 5)
100 434.0 873 175 P M C(IO+) H(IO+) HP ss. CM(..: 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02786000) MCW(IO+) 5) SP(IO+)
CpeIO+) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Mudaganur PH(3) CV«5)
101 521.0 607 123 P M C(lO+) H(IO+) T HP ss- CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02786 I 00) MCW(IO+) PO« 5) SP(I 0 f)
CP(IO+) NCS( I 0+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)

Chikkahcjjur P M« S) H(IO+) PH(2) eV«5)
606.0 494 100
HP ss. CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
CCI 0+) PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO f)
Doddahejjur P M S PO CP CV[< 5)
103 569.0 1,205 244 MCW(IO+) T HP SS- OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02786300) C(lO+) PH(2) CM(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
104 kava! 35.0 ------- Uninhabited ------------

Bharalhavadi OCS(2) BS
PH PO« CV«5)
105 401.0 871 203 P M C(lO+) H(IO+) HP ss. CM« 5) ACS«5) RS(!O+)
(02786500) MCW(IO+) 5) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Veeranah osahall OCS(2) BS

106 H(IO+) THP W CV« 5)
210.0 525 122 P« 5} M« PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
i (02786600)
5) C(I 0+)
MCW(IO+) ss- PH« 5)
PHC(5-10) ST( I 0+)
Vecnmah osahall
107 i Jungle ###### -------- Uninhabiled ------------
108 ###### - _ - Uninhabited ------------

Kurubarahosahal P(2) M«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

109 PH(3) . CV(IO+)
Ii (02786900) ###### 3,494 878
HP ss. CM(lO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
PO« 5) SP(5-10)
CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5 10) Sf(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News 1\10st Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of "lJage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare) I
,;lIage km) Magaz commodity n'urn
ine manura Forest Irrigated Unirri cullura Area not ber
ctured (by gated ble availabl
source) ,,,'aste e for
(incJudi cu)tiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR Hunsur (23) EA N 484.0 Habbanakuppe


MR Hunsur (25) EA 182.0 Billanahosahalli 98

MR Hunsur (0) EA 141.0 Konanahosahalli 99

MR Hunsur (0) EA 434.0 Kolavige 100

MR Hunsur (0) EA 521.0 Mudaganur 101

MR Hunsur'(O) EA 606.0 Chikkahejjur 102

MR Hunsur (0) EA N 569.0 Doddahejjur 103

------- Uninhabited ----------- 104

MR Htinsur (0) EA NM 401.0 Bharathavadi 105

MR Hunsur {OJ EA NM 210.0 Veeranahosahalli 106

-------- Uninhabited ------------ 107

-------- Uninhabited ----------- Thuppadakola 108

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA NM 437.2 2.4 759.0 7.5 Kurubarahosahalli 109


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & area of populnt er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the f~cility is available is gh'eq)
ber ,ill age (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Post, CUlnmer Agricul Recrea COlnmn
(in Census (2001 tional water tele cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu graph co-opera oon- cultural cations
s) and tele tive agriclll facilities (Rus
phone banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1:2 13

Varallchi Or OCS(2) BS
110 Gurupura 1,023.0 3,154 663 CMCP ACS« 5) RS(J 0+)
S C(I 0+) FWCII«5) W SS- PH(13) SP(lO+)
(02787000) NCS(10+) NW(IO+)


Kalkunike P(3) M(2) PO CM CP«
III 149.0 60 12 MCW«5) WTKR ACS« 5) 5) RS(IO+)
(02787100) S(2) C« S) PlI(600) 5)
PHC(5-10) SS- NCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

_ OCS(2)
Kirijaji P M C(5- 11(5-10) THPTW PH PO(5- CM(,- ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) RS(IO+)
112 569.0 1,236 238
(02787200) 10) MCW(S-IO) W TKSS- 10) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC(S-IO) 10) ST(IO+)

PHSH« 5) OCS(2) BS
Mookanahalli THPTW PH PO« CV« 5)
113 402.0 1,104 215 P M C«5) MCW« S) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02787300) W TKSS- 5) SP« 5)
PHC(5-1O) CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
ST (I 0+)

Ramapatna P M C(S- II(S-IO) T HP TW CM(5- CV(S-IO) BS
114 418.0 839 162 PO«5) 10) CP OCS(2)
(02787400) 10) MCW(5-IO) W TKSS- SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) (5- ACS(5-1 0)
PHC(5-10) 10) ST(5-IO) NW(IO+)

OCS(2) BSRS(5-
Kirasodlu P M« 5) H(5-10) T HPTW CM(5- ACS(5-10) eV(5-10) 10)
115 167.0 446 99 PO« 5)
(02787500) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) WSS- 10) CP(5- NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) NW(IO+)
1'11(-< 5)
PflC(S-IO) 10) ST(IO+)
116 nala 325.0 ------ Uninhabited ~-----.-----

Thondalu THPTW PO CV« 5)
117 360.0 1,015 214 P M C(IO+) H(IO+) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(10+)
(02787700) MCW(IO+) W SS- PH(8) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
T HP TW PO(~5)
Hagarallahalli H«5) CV(IO+)
118 331.0 885 180 P M C(lO+) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02787800) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
W C SS- PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf(lO+)

Rayanahalli OCS(2) BS
119 P M« 5) H(IO+) HPWC PH PO« CV(IO+)
IS9.0 487 103 CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02787900) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)

Maraduru P(6) M(2) OCS(2) BS

120 478.0 1,796 347 H«5) PO CV(IO+)
(02788000) T HP SS- CM(lO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
SC(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(7) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Kebbc Koppalu NCS BS

121 392.0 906 196 P M C(IO+) H«5) . THPTK PII(9) CV(lO+)
(02788100) CM(lO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
MCW(IO+) SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
Plle(5-10) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Ne arest town & Powe r News Most Land use (Le. area under different types of land Name of ,;IIagc Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I inlportant use in hectare) I
~illage km) Magaz commodity nurn
ine manufa Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not ber
ctured (by ble
gated availabl
.ouree) waste e Co.-
(includi eultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
MR HlD1sur (0) EA NM Carpels 20.2 R(71.3) Varanchi Or
40.8 835.3 30.4 110

HlD1sur (0) TWE(2.S)
PR EA NM Thread, 90.8 22.5 33.2 Kalkunikc III·
Cot! on Thread

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA 265.1 121.4 32.4 Kirijaji 112

PRMR HlD1sur (0) EA TWE(l9.2) 2S8.9 86.2 22.1 MookanahaIIi 113

PRMR HlD1sur (0) EA 264.8 40.7 21.1 Ramapatna 114

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 112.8 3S.3 8.7 Kirasodlu lIS

-------- Uninhabited ------------ 116

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N TWE(IO.I) 200.8 52.4 23.8 Thondalu 117

PRMR GC(2.7)
Hunsur (0) EA 242.9 51.4 34. I HagaranahaIli 1 IS
FP T(2.7)

Hunsur (0) EA 111.3 IS.4 2 I.S Rayanahalli 119

MR Hunsor (0) EA NM TK(31.2) IS3.4 230.4 44.9 Maraduru 120
T(49.4) .

MR Hunsur (IS) EA 200.7 190.9. 0.4 Kebbe Koppalu 121


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Sed Name of Total Total Numb Amenities availa.ble (if not avai1ablc within the vill9.g~, n dash (-) is shown in th~
"I village & a~ca of popu lat or of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
lIum l ..ocation code the ion house km •• and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber village (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrca Commll
(in Census (2001 tional water telc cial and tural, tiona) & ni
hectare Censu graph co-opera non- ell Itural cations
s) and tele tive agrieul faciliti es (Bus
phone banks tural and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socic tics Sports water
club, way)
/ Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Bannikuppc peS) M(2) PHS(2) T HP TW PO CPCM(5- S(2) CV(5-10) RS(IO+)
122 908.0 4,616 930 0C
(02788200) SC(5-10) FWCH(5- W TK ss. PH(6) 10) ACS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(IO+)
10) Sf(lO+)

PHS 1l(5-
Somanahalli P M« 5) 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO CP CM(5- OCS(2) CV(5-10)
123 366.0 975 206 RS(IO+)
(02788300) C(5-10) )0) PHC(5- Wss. PH(6) 10) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10)
)0) Sf(lO+)

Uyyigowuanahal P M C(5- H(5-10) T HP TW PH(6) CM(5- CV(S-IO)
124 375.0 1,057 210 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
Ii (02788400) 10) MCW(5-10) Wss. PO« 5) 10) CP(5- ACS« 5) SP(5-10)
PHC(5-10) 10) Sf(IO+)

Bccjaganahalli P(3) M C« H« 5) T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5)
125 465.0 2,586 492 CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02788500) 5) MCW«5) W TK ss. 5)
CP«5) NCS« 5)
SP« 5)
PHC(5-10) Sf(lO+)
P(4) M(4) PHSNH(2) BS
Do LidainID sur T HP TW TO PTO CM(7) ACSNCS CV(2) SP
126 531.0 459 85 S(2) RMP(2) RS{IO+)
(02788600) W Rss. PH(1220 CP OCS ST(IO+)
PUC(2) C I H(lO"-) NW(lO+)

Nilavagilu T HP TW PH(4) CP CM« CV«5)
429.0 1,569 335 P M C« 5) MCW«5) OCS(2) RS{IO+)
W SS- PO«5) 5) SP« 5)
128 62.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
ala (02788800)

Chikkahunsur P(2) M C« T HP TK PH(6) CV«5)
129 413.0 436 lOS MCW«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02788900) 5) SS- PO« 5) SP(5-10)
PHC(S-IO) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)

Govindanahalli OCS(2) BS
130 P M« 5) H«5) CV«5)
174.0 1,433 256 T HP SS- PO«5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02789000) C« 5) MCW«5) SP(S-IO)
PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf (I 0+)

Hanchya OCS(2) BS
131 P M«5) H« 5) PH(2) CV« 5)
170.0 382 81 T HP ss. CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02789100) C« 5) MCW«5) PO« 5) SP(5-IO)
CP«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) Sf« 5)
132 147.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
Hanuman thapur
133 anala 129.0 -------- Uninhabited ---------___


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Appr'1ac Nearest t'1wn & Power News M'1s t Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of ~lIagc Seria
h t'1 distan ce (i n supply paper I imp'1rtant use in hectare)
'illage km) Magaz commodity num
inc manuCa Forest Irrigated Unirri cultn ra Area not ber
(by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(includi cu Itiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 ·19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR Hunsur (8) EA N 205.1 369.0 99.2 Bannikuppc 122

PRMR TWE(10.9)
Hunsur (0) EA N 321.4 17.5 16.2 Somanahalli 123
FP T(10.9)

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 228.2 127.9 5.8 Uyyigowdanahalli (24

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA TWE(IO.2) 337.6 78.5 27 A Beejaganahalli 125

PRFP Hunsur (3) EA NM R(3.4) 232.8 200.2 92.3 Doddahunsur 126
Colton Thread

Hunsur (3) EA N Tiles TWE(3.2) 211.8 124.0 64.2 Nilavagilu 121

Govin danahallinal
-------- Uninhabited ------------ 128

PRMR Hunsur (0) EA NM 200.0 100.0 113.0 Chikkahunsur 129

MR Hunsur (0) EA 92.6 . 45.6 35.9 Govindanahalli 130

PR Hunsur (0) EA T(15.9) 120.6 14.8 18.8 Hanchya 131

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Nallurunala 132

-------- Uninhabited ------------ 133


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Scri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (ifno"t a""ilablc",,;thin the "lIage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al village & area of populat er of column and ne;.;t to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges 'iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is gi"en)
ber \i II age (2001 bolds Educa Me dical Drinkin g Post; Commer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 tional water tele eial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu graph co-opera non- cultural catiuns
s) and tele th'e agricul facilities (Bus
phone banks tura) and (Cinema service,
other I Video railway
credit ball, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
PHS H(5-
Aspathrekaval P(5} M(2} 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO CP CM« CV« 5)
134 1,690.0 5,090 1,175 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02789400) "SC(5-10) 10) PHC(5- \v TK SS- PH(20) 5) NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(lO+)
10) ST(IO+)

Ball enah alii P(2) M H(IO+) T HP W CV(S-IO)
135 346.0 1,160 244 PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02789500) C{lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- SP{lO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
RMP(:!) 11(5-
P(6) M(5) CV SP(5- BS
Rathnapuri 10) MCW(5- T HP TW POTO ACSOCS
136 907.0 2,489 502 S PUC C(5- CM CP 10) RS(IO+)
(02789600) 10) PHC« W TK SS- PH(74) NCS(5-10)
10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Uddurka"al P(3) M H(lO+) T HP TW PH(4S) CM(5- CV« S)
137 1,614.0 4,930 955 ACS« 5) RS(10:-)
(02789700) C{lO+) MCW(10+) TK S$- PO« 5) 10) SP(5-10)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) ST(IO+)
138 537.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
PHS H(5-
Udduru P(2) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PO CP CM(5- ACS« S) CV(5-10)
139 1,459.0 1,846 374 RS(IO+)
(02789900) 10) 10) PHC« W :'is- PH(2) SP(S-IO)
10) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
5) ST(IO+)
Nadappanahalli P M« 5) H(IO+) CV(IO+)
140 290.0 679 ISO T HP SS- PO« 5) CM«S) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02790000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS«S) NW(IO+)
PHCC< 5) ST(lO+)

Madahallikaval H(IO+) CV(lO+)
141 IS9.0 112 21 P« 5) M« PO« 5) CM« S) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02790 I 00) MCW(S-IO) SS- SP(IO+)
S) CCI 0+) PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Madahalli P M(5-10) H(5-10) T HP TW PH PO(S- CM(5- OCS(2) CV(S-,10) BS
142 510.0 373 79
(02790200) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) W TK S$- 10) 10) CP(5- ACS(S-IO) SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) 10) NCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Maralaiahna BS
143 Koppalu 298.0 1,008 189 P M C(IO+) CM(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02790300) MCW(5-10) S$- 5) ACS« S) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Halepura OCS(2) BS
144 P M« 5) H(IO+) CV(IO+)
712.0 1,146 224 T HP SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02790400) CCI 0+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PlI« S) CP(IO+) NCS«S) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Gagenahalli PHSH«5) BS
145 1,018.0 1,854 384 MCW(IO+) T HP S$- PO PH
(02790500) C(IO+) 5) RS(IO+)
OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land lise (Le. area IInder·different types of land Name of "lIage Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare) I
"lIage km) J\1agaz commodity· Dum
ihe man u fa ---;:;-~;--~--:-----:---;--;-;--;---;---;-:----:----,-
Forest Irrigated Unirri cuHu ra Area not
ctured (by gated ble a\'aiJabl
sou ....ce) waste e fOT
(includi cultiva
ng tion

. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20· 2I 22 23 2

PRMR 14.2 OC(652.7)

Hunsur (6) EA N 774.4 66.7 182.0 Asp at hrekaval 134
FP T(65Z.7)

MRFP Hunsur (0) EA N 144.4 161.8 36.3 Ballenahalli 135

Hunsur (8) EA NM 41.6 98.9 148.4 Rathnapuri 136
FP TWE(55.0)
PRMR Hunsur (I 0) EA NM 441.7 '98.9 248.4 Uddurkaval 137

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Uddurnala 138

PRMR OC(33.2)
Hunsur (0) EA 568.5 842.3 15.0 Udduru 139
FP T(33.2)

MR Hunsur (14) EA TWE(8.1) 105.4 120.2 35.4 Nadappanahalli 140

PRMR Hunsur (10) EA TWE(24.4) 77.2 47.4 Madahallikaval 141

MR Hunsur (8) EA N 132.1 TWE(4.6) 178.Z 152.7 Madahalli 14Z

100.0 98.0 Maralaiahna 143

MRFP Hunsur (12) EA N 100.0

MR Hunsur (18) EA N TK(9.0) 268.2 387.9 14.1 Halepura 144

PRMR 229.9 TWE(IIA) 459.0 276.6 17.8 Gagenahalli 145
Hunsur (0) EA N
FP TK(8.1)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name ()f Total T()tal Numb Amenities am.lable (if nol "\·"Hable wHllin tile \;1I3ge, u dash (-) i. sllo\vn in the
.1 Yilli.lge & arc a of populnt. cr of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10
uum Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is gheu)
her villag. (2001 holds Eduea !\ledical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 tional water tel. cial and tural, tional & ni
hectare Censu graph co-ope rn non- ell ltu ral cations
s) and tele tive agri.uI facilities (Bus
phone banks tural an d (Cinema ser\'ice,
other I Video railway
credit hall, station,
socie tie s Sports water
club. way)
I Au'dito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ayarahalli H(IO+) T HP TW PO TO CV(IO+)
146 220.0 922 199 P MC(IO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02790600) MCW(IO+) W S~ ['TO PH SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Harohalli I' M« 5) H(IO+) T HI' TW CM(5- CV(IO+)
147 323.0 457 91 .PO«5) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02790700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) ss- PH«5) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) 10) ST(lO+)
H usenpurakaval
148 127.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
Gerasanahalli I' M S H(IO+) T HP TW CP ACSNCS CY(lO+)
14.9 326.0 1,651 357 1'0(5-10) RS( 10+)
(02790900) qIO+) MCW(IO+) SS- CM(IO+) OCS(2) SP( 10+)
PH« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

BS RS(5-
150 282.0 1,597 364 10)
(02791000) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) W SS- PH(6) CM(IO+) OCS(2) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
H usenpuranala
151 437.0 -------- Un inhabited ------------

ShravananahalJi P M« 5) 11(10+) lIP \v TK PH PO« CV(IO+)
152 334.0 506 117 CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS( 10+)
(02791200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) ~ 5) 81' (I 0+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
CHW H(5-
Shsnubhoganaha BS
1'(2) M 10) MCW(5- T HI' TW PO CP CM(5- ACS NCS CV(5-10)
153 157.0 779 181 RS( I 0+)
IIi (02791300) C(lO+) 10) PHC« TKC~ PH(5) 10) OCS(2) SP(5-10)
5) ST(lO+)
154 161.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
Bolanahalli P(3) M(2) PHC PHS T HPTW PO CM(5- CV(5-IO)
155 234.0 4.268 894 OCS(2) RS( 10+)
(02791500) C(lO+) FWC CHW TK~ PH(IO) 10) CP« SP(5-10)
ACS(IO+) NW(lO+)
H(5-10) 5) ST(IO+)

Kempanahalli NCS BS
P(2) M(5- H(S-IO) T HP TW PH(3) CM(5- CV(5-10)
156 41S.0 1,042 211 RS(IO+)
(02791600) 10) CO 0+) MeW(5-10) S~ 1'0(5-10) 10) CP(5- OCS(2) SP(lO+)
10) ACS(S-IO) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Mydanahalli OCS(2) BS
PM(5-10) H(5-10) T HP TW PH PO(5- CM(5- CY(5-10)
157 182.0 359 82 RS(IO+)
(02791700) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) ~ 10) 10) CP(5- ACS(5-10) SI'( 1 0+)
10) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)
Halebeedu NCS BS
158 334.0 2,369 H« 5) PO PH« CV« 5)
495 I' M C(10+) T HI' S~ CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02791800) MC\v« 5) 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST (I 0+)

Vaddarahalli PM(5-10) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

159 167.0 344 T HP TW PH PO(5- CM(S- CV(IO+)
70 ACS(S-IO) RS(J 0+)
(02791900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) ~ 10) 10) SP( I 0+)
NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(lO+) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approac Ne arest town & Po,,'er Ne,vs Most Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Name of village Seria
II to distan ce (i n supply paper I important llse in hectare) I
,"illage km) Magaz commodity num
ine manura Forest Irrigate d Unirri ber
cultura Area not
ctu red (by gated ble availabl
source) ,vaste e for
(includi cultiva
ng lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1
PRMR EA 0(6.9) 60.7 140.3 Ayarahalli 146
a (12)

·PRMR Krishnarajanagar
EA 0(8.1) 95.3 203.5 3.6 HaTOhalli 147
FP a (14)

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Husenpurakaval 148

PR MR EA 0(0.8) 166.8 68.0 45.6 Gerasanahalli 149
a (14)

PRMR EA 0(4.5) 173.8 43.0 4.0 Husenpura 150
a (14)

-------- Uninhabited ------------ Husenpuranala 151

PRMR TK(1.4)
Hunsur (0) EA N 303.0 29.5 Shravananahalli 152
FP T(1.4)

PRMR HunoUf (13) EA Silk Thread TK( 1.6) 122.6 4.7 9.0 Shsnubhoganahalli 153

-------- Uninhabited ----------- Lakkur 154

Krishnarajanagar 24.8 Bolanahalli
PRMR EA TK(13.0) 168.1 18.4 155
a (10)

PRMR II un sur (18) EA 0(2.0) 324.0 20.5 9.8 Kempanahalli 156

Krishnarajanagar 0(1.6) 98.1 44.5 4.6 Mydanahalli 157
a (18) T(34.8)

PRMR Hunsur (20) EA 168.0 115.3 50.8 Ha1ebeedu 158

Krishnarajanagar 0(1.9) 119.0 31.2 Vaddarahalli 159
a (22) T(l6.8)


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb . Amenities available (if not anilable within the "illage, a dash (-) is shown in the
al \illage & area of populat er of colu mn and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \iz.< 5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)
ber \1l1agc (2()01 holds Eduea Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 tional water tele cial and tura], tional & ni
hectare Censu graph co-opera non .. cultural cations
s) and tele live agriclIl facilities (Bus
phone hanks tural and (Cinema se rvicc,
other I Video railway
credit hall, statiun,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

- OCS(2) BS
Bettadur H(S-IO) HP TW PO(5-10) CM(S- ACS« 5) CV(5-10)
160 362.0 596 124 P M C(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02792000) MCW(5-10) SS- PH« 5) 10) CP(5- NCS« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) 10) ST(IO+)

- OCS(2) BS
Halladakallahalli P M(5-10) H(5-10) HPTW PO(5-10) CM(5- ACS« 5) CV(S-IO)
161 .166.0 136 27 RS( 10+)
(02792100) C(IO+) MCWeS-IO) SS- PH( <: 5) 10) CP (5- NCS( < 5) SP( I 0+)
PHC«S) 10) ST(IO+)

Boochahalli P M« 5) H« 5) eV«5) BS« 5)
162 174.0 384 75 HP SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02792200) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH(<: 5) CP«5) NCS« 5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

163 &5.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------

Bommalapura H(5-10) CV«5) BS« 5)
164 106.0 6 P« 5) M« PO« 5) CM(<: 5) ACS« 5)
(02792400) MCW(S-IO) « 5) SS- SP(5-IO) RS(IO+)
5) C(5-10) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Sabbanahalli P M« 5) H«5) HP TW CV« 5)
165 275.0 269 56 PO(<: 5) CM«S) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02792500) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) SS- SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(10+)

MaIlinathapura P M(5-10) H(5-10) HPTW PH PO(5- CM(5- ACS(5-10) eV(5-IO) RS(IO+)
166 690.0 790 150
(02792600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TKS3- 10) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) 10) . ST(I 0+)
Rangaiahnakop - NCS BS
T HP TW PO(S-IO) eM(5- eV(5-10)
167 palu 204.0 1,062 205 P M C(10+) H(5-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
MCW(S-IO) SS- PH« 5) 10) CP(S- ACS(5-10) SP(lO+)
(02792700) NW(JU+)
PHC« 5) 10) ST(IO+)
Kuppekolagatta OCS(2) BS
P(2) M(S- H(S-IO) T HP TW PH(3) CM(5- ACS(5-10) eV(5-IO) RS(IO+)
168 1,634.0 1,173 254
(02792800) 10) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TKSS- PO(5-10) 10) CP(5- NCS(5-10) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) 10) . ST(IO+)

leenahalli P M(5-10) H(5-10) OCS(2)

169 443.0 383 81 T HP SS- PO(;-IO) CM(5- ACS(5-10) eV(S-! 0) BS(5-IO)
(02792900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH 10) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) (10+) Cpe! 0+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)
170 358.0 4,691 943 S(2) PUC FWC T HP SS- CMCP SP(10+) RS(IO+)
(02793000) 5) OCS
C(lO+) SMP(5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)
171 74_0 -------- Uninhabited ----------


Village Directory
Land Use (As on ]999)
Approac Nearest tnwn & Power News Most Land noe (i. ... area under different types of land Name of village Seria
b to distance (in supply paper I important use in bectare) I
"ill age km) Magaz commodity num
ine manufa . Forest Irrigated Unirri ber
cultura. Area not
ctured (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(inc1udi cultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR Mysore (25) EA 20.2 TWE(36.4) 223.2 76.4 5.7 Bettadur 160


MR Mysore (25) EA 123,0 31.8 Halladakallahalli 161

PRMR EA N 92.8 32.3 48.9 Boochahalli 162
a (267)

------ Uninhabited ------------ Halebeedukaval 163

Htnlsur (22) EA 56.0 50.0 Bommalapura 164


PRMR Hlmsur (22) EA 165.9 81.0 28.1 Sabbanahalli 165

PRMR Hoostir (14) EA Blankets 238.2 TK(3.0) 396.1 37.2 5.5 Mallinathapura 166

PRMR Htnlsur (13) EA 0(0.9) 173.7 12.7 6.2 167


EA 1066.5 TK(2:4) 506.2 13.3 25.0 Kuppekolagatta 168

PRMR HWlsur (I I)

PRMR 208.4 14.5 220.1 jeenahalli 169

Htnlsur (0) EA

KrishnaTajanagar EA 160.7 74.8 122.5 BHikere 170

a (17)

------- Uninhabited ----------- Bilikerekaval 171

- -----_----

Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Seri Name of Total Total Numb Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the
al \illage & area of populat er of column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges,iz.<5 kms., 5-10
num Location code the ion house kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is giycn)
ber village (2001 holds Educa Medical Drinking Post., Commer Agricul Recrea Commu
(in Census (2001 tional water tele cial an d tural, tional & l1i
hectare Cen.u graph co-opera non- cu Itu ral cations
s) and tele ti"e agricu I facilities (Bus
phone banks turaland (Cinema service,
otber I Video railw>1Y
credit hall, station,
socie ties Sports water
club, way)
I Audito
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Hullenahalli H(S-IO) THPTW PH(2) CM(5- CV(5-10)
172 264.0 966 215 P MC(lO+) _ OCS(2) RS(10+)
(02793200) MCW(IO+) ss- PO(S-IO) (0) CP()- NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) (0) Sf(IO+)
PHS H(5-
Devarahalli P M(5-10) 10) T HP TW PHIZ) CM(5- eV(5-IO)
173 177.0 582 122 10) CP(S- OCS(2) RS( 10+)
(02793300) C(10+) MCW(10+) W ss- PO(S-IO) SP (I 0+)
10) ACS(5-10) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (1 0+)
PHS H(5-
Manuganahalli P M« 5) 10) MCW(S- T HP TW PO CP CM(5- OCS(2) CV(5-10)
174 j 18 .. 0 1,201 264 RS(IO+)
(02793400) C(lO+) 10) PHC« W ss- PH(IO) 10) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
5) ·Sf(IO+)
175 273.0 -------- Uninhabited ------------
Ii (02793500)
Chikkadanahalli H(S-) 0) HPTW PH 1'0(5- CM(S- CV(5-) 0)
)76 235.0 739 164 P M C(IO+) (0) CP(S- ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02793600) MCW(5-10) ss- 10) SP(IO+)
10) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)

AnkanahaUi P(2) M(S- H(5-10) HP TW PH(2) CM(5- CV(S-IO)
177 397.0 698 157 RS( 10+)
(02793700) (0) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) ss- PO(5-10) (0) CP(5- ACS«5) SP(IO+)
10) NCS«S) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) Sf (I 0+)
Handanahalli H(5-10) CM(5- eV(S-IO)
178 754.0 1,445 268 P M C(lO+) T HP SS- PO«5) (0) CP(5- ACS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02793800) MCW(5-10)
PH« S) (0) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf(IO+)
Doddabeechana OCS(2) BS
179 halli 304.0 S52 107 PO(5-10) (0) CP(S- ACS(5-10) RS( I 0+)
C(IO+) MCW(IO+) ss- PH« 5)
10) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (I 0+)

Dallalu P(3) M« 5) H« 5) eV« 5)
180 672.0 1,122 232 T HI' SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02794000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) 51'(10+)
PH«5) CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (I 0+)
Chikkabeechana OCS(2) BS
P(2) M 10) T HPTW PO PH« CM(5- CV(S-IO)
181 halli 320.0 1,978 394
C(lO+) MCW(IO+) ss- 5) (0) CP(5- ACS(S-IO) SP( I 0+) RS( 10+)
(02794100) (0) NCS(5-10) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) Sf (10+)

Haradanahalli P(2) M H(5-10) Cp eM(S- NCS BS

182 IS8.0 439 88 HP ss- CV(5-10)
PO« 5) (0) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02794200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) ACS(S-lO) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) :>T(IO+)

Shankahalli OCS(2) BS
P M(5-10) H(IO+) T HP TW CM(5- CV(lO+)
183 167.0 483 97 PO(S-IO) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02194300) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) WSS- 10) SP( I 0+)
I' HC« 5) CP(IO+) Sf(IO+)

Vaderahosahalli P M C(5- H(IO+) NCS BS

184 572.0 T HPTW PH PO(S- CM(5- CV(IO+)
1,343 289 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02794400) 10) MCW(S-IO) W SS- 10) 10) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) Sf(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Us e (As on 1999)
Approac Nearest town & Power News Most Land use (i.e. area under different types orland Name of village Seria
h to distance (in supply paper I important use in hectare)
,;lIage km) l\1agaz commodity Dum
iDe manufa Forest Irrigated Unirri ber
eultura Area not
elured (by gated ble availabl
source) waste e for
(inelndi eultiva
ng tion

14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR Hunsur (18) EA Bricks, Table 157.0 52.7 Hullenahalli 172

PRMR Hunsur (16) EA Bricks 73.9 46.0 Devarahalli 173

PRMR Mysore (8) EA N 379.0 83.5 Manuganahalli 174

-------- Uninhabited ----------- Doddakadanaha iii 175

PR Mysore (20) EA N 148.1 70.9 10.0 Chikkadanahalli 176

PR Mysore (25) EA 241.7 118.2 11.1 Ankanahalli 177

Hunsur (25) EA 365.0 173.4 215.7 Handanahalli 178

PRMR TWE(22.3) 15 0 Doddabeechanaha

Hunsur (23) EA 237.0 29.7 . iii 179
FP T(22.3)

PRMR 457.3 161.3 53.4 Dallalu 180

Hlmsur (22) EA

PRMR TWE(1.6) 6 Chikkabeechanah

Hunsur (24) EA 248.0 60.S 9. alii 18\
FP T(1.6)

MRFP Ilunsur (26) EA 111.9 10.3 35.8 HaradanahaIli 182

PRMR Hunsur (23) EA 93.8 56.1 17.1 Shankahalli 183

EA TWE(2S.3) 21S.7 322.6 Vaderahosahalli 184
PRMR Hunsur (24)


Census of India 2001

.Anrnities and
Serial ~of'iIIage Tolal ToM l'Iurrtu Anrnifies mailalJc (ifm mailaHe ,~tfun tfle ,mage, a dt;h (-) is sho:mn in the eolwm and next to it in
nwn & Location cod: arcaof PJIII!afio ofhome !rackets the <istancein Iroodnmges \iz.<5 kmi~ 5-10 kmi. andlO+kmi of the nearcstpace,\here
rer 1he n (2001 hohl! the facility is mai l:tJe is gi\Cn)
,mage Ce!l';m) (2001 Pnst,tcle Comrer A",oricuJ Rccrea OlilInmi
Ellica 6on.'ll Mdcal Drinking
(in CeIlSU'i) ,mter gr3flt and cia! andco- tnraI, non- 600.'lI& cations
hectare) tclcptonc O!Ernti\C agneuJ cultural (Blfi
hmks tunll and facilities scnice,
oIhercredt (Gnerm/ raih\3,Y
societies Viirohall, station,
Sprls "ater '\3)')

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
l-blIikere 63 PM(S-lO) l{1(}+) THP1W Q,{101-) , BSRS(10l-)
1&5 2&5.0 2£J.J PqS-10) CM(S-lO) ACS(S-IO)
(a27945OO) q:lO+-) MCW(S-lO) WSS- Sp(IO+-) NW(lO+-)
Pl{5-IO) 0'(5-10) NCS(10+-)
PHQ'<5) ST(lO+-)

KhayamGrtta - P« - J.-XS- <XS(2)

C\{S-10) BSRS(lOl-)
186 CllClishetti Hilli 184.0 4 2 5)M(S-lO) 1O)l\1CW(l0+-) 1WWSS- Pq5-10) CM(.5-10) ACS«5)
Sp(lO+-) NW(!O+-)
(0Zi9'liID) qlO+-) PHq<5) Pl{lOt) O'(lOt) J\CS(IOt)

Thippur NCSCXS(2) C\{IO+-) BSRS(IO+-)
187 7£1.0 585 127 p MqlO1-) MCW(lO+-) THPSS- 1'0:5-10) CM«5)
(a2794700) ACS(S-IO) Sp(IO+-) NW(lo+-)
PHQ'<5) Pl{<5) 0'(10+-)
188 ll20 - - UJinhabited--
400.0 1,0:14 m PM sqlO+-) rnwl-~IO+-) THPSS- Pq<5)
CM ACS}'"(s C\{IO+-) BSRS(IO+-)
(0Zi945Ul) JvIC.W(l0+-)
0'(10+-) cx:s Sp(IO+-) NW(IO+-)
PHQ'<5) ST(lO+-)
353.0 2,178 423 P(2) M qlOf-) l{10+-) THP1W P~2)?q5- ~ 5) ACS(5-IO)
C\{<5) BSRS(IOf-)
(0Zi')5(ffi) MCW(lOf-) SS- 10) CP(1~) J\CS«5)
Sp(.5-1O) NW(lO+-)
PHq<5) STC10+-)
CbhaDi 76 PM«5) I-(1Of-) THP1W PHIqS- C\{IO+-) ffiRS(IO+-)
191 219.0 300 CM«5) ACS(S-IO)
(02795100) q:lOt) MCW(lOt) SS- 10) Sp(IO+-) NW(IO+-)
cp(10+-) },'(S«5)
PHQ'<5) ST(lOI)

- 1'«
I-(lOt) - <XS(2)
C,{IO+-) ffiRS(IOf-)
192 439.0 90 17 5)1\1«5) HP1WSS- Iq<5) CM«5) ACS(5-IO)
(02795200) MCW(Io+-) Sp(IO+-) NW(lO+-)
OJOt) P~<S) Cl'(10+-) },'(S(IO+)
PHC«5) Sf(10+-)

Thythyanakereka 1'« ~10+-) HP1WW PI~8)Iq< -

193 (fE.0 !OI 24 5)1\1«5) C\{<5) BSRS(IOf-)
val (om53OO) CM«5) ACS«5)
JvIC.W(l0+-) CSS- Sp(IO+-) NW(lOt)
qlOf-) 5) 0'(10l-) },'(S«5)
PHQ'<5) STCIO+-)

194 9:58.0 2,743 5T7 P MqlOf-) PHSFWC
Cl'CM« ACSM:S C\{<5) ffiRS(lO+-)
(02'i9.5400) WCSS- 5) <XS(2) NW(IO+-)
GlWI--.:lOt) SftIOt)


Village Directory
land Use' (As on 1999)
Ajvoach Nearesttmm& Pm~r Nens I\bst inprlmt landme (i.e. areallllll!r dffercntl}p!S oflandmein Serial
to Ullage dstance (in ~ sUWY plJErl coimndty hectare) num
I\:bgazi nnnufa ctured bcr
ne Fbrest Irrigated Urlrri . collura He Area not
~source) gated ''I3Ste amilaHe
(inclwlng for coltha
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

PRMR Hmsur(25) EA 147.3 117.1 HlIlikere 185

PRMR Hmsur(O) EA 6.11WI\49) 84.6 793 186
3.1 GJdisherti I-blli

MR Hmsur(J3) EA 174.7 45.9 46.4 Thippur 187

- - Uninhabitoo-- Thippwkaval 188

PRMR Hmsur(l8) EA NM Q).I) 1(1.1) 226.0 149.5 31.4 Challahalli 189

MR Hmsur(2O) EA 136.9 177.4 26.4 &nkipum 1'Xl

MR Hmsur(21) EA 170.8 213 16.8 whalli 191
0:33) T(82)

MR Hmsur(22) FA 123.6 2702 20.1 Armarnyapurn 192
qO.8) 1(25.0)

wa:2(2) 46.7 Thythyanakerekava
PRMR Hmsur(l7} EA NM 416.7. 193
'T\V&12L4) I
PRMR Hmsur(l4) FA NM !O.9wa:30..4) 1(1).0 586.8lhmmpum 194


Census ofIOOia 2001

Amenities and
Serial Nrure of ,iUage Total Total J\'urtb!r Arrenities mailalie (ifnot mailaHe \"litbi n the ,iUage, a m.h (-) is sllm\R in the colmm and next to it in
nmn & I oc-dlion c~ area of JXlIlllatio of home lrackets the !isCmce in !road ranges ,i7.< 5 knN~ 5-10 knN. and 10+ kllli of the nearest pace \mere
rer the n (2001 bold> the facility is mail:alie is giwn)
,mage Census) (2001 Drinking Posr,tclc OlInner A"orlcul Recrea 0Jmmni
Flilca tiona! l\'blcaI
(in Cen,us) \'\IIter gnqil and cial and c(}- turaI, non- tional & cations
hectare) tele phone OJ£!1l ti\\! agncul cultural (B~
ImJks turd! and facilities senice,
oIhercredt (Onenn' raih~
societies Vi!i!ohaJl, station,
Spirts \Wer \'1:1)')

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MmmahnUi 102 PM«5) R:IOt) THPTW C\{<5) ffi«5)
197 228.0 489 PHPCX<5) CM{<5) ACS«5)
(02795700) qlOt) MCW(5-IO) wess- 0'(10+-) M:S«5)
SP(1O+-) RS(IQ+-)
PI-K{<5) ST(1O+-) NW(lOt)

Su lekerekaval
P« - H«5) CXS(2)
C\{IOt) ffi«5)
198 381.0 43 9 5)M«5) MCW(5-10) HPTWW PHIq<5) CM{IO+-) ACS«5)
(02795&Xl) PI-K{< 5) C ss. sp(5-IO) RS(IO+-)
0:10+-) 0'(5-10) NCS«5)
ST(1Ot~ NW(IO+-)
98.0 m PM«5)
THPTW PH{O) PQ< ~<5) ACS«5)
C\{<5) BSRS(IO+-)
gudi (02795SW) 1&J 0:10+-)
ss- 5) 0'(10+-) M:S«5)
SP(IOt) NW(IOt-)
PHS GlW(2)
Karinuddanahalli SOl P(2) M S H(10+-) TTWWC CJ>CM{< ACSNCS C\{<5) BSRS(IOt-)
200 551.0 2,102 SS- PO PH(20)
(027'mXl) POCO:IO+) MCW«5) 5) CXS(2) SP(10+-) NW(IOt-)

J-bDadakoppalu THPTW PH(2) PC« CM«5) C\{<5) B'>RS(IO+-)
201 354,0 918 204 P(2) M 0:10+) H(10+-) ACS«5)
(027%100) MCW(5-IO) wess- 5) 0>(10+-) SP(1Ot-) NW(lOt-)
PHq5-IO) ST(lO+-)

Tan'kallu 3fI) P(4) M 0:10+) ll:lOt) ·THPTW PH(I5) :t-.rcs cx:s(2) C\{<5) BSRS(IOt-)
202 293.0 1,557 CM{<5)
(02796200) MCW(5-IO) WTKCSS- PC« 5) ACS«5) sp(lOt) NW(lOt)
PHQ5-IO) Sf(lOt)
Tharikalnnla 230 P(2) M«5) H(IOt) THPTW PH(l5) C\{<5) BSRS(lOt)
203 713.0 1,119 CM{<5) ACS«5)
(027%300) qlOt-) MCW(lOt-) wess- PC«5)
SA::1Ot) NW(IOt)
mq5-IO) M:S«5)

Kudineerunuddan 348 P(2) M«5) ll:lOt) THPTIV 'NCS <XS(2) C\{<5) mRS(IOt)
~ 362.0 1,679 PHIq<5) CM{<5)
ahall; (027%400) qlOt) MCW(lO+) ss. ACS«5) SP(IO+) NW(JOt-)
PHq5-IO) ST(I();')
671.0 3,482 751 1'(2) MqIOt) H(IOt) MS(2) a:s C\{<5) B'>RS(IOt)
THPS8- POPH(5) CM{<5)
(027%500) MCW(lO+) ACS«5) sp(IOt) NW(IOt)
PI-K{5-10) 0>«5)

Tarikalkaval 1eX10l-) TTWWC NCScx:s(2) C\{<5) BSRS(IOt)

2C6 487.0 1,361 292 P MO:IOt) ss. PHPC«5) CM«5)
(0ZiW:r0) MCW(IOt-) ACS«5) SP(IOt)
. 0>«5) NW(lOt)
PHq5-10) ST(10+)


Village Directory
Land Use (~ on 1999)
AJ:1roach Nearest Mill & PO\~r Nel\S . Ml;tinp>rt:mt Umduse (i.e.are;tllJtrer dlferentCypes oflanduse in Serial
10 lillage IIstanre (in lafl) sllIPY !IllEr / conmxIly hectare) Dum
Mlgazi mmufa ctured ber
ne --;Fbr;:;-es-t~---::Irri--:-.g-:ated--:---:UIi::-:-.m-:.--cul-::-tnra--::-H::-e-Area--not-

~source) gated lwte mailaHe

(includng for cultha .
gauchar lion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
MR Hmsur(19) FA N 82.3 1212 Maranahalli 197
PRMR Hmsur(21) FA 50.8 36.5 Sulekerekaval 198

1WE{3.4) 25 G;jjaiahnavaddarng
PRMR Hmsur{l8) FA NM 57.9 34.1 199
T(3.4) udi

PRMR Hmsur(2O) FA NM 251.5 54.9 83.9 Karinuddanahalli 200
PRMR Hmsur(I3) FA NM 'l3.7 196.5 Halladakoppalu 201
PRMR Hmsur(I3) FA NM 16.4 1233 Tarikallu 202
MR Hm.sur(2O) FA NM 1WE{ffi.7)
7.1 4283 Tharikalnala 2m


39.0 182.0 141 0 Kndineerurruddana 2m

PR Hmsur(O) FA . hal1i

PRMR Hmsur(44) FA N 652 2893 322.5 IJYyigondanaballi 205

PRMR Hmsur(O) FA WF(74.9) 167.0 0.1 Tarikalkaval


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,ill age Total Total Numrer Amenities available (ifnot a,rulable "jfrun the ,ilIage, amsh (-) is shOlm in the colunm and ne>:f to it in
num & Location code area of populatio of house Irackets the listance in Iroadranges 'iz.<5 km;~ 5-1 U kms. and I 0+ kms of the nearest place "here
ocr the n (200t holds the facility is m,ulable is ghcn)
,mage Census) (2UOI Commer Agricul Recrea CollllWni
EWcational M:dical Drinking Pust,
(in Census) telegraph cial and co- tural, nOll- tional & cations
hectare) cultural (Bus
and opera tiu! agricul
telephone Ixmks tural and facilities senice,
other crelit (Gnennl raih\ay
socic tics Video hall, station,
Sports "aler \\ay)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Kuttavadi 418 P(3) M C(IOt) H(1Ot-) T 1W C SS- PH(26) CM NCS OCS(2) CV{<5) BSRS(IOt-)
208 927.0 1,790
(02796800) MCW(IOt-) PO«5) CP(IOt-) ACS«5) SP(IOt-) NW(IOt-)
PHq5-lO) ST(IOt-)

- P« OCS(2)
CVSp(IOt-) BS RS(1Ot-)
209 241.0 85 18 5)M«5)q5- H(1Ot-) HP1WSS- PH(3)PO« CM«5) ACS«5)
(02796900) 10) MCW(lOt-) 5) CP(5-IO)
ST(](}t) NW(lOt-)

Devagalli 152 PM«5) THP1W CV{<5) BS RS(1(}t)
210 299.0 638 MCW(IO+) PC«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02797000) Q)Ot-) sS- Sp(I(}t) NW(l(}t)
PHq5-lO) PH«5) CP(IOt-) NCS«5)

Sonahalli 119 PM(5-JO) 1I(](}t) THP1W NCS OCS(2) CV{1Ot-) BS RS()(}t)

211 478.0 54) po(5-IO) OvJ(JO+)
(02797100) qlOt-) MCW(5-IO) WCSS-. ACS(5-IO) SP(5-IO) NW(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-IO)
PHq5-lO) ST(IOt-)

Yalachanahalli 50 PM(5-10) H(1Ot-) HP1WW PH(3) PO{< CM(!Ot-) CV{1(}t) BSRS(I(}t-)
212 224.0 259 ACS«5)
(02797200) qlOt-) MCW(S-IO) TKCSS- SP(5-IO) NW(l(}l)
5) CP(5-JO) NCS«5)
PHq5-lO} ST(l(}t-)

Singanumnmahall H(IOt) THP1W NCS0CS(2) CV{<5) BSRS(I(}t-)

213 509.0 1,623 330 P Me(1Ot-) PH l'CJ{< 5) CM« 5)
i (02797300) MCW(5-10) WSS- ACS«5) Sp(S-IO) NW(I(}t-)
PHq5-IO) ST()(}t-)
HA(3) IllI
D(7) DA(5)
M::\V(12) T(144)
~2)CWC W(79)
P(269) PHC(12) 1]((45) ACS(25)
Block Total TO(10) OV"Hl) CV(Il) BS(l71)
88617.0 2111026 43184 1\'(120) 8(29) Plf>(49) HP(176) NCS(67)
PTO(9) CP(27) SP NW(lU)
PLQ6) C I FWC(12) 1W(1l4) OCS(370)
NB;2) R(4) C(2S) PH(25U7)
CHW(26) 0


Village Directory
Land Use (A<; on 1999)
Awoach Nearest to"n & PO\\er Ne,\S Mlst illljllrtant Land USe (i.e. area under <liferent types ofland use in Name of ,mage Serial
to ,mage <is lance (ill km) suRJIy palEr I colllllIKity hectare) num
l\1agazi manufa <tured
Forest Irrigated Unirri <ultura He Area not
(by source) gated "aste a,rulable
(inducing for culliw
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR Hunsur(22) EA NM TWF(22.6) 506.5 2f.r7.3 48.0 Kuttavadi 208

PRMR Hunsur(20) EA NM 11«2.4)

111.0 120.0 7.6 Mudlapura 209

MR Hunsur(22) EA 100.0 Devagani 210

PRMR Hunsur(23) WE(S.4)
EA 307.9 12.3 32.9 Sonahalli 211
PRMR Hunsur(22) EA 36.4 TWE(9.5) 140.8 6.2 6.5 Yalachanahalli 212

PRMR Hunsur (278) EA TWF(1I3) 351.2 116.9 23.5 Singamrraranahalli 213

MR(174) N(82)
FA(192)· 3470.8 ~1730.8 34153.6 15935.7 19059.7
FP(76) M:39)

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N arne of the District:Mysor:e
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
50 Domahalli 02814800 160060006000600019
51 Galigekere 02805400 160060006000600165
52 Gandhanahall i 02804900 160060006000600173
53 Gayanahalli 02798900 160060006000600102
54 Gerudada 02803600 16006000~000600150

55 Goragundi 181300Q 160060006000600002

56 Gowdenahalli 1811600 160060006000600052
57 Gudduganahalli 1808800 160060006000600066
58 Guluvinaattiguppe 1802900 160060006000600153
59 Gumrnanahalli 1799100 160060006000600099
60 Hadya 1807800 160060006000600069
61 Hadyahantha 1807900 160060006000600086
62 Ha1emirle 1802200 160060006000600125
63 Haleyuru 1808600 160060006000600090
64 Hampapura 1806000 160060006000600169
65 Hanasoge ~806800 160060006000600076
66 Hanasogehantha !806700 160060006000600082
67 Hangaraboyanahalli ~815000 160060006.000600016
68 Hanumanahalli Z802000 160060006000600141
69 Haradanahall i 2798100 ' 160060006000600106
70 Haramballi 2.804400 160060006000600159
71 Hebbal 2810600 160060006000600030
72 Hebbal Kava1 2810700 160060006000600042
73 Hebsur 2798700 160060006000600104
74 Honnenahalli 2799200 160060006000600097
75 Hosa Agrahara 2804300 160060006000600144
76 Hosahalli 2814300 1'60060006000600015
77 Hosakote 2809700 160060006000600060
78 Hosur 2808300 160060006000600089
79 Hosuru 2803100 160060006000600155
80 Hulleborekaval 2802800 160060006000600143
81 Hullehosur' 2806500 160060006000600077
82 Huralikamena Halli 2812100 160060006000600047
83 lchanahalli 2811800 160060006000600050
84 Kaggala 2807500 160060006000600085
85 Kaggaliborekaval 2805700 160060006000600170
86 Kaggere 2812900 160060006000600007
87 Kakanahalli 2804800 160060006000600176
88 Kalammana Koppa1u 2797900 Newly created village
89 Kalenahalli 2814600 160060006000600027
90 Kallahalli 2813800 160060006000600010
91 Kallimuddanahalli 2799600 160060006000600119
92 Karnenahalli 2812800 160060006090600008
93 Kanchagarakoppalu 2809500 160060006000600057
94 Kanchinakere 2805100 160060006000600162
95 Kantenahalli 2814500 160060006000600025
96 Kanugana Halli 2812400 160060006000600004
97 Kappadihantha 2810100 160060006000600035
98 Karpuravalli 2798400 160060006000600114
99 Karthalu 02806400 16006000600P600080
100 Katnal 02811000 160060006000600040
101 Katnalhantha 02810900 160060006000600039



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
102 Katnalu 02801200 160060006000600130
103 Kedaga 02800000 160060006000600098
104 Kenchanahalli 02800900 160060006000600136
105 Kestur 02809400 160060006000600056
106 Kodiyala 02801900 160060006000600139
107 Kogilur 02809100 160060006000600063
108 Kolur 02807300 160060006000600083
109 Kolurhantha 02807400 160060006000600084
110 Kuchenahalli 02801000 160060006000600135
III Kulume Hosuru 02797700 Newly created village
112 Kuppahalli 02800700 160060006000600133
113 Kuppe 02809300 160060006000600061
114. Kuppehantha 02808400 160060006000600054
115 Kurubahalli 02801700 160060006000600127
116 Lakkikuppe 02798600 160060006000600105
117 L3lamdevanahalli 02814100 160060006000600022
118 Lalanahalli 02813400 160060006000600024
119 Laxmipura 02800300 160060006000600094
120 Madahalti 02812000 160060006000600048
121 Madhuvanahalli 02811300 160060006000600044
122 Malali 02809600 160060006000600058
123 Malanaikanahalli 02802500 160060006000600122
124 Mallahalli 02815100 1600600Q6000600017
125 Maluganahalli 02797500 160060006000600108
126 Manchanahalli 02805600 160060006000600167
127 Mandiganahalli 02804100 160060006000600158
128 Manuganahalli 02813200 160060006000600028
129 Maragowdanahalli 02805200 160060006000600163
130 MaragowdanahalJi 02811900 160060006000600049
131 Marchahalli 02814000 160060006000600013
132 Matadakaval 02803000 160060006000600154
133 Mavanur 02800100 160060006000600100
134 Mavathur 02811700 160060006000600051
135 Mavathur ljantha 02809900 160060006000600034
136 Mayigowdanahalli 02808100 160060006000600068
137 Meluru 02801400 160060006000600128
138 Mirle 02802600 160060006000600121
139 Moodalabeedu 02799500 160060006000600118
140 Mudalakoppa1u 02813300 160060006000600029
141 Mudiguppe 02800800 160060006000600134
142 Mulepetlu 02813900 160060006000600014
143 Munduru 02797800 160060006000600112 .
144 Munjanahalli 02803300 160060006000600151
Nadappanahalli . 02807600 160060006000600071
Narachanahalli 02802100 160060006000600140
Narayanapura 02813500 160060006000600023
02802300 160060006000600124
148 Natanahalli
02809800 160060006000600059
149 Nijaganahalli
02799000 160060006000600101
ISO Pashupathi
02799400 . 160060006000600117
151 Rampura
02808000 160060006000600087
152 Sakkare
02799800 160060006000600091
153 Sa1igrama

N arne of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
2 3 4
154 Sambaravalli 02804000 160060006000600157
155 Sanabinakuppe 02798300 160060006000600113
156 Sankanahalli 02801500 160060006000600137
157 Sanyasipura 02806100 160060006000600168
158 Saraguru 02798800 160060006000600103
159 Sathigrama 02813600 160060006000600012
160 Seegava1u 02798000 160060006000600107
161 Shyaba1u 02802400 160060006000600123
162 Siddapura 02811500 160060006000600053
163 Somanahalli 02803700 160060006000600148
164 Somanahalli 02808900 160060006000600065
165 Southanahalli 02813700 160060006000600011
166 Sreeramapura 02808500 160060006000600055.
167 Sugganahalli 02804200 160060006000600145
168 Thandre 02801100 160060006000600131
169 Thandre 02806600 160060006000600081
170 Thandreankanahalli 02800600 160060006000600132
171 Thippur 02812500 160060006000600003
172 Va1agerehalli 02803500 160060006000600149
173 Va11ambudi 02806300 160060006000600079
174 Venkatapura 02810300 160060006000600036
175 Yaladahalli 02799300 160060006000600116
176 Ya1emuddanahalli 02801800 160060006000600126
177 Yaremanuganahalli 02806900 160060006000600075
178 Yedathore 02813100 160060006000600001

GllMi ofIn:ia 2001

Atrenities and
Seria Nnm ohillage Tit3 Tit3 Nmter Ancnitie; .mulate (ifIXt mailaie ,\itiJintre ,mage, amsh (-) is sbJl'tn in tre cdmm am next toitin
nwn & Location cod! area of JqIJlatio ofhme lra:kets tre dstnn:e in IroOOnmges w..<5 kmi., 5-10 kmi. amI (}t- kmi of the ncare;tpocc "here
b!r tile n (2001 Idd; the firilityis malaHe is giwn)
\iDagc CCnsus) (2001 ]\fMei Post, Agricul Recrea Onmmi
FdlCalilIl3l lAinking ClJnIrer
Qn Qmns)
,\3Icr tcI~ da :nIco-: tura, mil- tiuri& cations
hrtrre) and ~rati\C agricd cdtural (Bus
tcI~ hmks tural and firilitiC'l senice,
oiher cnrlt (Gnenn' rah~
societies ViiEohall, stmioo,
Sprts "aten~)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CDBlock: IVislnmJjal3J@1l(0003)

B!ttahaIIi J{IOt) THPTW N:S~2) C\{<5) lli R'1< lOt)

(ill.0 1,724 2S7 P MC{lOt) PHIU:<5) (]I.;l:<5)
(02i974OO) l\IDV(lOt) WCS'3- ACSJOI-) ~IOt) NW(IOt)
PfU5-10) Sf(IOt)

G'M'H:.IOt) <XS(2)
M!IugjmahaIIi TTWWC 1'HKX<5) a;10l-) C\{<5) ffi R'1< lOt-)
2 551.0 'Hl 210 PMC{IOl-) l\IDV(IOl-) ACS(lOl-)
(02i97:m) ~1Ot-) NW(IOl-)
PfQ5-10) S'3- 0'(10l-) N:S(1Ot-)
3 235.0 -Ulinhabited--
.PI£ CHWI{S <XS(2)
Kuhnn: Ibmru lIS Pl'v«5)C{5- 100JVLW(5- HPWCS'3- PO:<5) C\{5-IO) ffi~IOt-)
uno m (0)
Cl'v(5-10) ACS(5-lO)
~IOl-) NW(IOt-)
10) PfQ5-IO) PI{5-10) 0'(5-10) N:S(10l-)


Mmduru 498 ~4) MC{5- C\{5-IO) ffi~IOt-)
fflS.O 2,4!Xi
to) . 10) l'vLW(5- W1KCS'3- ro I'H':<5) Cl'v(5-10) US(2) Sf{10l-) NWCtOt)
10) FH:{5-10) 0'(5-10) ACS(5-IO)

K3Jamnma <XS(2)
331 PM SC{IOl-) J{10l-) THPTW C\{10l-) ES~lOt-)
6 KopJIDtI 31&.0 t,636 Iq<5) Cl'v(1Ot-) ACS(IOt-)
JVLW(IOt-) WCS'3- ~10l-) NW(1Ot-)
(!J.li9rol) 1'H':<5) O'(IOt) N:S(IOt)
PfQ5-10) Sf(IOt)

&egavalu THPTW rom

- N:S~2) C\{10l-) ES~IOt)
7 2fB.0 1,404 m P(2) MqIOl-) J{1Ot-)
(amroJ) IvD.V(IOl-) W1KCS'3- PIDJ.>H:3) Cl'v(IOt) ACS(lOt-) ~l(}t-) NW(IOt-)
m:::t5-IO) Sf(IOt)
Hlrndanahalli THPTW N:S~2) C\{5-10) lli RS( IOt)
moo 2,2ffl 4W PM Sq5-IO) ~3)fW:: roPI-l:2) Cl'v(5-10)
WCS'3- ACS(5-10) Sf{1Ot-) NW(IOt)
Ii5-lO) 0'(5-10)
9 235.0 -Thinhabited--
Kwal (<lZi9QOO)

- F« CHWJ{5-lO) ~2)
10 140.0 ill 13 5)l'v«5)C{5- JVDV(5-IO) fPTWW Iq<5) C\{5-1O) EE«5)
Cl'v(5-10) ACS(5-10)
(~ Sf{IOl-)
10) PIU:5-10) 1KS'3- PI-l:5-10) 0'(5-10) N:S(5-10) RS«5)
Sf(IOt-) NW(IOl-)


\1IIage IlrectOly
l.aIII Ute (~ on 1999)
AwudI N2'estIDI'll& Poner l'bw Mlitillpll13nt Umdme (i.e. area mm dtferentt)p!S oflandme in Nnre of "Uage Serili
to \I'lage . dst:n:e (in knJ sUJPY JlIIEr I' COIIJDdIy . Jx>dm-e) mnn
Mlg:ui IIIIIlIIfil c:tunrl
Rrest Jnigated UJini culturaUe AreaDtt
'(l!yswrre) gllIOO l'lllSte :naJ:ije
(io:ludng fir ru1hll
gam:har tim

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

. Kri<;1:mar.!janagaIa 453 W&12) .
PRMRFP (39) FA Tobacco 3392 82.3 513B::ttahalli
Kri<;1:mar.!janagaIa W&52)
PRMRFP (41) . FA Tobacco 2ffi.6 '13.7 36.4 MIluganahaIIi 2
-Thinhabited-- futalJalIhvaI 3

PRrvlRFP Kri<;imanIjanagarn. FA a:(202)

Tobacco 1129 42.6 KUIum:Fbsuru 4
(34) 0:.42) T(24.5)

Kri<;hnarnjanag nva:33)
PRMRFP(32) . FA Tobacco 447.8 39.1 115.8Mmdwu 5

PRMRFP KrisIJnlU<!ianagaIa FA TWq23) 9)3 Kalanmma
N Tobacco 268.4 6
(36) 0:.145) Ki:ppalu

~ FA N Tobacco 1K(O,8) Iffi4 239 45.4 Seegavalu 7

KrislJnlU<!ianagaIa nva:23) 127.0 Hnadanaballi 8
FA NM Tobacco 341.8 19.0
PRMRFP (33) 0:.22.8)
-Thinhabitoo-- 9

Kri<;ln1an!janagam 1K(4.I)
MRFP rn.. Tobacco GJring
1m2 7.7 25.0 Sanabinakl.lppe 10


CenslE ofInia 2001

.Anrnities and
Serial Nureof ,illage TOO!I TOO!I l\\nJirr Aireni1ies :nal:tie Of not :nalalie ,"litbin funillage, a lblh (-) is soo.'lI in the WUIlD lIIXlne~ to it in
nwn & Location core area of {qDIatio oflnlie !rackets the dstmce in Iroadnmges ,iz.<5 km;., 5-10 kim. anJIO+kll1; of the nearest pace ,lhere
I1!r the n (200) hold; the fucility is 3\ailalie is giwn)
,mage GRillS) (2001
Hkational MdClII IKinking fut; 0Jtmrr Agricul Recrea 0Jmnmi
(in GUsu;) ,..ater telegr;y. cial amco- tur3, noo- tiona! & catiOl1'l
hectare) and qIlrati'll) agricuJ. cultuni (Bus
telqiJone hmks tnraiand facilities senice,
otbercredt (Gnerm' rah-ay
socie ties Vilhlhall, station,
'Sp.lI1s ,'tater 'laY)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

- ~5-
Illkkikuppe 300 PI\JX<5)C(5- 1O)1vOV(5- THPlW l'UlCXJS(2) C\{5-10) ffiRS(IOt)
13 446.0 1,393 PO~<5) 0vX_5-10)
«Jl]<J(fJJJ) 10) ACS(5-lO) SP(IOt) NW(10~)
10)fK(5-10) WCSS- 0'(5-10)

lliJsur ~IOt) THP'IW l'Ul CXJS(2) C\{5-10) ffiFQ'IOt)
14 <lJ1.0 1,2(9 276 P Mq)Ot) W1KCSS- POFH:2) 0vX_10t)
(ozmiW) ~(1Ot) ACS(IOt-) SP(IOt) NW(IOt)
fK(5-10) ST(IOt)

QiW~JOt) 00:1..2)
~ouru 85 PM:_<5) THPlW C\{5-10) ffiRS(IOt)
15 220.0 401 ~(5-10) Iq5-10) 0vX_10t) ACS(5-IO)
(<JZi98ro) OIOt) WRCSS- sp(JOt) NW(1Ot)
PHJ::5-1O) PI-~<5) O'(IOt) l'Ul(IOt)

Glyanahalli 150 PM:<5) THP'IW l'Ul <XS(2) C\{5-1O) ffiRS(IOt)
16 241.0 7Pf:, ~(5-10) Iq<5) 0vX_10t)
(~ OIOt) W1KSS- ACS(5-10) sp(IOt) NW(IOt)
m:::{5-10) PH«S) 0'(1Ot-)
Thshupathi 178 tt2} Mq5- THP'IW l'Ul<XS(2) C\{5-10) ffi RS( 1Ot)
17 313_0 'Xl5 ~(5-10) .!'C(5-10) 0vX_5-10)
(02mXXJ) 10) WRCSS- ACS(5-10) SP(IOt) NW(10t)
ru:(5-10) ~5-10) 0'(101-)
CHWlX5-10) 00:I..2}
131.0 470 83 PM:5-IO)C(5- ~(5-10) THP'IW .!'C(5-10) 0vX_5-10) ACS(5-10)
C\{5-1O) ffi«5)
(OllJJlOO) 10) rn::{5-10) WCSS- SP(IOt) RS(10+)
p«:5-10) 0'(5-10) l'Ul(1Ot-)
ST(IOt) NW(!Ot)

Hmnenahalli 188 PM:<5)C« ~IOt) THP'IW l'Ul<XS(2} C\{<5) ffiRS(IOt)

19 410_0 00 ro~3) 0vX_<5)
(~ 5) ~«5) W1KSS- ACS(IOt) SP(10+) NW(IOt)
PI-K:t5-10) ST(1Ot-)

Yaladaha11i - J1::<5) TlWW 001(2)

PM:<5)C« C\{<5) ffi RS(1Ot-)
2220 139 295) i'vDV«5) .!'C«5) 0vX_<5) ACS«5)
(0Zi9J300) sn:lOt) NW(1Ot)
rn::{5-10) 1KCSS- m:<5) 0'«5) l'Ul(IOt)

funpum - ~<5)THPlW CMcp« 00:1..2)

21 19)_O 210 PM:<5)C« C\{<5) ffiRS(IOt)
5) rvn\T«5) W1KCSS- ro~6) 5) ACS«5)
SP(~Ot) NW(IOt-)
PH:t5-10) , l'Ul(1Ot-)


Village I1rectOly
.uu.J tie (~ on 1999)
Anrooch ~ttm'"& Landuse (i.e. area tIDIb- dtrerent t)IES oflanduse in Seria)
(millage dstance (in knJ hectare) mnn
Rrest Irrigated U1irri culturaHe Amutt
~swrce) gated ,\Illite maillHe
(indudng fir ctitim
gau.:bar tim

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1
PRMRFP Krishnan!ianagarn FA lWI{62)
N Toba=Guing 2022 133 402 Iakkikuppe 13
(33) Q?9)
PRMRFP (40) FA Tobacco Guing lWI{13.3) 12li9 62.8 1Il.8lkbsur 14
PRMRFP Krishnamjanagara FA \\,&1.6)
Tobacco Guing 1Q3.6 15.6 355Saraguru 15
(42) lWI{1.6)
PRMRFP Krishnamjanagara FA lWI{43)
156.3 232 262 GiyanahaIli 16
(35) 11<'(293)
PRMRFP Krishnamjanagma FA \\,&63)
150.7 173 42.5 Paslrupathi 17
(33) lWI{20)
PRMRFP Kris!Jnar.YanagaIa FA Wa:I.4)
Tobacco Guing 98.6 46 0.7 GnnnmahaIIi 18
(32) lWI{9.9)

PRMRFP Krishnamjanagma FA 11<'(10.1)

NM Tobacco Guing
338.9 45.6 15.4 Hmnenahalli 19

Kris!Jnar.YanagaIa 20
PRMRFP(3O) FA lWI{1Q.3) 131.4 4.7 17.7 YaIadahaIIi
PRMRFP (27) ganagma FA lWI{82) 143.9 no 17.8llinpma 21


Census ofImia 2001

AIrenities and
Serial Nun! of ,mage TIJIal TobI l'I'uniEr Ammities mailaHe (ifnot :mulaHe ,utllin th~l\iIIage, a dish (-) is sOOnnin the coIwrn 3ndnextto itin
nwu & Location con, area of ppdatio ofhouse !rackets thedstance in Jroadr:mges ,iz.<5 km;., 5-10 km;. andlO+km; of the nearest ri,,,,e \\bere
ber the n (2001 hold; the facility is mllilalie is gi~n)
,mage Cemus) (2001 Drinking Post, Cbnnrr Agneul Recrea Cotmuni
FdJcational Mdcal
(in Census) ,\liter tclegrAjil tial andro- fural, non- tiooal & c:ltions
hectare) and ~rati\e agnew cultural (Btl';
telerixme bmks turaI and fru:i1itics seniee,
othercredt (Onerm' raih"')'
societies VilblhalJ, stalioo,
SplI1s \\:Iter \'Ia)~

2 ·3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

- H«5)
Ankanahalli MCW(]Ot) THPW1K POTO CM«5) ACSl\'(S C\{<5) BSRS(JOl-)
24 361.0 2,348 525 P MQ<5)
(fJI7W700) IK{5-JO) CSS- YrOPH(6).O'(JOl-) (XS(2) SP(lOt) NW(lOt)

rom ACSl\'(S
25 J,IQlO 11,'Ml 2,643 5(3) PUC C Pm CM(2)CP SP(lOt)
(02'i9'l\m) RMP(4) WCSS- OCS(2) NW(IOt)
0 P~44I) ST{lOt-)

538.0 2,070 453 1'(2) M sq< MCW«5) THPlWC POP~7) CM«5)
NCS0CS(2) C\{<5) BS RS(IOt)
alii (02'i'99!00) 5) IK{5-10) SS- ACS«5) sp(1Ot-) NW(IOt-)

- OCS(2)
Kedaga ~10l-) THPlW C\{5-IO) BSRS(IOt-)
Tl 253.0 1,113 210 P MQ<5) W'IKRSS- PCX<5) CM(5-10) ACS(IOt-)
(02IDIDJ) MCW(5-IO) SP(IOt) NW(1Ot)
PH«5) 0'(10l-) NCS(10l-)
PIn5-IO) ST(I(}l-)

- H(5- THPlW - OCS(2)

Mavanur PM«5)q5- C\{5-IO} BSNW
28 266.0 515 102 10) 100MCW(5- W1KRSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-IO)
(ozrollOO) SP(1Ot-) RS(1Ot-)
10)PIn5-10) PH«5) O'(IOt) NCS(1Ot-)

- H«5)
29 Btllur (02IDl2ill) 824.0 1,611 . 334 1'(2) M(2)q< MCW«5) THPWC POPH CPCM« NCS0CS(2) C\{<5) BSRS(IOt-)
5) PHQ5-IO) SS- 5) ACS(IOt-) sp(1Ot-) NW(IOt-)
- H«5)
Iamipura NCS OCS(2) C\{<5) BSRS(IOt-)
30 200.0 2;E2 483 P(2) Mq<5) l'v1CW«5) THPTW PHPCX<5) CPCM«
(ll2rol3OO) . PHQ5-IO) WCSS- 5) ACS(IOt-) SP(IOt) NW{lOt-)
- H«5) OCS(2)
ByJapura 41 PM«5)q< MCW«5) HPlWW PCX<5) C\{<5) BSRS(IOt)
31 89.0 203 CM«5) ACS«5)
(02Wm) 5) sp(1Ot-) NW(IOt-)
PIn5-IO) CSS- PH«5) 0'«5) 1\'CS(JOt-)
- ~< - H(5- OCS(2)
12 5) M«5) q5- IO)MCW(5- lWWRC PCX~5)
Bevinahalli C\{5-IO) BSRS(}Ol-)
32 125.0 57 CM(5-IO) ACS«5)
(02lr0500) SP(1Ot-) NW(lOf-)
10) 10)IK{5-1O) SS- PH«5) 0'(5-10) NCS(1Ot-)
PHS~5-JO) OCS(2)
Thandreankanahal THPWC lBRS(IOt-)
33 245.0 710 148 P MQIOt-) MCW(5-IO) PHPCX<5) CM(5-IO) ACS(lOt-) C\{5-10)
Ii (02l'ffii00)
ss- 0'(1Ot-) NCS(1Ot-) . SP(1Ot-) NW(IOt-)


Village Directory
Lmd Use (~ on 1999)
Anroacb· Nearesttmm & PO\~r Ne,,,,MJst ilJlDl1m1t land me (i.e. area und:!r dtferent t)JES oflandme in Serial
to \illage dstance (in ~ suniy IDlEr! cOllIllldty hectare) nmn
MJgazi mmuf.u:tured ber
Forest Irrigated Ulini collura He Areanct
~soorce) gated \\3Ste awJaHe
(includng for colthll
gauchar lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMRFP Krishnarnjanagara FA CD: 1829)

N 128.4 295 20.2 Anlcanahalli 24
(18) . T(1829)

PRMRFP KrisbnaI1!ianagara FA NM Tobacco OIling lWf(121) 311.2 34.0 1822 Saligrann 25

PRMRFP KrishnanYanagara FA NM Tobacco OIling lWf(19.4) 351.0 143 78.2 Olikk:mayakanahaDi '2D

PRMRFP Krishnarnjanagara FA Tobacco OIling, TK(13.8)

202.2 14.1 23.0Kedaga 27
(10) Pot Making T(13.8)

PRMRFP Krisbnmajanagara
FA TK(7.5) 171.7 192 43.4 :Mavanur 28
NW (32)

PRMRFP Krisbnarnjanagara FA NM Tobacco OIling Wf\10l2) %3 26.8 175.7 Billur 29
(25) T(1152)

PRMRFP Krishnarnjanagara FA NM Tobacco OIling
115.7 10.6 02Iamipma 30

PRMRFP (23) . FA NM Tobacco CUring Wf\5.6) 129 63 10.4 Bylapma 31

PRMRFP Krisbnarnjanagara FA NM Tobacco OIling V{g18.8) 28.5:&vinahalli 32
(21) T(96.5)

Krishnarnjanagara Tobacco OIling CD:22) T(22) 162.3 75.1 5.4 Thandreanl<l!nahall 33



Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,"illage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a"ailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in tbe column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets tbe distance in brnad ranges viz.<5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms uflhe nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where tbe facility is 3yailabJe is gh:en)
vmage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking I'ost, Commer Agricul Recrea COI1\Rluni
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
otber credit (Cinema! railway
socic ties Video ball, station,
Spl>rts water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PHS H(I(}f-) OCS(2)

805 147
P M« 5) C« MCW(I(}f-)
CM«5) ACS(IO+)
CV«5) BS« 5)
36 254.0
(02800900) 5) WTKSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5)
PHCC5-10) CP(JO+) NCS«5)

37 132.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

- H(5- NCS BS
Tbandrc P M S CV(5-10)
38 651.0 2,568 524 10) MCW(5- T HP TW POPH(2) CM(5-IO) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02801100) C(IO+) SP(I()+)
10)PHC(5-1O) WTKSS- CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Katnalu P M«5) H(I(}f-j' T HP W TK PH(2) CV« 5) BS« 5)
39 246.0 490 87 CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02801200) qIO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS{lO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

40 107.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Meluru PM SC(S-
41 618.0 2,593 539 10) MCW(5- POPH(2) CM«5) OCS(2) SP{lO+) RS(lO+)
(02801400) (0) 10) PHC(5-1O) W TK SS- CP(5-10) ACS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Sankanaballi H{lO+) THPTW CV« 5)
42 296.0 355 80 P M C(1O+) PO« 5) CM«5) . ACS(IO+) 10)
(02801500) MCW«5) WSS- SP(1()+)
PH(iO+) CP(I()+) NCS« 5) NW(JO+)
PHC(5.10) ST(IO+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Bachaballi P M«5) H(IO+) THPTW CV«5)
43 191.0 660 128 PO«5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) 10)
(02801600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- SP(1O+)
PH« 5) CP(I()+) NCS«5) NW{lO+)
PHCC5-10) ST(I()+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Kurubahalli P M«5) H(lO+) THPTW PH(2) CV«5)
44 148.0 748 148 CM«5) ACS(IO+) 10)
(02801700) C(I()+) MCW(1(}f-) WTKSS- PO« 5) SP(1()+)
CP(I()+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHCC5-10) ST{lO+)


Yalemuddanahalli P(2) M THPlW PHPO« CV«5)
45 329.0 1,121 248 MCW(1O+) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
(02801800) CC I 0+) WTKSS- 5) SP(I()+)
PHC(5-JO) CP(JO+) ACS(I(}f-) NW(IO+)

Kodiyala OCS(2)
46 PM«5) H{lO+) CV«5) BS« 5)
407.0 762 [55 T HP W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02801900) C(I()+) MCW{lO+) SP(JO+) RS« 5)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS«5)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(1O+)

Hanurnanahalli PM«5) H(lO+) OCS(2)

438.0 659 154 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02802000) C(lo+) MCW{lO+) WSS- SP(IO+) 5) RS«5)
PH« 5) CP{lO+) NCS«5)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of "illage Serial
to "iIIage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hcctare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne ---F-o-re-s-t--:"Irr-:";g-a-tc-d--"-U'-n-;r-ri"---cu-I-tu-r-a--A-r-c-a-n""o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 ]9· 20 2] 22 23 2
MRFP EA Tobacco TWE(3.2) 207.2 11.0 21.5 Kcnchanahalli 36

- - Uninbabited - - - Kuchcnahalli 37

PRMRFP (29) EA NM Tobacco Curing TK(29.3) 476.6 125.9 13.1 Thandre 38

Krishnamjallagara TK(19.2)
MRFP EA NM Tobacco Curing 170.3 35.0 21.5 Katnalu 39
(25) T(19.2)

- - Uninhabited - - - - Alalakuppc 40

PR MR F Krishnarajanagara Tobacco, Ragi. TK(20.3)

EA NM 493.4 22.1 82.2 Melun! 41
P (26) . Paddy T(20.3)

Krishnamjanagara WE(2.4)
MRFP EA Tobacco Curing 232.9 28.8 24.2 SallkanabaJli 42
(23) TWE(5.3)

Krishnarajanagara TWE(1.6)
MRFP EA Tobacco Curing 156.4 21.5 11.5 Bachahalli 43
(22) T(1.6)

EA N Tobacco TWE(6.5) 99.0 19.3 7.1 Kurubahalli 44
Krishnarajanagara 286.8 1.4 23.0 Yalcmuddanahalli 45
EA Tobacco Curing TWE(2.0)

Krishnamjanagara 308.4 87.7 10.9 Kodiyala 46

MRFP EA Paddy, Ragi

MR FPNR Krishnamjanagara TWE(l6.2) 47

EA Tobacco, Ragi 356.3 65.5 Hanumanahalli
NC (18) T(16.2)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,,'illage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the \~I\age, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next 10
num & Location code arca of populoli of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-] 0 kms. and IG+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is availahle is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational l\Iedical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) "'ater telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultunll (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, wa)')

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II IZ 13

Narachanahalli H(IO+) THPTW CV«5) BS«5)
48 164.0 1,010 230 P M C« 5)
PO«5) .CM«5) OCS(2)
SP(IO+) RS«5)
(02802100) MCW«5)
PH«5) CP(IO+) ACS« 5)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Halemirle P(2) M(<: 5) H(lO+) THPTW PH(4) CY«5) BS« 5)
49 218.0 1,374 312 CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02802200) C(10+) MCW«5) WCSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+) RS(5-10)
CP« 5} NCS(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+) NW(1O+)


Natanahalli THPTW CM CV« 5)
50 169.0 781 179 P M qIO+) MCW«5) POPH(4) OCS(2) 10)
(02802300) WCSS- CP(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ACS(IO+) NW(10+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Shyabalu P M«5) H(IO+) THPTW CV«5)
51 189.0 708 136 PO(5-IO) CM«5) ACS(lO+) 10)
(02802400) C(IO+) MCW«5) WCSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Malanaikanahalli P(2)M«5) H(lO+) THPTW CV«5) BS« 5)
52 495.0 618 141 PO« 5) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02802500) C(IO+) MCW«5) WCSS- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P(6) M(4) ACS CY(2) BS RS(5-
53 1,576.0 6,075 1,432 S(2) PUC C(5- H( I 0+) CMCl'(3) NCS(2) SP(IO+) 10)
(02802600) 10) MCW(IO+) W TK C SS- PH(86)
OeS(2) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Beechanahalli P(2) M H(IO+) THPTW PH(2) CM CV«5) BS RS« 5)
54 209.0 1,243 244 ACS«5)
(02802700) C(10+) MCW«5) WCSS- PO«5) CP(1O+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Hulleborekaval CV«5) BS« 5)
55 106.0 10 I 5) M« 5) C(S- 10) MCW(5- ess- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02802800) S1'(5-1O) RS« 5)
10) 10) PHC(5-1O) PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS« 5)


Guluvinaattiguppe P(2) M THPTW CV(5-1O)
56 476.0 1,767 367 MCW(IO+) POPH(3) CM« 5) OCS(2) 10)
(02802900) C(IO+) wCSS- SP(IO+)
PHq5-10) C1'« 5) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
57 452.0 - _ Uninhabited - - -

Hosuru P(2) Me< 5) H(lO+) OeS(2)

58 128.0 459 87 TW TK SS- PO« 5) CV«·5) BS«5)
(02803100) C(lQ+) MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
S1'(IO+) RS(5-1O)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Arakere PM«5) - H« OCS(2) BS RS(5-

59 244.0 96 19 5) MCW(I()+) HP TW C CV« 5)
(O280}200) C(IO+) PO« 5) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-IO) 10)
PHq5-10) ss- S1'(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land Use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectat'e)** num
Magazi manufactnred ber
ne --~F~o-re-s~t--~J-nn~'g-a~t-ed~--~U~n~ir-n7'----c-u~ltn-r-a---A~re-a-n-o--t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for culliva
ga uchar tion

'14' IS' 16 1.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MRFP EA Tobacco TK(21.5) 110.5 23.8 2.1 Narachanahalli 48

, Krisbnaraj"';agam
MRFP EA NM Tobacco Curing TWE(64.3) 99.6 14.9 16.2 Halemirle 49

PR MR FP Krisbnaraj"';oigarn GC(57.4)
EA NM Tobacco Curing 81.2 9.5 21.0 Natanahalli 50
(21) T(57.4)

PR MR FP Krisbnarajanagam GC(149.9)
EA NM Tobacco Curing 13.1 2.1 23.9 Sbyaba1u 51
(21) T(149.9)

PR MR FP . Krisbnarajanagam EA NM Tobacco Curing TWE(8.4) 59.9 146.8 73.7 Malanaikanahalli 52

Tobacco, Paddy,
NM WE(48.6) 196.0 52.1 159.5 Mirle 53

Paddy TWE(3.2) 153.5 1.4 25.0 Beechanahalli 54

"Krisiiruiiaj"';agam EA GC(35.4)
49.5 17.0 4.1 Hulleborekaval 55
, (17).<·.-~ ,_ . T(35.4)
. :- - ". ~

,W~ ~:'M:~jauagilra
.. _, "', .. '. :.~ ..
20.2 T(335.S) 13.0 45.0 62.0 Guluvinaattiguppe 56

-,- - Uninhabited - - - Matadakaval 57

: ..~.::. '~'- :- "-, ~- ::: ,.: --.~

~;:~~: ~.:\:~~jana~
. ::< "0 • '~'"-:.... :. .-
EA , Tobacco Curing
81.7 39.6 6.1 Hosuru 58

::'.::~':: .'~ ., .--. ..- ',.

GC(ll.2) 59
165.5 58.5 8.9 Arakere


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available "ithin the village, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kIlls. and 10+ kills of the nearest place
her the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
'illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and cO- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera th'c agricul cultur.lI (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities senicc,
other credit (Cinema/' railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports "later
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Munjanahalli THPTW CV«5) BSRS« 5)
60 151.0 1,179 245 P M C(lO+) MCW«5} PO PH(3) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02803300) TKCSS- SP{lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+)

Chikkahherya P(2) M«5) H(IO+) T TW TK C PH(2) CV«5) BS« 5)
61 218.0 829 165 CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02803400) C(JO+) MCW«5) SS- PO« 5) SP(lOr) RS(5-10)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

62 102.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Gerudada P(2)M("'<S) H(IO+) CV«5) BS« 5)
63 198.0 594 108 TKCSS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(1O+)
(02803600) CC IOr) MCW«5) SP(IO+) RS(5-JO)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(J 0+) NW(IO+)

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Somanahalli P M«5) H(IO+) CV«5)
64 236.0 220 46 HP TW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) 10)
(02803700) CCI 0+) MCW«5) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO~)
PIlC(5-1O) ST(IO+)

PHS H(lO+) OCS(2)

Baniganahalli PM«5) THPTW CV«5) BSRS« 5)
65 254.0 504 98 MCW(IO+) PO«5} CM«5) ACS«5)
(02803800) CCIO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)

P(4) M(2) PHS(2)FWC NCS CV
66 399.0 4,377 869 S(2) PUC C« RMP(2) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
(02803900) TKSS- PH(100) CP(IO+) NW(IO+)
5) CHW(2) ACS«5) ST(IO+)

Sarnbarnvalli P M«5) H(l()+) eV«5) BS«5)
'67 243.0 174 30 HP TW SS- PH PO« CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02804000) C(IOr) MCW(IO+) 5) SP(IO+) RS(5-1O)
PHC(5-1O) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Mandiganahalli OCS(2)
P(2) M«5) H(IO+) TTWTK PHPO« CV«5) BS«5)
68 280.0 776 172 CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02804100) CC I0+) MCW«5) SS- 5) SP(lO+) RS« 5)
CP(IO+) NCS(lO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

SugganahaUi P M«5) H(lO+) NCS

69 THPTW PHPO« eV(5-1O) BSRS«5)
204.0 534 119 CM«5) OCS(2)
(02804200) CCI 0+) MC\v(IO+) WTKSS- 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
CP(lo+) ACS«5)
PHC(5 10) ST(IO+)
Hosa Agrahar.l P(2) M(2) S H(IO+) THP'IW CPCM« ACSNCS CV«5) BSRS
7D 448.0 1,487 318
(02804300) pue CC I 0+) MCW(IO+) W TK C SS- PO PH(4) 5) OCS(2) SP(lOr) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land Use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to .illage distance (in kin) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cldtura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Krishnarujanagrua EA N TK(15.7) 47.0 15.3 12.1 MlUljanahalli 60

MRFP EA Beedi Manufactu TK(11.7) 132.i 62.3 7.9 Chikkabherya 61

- - Uninhabited - - - Valagerehalli 62

MRFP EA TK(7.2) 114.6 50.4 9.4 Gerudada 63

MRFP EA 0(1.0) T(1.0) 150.2 79.0 5.8 Somanahalli 64

MRFP EA TK(6.2) 149.1 84.5 6.8 Battiganahalli 65

R MR FP Krishnarajanagrua TK(12S.S)
EA NM Household Artie, 140.9 96.5 '36.1 Bhel)'a 66
P (19) T(12S.S)

Krishnarajanagara IOS.7 9.2 Samharavalli 67

MRFP EA 0(0.9) T(0.9) \272

Krishnarajanagrua TK(4.1)
EA N 165.1 99.9 11.0 Mandiganaha1li 68
PRMRFP (16) T(4.1)

Krishnarajanagara TK(3.5)
EA 118.9 632 18.S Sugganaballi 69
PRMRFP (17) T(3.5)

Krishnarnjanagara TWE(4.9) 70
EA NM 218.7 113.5 30.4 Hosa Agrahara
PRMRFP (16) TK(11.9)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in tbe column and next to
nUln & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.<5 kms., 5-10 kmS. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
,;lIage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities 5cnice,
other credit (CinemaJ railway
socic ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

HarambaUi P(2) M H(IO+) T TW C SS- PH(2) CV«5) BS«5)
71 323.0 1,464 304 CM«5) ACS«5)
(02804400) C(IO+) MCW«5) PO« 5) SP(IO+) RS«5)
CP(lO+) NCS(lO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Alambadikaval CV«5) . BS«S)
72 101.0 4 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCWl5- CSS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02804500) SP(5-1O) RS(S-IO)
10) 10) PHC(5-1O) PH«5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)

PIIS H(IO+).. OCS(2)

Doddavaddaragudi 84 PM«5) THPTW PHPO« CV(5-10) BS« 5)
73 196.0 379 MC\V(IO+) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10)
(02804600) C(10+) WCSS- S) SP(IO+) RS«S)
PHC(5-10) "CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)

BommenahaUi P M«5) H(lO+) HPTWW CV(S-IO) BS RS«S)
26S.0 239 52
C(10+) MCW(101) C SS-
PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS« 5)
PH(5-1O) CP(lO+) NCS(1O+)
PHC(5-10) . ST(IO+)

180.0 144 32
- H«
5) MCW(S-IO) T
W S-
r:: PO« 5) CM« S)
PH« S) CP(IO+) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Gandhanahalli P(S) M(2) S THPTW CVe<5) BSRS«5)
76 5S0.0 5,106 1,047 MCW(IOc) POPH(6) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02804900) C(IO+) WCSS- SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(S-lO) CP(lO+) ACS(lO+)

PHS H(lO+)
Chikkavoddaragud THPTW PH(2) CPCM(5- ACSNCS CVe5-10) BSRS«5)
77 279.0 1,012 220 P MC(lO+) MCW(lO+)
i (0280S000) WCSS- PO« 5) 10) OCS(2) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
Kanchinakere OCS(2)
78 255.0 1,399 304 P M C(IO+) PO PH CM(S-IO) ACS«S)
(02805100) MCW(IO+) WCSS- SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(S-lO) ST(lO+)


MaragowdanahaUi THPnVC CV(5-1O) BSRS«5)
79 286.0 I,S26 294 P M C(10+) MCW(IO+) CM(5-1O) OCS(2)
(02805200) SS- PO« 5)
PH«S) CP«5) ACS«5)


80 272.0 832 166 FWCCHW CM(5-10) OCS(2}
(02805300) C(lO+) SS- S)
H(lO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS«5)

Galigekere P(2) M(2) H(lO+) ACS

81 S41.0 THPnVC CPCM« CV«5) BSRS«5)
3,236 611 PO PH OCS(2)
(0280S400) C(IO+) MC\v(IO+) SS- 5) SP(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
App.-oach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of \illage Serial
to "village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)"" num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --F-o-r-e-st----I-rr-~-a-t-ed-----U-m-·r~ri~--c-u-ltu-r-a---Ar--~--n-ot-

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for culliva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara EA N 96 GC(IO.6) 204.8 79.7 16.6 Haramballi 71

(17) . T(I2.3)

PR M FP Krishnarajanagara GC(9.7)
R (17) EA 86.1 1.2 4.0 Alambadikaval 72

Krishnarajanagara GC(59.2)
MRFP EA 38.7 89.1 9.1 Doddavaddaragudi 73
(15) T(59.2)

" Krishnarajanagara GC(89.8)

PRMRFP (15) EA 129.8 25.5 19.9 Bommenahalli 74

MRFP EA 146.1 2.9 30.9 Kakanahalli 75

Krishnarajanagara GC(30S.3)
PRMRFP (15) EA NM 149:9 67.0 24.9 Gandhanahalli 76

Krishnarajanagarn GC(153.6)
EA NM 53.0 42.2 30.2 Chikkavoddarngudi 77
PRMRFP (14) T(153.6)

Krishnarajanagara GC(128.9)
EA 89.2 22.3 14.6 Kanchinakere 78
PRMRFP (IS) T(128.9)

Krishnarajanagara GC(237.4)
EA 21.1 12.5 15.1 Maragowdanahalli 79
PRMRFP (16) T(237.4)

Krishnarnj anagma GC(134.7) 80

EA N Agarbathi 2.7 106.9 27.7 Adaguru
PRMRFP (14) T(134.7)

Krishnarnjanagara GC(312.2) 81
EA N Agarbathi 7.5 111.8 109.3 Galigekere
PRMRFP (12) T(312.4)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of Yillage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not 3.vaii:nble within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populnti of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges "b.:.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is ayailable is given)
"ilIage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Comnlcr Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, Don- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tiyc agriclll cultuml (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
AIjunahalli P(3) M H(lO+) THPTW CY« S) BSRS
82 554.0 1,906 398 PO PH(2) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02805500) C(1O+) MCW(10+) WCSS- SP(lO+) NW(IO+)
CP« 5) NCS(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)
Manchanah.lli P(2) M C(5- H(5-IO) THPWR PH(3) eV« 5} BS RS«5)
83 616.0 2,161 449 CM«5) OCS(2)
(02805600) 10) MCW(5-lO) CSS- PO«5) SP(lO+) NW(lO+}
CP(S-IO) ACS(5-10)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

PHS H(5-10) OCS(2)

Kaggaliborekav:'11 P M«5) C« THPWR PH PO« CV«5} BS RS«5)
84 336.0 1,013 230 MCW(5-IO) 0\'1« 5) ACS(5-10)
(02805700) 5) CSS- 5) SP(5-1O) NW(IO+)
PIIC(5-1O} CP(5-IO) NCS(5-1O)
85 64.0 ---- Uninhabited - - - -
86 1:>3.0 - - .- Uninhabited - - - -

HampapurJ P(4) M(2) S THPTW CM(2) BSRS
87 834.0 4,225 883 PHS FWC PO PH(6) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
(02806000) C(5-1O) WCSS- CP(S-IO) NW(lO+}

- H(5- OCS(2)
Sanyasipura P M«5) C(5-
69.0 355 67
IO} MCW(5- ~ HP TW C PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(5-IO)
CV«5} BS RS«5)
10} PHC(5-1 0) S- PH(< 5) SI?(IOI-} NW(IO+)
CP(S-IO) NCS(5-10)

Abburu H(IO+) OCS(2)

PM«5} THPWC eV«5} BS«5)
89 143.0 414 88 PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+}
(02806200) C(10+) MCW(1O+) SS- SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Vallambudi CV«5} BS« 5)
90 63.0 5 5} M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- CSS- PO«5) CM«5} ACS«5}
(02806300) SP(5-10) RS(5-10)
IO} 10) PHC(5- 10) PH«5} CP(5-10) NCS«5)
ST(JO+) NW(lO+}

Karthalu PHS H(IO+) NCS BS

91 174.0 THPTW POPH("" CV« 5)
1,929 420 P M C(lO+) MCW(lO+) CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02806400) WCSS- 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(lOI}
92 220.0 - - Uninhabited - - - - -

l1"ndre PM S H(lO+} HPWTKC - OCS(2)

93 73.0 523 102 CV(5-10) B8«5)
(02806600) C(IO+) MCW{lO+) SS- PO« 5) CM«5} ACS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
ST(lO+) NW(10+)
94 676.0 ---- Uninhabited - - - -


95 P(2) M(2) S THPTW eM CV(5-10)
587.0 2,648 569 PHSFWC PO PH
(02806800) C(5-IO) WRCSS- OCS(2) RS(10+)
H(IO+) CP(IO+) SP(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e~ area under different types of land use iu Name of village Serial
to village distance (in krn) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactnrcd ber-
ne --:F:-o-r-es-t-~I:-r-ri:-g-a-te-d---U""n-:i-rn-:'--c-u-I-tn-r-a--A-r-ea-n-o-t-

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara GC(404.9)
EA N 93.8 35.9 19A AIjunahalii 82
(12) T(404.9)

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara GC(363.7)
EA NM Paddy 19.2 158.0 75.1 Manchanahalli 83
(8) T(363.7)

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara GC(193.1)
EA NM 110.7 25.3 6.9 Kaggaliborekaval 84
(10) T(193.1)

- - Uninhabited - - - - - Beeranahalli 85

- - - Uninhabited - - - - Cheng-d 86

Krishnarajanagara GC(454.2)
PR MR FP (7) EA NM Bricks 22.6 199.9 157.3 Hampapura 87

Krishnarajanagara GC(21.6)
PR EA N 11.9 31.1 4A Sanyasipura 88
(6) T(21.6)

Krishnarajanagara GC(87.0)
MRFP EA 37.5 8.1 lOA Abburu 89
(38) T(87.0)

Krishnarajanagara GC(23.8)
EA 32.2 7.0 Vallambudi 90
(38) T(23.8)

GC(I I 1.6)
, Krishnarajanagara
PRMRFP (38) EA N Tobacco Process TWE(8.1) 31.1 23.3 Karthalu 9f

- - Uninhabited - - - - Hnllehosur 92

Krishnarajanagara GC(39.1)
MRFP EA Tobacco Process 22.9 0.1 lOA lhandre 93
(34) T(39.I)

- - Uninhabited - - - - Hanasogehantba 94

Krishnarajanagara Tobacco, Rice, GC(404.7) 95

EA NM 67.8 94.0 20.5 Hanasoge
PRMRFP (35) Paddy T(404.7)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,illag. Total Total Number Amenities ayailable (if not available "ithin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
Dum & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (ZOOI holds where the facility is ayailable is given)
"iIIage C~nsus) (2001 Educational i\ledical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, nou- tional & catiuns
hectare) and opera th'c agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks rural and facilities sen.·ice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall., station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Yaremanuganahall P(2) M« 5) H(I(}+) THPTW eV(S-IO)
96 282.0 7S4 143 PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(I(}+) RS(IO+)
i (02806900) C(lO+) MCW(lOt·) WCSS- SP(10+)
PH(S-lO) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
Channamgere P M S H(lO+) THPTIV PO PH(5- eV(5-10)
97 344.0 2,015 415 CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02807000) C(10+) MCW(IO+) WCSS- 10) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(10+)

Chikkahanasoge P(2) M H(!O+) THPTIV

98 341.0 1,344 297 W TK C SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02807100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(lO+)

Bandahalli P(Z) M H(lO+) THPTKC CV(S-IO) BS«5)
99 137.0 1,046 211 PO«5) CM«5) ACS(5-10)
(02807200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- SP(!O+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(!O+) NCS(!O+)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+) NW(IO+)


Kolur THPTIVR POPH« CV(5-10)
100 224.0 983 200 P M C(JO+) MCW(IO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02807300) CSS- 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(lO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)
101 390.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

Kaggala P M«5) H(IO+) THPTW CV«5)
102 56.0 776 165 PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02807500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

418.0 1,125 216 P M CCI 0+)
H(IO+) T HP W TK PO(~ 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
CV«5) B$«5)
(02807600) MCW(!O+) C SS- PH« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
CP«5) NCS(IO+)
PHCC5-1O) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Dammanahalli P(2) M H(!O+) CV«5)
104 1&1.0 735 164 CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02807700) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) SP(IO+)
SS- PH«5) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)


Had)'a P(2) M S THPTW CPCM(S- CV«5)
105 298.0 1,951 411 MCW(5-10) W TK C SS- PO PH(4) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02807800) C(IO+) 10) SP{lO+)
PHC(5-10) NCS(IO+). NW(IO+)
106 292.0 - _ Uninhabited - - - -

Sakkare PM«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

107 THPTW CV«5)
123.0 515 99 PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(!O+)
(02808000) C(lO+) MCW«5) WSS- SP(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(1O+)
PHCC5-10) ST(IO+)

Mayigowdaoahalli H(IO+) NCS BS

108 359.0 THPTW PHPO« CV«5)
912 199 P M C(!O+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(!O+)
(02808100) MCW(1o+) WTKCSS-5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)
PHCC5-10) ST(IU+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As 0111999)
Approach Neares.t town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. arca under different types of land usc in Name of ,illage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectarc)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) . gated ble waste available
(including for cu'nva
gauehar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagam GC(69.4)
EA Tobacco Process 176.9 23.4 12.3 Yaremanuganahalli 96
(38) T(6?.4)

R MR F Krishnarajanagara GC(259.S)
P P (10) EA NM Tobacco Process 36.1 29.7 IS.5 Channamgere 97
T(259.S) .

Krishnarajanagara GC(170.3)
PRMRFP EA NM Tobacco Process 98.5 51.0 21.3 Chikkahanasoge 9S
(35) T(l70.3)

Krishnarajanagara GC(SO.2)
MRFP EA NM 46.6 10.3 Bandahalli 99
(30) T(SO.2)

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara Rice, Paddy, GC(161.9)

EA NM 36.4 0.5 25.2 Kolllr 100
(30) Tobacco T(161.9)

------ Uninhabited -------- Kolurhalltha 101

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara S.O Kaggala

EA N Tobacco 33.9 14.1 102

Krishnarajanagara GC(241.0)
MRFP EA Tobacco 128.6 11.4 37.0 Nadappanahalli 103
(2S) 1(241.0)

Krishnarajanagara GC(S1.2) 104 .

PRMRFP (26) EA 55.9 14.0 S.4 Dammanahalli
10.7 T(91.9)

Krishnarnjanagam 161.6 15.5 35.1 Hadya 105
PRMRFP (28) EA NM Tobacco, Rice TK(S.9)

- - Uninhabited ------ Hadyahanrha 106

Krishnarajanagara 83.6 26.6 12.S Sakkare 107

PRMRFP (25) EA Tobacco, Rice

Krishnarajanagara TK(S.I) 235.3 40.S 5.3 Mayigowdanahalli 108
EA Tobacco Process


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities u\'oilnblc {if not aV3ilahic nithin the Yillagc, :I lhlSh (-) is shown in the 'Column and next to
Rum & Location code area of populati of' house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \'iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ lans of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is gi\'cn)
vmage Census) (2001 Educational Medicnl Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water t~legraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& .cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
lelephune banks lural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
sode ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13

Diddahalli PM S H(lO+) THPTW

- OCS(2)
109 192.0 831 168 . • PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02808200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) 1KRCSS- PH«5) SP(IO+)
CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)


110 287.0 2,201 480 S(2) PUC PHS(3)FWC PO PH(6) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02808300) WCSS- 5) SP(IO~)
C(IO+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
CY«5) BS« 5)
III 126.0 3 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- wcss- PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(O280~400) SP(5-1O) RS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC(S-I 0) PH(<:: 5) CP(5·10) NCS« 5)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)


Srceramapura THPTW PH(2) CY(IO+)
112 385.0 1,194 282 P M C«5) MCW(IO+) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02808500) WCSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)
H;lleyuru P(3) M S TTWWC PO PH(20) CM CP«
II] 882.0 5,581 1,269 H(IO+) OCS(2) SP(10+) RS(IO+)
(02808600) C(IO+) SS- 5)
MCW(IO+) ACS«5) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

Ankanahalli P(2) M S H(IO+) THPTW CV{< 5)
114 251.0 1,197 235 W TK C SS. PO PH CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02808700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(1O+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(1O+)

H« OCS(2)
(iuddugana\1alli P(2) M« 5) THPT\V CV« 5) BS« 5)
115 410.0 561 113 5) MCW«5) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02808800) C(IO+) WCSS- SP(JO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS« 5)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Somanahalli H(IO+) THPTW CY«5)
116 248.0 919 181 P M C(lO+) 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) ACS« 5) RS(10+)
(02808900) MCW«5) WCSS- SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CPO 0+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

BenaganahalIi H(IO+) THP1'W

117 228.0 751 155 P M C(lO+) PO« 5) CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02809000) MC\V(lO~) TK SS- SP(IO+)
PH(5-IO) CP(5-10) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Kugilur OC3(2) BS
118 H(lO+) THPT\V Cye5-10)
343.0 829 152 P M C(lO+) PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02809100) MC\v(IO+) WTKSS- 3P(10+)
PH(5-IO) CP(5-10) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-1O) 31'(10+)

Chibukahalli P M«5) ACS BS

119 H(IO+) THPTW CPCM(5- CV(5-1O)
257.0 777 144 PO« 5) OC3(2) RS(1O+)
(02809200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TK SS- 10) SP(IO+)
PIl(5-IO) NCS(lO+) NW(5-10)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Kuppe PHS H(5-10) BS

P(4) M(3) S THPT\V NCSOCS CVe5-10)
120 1,391.0 4,314 952 MCW(IO+) PO PH CM(5-1O)
(02809300) C(1o+) WCSS- RS(IO+)
CP(10+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of 'and use in Name of village _ Serial
to "mage distance (in km) supply - paper f commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured bcr
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(induding for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Krislmarnjanagara Tobacco, Sugar,
EA NM nVE(6.1) 79.6 33.5 IU Diddahalli 109
(20) Silk

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara Tobacco Process,
EA NM TWE(24.(» 18.5 24.7 70.S Hosur 110
(20) Sugar, Silk

EA WE(3.9) 2.9 40.2 3.4 Kuppehantha III

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagam NM Tobacco Process WE(4.1)
EA 164.3 53.9 35.4 Sreeramapum 112
- (I5)

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara GC(202.7)
EA NM Sugar 38.0 T(202.7) 516.3 76.2 48.9 Haleyuru 113

FP Krishnarajanagara GC(81.3)
PRMR (10) EA N Tobacco Process 142.8 24.3 2.6 Ankanahalli 1I4

Krishnarajanagara GC(73.I)
MRFP EA 294.7 38.2 4.1 Gudduganahalli 115
(20) T(73.I)

MR FP Krishnarajanagam GC(5.6)
EA 222.2 16.2 4.1 Somanahalli 116
PR (26) T(S.6)

Krishnarajanagarn TK(2.5)
PRMRFP (27) EA Tobacco Process 208.6 9.0 8.0-Benaganahalli 117

Knshnarajanagara 279.0 20.0 22.8 Kogilur 118
PRMR FP (27) EA N Tobacco Process TK(15.2)

Krishruimjanagara TK(5.3) 21S.0 21.8 10.9 Chibukahalli 119
PR MR FP (26) EA N Tobacco Process

Krishnarajanagara Sugar, Tobacco, 182.9 Kuppe 120
EA N 235.7 WE(4.9) 617.8 54.6
PRMR FP (20) Paddy


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Numbt:r Amenities a,ailable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
nllm & Location code area of populali of house il in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kDls., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds ,,'here the facility is available is given)
"iIIage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recre.. Communi
(in Census) water lelegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
lelephone ·banks tural and facilities scnice,
olher credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video han, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 I3
Keslur P(4) M(2) S H(IO+) THPTW CV«5)
121 1,328.0 5,449 1,140 WTKCSS- POPII(4) CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(10+)
(02809400) PUCC(IO+) MCW(lO+) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)

Kanchagarakoppal H(lO+) THPnV Pli(2) CV«5)
122 124.0 970 219 P M C(lo+) CM(S-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
II (02809500) MCW(IO+) WCSS- PO«5) SP(1O+)
CP(lO+) ACS(lO+) NW(lo+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)


Malali THPTW
123 445.0 1,322 260 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PO«5) CM«5) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02809600) wcss- PH«5) CP(IO+) ACS(1O+) ST(1o+) NW(1O+)


Hosakotc P(2) M S THPTW POPH(5- CV(5-10)
124 622.0 2,616 546 MCW(IO+) CM(S-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02809700) C(lO+) WCSS- 10) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) ACS«5) NW(10+)

Nijaganahalli P M«5) H(IO+) THPTW CV(5-10)
125 245.0 446 91 PO«5) CM(S-10) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02809S00) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) WSS· SP(W+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Mavathur Hantha
126 243.0 - _ Uninhabited -------

127 Hantha 466.0 - _ Uninhabited ----------

P« H(5- OCS(2)
CV«5) BS«5)
128 353.0 6 3 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- CSS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02810100) SP(5-10) RS(5-IO)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)
129 306.0 - _ Uninhabited - - - -
130 (02810300)
204.0 - - Uninhabited - - - - -

Buvanahalli p M«5) H(1O+) OCS(2)

131 HPTWW CV(lO+) BS«5)
·363.0 185 45 PO«5) CM« 5) ACS(lO+)
(02810400) C(10+) MCW(IO+) CSS- SP(1O+) RS(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(!O+)

Bachahalli - P« NCS BS
132 155.0 40 II 5) M« 5) C(5- H(IO+) PO«5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(10+)
(02810500) 10) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Hebbal PHS H(5-10) NCS BS RS(5-

133 P(5) M(3) S THPnV CV(5-1O)
853.0 4,733 1,049 MCW(5-10) PO PH( 18) CM CP(5- OCS(2)
(02810600) C(5-10) WCSS· 10) 10)
PHC«5) SP(IO+)
Hebbal Kaval
134 27.0 - - Uninhabited - - - _


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different type. of land use in Name of village Ser;'''
to village distance (in Ian) supply paper! commodity hectare)** num
l\1agazi mannfactured ber
ne --~F~o-r-es~t--~I~r~r~ig-a7te-d~--~U7n~i-r~ri~--C-U~I~tu-r-a---A~re-a-n-o~t-
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cul!iva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR Krishnarajanagara
FP (14) EA N Tobacco Process WE(S.I) 845.5 168.4 77.8 Kestur 121

EA N Tobacco Process WE(4.1) 56.9 14.0 6.2 Kanchagarakoppalu 122

PR M Krishnarajanagara GC{l2.0)
R FP (10) EA N Tobacco Process 315.1 105.0 12.9 Malali 123

PRMR FP EA N Tobacco Process TWE(20.2) 454.8 66.9 31.6 Hosakote 124

Krishnarajanagara TW(3.2)
PR MR FP (18) . EA Tobacco Process 202.3 33.0 ·6.6 Nijaganahalli 125

- - Uninbabited -----.------ Mavathur Hantha 126

- - Uninhahited - - - - - Byadaraballi Hanth:" 121

Krishnarnjanagara GC(293.2)
EA 2.3 6.8 50.7 Kappadihantha 128
(1.8) T(293.2)

- - - Uninbabited - - - - Chandagalhantha 129

------ Uninhabited - - - - - Venkatapura 130

Krishnarnjanagara GC(186.2)
MRFP EA Tobacco 133.8 4.8 38.3 Buvanahalli 131
(12) T(186.2)

Krishnarajanagara GC(69.0)
PRMRFP EA 61.9 3.1 20.9 Bachahalli 132
(J3.) T(69.0)

Krishnarnjanagara GC(395.4)
EA NM 329.0 35.9 92.7 Hebbal 13:3
PRMRFP (10) T(395.4)

- - - Uninbabited - - - - Hebbal Kaval 134


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the ,ill age, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
nllm & Location code area of populnti of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 krns. and 10+ Inns orthe nearest place
ber tbe on (lOot holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational l\lcdical Drinking Post, Commer Agrieul Reerea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations:
hectare) and opera tive agrieul cultuml (Bus
telephone banks tural and facUities sen.;ce,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PIIS 11« 5) NCS

Chandagal THPTW CV«5) BS RS« 5)
135 59.0 2,890 694 P M S C« 5) MCW« 5) PO PH(8) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02810800) WCSS- SP(S-IO) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP« 5) ACS« 5)
Katnalhantha ------- Uninhabited - - - - -
136 358.0

H« OCS(2)
Katnal P(2) M« 5) THPWC PH(2) CV«5) BS RS« 5)
137 92.0 615 122 5) MCW«5) CM« 5) ACS« 5)
(02811000) C«5) SS- PO«5) SP« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP«5) NCS«5)
ST« 5)

H« OCS(2)
Cheernaballi THPWC PH(3) CV«5) BS RS« 5)
138 325.0 2,243 476 PM C«5) 5) MCW«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02811100) Ss- PO« 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP« 5) NCS«5)

11« OCS(2)
Bceranahalli P M« 5) C« TIIP1W PH(3) CV«5) BS« 5)
139 192.0 782 174 5) MC\V«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02811200) 5) WCSS- PO« 5) SP« 5) RS« 5)
PHC« 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5)

11(5- OCS(2)
Madhuvanahalli P(2) M C(5- CV«5) BS«5)
140 153.0 14 3 10) MCW(5- TKSS- PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5)
(02811300) 10) SP(5-1O) RS(5-10)
10) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS« 5)

PHS H(5-10) BS RS(5-

Byadarahalli P(2) M(2) THPTW CPCM(5- ACSNCS CV(5-1O)
141 663.0 3,586 752 MCW(5-10) PO PH(2) 10)
(02811400) 0(2) C(5-1O) WCSS- 10) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PIIC« 5) NW(IO+)

P(3) 1'.1(2) C(sPII: H(S-IO) NCS BS RS(5-

Siddapura THPTW CV(5-10)
142 422.0 2,684 582 10) MeW(5-10) PO PH(6) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)·
(O28ll500) WCSS- SP(5-10)
PHC« 5) CP(S-IO) ACS(5-10) NW(JO+)

- H(5- OCS(2)
143 231.0 539 104 P M(5-1 0) C(5· 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PH PO(5-
CM(S-IO) ACS(5-10)
CV(5-1O) BS«5)
(02811600) 10) 10) PHC« 5) WTK C SS-IO) SP(5-10) RS(5-1O)
CP(5-1O) NCS«5)


Mavathur PM S THPTW CM CV«5)
144 674.0 1,557 322 MCW(lO+) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02811700) C(IO+) W TK C SS- PO PH CP(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

lchanahalli . P M(5-10) 11(10+) GCS(2) BS

145 THPTW CV(5-1O)
318.0 543 103 PO(5-10) CM« 5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02811800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- SP(5-JO)
PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) 8T(10+)

Maragowdanahalli H(IO+) THPTW OCS(2) BS

146 425.0 1,623 326 P !'vi C(1O+) PH PO(5- CV(S-IO)
(02811900) MCW(IO+) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory .
Land Usc (As on-1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to lillage distance (in km) supply paper/ commodity "hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~0-r-es~t----~lr-n7·g-a~t-cd~--~U~n-i-r~ri~---cu-l-tu-r-a----A-T-ea--no-t-

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including· for <ul!iva
gallchar tion

. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Krishnarajanagara GC(l7.4)
EA NM 19.2 5.5 17.0 Chandagal 135

----- Uninhabited ------ Katnalhantha 136

. Krishnarajanagara GC(49.0)
EA NM 29.8 1.5 11.2 Katnal 137

Krishnarajanagara GC(116.9)
PRMRFP (3) EA' NM 144.4 15.2 48.5 Cheemahalli 138

Krishnarajanagara GC(59.3)
EA NM 104.0 4.3 24.4 Beeranahalli 139

Kri",hnarajanagara TK(5.4)
PRMRFP (4) EA NM 69.3 61.1 17.2 Madhuvanahalli 140

Krishnarajanagara WE(10.4)
PRMRFP (6) EA NM Tobacco
504.7 70.2 43.2 Byadarahalli 141

Krishnarnjanagara GC(48.1)
PRMRFP (10) EA NM 308.2 33.8 31.9 Siddapura 142

Krishnarajanagara TK(IO.I) 32.9 4.2 Gowdenahalli 143
PRMRFP (10) EA Tobacco, Cotton 67.8
Krishnarajanagara 230.7 83.2 25.6 Mavathur 144
PRMRFP EA N Tobacco, Cotton 92.7 TK(5.6)
(12) 0(10.5)

. Krishnarajanagara 121.1 3.6 lehanahalli 145
EA Tobacco, Corton 0(7.9) 181.9

Krishmirajanagara 20.2 TK(2.1) 234.8 72.3 36.5 Maragowdanahalli 146
PRMRFP (13) EA Tobacco, Cotton


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the 'iJlage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
Dunl & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 \an•. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is gh'en)
"illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drjnking Post, Commcr Agricul Reer.a Cmnmuni
(in Census) water telegraph eial and eo- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, wa)')

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

- OCS(2)
Madahalli P M(5-10)
t47 298,0 295 51 WTKCSS- PO(5-10) CM(S-IO) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(021112000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P« H(S- OCS(2)
Huralilcamena CV« 5) BS« 5)
148 234,0 S S) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- W TK C SS- PO« S) CM«5) ACS«'5)
Halli (02812100) SP(5-1O) RS(5-JO)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

H« OCS(2)
Adaganahalli THPTW PHPO« CV«5) BS RS«S)
149 461.0 1,281 281 P(3) M C« 5) 5) MCW« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02812200) WTKSS- 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP« S} NCS«S}


Dcgganahalli THPTW PHPO« CV(lO+)
150 662,0 1,742 358 P M C(lO+) MCW(JO+) CM(IO+) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02812300) WCSS- 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) NCS«S) , NW(lO+)

Kanugana Halli PM«5) 11(10+) THPTW PHPO« CVClO+)
151 165,0 902 205 CM(IO+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02812400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WCSS- 5) SP(IO, )
CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Thippur P(2) M(2) S THPTW CP ACSNCS CV(IO+)
152 1,269.0 3,130 682 MC\v(IO+) POPH(2) RS(IO+)
(02812500) C(JO+) WCSS- CM(10+) OCS(2) SP(10+)
PHC« 5) NW(lO+)

Chamalapura 80 PM«5) H(10+) THPnV CV(lO+)
153 18S.0 356 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(JO+)
(02812600) C(lO+) MCW(5-1O) WCSS- SP(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
154 274.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Kamcnahallj H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

P(2) M C(5- THPWC PH(2) CV«5)
155 357.0 1,164 235 CM(5-1O) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02812800) 10) MCW(IO+) SS- PO« 5) SP(5-IO)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Kaggcre PMS H(IO+) NCS BSRS(5-

156 343.0 I,S68 313 POPH(5) CM(5-10) OCS(2) 10)
(02812900) C(1O+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(5-1O)
CP(5-10) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lOI)

Goragundi - H« OCS(2)
157 152 PM«5) 5) MCW(5-10) THPWC PH(2) CV«5) BS RS« 5)
323.0 803 CM(S-IO) ACS«5)
(02813000) C(IO+) PO« S) SP(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) SS- CP(5-10) NCS(5-1O)
158 99.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Manuganahalli P« H(S- NCS BS RS(5-

159 101.0 4 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(S- CSS- PO« 5) CV«5)
(02813200) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
10) 10) PHC« 5) SP(S-IO)
PH« 5) CP(5-1O) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to "illage distance (in km) paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne -------------------------------------------
Forest Irrigated Unini cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste· available
(including for culliva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
MR FP Krishnarnjanagara
PR I (15) EA Tobacco, CoUon 39.7 TK(1.7) 194.0 49.8 6.3 Madahalli 147
O( 1.0) T(8.2)

·EA 2.4 TK(0.4) 171.0 28.0 0.4 Hurnlikamcna Halli 148

MR FP Krishnarnjanagam TK(6.3)
PR (4) EA NM 382.7 51.6 20.4 Adaganahalli 149

R FP Krisbnarajanagam GC(l46.S)
PRM (11) EA N 106.6 106.0 302.8 Dcgganahalli ISO

MR FP Krishnarajanagam GC(57.9)
PR (II) EA N 35.0 26.6 45.5 Kanugana Halli 151

R FP Krisbnarajanagam GC(412.2)
PR M (10) EA N 74.6 553.4 228.8 Thippur 152
T(4 I 2.2)

MR FP Krishnarajanagam GC(88.0)
PR (9) EA N 8.5 145 74.0 Chamalapura 153

- - Uninhabited - - - Bannikuppc 154

Krishnarnjanagara GC(l20.8)
PRMRFP (10) EA NM 86.1 120.0 30.0 KamcnahalJi 155

Krishnarajanagara GC(212.5)
PRFP EA NM 72.2 35.2 23.1 Kaggere 156
(7) T(212.5)

Krishnarnjanagara GC(J73.0)
EA NM 39.9 47.9 62.2 Goragundi 157
PRMRFP (8) T(l73.0)

--Uninhabited - - - Yedalbore 158

K.R. Sagar (2) EA 6.1 16.3 20.4 Manuganahalli 159


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,illage Total Total Number Amenitios nmilable (if not a>'ailablc within the ,"ill age, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and next to
num & Location code area of populOli of house it in br,,<kels Ihe distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms~ 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of Ihe nearest plnce
ber Ihe on (2001 holds where Ihe facility is available is given)
,iUnge Census) (200} Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) \Vater telegraph cial and co tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera th'e agricul cultural (Bus
lelephone banks tural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 (> 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mudalakoppalu PM«5)C« MCWPHC THPTW CV«5) BS« 5)
160 193.0 560 115 PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02813300) 5) FWC H«5) WCSS- SP(IO+) RS«5)
PH«:5) CP«5) NCS«5)


Lalanahallj P M('"' 5) C« CV« 5) BS RS« 5)
161 463.0 1,207 272 PHS FWC H« W TK C SS- PTO PH(2) CM« 5) ACS«5)
(02813400) 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
5) CP« 5) NCS«5)

PHS 11(5-10) CV
Narayanapura THPTW PH(8) CPCM« ACSNCS BS RS« 5)
162 333.0 1,067 230 P M« 5) C(5- MCW(S-IO) SP(lO+)
(02813500) WCSS- PO« 5) 5) OCS(2) NW(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) ST(JO+)

- H(5- OCS(2)
Salhigrama 306 P(2) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- T HP TW PH PO« CV« 5) BS RS« 5)
163 355.0 1,655 CM«5) ACS«5)
(02813600) 10) 10) PHC« 5) W C SS- 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)

Southanahalli PM«5) H(lO+) THPWC PH PO« CV« 5)
164 347.0 523 99 CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02813700) C(IO+) MC\V(IO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(1O+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(JO+)

Kallahalli CV«S)
165 582.(\ 2,227 457 P M C(IO+) PO PH CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02813800) MCW(JO+) SS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

H(5- OCS(2)
Mulepellu P M«5) C(5- THPWC PHPO« CV«5) BS RS«5)
166 383.0 927 192 10) MCW(5- CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O)
(028 I 3900} 10) ss- 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO)
Marchahalli P(4) M C(5- 10) THPWTK CV« 5) BSRS«5)
167 413.0 1,444 312 C SS- PO PH(3) CM(5-10) OCS(2)"
(02814000) 10) MC\V(lO+) SP«5) NW(IO+)
CP(5-10) ACS(5-10)
PHC«5) ST(10+)
Lalarndevanahalli OCS(2) CV
P M« 5) C(5- H(5-IO) THPTW PH(6) BSRS
168 159.0 696 168 CM«5) ACS(5-1O) SP(IO+)
(02814100) 10) MC\V(5-1O) WCSS- PO« 5) NW(lO+)
CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) ST(lO+)
PHC« 5)
Basavarajapura P M(5-1O) C(5· H« 5) NCS
169 260.0 1,311 295 CM«5) GCS(2)
(028}4200} 10) MCW«5) W TK C SS- PO PH(2) SP(lO+) NW(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS«5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Hosahalli M - H(5- OCS(2)

170 434.0 1,670 383 P « S) C(5- 10) MC\V(5- T HP W C CMCP(5- CV«5) BSRS
(02814300) POPH(5) ACS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC«:5) SS- 10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chowkaba11i PHS H«5) NCS

171 249 P M« 5) C« THPTW PH(6) CV«5) BS RS«5)
259.0 U7:5 MCW« 5) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02814400) 5) WCSS- PO«5) SP(lo+)
PHC«5) NW(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS«5)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power Ne,,'s Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to ~'illage distance (in kin) supply paper/ commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F-o-r.-s-t--~Ir-r~ig-a-t.-d-----U-n-ir-n-·----cu-I-tu-r-a---A-r-e-a-n-o-t

(hy source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MRFP K.R. Sagar (2) EA N WE(3.2) 26.6 lOA 16.2 Mudalakoppalu 160
T( 139.8)

Krisl)narnjanagara Paddy, WE(1.6)
MRFP EA NM 204.9 28.6 40.3 Lalanahalli 161
(3) Vegetables TWE(6.5)

P~ MR FP Krisbnarajanagara EA N WE(2.0) 131.3 13.5 30.8 Narayanapma
(9) . 162

PR MR FP Krishnarnjanagara GC(208.2)
EA 39.9 82.0 25.0 Sathigrama 163
(9) T(208.2)

PR MR FP Krisbnarajanagarn GC(117.3)
EA NM 53.8 169.4 6.5 Southanahalli 164
(10) T(117.3)

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagara GC(67.9)
EA NM 40.5 434.6 39.0 Kallahalli 165
(10) T(67.9)

Krishnarnjanagara GC(68.3)
MRFP EA NM 5004 161.9 102.4 Mulepetlu 166
(10) T(68.3)

Krisbnarajallagara GC(156.9)
MRFP EA NM 31.8 174.2 50.1 Marchahalli 167
(8) T(156.9)

MRI'P K.R. Sagar (S) EA N Paddy, Rice 29.8 15.2 52 Lalamdevanahalli 168

Krisbnarajanagara WE{S.3) 113.3 5.7 21.3 Basavarnjapura 169

PR MR FP Krishnarnjanagara EA N 266.1 26.5 52.3 89.1 Hosahalli 170


Krishnarajanagara TWE(22.8) 73.0 20.9 10.6 Chowkahalli 171


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the \illage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati orhouse it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krnS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ Ions of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the faeility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, nOR- tional& cations
hectare) and opera live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemoi railway
socie tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 13
172 92.0 ---- Uninhabited ------

PHS H«5) OCS(2)

Kalenaholli peS) M(:!) THPTW PO PH« CV«5) BS« 5)
173 499.0 2,118 454 MCW«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02814600) C«5) WSS- 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5)
PHC«5) CP«5) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H« OeS(2)
Arokere THPTW PH(5) eV«5) BS RS« 5)
174 404.0 1,221 246 P M C« 5) 5) MCW«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02814700) WCSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) CP«5) NCS«5)

1'(3) M S C(5- - H(S- NCS

Dornahalli CMCP(5- ev(S-IO) BS RS« 5)
175 280.0 1,903 412 I 0) (0) MCW(5- T HP C SS-. PO PH(4) OCS(2)
(02814800) 10) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
10) PHC« 5) ACS(5-10)

- H(5- OCS(2)
Basavapatna I' 1\'1« 5) C(5- 10) MCW{5- THPWC PH PO« Cv(S-IO) BS RS« 5)
176 209.0 376 71 CM{<5) ACS{5-10)
(02814900) 10) 5) SP(5-IO) NW(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) SS- CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO)

H(5- OCS(2)
Hangaraboyonahal I' M« 5) C(5- Cv(S-IO) 8S«5)
177 93.0 540 90 10) MCW(5- T HP C SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(5-1O)
Ii (02815000) 10) SP(IO') RS« 5)
(0) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-1O)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)
178 97.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

0(5) DA(4)
P(236) 1\1H(2) PO(49)
TK(58) ACS(II) 8S(12 I)
Block Total 5960LO 208566 44122 i\I(1l3) S(35) PIIC(9) TO(6) CM(l5)
HP(139) NCS(63) CY(Il) RS(S)
PllC(6) C PHS(61) PTO(4) CP(lS)
TW(1l9) OCS(311) NW(3)
0(3) FWC(9) PH (879)
C(119) L


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. :area under different types of land usc in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in krn) supply" paper I commodity hectare)** num
1\fngazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-r-es-t--~I~r-n~'g-a~te-d~--~U7n~i-rn~'----c-u~l-ru-r-a---A~r-e-a-n-o-t-
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culliva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
- - - Uninhabited ------ Kantenahalli 172

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagam EA N" 385.3 77.6 Kalenallalli

36.1 173

PR MR FP Krishnamjanagam EA TWE(t8.g) 221.6 11.4 Arakere
N 46.6 174

PR MR FP Krishnarajanagam GC(l35.3)
100.2 23.3 21.3 Dornallalli 175

PR MR FP ~Shnamjanagam GC(168.3)
EA N 26.0 ·S.I 6.6 Basavapatna 176

PR Krishnarajanagam GC(57.6)
MRFP (10) EA N 3.3 19.2 12.9 Hangarnboyanahalli 177

- - - Uninhabited - - - Mallahalli 178

) W(9.49)
PR(lI7) WE(364.4)
I\1R(]47) TW(3.24)
N(90) 23880.6 7587.] 5541.1
FP(148) EA(]56) 780.7 TWE(38].43
NC NR ) TK(556.14)
NW(3) R(12.14)

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~~ I:
"' Iil Jl on ,,-
'"'" '"'" II" "-
~ II"
Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 200] Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
Name of CD Block: Mysore
Name of Sub-Dist: 0004

Amachawadi 02816400 160070007000700149

2 Anagalli 02822100 160070007000700103
3 Anandur 02815700 160070007000700156
4 Aragowdanahalli 02827600 160070007000700042
5 Arasinakere 02824300 160070007000700087
6 Ayarahalli 02828800 160070007000700045
7 Ayyajayyanahundi 02820400 160070007000700012
8 Ballahalli 02821200 160070007000700107
9 Bandipalya 02820200 160070007000700001
10 Baradanapura 02822400 160070007000700097
11 Basavanahalli 02819900 160070007000700020
12 Belavadi 02817600 160070007000700129
13 Bhugathagalli 02825400 160070007000700061
14 Bommenahalli 02817900 160070007000700141
15· Byathahalli 02825200 160070007000700118
16 Chandrabeedu 02818500 160070007000700136
17 Chatnahalli 02826500 160070007000700066
18 ChikkahalIi 02825800 160070007000700060
19 Chikkakanya 02825100 160070007000700120
20 Chikkakatuiu 02824800 160070007000700122
21 Chikkanahalli 02816000 160070007000700158
22 Chikkanahalli 02823500 16007000700070009~

23 Choganahalli 02827300 160070007000700079

24 Cholenahalli 02815300 160070007000700151
25 Choranahalli 02826200 160070007000700059
26 Chowdahalli 02820600 160070007000700009
27 Dadadahalli 02822900 160070007000700116
28 Dadadakallahalli 02816700 160070007000700144
29 Danagalli 02822600 160070007000700099
30 Dandikere 02827200 160070007000700081
31 Daripura 02822500 160070007000700098
32 Devagalli 02821900 160070007000700100
33 Devalapura 02828200 160070007000700054
34 Doddakanya 02825000 160070007000700121
35 Doddakaturu 02824900 160070007000700123
36 Doddamaragowdanahalli 02818600 160070007000700138
37 Doora 02824700 160070007000700085
38 Duddagere '02827000 160070007000700075
39 Elwa1a 02817400 160070007000700127
40 Gohalli 02819000 160070007000700133
41 Gopalapura 02822200 160070007000700102
Gudumadanahalli 02828000 160070007000700052
Gujj egowdanapura 02824200 160070007000700090
Gumachanahalli 02823700 160070007000700094
Gungralchatra 02816800 160070007000700145 .
Gurur 02820700 160070007000700008
Hadajana 02827900 160070007000700053
02&20500 160070007000700010
48 Halalu
02819800 160070007000700034
49 Hanchya


Name of the District: Mysore
Serial , Name of ~illage 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number

2 3 4
50 Harohalli 02823600 160070007000700091
51 Harohalli 02825600 160070007000700063
52 Hongate 02826900 160070007000700074,
53 Hosahalli 02829100 160070007000700071
54 Hosahundi 02820100 160070007000700002
55 Hosakote 02815500 160070007000700152
56 Hunnavalli 02816500 160070007000700147
57 Huyilalu 02817700 160070007000700128
58 Inam-Uthanahalli 02829200 160070007000700068
59 Jantllgalli 02827500 160070007000700044
60 lavanahalli 02821000 160070007000700105
6] Jayapura 02823400 160070007000700082
62 lettihundi 02818400 160070007000700132
63 K.Hemmanahalli 02818200 160070007000700131
64 Kadakola 02825300 160070007000700117
65 Kadanahalli 02824100 160070007000700088
66 Kalalavadi 02822800 160070007000700115
67 Kalasthavadi 02819400 160070007000700027
68 Kallinathapura 02815600 160070007000700164
69 Kallurunaganahalli 02816200 160070007000700154
70 Kallurunaganahalli Kaval 02816100 160070007000700155
71 Kamaravalli 02818000 .160070007000700139
72 Karakanahalli 02817200 160070007000700160
73 Keelanapllra 02826700 160070007000700072
74 Kellahalli 02823300 160070007000700126
75 Kemmannupura 02821300 160070007000700108
76 Kenchalagudu 02821800 160070007000700113
77 Kergalli 02821500 160070007000700110
78 Kesare 02819600 160070007000700032
79 Kiralu 02828900 160070007000700077
80 Kochanahalli 02828600 160070007000700048·
81 Koodanahalli 02828500 160070007000700049
82 Koorgalli 02817500 160070007000700165
83 Kumarabeedu 02818900 160070007000700134
84 Kumbarahalli' 02828300 160070007000700046
85 Kuntanahalli 02827400 160070007000700078
86 Kuppaluru 02820300 160070007000700004
87 Kuppegala 02829300 160070007000700069
88 Lalithadripura 02825900 160070007000700057
89 Laxmipura 02819300 160070007000700026
90 Madagalli 02818300 160070007000700130
91 Madahalli 02820900 160070007000700104
92 Madapura 02827700 160070007000700043
93 Madaragalli 02828400 160070007000700050
94 Maddur 02823900 160070007000700092
95 Madhavagere 02826600 160070007000700067
96 Mallahalli 02821100 160070007000700106
97 Mandakalli 02820800 160070007000700003
98 Mandanahalli 02824000 160070007000700089
99 Manikyapura 02818100 160070007000700140
100 Marase 02828100 160070007000700051
101 Marasettihalli 02827800 160070007000700055



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
102 Maratikyathanahalli 02821400 160070007000700109
103 Marballi 02824500 160070007000700084
104 Mavinahalli 02822300 160070007000700096
105 Megalapura 02817000 160070007000700161
106 Megalapura 02826800 160070007000700073
107 Mosambayanahalli 02829000 160070007000700076
108 MuIluT 02822000 160070007000700101
109 Murudagalli 02823200 160070007000700125
110 Mydanahalli 02817100 1'60070007000700162
III Nadanahalli 02820000 160070007000700035
112 Naganahalli 02819200 160070007000700025
113 Nagarthahalli 02821700 160070007000700111
114 Nagawala 02817800 160070007000700142
115 Nanagalli 02824600 160070007000700086
116 Nuggahalli 02818700 160070007000700137
117 Pillahalli 02827100 160070007000700080
118 Puttegowdanahundi 02826400 160070007000700065
119 Ramanahalli 02815200 160070007000700033
120 Rammanahalli 02819700 160070007000700150
121 Rattanahalli 02817300 160070007000700143
122 S. Kallahalli 02823800 160070007000700093
123 S.Hemmanahalli 02816300 160070007000700148
124 Sarakariuthanahalli 02826000 160070007000700056
125 . Shettinayakanahalli 02818800 160070007000700135
126 Shyadanahalli 02819100 160070007000700024
127 Siddalingapura 02819500 160070007000700028
128 Sindhuvalli 02823000 160070007000700119
129 Someshwarapura 02828700 160070007000700047
130 . Subramanyapura 02815800 160070007000700163
131 Thaluru 02823100 160070007000700124
132 Thoreyanakaturu 02824400 160070007000700083
133 Udbum 02822700 160070007000700114
134 Undavadi 02815900 160070007000700157
135 Vajamangala 02825500 160070007000700062
136 Varakodu 02825700 160070007000700064
137 Varuna 02826300 160070007000700041
138 Yachegowdanahalli 02816600 160070007000700146
139 Yadahalli 02821600 160070007000700112
140' Yadakola 02829400 160070007000700070
141 Yandahalli 02826100 160070007000700058
142 Yedahalli . 02815400 160070007000700153
143 Yelachahalli 02816900 160070007000700159


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of Yillage Total Total Number' Amenities available (if not available witbin the Yillage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & L<lcation code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \iz.< S kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofthe nearest place
bcr the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is gh'cn)
"ill age Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agticul Rccrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cia I and co tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and OlM'ra tive agt'icul cultural (Bus
telephone banks Iural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema/ railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports 'water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
CD Block: l\lysorc (0004)
Ramanahalli - - Uninhabited - - -
Cholenahalli - - Uninhabited - - -
2 508.0
Yedahalli P(2) M C(5- H(IO+) THPWR PH(4) CV(5-1O)
3 402.0 1,056 223 CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) BSRSNW
(02815400) 10) MCW(1O+) OSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
4 195.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

- H(5- OCS(2)
Kallinathapura CV(5-1O) BS« 5)
5 156.0 1I2 24 P M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- HP SS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) ACS(5-10)
(02815600) 10) '10)PHC«5) SP(IO+) RS« 5)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)

He< BS RS(5-
Anandur ACSNCS CV«5)
6 1.199.0 1,570 330 P MCCIO+) 5) MCW«5) TTWSS- POPH(3) CM(5-IO) 10)
(028\5700) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHCC<5) CP(IO+) NW(lO+)
7 70.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

H« OCS(2)
Undavadi CV«5) BS RS«5)
8 362.0 740 155 P MC(IO+} 5) MCWe< 5) TTWSS- PO«5) CM« 5) ACS«5)
(02815900) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS«5)

Chikkanahalli P(2) M H(IO+) PH(2) CV«5) BS RS«5)
9 494.0 1,680 381 TTWSS-- CM(5-10) ACS«5)
(02816000) C(lO+) MCW«5) PO«5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS«5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Knllurunagnnahalli P« H(5- OCS(2)

10 333.0 7 2 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- RSS- PO«5) Cl\'I«5) ACS«5) 5) RS(5-
Kaval (02816100) SP(5-10)
10) 10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5) 10)
Kallurunaganahalli PM SCCS- H(IO+) THPWR NCSOCS CV(5-10)
II 950.0 1,717 384 PO I'H(12) CM(5-10) BSRSNW
(02816200) 10) MCW(IO+) OSS- ACS«5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)


S.Hcmmanahalli PM«5) CV«5)
12 145_0 1.454 315 MCW(IO+) T1WSS- POPH(3) CM(5-IO) OCS(2)
(02816300) C(IO+) 10)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS(5-1O) NW(JO+)

Amachawadi H(IO+) OCS(2)

13 181.0 1,577 PHPO« CV(5-1O) BSRS
(02816400) 317 P MCCIO+) TTWSS- CM(5-1O) ACS(S-IO)
MCW(IO+) 5) SP(1O+} NW(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(5-10)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+)
14 137.0 - - Uninhabited - - -


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest tmm & Power News Most important Land nse (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) snpply paper I commodity hectare)** nurn
Magazi 'manufactured ber
ne --~------~--------~~~--~-------------
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

- - - Uninhabited - - - Ramanahalli

- - Uninhabited - - - - Cholenahalli 2

~MR FP Mysore (0) EA N

Paddy. Ragi.
81.5 252.6 28.1 Yedahalli

--Uninhabited - - - Hosakote 4

MRFP Mysore (0) EA N 24.4 11.6 50.0 70.0 Kallinatbapura 5

PR MR FP Mysore (20) EA NM Bricks 363.1 4.8 825.0 Anandur 6

--Uninhabited - - - SubrarnanyaplIfll

PR MR FP Mysore (17) EA N 88.5 272.9 Undavadi 8

PIt Mysore (19) EA NM 398.8 41.8 43.2 Chikkanaballi 9
T(JO.3) .

NW Mysore(19) EA R(9.0) T(9.0} 110.0 198.9 15.2 10

PRMRFP M re(O) . Paddy. Ragi. R(63.2)

EA NM 679.9 141.2 65.7 Kallurunaganahalli II
NW yso Jower T(63.2)

PR MR FP Mysore (22) EA NM 78.3 55.1 S.Hemrnanahalli 12

TWE(2.6) 13
PR Myso~(24) EA NM 55.8 122.5 Amachawadi

--Uninhabited - - - HunnavaIli 14


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "ill age Total Total Number Amenitios available (if not available witbin tbe village, a dasb (-) is sbown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of I)opulali of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges Yiz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ufthe nearest place
ber tbe on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
"mage Census} (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer AgricuI Rccrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectarc) and opera th.., agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen'ice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports ,,,'atcr
club, way)

2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IJ 12 13
OeS(2) BS RS(5-
Yachcgowdanahall PM«5) H(IO+) THPTW CV(IO+)
15 430.0 850 180 PO«5) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-IO) 10)
i (02816600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) WSS- SP(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+)

. Dadadakallahalli
462.0 1,447· 303
P(2) M HclO+) THPWlK PO(~5) CP
(02816700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-· PH« 5) CM(IO+) SP(lO+)
ACS«5) NW(JO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)


Gungralchatm P(3) M PH(l5) ACSNCS CV«5)
17 484.0 1,787 406 MCW(lO+) TTWSS- CM(5-IO) 10)
(02816800) C(IO+) PO(S-IO) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(lO+) NW(lO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Yelachahalli 134 PM«5) CV(JO+)
18 462.0 636 5)MCW(10+) HPTWW PO«5) CM« 5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02816900) qlO+) PHC(5-10) SS- SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(10+) NW(JO+)

- H« Nes BS
Megalapura P M« 5) CV(IO+)
19 251.0 537 112 5)MCW(10+) HPTWW PO«5) CfVI«5} OeS(2) RS(IO+)
(02817000) C(lO+) S1'(IO+)
PHC(S-IO) SS- PH«5) CP(lO+) AC.S(lO+) NW(lO+)

- H« NeS BS
Mydanahalli CPCM« CV(IO+)
20 551.0 1,102 240 P M C(lO+) 5) MCW(I 0+) T TW W SS. PO PH(< OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02817100) 5) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-1O) 5) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)

KaraJcanahalli - H« OCS(2) BS RS(5-

P(2) M« 5) PHPO« CV(IO+)
21 428.0 1,144 227 5)MCW{lO+) THPTW CM«5) ACS«5) IO)NW(5-
(02817200) C(IO+) 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(S-IO) W SS- CP(IO+) NCS«5) 10)

Rattanahalli OCS(2) BS
H(IO+) THPWlK - CV(5-10)
22 631.0 1,441 297 P M C(IO+) Ss- POeS- IO) CM(5-1O) ACS(-< 5) RS(IO+)
(02817300) MCW(S-IO) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(\O+)
PHC(5-10) ST(JO+)

Elwala PO TO CV BS RS(5-
23 893.0 8,327 1,875 PTO CMCP SP(IO+) . 10)NW«
(02817400) S(2) C(lO+) RMP(2} WTKSS- OCS(2)
PH(2S) ST(IO+) 5)

Koorgalli P M S H(lO+) OCS BS

24 689.0 THPTW CV(IO+)
(02817500) 5,019 1.369 PO«5) CM«5) ACS(lOr) RS(lO+)
C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(JO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Bclavadi RMP(2)CHW BS
719.0 3,921 961 CMCP
(02817600) C(IO+) PH(2S) RS(IO+)
MCW(IO+) WTKSS- OCS(2) S1'(5-1O)
PHC(5-10) ST(JO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land lise in Name of "ilJage Serial
to "illage distance (in km) su pply paper I commodity hectarc)** num
Magan manufactured ber
nc --=F~o-r~--t--~lr-n~'g-a-tc-d~--~U~n~ir-n~'----e-u~lt-ur-a---A--re-a-n-o--t

(by 50llrce) gated ble waste a"aiJable

(including for culti"a
gauchar tiun

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MRFP MysOIC (27) EA 1.2 T(I06.0) 183.4 115.8 23.6 Yachcgowdanahalli 15

MRFP Mysore (26) EA 43.3 WE(53.6) 330.0 23.8 Dadadakallahalli 16

PR MR FP Mysore (20) EA NM Bricks 379.5 9.2 40.4 Gungralchatrn 17

PR MysOIC (0) EA 188.6 247.9 J3.7 Yclachahalli 18

PR MR FP MysOIC (20) EA NM TWE(12.1) 171.1 60.2 7.0 Mcgalapura 19

PR MR FP MysOIC (19) EA NM TWE(44.5) 408.3 68.5 25.7 Mydanahalli 20

PR MR FP Mysore (16) EA NM Bricks 313.7 106.3 Karnkanahalli 21

MRFP MysOIC (24) EA 304.1 259.0 2K3 Rattanahalli 22

PR MR FP Mysorc (IS) EA NM Bricks 463.5 11.8 20 I. 9 Elwala 23
209.S T(6.0)

TWE(4.2) 24
PR MR FP Mysorc (10) EA NM 205.0 SO.3 383.5 Koorgalli
4S.9 T(4.2)

Ragi, Jowar, TWE(13.0) 580.0 105.8 Bclavadi 25
PRMR Mysore(lO) EA NM


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,illago Total Total Number .Amenities available (if not Byailablc within the village, a dash (-) is sbown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facilily is available is given)
~illag~ Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultnral (Bus
telephone bankS tural and fa.cilltles seryice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video ball, station,
Sports water
clnb, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .11 12 13

Huyil31u THPDV PH(12) CV(lO+) BSRS
26 783.0 2,017 398 P M C(!O+) MCW(10+) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02817700) WTKSS- PO«5) SP(IO+) NW{lO+)
PHC(5-IO) CP«5) NCS(1O+)
Nagawala P(3) M H(IO+) CV(5-10)
27 926.0 3,011 612 TTWSS- POPH(4) CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(10+)
(02817800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+)

Bomrnenaha\li H(IO+) CV(5-1O)
28 688.0 1,390 264 P M C(1O+) TTWSS- PO«5) CM(5-JO) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02817900) MCW(IO+) SP(1O+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-lOl ST(1O+)

Kamamvalli H(IO+) THPTW PHPO« eY(S-IO)
29 303.0 1,039 219 P M C(10+) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O) RS(10+)
(02818000) MCW(IO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(JO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Munikyapura P M«5) H(IO+) THPDV PH PO« CV(5-1O)
30 211.0 413 74 CM(5-1O) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02818100) C(10+) MCW(IO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

K.Hemmanahalli H(lO+) THPDV PH(15) CP CV(1O+)
31 597.0 908 178 P M C(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02818200) MCW(lO+) WTKSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) SP(IO+)
NCS(IO+) NW(1O+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(10+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Madagalli P(2) M PH(12) CV(lO+)
32 335.0 1,818 380 5) MCW(IO+) T HP TW CM(1O+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02818300) C(1O+) PO«5) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) W SS- CP(1O+) NCS(IO+) NW(1O+)
. ST(10+)
lellihundi H(IO+) OCS(2) BS
THPDV PH(8) CV« 5)
33 187.0 948 205 P M C(1O+) CM(10+) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02818400) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(1O+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)
34 41.0 - _ Uninhabited - - - -
Doddamamgowda OCS(2) BS
P(3) M S H(10+) THPTW CPCM(5- CV(S-10)
35 nahalli 1,215.0 3,031 576 POPH(2) ACS(5-1O) RS(lO+)
CCI 0+) MCW(IO+) SS- 10) SP(lO+)
(02818600) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Nuggahalli H(10+) OCS(2) BS

36 THPDV PH PO«· CV«5)
153.0 541 83 P M C(IO+) CM(lO+) ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02818700) MCW(10+) SS- 5) SP(!O+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«S) ST(1O+)

Sbettinayakan3h311 H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

37 312.0 1,147 THPTW PHPO« CV«5)
221 P M C(IO+) CM(10+) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
i (02818800) MCW(1O+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Kumarabeedu PHSH(IO+) NCS CV BS

38 253.0 THPDV PH(15)
1,341 281 P M C(IO+) MCW(1O+) CM(lO+) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(10+)
(02818900) SS- PO«5)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) ACS«5) ST(IO+) NW(1O+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town ~ Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)"" nurn
1\1agazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~or~e~st~--~Ir-r7ig-a~te-d~--~U7n7ir-n7'--~c~ul~tu-r-a---A~r-ffi-.-n-o~t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culth'a
ganchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
Ragi. Jowar,
PRMR Mysore (15) FA NM TWE(7.3) 651.7 79.0 26.9 Huyilalu 26

PR MR FP Mysore (19). FA NM Bricks 793.3 42.9 68.8 Nagawala 27

MRFP Mysore (20) FA NM 393 TWE(I5.7) 370.0 139.0 124.0 Bommenahalli 28

. T(15.7)

PR MR FP Mysore (20) EA N
240.4 40.4 12.6 Kamamvalli 29

MRFP Mysore (20) EA N
135.1 43.7 9.4 Manikyapura 30

PR MR FP Mysore (12) EA NM 408.5 45.2 75.0 K.Hemmanahalli 31

PRMR Mysore (0) EA NM Bricks TW(9.7) 220.7 67.2 22.9 Madagalli 32

PR MR FP Mysore (11) EA NM 128.7 4.9 15.8 Jettihundi 33

- - Uninhabited -~-~~~ Chandrabeedu 34

TWE(51.0) Doddamaragowdana
PR MR FP Mysore (0) EA NM 898.9 235.5 29.5 halli 35

TWE(33.6) 36
PR MR FP Mysore (17) EA NM 119.0 0.4 Nuggahalli

TWE(16.6) 37
MRFP Mysore (16) EA NM 252.5 28.3 14.7 Shettinayakanahalli

TWE(61.9) 21.2 Kumarabccdu 38

PR MR FP Mysore (13) EA NM 163.8 6.1


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of Yillage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, :1 dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
nurn & Location code area of populati of house itin brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (20tH holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- lion:1l& cations
hectare) und opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
lelephone banks lunll and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties: Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Gohalli P M«5) H(IO+) THPTW PH 1'0« CV«5)
39 149.0 271 57 CM(lO+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(028190()() C(lO+) MCW(lO+) S3- 5) SP(JO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Shyadanahalli P M« 5) C(5- H(lO+) CV(lO+) BS«5)
40 353.0 636 154 THP CSS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02819100) 10) MCW(IO+) SP(5-1O) RS« 5)
PH« 5) CP«S) NCS« 5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(\O+)

41 S47.0 3,340 698 PHCFWC T HI' C SS- PO PH(15) CM CP
(02819200) 10) OCS(2) SP(5-10) NW(\O+)

1'(4) M(2) C(SD H(1O+) NCS

L'lxmipura T HI' C SS- PO Pll\< CV(IO+) BS RS«S)
42 199.0 1,350 273 10) MCW(lO+) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02S 19300) 5) SP(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) CP«S) ACS«5)

(') - H(S- NCS

Kalasth:nvadi 280 P0- M(2) C(S· 10) MCW(5- THP'CSS- PO«5) eV(5-10) BSRS«S)
43 484.0 1.232 CM«5) OCS(2)
(02819400) SP(S-IO) NW(IO+)
I ) 10) PHC« S) PH« 5) CP«5) ACS« 5)

Siddalingapura P(2) M(2) S CV(5-10) BS RS«5)
44 73.0 2,810 639 10) MCW(5- THPCSS- PO« 5) CMCP OCS(2)
(02819500) C(5-IO) SP(5-10) NW(lO+)
10) PHC«5) PH«5) NCS(5-IO)

H(5- BS RS(5-
Kesarc P(4) M(3) S NCSOCS eV«5)
45 944.0 S,289 1)31 10) MCW(5- THPCSS- PO«5) CM«S) 10)
(02819600) C(5-1O) ACS«5) SP(S-IO)
10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP«5) NW(IO+)

PHS H(lO+) OCS(2) ev BS

Rammanahalli P(2) M PO
46 573.0 . 7,474 1,456 C(IO+) MCW(IO+) HPTKSS- CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02819700) PII(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Hanchya 436 P(2) M S THPTW PH(3) ACSNCS CV«5)
47 939.0 2,044 PHSFWe CM(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02819800) C(1O+) SS- PO«5) OCS(2) SP(lO+)
H(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« H(5- OCS(2)

BasnvanaIialii CV«S) BS«S)
48 441.0 83 19 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02819900) « 5) SS- SP(5-IO) RS(S-IO)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
ST(1O+) NW(JO+)

Nadanabalii P M« 5) C(5- NH H(S-IO) OCS(2) BSRS(5-

49 254.0 1,767 PH(4) CV«5)
(02820000) 379 10) MCW(5-1O) HPTWSS- CM(5-1O) ACS«5) 10)
PO«5) SP(5-10)
PHC«S) CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

Hosahundi - H(5- NCS BS RS(S-

50 213.0 1,537 338 PMC(5-10) 10) MCW(5- T HI' TW PH(14) eV(S-IO)
(02820100) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
10)PHC«5) WTKSS- PO«5) SP(5-1O)
CP(5-1O) ACS(5-10) NW(1O+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under dilTerent types of land usein Name of ..illage Serial
to "iIIage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\1ng.."l:zi manufactured ber
ne --~F~or-e-s~t--~Ir-r7ig-a7re-d~--7U~n7ir-r7i----cu~l-tu-r-a---A~r-e-a-h-o~t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tiOh

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Mysore (12) EA N 98.2 1.6 Il.l Gohalli 39

MRFP Mysore (12) EA N Sugar 247.7 99.5 Shyadanahall.i 40

PR MR FP Mysore (8) EA NM 92.8 I I 1.3 Naganahalli 41

PR MR FP Mysore (10) EA N Sugar 31.4 2.8 24.9 Laxmipura 42

PRMR Mysore(7) EA NM Sugar
. T(386.4) 27.2 7004 Kalasthavadi 43

PRMR Mysore(7) EA NM Sugar 5.1 I 1.5 Siddalingapura 44

PRMR Mysore (3) EA NM 636.0 125.5 Kesare 45

PRMRFP Mysore(IO) EA NM Sugar 339.7 233.3 Rammanahalli 46

PR MR FP Mysore (10) EA NM Bricks 776.5 59.5 31.8 Hanchya 47

Mysore (10) EA 401.5 7.3 32.2 Basavanahalli 48

TWE(17.0) 19.6 Nadanahalli 49

PR MR FP Mysore (8) EA NM 70.3 147.1

Stones, Crushed 41.4 81.4 Hosahundi 50
PR MR FP Mysore (7) EA NM TK(12.7) 73.3


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Tolal Tolal Number Amenities a\'ailablc {if not n,yailablc within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populali of house it in brackets Ihe distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIDS of the nearest place
ber the on (1001 holds where Ihe facility is a,'ailable is given)
vilhtgt! Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Reeren Communi
(in Census) water telegraph ciaJ and co- rural, 000- tional& catiulls
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
teleph"ne banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13

. H(5- NCS
Bandipalya THPTW PH(6) CV(5-W) BS RS«5)
51 242,0 3,180 658 P(2) M(2) C(5 10) MCW(S- CM«5) OCS(2)
SP(S-lO) NW(lO+)
(0282020() WTKSS- PO«5)
10) 10) PHC( < 5) CP(5-W) ACS(5-1O)

H(5- OCS(2)
Kuppaluru P(2) M«5) PH(2) CV(5-W) BS RS« 5)
52 112.0 905 195 ·10) MCW(5- HP TW SS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) ACS« 5)
(02820300) C(5-l0) SP(5-1O) NW(lO+)
10) PHC« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(S-IO)

P« H(5- PO TO OCS(2)
Ayyajayyanahundi CV« 5) B5«5)
53 44.0 5 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PTOPH« CM«5) ACS«5)
(02820400) « 5) 5S- SP(5-10) RS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC« 5) 5) CP(5-IO) NCS« 5)

P(<- H(5- OCS(2)

Halalu CV«5) BS« 5)
54 223.0 18 4 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- TWWSS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02820500) SP(S-IO) RS(5-10)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS
Chowdahall i PH(3) CV(5-1O)
55 263.0 1,877 337 P M C(5-IO) 10) MeW(5- T TW W CM(5-1O) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02820600) 10) PHC« 5) TK SS- PO«5) SP(S-IO)
CP(5-lO) NCS(5-IO) NW(lO+)

H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5 c

Gurur nv Ss- CV(5-lO)
56 365.0 932 198 P M C(5-IO) 10) MCW(5- HP PH(6) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) 10)
(02820700) PO«S) SP(5.10)
10) I'HC(<5) CP(S-IO) NCS(S-IO) NW(lO+)

Mandakalli P(2) M(2) S THPTW CV«5) BS RS« 5)
57 835.0 3,3\0 641 5) MCW«5) PO PH(18) CM« 5) OCS(2)
(02820800) C«S) WTKSS- SP«S) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP« 5) ACS«5)
ST« 5)

Madahalli OCS(2) BS
H(lO+) THPTW CV«5)
58 558.0 1,427 286 P M C(IO+) PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(5-1O) RS(lO+)
(02820900) MC\V(lO+) Ss- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(10+)

lavanahalli P« H(S- OCS(2)

59 202.0 41 7 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- TWSS- PO«5) CV«5) BS« 5)
(02821000) CM«5) ACS«5)
10) SP(S-IO) RS(5-IO)
10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)
ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

60 257.0 1,613 CP CV«S)
308 PO PH(2) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02821100) C(IO+) RMPSMP SS- CM(IO+) SP(lO+)
H(lO+) ACS«S) NW(IO+)

Ballahalli P M«5) H(IO+) THPTW OCS(2) BS

61 426.0 654 137 PHPO« CV«5)
(02821200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) CM($-IO) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
SS- 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)
62 165.0 - - - Uninhabited - - - - -


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest lown & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise in Name of village Serial
to 'illage distance (in Ian) supply paper I commodity hectare)** lIurn
l\"tagazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~0-~-'~I--~I-rr~ig-a~t-ed~--~U7n~i-rr~i----c-u~lI-ur-a---A~rc-a-n-o~t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for culli,'a
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
Slones. Crushed lWE(l3.9)
PR MR FP Mysore (6) EA NM 54.6 7S.7 64.6 Bandipalya 51
Slones TK(lS.I)

MRFP Mysore (7) EA NM 7&:& 20.2 Kuppalum 52

Mysore(7) EA 44.0 Ayyajayyanahundi 53

Mysore (7) EA lWE(27.5) 110.7 38.6 15.2 Halalu 54

PR MR FP Mysore (7) EA NM Cotton TWE(32.0) 138.8 69.1 5.0 Chowdahalli 55

MRFP Mysore (S) EA NM O(Il.3) 235.3 61.8 Gurur 56

PR MR FP Mysore (5) EA NM 335.1 104.2 284.3 Mandakalli 57

MRFP Mysore (0) EA NM 211.7 T(S.I) 301.0 11.7 25.5 Madahalli 58

Mysore(14) EA 165.8 12.5 Javanahalli 59

PR MR FP Mysore (14) EA NM 193.9 4.4 33.6 Mallahalli 60

PR MR FP Mysore (12) EA 317.9 4.9 5S.9 Balhihalli 61

:...-- Uninhabited ------- Kemmannupurn 62


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "illage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a"ailable within the ,mage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
nurll & Location code area of populnti of house it in brackets the distance iJl broad ranges "jz.<5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
"illage Census) (211111 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Reerea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co. tural, oon- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen-icc,
olher credit (Cinema} railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

r-..laralikyathanahal P(2) M H(IO+) THPTW CV(lO+)
63 384.0 3,348 734 PO PH(IO) CM(IO+) OCS(Zl RS(lO+)
Ii (02821400) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) ACS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)


Kergalli P(5) M(3) THPTW PII(3) CP CV(IO+)
64 818.0 3,064 555 MCW(IO+) OCS(Z) RS(10+)
(02821500) S(2) C(IO+) SS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) .SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ACS(IO+) NW(1O+)

PHS H«5) OCS(2) BS

Yadahalli THPTW PH(2) CV(IO+)
65 298.0 1,007 210 P M C(1O+) MCW(IO+) CM(lO+) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02821600) WSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)

Nagarthahalli P(2) M S CWC(2)PHC THPTW CV(10+)
66 326.0 1,670 321 PO«5} CM(lO+) ACS«5) RS(10+)
(02821700) C(10+) PHS(Z)FWe WSS- SP(lO+)
PII«5) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
H(10+) ST(1O+)

Kcnchalagudu PM«5) H(IO+) HPTWW PH(2) CV(lO+)
67 33Z.0 491 1m CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02821800) C(IO+) MCW(10+) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Dcvagalli PM«5) H(10+) THPTW PH(2) CV(lO+)
68 294.0 514 95 CM(IO+) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02821900) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) WSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Mullur P(3) M THPTW PH(7) eV(IO+)
69 644.0 735 138 5) MCW«5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02822000) qfo+) WTKSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(JO+)

Anngalli H(lO+) OCS(2) BS

70 658.0 781 1.59 P M C(IO+) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-to) RS(10+)
(02822100) MCW(IO·~) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Gopalapura Nil CHW H(5- T BP W TK NCS BS

71 503.0 2,570 500 P M C(I 0+) CV(IO+)
(02&22200) 10) MCW(5-, PO PH(6) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) RS(!O+)
10) PHC« 5) SS- SP(1O+)
CP(5-10) ACS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Mavinahalli - H« OCS
72 686.0 1,917 365 P M C(10+) 5)MCW(10+) THPTW PO«5) CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02822300) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) W TK SS- PH«5) CP(JO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Baradanapura - H« OCS(2) BS
PM«5) 5)MCW(10+) THPTW CV(IO+)
73 319.0 810 145 PO«5) CM«5) ACS(IO+}
(02822400) C(10+) RS(1O+)
PHC« 5) WTK SS- SP(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) . NW(JO+)

Danpura PM«5) H(IO+) THPTW OCS(2) BS

74 3Z9.0 683 140 PO«5) CV(IO+)
(02822500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

---------------------------- ---------

Village Directory
Land Vse (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of "illage Serial
10 village distance (in kin) supply paper! commodity hectare)** num
Magazi mannfactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri eullura Area not
(by source) gated hIe waste 3\'ailable
(including for cultiva
gau.har lion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP MysQre (10) EA NM
190.1 93,9 64,S Maratikyalhanahalli 63

PR MR FP Mysore (10) EA NM
603.3 82.3 69.9 Kergaili 64

PR MR FP Mysore (0) EA NM Cotton
193.8 64.5 3.3 Yadahalli 65

PR MR FP Mysore (0) EA NM TWE(24.1) 252.4 41.7 4.6 Nagarthahalli 66

PR MR FP Mysore (0) EA NM Cotton TWE(25.0) 223.7 64.7 4.7 Kencbalagudu 67

PR MR FP Mysore (0) EA NM Cotton TWE(II.O) 214.4 59.6 2.2 Devagaili 68

PR MR FP Mysore (16) EA N 438.3 16,7 146,1 MuliuT 69
1.6 TK(2S,9)

PR MR FP Mysorc {I 1) EA 276,8 T(16.2) 334,0 SA 22.7 Anagalli 70

PR MR FP Mysorc (18) EA 242.5 243,9 8.3 Gopalapura 71
0(4,4) T(8.3)

PR MR FP Mysore (21) EA NM 243.211«9,0) 314,9 47.6 S.O Mavinahalli 72


PRMR Mysore(18) EA TK(17,O) 172.3 92.4 4.1 Baradanapura 73

PR MR FP Mysore (17) EA N 270,1 13.2 IS.4 Daripura 74


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is sbown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of popu)ati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges '\'1Z.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms oftbe nearest place
ber the on (2001 bolds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Rccrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities s-enice,
other credit (Cinema! rail""ay
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports ,,'ater
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Oanagalli P(4) M(2) S 1-1(5-10) THPTW CPCM(5- CV(5-ra)
75 696.0 5,881 1,076 POPH(6) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02822600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- 10) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
Udburu r M S CIIW(4) THPTW CM
76 785.0 8,080 1,604 PO PH(lI) CP(lO+) OCS(2) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02822700) C(lO+) 11(10+) WSS-
ACS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5)

Kalalavadi H« THPTW PH(2) OCS ACS(5- CV(~ 5) BS RS(5-

66 P(2) M« 5)
77 614.0 313
C(5-IO) 5) MCW(5-10) W ss- CM(5-10) 10) NCS(5- SP(IO+) 10)
(02822800) PO« 5)
PHC« 5) CP«5) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dadadab.lli 11(10+) T I-IP TW C PH(2) CV(5-10) BS RS« 5)
78 549.0 1,464 266 P M C« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02822900) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) SP(lO+) NW(IO+)
I'HC«5) ST(IO+)
Sindhuvalli 1'(2) M S 1·1(10+) THPTWC PO H( CV(S-IO) BS RS« 5)
79 666.0 3,398 605 SS- P 8) CM(5-10) OCS(2)
(02823000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(lO~·)
I'HC«5) ST(IO+)


TIlaluru CV«5)
80 718.0 1,967 382 P M C(lO+) 5) MC\v(IO+) T HI' W SS- PO PH(4) CM(lO+) OCS(2) 10)
(02823100) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP« 5) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
Murudagalli NCS BS RS(5-
H(IO+) THPTW PH(3) CV«5)
81 282.0 1,428 261 P M C(JO+) CM(IO+) OeS(2) 10)
(02823200) MCW(lO+) WSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP«S) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Kellaballi PH(4) CV«5)
82 358.0 1,020 200 P M C(lO+) S)ro.IC\V(lO+) T HP TW CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02823300) PHC« 5) W TK SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(10+)

83 954.0 1,1106 337 PHS(2)FWC POTOPH RS(10+)
(02823400) C(IO+) WTKSS- CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) SP(IO+)

Cbikkanahalli P(2)M« 5) - 11« HPTWW NCS BS

84 599.0 114 23 CV(IO+)
(02823500) C(IO+) S) MCW(lO+) TK SS- PO«5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
PHC« 5) SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
Harohalli PMS H«5) THPTW ACS BS
85 1,126.0 1,969 393 PO TO CPCM{< CV(S-IO}
(02823600) C(lO+) MCW(I(}t-) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
TI<. SS- PTOPl:!(6) 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

GumacilanaIlalli CHWH(IO+) OCS(2) BS

86 P(2) M« 5) HPTWTI<. PHPO(5- CV(IO+)
512.0 769 167 MCW(lO+) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-iO)
(02823700) C(lO+) SS- 10) RS(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in kIn) supply paper I commodity - hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured . ber
ne ~~~~~~-=~-----------
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culti"3
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR Mysore (0) EA NM 590.9 30.5 46.1 Danagalli 75

PR MR FP Mysore (13) EA NM 614.8 66.6 34.5 Udburu 76

PR MR FP Mysore (8) EA N 295.5 187.4 63.5 Kalalavadi 77

PR MR FP Nanjangud (8) EA NM Brick Industrie TWE(38.0) 404.2 51.0 39.8 DadadahaIli 78

PR MR FP Nanjangud (8) EA NM TWE(24.0) 509.9 61.0 59.1 Sindhuvalli 79

PRMRFP Mysore(15) EA N Cotton 489.1 95.3 53.1 Thaluru 80

PR MR FP Mysore (IS) EA NM 243.1 9.3 19.0 MurudagaUi 81

PR MR FP Mysorc (14) EA NM TK(12.7) 30L2 29.7 3.8 Kellahalli 82

562 TWE(116.2) 526.9 112.1 8.9 Jayapura 83
PR MRFP Mysore (19) EA NM 1 TK(IS.2)

EA NM 44.5 TK(6.8) 328.9 193.0 6.0 ChikkanahaIli 84
PR Mysore (21)

EA N 481.2 TK(2.4) 382.1 217.2 Harohalli 85
PR MR FP Mysore (20)

TWE(I2.1) 86
EA 80.4 412.8 6.7 Gumachanahalli
MRFP Mysore (26) T(I2.1)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ymage Total Total Number Amenities uV3ilablc (if not """ilable "ithin the \illage, u dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of bouse it in brackets the.distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 knls., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commcr Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & . cations
hectare) and opera til'e agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service"
"ther credit (Cinem,If railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
S. Kallahalli P(2) M(2) H(IO+) THPTW CV(S-IO)
&7 632.0 1,490 298 PO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02823800) C(lO+) MC\v(IO+) Ss- SP(IO+)
PII« 5) CP(lOI) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

~:" TWC
Maddur P(2) M CV«5)
88 842.0 1,575 336 FWC CHW(2) PO PH CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02823900) C(lO+) SP(IO+)
H(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Mandanahalli PHPO« CM CV«S)
89 223.0 826 160 P M C(lO+) 5) MCW(S-IO) TTWW ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02824000) PHC« S) TK SS- S) CP(1O+) SP(IO+)
NCS«5) NW(IO+)

- H« OCS(2)
Kadanahalli CV«S)
90 252.0 492 91 P M C(IO+) S)MCW(S-IO) PO«S) Clv!« S) ACS(S-IO)
(02824100) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) PH« S) CP« 5) NCS«S)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Gujicgowdan."pum. 10) MCW(S- TTIVTK CV«5)
91 520.0 1,261 264 P M C(lO+) POPH(3) CM(5-10) ACS« 5) 10)
(02824200) 10) PHC« 5) SS- SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Arasinakcrc PM«5) 11(10+) THPTIV CV(lO+)
92 739.0 1,403 299 PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02824300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- SP(1O+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(1O+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

Thorcyanakaturu H(IO+) THPTW PHPO« CV«5)
93 331.0 1,943 386 P M C(lO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(10+)
(02824400) McW(IO+) WSS- 5) SP(lO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

PHS fu'YlP
Martmlli P(Z) M(2) SMPH(IO+) THPTW CV(5-IO)
94 807.0 4,170 760 POPH(8) CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02824500) C(lO+) MCW(5-1O) WSS- SP(1O+)
CP(1O+) ACS(5-1O) NW(5-10)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

95 509.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Doom P(3) M(2) S NCSOCS CV(S-IO)
96 626.0 4,021 734 PHS FWC T HP W SS- PO PH(20) CM(S-IO) RS(IO+)
(02824700) C(1O+) ACS(1o+) SP(IO+)
Rl';1P H( I0+) CP(S-IO) NW(IO+)
97 38S.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

SMP H(1O+) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Doddakaturu P(2) M THPTW PII(2) CV(S-IO)
98 655.0 1,486 264 MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(5-1O) 10)
(02824900) C(lO+) WTKSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(1o+) NW(lO+)

Doddakanya P(3) M H(lO+) NCS BS RS(5-

99 471.0 THPTW POPH« CV(5-to)
2,351 437 CM(IO+) OCS(2) 10)
(02825000) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) WSS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS(1O+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(10+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
10 village distance (in Ian) supply paper I commodity hcctare)** num
j\.lagazi' manufactured ber
ne --~F~or-e~st~~I~rr~~-a~t-ed~--7.U~n~ir-ri~--c-u~lt-u-ra---A~r-e-a-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culliva
gaucbar fion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Mysore (29) EA 239.7 345.6 22.4 S. Kallahalli 87

MR FP Heggadodevankotc
PR (30) EA N TWE(40.0) 411.2 315.8 38.6 Maddur 88

PR MR FP Mysore (26) EA N TK(I.7) 157.9' 31.7 Mandanahalli 89

MR FP NR Nanjangud (18) EA N 167.4 58.3 Kadanahalli 90

PR MR FP Mysore (24) EA NM TK(18.2) 422.3 27.2 17.9 GujjegowdanapUIa 91

PR MR FP Mysorc (24) EA NM 82.1 TWE(4.1) 486.5 91.2 73.6 Arasinakere 92

PR MR FP Mysore (18) EA NM 262.7 33.7 32.1 Tboreyanakaturu 93

PR MR FP Mysore (20) EA NM 637.9 16.7 147.6 Mmballi 94

--Uninhabited - - . - Nanagalli 95

PR MR.FP Mysore (22) EA NM Pots 479.1 102.8 31.8 Doora 96

--Uninhabited - - - Cbikkakaturu 97

PR MR FP Mysorc (19) EA N TK(l7.4) 460.8 128.8 24.0 DoddakaIuru 98

Mysorc(21) EA N· Iron Magnasite TWE(1.6) 372.6 73.4 Doddakanya 99


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIlls ofth. nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is gh'en)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Re-crea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- 1irmal& cations
hectare) and opera th'c Ilgricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Chikkakanya P M« 5) H(IO+) THPTW PH(3) CV(5-IO) HS RS« 5)
100 204.0 662 118 CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
(02825100) C(lO+) MCW(JO+) WSS- PO« 5) SP(JO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

PHS H«5) OCS(2)

Byathaballi P M«5) THPTW CV« 5) BS RS« 5)
101 308.0 827 165 MCW(IO+) PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02825200) C(IO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP(JO+) NCS(IO+)

Kadakola P(7) M(3) S THPTW ACSNCS CV(IO+) BSRS
102 780.0 5,327 996 RMP(2) PO PH(30) CM CP
(02825300) C(IO+) WCSS- OCS SP(IO+) NW(IO+)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Bhugathagalli 10) MCW(5- THPTW CV«5)
103 403.0 1,926 370 P M C(5-10) PO«5) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-10) 10)
(02825400) 10) PHC« 5) W SS- SP(5-IO)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-10) NCS BS RS(5-

Vajamangala H09 P(2) M C( 5- THPTW CV(5-IO)
104 959.0 4,229 MCW(5-1O) POPH(5) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
(02825500) 10) 'SS- SP(5-IO)
PHC«5) CP« 5) ACS(5-1O) NW(lO+)

~~ss- PO PH(8)
Harohalli P(3) M(2) S CM ACSNCS
105 2,498.0 7,888 1,635 FWC RMP(2) W SP(JO+) RS(lO+)
(02825600) C(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(2)
CHW(2) S1'(IO+) NW(lO+)

Varakodu peS) M(2) S CHWH(JO+) THPTW CV(5-1O)
106 1,632.0 4,348 855 PO PH(lO) CM(IO+) NCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02825700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) wss- CP(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

393 P(3) M(3) C(5. 10) ~cw7t T HP TW

ChikkahalJi OCS(2) CVSP(5- BS RS(5-
107 268.0 1,903 PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) 10) ST(5- 10)
10) 10) PHC« 5) W SS- PH(5-1O) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-1O) 10) NW(JO+)


lOB 554.0 3,692 764 ~~) M(2) C(S· 10) MCW(S- T HP nv POPH(6) CM(5-1O) OCS(2)
(02825900) SP(5-1O)
) IO)PHC«5) WTKSS- CP(5-1O) ACS(5-IO) NW(JO+)

RMPH(5-10) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

SarakariuthanabaJl THPTW PH(3) CV(5-1O)
109 582.0 1,822 347 P MC(5-10) MCW(5-1O) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O)
i (02&26000) SS- PO«5) 10)
PHC« 5) SP(5-IOj
CP(5-1O) NCS(5-10) NW(lO+)

Yandahalli H(lO+) OCS(2) BS

110 337.0 THPTW PHPO« CV(IO+)
809 156 P M C(lO+) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02826100) MC\v(IO+) WTKSS- 5) SP(1O+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Usc (As on 1999)
Apl'roach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in Jan) supply paper J commodity hectare)** num
Magan . manufactured ber
ne -::F:-or-e-st:----:l-:'"r""':ri:-ga-t-ed-:--.".U-:'"n:-ir-n:-·--c-u-lt-u-ra--A-r-e-a-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available.
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Mysore (21) EA N TWE(4.9) 156.5 0.1 24.7 Chikkakanya 100

PRMR Mysore(IS) EA N Tvs, Scooter 237.0 30.9 Byathahalli 101

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM Mats And Toys TWE(62.7) 579.5 88.6 10.3 Kadakola 102
T(I 0 1.6)

PR Mysore(O) EA Ragi, Jowar 283.2 71.2 Bhugathagalli 103

PR MR FP Mysore (8) EA N 745.2 185.5 Vajamangaia 104

PR Bannur(7) EA NM . Beedi Rolling TWE(20.2) 1363.7 505.2 203.4 Harohalli 105

PR MR FP Mysore (13) EA NM 70A TWE(10:5) 1152A 359.7 32.9 Varakodu 106

PR MR FP Mysorc (8) EA 208.~ 6.3 28.7 Chikkahalli 107

MRFP Mysore (7) EA NM Furnitures 318.3 140.2 .94.5 Lalithadrlpura 108

PR MR FP Mysorc (7) EA NM 414.7 59.9 3S.6 Sarakariuthimahalli 109
52.6 T(16.2)

TWE(1.0) 34.5 Yandahalli 110

MRFP Mysore (10) EA NM 286.2 15.4


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serinl Name of village Tobd Total Number Amenities ",'ailable (if not available within tbe village, a dash (-) is shown in tbe column and next to
num & Location code ~lrea of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \'iz.< 5 Ions_,. 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest plnce
ber the on (2001 bolds· ",here the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Cammer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegrapb cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (811s
telephone ban~ tural and facilities senicc,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

- H(5- NCS
Choranahall i PH PO« CV{5-10) BS{5-10)
III 226,0 1,921 391 P M C(5-1O) 10) MCW(5- T HP 1'W CM(5-10) OCS(2)
10) PHC« 5) WTK ~S-
(02826200) 5) SP(5·1O)
CP(5-10) ACS(5-1O)
S1'(5-10) NW(lO+)

112 555,0 2,162 421 MCW(IO+) PO PH(5) RS(IO+)
(02826300) C(10+) TKSS- CP(lM) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) NW(IO+)

Puttegowdanahun H« 5) THPnV ACSNCS CV« 5)
113 164.0 978 196 P M C(lO+) PO« 5) CM{lO+) RS(IO+)
di (02826400) MCW(IO+) WSS- OCS(2) SP(5-10)
PH«5) CP{lO+) NW(1D+)
PHC« 5). ST(IO+)

OCS(2) IlS
Chatnahalli P(Z) M H(IO+) 1'HPTW PH PO« CV(S-IO)
114 730.0 1,286 275 CM(5-lU) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02826500) G(lO+) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- 5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) N\V(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Madhavagere H(IO+) HPTWTK PHPO« CV«5)
115 323.0 693 141 P M C(IO+) CM(5-1O) ACS(IO+) RS( lO+)
(02826600) MC\V(5-10) SS- 5) SP(lO l-)
PHC«·5) ST(IO+)

Keelanapura P M S HPTWW PO TO CV« 5)
116 251.0 1,183 232 PHS(2)FWC CM(S-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02826700) C(lO+) TKSS- PH(4) SP(IO+)
H(lO+) CP(lO+) ACS(lO+) N\V(lO+)

- H(5- NCS CV BS
Megalapura P(2) M S
117 173,0 771 153 10) MCW(5- HP T\V TK PH(3) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02826800) C(IO+) PO« 5)
10) PHC« 5) SS- CP(lO+) ACS{lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- OCS(2)
CV« 5)
118 94,0 5 2 PM C(5-IO) 10) MCW(5- TWSS- PO«5) CM(5-1O) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02826900) SP(lO+)
10) PHC« S) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Duddagere P(2) M NCS BS

H(IO+) 1'HPnV CPCM« CV« 5)
119 683,0 1,935 387 C(IO+) POPH(2) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02827000) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- 5) SP(IO+)
ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) S1'(lO+)

Pillahalli OCS(2) BS
120 276,0 1,063 218 P M C(IO+) CM«5) ACS(IOt-) RS(IO+)
(02827100) MCW(lO+) SS- 5) SP(lO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHe« 5) ST(IO+)

Dandikere P M« 5) H(IO+) THPTW OCS(2) BS

121 303,0 872 PHPO« CV« 5)
175 CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02827200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Cboganaballi CV« 5) BS« 5)
122 295,0 7 25)M«S) 10) MC\V(5- TWTKSS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02827300) SP(5-1O)
C(lO+) 10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-1O) RS(5-10)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999) .
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to "iIIage distance (in kin) supply paper I commodity hectare)** nUrn
l\Iagazi manuractured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(illcluding for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Mysare (9) EA . TK(3.7) 165.3 13.6 34.3 Choran.halli III

PRFP Mysore (l0) EA N TK(31.2) 347.4 21.0 137.8 Varnn. 112

PR MR FP Mysore (13) EA N 16.8 TWE(3.6) 92.5 41.1 6.8 Puttegowdanahundi 113

MR Mysare (15) EA N 605.7 77.3 25.1 Cbatnahalli 114

Tirumakudal- TWE(16.4)
PR MR FP Narsipur (13) EA 238.3 53.6 14.8 Madhavagere 115

TirUlnakudal - TWE(40.3)
PRMRFP Narsipur(lI) EA N 193.8 1.1 15.8 Keelanapura 116

TirumakudaJ - TWE(39.9)
PR MR FP Narsipur (12) EA N 115.9 0.7 16.6 Megalapma 117

Tirumakudal - TWE(40.2)
EA 44.7 9.1 Hongate 118
PR MR FP Narsipur (13) 1'(40.2)

PR MR FP Mysare (13) EA N 561.2 72.0 15.9 Duddagere 119

Sunflower, TWE(l7.3)
PR MR FP Mysare (13) EA 183.7 41.3 33.7 Pillahalli 120
Sugarcane 1'(17.3)

TWE(4.9) 121
PR Mysare (II) EA 258.3 10.6 29.1 Dandikcre

Mysare(ll) EA TK(0.2) 165.4 11.6 104.3 Choganahalli 122


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of popul.ti of house it in brackets the distance in broad ..,mgos viz_< 5 lang., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
bcr the on (2001 holds ,,-here the facility is a"'ailable is gh'cn)
,illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Cammer Agriclli Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- turnl, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera rive agricul cultural (8us
teleph1>ne banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! ranway
sode ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13
Kuntanahalli - - - Uninhabited - - - - -
123 86.0
Jantagalli P(3) M H(IO+) THPTW PH PO« CV« 5)
124 558.0 1,162 224 CM«5) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
(02827500) C(lO+) MCW(10+) TKSS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(10+) NW(lO+)
PHCC<5) ST(lO+)
Aragowdanahall i
125 143.0 ----- Uninhabited - - -
126 178.0 - - - Uninhabited - - - -

Marasertih3Hi P(2) M H(IO+) THPTW PH(2) CV(IO+)
127 419.0 1,237 245 CM«5) ACS(5-IO) RS{lO+)
(02827800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CPO 0+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

SMP H(5-10) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Hadajana P(2) M C(5- THPTW CV(5-1O)
128 522.0 2,106 398 MCW(5-1O) PO PH CM(S-IO) ACS(5-IO) 10)
(02827900) 10) SS- SP(5-10)
PHC«5) CP(5-IO) NeS(5-10) NW(IO+)

- H(5- THPTW OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Gudumadanahall i PHPO« CV(5-10)
129 180.0 680 142 P M CC5-1O) 10) MCW(5- W TK SS- CM«5) ACS(5-10) 10)
(02828000) 5) SP(5-10)
10) PHC«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Marase THPTW PH(4) eV(S-IO)
130 . (02828100) 332.0 576 122
CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) 10)
10) 10) PHC« 5) TK SS- SP(5-10)
CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(lO+)
131 344.0 1,567 315 PO PH(lO) CPO 0+) OCS(l) RS(lO+)
(02828200) C(5-10) MCW(lO+) WSS- SP(IO+)
ACS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Kumbarahalli 34 PM«5) H(lO+) THPTW CV(lO+)
132 268.0 153 PO« 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02828300) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) SS- SP(5-IO)
PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Madaragalli P« H(5- OCS(2)

133 307.0 112 27 5)M«5) 10) MCW(5- TWTK SS- PO«5) CV« 5) OS« 5)
(02828400) CM«5) ACS«5)
C(IO+) .SP(5-10) RS(5-IO)
10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

Koodanahalli P(2) M(2) C(5.H(10+) OCS(l) BS

505.0 2,516 491 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02828500) 10) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Kochanahalli - H« OCS(2)
135 351.0 1,300 234 P M C(S-lO) 5) MCW(5-10) T HP TW PHPO« CV«5) BS RS«5)
(02828600) CM«5) ACS«S)
PHC« 5) TK SS- 5) SP(5-IO) NW(IO+)
CP(5-1O) NCS« 5)

Someshwarapura PHS H(1O+)

136 P(3) M(2) THPTWC - ACSNCS CV(10+) BS RS«5)
570.0 3,402 657 MCW(lO+) SS- POPH(ll) CM«5)
(02828700) C« 5) OCS(2)
PHC«5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)

-~--~- --~-----------------

Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in N arne of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\lagazi manufactured ber
ne --~F-or-c-st----~Ir-r~ig-a-.c-d~---U-n-ir-n-·----cu-l-ru-rn----A-r-.-a-n-o-'

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gaucllar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
---- Uninhabited ------- Kuntanahalli 123

PR MR FP Mysore (12) EA Ragi,Jowar 459.7 67.0 6.9 Jantagalli 124

- - Uninhabited ------ AragowdanahaIli 125

- - - Uninhabited - - - - - Madapura 126

PR MR FP Mysore (10) EA NM 328.7 13~7 49~2 Marasettihalli 127

PRMR Mysore (9) EA N 360.0 75.4 61.1 Hadajana 128

PR MR FP Mysore (7) EA N 60.0 20.0 34.2 Gudumadanahalli 129

PR MR FP Mysore (8) EA NM Jute TK(69.0) 99.5 56.6 29.7 Marase 130

PR MR FP Mysore (12) EA NM 234.4 . 39.0 33.8 Devalapura 131

MRFP ~Mysore (14) EA 204.2 8.1 38.7 Kumbaraballi 132

Mysore (14) EA TK(14~6) 67.9 43.3 47.2 Madaragalli 133

PR MR FP Mysore (12) EA NM TK(62.7) 252.3 40.7 57.5 Koodanahalli 134

TK(4.9) 236.3 45.5 44.2 Kochanahalli ·135
PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM

NM Mats TWE(48.1) 313.2 129.9 44.6 Someshwarapura 136
PR MR FP Mysore (13) EA


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available \\ithin the village, a dash (-) is shown in tbe column and next to
num & Location code area of populnli of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ",iz.< S kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds· where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricu) Recrca Communi
<in Census) n'atcr telegrapb cial and co- tural, nOJl- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tundand facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sp~rts water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1,179.0 3.497 691
P(3) M(2)
PHS FWC H« W SS- POPH(15) ~;CM« ACSNCS eV(lo+)
(02828800) C«5) DCS(2) SP(IO+)
5) NW(lO+)

Kiralu PM«5) H(IO+) THPTW PH(2) eV(S-IO)
138 502.0 1,369 268 CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
(02828900) C(10+) MCW(lO+) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Mosambayanahalli P(2) M H(lO+) HPTWTK PH(2) eV(S-IO)
139 219.0 1,434 280 CM(5-10) DeS(2) RS(IO+)
(02829000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) .SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

488.0 874 181
PM«5) C« H(lO+) THPTW eV(lO+)
140 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02829100) S) MCW(IO+) WSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Inam-Uthanahalli P(2) M(2) DAPHSH« w OCS(2) IJ,S

141 634.0 1,184 217 5) MCW(IO+) HP n TK PH(3) CM(5-IO) ACS(lO+)
(02829200) C(IO+) PHC« 5) C SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kuppegala P(2) M NCS BS

H(lOf) TIIPTW PlI(S) CV(5-10)
142 440,0 2,636 570 CM(5-10) DCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02829300) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) W TK C SS- PO(S-IO) SP(IO+)
CP(5-10) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)


Yadakola THPTWC PO PH 9) CV(5-10)
143 708.0 4,808 951 S(2) PUC(2) PHC PHS(2) CMCP DCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02829400) SS- ( SP(IO+)

HA(2) D(8)
CWC(2) PO(40)
P(2I4) TK(4S) ACS(IS) B5(121)
Block Total 68374,0 239262 48479 M(124) S(29) PHC(I3) TO(6) CM(12)
HP(lIl) NC5(SO) CV(7) RS(6)
. PUC(3) PHS(47) PTO(3) CP(I6)
TW(Il3) OCS(253) NW(7)
FWC(13) R(3) C(IS) PH(5I3)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Po\yer New:i Most important Land U:5C (i.e. area under different types uf land use in Name of "illage Serial
to village distance (in kIn) sllpply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cnltura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cnltiv3
gaucllar (ion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Mysore (17) EA NM Mats TWE(32.4) 913.6 160.4 . 56.4 Ayamhalli 137

PR MR FP Mysore (16) EA N Foodgrains, Milk 370.9 SO. I 34.3 Kimlu 138

Vegetables, TWE(5.2)
PR MR FP -Mysore (15) EA NM 129.6 71.3 12.9 Mosambayanahalli 139
Foodgrains T(5.2)

PR MR FP Ti~akudal-' EA N TWE(14.6) 434.1 12.2 19.9 HOSahalli 140
Nars.pur (14)

PR MR FP Narsipur (10) EA N TWE(36.6) 355.9 64.7 64.7Inam·Uthanahalli 141

Tirumakudal - TWE(58.0)
EA NM 171.0 6S.7 Kuppegala 142
PR MR FP Narsipur (I 6) TK(6.2)

Tirumakudal . 143
PR EA NM TWE(20.8). 382.9 '60.1 77.7 Vadakola
Narsipur (IS)

PR(107) TW(ll.83)
FP(104) EA(131)
N(lOS) 2001.0 ~VE(2894.3 40793.1 8648.2 7729.1
NR TK(S38.83)
NW(7) R(112.05)

Km 1 2 5 Km . ~
R ;;
'" ., I

J ....
'" /
11 /


, ~ /

'<'- \



Kauna.kote Forest

BOUNDARY. STATE _____________________ o. __

DISTRl cr __________________ _____ _ ._ ._ . _. _ -1 ".
TALUK , • _ _ ......... . ... _ .......... _____ .. _
., ... . . ~ ~~
.', In u r ~riiudi JUDah!
HEADQUARTE RS' TA LUK . __ • _ _ _______ _ _ _ _____ _
@ \.
200- 499" 500--999: 1000- -1999: 5000 AND ABOVE. __ •


0 ••••

X 301 I
'. i.
URBAN AREI. 'WITH LOCATION CODE. _ __ ______ ••• ~ i..
STATE HtGHlt A'L _______ • ____ 0 ____ 0 _ •• 0 ____ _ SH l7D --." "' _._, .".,;o-__ o_. _;'
[l{PORTANT J,jETAlJ.ED RClAD ____ _ ____________ _ C.D. Bloc:k boundary ().f Hecaad e devl!lll.kote is co-terminu s;
UNWETALl...ED AND OTHER ROADS _____________ _
H IGH ER SECO NDARY SC HOOL __ _ _ ______________
with te.l u.k: bound a r y exc1udini rtatutory toW[L

R IVER -W ITH ST REAJ.{ __ • ___________________ _ TOTAl. AJU:A OF TALU K (IN SQ.KW) . _____ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 1.622. 40
POLICE STATION____________________________ PS TOTAL POPULATION OF TALU K _. _ ___ __________ ____ _ 245,930
TANK . ______ __ _____ _ _____________ ______ _
PRDU. RY HEALm CENTB£ _ ___________________ @l TOTAL HU YSER OF TOWNS IN TALUK __ _ ____ _________ 01
CANAL _____ _ _ _____ • __ _ __ _ ._._ •• ______ _ _ _
BANK: C01U£ERCIA L I CO-OPERATIVf: . _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ TOTAL NUYBER OF VILLAGrn IN TALUK __ __ _ _ ________ 281

Ba:sed upon Survo:y of Iow.1l m op with tbe permission Qf t he S1l,rveoyor Gener al ot [ndia © Governm'e'Dt of lo dul Copy righ t, 2006.
Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
Name of CD Block: Heggadadevankote
Name of Sub-Dist: 0005

1 AdahaIIi 02842600 160030003000300142

2 Agasanahundi 02830600 160030003000300022
3 Agathuru 02853000 160030003000300215
4 Akkadevanahalli 02834300 160030003000300004
5 Alaganchi 02855000 160030003000300203
6 Alalahalli 02857300 160030003000300179
7 Alanahalli 02837500 160030003000300091
8 Alanahillli 02857100 160030003000300187
9 Amani Jungle 02832400 160030003000300010
10 Anagatti 02847400 160030003000300230
11 Anemala 02852000 160030003000300266
12 Ankanahalli 02836800 160030003000300094
13 Ankupura 02846800 160030003000300160
14 Annur 02830200 160030003000300028
15 Antharasanthe 02847200 160030003000300228
16 Antharasanthe Plantation 02848700 160030003000300241
17 B. Matagere 02855400 160030003000300193
18 Bachegowdanahalli 02839800 160030003000300113
19 Badaga 02855500 160030003000300192
20 Badanakuppe 02848900 160030003000300244
21 Bankavadi 02856300 160030003000300198
22 Bannavadi 02838800 160030003000300083
23 Baragi 02846900 160030003000300163
24 Basavanakote 02845600 160030003000300170
25 Beddalapura 02854100 160030003000300224
26 Beechanahalli .02848000 160030003000300236
27 Beeramballi 02850500 160030003000300255
28 Beerwal 02845500 160030003000300171
29 BegurjungJe 02852500 160030003000300261
30 Beguru 02855800 160030003000300184
31 Be1aganahalli 02833200 160030003000300045
32 Be1aganahallikaval 02833100 160030003000300042
33 Bennagere 02845100 160030003000300152
34 Bettadabeedu 02838000 160030003000300106
35 Bettadavarehundi 02852800 160030003000300213
36 Bettahalli 02840100 160030003000300116
37 Bheemanahalli 02829600 160030003000300031
38 Bidaga1u .02844300 160030003000300129
Bidarahalli 02852900 160030003000300212
Bonima1apura 02830700 160030003000300021
Boppanahalli 02833800 160030003000300049
Budanur 02831900 160030003000300020.
Byrapura 02854900 160030003000300227"
Chagathikuppe 02832100 160030003000300013
02832900 160030003000300016
45 ChakahaIli
Chakkodanahalli 02831800 160030003000300019
02842200 160030003000300138
47 Chakkur
02842000 160030003000300120
48 ChamahaIli
02838700 160030003000300084
49 Chama1apura


Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number. number
2 3 4
50 Chamalapura 02845000 160030003000300151
51 Chamanahall i 02839100 160030003000300078
52 Changowdanahalli 02845200 160030003000300153
53 Channagundi 02857200 160030003000300182
54 Chikkabcsuge 02856500 160030003000300196
55 Chikkabyranakuppe 02851900 160030003000300267
56 Chikkakundur 02846700 160030003000300159
57 Chikkanandi 02841900 160030003000300122
58 Chikkereyur 02839200 160030003000300077
59 Chillahalli 02845900 160030003000300156
60 Chottanahalli 02840500 160030003000300074
61 Chowdahalli 02835200 160030003000300058
62 Chowdahalli 02857500 160030003000300181
63 Dasanapura 02834200 160030003000300003
64 Devalapura 02837600 160030003000300092
65 Devalapura 02853900 160030003000300205
66 Doddabyranakuppe 02851800 160030003000300268
67 Doddakerekaval 02839700 160030003000300114
68 Doddakereyur 02839300 160030003000300076
69 Gangadahalli 02837400 160030003000300089
70 GangadahosalJaUi 02837100 160030003000300088
71 Garikckattekaval 02839900 160030003000300112
72 Gollanabeedu 02836600 160030003000300099
73 Go Ilanabeedusaragur 02836500 160030003000300101
74 Golur 02852300 160030003000300263
75 Gowdimachanayakana Halli 02830300 160030003000300024
76 Gudumanahalli 02833400 160030003000300044
77 Gundathur 02850700 160030003000300257
78 Hadanur 02846000 160030003000300157
79 HalasllT 02844900 160030003000300173
80 Halemagge 02848500 160030003000300278
81 Halemanchahalli 02843100 160030003000300135
82 Haleyuru 02854200 160030003000300220
83 Halladamanuganahalli 02836300 160030003000300098
84 Hampapura 02841100 160030003000300067
85 Hanchipura 02844600 160030003000300175
86 Hariyalapura 02854700 160030003000300225
81 Haropura 02831400 160030003000300040
88 Hatwal 02842100 160030003000300121
89 Hebbalaguppe 02835500 160030003000300050
90 Heggadadevankote (Ruml) 02833000 160030003000300001
91 Heggadahalli 02835400 160030003000300056
92 Heggadapura 02834100 160030003000300002
93 Hegganur 02853500 160030003000300207
94 Heggudlu 02854400 160030003000300221
95 Hirehalli 02832700 160030003000300007
96 Hirchalli 02847100 160030003000300161
97 Hirehalli 02856800 160030003000300190
98 Hirenandi 02841700 160030003000300126
99 Holehundi 02840800 160030003000300069
100 Hommatagahalli 02841000
101 160030003000300117
Honnurkuppe 02848800 160030003000300240



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
2 3 4
102 Hoovinakola 02843600 160030003000300146
103 Honnahalli 02840000 16003000300030011]
104 Hosahalli 02830800 160030003000300026
105 Hosahalli 02850600 160030003000300258
106 Hosaholalu 02849000 160030003000300245
107 Hosakote 02855700 160030003000300183
108 J-Iosur 02852200 160030003000300264
109 Hulikura 02835600 160030003000300051
110 Hulikurakaval 02835700 160030003000300054
111 Hullemala 02854000 160030003000300204
112 Hunaganahalli 02842900 160030003000300143
1I3 Hunasekuppe 02832500 160030003000300009
1I4 Hunasur 02846400 160030003000300166
1I5 Hunsahalli 02843400 160030003000300145
116 Huralipura 02849400 160030003000300256
117 Huralipura 02856400 160030003000300199
1I8 Huskur 02854600 160030003000300223
119 Hyrige 02833500 160030003000300046
120 Inur Marigudi Jungle 02856600 160030003000300188
121 lruvidi 02840300 160030003000300070
122 !tna 02836000 160030003000300052
123 lyyanapura 02851000 160030003000300260
124 Iyyanapura 02854800 160030003000300226
125 laganakote 02849900 160030003000300248
126 lakkahalli 02835300 160030003000300057
127 latagathipura 02845400 160030003000300172
128 leeyara 02848100 160030003000300237
129 linnahalli 02841600 160030003000300127
130 lompanahalli 02838900 160030003000300082
131 K.Bclthur 02842700 160030003000300137
132 K.Gandathur 02850900 160030003000300259
133 K.Kannenahalli 02840200 160030003000300115
134 Kadasur 02838300 160030003000300108
135 Kadegadde 02851500 160030003000300271
136 Kakanakote Forest 02851400 160030003000300272
137 Kalasuru 02850200 160030003000300251
138 Kalkodu 02838200 160030003000300104
139 Kallambalu 02843800 160030003000300149
140 Kallasaragur 02843300 160030003000300133
141 Kanakanaha11i 02850000 160030003000300249
142 Kanchamalli 02841800 160030003000300123
143 Kandalike 02855600 160030003000300178
144 Kandegala 02853200 160030003000300214
145 Kandegowdanapura 02838500 160030003000300109
146 Kaniyanahundi 02837900 160030003000300105
147 Karapura 02850800 160030003000300276
148 Karavadi 02850100 160030003000300250
149 Karehundi 02841500 160030003000300125
150 Karigala 02840900 160030003000300068
Katawalu 02855200 160030003000300201
Kattehundi 02836400 160030003000300100
Kattehunsur 02843700 160030003000300148



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
2 3 4
154 Kattemanuganahalli 02834000 160030003000300066
155 Kcbbepura 02856100 160030003000300194
156 Kcnchanahalli 02850300 160030003000300252
157 Kethahalli 02838100 160030003000300107!
158 Kittur (Therani Manti) 02852600 160030003000300210
159 Kodaseege 02831300 160030003000300039
160 Kodichamanahalli 02839500 160030003000300080
161 Kohala 02841200 160030003000300119
162 Kolagala 02840700 160030003000300072
163 Kollegowdanahalli 02834900 160030003000300062
164 Konanalathuru 02854500 160030003000300222
165 Konegowdanahundi 02831700 160030003000300018
166 Kothcgala 02837000 160030003000300090
16-' Kothegala 02844800 160030003000300174
168 Klishnapurakaval 02834800 160030003000300065
169 Krishnar~apura 02848300 160030003000300239
170 Kudagi 02856900 160030003000300185
171 Kulya 02842800 160030003000300136
172 Kundur 02843900 160030003000300150
173 Kuniga1u 02839400 160030003000300075
174 Kunnapatna 02844100 160030003000300132
175 Kumagala 02857000 160030003000300186
176 Kyathanahalli 02838400 160030003000300085
177 Lakkasoge 02845800 160030003000300155
178 Lakkur(B) 02844200 160030003000300130
179 Lakshmanapura 02846200 160030003000300168
180 Lanke 02843500 160030003000300147
181 Lingenahalli 02853600 160030003000300217
182 M. Mallahalli 02837800 160030003000300102
183 M.Kannenahalli 02839000 160030003000300079
184 MachanayakanahaIIi 02834500 160030003000300006
185 Macharc 02848200 160030003000300238
186 Machur 02852400 160030003000300262
IS7 Madapura 02840600 160030003000300073
188 Magge 02849100 160030003000300243
189 Magudilu 02847700 160030003000300233
190 MalaJagadde 02849800 160030003000300281
191 Malali 02849600 160030003000300247
192 Malara 02833300 160030003000300043
193 Mallahalli 02839600 160030003000300081
194 Mallarajapura 02853700 - 160030003000300218
195 Manchahalli 02843200 160030003000300134
196 Manchegowdanahalli 02848400 160030003000300280
197 Manegaranahundi 02838600 160030003000300110
198 Manuganahalli 02833700 160030003000300048
199 Manuganahalli 02843000 160030003000300144
200 Marabugathanapura 02857400 160030003000300180
201 Marchahalli 02841300 160030003000300118
202 Masahalli 02844700 160030003000300176
203 Masanakuppe 02836700 160030003000300093
204 Matakere 02833600 160030003000300047
205 Melukote 02851300 160030003000300273



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
206 Metikuppe 02832000 160030003000300014
207 Metikuppe Forest 02832300 160030003000300011
208 Metikuppekaval 02832200 160030003000300012
209 Moleyur (Kalihundi) 02842300 160030003000300139
210 Moleyuru 0285,6700 160030003000300189
211 Moleyurukaval 02856000 160030003000300195
212 Motha 02834700 160030003000300064
213 Muddaiahnahundi 02836900 160030003000300095
214 Muddanahalli 02842500 160030003000300141
215 Muguthanamule 02846500 160030003000300165
216 Mullur 02845300 160030003000300154
217 Musker 02829800 160030003000300034
218 Muthigechikkathalalu 02846300 160030003000300167
219 N. Begur 02850400 160030003000300253
220 N.Belathur 02849300 160030003000300277
221 Nadahadi 02856200 160030003000300197
222 Naganahalli 02834400 160030003000300005
223 Nallur 02844500 160030003000300177
224 Nandinathapura 02845700 160030003000300 I 69'
225 Nanjanathapura 02853400 160030003000300208
226 Nanjanayakanahalli 02830900 160030003000300027
227 Narasipura 02854300 160030003000300219
228 Nayakanahundi 02840400 160030003000300071
229 Nemmanahalli 02855300 160030003000300200
230 Nerale 02847800 160030003000300234
231 Netkalhundi 02852100 160030003000300265
232 Nilavagilu 02847600 160030003000300232
233 Nisna 02849500 160030003000300254
234 Nuralakuppe 02847300 160030003000300229
235 Padukote 02831200 160030003000300038
236 Padukotekava 02829900 160030003000300035
237 PenjahaJli 02832600 160030003000300008
238 Pura 02836200 160030003000300097
239 Pura 02841400 160030003000300124
240 Pura 02847900 160030003000300235
241 Puradakatte 02844000 160030003000300131
242 Ragalakuppe 02848600 160030003000300279
243 Rajegowdanahundi 02829500 160030003000300030
244 Sagare 02853100 160030003000300216
245 Saragur 02844400 160030003000300128
246 Savve 02831100 160030003000300037
247 Seegevadi 02855900 160030003000300191
248 Seeranahundi 02834600 160030003000300063
249 Shambugowdanahalli 02846100 160030003000300158
250 Shankahalli 02842400 160030003000300140
Shanthipura 02831600 160030003000300017
Shirmahalli 02835100 160030003000300059
Siddapura 02830500 160030003000300023
Siddapura 02846600 160030003000300164
Sindenahalli 02837700 160030003000300103
Singapatna 02853300 160030003000300209
02849700 160030003000300246
257 Sogahalli

Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
2 3 4
258 Sollapura 02830400 160030003000300025
259 Somegowdanahundi 02830100 160030003000300029
260 Sonahalli 02832800 160030003000300015
261 Sundapura 02849200 160030003000300242
262 Thandasipura 02837300 160030003000300086
263 Thelagumasahalli 02853800 160030003000300206
264 Thenekallu 02851100 160030003000300274
265 Thimmanihosahalli 02851700 160030003000300269
266 Thoravalli 02835900 160030003000300053
267 Thotahalli 02836100 160030003000300096
268 Thumbasoge 02835800 160030003000300055
269 Udbur 02851200 160030003000300275
270 Uyyamballi 02852700 160030003000300211
271 Vadakanamala 02851600 160030003000300270
272 Vaderahalli 02847000 160030003000300162
273 Vallahalli 02855100 160030003000300202
274 Voddaragudi 02831500 160030003000300041
275 Yarahalli 02833900 160030003000300061
276 Yarahallikaval 02835000 160030003000300060
277 Yedathore 02831000 160030003000300036
278 Yelamathur 02847500 160030003000300231
279 Yelehund 02830000 160030003000300033
280 Yelehundikaval 02829700 160030003000300032
281 Yennegerekaval 02837200 160030003000300087

Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ~'inage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the ,i!lage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of popul9ti of house it in brackets the di'tanc. in brond ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 luns. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the fadlity is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) telegraph cia! and Co tural, non- tiona! & cations
hectare) and opera five 9gricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen'icc,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CD Block: Heggadadevankote (0005)


Rajcgowdanahtmd THPTW CV(lo+)
968.0 1,188 233 P M C(lO+) MCW(lO+) PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
i (02829500) WTK SS- SP(JO+)
PHC« 5) PH(lO+) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)


Bhccmanahalli P(2) M THPTW CV(JO+)
2 81LO 1,238 251 MCW(lO+) Po« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS{IO+)
(02829600) C{IO+) WSS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) NCS(JO+) NW{JO+)

P« OCS(2) BS
Yclehundikaval H(1O+) cv{io+)
175_0 109 26 5) M«5) HPSS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS(Io+) RS(IO+)
(02829700) MCW(lO+) SP(lo+)
C(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS{10+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(1o+)

Mn:;kcr P(2) M« 5) H(IO+) HPnvw CV{IO+)
4 418.0 778 162 PO(5-to) CM{5-10) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02829800) C(lo+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(1O+)
PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NCS(lO+) NW(JO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Padukotckava peS) M(2) H(IO+) THPTW PO CV(IO+)
1,859.0 3,238 691 CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02829900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- PH(lO+) SP(lO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS(IO+) NW{Jo+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Yclchund PM«S) H(IO+) THPnV CV(IO+)
6 168.0 481 92 PO(-- 5) CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02830000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(10;l-)

106.0 - - Uninhabitod - - - -
di (02830100)

Annur P(4) M(2) S THPnV PO TO CV(IO+)
527_0 1,586 318 PHSFWC CMCP OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02830200) C(lO+) SS- PH(5) SP{Io+)
H(IO+) ACS« 5) NW{Jo+)

Gowdimachanaya OCS(2) BS
9 kana Halli 350.0 599 118 PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) MC\v(IO+) SS- SP(JO+)
(02830300) PH{JO+) CP(IO+) NCS{IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

Sollapura P« OCS(2)
H(IO+) THPnV CV{IO+) BS«5)
10 1,146_0 126 26 5)M{<5) PO(I 0+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
(02830400) MC\V{JO+) SS- SP(lO+) RS(JO+)
C(10+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) NCS(Io+)
PHC«5) 8T(l0+) NW(lO+)

Siddapura PM«5) 1I(10+) OCS(2) BS

650.0 480 101 PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) RS(10+)
(02830500) C(JO+) MCW(Io+) SS- SP(lO+)
PH(II}+) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW{IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Agasanahundi P(2) M H(IO+) THPTW NCS BS

12 1,032_0 288 PO(I(}t) CV(IO+)
(02830600) 60 C(lO+) CM(lO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
MCW(10+) SS- SP(JO+)
PH(lO+) CP(lo+) ACS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) 8T(l0+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in. km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~~--~~~~--~~~----~----~----~
orest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cuUh'a
gauchar non

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Hcggadadcvankotc
EA Tobacco 791.2:;7) 172.9 0.2 Rajcgowdanahundi

. Hcggadadcvankotc 11«27.1)
PRMRFP (16) EA N Tobacco 417.9 T(27.1) 310.0 51.0 5.0 Bhccmanahalli 2

PR MR FP Hc~",dadcvankotc 11«10.9)
EA 150.5 4,6 9.0 Yelehundikaval 3
(20) T(IO.9)

PRMR FP (19) EA N . Tobacco WE(70A) 261.9 13.4 804 MuskeT 4

Hcggadadcvankotc GC(123.0)
PRMRFP (20) EA N Tobacco 1733.3 2.6 Padukotekava 5

Hcggadadcvankotc 11«1.7)
PRMRFP EA 158.7 7.0 0.7 Y c1ehund 6
(198) T(I.7)

- - Uninhabited - - - Somegowdanahundi 7

PRMRFP (16) EA Tobacco 160.3 355.0 11.1 0.7 Annm: 8

Hcggadadevankotc Gowdimachanayaka
EA Tobacco 224.4 119.0 4.6 2.0 naHalli 9

Hcggadadcvankotc 96.1 5.7 0.5 Sollapura 10

PRMRFP (18) EA Tobacco 1043.8

Hcggadadcvankotc 401.5 243.7 4.6 0.3 SiddapUIa II

PRMRFP (14) EA NM Tobacco

Hcggadadevankotc 907.0 119.0 5.0 1.0 Agasanahundi 12

PRMRFP (12) EA N Tobacco


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Senal Name of village Total Total Nwnber Amenities available {if not available "ithin the ,mage, a dash (-) is shom, in the colunID and next to
nmll & Location code area of popuJati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIffl., 5-10 kmi. and 10+ krns ~f the nearest place
her the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Conununi
(in Census) water telegraph dal and co tural, non- tiona! & cations
hectare) and opera live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
societies Video hall, station,
Sports ,vater
club, 'Y<ly)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P« H(5- OCS(2)
13 345.0 89 26 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02830700) «5) ss- Sp(5-JO) RS(5-10)
10) 10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Hosahalli 176 PM«5)C(5- 5)MCW«5) THPTW CV(S-IO)
14 648.0 918 PO«5) CM«5) ACS(5-1O) RS(l{}+)
(02830800) 10) PHC«S) WSS- Sp(IO+)
PH«5) . CP«5) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
556.0 950 180 P(4) M(2) C(S5) MCW(lO+) THPTW PO«5) CM«5) ACS(S-IO)
Ii (02830900) 10) PHC«S) WTKSS- Sp(IO+)
PH(5-1O) CP«5) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

PHS(2) H(5-
Yedathore 10) THPTK PO TO CV(5-IO)
16 971.0 2,449 490 P MC(5-JO) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02831000) MCW(JOI) SS- PH«5) Sp(IO+)
Cp«5) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(JO+)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS
Savve PM SC(5- JO)MCW(S- THPTW PH(3) CV(5-JO)
17 923.0 2,038 433 CM(5-1O) ACS(5-JO) RS(1O+)
(02831100) 10) PO(5-10) Sp(lO+)
10)PHC«5) ss- CP(5-10) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Padukote 285 P(4) M« 5) THPTW CV(lO+)
18 776.0 1,395 MC\v(IO+) PO«5) CM(10+) OCS(2) RS(10+)
(02831200) C(HH') WSS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) PH(1O+) cp(10+) AC"(10+) NW(IO+)

28S.0 473 86 PM«5)C(5- 10)~cw~t THPTW PHPO(5-
CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O)
(02831300) 10) SP(]O+)
10) 10) PHC(< 5) SS- CP(5-IO) NCS(5-IO) NW(lO+)

Haropura H« OCS(2)
20 66 PM«5)C« THPWC CV«5) BSNW
130.0 359 5) MCW«5) PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02831400) 5) Ss- SP«5) . RS(IO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP«5) NCS«5)

Voddaragudi PHSH«5)
21 497.0 1,109 198 PM«5)C« THPWTK OCSACS« CV«5) BSNW
(0283]500) MCW«5) CSS- PO«5) CM«5)
5) 5)NCS«5) Sp(IO+) RS(lO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) Cp«5)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest to\m & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
. to "II age distance (in km) supply paper I conunodity hectare)** num
Magazi . manufactured ber
. ne -------------------------------------
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culliva
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

EA 231.2 109.0 4.9 Bomma1apura 13

MR FP Heggadadevankote 1WE(3.2)
PR (8) EA Tobacco 411.6 R(I.6) T(4.9) 210.0 13.6 8.0 Hosahalli 14

R FP Heggadadevankote EA Tobacco, Cotton 1WE(17.8)
PRM (10) 4552 24.8 10.1 NanjanayakanahaIli 15
Heggadadevanlrote 1WE(9.7)
PRMRFP (8) EA 772.8 38.1 18.9 Yedathore 16

Heggadadevankote TK(42.4)
PRMRFP (6) EA 803.6 23.1 54.0 Savve 17

Heggadadevankote GC(76.9)
PRMR FP (IS) EA 680.1 11.1 8.0 Padukote 18

Heggadadevankote TK(6.7)
PRMRFP (8) EA 235.3 9.Q 34.1 Kodaseege 19

PR MR FP Heggadadevankotc WE(11.3)
EA 80.7 18.7 Haropura 20
NCNW (8) TWE(3.2)
R(1.J) 0(1.4)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote WE(17.8)
EA Tobacco, Cotton 280.2 16.7 82.8 Voddarngudi 21
(2) 9.71WE(3.2)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ~illage Total Total Number Amenities 3'\'ailablc (Unot 3yailable within the \illagc, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati" or house it in brackets tbe distance in broad ranges viz.<5 kms., 5-10 klns. and to+ kin. of the nearest place
ber tbe on (200t holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinldng Post, Commer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, Don- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telepbone banks tural and facilities senice~
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3

PHS H« 5)
497.0 1,109 198
PM« 5)C«
MCW«5) THPWTK PO(~5) CM«5)
OCS ACS« CV« 5) BSl'\'W
21 5) NCS«5) SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02831500) 5) CSS- PH«5)
PHC« 5) CP«5)

403.0 666 152 P M C«5) PHS FWC H« ~ HP W TK PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02831600) SP« 5) RS(IO+)
5) SS- PH« 5) CP«5) NCS«5)
ST« 5)

Konegowdanahun P(2) M«5) 10) CV(IO+)
23 220.0 428 93 HPSS- PO(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) RS(lO+)
d! (02831700) C(5-IO) MCW(lO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-lO) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Chaklwdanahalli PO TO CV(5-IO)
24 438.0 1,093 226 I' M C(5- 10) 10) MCW(5- THPSS- CM«S) OCS(2) RS(lU+)
(02831800) PH« 5) SP(IO+)
10) PHC«5) CP(S-tO) ACS(5-IO) NW(l()+)

- H(5- OCS(2)
Budanur P(2) M C(5- CV(5-IO) BS« 5)
25 823.0 1,013 202 10) MCW(5- THPWTK PO(S-IO) CM(5-tO) ACS(S-IO)
(02831900) 10) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
10) PHC« 5) SS- PH(5-10) CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO)

PHS(2) H(S-
Metikuppe PM SC(5- 10) THPTW PO TO CV(5-IO)
26 1,870.0 1,402 277 CM(S-IO) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
(02832000) 10) MCW(IO+) SS- PH(S-tO) SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS(5-tO) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
27 53.0 - - Uninhabited - - -
28 1.166.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

Metikuppe Forest
P« H(S- OCS(2)
29 5,2S4.0 113 26 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- CV«5) 8S« 5)
(02832300) PO«S) CM«S) ACS«S)
10) 10) PHC« 5) « 5) SS- SP(5-1O) RS(5-10)
PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS«5)
Arnani Jungle
30 3,143.0 - - _ Uninhabited - _ -

- H(5- OCS(2) BS
174 ~OM(5-IO) C(S. 10) MCW(5- T lIP TW
31 PHPO(S- CV(5-1O)
738.0 775 CM(5-IO) ACS(S-lO) RS(lO+)
(02832500) W) SP(lO+)
) 10) PHC« 5) W SS- CP(5-1O) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Penjahalli PHS H(5-10) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

PM(5-10) T HP W SS- PH PO(5- CV(5-10)
32 SILO 1,243 271 MC\V(1O+) CM(S-IO) ACS(S-lO) 10)
(02832600) C(IO+) 10) SP(5-1O)
PHC« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS(5-JO) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i ..... area undcr different types Df land use in Name of village Serial
10 village distance (in Ian} supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne ---F~o-re-s-t----I-rr-ig~a-t-.d-----U-n-i-rr-i----c-u-It-ur-a---A--re-u-n-o--t

(by source) galed ble waste available

(including fDr culth-a
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Heggadadevankote 97 WE(17.8)
EA Tobacco, Cotton 280.2 16.7 82.8 Voddaragudi 21
NCNW (2) . TWE(3.2)
PR MR FP Heggadadevankote TWE(4.9)
EA 137.8 li7,4 22.6 Shanthipura 22
NCNW (2) TK(24.3)

MR F Heggadadevankote ('£(36.&)
PR P (0) EA 175.0 S.2 Konegowdanahundi 23

MR Heggadadevankole 184 2 GC(34.8)

PR FP (5) EA NM 206.0 10.2 2.8 Chakkodanahalli 24
. T(34.8)

Heggadadevankote 444.4 GC(29.5)

PRMR EA 319.0 14.6 15.5 Budanur 2S
(0) T(29.5)

Heggadadevankole TK(7.2)
PR MRFP (10) EA Tobacco 1571.5 T(7.2) 200.0 17.2 74.1 Mctikuppe 26

---- Uninhabited - - - - Chagathikuppe 27

- - Uninhabited - - - - Melikuppekaval 28

Heggadadevankote Metikuppe Forest

EA 5254.0 29

- - _ Uninhabited - - - - Amaoi Jungle 30

Heggadadevankote WE(8.1)
EA 558.3 T(S.I) 147.S 23.S Hunasekuppe 31
PR MR FP (20)

Heggadadevankote GC(64.8) 50.5 Penjahalli 32

EA 321.0
PRMRFP (20) 74.7 T(64.8)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the "iUage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of bouse it in brackets the distance ill broad ranges viz.< S.kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe nearest place
ber tbe on (2001 bolds where the facility is a\'ailable is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Comme~ Agricul Recre:t Communi
(in Census) water telegraph ciaJ and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service~
other credit (Cinema/ railw:1y
socic ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PHS H(IO+) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Hirchalli P(4) MC(5- PO TO CV(JO+)
33 2,250.0 4,S32 932 MC\V(lO+) THPSS- CM(S-IO) ACS(S-IO) 10)
(02832700) 10) PH(6) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-IO) NCS(5-10) NW(lOl)

H(5- OCS(2)
Sonahalli eY(S-IO) BSNW
34 389.0 565 121 P M C(S-IO) 10) MCW(5- HP SS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-1O) ACS(S-IO)
(02832800) SPOO+) RS(IO+)
10) PHC« S) PH(S-IO) CP(5-l0) NCS(5-to)

10) cc - H(5- BS
Chakahalli P Me
,:>- :>. 10) MCW(5-
35· 90.0 397 88 TWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO) RS(IO+)
(02832900) SP{lO+)
10) 10) PHC«5) PH« S) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Hcggadadcvankote MCWPHC OCS(2)

p 1'.1« 5) C« PHPO« CPCM« eV« S) 3S« 5)
36 (Rural) 1,037.0 564 124 PHS(2)FWC HPCSS- ACS«5)
5) 5) S) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02833000) H«S) NCS«S)

CHWH«5) OCS(2)
Bclaganahallikaval THPTW' PHPO« CV« 5) BS«5)
37 411.0 972 194 P MC«5) MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02833100) WSS- 5) SP(to+) RS(lO+)
PHC«5) CP« S) NCS«5)

Belaganahalli eY(5-10) BS« 5)
38 101.0 32 10 P M C« S) MCW(S-IO) SS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-1O) OCS(2)
(02833200) SP()(}+) RS(IO+)
PHC«S) PH« 5) CP(S-IO) ACS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Malara M«. )C(S- MCW(lO+) THPTW PHPO« CV(5-10) BS« 5)
39 110.0 793 117 CM(S-IO) ACS«5)
(02833300) 10) PHC« 5) SS- 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)

P« CHWH(5-10) OCS(2)
Gudumanahalli CV« 5) BS« 5)
40 28S.0 12 2 5) M« 5) C(5- MCW(IO+) HP TW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02833400) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP{S-IO) NCS« 5)

Hyrige CHW H(5-1 0) T NCS BS

P(4) MC(5- PO TO CV«5)
41 5S2.0 3,507 676 MCW(S- I 0) HP TW CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02833500) 10) PH« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) W SS- CP(S-lO) ACS« S) NW(IO+)

Matakcre P(3) M(2) C(5. PHS H(5-10) THPTW OCS(2)

42 279.0 PO TO eY(S-IO) BSNW
797 154 10) MCW(IO+) WTKRC CM(S-IO) ACS(5-10)
(02833600) PH(5-1O} SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
PHC« 5) SS- ep(5-10) NCS(S-IO)


Manuganahalli THPTW CV(5-1O)
43 2S7.0 219 43 5) M« 5) C(5- MCW(IO+) PO«5) CM(S-IO) OCS(2)
(02833700) WTKSS- RS(IO+)
10) PHC«5) SP(lO+)
PH(S-IO) CP(5-IO) ACS(5-10) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News l\'Iost important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of "ilJage Serial
to "illage distance (in lao) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\'lagazi 'manufactured ber
ne ---F-o-re-s-t----Ir-r-ig-a-te-d-----U-n-ir-n-·----cu-I-tu-r-a---Ar--e-a-n-o--t
(by source) gated ble waste a\'ailable
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR EA NM 582.7 WE(19.4) 1361.1 61.7 43.0 Hirchalli 33

PRMR Hcggadadevankotc GC(54.2)

EA 176.6 T(54.2) 148.8 4.5 4.8 Sonahalli 34
NC (10)

PR MR FP Hcggadadcvankotc GC(38.6)
EA 47.6 2.1 L7 Chakahalli 35
(5) T(38.6)

Hcggauadcvankotc 410.9 HcggadauL-vankote
PR MRFP (0) EA NM WE(32.4) 461.4 38.9 36

Hcggadadcvankotc GC(140.2)
PRMRFP (4) EA Household Indus 230.3 40.5 Bclaganahallikaval 37

Hcggadadevankotc GC(80.7)
MRFP EA 1.1 11.7 7.5 Belaganahalli 38
(5) T(80.7)

Heggadadevankotc GC(26.5)
PR MR FP (10) . EA 67.9 12.4 3.2 Malara 39

Hcggadadevankote TW(3.6) 115.3 54.5 14.1 Gudumanahalli . 40

Hcggadadevankotc WE(16.2) 189.4 24.3 60.1 Hyrige 41
PR:rvffi FP (10) EA N

PR MR FP Heggadadcvankotc GC(l29.5) 13.9 Matakere 42

EA 102.9 32.7
NW (10) T(129.5)

Heggadadcvankotc GC(12.0) 5.4 Manuganahalli 43

EA 212.1 27.5
PRMRFP (7) T(I2.0)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "ilIage Total Total Number Amenities al'ailable (if not al'ailable ",thin the "iIlage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Locatiou code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kulS~ 5-10 kuIS. and 10+ kuIS or the
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is al'ailable is gil'en)
\illage Census) (2001 Educational 1I1cdical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Conunllni
(in Census) water telcgrdph cial and <I> tllral, "(In- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul eullllrdl (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- OCS(2)
Boppanahalli PM(S-10)C(5·10) T HP TW PO« S)
44 216.0 l,g&7 378 CM(5-1O) ACS(5-IO) RS(lO+)
(02833800) 10) MCW(1O+) WTK C SS- PH(5-10) SP(IO+)
CP(5-1O) NCS(5-1O) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
Yarahalli 10) THPTW PO TO NCSOCS CV« 5)
45 483.0 1,935 373 P MC(S-IO) CM(S-IO) RS(IO+)
(02833900) MCW(lo+) WTKCSS-PH(5-10) ACS(5-IO) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

PHSH«5) OCS(2)
Kallemanuganahal PM«5)C« THPWR PO TO CV«5) NWBS«
46 469.0 1,443 249 MCW{lO+) CM«S) ACS«5)
Ii (02834000) 5) CSS- PH«5) SP(IO+) 5) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) CP«5) NCS«5)

217.0 1,174 227 P MC«5)
(02834100) FWCH«5) R C SS- PH« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
CP«5) NCS« 5)

Dasanapura 46 PM(5-10)C(S·lO) CV(5-1O) BS« 5)
48 133.0 211 HPSS· P0(5-1O) CM(S-IO) ACS(5·IO)
(02834200) 10) MCW(IO+) SP(5-1O) RS(IO+)
PH(5-IO) CP(5-1O) NCS(5-IO)
PHC«5} ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Akkadevanahalli CV«5) BS«5)
49 110.0 18 4 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MeW(5- PO« S) CM«S) ACS«5)
10) 10) PHC«5)
« 5) SS- PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5)
SP(5-10) RS(S-lO)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Naganahalli OCS(2) BS
50 285.0 384 PM S PUC CHWH(IO+) PO TO CPCM(5- CV(lO+)
1,567 THPSS- ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02834400) C(5-10) MCW(5-10) PH(4) 10) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(JO+)

Machanayakanaha OCS(2)
51 119 PM«5) H(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S«5)
268.0 551 THPSS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
IIi (02834SOO) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Seeranahundi PM(5-IO)C(5. CHWH(5-1O) OCS(2) BS

52 181.0 532 107 10) PH(2) CV«5)
(02834600) MCW(IO+) HP WSS- CM«S) ACS(5-1O) RS(lO+)
PO(5-1O) SP(5-10)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town &. Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under ditTerent types ofland use in Name of "illage Serial
to viUage distance (in kru) snpply paper I commodity hectarc)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
De --~~~o-re-st--~I~r~ri~g-M~ed~--~U~n~ir-n~'---c-rn7ru--ra---Ar~ea--n-o--'

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for crntiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Heggadadcvankote EA GC(56.7)
(7) 141.8 17.6 BoppanahaUi 44

Heggadadevankote· EA . GC(68.8)
PRMRFP (5) N 389.6 24.3 0.3 Yarilhalli 45

MR F NR Heggadadevankote TW(I.6)
p (2) EA 375.5 26.3 Katternanuganahalli 46
PR MR FP Heggadadcvankote
EA TWE(l.6) 165.7 2.0 Heggadapura 47
NR (2)

PR MR fp Heggadadevankote EA GC(33.0)
88.0 12.1 Dasanapura 4S
(0) T(33.0)

EA 100.7 9.3 Akkadevanahalli 49

PRMRFP (7j EA NM 165.4 TW(l2.1) 47.5 11.4 Naganahalli 50

Heggadadevankole 132.7 16.1 SO.9 Machanayakanahalli 51
(0) T(3S.5)

Heggadadevankote Ge(S.I)
EA 145.3 18.7 9.0 Seeranahundi 52
(4) T(S.I)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of 'iUage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not amilable within the village, a dash (-) i. shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medienl Drinking Post. Commer Agriclll Rccrca Communi
(in Cens"s) water telegraph cial and co- tural, noo- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilitics service.,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II IZ 13

Motha PM«5)C« CV«5) NWBS«
53 334.0 955 168 5) MCW(IO+) C SS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02834700) 5) SP(IO+) 5) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP«5) NCS« 5)

Krishnapurakaval PM« S}C« - H« THPTW CV(JO+) BSNW
54 145.0 655 134 5) MCW(lO+) WRC SS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS(10+)
(02834800) 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP«5) NCS(IO+)

Kollegowdanahalli THPTWC f'OTO CV«5)
55 73S.0 1.452 282 P M C(5-1O) CM(5-IO) OeS(2) RS(lO+)
(02&3.4900) MCW(1O+) ss- PH(4)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

P« PHS H(5-10) - OCS(2) BS

Yarahallikaval THPTW CV«5)
56 308.0 1,348 288 5) M« 5) C(S- MCW(IO+) WTKC SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02835000) SP(IO+)
10) PHC«5) PH(5-lD) CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO) NW(lO+)

CHWH(10+) OCS(2) BS
Shimmhalli THPTW PH PO« CV(5-IO)
57 169.0 1,625 297 P M C(IO+) MCW(JO+) CM(5-IO) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02835100) WSS- 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Chowdahalli P M« 5) C{S- H(lO+) THPTW CV«5) BS«5)
58 257~0 3&9 76 PO«5) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-IO)
(02835200) 10) MCW(IO+) TKSS- SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PH(S-IO) ep(S-IO) NCS(5-10)
PHC«5) ST(lo+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-IO)' OCS(2) BS RS(5-

lakkahalli P(3) M C(5- CV«5)
59 ~13.0 2,746 525 MeW(5-IO) THPSS- PO TO PH CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) \0)
(02835300) )0) SP(5-IO)
PHC«S) CP(5-10) NeS(S-IO) NW(IO+)

Heggadahalli - H« OCS(2) BS
60 491.0 847 170 P MC«5) 5) MCW(5-IO) THPTW CV«5)
(02835400) PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(JO+)
PHC« 5) TK SS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-IO) NCS(5-IO) NW(1O+)

Hebbalaguppe P(2) M S C« D PHS H(lO+) PO TO

6\ 393.0 3,684 726 5) CPCM« CV«5)
(02835S00) MCW(5-10) T HP SS- OCS(2) RS(IO+)
PH(60) 5) SP(10+)
PHC«5) NeS«5) NW(lO+)

Hulikura PM«S)C(5- H(\O+) OeS(2)

62 227.0 31 5 HP W C SS- PH(2) CV(5-\0) BS«5)
(02835600) 10) MCW(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS« 5)
PO«5) 51"(\0+) RS(lO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS«5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hulikurakaval P« H(5- OeS(2l

63 96.0 340 75 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- 1"0«5) CV«5) BS«5)
(02835700) CM«5) ACS« 5)
10) «5) SS- SP(5-1O) RS(5-10)
10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land uSe in Name of village Serial
to ,-iIIage distance (in Jan) supply paper I commodity hectare)*'" num
iUagazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~0-re-s-t--~Ir-n7'g-a-k-d~--7U~n7ir-n7'----c-u~ltu-r-a---A-r-e-a-n-o--t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for culth-a
gau.har lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
Heggadadevankote WE(1.3)
NC EA Sales 249.0 28.2 12.1 Motha 53
(4) TWE(9.1)
PR MR FP IIcggadadevankotc
EA TWE(9.1) 93.1 6.2 Krishnapurnkaval 54
NR (I)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote GC(38.6)
EA N 445.2 219.5 31.8 Kollegowdanahalli 55
(10) T(3&.6)

Heggadadevankote GC(28.5)
213.4 25.1 40.4 Yarnhallikaval 56

FP Heggadadevankote
PRMR (12) EA 142.1 13.8 12.6 Shinnahalli 57

MRFP EA 211.1 28.3 11.0 Chowdahalli 58

PR EA NM 314.1 38.3 lakkahalli 59

Heggadadevankote GC(47.9)
PRMRFP (10) EA 391.5 1.7 50.0 Heggadahal1i 60

Heggadadevankote GC(202.5)
EA NM 126.3 1.8 62.5 HebbaJaguppe 61
PRMRFP (10) T(202.5)

Heggadadevankotc GC(70.0)
EA NM 100.& 5.7 50.6 Hulikum 62
PRMRFP (10) T(70.0)

Heggadadevankote GC(2.1)
EA 92.1 1.& Hulikurnkaval 63
(10) T(2.1)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities a"ailable (if not available "ithin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest plael!
her the on (20()1 holds where the facility !s available is given)
village Census) (ZOOI Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recr.a Comnmni
(in Census) 'water telegraph cia) and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tiYe agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I3


Thumbasogc THPlW PO TO CV«S) BSNW
64 290.0 1,852 388 P M S q< 5) MCW(S-IO) CMCP OCS(2)
(02835800) TKRCSS- PH«5) SP(JO+) RS(JO+)
PHq<5) ACS(10+)

- H« THPlW OCS(2)
Thoravalli PM«S)C« CV«5) BS« 5)
65 182.0 638 123 5) MCW(IO+) TKR C SS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O)
(02835900) 5) SP(lO+) RS (I 0+)
PHq< 5) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS(5-1O)


P(2) M q5- PO TO
66 ltna (02836000) 532.0 2,099 447 MCW(lO+) WTKRC CM('" 5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
10) PH(5-IO) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) SS- CP(lO+} NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
67 128.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

68 Pora (02836200) 166.0 - - Uninhabited - - -


Halladamanugana THPTW CV«5)
69 89&.0 1,408 29& PMqIO+) MCW(IO+) PO« 5) CM(\O+) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
halli (02836300) TKSS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP(lO+) ACS(IO+) NW(1O+)

Kaltchundi PM«5) 10) CV«5) BS(IOT)
70 2660 5X9 130 HPSS- PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O)
(02836400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(ID+) RS(5-10)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Gollanabccdusarag THPTK CV«5)
71 392.0 1,645 362 P M C(lo+) MCW(IO+) PO TO PH CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
ur (02336500) SS- SP(JO+)
PHC(<:5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Gollanabccdu - H« NCS BS
P M«5) 5)MCW(lO+) THPTK PH(2) CV«5)
72 388.0 449 95 CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02836600) C(IO+) PO« 5) SP(lO+)
PHC(<: S) SS- CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Masanakuppc CV«5) 8S« 5)
73 161.0 52 7 5) M(< 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02836700) SP(5-IO) RS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC« 5) « 5) SS- PH«5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

Ankanahalli P« H(5- OCS(2)

74 222.0 18 3 S)"M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- CV«5) BS« 5)
PO« S) CM«5) ACS« 5)
10) 10) PHC« 5)
« 5) SS- CP(5-IO)
SP(5-10) RS(S-IO)
PH«5) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Muddaiahnahundi PM« 5) H(IO+) OCS(2)

75 28.0 122 19 PH(3) CV« 5) BS«5)
(02836900) HPSS- CM(5-IO) ACS(5-1O)
C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PO«5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\'lagazi Inanufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri culturd . Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gaucbar 'ion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Hcggadadcvankotc GC(28.3)
EA NM 187.0 74.8 Thumbasogc 64
NW (10) T(28.3)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankotc EA GC(32.3)
90.7 59.0 Thornvalli 65
(10) T(32.3)

FP Hcggadadcvankotc 43 5 GC(170.2)
PRMR (12) F.A 181.3 137.0 Itna 66
. T(l70.2)

- - Uninhabited - - - Thotahalli 67

- - Uninhabited - - - Purn 68

TWE(16.2) 192 Halladamanuganaha

PR MR FP Mysore (21) EA Bricks 433.5 429.1 . IIi 69

MRFP Mysore (20) EA 186.2 47.1 8.4 Kattchundi 70

0(12.1) 16.1 Gollanabcedusaragu

PRMRFP Mysorc(18) EA N
278.9 84.9

PR MR FP Mysorc (21) EA Bricks 259.6 120.3 8.1 Gollanahcedu 72

Mysore(21) EA 26.0 135.0 Masanakuppc 73

Mysore(21) EA 99.5 117.9 4.6 Ankanahalli . 74

PR MR FP Mysorc (28) EA 28.0 Muddaiahoahundi 75


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Selial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities ay"ilable (if not available ,vithin the ,1l1age, a dash (-) is shomt in the column and next to
nUIII & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance iu broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ km<; of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is giyen)
village Ceusus) (2001 Educational Medical Dlinking Post, Commer Aglicul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socic tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 JO 11 12 13

KOlhegala P(Z) M PH(3) CV«5)
76 361.0 477 98 MCW(IO+) TSS- CM«S) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02837000) qlO+) PO« 5) SP(IO+}
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(JO+)

GangadahosahaUi H(IO+) PH(8) CV«5)
77 -21.0 1,432 294 P MC(IO+) TTW SS- CM«5) ACS{<5) RS(IO+}
(02837100) MCW(IO+) PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHq< 5) ST(lO+)

P« OCS(2)
YennegerekavaI H(IO+) PH(3) CV«5) BS« 5)
7H 82.0 83 23 5) M«5) HPSS- CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10)
(02837200) MCW(lO+) PO«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Thandasipum - CV«5) BS« S)
79 319.0 5 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02837300) « 5) SS- SP(5-1O) RS(5-10)
10) 10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)


Gant,,,,dahalli PH(2) CV«5)-
SO 86.0 213 50 5)M«5) MCW(IO+) TSS- CM«5} OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02837400) PO«5) SP(IO+)
C(IO+) PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)

Alanahalli THPTW
81 380.0 2,661 517 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+} PO PH(9) CM«5) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02837500) TKSS-
PHC«S) CP(IO+) ACS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Devalapura 10 P(3) M« 5) CV«5) BS« 5)
82 113.0 43 MCW(IO+) SS PO«5) CM«5) ACS(lO+)
(02837600) C(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Sindenahalli OCS{Z) B8
83 201.0 1,051 177 P MC(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02837700) MCW(IO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(JO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

M.Mallahalli P« H(5- OCS(2)

84 141.0 19 3 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- CV«5) B8«-5)
(02837800) PO«S) CM«5) ACS«5)
« 5) SS- SP(S-IO) RS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)

Kaniyanahundi H(IO+) THPTW

85 1,049.0 1,445 290 P M C(IO+) CV(5-IO)
(02837900) MCW(lO+) PO« 5) CM(5-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Bettadabcedu PHSH(IO+) OCS(2) BS

86 717.0 THPTW CV(lO+)
1,456 279 P MC«5) MCW(IO+) PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02838000) WSS- SP(1O+)
PHC«5) PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & rOW,.r Nen's Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of 'illage Serial
to village distance (in Ian) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri culturn Arca not
(by source) gatcd ble waste a,oailable
(including for culli"a
gaucbar lion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Mysore (26) EA 251.5 64.2 45.2 Kothegala 76

PR MR FP Mysore (26) . EA 21.0 Gangadahosahalli 77

PR MR FP Mysore (29) EA 82.0 Yennegerekaval 78

Mysore (29) EA 93.7 216.2 Thandasipura 79

PR MR FP Mysore (26) EA 86.0 GangadabaUi 80

PR MR FP Mysore (0) EA NM Bricks 380.0 Alanahalli 81

MRFP Mysore(26) EA 100.8 68.4 3.8 Devalapura 82

PRMR Mysore (27) EA 73.7 98.4 5.0 Sindenahalli 83

Mysore (27) EA 81.2 8.1 4.8 M. Mallahalli 84

Mysore(O) EA NM Bricks 121.4 TWE(4.1) 828.4 40.5 44.6 Kaniyan.hundi 85

EA NM 120.0 TWE(8.0) 550.8 9.9 ·20.2 Ben.dab.cdu 86
MRFP Mysore (30)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "illage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available ,,;thin the ,illage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \'iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 tans. al1d 10+ kms orthe nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is availahle is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Cummer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, nOl1- tional & cations
hectare) and opera th'c agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
otber credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,.
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P« OCS(2) BS
Kcthahalli H(IO+} THPTW PH CV(IO+)
87 270.0 141 31 5)M«5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02838100) MC\V(lO+) WSS- PO(IO+) SP(IO+)
C(lO+) CP(lO+) NCS(1O+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

P« H{S- OCS(2)
Kalkodu CV«5) BS« 5)
88 337.0 53 9 5) M« 5) C(5c 10) MCW(5- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02838200) « 5) SS- SP(5-1O) RS(5-10)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« OCS(2)
Kadasur H(JO+) CV(lO+) BSNW
89 171.0 90 16 5) M«5) HP SS- PO(lO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
(02838300) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
C(lO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(!O+)

Kyathanahalli P M S THPTW PO TO CM ACSNCS CV«5)
90 854.0 2,908 592 PHSFWC RS(IO+)
(02838400) C(IO+) SS- Pll(4) CP(IO+) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
H(1O+) NW(IO+)

Kandc:gowdanapur PM«5) H(lO+) THPTW CV«5) BS(IO+)
91 200.0 158 30 PO«5) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
a (02838500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(lO+) RS« 5)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

92 101.0 ---- Uninhabited - - - -

Chamalapum P M«5) H(IO+) CV«5) BS« 5)
93 280.0 328 59 HP TW SS- POC< 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02838700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bannavadi PM«5) H(IO+) CV(IO+)
94 452.0 486 82 HP TW SS- PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02838800) C(IO+) MC\v(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(JO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Jompanahall i P M(5-10) H(IO+) NCS

95 350.0 530 125 CM(lO+) OCS(2)
(02838900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TKSS- PH(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

M_Kannenahalli H(lO+) OCS(2)

96 310.0 1,572 321 P MC(IO+) THPTW CV(5-10) BS« 5)
(02839000) PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O)
PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(JO+) NW(lO+)

Chamanahalli P M«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

97 225.0 THPTW CV(5-1O)
847 185 PO« 5) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02839100) C(IO+) MCW(1O+) WTKSS- SP(IO+)
PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Chikkereyur PHS H(IO+) NCS BS

P(3) M THPnV PO TO CV(5-10)
98 539.0 2,258 475 MCW(lO+) CM(5-10) OCS(2)
(02839200) C(JO+) WTKSS- PH(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) SP(lo+)
CP(IO+) ACS(5-1O) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in kIn) supply paper I commodity hectarey* nnm
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --.~F~o-re-s-t--~lr-n~·g-a-t-.d~---U~n~ir-n~·----c-u~lt-urn----A--re-a-n-o--t

(hy source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Heggadadevankote TWE(40.0)
EA NM 192.2 20.0 17.8 Kethahalli 87

. Heggadadevankote TWE(27.8)
EA 72.3 233.5 3.4 Kalkodu 88
(40) T(27.8)

MR FP NR Heggadadevankote
EA NM 142.9 8.1 20.1 Kadasur 89

PR MR FP Mysore (27) EA 449.6 353.4 16.1 Kyathanahalli 90

MRFP Mysore(31) EA 62.3 132.7 Kandegowdanapnra 91

-..--.- Uninhabited ---- Manegaranahundi 92

PR MR FP Mysore (30) EA 90.7 137.7 1.4 Chamalapura 93

Heggadadevankote TWE(26.3)
MR EA 419.8 0.5 5.4 Bannavadi 94
(31) T(26.3)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote 210.4 72.1 . 4.8 lompanahalli 95
EA Tobacco WE(20.2)
NR (20)

Heggadadevankote . TWE(8.1)
MRFP EA Tobacco Process 205.0 96.8 0.1 M.K.annenahalii 96
(14) T(8.1)

Heggadadevankote 144.5 64.5 16.0 Chamanahalli 97

PRMRFP (14) EA Tobacco Process

Heggadadevankote TK(21.0) 405.6 61.5 42.3 Chikkereyur 98
PRMRFP (12) EA Tobacco Process


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,·mage Total T<>tal Numbe-r Amenities 3l'ailable (if not available within the village,. a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
bor the on (2001 holds where the racility is m·ailable is given)
"i1Iage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
lin Census) water telegraph cial and Co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera ti\'c agricul cultural (Bus
telephone b,mks tu.-alllnd faciliti\..-:; :sen-icc,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hnll, station,
Sports 'water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P« OCS(2) BS
Doddakereyur H(IO+) TWWTK CV(5-IO)
99 536.0 76 19 5) M«5) 1'0«5) CM«5) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02839300) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(IO+)
C(lO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)
Kunigalu 79 PM(5-10) H(IO+) THPTW CV(S-IO)
100 211.0 323 1'0«5) CM«S) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02839400) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+)
PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P« OCS(2) BS
Kodichmnanahalli H(IO+) CV(S-IO)
101 219.0 119 24 5)M«5) HPC SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(5-1O) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02839500) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
C(IO+) I'H(5-10) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

- P« 10) OCS(2)
l\·lallahalii nVWTK CV(lO+) BS« 5)
102 176.0 41 II 5) M« 5) C(5- MC\v(IO+) 1'0«5) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-10)
(02839600) SS- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
10) . PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(S-IO)

P« OCS(2)
Doddakerekaval 10) TWWTK CV(IO+) BS(5-IO)
103 106.0 281 66 5) M«5) 1'0«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10)
(02839700) MC\v(IO+) SS- SP{lO+) RS(IO+)
C(lO+) PH«5) CP~IO+) NCS(S-IO)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) N\V(IO+)

l3achegowdanahall PM S
PHS H«5) OCS ACS« CV(~ 5) BS
104 137.0 1,374 305 MCW«5) TTW SS- PO PH CM«5) 5) RS(IO+)
i (02839800) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) NW(lO+)


Garikekattekaval PH 1'0(5- eV(S-IO)
105 167.0 113 29 5)M«5) 10) MCW(5- WTKRC CM(IO+) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02839900) 10) SP(IO+)
C(lO+) 10) PHC« 5) SS- CP(5-IO) NeS(5-10) N\V«5)
106 119.0 - - Uninhabited -------

Bettahalli P« OCS(2)
H(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10)
107 194.0 18 4 5)M«5) TWWSS- 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
(02840100) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
C(lO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

K.KanIlcnal1alli H« NCS BS
1'(2) M THPTW PH 1'0« CV«5)
108 101.0 353 72 5) MCW« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02840200) C(IO+) WCSS- 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP« 5) ACS« 5) NW«5)

lruvidi 1'« H(5- OCS(2)

109 59.0 76 17 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- - - 1'0«5) CM«5)
CV«5) B5«5)
(02840300) « 5) SS- ACS« 5)
10) 10) PHC« 5) SP(5-10) RS(5-10)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)

NayakanallUndi PM«5) H{lO+) Hl'nVW OCS(2)

liD 299.0 723 145 PO« 5) CV(5-1O) BS«5)
(02840400) C(lo+) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10)
MCW(IO+) TKC SS- SP(1O+) RS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW{lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Ncarest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to "iIIage distance (in kIn) supply pape.-' commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~--------~-------------------------------
Forest l_rrigated Unirri clIltura Area not
(by sou«o) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauctiar lion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
MRFP EA Tobacco Process TK(32.5) 375.5 99.2 25.1 Doddakereyur 99

R FP Heggadadevankote TWE(IS.6)
PR M . (14) EA Tobacci Process 100.7 7S.7 13.0 Kunigalu 100

Heggadadevankote GC(43.8)
MRFP EA 71.2 104.0 Kodichamanahalli 101
(20) T(43.8)

Heggadadevankote GC(46.9)
MR FP EA Tobacco Process 81.2 8.1 39.8 Mallahalli 102
(15) T(46.9)

MRFP EA Tobacco Process 106.0 Doddakerekaval 103

Heggadadevankote TWE(16.0)
MRFP EA NM 114.7 4.0 2.1 Bachegowdanahalli 104
(0) T(16.2)

PR MR FP EA NM. TWE(40.5) 79.3 4.5 23 Garikekattekaval 105

- - Uninhabited - - - - Honnahalli 106

Heggadadevankote TWE(IS.2)
EA 120.6 51.4 3.7 Bettahalli 107
(0) T(lS.2)

Heggadadevallkote 4.1 K.Kannenahalli 108
MRFP EA NM TWE(4.5) 76.2 4.0
(0) T(16.6)

Heggadadevankote 59.0 Iruvidi 109


Heggadadevankote W(J3.4) 240.0 35.1 Nayakanahundi 110
PR MR FP (18)- EA N


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available \\ithin the lillage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms_, 5-10 ~s. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
lillage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrca Comnmni
(in Census) water tekgraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive "gricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,.
other credit (Ciuema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,.
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

P« OCS(2) BS
Chottanahalli ,H(IO+) CV«5)
III 298,0 58 -1 5) M«5) T HP C SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02840500) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+)
C(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(I(}t)
PHC«5) ST(I(}t)
Madapum P(2) M S ACSNCS
112 398.0 2,993 604 H(IO+) T TW W SS- PO PH(2) CMCP' SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02840600) C(IO+) OCS(2)
MCW(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kolagala HPWRC CV«5)
113 438.0 3,027 624 P M C(lO+) MCW(I(}t) PO TO PH CM(IO+) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02840700) SS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) NCS(I(}t) NW(IO+)

Holehundi PM«5) H(IO+) THPWC PHPO« CV«5) BS«5)
114 327.0 267 59 CM«5) ACS(5-10)
(02840800) C(IO+) MCW(I(}t) SS- 5) SP(l!H-) RS(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS{l(}t)
PHC« 5) ST(l(}t) NW(IO+)

Karigala P M« 5) C(5- - H« T HP TW R PH PO« CV«5) BSNW
lIS 1,613.0 1,134 241 10) 5) MCW(I(}t) C SS- 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02840900) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) CP«5) NCS(I(}t)

Hommaragahalli P(l) M S H(I(}t) THPTW PH(42) CPCM(..;; ACSOCS
116 514.0 3,394 719 SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02841000) C(1(}t) MCW(lI}t) WRCSS- PO«5) 5) NCS(lO+)
ST(IO+) NW(I(}t)

Hampapura 337 P(3) M(2) PHSFWC THPTW CM
117 160.0 1,574 PTO OCS(2) SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02841100) C(1(}t) RMP CHW 0 TKSS- CP(I!H-)
PH(32) ACS«5) ST(I!H-) NW(I(}t)

Kohala 1'(3) M« S) H(l(}t) OCS(2) BS

118 PHPO(S- CV(S-IO)
871.0 1,104 219 HPTKSS- CM(S-IO) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02841200) C(1(}t) MCW(5-10) 10) SP(I!H-)
PHC«5) ST(J!H-)

Marchahalli H(I(}t) OCS(2) BS

119 159.0 64 PM«5) HP TW SS- PH(5) CV«5)
309 CM(5-1O) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02841300) C(IO+) MCW«5) PO(S-IO) SP(IO+)
CP(I(}t) NCS(JO+) NW(I(}t)
PHC«5) ST{lO+)

P M«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

120 Pum (02841400) 244.0 HPTWTK PH PO(5- CV(5-1O)
1,063 226 CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) RS(JO+)
C(lO+) MCW(5-10) SS- (0) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(I(}t) NW(I(}t)
PHC«5) ST(lo+)

Karehundi PM«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

121 27.0 304 THPTW CV«5)
(02841500) 63 PO«S) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- SP(I(}t)
PH«5) CP(I!H-) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(l(}t)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power' News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use ill Name of ,illage Serial
to 'illage distance (in kin) supply paper I commodity hectare)** lIum
Magan inanufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(bysouree) gated hIe waste available
(including' for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR F Heggadadevankote EA GC(34.1)
223.1 40.9 Chottanahalli . III
P (17) T(34.1)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote EA NM WE(S.9) 174.3 56.S 40.6 Madapura lIZ

PR MR F Heggadadevankote EA N W(39.7) 172.5 85.7 Kolagala 113
P (13) .

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote EA W(70.5)
51.1 95.6 Holehundi 114
(16) WE(29.1)

NC Heggddadevankote
EA NM TWE(IZ.I) 969.2 78.1 26.4 Karigala 11S
NR . (0)
NW R(446.Z)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote EA NM WE(32A) 315.2 51.5 16.3 Hommaragahalli 116
(0) T(131.1)

Heggadadevankote TWE(16.2)
EA NM 124.3 8.1 11.5 Hampapurn 117
PRMRFP (19) T(16.2)

Heggadadevankote 3579 WE(Zl.I) 449.0 12.7 30A Kohala liS

MR EA . T(21.1)

Heggadadevankote TWE(IS2) 13.7 Man::hahalli 119

(19) TOS.2)

Heggadadevankote TWE(162) 120

EA 203.6 14.6 9.7 Pura
MR T(16.2)

. Heggadadevankotc 23.6 3.5 Karehundi 121



Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "illage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available "ithin the ~·iIIage. a dasb (-) is sbown in tbe column and ne:.'t to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distallce in broad ranges viz-< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the 011 (2001 holds where Ihe facility is available is given)
,'ill age Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrca Communi
(in Ccnsus) water telegraph cial alld co tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen'ice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

linnahulli P(2) M H(lO+) THPTW CV«5)
122 361.0 2,059 406 PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02841600) C(lO+) Iv!CW(IOI) WRSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Hirenandi P M«5) 11(10+) THPTW CV«5) BSNW
123 336.0 543 113 PO« 5) CM«5). ACS« 5)
(02841700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) WRSS- SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Kanchomalli PMS 11(10+) HPTWTK PO TO CV(lO+)
124 206.0 1,220 247 CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02841800) C(IO+) I,ICW(IO+) SS- PH(S) SP(lO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
Plle«5) ST(IO+)


Chikkan.ndi HPTWTK PH(4) CV(IO+)
125 283.0 993 209 P M C(IO+) MeW(S-IO) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02841900) SS- PO(I 0+) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) CP(lO+) ACS(lO+) NW(lO+)

ehomaholli P(2) M CV(IO+)
126 543.0 569 107 MCW(IO+) HPSS- PO(IO+) CM(lO+) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02842000) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)

Hatwal H(IO+) HPnVTK PH PO(S- CV(5-tO)
127 421.0 1,427 285 P M C( 10+) CM(S-IO) ACS(JO+) RS(lO+)
(02842100) MC\V(5-10) SS- 10) SP(10+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)


128 733.0 1,786 333 P M C(5-IO) MCW(5-10) SS- PO TO PH 5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02842200) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) NCS(S-IO) NW(lO+)

Molcyur OCS(2) BS
H(IOt) HPnVRC - CV(5-10)
129 (Kalihundi) 445.0 1,440 273 P M C(10+) SS- PO«5) CM(S-to) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02842300) PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS(lO+) NW(JO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Shunkahalli HPnVRC - OCS(2) BS

P M«5) H(IO+) CV«5)
130 181.0 489 80 5S- PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02842400) C(IO+) MCW«5) SP(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Muddanahalli H(lO+) OCS(2)

P M« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10)
131 232.0 349 60 T HP W SS- PO« 5) CM«S) ACS«5)
(02842500) C(lO+) MC\v(IOI-) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

Adahalli H(lO+) THPnV

- OCS(2) BS
132 324.0 853 170 P M C(IO+) CV«5)
(02842600) MCW(lO+) W TK R SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lo+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PJIC« 5) ST(lO+)
KBcllhur P(5) M(2) S H(lO+) ACS BS
133 596_0 THPTW CPCM« CV«5)
2,308 520 PO TO PH OeS(2) RS(IO+)
(02842700) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) WRCSS- 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach :Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in Name of \illage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured . ber
ne --~F-o-res--t----Inn--·g-a-t-ed-----U-n-irn--·----c-ul-fu-rn----A-r-e-a-n-o--'

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 1') 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Heggadadevankotc
EA N R(42.5) 216.3 20A 73.8 Jinnaballi 122

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote
EA N R(54.6) 205.1 7.0 55.2 Hirenandi 123
NW (23)

Heggadadcvankote TWE(19.0)
MR (21)
EA N 140.6 23.7 22.8 Kanchamalli 124

Heggadadcvankote TWE(17.0)
MR EA N 235.9 3.3 26.7 Chikkanandi 125
(20) T(17.0)

MR (20)
EA 408.9 79.8 54.3 Chamahalli 126

Heggadadcvankote TWE(263)
MR EA N 254.5 98.7 41.4 Hatwal 127
(19) T(26.3)

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote GC(215.4)
EA N Cotton 408.7 108.9 Chakkur 128
(16) T{215A)

Heggadadevankote GC(161.1)
PRMRFP (22) EA Cotton 206.1 77.7 Moleyur (Kalihundi) 129

Heggadadevankote GC(66.1)
EA Cotton 80.9 34.0 Shankahalli 130.
PRMRFP (19) T(66.1)

Heggadadcvankote WE(6.1)
MRFP EA Cotton 20S.1 17.& Muddanaballi 131
(27) T(6.1)

Hcggadadevankote IS2 247.6 13.5 44.7 Adahalli 132

MRFP EA N Cotton

Heggadadevankote GC(142A) 133

EA N Cotton 286.8 42 154.5 KBclthur
PRMRFP (15) 8.1 T(142.4)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "ilIage Total Total Number Amenities a"ailable (if not a"uilable within the village, a dash (-) is shown illihe column nnd next to
num & Location code area of pOpuh.lti of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges Yiz.< 5 kIDs., S-10 Ions. arId 10+ luns of the ncarest place
her the on (2001 holds where the facility is a"ailable is given)
\'iIIage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrea Communi
(in Cen,us) water telegraph cial and Co tural, ;,on- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socic tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Kulya P M« 5) C(S- H(IO+) CV(5-10) BS(5-10)
134 307.0 97& 197 HP R C SS- PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS«5)
(02842800) 10) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
PH«5) CP«5) NCS(lO+)

Hunaganahalli NCS BS
P M«5) H(IO+) CV«5)
135 295.0 660 137 T HP C SS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02842900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)
PHS H(lO+) OCS(2) BS
Manuganahalli P(2) M S CV«5)
136 510.0 846 169 MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02843000) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) S - PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
137 181.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

ManchalJalli OCS(2)
138 227.0 219 48 CM(IO+) ACS«5)
(02843200) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(I()+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

KaUasaragur P M(5-IO) H(IO+) OCS(2)

139 376.0 THPWR PHP0(5- CV(5-IO) BS(5-10)
688 \36 CM(S-IO) AC:S(<:5)
(02843300) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) CSS- 10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5} ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Hunsahalli P M«5) H(IO+) OeS(2) BS

140 333.0 568 113 THPCSS- PO«5) CV«5)
(02843400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
PH(<: 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(1O+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Lanke PHS H«5) OCS(2) BS

141 658.0 1,782 357 P M C(IO+) MCW(lO+) T HP W SS- PO« 5) CV«5)
(02843500) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hoovinakola P M(5-IO) H(IO+) THPRC OCS(2)

142 516.0 453 109 PH PO(5- CV(5-10) BS(5-10)
(02843600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- CM(5-IO) ACS(IO+)
10) SP(5-10) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Kattehunsur H(lO+) HPTWRC - DeS(2) BS

143 463.0 981 194 P M C(IO+) CV(IO+)
(02843700) MCW(lO+) SS- PO«5} CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
PH«5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kallambalu P(4) M(3) S H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

144 440.0 2,304 476 HPTWRC PO PH CV(IO+)
(02843800) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) CM(IO+) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kundur PM«5) H(lO+) HPTWRC - OCS(2) BS

145 756.0 437 97 CV« 5)
(02843900) C(W+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO)
PHC«5) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land nse in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)" num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne ---F-o-r-es-t-----lr-n-·g-a-t-ed-----(-Jn-i~r~ri~---ct~tI-tu-r-a---A--re-a-n-o-t-

(by source) gated ble waste available

(jncluding for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

R MR FP Heggadadevankote 385 GC(89.5)

P (18) EA 41.0 6.9 131.1 Ku1ya 134
. T(89.5)

MRFP EA Cotton 60.7 175.3 45.2 13.8 Hunaganahalli 135

MR FP Heggadadcvankotc WE(40.5)
PR (25) EA NM 255.5 3.7 210A Manuganahalli 136

----- Uninhabited ------- Halemanchahalli 137

Heggadadevankote GC(56.7)
MRFP EA Cotton 8.! T(56.7) 88.7 73.6 Manchahalli 138

MR FP Heggadadevankote EA WE(2A) 47.0 251.0 28.6 Kallasaragur 139
PR (20) N Cotton

MRFP EA Cotton 60.7 175.3 83.4 13.5 Hunsahal1i 140

Heggadadevankote 141
MRFP EA !31.l 186.9 264.8 75.2 Lanke

Heggadadcvankote 4.5 Hoovinako1a 142

PR MRFP (20) EA N 109.1 402.3

PR MR FP Nanjangud (22) EA Cotton, Paddy 308.4 60.7 21.1 Kattehunsur 143

Heggadadevankote lWE(3.2) 291.9 4.5 51.6 Kallambalu 144
PR MRFP (25) EA Cotton

Heggadadevankote GC(IS.8) 145

EA Cotton 363.8 76.8 161.9 Kundur
PR MRFP (23) 137.7 T(15.8)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "illage Total Total Number Amenities a"ailable (if not available "itbin tbe ,illago, a dasb (-) is sbown in tbe column and next to
num & Location code area of popula!i of house it in brackets Ihe distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms~ 5-10 krns. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 hulds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) {200l Educational l\<ledical Drinking Post, Commer Agrkul Reerea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cia] and co. tura], non- lional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen'icc,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socic tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

- H« OCS(2) BS
Puradakattc PM«5) PHPO« CV«5)
146 181.0 601 125 5) MCW(IO+) THPTW CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02844000) C(IO+) PHC« 5) W C SS- 5) SP(lO+)

Kunnapatna P M(5-10) H(lO+) HP R C SS- PH P0(5- CV(5-10) BS« 5)
147 146.0 307 61 CM(5-1O) ACS« 5)
(02844100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) 10) SP(IO+) RS(5-10)
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

148 182.0 - - Uninhabited - - -


Bidagalu PM S HP W C SS- PH PO« CV« 5)
149 451.0 1,270 290 MCW(lO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02844300) C(1O+) 5) SP(IO+)
I'HC«5) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'(5) M(3) PHCPHS(2) NCS CV BS
Saragur THPTW PO
150 786.0 9,931 2,093 5(3) PUC FWC CMCI' OCS(2) SP(JO+) RS(IO')
(02844400) WRCSS- PH(250)
C(lO+) RMP(lO) ACS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nallur p M«5) H(lO+) HP TW SS- PO PH« CV(IO+)
151 132.0 140 35 CM«5) ACS(IO+) R5(10+)
(02844500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) 5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(ID+)


Hanchipura CV(IO+)
152 76.0 1,007 200 P M C(lO+) MCW(IO+) THPWSS- PO TO CM«5) ACS(IO+) 10)
(02844600) PH«5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(JO+) NCS(JO+) NW(lO+)

Masahalli OCS(2) BS
153 494.0 1,687 349 PMC(IO+) CM(5-1O) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02844700) MCW(lO+) SS- 5) SP(JO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(101) NW(1OT)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Korhcgala P(4) M OCS(2) BS

154 1,24Q.O 3,000 593 PO PH CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02844800) C(ID+) MCW(lO+) WCSS- SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

HaJasur H(lO+) OCS(2)

615.0 1,381 305 P l'vl C(IO+) PO«5) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+)
(02844900) MCW(IO+) CSS- SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Chamalapum P(2) M H(IO+) OCS(2)

156 565.0 958 202 CV(5-10) BSNW
(02845000) THPCSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
C(lO+) MCW(JO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PH(lo+) CP(IO+) NCS(!o+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)'

Bcnnagerc P« OCS(2) BS
157 383.0 H(IO+) T HP TW C PH(2) CV(IO+)
(02845100) 558 108 5)]1,[«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(JO+)
MCW(lO+) SS- PO«5) SP(lO+)
C(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of lillage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper J commodity hcctare)** nurn
i\:lagazi manufactured' ber
ne --::Y-o-rc-s-t--Ir-n-'g-a-tc""'d:---"'U-n-im-'--cu-I-tu-r-a--Ar-e-a-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
ga uebar tion

14 15 16 17 . 18 19 211 2] 22 23 2
PR MR FP Hcggadadcvankotc WE(2.8)
EA N 47.0 1292 0.4 Purndakattc 146
(16) TWE(0.8)

MR FP Hcggadadevankote. GC(l7.5)
PR (18) EA N 39.8 75.0 13.8 KUlmapatna 147

- - Uninhabited - - - - l.akkUJ (B) 148

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote EA NM WE(IS.I) 134.5 0.1 111.0 Bidagalu 149
(I I)

Beedi, GC(I182)
MR FP Heggadadevankotc
PR (12) EA NM Agarbathi, W(10.6) 490.1 20.5 146.6 Sarngur ISO
Handloorns T(l28.8)

MR FP Hcggadadcvankotc 1WE(3.2)
EA Stones 79.3 5.8 40.4 Nallur 151
PR (16) 0(3.2) T(6.5)

. MR FP Heggadadcvankote WE(2.0)
EA NM 59.0 9.7 3.3 Hanchipura 152
PR (16) 0(2.0) T(4.0)

MR FP Heggadadcvankote TWE(S.4)
EA NM 383.3 85.8 19.5 Masahalli 153
PR (17) T(5.4)

MR FP Hcggadadcvankote WE(7.3)
EA NM 528.4 429.2 63.4 Kothegala 154
PR (16) 94.4 TWE(8.1)

MR FP NR Hcggadadevankolc 378.1 83.5 31.8 Halasur 155
EA N 109.4 WE(7.0)
NC (20) T(12.3)

MR FP NR Heggadadevankole 353.8 123.9 87.3 Chamalapwa 156

NC (20)

Hcggadadevankote GC(J63.8)
EA NM 138.9 39.4 40.9 Bennagerc 157
PRMRFP (26) T(l63.8)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "mage 'rotal Total Number Amenities available (If not a,'ailable "'ithin the "ilIage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is ayailable is given)
"ilIage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- rional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agric:ul culrural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities senicc,
other (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Changowdanahalli PM«5) H(W+) CV«5) NWBS«
\5S 433.0 418 96 HPW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(10+)
(02845200) qlO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) 5) RS(IO+)
PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Mullur 717 P(2) M S THPTWC POTO CM CV(lO+)
159 1,161.0 3,353 PHS(2)FWC OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02845300) qlO+) . SS- PH(25) CP(IO+) SP(IO+)
H(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
160 170.0 - - Uninhabited - - - - -


Deerwal P(2) M« 5) H(lO+) THPTWC PO TO
161 246.() 606 135 CM«5) S) 10)
(02845500) qlO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PH«5)
CP(!O+) . NCS(10+) SP(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)
162 131.0 - - - Uninhabited - - - -
163 81.0 ---- Uninhabited - - - - -
164 603.0 - - - Uninhabited - - - -

P« H(5- OCS(2)
Chillahalli CV«5) BS(5-10)
165 236.0 85 13 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02845900) « 5) SS-' SP(5-10) RS(5-10)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Hadanur P(2) M H(lO+) PO CV«5)
166 1,026.0 2,791 582 THPSS- CM(lO+) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(0284600.0) C(lO+) MCW{lO+) PH(IO+) SP(10+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)
167 328.0 - - Uninhabited ------
alli (02846100)

168 377.0 - - Uninhabited---

PHS H(lO+) OCS(2) DS

Muthigechikkathal PMS HPTWRC CV(!O+)
169 505.0 1,017 212 MCW{lO+) Ss- PO PH CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
alu (02846300) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) NCS(1O+) NW(IO+)

Hunasur P« OCS(2) BS
170 178.0 70 16 5) M«S) CM{lO+) ACS{lO+) RS{lO+)
(02846400) MCW(JO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
qlO+) Cp(IO+) NCS(10+) NW(1O+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Muguthanamule P« OCS(2) BS
171 H(IO+) HPTWR CV{lO+)
314.0 470 85 5) M«5) PO« 5) CM{lO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02846500) MCW(IO+) SS- SP(IO+)
qlO+) PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(10+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Siddapurn P(2) M H(IO+) HPTWR OCS(2) BS

172 144.0 486 101 PH(2) CV(lO+)
(02846600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SS- CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
PO(5-IO) SP(!O+)
CP(lO+) NCS(!O+) NW(lO+-)
PHC«5) ST(!O+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under ditTerent types ofland use in Name of village . Serial
to village distance (in Jon) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\1agazi manufactured ber
ne --:F::-o-r-es-:t-~J:-r-ri::-g-a-:-te-d:---:U7n-:i"'r-:ri:---cl-:d"'h-,r-a--A-=-r-ea-no-t:-
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 26 21 22 23 2

MR NC Heggadadevankote
FP (Z6) EA 333.9 64.4 34.7 Changowdanahalli 158

P ·MR FP Heggadadevankote EA GC(47.3)

R (Z6) . NM 516.9 562.8 40.1 Mullur 159

- - Uninhabited - - - - - Jatagathipura 160

P F Heggadadevankote
RMR P (Z2) . EA NM TWE(3.1). 8.2 104.2 129.1 Beerwal 161

- - Uninhabited - - - - - Basavanakote 162

- - - Uninhabited ------------ Nandinathapma 163

- - Uninhabited - - - - - Lakkasoge 164

EA TK(3.5) 186.4 33.1 1.4 Chillahalli 165

Heggadadevankote TK(11.I)
MRFP EA N 787.7 193.4 16.2 Hadanur 166

- - Uninhabited ----~-- 167

- - - Uninhabited - - - - Lakshmanapura 168

Heggadadevankote TIVE(4.1) Muthig.chikkathalal

EA 145.7 T(4.1) 193.0 121.4 40.7 169
PRMRFP (39) u

Heggadadevanliote TWE(1.2)
EA Cotton 139.3 ZO.Z 17.2 Hunastir 170
PRMRFP (39) T(1.Z)

Heggadadevankote 148.1 85.0 80.9 Muguthanamule 171

PRMRFP (39) EA Cotton

Heggadadevankote TWE(4.9) 172

EA Cotton 83.4 28.3 27.3 Siddapura
PR MRFP (41) T(4.9)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name. of viUage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available "ithin the \illage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz..< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
"iIIage Cellsus) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tiw agritul cultural (Bus
telephone hanks turnland facilities s.nice,
01ller credit (Gnomal railway
soeie ties Video hall, station,
Sports ,vater
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13
173 315.0 ------ Uninhabited ------
Ankupum _ - - Uninhabited - - - - -
174 1,223.0

Baragi P(6) !VI(3) S H(JO+) HPlWR PH(2) CV(IO+)
175 1,091.0 1,319 255 CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02846900) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) SS- P0{5-10) SP(IO+)
CP(1O+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

P« H(1O+)
CV(IO+) BS«5)
176 681.0 56 16 5) M« 5) HPRSS- P0{5-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
(02847000) MGW(IO+) Sp(IO+) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) PH(1O+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

177 570.0 ------ Uninhabited - - - -

Antharasanthe P(4) M(2) S ACSNCS
178 1,619.0 4,[39 828 MCW(IO+) lW PO TO PH CMCP SP([O+) RS([O+)
(02847200) C(IO+) OCS(2)
PHC«5) WSS- ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Nuralakuppe P(3)M«5) H(lO+) THPTW CV«5) BS«5)
179 508.0 1,585 3[1 PO{<5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02847300) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Anagatti - H« OCS(2) BS
180 500.0 960 194 P M C(IO+) 5) MCW(lO+) THP1W CV«5)
PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02847400) Sp(IO+)
PHC«5) SS- PH«5) CP(5-JO) NCS(5·10) NW(IO+)

Yelamathur P M«5) C(- - H« THP OCS(2) BS

181 333.0 752 151 :>- 5) MCW(S-IO) lW CV(5-to)
(028475OO) PO«S) CM«5) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
10) PHC«5) SS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS(5-IO) NW(lO+)

Nilavagilu - H« - OCS(2)
P M«S) C(5- CV«5) BS«5)
182 601.0 775 144 5) MC\V(5-1O) THP1WC PO{<5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02847600) 10) SS- SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) PH(5-1O) CP(IO+) NCS(5-IO)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Magudilu H(lo+) THP1WC - OCS(2)

183 409.0 1.381 CV(lO+) BS«5)
286 P M C(JO+)
MCW(IO+) ss- PO{<5) CM(5-10) ACS(5·1O)
SP(1O+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP([O+) NCS(lO+)
PHC«5) ST([O+) NW(IO+)

Ncrale PHSH(IO+) OCS(2)

184 P(3) M THPlWC POTO CY(IO+) BS«5)
703.0 2,554 548 MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS(5-1O)
(02847800) C(lO+)
ss- PH«5)
Sp(IO+) RS(lO+)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of lilJage Serial
to \'ilJage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi '. manufactured' ber
ne --=F~or-es-t--~I~nn~'~g-at-ed~--~U~m7'rn~'---c-u7Iru--ra--~Are--a-n-o--t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for culti\'a
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
----- Uninhabit~ -------- O.ikkakwldur 173

- - - Uninhabited - - - - Ankupura 174

Heggadadevankote TWE(1.7)
PRMRFP (43) EA Cotton 532.6 T(1.7) , 192.0 283.7 80.9 Bamgi 175

MRFP EA 583.8 24.5 44.9 27.9 Vaderahalli 176

----- Uninhabited - - - - - Hirehalli 177

Heggadadevankote WE(9.7)
PR MR FP (13) , EA NM 902.0 707.3 Alltharasanthe 178

MRFP EA N 294.2 1913 22.5 Nuralakuppe 179

MRFP EA N 346.5 l32.0 21.5 Anagatli 180

Heggadadevankote 19.9 Yelamathur 181

MRFP EA N 303.6 9.5

IIeggadadcvankote GC{106.9)
MRFP EA N 364.1 88.7 413 Nilavagilu 182
(8) T(106.9)

Heggadadewnkote GC{183.9) 81.8 Magudilu 183

MRFP EA N 130.7 12.6
(11) T(183.9)

Heggadadevankote GC(70.4) 51.4 Nerale 184

MRFP EA N 510.2 71.0
(16) T(70.4)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Senal Name of village Tolal Total Number Amenities 3l'ailablc (if not available within the 'Village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house itin brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms oObe nearest place
ber Ihe on (2001 holds where the facility is ayailable is giyen)
Village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agrieu) Reer~a Communi
(in Census) wnter telegraph cial and co. tural, non- tional& cations
heclare) and opera live agricui cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hail, station,
Sports water
elub, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )0 11 12 13

P M S H(IO+) HPTWC PH(4) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
IS5 Pum (02847900) 133.0 1,716 441 CM«5) OCS(2l
C(10+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO(S-IO) SP(JO+) RS(lO+)
CP(lO+) ACS(lo+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) , NW(IO+)

Beechanahalli P(3) M(2) S H(IO+) , THPTW PO TO CM NCSOCS CV(IO+)
186 631.0 647 130 RS(IO+)
(02848000) PUC C(10+) MCW(IO+) TI(SS- I'H(85) CP(!O+) ACS(lO+) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Jeeyara P M« 5) H(JO+) HPTWTK CV« 5) BS«5)
187 394.0 496 87 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02848100) C(10+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

. Machan; OeS(2)
P M« 5) H(IO+) CV«5) 8S«5)
188 456.0 216 44 HPSS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02848200) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) SP{lO+) RS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS«5)
PHC«5) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

Krishnarajapura OCSACS« CV(- 5) BS

H(lO+) PH(4)
189 446.0 620 136 P M C(IO+) THPSS- CM«5) 5) < RS{lO+)
(02848300) MCW(IO+) PO«5)
CP(!O+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Manche gowdanah OCS(2) BS

H(IO+) CV(5-10)
190 918.0 2,908 576 P M C(IO+) THPSS- POP}! CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) RS(lOl)
alii (02848400) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Halemagge P M S CV{lO+)
191 1,344.0 1,756 342 MCW(lO+) T HP R SS- PH(2) CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02848500) C(lO+) PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-1O) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ragalakuppe H(1O+) OCS(2) BS

192 345.0 115 22 PM«5) CV(5-10)
(02848600) IlP RSS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Antharnsanthe P« . H(5- OCS(2)

193 Plantation 41.0 30 7 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- PO« 5) CM«5) CV«5) . 8S« 5)
«5) SS- ACS«5)
(02848700) 10) 10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-lO) SP(5-IO) RS(5-1O)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Honnurkuppc P« OCS(2)
194 161.0 154 31 5) M« 5) C« 10) HPSS- PO«5) CV«S) 8S« 5)
(02848800) CM«5) ACS«5)
5) MCW(IO+) SP(!O+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS«5)
PHC«5) ST(lO+) 'NW(lO+)

Badanakuppe PHS H«5) OCS(2)

195 146.0 PM«5) CV«5)
117 24 MCW(5-1O) .HP SS- PO«5) CM«5) BS«5)
(02848900) C(IO+) ACS«5)
PHC«5) PH«5) CP(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
. Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of .illage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity bectare)"" num
I\lagazi manufactured ber
ne --=F=-o-r-es-I---,J=-r-n=-·g-a-:"tc-d:---=U-:-n-,;:-rn-,·:----cu-:I-:-tu-r-a--A-'--re-a-no-t-
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote GC(4L3)
EA NM 9.1 6004 22.2 Pura 185
(16) T(41.3)

Heggadadevankotc 11«9.3) .
PRMRFP (16) EA NM 173.6 281.3 166.8 Beechanahalli 186

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote
EA TK(9.1) 82.9 154.0 146.3 Jeeyarn 187

MRFP EA 106.7 349.3 Machare 188

MRFP EA NM 407.8 38.2 Krishnar:yapura 189

NM 330.1 43.2 544.8 ~anchegowdanahal1 190

PRMRFP (21) EA NM 255.6 68.9 101 9.5 Halemagge 191

MRFP EA NM 345.0 Ragalakuppe 192

Heggadadevankote o Antharasanthe 193

EA 41. Plantation

Heggadadevankote 23.3 137.7 Honnurkuppe 194


Heggadadevankote 23.5 122.5 Badanakuppe 195



Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of yiUage Total Total Number Amenities a\'ailable (if not 3\'ailable "ithin the village, a dash (-) is sbown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populuti of house it in bmckcts the distance in broad ranges viz_< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofth. nearest place
her the on (2001 holds where the facility is ayailable is given)
,'iUage Census) (2601 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Connner Agricul Recrea Coulmuni
(in Census) "rater telegraph cial and co- tural, oon- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tivc agri<:ul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video ball, station,
Sports water
club, way)

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13


Hosaholalu CV«5)
196 298.0 67 18 P M C(5-IO) MCW(5-IO) PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) 10)
(02849000) « 5) ss- SP(5-IO)
PHC«5) PH« S) CP(S-IO) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
197 422.0 - - Uninhabited -----:-
198 137.0 -'- - Uninhabited - - -

N.Bclathur P(3) M PO TO CM CV(IO+)
199 2.029.0 3,114 643 PHSFWC THPSS- ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02849300) C(IO+) PH(6) CP(IO+) SP(IO+)
200 SI.O - - Uninhabited --------

Nisna P(2) M«S) H(IO+) CV(IO+)
201 792.0 1,210 251 T HP W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02849500) C(lO+) MCW(10+) SP(lO+)
PH«S) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

H(S- OCS(2) BS
202 544.0 178 32 P M C(1O+) 10) MCW(5- CM(5-IO) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02849600) SS- PH« 5) SP(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(l(}+) NW(IO+)

Sogahalli H(IO+) CV(5-10)
203 295.0 135 22 P MC(IO+) RSS- PO(5-10) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02849700) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO~)
204 38.0 - - Uninhabitcd---

Jaganakotc H« OCS(2) BS
20S 42S.0 209 37 P MC(IO+) 5) MCW«5) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02849900) SP(lO+)
PHC«S) PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(Io+) NW(IO+)

Kanakanahalli H« OCS(2) BS
213 P(3) M« 5) HPWTK CV(lO;-)
206 215.0 1,089 5) MCW«S) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(JO+)
(02850000) C(lO+) SS- SP(Io+)
207 65.0 - - - Uninhabited - - - -
208 36.0 656 126 PM SS
RMP(5) OCS(2) BS
Kcnchanahalli PMS THPTW PH PO« CV(IO+)
209 431.0 1,339 272 H(1O+) CM«S) ACS(IO+)
(02850300) C(IO+) WTKSS- 5) RS(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(Io+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

N. Begur 11(10+) THPWTK OCS(2) BS
210 1,408.0 2,509 516 P M C(5-1O) CV(IO+)
(02850400) SS- PO PH(2) CMCP ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
MCW{<5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) NCS(I(}+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** nnm
J\fagazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-res~t-~I-rn~'~~t-ed~-~U7n~ir-n7'--c-ul~t-un--A7r-~-n-o~t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

EA 100.0 98.0 100.0 Hosaholalu 196

- - Uninhabited - - - Magge 197

--Uninhabited--- Sundapura 198

PR Hcggadadcvankote
MR FP (25) EA NM 951.1 612.3 465.6 N.BeI.thur 199

- - Uninhabited - - - Huralipura 200

P M F HC~'lIdadcvankote
R R P (26) EA N 234.9 248.1 309.0 Nisna 201

PR EA 27.2 516.8 Malali 202

MRFP EA 219.2 75.S Sogahalli 203

- - Uninhabited - - - Malalagadde 204

Hcggadadcvankote WE(8.9)
MRFP EA 193.9 222.2 Jaganakotc 205
(30) T(S.9)

Hcggadadcvankotc 111.4 Kanakanahalli 206
PR EA N Tobacco WE(S.6) 8S.1

- - Uninhabited - - - Karavadi 207

Heggadadcvankote 36.0 Kalasuru 208


Hcggadadcvankotc WE(25.5)
PR EA NM 236.7 53.4 Kenchanahalli 209
115.3 T(25.5)

Hcggadadcvankote WE(18.9)
PR EA N 488.8 251.7 N. Begur 210
64S.6 T(18.9)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities ayailable (if not ayailable within the "illage, a dash {-) <s shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the 'on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
"i1lage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agrieul Rccrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial a nd co- tural, non- tional & cations
heclar.) and opera thoe agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen."ice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties VideohalJ, station.,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13
Beeramballi - H« THPWTK PO TO CV(IO+)
211 683.0 1,563 294 P MC(IO+) 5) MCW(5-1 0) SS- PH(< 5) CM«5) ACS(10+) RS(1O+)
(02850500) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(10+) NCS(1O+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-1O) OCS(2) BS

Hosahalli P M S PH PO« CV(IO+)
212 570.0 1,406 256 MCW(5-10) HPW SS- CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02850600) C(IO+) 5) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
Gundathur ----- Uninhabited - - - -
213 168.0


Karapura PM«5) CV(\O+)
214 266.0 244 60 MCW(IO+) T HP SS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02850800) C(IO+) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(\O+)
K.Gandathur 10) T HP W TK PO(;-lO) CV(lO+)
215 363.0 946 163 P M C(10+) CM(5-1O) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
(02850900) MCW(IO+) RSS- PH«5) SP(IO+)
PIIC« 5) ST(IO+)
216 250.0 ---- Uninhabited ------
217 168.0 ------- Uninhabited - - - -
218 210.0 ---- Uninhabited----
219 232.0 ---- Uni nhabited ------

PHS H(10+) OCS(2) BS

Kakanakote Forest P M(5-10) CV(IO+)
220 #11##### 418 86 MC\V(lO+) HP TW SS- PO(lO+) CM(1o+) ACS(lo+) RS(lO+)
(02851400) C(IO+) SP(JO+)
PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kadegadde OCS(2) BS
P M«5) H(1O+) PH PO« CV(lO+)
91.0 665 110
C(1O+) MC\V(5-\O)
liP R ss- CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
5) SP(JO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Vadakanamala P M«5) H(lO+) OCS(2) BS

222 59.0 349 64 CV(lO+)
(02851600) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(1O+) ACS(lO+) RS(lO+)
C(lO+) MC\v(IO+) SP(JO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Thimmanihosahall P« H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

223 21.0 275 56 5) M«5) CV(lO+)
i (02851700) HP W R SS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(\O+) RS(IO+)
MCW(lO+) SP(lO+)
C(lO+) PH«5) CP(1O+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Doddabyranakupp PHSH(IO+) OCS(2) BS

224 32.0 581 125 P M C(10+) PO TO CV(lO+)
e (02851800) MCW(lO+) HP RSS- CM(IO+) ACS{lO+) RS(IO+)
PH(4) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) NCS(lo+) NW(lO+)

Chikkabyranakup PM«5) 11(10+) OCS(2) BS

225 25.0 119 22 HPSS- CV(IO+)
pe (02851900) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) PO«5) CM(lO+) ACS(1O+) RS(lO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & . Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Nallle of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I . commodity . h~tare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
Forest Irrigated Unirrf cuJtura Area not
(by source) gated blewaste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tiOIl

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Heggadadevankote W(6.5)
PR EA N WE(15.4) 415.2 246.0 Beeramballi 211

Heggadadevankote WE(27.7)
MR EA Bamboo 288.7 253.5 Hosahalii 212
(38) T(27.7)

-------- Uninhabited - - - Gundathur 213

PRMRFP (27) EA N 36.5 48.4 18 i.1 Karapura 214

Heggadadevankole 437 WE(9.7)

MR EA . T(9.7)
240.0 69.6 K.Gandathur 215

------- Uninhabited - - - - Iyyanapura 216

----- Uninhabited - - - - Thenekallu 217

---- Uninhabited - - - Udbur 218

----- Uninhabited - - - Melukole 219

PRMRFP (33) EA NM 13816.6 18.8 192.6 Kakanakote Forest 220

PRMR EA NM 59.0 32.0 Kadegaddc 221
(Kernla) (18)

Manandavadi 6.9 Vadakanamala 222

EA NM 52.1
PR MR FP (Kerala) (20)

Manandavadi 15.4 5.6 Thimmanihosahalli 223


Manandavadi NM, 20.0 12.0 Doddabyranakuppe 224

PR MR FP (Kernia) (20) EA

Manandavadi 23.5 1.5 Chikkabyranakuppe 225

(Kernla) (20)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,·mage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and ne:\1 to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 luns., 5-10 kms. aud I()+ luns of the n.:orest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
Yillagc CenSus) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, ConUllcr Agricul Rccrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and c<> tural, nou- tional & catjons
hectare) and opera five agricul cultural (Bus
telephone bankS tural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railwGY
societies Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13
Ancmala PM«5) H(lO+) CV(lO+)
226 42_0 588 121 HP R SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(10+)
(1l2'<152()()() C(\O+) MCW(\O+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

P« OCS(2) BS
Nctkalhundi H(lO+) CV(IO+)
227 10_0 163 30 5) M«5) RSS- PO«5) CM(IOI-) ACS(IO+) RS(10+)
(02852100) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
C(lO+) PH« 5) CP(10+) NCS(1O+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Hasur PM« 5) H(1O+) CV(IO+)
228 24_0 395 78 HP R SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) RS(10t)
(02852200) C(10+) MCW(lO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Gollir PM«5) H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
229 17.0 546 107 HP R SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+)
(02852300) C(10+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1vlachur P(2) M H(1O+) CV(lO+)
230 11.0 955 173 HPR SS- rO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02852400) C(10+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
231 9,763.0 - - Uninhabited - - - - -

Kittur (TIlcrani OCS(2) BS RS(5-

P(2) M(2) S H(lO+) THPTW CP CVe5-10)
232 Manti) 1,246.0 2,657 517 PO« 5) ACS(5-1O) 10)
(02852600) PH« 5) NCS(lo+) NW(1O+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

H(5- OCS(2)
Uyyamballi P M«5) PHPO« CV(5-10) BS« 5)
233 349.0 528 106 10) MCW(5- HPTWSS- CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02852700) C(IO+) 5) SP(IO+) RS(S-IO)
10) PHC« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
18.0 186 33 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5-
- CV«5) BS« 5)
PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02852800) « 5) SS- SP(5-JO) RS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(S-IO) NCS« 5)
ST(IO+) NW(lo+)

PHS H(5-1O) OCS ACS(5- CV(;-1 0) BS

Bidarahalli P(2) M THPTW
235 42LO 1;559 353 MCW(5-10) POTOPH CM«5) 10) RS(lO+)
(02852900) C(lO+) TKSS-
PHC«5) CP(5-IO) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) NW(lo+)


Agathuru eV(S-IO)
236 308_0 1,846 379 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WTKRC PO«5) CM(5-1O) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02853000) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) SS- PH« 5) CP«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)


Sagan: 704 P(2) M PO TO CP CV«5)
237 1,344_0 3,359 PHSFWC WTKRC OCS(2)
(02853100) C(1O+) PH(14) CM(lO+) RS(JO+)
H(IO+) SS- SP(lO+)
NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (te. area under different types ofland use in Name of "ill age Serial
to "iIlage distance (in km) supply paper! commodity hectare)"" Dum
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirn cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gaucbar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR EA 12.3 24.4 5.4 Anernala 226
(Kernl.) (20)

MRFP EA 6.7 3.3 Netkalhundi 227

PR MR FP (Kernla) (22) EA NM 20.2 3,8 Hosur 228

MRFP EA NM 15.3 1.7 Golur 229
(Kernla) (24)

PR MR FP (Kerala) (24) EA N 8.3 2,7 Machur 230

--.- Uninhabited - - _ BcgUljunglc 231

Hcggadadc\'3nkote TWE(4,1) 6 5 5 Kittur (Therani

MR EA 616.4 2, Manti) 232
(21) T(4.1)

MR EA 272.3 58.1 18.6lfyyamballi 233

Hcggad.deYankote 18,0 Bettadavarchundi 234


HcggadadcYankotc 305,7 115.3 Bidamhalli 235

(I 7)

Hcggadadcvankote TWE(1.5) IOU 1.3 125.0 Agathuru 236

Hcggadadcvankote W(3.2) 119.3 Sagarc 237
MR EA NM 1043.4 115.8
(15) TWE(4.0)


Census oflndia 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities 'IYailable (if not available "ithin the ,illage, a dash (-) is shom, in the column and next to
num & Location code area of popuJati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \iz..< 51ans., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe nearest place
her the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cia) and ~(). tural, noo- tional& cations
hectare) and opera live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Kandegala PM«5) H(IO+) CV(5-1O)
238 213.0 366 72 T HP W SS- PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02853200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH(5-1O) CP«5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

- H(5- OCS(2)
Singapatna. P M«5) CV(5-1O) BS«5)
239 375.0 308 59 10) MCW(S- HP TW R PO« S) CM«5) ACS(5-10)
(02853300) C(lO+) SP(JO+) RS(5-1O)
10) PHC« 5) SS- PH«5} CP(5-IO) NCS(IO+)

H(5- OCS(2) BSRS(5-

Nanjanathapura PM«5) PHPO« CV(S-IO)
240 130.0 571 99 10) MCW(5- HPSS- CM(lO+) ACS«5) 10)
(02853400) C(JO+) 5) SP(IO+)
10) PHC«5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)


Hegganur P(2) M HP TW SS- PH PO{S- CV(JO+)
241 618.0 1,604 332 MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO) RS(IO+)
(02853500) C(lO+) 10) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

P« OCS(2)
Lingenahalli H(lO+) CV(5-10) BS«5)
242 129.0 169 34 5) M« 5) HP TW SS- PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS«5)
(02853600) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
C(JO+) PH«5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

243 154.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Thelagumasahalli P M«5) H(lO+) CV(lO+)
244 270.0 616 133 HI' TW SS- PO(5-1O) CM(S-10) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02853800) C(lO f) MCW(JO+) SI'(IO+)
PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

))evalapura P M«5) HP TW SS- PH P0(5- CV(5-10)
245 397.0 1,083 191 MC\V(lO+) CM(5-10) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02853900) C(IO+) 10) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Hullerna1a OCS(2) BS
P M«5) H(IO+) CV(5-1O)
246 173.0 474 91 HP TW SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02854000) C(IO+) MCW(JO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)
~S~WTK PO(~5)
Beddalapura H(lO+) CV(5-10)
247 256.0 303 64 P M C(5-10) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02854100) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH(S-iO) CP(5-IO) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Haleyuru CHWH(IO+) OCS(2) BS

248 THPTW CV(5-IO)
530.0 885 166 P M C(lO+) MCW(lO+) 1'0«5) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+}
(02854200) WTKSS- SP(lO+)
PHC«5) PH(5-iO) CP«5) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Narasipura CHWH(IO+) OCS(2) BS

249 P M«5) HPTWTK CV«5)
180.0 521 95 MC\V(lO+) 1'0«5) CM«5) ACS(5-IO)
(02854300) C(IO+) SS- RS(IO+)
PHC«5) SP(IO+)
PH«5} CP«5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity heetare)** num
Magan manufactured her
ne --=F~0-res--t--~I~~·g-a~t-ed~--.7u~n7ir-n7·----c~ul~tu-rn----A-r-.-a-n-o--t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culli,'a
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

P~ MR FP Heggadadewnkote EA
204.7 2.5 5.8 Kandegala 238

MR EA 214.7 160.3 Singapatna 239

PR EA 8.5 2.0 119.5 Nanjanatbapura 240

PRMRFP (24) EA 600.6 6.5 10.9 Hcgganur 241

MRFP EA 127.4 1.7 Lingenahalli 242

- - Uninhabited - - - Mallarajapurn 243

PR MR Heggadadevankote EA N 270.0 Thelagumasahalli 244

FP (25)

Heggadadevankote 245
PRMRFP (22) EA 80.9 280.0 27.5 8.5 Devalapurn

Heggadadevankote 159.4 8.7 5.0 Hullernala 246


Heggadadevankote 546 !'C(3.0) 185.6 8.3 4.5 Beddalapurn 247

MR EA . T(3.0)

Heggadadewnkote 48.2 W(8.1) T(8.1) 433.S 14.7 25.2 Haleyuru 248


Heggadadcvankote 152.4 19.9 7.S Narasipwa 249



Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available "'thin the "lIage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and ne~-t to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in bracl<<:ts the distance in broad ranges "z.<5 kms., 5-10 kms. and IG+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facili ty is available is given)
"nage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinlting Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph dal and CI). tural, noo- tional& cation~
hectare) and openl live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
soeie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13

P« OCS(2)
243.0 510 99 5) M« 5)
H(IG+) THPWTK PO(~5) CM«5) ACS« 5)
CV«5) 8S«5)
250 SP(IO+) RS(IG+)
(02854400) MCW(lO+) SS- PH« 5)
C(1O+) CP« 5) NCS«5)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(1O+)

251 14KO - - Uninhabited - - -

CHW H(!O+) OCS(2)

Huskur P M«5) CV(5-10) BS« 5)
252 451.0 236 51 MCW(IO+-) HPRSS- PO(5-1O) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O)
(02854600) C(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(1O+)
PHC«5) PH(5-1O) CP(5-10) NCS(5-1O)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« OCS(2)
Hariyalapura H(lO+) CV(5-1O) BS« 5)
253 228.0 76 19 5) M(5-1O) RSS- P0(5-1O) CM(5-1O) ACS(lO+)
(02854700) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

254 114.0 - - Uninhabited - - -
255 230_0 - - - Uninhabited - - -
256 964.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

VaUahalli P« H(IO+)
CV(IO+) BS(5-10)
257 146.0 117 22 5) M« 5) HPSS- PO«5) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02855100) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
C(IO+) PH«5) CP«5) NCS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Katawalu 226 P(2) M HP TW SS- PH PO(S- CV(lOl-)
258 1,154.0 1,134 MCW(IO+) CM(5-IO) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02855200) CCI 0+) 10) SP(1O+)
PHC«5) CP(5-IO) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Nemmanahalli .H(IG+) BS
259 495.0 252 P(3) M« 5) OCS ACS« CV(lO+).
1,150 HP TW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) RS(IO+)
(02855300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) 5)NCS«S) SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

B_ Matagere P(3) M S MCWPHC ACS BS

260 787.0 1,351 265 OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02855400) C(IO+) FWCH(IO+) TKSS- PH(4) CM(IO+) SP(1O+)
NCS(IG+) NW(lO+)

Badaga H(lO+) OCS(2) BS

261 531.0 921 186 P(2) M HPTWSS- PHPO« CV(1O+)
(02855500) C(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
MCW(lO+) 5) SP(1O+)
CP«5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

Kandalike H(IG+) OCS(2) NWBS(5-

262 299.0 219 48 PM«5) CV(IO+)
(02855600) .HP RSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) 10)
C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(1O+)
PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC{<5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magan manufactureil ber
ne --~F~o-res~t--~lr-n~'g-a-re-d~--~U~m~'rn~'----cu~l~ru-ra----A~r-ea--n-o--t

(by source) . gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR EA 25.3 3.1 214.6 Heggudlu 250

- - Uninhabited - - - . - Konanalathuru 251

EA 158.1 40.2 172.9 79.8 Huskur 252

FP EA 149.3 8.9 56.0 13.7 Hariyalapura 253

- - Uninhabited--- Jyyanapura 254

--Uninhabited - - - 8yrapura 255

- - Uninbabited - - - AJaganchi 256

PR MR FP (28) . EA 129.5 15.5 1.0 Vallahalli 257

PRMRFP (28) EA N 680.4 399.1 60.0 14.5 Katawalu 258

PRMRFP (27) EA 159.5 0(4.0) T(4.0) 268.6 60.1 2.9 Nemmanahalli 259

Heggadadevankote TWE(1.0)
PR EA NM 254.3 T( 1.0) 485.1 17.2 29.4 R Matagere 260

Heggadadevankote 273.8 19.0 5.3 Badaga 261

EA 233.0

MR FP NR Heggadadevankote 115.7 89.2 81.6 12.6 Kandalike 262

NW (26)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total l\'umber Amenities 3\'ailable (if not available within the village, a d:JSh (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is giYen)
,,·mage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking rust, Commer Agricul Rccrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial nnd c& turnl, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agriclll cultnral (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! raHway
so.cie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hosakote 59 P M« 5) H(lO+) CV(IO+)
263 173.0 282 THPRSS- PO«5) CM« 5) ACS(IO+) BS(IO+)
(02855700) C(lO+} MCW(lO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP«5) NCS(W+) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Beguru H(IO+) T HP TW R PH(2) CV(IO+)
264 283.0 316 70 P M C(IO+) CM(IO+} ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02855800) MCW(IO+) ss- PO« 5)
CP(I()+) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P« OCS(2)
Seegevadi H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
265 13.0 71 15 5)M«5) HPSS- PO«5) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+)
(02855900) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

266 108.0 195 37 5) M« 5) PO(<: 5) CM(IO+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02856000) MCW(lU+) « 5) SS- SP(IO+)
C(IO+) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« OCS(2)
Kebbepura H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
267 98.0 310 73 5) M«5) HPSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(5-10)
(02856100) MCW(lU+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(loe) NW(lO+)

Nadahadi PM«5) H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5)
268 65.0 276 53 HP TW SS- PO(<: 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02856200) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP« 5) NCS«5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bankavadi H(IO+) HPTWTK PH(5) CV(IO+)
259 1,396.0 753 157 P M C(1O+) CM(IO+) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02856300) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-1O) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5} ST(IO+)
270 1,156.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

Chikkabesuge P« OCS(2)
H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS«5)
271 575.0 7 2 5) M« 5) SSPO«5) CM(5-10) ACS«5)
(02856500) . MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
C(IO+) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Inor Marigudi P« H(5- OeS(2)

272 26 12 5)M«5) 10) MCW(5- CV« 5) BS(5-IO)
Jungle (02856600) #l1#l#I## PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
C(IO+) « 5) SS- SP(S-IO) RS(5-IO)
10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5)

Moleyuru H(IO+) OCS(2) OS

273 1,730.0 843 TTWTK CV(lO+)
171 P M C(IO+) POPH(4) CM(lO+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02856700) MC\V(IO+) SS- SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Hirehalli P(2)M« 5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

1,837.0 706 149 T nv W Ss. PH(3) CM(lO+) ACS« 5)
C(IO+) MCW(IU+) PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(Io+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland usc in Name of village Serial
to "iUage distance (in kin) supply paper f commodity hectare)** num
1\Jagazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-r-.s~t--~I~r-rl~·g-a~t.-d~--~U~n~i-rr~i----c-u~l~tu-r-a---A~r-e-a-n-o--t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gau.har tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

. FP NR Heggadndevankole
MR (31) EA 55.4 111.2 6.5 Hosakote 263

MR EA 146.9 109.6 7.3 19.2 Beguru 264

MR EA 12.6 0.1 0.4 Seegevadi 265

MR EA 101.9 5.8 0.3 Moleyurnkava1 266

MR EA 73.4 6.7 17.9 Kebbepura 267

PR MRFP EA 57.1 7.6 0.3 Nadahadi 268

MR EA 975.6 158.4 14.5 247.5 Bankavadi 269

- - - Uninhabited - - - - Huralipura 270

PRMRFP EA 488.0 87.0 . Ch.ikkabesuge 271

Heggadadevankote Inur Marigudi

EA 10051.9 31.1 272
(36) Jungle

Heggadadevankote TWE(0.5)
PR EA N 116.7 12.7 1230.5 Moleyurn 273
369.7 T(O.5)

Heggadadevankote TWE(O.8) 274

EA N 179.1 5.9 45.0 Hirehalli
PR 1606.3 T(0.8)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total T<>tal Number Amenities ayailable (if not a~'ailable within the village, a dasb (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code arca of populati ofhouse it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< S kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (20UI holds where the facility i. a"ailable is giYen)
village Census) (2001 Educational l\1"dii!,,1 Drinking Post, Cammer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- lional& cations
hectare) and opera liYe agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tura.nnd facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water-
club, way)

2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Kudagi p M«5) H(\O+) CV(lO+) BSNW
275 173.0 370 88 HPRSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+)
(02856900) C(lO+) IvICW(IO+) SP(lO+) R5(l0+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Kumagala PM«5) H(lO+) CV(lO+) BSNW
276 1,346.0 54! 99 HPRSS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(!O+)
(02857000) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
PH(lO+) CP(lO+) NCS(1O+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Alanahalli H(IO+) THPTW CVe5-10)
277 223.0 142 23 P MC(IO+) PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02857100) I\.ICW(IO+) WSS- SP(IO+)
PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)


Channagundi P(2) M CV(5-1O)
278 708.0 917 196 MCW(IO+) THP SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02857200) C(10+) SP(1O+)
PHC«5) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Alalahalli P(2) M«5) H(10+) PO TO CV(IO+) BS(5-IO)
279 715.0 902 190 HP R SS- CM(IO+) ACS(5-1O)
(02857300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH«5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

280 464.0 -~-- Uninhabited-~----
a (02857400)

2&1 IS5.0 ---- Uninhabited - - - - -

MCW(ll) T(129)
MH(2) HC(2) W(84)
P(296) PIIC(ll) TK(58) ACS(I1)
Block Total 161228.0 TO(38} CM(ll} B5(170)
233885 47606 M(l23} S(29) PHS{7Z} HP(207) NCS(29) CV(6)
PUC(4) c FWC(JI) Nil TW(12S) OCS(474)
RMI'(ZO) R(58)
CHW(J9) 0


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Appr.oach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in Name of village Serial
tD'illage distance (in kIn) snpply paper! cDmmodity hcctare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri enltura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste a,'ailable
(including for cultiva
gauchar tiDn

14 15 16 17 18 19 211 21 22 23 2

MR FP NR Heggadadevankote EA
. (32) 154.5 9.4 ·9.1 Kudagi 275

MR FP NR Heggadadevankote
EA N 1122.2 87.5 97.1 39.1 KumagaIa 276
NW (34)

MRFP EA N 156.7 43.9 17.4 5.0 A1anahaIli 277

MRFP EA N 180.0 247.0 277.0 4.0 Channagundi 278

Heggadadevankote 566 WE(2.4)

MR EA 129.5 200.0 226.4 Alalahalli 279
(35) 1 . T(2.4)

- - Uninhabited - - - - Marabugathanapura 280

- - Uninhabited - - - Chowdahalli 281

PR(146) W(181.47)
MR(2U) WE(829.43)
FP{l80) EA(242) N(95) TW(17.4)
49192.4 TWE(635.51 52297.2 11977.0 15633.2
NC(9) M(47)
NR(I!) ) TK(266.32)
NW(30) R(578.45)

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~ l'
Name ufthe District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
Name of CD Block: Nanjangud
Name of Sub-Dist: 0006

Adakanahalli 02864500 160080008000800114

2 Akala 02859200 160080008000800088
3 Alaganchi 02868500 160080008000800141
4 Alambur 02866200 160080008000800144
5 Alathur 02865500 160080008000800121
6 Amakahalli 02863100 160080008000800069
7 Ambale 02860200 160080008000800051
8 Ariyur 02861700 160080008000800077
9 Badanavalu 02870400 160080008000800007
10 Bagooru 02874700 160080008000800161
11 Bankahalli 02863300 160080008000800064
12 Banooru 02873600 160080008000800174
13 Basavanapura 028647Cio 160080008000800111
14 Basavattige 02873200 160080008000800168
15 Belagunda 02868000 160080008000800149
16 Belale 02858100 160080008000800043
17 Bendagahalli 02870300 160080008000800005
18 Bhogavaluvadeyanapura 02862500 160080008000800060
19 Bidaragoodu 02863900 160080008000800106
20 Biligere 02867900· 160080008000800128
21 Bilugali 02867100 160080008000800130
22 Bokkahalli 02865200 160080008000800118
23 Byalaru 02869100 160080008000800035
24 Chamanamadanahalli 02859900 160080008000800048
25 Channapatna 02861500 160080008000800079
26 Chikkahomma 02876400 160080008000800183
27 Chikkaiahnachatra 02864600 160080008000800103
28 Chikkakowlande 02874100 160080008000800170
29 Chinnamballi 02868800 160080008000800139
30 Chunchanahalli 02874000 160080008000800188
31 Dasanooru 02876200 160080008000800180
32 Debur 02869200 160080008000800039
33 Depegowdanapura 02872400 160080008000800022
34 Devanur 02873300 160080008000800171
35 Devarasanahalli 02869700 160080008000800010
36 Devarayasettipura 02863500 160080008000800062
37 Deveerammanahalli 02869600 160080008000800037
38 Doddahomma 02876300 160080008000800181
39 Doddakowlande 02875500 160080008000800153
40 Duggahalli 02859800 160080008000800091
41 Eswaragowdanahalli 02867400 160080008000800133
42 Gadiguddadakaval 02862100 160080008000800074
43 Gattavadi 02875400 160080008000800154
44 Gattavadipura 02875200 160080008000800156
45 Geekahalli 02870000 160080008000800002 .
46 Gejjiganahalli 02867600 160080008000800135
47 Goddanapura 02864100 160080008000800108
48 Golur 02869900 160080008000800006
02866500 160080008000800147
49 Gonahalli


Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of Yillage 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number Ilumber number
2 3 4
50 Gonathagala 02870700 160080008000800012
51 Hadanuruvadeyanapura 02863200 160080008000800065
52 Hadinaru 02865300 160080008000800119
53 Hadya 02861600 160080008000800078
54 Hadya 02873700 160080008000800175
55 Haginavalu 02860100 160080008000800047
56 Halepura 02875100 160080008000800157
57 Hallare 02861100 160080008000800052
58 Hampapura 02875000 160080008000800158
59 Handhvinahalli 02869500 160080008000800038
60 Haniyamballi 02866400 160080008000800146
61 Hanumanapura 02876000 160080008000800178
62 Haradanahalli 02857700 160080008000800098
63 Haraganapur 02875300 160080008000800155
64 Harathale 02871100 160080008000800034
65 Haropura 02867500 160080008000800134
66 Hebya 02864400 160080008000800115
67 Hcdatllale 02873000 160080008000800167
68 Hediyala 02863000 160080008000800066
69 Hcggadahalli 02869000 160080008000800033
70 Hejjige 02864800 160080008000800112
71 Hemmaragala 02874300 160080008000800165
72 Horalavadi 02870200 160080008000800004
73 Hosakote 02865600 160080008000800122
74 Hosakote (Masage) 02871400 160080008000800028
75 Hosapura 02874500 160080008000800163
76 Hosaveedu 02862700 160080008000800070
77 Hosaveedukaval 02862600 160080008000800071
78 Hulimavl1 02865100 160080008000800117
79 HuIIahaIIi 02858000 160080008000800042
80 J-!unasanalu 02872900 160080008000800015
81 lIura 02860700 160080008000800080
82 Huskur 02858300 160080008000800046
83 Ibjala 02857600 160080008000800097
84 Jrnmavu 02865000 160080008000800116
85 JalahaUi 02861800 160080008000800076
86 Jcemaralli 02867000 Newly created viIIage
87 Jodihariharapura (IgJi) 02867200 160080008000800131
88 Kadaburu 02859400 160080008000800086
89 Kadajctti 02860600 160080008000800081
90 Kaggalur 02860300 160080008000800050
91 Kahalli 02867700 160080008000800136
92 Kakkarahatti 02873500 160080008000800173
93 Kaladevanahalli 02861300 160080008000800056
94 Kalale 02870900 160080008000800027
95 Ka1kunda 02867800 160080008000800137
96 Kallahalli 02862200 160080008000800072
97 Kallahalli 02869300 160080008000800040
98 Kalmahalli 02866600 160080008000800150
99 Kamahalli 02868700 160080008000800138
100 Kandegala 02861900 160080008000800075
101 Kanenur 02857900 160080008000800102



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial. Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
102 Kanipura 02871200 160080008000800031
103 Kantirayanapura Kaval 02861200 160080008000800055
104 Kappasoge 02858700 160080008000800101
105 Karepura 02873800 1600800Q8000800176
106 Karlapura 02862400 160080008000800059
107 Karlapura 02871000 160080008000800036
108 Karya 02858400 160080008000800045
109 Karya 02873900 160080008000800177
110 Kasuvinahalli 02872200 160080008000800020
111 Kathavadipura 02869400 160080008000800041
112 Katur 02859000 160080008000800095
113 Kellupura 02862300 160080008000800058
114 Kcmbal 02863800 160080008000800105
115 Kirugundli 02868100 160080008000800148
116 Kodinarasipura '02870600 160080008000800009
117 Konariapura 02875700 ' 160080008000800185
118 Konanoor 02875600 160080008000800187
119 Kongahalli 02868900 160080008000800032
120 Kongahallikaval 02858900 160080008000800096
121 Koodlapura 02874600 160080008000800162
122 Kothanahalli 02863600 160080008000800061
123 Krishnapura 02872500 160080008000800019
124 Kugalur 02872600 160080008000800018
125 Kumbarahalli 02874400 160080008000800164
126 Kupparavalli 02866800 160080008000800152
127 Kurahatti 02871800 160080008000800014
128 Kurahattikaval 02865700 160080008000800123
129 Kurihundi 02858500 160080008000800092
130 Lakshmanapura 02872700 160080008000800024
131 M. Kongahalli 02860900 160080008000800053
132 Madahalli 02868200 160080008000800142
133 Madanahalli 02857800 160080008000800100
134 Madapura 02860000 160080008000800049
135 Maduvinahalli 02862800 160080008000800068
136 Makanapura 02872300 160080008000800021
137 Malkundi 02861000 160080008000800054
138 Mallahalli 02861400 160080008000800057
139 Mallahalli 02874900 160080008000800159
140 Mallupura 02868300 160080008000800143
141 Mangalore 02859600 160080008000800089
142 Maraluru 02864000 160080008000800107
143 Melagalli 02860400 160080008000800083
144 Moodahalli 02865400 160080008000800120
145 Motha 02858800 160080008000800099
146 Muddahalli 02871600 160080008000800026
147 Mullur 02870100 160080008000800003
148 Naganapura 02863400 160080008000800063
149 Nagarle 02866700 160080008000800151
150 Nandigunda 02866100 160080008000800126
151 Nandigundapura 02865900 160080008000800127
Nanjangud(Rural) 02869800 160080008000800001
Navilur 02872000 160080008000800025

Name ofthe District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
154 Nellithalapura 02859100 160080008000800094
155 Nerale 02874200 160080008000800169
156 Paduvala Agrahara 02876100 160080008000800179
157 PaduvalamarahaIIi 02875800 160080008000800184
158 Rajur 02859300 160080008000800087
159 Ramasetti pura 02875900 160080008000800186
160 Rampura 02863700 160080008000800104
161 RayagowdanahaIIi 02862900 160080008000800067
162 Saragooru 02866300 160080008000800145
163 SathagahaIIi 02873100 160080008000800166
164 Shettahalli 02859500 160080008000800085
165 Shiramalli 02858200 160080008000800044
166 Sindhuvalli 02871700 160080008000800013
167 Sindhuvallipura 02871900 160080008000800016
168 Srikanlanagar 02868400 Newly created village
169 Surahalli Oi872100 160080008000800023
170 SuthUT 02866900 160080008000800129
171 Taraganahalli 02858600 160080008000800093
172 Thagadooru 02868600 160080008000800140
173 Thandavapura 02864300 160080008000800110
174 Tharadale 02874800 160080008000800160
175 Thayuru 02867300 160080008000800132
176 Thelanur 02862000 160080008000800073
177 Thoravalli 02876500 160080008000800182
178 Thoremavu 02864900 160080008000800113
179 Thumneralc 02865800 160080008000800124
180 Thumneralekaval 02866000 160080008000800125
181 Uganiya 02860500 160080008000800084
182 Uppinahalli 02870800 160080008000800011
183 Varahalli 02873400 160080008000800172
184 Veeredevanapura 02870500 160080008000800008
185 Volagere 02871300 160080008000800030
186 Yalehalli 02859700 160080008000800090
187 Yechagalli 02864200 160080008000800109
188 Yechagundlu 02871500 160080008000800029
189 YeOllhalli 02860800 160080008000800082
190 Ye1achagere 02872800 160080008000800017

Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village -rotal Total Number Amenities available (if not available witnin the village, a dasn (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of pop,,'ati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges "i2'.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms_ and 10+ km. of tbe nearest place
ber the on (2001 bolds where the facility is available is gil'cn)
\illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial :Jnd co· fund, non- tional& cations
hectarc) and oper.. tive agricuJ cultural (BIIS
telephone banI.. lural and facilities sen'icc,
olher credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CD Block: Nanjangud (0006)
IbjaJa H(lO+) T HP WTK PH(l) CV(IO')
420.0 2,150 444 P M C(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02857600) MCW(IO+) CSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(S-IO) NCS(1()+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) S1'(lO+)


Haradanahalli P(3) M HPTWC CV«5)
2 608.0 3,145 629 MCW(IO+) PO PH(8) CM(5-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02857700) C(JO+) SS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Madanahalli H(lo+) THPTW I'HPO« Cv(5-1O)
178.0 803 155 P M C(lo+) CM«5) ACS(5-IO) RS(lO+)
(02857800) MCW(5.10) WCSS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-1O) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

PHS H(5-10) NCS BS

Kanenur THPWC PO TO Cv(5.IO)
4 952_0 2,435 535 pel) M C« 5) MeW(5-IO) CM(5-IO) GeS(2) RS(lO+)
(02857900) SS- PH«5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) ACS(5-10) NW(lO+)


5 \,001.0 8,278 1,724 S(3) PUC PHC PHS(2) PTO CMCP SP(IO+) RS(JO+)
(02858000) SS- OCS(2)
C(IO+) FWCH(IO+) PH(235) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

Belale H(lO+) HPTWW CV« 5)
6 263.0 1,314 283 P M C(IO+) 1'0«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02858100) MCW(lO+) CSS- SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) N\V(lO+)
PHC«5) S1'(lO+)

Shirnmalli PM 0(2) - H« HPTW W PO TO CPCM('"

7 530.0 2.881 620 5) MCW(S-IO) C 55- ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02858200) C(IO+) PH(l4) 5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) NCS« 5) NW(lQ+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
8 490.0 1,779 353 P M C(10+) 5) MCW(lO+) THPTW PH(3) CV«5)
(02858300) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lo+)
CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Karya PM5 PH(3) CV«5)
9 326.0 1,010 214 5) MCW(IO+) HPTWW CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02851>400) C(IO+) PHC« 5) . C 5S- PO«S) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

Kurihundi THPWTK PO TO CPCM(5- CV« 5)
10 452.0 1,766 382 P M C(lo+) MC\v(IO+) OCS(l) RS(IO+)
ess- PH(4) 10) SP(lO+)
NCS(IO+) NW(lo+)

Tamganahalli - H« OCS(2) BS
IJ 440.0 1,775 391 P M C(10+) 5) MC\v(IO+) THPWTKPH(2) CV«5)
(02851>600) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) ess- PO«5)
CP(5-10) NCS«5)

Kappasoge - H(5- NCS BS

PM S 10) MeW(5- T HP W TK PH(3) CV«5)
12 309.0 2,247 460 CM«5) OCS(2)
(02858700) C(lO+) RS(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) C SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) ACS«5) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to \illage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\Jagazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~or-e-s~t--~lr-n7·g-a~te-d~--7U~n7ir-n7·----cu~l~tu-r-a---A7r-e-a-n-o--t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauehar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote
EA N WE(0.6) 255.3 0.3 40.3 lbjala

PR MR FP Heggadadevankote
EA NM TWE(12.7) 3S9.0 6.7 71.0 Haradanahalli 2

PR MR FP Nanjangud (25) EA NM 61.6 4.2 67.7 Madanahalli 3

MR Nanjangud (IS) EA N 343.3 9S.9 Kanenur 4

PR MR FP Nanjangud (IS) EA NM Beedi WE(16.0) 171.4 226.3 1.0 Hullahalli S

PRMR Nanjangud (14) EA N 82.3 3.3 71.2 Belale G

GC(3 I 0.7)
PR MR FP Nanjangud (17) EA NM 133.S 85.9 Shiramalli 7

PR MR FP Nanjangud (15) EA NM WE(34.8) 291.7 0.1 55.6 Huskur 8

PR MR FP Nanjangud (3) EA N TWE(7.7) IOS.2 19.1 35.3 j(arya 9

PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) EA N WE(l.l) 256.4 9.3 34.6 Kurihundi 10

GC(93.7) II
PR MR FP Nanjangud (22) EA NM 275.5 32.5 38.4 Tamganahalli

PR MR FP Nanjangud (21) EA N 122.9 37.7 93.8 Kappasoge 12


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,;lIage Total Total Number Amenities a,·ailable (if not avaiJable within the viJJage, .a dash (-) is sbon'n in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges yiz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kIDs. and 10+ kIDs of the nearest place
ber the 011 (2001 holds· where the facility is availabll! is given)
\"ilbg~ Census) (20Ql Educational Medical Drinking Post, Agricul Recrea Comrquni
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co· tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities 5cn'ice,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Motha P M«5) 10) HPTWC PH(9) CY(1Ot-)
13 637.0 406 78 CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02858800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP«5) NCS«5) NW(10+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P« H(5- OeS(2)
KongahaBikaval CY«5) BS«5)
14 90.0 8 3 5) M«5) 10) MCW(5- TWCSS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02858900) SP(S-10) RS(5-10)
C(10+) 10) PHC« 5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(1O+)

Katur P(3) M(2) H(lO+) THPTK CY(,<5)
15 870.0 2,130 423 PO TO PH CM(5-1O) ACS(5-IO) RS(10+)
(02859000) C(10+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Nellithalapura P(2) M MCWPHC CY(IO+)
16 550.0 1,446 329 HP TW SS- PO PH(9) CMCP OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02859100) C(10+) FWCH(lO+) SP(lO+)

PHS H(10+) OCS(2) BS

Akala HP TW SS- PH(3) CY(IOt-)
17 492.0 825 183 P M C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02859200) PO«5) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-1O) CP«5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Rajur P M« 5) H(lO+) CY(1O+)
18 213.0 764 149 HP TW SS- POC< 5) CM(5-IO) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02859300) C(10+) MCW{lO+) SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

Kadaburu PMS H(lO+) HPTWC POPH« CV(IO+)
19 444.0 1,226 258 CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02859400) C(1O+) MCW{lO+) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(JO+)
Shettahal1i PM« 5) 10) PH(3) CY(S-IO)
20 146.0 643 141 THPSS- CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02859500) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) PO{<5) SP(IO+)
CP«5) NCS(JO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(1O+)

- P« OCS(2)
21 286.0 19 4 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) HPSS- BS«5)
(02859600) PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS«5)
10) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PH«5) CP(10+) NCS(JO+)
PHC(5-1O) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


YalehaBi CV(5-10)
22 305.0 582 118 P M C(S-IO) MCW(IO+) THP SS- POPH(8) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) RS(10+)
(02859700) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
Dllggahal1i 10) OCS(2) BS
23 480.0 1,295 284 P IyI C(lO+) THPSS- CY(5-10)
(02859800) PO PH CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(10+)
MCW(lO+) SP(lO+)
PHC(5 10) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(JO+)

Chamanamadanah OCS(2) BS
24 274.0 299 140
PM«5) H(IO+)
HP TW SS- PO PH(2) CM«5) ACS(1O+)
<,:V« 5) RS(lO+)
aBi (02859900) C(1O+) MCW(5-1O) SP(10')
PHC(5-10) CP(10+) NCS(1O+) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Usc (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News j\llost important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of \illage Serial
to ,·mage distance (in kIn) supply paper I commodity hectareY* num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --=F~--------------------------------------
orest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated hie waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Nanjangud (26) EA 230.9 128.4 56.8 Molh .. 13

Nanj""gud (26) EA TWE(O.S) 70.8 15.1 Kongahallika val 14

PR MR FP Nanjangud (31) EA N T(42.4) 716.4 26.2 85.0 Kalur 15

PR MR FP Nanjangud (27) EA N T(l10.9) 280.2 87.5 7 L4 Nellithalapura 16

PR MR FP Nanjangud (25) EA T(55.7) 254.6 154.5 27.2 Akala 17

PR MR FP Nanjangud (28) EA N ·81.6 118.8 6.7 Rajur 18

PR MR FP Nanjangud (25) EA 248.6 125.6 30.1 Kadabum 19

PR MR FP Nanjangud (23) EA NM T(96.2) . 36.7 0.8 12.4 Shettahalli 20

PR MR FP Nanjangud (21) EA T(213.7) 31.1 L2 39.9 Mangalore 21

PR MR FP Nanjangud (20) EA NM T(81.9) 178.9 1.3 42.9 Yalehalli 22

PR MR FP Nanjangud (23) EA NM T(43.5) 363.4 1.6 71.5 Duggahalli 23

6 Chamanamadanahall
PR MR FP Nanjangud (19) EA NM T(79.1) 149.1 21.3 24. . 24


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not availablcwithin the village, a dash (-) is shown in th" column and next to
nun, & Location COlic !lrC!l of pOlluluti of hous. it In bnlcl«!ls tile distance in hrmld ranges viz.< 5 kms_. 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe nearest place
bcr' the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Cellsus) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & catiuns
hectare) and opera tive agricuJ cultural (Bu.
telephone banks tural and facilities senice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video haU, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Madapum 10) TWWTK PO TO CV(5-10)
25 346.0 1,050 218 P MC(IO+) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(I(}+-)
(02860000) MCW(I(}+-) CSS- PH(4) SP(l(}+-)
CP(l(}+-) NCS(5-10) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

PHSH(5-10) OCS(2) BS
Haginavalu P(2) M S THPTW PO TO CV(5-IO)
26 674.0 3,469 670 MCW(IO+) CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02860100) C(I(}+-) WSS- PH« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(l(}+-) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-10) ACS BS

Arubale THPTW eV(S-IO)
27 994.0 1,979 400 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) POPll CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(lOT)
(02860200) WSS- SP(lOi)
PHC(5-10) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Kaggalur 54 P M« 5) 5)MCW(10+) HPTWTK PO« 5) CV(IO+)
28 347.0 216 CM{<5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02860300) C(IO+) PHC(5-1O) C SS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(l(}+-) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
29 478.0 - - Uninhabited --------
30 348.0 - - - Uninhabited -------

Kadajelti 236 P(3) M S PO TO CV« 5).
31 564.0 1,122 MCW(IO+) THPSS- CM«5) ACS«5) RS(JO+)
(02860600) C(lO+) PH(2) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-IO) CP(\(}+-) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

32 716.0 3,617 710 PHS(2)FWC WTKCSS- PTO CMCP SP(l(}+-) RS(IO+)
(02860700) C(10+) OCS(2)
H(lO+) PH(37) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« OCS(2) BS
YedahaJli P(2)M«5) CV«5)
33 202.0 126 25 5) MCW(5-10) HP SS- 1'0«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(I(}+-)
(02860800) qI(}+-) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

M_ Kongahalli - H« - OCS(2) BS
P M«5)
34 266.0 661 133 5) MCW(5-10) ~:PWTK PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02860900) C(1D+) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) PH« 5) CP(l(}+-) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

Malkundi PHSH«5) NCS BS

35 THPTW PH(7) CV« 5)
471.0 2,624 525 P M C(IO+) MCW«5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(1(}+-)
(02861000) WTKSS- PO« 5) SP(I(}+-)
PHC(5-1O) CP(l(}+-) ACS«5) NW(lO+)

HaJlare P(3) M .H(IO+) THPTW BS

CPCM(5- ACSNCS eV(5-)()
v 36
1,065.0 3,391 682
C(I(}+-) MCW(lo+) WSS-
10) OCS(2)
PHC«5) NW(IO+)
37 361.0 - - Uninhabited ------
Kaval (02861200)

38 216.0 - - Uninhabited - - -


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearcsttown & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to "iIIage distancc (in km) supply paper J commodity hectare)** Dum
l\1agazi mannfactured· ber
ne . -::F:-or-c-s=-t---:-Ir-r=-ig-a":"te-d::----=-U=-n-=-ir-n-=-·--c""ul:-tu-r-a--A'-r-e-a-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culti"a
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Nanjangud (21) EA N 206.9 5.1 52.4 Madapurn 25

PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) EA NM T(24.3) 555.6 9.1 85.0 Haginavalu 26

PR MR FP Nanjangud (19) EA NM TWE(10.7) 779.1 82.5 101.2 Ambale 27

PR MR FP Nanjangud (22) EA N 295.9 18.7 29.8 Kaggalur 28

---- Uninhabited ---.-------- Melagalli 29

-------- Uninhabited ------- Uganiya 30

PR MR FP Nanjangud (27) EA N 172.9 60.9 74.6 Kadajetti 31

PR MR FP Nanjangud (27) EA NM 555.7 70.8 62.4 Hura 32

PR MR FP Nanjangud (21) EA TW(1.8) 137.8 20.0 22.2 Yedahalli 33

PR MR FP Nanjangud (24) EA N 226.7 15.0 19.8 M. Kongahalli 34

PR MR FP Nanjangud (24) EA NM 428.1 34.0 Malkundi 35

PR Nanjangud (21) EA NM TWE(10.7) 896.5 71.9 69.8 Hallare 36

- - _ Uninhabited --------- 37

---- Uninhabited - - - - - Kaladevanahalli 38


Census of India 2001

Amenitie5 and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available "ithin the "i\lage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges \iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on CZOOI holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (ZOOI Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera rive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mallahalli H(IO+} TTWW CV«5)
39 281.0 1,143 236 P MC(lO+) PO«5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02861400) MCW(lO+) TKSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5} CP« 5) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Channapatna H(IO+) THPTW CV«5)
40 305.0 1,388 278 P M C(lO+) PO«5) CM«5) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02861500) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP«5) NCS(10+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lo+)

l!adya H(lO+) T HP \V SS- PO TG CPCM« ACSNCS CV«5)
41 431.0 2,108 453 P M C(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02861600) MCW(IO+) PH(3) 5) OCS(2) SP(5-10)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Ariyur P(2) M H(lO+) PH(2) CV(5-10)
42 417.0 858 177 THP SS- CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02861700) C(10t-) MCW(IO+) PO(5-10) SP(IO+)
CP(lO+) NCS«S) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

lalahalli PM«5) H(IO+) CV(S-IO)
43 127.0 321 66 HPSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) RS(IOt-)
(02861800) C(IO+) MCW(1O+) SP(S-IO)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Kandegalil CV(S-IO)
44 522.0 1,095 225 P M C(10+) MCW(\O+) THP W SS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02861900) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) l'H«5) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)
45 264.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -
46 100.0 - - Uninhabited -------
47 353.0 - - - Uninhabited - - - -

Kcllupura H(10+) TTWW CV«5)
48 .364.0 590 126 P M C(IO+), PO«5) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02862300) MCW(1O+) TKSS- SP(1O+)
PH«5) CP«5) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)
49 208.0 - - - Uninhabited ---~----

P« H(5- GCS(2)
BhogavaJuvadeyan CV(IO+) BS«5)
50 176.0 49 6 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- HPSS- PO«5) CM(lO+) ACS« 5)
apura (02862500) 'SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
10) 10)PHC«5) PH(1O+) CP(10+) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(1O+)

P« H(S- OCS(2)
Hosaveedukaval CV«5) BS«5)
51 230.0 89 20 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCWe5- PO«5) CM«5) ACS«S)
(02862600) «5) SS- spes-I 0) RS(5-10)
10) 10) PHC«5) 1'11« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5)
ST(1O+) . NW(IO+)

I Iosaveedu H« OCS(2) BS
52 P(2) M C(5- PH(2) CV(S-IO)
742.0 1,629 329 5)MCW(10+) :HPTW CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02862700) 10) PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) . TK SS- CP(5-10) NCS«5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News MosUmportant Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to \illage distance (in kin) supply paper I commodity hcctare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne -';;F:-or-es-t::---:-lr-n:-·g-a"7te-d::---:-U:-n7ir-n:-·--cu-:I:-tu-r-a--A:-r-ea-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 ]5 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

PR MR FP Nanjangud (32) EA NM 224.3 55.5 Mallahalli 39

PRMRFP Nanjangud(31) EA NM 261.2 35.7 Channapatna 40

PR MR FP Nanjangud (26) EA N T{45.4) 287.5 25.6 72.6 Hadya 41

PR MR FP Nanjangud (27) EA 139.3 22.7 66.0 Ariyur 42

PR MR FP Nanjangud (32) EA N 37.5 2.5 21.61alahalli 43

PR MR FP Nanjangud (35) EA NM 445.4 48.0 21.8 Kandegala 44

. - - Uninhabited - - - Thelanur 45

----- Uninhabited ---'-- Gadiguddadakaval 46

---- Uninhabited - - - - - Kallahalli 47

PR MR FP Nanjangud (2S) EA NM IS2.3 167_1 11.2 Kellupurn 48

---- Uninhabited - _ - - Karlapurn 49

13.9 Bhogavaluvadeyana
Nanjangud (34) EA N TWE{1.8) 154.9 50

TWE{6.2) 51
Nanjangud (35) EA 99.8 100.0 24.1 Hosaveedukaval

TK(9.0) 402.7 300.9 24.4 Hosaveedu 52
PR MR FP Nanjangud (36) EA NM


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Tntal Tntal Number Amenities a"ailable (if not available \\lthin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms~ 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is a,'ailable is given)
'\-;llage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- turn), non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera~ve agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties. Video ball, station,
Sports ",'ater
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

CV« 5)
Maduvinahalli P(3) M(2) S RS(lO+)
53 584.0 2,346 482 PHS(3) FWC PO TO PH CM«5) ACS« 5)
(02862800) C(!O+) WTKSS· SP(IO+)
H(IO+) CP«5) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

Rayagowdanahalli - _ - Uninhabited - - -
54 177.0

1,091.0 4,260 873
P(5) M(2) S
10) RS(IO+)
(02863000) PUCC(5-IO)
10) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Arnakahalli --Uninhabited---
56 155.0

OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Hadanuruvadcyan P M«5) 11(10+) CV(IO+)
57 204.0 537 101 THPSS· PO(lO+) CM(IO+) ACS« 5) 10)
apura (02863200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+)
PH(lO+) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PIIC« 5) ST(IO+)
Bankahalli 10) THPnV CV(5-1O)
58 355.0 1,144 249 P MC(IO+) PO«5) CM(5·1O) ACS(S-IO) RS(IO+)
(02863300) MC\V(lO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Naganapura P(2) M H(lO+) CV(5-10)
59 3,814.0 1,560 339 T HP W SS- PO(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02863400) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Dcvarayasettipura P(2) M POPH« CV(IO+)
60 973.0 2,117 420 C(1O+) MCW(IO+) TWSS· CM(5-IO) ACS(S-10) RS(lO+)
(02863500) 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS(S-IO) NW(IQ+)

Kothanahalli P(2)M«5) 11(10+) CV(lO+)
61 389.0 504 110 THPSS- PO(lO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02863600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Rampura P(2) M(2) THPnV PO TO CV«5)
62 1,461.0 4,896 943 MCW«5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02863700) C(1O+) WTK C SS-PH(S) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) ACS«5) NW(lO+)

H(5- OCS(2) BS
Kcmbal CV(S-IO)
63 757.0 637 135 P M C(IO+) 10) MC\V(5- HPTKSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) ACS(5-1O) RS(lO+)
(02863800) SP(IO+)
10) PHC«5) PH« S) CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Bidaragoodu PH(S) CV(S-10)
64 403.0 2,177 401 P M C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) THPSS- CM(5-1O) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02863900) PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)
Maralum H(IO+) NCS BS RS(5-
65 835.0 2,322 432 P M C(l 0+) THPSS- paPH CV(5-10)
(02864000) CM(5·1O) OCS(2) 10)
CP(lO+) ACS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to \iIJagc distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufadured ber
ne --~F~o-r~~t--~Ir-n7'g-a~te-d~--7U~n7ir-r7i----c~ul~tu-r-a---A~r-e-a-n-o~t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar fion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Nanjangud (38) EA NM 321.2 207.2 49.0 Maduvinahalli 53

---- Uninhabited--- Rayagowdauaballi 54

Nanjan!,'lld (38) EA N 500.9 412.6 173.5 Hediyala 55

- - Uninhabited - - - Amakahalli 56

PR MR FP Nanjangud (38) EA N T(4.5) 184.7 8.3 HadanulUvadeyanap

6.6 57

PR MR FP Nanjangud (40) EA NM 204.4 82.1 65.8 Bankahalli 58

PRMR Nanjangud (29) EA N 809.41WE(4.5) 589.6 198.7 2206.1 Naganapura 59

PR MR FP Nanjangud (26) EA N 270.1 TWE(6.0) 539.4 138.7 9.8 Devarayascttipura 60

PR MR FP Nanjangud (27) EA N 181.0 T(I5.9) 152.9 26.6 12.7 Kothanahalli 61

PR Nanjangud (17) EA N 904.8 161.5 239.9 Rampura 62
PR MR FP Nanjangud (17) EA N 487.5 46.0 108.3 Kcmba1 63

PR MR FP NatUangud (17) EA NM T(58.4) 298.4 4.9 41.3 Bidaragoodu 64

PR Nanjangud (14) EA NM TWE(30.6) 511.7 132.9 77.1 Marn1um 65


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities a,-ailable (if 1I0t ayailable nitbin tbe Yillage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati ofhons. it in brackets the distance in broad ranges vi7_< 5 kms., S-10 kms_ and 10+ kms oflhe nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is g;'-en)
yjJlage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Conuner Agricul Recrea Conlmuni
(in Census) water telegrapb cia) and co- tural~ noo- tional & cations
heclar-e) and opera Ih-e agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

GOOdanapura H(lO+) PHPO{< CV(5-1O)
66 844.0 1,191 213 P MCCIO+) THPSS- CM(5-IO) OCS(2) 10)
(02864100) MCW(IO+) 5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
PHCC<5) ST(lO+)

Ycchag-dili P(3) M(2) H(IO+) Tl1rnV rOPH« CPCM« ACSNCS CV«5) BS RS« 5)
67 689.0 2,951 533
(02864200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W_CSS- 5) 5) OCS(2) SP(IO+) NW(lo+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Thandavapura P(2) M(2) Tl-IPWC PO TO ACSNCS BSRS
68 926.0 5,156 1,003 MCW(5-1O) CMCP SP(IO+)
(02864300) S(2) CC5- 10) SS- PH(9) OCS(2) NW(IO+)
PHCC< 5) ST(lo+)

Hcbya H(IO+) Tl-IPWC PHPO« CV(5-10) BS RS«5)
69 240.0 892 168 P MCCIO+) CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO)
(02864400) Iv!C\v(IO+) SS- 5) SP(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

H(5- ACS
Adakanaha!1i CV«5) BS RS« 5)
70 402.0 833 155 P M C(IO+) 10) MCW(5- THPWSS- PHPO« CM«5) OCS(2)
(02864500) 5) SPOO+) NW(IO+)
(0) PHC« 5) CP« 5) NCS(5-1O)

PHSH« 5) OCS(2)
Chikkairumachatra P(2) M«5) THPnV PO TO CMCP« CV«5) BS RS(-<:S)
71 7.0 704 130 MC\V«5) ACS«5)
(02864600) C«5) WCSS- PH(6) 5) SP(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) NCS«5)

H(5- NCS
Basavanapum 125 P(2) M« 5) CV(S-IO) BS RS« 5)
72 138.0 637 10) MC\V(5- T HP W SS- PH(5) CM(5-1O) OCS(2)
(02864 700) C(5-IO) POC<5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
10) PHC« 5) ep(S-IO) ACS«5)

Hcjjigc CV«5) BS RS«5)
73 296.0 2,803 502 P M S CC< 5) MC\v« 5) THPWSS- PH(l3) CM«5) OCS(2)
(02864800) PO«5) SP(IO+) NWC I 0+)
PHC«5) CP«5) NCS«5)

H(5- OCS(2)
Thorcmavu PM SC(5- CPCM(5- CV(5-1O) 8S« 5)
74 426.0 1,933 343 10) MC\V(5- T HP W SS- PO TO ACS«5)
(02864900) 10) 10) SP(IO+) RS(5-1O)
10) PHCC< 5) PH« 5) NCS(5-1O)

PHS HC5-10) NCS BS RS(5-

Inunavu CV«5),
75 992.0 1,999 370 P M C(5-10) MCW(S-IO) T IfP W SS- PH(3) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) 10)
(02865000) PO«5) SP(lO+)
PIlCC< 5) CPC< 5) ACS«5) NW(1O+)

Hulirnavu PHS H(5-10) NCS BS RS(5-

76 643.0 THPWC PH PO{< CV«5)
1,521 302 P M C(5-1O) MCW(S-IO) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
(02865100) SS- 5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-1O) ACS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Bokkaha!1i H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

77 309.0 60 P(2) M THPWTK CV«5)
(02865200) 4 C(I(}-~) MC\V(lO+) CSS- PO PH CM«5) ACS«5)
CP(lO+) NCS« 5) NW(1O+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different typcs of land use in Name of \illage Serial
to villagc distance (in Ion) supply paper I conunodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured bcr
ne --~~~o-re-s~t--~Jr-n~'g-a~t-cd~--~U~n~jr-n~'----c~ul~tu-r-a---Ar~e-a-n-o~t

(by source) gated ble waste .available

(including for cul!iva
gauchar fion

14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Nanjan!,>ud (14) EA NM MatWcaving WE(Z7.3) 508.4 105.2 125.7 Goddaoapura (i6

PR MR FP Nanjangud (11) WE(48.3)
EA' NM 383.3 45.8 68.8 Ycchagalli 67
T(I 9 1.1)

PR MR FP Nanjangud (8) EA NM WE(IS.4) 471.9 68.1 24S.6 Thandavapura 68

PR MR FP Nanjangud (12) EA W(17.Z) 198.7 20.7 Hebya 69

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM 312.1 54.7 23.7 Adakanahalli 70

PR MR FP Nanjangud (4) EA NM Paper 1.7 3.6 Chikkaiahnaehatra 71

PR MR FP Nanjangud (2) EA NM WE(4.9) 11.6 10.7 43.0 Basavanapura 72

PR MR FP Nanjangud (3) EA NM WE(4.9) 86.0 11.0 43.5 Hcjjige 73

PR MR FP Nanjangud (9) EA NM WE(32) 139.8 6.8 67.1 1110ICmaw 74

PR MR FP Nanjangud (7) EA N WE(15.6) 629.7 54.8 101.llmmaw 75

PR MR FP Nanjangud (8) EA NM WE(1Z.0) 243.7 171.0 98.4 Htilimaw 76

GC(239.3) 62.3 Bokkahalli 77

PRMR Nanjangud (11) EA NM 7.4


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name uf "iIIage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a,'ailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ,iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 Jans. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 . holds where the facility is available is given)
,illage Census) (2001 Educational l\:lcdic:.:l1 Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agticuI cultural (Bus
telephone bank. tural and facilities scnice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socic ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hadinaru P(3) M(3) S THPTW PO TO ACSNCS
78 1,714.0 6,136 1,301 PHSFWC CMCP SP(IO+) RS(IOI')
(02865300) C(IO+) W TK C SS- PH(35) OCS
H(JO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Moodahalli H(IO+) THPTW PO TO CV«5)
79 462.0 2,121 427 P M C(IO+) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS{IO+)
(02865400) MCW(lO+) WRCSS- PH(4) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Alathur H(lO+) CV«5)
80 442.0 1,806 386 P M C(IO+) T HP W SS- CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02865500) MCW«5) Sp(IO+)
CP«5) ACS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

CVSP(5- 6S
Hosakote P(2) M(2) S MCWPHC CPCM« ACSNCS
81 620.0 4,769 958 T HP W SS- PO PH(S) 10) RS(IO+)
(02865600) C(IO+) FWC HOO'I) 5) OCS(2)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

P« H(5- OCS(2)
346.0 4 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5-
- PO« 5)
CV«5) 6S«5)
CM«5) ACS«5)
(02865700) « 5) SS- SP(5-10) RS(5-1O)
10) 10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)


Thumnerale P(3) M THPTIV PO TO CV(lO+)
83 636.0 2,257 461 MC\v(IO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02865800) C(IO+) WSS- PH(2) Sp(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-10) ACS«5) NW(IOT)

Nandigundapllra OCS(2) BS
130 PM«5) H(JO+) THPTW CV(IO+)
84 250.0 613 PO{<5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IOI)
(02865900) C(IO+) MCW(JO+) WSS- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(JO+)
85 14.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Nandigunda OCS(2) BS
86 277.0 847 189 P M C(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02866100) MCW(JO+) TKSS- 5) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

AIambur - H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

P(3) M C(5- CV«5)
87 235.0 1,744 370 JO)MC\V(5- THPTIV PO(I 0+) CM«5) ACS«5) 10)
(02866200) 10) SP(IO+)
IO)PHC«5) WTKCSS- pH«5) CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Saragoom PHS H(5-1O) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

88 59S.0 476 P(2) M C(5- THPWTK PH(4) CV«5)
2,283 MCW(5-10) CM«5) ACS«5) 10)
(02866300) 10) SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(10+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Haniyamballi H(IO+) OCS(2)

89 276.0 831 173 P MC(IO+) HP W C SS- PH PO« CV«5) BS«5)
(02866400) MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5)
5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
CP(IO+) NCS«5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As 00 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area nllder different types ofland use in Name of village Serial
to \illage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hcctare)** num
Magazi manufactured her
ne -:::Fo-r-cs~t:----:I~rn-:·-ga~t-cd7"--~U~n:-irn~·:---c-u':':lt-u-ra--Ar:--ca-n-o-t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
ga Dchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PRMR Nanjangud (12) EA NM 927.7 35.0 321.9 Hadinaru 78
. PR MR FP Nanjangud (IS) EA NM 204.6 21.7 66.3 Moodahalli 79
PR Nanjangud (18) EA NM 149.1 6.3 70.7 Alathur 80
PR MR FP Nanjangud (20) EA NM 325.7 1.7 67.1 Hosakote 81

Nanjangud (20) EA 279.5 27.4 3],0 Kurahattikaval 82

PR MR FP Nanjangud (22) EA NM TWE(20.2) 363.1 24.3 87.1 Thumnerale 83

PR MR FP Nanjangud (23) EA N 187.5 1.1 . 45.3 Nandigundapma 84

- - Uninhabited - - - lhumneralekaval 85

PR MR FP Nanjangud (26) EA N TWE(14.2) 169.8 1.1 44.4 Nandigunda 86

PR MR FP Nanjangud (7) EA N 10.5 21.3 44.2 A1ambur 87
PR MR FP Nanjangud (9) EA NM 147.7 65.1 Saragooru 88

GC(204.9) . 0.1 89
PR MR FP Nanjangud (14) EA N 38.9 32.2 Haniyamballi


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area or populati or house it iu brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms uf the nearest place
ber the ou (2001 holds where the facility is uvailable is gi.ven)
village Census) (2001 Educational i\'ledicnl Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(ill Census) water telegraph cial and co· tural, noo- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul culturdl (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sen'icc,
other credit (Cinemlli railway
socie ties Video haU, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 13

H(S- - OCS(2)
Gonahalli CV«S) BS« S)
90 196.0 1,161 2S7 P M C(5-10) 10) MCW(S- T HP W TK PO« 5) CM«S) ACS(5-10)
(02866500) SP(1O+) RS(lO+)
/0) PHC« S) SS- PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(1O+)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kalmahalli H(IO+) HPTWW CV«5)
91 161.0 .1,015 202 P M C(I 0+) PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02866600) MCW(10+) SS- SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)


92 399.0 3,510 717 MCW(S-IO) CMCP SP(IO+) 10)
(02866700) C(5-10) SS- PH(12) OCS(2)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

KupparavaJli H(IO+) THPTW PO TO CV« 5)
93 266.0 1,294 237 P MC(lO+) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02866800) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- PH(4) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)


Suthur P(3) M(2) S THPTW PO TO CM CV« 5)
94 364.0 3,850 784 PHS FWC OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02866900) C(lO+) WSS- PH(l2) CP(lO+) SP(lO+)
H(IO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

PM(5-IO)C(5. - H(5- THPWC OCS(2) BS

Jeemaralli PH(lO) CV(5-lO)
95 489.0 1,219 250 10) 10) MCW(5- _ CM(5-IO) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02867000) PO«5) SP(IO+)
IO)PHC«5) SS CP«5) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)

Bilugali THPWC PO TO CV(5-IO)
96 400.0 2,877 S64 r M C(IO+) PHSFWC CM(S-lll) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02867100) SS- PH(15) SP(IO+)
H(IO+) CP(IO+) ACS(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Jodihariharapura P M« 5) H(IO+) THPWTK 0 - CV«5) BS«5)
97 485.0 931 195 ss- P «5) CM(5-IO) ACS(lO+)
(Igli) (02867200) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(lO+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS« 5)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Thayuru P(2) M S THPT\V PO TO CV(IO+)
98 551.0 3,176 720 MCW(IO+) CM(5-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02867300) C(IO+) WTKSS- PH(3) SP(5-10)
PHC« 5) CP(IO+) ACS(IO~) NW(IO+)

- H(S- - ACS
Eswaragowdanaha P M« 5)C(5-
iii (02867400)
559.0 943 180 10) MCW(5- ~HPWTK PO«5) CM(5-IO) OCS(2)
CV(5-1O) BS« 5)
10) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
10) PHC« 5) s- PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS« 5)

HaropUIa PM«5) H(IO+) THPWTK - ACS

100 169.0 524 100 CM(5-IO) OCS(2)
(02867500) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) RS(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Gejjiganahalli PHS H(5-10)
392.0 1,606 314 P M C(5-JO) MCW(S-IO) PO PH CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O)
(02867600) WTK SS- RS(lO+)
PHC(<c 5) SP(IO+)
CP(S-IO) NCS(5-10) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Ne~rest tOlYn & Po,ver News Most Important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paperl commodity hectarc)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-r~--t--~Ir-n~·g-a-te-d~---U-n~ir-n~·----c-ul~tu-r-a---A~r-.-a-n-o--t

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) GC(118.8)

EA NM 50.0 5.6 21.6 Gonahalli 90

PR MR FP Nanjangud (15) EA NM 26.0 7.0 5.7.Kalmahalli 91

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM 22.0 79.3 Nagarle 92

PR MR FP Nanjangud (14) EA NM 1.0 2.2 96.8 Kupparavalli 93

PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) EA NM 19.5 I.S 71.6 Suthur 94

PR MR FP Nanjangud (IS) EA NM 16.0 65.1 Jeemaralli 95 .

Tirumakudal - GC(188.1)
PR MR FP Narsipur (15) EA NM 111.9 . 100.0 Bilugali 96

Tirumakudal - GC(340A) 53 I Jodibariharapura

PRMR EA N SO.O 2.5 97
Narsipur (13) T(340A) . (lgli)

Tirumakndal -
EA NM TWE(4.1) 42.8 0.7 90.7 Thayuru 98
PR MR FP Narsipur (12)

Tirumakudal -
EA N TWE(6.1) 390.2 15.8 32.4 Eswarngowdanaballi 99
PR MR FP Narsipur (5)

Tirumakudal - GC(9S.7)
PRMR EA N 55.1 15:2 Haropura 100
Narsipur (13) T(98.7)

Tirumakudal- GC(312.6) 47.6 Gejjiganahalli 101

EA NM 31.2 0.6
PR MR FP Nars;puf (8) T(312.6)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of vmage Tobl Total Number Amenities available (ir not a.-ailable "ithin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & L<Jcation code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIDs., 5-10 kms. and 10+ killS of tI.e nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
,'illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera thoc agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

KahaHi P M(S-IO) C(S. - 11(5- CV(5-10)
102 137.0 342 67 10) 10) MCW(5- T HP W SS- PH PO« CM(lO+) ACS«5)
(02867700) 5)
10) PHC« 5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

Kalkunda P(3) M H(IO+) THPTW CV(5-1O)
!O3 885.0 1,809 382 POPH(6) CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02867800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- SP(5-1O)
CP(lO+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Biligcrc H(IO+) THPTW PO TO PH CP CM« CV(5-IO)
104 297.0 1,573 307 P M C(lO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02867900) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- 5) SP(IO+)
NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(1O+)

Bclagunda P(2) M« 5) H(IO+) PH(2) CV«5)
105 318.0 661 137 HPWSS- CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02868000) C(5-IO) MCW(lO+) PO«5) SP(lO+)
CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

961.0 2,567 519
P(3) M
PO PH(2) CM«5)
oes ACS« CV« 5)
(02868100) C(IO+) WTKSS- 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) .
PIIC« 5) CP(IO+) NW(IO+)

P M« 5) C(5- PHS H(lO+) NCS BS

Madahalli PH(2) CV(S-IO)
107 307.0 438 90 10) MCW(IO+) HPWSS- CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02868200) . PO«5) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-10) ACS(5-1O) NW(IO+)
Mallupum 10) THPTW CV(5-10)
108 317.0 1,997 428 P M C(lO+) POPH(4) CM(IO+) ACS(5-1O) RS(I(}-!')
(02868300) MCW(lO+) WTKSS- SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

P« H(5- DCS(2) BS
Srikantanagar CV(5-1O)
109 482.0 1,349 296 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- THPWSS-PO«5) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02868400) SP(1O+)
10) 10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-1O) NW(lO+)

PHS H(lo+) OCS(2) BS

Alaganchi P(2) M(2) CV«5)
110 934.0 2,258 473 MCW(IO+) THPWSS- PO TO PH CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02868500) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

Thagadooru PO TO CV BS
111 1,900.0 7,28.0 1,529 THPWSS-PTO CMCP SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02868600) S(2) C(IO+) RlvlP(2) DCS(2)
PH(20) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Kamahalli H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

112 185.0 HPTWW PH(20) CV«5)
888 195 P M C(IO+) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02868700) MCW(IO!) CSS- PO«5) SP(5-IO)
CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

Chinnamballi H(IO+) THPTW BS

113 422.0 1,261 279 P M C(lO+) CPCM« ACSNCS CV«5)
(02868800) MCW(lO+) PO«5) RS(IO+)
WTKSS- 5) OCS(2) SP(10+)
PH«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types orland use in Name of "lJage Serial
to \.lIage distance (in Jan) supply pap.,-' commodity hcctarc)** num
l\1agazi manufactured her
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste a\'3ilable
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Tirumakudal- GC(l12.7)
PR MR FP Narsipur (9) EA NM 9.2 LO 14.2 Kaham 102

Tirumakudal -
PRMR EA NM TWE(2S.5) 713.4 5.9 105.S Kalkunda 103
Narsipur (13)

PR MR FP Nanjangud (16) EA NM 19.1 O.S 41.2 Biligerc 104

PR MR FP Nanjangud (15) EA NM TWE(16.0) 79.4 12.0 73.4 Bclagunda 105

PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) EA N lWE(72.9) 561.S 202 91.5 Kirugunda 106

PR MR FP' Nanjangud (11) EA NM WE(16.2) 64.4 0.6 26.3. Madahalli 107

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA N TWE(S.7) 130.3 0.4 22.1 MaUupura lOS

PR MR FP Nanjangud (13) EA NM 450.9 8.1 Sn1<antanagar 109

PR MR FP Nanjangud (14) EA NM 706.9 8.8 117.0 A1aganchi 110

PR MR FP Nanjangud (15) EA T(243.6)
1306.3 45.1 305.0 Thagadooru III

Tirumakudal- GC(I22.2)
EA NM 3.7 14.3 44.8 KamahaIli Il2
PR MR FP Narsipur (15) T(I22.2)

PR MR FP Nanjangud (16) EA NM 333.9 38.8 25.0 Chinnamballi 113


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and ne~t to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-16 kms. and l()+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is a"ailable is given)
"mage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea CommunI
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- fural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera Dve agricul cultural (8us
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,.
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 '12 13

Kongahalli PM«S) H(lO+) PH(S) CV«5)
114 212.0 422 72 HPWSS- CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02868900) qIO+) MCW(IO+) PO« 5) SP(5-10)
CP« 5) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

- H(S- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

10) MCW(5- T HP W SS- PO PR(25) ~~ CM(S- ACS(5-IO)
Heggadahalli PM SC(5- CV(S-IO)
115 1,212.0 4,272 862 10)
(02869000) 10) Sp(10+)
10) PRC« 5) '. . NCS«S) NW(lO+)

- H(S- BS RS(S-
Byalaru PM«5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- HP TW W PH(2) NCSOCS CV(S-IO)
116 501.0 643 142 CM(S-IO) 10)
(02869100) 10) PO{<S) ACS« 5) SP« 5)
10) PHC« 5) SS- CP(5-10) NW(IO+)
ST« 5)


Debu:r THPTW PO TO CV«5)
117 663.0 3,214 677 P M q< 5) MCW«5) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
(02869200) WSS- PH(10) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

- H(5- OCS(2)
Kallahalli 10) MCW(5- THPTW PH(5) CV(5-1O) BS RS« 5)
lIS 152.0 1,010 198 P M q5-IO) CM(S-IO) ACS(S-IO)
(02869300) 10) PHq<5) WSS- PO«5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS(5-10)

H« OCS(2)
Kathavadipura TRPTW PH(5) CV«5) BS RS«5)
119 IS5.0 1,641 344 P(2) M q< 5) 5) MCW« 5) CM«5) ACS«S)
(02869400) WSS- PO«5) SpeS-I 0) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) CP«5) NCS«5)

Handhvi nahalli PM«5) C« OCS ACS« CV« 5) BS RS«5)
120 247.0 1,140 218 5) MCW«5) T HP W SS- PR(12) CM«5)
(02869500) 5) PO«S) 5)NCS«5) S~(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) CP«5)

Deveerammanabal P(3) M(2) TRPTK CV«5) 5S RS«5)
121 292.0 3,597 731 MCW«5) PO PH(12} CM«5) ACS«5)
Ii (02869600) C« 5) SS- SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHq<5) CP«5) NCS«5)

Devarasanahalli THPWC CV«5) BS RS« 5)
122 101.0 2,486 489 P M S q< 5) MCW« S) PO PH(12} CM« 5) OCS(2)
(02869700) SS- SP(5-1O) NW(IO+)
PHq<5) CP«5) ACS«5)
123 921.0 - - Uninhabited - - - - -

Golur PHS H«5) OCS(2)

124 105.0 2,851 567 P M S C« 5) MC\v« 5) POPH(6) CM«5) ACS«S)
(02869900) SS- SP(S-ra) NW(lO+)
PHq<5) CP«5) NCS«5)

Geekahalli - H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

P(2) M(S-I 0) PH PO{S- CV(5-IO)
125 219.0 1,2.59 254 10) MCW(5- THPTW CM(S-IO) ACS(5-1O) 10)
(02870000) q5-10) 10) SP(1O+)
10) PHC« 5) W TK SS- CP(S-IO) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Mullur ll« OCS(2)

126 738.0 THPTW PH(4) CV« 5) B5 RS«5)
1,648 342 P MC«S) 5) MCW«5) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02870100) WSS- PO«S) SP(1O+)
PHq<5) NW(lO+)
CP« S) NCS«5)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News 'l\1ost important Land use (i.e. area under dilferent types ofland use in Name of lillage Serial
to ,illage distance (in krn) supply paper I commodity hectare)"" num
Magazi manufactured . ber
ne --::F:-o-rc-s-=-t--:-Ir-n:-'g-a"':"te""'d:---"'U:-n:-ir-n:-'--cu""'l:-tu-r-a--A-r-ea-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culliva
gauchar lion

i4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1:

PR MR FP Nanjangud (11) EA NM TWE(O.S) 70.8 15.2 12 1.9 Kongahalli 114

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM 310.0 19.5 122.5 Heggadahalli 1I5

PR MR FP Nanjangud (6) EA N 85.8 17.5 44.9 Byalaru 116

GC(471.3) ,
PR MR FP Nanjangud (5) EA NM 10704 18.5 65.8 Debur 117

PR MR FP Nanjangud (7) EA NM
5.6 40.2 19.0 Kallahalli 118

PR MR FP Nanjangud (2) EA NM TWE(6.8) 53.9 15.3 48.6 Kalhavadipura 1I9

PR MR FP Nanj angud (4) EA N
24.3 55.6 26.1 Handhvinahalli 120

PR MR FP Nanjangud (3) EA NM WE(5.0) 19.2 4.5 33.0 Deveerammanahalli 121

PR MR FP Nanjangud (I) EA NM 32.4 0.5 32.0 Devarasanahalli 122

- - Uninhabited ---~--- Nanjangud(Rural) 123

PR MR FP Nanjangud (3) EA NM 68.3 0.2 16.4 Golur 124

PR MR FP Nanjangud (5) EA NM TWE(6.S) 73.9 61.7 3 I 2. Geekahalli 125

PR MR FP Nanjangud (4) EA N TWE(6.1) 264.4 0.5 154.0 Mullur 126


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if no! available "lthin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is gil'en)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, ColtU"cr Agticul Reefea COlun1Uui
(in Census) water telegraph dal and co- tura), non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera til'e agricul culturdl (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
soC'ie tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

PHS H(5-IO) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

477.0 2.954 S64
P(3) M C(5-
MCW(S-IO) ~s~PWTK POPH(l2) CMZ5-10) ACS(5-IO)
(02870200) CP(5-1O) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5)

H(5- OCS(2)
Bcndagahalli P M« 5} C(5- PO TO CV(S-IO) BS« 5)
128 221.0 224 45 10) MCW(S- HPSS- CM(5-10) ACS(5-10)
(02870300) 10) PH« 5) SP(lO+) RS(S-IO)
10) PHC« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO)


Badanavalu P M S C(5- CV(S-IO) BSRS
129 921.0 2.759 548 MCW(5-10) T HP W SS- PO PH(9) CM(S-IO) OCS(2)
(02870400) 10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-1O) ACS(5-10)

PHS H(5-10) NCS BS

V ccrcdcvanapura P(4) M C(5- THPTW CP CM(5- CV(5-1O)
130 577.0 3,522 768 MCW(S-IO) POPH(2) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02870500) (0) WSS- 10) SP(S-IO)
PHC«5) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

H(5- OCS(2)
Kodinarasipura P M« 5) C(5- PHP0(5- CV(S-IO) BS« 5)
131 103.0 115 29 10) MCW(S- HPWSS- CM(5-10) ACS(5-10)
(02870600) 10) 10) SP(lO+) RS(5-10)
10) PHC«5) CP(5-10) NCS(S-IO)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

- H(5- OCS(2)
Gonathagala PM(5-10)C(5' )MCW(5_ HPTWW PH P0(5- CV«5} BS« 5)
132 190.0 599 133 10 CM«5) ACS«5)
(02870700) 10) 10) PHC« 5) C SS- 10) SP(IO+) RS(5-1O)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Uppinahalli 466 P(4) M C(S- PH(3) eV{S-IO)
133 720.0 2.371 10) MCW(S. THPTW CM(5-IO) ACS(5-IO) 10)
(02870800) 10) 10)PIIC«5) WTKSS- PO«5) SP(5-10)
CP(5-10) NCS(S-IO) NW(IO+)


Kalalc ACSNCS CV(5-1O)
134 1,015.0 7,278 1,509 P(2) M S C(5· PHS(2) FWC SS- PTO CMCP 10)
(02870900) OCS(2) SP(1O+)
10) H(5-10) PH(16) NW(lO+)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Karlapurd PH(2) CV(5-JO)
135 453.0 1,486 304 P M C(5-1O) 10) MCW(5- T HP TK CM«5) ACS«5) 10)
(02871000) PO«5) SP(lO+)
10) PHC« S) SS- CP(S-IO) NCS«5) NW(JO+)

H(5- NCS BS RS(5-

Harathalc eV(S-IO)
136 751.0 1,991 408 P M C(5-10) 10) MCW(.5- THP WSS- PO«5) CM(S-ro) OCS(2) 10)
(02871100) SP(IO+)
10) PHC«5) PH(5-10) CP(S-IO) ACS«5) NW(IOI)
137 131.0 - - Uninhabited - - -


Volagcre THPWC PO TO CV(IO+)
138 743.0 1,888 368 P M C(IO+) MCW(lO+) CM(lO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02871300) SS- PH(12) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types, of land use in Name of viJlage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply. paper I commodity bectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --;:F~o-res--:-t---:-Ir-r7ig-a"7te-d::---=U:-n-:ir-n-:·--c"":ul::"tu-r-a--A:-r-ea-n-o-'
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culliva
gaucbar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Nanjangud (8) EA NM 39.8 25.1 72.2 Horalavadi 127

PR MR FP Nanjangud (5) EA NM 128.1 0.3 19.6 Bendagaballi 128

PR MR FP Nanjangud (l0) EA N Khadi 782.9 11.5 106.0 BadanavaIu 129

PR Nanjangud (6) EA NM Bcedi TWE(17.3) 390.3 32.6 132.2 Vccredevanapura 130

PR MR FP Nanjangud (5) EA NM Jaggery 59.2 0.9 22.6 Kodinarasipura 131

PRFP Nanjangud (7) EA 54.4 4.8 I I 7.8 Gonathagala 132

PR MR FP Nanjangud (5) EA NM 137.2 7.7 76.2 Uppinahalli 133

PR MR FP Nanjangud (7) EA NM T(677.6) 121.8 26.6 189.0 KalaIe 134

MRFP Nanjangud (7) EA N 90.3 13.4 37.0 Karlapura 135

PR MR FP Nanjangud (6) EA NM TWE(8.1) 156.2 36.2 85.9 HarathaIe 136

- - Uninhabited - - - - Kanipura 137

PR MR FP Nanjangud (I I) EA NM WE(9.9) 478.8 212.6 18.6 Volagcre 138


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total NuoIber Amenities anilable (if not a,·ailable "ithin the ,·iJlage, a dash (-);s shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of poplliati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.<S kIDs~ 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIDs of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 - holds where the facility is a"'ailable is gh'cn)
,;Uagc Ccnsus) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commcr Agrieul Rccrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera th'c agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilitics service,
other credit (Cinema! rai.lway
socie ties Video ball, station,
Sports water
dub, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hosakotc - H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

PM SC(5- PO TO CV(5-10)
139 (Masagc) 611.0 942 197 10) MCW(5- HP TW W CM«5) ACS« 5) 10)
10) PH(4) SP{IO+)
(02871400) 10) PHC« 5) C ss- CP(5-IO} NCS(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Y cchagundlu H(1O+) HPTWW PH(5) CV(1O+)
140 370.0 1,369 299 P M C(IO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02871500) MCW(lO+) CSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP(1O+) ACS«5) NW(10+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

PHS II(10+) NCS(2) BS

Muddahalli THPWTK PH(4) CV(lO+)
141 621.0 1,844 380 P M C(1O+) MCW{lO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02871600) SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-1O) ACS(lO+) NW(IO+)

- H(5- ACS BS RS(5-

Sindhuvalli P(Z) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- THPTW PO TO CPCM« CV(5-10)
142 1,012.0 3,284 659 OCS(2) 10)
(02871700) 10) 10) PHC«5) wc SS- PH(6) 5) SP(5-1O)
NCS(5·10) NW(lOI-)

- H(5- BS RS(5-
Kurnhatti (0) MCW(5- THP TW PO TO NCSOCS CV(5-iO)
143 512.0 1,419 310 P M C(5-IO) CM«5) (0)
(02871800) 10)PHC«5) WSS- PH(9) ACS(5-IO) SP{lO+)
CP« 5) NW(IO+)

Sindhuvallipura 11(10+) HPTWW PH(2) CV{lO+)
144 ·429.0 1,051 212 P MC(IO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02871900) MC\V{lO+) ss- PO«5)
CP{lO+) ACS(IO+)
PHC«5) ST{lO+)


Navilur THPTW PO TO CV(5-IO)
145 618.0 1,826 381 P M C(IO+) MCW(lO+) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02872000) WSS- PH(6) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(5-10) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sumholli P(2) M H{lO+) BS

146 823.0 3,077 651 RS(IO+)
(02872100) C(1O+) MCW(lO+) WSS- PO« 5) 5) OCS SP(5-10)
NW(JO+) .
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Kasuvinmalli P(2) M(2) ACSNCS
147 1,008.0 2,203 506 PHS(2)FWC THPWSS- PO TO CMCP SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02872200) S(2) C{lO+) PH(20) OCS(2)
H{IO+) ST{lo+) NW{lO+)

Makanapura PM«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

148 THPnV PH(2) CV« 5)
337.0 780 146 CM{lO+) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02872300) C(IO+) MC\V(lO+) WSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(JO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Dcpcgowdanapura P M«5) H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

149 149.0 595 114 CV(5-10)
(02872400) C(IO+) THP W SS- PO(5-10) CM(1O+) ACS(5-1O) RS(lO+)
MCW(lO+) SP(1O+)
PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

Krishnapura P M«5) H(lO+) OCS(2) BS

ISO 367_0 719 157 HPTWW PHPO« CV«5)
(02872500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS- CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
5) SP(JO+)
CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) STOO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearesl lown & Power News Most important Laud use (i.e. area under ditTerent types onand use in Name of \illage Serial
to \illage distance (in km) supply paper / commodity heclare)** num
l\Jagazi manufactured ber
De --~F~o-res--t--~I-rn~·g-a-t-ed----~U~D~i-rn-·----c-ul-t-ur-a---A-r-e-a-n-o--t

(by source) gated ble wasle available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM 346.5 125.2 17.7 Hosakole (Masagc) 139
PR MR FP . Nanjangud (II) EA NM 272.1 63.0 10.6 Ycchagundlu 140

. PRMRFP Nanjangud(12) EA N 456.7 86.5 64.9 Muddahalli 141

PR MR FP Nanjangud (10) EA NM 534.7 60.3 125.0 Sindhuvalli 142

PR MR FP Nanjangud (7) EA N 425.9 10.7 53.2 Kurahatti 143

PR MR FP Nanjangud (17) EA N TWE(3.2) 33S.3 . 35.0 3S.3 Sindhuvallipura 144

PR MR FP Nanjangud (13) EA NM 491.4 46.1 36.7 Navilur 145

PR MR FP Nanjangud (IS) EA TWE(7.7) 620.7 131.4 59.2 Surahalli 146

PR MR FP Nanjangud (IS) EA NM T(94.8) 748.9 129.6 34.8 Kasuvinahalli 147

WE(14.0) 148
PR MR FP Nanjangud (20) EA 304.6 1.7 16.7 Makanapum

EA NM T(4.5) 137.0 0.3 7.2 Depcgowdanapura 149

PR MR FP Nanjangud (22)

NM TWE(7.9) 270.5 63.4 24.0 Krishnapura 150
PR MR FP Nanjangud (20) EA


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a",ilable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populatl of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges ....iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is a"ailable is given)
,mage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) w::Jtcr telegraph cia. and co- tural, non- tionaI & cations
hectare) and opera five agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie tics Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Kugalur P(2) M H(JO+) THPTW PO TO CV(IO+)
151 408.0 1,978 435 CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(01872600) C(lO+) MCW(1O+) SS- PH(4) SP(lO+)
CP(JO+) ACS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC«.5) ST(IO+)

. OCS(2) BS
L~kshmanapura PM«5) H(lO+) HPTWW PH(3) CV«5)
152 214.0 557 128 CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02872700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PO«5) SP(lO+).
CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(lO+)

PHS H(lO+) OCS(2) BS

Yelachagcre HPnVW PH PO« eV(5-IO)
153 578.0 1,007 200 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) CM(5-IO) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02872800) SS- 5) SP(1O+)
PHC« 5) C?(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Hunasanalu H(IO+) THPTW 1'11(2) CPCM(5- CV(5-1O)
154 746.0 2.198 408 P M C(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02872900) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- 1'0«5) 10) 51'(10+)
ACS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)


Hedathaic P(4) M(2) THPTW PO TO ACSNCS
155 1,073.0 5,791 1,201 PHSFWC CM(5-IO) 10) 10)
(02873000) C(IO+) WTKSS- PH(4) OCS
H(lO+) ep(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

156 115.0 ----- Uninhabited

BS RS(5-
Basavauige P M(5-1O) H(IO+) THPnV PH(IO) NCSOCS CV(5-10)
157 609.0 1,090 227 CM(IO+) 10)
(02873200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) WSS- PO(5-10) ACS«5) SP(lO+)
CP(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

P(2) M(2) MCWPHC BSRS(5-

Devanur PO TO CMCP(5- ACSNCS eV(5-10)
158 1,042.0 3,499 763 S(2) PUC PHSFWC THPSS- 10)
(02873300) PH(6) 10) OCS SP(lO+)
C(IO+) H(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-IO) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Varahalli P M(5-1O) THPnV PH(2) CV(IO+)
159 282.0 771 171 MCW(S-IO) CM(5-10) ACS« 5) 10)
(02873400) C(IO+) WTKSS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

H(5- OCS(2) BS RS(5-

Kakkarahaui PM« 5) C(5- CV(S-IO)
160 563.0 232 40 10) MCW(5- THPSS- PO(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) 10)
(02873500) 10) SP(lO+)
10)PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS«5) NW(IO+)

Banooru P M(5-10) OCS(2) BS RS(5-

161 H(lO+) THPTW CV(5-IO)
119.0 306 62 PO(5-IO) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-10) 10)
(02873600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SS- SP(S-IO)
PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Badya H(IO+) OCS(2) BS

162 267.0 THPTW POPH« CV(S-IO)
1,159 245 P M C(lO+) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02873700) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- 5) SP(lO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Karcpura PHS H(lO+)
537.0 1,433 278 P M C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PO«5) CM(5-IO) ACS«5) RS(1O+)
(02873800) WTKSS-
PHC«5) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(5-1O) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in kIn) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Nanjangod (17) EA NM 328.6· 22.1 36.3 Kugalur lSI

PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) . EA NM 11\'E(5.9) 177.9 13.7 13.4 Lakshmanapura 152

PR MR FP Nanjangud (14) EA N TWE(9.5) 450.6 85.6 30.8 Yelachagere 153
TO 1.1)

PR MR FP Nanjangod (16) EA N nVE(4.1) 638.3 29.6 49.8 Hunasanalu IS4

PR MR FP Nanjangod (14) EA NM 884.0 39.8 134.1 Hedathale IS5

_ - Uninhabited ------ Satbagaballi 156

PR MR FP Nanjangod 0 1) • EA N 479.2 11.6 45.3 Basavattige IS7

PR MR FP Nanjangod (17) EA 164.5 15.0 97.5 Devanur 158

PRMRFP Nanjangod(21) EA N 177.0 6.4 25.2 Varaballi 159

MR Chamrajanagar (l0) EA N 375.2 75.1 28.8 Kakkarabatti 160

MRFP Chamrajanagar (16) EA N 354.8 36.4 23.4 Banooru 161

Tirumakodal - TWE(10.0) 162

EA 160.4 19.9 76.7 Hadya
PR MR FP Narsipur (IS) T(IO.0)

Tirumakudal- TWE(45.3) 3S.1 Karepum 163

EA N 418.9 37.8
PR MR FP Narsipur (20) T(4S.3)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,illage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is' shown in the column and next 10
num & Location code area of populali of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.<5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms uflhe neaTcst place
ber the on (2001 holds where the fneility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Cammer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and C~ turnl, Don- tional & cations
hectare) and opera five agricuJ cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie tics Video hall, station,
Sports ,vater
club, way)

. 1 1. 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13
BS RS(5-
164 1.020.0 2,420 514 CM(5-10) 10)
(02873900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) WTKSS- PH(3) OCS SP(IO+)
CP«5) NW(IO+)
PHC« 5) ST(1O+)

PHS H(l{}+) NeS

Chunchanahalli THPTW CV(5-10) BSNW
165 1,557.0 1,709 367 P M C(5-10) MCW(IO+) POPH(6) CM(5-10) OCS(2)
(02874000) WTKSS- SP(IO+) RS(5-10)
PHC«5) CP(S-10) ACS(S-IO)

Chikkakowlande PM«5) H(!O+) THPTK PH(2) CV(IO+) BS RS« 5)
166 533.0 1,175 265 CM'«5) ACS«5)
(02874100) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS- PO«5) SP(1O+) NW(10+)
CP«S) NCS«5)
PHC« 5) ST(l(}-t-)
Nerale H(lO+) THPTW PO TO CV(5-10)
167 821.0 3,117 628 P M C(1o+) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
(02874200) MCW(IO+) TKSS- PH(4) SP(5-IO)
ep(5-IO) ACS(S-10) NW(1O+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Hemmaragal" PMS H(IO+) THPTW PO TO NeS oes CV« 5)
168 333.0 3,355 685 CMCP RS(1O+)
(02874300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS- PH(lO) ACS(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

H« OCS(2) 8S
481.0 755 157
PM«5) - PH(3) CV«5)
169 5) MCW(J 0+) « 5) SS- CM«5) ACS«5) RS(JO+)
(02874400) C(1O+) PO«5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP«5) NCS(IO+) NW(I(}-t-)

Hosapura H(1O+) CV«5) BS« 5)
170 167.0 12 4 PM C(IO+) TWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) OCS(2)
(02874500) MCW(IO+) SP(5-1O) RS(10+)
PH«5) CP« 5) ACS(JO+)
PHC«5) ST(10+) NW(IO+)


Koodlapura PO TO CP CM(5- NCS OCS CV(lO+)
171 631.0 3,086 607 MCW(1O+) RS(lO+)
(02874600) C(lO+) PHC«5) WTKSS- PH(4) 10) ACS(S-10) SP(IO+)

PHS H(10+) PO TO OCS(2)

Bagooru P M«S) THPTW CV(\O+) 8S« 5)
172 280.0 334 63 MCW(IO+) PTOPH« CM(IO+) ACS«5)
(02874700) C(JO+) WSS- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) 5) CP(!O+) NCS(lO+)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Tharadale H(IO+) THPTK OCS(2) BS

173 442.0 1,429 274 P M e(1o+) CV(IO+)
(02874800) PO TO PH CM(5-10) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
MCW(lO+) SS- SP(1O+)
CP(S-IO) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+)

Mallahalli PHS H(1O+) BS

253.0 2,215 430 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) RS(lO+)
(02874900) TKSS- ACS(5-10) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PH«5) CP(5-IO) NW{lO+)
Hampapura 10) THPTW OCS(2) BS RS(5-
175 150.0 391 78 P M C(IO+) POPH(3) CM(5-10) CV(5-IO)
(0287S000) MCW(1O+) WTKSS- ACS(5-10) 10)
CP(IO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)


Village Directory .
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & POlVer News Most important Land use (Le. area uuder different types of land use in Name of 'illage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~or=es~t--~Ir=n~'g=a7te=d~--7U~n~ir=n~'----cu-'l~ru=r-a---A~r-ea--n-o~t
(by source) gated ble wa.te available
(including for cultiva
gauchar (ion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR Chamrajanagar (15) EA NM 562.6 358.0 29.5 Karya 164

PRMR TWE(84.0)
Chamrajanagar (20) EA NM 938.5 446.3 88.3 Chunchanahallj 165
NR T(84.0)

PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) EA NM 377.9 78.2 32.4 Chikkakowlande 166

PR MR FP Nanjangud (16) EA NM 715.4 8.3 64.1 Nerale 167

PR MR FP Nanjangud (15) EA NM. 268.2 7.5 27.5 Hemmaragala 168

MRFP Nanjangud (16) EA NM 42S.2 12.1 29.2 Kumbarahalli 169

MRFP Nanjangtld (20) EA 140.2 5.2 13.2 Hosapura 170

PR MR FP Nanjangud (19) EA NM 496.5 87.3 39.6 Koodlapura 171

MRFP Nanjangud (17) EA N 244.7 0.7 25.6 Bagooru 172

PRFP Nanjangud (21) EA NM 385.0 6.3 . 32.6 Tharadale 173

TWE(26.9) 174
PR MR FP Nanjangud (22) EA 181.8 11.8 32.5 Mallahalli

PR MR FP Nanjangud (16) EA NM 108.1 35.8 Hampapura 175


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Sed»] Na me of YiUagc Total Total Number Amenities <lv<lilable (if nut available within the "illage, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house il in brackets the distance In broad ranges viz.< 5 kIm., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIm of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 lJOlds where the facility is availahle is given)
"illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cia. and co- lura], oon- tional& cations
hectare} and opera live agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
olher credit (Cinema! railway
.§ocie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Halepura 1'0) THPTW PO TO CV(S·IO)
176 606.0 2,006 430 P M C(IO+) CM(S-10) OCS(2) 10)
(02875100) MCW(lO+) WTKSS- PH«5) SP(lO+)
CI'(I0+) ACS(5-10) NWeIO+)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+)

PHS H(IO+) 5S RS(5-

Galtavadipura THPTW PH(4) ACSNCS CVe5-IO)
177 S42.0 1,671 359 P M C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(5-IO) 10)
(02875200) SS- PO(5-10) OCS SP(IO+)
PHC(S-IO) CP(5-10) NW(IO+)

OCS(2) BSRS(5-
Haraganapllr P M(S-IO) H(IO+) eVe5-10)
178 188.0 632 126 HPSS- PO(S-IO) eM(IO+) ACS«5) 10)
(02875300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+)
PH«5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(1O+)


Gattav(ldi THPTW PO TO eV(5-10) BS RS«5)
179 575.0 1,769 390 P M C(IO+) MCW(10+) CM«S) OCS(2)
(02875400) WTKSS- PH(4) SP(1O+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) CP«5) ACS«5)


Doddakowlande ACSNCS CVeS-IO) BSRS
180 624.0 3,701 674 S(2) pue MCW(IO+) SS PTO CMCP
(02875500) OCS(2) SP(1O+) NW(IO+)
C(IO+) PHC(5-IO) - PH(12)

PHS H(5-10) NCS

Konanoo[ PM SC(5- THPTW CV(5-IO) BSRS
181 621.0 2,165 472 MCW(S-IO) PO PH(6) CM(5-IO) OeS(2)
(02875600) 10) WSS- SP(1O+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) CP(lO+) ACS(5-10)

PHSH(lO+) OCS(2)
Konanapura P(2)M«5) HPTWW PH PO« CV«5) BS RS«5)
182 . 676.0 685 129 MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS«5)
(02875700) C(1O+) SS· 5) SP(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) NCS«5)


Paduyulamarahalli THPTIV NCSOeS eves-I 0)
183 706.0 1,803 408 P M C(S-10) MCW(IO+) PH(2) CM(S-IO) 10)
(02875800) WTKSS- ACS(5-10) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) POe< 5) CP«S) NW(lO+)

P« OCS(2)
H(IO+) eV(S-IO) BS«5)
184 342.0 35 12 5) M«5) TWSS- PO(5-10) eM(lO+) ACS(5-10)
(028759.00) MCW(lO+) SP(1O+) RS(lO+)
C(JO+) PH«5) CP(S-IO) NCS«5)

Hanumnnapura H(IO+) THPTW PH(3) BSRS(5-

185 364.0 1,293 271 P M C(IO+) NCSOeS CV«5)
(02876000) CM(5-10) 10)
MCW(lO+) TKSS- PO(S-lO) ACS«5) SP(lO+)
CP(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Paduvala Agrnharu P« OCS(2)

186 H(IO+) eV(S-IO) BS«5)
212.0 16 4 5) M«5) TWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO)
(02876100) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(5-10)
C(IO+) PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS«5)
PHC(5-IO) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Dasanooru MCWPHC BS RS(S-

639.0 2.181 523 PHSFWC 10)
(02876200) 10) SS- PH(3) 10) oes
H(IO+) SP(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & POlVer NelVS Most important Land nse (j.e. area under different l)'Pes of land use in Name of village Serial
to \illage distan~e(in krn) supply paper I commodity hectare)** nurn
Magazi manufactured ber
De --~F-or-~-t~--I~r-n~'g-a~te~d~--~U~n~ir-r~i----cu~l~tu-r-a--~A~r-e-a-n-o-t
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J 2

. PR MR FP Nanjangud (18) EA NM 415.4 8.4 156.8 Halepura 176

MR Naujangud (24) EA NM 400.6 14.8 51.1 GaUavadipura 177

PR MR FP Nanjangud (26) EA NM 109.2 12.2 11.4 Haraganapur 178

PR MR FP Naujangud (20) EA NM 421.8 57.5 68.9 Gaunvadi 179

PRMRFP Nanjangud(16) EA NM 432.1 21.2 108.9 Doddakowlande 180

PR MR FP Charnrajanagar (19) EA N 2.1 T(72A) 313.5 160.0 73.1 Konanoor 181

MRFP Cbarnrajanagar (19) EA NM 404.7 112.1 54.7 Konanapura 182

PR MR FP Charnrajanagar (16) EA N 526.6 104.9 36.7 Paduvalamarahalli 183

MRFP Cbamrajanagar (16) EA 256.4 17.5 32.8 Ramasellipura 184

PRMR Cbamrajanagar (16) EA N 268.1 40.3 20.9 Hanumanapura 18S

MR CbaIDrajanagar (18) EA 171.5 7.4 Paduvala Agrahara 186

PR MR FP Cbamrajanagar (18) EA NM . 497.1 29.8 46.7 Dasanooru 187


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within lhe "illage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati ofhousc. it in brackets the distance in broad ranges vi.z~~ 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the racility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Com mer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water lelegraph ciaI and co· tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tiYe agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities senrice,
other credit (Cinema! rai1way
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

H« OCS(2) BS RS(5-
Doddahomma P(2) M CV(IO+)
188 664.0 1,453 347 5) MCW(IO+) T HP SS- PO PH(3) CM(5-10) ACS« 5) 10)
(02876300) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) CP(5-10) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

Chikkahomma P(3) M CV«5)
189 792.0 2,441 514 5) MCW(IO+) T HP SS- PO PH(3) CM«5) OCS(2) 10)
(02876400) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(5-10) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
PHS H(5-1O) ACS(2) . BS RS(5-
Thornvalli P(2) M C(5- THPTW PH(2) CPCM(5- OCS NCS« eV(5-10)
190 261.0 1,499 361 MCW(IO+) 10)
(02876500) 10) SS- PO(5-10) 10) 5) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) NW(IO+)

HA D(6)
DA(2) T(133)
MCW(15) W(126) PO(80)
. P(252) ACS(33)
TK(64) TO(SI) CM(IS) BS(IS9)
RInck Total 96920.0 311991 64052 M(151) S(39) MH CWC NCS(69) CV(ll)
PUC(4) 0(2 PHC(15) HP(165) PTO(8) CP(29) RS(4) NW
) PHS(71) OCS(333)
TW(94) R PH(966)
FWC(IS) C(38) L


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach . Nearest town & Power News MO:!jt itnportant Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to \illage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\lagazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Vnirri cnltura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR Chamrajanagar (15) EA NM Jaggery
560.3 6.6 J3.6 Doddahomma 188

PR Chamrajanagar (15) EA NM 550.4 202.6 8.2 Chikkahomma 189

PRMR Chamrajanagar (16) EA NM 149.4 17.9 23.8 Thomvalli 190

PR(159) WE(643.48)
MR(l62) N(156)
EA(176) 1262.6 TW(92.98) 51283.8 8001.0 12215.0
FP(149) M(1IlS)
NR NW 7) TK(8.99)

L -i

_. "
TOTAL AREA OF TALUK (IN SQ_f\Ml ••.•.•••••••••••• • ••• 598.21
\ 797 TOTAL POP ULATION Of TALUK __ .• •• ___ • _____ • ______ _ __ 279.005
i . I TOTAL NUMBER OF TO WNS IN TALL' K ___ ••• ____ ____ • • ___ 02
TOTAL ~U M8ER OF' VIL LAGES IN TALUK _________________ 1:32

o A: - Pdrt of M~t!C\vctllI li.tlLlk


( ':~~~c

fr o1n ,\\dul'

~ PO

Val .. lu

" '.
'._ , ""\



80UN[)ARY, DISTRICT ___ ___ • ___________ • __ 0 _. _. ______ 0 __ TANK ______ • ___ • •••••• ____ ._ . _._. _____ •••• _____ __ •• _

fAL UI-: •• _________ _ ••• • __ ____ __ •••• _. __ •• . CANAL WITH DISTRIBUTARY


HEAl>QUARTERS TALUl\ _ •• __________ _________________ _

HIGHER SECONDARY ."1C'HOOL -------------------------- s
POLlC'E :"TATION ___ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ _________________ . __ _
200-499' SOO-999: 1000

1999 5000 AND ABOVE

WI TH LOCATION CODE •.•. _____ _

782 ....=J
PRIMAR~ HEALTH CENTRE • _________________ ______ __ __

URBAN AREA WITH LOf'ATIO rODE __ . _ .• ____ ._________ l ____ ~ ...........x~ BANK COMMERCIAL CO OPER.,TIVE __ .•.•••••• _ .... _ B

NATION_l,L HIGHWAY ____________________ ____ _____ ____ _ NH 2 12

~TATE HIGHWAY _______________ . _ _ _______________ _ ___ _ :-:H 86

lMPORTANT METALL ED ROAD •.•••••• _._. ____ ••.• _._ .••

~;METALLEO AND OTHER ROADS .------ ..•. -.-.- • • • • • •

WITH STREAM •••••••• _••••••••••••••• _. __ .••• _
..... _--_ C D Block boun d ar y of Tlrumakud a l Narsipu r is

An'd of
lA.lul~ boundary excluding all s ttltlllory towns

::;OfH e villa~e:" aI'£, found rn two or


1l 1Ore

f l dQmenb

Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number . number number
1 2 3 4
Name of CD Block: Tirumakudal Narsipur
Name of SUb-Dist: 0007

Adibettahalli 02887200 160100010001000118

2 Agasthapura 02884400 160100010001000012
3 Akkur 02888000 160100010001000105
4 Algodu , 02885900 160100010001000004
5 Ankanahalli 02877500 160100010001000046
6 Aravattigekoppalu 02876600 160100010001000037
7 Athahalli 02878900 160100010001000054
8 B.Bettahalli 02879100 160100010001000052
9 B.Seehalli 02876700 160100010001000038
10 Banagavadi 02877700 160100010001000032
II Bannahalli ,02885800 160100010001000005
12 Bannur (Rural) 02878200 160100010001000029
13 Basavanahalli '02878600 160100010001000050
14 Basavanapura 02883700 160100010001000021
15 Beedanahalli 02878300 160100010001000030
16 BevinahaIli 02879500 160100010001000072
17 £\hugatbagahalli 02877900 160100010001000034
18 Binakanahal1i 02882600 160100010001000094
19 Bommanahalli 02879600 160100010001000079
20 Bommanayakanahalli 02884500 160100010001000011
21 BudahaIli 02880900 160100010001000075
22 Byrapura 02885300 160100010001000001
23 Charnanahalli 02878800 160100010001000051
24 ChandahaIli 02887900 160100010001000104
25 Channalljevadeyanapura 02884600 160100010001000008
26 Chidraval1i 02881000 160100010001000077
27 Chikkabuhalli '02882300 160100010001000056
28 Chikkalaxmipura 02880700 160100010001000064
29 Chimili 02879700 160100010001000080
30 ' Chowhalli , 02886300 160100010001000125
31 Danayakanapura 02885700 160100010001000007
32 Doddabagiiu 02883100 160100010001000089
33 Dodda1axmipura 02880100 160~0001000100007&
34 Doddamulagudu 02877300 160100010001000045
35 Ganiganakoppalu 02879400 160100010001000071
36 Gargeswari 02885100 160100010001000027
37 Goravanahalli . 02877000 160100010001000041
38 Halavara 02881400 160100010001000088
39 Halavaramatba 02881500 160100010001000087
40 Hanumanalu 02877800 160100010001000033
41 Hasuvatti 02882000 160100010001000060
42 Hegguru 02877400 160100010001000047
43 Hemmige 02889000 160100010001000106,
44 Hiriyuru 02886600 160100010001000128
45 Hittuvalli 02883800 160100010001000015
46 Holesalu (Kaveripura) 02888600160100010001000113
47 Honnuru 02884200 160100010001000023
48 Horalahalli 0288220Q 160100010001000057
49 Hosahalli 02887600 160100010001000117


Name ofthe District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
2 3 4

50 Hosakote 02884700 160100010001000010

51 Hosapura 02886500 160100010001000127
52 Hunasagahalli 02876800 160100010001000039
53 Hunsuru 02885400 160100010001000002
54 Hunuganahalli 02883200 160100010001000017
55 Hyakanuru 02887100 160100010001000119
56 Induvalu 02884800 160100010001000009
57 Jodi Bagore 02880400 160100010001000068
58 Kaliyuru 02889700 160100010001000097
59 KaJlipura 02880200 160100010001000074
60 Kanchanahalli 02879300 160100010001000070
61 Kannahalli 02887400 160100010001000131
62 KannayakanahaUi 02881800 160100010001000063
63 Kargahalli 02883000 160100010001000090
64 Karohatti 02886200 160100010001000.124
65 Kayyambahalli 02882900 160100010001000091
66 Kempanapura 02879900 160100010001000083
67 Ke thah alii 02886100 160100010001000123
68 Kethupura 02880300 160100010001000067
69 Kiragasuru 02885500 160100010001000003
70 Kodagahalli 02878100 160100010001000036
71 Kolathuru 02881300 160100010001000085
72 Konagalli 02881600 160100010001000058
73 Koppalu (Kalihundi) 02888400 160100010001000111
74 Kotthegala 02886700 160100010001000130
75 Kudluru 02885600 160100010001000006
76 Kukkuru 02889500 160100010001000096
77 Kunthanahalli 02879000 160100010001000053
78 Kuppaya 02883900 160100010001000014
79 Kuruburu 02886800 160100010001000129
80 Madapura 02887700 160100010001000102
81 Madavadi 02888500 160100010001000112
82 Madcgowdanahlllldi 02883400 160100010001000018
83 MadigahaUi 02878000 160100010001000035
84 Madrahalli 02887300 160100010001000132
85 Malangi 02889600 160100010001000098
86 Maliyuru 02878700 160100010001000049
87 Maradipura 02887800 160100010001000103
88 Maragowdanahalli 02876900 160100010001000040
89 Maranapura 02888100 160100010001000107
90 Mavinahalli 02889300 160100010001000099
91 Mcnasikyathanahalli 02877200 160100010001000044
92 Mudukanapura 02881100 160100010001000086
93 Muguru 02887500160100010001000116
94 Muthalavadi 02882800 160100010001000092
95 Muthathi 02884300 160100010001000024
96 . NagaJagere 02881700 160100010001000076
97 Nanjapura 02878500 160100010001000048
98 Naragyathanahalli 02882100 160100010001000059
99 Nilasoge 02886400 160100010001000126
100 Pattehundi 02883300 160100010001000016
101 Pillahalli 02884000 160100010001000013



Name of the District:Mysore
Serial Name of village 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code
number number number
1 2 3 4
102 Ramanathapura Hundi 02884900 160100010001000025
103 Ramegowdanapura 02879800 160100010001000082
104 Ranganathapur 02883500 160100010001000019
105 Rangasamudra 02883600 160100010001000020
106 S.Doddapura 02880000 160100010001000081
107 S X.P.Agrahara 02882400 160100010001000061
IDS S.Megadahalli 02882700 160100010001000093
109 Seegodipura 02881200 160100010001000084
110 Senapathihalli 02819200 160100010001000069
III Settahalli 02888800 160100010001000115
112· Somanathapura 02880600 160100010001000065
113 Sosale 02882500 160100010001000055
114 Sujjaluru 02887000 160100010001000121
Jl5 T.Bettahalli 02888200 160100010001000109
Jl6 T.Doddapura 02889100 160100010001000100
117 T.Megadahalli 02888300 160100010001000110
118 Talakadu 02889400 160100010001000095
119 Thammadipura 02881900 160100010001000062
120 Thirumakudalu 02885200 160100010001000028
121 Thottavadi 02889200 160100010001000101
122 Thumbala 02884100 160100010001000022
123 Thuruganuru 02877600 160100010001000042
124 Uddibagur 02880500 160100010001000066
125 Ukkalagere 02880800 160100010001000073
126 Vadayandahalli 02888900 160100010001000108
127 Vatalu 02886900 160100010001000120
128 Vijayapura 02888700 160100010001000114
129 Yachenahalli 02877100 160100010001000043
130 Yadadore 02885000 160100010001000026
131 Yadahalli 02878400 160100010001000031
132 Yaraganahalli 02886000 160100010001000122


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name or village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a"ailable ,,;tbin the ,·mage, a dash (-) is shown in the c(}lumn and next to
Dum & Location code area of populati of bouse it in brackets the distance in broad .-anges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe ncarest place
ber tbe on (20ot holds wbere the facility is a":Iilable is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul RecT." Communi
(in Ccnsus) water telegraph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera five agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tUTal and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! raUW3)'
so de ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CD Block: Tirumakudal Narsil!ur (0007)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS
Aravattigckoppalu 10) MCW(S- T HP TW PH(3) CV«5)
103.0 1,423 322 P M C(S-1O) CM«5) ACS(lO+) RS(JO+)
(02876600) PO«S) SP(1O+)
10)PHC(5-10) WSS- CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

. - H(5- NCS BS
B.Scchalli PO TO CV(5-10)
2 76S.0 4,255 868 P(2) M S C(5· 10) MCW(S- THP WC CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(JO+)
(02876700) PH(2) SP(5-10)
10) 10) PHC(5-10) SS- CP(1O+) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

H(S- OeS(2) BS
Hunasagahalli PM« 5) C(5- CV(5-1O)
3 331.0 901 211 10) MCW(5- TWRCSSPO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02876800) 10) SP(S-10)
10) PHC(5-IO) PH« S) CP(5-10) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-10) NCS BS

Maragowdanahalli THPWTK CV(S-lO)
4 269.0 1,128 234 P M C(5-10) MCW(5-10) C SS- PO PH(6) CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02876900) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) CP(S-IO) ACS(S-IO) N\V(IO+)

- H« - NCS BS
5) MCW(5-1O) ~~P_WTK PO« 5)
Goravanahalli CV(5-10)
5 303.0 1,237 283 P M C(lO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02877000) SP(5-10)
PHC(5-1O) S PH« 5) CP(5-1O) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)
Yachcnahalli PM SC(5- H«5) THPWC PO TO
6 540.0 3,002 690 CM(5-IO) OCS(2) 10) RS(lO+)
(02877100) 10) MCW(S-IO) SS- PH(S)
CP(5-IO) ACS« 5) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

Mcnasilcyathanaha P(5) M(Z) S THPTW PH(2) CV(1O+)
7 761.0 2,502 487 MCW(IO+) CM(IO+} ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
Hi (02877200) C(10+) W TK C SS- PO« 5) SP(1O+)
PHC(5-1O) CP(1o+) NCS(lO+) NW(1O+)

Doddamulagudu P(Z) M(2) S

436.0 2,652 515 PHSFWC SP(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02877300) C(10+) W TK C SS- PH(8) 5) OCS(2)
H(lO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Hcgguru P(5) M(2) C(S- PHS H(10+) ACS BS RS(5-
9 842.0 3,634 785 TWCSS- NCS(2) 10)
(02877400) 10) MCW(1O+) PH(2) 5) SP(5-IO)
OCS(2) NW(JO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+)
Ankanahalli 378 P(2) M(2) H(10+) THPTW - NCS(2)
10 318.0 1,800
(02877500) C(10+) MCW(IO+) WTKCSs- PO«5) CM(lO+) OCS(2)
PH«5) CP(1O+) ACS(IO+) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)
D PHS(2)
Thumganuru P(2) M S H(JO+) THPWTK PO TO ACSNCS CV«5)
II 468.0 3,361 713 CMCP RS(IO+)
(02877600) C(10+) MCW(S-IO) CSS- PH(28) OCS(2) SP(S-IO)
PHC(5-1O) NW(lO+)

BanagaV3di PM«5) H« THPWTK - OCS(2) BS

12 194.0 585 131 5) MC\V«5) CSS- CV(5-10)
(02877700) C(1O+) PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(10+)
PH«5) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land uSe ill Name of "iIIage Serial
(o,iUage distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hcctare)** num
Magazi 'manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-res~t--~I-rn~'b-aa~t-cd~--~U~n~i-rn~'----c-u~lt~u-rn--~Are--a-n-o~t~
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar lion

14 15 16 ]7 18 ]9 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 1WE(4.1) 76.1 15.0 5.8 Aravatligekoppalu

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM WE(I3) 544.2 117.0 39.4 B.Seehalli 2

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM WE(42 I) 211.3 29.6 18.0 Hunasagahalli 3

MR 8annur(O) EA NM WE(J7.2) 179.9 [2.3 20.4 Maragowdanahalli 4
Sugarcane, Ragi

PRMR Bannur(O) EA NM WE(16.8) 145.1 8.5 12.6 Gomvanahalli 5

Bricks, Ra\v Silk,
PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM WE(9.6) 290.2 31.4 41.6 Yachcnahalli 6

PRMR Bannur(O) EA NM WE(21.0) 229.5 39.6 59.8 Menasikyathanahalli 7

PR MR FP Mandya (0) EA NM WE(O.S) 146.1 55.5 [5.9 Doddamulagudu 8

P'addy, Coconut, 4280 WE(J6.5)

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 206.4 146.9 44.3 Hegguru 9
Cocoons . T(16.5)

GC(2l6.1) 10
PRMR Bannur(10) EA NM 60.3 15.3 26.3 Ankanaha1li

PRMR Bannur(O) EA NM WE(6.9) 182.1 12.1 27.9 Thuruganuru II

GC(104.0) 12
PRMR Bannur(O) EA NM 48.6 24.3 17.1 Banagavadi

--- -----

Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "iIlage Total Total Number Amenities a,'ailable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
Dum & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms" 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is giveri)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Rccr-ea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cia1 and co- tural, non- tional & cations
beetare) and opera five agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,.
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hanumanalu P(2) M(2) THPWTK PO TO CV«5)
13 456.0 2,850 644 5) MCW« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02877800) C«5) C SS- PH(5) SP(1O+)
PHC(S-IO) CP«5) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

H« OCS(2) BS
Bhugathagahalli THPWC CV«5)
14 198.0 761 186 P M C(5·10) 5) MCW« 5) PO«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(10+)
(02877900) SS· SP« 5)
PHC(5-IO) PH« 5) CP«5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)


MadigahaUi THPWC CV«5)
15 431.0 2,364 522 P(2) M C« 5) MCW« 5)
PO PH(S) CM«5) ACS«5)
SP« 5)
PHC(5·IO) CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(lO+)

Kodagahalli PM S C(5- H(5·10) THPTW PO TO
16 690.0 2,793 632 CMCP OCS(2) 10) RS(lO+)
(02878100) 10) MCW(S-IO) WTKCSS-PH(IO)
ACS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Bannur (Rural) ------- UninJmbitt:d - - - - - -

17 1,944.0

H« OCS(2) BS
Bccdanahalli HPTWW PH(2) CV«5)
18 232.0 1,633 366 P M C(IO+) 5) MCW«5) CM(5.10) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02878300) TKCSS· PO« 5) SP« 5)
PJ-IC(5-IO) CP(5-10) NCS«5) NW(IO+)


Yadahalli P(2) M HPTWW CV«5)
19 363.0 1,598 357 MC\v« 5) PO«S) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02878400) C(10+) TKC SS· SP« 5)
PHC(5-IO) PH«5) CP«5) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)


254.0 1,109 244 PM C«5) MC\v« 5)
CM«5) OCS(2)
CV« 5)
(02878500) SS· 5) SP« 5)
PHC(5·10) CP«5) ACS«5) NW(lO+)

BasavanahaUi H(IO+) THPTW
21 312.0 2,083 491 P M C(lO+) CV«5)
(02878600) WTK C SS- PO« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
MCW(lO+) SP« 5)
PH«5) CP« 5) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5·10) ST(IO+)

. Maliyuru H« NCS BS
22 772.0 3,436 688 P(2) M C« 5) 5) MCW« 5) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02878700) WCSS· PH(3) SP« 5)
PHC(5·10) CP« S) ACS«5) NW(lO+)
23 206.0 _. __. Uninhabited - ' - - -
Athahalli PMS NCS BS
24 H«S) THPWC CV«5)
189.0 2,739 621 PO PH(I6) CM«5) . OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02878900) C(IO+) MCW«5) SS· SP« 5)
CP« 5) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

Kunthanahalli H« NCS BS
25 167.0 THPWC PH(4) CV«5)
1,060 242 P M C(IO+) 5) MCW«5) CM«S) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02879000) SS· PO« 5)
PHC(5-10) SP« 5)
CP«5) ACS(lO+) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As (In 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** nUm
Magazi man ufaetured ber
Forest Irrignted Voirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 .1

MR Bannut (0) EA NM WE(22.5) 36.8 15.6 15.5 Hanumana1u 13
Sugarcane, Ragi

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 103.6 39.7 14.1 Bhugathagahalli 14

GC(I 9 1.0)
PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 155.4 75.2 9.4 Madigahalli 15

PR MR FP Bannut (0) EA NM TWE(l4.2) 97.7 79.4 52.7 Kodagahalli ,16

- - Uninhabited - - - Ballnur (Rural) 17

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 80.2 86.6 17.6 Beedanahalli 18

PR MR FP Bannut (0) EA NM WE(5.3) 93.2 48.8 48.7 Yadahalli 19

PRMR BannmeO) EA NM 150.1 13.1 62.6 Nanjapura 20
T(28.3) •

PRMR Bannut(3) EA NM TWE(2.0) 120.6 22.3 37.2 Basavanahalli 21

PRMR BannureO) EA NM Spirit 229.1 198.3 26.4 Maliyuru 22

---- Uninhabited - - - - Chamanahalli 23

PRMR Bannur(O) EA NM WE(4.0) 22.5 20.8 -4.9 Alhahalli 24

GC(55.0) 17.0 Kunthanahal1i

Bannm(O) EA NM 64.9 30.1 25


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "illage Total Tolal Number Amenities Al.'\'ai.lable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIllS or the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (1001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co. tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opem tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinemn/ railway
sodc ties Video ball, statiun,
Sports W!lter
club, way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3


B.Bettahalli 1'(2) MC(5- PH(3) CV«5)
26 457.0 2,207 494 MCW«5) HP W C SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02879100) 10) S1'« 5)
PHC(5-10) CP«5) ACS(5-10) NW(ID+)

Senapathihalli PM«5)C« PH(3) CV«S)
27 329.0 868 18S S) MCW{IO+) WTKRC CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(lD+)
(02879200) 5) 1'0« 5) SP«5)
PHC(5-10) SS- CP(lO+) . ACS« 5) NW(lO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
Kanchanahalli P M«5) C« 5) MCW(I 0+) T HP TW PH PO« eV(<- 5)
28 116.0 504 115 CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02879300) 5) PHC(S-IO) WTKCSS-5) 5P«5)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)

- H« OCS(2) BS
114.0 743 166 PM C«5) 5) MCW(I 0+) T HP nv PH(2) CM«5) ACS« 5)
CV« 5)
(02879400) PHC(5-10) WTKCSS-PO«5) 51'« 5)
CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

P M« 5) C(5- CHW H(5-1 0) THPTW BS

Bevinahalli PH(S) NCSOCS CV« 5)
30 437.0 1.260 286 10) MCW(IO+) CM«5) RS(IO+)
(02879500) WCSS- PO« 5) ACS«5) 51'(10+)
PHC(5-10) CP(5-10) NW(lO+)
ST( 10+)

- H« - NCS BS
1'(2) M
393,0 1.369 307
5) MCW(IO+) ~~;_WTK PO«5) CM«5) OCS(2)
CV« 5)
PHC(5-1O) PH« 5) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+), NW(lO+)

H« OCS(2)
Chimili P(3) MC(5- HPTWTK PH PO« CV« 5) BS«5)
32 605.0 1,187 253 5) MCW(lO+) CM«5) ACS(IO+)
(02879700) 10) CSS- 5) SP«5) RS(IO+)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

CHWH(5-10) OCS(2) BS
Ramegowdanapur P M« 5)C(5- MCW(5-1O) T HP TW CV« 5)
33 366.0 777 158 PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
a (02879800) 10) PHC(5-10) W C SS- SP(IO+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kempanapurn PM«5) H(lO+) HPTWW

34 331.0 501 101 CV« 5)
(02879900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(JO+)
TKSS- SP( 10+)
PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+)

S.Doddapura l' M« 5) HPTWC CV« 5)
35 385.0 871 182 MCW(lO+) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02880000) C(lO+) SS- SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
36 269.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -

Kallipum CHWH(5-1O) OCS(2) BS

P M« 5)C(5- CV« 5)
37 539.0 938 178 MCW(5-1O) T HP TW PO« 5) CM(5-IO) ACS(S-IO) RS(lO+)
(02880200) 10) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) WTKCSS-PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(5-10)
Kethupurn. P(2) M S C« H« 5) NCS BS
38 191.0 2,806 TIIPTW PO TO CPCM« CV«5)
635 OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02880300) 5) MC\v(IO+) WCSS- PH(8) 5) SP(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e.. a~ea under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to ,1l1age distance (in km) snpply paper I commodity hectare)·· num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne Forest Irrigated Unirrl cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Tirumakudal - GC(128.9)
PRMR EA NM 225.8 79.7 22.6 B.Bettahalii 26
Narsipur (0) T(l28.9)

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA N 50.7 31.3 12.4 "Senapathihalli· 27

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA N 33.S 3.1 10.1 Kanchanahalli 28

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA N 3.9 3.4 155 Ganiganakoppa1u 29

PRMR Bannur (I) EA NM 92.4 51.0 39.4 Bevinahalli 30

Tirumakudal -
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA N WE(OA) 160.4 82.3 . 17.1 Bommanahalli 31

PR MR FP Malavalli (0) EA NM nvE(O.S) 225.6 92.S 21.0 Chimili 32
T(26S.6) .

Ragi, Coconut,
PR MR FP Malavalli (0) EA NM TWE(34.4) 201.3 106.6 15.7 Ramegowdanapura 33

Tirumakudal - TWE(SO.9)
EA ISS.O 51.0 I 1.1 Kempanapura 34
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(80.9)

. Tirumakudal -
EA NM TWE(21.3) 20S.7 96.2. 11.2 S.Doddapura 3S
PR MR FP Narsipur (0)

- - Uninhabited - - - Doddalaxmipura 36

Tirumakudal - GC(II.8)
EA NM 326.1 184.9 16.1 Kallipura 37
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(II.S)

GC(79.8) 38
MR Bannur (0) EA NM 64.7 2S.4 18.1 Ketbupura


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of ,mage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available n'ithin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIDs., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co- turnl, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tiYe agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and faciJijies senice,
other credit (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Jodi Bagore - - Uninhabited - - - -
39 22.0
Uddibagur - - Uninhabited - - - -
40 46.0

D PHS(2)
Somanatbapura 940 P(6) M(3) S CHWH(5-10) THPWC PO TO ACSNCS CV(5-IO)
41 914.0 4,554 CMCP RS(1D+)
(02880600) C(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) SS- PH(14) OCS SP(ID+)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+)

Chikkalaxmipura THPTW PH(2) CV(lO+)
42 68.0 338 69 P M« 5) C(5- MCW(5-IO) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) RS(IU+)
(02880700) W TK. C SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
10) PHC(S-IO) CP(S-IG) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

Ukkalagere P(2) M C(5- H(5-JO) THPTW POTa CV(5-1O) BS«S)
43 810.0 2,249 517 CM(5-1O) OCS(2)
(02880800) 10) MCW(lO+) WTK C 55- PH(4) 'SP(lO,) RS(IOt-)
CP(5-1O) ACS(5-IO)
PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(5-1O)

Budahalli P M(5-IO) H(W+) THPWC CV(S-IO)
44 330.0 975 204 PO(S-IO) CM(5-1O) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02880900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) S5- SP(IO+)
PH(5-1O) CP(5-1O) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chidravalli P(2) M S THPTW POPH« CM
45 413.0 2,484 519 FWCCHW OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02881000) C(IO+) WCSS- 5) CP(IO+)
H(IO+) ACS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Mudukanapura P M«5) THPTW PH(2) CV« 5)
46 222.0 710 148 MCW(IO+) CM«5) ACS(1O+) RS(ID+)
(02881100) C(lO+) W TK. C SS- PO« 5) SP(Hl+)
PHC(5-1O) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

- H« OCS(2)
Seegow pura PM«5) S) MCW(S-! 0) HP TW W PH PO« CV« 5) BS«5)
47 161.0 308 56 CM«S) ACS«5)
(02881200) C(lO+) 5) SP(1D+) RS(lO+)
PHC(5-10) SS- CP(IO+) NCS(IO+)

PHS H(5-10) NCS

Kolath\lfU THPTWC CV« 5) BS«5)
48 436.0 2,265 447 PM C«5) MCW(5-IO) Ss- PO TO PH CM«5) OCS(2)
(02881300) SP(ID+) RS(lD+)
PHC(5-10) CP(1O+) ACS«5)

Halavara 10) aeS(2) BS
PM«5) THPWC CV(5-10)
49 241.0 702 137 PO{<5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) RS(ID+)
(02881400) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) S5- SP(lD+)
PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(ID+) NW(lO+)
50 77.0 ---- Uninhabited - - -

Konagalli P(3) M C(S-

- H« OCS(2)
51 212.0 844 176 5) MCW(5-1O) THPWC PO«5) CM(5-1O) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02881600) 10) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) SS- PH«5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(ID+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest 101m & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of lillage Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-re-s~t--~I-rr~ig-a~t-ed~--~U~n~i-nn~·

(by source) gated ble waste available

(including for cnltiva tion

14 15 16 17 18_ 19 20 21 22 23 2
- - Uninbabited - _ . - Jodi Bagore 39

- - - Uninbabited - - - - Uddibagur • 40

PR MR FP Tirumakudal- GC(618.1)
EA NM 86.1 75.3 134.6 Somanathapura 41
Narsipur (0) T(618.1)

Tirumakudal - GC(34.2)
PRMR EA NM 26.2 4.6 3.0 Chikkalaxmipurn 42
Narsipur (0) T(34.2)

Tirumakudal - GC(120.0)
PRMR EA NM 471.9 190.4 27.8 Ukkalagere 43
Narsipur (0) T(120.0)

Tirumakudal - GC(28.5)
PRMR EA NM 258.7 20.5 22.3 Budahalli 44
Narsipur (OJ T(28.5)

PR MRFP Bannm(O) EA NM eOiT Products 310.1 47.1 23.9 Chidrnvalli 45

Tirumakudal - GC(4.9)
PRMR EA NM 185.3 24.6 7.2 Mudukanapurn 46
Narsipur (0) T(4.9)

Tirumakudal - WE(4.1)
PRMR EA 88.1 60.6 8.3 Seegodipura 47
Narsipur (OJ T(4.1)

Tirumakudal - GC(78.0)
PRMR EA 216.4 101.2 40.4 Kolathurn 48
Narsipur (OJ T(78.0)

Tirumakudal - GC(20.3)
PRMR EA NM 178.1 38.9 3.8 Halavara 49
Narsipur (0) T(20.3)

- - Uninbabited ------- Ha1avaramatha 50

Tirumaktidal - GC(63.2)
PRMR EA NM 88.5 21.2 39.0 KonagaUi 51
Narsipur (0) T(63.2)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "ilIage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of pupnlati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges '\'iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and lo-+- kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is gh'en)
village Census) (lOll I Educational l\iedic!ll Drinking Post, Commer Agrieul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph dal and co- tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive ugricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tnral and facilities service,
other crcdi t (Cinemal railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports ,yater
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13

Nagalagere P M(5-10) H(IO+) THPWC CV(5-1O)
52 63.0 705 165 PO(S-IO) CMC5-10) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02881700) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) SS- SP(IO+)
PH(5-W) CP(S-IO) NCS(IO+) NW(lO+)

CHW H(lO+) OCS(2)

Kannayakanahalli PM«5) THPWTK PHPO« CV(5-W) BS«5)
S3 288.0 77& 167 MCW(IO+) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+)
.(02881800) C(lO+) C SS- 5) SP(IO+) RS(lo+)
ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

CHWH(5-10) - OCS(2)
TIlanunadi pura P(2) M«5) THP1W
S4 304.0 543 128 MeW(5-IO) WTKC SS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
(02881900) C(5-10) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-10) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

H(5- OeS(2) BS
Hasuvatti 1"(3) M 10) MCW(5- T HP W C PH(3) eV(5-10)
55 300.0 957 202 CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
(02882000) C(IO+) POC< 5) SP(IO+)
10) PHC(5-1 0) SS- CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

- H« BS
Naragyathanahalli 5) MCW(IO+) T HP W C CPCM(5- ACS NCS CV(5-10)
56 364.0 1,024 224 P M C(lO+) PO«5) RS(IO+)
(02882100) PHC(S-IO) SS- 10) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PH« 5) NW(IO+)

Horalahalli CPCM(5- ACS NCS CV(5-10)
57 S73.0 1,350 272 P M C(S-IO) 5) MCW(5-10) W TK C SS- PO TO PH RS(IO+)
(02882200) 10) OCS(2) SP(5-10)
PHC(5-10) NW(IO+)

PHS H(5-1O) OCS(2) BS

Chikkabuhalli P(2)M« 5) THPTW CV(S-IO)
58 197.0 1,16\ 255 MCW(S-IO) POPH CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(\O+)
(02882300) C(5-1O) WCSS- SP(5-1O)
PHC(5-IO) CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO) NW(IO+)

S.K..P.Agrahara OCS(2) BS
P M« 5) C(5- MCW PHC THPWC PH(4) CV(5-10)
59 101.0 509 110 CM(5-1O) ACS(5-10) RS(IO+)
(02882400) 10) FWCH(S-IO) SS- POC< 5} SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

Sosale P(S) M(2) THPWC CPCM(5- CV(5-10)
60 66S.0 7,064 1,383 PHS(2)FWC PTO OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02882500) S(2) C(S-IO)
ss- PH(l4)

Binakanahalli P(4) M(3) S H(lO+) NCS(2) BS
61 416.0 THPTW PO TO CV« 5)
3,626 770 CM« 5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02882600) C« 5) MCW(S-lO) WCSS- PH(20) SP(lO+)
PHC(S-IO) CP«5) ACS« 5) NW(IO+)

S.MegadahaUi CHWH(IO+) OCS(2) DS

62 P(3) M«5) THPWC PH(4) CV(!O+)
379.0 2,034 423 MCW(IO+) CMCIO+) ACS(lO+) RS(IO+)
(02882700) C(IO+) 88- PO« 5) SP(lO+)
Muthalavadi PM S H(lO+) THPWC NCS BS
63 519.0 2,926 610 PO TO CV(IO+)
(02882800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
SS- PH(8) SP(IO+)
PHC(S-IO) CP(IO+) ACS(IO+) NW(lo+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area.under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\laga:li manufactured ber

(by source) gated ble waste al'ailable

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Tirumakudal - GC(7.2)
PRMR EA NM 40.9 11.1 3.8 Nagalagere 52
NarsipuT (0) T(7.2)

Tirumakudal - GC(l59.9)
PRMR EA NM 30.4 30.8 66.8 Kannayakanahalli 53
.NarsipuT (0) T(159.9)

Tirumakudal - GC(I 5 1.6)

PRMR EA NM 59.0 79.9 13.5 Thammadipura 54
NarsipuT (0) T(151.6)

Tirumakudal - GC(205.I)
PRMR EA 57.6 9.5 27.9 Hasuvatti 5S
NarsipuT (I ) T(205.I)

Tirumakudal - GC(36.0)
PRMR EA NM 282.4 33.4 12.2 Naragyathanahalli 56
Narsipur (0) T(36.0)

Tirumakudal - GC(252.5)
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) . EA NM Sugarcane, 273.5 20.7 26.4 Horalahalli 57

Tirumakudal - WE(3.2)
PRMR EA NM 14.6 5.8 16.6 Chikkabuhalli 58
Narsipur (0) TWE(2.4)

Tirumakudal - GC(85.6)
PRMR EA 13 14.2 S.K.P.Agrahara 59
Narsipur (I) T(85.6)

Tirumakudal- GC(459.5)
EA NM 38.3 40.9 126.4 Sosale 60
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(459.5)

Tirumakudal- WE(36.0)
PRMR EA NM lZ.7 11.3 63.1 Binakanahalli 61
NarsipuT (0) TWE(4.1)

Tirumakudal - GC(Z50.1)
PRMR EA NM 14.2 5.5 109.2 S.Megadahalli 62
Narsipur (0) T(250.1)

Tirumakudal- GC(307.7) 63
PRMR EA NM 85.1 12.4 113.8 Muthalavadi
Narsipur (0) T(307.7)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities a"ailable (if not available within the ,illage, a dash (-) is sbown in Ihe column and next 10
num & Location code- area of poplllati of hOllse it ill brackets the distance in b.-oad ranges Yiz.< 5 km•. , 5-10 kms. and W+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (1001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agrlcul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water teleg.-aph cial and co- tural, non- tional& cations
hectare) and opera th-e agricul cultural (Bns
telephone banks tural and facilities sen;ce,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 tI 12 13

KayyambaIJalli THPTW PO«S) CV(lO+) BSNW
64 217.0 1,094 229 P MC(IO+) PHSFWC CM(IO+) OCS(2)
(02882900) WTK C SS- PH(lO+) SP(Io+) RS(lO+)
H(IO+) CP(IO+) ACS«5)

- H« OCS(2)
Kargahalli P(2) M CV(lO+) BS« 5)
65 313.0 t,739 343 5) MCW(1 0+) T1:P TWs PO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS« 5)
(02883000) C(JO+) PHC(5-10) W lK C S- PH(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Doddabagilu 800 P(4) M(2) S H«5) THPTW CPCM(5- CV(S-IO)
66 916.0 3,929 WTK C SS- PO TO PH 10) OCS(2l RS(IO+)
(02883100) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+)
ACS(5-10) NW(!O+)
PHC(5-!O) ST(IO+)

HunuganahaTti THPTW PH PO« CV«5)
67 349.0 1,386 311 PMC(IO+) MCW(IO+) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(lO+)
(02883200) WTKCSS-5) SP(10+)
PHC(5-1O) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) NW(IO+)

CHW H(5-10) OCS(2) BS

Pattehundi P(2) M«5) THPTW PH(2) CV(5-10)
6& 307.0 947 188 MCW«5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02883300) C« 5) PHC(5-1O)
WCSS- PO« 5)
CP(5-1O) NCS(5-tO)

CHW H(5-1O) T HP TW PH(3) BS

Madegowdanahun P M S NCSOCS CV«5)
69 1060 957 208 MCW(5-10) CM« 5) RS(IO+)
di (028&3400) C(10+) PHC(5-1O) W TK C SS- PO« 5) ACS« 5) SP(IO+)
Ranganathapur P(2) M C(5- H«5) THPTW PH(2) CV(S-IO)
70 1,089.0 1,769 312 CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
(02883500) !O) MCW(5-10) W TK C SS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP«5) NCS(S-tO) NW(S-IO)
PHC(5-10) ST(10+)

Rangasamudrn P(2) M(2) THPTW CV(IO+)
71 634.0 2,793 588 PHSFWC WTKC SS- PO PH(6) CM CP ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02883600) C(IO+) SP(IO+)
72 41.0 - - Uninhabited - - - -
Hittuvalli OCS(2) BS
H«5) THP WTK PH(2) CV«5)
73 339.0 1,820 391 P M C(IO+) CM« 5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02883800) MC\v(IO+) CSS- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS« 5) NW(lO+)
PHC(5-!O) ST(IO+)


74 616.0 2,533 528 P M C(10+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02883900) FWCH(IO+) SS- PH(6) SP(IO+)
CP(5-10) ACS(IO+) . NW(IO+)
75 121.0 - - Uninhabited - - -

Thumbala CHWH(5-1O) NeS BS

76 594.0 THPTW PO TO CPCM« CV«5)
2,322 490 P !'vi C(5-IO) MCW«5) OeS(2) RS(IO+)
WTK C SS- PH(15) 5) Sp(IO+)
PHC(5-10) ACS«5) NW(5-10)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to \-iUage distance (in lcm) supply paper I commodity hectare)*" num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-re-s~t--~lrn~·g-a~t-ed~--~U7n~i-rn~·----c-u7Iru~ra--~A-r-ea--n-ot~

(by source) gated bl. wast. available

(including for cul!iva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I

PR MR FP Tirumakudal- Paddy, GC(143.6)

EA NM 51.1 7.1 15.2 Kayyambahalli 64
NW Narsipur (0) Sugarcane, Ragi T(143.6)

Tirumakudal- Paddy, GC(63.6)

MRFP EA NM 188.1 9.6 51.7 Kargahalli 65
Narsipur (0) Sugarcane, Ragi T(63.6)

PR MR FP Tiru~akudaJ- EA NM
171.9 27.7 147.4 Doddabagilu
Nars.pur (0) 66

PR MR FP Baunur (0) EA NM 987 GC(1.0) ·229.7 19.7 Hunuganaballi

. T(1.0) 67

PRMR Bannur(O) EA NM 155.6 47.7 24.1 Pattehundi 68

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 23.8 13.4 8.5 Madegowdanahundi 69

Timm.kudal - GC(319.1)
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA NM 260.7 207.6 301.6 Ranganatbapur 70

Tirumakud.l- GC(268.7)
PRMR EA NM 250.7 8.4 106.2 Rangasamudra 71
Narsipur (0) T(268.7)

- - Uninhabited - - - Basavanapura 72

Bricks, Paddy, GC(91.3)

PR MR FP Bannur (0) EA NM 218.1 8.1 21.5 Hittuvalli 73
Ragi T(91.3)

Tirumakudal - GC(1.9)
EA NM 471.8 96.3 46.0 Kuppaya 74
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(1.9)

- - - Uninhabited - - - Pillahalli 75

Tirumakudal - GC(148.1)
EA NM 332.8 72.6 40.5 Thumbala 76
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(148.1)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a"ailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges "iz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
,'illage Census) (2001 Ed ucatio nal Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrca Communi
(in Census) water telegrapo cial and co· tural, noo- tional & cations
hectare) and opera ti\'e agricul cultural (8us
teleplton. banks tural and facilities scn'ice,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
dub, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Hannum ---- Uninhabited - - -
77 202.0
OeS(2) BS
Muthathi H(5-IO) THPTW PHPO« CV«5)
78 481.0 1,002 207 P M C(5-10) CM«5) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02884300) MCW«5) WTKC SS-5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS(5-10) NW(5-10)
PHC(5-1O) ST(lO+)


Agasthapura P M« 5) HP W C ss. PH PO« CV(5-10) BS« 5)
79 142.0 330 73 MCW(S-IO) CM(5-IO) ACS« 5}
(02884400) C(lO+) 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Bommanayakanah P(Z) M« 5) H(IO+) HPTWW PHPO« CV«5) BS« 5)
80 399.0 778 162 CM(5-1O) ACS« 5j
alii (02884500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) C SS- 5) SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
PHC(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

81 54.0 ----- Uninhabited - - -
apura (02884600)

Hosakote P(2) M C(5- THPTW CV(5-IO)
82 483.0 3,377 732 MCW(S-IO) W TK C SS- PO PH CM(5-IO) OCS(l} RS(IO+)
(02884700) 10) SP(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) CP(5-1O) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)

- OCS(2)
414.0 993 205 P(2) M C« 5) MCW« 5) W TK C SS- PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(IO+)
PHC(5-IO) PH« 5) CP«5) NCS« 5) NW«S)

P M« 5) C(5- CHW H« 5) OCS(2) BS

Ramanathapura THPTW CV(5-1O)
84 142.0 431 93 10) MCW«5) POC< S) CM« 5) ACS(S-IO) RS(IO+)
Hundi (02884900) WCSS- SP(lO+)
PHC(5-IO) PH« 5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-IO) NW(IO+)


Yadadore CV«5)
85 443.0 3.158 637 5) MCW«5) WTKRC PO« 5) CMC< 5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02885000) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) L ss- PHC< 5) CP«5) ACS« 5) NW«5)

Gargeswari PO TO BS
86 233.0 4,993 888 CMCP RS(lO+)
(02885100) PUCC«5) FWCTB WTKC SS- PTO 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+)
PH(43) NW«5)

[ 10.0 440 87
PM«5) C« THPWR PH(8) DeS ACS« CV« 5)
(02885200) 5) C SS- PO« 5) 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+)
H«5) CP«5) NW(lO+)

88 292.0 12.095 2.546 S(3) PUC(2) CP
(02885300) SP(IO+) RS(lO+)
C H(IO+) R C SS- PH(I66) OCS
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper J commodity hectare)** Dum
I\Jagazi manufactured ber
ne --:F::'o-r-es-t--=-rr-n-:'g-a""t-e-:d--:O:U""n":"ir-r":"i--c-u"'lt-u-r-a--'A'-r-e-a-n-o-t
(by source) gated hie waste available
(including for <ulliva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 J9 20 2J 22 23 2
----. Uninhabited .------ Honnuru 77

Tirumakudal - GC(214.3)
PRMR EA NM 188.9 7.0 70.8 Muthathi
Narsipur (0) T(214.3) 78

Tirumakudal • GC(5.1)
PRMR EA NM 113.7 20.3 3.0 Agosthapura 79
NarsipuT (0) T(5.1)

Tirumakudal - GC(J8.8)
PRMR EA NM 323.9 31.9 24.5 ~ommanayak3nahall
Narsipur (0) T(18.8) 80

------ Uninhabited ----.--- Channanjevadeyana


Tirumakudal - GC(184.6)
MR EA NM 222.2 25.8 50.4 Hosakole 82
Narsipur (0) T(184.6)

PR MR FP Tirumakudal- GC(204.5)
EA NM 138.1 40.5 30.9 Induvalu 83
Narsipur (0) T(204.5)

Tirumakudal • GC(88.2) 4 4 Ramanathapura

PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA 27.8 1.5 84
T(88.2) 2. Hundi

Tirumakudal - GC(302.2)
PRMR EA 83.2 8.3 49.2 Yadadorc 85
Narsipur (0) T(302.2)

Tirumakudal - GC(!36.5)
PRFP EA NM !.4 2.4 92.8 Gargeswari 86
Narsipur (0) T(I36.5)

Tirumakudal - GC(53.9)
EA NM 0.4 4.5 51.3 Thirumakudalu 87
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(53.9)

Tirumakuda! - GC(81.2) 182.9 27.5 Byrapura 88

Narsipur (0)


Census ofIndia 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of \'illage Total Total Number Amenities a,'ailable (if not a"ailablc "ithin the "lIage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad r.mgcs ,iz.< 5 lans" 5-10 kms. and 10+ tans ofthe nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is available is giwn)
,;lIage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co tural, non- tional & cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities sernce,
other credit (Cinema! railway
soeie ties Video hall, station,
Sports \vater
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hunsuru PM«5)C« THPWR PH(4) CV«5)
89 274,0 1,259 226 5) MCW«5) CM«5) ACS«5) RS(lO+)
(02885400) CSS- PO«5) SP(lO+)
PHC«5) CP« 5) NCS«5) NW(IO+)
Kiragasuru .594 P(2) M(2) S H«5) THPTW PO TO CV«5)
90 577.0 2,815 CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02885SOO) q<5) MCW«5) WCSS- PH(3) SP«5)
CP« 5) ACS«5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(1O+)

H(5- OCS(2) BS
Kudluru P(2) M«5) HPTWW CV(S-IO)
91 380.0 892 159 C(S-IO) 10) MCW(5- PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
(02885600) CSS- SP(5-10)
10) PHC«5) PH«5) CP(5-1O) NCS(S-IO) NW(1O+)


Danayakanapura PO TO CV(5-10)
92 222.0 1,158 251 P MC(S-IO) MCW(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) RS(IO+)
(02885700) PHq< 5) W C SS- PH«5) SP(5-1O)
CP(5-1O) NCS(5-10) NW(5-10)

H« OCS(2) BS
Bannahalli THPWTK OT CV«5)
93 256.0 556 117 P(2) M C« 5) 5) MCW« 5) SS- P OPH CM«S) ACS«S) RS(IO+)
(02885800) SP(IO+)
PHCC<5) CP« 5) NCS«5) N\V(IO+)
Algodu P(4) M(2) H«5) POPH{< CPCM« CV«5)
94 999.0 5,951 1,17S WTKRC ACS«S) RS(lO+)
(02885900) CC< 5) MCW«5) 5) 5) SP(IO+)
SS- NCS«S) NW«5)

Y arnganahalli .
- H(5- OCS(2) BS
95 439.0 492 P(2) M C(S- (0) MCW(5- THPWTKPOTO CV(lO+)
2,385 CM(S-IO) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
(02886000) 10) 10) PHC(" 5) C SS- PH(2) SP(lO+)
CP(5-IO) NCS(5-10) NW(IO+)

PHSH(5-1O) OCS(2) BS
Kethahalli THPWC CVe5-10)
96 525.0 1,866 372 P MCCJO+) MC\v(S-IO) PO«5) CiVI(5-IO) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
ss- SP(IO+)
PH«5) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)
Karohatli NCS BS
P(2) M 10) THPWC CV(S-IO).
97 I,OS9.0 2,119 458 PO TO PH CM(5-10) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02886200) C(lo+) , MCW(IO+) SS- Sp(IO+)
CP« 5) ACS(S-IO) NW(5-10)

Chowhalli CHWH«5) PO TO NCS BS

98 33S.0 1,183 252 P MC«5) MCW«5) PTO PH« CM«5) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02886300) wcss- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) 5) CP« 5) ACS«S) N\V(IO+)
Nilasoge H«5) THPTW BS
99 875.0 2,817 PO TO NCSOCS CV«5)
(02886400) 579 P MC«5) CM«5) RS(IO+)
CP« 5) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Hosapura - H« OCS(2) BS
100 216.0 644 5) MCW(IO+) THPWC PH(5) CV«5)
123 P MC«5) CM«5) ACS«S) RS(IO+)
(02886S00) PO«5) SP(lO+)
PHCC<5) SS- CP« 5) NCS«S) NW(1O+)


,Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)** num
l\fagazi manufactured her
ne --~--~~----------------------
Forest Irrigated Unirri cultura Area not
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for culti\'a
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Tirumakudal- GC(219.9)
PRMR EA NM 15.6 38.6 Hunsum 89
Narsipur (0) T(2 I 9.9)

PR MR FP Tirumakudal- Rice, Silk GC(230.5)

EA NM 291.5 8.2· 46.9 Kiragasuru 90
Narsipur (0) Cocoon T(230.5)

Tirumakudal- Rice, Silk GC(207.2)

PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA NM 103.0 7.4 62.4 KlIdlum 91
Cocoon T(207.2)

Tirumakudal- Rice, Silk GC(166.0)

PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA NM 36.5 7.4 12.0 Danayakanapura 92
Cocoon T(166.0)

PRMR 'EA NM 210.7 31.7 13.6 Bannahalli 93
Narsipur (0)

Tirumakudal- GC(253.6)
PRMR EA NM 491.5 87.8 166.0 Algorlu 94
Narsipur (0) T(253.6)

Trrumakudal- GC(1.0)
PRMR EA NM 386.5 10.4 41.2 Yaraganahalli 95
Narsipur (0) T(I.O)

Trrumakudal - GC(426.8)
PRMR EA NM 33.2 24.7 40.4 Kethahalli 96
Narsipur (0) T(426.8)

Tirumakudal- GC(219.6)
PRMR EA NM 740.6 40.5 58.3 Karohatti 97
Narsipur (0) T(2 I 9.6)

Tirumakudal- GC(273.8)
PRMR EA NM 24.6 83 283 Chowhalli 98
Narsipur (0) T(273.8)

Tirumakudal- GC(449.6)
EA NM 323.8 25.9 75.7 Nilasoge 99
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(449.6)

Tirumakudal- GC(I60.3)
EA NM 26.6 1.9 27.2 Hosapura 100
PR MR FP N3ISipur (0) T(160.3)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of village Total Total Number Amenities available (if not a,'ailable within the ",ill age, a dash (4) is shown in the column and next to
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms~ 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where the facility is :nailable is given)
"illage Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Reerea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and co· tural, noo- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cultural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! rUilway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, >Yay)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Hiriyuru 80 P(2) M C(5- THPWC PO TO CI'CM(5- CV(S-IO)
101 373.0 1,906 3 10) 10) MCW(5- OCS(2) RS(lO+-)
(02886600) SS- PH«5) 10) SP(IO+)
10) PHC(<: 5) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)

- H(5- NCS BS
Kotthegala CV(5-1O)
102 395.0 1,380 Jl7 P M C(5-IO) 10) MCW(5- T HP W TK 1'0 PH CM(5-IO) OCS(l) RS(lo+)
(02886700) SP(IO+)
10) PHC(<: 5) C SS- CP(S-IO) ACS(<: 5) NW(IO+) ,

KUnJburu P(3) M(3) S T HP W TK PO TO PH CPCM« ACSNCS CVe<: 5)
103 429.0 1,776 355 MCW«5) RS(1O+)
(02886800) C«S) CSS- 5) OCS(2) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) NW«S)

104 899.0 2,993 624 P(2) M S C(s· MCW(5-1 0) T HP W C pO PH(22) Crvl(S-IO) OCS(2) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02886900) 10) PHC« 5) SS- CP(5-10) ACS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

SujjalunJ - H« OeS(2)
105 466.0 1,196 263 P M C(5-10) 5) MCW(IO+) T HP W C PO PH eV« 5) BS(<: 5)
(02887000) CM(5-1O) ACS(5-1O)
PHC« 5) SS- SP(JO+-) RS(lO+)
CI'(5-10) NCS(S-IO)

HyakanunJ - H« NCS BS
106 496.0 2,104 426 P M C« 5) 5) MCW(5-1O) THPTW POTO CV«5)
(02S87100) CM« 5) OCS(l) RS(IO+)
PHC(<: 5) W TK C SS- PH(2) SP(IO+)
CP(5-IO) ACS(<: 5) NW(IOI-)

Adibettahalli PHS H(S-to) OCS(2) BS

107 S97.0 1,097 208 P M C(5-1O) MCW(5-10) THPTKC PH(2) CV«5)
(02887200) CM« 5) ACS«5) RS(IO+-)
SS- PO« 5) SI'(IO+)
PHC«5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+-) NW(IO+)

Madml13lli - H« NCS BS
108 PI1(6) CV(<:5)
407.0 1,374 272 P M C(S-IO) 5) MCW(IO+) T HP W C CM« S) OeS(2) RS(lO+)
PHC«5) SS- PO«5) SP(IO+)
CP(5-10) ACS«5) NW(IO+)

Kannahalli - H« OCS(2) BS
109 P(3) M C(5- CV«5)
932.0 2,393 500 5)MCW(10+) THPWC PO PH(2) CM(lO+)
(02887400) 10) ACS« 5) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) SS- CI'(IO+) SP(lO+)
NCS(I(}+) NW(IO+)

MugunJ P(3) M(2)
2,227.0 7,727 1,512 S(2) PUC C{5- PHC PHS(2) THPWC PO TO
10) FWC RMP(2) SS- PH(130) SP(IO+-) RS(IO+)
H(IO+) ST(IO+-) NW(IO+)

Hosahalli - H« OCS(2) BS
III 331.0 1,259 255 P(2) M C{< 5) 5) MCW(lO+) T HP W C PH CV«5)
(02887600) CM«5) . ACS«S) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) SS- PO(IO+) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+-) NCS(IO+-) NW(lO+)
Madapura P(3) M S C(5- PHS H(5-1 0) OCS(2) BS
112 367,0 2,062 440 10) HPTWW CV(5-IO)
(02887700) MCW(S-10) PO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) RS(IO+)
PHC«5) PH(5-IO) CP«5) NCS(5-1O) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of laud use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity "ectare)** num
Magan manufactured ber
ne --~F~o~r-es=t~--~Ir-r~ig-a=t~ed~---U~n~ir=r~i--~c=u~lt=u-r-a---A~r-e-a-n-o=t-
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cult;v;'
gauchar tion

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Tirum.kudal - GC(265.1)
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA NM 29.4 14.4 64.1 Hiri'yuru 101

Tirumakudal - GC(213.7)
MR EA NM 97.9 52.3 3 1.1 KoUhegala 102
Narsipur (0) T(213.7)

Tirumakudal - GC(220.5)
PRMR EA NM 156.0 20.5 32.1 Kuruburu 103
Narsipur (0) T(220.5)

PR MR FP Tiru~akudal- EA NM Spice
428.9 190.1 47.3 104
Narslpur (0) T(232.7)

Tirumakudal - GC(29.2)
PRMR EA NM 383.9 19.0 33.9 Sujjaluru 105
Narsipur (0) T(29.2)

Tirumakudal - GC(32.7)
PRMR EA NM 413.9 26.3 23.1 Hyakanuru 106
Narsipur (0) T(32.7)

Tirumakudal - GC(136.6)
MR EA NM 310.2 128.1 22.1 Adibettaballi 107
Narsipur (0) T(136.~)

Tirumakudal - GC(161.9)
MRFP EA NM 190.3 18.6 36.3 Madrahalli 108
Narsipur (0) T(l61.9)

Tirumakudal- GC(I65.6)
EA NM 642.4 60.5 63.5 Kannalmlli 109
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) T(165.6)

Tirumakudal - 1046.0 81.9 136.8 Muguru 110
EA NM WE(22.S)
PR MR FP Narsipur (0)

Tirumakudal - GC(102.5)
MR EA NM 204.6 39.1 34.9 Hosahalli III
Narsipur (0) T(102.5} ,

Tirumakudal - GC(251.2) 112

PRMR EA N 38.3 14.4 63.1 Madapura
Narsipur (0) T(2SI.2)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "iIlage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and next 10
num & Location code area of populati of house it in brackels Ihe dislance in broad ranges viz.< 5 I",ns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms oflhe nearest place
ber Ihe on (2001 holds where the facility is available is given)
village Census) (2001 Educational Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Recrea . Communi
(in Census) water lelegraph cial and· eo- tural, hon- tional& cations
hectare) and opera tive agricul cullural (Bus
telephone banks tural and facilities service,
other credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video hall, station,
Sports water
club, way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Marndipura CV(IO+)
113 173.0 1,426 299 P M C(lO+) 5) MCW(5-10) C ss- PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(!O+) RS(II.H-)
(02887800) SP(lO+)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chandahall; HPTIVW PH PO« CV«5)
114 191.0 749 \62 P M C(5-\0) MeW(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) RS(lO+)
(02887900) TKC SS- 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Akkur P(2) M H(IO+) HPTIVW CV(IO+)
115 631.0 1,498 294 PO« 5) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(1O+)
(02888000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) CSS- SP(IO+)
PH(lO+) CP« 5) ACS(lO+) NW(lO+)
PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

H« OeS(2)
Maran.pura P M«5) HPWRC CV«5) BS« 5)
116 220.0 447 94 S) MCW(lO+) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS«S)
(02888100) C(IO-\-) S8- SP(lO+) RS(lO+)
PHC«5) PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS«5)
ST(IO+) NW(1O+)

T.Ben.halli P(2) M(2) S TIIPWR PO TO CPCM« NCSOCS CV«5)
117 950.0 2,585 541 5) MCW«5) RS(IO+)
(02888200) C(\O+) CSS- PH(3) 5) ACS(IO+) SP(\O+)
PHC«5) NW(lO+)

PHS H«5) OCS(2) BS

T.Megadahalli P(2) M(2) TIIPWTK PHPO« CV«5)
118 501.0 1,889 411 MCW«5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02888300) C(1O+)
PHC« 5)
ess- 5)
CP(\O+) NCS(lO+)
Koppalu NCS BS
10) THPWC CV(5-10)
119 (Kalihundi) 246.0 1,522 338 P M C(lO+) PO« 5) CM(5-IO) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
MCW(IO+) SS- SP(lO+)
(02888400) PH« 5) CP(5-1O) ACS(IO+) NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(lO+)

Madavadi H(1O+) THPWR 1'11(6) CV(S-IO)
120 555.0 893 192 P M C(IO+) CM«5) OCS(2) RS(lO+)
(02888500) MCW(5-1O) CSS- PO(5-IO) SP(IO+)
CP(IO+) ACS(5-10) ·NW(IO+)
PHC«5) ST(IO+)

Holesalu D PHS H(lO+) NCS BS

P(5) M(2) S MCW(5-IO) T HP W R PO TO CV«5)
121 (Kaveripura) 1,400_0 4,946 1,042 CMCP OCS(2) RS(lO+)
C(lO+) PHC« 5) C SS- PH(16) SP(IO+)
(02888600) ACS«5) NW(lO+)

- H(5- CP CM(5- OCS(2) BS

Vijayapura P(2). M CV(5-IO)
122 332.0 530 108 10) MCW(5- T HP W C PO(5-IO) 10) . ACS(IO+) RS(10,-)
(02888700) C(IO+) SP(1O+)
10) PHC« 5) SS- PII(,5) NCS(IO+) NW(JO+)
123 213.0 - - Uninhabited -------

Vadayandahalli H« OCS(2) BS
124 HPWRC CV«5)
515.0 1,203 276 P M C(II.H-) 5) MCW« 5) PO« 5) CM«5) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02888900) SS- SP(IO+)
PHC«5) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hemmige CHWH«5) BS
935.0 3,884 815 MCW(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02889000) C(lO+) RCSS- PH(1I) 5) NCS«5) SP(IO+)
PHC«5) NW(lO+)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power N cws Most important Land use (i.e. ;urea under dilTerent types of land use in Name of 'illago Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper I commodity hectare)*"" num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-r~~t--~I~rr~ig~a~t-ed~--~U~n~i=rn~'----c-u~lt=u-r-a--~A-r-ea--n-ot~
(by source) gated ble waste available
(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Timmakudal- GC(129.8)
PRMR EA N 7.S 5.1 30.3 Maradipura 113
Narsipur (O) T(129.8}

PR MR FP Tiru~akudaI- EA NM
1263 12.0 10.0 Chandahalli
Narslpur (0) 114

Tirumakudal - GC(406.0)
PRMR EA N 15.7 67.4 141.9 Akkur 115
Narsipur (0) T(406.0)

Tirumakudal - GC(94.6)
MRFP EA NM 31.3 32.7 61 .4 Maranapura 116
Narsipur (0) T(94.6)

Timmakudal - GC(229.6)
PRMR EA NM 430k 202.8 87.0 T.Bettahalli 117
Narsipur (0) T(229.6)

Tirumakudal- GC(178.0)
PRMR EA NM 273.6 19.1 30,4 T.Megadahalli 118
Narsipur (0) T(I78.0)

Tirumakudal - GC(88.4)
PRMR EA NM 107.5 31.7 18,4 Koppalu (Kalihundi) 119
. Narsipur (0) T(88.4)

Tirumakudal - GC(108.1)
PRMR EA NM 234.9 90.7 121.3 Madavadi 120
Narsipur (0) T(I08.!}

Tirumakudal - GC(491.6) 100.3 Holesalu

PRMR EA NM 668.8 139.3 121
Narsipur (0) T(49 1.6) (Kavenpura)

Ttrumakudal - GC(!32.9)
PRMR EA NM 147.3 28.8 23.1 Vijayapura 122
Narsipur (0) T(132.9)

- - - Uninhabited ----.-.•-- Settahalli 123

Tirumakudal - GC(194.3) 124

PRMR EA NM 147.3 23.0 150.4 Vadayandahalli
Narsipur (0) T(194.3)

Tirumakudal - GC(420.S) 125

EA NM 286.3 55.9 172.0 Hemmige
MRFP T(420.S)
Narsipur (0)


Census of India 2001

Amenities and
Serial Name of "mage Total Total Number Amenities available (if not available within the "iIIage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to
Dum & Location code area of popu)ati of bouse it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 "ms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place
ber the on (2001 holds where Ihe facility is available is given)'
"iIIagc Census) (2001 Educalional Medical Drinking Post, Commer Agricul Reerea Communi
(in Census) water telegraph cial and cO' tural, noo- tional& cations
hectare) and opera th'e agricul cultural (Bus
lelephune b3llks tural and facilities service,
olher credit (Cinema! railway
socie ties Video ball, station,
Sports water
club, way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

T. Dod<L~pllra P(3) M C(5- THPTW PH(12) CV«5)
126 952.0 2,261 499 MCW(5-JO) CM(5-1O) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02889100) 10) WTK C Ss- PO« 5) SP(IO+)
PHC« 5) CP(5-10) ACS(5-10) NW(IO+)

- H« - OCS(2)
~~_WTK PO«5)
Tholtavadi PM« 5) BS« 5)
127 665.0 1,288 266 5)MCW(10+) CM(IO+) ACS« 5)
(02889200) C(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+)
ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Mavinahalli P(2) M - H« THP TW PO TO CV«5)
128 586.0 2,279 416 5)MCW(10+) WTKCSS-PH(Hl) CM(IO+) OCS(2) RS(IO+)
(02889300) C(IO+) 5P(10+)
PHC«5) CP(IO+) ACS(lO+) NW(lO+)


Talakadu ACSNCS CV(lO+)
129 1,484.0 8,842 2,025 S(2) PUC PHS(3)FWC WTKRC PTO CM(2)CP RS(lO+)
(02889400) OCS SP(IO+)
C(10+) RMPH(lO+). SS- PH(46) NW(lO+)

- H(5- OCS(2) BS
KlIkkllnJ 10) MCW(5- T HP W C CV(5-10)
130 130.0 2,739 585 P M C(IO+) PO TO PH CM(5-10) ACS(lo+) RS(IO+)
(02889500) SP(lO+)
10) PHC« 5) ss- CP(10+) NCS(Io+) NW(lO+)


Malangi P(4) M S PO TO CV«5)
131 696.0 2,593 585 PHSFWC WTKRC CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+)
(02889600) C(IO+) PH« 5) SP(IO+)
CHWH(I0+) Ss- CP(lO+) NCS(IO~) NW(lO+)

CM CP(5- OCS ACS(5- CV(~-lO)

PHS H(5-10) BS
Ka1iyuru THPTW rOTO
132 752.0 3,424 663 P MC(5-10) MCW(5-10) 10) NCS(5- SP(IO+) RS(IO+)
(02889700) WTKCSS-PH(2) 10)
PHC«5) 10) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

HH D(Il)
DR W(lJ6)
P(226) ~c\V(12) TK(57) PO(53)
Block Total 51574 M(119) S(32) MH(3) HC HP(119) TO(40) CM(ll) BS(lJO)
59487.0 245839 NCS(63) CV(9)
PUC(5) C PHCCI2) TW(62) PTO(4) CP(23) NW(2)
PHS(4?) R(IS) PH(76?)
FWC(ll) TB CCll?)
NH RMP(S) L(2)


Village Directory
Land Use (As on 1999)
Approach Nearest town & Power News Most important Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in Name of village Serial
to village distance (in km) supply paper! commodity hectarc)** num
Magazi manufactured ber
ne --~F~o-re-s-t--~I-rr~ig-a~t-ed~--~U~n~i~r~ri----c-u~lt~u-rn--~A-r-~--n-ot-

(by source) gated hie 'vasto available

(including for cultiva
gauchar tion

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Tirumakudal- GC(649.4)
Narsipur (0)
EA NM - T(649.4)
198.1 59.5 44.9 T.Doddapura 126

Tirumakudal - GC(248.2)
PRMR EA NM 352.3 16.1 48.4 Thottavadi 127
Narsipur (0). T(248.2)

Tirumakuda1 - GC(252.3)
PR MR FP Narsipur (0) EA NM
129.6 13.2 190.9 Mavinahalli 128

Tirumakudal - GC(844.3)
183.1 40.9 415.7 Talakadu 129
Narsipur (0)

Tirumakudal - GC(IO.3)
28.2 1.9 89.7 Kukkuru 130
Narsipur (0)

niumakudal -
PRMR EA NM TK(6.9) 2045 93.5 127.5 Malangi 131
Narsipur (0)

PRMR Kollcgal (5) EA NM 344.1 21.0 40.0 Kaliyuru 132

PR(110) WE(274.17)
MR(1l8) EA(121) N(1l4) 526.6 TW(12.14) 222555 5391.2 6049.0
FP(53) M(I07)
NW(2) )TK(53.06)

.----- ---

SI. No Name ofC.D. Total Total Educational institutions
Block number population
Primary school Middle school Matriculation I
of of C.D.
Secondary school
inhabited block
Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Piriyapatna 197 209,330 174 276 107 137 33 39

2 Hunsur 192 210,026 172 269 99 120 24 29
3 Krishnarajanagara 156 208,566 146 236 85 113 30 35
4 Mysore 131 239,262 124 214 97 124 26 29
5 Heggadadevankote 243 233,885 198 296 108 123 27 29
6 Nanjangud 176 311,991 168 252 128 151 32 39
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 121 245,839 121 226 92 119 27 32
District(Rural); 1,216 1,658,899 1,103 1,769 716 887 199 232


SI. No Name ofC.D. Medical institutions
Hospital Dispensary Primary Health Primary Health Sub-
Centre I Health Centre

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Jnsti tutions

1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Piriyapatna 15 20 23 32 20 23 48 61
2 lIunsur 3 4 10 12 12 12 46 49
3 Krishnarajanagara 8 9 9 9 52 61
4 Mysore 2 2 10 14 13 13 37 47
5 Heggadadevankote 7 7 13 13 66 72
6 Nanjangud 1 1 8 8 15 15 64 71
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 5 7 15 19 13 13 41 47
District(Rural); 26 34 81 101 95 98 354 408



Educational institutions SlNo

Higher Secondary I College (graduate and Adult literacy Others No

PUC I Intermediate J above classes/centres educational
Junior college facilities
Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
4 4 5 5 2 2 5 21 23
5 6 I I 20 2
6 6 2 3 10 3
2 3 7 4
4 4 45 5
4 4 2 8 6
4 5 7
29 32 9 9 2 2 9 27 113


Medical institutions SI. No

Maternity and Child Family Welfare Community Health Others No

Welfare Centre I Centre Workers medical
Maternity Home I facilities
Child Welfare Centre

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1
19 28 I3 13 9 12 15 43 131
13 15 12 12 20 26 10 19 131 2
10 II 9 9 18 23 5 11 94 3
14 18 13 13 13 34 26 36 80 4
12 13 11 11 18 19 7 23 163 5
16 17 15 IS 2 109 6
13 15 12 12 45 47 5 8 49 7
97 117 85 85 123 161 69 142 757



SL No_ Name of C.D.Block Drinking water source

Tap Well Tank Tubewell River Fountain Canal

1 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Piriyapatna 133 154 156 132 10 35
2 Hunsur 144 79 45 114 4 25
3 Krishnarajanagara 134 127 58 119 10 119
4 Mysore 108 65 45 113 3 15
5 Heggadadevankote 129 84 58 128 58 56
6 Nanjangud 133 126 64 94 1 38
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 105 116 57 62 15 117
District(Rural): 886 751 483 762 101 405


SI.No Name orc D Transport communications Banks Power supply Credit societies
Block Bus Railway Na"j Villages Number of Available Not Villages Number of
service station gable commercial and available agricul tural
'water co-operative credit
way banks societies

2 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Piriyapatna 145 3 14 37 52 197 35 35
2 Hunsur 171 10 32 45 192 25 25
3 Krishnarajanagara 121 5 3 24 30 156 1I Il
4 Mysore 121 6 7 22 28 131 15 15
5 Heggadadevankote 170 30 20 26 242 11 II
6 Nanjangud 159 4 32 44 176 32 33
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 110 2 25 34 121 11 11
Distrlct(Rural): 997 18 67 192 259 1,215 140 141


Drinking water source Post, !elegraph & Telephone SLNo.
Others More No Post Telegraph Post & Post office Telegraph Post, Phone
than one drinking office office telegraph & phone office & telegraph
source water office phone office &
facilities phone
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 1
189 190 3. 57 20 14 43 18 12 120
176 162 4 45 10 9 36 7 6 113 2
139 150 49 6 4 42 6 4 86 3
111 125 2 40 6 3 35 5 2 90 4
207 200 20 51 38 I 31 21 1 85 5
165 164 3 80 51 8 69 44 7 126 6
1I9 121 52 40 4 46 36 3 82 7
1,106 1,112 32 374 171 43 302 137 35 702


Credit societies Recreational facility Newspaper I Magazine SI.No

Villages Number Villages Number Cinema! Sports Stadium! News Magazine News
of non-· of other Video hall club Auditorium! paper. paper &
agricultu credit Community Magazine
ral credit societies hall

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

58 58 197 385 14 5 2 136 97 97

.65 67 192 370 11 1 82 39 39 2
60 63 156 311 11 90 52 52 3
49 50 131 253 7 105 73 73 4
29 29 242 474 6 95 47 47 5
68 69 176 333 11 156 105 105 6
57 63 121 231 9 114 107 107 7
386 399 1,215 2,357 69 6 2 778 520 520




Name of the District:MJsore
Serial Name of C.D. Total number Number of primary schools
number block of inhabited None One Two Three Four +
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I Piriyapatna 197 23 110 42 15 7
2 Hunsur 192 20 115 35 15 7
3 Krishnarajanagara 156 10 94 3S 6 II
4 Mysore 131 7 70 34 12 8
5 Heggadadevankote 243 45 142 31 ·13 12
6 Nanjangud 176 8 113 33 17 5
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 121 63 36 10 12
District Total: 1,216 II3 707 246 88 62


Name of the District:MJsore
Serial Name of C.D. Total Type of educational institutions available
number block number of No School At least one At least one At least one
inhabited primarJ school primary school middle school and
villages an d no middle and one middle one secondary
school sch 001 school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I Piriyapatna 197 23 67 107 33
2 Hunsur 192 20 73 99 24
3 Krishnarajanagara 156 10 61 85 30
4 Mysore 131 7 27 97 26
5 Heggadadevankote 243 45 90 108 27
6 Nanjangud 176 8 40 128 32
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 121 29 92 27
Total: 1,216 113 387 716 199


Serial Name of C.D. Block Number of villages with different sources of drinking water available
Number Only tap Only well Only tube Only More than one sonrce only from
well handpump tap, well, tube well, hand pump
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I Piriyapatna 2 183
2 Hunsur 3 20 161
3 Krishnarajanagara 146
4 Mysore 2 122
5 Heggadadevankote 2 I 17 182
6 Nanjangud 3 6 162
7 Tirumakudal Narsipur 121
District Total: 5 7 46 1,077



Ser Name of Loca Name Popula Amenities not available
ial village tion of C.D. ti on ----;SO;-:-e-:::n·i-=-o-:::r-:;:::C;-:o:-iI-;-I-eg---e-;;p;--r·i=m:-a:..:r:..:y:..::..::._::..::.,T~a:..:p:..:....::...:..::::::B~u:..:s=---:A-p-p-r-o---;C=-o-m-m-e-r-
nu code block S ccon Health drink facility ach by cial
mbe num dary Sub ing Pucca Bank
r ber School Centre water road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Doddaharve 02761600 Piriyapatna 5,064 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available N.A.
2 Bettadapura 02763900 Piriyapatna 5,837 Available N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
3 Kattcmalalavadi 02778600 Hunsur 5,451 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
4 Aspathrekaval 02789400 Hunsur 5,090 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available N.A.
5 Saligrama 02799800 Krishnaraja 11,780 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available
6 Mirle 02802600 Krishnaraja 6,075 Available N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
7 Gandhanahalli 02804900 Krishnaraja 5,106 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available Available N.A.
8 Haleyuru 02808600 Krishnaraja 5,581 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available
9 Kestur 02809400 Krishnaraja 5,449 Available N.A. Available Available Available Available N.A.
10 Elwala 02817400 MYSOTC 8,327 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
II Koorgalli 02817500 MYSOTC 5,019 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available Available N.A.
12 Kesarc 02819600 Mysore 5,289 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available Available N.A.
13 Rammanahalli 02819700 Mysore 7,474 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available Available N.A.
14 Danagalli 02822600 MYSOTC 5,881 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available N.A.
15 Udburu 02822700 MysoTe 8,080 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
16 Kadakola 02825300 Mysorc 5,327 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
17 Harohalli 02825600 MYSOTC 7,888 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
18 Saragur 02844400 Heggada 9,931 Available N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
19 Hullahalli 02858000 Nanjangud 8,278 Available N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
20 ThandavaplIra 02864300 Nanjangud 5,156 N.A. N.A. Available Availablc Available Available Available
21 Hadinaru 02865300 Na~angud 6,136 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
22 Thagadooru 02868600 Nanjangud 7,280 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
23 Kalale 02870900 Na~angud 7,278 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
24 Hedathale 02873000 Nanjangud 5,791 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Available N .A.
25 Sosale 02882500 Tirumakudal 7,064 N.A. N.A. Available Available Available Availablc N.A.
26 Byrapura 02885300 Tirumakudal 12,095 Available Available Available Available Available Available N.A.
27 Algodu 02885900 Tirumaklldal 5,951 N.A. N.A. Available Availablc Available Available N.A:
28 Muguru 02887500 Tirumakudal 7,727 Available N.A. Available Availablc Available Available Available
29 Talakadu 02889400 Tirumakudal 8,842 Available N.A. Available Available Available Available Available
Narsi ur
Note: N. A. stands for amenity not available


Ser Name of Loca Name Popula Amenities not available
tion of C.D. tion Senior College Primary Tap Bus Appro Commer
ial Census
code block S econ Health drink facility ach by cial
nu Town
num dary Sub ing Pucca Bank
ber School Centre water road
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
42605000 Mysorc 1,527 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available
(D) Hebbalu
42606000 Mysore 5,707 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A.
2 (B) Belvata
4,815 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available
3 (C) Bhogadi 42607000 Mysore
Note : N. A. stands for amenity not available




Serial Name of Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use in hectares)
Numb Census Town Total area Forest Irrigated by Unirrigated Culturable waste Area not
er source (including gauchar & available for
groves cultivation
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Serial number Location code number Name of village
2 3
Name of CD Block: Piriyapatna Nil
Name of CD Block: Hunsur Nil
Name of CD Block: Krishnarajanagara Nil
Name of CD Block: Mysore Nil
Name of CD Block: Heggadadevankote Nil
Name of CD Block: Nanjangud Nil
Name of CD Block: Tirumakudal Narsipur Nil



Serial Name of C.D. block Total Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having no
number villages villages villages Scheduled Castes population
1 2 3 4 5 6
Piriyapatna 203 6 197 26
2 Hunsur 213 21 192 41
3 Krishnarajanagara 178 22 156 30
4 Mysore 143 12 131 25
5 Heggadadevankote 281 38 243 52
6 Nanjangud 190 14 176 16
7 Tirurnakudal Narsipur 132 11 121 9
District Total: 1,340 124 1,216 199


Serial Name ofC.D. Total Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having no
number block villages villages villages Scheduled Tribes population

2 3 4 5 6
1 Piriyapatna 203 6 197 82
2 Hunsur 213 21 192 64
3 Krishnarajanagara 178 22 156 81
4 Mysore 143 12 131 58
5 Heggadadevankote 281 38 243 79
6 Nanjangud 190 14 176 70
7 Tirurnakudal Narsipur 132 II 121 53
District Total: 1,340 124 1,216 487



Name of the District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population Dumber population number
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
Name of CD Block: Piriyapatna 02761800 IIalaganahalli
Less than 5 02765600 N. Settihalli
02761300 Aralikumari 02762800 Attigodu
02772500 Rajivagrama 02757000 RajanabeJaguli
02768100 Javanikuppe 02768700 Hitnehebbagilu
02772400 Lingapura 02763100 Kithoor
02761000 Gollarahosahalli 02760000 Bylakuppe
02769700 Kaggundi 11-20
02767700 Hitnahalli 02774400 Ichanahalli
02770700 Manchedevanahalli 02766200 Nagaraghatta
02763600 Chikkamalali 02770800 Kundanahalli
02774800 Abbalathi 02757300 Adagoor
02761400 Lingapura 02765800 Kelaganahalli
02758200 Chikkanerale 02775700 UthenahaIli
02759000 Dindagadu 02766100 Handitavalli
02756400 Kambipura 02770300 Kampalapura
02760900 Handiguddadakaval 02770600 Alanahalli
·02757500 Ambalare 02770200 Basalapura
02767300 Kalkere 02760800 Charapura
02769900 Chikkavaddarakere 02767200 M. Settihalli
02772200 Naralapura 02770900 Mallinathapura
02769400 GBasavanahalli 02771600 Bemmathi
02763300 Thammadahalli 02760200 Muthakur
02772300 Kirangoor 02766800 Kellur
02766500 Arenahalli 02773400 Sulagodu
02773300 Kalethimmanahalli 02760500 Thirumalapura
02773900 Rajapura 02759700 Giragur
02757400 Shanuboganahalli 02774300 Hunasekuppe
02774600 Laxmipura 02773800 Ankanahalli
5-10 02768500 Aswalu
02763900 Bettadapura 02763700 Bettada Thunga
02756900 RasimartikavaI 02757700 Chapparadahalli
02771900 ChittenahaIli 02756100 KanagaI
02759800 Doddahosur 02760700 Poonadahalli
02765200 Eachuru 02759600 Koppa
02767000 Makodu 02764800 Kanoor
02763400 Kothavalli 02756700 Ichanahalli
02758600 Bilagunda 02772800 Halepetekantapura
02766600 Bhoganahalli 02768900 Telaginakuppe
02774900 Malangi 02763000 Maradoor
02764900 Komalapura 02769000 K. Haralahalli
02770100 Kiranalli 02758400 Doddanerale
02771500 Ayarabeedu 02762000 Gorahalli
02767900 R.Thunga 02772900 Haravemallarajapatna
02764600 Bhuvanahalli 02760600 P. Basavanahalli
02762100 Haradur 02758800 Doddakamaravalli
02769500 Hemmige 02769300 Kandegala



Name of the District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castcs code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
02759100 Avarthi 02764100 Depura
02768000 Doddabyalalu 02758100 Haranahalli
02763200 Galaganakere 02761100 Lakshmipura
02775500 Jttagalli 02764000 Kurgallu
02765700 Nilangala 02772600 Muthur
02767500 Aithanahalli 02758000 Haleyur
02756000 Manuganahall i 02766700 Kodihalli
02775000 Chowkur 02766400 Haralahalli
02767100 Maiaganakcrc 02760100 Doddahonnur
02773700 Habatoor 02771700 IJapura
02764500 loganahalli 02765500 Nandipura
02775400 Bekya 02768800 Avarekaiguddadakaval
02762900 Melur 02772100 Channenahalli
02757100 Hunasethoppalu 41-50
02773100 Thimakapura 02758700 Channakalkaval
02757200 Gan ganakupp e 02767600 Seeguru
02761600 Doddaharve 02774000 Abbur
02764700 Bekkare 02765100 Seegekorekaval
21-30 02766900 R. Hosahalli
02770400 Borehosahalli 02774200 Harilapura
02765300 Barse 02774100 Tatanahalli
02772000 Chowdenahalli 02766000 Bhavalalu
02766300 Ravandur 02770500 Naviloor
02771300 Koralahosahalli 02765900 Honnenahalli
02764400 Konasur 02775800 Alalur
02756200 Chamarayanakote 51-75
02761900 Suragahalli 02762200 Anivalu
02768400 Sundavalu 02759400 Doddahonnurkaval
02771000 Hunasavadi 02759500 Maradiyur
02765400 Kudakuru 02760400 M. Hosahalli
02775600 Panchavalli 02773200 Begur
02767400 Dorekere 02759300 Benagal
02771800 Belathur 02774500 Mummadikaval
02757800 Hasuvinakaval 02761500 Doddaharve Forest
02773600 ChOwthi 76 and above
02759200 Sunkadahalli 02762700
02758300 Tharikal 02768200
02764300 Nilavadi 02775200
02768600 Sanyasipura 02757600
02775300 SathyagaJa Name of CD 81ock: Hunsur
02771200 Boothanahalli Less than 5
02756300 Sulekote 02781700 Ramenahalli
02755800 K. BasavanahalJi 02796200 Tarikallu
3140 02784200 Kudlur
02768300 Chikkabyalalu 02780500 Kanagal
02770000 Mellahalli 02795000 Benkipura
02758900 ChikkamaravaUi 02783000 Kamegowdanahalli



Name ofthe District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scbeduled Castes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percen tages)
1 2 3 2 3
02791300 Shsnubhoganahalli 02776500 Sheerenahalli
02791900 Vaddarahalli 02795800 Sulekerekaval
02795100 Gohalli 02776300 Marur
02783400 Uduvepura 02793700 Ankanahalli
02776100 Ramenahalli 02790000 Nadappanahalli
02785600 Neralakuppe 02793000 Bilikere
02777600 Honnenahalli 02780900 Muthurayana Hosahalli
02783500 Kallaboochahalli 02790200 Madahalli
02793800 Handanahalli 02777500 Mylambum
02778000 Moduru 02791800 Halebeedu
02789600 Rathnapuri 02792700 Rangaiahnakoppalu
02786600 Veeranahosahalli 02791000 Husenpura
02796800 Kuttavadi 02782600 Hyrige
02781800 Chennasoge 0278110Q Tammadahalli
02786900 Kurubarahosahalli 02784400 Ummathur
02790600 Ayarahalli 02794000 Dallalu
02781600 Angatahalli 02794900 Challahalli
5-10 02784600 Penjahallikaval
02792500 Sabbanahalli 02796700 Kadavaddaragudi
02784700 Haralahalli 02781000 Kallahalli
02788000 Maraduru 02794100 Chikkabeechanahalli
02776700 Jabagere 02780100 Yamaguinbha
02778500 Belthur 02793300 Devarahalli
02791500 Bolanahalli 02795900 Gejjaiahnavaddaragudi
02777300 Gavadagere 02778900 Biligere
02793400 Manuganahalli 02780800 Harinahalli
02785000 Dasanapura 02787000 Varanchi Or Gurupura
02796400 Kudineerumuddanahalli 21-30
02792100 Halladakallahalli 02782000 Thattekere
02791600 Kempanahalli 02794400 Vaderahosahalli
02776200 Harave 02786100 Mudaganur
02786200 Chikkahejjur 02783700 Hanagodu
02787400 Ramapatna 02789500 Ballenahalli
02776600 Manchabayanahalli 02776900 Keriyuru
02779400 Attiglippe 02796500 Uyyigondanahalli
02776400 Hirikyathanahalli 02788900 Chikkahunsur
02796000 Karimuddanahalli 02777000 Machabayanahalli
02782900 Heggandur 02782200 Muthurayana Hosahalli Kaval
02796100 Halladakoppalu 02779600 Siriyuru
02790100 Madahallikaval 02796900 Mudlapura
02779800 Habbanakuppe 02779300 Hejjodlu
02780200 Kothegala 02782100 Hunasegala
02790400 Halepura 02795400 Dhannapura
02795300 Dhythyanakerekaval 02780400 Chilkunda
02796600 Tarikalkaval 02790900 Gerasanahalli
02785400 Negathur
02793600 Chikkadanahalli 02786500 Bharathavadi



Name of the District: BlJAPUR
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(percentages) (pcrcentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
02783300 Kademanuganahalli 51-75
02783200 H.Boreroppadakaval 02784100 Beeranahalli
02789700 Uddurkaval 02787800 Hagaranahalli
02789400 Aspathrekaval 02781200 Naganahalli
02790500 Gagenahalli 02793900 Doddabeechanahalli
02784900 Hindugodlu 02788300 Somanahalli
02777100 Mulluru 02796300 Tharikalnala
02788200 Bannikuppe 76 and above
02794700 Thippur 02788600 Doddahunsur
02782300 Kamaku(Jpe 02795700 Maranahalli
02778300 Thippalapura 02780000 Chilkundakaval
02783600 Settahalli Name of CD Block: Krishnarajanagara
02783800 Kiranguru Less than 5
31-40 02800200 BaIlur
02791700 Mydanahalli 02811100 Cheernahalli
02778200 Sannenahalli 02799500 Moodalabeedu
02782700 Honnenahalli 02809000 Benaganahalli
02778700 Agrahara 02814600 Kaienahalli
02797300 Singaramaranahalli 02809400 Kestur
02788500 Beejaganahalli 02804900 Gandhanahalli
02782400 Beerathammanahalli 02798700 Hebsur
02788100 Kebbe Koppalu 5-10
02787900 Rayanahalli 02812200 Adaganahalli
02789900 Udduru 02804100 Mandiganahalli
02781400 Adiganahalli 02799700 Ankanahalli
02792800 Kuppekolagalla 02806400 Karthalu
02787200 Kirijaji 02805300 Adaguru
02792900 leenahaIli 02808300 Hosur
02777800 Chittikyathanahalli 02810800 ChandagaJ
02792000 Bettadur 02812500 Thippur
02784800 Madahalli 02800600 Thandreankanahall i
02797200 Yalachanahalli 02804200 SugganahaIIi
02797000 Devagalli 02812300 Degganahalli
41-50 02814000 Marchahalli
02786300 Ddddahejjur 02800900 Kenchanahalli
02787300 Mookanahalli 02802300 Natanahalli
02780300 Atthikuppe 02806200 Abburu
02788700 Nilavagilu 02808700 Ankanahalli
02776800 Chikkadiganahalli 02802600 Mirle
02778600 Kattemalalavadi 02805400 Galigekere
02788400 Uyyigowdanahalli 02806800 Hanasoge
02787700 Thondalu 02805600 Manchanahalli
02777200 Hulyalu 02800700. Kuppahalli
02795600 Aswalu 02797800 'Munduru
02782500 Hemmige 02809700 Hosa!cote
02790700 Harohalli 02800000 ~edaga
02781900 Hosakote 02805100 Kanchinakere



Name ofthe District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes cude
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
2 3 1 2 3
02811900 Maragowdanahall i 02804300 Hosa Agrahara
02813600 Sathigrama 02807200 BandahaIli
02807700 Dammanahalli 02803400 Chikkabherya
02807000 Channamgere 02803900 Bheiya
02797400 Bettahalli 02802100 Narachanahalli
02802200 Halemirle· 02798600 Lakkikuppe
11-20 02811600 Gowdenahalli
02800300 Laxmipura 02801900 Kodiyala
02811800 Ichanahalli 02798400 Karpuravalli
02809100 Kogilur 02798000 Seegavalu
02808100 Mayigowdanahalli 02801200 Katnalu
02799900 Chikkanayakanahalli 02801800 Yalemuddanahalli
02814700 Arakere 02804600 Doddavaddaragudi
02802400 Shyabalu 02804400 Haramballi
02798100 Haradanahalli 02803600 Gerudada
02801100 Thandre 02814300 Hosahalli
02805000 Chikkavoddaragudi 02814200 Basavarajapura
02808600 Haleyuru 02807600 Nadappanahalli
02802900 Guluvinaattiguppe 02811500 Siddapura
02801700 Kurubahalli 02797500 Maluganahalli .
02803300 Munjanahalli 02798800 Saraguru
02813500 Narayanapura 02808800 Gudduganahalli
02807500 Kaggala 02804700 Bommenahalli
02800800 Mudiguppe 02798500 Dadadahalli
02809600 Malali 31-40
02811400 Byadarahalli 02798900 Gayanaha\li
02814800 DomahaIli 02808900 Somanahalli
02809300 Kuppe 02812900 Kaggere
02800400 Bylapura 02799400 Rampura
02810600 Hebbal 02809200 Chibukahalli
02813400 Lalanahalli 02811700 Mavathur
02807100 Chikkahanasoge 02814900 Basavapatna
02813800 Kallahalli 02799600 . Kallimuddanahalli
02800100 Mavanur 02806900 Yaremanuganahalli
02799000 Pashupathi 41-50
02799800 SaJigrama 02814100 Lalamdevan~alli

02805500 AIjunahalii 02805200 Maragowdanahalli

02812800 Kamenahalli 02813900 Mulepetlu
02801400 Meluru 02799200 Honnenahalli
Oi809500 Kanchagarakoppalu 02802000 Hanumanahalli
02812600 Chamalapura 02807300 Kolur
02808500 Sreeramapura 02814400 Chowkahalli
02813300 Mudalakoppalu 51-75
02811200 Beeranahalli 02809800 Nijaganahalli
02813700 Southanahalli
02807800 Hadya 02813000 Goragundi
02806000 Hampapura 02815000 Hangaraboyanahalli



Name of the DistrJct: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 I 2 3
76 and above 02817000 Megalapura
02806100 Sanyasipura 02824900 Doddakaturu
02802800 Hulleborekava I 02818300 Madagalli
02803700 Somanahalli 02823400 Jayapura
02804800 Kakanahalli 02826000 Sarakariuthanahalli
Name of CD Block: Mysore 02816800 Gungralchatra
Less than 5 02822600 Danagalli
02824400 Thoreyanakaturu 02819800 Hanchya
02823300 Kellahalli 02822900 Dadadahalli
02821100 Mallahalli 02816600 Yachegowdanahalli
02818100 Manikyapura 02828700 Someshwarapura
02817700 Huyilalu 02816700 Dadadakallahalli
02816900 Yelachahalli 02826200 Choranahalli
02825700 Varakodu 02824300 Arasinakere
02828100 Marase 02824000 Mandanahalli
02816300 S.Hemmanahalli 02823000 Sindhuvalli
02816000 Chikkanahalli 02820200 Bandipalya
02820100 Hosahundi 02822200 Gopalapura
02R21500 Kergalli 02821700 Nagarthahalli
5-10 21-30
02815400 Yedahalli 02817100 Mydanahalli
02822700 Udburu 02820800 Mandakalli
02818400 Jettihundi 02815900 Undavadi
02819700 Ramrnanahalli 02819200 Naganahalli
02817500 Koorgalli 02825900 Lalithadri pum
02819900 Basavanahalli 02825100 Chikkakanya
02818600 DoddamaragowdaIiahalli 02822300 Mavinahalli
02817800 Nagawala 02824200 Gujjcgowdanapura
02828800 Ayarahalli 02827500 Jantagalli
02815700 Anandur 02827800 Marasettihalli
02825600 Harohalli 02825200 Byathahalli
02825800 Chikkahalli 02826700 Keelanapura
02828900 Kiralu 02827000 Duddagere
02825300 Kadakola 02817300 Rattanahalli
02828500 Koodanahalli 02820600 Chowdahalli
02817600 BeIavadi 02823200 Murudagalli
11-20 31-40
02819500 Siddalingapura 02824700 Doora
02816200 Kallurunaganahalli 02820000 Nadanahalli
02828200 Devalapura 02821800 Kenchalagudu
02821600 Yadahalli 02820700 Gurur
02826100 Yandahalli 02819400 Kalasthavadi
02821400 Maratikyathanahalli 02825400 Bhugathagalli
02824500 Marballi 02818000 Kamaravalli
02817400 Elwala 02822100 AnagaUi
02820900 Madahalli 02825000 Doddakanya
02818900 Kumarabeedu 02819100 Shyadanahalli



Name of the District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of . Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(pcrccntagcs) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
02822000 MulIuT 02837900 Kaniyanahundi
02819600 Kesare 02846300 Muthigechikkathalalu
02823100 Thaluru 02855900 Seegevadi
02826300 Vamna 02838100 Ketbahalli
02829100 Hosahalli 02839900 Garikekattekaval
02822800 Kalalavadi 5-10
02818800 Shettinayakanahalli 02853800 Thelagumasahalli
02829400 Yadakola 02829800 Musker
02~19300 Laxmipura 02853000 Agatburu
02829300 Kuppegala 02836500 ·Gollanabeedusaragur
02823900 Maddur 02832300 Metilruppe Forest
02825500 Vajamangala 02843900 Kundur
02823600 Harohalli 02857300 Alalahalli
02827100 Pillahalli 02831400 Haropura
41-50 02841800 Kanchamalli
02828600 Kochanahalli 02848000 Beecbanahalli
02827900 Hadajana 02830600 Agasanabundi
02827200 Dandikere 02838000 Bettadabeedu
51-75 11-20
02826500 Chatnahalli 02833700 Manuganahalli
02820300 Kuppaluru 02~31100 Savve
02823800 S. Kallahalli 02844600 Hanchipura
02821900 Devagalii 02836000 Itna
02817900 Bommenahalli 02852600 Kittur (Therani Manti).
02829200 Inam-Uthanahalli 02847900 Pura
76 and above 02841600 linnahalli
Nil 02842700 K.Beltbur
02830200 Annur
Name of CD Block: Heggadadevankote 02835900 Thoravalli
Less than 5 02833100 Belaganahallikaval
02851500 Kadegadde 02839100 ChamanahaUi
02851800 Doddabyninakuppe 02849500 Nisna
02850600 Hosahalli 02831700 Konegowdanahundi
02856800 Hirehalli 02830000 Yelehund
02848600 Ragalakuppe 02831300 Kodaseege
02851400 Kakanakote. Forest 02853100 Sagare
02834700 Motha 02856600 Inur Marigudi Jungle
02840400 Nayakanahundi 02845000 Chamalapura
02854100 Beddalapura 02839400 Kunigalu
02837400 Gangadahalli 02855200 Katawalu
02834400 Naganahalli 02842100 Hatwal
02832900 Chakahalli 02831600 Shanthipura
02846900 Baragi 02837000 Kothegala
02845100 Bennagere 02838400 K yatbanahalli
02833200 Belaganahalli 02852900 Bidaraballi
02839800 Bachegowdanahalli 02832600 Penjahalli
02837700 Sindenahalli 02831200 Padukote



Name of the District: MYSORE
Range of. Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
02850800 Karapura 31-40
02841400 Pura 02833000 Heggadadevankote (Rural)
02836600 Gollanabeedu 02855400 R Matagcrc
02844100 Kunnapatna 02842800 Kulya
02835100 Shirmahalli 02850200 Kalasuru
02830800 Hosahalli 02847200 Antharasanthe
21-30 02843800 Kallambalu
02833800 Boppanahalli 02842600 Adahalli
02840500 Chottanahalli 02844700 Masahalli
02841100 Hampapura 02847700 Magudilu
02830900 Nai-uanayakanahalli 02854400 Heggudlu
02838700 Chamalapura 02839200 Chikkereyur
02829500 Rajegowdanahundi 02834100 Heggadapura
02832500 Hunasekuppe 02848900 Badanakuppe
02832800 Sonahalli 02855500 Badaga
02837100 Gangadahosahalli
02847500 Yelamathur
02835500 HebbaJaguppe
02837500 Alanahalli
02842200 Chakkur
02843300 Kallasaragur
02835400 HeggadahaUi
02850000 Kanakanahalli
02835800 Thumbasoge
02850500 Beeramballi
02844800 Kothegala
02829700 Ye1ehundikaval
02844400 Saragur
02844300 Bidagalu
02829900 Padukotekava
02847600 Nilavagilu
02829600 Bheemanahalli
02843700 Kattchunsur
02840700 Kolagala
02840200 K.Kannenahalli 02842300 Mo!eyur (Kalihundi)
02856300 Bankavadi 02856900 Kudagi
02847800 Nerale 02835700 Hulikurakaval
02848200 Machare 02854300 Narasipura
02840900 Karigala 41-50
D2834500 Machanayakanahalli 02834000 Kattemanuganahalli
02842900 HunaganahalIi 02841900 Chikkanandi
02845500 Beerwal 02834200 Dasanapura
02836400 Kattehundi 02855300 Nemmanahalli
02843000 Mam.iganahalli 02830300 Gowdimachanayakana Halli
02831000 Yedathore 02841000 Hommaragahalli
02833900 Yarahalli 02833500 Hyrige
02845300 Mullur 02830500 Siddapura
02849600 Malali 02831900 Budanur
02848400 Manchegowdanahall i 02834600 Seeranahundi
02831800 Chakkodanahalli 02839000 M.Kannenahalli
02837600 Devalapura 02834900 Kollegowdanahalli
02840600 Madapura 02847300 Nuralakuppe
02849300 N.Belathur 02853500 Hegganur
02850400 N. Begur 02854200 Haleyuru .
02832700 Hirehalli 02846600 Siddapura
02838900 lompanahalli 02853200 Kandegala



Name oftbe District: MYSORE
Ra.nge of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(percenta.ges) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
51-75 02868400 Srikantanagar
02841700 Hirenandi 02863800 Kembal
02846000 Hadanur 02868300 Mallupura
02847400 Anagatti 5-10
02854000 Hullemala 02864200 Yechagalli
02843400 Hunsahalli 02863900 Bidaragoodu
02841200 Kohala 02858400 Karya
02848500 Halemagge 02876500 Thoravalli
02833600 Matakere 02874300 Hemmaragala
02850300 Kenchanahalli 02860800 Yedahalli
02831500 Voddaragudi 02864300 Thandavapura
02848300 Krishnarajapura 02872900 Hunasanalu
02838500 Kandegowdanapura 02875300 Haraganapur
02855800 Beguru 02875200 Gattavadipura
02853900 Devalapura 02865300 Hadinaru
02843500 Lanke 02873500 Kakkarahatti
02835000 Yarahallikaval 11-20
02835300 lakkahalli 02872800 Yelachagere
02846400 Hunasur 02872600 Kugalur
02845200 Changowdanahalli 02865000 Immavu
02857000 Kumagala 02857600 Ibjala
02853600 Lingenahalli 02858800 Motha
02841300 Marchahalli 02873800 Karepura
02842500 Muddanahalli 02871000 Karlapura
76 and above 02867700 Kahalli
02846500 Muguthanamule 02858100 Belale
02835200 Chowdahalli . 02874600 Koodlapura
02856000 Moleyurukaval 02873200 Basavattige
02838800 Bannavadi 02869900 Golur
02855100 Vallahalli 02876300 Doddahomma
02834800 Krishnapurakaval 02869300 Kallahalli
02849900 Jaganakote 02868600 Thagadooru
02848100 leeyara 02873300 Devanur
02840800 Holehundi 02869000 Heggadahalli
02852700 Uyyamballi 02874900 Mallahalli
02844500 Nallur 02867200 lodihariharapura (Igli)
02853400 Nanjanathapura 02865500 Alathur
02843600 . Hoovinakola 02859100 Nellithalapura
02830400 Sollapura 02870900 Kalale
02833300 Malara 02872100 Surahalli
02836700 Masanakuppe 02873000 Hedathale
02865800 Thumnerale
Name of CD Block: Nanjangud 02861400 Mallahalli
02875100 Halepura
Less than 5
02871700 Sindhuvalli
02864500 Adakanahalli
02860000 Madapura 02875400 Gattavadi
02871500 Yechagtmdlu
02864000 Maraluru




Name of the District: MYSORE

Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village

Scheduled Castes code· Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 2 3
02861100 Hallarc 02865400 Moodahalli
02858700 Kappasoge 02866500 Gonahalli
02867300 Thayuru 02863000 Hediyala
02875600 Konanoor 02871100 Harathalc
02874800 Tharadale 02867600 Gejj iganahalli
02858000 Hullahalli 02860600 Kadajetti
02871800 Kurahatti 02859200 Akala
02859500 Shettahalli 02871600 Muddahalli
02874100 Chikkakowlande 02870200 Horalavadi
02860200 Arnbale 02871300 Volagere
02872500 Krishnapura 02874000 Chunchanahalli
02861600 Hadya 02873700 Hadya
02872000 Navilur 31-40
02869400 Kathavadipura 02868700 Kamahalli
21-30 02862800 Maduvinahalli
02868800 Chil1namballi 02863400 Naganapura
02866300 Saragooru 02861700 Ariyur
02859800 Duggahalli 02857900 Kanenur
02875800 Paduvalamarahalli 02864900 ThoTemavu
02868900 Kongahalli 02867100 Bilugali
02858600 Taraganahalli 02871900 Sindhuvallipura
02876400 Chikkahomma 02873900 Karya
02860100 Haginavalu 02861000 Malkundi
02862300 Kellupura 02868100 Kirugunda
02859000 KaluT 02870800 Uppinahalli
02863600 Kothanahalli 02865100 Hulimavu
02870500 Veeredevanapura 02866100 Nandigunda
-02864800 Hejjige 02864700 Basavanapura
02864100 Goddanapura 02863300 Bankahalli
02865600 Hosakote 02865200 Bokkahalli
02874200 Nerale 02866700 Nagarle
02870000 Geekahalli 02871400 Hosakote (Masage)
02870700 Gonathagala 02863500 Devarayasett ipura
02869100 Byalaru 02872400 Dcpegowdanapura
02863700 Rlimpura 02857800 Madanahalli
02866900 Suthur 02857700 Haradanahalli
02859400 Kadaburu 02861900 Kandegala
02859900 Chamanamadanahalli 02868500 Alaganchi
02874400 Kumbarahalli 02862700 Hosavcedu
02873600 Banooru 41-50
02876200 Dasanooru 02867900 Biligere
02872200 Kasuvinahalli 02869600 Deveerammanahalli
02859700 Yalehalli 02866800 Kupparavalli
02858200 Shiramalli 02869200 Debur
02875500 Doddakowlande 02870400 Badanavalu
02873400 Varahalli 02858500 Kurihundi
02858300 Huskur 02876000 Hanumanapura



Name ofthe District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Castes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
02867400 Eswaragowdanahalli 02883200 Hunuganahalli
02865900 Nandigundapura 02876600 Aravattigekoppalu
02860700 Hura 02880600 Somanathapura
02876100 Paduvala Agrahara 02889000 Hemmige
02872300 Makanapura 02878900 Athahalli
02859300 Rajur 02884500 Bommanayakanahalli
02866400 Haniyamballi 02879100 B.BettahalIi
02864400 Hebya 02877100 Yachenahalli
02867500 Haropura 02881600 Konagalli
02867800 Kalkunda 02878500 . Nanjapura
02867000 Jeemaralli 02878400 YadahaIli
51-75 02884700 Hosakote
02869700 Devarasanahalli 02880300 Kethupura
02866600 Kalmahalli 02888400 Koppalu (Kalihundi)
02861500 Channapatna 02889600 Malangi
02875700 Konanapura 02877300 Doddamulagudu
02863200 Hadanuruvadeyanapura 02885500 Kiragasuru
02868000 Belagunda ·02889400 Talakadu
02870100 Mullur 02881400 Halavara
76 and above 02888000 Akkur
02861800 lalahaIli 21-30
02858900 Kongahallikaval 02885600 Kudluru
02870600 Kodinarasipura 02877400 Hegguru
02887000 Sujjaluru
Name of ·CD Block: Tirumakudal Narsipur 02883600 Rangasamudra
Less than 5 02880900 Budahalli
02885100 Gargeswari 02886700 Kotthegala
02876900 Maragowdanahalli 02883800 Hittuvalli
02888300 T.Megadahalli 02882700 S.Megadahalli
02884400 Agasthapura 02879000 Kunthanahalli
·02885200 Thirumakudalu
02884800 Induvalu
02876700 B.Seehalli Madigahalli
5-10 02889300 Mavinahalli
02877700 Banagavadi
02879200 Senapathihalli
02878600 Basavanahalli
02887800 Maradipura
02877800 Hanumanalu
02880000 S.Doddapura
02878300 Beedanahalli
02886200 Karohatti
02877500 Ankanahalli
02886000 Yaraganahalli
02877000 Goravanahalli
02882300 Chikkabuhalli
02879400 Ganiganakoppalu
02889100 T.Doddapura
02876800 Hunasagahalli
02884100 Thurnbala
11-20 Thottavadi
02885900 Algodu
02885300 Byrapura
02877600 Thuruganuru
02887400 Kannahalli
02877200 MenasikyathanahalIi
02879600 Bommalla1Ialli
02878100 Kodagahalli
02882600 Binakanahalli
02879500 Bevinahalli



Name aftlle District: MYSORE Name aftlle District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of , ill age Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Castes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
31-40 Name of CD Block: Piriyapatna
02886600 Hiriyuru Less tban 5
02886100 Kethahalli 02761700 Basavanayeni
02888600 Holesalll (Kaveripura)
02767000 Makodu
02883100 Doddabagilu
02887700 Madapllra 02768000 Doddabyalalll
02887200 Adibettahalli 02774200 Harilapura
02885700 Danayakanapura 02771800 Belathur
02882800 Muthalavadi 02762500 Sangarasettyhalli
02889700 Kaliyum 02761000 Gollarahosahalli
02879800 Ramegowdanapura 02774100 Tatanahalli
02885800 Bannahalli 02760300 Gulledahalla Jungle
02883500 Ranganaihapur
02767100 Malaganakere
02886800 Kuruburu
02887500 Muguru 02763400 Kothavalli
02886400 Nilasoge 02774500 Mummadikaval
02881700 Nagalagere 02768900 Telaginakuppe
02889500 Kukkuru 02775600 Panchavalli
02887600 Hosahalli 02774300 Hunasekuppe
02881000 Chidravalli 02758600 Bilagunda
02886900 Vatalu 02757200 Ganganakuppe
02888500 Madavadi
02880800 Ukkalagere
02768700 Hitnehebbagilu
02883900 Kuppaya 02755800 K. Basavanahalli
02881300 Kolathuru 02761100 Lakshmipura
41-50 02770100 Kiranalli
02883000 Kargahalli 02775500 IttagaJli
02882200 Horalahalli 02760000 Bylakuppc
02887100 Hyakanuru 02761600 Doddaharvc
02881800 Kannayakanahalli
02766600 Bhoganahalli
02888900 Vadayandahal1i 02763000 Maradoor
02880200 Kallipura 02775800 Alalur
02882000 Hasuvatti 02771000 Hunasavadi
02887900 Chandahalli 02762800 Attigodu
02882900 K ayyambahalli 02772600 Muthur
02882100 N aragyathanahalli 02757000 Rajanabelaguli
02888100 Maranapura 02773100 Thimakapura
-02887300 Madrahalli
02886300 02772300 Kirangoor
02888200 T.Bettahalii 02756600 Gariguddakaval
02884300 Muthathi 02770200 Basalapura
02886500 Hosapura 02763900 Bettadapura
02885400 Hunsuru 02759700 Giragur
02882500 Sosalc 02772800 Halepetekantapura
02879900 Kempanapura 02759500 Maradiyur
02885000 Yadadore
02770900 Mallinathapura
02878700 Maliyuru
76 and above 02772000 Chowdenahalli
02881900 Thammadipura 5-10
02888700 Vijayapura 02773300 Kalethimmanahalli
02880700 Chikkalaxmipura 02767600 Seeguru



Name of the District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
populatiou number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
02775000 Chowkur 21-30
02760100 Doddahonnur 02767900 R.Thunga
02764400 KonasuT 02773500 Kogilavadi
02759100 Avarthi 02764100 Depura
02766800 KelluT 02760900 Handiguddadakaval
02758300 Tharikal 02771700 Ilapura
02756200 Chamarayanakote 02771500 Ayarabeedu
02765800 Kelaganahalli 02763300 Thammadahalli
02764900 Komalapura 02768600 Sanyasipura
02774400 Ichanahalli 02756300 Sulekote
02760500 Thirumalapura 31-40
02760700 Poonadahalli 02773600 Chowthi
02759300 Benagal 02759800 Doddahosur
02763100 Kithoor 02760200 Muthakur
02768500 Aswalu 02763600 Chikkamalali
02770500 Naviloor 02774600 Laxmipura
02766300 Ravandur 02774900 Malangi
02765600 N. Settihalli 02756700 Ichanahalli
02770300 Kampalapura 02759000 Dindagadu
02764500 Joganahalli 41-50
02764800 Kanoor 02770600 Alanahalli
02772900 Haravemallarajapatna 02774700 Anechowkur Forest
02759400 Doddahonn urkaval 02770700 Manchedevanahalli
02762100 Haradur 51-75
02762000 Gorahalli 02767300 Kalkere
11-20 02774800 Abbalathi
02775700 Uthenahalli 02772400 Lingapura
02756100 Kanagal 02760800 Charapura
02758700 Channakalkaval 02772500 Rajivagrama
02760600 P. Basavanahalli 76 and above
02772200 Naralapura . 02761400 Lingapura
02760400 M. Hosahalli Name of CD Block: Hunsur
02757900 Byadarabilaguli Less than 5
02767500 Ai thanahalli 02795600 Aswalu
02773700 Habatoor 02785300 Sindenahalli
02767200 M. Settihalli 02787200 Kirijaji
02765400 Kudakuru 02779600 Siriyuru
02759600 Kappa 02793300 Devarahalli
02770000 Mellahalli 02784200 Kudlur
02758200 Chikkanerale 02782000 Thattekere
02774000 Abbur 02785500 Kachuvinahalli
02771600 Bemrnathi 02787900 Rayanahalli
02770800 Kundanahalli 02779800 Habbanakuppe
02757800 Hasuvinakaval 02778700 Agrahara
02764300 Nilavadi 02784100 Beeranahalli
02764000 Kurgallu 02778900 Biligere
02770400 Borehosahalli 02777100 Mulluru



Name of the District: MYSORE
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percen tages)

2 3 1 2 3
02794700 Thippur 02782500 Hemmige
02782900 J-leggandur 02778000 Moduru
02793400 Manuganahalli 02781700 Ramenahalli
02789600 Rathnapuri 02776500 Sheerenahalli
02783100 Gowdikere 02795800 Sulekerekaval
02796500 Uyyigondanahalli 02788200 Bannikuppe
02780400 Chilkunda 02796700 Kadavaddaragudi
0278130Q Nilavagilukaval 02786200 Chikkahejjur
02787700 Thondalu 02790100 Madahallikaval
02783500 Kallaboochahalli 02780800 Harinahalli
02796300 Tharikalnala 02789500 Ballenahalli
02796100 Halladakoppalu 02776400 H iri kyathanahalli
02783800 Kiranguru 02790400 Halcpura
02782300 Karnakuppe 02797300 Singaramaranahalli
02783300 Kademanuganahalli 21-30
02781800 Chennasoge 02785200 Abburu
02789400 Aspathrekaval 02794000 Dallalu
02792800 Kuppekolagatta 02796200 Tarikallu
02789100 Hanchya 02789000 Govindanahalli
02777700 Marurkaval 02786300 Doddahejjur
02794900 Challahalli 02791800 Halebeedu
02790900 Gerasanahalli 02776900 Keriyuru
5-10 02788000 Maraduru
02780100 Yamagumbha 02783200 H.Boreroppadakaval
02796600 Tarikalkaval 02786500 Bharathavadi
02791200 Shravananahalli 02790600 Ayarahalli
02789700 Uddurkaval 02779500 Krishnapura
02784600 Penjahallikaval 02777600 Honnenahalli
02787400 Ramapatna 02784700 Haralahalli
02789900 Udduru 02795400 Dharmapura
02783700 Hanagodu 02782800 Vaddambalu
02787500 Kirasodlu 02776300 Marur
02797000 DevagalIi 02788900 Chikkahunsur
02786100 Mudaganur 02776100 Ramenahalli
02791300 Shsnubhoganahalli 31-40
02790500 Gagenahalli 02780500 Kanagal
02796000 Karimuddanahalli 02784400 Ummathur
11-20 02790000 Nadappanahalli
02787000 Varanchi Or Gurupura 02780900 Muthurayana Hosahalli
02781900 Hosakote 02776700 Jabagere
02795200 Annarayapura 02783600 Settahalli
02780200 Kothegala 02784800 Madahalli
02796800 Kuttavadi 02791600 Kempanahalli
02778600 Kattemalalavadi 02783000 Kamegowdanahalli
02786900 Kurubarahosahalli 02776200 Harave
02779200 Undavadi 02777000 Machabayanahalli
02788700 Nilavagilu 02793000 Bilikere



Name of the District: MYSORE

Range of Location N arne of village Range of Location Name of village

Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
41-50 02808200 Diddahalli
02782200 Muthurayana Hosahalli Kaval 02808300 Hosur
02782400 Beerathammanahalli 02809400 Kestur
02785900 Konanahosahalli 02800700 Kuppahalli
02777300 Gavadagere 02797800 Munduru
02783400 Uduvepura 02798400 Karpuravalli
02780700 Vadlimanuganahalli 02805700 Kaggaliborekaval
02784000 Beeranahallikaval 02808100 Mayigowdanahalli
51-75 02798000 Seegavalu
02786000 Kolavige 02801400 Melum
02785600 Neralakuppe 02804600 Doddavaddaragudi
02781100 Tammadahalli 02802300 Natanahalli
02790300 Maralaiahna Koppalu 02799800 Saligrama
02786600 Veeranahosahalli 02810600 Hebbal
02784300 Kottigekaval 02811700 Mavathur
02785700 Habbanakuppe K.G 02797700 Kulume Hosum
02776600 Manchabayanahalli 02802500 Malanaikanahalli
02795100 Gohalli 02808000 Sakkare
02791500 Bolanahalli 5-10
02785000 Dasanapura 02801100 Thandre
02792500 Sabbanahalli 02809300 Kuppe
02795000 Benkipura 02802100 Narachanahalli
02785800 Billanahosahalli 02799500 Moodalabeedu
76 and above 02800200 Ballur
02793800 Handanahalli 02803900 Bherya
02793200 Hullenahalli 02797900 Kalammana Koppalu
02790200 Madahalli 02813500 Narayanapura
Name of CD Block: Krishnarajanagara 02809700 Hosakote
Less than 5 11-20
02800300 Laxmipura 02798900 GayanahaUi
02811900 Maragowdanahalli 02814000 Marchahalli
02814200 Basavarajapura 02802400 Shyabalu
02808500 Sreeramapura 02809600 Malali
02805000 .Chikkavoddaragudi 02812200 Adaganahalli
02797500 Maluganahalli 02807000 Channamgere
02801800 Yalemuddanahalli 02799400 Rampura
02813400 LalanahaIli 02814700 Arakere
02798100 Haradanahalli 02812900 Kaggere
02814400 Chowkahalli 02800100 Mavanur
02811400· Byadarahalli 02800600 Thandreankanahalli
02804200 Sugganahalli 02814800 Domahalli
02804400 Haramballi 02805500 Arjunahalli
02814600 Kalenahalli 02815000 Hangaraboyanahalli
02804900 Gandhanahalli 21-30
02802600 Mirle 02807800 Hadya
02808600 Haleyuru 02810800 Chandagal
02811500 Siddapura 02812400 Kanugana Halli



Name of the District: MYSORE

Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village

Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
2 3 1 2 3
02805400 Galigekcre 02815700 Anandur
02S06000 Hampapura 02817500 Koorgalli
02804300 HosaAgrahara 02820200 DandipaJya
31-40 02818200 K.Hemmanahalli
02811000 Katnal 02819000 Gohalli
02806800 Hanasoge 02822800 Kalalavadi
02813800 J(allahalli 02823000 Sindhuvalli
02803400 Chikkabherya 02823600 Harohalli
02812500 Thippur 02820600 Chowdahalli
02813600 Sathigrama 02819100 Shyadanahalli
41-50 02828500 Koodanahalli
02803100 Bosuru 02819300 Laxmipura
02803300 Munjanahalli 02828900 Kiralu
02812600 Chamalapura 02819500 Siddalingapura
02811800 Ichanahalli 02823900 Maddur
51-75 5-10
Nil 02826400 Puttegowdanahundi
76 and above 02820800 Mandakalli
Nil 02817400 Elwala
02819800 Hanchya
Name of CD Block: l\1ysore 02823500 Chikkanahalli
Less than 5 02822600 Danagalli
02825700 Varakodu 02825500 V.uamangala
02819200 Naganahalli 11-20
02820100 Hosahundi 02828600 Kochanahalli
02827900 Had~ana 0282840() Madaragalli
02821100 Mallahalli 02824300 Arasinakere
02825900 Lalithadripura 02815400 Yedahalli
02821500 KergaHi 02819400 Kalasthavadi
02829400 Yadakola 02818300 Madagalli
02820300 Kuppaluru 02818600 Doddamaragowdanahalli
02829300 Kuppegala 02816600 Yachegowdanahalli
02828200 Devalapura 02826100 Yandahalli
02817600 Belavadi 02817806 Nagawa1a
02827100 PiIlahalii 02816800 Gungralchatra
02822500 Daripura
02824500 Marballi
02818400 Jettihundi
02816900 Yelachahalli
02826800 Mega1apura
02825300 Kadakola
02821400 Maratikyathanahalli
02828700 Someshwarapura
02823800 S. Kallahalli
02816300 S.Hemmanahalli
02819600 Kesare
02828800 Ayarahalli
02829200 lnam-Uthanahalli
02817100 Mydanahalli
02818000 Kamaravalli
02820000 Nadanahalli
02823400 Jayapura
02824700 Doorn
02825400 BhugathagaUi
02825600 llarohaIli



Name of the District;· CHAMARAJANAGAR
Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village
Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
I 2 3 I 2 3
51-75 02834900 KolIegowdanahalIi
02821800 Kenchalagudu 02846000 Hadanur
02818900 Kumarabeedu 5-10
02819700 Rammanahalli 02842800 Kulya
76 and above 02839300 Doddakereyur
02822700 Udburu 02829700 YeleIiundikaval
02824400 Thoreyanakaturu 02830800 Hosahalli
02816400 Amachawadi 02856700 Moleyuru
02823700 Gumachanahalli 02853900 Devalapura
02829900 Padukotekava
Name of CD Block: Heggadadevankote 02844600 Hanchipura
Less than 5 02833200 Belaganahalli
02836500 Gollanabeedusaragur 02855800 Begum
02834600 Seeranahundi 02837600 Devalapura
02833100 Beiaganahallikaval 02832600 Penjahalli
02837700 Sindenahalli 02829500 Rajegowdanahundi
02852800 Bettadavarehundi 02847400 Anagatti
02843000 Manuganahalli 02856900 Kudagi
02856300 Bankavadi 02856800 Hirehalli
02831300 Kodaseege 02837500 Alanahalli
02853200 Kandegala 02839200 Chikkereyur
02844300 Bidagalu 02848400 Manchegowdanahalli
02854300 Narasipura 02849600 Malali
02853600 Lingenahalli 02830600 Agasanahundi
02841100 Hampapura 11-20
02854200 Haleyuru 02841000 Hommaragahalli
02837400 Gangadahalli 02833600 .Matakere
02840800 Holehundi 02844700 Masahalli
02841900 Chikkanandi 02831900 Budanur
02846500 Muguthanamule 02847300 Nuralakuppe
02857200 Channagundi 02840900 Karigala
02853800 Thelagumasahalli 02831400 Haropura
02837900 Kaniyanahundi 02848500 Halemagge
02855400 B. Matagere 02837100 GangadahosahaUi
02841800 Kanchamalli 02848300 Krishnarajapura
02834400 Naganahalli 02839100 ChamanahaIli
02854100 Beddalapura 02857300 Alalahalli
02854000 Hullemala 02840600 Madapura
02853500 Hegganur 02833800 Boppanahalli
02833900 Yaraballi 02831500 Voddaragudi
02843500 Lankc 02850500 Beeramballi
02842000 ChamahaIli 02844400 Saragur
02848800 Honnurkuppe 02847200 Antharasanthe
02830500 Siddapura 02855200 Katawalu
02834200 Dasanapura 02833500 Hyrige
02838400 Kyathanahalli 02855500 Badaga
02850300 Kenchanahalli 02842100 Hatwal




Name of the District: MYSORE

Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village

Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
2 3 1 2 3
02848200 Machare 02851800 Doddabyranakuppe
02837000 Kothc~ala 02835800 Thumbasogc
21-30 02830300 Gowdimachanayakana Halli
02840200 K.Kannenahalli 02857100 Alanahalli
02830000 Yelchund 02832500 Hunasekuppc
02849300 N.Belathur 02852900 Bidarahalli
02831000 Yedathore 02831700 Konegowdanahundi
02847700 Magudilu 02834100 Heggadapura
02847900 Pura 51-75
02840700 Kolagala 02853100 Sagare
02842200 Chakkur 02856600 lour Marigudi Jungle
02830900 NanjanayakanahaIIi 02852600 Kittur (Therani Manti)
02845500 Beenvul 02839400 Kunigalu
02846300 02842700 K.Belthur
02854400 lkggudlu
02844800 Kothegala
02848000 Beechanahalli
02850000 Kanakanahalli
02831100 Savve
02829800 Musker
02851700 Thimmanihosahalli
02831200 Padukote
76 and above
02831600 Shanthipura
02852000 Anemala
02838000 Bettadabeedu
02839800 Bachegowdanahalli
02832800 Sonahalli
02844900 Halasur
02832700 Birchalli
02832300 Mctikuppe Forest
02847800 Nerale 02844100 Kunnapatna
02830200 Annur 02853000 Agathum
02850400 N. Begur 02836000 Hna
02845300 Mullur 02847000 Vaderahalli
02839000 M.Kannenahalli 02855900 Seegevadi
02835600 Hulikura 02851600 Vadakanamala
02835700 Hulikurakaval 02832900 Chakahalli
02843300 Kallasaragur 02852300 Golur
31-40 02851900 Chikkabyranakuppe
02847600 Nilavagilu 02852400 Machur
02833000 Heggadadevankote (Rural) 02851500 Kadegadde
02848600 Ragalakuppc 02852200 Hosur
02849700 Sagahalli 02850600 Hosahalli
02850800 Karapura 02851400 Kakanakote Forest
02835500 Hcbbalaguppe 02844000 Puradakatte
02855300 Nemmanahalli 02850900 K.Gandathur
02834700 Matha 02856100 Kebbepura
02841600 Jinnahalli 02852100 Netkalhundi
02835900 Thoravalli 02853300 Singapatna
02849500 Nisna 02854600 Huskur
41-50 Name of CD Block: Nanjangud
02845000 Chamalapura Less than 5
02832000 Metikuppe 02869900 Golur
02829600 Bheemanahalli 02869600 Deveerammanahall i



Name of the District: M.YSORE

Range of Location Name ofviUagc Range of Location Name of village

Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number population number
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 I 2 3
02870400 Badanavalu 02874100 Chikkakowlallde
02869400 Kathavadipura 02868300 Mallupura
02870500 Veeredevanapura 02867100 Bilugali
02871900 Sindhuvallipura 02869300 Kallahalli
02864900 Thoremavu 02866800 Kupparavalli
02874300 Henunaragala 02873300 Devanur
02863500 Devarayasettipura 02870700 Gonathagala
02875600 Konanoor 02872200 Kasuvinahalli
02859000 Katur 02865300 Hadinaru
02871000 Karlapura 02868600 Thagadooru
02859200 Akala 02865800 Thumnerale
02864800 Hejjige 028607.00 Hura
02862300 KeIlupura 02866300 Saragooru
02864500 Adakanahalli 02870200 Horalavadi
02872900 Hunasanalu 02862600 Hosaveedukaval
02863200 Hadanuruvadeyanapura 02875200 Gattavadipura
02863700 Rampura 02863400 Naganapura
02863000 Hediyala 02859400 Kadaburu
02859900 Chamanamadanahalli 21-30
02862700 Hosaveedu 02864200 Yechagalli
02868100 Kirugunda 02873800 Karepura
02875400 Gattavadi 02871400 Hosakote (Masage)
5-10 02863300 Bankahalli
02876400 Chtkkahomma 02875100 Halepura
02861400 Mallahalli 02868500 Alaganchi
02857900 Kanellur 02869200 Debur
02865100 Hulimavu 02872600 Kugalur
02870100 Mullur 02858000 Hullahalli
02873400 Varahalli 02871700 Sindhuvalli
02864300 Thandavapura 02858400 Karya
02857700 Haradanahalli 02861100 Hallare
02864000 Maraluru 02865600 Hosakote
02870800 Uppinahalli 02865500 Alathur
02868700 Kamahalli 02872800 Yclachagere
02868400 Srikantanagar 31-40
02865400 Moodahalli 02870000 Geekahalli
02864100 Goddanapura 02866700 NagarJe
02871800 Kurahatti 02858600 TaraganahaUi
02874600 Koodlapura 02863600 Kothanahalli
02861700 Ariyur 02871100 Harathale
02867900 Biligere 02861600 Hadya
02874200 Nerale 02872100 Surahalli
02859100 N ellithalapura 02866900 Suthur
02860600 Kadajetti 02867300 Thayuru
02868800 Chinnamballi 02864600 Chikkaiahnachatra
02860100 Haginavalu 02873900 Karya
02876200 Dasanooru 41-50
02865200 Bokkahalli
02863900 Bidaragoodu 02871500 Yechagundlu




Name of the District:. MYSORE

Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of village

Scheduled Tribes code Scheduled Tribes code
population number popUlation number
(percentages) (percentages)

2 3 2 3
51-75 02885200 Thirumakudalu
02874400 Kumbarahalli 02885500 Kiragasuru
02860000 Madapura 02881300 Kolathuru
02870900 Kalale 02879700 Chimili
02873000 Hedathale 02&86900 Vatalu
02883500 RanganathapuT
02858700 Kappasoge
02885700 Danayakanapura
02874900 Mallahalli
02879400 Ganiganakoppal u
02863800 Kembal
02866500 Gonahalli
02882500 Sosale
02858100 Belale
02879600 Bommanahalli
76 and above
02877500 Ankanahalli
02857600 Ibjala
02885300 Byrapura
02865700 Kurahattikaval 02882000 Hasuvatti
Name of CD Block; Tirumakudal Narsipur 02879200 Senapathihalli
Less than 5 02881000 Chidravalli
02880800 Ukkalagere 02885000 Yadadore
02889200 Thottavadi 02888400 Koppalu (Kalihundi)
02877600 Thuruganuru 02887500 Muguru
02884100 Tlmmbala 21-30
02876700 B.Seehalli 02886100 Kethahalli
02878700 Maliyum 02888600 Holesalu (Kaveripura)
02878100 Kodagahalli 02880600 Somanathapura
02885100 Gargeswari 02886400 Nilasoge
02878500 Nanjapllra 02882600 Binakanahalli
02877200 Mcnasikyathanahalli 31-40
02886600 Hiriyum 02885400 Hunsuru
02887800 Mara~ipllra
02877000 Goravanahalli
02889600 Malangi
02879500 Bevinahalli
02886500 Hosapura
02886300 Chowhalli
02887200 Adibettahalli
02888300 T.Megadahalli
02883100 Doddabagilu
02884800 Induvalu
02878900 Athahalli
02889400 Talakadu
02883600 Rangasamudra
02889000 Hemmige
02877400 Hegguru 02889700 Kaliyum
02886200 Karohatti 51-75
02876600 Aravattigekoppalu 02882700 S.Megadahalli
02887000 Sujjaluru 02885900 Algodu
02877700 Banagavadi 02889500 Kukkuru
5-]0 02881700 Nagalagere
02884700 Hosakote 02888000 Aklrur
02888500 Madavadi 02880900 Budahalli
02877300 Doddamlllagudll 76 and above
02882800 Muthalavadi 02882400 S .K.P.Agrahara
02883000 KargalJalIi 02884900 Ramanathapura Hundi



Panc Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Name of Sub District: Piriyapatna (0001)

0001 . KANAGAL 2,538 10 Total 1,013 5,263 750 429 729.7 1,103.3
139 02755800 115 571 170 10 86.4 166.7
156 02755900 0.0 0.0
251 02756000 135 734 138 86.4 166.7
390 02756100 496 2,470 344 269 86.4 166.7
224 02756400 50 283 9 16.7 10.5
127 02756500 5 29 0.0 0.0
557 02756600 44 232 9 86.4 166.7
169 02756700 64 384 56 141 86.4 166.7
141 02756800 46 240 264.2 248.3
384 . 02757300 58 320 33 16.9 10.8
0002 HALAGANAHALLI 1,932 5 Total 1,221 7,130 876 88 1,056.8 993.2
229 02756900 7 36 2 264.2 248.3
615 02757000 428 2,412 226 88 264.2 248.3
193 02757100 ]]6 628 123 264.2 248.3
368 02761800 456 2,754 240 264.2 248.3
527 02761900 214 1,300 285 0.1 0.1
0003 CHAPPARADAHALLI 2,158 7 Total 1,528 7,945 1,561 196 26.5 336.4
254 02757200 205 1,125 221 18 9.8 160.8
376 02757500 282 1,386 52 0.0 0.0
165 02757600 48 289 289 . 0.9 160.8
337 02757700 399 2,087 289 0.0' 0.0
154 02758000 60 298 103 0.0 0.0
343 0275&100 158 941 315 0.0 0.0
529 02762000 376 1,819 292 178 15.7 14.9
0004 DODDAKAMARAVALLI 2,032 6 Total 1,520 7,754 1,398 1,145 725.9 540.5
515 02756200 463 2,271 490 133 46.4 30.9
382 02756300 305 1,658 468 481 23.2 15.4
241 0275.7400 165 868 40 130.0 120.0
241 02758800 197 953 159 130.0 120.0
185 02758900 122 656 204 266.3 134.2
468 02759000 268 1,348 37 531 130.0 120.0
0005 CHANNAKALKAVAL 2,728 4 Total 1,036 5,161 2,339 420 0.0 0.0
2,003 02758700 568 2,824 1,130 312 0.0 0.0
145 02759200 114 569 151 0.0 0.0
269 02759300· 201 996 637 71 0.0 0.0
311 02759500 153 772 421 37 0.0 0.0
0006 CIllKKANERALE 3,660 10 Total 1,366 7,257 1,340 729 877.3 851.5
790 02757800 195 1,046 261 179 0.0 0.0
406 02757900 197 1,075 132 293.3 293.3
175 02758200 52 267 7 37 0.0 0.0
464 02758300 350 1,899 509 109 0.0 0.0
484 02758400 175 980 157 28.0 25.0
192 02758500 17 88 0.0 0.0
332 02758600 133 625 39 8 9.8 9.0
180 02764100 77 418 131 104 273.3 262.3
26 02764200 0.0 0.0
611 02764300 170 859 236 160 273.0 262.0



Pane Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total SclIe S che Total Total
ha gcogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds ration Castes Tribes (Rs. In diturc (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'ODDs) In 'ODDs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 to. 11
0007 BETTADAPURA 2,090 4 Total 1,790 8,789 877 407 337.4 1,078.1
457 02762100 330 1,653 133 150 20.0 35,0
406 02762200 154 826 431 12.8 347,7
246 02762300 97 473 5.0 347.7
981 02763900 1,209 5,837 313 257 299.6 347.7
0008 BETTADA THUNGA 3,656 8 Total 1,132 6,759 1,862 274 411.6 556.9
436 02762700 174 972 735 15.0 20.0
366 02763500 9 SI 78.1 105,0
202 02763600 104 623 II 203 6.3 12.1
806 02763700 369 2,307 319 78.1 105.0
234 02763800 0.0 0.0
478 02765300 195 1,201 250 78.1 105.0
615 02765400 92 523 121 71 78.1 105,0
519 02765500 189 1,082 426 78.1 105.0
0009 ATTIGODV 2,306 5 Total 1,400 7,552 394 84 136.1 282.0
228 02762400 138 620 16.6 148.0
288 02762500 290 1,438 3 38.6 31.3
266 02762600 4 42 38.6 31.3
539 02762800 372 2,050 184 63 14.7 69.2
985 02763400 596 3,402 210 18 27.5 22
0010 KITHOOR 1,805 3 Total 1,429 7,608 950 382 72.0 74.2
311 02762900 174 1,01l 197 8.0 10,0
528 , 02763000 356 2,063 311 56 3.0 4.2
966 02763 I 00 899 4,534 442 326 61.0 60.0
0011 HANDITAVALLI 2,489 7 Total 1,423 7,453 1,467 594 552.5 655.4
324 02763200 150 796 146 29.2 20.0
530 02763300 343 1,847 81 527 130.8 30.4
404 02765900 339 1,897 892 12.5 5.0
227 02766100 269 1,267 138 95.0 150.0
207 02766200 78 417 42 95.0 150.0
276 02766700 7 41 IS 95.0 150.0
521 02766800 237 1,188 153 67 95.0 150,0
0012 RAVAl'lDUR 2,223 7 Total 1,497 7,749 1,328 410 3,007.4 2,986.6
249 02765600 260 1,444 128 114 599.6 596.6
305 02765700 1I I 677 126 599.6 596.6
410 02765800 270 1,467 153 86 599.6 596.6
167 02766000 58 327 153 3.5 1.7
635 02766300 530 2,523 528 188 599.6 596.6
231 02766400 98 490 187 599.6 ·596,6
226 02766600 170 821 53 22 6.0 2.0
0013 BHUVANAllALU 2,407 6 Total 1,588 7,824 1,304 342 968.9 983.8
397 02764000 156 730 250 136 11.2 10.0
639 02764400 418 2,002 430 109 0.3 0.3
460 02764500 200 1,139 220 97 431.0 436.8
284 02764600 369 1,753 138 437.0 436.8
350 02764700 210 990 196 54.5 70.0
277 02765200 235 1,210 70 35.0 30.0
0014 KOPPA 2,873 7 Total 1,791 10,892 873 1,511 2,850.8 2,266.9
365 02759100 309 1,554 264 86 407.3 323.8
176 02759600 541 2,555 364 350 407.3 323.8



Panc N arne of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes ·Tribes (Rs.ln diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
404 02759700 182 833 III 37 407.3 323.8
591 02759800 410 2,090 119 666 407.3 323.8
207 02759900 18 82 407.3 323.8
593 02761300 246 3,388 5 407.3 323.8
537 02761400 85 390 JO 372 401.3 323.8
0015 BYLAKUPPE 8,225 15 Total 3,328 18,619 2,628 1,234 4,415.7 3,925.2
549 02759400 45 266 145 24 368.0 328.7
269 02760000 319 1,525 149 37 368.0 328.7
197 02760100 92 469· 179 25 368.0 328.7
62 02760200 13 56 7 18 368.0 328.7
407 02760300 239 1,169 5 0.0 0.0
323 02760500 196 904 120 64 368.0 328.7
803 02760900 356 1,686 56 445. 368.0 322.7
138 02761000 251 1,426 15 4 368.0 327.7
161 02761100 83 532 182 11 368.0 328.7
234 02761200 138 683 368.0 328.7
1,031 02761500 2 3 2 0.0 0.0
2,164 02761600 674 5,064 996 135 368.0 322.7
605 02761700 456 2,475 1 368.0 322.7
666 02770500 312 1,628 765 121 0.0· 0.0
616 02770700 146 133 12 344 368.0 328.7
0016 KOMALAPURA 2,723 9 . Total 1,141 6,208 1,193 391 73.0 54.6
402 02760400 166 908 522 105 6.4 6.3
421 02760600 151 814 135 92 7.5 7.4
462 02764800 184 1,021 148 89 2.0 2.0
388 02764900 309 1,684 117 104 18.6 18.4
271 02765100 31 213 95 5.6 5.0
265 02768900 154 824 124 7 16.0 7.8
185 02769000 64 339 52 4.1 2.9
188 02769100 50 252 8.5 0.7
141 02769200 26 153 4.3 4.1
0017 HlTNEHEBBAGILU 3,325 9 Total 1,475 7,713 1,216 403 246.5 227.2
229 02765000 92 511 1.6 1.6
525 02767500 229 1,295 242 160 0.0 0.0
309 02767600 145 866 350 44 0.0 0.0
294 02767700 118 611 10 44.8 40.0
216 02767800 10 62 0.0 0.0
457 02768700 573 2,965 278 48 105.3 100.0
594 02768800 19 71 28 44.7 43.6
341 . 02770000 139 655 199 90 28.1 22.0
360 02772900 150 677 109 61 22.0 " 20.0
0018 R.THUNGA 2,421 8 Total 1,319 7,274 1,028 588 150.8 132.5
510 02767400 164 982 235 0.0 0.0
581 02767900 280 1,598 125 338 16.0 15.0
248 02768400 265 1,502 338 14.4 10.2
323 02768500 167 945 130 68 25.8 23.5
247 02168600 116 636 175 182 25.8 23.3
366 02169100 229 1,101 12 35.0 30.0
73 02169800 32 119 "15.8 13.5
73 02169900 66 331 13 18.0 17.0



Pane Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal \illa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0019 DODDABYALALV 2,812 7 Total 1,407 7,848 1,550 409 198.7 290.2
526 02766500 358 2,046 91 150.0 200.0
531 02767300 110 714 27 359 13.0 16.0
710 02768000 289 1,514 271 2 8.8 22.5
243 02768100 169 858 6 5.2 15.0
278 02768200 207 1,211 924 7.2 20.0
250 02768300 51 303 92 2.1 8.5
274 02770200 223 1,202 139 48 12.4 8.2
0020 MAKODV 2,278 4 Total 1,218 6,569 804 141 37.5 41.6
534 02766900 143 71 I 322 8.0 3.0
933 02767000 761 4,245 247 4 0.0 0.0
432 02767100 142 613 117 3 14.5 20.0
379 02767200 172 1,000 118 134 15.0 18.6
0021 KAMPALAPVRA 2,098 5 Total 1,729 8,615 1,283 596 656.9 612.2
496 02770100 330 1,696 130 36 16.4 12.2
636 02770300 929 4,450 491 365 213.5 200.0
278 02770400 178 1,019 208 194 213.5 200.0
398 02774200 116 669 303 0.0 0.0
290 02775400 176 781 151 213.5 200.0
0022 CHITTENAHALLI 3,008 12 Total 1,614 8,336 1,198 145 19.6 17.2
367 02769300 229 1,226 207 12.8 11.6
191 02769400 134 731 32 6.8 5.6
316 02769500 238 1,192 100 0.0 0.0
134 02769600 8 47 0.0 0.0
326 02771800 119 627 153 0.0 0.0
273 02771900 170 803 45 0:0 0.0
97 02772000 83 436 91 21 0.0 0.0
397 02772100 179 903 359 0.0 0.0
275 02772200 127 736 29 84 0.0 0.0
178 02772700 lIS 653 0.0 0.0
185 02772800 42 212 31 IO 0.0 0.0
269 02773100 167 770 151 29 0.0 0.0
0023 HUNASAVADI 2,848 12 Total 1,660 8,460 1,368 1,560 648.6 1,043.4
303 02760700 212 1,029 145 73 18.4 208.7
69 02760800 27 129 15 85 1.8 208.7
405 02770600 465 2,512 281 1,034 0.0 0.0
259 02770800 127 659 67 100 0.0 0.0
293 02770900 96 459 57 22 0.0 0.0
472 02771000 261 1,206 273 36 0.0 0.0
123 02771100 6 25 0.0 0.0
161 02771200 178 892 246 209.5 208.7
153 02771300 21 151 32 0.0 0.0
233 02771600 86 475 59 72 0.0 0.0
173 02771700 80 449 172 120 209.5 208.7
204 02772300 101 474 21 18 209.5 208.7
0024 MVTHUR 3,604 10 Total 1,365 6,611 1,368 1,504 571.6 571.4
380 02771400 0.0 0.0
509 02771500 136 852 66 233 285.8 285.7
347 02772400 88 402 4 256 285.8 285.7
432 02772500 135 594 4 425 0.0 0.0



Pane Name of Panchayat Total No . . Location No. of Total S che Sche Total Total
ha . geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal villa holds Iation Castes Tribes (Rs.ln diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu '0005) In '0005)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
428 02772600 457 . 2,128 732 75 0.0 0.0
229 02773200 69 367· 223 0.0 0.0
371 02773300 36 179 8 9 0.0 0.0
218 02773400 75 350 46 0.0 0.0
282 02773500 136 605 148 0.0 0.0
408 02773600 233 1,134 285 358 0.0 0.0
0025 MALANGI 6,777 11 Total 1,739 8,655 1,292 1,311 919.1 940.4
119 02773000 85 514 0.0 0.0
710 02773700 395 1,937 371 242 229.8 235.1
283 02773800 259 1,553 212 229.8 235.1
226 02773900 116 569 26 0.0 0.0
230 02774300 139 685 93 7 0.0 0.0
328 02774400 .20 110 11 7 .0.0 0.0
464 02774500. 150 677 446 4 0.0 0.0
395 ·02774600 137 697 34 240 229.8 235.1
3,154 02774700 5 9 4 229.8 235.1
350 02774800 150 606 12 343 0.0 0.0
518 02774900 283 1,298 87 464 0.0 0.0
0026 PANCHAVALLI 5,805 12 Total 1,814 9,286 2,831 390 282.9 277.6
272 02774000 158 853 353 119 0.0 0.0
270 02774100 145 764 356 3 0.0 0.0
320 02775000 144 625 118 32 0.0 0.0
85 02775100 5 17 0.0 0.0
330 02775200 125 667 564 12.8 10.0
507 02775300 292 1,535 423 91.3 100.0
233 02775500 129 738 137 17 31.8 26.6
400 02775600 371 1,843 438 17 89.4 87.2
726 02775700 332 1,725 186 187 43.5 40.9
549 02775800 113 519 256 15 14.1 12.8 .
281 02775900 0.0 0.0
1,832 02776000 0.0 . 0.0

Name of Sub District: Hunsur (0002)

0001 HARAVE 1,885 4 Total 922 4,801 490 1,343 0.0 0.0
702 02776100 353 1,831 52 525 0.0 0.0
791 02776200 422 2,222 165 818 0.0 0.0
143 027'77800 147 748 273 0.0 0.0
249 02778100 0.0 0.0
0002 HIRIKYATHANAHALLI 2,588 6 Total 1,241 6,428 580 1,166 149.4 83.3
998 02776300 350 1,940 227 542 20.6 16.0
375 02776400 532 2,762 220 533 0.0 0.0
312 02777500 169 880 127 5.1 10.6
236 02777600 45 197 6 53 0.8 4.4
333 02777700 28 143 6 0.0 0.0
334 02791200 117 506 32 122.9 52.3
0003 GAVADAGERE 2,329 6 Total 1,914 9,189 906 3,698 73.7 75.3
496 02776600 311 1,664 127 1,064 14.7 17.3
565 02776700 . . 559 2,715 153 898 0.0 0.0
186 02776800 125 561 244 0.0 0.0



Pane Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Total . Sehc Sehe Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
456 02776900 163 856 178 189 0.0 0.0
383 .02777300 716 3,215 204 1,547 59.0 58.0
243 02777400 40 178 0.0 0.0
0004 MUlLUR 3,778 12 Total 1,682 7,875 1,710 779 2,586.8 2,421.3
396 02777000 181 846 179 331 368.5 344.9
306 02777100 324 1,442 399 24 368.5 344.9
221 02777200 176 776 364 368.5 344.9
202 02777900 0.0 0.0
224 02779100 2 15 0.0 0.0
329 02779200 183 733 101 368.5 344.9
110 02779300 83 395 91 368.5 344.9
374 02779400 163 818 63 0.0 0.0
697 02779500 234 1,177 292 368.5 344.9
226 02779600 121 655 145 3 0.0 0.0
333 02779700 1 3 368.5 344.9
360 02787700 214 1,015 469 28 7.3 7.0
0005 BOLANAHALLI 2,242 8 Total 1,964 9,348 1,011 3,461 1.9 37.8
220 02790600 199 922 43 216 0.1 0.2
323 02790700 91 457 223 0.1 0.1
127 02790800 0.0 0.0
282 02791000 364 1,597 251 0.2 35.0
437 02791100 0.0 0.0
234 02791500 894 4,268 260 2,881 0.5 0.7
415 02791600 211 1,042 77 364 0.1 0.3
204 02792700 205 1,062 157 1.0 1.5
0006 HALEBEEDU 2,071 9 Total 1,286 6,108 1,107 778 32.6 25.2
326 02790900 357 1,651 395 78 0.1 0.3
182 02791700 82 359 110 6.3 2.2
334 02791800 495 2,369 349 515 8.0 7.0
167 02791900 70 344 8 6.0 6.5
362 02792000 124 596 . 221 0.2 0.1
166 02792100 27 136 10 0.0 0.1
174 02792200 75 384 6.0 4.0
85 . 02792300 0.0 0.0
275 02792500 56 269 14 185 6.0 5.0
0007 MANUGANAHALLI 2,922 8 Total 1,297 6,183 679 1,922 36.0 33.2
264 02793200 215 966 799 2.0 1.5
177 02793300 122 582 105 3 1.5 8.0
518 02793400 264 1,201 78 28 2.5 2.0
273 02793500 0.0 0.0
235 02793600 164 739 75 4.0 2.5
397 02793700 157 698 83 3.5 2.2
754 02793800 268 1,445 48 1,092 2.5 2.0
304 02793900 107 552 290 20.0 15.0
0008 BILIKERE 2,343 6 Total 1,407 6,992 926 2,088 39.0 134.4
106 02792400 I 6 0.0 0.0
690 02792600 150 790 5.9 5.2
443 02792900 81 383 138 3.7 32.3
358 02793000 943 4,691 598 1,856 7.3 5.8
74 02793100 0.0 0.0
672 02794000 232 1,122 190 232 22.1 91.1



Pane Name of Panchayat Total No. Locati.on No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds laUon Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0009 MARADURU 2,516 8 Total 1,398 6,983 1,248 754 501.4 284.0
420 02776500 229 1,291 140 209 10.0 14.8
418 02787400 162 839 64 59 0.0 0.0
331 02787800 180 885 458 122.9 52.3
159 02787900 103 487 170 5 122.9 52.3
478 02788000 347 1,796 98 412 122.9 82.3
392 02788100 196 906 300 122.9 82.3
157 02791300 181 779 18 69 0.0 0.0
161 02791400 0.0 0.0
0010 KATTEMALALAVADI 3,509 9 Total 2,127 10,957 2,997 1,094 110.8 110.2
743 02778000 448 2,323 81 349 0.0 0.0
196 02778400 0.0 0.0
912 02778600 1,051 5,451 2,459 689 75.5 .72.3
315 02778700 164 799 252 9 9.7 8.5
228 02778800 7 32 0.0 0.0
373 02778900 205 1,100 205 13 9.6 14.8
250 02779000 153 806 9.6 8.5
167 02787500 99 446 34 6.5 6.2
325 02787600 0.0 0.0
0011 KOTHEGALA 2,077' 6 Total 998 4,832 1,037 843 698.0 655.8
226 02778200 73 408 126 0.0 0.0
164 02778300 168 863 252 0.0 0.0
775 02780200 358 1,772 166 202 231.0 216.9
514 02781100 270 1,148 192 641 231.0 216.9
174 02781200 79 382 200 231.0 216.9
224 02797200 50 259 101 5.0 5.0
0012 CHILKUNDA 2,443 5 Total 1,119 5,697 1,660 93 365.0 708.3
416 02779800 230 1,209 III 13 0.0 0.0
224 02779900 0.0 0.0
228 02780000 65 337 334 0.0 0.0
528 02780300 252 1,201 514 0.0 350.0
1,047 02780400 572 2,950 701 80 365.0 358.3
0013 KALLAHALU 3,362 7 Total 1,099 5,743 1,081 773 0.0 0.0
222 02780900 263 1,451 200 465 0.0 0.0
595 02781000 212 1,094 193 0.0 0.0
363 02781400 104 494 173 0.0 0.0
17 02781500 29 141 0.0 0.0
403 02782100 147 712 167 0.0 0.0
1,048 02782200 132 723 160 308 0.0 0.0
714 02782600 . 212 1,128 188 0.0 0.0
0014 KARNAKUPPE 3,007 8 Total 1,390 7,181 1,861 1,277 353.0 315.0
255 02780500 175 992 13 298 53.0 48.0·
195 02780600 8 57 0.0 0.0
292 02780700 56 332 164 4.5 2.0
283 02780800 206 948 180 180 48.6 44.0
486 02782300 187 1,002 289 33 62.5 52.9
351 02782400 127 763 246 329 60.5 56.5
519 02782500 317 1,539 747 222 58.9 52.0
626 02783300 314 1,548 386 51 65.0 59.6



Pane Name of Panehayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sehe Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal ,ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0015 THAITEKERE 3,322 10 Total 1,723 8,103 1,852 564 7,460.2 3,432.0
275 02781600 78 444 22 438.0 429.0
165 02781700 195 873 3 132 438.9 429.0
216 02781800 171 806 32 28 438.9 429.0
408 02781900 138 704 347 73 438.9 429.0
506 02782000 306 1,416 285 12 0.0 0.0
326 02782700 121 545 170 438.9 429.0
40 02784000 44 175 87 0.0 0.0
531 02784100 117 608 312 7 4,388.9 429.0
426 02784200 218 963 5 8 438.9 429.0
429 02788700 335 1,569 676 217 438.9 429.0
0016 GOVINDANAHALLI 2,803 12 Total 887 4,594 979 659 13,501.6 13,242.1
306 02778500 12 .70 4 231.0 . 216.9
123 02781300 36 182 5 206.7 206.3
30 02784300 62 336 207 0.0 0.0
149 02737100 12 60 6,532.0 6,409.4
569 02787200 238 1,236 445 3 0.0 0.0
531 02738600 85 459 438 6,532.0 6,409.4
62 02788800 0.0 0.0
413 02788900 105 436 92 123 0.0 0.0
174 02789000 256 1,433 305 0.0 0.0
170 02789100 81 382 16 0.0 0.0
147 02789200 0.0 0.0
129 02789300 0.0 0.0
0017 BEEJAGANAHALLI 1,608 4 Total 1,123 5,722 2,298 1,148.2 1,138.8
402 02787300 . 215 1,104 460 0.0 0.0
366 02788300 206 975 529 574.1 569.4
375 02788400 210 1,057 477 574.1 569.4
465 02788500 492 2,586 832 0.0 0.0
0018 BANNlKUPPE 3,509 5 Total 1,473 7,342 1,773 1,730 452.8 311.7
908 02788200 930 4,676 1,296 771 172.7 115.1
159 02790100 21 112 10 21 0.0 0.0
510 02790200 79 373 52 319 172.7 115.1
298 02790300 IS9 1,008 572 105.0 80.0
1,634 02792800 254 1,173 415 47 2.5 1.5
0019 GAGENAHALLI 2,419 6 Total 1,254 6,101 1,112 172 73.9 58.8
1,018 02790500 384 1,854 490 172 48.9 30.0
320 02794100 394 1,978 351 19.3 20.0
158 02794200 88 439 2.1 2.0
167 02794300 97 483 1.1 5.0
572 02794400 289 1,343 271 2.5 1.8
184 02794600 2 4 0.0 0.0
0020 CHALLAHALLI 3,475 9 Total 1,176 5,784 504 2,120 47.1 55.1
712 02790400 224 1,146 112 224 0.1 0.1
266 02794500 63 260 15.0 20.0
267 02794700 127 585 164 13 8.0 1.0
112 02794800 0.0 0.0
408 02794900 222 1,044 179 48 15.0 20.0
353 02795000 423 2,178 30 1,574 2.0 3.0
219 02795 IOU 76 380 9 251 5.0 8.0



Pane Name of Panehayat Total No. Location No. of Total S che S che Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled InCOUle Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6· 7 8 9 10 11
439 02795200 17 90 10 2.0 3.0
699 02795300 24 101 10 0.0 0.0
0021 DHARMAPURA 2,175 5 Total 1,306 5,949 818 1,327 0.4 0.4
290 02790000 150 679 83 217 0.0 0.0
958 02795400 577 2,743 644 755 0.3 0.3
280 02795500 6 22 0.0 0.0
354 02796100 204 948 84 28 0.1 0.1
293 02796200 369 1,557 7 327 0.0 0.0
0022 UDDURKAVAL . 3,610 3 Total 1,329 6,776 1,915 464 384.4 375.7
1,614 02789700 955 4,930 1,269 331 0.0 0.0
537 02789800 0.0 0.0
1,459 02789900 374 1,846 646 133 384.4 375.7
0023 ASPATHREKAVAL 2,943 3 Total 1,921 8,739 1,667 462 1,276.8 1,261.8
1,690 02789400 1,175 5,090 1,341 179 425.6 420.6
346 02789500 244 1,160 237 222 425.6. 420.6
907 02789600 502 2,489 89 61 425.6 420.6
0024 UMMATHUR 3,413 5 Total 2,377 10,810 1,482 1,692 217.3 217.3 .
424 02784400 523 2,654 449 810 0.0 0.0
306 02784500 3 11 0.0 0.0
454 02784600 310 1,497 259 10\ 0.0 0.0
1,206 02786900 878 3,494 157 465 0.0 0.0
1,023 02787000 663 3,154 617 316 217.3 217.3
0025 HANAGODU 3,087 9 Total 1,827 9,190 1,250 1,397 1,681.2 1,599.8
318 02782800 147 754 210 476.2 474.8
338 02782900 283 1,427 115 33 476.2 474.8
294 02783000 261 1,441 28 519 476.2 474.8
457 02783100 34 204 5 0.0 0.0
675 02783700 587 2,976 604 218 143.6 84.4
202 02783800 248 1,095 325 35 63.0 54.0
47 027839.00 0.0 0.0
376 02784700 194 957 50 260 24.0 19.0
380 02784800 73 336 128 117 22.0 18.0
0026 MERALAKUPPE 3,877 11 Total 1,370 6,759 571 1,879 151.9 97.5
783 02783200 268 1,373 351 315 28.9 10.0
601 02783400 136 655 18 320 8.0 4.0
223 02783500 83 459 15 13 8.0 4.0
438 02783600 82 348 103 119 1.9 0.5
278 02785200 170 827 168 21.6 18.0
200 02785300 115 518 27.2 22.0
240 02785400 50 255 62 0.0 0.0
155 02785500 159 .814 8 24.1 19.0
293 02785600 148 751 22 403 17.3 15.0
484 02785700 44 231 143 4.8 1.0
182 02785800 115 528 389 10.0 4.0
0027 DODDAHEJJUR 7,932 13 Total 1,380 6,503 1,181 2,059 2,109.0 2,061.8
507 02784900 184 870 231 49.0 45.0
437 02785000 207 943 65 640 16.0 12.0
35 02785100 0.0 0.0
141 02785900 22 115 50 292.0 286.4
434 02786000 175 873 454 292.0 286.4



Panc Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yilt phical viJJa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation laUon
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
521 02786100 123 607 123 53 292.0 286.4
606 02786200 100 494 37 92 292.0 286.4
569 02786300 244 1,205 490 258 292.0 286.4
35 02786400 0.0 0.0
401 02786500 203 871 216 204 292.0 286.4
210 02786600 122 525 19 308 292.0 286.4
2,866 02786700 0.0 0.0
1,170 02786800 0.0 0.0
0028 UYVlGONDANAIIALLI 1,526 .3 Total 1,397 6,522 992 169 70.0 118.0
362 02796400 348 1,679 123 9.0 30.0
677 02796500 757 3,482 733 93 42.0 63.0
487 02796600 292 1,361 136 76 19.0 25.0
0029 KARiMUDDANAHALLI 2,867 5 Total 1,328 5,804 1,128 564 34.0 34.6
551 02796000 501 2,102 168 202 0.1 0.1
713 02796300 230 1,119 747 33 0.0 0.0
435 02796700 161 708 124 124 11.3 11.5
927 02796800 418 1,790 70 205 11.3 II.5
241 02796900 18 85 19 11.3 11.5
0030 SINGARAMARANA 2,979 8 Total 1,469 7,011 2,291 474 270.3 252.8
HALLI (ASWALU) 661 02780100 322 1,689 303 89 231.0 216.9
325 02795600 275 1,261 608 0.1 0.1
228 02795700 102 489 477 0.0 0.0
381 02795800 9 43 5 7 0.0 0.0
98 02795900 160 727 133 0.1 0.1
299 02797000 152 638 249 . 55 14.0 13.6
478 02797100 119 541 9.0 8.0
509 02797300 330 1,623 516 322 16.0 14.0

Name of Sub District: Krishnarajanagara (0003)

0001 HARADANAHALLI 2,657 6 Total 1,562 7,469 957 198 1,086.2 1,086.2
629 02797400 257 1,224 120 217.2 217.2
551 02797500 210 937 257 5 217.2 217.2
235 02797600 0.0 0.0
378 02'797900 331 1,636 143 217.2 217.2
269 02798000 295 1,404 321 35 217.2 217.2
595 02798100 469 2,268 259 IS 217.2 217.2
0002 KARPURAVALU 2,400 7 Total 1,298 6,327 1,076 251 125.3 250.0
180 02797700 115 595 24 10.0 20.0
685 02797800 498 2,406 196 55 46.5 60.0
235 02798200 0.0 0.0
501 02798400 227 1,136 255 26 25.0 60.0
378 02798500 219 1,080 309 20.0 30.0
222 02799300 29 139 5.0 15.0
199 02799400 210 971 316 146 18.8 65.0
0003 THANDRE 1,929 8 Total 1,470 7,176 700 371 1,169.6 875.0
140 02798300 13 60 10.0 25.0
200 02799500 265 1,149 5 79 187.8 185.0
245 02800600 148 710 45 133 194.3 194.3
206 02800700 204 1,084 88 24 194.3 41.0



Pane Name of Panehayat Total No. Location No. of To.tal Sche Sehe Total Total
ha . geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu '00 Os) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1-34 02800800 229 1,115 147" 194.3 41.0
651 02801100 524 2,568 298 135 194.3 194.3
246 02801200 87 490 117 194.3 194.3
107 02801300 0.0 0.0
0004 MELURU 1,714 6 Total 1,143 5,477 830 74 939.2 932.8
132 02801000 0.0 0.0
618 02801400 539 2,593 463 68 187.8 185.0
296 02801500 80 355 187.8 187.0
191 02801600 128 660 187.8 187.0
148 02801700 148 748 95 187.8 187.0
329 02801800 248 1,121 272 6 187.8 187.0
0005 MUNJANAHALU 2,223 9 Total 1,138 5,729 750 988 119.1 91.6
254 02800900. 147 805 55 4.8 4.5
476 02802900 367 1,767 223 56.0 42.7
452 02803000 0.0 0.0
128 02803100 87 459 192 0.6 0.4
244 02803200 19 96 56.0 42.7
151 02803300 245 1,179 150 501 0.6 0.4
218 02803400 165 829 175 295 0.6 004
102 02803500 0.0 0.0·
198 02803600 108 594 147 0.6 004
0006 BHERYA 1,616 6 Total 1,334 6,585 1,221 361 3,385.7 2,020.0
236 02803700 46 220 220 732.2 589.8
254 02803800 98 504 396.4 83.5
399 02803900 869 4,377 924 356 732.2 589.8
243 02804000 30 174 732.2 589.8
280 02804100 172 776 42 396.4 83.5
204 02804200 119 534 35 5 396.4 83.5
0007 HOSAAGRAHARA 1,867 7 Total 1,283 5,984 1,068 423 823.3 150.5
448 02804300 318 1,487 308 394 160.9 26.5
323 02804400 304 1,464 361 14 160.9 26.5
101 02804500 4 0.0 0.0
196 02804600 84 379 92 10 160.9 26.5
265 02804700 52 239 66 160.9 26.5
279 02805000 220 1,012 119 5 160.9 26.5
255 02805100 304 1,399 122 19.0 18.0
0008 NARACHANAHALU 1,616 6 Total 1,127 5,192 955 61 801.1 541.1
407 02801900 .155 762 168 169.3 123.9
438 02802000 154 659 293 169.3 123.9
164 02802100 230 1,010 215 61 169.3 123.9
218 02802200 312 1,374 135 0.0 0.0
209 02802700 244 1,243 169.3 123.9
180 02804800 32 144 144 123.8 45.5
0009 ANKANAHALLI 928 4 Total 946 4,266 426 106 613.9 487.9
209 02799600 106 429 154 153.5 90.5
361 02799700 525 2,348 138 153.5 90.5
169 02802300 179 781 54 21 153.5 153.5
189 02802400 136 708 80 85 153.5 153.5
1,109 1 Total 2,643 11,780 1,910 395 15.6 14.0
1,109 02799800 2,643 11,780 1,910 395 15.6 14.0



Pane Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Tot.. 1 Sehc 8 che Total Total
1Ia geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0011 LAXMIPPURA 1,776 5 Total 1,323 6,233 488 113 1,108.9 1,091.6
538 02799900 453 2,070 224 13.9 25.9
824 02800200 334 1,611 : 4 111 273.8 266.4
200 02800300 483 2,292 230 2 273.8 266.4
89 02800400 41 203 30 273.8 266.4
125 02800500 12 57 273.8 266.4
0012 HONNENAHALLI 2,681 9 Total 1,572 7,739 1,407 174 1,423.0 1,184.7
446 02798600 300 \,393 297 260.0 251.3
401 02798700 276 1,269 60 260.0 251.3
220 02798800 85 401 110 260.0 251.3
241 02798900 150 786 236 80 76.6 35.9
3\3 02799000 178 905 139 76.6 35.9
131 .02799100 83 470 260.0 251.3
410 02799200 188 887 390 76.6 35.9
253 02800000 210 1,1 I3 97 76.6 35.9
266 02800100 102 515 78 94 76.6 35.9
0013 HANASOGE 1,936 7 Total 1,180 5,519 356 805 792.8 515.4
143 02806200 88 414 29 198.2 128.8
63 02806300 5 0.0 0.0
174 02806400 420 1,929 115 198.2 128.8
220 02806500 0.0 0.0
73 02806600 102 523 198.2 128.8
676 02806700 0.0 0.0
587 02806800 569 2,648 212 805 198.2 128.8
0014 CHANNAMGERE 1,718 6 Total 1,266 6,142 1,330 290 917.6 761.6
282 02806900 143 754 275 183.5 152.3
344 02807000 415 2,015 195 290 183.5 152.3
341 02807100 297 1,344 200 183.5 152.3
137 02807200 211 1,046 220 183.5 152.3
224 02807300 200 983 440 183.5 \52.3
390 02807400 0.0 0.0
0015 MAYIGOWADANAHALLI 2,388 9 Total 1,602 7,772 1,192 441 964.1 890.8
56 02807500 165 776 101 133.9 133.9
418 02807600 216 1,125 292 193.9 150.8
181 02807700 164 735 71 193.9 150.8
298 02807800 411 1,951 391 396 133.9 150.8
292 02807900 0.0 0.0
123 02808000 99 515 23 133.9 150.8
359 02808100 199 912 98 22 170.9 150.8
251 02808700 235 1,197 85 1.7 1.5
410 02808800 113 561 154 1.7 1.5
0016 HALEYURU 1,361 3 Total 1,917 8,613 800 154 5,238.5 5,101.8
192 02808200 168 831 16 2,606.2 2,537.2
287 02808300 480 2,201 135 44 26.1 25.4
882 02808600 1,269 5,581 665 94 2,606.2 2,539.2
0017 MIRLE 2,071 2 Total 1,573 6,693 472 119 265.6 265.4
495 02802500 141 618 27 262.9 262.9
1,576 02802600 1,432 6,075 472 92 2.6 2.5
0018 GANDHANAHALLI 1,317 5 Total 1,452 6,911 390 87 625.3 157.0
106 02802800 I 10 10 0.0 0.0



Panc Name ofPanchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of ·Code House Popu duled duled Income )\:xpen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Codc area ges· Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
550 02804900 1,047 5,106 224 63 203.8 59.6
336 02805700 230 1,013 24 203.8 59.6
133 02805900 0.0 0.0
192 02811200 174 782 156 217.6 37.8
0019 ADAGURU 1,653 4 Total 1,469 7,500 1,268 1,141 325.1 - 325.1
286 02805200 294 1,526 642 108.0 108.0
272 02805300 166 832 51 1.1 1.1
541 02805400 611 3,236 253 774 108.0 108.0
554 02805500 398 1,906 322 367 108.0 108.0
0020 THIPPUR 2,604 5 Total 1,477 6,933 912 1,514 619.8 425.3
662 02812300 . 358 1,742 118 145.0 131.7
165 02812400 205 902 191 145.0 131.7
1,269 02812500 682 3,130 194 1,164 145.0 131.7
185 02812600 80 356 64 159 145.0 0.1
323 02813000 152 803 536 40.0 30.0
0021 - HAMPAPURA 1,519 3 Total 1,399 6,741 1,402 1,022 168.9 28.3
616 02805600 449 2,161 175 165.6 . 27.7
834 02806000 883 4,225 874 1,022 1.7 0.3
69 02806100 67 355 353 1.7 0.3
0022 KUPPEHANTHA 2,145 4 Total 1,235 5,511 848 259 750.5 730.5
126 02808400 1 3 0.0 0.0
385 02808500 282 1,194 222 5 375.2 365.2
1,391 02809300 952 4,314 626 254 375.2 365.2
243 02809900 0.0 0.0
0023 CHANDAGAL 1,241 6 Total 1,293 5,752 188 782 595.8 448.8
306 02810200 0.0 0.0
59 02810800 694 2,890 179 597 198.6 149.6
358 02810900 0.0 0.0
92 02811000 122 615 185 198.6 149.6
325 02811100 476 2,243 9 198.6 149.6
101 02813200 4 0.0 0.0
0024 KAGGERE 2,528 8 Total 1,449 7,109 1,591 1,057 268.8 557.2
274 02812700 0.0 0.0
357 02812800 235 1,164 199 66.8 63.0
343 02812900 313 1,568 509 258 50.0 350.0
99 02813100 0.0 0.0
193 02813300 115 560 105 2.0 2.5
333 02813500 230 1,067 137 96 16.5 15.8
347 02813700 99- 523 308 66.8 63.0
582 02813800 457 2,227 333 703 66.8 63.0
0025 HEBBAL 1,501 5 Total 1,052 4,739 701 174 2.2 0.4
64 02805800 0.0 0.0
353 02810100 3 6 0.0 0.0
204 02810300 0.0 0.0
853 02810600 1,049 4,733 701 174 2.2 0.4
27 02810700 0.0 0.0
0026 KESTUR 1,452 2 Total 1,359 6,419 412 118 263.1 144.8
1,328 02809400 1,140 5,449 238 118 131.5 72.4
124 02809500 219 970 174 131.5 72.4
0027 HOSAKOTE 1,943 6 Total 1,269 6,338 1,120 255 1,468.2 515.6
248 02808900 181 919 287 820.1 29.9



Pane Name ofPanchayat Total. No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
228 02809000 155 751 6 82.0 29.9
343 02809100 152 829 89 82.0 29.9
257 02809200 144 777 267 82.0 29.9
622 02809700 546 2,616 214 255 201.0 198.0
245 02809800 91 446 257 201.0 198.0
0028 MAVATHUR 2,391 6 Total 1,166 5,879 1,04;; 479 389.7 374.4
445 02809600 260 1,322 183 163 65.0 61.9
231 02811600 104 539 117 65.0 61.9
674 02811700 322 1,557 543 60 65.0 61.9
318 02811800 103 543 58 251 65.0 61.9
425 02811900 326 1,623 144 5 65.0 64.9
298 02812000 51 295 65.0 61.9
0029 BYADARAHALLl 2,917 8 Total 1,675 7,795 1,289 241 1,112.7 958.9
466 02810000 0.0 0.0
363 02810400 45 185 3.1 3.1
155 02810500 II 40 312.0 310.0
153 02811300 3 14 0.0 0.0
663 0281 1400 752 3,586 502 30 312.0 310.0
422 02811500 582 2,684 719 51 312.0 310.0
234 02812100 I 5 0.0 0.0
461 02812200 281 1,281 68 160 173.5 25.8
0030 LALAMDEVANAHALLl 2,467 7 Total 1,928 8,910 1,876 816 230.3 208.0
463 02813400 272 1,207 179 7 20.2 10.5
355 02813600 306 1,655 157 653 16.0 15.0
383 02813900 192 927 392 8.4 8.8
413 02814000 312 1,444 98 151 13.0 15.4
159 02814100 168 696 285 137.0 131.0
260 02814200 295 1,311 340 5 17.1 11.9
434 02814300 383 1,670 425 18.6 15.4
0031 DORNAHALLI 1,933 8 Total 1,522 7,333 1,494 686 140.0 134.0
259 02814400 249 1,175 533 9 20.0 18.0
92 02814500 0.0 0.0
499 02814600 454 2,118 38 21 20.0 18.0
404 02814700 246 1,221 137 188 20.0 18.0
280 02814800 412 1,903 267 361 40.0 40.0
209 02814900 71 376 132 20.0 20.0
93 02815000 90 540 387 107 20.0 20.0
97 02815100 0.0 0.0

Name of Sub District: Mysore (0004)

0001 ANANDUR 5,003 10 Total 1,499 6,882 602 148 1,733.0 1,710.4
404 02815200 0.0 0.0
508 02815300 0.0 0.0
402 02815400 223 1,056 54 129 288.8 285.1
195 02815500 0.0 0.0
156 02815600 24 112 288.8 285.1
1,199 02815700 330 1,570 131 19 288.8 285.1
362 02815900 155 740 162 288.8 285.1
494 02816000 381 1,680 70 288.8 285.0



Panc' Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In '~OOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11
333 02816100 2 7 0.0 0.0
950 02816200 384 1,717 185 288.8 285.1
0002 GUNGRALCHATRA 2,932 8 Total 1,952 9,192 1,157 2,563 776.8 317.7
145 02816300 315 1,454 57 403 187.1 112.7
181 02816400 317 1,577 1,510 187.1 12.7
137 02816500 0.0 0.0
430 02816600 180 850 146 150 112.7 12.7
462 02816700 303 1,447 250 112.7 12.7
484 02816800 406 1,787 294 354 18.7 112.6
462 02816900 134 636 12 146 45.8 41.6
631 02817300 297 1,441 398 112.7 12.7
0003 ELWALA 1,321 2 Total 2,102 9,471 1,003 492 456.5 309.3
428 02817200 227 1,144 0.0 0.0
893 02817400 1,875 8;327 1,003 492 456.5 309.3
0004 KOORGALLI' 1,491 3 Total 1,721 6,658 583 72 297.1 201.3
251 02817000 112 537 75 65.0 52.6
551 02817100 240 1,102 224 10 59.0 56.9
689 02817500 1,369 5,019 284 62 173.2 91.8
0005 NAGANAHALLI 1,583 4 Total 1,405 6,558 1,872 229 705.5 569.2
353 02819100 154 636 206 21 176.4 142.3
547 02819200 698 3,340 774 4 176.4 142.3
199 02819300 273 1,350 . 504 49 176.4 142.3
484 02819400 280 1,232 388 155 176.4 142.3
0006 SIDDALINGAPURA 1,017 2 Total 1,770 8,099 2,048 165 833.3 932.7
73 02819500 639 2,810 299 128 416.7 466.3
944 02819600 1,131 5,289 1,749 37 416.7 466.3
0007 RAMMANAHALLI 573 1 Total 1,456 7,474 405 5,154 56.0 51.0
573 02819700 1,456 7,474 405 5,154 56.0 51.0
0008 HANCHYA 1,342 2 Total 806 3,970 953 142 320.2 298.3
939 02819800 436 2,044 345 121 320.2 298.3
403 02825400 370 1,926 608 21 0.0 0.0
0009 HAROHALLI 2,498 1 Total 1,635 7,888 667 3,773 281.0 268.0
2,498 02825600 1,635 7,888 667 3,773 281.0 268.0
0010 VAJAMANGALA 2,591 2 Total 1,664 8,577 1,711 378 200.0 193.0
959 02825500 809 4,229 1,610 373 100.0 98.0
1,632 02825700 855 4,348 101 5 100.0 95.0
0011 ALANAHALLI 808 2 Total 1,143 5,459 1,395 30 1,025.0 935.3
254 02820000 379 1,767 537 18 512.6 467.7
554 02825900 764 3,692 858 12 512.4 467.7
0012 HINKAL Total 0.0 0.0
0013 BELAVADI 2,092 4 Total 1,538 6,730 653 287 753.3 639.4
719 02817600 961 3,921 387 21 87.3 86.0
597 02818200 178 908 15 284.0 260:0
335 02818300 380 1,818 261 251 . 382.0 293.4
441 02819900 19 83 5 0.0 0.0
2,397 3 Total 1,274 6,418 1,144 586 701.4 568.3
783 02817700 398 2,017 25 233.8 189.4
926 02817800 612 3,011 205 586 233.8 189.4
688 02817900 264 1;390 914 233.8 189.4
8 Total 1,466 7,639 1,113 870 27.5 27.5
HALLI 303 02818000 219 1,039 329 359 3.9 3.9



Panc Name of Panebay at Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sehe Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical ,ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
211 02818100 74 413 4 2.4 2.4
41 02818500 0.0 0.0
1,215 02818600 576 3,031· 186 511 10.0 10.0
153 02818700 83 541 1.8 1.8
312 02818800 221 1,147 412 4.5 4.5
558 02820900 286 1,427 182 5.0 5.0
202 02821000 7 41 .0.0 0.0
0016 MALLAHALLI (B) 2,639 8 Total 2,277 11,239 780 859 1,988.0 1,820.0
187 02818400 205 948 50 6 284.0 260.0
253 02818900 281 1,341 175 810 284.0 260.0
149 02819000 57 271 6 284.0 260.0
257 02821100 308 1,613 14 5 284.0 260.0
426 02821200 137 654 284.0 260.0
165 02821300 0.0 0.0
384 02821400 734 3,348 389 22 284.0 260.0
818 02821500 555 3,064 152 10 284.0 260.0
0017 BHOGADI Total 0.0 0.0
0018 SRIRAMPURA 1,135 4 Total 460 2,155 897 12 10.3 16.5
112 02820300 195 905 499 4 0.6 0.6
44 02820400 I 5 0.0 0.0
365 02820700 198 932 286 . 0.9 0.9
614 02822800 66 313 112 8 8.8 15.0
0019 CHAMUNDIBETTA Total 0.0 0.0
0020 HOSAHUNDI 1,217 4 Total 1,485 7,219 947 53 61.8 56.8
213 02820100 338 . 1,537 65 2 20.3 20.3
242 02820200 658 3,180 604 51 26.0 26.0
582 02826000 347 1,822 278 10.0 10.0
180 02828000 142 680 5.5 0.6
.0021 VARUNA 1,949 7 Total 1,598 7,921 2,095 6 1,834.9 1,477.2
268 02825800 393 1,903 165 367.0 344.8
226 02826200 391 1,921 333 367.0 344.8
555 02826300 421 2,162 151 367.0 344.8
276 02827100 218 1,063 424 6 367.0 98.0
303 02827200 175 872 422 367.0 344.8
143 02827600 0.0 0.0
178 02827700 0.0 0.0
0022 KEELANAPURA 3,052 8 Total 1,603 8,035 2,303 65 1,496.0 1,453.0
164 02826400 196 978 50 142.0 136.0
730 02826500 275 1,286 681 142.0 136.0
323 02826600 141 693 214.0 209.0
251 02826700 232 1,183 315 214.0 209.0
173 02826800 153 771 5 214.0 209.0
94 02826900 2 5 214.0 209.0
683 02827000 387 1,935 522 142.0 136.0
634 02829200 217 1,184 785 10 214.0 209.0
0023 YADAKOLA 1,636 3 Total 1,702 8,318 3,032 29 607.8 596.8
488 02829100 181 874 308 181.0 176.0
440 02829300 570 2,636 986 13 213.4 210.4
708 02829400 951 4,808 1,738 16 213.4 210.4
0024 MOSAMBAYANAHALLl 2,416 7 Total 1,175 6,018 814 204 845.6 649.0
337 02826100 156 809 92 147 208.9 159.8



Pane Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code H,ouse Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs.ln diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
295 02827300 2 7 0.0 0.0
86 02827400 0.0 0.0
558 02827500 224 1,162 287 208.9 159.8
419 02827800 245 1,237 311 10.0 10.0
502 02828900 268 1,369 124 57 208.9 159.8
219 02829000 280 1,434 208.9 159.8
0025 DEVALAPURA 2,952 6 Total 1,587 8,011 1,400 1,065 262.5 236.0
522 02827900 398 2,106 944 6 6.0 6.0
332 02828100 122 576 22 30.0 25.0
344 02828200, 315 1,567 171 8 35.0 30.0
268 02828300 34 153 5.5 5.0
307 02828400 27 112 13 0.0 0.0
1,179 02828800 691 3,497 263 '1,038 186.0 170.0
0026 KADAKOLA 1,615 2 Total 1,637 8,637 1,220 1,546 350.5 323.8
835 02820800 641 3,310 721 195 98.0 86.0
780 02825300 996 5,327 499 1,351 252.5 237.8
0027 SINDHUVALLI 2,198 5 Total 1,591 8,702 2,007 90 1,434.5 1,338.4
549 02822900 266 1,464 248 55.5 52.4
666 02823000 605 3,398 624 90 344.8 321.5
471 02825000 437 2,351 761 344.8 321.5
204 02825100 118 662 154 344.8 321.5
308 02825200 165 827 220 344.8 321.5
0028 UDBURU 785 1 Total 1,604 8,080 418 7,036 233.0 232.4
785 02822700 1,604, 8,080 418 7,036 233.0 232.4
0029 DANAGALLl 1,812 5 Total 1,729 9,274 1,767 806 59.9 50.5
223 02820500 4 18 0.0 0.0
263 02820600 337 1,877 530 60 20.7 17.5
298 02821600 210 1,007 110 10.8 10.0
332 02821800 102 491 150 266 3.4 3.0
696 02822600 1,076 5,881 977 480 25.0 20.0
0030 GOPALAPURA 2,425 5 Total 1,213 6,270 1,612 390.1 155.4
326 02821700 321 1,670 322 18.0 6.5
294 02821900 95 514 311 12.5 4.9
644 02822000 138 735 241 175.0 12.5
658 02822100 159 781 249 14.6 6.6
503 02822200 500 2,570 489 170.0 125.0
0031 HAROHALLI 4,194 7 Total 1,565 7,727 2,652 '153 ,1,806.5 2,045.2
599 02823500 23 114 8 155.0 141.2
1,126 02823600 393 1,969 753 57 323.8 319.0
632 02823800 298 1,490 848 10 32.4 314.0
842 02823900 336 1,575 595 78 323.8 314.0
223 02824000 160 826 149 323.8 319.0
252 02824100 91 492 323.8 319.0
520 02824200 264 ' 1,261 307 323.8 319.0
0032 MARBALU 2,386 4 , Total 1,445 7,516 754 2,834 246.3 204.4
739 02824300 299 1,403 249 166 60.0 31.0
02824400 386 1,943 15 1,712 30.9 . 28.7
807 02824500 760 4,170 490 956 155.4 144.7
509 02824600 0.0 0.0
2,666 5 Total 1,641 8,902 2,506 42 409.9 403.7
0033 DOORA
718 02823100 382 1,967 667 100.1 98.3



Panc Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu . Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
282 02823200 261 1,428 412 82.5 81.2
626 02824700 734 4,021 1,217 42 133.8 132.1
385 02824800 0.0 0.0
655 02824900 264 1,486 210 93.5 92.2
0034 SOMESHWARAPURA 1,426 3 Total 1,382 7,218 1,398 1,162 62.6 352.4
505 02828500 491 2,516 238 90 40.0 332.0
351 02828600 234 1,300 574 131 20.0 18.0
570 02828700 657 3,402 586 941 2.6 2.4
0035 JAYAPURA 3,158 6 Total 1,354 7,005 732 1,480 648.4 724.5
686 02822300 365 1,917 461 155.0 141.2
319 02822400 145 810 12.9 11.5
329 02822500 140 683 4 155.0 141.2
358 02823300 200 1,020 8 15.5 141.2
954 02823400 337 1,806 263 717 155.0 141.2
512 02823700 167 769 759 155.0 148.2
0036 METAGALU Total 0.0 0.0
0037 DATTAGALLI Total 0.0 0.0
0038 HEBBALU Total 0.0 0.0
0039 BELVATA Total 0.0 0.0
0099 Not under any Panchayat 70 1 Total 0.0 0.0
70 02815800 0.0 0.0

Name of Sub District; Heggadadcvankote (0005)

0001 BHEEMANAHALU 3,431 5 Total 1,222 5,844 1,210 1,018 11.4 11.2
811 02829600 251 1,238 293 519 2.3 2.2
175 02829700 26 109 40 6 2.3 2.2
418 02829800 162 778 45 200 2.3 2.2
1,859 02829900 691 3,238 763 196 2.3 2.2
168 02830000 92 481 69 97 2.3 2.2
0002 ANNUR 3,776 6 Total 1,397 7,091 1,497 1,316 561.2 463.9
968 02829500 233 1,1~8 252 87 240.3 196.6
106 02830100 0.0 0.0
527 02830200 318 1,586 211 452 240.3 196.6
648 02830800 176 918 182 52 0.0 0.0
·556 02830900 180 950 197 221 36.0 31.0
971 02831000 490 2,449 655 504 44.5 39.6
0003 SAVVE 4,059 7. Total 1,386 6,910 1,552 2,141 745.1 429.3
923 0283 1100 433 2,038 220 1,377 131.0 12.9
776 02831200 285 1,395 262 364 131.0 129.5
285 02831300 86 473 72 5 131.0 12.9
130 02831400 66 359 29 41 19.6 18.0
497 02831500 198 1,109 664 165 35.0 34.0
1,037 02833000 124 564 170 185 7.3 7.2
411 02833100 194 972 135 4 290.4 214.7
0004 CHlKKEREYUR 2,738 10 Total 1,369 6,378 1,900 1,025 21.0 89.0
141 02837800 3 19 0.0 0.0
350 02838900 125 530 157 2.0 10.0
310 02839000 321 1,572 749 456 2.0 12.0
225 02839100 185 . 847 118 105 3.0 9.0



Panc . Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No.of Total Sehe Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs.ln diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'ODDs) In 'ODDs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
539 02839200 475 2,258 740 202 8.0 40.0
536 02839300 19 76 4 l.0 8.0
211 02839400 79 323 52 187 3.0 4.0
219 02839500 24 119 1.0 1.0
106 02839700 66 281 LO 5.0
101 02840200 72 353 84. 71 0.0 0.0
0005 KYATlIANAHALLI 3,249 12 Total 1,307 6,559 1,227 1,186 8.8 5.0
82 02837200 23 83 0.0 0.0
319 02837300 1 5 0.0 0.0
201 02837700 177 1,051 39 5 2.2 1.2
337 02838200 9 53 0.0 0.0
854 02838400 592 2,908 537 121 2.2 1.2
200 02838500 30 158 97 2.2 1.2
101 02838600 0.0 0.0
280 02838700 59 328 69 2.2 1.2
452 02838800 82 486 436 0.0 0.0
137 02839800 305 1,374 44 1,060 0.0 0.0
167 02839900 29 113 5 0.0 0.0
119 02840000 0.0 0.0
0006 ALANAHALLl 2,624 11 Total 1,296 6,486 1,384 503 337.7 296.1
128 02836100 0.0 0.0
166 02836200 0.0 0.0
898 02836300 298 1,408 0.0 0.0
161 02836700 7 52 52 0.0 0.0
222 02836800 3 18 0.0 0.0
28 02836900 19 ]22 0.0 0.0
361 02837000 98 477 86 89 0.0 0.0
21 02837100 294 1,432 311 173 0.0 0.0
86 02837400 50 273 5 5 0.0 0.0
380 02837500 517 2,661 918 233 337.7 296.]
173 02837600 10 43 12 3 0.0 0.0
0007 GOLLANABEEDUSAGUR 3,429 8 Total . 1,214 5,856 540 431 86().1 615.6
266 02836400 130 589 154 143.0 18.4
392 02836500 362 1,645 97 143.0 18.4
388 02836600 95 449 86 143.0 18.4
1,049 02837900 290 1,445 55 34 1.4 1.8
717 02838000 279 1,456 142 396 143.0 184.8
270 02838100 31 141 6 143.0 184.8
171 02838300 ]6 90 143.0 184.8
176 02839600 11 41 1.0 4.0
0008 KANCHAMALL 2,931 8 Total 1,469 7,223 1,824 330 56.5 103.2
871 . 02841200 219 1,104 592 6.5 12.0
244 02841400 226 1,063 202 8.0 9.7
27 02841500 63 304 7.0 5.3
336 0284]700 113 543 272 2.9 1.3
206 02841800 247 1,220 105 30 14.2 26.3
283 02841900 209 993 408 19 10.9 28.9
543 02842000 107 569 18 5.0 0.7
421 02842100 285 1,427 245 263 2.1 19.2
1,388 5 Total 1,530 7,354 2,306 1,166 45.1 67.9
194 02840100 4 18 0.0 0.0



Pane Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
514 02841000 719 3,394 1,501 344 35.5 32.8
160 02841100 337 1,574 326 28 2.9 31.0
159 02841300 64 309 216 6.7 4.2
361 02841600 406 2,059 263 794 0.0 0.0
0010 MADAPURA 3,432 7 Total 1,695 8,278 2,564 1,226 35.0 64.0
59 02840300 17 76 0.0 0.0
299 02840400 145 723 10 20.0 12.0
298 02840500 4 58 12 0.0 0.0
398 02840600 604 2,993 852 409 0.0 0.0
438 02840700 624 3,027 1,153 684 7.0 47.0
327 02840800 59 267 258 5 8.0 5.0
1,613 02840900 242 1,134 279 128 0.0 0.0
0011 HURIGE 2,375 8. Total 1,663 8,643 4,247 760 1,161.4 859.0"
101 02833200 10 32 I 2 0.0 0.0
110 02833300 117 793 793 290.4 214.7
285 02833400 2 12 0.0 0.0
552 02833500 676 3,507 1,553 621 290.4 214.7
279 028336QO 154 797 469 82 0.0 0.0
257 02833700 43 219 23 0.0 0.0
483 02833900 373 1,935 530 55 290.4 214.7
308 02835000 288 1,348 878 290.4 214.7
0012 CHAKKODANAHALLI 17,372 16 Total 1,516 7,259 1,718 1,973 1,455.0 1,424.0
350 02830300 118 599 263 25R 183.0 178.0
1,146 02830400 26 126 126 183.0 178.0
650 02830500 101 480 213 16 183.0 178.0
1,032 02830600 60 288 25 27 183.0 178.0
345 02830700 26 89 0.0 0.0
403 02831600 152 666 118 180 0.0 0.0
220 02831700 93 428 61 203 180.0 178.0
438 02831800 226 1,093 305 180.0 178.0
823 02831900 202 1,013 469 J08 0.0 0.0
1,870 02832000 27"7 1,402 584 183.0 178.0
53 02832100 0.0 0.0
1,166 02832200 0.0 0.0
5,254 02832300 26 113 7 91 0.0 0.0
3,143 02832400 0.0 0.0
389 02832800 121 565 122 158 180.0 178.0
90 02832900 88 397 9 348 0.0 0.0
0013 HIREHALLI 2,761 2 Total 1,203 5,775 1,560 1,370 801.6 738.1
511 02832600 271 1,243 232 88 400.8 369.1
2,250 02832700 932 4,532 1,328 1,282 400.8 369.1
0014 NAGANAHALLl 2,696 9 Total 1,613 8,026 2,552 1,044 1,481.9 1,446.5
469 02834000 249 1,443 589 38.0 36.0
217 02834100 227 1,174 393 581 26.0 19.6
133 02834200 46 211 88 8 180.0 178.0
1I0 02834300 4 18 0.0 0.0
285 02834400 384 1,567 35 40 394.3 388.3
268 02834500 119 551 136 394.3 388.3
334 02834700 168 955 12 352 33.0 28.0
145 02834800 134 655 605 22.0 20.0



Pane Name ofPanchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sehe Total Total
ha geogra of Code Rouse Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal ,ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.
735 02834900 282 1,452 694 63 394.3 388.3
0015 K. BELTHVR 2,494 6 Total 1,463 7,350 1,800 1,821 1443 124.1
733 02842200 333 1,786 390 413 31.5 28.0
445 02842300 273 1,440 550 24.6 20.5
181 02842400 80 489 19.1 15.1
232 .02842500 60 349 259 19.1 15.5
596 02842700 520 2,308 301 1,359 28.0 26.5
307 02842800 197 978 300 49 22.1 18.6
0016 MANUGANAHALLI 3,748 11 Total 1,300 6,376 2,829 511 24.0 173
324 02842600 170 853 272 0.0 0.0
295 02842900 137 660 171 0.0 0.0
510 02843000 169 846 222 5 0.0 0.0
181 02843100 0.0 0.0
227 02843200 48 219 0.0 0.0
376 02843300 136 688 245 204 9.7 7.5
333 ·02843400 113 568 304 0.0 0.0
658 02843500 357 1,782 1,106 54 0.0 0.0
516 02843600 109 453 450 8.0 6.9
146 02844100 61 307 59 248 6.3 2.9
182 02844200 0.0 0.0
0017 HEBBALAGUPPE 1,423 5 Total 1,354 6,789 1,505 1,669 558.0 4423
216 02833800 378 1,887 386 267 179.3 142.6
491 02835400 170 847 185 20.0 14.5
393 02835500 726 3,684 802 1,293 179.3 142.6
227 02835600 5 31 9 179.3 142.6
96 02835700 75 340 132 100 0.0 0.0
0018 THUMBASOGE 2,275 6 Total 1,703 8,499 3,140 3,061 123.9 188.7
257 02835200 76 389 332 6.5 22.0
413 02835300 525 2,746 1,789 33.1 48.2
290 02835800 388 1,852 408 783 0.4 5.4
182 02835900 123. 638 85 247 13.5 24.6
532 02836000 447 2,099 241 1,777 42.0 60.5
601 02847600 144 775 285 254 28.5 28.0
0019 NURALAKUPPE 3,280 10 Total 1,255 6,485 2,655 336 310.8 290.3
181 02834600 107 532 251 2 0.0 0.0
169 02835100 297 1,625 319 36.0 32.0
508 02847300 311 1,585 766 176 79.0 77.0
500 02847400 194 960 489 72 79.0 77.0
333 02847500 151 752 259 79.0 77·0
394 02848100 87 496 478 5.0 2.5
456 02848200 44 216 53 40 1.5 1.4
146 ·02848900 24 117 40 1.2 1.0
298 02849000 18 67 0.0 0.0
295 02849700 22 135. 46 30.1 22.5
0020 ANTHARASANTHE 3,822 6 Total 1,638 8,121 2,266 1,308 228.0 201.4
738 02832500 174 775 165 347 3.9 3.9
1,619 02847200 828 4,139 1,291 657 68.1 53.1
918 02848400 576 2,908 809 261 76.9 71.3
345 02848600 22 liS 38 76.9 71.3
41 02848700 7 30 0.0 0.0



Pane Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diturc (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
161 02848800 31 154 5 2.0 1.9
0021 BEECHANAHALLI 1,876 4 Total 1,405 6,298 1,338 1,832 335.9 262.3
409 02847700 286 1,381 444 299 162.1 127.9
703 02847800 548 2,554 623 723 162.1 127.9
133 02847900 441 1,716 215 381 1.5 0.3
631 02848000 130 647 56 429 . 10.2 6.1
0022 BlDARAHALLl 3,109 10 Total 1,565 7,804 2,705 2,519 1,106.0 1,106.0
38 02849800 0.0 0.0
65 02850100 0.0 0.0
36 02850200 126 656 203 0.0 0.0
431 02850300 272 1,339 798 58 0.0 0.0
1,246 02852600 517 2,657 327 1,438 276.5 276.5
349 02852700 106 528 522 276.5 276.5
18 02852800 33 186 1 0.0 0.0
421 02852900 353 1,559 288 714 0.0 0.0
375 02853300 59 308 308 276.5 276.5
130 02853400 99 571 567 276.5 276.5
0023 SAGARE 2,316 4 Total 1,445 6,841 1,272 3,333 118.9 166.4
451 02844300 290 1,270 467 18 36.2 47.2
308 02853000 379 1,846 107 1,528 23.0 45.0
1,344 02853100 704 3,359 516 1,782 46.3 53.2
213 02853200 72 366 182 5 13.4 21.0
0024 SARAGUR 786 1 Total 2,093 9,931 2,198 1,538 550.0 530.0
786 02844400 2,093 9,931 2,198 1,538 550.0 530.0
0025 KALLAMBALU 3,020 6 Total 1,399 6,662 1,133 2,062 87.6 58.5
463 02843700 194 981 233 24.9 3.4
440 02843800 476 2,304 723 53.9 53.9
756 02843900 97 437 28 0.0 0.0
181 02844000 125 601 577 8.8 1.3
615 02844900 305 1,381 1,092 0.0 0.0
565 02845000 202 958 149 393 0.0 0.0
0026 MULLUR 4,398 12 Total 1,168 5,590 1,584 1,439 91.1 80.9
383 02845100 108 558 15 2.2 1.8
433 02845200 96 478 324 0.0 0.0
1,167 02845300 717 3,353 921 969 80.5 67.4
170 02845400 0.0 0.0
246 02845500 135 606 158 152 4.2 3.6
131 02845600 0.0 0.0
81 02845700 0.0 0.0
603 02845800 0.0 0.0
236 02845900 13 85 0.0 0.0
328 02846100 0.0 0.0
377 02846200 0.0 0.0
243 02854400 99 510 166 318 4.2 8.1
0027 HANCHIPURA· 3,735 10 Total 1,572 7,855 2,102 1,270 9.7 32.9
132 02844500 35 140 139 0.0 0.0
76 02844600 200 1,007 III 61 5.5 31.1
494 02844700 349 1,687 542 176 0.0 0.0
1,240 02844800 593 3,000 662 765 0.0 0.0



Pane N arne of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical ,ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popn 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
256 02854100 64 303 5 8 1.3 0.7
530 02854200 166 885 435 16 2.0 0.5
180 02854300 95 521 208 8 0.9 0.6
148 02854500 0.0 0.0
451 02854600 51 236 236 0.0 0.0
228 02854700 19 76 0.0 0.0
0028 HEGGANUR 2,895 7 Total 1,007 5,080 2,035 320 27.4 51.5
618 02853500 332 1,604 783 45 8.5 15.0
129 02853600 34 169 115 3 1.0 0.5
154 02853700 0.0 0.0
270 02853800 133 616 35 14 2.9 8.0
397 02853900 191 1,083 668 63 3.2 9.0
173 02854000 91 474 244 13 2.2 9.0
1,154 02855200 226 1,134 190 182 9.6 10.0
0029 N. BELATHUR 6,338 8 Total 1,432 6,944 2,426 1,482 88.7 85.0
446 02848300 136 620 375 76 33.0 36.0
1,344 02848500 342 1,756 943 206 3.7 0.0
137 02849200 0.0 0.0
2,029 02849300 643 3,114 892 638 12.0 49.0
792 02849500 251 1,210 170 477 20.0 0.0
168 02850700 0.0 0.0
266 02850800 60 244 46 85 20.0 0.0
1,156 02856400 0.0 0.0
0030 N. BEGUR 5,395 11 Total 1,581 8,216 2,125 3,489 1,078.8 972.2
422 02849100 0.0 0.0
. 544 02849600 32 178 49 16 ]53.6 138.3
425 02849900 37 209 200 153.6 138.3
215 02850000 213 1,089 391 279 153.6 138.3
1,408 02850400 516 2,509 725 719 153.6 138.3
683 02850500 294 1,563 562 233 ]53.6 138.3
570 02850600 256 1,406 4 1,310 153.6 138.3
363 02850900 163 946 912 153.6 138.3
250 02851000 0.0 0.0
232 02851300 0.0 0.0
283 02855800 70 316 194 20 3.8 4.1
0031 DODDABYRANAKUPPE 14,738 13 Total 972 5,054 7 4,152 84.0 132.7
168 02851100 0.0 0.0
210 02851200 0.0 0.0
14,028 02851400 86 418 5 391 0.0 8.0
91 02851500 110 665 600 0.7 0.0
59 02851600 64 349 305 3.0 3.0
21 02851700 56 275 190 2.0 3.0
32 02851800 125 581 245 0.4 0.7
25 02851900 22 119 106 2.0 2.0
42 02852000 121 588 447 2.0 5.0
10 02852100 30 163 163 1.0 1.0
24 02852200 78 395 365 40.0 55.0
17 02852300 107 546 485 3.0 20.0
11 02852400 173 955 855 30.0 35.0



Pane Name of Panch ayat Total No. Location N·o. of Total Sche Sehe Total Total
ha geogra of. Code House Popu' duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal ,ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0032 B. MATAGERE 31,200 23 Total 1,721 .8,280 2,187 1,191 74.5 93.4
51 02849400 0.0 0.0
9,763 02852500 0.0 0.0
114 02854800 0.0 0.0
230 02854900 0.0 0.0
964 02855000 0.0 0.0
146 02855100 22 117 105 0.5 ·0.8
495 02855300 252 1,150 484 409 5.5 9.7
787 02855400 265 1,351 412 32 14.4 16.0
531 02855500 186 921 317 167 4.4 6.2
299 02855600 48 219 0.0 0.0
173 02855700 69 282 0.0 0.0
13 02855900 15 71 3 .62 0.0 0.3
108 02856000 37 195 168 0.9 1.3
98 02856100 73 310 300 0.3 0.5
65 02856200 53 276 3.2 4.8
1,396 02856300 157 753 181 7 16.8 17.5
575 02856500 2 7 0.0 0.0
10,083 02856600 12 26 4 14 0.0 0.0
1,730 02856700 171 843 48 10.2 18.2
1,837 02856800 149 706 3 60 18.4 18.2
173 02856900 88 370 143 30 0.0 0.0
1,346 02857000 99 541 367 0.0 0.0
223 02857100 23 142 62 0.0 0.0
0033 lVlUTHIGECHIKKA 8,119 14 Total 1,653 8,028 2,208 568 48.3 46.0
THALALU 1,026 02846000 582 2,791 1,421 122 0.0 0.0
505 02846300 212 1,017 40 256 35.9 16.4
178 02846400 16 70 46 2.8 6.9
314 02846500 85 470 364 9 3.1 6.9
144 02846600 101 486 239 3.0 8.7
315 02846700 0.0 0.0
1,223 02846800 0.0 0.0
1,091 02846900 255 1,319 34 3.6 7.1
681 02847000 16 56 48 0.0 0.0
570 02847100 0.0 0.0
708 02857200 196 917 20 0.0 0.0
715 02857300 190 902 64 113 0.0 0.0
464 02857400 0.0 0.0
185 02857500 0.0 0.0
Name of Sub District: Nanjangud (0006)

000 I RAMPURA 2,621 3 Total 1,479 7,710 1,281 754 256.8 223.0
1,461 02863700 943 4,896 1,158 130 149.0 134.2
757 02863800 135 637 12 403 15.0 8.0
403 02863900 401 2,177 III 221 92.8 80.8
0002 HULLAHALLl 1,209 2 Total 1,724 8,278 1,449 2,072 306.6 282.8
1,001 02858000 1,724 8,278 1,449 2,072 306.6 282.8
208 02862400 0.0 0.0
0003 SHIRAMALLI 1,283 3 Total 1,256 5,974 1,371 961 335.6 323.2
263 02858100 283 1,314 182 961 26.1 25.1



Pane Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Scbe Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal "ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
530. 02858200 620 2,881 723 256.6 245.1
490 02858300 353 1,779 466 53.0 53.0
0004 HEGGADAHALLI 2,175 3 Total 1,342 6,685 1,262 663 79.8 182.7
212 02868900 72 422 89 3.8 20.5
1,212 02869000 862 4,272 627 54.8 118.7
751 02871100 408 1,991 546 663 21.2 43.6
0005 DEBUR 1,949 5. Total 1,381 6,638 I,S07 775 178.7 307.1
353 02862200 0.0 0.0
501 02869100 142 643 151 27.0 59.7
663 02869200 677 3,214 1,342 171 86.1 151.4
185 02869400 344 1,641 314 4 34.5 49.0
247 02869500 218 1,140 31.0 47.0
0006 MARALURU 2,368 3 Total 1,178 6,464 .440 844 165.0 145.5
835 02864000 432 2,322 20 159 77.2 55.7
844 02864100 213 1,191 272 93 68.4 30.7
689 02864200 533 2,951 148 592 19.5 59.1
0007 THANDAVAPURA 1,575 4 Total 1,456 7,585 753 616 299.4 279.5
926 02864300 1,003 5,156 330 335 199.2 191.0
240 02864400 168 892 418 23.7 22.0
402 02864500 155 833 5 15 19.4 19.4
7 02864600 130 704 266 57.2 47.2
0008 HEJJIGE 860 3 Total 970 5,373 1,456 50 289.9 259.7
138 02864700 125 637 218 6.5 11.4
296 02864800 502 2,803 640 38 272.4 227.3
426 02864900 343 1,933 598 12 11.0 21.0
0009 HORALAVADI 1,669 4 Total 1,530 7,605 2,293 1,001 224.4 277.3
235 02866200 370 1,744 42.6 25.3
219 02870000 254 1,259 294 380 12.5 12.9
738 02870100 342 1,648 1,155 99 55.3 55.3
477 02870200 564 2,954 844 522 114.0 183.7
0010 HULIMAVU 1,944 3 Total 1,132 5,852 1,545 1,086 236.3 236.3
992 02865000 370 1,999 218 61.0 61.0
643 02865100 302 1,521 518 89 109.0 109.0
309 02865200 460 2,332 809 997 66.3 . 66.3
0011 HADINARU 1,714 Total 1,301 6,136 526 880 212.5 187.0
1,714 02865300 1,301 6,136 526 880 212.5 187.0
0012 HOSAKOTE 1,524 3 Total 1,771 8,696 1,930 2,016 190.6 180.4
462 02865400 427 2,121 557 165 26.6 53.2
442 02865500 386 1,806 270 518 0.0 0.0
620 02865600 958 4,769 1,103 1,333 163.9 127.2
0013 THUMNERALE 1,523 5 Total 781 3,721 900 376 126.5 95.6
346 02865700 4 4 0.0 0.0
636 02865800 461 2,257 345 372 116.5 81.2
250 02865900 130 613 266 4.0 1.4
14 02866000 0.0 0.0
277 02866100 189 847 289 6.0 13.0
2,156 5 Total 1,509 7,lS0 1,768 1,185 33S.1 308.4
485 02867200 195 931 139 10.2 48.3
551 02867300 720 3,176 536 1,185 310.1 153.8
559 02867400 180 943 403 4.3 4.9



Pane N arne of Panehayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ha gcogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal "ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popn Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
169 02867500 100 524 246 3.3 32.9
392 02867600 314 1,606 444 10.2 68.5
0015 SUTHUR 1,253 3 Total 1,598 7,946 2,407 1,716 83.2 196.3
364 02866900 784 3,850 919 1,401 56.2 86.5
489 02867000 250 1,219 593 0.0 0_0
400 02867100 564 2,877 895 315 27.0 109_8
0016 BILIGERE 2,249 7 Total 1,527 7,582 3,345 345 241.7 310.0
161 02866600 202 1,015 571 12.2 28.3
266 02866800 237 1,294 537 143 10.2 9.0
137 02867700 67 342 47 2.6 28.7
885 02867800 382 1,809 853 8.6 20.8
297 02867900 307 1,573 640 136 204.8 177.5
318 02868000 137 661 427 2.0 26.0
185 02868700 195 888 270 66 1.2 19_6
0017 NAGARLE 1,469 4 Total 1,623 7,785 2,397 2,308 205.0 380.4
598 02866300 476 2,283 4~9 393 80_0 125.2
276 02866400 173 831 388 10.0 20.3
196 02866500 257 1,161 313 848 40.0 52.5
399 02866700 717 3,510 1,227 1,067 75.0 182.4
0018 MALLUPURA 3,222 6 Total 1,851 8,833 1,867 965 248.5 248.4
961 02868100 519 2,567 864 117 91.0 100.9
307 02868200 90 438 13.6 3.6
317 02868300 428 1,997 88 214 25.0 25.0
482 02868400 296 1,349 20 103 0_0 0.0
934 02868500 473 2,258 895 531 118.9 118.9
221 02870300 45 224 0.0 0.0
0019 DEVARASANAHALLI 1,950 5 Total 1,551 7;823 2,617 164 212.7 211_6
101 02869700 489 2,486 1,291 84_1 84_1
921 02869800 0_0 0.0
105 02869900 567 2,851 404 72.6 72.6
103 02870600 29 115 115 2.2 1.2
720 02870800 466 2,371 807 163 53.9 53.7
0020 DEVEERAMMANAHALLI 1,356 3 Total 1,232 6,025 2,010 227 0.0 0.0
292 02869600 73 I 3,597 1,475 7 0.0 0.0
453 02871000 304 1,486 203 17 0_0 0.0
61 I 02871400 197 942 332 203 0.0 0.0
0021 KALALE 1,015 1 Total 1,509 7,278 1,100 3,791 161.8 161.5
1,015 02870900 1,509 7,278 1,100 3,791 161.8 16L5
0022 HAGINAVALU 2,542 4 Total 1,438 7;336 1,649 341 189.8 193.8
674 02860100 670 3,469 73'5 341 155_8 130_8
994 02860200 400 1,979 372 15.0 33.0
131 02871200 0_0 0.0
743 02871300 368 1,888 542 19.0 30.0
0023 KURIHUNDI 1,844 3 Total 1,308 5,976 1,868 697 228.9 228.9
952 02857900 535 2,435 751 137 80.2 80.2
452 02858500 382 1,766 742 67.0 67.0
440 02858600 391 1,775 375 560 81.8 81.8
0024 HARADANAHALLI 1,988 4 Total 1,499 7,433 1,923 1,897 233.0 194.0
420 02857600 444 2,150 238 1,663 66.0 45.8
608 02857700 629 3,145 1,213 213 95.0 74.9



Pane N arne of Panehayat Total No. Locati on No. of Total Sehe Sche Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
90 02858900 3 8 8 0.0 0.0
870 02859000 423 2,130 464 21 72.0 73.2
0025 NELLlTHALAPURA . 2,823 . 7 Total 1,612 7,717 1,814 1,709 197.0 155.8
178 02857800 155 803 302 5.6 6.6
309 02858700 460 2,247 373 1,328 9.6 19.5
637 02858800 78 406 45 2.2 27.6
550 02859100 329 1,446 217 134 160.8 74.6
492 02859200 183 825 233 10 1.2 7.6
213 02859300 149 764 349 1.9 3.8
444 02859400 258 1,226 295 237 15.8 16.2
0026 DUGGAHALLl 3,137 10 Total 1,306 5,775 663 815 1,537.1 1,463.7
326 02858400 214 1,010 54 266 125.3 125.3
146 02859500 141 643 114 285.1 256.6
286 02859600 4 19 285.1 256.6
305 02859700 118 582 146 285.1 256.6
480 02859800 284 1,295 270 285.1 256.6
274 02859900 140 299 72 9 258.1 256.7
346 02860000 218 1,050 7 540 7.5 23.5
347 02860300 54 216 1.0 9.0
266 02860900 133 661 5.0 23.0
361 02861200 0.0 0.0
0027 NAVILUR 2,432 4 Total 1,711 8,116 1,560 1,717 43.0 216.0
370 02871500 299 1,369 224 606 7.0 38.0
621 02871600 380 1,844 521 10.0 51.0
618 02872000 381 1,826 346 8.0 47.0
823 02872100 651 3,077 469 1,111 18.0 80.0
0028 SINDHUVALLl 1,953 3 Total 1,181 5,754 1,103 966 241.6 272.7
1,012 02871700 659 3,284 523 848 148.1 182.8
512 02871800 310 1,419 250 112 45.5 52.0
429 02871900 212 1,051 330 6 48.0 37.9
0029 HEDATHALE 1,987 4 Total 1,561 7,480 1,178 3,133 193.9 198.2
190 02870700 133 599 140 78 1.2 18.4
1,073 02873000 1,201 5,791 884 3,055 184.5 158.0
115 02873100 0.0 0.0
609 02873200 227 1,090 154 8.2 21.7
0030 BADANAVALU 1,498 2 Total 1,316 6,281 1,952 15 237.2 113.4
921 02870400 548 2,759 1,155 6 176.3 61.3
577 02870500 768 3,522 797 9 60.9 52.2
0031 DEVAl"lUR 3,977 5 Total 1,606 7,386 1,436 586 196.4 192.5
1,042 02873300 763 3,499 503 413 162.2 107.7
282 02873400 171 771 196 49 0.0 0.0
563 02873500 40 232 22 0.9 11.2
1,557 02874000 367 1,709 495 13.1 45.1
533 02874100 265 1,175 220 124 20.1 28.5
1,900 1 Total 1,529 7,280 1,046 1,088 200.2 165.5
1,900 02868600 1,529 7,280 1,046 1,088 200.2 165.5
2,665 5 Total 1,378 6,579 1,626 1,354 5'12.7 849.7
0033 KARYA
422 02868800 279 1,261 258 120 40.8 34.4
419 02873600 62 306 76 20.9 138.0
267 02873700 245 1,159 336 31.7 258.0



Pane Name of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Selle Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phieal villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu· Popu 'OOOs) In '00 Os)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
537 02873800 278 1,433 178 294 294.0 294.0
1,020 02873900 514 2,420 778 940 125.3 125.3
0034 DASANOORU 2,910 6 Total 1,761 7,625 1,355 346 179.1 139.6
342 02875900 12 35 0.0 0.0
212 02876100 4 16 7 0.0 0.0
639 02876200 523 2,181 542 217 156.4 76.4
664 02876300 347 1,453 206 0.0 0.0
792 02876400 514 2,441 516 129 15.2 47.5
261 02876500 361 1,499 84 7.4 15.7
0035 KONANOOR 2,367 4 Total 1,280 5,946 1,715 21 14.4 108.3
621 02875600 472 2,165 374 21 7.2 76.9
676 02875700 129 685 419 1.9 30.4
706 02875800 408 1,803 376 0.0 0.0
364 02876000 271 1,293 546 5.4 0.9
0036 DODDAKOWLANDE 1,929 4 Total 1,549 7,773 1,4()9 384 21.5.2 152.9
542 02875200 359 1.671 133 303 6.0 13.6
188 02875300 126 632 49 2.9 7.7
575 02875400 390 1,769 287 81 17.0 39.0
624 02875500 674 3.701 940 199.3 92.7
0037 NERALE 1,577 3 Total 1,136 5,514 1,040 749 143.4 130.6
821 02874200 628 3,117 723 281 122.0 96.8
150 02875000 78 391 5.4 0.9
606 02875100 430 2,006 317 468 16.0 32.9
0038 HEMMARAGALA 1,234 4 Total 1,276 6,337 720 1,735 177.0 177.9
333 02874300 685 3,355 210 27 166.1 87.4
481 02874400 157 755 184 388 1.2 24.7
167 02874500 4 12 5.0 18.0
253 02874900 430 2,215 326 1,320 4.7 47.8·
0039 KOODLAPURA 2,099 4 Total 1,352 7,047 851 290 126.5 125.4
746 02872900 408 2,198 168 41 5.9 22.5
631 02874600 607 3,086 434 249 116.0 51.7
280 02874700 63 334 1.4 20.0
442 02874800 274 1,429 249 3.2 31.2
0040 KASUVINAHALLI 2,912 6 Total 1,572 7,244 1,347 1,089 232.0 253.5
1,008 02872200 506 2,203 548 299 66.0 93.9
337 02872300 146 780 348 23.0 30.0
367 02872500 157 719 136 17.0 13.0
408 02872600 435 1,978 214 489 39.0 26.8
214 02872700 128 557 59.0 63.8
578 02872800 200 1,007 101 301 28.0 26.0
0041 KALLARE 1,966 4 Total 1,557 7,753 1,807 966 220.6 181.3
471 02861000 525 2,624 847 30.0 60.0
1,065 02861100 682 3,391 561 905 168.5 70.0
281 02861400 236 1,143 177 61 10.0 31.3
149 02872400 114 595 222 12.1 20.0
0042 HURA 1,803 5 Total 1,139 5,721 2,550 609 201.3 216.1
716 02860700 710 3,617 1,574 599 126.0 141.2
202 02860800 25 126 8 20.5 20.5
216 02861300 0.0 0.0
305 02861500 278 1,388 840 21.8 20.3
364 02862300 126 590 128 10 33.0 34.1



Panc Name of Pane hay at Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Sche Total Total
ba geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 10 11
0043 HADYA 3,251 9 Total 1,157 5,504 1,710 877 289.0 213.2
478 02860400 0.0 0.0'
348 02860500 0.0 0.0
564 02860600 236 1,122 315 104 72.8 43.5
431 02861600 453 2,108 399 703 199.2 98.6
417 0286)700 177 858 263 70 3.5 1.4
127 02861800 66 321 300 1.5 18.4
522 02861900 225 1,095 433 12.0 51.4
264 02862000 0.0 0.0
100 02862100 0.0 0.0
0044 HEDIYALA 2,566 6 Total 1,705 8,287 2,603 393 348.0 353.1
584 02862800 482 2,346 715 98.4 110.8
177 02862900 0.0 0.0
1,091 02863000 873 4,260 1,164 125 168.6 177.5
155 02863)00 0.0 0.0
204 02863200 10) 537 331 11 29.9 31.7
355 02863300 249 1,144 393 257 51.2 33.2
0045 DEVARAYASETTIPURA 6,476 7 Total 1,422 6,958 2,159 661 806.8 437.0
176 02862500 6 49 2.6 7.7
230 02862600 20 89 16 0.0 0.0
742 02862700 329 1,629 646 60 9.0 41.8
3,814 02863400 339 1,560 476 296 7.4 31.2
973 02863500 420 2,117 178 19 570.4 265.8
389 02863600 110 504 114 165 2.6 1.7
152 02869300 198 1,010 145 III 214.7 82.8

Name of Sub District: Tirumakudal-Narsipur (0007)

0001 B. SEEHALLI 1,294 3 Total 1,265 5,917 255 7 49.5 48.3

765 02876700 868 4,255 180 7 16.5 16.1
331 02876800 211 901 75 16.5 16.1
198 02877900 186 761 16.5 16.1
0002 THURUGANURU 1,008 2 Total 1,403 6,363 820 4. 244.8 233.2
540 02877100 690 3,002 460 222.5 212.0
468 02877600 713 3,361 360 4 22.3 21.2
0003 ANKANAHALLl 1,515 3 Total 1,380 6,954 869 407 55.7 46.9
761 02877200 487 2,502 268 12 18.6 15.6
436 02877300 515 2,652 476 177 18.6 15.6
318 02877500 378 1,800 125 218 18.6 15.6
0004 HEGGURU 1,408 3 Total 1,520 6,826 1,059 118 49.3 38.6
842 02877400 785 3,634 751 113 16.4 12.9
254· 02878500 244 1,109 172 5 16.4 12.9
312 02878600 491 2,083 136 16.4 12.9
0005 HANUMANALU 1,222 4 Total 1,292 5,800 342 33 61.1 52.8
269 02876900 234 1,128 26 15.4 13.1
303 02877000 283 1,237 93 8 15.4 13.2
194 02877700 131 585 36 25 15.4 13.2
456 02877800 644 2,850 187 15.4 13.2
1,224 3 Total 1,476 6,580 1,074 63 54.1 41.0
103 02876600 322 1,423 183 57 18.0 13.7



Panc Name ofPanchayat Total No. Location No. of Total Sche Selle Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11
431 02878000 522 2,364 583 18.0 13.7
690 02878100 632 2,793 308 6 18.0 13.7
0007 BEEDANAHALLI 2,539 3 Total 723 ,3,231 370 569.8 497.0
1,944 02878200 0.0 0.0
232 02878300 366 1;633 liD 284.9 248.5
363 02878400 357 1,598 260 284.9 248.5
0008 MALlYURU 1,396 3 Total 1,424 6,703 3,059 7 6.8 6.7
772 02878700 688 3,436 2,473 7 2.3 2.2
167 02879000 242 1,060 254 2.3 2.2
457 02879100 494 2,207 332 2.3 2.2
0009 ATHAHALLI 511 3 Total 736 3,243 400 53 43.8 43.7
206 02878800 0.0 0.0
189 02878900 621 2,739 400 53 21.9 21.8
116 02879300 115 504 21.9 21.8
0010 RANGASAMUDRA 2,485 5 Total 1,607 7,852 1,377 220 74.6 84.3
349 02883200 311 1,386 171 14.9 16.9
307 02883300 188 947 14.9 16.9
106 02883400 208 957 14.9 16.9
1,089 02883500 312 1,769 585 ISS 14.9 16.9
634 02883600 588 2,793 621 65 14.9 16.9
0011 THUMBALA 2,536 8 Total 1,689 8,007 2,683 3 122.2 142.2
41 02883700 0.0 0.0
339 02883800 391 1,820 425 18.1 12.4
616 02883900 528 2,533 991 18.1 12.4
121 02884000 0.0 0.0
594 02884100 490 2,322 638 3 18.1 12.4
202 02884200 0.0 0.0
481 02884300 207 1,002 620 18.1 12.4
142 02884400 73 330 9 50.0 92.6
0012 KETHUPURA 1,139 6 Total 1,275 5,677 911 209 72.1 59.7
329 02879200 188 868 227 127 18.0 14.9
114 02879400 166 743 61 72 18.0 14.9
437 02879500 286 1,260 153 10 18.0 14.9
191 02880300 635 2,806 470 18.0 14.9
22 02880400 0.0 0.0
46 02880500 0.0 0.0
0013 SOMANATHAPURA 1,218 2 Total 1,068 5,097 1,101 1,132 33.9 31.5
914 02880600 940 4,554 625 1,132 17.0 15.8
304 02881900 128 543 476 17.0 15.8
0014 UKKALAGERE 2,304 6 Total 1,135 5,278 2,233 659 73.1 61.7
269 02880100 0.0 0.0
539 02880200 178 938 502 14.6 12.3
68 02880700 69 338 338 14.6 12.3
810 02880800 517 2,249 814 14.6 12.3
330 02880900 204 975 220 658 14.6 12.3
288 02881800 167 778 359 14.6. 12.3
0015 CHIDRAVALLI 2,493 6 Total 1,520 7,189 2,093 641 108.6 92.6
393 02879600 307 1,369 396 151 18.1 15.4
605 02879700 253 1,187 102 18.1 15.4
366 02879800 158 777 253 18.1 15.4



Pane N arne of Panchayat Total No. Location No. of Total S che S che Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu dule.d duled Income Expen
yat phical villa holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
331 02879900 101 501 335 18.1 15.4
385 02880000 182 871 . 232 18.1 15.4
413 02881000 519 2,484 877 388 18.1 15.4
0016 KOLATHURU 1,776 8 Total 1,353 6,558 1,965 624 114.7 627.1
222 02881100 148 710 16.4 89.6
161 02881200 56 308 16.4 89.6
436 02881300 447 2,265 892 187 16.4 89.6
241 02881400 137 702 133 16.4 89.6
77 02881500 0.0 0.0
212 02881600 176 844 130 16.4 89.6
63 02881700 165 705 242 437 16.4 89.6
364 02882100 224 1,024 568 16.4 89.6
0017 DODDABAGILU 1,802 3 Total 1,415. 7,018 2,475 195 79.2 47.1
573 02882200 272 1,350 578 26.4 15.7
313 02883000 343 1,739 698 128 26.4 15·7
916 02883100 800 3,929 1,199 67 26.4 15.7
0018 MUTHALAVADI 1,115 3 Total 1,262 6,054 2,013 1,264 51.9 41.4
379 02882700 423 2,034 485 1,068 17.3 13.8
519 02882800 610 2,926 932 196 17.3 13.8
217 02882900 229 1,094 596 17.3 13.8
0019 BINAKANAHALLI 913 3 . Total. 1,227 5,744 1,913 1,197 78.0 48.0
300 02882000 202 957 514 133 26.0 16.0
197 02882300 255 1,161 316 26.0 16.0
416 02882600 770 3,626 1,083 1,064 26.0 16.0
0020 SOSALE 766 2 Total 1,493 7,573 4,713 1,187 84.4 72.0
101 02882400 110 509 455 42.2 36.0
665 02882500 1,383 7,064 4,713 732 42.2 36.0
0021 GARGESWARI 676 2 Total 1,525 8,151 2,250 570 61.8 46.5
443 02885000 637 3,158 2,218 554 30.9 23.3
233 02885100 888 4,993 32 16 30.9 23.3
0022 HOSAKOTE 1,492 5 Total 1,192 5,579 914 1,038 200.0 370.5
399 02884500 162 778 114 50.0 92.6
54 02884600 0.0 0.0
483 02884700 732 3,377 561 205 50.0 92.6
414 .02884800 205 993 239 410 50.0 92.6
142 02884900 93 431 423 50.0 92.6
0023 ~lRAGASURU 1,453 4 Total 1,230 6,124 1,854 728 56.3 54.0
274 02885400 226 1,259 789 392 14.1 13.5
577 02885500 594 2,815 516 231 14.1 13.5
380 02885600 159 892 183 14.1 13.5
222 02885700 251 1,158 366 105 14.1 13.5
402 2 Total 2,633 12,535 3,402 1,703 0.0 0.0
110 02885200 87 440 15 36 0.0 0.0
292 02885300 2,546 12;095 3,387 1,667 0.0 0.0
1,255 2 Total 1,292 6,507 812 3,220 231.0 231.0
256 02885800 117 556 183 210.0 210.0
999 02885900 1,175 5,951 629 3,220 21.0 21.0
2,023 3 Total 1,322 6,370 1,762 478 159.0 144.0
439 02886000 492 2,385 637 53.0 48.0
525 02886100 372 1,866 560 402 53.0 48.0



Pane Name ofPanehaYllt Total No. Location No. of Total Sehe Sehe Total Total
ha geogra of Code House Popu duled duled Income Expen
yat phi cal ,ilia holds lation Castes Tribes (Rs. In diture (Rs.
Code area ges Popu Popu 'OOOs) In 'OOOs)
lation lation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1,059 02886200 458 2,119 565 76 53.0 48.0

0027 MADAPURA 2,166 5 Total 1,774 8,612 3,249 1,041 281.8 231.6
335 02886300 252 1,183 679 13 56.4 165.4
875 02886400 579 2,817 965 774 56.4 16.5
216 02886500 123 644 402 242 56.4 16.5
373 02886600 380 1,906 572 12 56.4 16.5
367 02887700 440 2,062 631 56.4 16.5
0028 HEMMIGE 2,150 . 5 Total 1,664 8,004 1,865 3,187 273.0 179.3
173 02887300 299 1,426 375 458 54.6 12.8
191 02887900 162 749 404 54.6 12.8
631 02888000 294 1,498 294 979 54.6 128.0
220 02888100 94 447 252 54.6 12.8
935 02889000 815 3,884 540 1,750 54.6 12.8
0029 HOLESALU (KAVERlPURA)2,201 3 Total 1,572 7,361 2,092 1,549 130.9 114.7
246 02888400 338 1,522 264 275 43.6 38.2
555 02888500 192 893 319 57 43.6 38.2
l,400 02888600 1,042 4,946 ·1,509 1,217 43.6 38.2
0030 SETTAHALLI (B) 2,126 5 Total 1,645 7,743 2,996 2,264 129.7 113.3
950 02888200 541 2,585 1,526 32.4 28.3
501 02888300 411 1,889 49 756 32.4 28.3
332 02888700 108 530 473 32.4 28.3
213 02888800 0.0 0.0
130 02889500 585 2,739 948 1,508 32.4 28.3
0031 KALIYURU 1,448 2 Total 1,248 6,017 1,567 2,465 9.0 2.0
696 02889600 585 2,593 458 879 4.5 1.0
752 02889700 663 3,424 1,109 1,586 4.5 1.0
0032 TALAKADU 1,999 2 Total 2,301 10,045 2,269 3,723 62.2 61.6
515 02888900 276 1,203 613 3l.l 30.8
1,484 02889400 2,025 8,842 1,656 3,723 31.1 30.8
0033 T. DODDAPURA 2,203 3 Total 1,181 5,828 1,551 1 76.2 76.2
952 02889100 499 2,261 620 25.4 25.4
665 02889200 266 1,288 355 25.4 25.4
586 02889300 416 2,279 576 25.4 25.4
0034 KOTTHEGALA 2,163 4 Total 1,444 6,923 2,382 120.5 118.3
395 02886700 317 1,380 322 38.9 38.2
429 02886800 355 1,776 ·589 38.9 38.2
407 02887300 272 1,374 779 3.9 3.8
932 02887400 500 2,393 692 38.9 38.2
0035 VAl:ALU 2,458 4 Total 1,521 7,390 2,557 325 217.2 188.9
899 02886900 624 2,993 1,057 261 51.3 47.2
466 02887000 263 1,196 251 49 57.3 47.2
496 02887100 426 2,104 905 51.3 47.2
597 02887200 208 1,097 344 15 57.3 47.2
0036 MUGURU 2,608 2 Total 1,767 8,986 3,031 1,534 24.0 17.4
2,227 02887500 1,512 7,727 2,587 1,534 21.8 15.4
381 02887600 255 1,259 444 2.2 1.9
Note: Columns left blank against L.C.No .. of "Uninhabited villages".



SL No Name of Institution Location Class Remarks
From To
1 2 3 4 5 6
I Gl-lPS Saragur Girls Saragur 7 G
2 GHPS Girls i-LDXotc Heggadadevanakotc 7 G
3 GHPS Girls Hcbbalaguppe lIebbalaguppe I 7 G
4 GHS H D Kote - Girls H D Kote - Girls 8 10 G
5 GJC Girls Hunsur Hunsur Town 8 10 G
6 GHPS Girls Hunsur Hunsur 7 G
7 GJC (Girls) l-lunsur Hunsur 8 10 G
8 Ghps Girls Urdu K R Nagar K R Nagar 7 G
9 GJC Girls K R Nagar K R Nagar 8 10 G
10 GJC Girls K R Nagar K R Nagar 8 10 G
II GHS Peoples Park Girls HS Peoples Park Nazarabad 8 10 G
12 Urdu Girls BPS Nazarabad 7 G
13 GHPS Urdu Girls K R Mahalia 7 G
14 GHPS Urdu Girls Savarline 7 G
15 GHPS Urdu Girls Mandi Sunny Chowk I 7 G
16 GHPS Girls Urdu New Ediga Ashok Road 5 7 G
17 GLPS Urdu Girls Zamia Masque Laksher Mohalla 4 G
18 GLPS Urdu Girls Ashok Road 4 G
19 GLPS Girls Old Nazarabad 4 G
20 GHPS Girls V V Punim V V Puram 7 G
21 GHPS Girls V V Mohalla VV Mohalla 7 G
22 Sri Vanivilasa Urs HPSGirls Nazarabad 1 7 A
23 Nalional Girls HS K R Mohalla 8 10 A
24 Chandrika Girls HS Krishna Vilasd Road 8 10 A
25 Sl Mary Girls HS Chamundi Puram 8 10 A
26 Farooqia Girls l-lS Laksher Mohalla 8 10 A
27 D Banumaiaha S Girls HS Sayyagi Rao Road 8 10 A
28 SI Annes Girls HS N R Mohalla 8 10 A
29 Royal Girls HS Old Exhibition Building 8 10 A
30 Royal Girls Old Exibition City 8 10 A
31 Sarada Vilas Girls Hs K M Puram 8 10 A
32 Vanitha Sadana Girls Hs 7 Th Cross K M Puram 8 10 A
33 Sri Vani Vilas Girls Hs Nazarabad 8 10 A
34 GHPS Girls R.P Road Nanjangud R.P Road Nanjanagudu 7 G
35 GHPS Girls Thagaduru Thagaduru 7 G
36 GHPS Girls Hullahalli Hullahalli 7 G
37 GHPS Girls Dalavoy Nanjangud Nanjangud 7 G
38 GHPS Urdu Girls Nanjangud Nanjangud J 7 G
39 SC, ST Girls Res.HS Nanjangud Nanjanagud 8 10 G
40 GJC Girls NanjanagUd Nanjanagud 8 10 G
41 Gurumalleswara Girls HS B.Block Nanjanagud 8 10 U
42 Sri Gurumalleswara Girls HS Tagadur 8 10 U
43 Sri Gurumalleswara Girls HS Devanur 8 10 U
44 Sri Srikanteswara Girls HS Hullahally 8 10 U
45 Sushma Girls High School Nanjanagud 8 10 U
46 Carmel Girls High School Nanjanagud 8 10 U
47 GLPS [Girls] Ravandum Ravandum 7 G
48 GHPS Urdu Girls Periyapatna Periyapatna 7 G
49 GHPS Girls Kittur Kittur 7 G
50 GHPS Girls Pete Periyapatna Periyapatna 7 G
51 Gl-lPS Urdu Girls Halaganahal Halaganahally 7 G
52 GHPS Girls Bettadapura Bettadapura I 7 G
53 GHS Girls Timmakudal Narsipura Tirumakudal Narsipura Town 8 10 G
54 GHPS Girls Mugur Mugur 7 G
55 GHPS Bannuru Girls Bannum 7 G

Sl. No Name of Institution . Location Class Remarks
From To
2 3 4 5 6
56 GHPS Tirumakudal Narsipura Girls Tirumakudal Narsipura Town 7 G
57 GHPS Girls Bannuru Bannuru 7 G
58 GLPS Urdu Sosale Girls Sosale I 4 G
59 Vdyodaya Girls HS Tinunakudal Narsipura 8 10 A
60 Girls HS Bannuru Bannuru ·8 10 A
Note: A - Aided
U - Unaided
G - Government

Town Directory Statements (I to Vll) (xiv)Industrial Township ITS

(xv)Township TS
Statement I : Status and Growth History
(xvi)Town Panchayat . TP
Column (2) Class, name and civic (xvii)Nagar Panchayat NP
administration status of town : (xviii)Town Committee/Town Area TC
Class has been introduced to facilitate analysis of Committee
town directory data at the state and all India levels. (xix) Small Town Committee ST
(xx) Estate office EO
It is presented according to 2001 Census Population
(xxi) Grama Panchayat GP
of the town as"follows :
(xxii) Census Town CT
Population. Class Others columns need no comments.
100;000 and above I
Statement II : Physical Aspects and Location of
50,000 - 99,999 II towDS, 1999
20,000 - 49,999 III
Column ~ to 5 : Physical Aspects
10,000 -19,999 IV
5,000 - 9,999 Y. In this columns the Rainfall and Maximum &
Below 5,000 VI Minimum Temperature of the town is recorded.

Town with a population of one hundred. thousand Column 6, 7 and 8 :

(1,00,000) and above is treated as a city. Name of the State headquarters, District
headquarters and Sub-Divisional headquarters with
The civic administration status of the towns is
distance from the referent town in kilometers, is to
indicated within bracket against the name of the .
be recorded respectively. If the names mentioned ,in
town. The following abbreviations are used to denote
these columns are the same as the referent town itself,
civic status of town. the distance is recorded as (0) zero.
(i) Municipal Corporation M. Corp. Column 9 & 10 :
(ii) Municipal Committee MC
Name of the nearest city with one lakh and more
(iii) Municipal Council MCI
and five lakhs and more population are recorded.
(iv) City Municipal Council CMC
Column 11, 12 and 13:
(v) Town Municipal Council TMC·
(vi) Municipal Board MB If referent town enjoys the facility of railway
(vii) Municipality M station, bus route facility or navigable river/canal. Its
(viii) Cantonment Board/Cantonment CB name is to be mentioned. If not available, then the
NA name of nearest place with distance, where such
(ix) Notified Area
facility exists is to be mentioned.
(x) Notified Town NT
(xi) Notified Area Committee/ NAC Statement III : Municipal Finance 1998-1999
Notified Area Council Itemwise amount of receipt andexpenditure in
(xii) Notified Town Area NTA thousand rupees, relating to municipal finance of the
(xiii) Industrial Notified Area INA town for the year 1998-99 is to be recorded.

Statement IV : Civic and Other amenities, 1999 Column 13 :

Column (1 to 5) : Self explanatory (i) Tap water T
(ii) Tubewell water TW
Column (6) : Road length (in kms.)
(iii) Tank Water TK
Infonnation about kutcha / pucca road is to be (iv) Well water W
recorded separately for the roads within the limits of
Column 14 :
the referent town.
(v) Over Head Tank OHT
(i) Pucca Road PR (vi) Service Reservoir SR
en) Kutcha Road KR (vii) River Infiltration Gallery RIG
Column (7): System of Sewerage (viii) Bore Well Pumping System BWP
(ix) Pressure Tank PT
Generally, by sewerage system is implied the
network of mains and branches of underground The information on major source of water supply
conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point are given in column 13 and the storage capacity
of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and against each in kilolitres (in bracket) are presented in
industrial wastes are called separate sewers, those column 14.
that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other Column 15 : Fire Fighting Service
surface are known as storm water drains, while those
In case the fire fighting service is available in the
carrying both sewage and storm water are called referent town 'yes' is recorded. If the facility is not
combined sewers. available within the town. The name of the nearest
The codes used for different types of drainage place having this facility with its distance from the
system are as follows: referent town has been recorded.
(i) Sewer s Column 16 to 20 : Electrification (Number of
(ii). Open Surface Drains OSD connections)
(iiI) Box Surface Drains BSD Different types of electric connections have been
(iv) Sylk Drains SD shown in these columns, i.e. Domestic, Industrial,
(v) Cesspool method CP Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others.
(vi) Pit System Pt
Statement V : Medical, Educational, Recreational
(vii) Others o and Cultural Facilities, 1999
Column 8 to 11 : Number of latrines
Column 1 to 3 Self explanatory
Number of various types of latrines both Public
Column 4 & 5
and Private are given in these columns.
The data covers all such medical institutions run
Column 12 : Method of disposal of night soil by or aided by Government/Semi GovernmentILocal
The various prevalent method of disposal of night bodies and Charitable institutions or Social agencies
soil are given below with codes : like the Missionaries. Where the family planning
centres are attached to hospitals or maternity and child
Head Loads HL
. welfare centres or Primary Health Centres, may be
Basket B
treated as independent units and cOlmted separately
Wheel Barrows WB
using following codes :
Septic Tank ST
Pit System Pt (i) Hospital H
Sewerage S eli) Dispensary D
Others 0 (iii) Health Centre HC
Column 13 and 14 : Water supply (iv) Family Welfare Centre FWC
(v) T.B. Clinic TB
Source and capacity of storage system. The (vi) Nursing Home NH
following codes are used in these columns: (vii) Others a


In case of more than one institutions of any type, School up to class V are treated as Primary or
it is indicated within brackets the number of such elementary schools. These include Nursery schools,
institution (s) e.g. D(3), NH(8), etc. The institutions Kindergarten schools, PrePrimary schools, Junior
have further been distinguished by providing additional Basic schools upto class V and Primary schools upto
codes within the bracket as given below : class IV.
Ayurvedic A Schools upto Vln are considered as Middle
Unani U school or Junior Secondary.
Homoeopathic Hom
Schools upto class X are considered as
Column 6 to 9 : Matriculation or Secondary schools.
The codes used for these columns are as follows Schools upto XI or XII classes are considercd as
(i) Arts only A Higher Secondary / Intermediate/ Pre University /
(ii) Science only S Junior College etc. This would cover 10+2 classes
(iii) Commerce only C whether held in schools or college.
(iv) Arts & Science only AS If there are composite schools like middle
(v) Arts & Commerce only AC schools with primary classes or Secondary schools
(vi) Combined for all categories ASC with Middle classes, these are also included in the
Arts, Science and Commerce number of Primary and Middle schools,
(viI) Law L respectively. For example, if in a town, there are
(viii) University U two Primary Schools and one Middle school with
(ix) Others 0 Primary classes, the number of Primary schools in
Column 10 : Recognized shorthand, typewriting the town is given as three and that of Middle schools
and vocational training institutes as one though there are only three educational
"Recognised" should mean recognised by some
statutory authority, like education department, If there are more institutions of a type in the town,
commerce department, labour department etc. of the the number is indicated within bracket along with the
government or semi government or autonomous bodies, abbreviation, e.g. P(4), M(3).
public sector undertakings etc. Column 15 : Adult literacy class/centres
The following codes are used : This column has been introduced keeping in
(i) Vocational Training Instihlte VT view the Minimum Needs Programme of the
Planning Commission. There are number of Adult
(ii) Shorthand SH
Education Centres which are included in these
(iii) Typewriting Type columns.
(iv) Shorthand & Typewriting SH Type If an educational facility is not available in the
(v) Others 0 town, the name of the nearest place and its distance
in kilometres from the town where the facility is
The vocational institutions like Applied Art/
available is mentioned.
Painting college, Pharmacy college, B. Ed.
College, Teacher's Training Institute, Music / Column 16 : Working Women's hostels with
Dance School, Nursing School etc. are covered number of seats
under 'Others'. The number of working women's hostel if available
Column 11 to 14: Higher Secondary/ Intermediate in the referent town is mentioned with number of seats.
/ Senior Secondary / PUC / Junior College level, If the facility is not available in the town the name of
SecondarylMatriculation, Middle Schools/ Junior nearest place with distance where the facility is
Secondary and Primary Schools. available is recorded.

Column 17 to 19 Recreational and Cultural exported and names of three most important
Facilities commodities manufactured in the town are recorded.
Stadium, Cinema, AuditorimnlDramai Community Column 9 ; Number of Banks
Hall are covered under recreational & cultural Number of Banks available in the referent town
facilities. The particulars of permanent recreational both Commercial and Cooperative banks are recorded
facilities are considered for these columns. against this column.
Column 20 : Public Libraries, Reading Rooms Column 10 & 11 : Number of Agricultural Credit
Number of public libraries and reading rooms . Societies and Non Agricultural Credit Societies
available in the referent town are recorded in codes The total number of Agricultural Credit Societies
as follows: and Non Agricultural Credit Societies in the referent
(i) Public Library PL town are recorded against these columns.

(ii) Reading room RR Statement VII Civic and other Amenities in

Slums, 1999
Statement VI ; Trade, Commerce, Industry and
Banking, 1999 This is the statement on civic and other amenities
in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns
Column 3 to 8 having statutory bodies, like municipality, Municipal
Name of three most important commodities Corporation, Town area committee etc.

S I. Class, name and Location Name of Name Area (in Number of PopUlation and growth
No civic status of code Talukl oCC.D. sq. km.) households rate (in brackets) of the
town number Police block incl. houseless town at the Censuses of
Station! households
Island ctc. (2001 Census)
1901 1911 1921
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
IV Piriyapatna (TP) 42601000 Piriyapatna Piriyapatna 6.0 3,150 3,872 3,404 3,108
(-12.1) (-8.7)
2 III Hunsur (TMC) 42602000 Hunsur Hunsur 11.8 9,253 6,673 4,772 4,463
(-28.5) (-6.5)
3 III Krishnarajanagara 42603000 Krislmaraja Krishnaraja 8.6 6,451 2,706 1,655 2,105
(TMC) nagara nagara (-38.8) (+27.2)
4 I Mysore (M.Corp*)42604000 Mysore Mysore 117.5 165,815 68,111 71,306 83,951
(+4.7) (+17.7)
5 V Belvata (CT) 42606000 Mysore Mysore 2.0 1,439

6 VI Bhogadi (CT) 42607000 Mysore Mysore 4.7 1,063

7 VI Hebbalu (CT) 42605000 Mysore Mysore 7.7 412

8 IV Heggadadevankotc 42608000 Heggadadevan Heggadadevan 1.9 2,572 1,298 1,346 1,242

(TP) kote kote (+3.7) (-7.7)
9 III Nanjangud (TMC) 42609000 Nanjangud Nanjangud 14.1 10,050 5,991 7,246 7,453
(+21.0) (+2.9)
10 III Bannur (TP) 42610000 Tirumakudal Tirumakudal 3.1 4,831 5,119 4,505 4,458
Narsipur Narsipur (-12.0) (-1.0)
II V Tirumakudal- 42611000 Tirumakudal Tirumakudal 1.0 2,145 2,406 4,033 4,768
Narsipur (TP) Narsipur Narsipur (+67.6) (+18.2)


Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses of Density S ex ratio

1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 1981 1991 2001
11 12 .13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
3,216 3,957 4,778 6,075 7,411 10,039 12,008 14,924 2,491.5 920 946 966
(+3:5) (+23.0) (+20.8) (+27.2) (+22.0) (+35.5) (+19.6) (+24.3)
6,777 7,919 12,620 14,393 19,996 27,727 34,753 43,900 3,733.0 938 966 963
(+51.9) (+16.9) (+59.4) (+14.1) (+38.9) (+38.7) (+25 ..3) (+26.3)
3,349 4,741 7,879 9,635 15,352 18,860 26,084 30,633 3,562.0 929 950 964
(+59.1) (+41.6) (+66.2) (+22.3) (+59.3) (+22.9) (+38.3) (+17.4)
107,142 150,540 244,323 253,865 355,685 463,985 606,755 787,179 6,699.4 935 . 940 967
(+27.6) (+40.5) (+62.3) (+3.9) (+40.1) (+30.5) (+30.8) (+29.7)
5,707 2,867.8 942

4,815 1,018.0 904

1,527 198.8 943

1,250 1,474 1,861 2,858 4,392 6,153 8,357 12,045 6,373.0 894 929 953
(+0.6) (+17.9) (+26.3) (+53.6) (+53.7) (+40.1) (+35.8) (+44.1)
8,215 10;725 16,737 17,599 22,583 34,939 42,598 48,232 3,425.6 947 9~9 977
(+10.2) (+30.6) (+56.1) (+5.2) (+28.3) (+54.7) (+21.9) (+13.2)
4,906 5,683 7,585 8,740 11,643 15,108· 17,820 23,239 7,520.7 944 946 965
(+10.1) (+15.8) (+33.5) (+]5.2) (+33.2) (+29.8) (+18.0) (+3Q.4)
2,806 3,587 5,374 5,868 6,820 8,910 9,900 9,927 9,927.0 914 960 990
(-41.2) (+27.8) (+49.8) (+9.2) (+16.2) (+30.7) . (+11.1) (+0.3)


Sedal Class, name and civic Physical aspects Name orand road distance in
number status of town Rainfall Temperature (in kilometer(s) from
(in mm) Maximum Minimum State HQ. District HQ.

2 3 4 5 6 7
[V Piriyapatna (TP) 826.4 29.74 [8.31 Bangalore Mysore
(2[2) (72)
2 !II Hunsur (TMC) 696 28.9 17.7 Bangalore Mysore
(178) (48)
3 Il[ Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 716.7 29.7 18.8 Bangalore Mysore
(183) (43)
4 Mysore (M.Corp*) 591.01 34.06 15.6 Bangalore Mysore
(141) (0)
5 V Belvata (CT) 591.01 34.06 15.6 Banga10re Mysore
(144) (3)
6 V[ Bhogadi (CT) 591.01 34.06 15.6 Bangaiore Mysore
(149) (8)
7 VI Hebbalu (CT) 591.01 34.06 15.6 Bangalore Mysore
(142) (I)
8 IV Heggadadevankote (TP) 813.88 29.9 17.7 Bangalore Mysore
(193) (53)
9 III Nanjangud (TMC) 748.1 36 [6 Bangalore Mysore
(165) (24)
10 III Bannur (TP) 719.4 34.6 15.6 Bangalore Mysore
(125) (25)
11 V Tirumakuda1-Narsipur (TP) 719.4 34.6 15.6 Bangalore Mysore
(135) (32)


Name of and road distance in kilometer(s) from Railway station Bus facility Navigable river I
Sub-division I N carest city with Nearest city with canal (if within
Taluk I Police population of one population of five ten kilomete rs)
station I lakh and more lakh and more
Block I Island HQ.
8 9 10 11 12 13
Piriyapatna Mysore Mysore Krishnarajanagara Piriyapatna Na
(0) (72) (72) (40) (0) (NA)
Hunsur Mysore Mysore Krishnarajanagara Hunsur Na
(0) (48) (48) (19) (0) (NA)
Krishnarajanagara Mysore Mysore Krishnarajanagara . Krishnarajanagara Na
(0) (43) (43) (0) (0) (NA)
Mysore Mandya Bangalore Mysore Mysore Na
(0) (42) (138) (0) (0) (NA)
Mysore Mandya Myore Mysore Belvata Na
(3) (45) (3) (3) (0) (NA)
Mysore Mandya Mysore Mysore . Bhogadi Na
(8) (SO) (8) (8) (0) (NA)
Mysore Mandya Mysore Mysore Hebbalu Na
(I) (43) (I) (I) (0) (NA)
Heggadadevankote Mysore Mysore Krishnarajanagara Heggadadevankote Na
(0) (S3) (50) (48) (0) (NA)
Nanjangud . Mysore Mysore Nanjangud Nanjangud Na
(0) (24) (24) . (0) (0) (NA)
Tirumakudal-Narsipur Mysore Mysore Mysore Bannur Na
(16) (25) (2S) (2S) (0) (NA)
Tirumakudal-Narsipur Mysore Mysore Mysore Tirumakudal-Narsipur Na
(0) (32) (32) (32) (0) (NA)


Serial Class, name and civic status _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:;R.:.;eo.:c..:;e:.!ipo.:t_,(.:.;in~R:::s.:....'..:.O.:._OO"_')'___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
number of town Receipt through Revenue derived from Government Loan
taxes, etc. municipal properties and grant
power apart from taxation

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 IV Piriyapatna (TP) 783 211 2,577
2 III Hlinsur (TMC) 1,661 4,476
3 III Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 2,349 192 3,105
4 I Mysore (M.Corp*) 120,521 57,024 103,526
5 V Belvata (CT)
6 VI Bhogadi (CT)
7 VI Hebballl (CT)
8 IV l-leggadadevankote (TP) 125 1,603
9 III Nanjanglld (TMC) 6,594
10 III Bannur (TP) 4,828 5 157
11 V Tirumaklldal-Narsipur (TP) 402 2 2,701


Receipt (Coutd.) (in Rs. '000) Expenditure (in Rs.'OOO)
Adva"nce Other Total General Public Public Public Public Others Total
sources receipt admini safety health and works insti (specify) expen
(specify) stration conveni tutions diture
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
458 4,029 1,668 1,843 1,281 50 10 4,852
1,554 7,691 4,462 1,740 1,317 426 7,945
3,764 9,410 2,962 3,309 2,023 282 89 8,665
190,916 474,213 123,961 124,379 215 91,636 3,960 79,951 426,183

464 2,192 1,054 496 725 2,275

_ 1,858 8,452 4,383 2,752 267 99 59 7,560
1,123 7,296 2,566 325 1,921 336 5,148



Serial Class, name and civic Popu Population 2001 Censns Road length (in System of Number of
number status of town lation km. (s) ) sewerage latrines
(2001 Scheduled Scheduled Total Water
Census) Castes Tribes borne

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
IV Piriyapatna (TP) 14,924 1,255 1,581 43 OSD,BSD 2,641 1,249

2 III Hunsur (TMC) 43,900 7,034 3,438 70 OSD,BSD 6,564 2,611

3 1lJ Kroishnarajanagara (TMC) 30,633 4,407 1,645 41 OSD,BSD 5,318 1,574

4 Mysore (M.Corp'") 787,179 88,996 30,079 1,195 OSD,BSD 152,772 123,195

5 V Belvata (CT) 5,707 454 155 BSD, Pt 192

6 VI Bhogadi (CT) 4,815 379 88 BSD, Pt 207

7 VI Hebbalu (CT) 1,527 138 109 BSD, Pt 161

8 IV Hcggadadevankote (TP) 12,045 2,776 2,092 28 OSD,BSD 2,171 820

9 III Nanjangud (TMC) 48,232 9,330 2,311 50 OSD,BSD 6,727 1,119


Number of Method of Water supply Fire fighting Electrification (number of connections)
latrines disposal of service*
Service Others night soil Source of System of Domestic Indus Com mer Road Others
supply storage with trial cial lighting
capacity in (points)
kilolitres (in
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1,392 ST, Pt T,TW OHT Kushalnagar 2,937 105 831 395 20
(450) (23)
3,953 - ST, Pt T,TW OHT,BWP 8,073 292 1,643 1,535
(1478) 0
3,744 ST, S,O T,TW BWP Hunsur 6,375 238 1,350 1,520 41
(-) (19)
- 29,577 ST, Pt, 0 T,TW OHT,BWP 151,606 78,013 18,438 26,312 1,373
(4074) ()
192 ST, PI NA NA Mysore
0 (3)
207 ST, Pt NA NA Mysore
0 (8)
161 ST, PI NA NA Mysore
0 (1)
1,351 ST, Pt, 0 T,TW OHT Hunsur 1,841 414 501 285 25
(1140) (29)
5,608 ST, Pt, 0 T,TW OHT,BWP Mysore 8,367 756 1,078 1,738
(1368) (24)
2,112 ST, Pt, 0 T,TW OHT,RIG Mysore 3,175 179 790 505 505
(2000) (25)
1,290 ST, Pt,.O T,TW, OHT,RIG Mysore 1,719 415 323 236
(1170) (32)


Serial Class, name and civic Population Medical facilities* Educational facilities*
number status of town (2001 Census) Hospitals/ Dispensaries/ Beds in Arts/Science/ Commercel
T.B. clinics etc. medical instit Law/ Other colleges (of
utions noted degree level and above)
in column 4

2 3 4 5 6
IV Piriyapatna (TP) 14,924 H FWC TB NH(2) 39 AC
2 III Hunsur (TMC) 43,900 H(2) FWC TB 56 AC
3 III KrisJmarajanagara (TMC) 30,633 H(2) FWC TB 62 ASC
4 I Mysore (M.Corp*) 787,179 H(8) D(3) HCCI!) A, S(3), C(4), AS(4), AC(4),
FWC(7) TB(2) Other(3) 1,920 ASC(5), L(3), U, 0(12)
5 V Belvata (CT) 5,707 Mysore-3
6 VI Bhogadi (CT) 4,815 Mysore-8
7 VI Hebbalu (CT) 1,527 Mysore-J
8 IV Heggadadevankote (TP) 12,045 H FWC TB 50 A
9 . III Nanjangud (TMC) 48,232 H(2) FWC TB 81 A,ASC
10 III Bannur (TP) 23,239 HC FWC TB 39 ASC
11 V Tirumakudal-Narsipur (TP) 9,927 H FWC TB Other 30 ASC

Note: Ir a medical or educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance in Km(s). from the town where
facility is available, is mentioned.


Serial Educational facilities (Contd .•.. ) Working women's hostels
number Secondaryl Junior secondary and Primary schools Adult literacy classesl with number of seats
Matriculation Middle schools centres, others (specify)

12 13 14 15 16
5 7 II Mysore-72 Mysore-72 .
2 9 14 29 Mysore-48 Mysore-48
3 9 19 30 Mysore-43 Mysore-43

4 113 193 358 20 2 (155)

5 Mysore-3 2 2 Mysore-3 Mysore-3
6 2 6 6 Mysore-8 Mysore-8
7 Mysore-l Mysore-l Mysore-l Mysore-I Mysore-l
8 5 7 12 Mysore-57 Mysore-53
9 II 22 37 Mysore24- Mysore-24
10 6 II 15 Mysore-25 Mysore-25
11 3 4 G Mysore-32 Mysore-32


Educational facilities* Serial colleges Engineering· Polytechnics Recognised shorthand, Higher secondary! Intermediate! number
colleges typewriting and Senior Secondary! PUC (Pre-
vocational training university college)! Junior college
institutions level
7 8 9 10 11 1
Mysore-72 Mysore-72 Kushalnagar-23 8 3
Mysore-48 Mysore-48 Mysore-48 9 2 2
Mysore-43 Mysore-43 Mysore-43 5 3 3

5 4 6 92 23 4
Mysore-3 Mysore-3 Mysore-3 Mysore-3 5
Mysore-8 Mysore-8 Mysore-8 Mysore-8 6
Mysore-l Mysore-l Mysore-] Mysore-] 7
Mysore-53 Mys~re-53 Mysore-53 2 2 8
Mysore-24 Mysore-24 I ]0 3 9
Mysore-25 Mysore-25 Mysore-25 2 2 10
Mysore-32 Mysore-32 Mysore-32 3 2 ]I


Number of recreational and cultural facilities Serial
Stadium Cinema Auditorium! Drama! Public libraries including number
community Halls· reading rooms

17 18 19 20 1

3 2
2 2 2
3 4 3

4 23 3 II 4
2 I 2 8
2 5 2 9
3 2 10
2 I II


Serial Class, name and civie status Name of three most important commodities exported
number of town

1st 2ud 3rd

2 3 4 5
I IV Piriyapatua eTP) Rice Arecanut Tobacco
2 1II Hunsur (TMC) Tobacco Plywood Woollen
3 III Krishnarajallagara (fMC) Beedies Package Paper Rice
4 Mysore (M.Corp*) Sandal Oil Incense Sticks SilkSarees
5 V Belvata (CT)
6 V1 Bhogadi (CT)
7 VI Hebbalu (CT)
8 IV Heggadadevallkote (TP) Tobacco Cotton Ragi
9 III Nalljangud (TMC) Cotton Thread Ayurvedic Medicines Coffee
10 III Bannur (TP) Rice Cut sizes of timber Sheeps
II V Tirumakudal-Narsipur (TP) Rice Silk Thread Groundnut Oil


Name of three most important commodities manufactured Number of Number of Number of non-
banks agricultural agricultural credit
credit societies societies
1st 2nd 3rd
6 7 8 9 10 11
Arecanut Tobacco Processing 4 2
Paper Cotton Woollen 6 2
Paper Beedi 8 1
Incense Sticks, Wood Sandal Oil Silk Sarees 101 3 9

Bricks Tobacco Processing 5
Cotton Thread Ayurvedic Medicines Coffee 11 1
Cut sizes of timber Sugar Jaggery 3 2
Beedies Silk Yarn Groundnut Oil 3 1


Serial Class and name of Name of the slum Is it No. of Population of Paved roads System of
number town notified households the Slum (in sewerage
(approximate) (approximate) kilometers)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
IV Piriyapatna Handi Gollara Gudisalu No 25 122 NA .OSD, BSO
Medar'S Block Yes 123 574 I OSO, BSO
Sweeper'S Colony No 28 160 NA OSD, BSD
2 III Hunsur Banni Street Yes 137 1,128 3 OSO
Gurugala Beedhi Yes 68 350 2 BSO
Handi Chik~ra Street Yes 10 38 I BSO
Kurujana Mohalla Yes 87 342 2 BSO
Lalband Street Yes 354 1,888 4 BSO
Medara Street Yes 131 524 2 BSO
New Badavane Yes 32 187 2 BSO
Ontepalyabore Yes 197 795 4 BSO
Powrakarmikara Colony Yes 168 750 3 BSO
Saraswathipuram Yes 199 l,i21 3 BSO
3 III Krishnaraja Kantenahalli Harijana Colony Yes 65 350 1 OSO
nagara Keb affice Back Yard Yes 75 390 aso
Madhuvanahalli A.K.Colony Yes 250 2,100 aso
Sweepers Colony Yes 180 525 I OSO
Voddarageri Bovi Colony Yes 40 165 0 aso
4 Mysore A.J.Bloek No 1,245 8,341 S,OSO
Ashoka Puram Yes 126 610 2 S
B.B.Keri Yes 320 1,650 I S
Bade Makhan No 450 2,740 2 S
Bamboo Bazar Yes 85 450 I S
Bb Keri, C.Y.Road No 96 310 0 S
Behind Coffee Board No 130 600 1 OSO
Behind Regional College Yes 58 270 0 OSO
Behind Sarvajanika Hostel Yes 144 725 0 S
Belavatha No 60 304 0 OSO
Chamundeshwari Road,
Gandhinagar Yes 113 622 S
Channagiri Koppal No 340 1,650 S
Ourgamba Temple,
Gandhinagar Yes 86 516 0 S
Gokulam No 36 213 NA S
Gousianagar No 25p 1,300 2 S,OSD
Gnndurao Nagar No 538 2,690 2 OSO
Highway Circle No 85 450 NA S
Hoovina Thota No 80 810 . NA S
Jayanagar Labour Colony No 122 599 0 S
Jyothinagar Yes 188 883 s·
Kukkarahally No 150 578 S
Kurimandi No 291 1,438 S
Kyathamaranahalli Yes 61 300 S
Kylaspuram Yes 506 3,197 2 S
Madhuvana No 129 653 0 S
Manjunathapura No 272 1,368 S
Medar Block Yes 340 1,780 1 S
Muneshwaranagar No 361 1,913 I OSO
Nachanahally Palya No 1,400 9,380 2 S,OSO


_ _ _ _ __;;N_;u::;;m::;;h::;_e;;.:r_;o;;;t;.::_rI:.::;"n:.::;e::;_s_ _ _ _ _ Method of No. of tap points/public Electricity connections
disposal of hydrants installed for Domestic Road Others
night soil supply of protected water lighting
Private (points)
water borne service others
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
NA NA 6 Pt I NA 3 NA
NA NA 15 Pt 6 96 14 NA
NA NA 6 Pt 10 4 NA
40 NA 40 ST, PI 5 130 18 NA
8 NA 7 ST, Pt 2 15 4 NA
NA NA NA Pt 1 4 2 NA
3 NA 4 ST, PI 1 22 20 NA
15 NA 10 ST, Pt 9 309 17 NA
8 NA 10 ST, Pt 10 32 16 NA
12 NA 2 ST, Pt 29 4 NA
92 NA 50 ST, Pt 5 168 9 NA
19 NA 10 ST, Pt 13 92 18 NA
55 NA 60 ST, Pt 8 25 8 NA
10 NA 40 ST, PI 27 40 8 NA
60 NA 10 ST, Pt 25 75 10 NA
50 NA 60 ST, Pt 195 205 28 NA
40 NA 140 ST, PI 80 155 15 NA
15 NA 25 ST, PI 30 26 4 NA
767 NA NA S 278 1195 22 NA
126 NA NA S 15 117 25 NA
300 NA NA S 315 317 10 NA
430 NA NA S 375 415 35 NA
65 NA NA 4 S 3 63 6 NA
96 NA "NA S 79 96 8 NA
130 NA NA S 8 75 12 NA
144 NA NA 8 S 125 144 2 NA
45 NA NA S 4 60 6 NA

90 NA NA 7 s 40 107 9 NA
176 NA NA S 212 322 . 30 NA

30 NA NA 4 S 7 86 10 NA
20 NA NA S 4 36 5 NA
185 NA NA S 15 205 25 NA
472 NA NA S 483 433 37 NA
70 NA NA 8 S 4 73 8 NA
43 NA NA S 23 80 9 NA
75 NA NA S 62 103 11 NA
175 NA NA 8 S 101 188 15 NA
145 NA. NA 4 S 140 150 8 NA
120 NA NA S 255 275 " 17 NA
35 NA NA 4 S 93 61 5 NA
475 NA NA S 450 475 90 NA
50 NA. NA S 44 119 8 NA
155 NA NA 8 S 60 265 15 NA
85 NA NA 8 S 18 320 15 NA
306 NA NA S 287 351 31 NA
1,250 NA NA S,O 690 l,l20 100 NA


Serial Class and name of Name of the slum Is it No. of Population of Paved roads System of
number town notified households the Slum (in sewerage
(approximate) (approximate) kilometers)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nel1ur Shed Yes 272 1,375 S
Rme Shed No 186 940 NA S
Shanthinagar No 3,150 18,300 3 S,OSO
Siddappaji Road,
Gandhinagar Yes 76 381 S
Sollepura No 83 377 0 S
Vishveshwaranagar Yes 83 349 NA OSO
Yadavagiri Yes 39 163 0 S
Yashwanthnagar No 64 318 NA S
5 IV Heggada Ambedkar Colony Yes 30 120 NA OSO
devanakote Bovi Colony Yes 88 400 NA OSD
Near Ksrte Bus Stand,
Powrakarmika Colony Yes 100 500 OSO
S.R.No.lll Ashraya Site Yes 25 100 NA OSO
S.R.No.80 Powrakarmika
Colony Yes 26 100 NA aso
6 1II Nanjangud Ashokapura Yes 345 1,025 3 OSO
Chamalapura Hundi Yes 419 1,039 3 aso
Kurubageri No 145 544 2 aso
Medigara Beedi No 126 428 aso
Neelakanta Nagara No 219 924 3 aso
Rajaji Colony No 143 648 aso
Saraswathi Colony Yes 134 1,374 aSD
Sbankarapura No 284 969 2 OSD
Srirampura No 325 1,678 2 OSO
Thopina Beedi No 123 474 2 aso
7 II1 Bannur Bannur A.K.Colony Yes 250 950 aso, BSO
A.O.Colony Yes 200 760 aSO,BSO
Bovi Colony No 100 345 OSO,BSO
Handi Jogara Colony No 220 897 OSD, BSO
Hosakeri No 130 410 OSO,BSO
Municipal Office Backside No 100 320 aSD,BSO
Ratna Maiial TIlcalre
Backside No 200 780 OSO,BSO
Subash Nagar No ISO 575 OSD, BSD
Thyagaraja Mohalla
Backside No 100 295 OSD,BSO
8 V T.Narsipur Indira Colony Yes 105 332 2 OSD
Lal Bahadur Shastry Colony Yes 28 72 NA OSO
Sweeper'S Colony Yes 87 288 NA OSO
Vinayaka Colony Yes 209 696 3 BSD


Number of latrines Method of .No. of tap points/public Electricity connections
disposal of hydrants installed for Domestic Road Others
night soil supply of protected water . lighting
Private (points)
water borne service others
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
272 NA NA 8 S 179 185 20 NA
NA NA NA 8 0 6 175 13 NA
2,350 NA NA 8,0. 2,263 2,352 289 NA

50 NA NA 3 S 41· 45 3 NA
73 NA NA 6 S 53 76 10 NA
53 NA NA S 15 45 5 NA
NA NA NA 4 S 4 39 4 NA
3 NA NA S 5 55 4 NA
20 NA 50 ST, Pt NA NA NA


NA NA 65 Pt 16 335 28 NA
NA NA 45 Pt 8 405. 24 NA
NA NA 68 Pt 9 137 19 NA
NA NA 58 Pt II 112 16 NA
NA NA 160 Pt 14 210 18 NA
NA NA 70 Pt 9 133 22 NA
NA NA 43 Pt 5 128 15 NA
NA NA 210 Pt 19 278 42 NA
NA NA 216 Pt 23 312 15 NA
NA NA 45 Pt 8 115 16 NA
140 NA 20 ST, Pt 8 180 9 NA
145 NA 10 ST, Pt 7 130 7 NA
70 NA 8 ST, Pt 8 40 5 NA
130 NA 9 ST, Pt 7 80 4 NA
85 NA 10 ST, Pt 9 110 8 NA
45 NA 5 ST, Pt 6 40 5 NA

98 NA 8 ST, Pt 7 55 6 NA
95 NA NA ST, Pt 6 50 5 NA·

70 NA NA ST, Pt 6 95 10 NA
NA NA 30 Pt 2 4 3 NA
NA NA 4 0 2 I 1 NA
NA NA 14 0 4 27 5 NA
NA NA 50 Pt 5 44 13 NA



SLNo. Name of Town with location code Population of the core Outgrowth Population of
town outgrowth
1 2 3 4 5
Mysore (M Corp+OG) 787,179 Hinkal 12,132
42604000 Hutagalli 6,554
Metagalli 508
Sathagalli 600
Alanahalli 3,682
Chamundibetta 1,393
Srirampura 6,085
Dattagalli 188
Lingambudi 658

(a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

T he fIrst census of the third millennium and

twenty fIrst century the Census of India,
2001 was the 14th continuous and unintemlpted Indian
2001, about 202 million schedules consisting of about
1,028 million records were scanned and processed
within a span of only 10 months starting October, 2002.
census since 1872. Thus, 2001 Census will provide
Task Force on Quality Assurance
data on population and its characteristics marking
transition from one century and millennium to another. After the data is processed, it is expedient on
the part. of the data producing agency to satisfy itself
The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration
about its quality before putting the same in public
(considered by many to be the single largest and
domain. This has to be done mainly through the
complex peace time administrative exercise in the
process of internal consistency, comparison with
world) was made possible due to the door to door
similar data in the past and also through validation
universal canvassing of the Household Schedule py
with likewise data if available, from external sources.
about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering
Quite often the local knowledge and perception has
593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and
to be brought into play to understand both the existing
638,588 villages. The comprehensive Household
and the new emerging trends of population distribution
Schedule which replaced the individual slip had three
and characteristics. The other very important aspect
parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the
of the data quality is to ensure complete coverage of
Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual
all geographical areas especially for the population
Particulars and Part III contained questions for
enumeration phase where the data is disseminated
Household engaged in CultivationIPlantation. The part right up to the village level in the rural areas and the
II of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and 23 ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the
questions all of which were universally canvassed and complete coverage and correct geographical linkage
no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. of each enumeration block was one of the major
Data Processing planks of the quality control, specially for small area
A quantum leap was made in the technology front population statistics.
while processing the Census 2001 data both for A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism
Houselisting and Population Enumeration. The Census was put in place to objectively examine the preli-
schedules for both the phases were scanned through minary Census 2001 Population Enumeration results
high speed scanners in fIfteen data centers across and finally clear them for use. The responsibility of
the country and hand-written data from the schedules the final clearance of data was with the Task Force
were converted into digitized form through Intelligent on Quality Assurance (TFQA), headed by the
Character Reading (ICR) software for creation of Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.
ASCII records for further processing. The designing The other members of the TFQA were the Heads
and formatting of the Household Schedule had to be and senior officers of the Census Division, Data
done very carefully using specialized software so as Processing Division, Map Division, Demography
to ensure uniformity, which was an essential pre- Division and Social Studies Division. The Directors
requisite for scanning. The selection of appropriate of Census Operations were co-opted as members
state-of-art technology in data processing has made whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their
it possible to produce all the Houselisting as well as States/Union territories. The Directors and their senior
Population Enumeration tables on full count basis for officers were required to make detailed presentations
_ the fIrst time in the history of Census. For Census of data for their own state both in respect to the

quality and the coverage and only after the full possible being finaUzed by aggregating the population data for
cleared. individual Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
at appropriate geographical levels.
There has been a major departure in Census 2001
from the past in respect of the procedure followed The entire work relating to the data validation and
for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and the scrutiny was complet~d by all the States/Union
Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier censuses, Tenitories under the overall supervision and monitoring
the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar
populations were finalized at the time of the manual General, India with active cooperation and support of
compilation of the Primary Census Abstracts (PCA) the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division,
at the Regional Tabulation Offices which were Data Dissemination Division and Map Division.
specially set up for this purpose. The individual Primary Census Abstract
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population
for each state was finalized much later based on manual The Primary Census Abstract which is yet another
coding done by the coders. In 2001 Census, each important publication of 2001 Census gives basic
information on Area, Total Households, Total
individual Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe
have been coded directly on the computers by the population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
Data Entry Operators through a process known as population, Population in the age group 0-6, Literates,
Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) and taken up along Main workers and Marginal workers classified by the
with the processing of PCA data. The CAC process four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators,
involves pulling down, from the relevant dictionary of (ii) Agricultural laborers, (iii) Household Industry
the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, on Workers, and (iv) Other workers and also Non-
the computer screen and coding from the dictionary workers. The characteristics of the Total population
by referring to the image of the specific individual includes Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
entry in the Household Schedule appearing on the Institutional and Houseless population and are
screen. The CAC of the response on Religion presented by sex and rural-urban residence. This data
wherever required, was also undertaken along with is presented at different levels, namely, India, States/
the processing ofPCA. This is because the Scheduled Union territories, Districts and Cities, Urban
Castes status had to be determined in relation to the Agglomerations (Population 1,00,000 and above) ~
religion of the individuaL Two Special Task Forces, three different tables. In addition, the Appendix of
one on Religion and the other on Scheduled Castes/ said publication provides Houseless and Institutional
Scheduled Tribes were constituted for scrutiny and Households and their population by residence and sex
appropriate classification of these responses. for 200 I for India, State and Union territory.

The main task of the Special Task Force on Apart from the India and StatelUnion Territory
Religion was to appropriately merge or group the new volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the District
. responses encountered and code it into the appropriate Census Handbook contains District Primary Census
religious community based on available literature and Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census
local knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Abstract, Primmy Census Abstract for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes examined the different Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries Tribes, Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban
encoun-tered and classified these into appropriate Primary Census Abstract of the concerned district in
category of the· Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled the state.
Tribes principally based on the Presidential Notification It was for the first time at the 1981 .Census that
and the available literature. Thus a very systematic the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) was brought out
and scientific mechanism was operationalised to finn for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
up the individual religion and the individual Scheduled separately on the pattern of General Primary Census
CasteslTribes returns. The Scheduled Castes and the Abstract. This practice was continued in 1991 also.
Scheduled Tribes popUlation in 2001 Census, is thus In the 196 I and 1971 Censuses, such data were made


available in Table C-VIII-Social and Cultural table and primary census abstract of 1991 Census was the
to some extent in the series 'Special Tables for presentation of data of the population of age group 0-
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes'. 6 is continued in 2001 Census also. This will help the
The format of Primary Census Abstract has been data users in better analysis and understanding of this
restructured slightly in the 2001 Census as compared literacy data.
to that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial Level of presentation in District Census
classification of main workers given in the Primary
Census Abstract of 1991 Census has been discontinued
and its place, four-fold industrial classification of both The Primary Census Abstract data in different
'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. PC As are presented at different levels. The level of
In 1981 census only main workers were presented in presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as
to four categories. One of the novel features of the under:

Name of the Primary Cenus Abstract Level of presentation

1. District Primary Census Abstract District/CDBlocklUAJCitylTown
2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes DistrictlCDBlockiTown
3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes DistrictlCDBlockiTown
4. Village Primary CensusAbstract CD BlockIVillagewise
5. Urban Primary Census Abstract TownlWardLevel

The PCA Data for villages was presented CD Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The term 'Total
Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This Population' includes the Scheduled Castes, the
practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless
for each CD Block is presented both for· rural and popUlations. The explanation regarding area figures
urban areas separately. All the villages within the CD presented at various level in the Primary Census
Block constitute the rural portion and the Census
Abstracts are as follows:
Towns and Outgrowths are shown under the urban
portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is spread Area Figures
ovcr two or more districts, than portion which falls The area figures supplied by local revenue
within the district is presented, the data pertaining to authorities of the district in respect oftaluks, Police
remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in
Stations and by the local bodies in respect oft owns
the concerned District Census Handbook. The data in
are given in square kilometers. The area figures of
the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town as
the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have
well as for town with outgrowths in the. district are
been converted and shown in hectares. The area
presented. The data for all the wards and the
figures of the CD Block is the total of the village
outgrowths of the town(s) are also presented separately
areas coming under each CD Block. The area
below the concerned town(s).
figures for the district are the same as adopted by
The District Primary Census Abstract is presented the Surveyor General ofIndia to maintain uniformity
in 59 columns. The Primary Census Abstract for at the national level. The total area figures of all
Scheduled Castes and Primary Census Abstract for the taluks/CD Blocks within the district may not
Scheduled Tribes are presented in 52 columns. The tally with area figures ofthe district because former
Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban Primary represents land use area only. Similarly, the total
Census Abstract are presented in 58 columns. of all the villages may not tally with the entire rural
The concepts and defmitions used in the column of Police Stationltaluks. The difference may be due
heading are explained under the sub heading 'Census to the fact that while the area covered by hills, forests

and rivers etc, have been accounted in the Taluks An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract
and P.S. level the same may not be covered under has also been furnished showing urban enumeration
the area of the villages. Apart from this it may also block-wise particulars on Total Population, the
differ due to varying methods of computation adopted Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes
at different levels. Population for each town.

Location District! CD Block/ Total! Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the
code V.A.!City/Town Rural! Townl households insti!lltional and houseless age-group 0-6
number V rban \Vard in population)
Persons Males Females Persons M ales Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

26 Mysore Total 6,854.0 545,741 2,641,027 1,344,670 1,296,357 323,555 164,934 158,621
Rural 6,675.7 338,560 1,658,899 845,379 813,520 212,842 108,220 104,622
Urban 178.3 207,181 982,128 499,291 482,837 110,713 56,714 53,999
0001 P iriy apatna Total 785.5 39,543 209,330 108,257 101,073 27,357 13,915 13,442
Rural 779.5 39,543 209,330 108,257 10 I ,073 27,357 13,915 13,442
Urban 6.0
0002 Hunsur Total 900.1 43,184 210.026 107,049 102,977 27,535 13,977 13,558
Rural 888.3 43,184 210,026 107,049 102,977 27,535 13,977 13,558
Urban 1 1.8

0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 596.8 44,122 208,566 104.881 103,685 24,390 12,522 11,868
Rural 5S8.2 44,122 208,566 104,881 103,685 24,390 12,522 11,868
Urban 8.6
0004 Mysore Total 828.3 58,736 283.111 146,051 137,060 37,831 19,368 18,463
Rural 696.4 48,479 239,262 123,168 116,094 32,219 16,497 15,722
Urban 131.9 10,257 43.849 22,883 20,966 5,612 2,871 2,741
42604000 Hinkal (00) - Ward Urban 2.833 12.132 6,419 5,713 1,499 769 730
No.66 5.~
42604000 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward Urban 1,686 6,554 3,521 3,033 924 470 454
No.67 3.4
42604000 Metagalli (00) - Ward Urban 113 508 259 249 82 44 38
No.68 2.3
42604000 Sathagalli (00) - Ward Urban 108 600 321 279 63 34 29
42604000 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward Urban 774 3.682 1,881 1,801 445 226 219
42604000 Chamundibelta (OG) - Urban 266 1,393 657 736 157 76 81
Ward No.73 5.7
42604000 Srirampura (OG) - Ward Urban 1,403 6,085 3,135 2,950 742 364 378
No.74 3.8
42604000 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward Urban 42 188 94 94 17 9 8
No.75 0.2
42604000 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward Urban 118 658 342 316 92 55 37
No.76 3.3
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 7.7 412 1.527 786 741 277 152 125
42606000 Belva!a (eT) Urban 2 1.439 5,707 2,939 2,768 732 375 357
42607000 Bhogadi(CT) Urban 4.7 1,063 4,815 2,529 2,286 582 297 285

0005 Heggadadevankote Total 1,622.4 47,606 233,885 118,536 115,349 32,539 16,362 16,117
Rural 1,620.5 47,606 233,885 118,536 115,349 32,539 16,362 16,177
Urban 1.9
0006 Nanjangud Total 991.1 64,052 311,991 158,135 153,856 39,700 20,047 19,653
Rural 977.0 64,052 311,991 158,135 153,856 39,700 20,047 19,653
Urban 14.1

0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 598.2 51,574 245,839 125,353 120,486 29.102 14,900 14,202
Rural 594.1 51,574 245,839 125,35] 120,486 29,102 14,900 14,202
Urban 4.1
50240000 Mysore UA Urban 131.9 168,729 799,228 406,363 392,865 88,602 45,392 43,210
502401()0 (a) Mysore (M Corp+OO). Urban 165,815 787,179 400,109 387,070 87,011 44,568 42,443
(i) Mysore (M Corp.)
Urban 88.7 158.472 755,379 383,480 371,899 82,990 42,521 40,469


TotaV District! CD Block!
Rural! U.A.I City! Town
Scheduled Castes population . Scheduled Tribes population Literates Urbim

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

467,640 237,476 230,164 271,351 136,831 134,520 1,471,155 836,195 634,960 Total Mysore
348,780 176,719 172,061 224,254· 113,122 111,132 749,655 449,708 299,947 Rural
118,860 60,757 58,103 47,097 23,709 23,388 721,500 386,487 335,013 Urban
35,078 17,835 17,243 15,689 7,956 7,733 105,704 64,973 40,731 T alaI Piriyapatna
35,078 17,835 17,243 15,689 7,956 7,733 105,704 64,973 40,731 Rural
39,106 19,883 19,223 35,801 18,224 17,577 98,232 59.631 38,60 I Total Hunsur
39,106 19,883 19,223 35,801 18,224 17,577 98,232 59.631 38,601 Rural

30,474 15,340 15,134 13,955 7,016 6,939 103,994 62,619 41,375 Total Krishnarajanagara
30,474 15,340 15,134 13,955 7,016 6,939 103,994 62.619 41,375 Rural
47,033 23,947 23,086 35,067 17,971 17,096 131,408 78,284 53,124 Total Mysore
42,640 21,690 20,950 32,331 16,558 15,773 102,243 61,852 40,391 Rural
4,393 2,257 2,136 2,736 1,413 1,323 29,165 16,432 12,733 Urban
864 . 430 434 1,074 552 522 7,972 4,573 3,399 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward
685 355 330 196 102 94 4,744 2,752 1,992 Urban Hutagalli (OG)-
57 32 25 4 3 162 90 72 Urban Metagalli (OG) -
49 27 22 244 163 81 Urban Salhagalli (OG)-
825 420 405 106 54 52 2,228 1,246 982 Urban Alanahalli COG)-
88 30 58 674 336 338 1,045 521 524 Urban Chamundibetta COG)-
361 200 161 319 171 148 4,218 2,343 1,875 Urban Srirampura (OG)-
6 4 2 98 48 50 Urban Dattagalli (OG)-
493 249 244 5 3 293 179 114· Urban Lin gam budi (OG)-

138 69 69 109 57 52 1,070 558 512 Urban Hebbalu (CT)

454 244 210 155 80 75 4,049 2,214 1,835 Urban Be1vata (CT)
379 201 178 88 52 36 3,042 1.745 1,297 Urban Bhogadi (CT)

63,596 32,202 31,394 49,390 24,702 24,688 104,065 62,245 41,820 Total Heggadadevankote
63,596 32,202 31,394 49,390 24,702 24,688 104,065 62,245 41,820 Rural
36,093 35,515 45,239 22,633 22,606 123,576 73,597 49,979 Total Nanjangud
71,608 36,093 35,515 45,239 22,633 22,606 123,576 73,597 49,979 Rural

33,676 32,602 31,849 16,033 15,816 111,841 64,791 47,050 Total TirumakudalNarsipur
33,676 32,602 31,849 16,033 15,816 111,841 64,791 47,050 Rural
30,431 15,445 14,986 599,639 319,633 280,006 Urban Mysore UA
89,967 46,109 43,858
30,079 15,256 14,823 591,478 315,116 276,362 Urban (a) Mysore CM
88,996 45,595 43,401

27,695 14,032 13,663 570,474 303,201 267,273 Urban Ci) Mysore (M Corp.)
85,574 43,852 41,722


Location District! CD Totalf
code B lock/ U .A'/ Rural!
number City/Town Urban lIIiterates Total workers Main workers

Persons M ales Females Persons Males Females Persons M ales Females

2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

26 Mysore Total 1,169,872 508,475 661,397 1.110,264 782,593 327,671 926,129 712,159 2 \3,970
Rural 909,244 395,671 513,573 779,049 516,991 262,058 614,632 458,456 156,176
Urban 260,628 112,804 147,824 331,215 265,602 65,613 311,497 253,703 57,794
0001 Piriyapatna Tolal 103,626 43,284 60,342 96,427 60,641 35,786 82,751 5"7,461 25,290
Rural 103,626 43,284 60,342 96,427 60,641 35,786 82,751 57,461 25,290
0002 Hunsur Total 111,794 47,418 64,376 120,440 68,116 52,324 86,546 58,848 27,698
Rural 111.794 47,418 64,376 120,440 68,116 52,324 86,546 58,848 27,698

0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 104,572 42,262 62,310 102,149 65,654 36,495 78,709 60,156 18,553
Rural 104,572 42,262 62,310 102,149 65,654 36,495 78,709 60.156 18,553
0004 Mysore Total 151,703 67,767 83,936 " 118,943 88,065 30,878 101,094 80.170 20,924
Rural 137,019 61,316 75,703 103,597 7S ,297 28,300 86,408 67,813 18,595
Urban 14.684 6,451 8,233 15,346 12,768 2,578 14,686 12,357 2,329
42604000 Hinkal (OG)- Urban 4.160 1,846 2,314 4,344 3,609 735 4,164 3,494 670
Ward No.66
42604000 Hutagalli (00)- Urban 1.810 769 1,041 2,313 2,025 288 2,296 2,015 281
42604000 Metagalli (OG) - Urban 346 169 177 163 125 38 163 125 38
Ward No.68
42604000 Sathagalli (00) - Urban 356 158 198 199 192 7 199 192 7
Ward NO.69
42604000 Alanahalli (OG) - Urban 1.454 635 819 1,112 965 147 1,029 907 122
Ward No.70
42604000 Chamundibetta Urban 348 136 212 402 340 62 350 296 54
(OG) - Ward
42604000 Srirampura (00) - Urban 1,867 792 1,075 2,068 1,717 351 2,033 1.699 334
Ward No.74
42604000 Daltagalli (OG) - Urban 90 46 44 68 59 9 67 58 9
Ward No.75
42604000 Lingambudi (00) - Urban 365 163 202 227 201 26 227 201 26
Ward NO.76
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 457 228 229 532 461 71 532 461 71
42606000 Belvala (CT) Urban 1,658 725 933 2,225 1,727 49& 2,lOO 1,662 438
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 1,773 784 989 1,693 1,347 346 1,526 1,247 279

0005 Heggadadevankote Total 129,820 56,291 73,529 120,830 72,192 48,638 99,432 65,182 34,250
Rural 129,820 56,291 73,529 120,830 72,192 48,638 99,432 65,182 34.250
0006 Nanjangud Total 188,415 84,538 103,877 139,798 99,755 40,043 109,685 87,764 21,921
Rural 188,415 84,538 103,877. 139,798 99,755 40,043 109,685 87.764 21,921

0007 Tirumakudal Narsip Total 133,998 60,562 73,436 95,808 75,336 20,472 71,101 61,232 9,869
Rural 133,998 60,562 73,436 95,808 75,336 20,472 71,101 61,232 9,869
50240000 Mysore UA Urban 199,589 S6,730 112,859 265,973 213,311 52,662 253,518 205,685 47.833
50240100 (a) Mysore (M Urban 195,701 84,993 110,708 261,523 209,776 51,747 249,360 202,315 47,045

50240101 (i) Mysore (M Cal Urban 184,905 80,279 104,626 250,627 200,543 50,084 238,832 193,328" 45,504


In--'d--'u-=s_tr-=i_al:...c:...a-=t--'eg~o__'r.:..y_o_f_m_a_in_w_o_T_k_ers...:...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total!
_______________ District! CD
Rural! Block! U.A.I
Household industry Urban Cityi Town
Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers

Persons M ales Females Persons M ales Females Persons M ales Females Persons M ales Females
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 . 39 40 41 3 2

36] ,119 278,873 82,246 142,750 88,054 54,696 16,959 8,037 8,922 405,301 337,195 68,106 Total My.ore
353,289 272,189 81,100 136,132 83,541 52,591 6,106 3,981 2,125 119,105 98,745 20,360 Rural
7,830 6,684 1,146 6,618 4,513 2,105 10,853 4,056 6,797 286,196 238,450 47,746 Urban
59,192 41,822 17,370 10,707 5,866 4,841 808 599 209 12,044 9,174 2,870 Total Piriyapatna
59,192 41,822 17,370 10,707 5,866 4,841 ·808 599 209 12,044 9,174 2,870 Rural
- Urban
62,761 43,518 19,243 14,009 7,630 6,379 733 528 205 9,043 7,172 1,871 Total Hun sur
62,761 43,518 19,243 14,009 7,630 6,379 733 528 205 9,043 7,172 1,871 Rural
- Urban
Krishnarajan aga
51,054 40,214 10,840 15,014 9,307 5,707 675 518 157 11,966 10,117 1,849 Total ra
51,054 40,214 10,840 15,014 9,307 5,707 675 518 157 11,966 10,117 1,849 Rural
- Urban
38,599 30,814 7,785 11,367 6,606 4,761 989 702 287 50,139 42,048 ·8,091 Total Mysore
38,283 30,535 7,748 11,148 6,430 4,718 777 563 214 36,200 30,285 5,915 Rural
316 279 37 219 176 43 212 139 73 13,939 11,763 2,176 Urban
35 33 2 42 32 10 52 35 17 4,035 3,394 641 Urban Hinkal (OG)-
Ward No.66
45 43 2 7 4 3 10 8 2 2,234 \ ,960 274 Urban Hutagalli (OG)-
163 125 38 Urban Metagalli (OG)-
84 83 2 2 113 107 6 Urban Sathagalli (OG)
- WardNo.69
10 4 6 21 19 2 7 7 991 877 114 Urban Alanahalli
(OG) - Ward
350 296 54 Urban Chamundibetta
(OG) - Ward
61 54 7 28 20 39 23 16 1,905 1,602 303 Urban Srirampura
(OG) - Ward
4 4 2 2 61 52 9 Urban Dattagalli (OG)
- WardNo.75
227 201 26 Urban Lillgambudi
(OG) - WaTd
4 3 2 1 526 457 69 Urban Hebbalu (CT)
8 7 J 19 16 3 80 48 32 1,993 1,591 402 Urban Be1.vata (CT)
65 48 17 98 81 17 22 17 5 1,341 1,101 240 Urban Bhogadi (CT)
59,051 40,332 18,719 27,642 14,544 13,098 952 610 342 11,787 9,696 2,091 Total ote
59,051 40,332 18,719 27,642 14,544 13,098 952 610 342 11,787 9,696 2,091 Rural
- Urban
44,245 5,486 36,712 24,340 12,372 1,290 787 503 21,952 18,392 ·3,.560 Total Nanjangud
49,731 44,245 5,486 36,712 24,340 12,372 1,290 787 503 21,952 18,392 3,560 Rural
- Urban
T irumakudal
1,694 20,900 15,424 5,476 871 376 495 16,113 13,909 2,204 Total Narsipur
33,217 31,523
1,694 20,900 15,424 5,476 871 376 495 16,113 13,909 2,204 Rural
33,217 31,523
- Urban
167 1,013 817 196 8,885 2,993 5,892 242,237 200,659 41,578 Urban Mysore VA
1,383 1,216
148 896 .720 176 8,781 2,927 5,854 238,377 197,510 40,867" Urban (a) Mysore (M
1,306 1,158
(i) Mysore (M
130 794 641 153 8,673 2,854 5,819 228,298 188,896 39,402 Urban Corp.)
1,067 937


Location District! CD Blockl Total! Industrial category
code U.A'/ City! Towil RuraU
IlL.mber Urban 1\1 arginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons vi ales Females Persons M ales Females Persons 1\1 ales Females
2 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50

26 Mysore Total 184,135 70,434 11.1-701 36,838 8,197 28,641 107,(>12 38,858 68,754
Rural 164,417 58,535 105,882 36,594 8,100 28,494 105,597 37,949 67,648
Urban 19,71S Il,899 7,819 244 97 147 2,015 909 1,106
0001 P iriyapatna Total 13.676 3.1 SO 10A% 4.676 730 3.946 6,932 1,682 5.250
Rural 13.676 3.1 XO IOA96 4.676 730 3,946 6,932 1,682 5.250
0002 Hunsur Total 33,894 9.26H 24.1>26 13 A94 2,685 10,809 17.148 5,058 12,090
RUTal 13.S94 9.26!\ 24,626 13,494 2,685 10.80l) 17,148 5,058 12,090

0003 Total
Klishnarajanagara 23,44() SAn 17.942 7,816 1,404 6,412 13,553 3,234 10,319
Rural 23,440 5,4% 17.942 7.816 1,404 6,412 13.553 3,234 10,319
(,004 Mysore Total 17,849 7.895 9.954 2,446 54 7 1,899 8.185 2.687 5.498
Rural 17,189 7.484 9.71l5 2.440 542 1,898 8,161 2.674 5,487
Urban 660 tII 249 6 5 24 13 11
42604000 Hinkal (OG)· Ward Urban 180 I 15 65 3 3 6 4 2
42604000 lIutagall! (OG)· Urban 17 11.1
Ward No.6?
42604000 Metagalli (OG)· Urban
Ward 1':0.68
42604000 Sathagalli (OG\· Urban
Ward 1\0.69
42604000 Alanahalli (OG)- Urban 83 5X 25 6
Ward -"':0.70
42604000 Chamundibetta (OG) Urban 52 44
. WardNo.?3
426()4000 Srirampura (OG)· Lrhan 35 IX 17
Ward No.74
42(>04000 Dallagalli (OG)· Urban
Ward No.75
42604000 L in gam budi (OG)· Urban
Ward No.76
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban
42606()OO Belvata (Cn Urban 125 65 6() 1 1
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 167 100 67 2 10 3 7

0005 Heggadadevankote Total 21.398 7.010 14.388 4.119 1,083 3,036 14.893 4,672 10.221
Rural 21.398 7.01014,}XX 4.119 1,083 3,036 14,893 4.672 10.221
0006 Nanjangud Total 30,113 11,991 18.122 2.737 843 1,894 23,500 8,690 14.810
Rural 30,113 11,991 IX,I22 2.737 843 1,894 23,500 8,690 14.810

0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 24,707 14.104 IO,60} 1.312 813 499 21,410 11,939 9,471
Rural 24,707 14.104 10.603 1312 8]"\ 499 21,410 11,939 9.471
50240000 Mysore UA Urban 12,455 7.626 4,829 50 33 17 152 104 48
50240 I 00 (a) Mysore (M Urban 12,163 7.461 4.70] 48 32 16 141 100 41

50240 I 01 ii) Mysore (M Corp. Urban I L795 7.215 4,5 ~() 44 28 16 128 91 37


of marginal workers Total! District/ CD Block/ Location
Rural! U.A.!City/Town code
Household industry Urban number
Other workers Non-workers

Persons M ales Females Persons Males Females Persons M ales Females

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 2

4,643 949 3,694 35,042 22,430 12,612 1,530,763 562,077 968,686 Total Mysore 26
1,948 551 1,397 20,278 11,935 8,343 879,850 328,388 551,462 Rural
2,695 398 2,297 14,764 10,495 4,269 650,913 233,689 417,224 Urban
189 62 127 1,879 706 1.173 112,903 47,616 65,287 Total Piriyapatna 0001
189 62 127 1,879 706 1.173 112.903 47,616 65,287 Rural
399 77 322 2.853 1.448 1.405 89,586 38,933 50,653 Total Hunsur 0002
399 77 322 2.853 1,448 1.·105 89.586 38,933 50,653 Rural

257 86 171 1,814 774 1.040 106,4 I 7 39,227 67,190 Total Krishnarajanagara 0003
257 86 171 1,814 774 1.040 106,417 39,227 67,190 Rural
231 78 153 6,987 4,583 2.404 164,168 57,986 106,182 Total Mysore 0004
208 67 141 6,380 4.201 2.179 135,665 47,871 87,794 Rural
23 II 12 607 382 225 28,503 10.115 18,388 Urban
5 166 108 58 7,788 2,810 4,978 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward 42604000
16 10 6 4,241 1.496 2,745 Urban Hutagalli (OG) - 42604000
Ward No.67
345 134 211 Urban Metagalli (OG) - 42604000
Ward No.68
401 129 272 Urban Sathagalli (OG)- 42604000
Ward No.69
77 53 24 2.570 916 1.654 Urban Alanahalli (OG)- 42604000
Ward No.70
52 44 991 317 674 Urban Chamundibetta (OG) 42604000
- Ward No.73
34 18 16 4,017 1.418 2,599 Urban Srirampura (OG) - 426040()0
Ward No.74
120 35 85 Urban Dattagalli (OG)- 42604000
Ward No.75
431 141 290 Urban Lingambudi (OG) - 42604000
Ward No.76
995 325 670 Urban Hebbalu (CT) 42605000
7 4 3 117 60 57 3,482 1,212 2,270 Urban Belvata (CT) 42606000
10 7 3 145 89 56 3.122 1,182 1,940 Urban Bhogadi (CT) 42607000

379 97 282 2,007 1,158 84') 113,055 46,344 66,711 Total Heggadadevankote 0005
379 97 282 2,007 1,158 849 113.055 46,344 66,711 Rural
292 83 209 3,584 2,375 1.209 172.193 58,380 113,813 Total Nanjangud 0006
292 83 209 3,584 2,375 1.209 172,193 58,380 113,813 Rural

224 79 145 1,761 1,273 488 150,031 50,017 100,014 Total Tirumakudal Narsipur 0007
224 79 145 1,761 1,273 488 150,031 50,017 100,014 Rural
2,110 325 1,785 10,143 7.164 2.979 533,255 193,052 340,203 Urban Mysore UA 50240000
2,093 314 1,779 9,881 7,015 2.866 525.656 190.333 135,323 Urban (a) Mysore (M 50240100

2,087 314 1,773 9,536 6,782 2,754 504,752 182,937 321,815 Urban (i) Mysore (M Corp. 50240101


Location District/ CD Block! Total! Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the
code U .A.I City! Town Rural! Town! households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6
number Urban Ward in population)
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]'0 II
(ii) Srirampura (OG) Urban 1,403 6,085 3,135 2,950 742 364 378
(iii) Mysore (Rural) (OG) Urban
(iv) Kurubarahalli (OG) Urban
(v) Dattagalli (OG)
Urban 0.2 42 188 94 94 17 9 8
(vi) Hinkal (OG)
Urban 5.2 2,833 12,132 6,419 5,713 1,499 769 730
(vii) Hutagalli (OG) Urban 1,686 6,554 3,521 3,033 924 470 454
(viii) Metagalli (OG) Urban 113 508 259 249 82 44 38
Ox) Alanahalli (OG) Urban 774 3,682 1,881 1,801 445 226 219

(x) Sathagalli (OG) Urban 1.0 108 600 321 279 63 34 29

(xi) Chamundibetta Urban 266 1,393 657 736 157 76 81
(OG) 5.7
(xii) Lingambudi (OG) Urban 1J8 658 342 316 92 55 37

50240200 (b) llebbalu (CT) Urban 2.0 412 1,527 786 741 277 1'52 125

50240300 (c) Belvata (CT) Urban 4.7 1,439 5,707 2,939 2,768 732 375 357

50240400 (d) Bhogadi (CT) Urban 7.7 1,063 4,815 2,529 2,286 582 297 285


Totall District! CD Block!
Rurall U.A.I City! Town
Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Urban

.. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
361 200 161 319 171 148 4,218 2,343 1,875 Urban (ii) Sriram p ura (OG)

Urban (iii) Mysore (Rural)

- Uninhabited-
Urban (iv) Kurubarahalli
- Uninhabited-

6 4 2 98 48 50 Urban (v) Dattagalli (OG)

864 430 434 1,074 552 522 7,972 4,573 3,399 Urban (vi) Hinkal (OG)
685 355 330 196 102 94 4,744 2,752 1,992 Urban (vii) Hutagalli (OG)

57 32 25 4 3 162 90 72 Urban (viii) Metagalli (OG)

825 420 405 106 54 52 2,228 1,246 982 Urban (ix) A1anahalli (OG)

49 27 22 244 163 81 Urban (x) SathagaUi (OG)

88 30 58 674 336 338 1,045 521 524 Urban (xi) Chamundibetta
493 249 244 5 2 3 293 179 114 Urban (xii) Lingambudi

138 69 69 109 57 52 1,070 558 512 Urban (b) Hebbalu (CT)

454 244 210 155 80 75 4,049 2,214 1,835 Urban (e) Belvata (CT)

379 201 178 88 52 36 3,042 1,745 1,297 Urban (d) Bhogadi (CT)


Location District! CD Total!
code Block/U.A.I Rural!
number City/Town Urban
IlIit era! es Total workers Main workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
50240102 (ii) Sriram p ura Urban 1,867 792 1,075 2,068 1,717 351 2,033 1.699 334
(iii) Mysore Urban
- Uninhahited-
(Rural) (OG)
(;v) Kurubarahalli Urban
- Un in habited -

50240105 (v) Dattagalli (OC Urban 90 46 44 68 59 9 67 58 9

50240106 (vi) Hinkal (OG) Urban 4,160 1,846 2,314 4,344 3,609 735 4,164 3,494 670
50240107 (vii) Hutagalli Urban 1,810 769 1,041 2,313 2,025 288 2,296 2.015 281
50240108 (viii) Metagalli Urban 346 169 177 163 125 38 163 125 38
50240109 (ix) Alanahalli Urban 1,454 635 819 1,112 965 147 1,029 907 122

50240110 (x) Sathagalli (Oe Urban 356 158 198 199 192 7 199 192 7
50240111 (xi) Urban 348 136 212 402 340 62 350 296 54
Cham un dibe!!.
50240112 (xii) Lingambudi Urban 365 163 202 227 201 26 227 201 26

50240200 (b) Hebbalu (CT) Urban 457 228 229 532 461 71 532 461 71

50240300 (c) Belva!a (CT) Urban 1,658 725 933 2,225 1,727 498 2,100 1.662 438

50240400 (d) Bhogadi (CT) Urban 1,773 784 989 1,693 1,347 346 1,526 1,247 279


rndustrial category of main workers Totall D istrictl CD
RuraU Block/U.AJ·
Household industry Urban City/Town
Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons M ales Females . Persons Males Females
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 2
6I 54 7 28 20 8 39 23 16 1,905 1,602 303 Urban (ii) Srirampura
Urban (iii) Mysore
- Uninhabited"
(RuTal) (00)
Urban (iv)
- Uninhabited"
K urubarahalli
(v) Dattagalli
4 4 2 2 61 52 9 Urban (00)
(vi) Hinkal
35 33 2 42 32 10 52 35 17 4,035 3,394 641 Urban (00)
45 43 2 7 4 3 10 8 2 2,234. 1,960 274 Urban (vii) Hutagalli
163 125 38 Urban (viii) Metagalli
10 4 6 21 19 2 7 7 991 877 114 Urban (ix) Aianahalli
(x) Salhagalli
84 83 2 2 113 107 6 Urban (00)
350 296 54 Urban (xi)
227 201 26 Urban (xii)
(b) Hebbalu
4 3 2 526 457 69 Urban (CT)
(c) Belvata
8 7 19 16 3 80 48 32 1,993 1,591 402 Urban (CT)
(d) Rhogadi
65 48 17 98 81 17 22 17 5 1,341 1,101 240 Urban (CT)


Location District/ CD B lock/ Totall Industrial category
code U.A.lCityfTown Ruralf
number Urban
Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons M ales Females Persons M ales Females Persons M ales Females

2 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
50240102 (ii) Srirampura Urban 35 18 17
(iii) Mysore (Rural) Urban
- Uninhabited-
(iv) Kurubarahalli Urban
- Uninhabited-

50240105 (v) Dattagalli (OG) Urban

50240 I 06 (vi) Hinkal (OG) Urban 180 lIS 65 3 6 4 2

50240107 (vii) Hut.galli (OG) Urban 17 10 7

50240108 (viii) Metagalli Urban

50240109 (ix) Alanahall; Urban 83 58 25 6 5

50240110 (x) Sathagalli (OG) Urban

50240111 (xi) Chamundibetta Urban 52 44 8
50240112 (xii) Lingamblldi Urban

50240200 (b) Ilcbbalu (CT) Urban

50240300 (c) Belvata (CT) Urban 125 65 60

50240400 (d) Bhogadi (CT) Urban 167 100 67 2 10 3 7


of marginal workers TotaV District! CD Block! Location
RuraV U.A.!City/Town code
Household industry Urban number
Other'workers Non-workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 2
34 18 16 4,017 1,418 2,599 Urban (ii) Srirampura 50240102
Urban (iii) Mysore (Rural)
- Uninhabited-
Urban (iv) Kurubarahalli
- Uninhabited -

120 35 85 Urban (v) Dati agalli (OG) 50240105

5 5 166 108 58 7,788 2,810 4,978 Urban (vi) Hinkal (OG) 50240106
I 16 10 6 4,241 1,496 2,745 Urban (vii) Hutagalli (OG) 50240107

345 134 211 Urban (viii) Metagalli 50240108

77 53 24 2,570 916 1,654 Urban (ix) Alanahalli 50240109

401 129 272 Urban (x) Sathagalli (OG) 50240110

52 44 8 991 317 674 Urban (xi) Chamundibetta 50240111
431 141 290 Urban (xii) Lingambudi 50240112

995 325 670 Urban (b) Hebbalu (CT) 50240200

7 4 3 111 60 57 3,482 1,212 2,210 Urban . (c) Belvata (CT) 50240300

10 7 3 145 89 56 3.122 1,182 1,940 Urban (d) Bhogadi (CT) 50240400



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I popUlation Castes Tribes
EB number )!o)!ulation )!o)!ulation
2 3 4 5 6 7

42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.1 EBNo.1 473

42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 340 12 6
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.1 EB No.3 393 5 65
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 894 89 199
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.2 EBNo.5 617 476
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.3 EB No.6 485 291
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 3 EB No.7 707 12
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 4 EB No.8 412 1
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.4 EB No.9 420 6
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.5 EB No. 10 629 6 4
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.5 EBNo.11 454
4260 I 000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 6 EB No. 12 406
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 6 EB No. l3 513 16
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 7 EB No. 14 583 21 16
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 7 EB No. 15 517 26 7
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 16 599 547
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 17 290 28 5
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 18 586 61 13
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 19 504 100 2S
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No.9 EB No. 20 234 10 13
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 9 EB No.21 440 17 92
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 10 EBNo.22 322 82 22
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 23 303 18 28
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 24 407 161
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 25 322 IS 47
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 26 356 5 16
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. II EBNo.27 401 24
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 11 EBNo.28 250 38
42601000 Piriyapatn!l (TP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 29 343
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 12 EBNo.30 454
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 31 785 201 1
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Ward No. 13 EBNo.32 485 9
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 1 EBNo.l 534 179
42602000 Hunsur(T~C) Ward No. 1 EBNo.2 584 535 25
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 1 EBNo.3 404 5 124
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. I EBNo.4 497 5 153
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 2 EB No.5 355 2 22
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 2 EBNo.6 466 163
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 2 EB No.7 . 381 45
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 2 EBNo.8 496
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 2 EBNo.9 393 29 63
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 3 EB No. 10 527 4 162
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.ll 511 304
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No.3 EB No. 12 501 179
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 3 EB No. 13 449 235
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 4 EB No. 14 494 60 124
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 4 EBNo.15 410 95 71
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 4 EB No. 16 383 102 131



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block f population Castes Tribes
EB number ~0l!ulation ~oEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 4 EBNo.17 578 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 5 EBNo.18 324 53 34
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 5 EB No. 19 440 55 43
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 5 EBNo.20 448 67 36
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 5 EBNo.21 506 31 128
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 5 EBNo.22 390 89' 23
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 6 EBNo.23 599 538 4
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 6 EBNo.24 544 527
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 6 EBNo.25 551 245 20
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 6 EBNo.26 423 36 237
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.27 723 16 7
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.28 479 65 16
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.29 417 12 4
42602000 Hunsur (!MC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.30 553 48 23
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) · Ward No. 8 EBNo.31 443 36 -

42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.32 533 10 7

42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.33 293 30 14
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.34 294 45
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.35 417 6 40
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.36 518 17 34
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 9 EBNo.37 511 150 21
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 9 EBNo.38 497 63 85
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 9 EBNo.39 556 58 55
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 10 EBNo.40 414 27
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 10 EBNo.41 436 31
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 10 EBNo.42 330 2 28
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) WardNo. IO EBNo.43 346 29 1
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. II EBNo.44 389. 8 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 11 EBNo.45 175 5
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 11 EBNo.46 299
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) WardNo. II EBNo.47 156
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. II EBNo.48 525
42602.000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.49 640 640
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.50 623 518 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.51 338 5
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.52 399
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.53 113
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) · Ward No. 13 EBNo.54 308
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 13 EBNo.55 290 14
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 13 EBNo.56 285
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) · Ward No. 13 EBNo.57 181 5
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 13 EBNo.58 101
Ward No. 14 EBNo.59 380 7 5
42602000 Hunsur (TMC)
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 14 EBNo.60 242
Ward No. 14 EB No. 61 471 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC)
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 15 EBNo.62 482
Ward No. 15 EBNo.63 591 5
42602000 Hunsur (TMC)
Ward No. 15 EBNo.64 507 4 39
42602000 Hunsur (TMC)
Ward No. 15 EBNo.65 500 323 13
42602000 Hunsur (TMC)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I popUlation Castes Tribes
EB number eoeulation eo~ulatioll
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4260.20.0.0 Ilunsur (TMC) Ward No. 15 EB No. 66 386 7 22
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 16 EB No. 67 466 7 3
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 16 EB No. 68 416 5 12
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward NO.·17 EE No. 69 565 71 .
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 17 EB No. 70 543 55 16
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 17 EE No. 71 411 46 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 18 EB No. 72 445 17 4
42602000 J-Junsur (TMC) Ward No. 18 EB No. 73 451 27 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 19 EB No. 74 548 29
42602000 I-lunsur (TMC) Ward No. 19 EB No. 75 558 104 19
42602000 J-1unsur (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 76 561 120 5
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 77 501 458
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 78 520 310 2
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 79 457 149
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 80 415 38 18
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 81 581 50 21
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 82 420 13 27
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) . Ward No. 21 EB No. 83 519 17 40
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 84 518 58 47
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 85 504 406
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 86 687 59 17
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 87 644 57
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 88 221 17 14
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No .. 22 EB No. 89 338 47 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 90 575 60 15
42602000. J-1unsur (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 91 468 8
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 92 503 52
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 93 512
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 94 406
4260.20.0.0. llunsur (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 95 401
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 96 428 20 15
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 97 592 98 39
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 98 397 100 20
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. I EBNo.1 563 233
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. I EB No.2. 496 36 267
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. I EB NO.3 295 30 29
42603000 Krislmarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 2 E8 No.4 458 36 30
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 2 EB NO.5 399 34 25
42603000 Krislmarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 2 EBNo.6 539 65 48
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 2 EB No.7 235 32 8
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No.3 EB No.8 617 105 55
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 3 EB No.9 588 55 97
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No.4 EB No. 10 672 205 25
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 4 EBNo. II· 423 68 35
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 4 EE No. 12 365 2 10
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 5 EB No. 13 413 373
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 5 EE No. 14 344 333
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. S EB No. 15 512 6 10
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No.6 EB No. 16 674



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber I!ol!ulation I!ol!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 6 EB No. 17 420 3
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 6 EB No. 18 358 3. 30
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No:6 EB No. 19 522 53
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.20 684 7' 83
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.21 382 52
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 7 EBNo.22 361 81
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.23 449 6 30
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 8 EBNo.24 500 II
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No.9 EBNo.25 419 10
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No.9 EBNo.26 597 13
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 9 EBNo.27 159
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 10 .EBNo.28 435 2 II
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 10 EBNo.29 454 15· 27
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 11 EBNo.30 627 8 75
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. II' EB No. 31 696 77
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.32 350 325
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.33 381 125 21
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 12 EBNo.34 529 397 20
. 42603000 Krishnarajanagara(TMC) Ward No. 13 EBNo.35 723 19
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 13 EBNo.36 623
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 14 EBNo.37 382 5
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 14 EBNo.38 620
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 15 EBNo.39 516
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 15 EBNo.40 351 II 12
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 15 EBNo.41 420 7 7
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 16 EBNo.42 495 7 17
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 16 EBNo.43 522 16 19
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 17 EBNo.44 541 6 10
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 17 EBNo.45 626 50 18
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 17 EBNo.46 637 163 30
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 18 EBNo.47 408 22
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 18 EBNo.48 465 3
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 18 EBNo.49 424 51 3
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 19 EBNo.50 774 87 5
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 19 EB No. 51 426 24
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 19 EBNo.52 344 34
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 53 590 36
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 20 EBNo.54 759
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 55 316 19
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 21 EBNo.56 364 57
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 57 433 6
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 21 EBNo.58 392 I
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 59 610 90 38
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 60 564 318
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 61 626 396
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 23 EBNo.62 527 510
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Ward No. 23 EBNo.63 239 217
Ward No. 1 EB No.1 737 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. I EB No.2 555 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block / popUlation Castes Tribes
EB number eOEulation eoeulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. I EB No.3 697 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.1 EBNo.4 295
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 1 EBNo.5 551
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.1 EB No.6 467 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.1 EBNo.7 364
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. I EBNo.8 767 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. J EBNo.9 957 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.1 EB No. 10 863 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. I EBNo.11 453
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. I EB No. 12 650 6 26
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. I EB No. 13 675 12 7
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.1 EB No. 14 195 4 8
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 15 651 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 16 746
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) . Ward No.2 EBNo.17 607 . 14
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 18 537
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 19 461 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EBNo.20 727 146
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 21 610 330
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 22 571 101
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 2 EB No. 23 518 102
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 2 EBNo.24 684 3 332.
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 2 EBNo.25 630 3 215
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EBNo:26 548 68
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 27 543 168
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EBNo.28 482 69
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EB No. 29 482 95
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.2 EBNo.30 481
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.3 EBNo.1 463
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.3 EBNo.2 616 10
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.3 EBNo.3 663
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.3 EBNo.4 265
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No_ 3 EB No.5 768 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 3 EBNo.6 717
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WardNo_ 3 EBNo.7 979 15
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 3 EB No.8 154
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No_4 EBNo.9 462
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EB No. 10 99
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WardNo_4 EB No. 11 665 4 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EB No. 12 337 7
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No_ 4 EB No. 13 559 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EBNo.14 179 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.4 EB No. 15 570
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EB No. 16 750 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EB No. 17 737 7 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WardNo_4 EB No. 18 643
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EB No. 19 407
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EBNo.20 730
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.4 EB No. 21 419 4 9



Location Name of town Name of wanI Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number ~o.eulation ~o~ulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EB No. 22 446
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EBNo.23 469
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EBNo.24 542 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EBNo.25 417
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 4 EBNo.26 748 4 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.5 EB No. 27 389 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EB No. 28 577 2 48
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.29 582
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.30 541 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EB No. 31 436
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EB No. 32 479
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.33 487
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.34 463 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.35 338
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.36 582 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.37 536
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.38 469 25
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.39 454 46 168
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.40 672 105
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.41 764
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 5 EBNo.42 414 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.43 554 6 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.44 139
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.45 463 10
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EB No. 46 703 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.47 543 2 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.48 628 12
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.49 637 121
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.50 681 90
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.51 541 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.52 554 12
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.53 820
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.54 575 ·6
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.55 947
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.56 120
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.57 533
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.5S 507 30
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 6 EBNo.59 295
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.60 357 12 174
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EB No. 61 492
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.62 601 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.63 620
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.64 511
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.65 525 11 6
Ward No. 7 EBNo.66 620 16
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.67 518 40
Ward No. 7 EBNo.68 612 61
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG)
Ward No. 7 EBNo.69 528 16
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EBNo.70 649



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled , Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number ~o~ulation eo~ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.7 EB No. 71 409
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.7 EB No. 72 483
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 7 EB No. 73 371 91 ' 40
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.7 EB No. 74 496 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EBNo.1 754 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 8 EB No.2 490 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No.3 442 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB NO.4 414 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EBNo.5 630 48
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No.6 409 7 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No.7 479 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No.8 649
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EBNo.9 509 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 10 582 42
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 11 511 1 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 12 566 4 82
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 8 EB No. 13 454 II 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 14 693
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 15 800 15 61
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 8 EBNo.16 704 10 45
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 17 571 16 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 18 734 41 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 19 645 24 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.8 EB No. 20 510 5 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 21 775
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 22 681 6 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 23 524 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 24 541 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 ER No. 25 480
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 26 570
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 9 EB No. 27 617
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 28 505 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 29 534 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB Nu. 30 736 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Wa.d No.9 EB No. 31 459 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 32 561
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 9 EB No. 33 560 78 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.9 EB No. 34 624 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward NO.9 EB No. 35 668
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 36 856 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 37 553
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 38 487 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 39 541
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 40 387 296
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EBNo.41 755 450 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 42 765 6 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 43 559 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EBNo.44 822 23 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 45 509 36 13



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number I!0l!ulation I!0I!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EBNo.46 309 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. JO EBNo.47 521 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EBNo.48 603 37 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. JO EBNo.49 329 4 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EBNo.50 430 40 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 10 EB No. 51 794 319 47
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EB No. 52 576 189 50
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBNo.53 613 178
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBNo.54 528 57 4
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EBNo.55 715 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EBNo.56 547 13 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EBNo.57 709 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 1] EBNo.58 637 17 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EBNo.59 599 20 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBN6.60 500 29 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EBNo.6I 305 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBNo.62 60S 42
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBNo.63 817 296 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. II EB No. 64- 595 425
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBNo.65 569 125 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 11 EBNo.66 435 162 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.67 493 489
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.68 410 54
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.69 445 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.70 459 28 4
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.71 522 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 72 608 68 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.73 258 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.74 476 54
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 .EBNo.75 476 61 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.76 656 116 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.77 603 22 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.78 403 95 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.79 514 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.80 264 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 81 232 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. ]2 EBNo.82 520 242
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. ]2 EBNo.83 368 ]88 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.84 505 109
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.85 481 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.86 486
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.87 681 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.88 589 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.89 495 63 5
Ward No. 12 EBNo.90 562 174 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 12 EBNo.91 703 290 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 12 EBNo.92 657 155 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 12 EBNo.93 569 228 6
-42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 12 EBNo.94 -517 113 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number EOI!ulation I!oEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.95 560 21 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.97 425 102 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 98 375 92 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EBNo.99 93
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 BB No. 100 639 54 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 BB No. 101 273 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 102 399 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 103 250 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 104 507 105
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 BB No. 105 387 387·
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 106 32 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 107 730 56 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 12 EB No. 108 290 20 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo. I 586 539 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo.2 674 634 .
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No.3 599 541
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 BBNo.4 676 598
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB NO.5 681 661
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB NO.6 443 436
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. I3 EB No.7 476 286 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo.8 613 584
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo.9 574 531
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 10 544 517
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 11 696 245
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 12 631 595
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 13 656 537
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo.14 544 525
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 15 603 549
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 16 669 667
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 BB No. 17 595 589
42604000 MySOTC (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 18 451 111
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 19 378 229
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo.20 831 805
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EB No. 21 672 666
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo: 22 552 92 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 13 EBNo.23 414 73 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.24 738 713
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EB No. 25 558 505
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.26 717 709
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.27 659 612
42604000 Mysore (M Curp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.28 542 482
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EB No. 29 599 569
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.30 647 617
42604000 Mysoi-e (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EB No. 31 776 716
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.32 818 787
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 14 EBNo.33 624 48 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EB No. 34 571 8 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.35 464 42
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.36 646 10



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber ~0l!ulation ~0l!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.37 730 2 IS
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.38 523 5 13
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.39 1,431 5 75
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. IS EBNo.40 1,336 70
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EB No. 41 547
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. IS EBNo.42 489
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EB No. 43 369 34 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.44 460 314
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.45 573 264 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. IS EBNo.46 538 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. IS EBNo.47 498 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. IS EBNo.48 770 58 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.49 696 3 168
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.50 743 297
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 ·EBNo.51 508 291
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 15 EBNo.52 445 189
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.53 242 23 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.54 616 19 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.55 522 51
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.56 369 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WaniNo.16 EBNo.57 576 63 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.58 501 68 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.59 531 21 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.60 942 44 44
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.61 711 38 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.62 511 5 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.63 402 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.64 449
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.65 758 58 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.66 484 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.67 691 33
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.68 560 43 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.69 735 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EB No. 70 509 3 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.71 580 34 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EB No. 72 494 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 16 EBNo.73 447 11 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EBNo.l 515 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No.2 653 124 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No.3 626 169 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EBNo.4 800 130 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No.5 650 184 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EBNo.6 580 156 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EBNo.7 577 100 21
Ward No. 17 EB No.8 588 137 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WardNo.l7 EBNo.9 496 125
Ward No. 17 EBNo.10 506 167 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 17 EBNo.ll 651 137 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 12 734 112



Location Name of town Name ofward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number ~oeulation E:oE:ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. I3 621 67
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 14 342 22 23
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 15 542 43 33
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EBNo.16 487 36 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 17 605 39 30
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 18 447 52' 15
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 19 448 99 39
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 20 728 37 9
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 21 625 43 3
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 22 675 23
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 23 730 48' 40
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 24 660 42 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 25 514 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 17 EB No. 26 230 8
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.31 463 125 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 32 554 82 ' 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 33 679 76 , 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 34 468 8 14
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 35 431 9 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.36 730 15 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 37 705 17 24
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.38 589 63 8
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 39 496 31 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 40 445 27 22
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 41 451 25 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 42 384 11 20
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 43 408 20 3
42604000 Mysure (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 44 592 44 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 45 232 16 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 46. 218 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 47 356 13 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 48 447 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 49 218 9 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 50 653 54 43
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 51 492 25 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 52 462 9 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No_ 18 EB No. 53 516 326
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 54 509 343 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 55 626 41
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.56 699 91 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 57 639 32 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.58 783
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 59 126
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 60 425 8 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No.6! 510 35 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.62 342 34 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 63 291 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 64 429
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 65 514 61



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block / population Castes Tribes
EB number eoeulation eoeulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 66 663 36 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.67 613 21 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 68 362 6' 5
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 69 499 43 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 70 702
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 71 742 94 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 72, 706 49 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 73 666 55 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 74 463 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 75 419 68
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 76 460 16 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 77 314 35 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.78 768 44 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.79 623 16 34
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 80 637 23 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EB No. 81 654 46
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.82 344 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 18 EBNo.83 559 3 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 84 401 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 85 488 12 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 86 647 92 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 87 415 15 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 88 634 17 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.89 240 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 90 283 20 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 91 536 17 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 92 510 14 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 93 471 61 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 94 352 25 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 95 539 28 22
426040,00 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.96 502 94 8
426.04000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.97 670 39 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 98 280 9 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.99 235 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 100 702 36 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 101 491 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 102 593 24 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 103 602 58 . 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.104 493 100
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 105 628 306 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 106 292 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 107 374 22 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 108 330 7 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 109 781 42 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.lIO 587
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. III 488 7 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.112 530 52 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 113 455 13 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.1I4 958 56 20



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Tutal Scheduled Scheduled
Code m'ban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number l!ol!ulation I!o2ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 115 465 21 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 116 493 19 13
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 117 702 17,
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 118 740 2 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EBNo.1I9 798 20 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 120 445 15 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 121 543 5 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 ED No. 122 504 3 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 ED No. 123 469 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 ED No. 124 385 37 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 125 466 IS
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 126 699 3 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 127 423 14 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 19 EB No. 128 522 4 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 129 520
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 20 EB No. 130 763 8 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 131 429 12 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 132 548 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 133 505 12 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No: 134 1,041 39 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 135 725 4 45
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 136 639 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 137 753 41
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 138 709 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 139 596 51
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 140 483
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 141 610 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 142 498 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. [43 504
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 144 684 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 145 430 5 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 146 640 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 147 593 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EBNo.148 539 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 149 72[ 27 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 150 398
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 151 699 20 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EBNo.152 471 8 38
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 20 EB No. 153 470 30 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.1 794 52 36
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.2 690 76 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No.3 436 9 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.4 846 55 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.5 496 80 46
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.6 417 307
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No.7 481 325 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No.8 626 619
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.9 420 29 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo.10 423 [9



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I . population Castes Tribes
EB number ~o~ulation ~o~ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EBNo. II 454 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 12 453 74 3
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. I3 388 34 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 14 634 23 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 15 481 35 34
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 16 431 49 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 17 516 211 41
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 18 547 160 12
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 19 1,172 454 32
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 20 822 51 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No.21 648 130 28
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 22 749 69 69
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 21 EB No. 23 508 95 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 24 293 9 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 25 430 71 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 26 637 1 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No.27 633 15 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 28 95
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 29 132
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 30 201 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 31 705 7 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 32 447 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 33 411 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Wilrd No. 22 EB No. 34 518 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 35 451 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 BB No. 36 447 IO
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 37 734 35 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 38 466 31 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 39 483 42
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No.40 384
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 41 668 69 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EBNo.42 737 648
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 22 EB No. 43 588 538
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 BB No. 44 718 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.45 342 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.46 539 56
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.47 470 2 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No_23 EB No. 48 376 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.49 334 32 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.50 720 47
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 BBNo.51 760 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.52 902 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EB No. 53 766 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EBNo.54 682 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 23 EB No. 55 582
Ward No. 23 EBNo.56 722 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 23 EB No. 57 548 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 23 EBNo. S8 620 42
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 24 EBNo.59 336 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Lo~ation Name ofto"",n Name of ward Boundaries ot" Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban blo~k I population Castes Tribes
EB number e02ulation E02ulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 60 237 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 61 527 8
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 62 483 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 63 190 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 64 329
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 65 484
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 66 323
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 BB No. 67 363
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 68 781
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 69 416
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 70 606
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 BB No. 71 396
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 24 EB No. 72 512
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.1 480
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.2 700 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No . 25 EB No.3 640 2 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.4 389 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EBNo.5 410
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.6 487 98
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.7 571 18 133
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.8 248 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No.9 784 50 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No. 10 248 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 25 EB No. 11 740 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 12 281 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 13 553
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 14 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 15 445
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 16 478
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 17 528
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 18 491 18 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 19 258 10
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 20 242
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 21 225 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 22 367 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 23 264
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 25 428 80 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 26 EBNo.26 599 91 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+QG) Ward No. 26 EB No. 27 599 152 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 28 73
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 29 462
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 30 112
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EBNo.3! !8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 32 533 63
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 33 670 49
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EBNo.34 652
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 35 491
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 36 419
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EB No. 37 469



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I popUlation Castes Tribes·
EB nuinber EOEulation EOEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 27 EBNo.38 391 80
42604000 Mysme (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.39 600 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.40 525 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.41 418
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.42 475
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.43 507
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.44 440 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.45 530
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.46 513 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.47 489 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 28 EBNo.48 553
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.49 494 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.50 520
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.51 540
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)' Ward No. 28 EBNo.52 . 607
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.53 580
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.54 601
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.55 552 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.56 520 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.57 507 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 28 EBNo.58 498 5 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.l 545 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.2 412 6 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.3 797 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EB No. 4 578 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.5 505 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.6 448 51
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)" Ward No. 29 EBNo.7 381 78
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.8 568 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.9 588
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.10 553 12 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.l1 773 38 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.12 552 5 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.13 643 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.14 453 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 29 EBNo.15 450 4
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.1 640
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.2 600 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.3 441
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.4 454
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WarilNo.30 EBNo.5 487
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.6 409
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.7 703 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.8 760
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.9 434
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EBNo.10 407
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 30 EB No. 11 833 8 81
Ward No. 30 EBNo.12 604 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EBNo.13 377 11 5



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block / population Castes Tribes
EB number EOEulation EOEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 14 700 299 12
42604000 Mysore (M c.orp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 15 319 123 62
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EBNo.16 363 121 127
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EBNo.I7 375 143. 90
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 18 319 46 71
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 19 318 26 41
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 20 333 88 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EBNo.21 357 4 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 22 330
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 23 652 68 77
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 24 314 8 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 25 399 7 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 26 583 85 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 27 330 28 4
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 31 EB No. 28 556 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 29 736 170 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 30 781 90 66
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 31 447 39 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 32 441 8 1
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 33 722 6 112
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 34 741 2 146
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 35 573 17 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 36 24 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 37 839 83 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 38 1,107 32 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 39 682 18 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 40 452 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EBNo.41 375 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 42 476
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 43 657 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 44 580 186 244
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 45 446 112 291
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 46 860 469 130
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 47 443 262 62
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 32 EB No. 48 440 89 183
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 49 769 41 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 50 548 13 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 51 446 32 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 52 411 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 53 727 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 54 670 28 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 55 378 13 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 56 367 5 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 57 734 15 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 58 627 19 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 59 443 25
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 £l:3 No. 60 380 239
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 61 457 8 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 62 487 12 11



Location Name of town Name of ward ~oundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber Eo,eulation EOEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 63 320 138 4
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.64 261 87
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.65 358 54 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.66 627 126 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.67 698 49 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 68 339 46
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.69 769 2 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EB No. 70 778 5 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.71 259 249
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.72 218 211 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.73 592 384
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.74 465 275 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.75 365 222 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 33 EBNo.76 517 320
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.77 318
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.78 433 9 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.79 782 3 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.80 530 8 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.81 414 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.82 488 11 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 83 442 13 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.84 320
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.85 224 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.86 198 8 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.87 374 5 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 88 512 18 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.89 150
42604000 Myso:re (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.90 357 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.91 153 7 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.92 411 7 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.93 302 5 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.94 538 18 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.95 446 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.96 184
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.97 182
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.98 74
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 99 331 11 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.100 373 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 101 150 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.102 319 5 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 103 515 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.104 73
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.l05 110
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 106 199
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 107 209
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 108 254
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 109 93
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 110 165
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 111 136



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number EOEulation EOEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 112 150
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 113 87
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 114 102
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 115 409 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 116 251
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 117 285
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No.ll8 232
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 119 407 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 120 455
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 121 475 13 5
42604000 ·Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 122 440
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 123 203
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 124 197
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 125 343 307 '
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 126 529 520 3
42604000 Mysme eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 Ell No. 127 368
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 128 453
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 129 712 5 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 130 384 4 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 131 208 2
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 132 123
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 133 348 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 134 231 17 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 135 601 5 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 136 203 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 137 333 14 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 138 322 19 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.139 256 8 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 140 368 18 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 141 584
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.142 417 27 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 143 408 27 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 144 272 5 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 145 532 42 32
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 146 607 48 73
·42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 147 359
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 34 EB No. 148 274 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 149 519 33 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB.No.150 408 5 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 151 663 14 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 152 374 5 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 153 626 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 154 264
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 155 97 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.156 164 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 157 500 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 158 333
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 159 298 21 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 160 94



Location Name of town Name of "ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block / population Castes Tribes
EBnumber ~o~ulation ~o~ulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.161 313 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 1m No. 162 129 6
. 42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 163 302 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 BBNo.164 174 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 165 220 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.166 170 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 BB No. 167 266 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 168 244 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 169 483 7 2
42604000 "Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EBNo.170 731 47 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 171 664 32 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 BB No. 172 249 3 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 173 583 55 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 174 111 18 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 BB No. 175 251 15 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 BB No. 176 222 15 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 BB No. 177 219 26 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 178 450 21 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 179 385 13 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 180 454 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 181 108 9
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 34 EB No. 182 485 4 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.1 643 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BBNo.2 344 33 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EB NO.3 520
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.4 503 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BB No.5 407
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.6 384
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BBNo.7 516 5 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BBNo.8 525 4 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BBNo.9 597
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BB No. 10 531 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BB No. II 386 5 :3
42604000" Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EB No. 12 393 3 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EB No. 13 402 6 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.I4 401 362
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EB No. 15 489 347 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) War-d No. 35 BBNo.16 468 63 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) War-d No. 35 EBNo.l7 523 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BB No. 18 612 54
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 BBNo.19 129
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.20 781 5 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.21 642 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EBNo.22 668 9
Ward No. 35 EBNo.23 560 19 127
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 35 EB No. 24 445 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 35 EBNo.25 449 4 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 35 EBNo.26 530 2 IS
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 35 EB No. 27 296 13 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total- Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number _eo_eulation _e°2ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 35 EB No. 28 602 2]
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 29 431 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 30 340
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 31 518 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 32 577 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 33 568 66
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 34 415 5 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 35 419 34
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 36 530 29
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 37 651 33 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 38 573 50
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 39 372 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 40 384 26 17
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 41 649 4 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward NO.-36 EB No. 42 591
42604000 Mysore, (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 43 691 27 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 44 459 94 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No_ 45 438 253 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 46 548 173 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 47 755 81 33
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 48 593 157 , 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 36 EB No. 49 526 5 373
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 50 585 5 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 51 835 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 52 571 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 53 460 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 54 560
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 55 723 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 56 565 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 57 558 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EBNo.58 714 13 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 59 357 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 60 460 7 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 ED No. 61 376
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 62 398 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 63 619 303 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 64 592 33 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 65 424 421
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 66 681 24 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 67 731 53 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 68 524 46 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 69 458 24 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 70 630 60 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 37 EB No. 71 581 47 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 72 1,039 219 80
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 73 532 34 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 74 558 8 30
42604000 My~o,e (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 75 532 4 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 76 740 14 28



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Cude urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber ~oEulation EOEulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.77 558
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.78 488 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.38 BBNo.79 379 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.80 206
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 81 375
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EB No. 82 306 16 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.83 494
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.84 565 II 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.85 377
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.86 454
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.87 565
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.88 325 6 I
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.89 301 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 EBNo.90 683 13 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 38 'EB No. 91 588 20 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.39 EBNo.92 630 620
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.93 575 553
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.94 636 477 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.95 477 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.96 422 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.97 414
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.98 461
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 39 EBNo.99 631
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.100 437 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No. 101 702
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.102 500 R 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.103 343 123
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 39 EB No. 104 559 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No. 105 544 12 149
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No. 106 469 4 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No. 107 517 44
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EBNo.108 734 6 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No. 109 700 3 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No. 110 600
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WaJ:-d No. 39 EBNo.lI1 387
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 39 EB No.1 12 536 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 16 690
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 17 557 445
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 18 521 459
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 19 943 686
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EBNo.20 525 425
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 21 580 196
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Wa:rdNo.40 EB No. 22 425 83
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 ' EB No. 23 388 118
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 24 601 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 25 491
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 26 589
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EBNo.27 485
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 28 308



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number ~0l:'ulation . l!ol!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 29 484
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 30 719 717.
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EBNo.31 351 346
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 32 708 138
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 33 577 317
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 34 353 258
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EBNo.35 190 177
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 40 EB No. 36 432 424
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No. 37 499
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No. 38 495 7
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No. 39 513
42604000' Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EBNo.40 648
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No.41 347
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EBNo.42 411
42604000' Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EBNo.43 286 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EBNo.44 377 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EBNo.45 644
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No. 46 683
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No. 4,7 527
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EBNo.48 658
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 41 EB No. 49 699
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.50 645
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EB No. 51 596
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.42 EB No. 52 485
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.53 395
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.54 674
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.55 675
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EB No. 56 773
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.57 662
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.58 630
42604000 Mysore (M Cmp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNe.59 414
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.60 434
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EB No. 61 524
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.62 413
42604000 Myso~e (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.63 585
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EB No. 64 470
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.65 602
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 42 EBNo.66 673
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.l 670 6 6
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.2 892
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No.3 366
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.4 70] 44 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.5 451
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No.6 420 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.7 377 96
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.8 636 3 . 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.9 647
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No. 10 528 3 121
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No. 11 530 191



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total SchedUled Scheduled
Code urban block f population Castes Tribes
EB number ~o~ulation ~o~ulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.43 EB No. 12 670 19 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EBNo.13 617 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No. 14 671 19 1
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No. 15 537 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 43 EB No. 16 244 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.17 583 582
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 18 245 49
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 19 254
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 20 136 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 21 382 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.22 596
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 23 366 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.24 474 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 25 439 212
. 42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 26 393
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No.27 495 77
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 28 608 123
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No. 29 130
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.30 587 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.31 570 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EB No.32 217 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.33 319
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.34 525 3 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 44 EBNo.35 668 62 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 36 384 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 37 451 4 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) WaidNo.45 EBNo.38 457 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.39 440 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.40 461 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.41 569 65
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.42 219 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.43 549
42604000 Mysoie (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.44 334
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.45 448 4 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 46 601 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 47 408 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.48 479
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.49 747 12 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.50 122 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 51 322
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.52 300 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.53 677 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 54 455 3 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.55 448
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.56 723 22 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.57 350 26 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.58 242 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EBNo.59 434 49
Ward No. 45 EBNo.60 505 20 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number poeulation I!°eulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 61 412 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 62 565
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 63 520
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 64 668
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 65 208 20. 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 66 436 84 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 67 551 60· 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 68 497
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 69 388
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 70 588
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 71 403
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 45 EB No. 72 640 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.45 EB No. 73 458 20 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 74 435 60 17
42604000 Mysore (M·Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 75 637 173 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 76 852 100 38
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EBNo.77 841 64 140
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 78 766
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EBNo.79 625
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 80 722
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 81 632
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 82 533
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 83 596
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 84 499 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 85 504 5 4
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 86 569 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 87 501 16
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No.46 EB No. 88 735 62
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 89 444
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 90 453 14 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 91 558 68
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 46 EB No. 92 863 225 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo.93 552
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo.94 516 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 95 664 536 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo.96 613 104 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 97 700 353 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 98 519 163
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 99 453 291 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 100 380
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 101 483 21 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 102 354 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 103 658 60 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 104 468 8 13
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 105 446 20 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 106 679 59 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 107 478 29 3
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 108 715 53 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No.47 EB No. 109 472 138



Location Namc of town Name of ward Boundaries of· Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber I!0(!ulation I!°Eulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No . .IIO 515 ]8 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo. III 623
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo. ]12 683 6 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 113 687 ]4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo.114 484 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 115 487 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 116 721 84 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47· EB No. 117 678 38 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. 118 670
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EB No. ]19 590
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 47 EBNo.120 503
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo. ] 405
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.2 680 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.3 663 35 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 48 EBNo.4 614 43 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EB No.5 467 48
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.6 485 47
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 48 EBNo.7 687 33 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.8 625 155 21
42604000 Mysor (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.9 628 19 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EB No. 10 599 30 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EB No. II 547 12 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.I2 458 17 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.13 597 87 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo. ]4 613 33 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EB No. ]5 480 33 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.I6 566 7 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 48 EBNo.17 532 9 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.I8 516 4 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EB No. 19 545 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.20 540 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.21 594 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.22 547 ]6 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.23 565 37 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.24 575 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 49 EBNo.25 816 4 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.26 834 507
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.27 788 530
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.28 619 345
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.29 432 10 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.30 406 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EB No. 31 564 252
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.32 629 156
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.33 772
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.34 681
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.35 496
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.36 479
Ward No. 50 EBNo.37 426 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EBNo.38 377



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block f population Castes Tribes
EBnumber :eo:eulation eOI!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EB No. 39 687 58
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 50 EB No. 40 603
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 41 510 444
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 42 589 536
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 43 621 561
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 44 731 498
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 45 640 555
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 46 652 487
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 47 604 483
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 48 549 474
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 49 441 373
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 50 657 98
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EBNo.51 737 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 52 238 62
42604000 Mysore (M Coi:p+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 53 683 64 1
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 54 654 26 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 55 579
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 56 339 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EBNo.57 451 305
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EBNo.58 640 339
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 59 482 267
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 60 504 183
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 51 EB No. 61 656 497 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 62 589 556
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 63 659 587
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 64 558 287 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EBNo.65 413 197
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 66 423 319
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 67 759 521
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 68 547 354
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EBNo.69 651 599
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 70 728 597
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 71 716 549
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 72 706 495
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EB No. 73 348 341
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 52 EBNo.74 783 742
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EBNo.1 433
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No.2 378 4 58
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB NO.3 444 12 46
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No.4 431
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No.5 569 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No.6 586 48
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EBNo.7 377 90
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EBNo.8 472 205
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No.9 748 59
42604000 Mysore (M Corp-lOG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 10 384 196 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EBNo. II 492 279
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 12 669 12 73
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 13 637 7 20



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number )!o)!ulation )!o)!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EBNo.14 563 65
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 15 763 38
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 16 484 91
42604000 Mysore (M Corp;+-OG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 17 564 359 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 53 EB No. 18 501 255
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EB No. 19 652 31
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.20 567 58
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No."54 EB No. 21 656 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.22 637 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.23 515 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.24 472 9 41
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.25 437 41 45
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward" No. 54 EBNo.26 515 9 44
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.27 685 10 108
42604000· Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.28 '?04 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.29 415 14 43
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.30 408 3 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EB No. 31 515 9 33
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.32 503 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.33 664 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 54 EBNo.34 642 6 60
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EB No. 35 447 75 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.36 499 182
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.37 500 94
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.38 512 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.39 591
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EB,No.40 620
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.41 614 10 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.42 802 47
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EB No. 43 591 23 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.44 444 39 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.45 610 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward" No. 55 EBNo.46 623 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.47 493 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No". 55 EBNo.48 440 13 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 ·EBNo.49 397 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.50 447
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EB No. 51 395
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.52 865 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EB No. 53 ,604 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.54 ·634
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.55 633 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.56 580 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 55 EBNo.57 569 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 58 520 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.59 568
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.60 472
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 61 503
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.62 341



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber ~oeulation ~o~ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 63 469
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.64 653
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.65 733
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.66 743
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.67 409 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.68 92
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.69 683 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.70 485
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 71 244
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.72 456
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.73 805 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.74 618
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.75 659
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.76 533
"42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.77 809
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.78 262
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.79 332
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.80 1,013
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 81 429
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.82 417
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 83 477
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.84 490 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.85 639 11 2S
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.86 527 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. S6 EBNo.87 168 30 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 88 282 4
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 89 642 32 6
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.90 647 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 91 208
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.92 485
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.93 410 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.94 642
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.95 395
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.96 405 3 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.97 747 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.98 656 41 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EBNo.99 594 16 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)· Ward No. 56 EBNo.100 573 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 101 181 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 56 EB No. 102 346
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.103 502 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.104 552
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.105 491
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 106 514
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 BBNo.107 615
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 BB No. 108 571 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 109 473 166
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.110 762 147 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.l11 341



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block J population Castes Tribes
EBnumber ~ol!ulatio_n ~0l!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 ,EB No. 112 256
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 113 372
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward 'No. 57 EBNo.114 508
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.115 461
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.116 653 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.117 450 49
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.118 940 12 81
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.119 664 9 56
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.120 566 72
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 12.1 723 58
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 122 653 3 90
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 123 506 24 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 124 565 466
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.125 391 347 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 126 587 466
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.127 667
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 128 529
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 129 801 92 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.130 491
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 131 ,538
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 132 656
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EB No. 133 482 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.134 562
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No: 57 EBNo.135 606
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.136 608 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.137 1,042 5 77
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.138 420 326
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 57 EBNo.139 397 295
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.l 757 37 308
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.2 511 16 342
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.3 451 6 329
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.4 503 24 14
42604000 Mysore eM torp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.5 774 8 436
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.6 778 1 388
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.7 616 23 45
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.8 536 92
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.9 539 374
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.10 502 427
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EB No. 11 551 385
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.12 478 425
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.13 574 21 180
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+oG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.14 587 361
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.15 571 428
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.16 645 2 122
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 58 EBNo.17 396 174
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EBNo.18 850 241 89
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EBNo.19 499 42 28
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EBNo.20 607 36 25
Ward No. 59 EBNo.21 543 14 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block / population Castes Tribes
EB number Eoeulation' eoeulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 22 542 33
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 23 708 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EBNo.24 465 3 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 25 513 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 26 608 38 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 27 531
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 28 624 10
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EBNo.29 809 8 5
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 30 619
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 31 531
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 32 553 I 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 33 582
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 59 EB No. 34 400
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.35 651
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 36 -407 18 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.37 571 16 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 38 419 33 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 39 514 105 30
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.40 566 51 34
42604000 Mysore CM Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 41 540 147 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 42 504 121 33
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 43 589 166 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 44 696 151 34
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 45 624 40 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 46 524 28 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 47 486 75 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 48 452 80 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 49 431 III 27
42604000 Mysore(M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 50 396 125 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 51 489 25 19
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 52 431 6 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 53 458 119 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 54 331 104 36
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 55 722 4 87
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 56 635 564
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.57 696 693
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 58 612 355 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 59 576 66 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.60 474 J1 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 61 714 27
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.62 473 113 50
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EB No. 78 697 25
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 60 EBNo.79 701 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 . EBNo. 63 714 132 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EB No. 64 432
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.65 363 5 30
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.66 504 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EB No. 67 484 45
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EB No. 68 785



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EBnumber I!0~ulation Eo~ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.69 843 35
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward-No. 61 EB No. 70- 667 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EB No. 71 795 189 129
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EB No. 72 635 46 47
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.73 527 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.74 724 55
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.75 506 32 41
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.76 529 113 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 61 EBNo.77 '351 52 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo. I 507 32
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.2 588 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EB No.3 544 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.4 631 8 61
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.5 473 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 'EB No.6 747 9 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.7 745 2
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.8 713 5 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.9 533
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EB No. 10 582 6 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.IL 669
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 62 EBNo.12 762 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 13 692 20 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.14 553 133 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo. IS _610 93 42
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 16 441 129 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward Nci. 63 EB No. 17 352 36 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) 'Ward No. 63 EB No. 18 601 427 2S
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.19 657 17 43
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 20 494 II 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No.21 430 41 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 22 632 86 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.23 710 156 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 24 792 132 Il
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 25 390 7 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 -EBNo.26 429 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.27 509 9 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 28 748 71 15
426Q4000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.29 546 28 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 30 591 79
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 31 603 54 6
42604000 My~ore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 32 413 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EB No. 33 548 18 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) - Ward No. 63 EB No. 34 439 43 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.35 488 9 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 63 EBNo.36 420 20 9
Ward No. 63 EBNo.37 438 50 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 64 EB No. 38 45S 149 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 64 EBNo.39 377 16 18
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.40 536 5



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled' Scheduled
Code urban block I popUlation Castes Tribes
EB number ~o~ulation EOEulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 41 88
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 42 576 143 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 43 485 18 12
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.44 470 24 61
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 45 267 39
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 46 289 21 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 47 588 357 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 48 595 254 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 49 554 340 15
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 50 397 14 16
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 51 553 69 43
42604000 Mysorc (M COJp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 52 410 1 77
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 53 795 12 151
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.54 661 12
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 55 621' 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.56 499 100 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.57 970 80 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.58 809 27 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.59 786 24 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EBNo.60 851 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 61 790 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 62 355 65 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 114 358 29 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 64 EB No. 201 284 49 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 63 470 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.64 480 3 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 65 829 33
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.66 385 23
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.67 569 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.68 464
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.69 834 218 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward N0. 65 EBNo.70 529
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 71 662 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.72 629 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 73 492 43
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 74 526 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 75 589 23 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 76 571 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward NO ..65 EBNo.77 461 14
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.78 336 18 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.79 463 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 80 671 304
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 81 635
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 82 670
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.83 727
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.84 592
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 85 702
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 86 647
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 87 727



Location Name of tOwn Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number I!0:eulation I!0:eula tion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Coqj+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 88 626
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 89 603
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 90 640
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 91 737 116
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 92 492 53
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 93 649 23 25
42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.94 536 54 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 95 608 17
42604000 rviysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 96 594 9 41
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.97 367 25
42604000 Mysore eM Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 98 531 20 51
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.99 718 66 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EBNo.lOO 603 511
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 101 743 63 52
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 102 490 4 57
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 65 EB No. 103 559 31 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 183 735 465
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 184 671 7 224
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 185 554 442 22
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No, 66 EB No. 186 568 168
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 187 598 9 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 188 490 4 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. ]89 625 8 208
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 190 453 44
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.191 548 14 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. ]92 482 7 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) . Ward No. 66· EB No. 193 516
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 194 703
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.195 737 21 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.196 616 74
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 197 490 6 3
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.198 534
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EB No. 199 549 4 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.200 542 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.20l 506 12 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.202 609 13 40
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 66 EBNo.230 606 75 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EBNo.203 581 8
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EBNo.204. 460 352
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EBNo.205 378 229 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EBNo.206 592 52
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EBNo.207 428 2 46
Ward No. 67 EBNo.208 444 14
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No, 67 EBNo.209 671 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 67 EBNo.210 461 13
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EBNo.211 499
Ward No. 67 EB No. 212 547 12
.42604000 Mysorc (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 67 EBNo.213 300 6 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)
Ward No. 67 EB No. 214 415 37 15
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG)



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number }!oEulation }!ol!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 215 78 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 216 32 9 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 217 40 4 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 218 186 23 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 219 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 221 43 5 5
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 228 271 11
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 67 EB No. 229 123
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 68 EB No. 222 397 53 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 68 EB No. 223 24
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 68 EB No. 224 7
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 68 EB No. 225 21
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 68 EB No. 226 48 4
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 68 EB No. 227 II
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 69 EB No. 75 600 49
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 70 EB No. 104 684 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 70 EB No. 105 728 144 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 70 EB No. 106 541 38 9
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 70 F.R No. 107 546
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 70 EB No. 108 538 271 ' 34
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 70 EB No. 109 645 372 17
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 73 EBNo.112 561 72 351
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 73 EB No. 113 832 16 323
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 154 718 lIS 45
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 155 819 16 29
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 156 593
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 157 853 61 40
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 158 737 23 20
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EO No. 159 699 32 37
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 160 684 20 58
42604000 M)fsore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 161 607 42 74
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 74 EB No. 164 375 49 16
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 75 EB No. 162 188 6
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Ward No. 76 EB No. 163 658 493 5
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EBNo.1 285 14 4
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EB No.2 38
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EB No.3 115 8 14
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No.1 EB No.4 127 9 14
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EB No.5 20 5 4
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EB No.6 112 5 28
42605000 Hebba1u (CT) Ward No. I EB No.7 421 34 19
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EB No.8 356 63 26
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Ward No. I EB No.9 53
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB No. I 654 125 3
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 181
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB No.3 301
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.4 169 2 4
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.5 76 6
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB NO.6 373 7



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block f population Castes Tribes
EB number ~0l!ulation ~0l!ulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB No.7 439 7 2
42606000 Belvata eCT) Ward No. I EB No.8 743' 19 8
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB No.9 698 24 13
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 10 492 3 4
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No.1 EB No. II 463 27 58
42606000 Belvata (CT) , Ward No.1 EB No. 12 265 II 7
42606000 Belvata (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 13 853 223 56
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) , Ward No. I EB No.1 479
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 433 2 12
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. I EB No.3 624 322 7
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No.1 EB No.4 307 19 16
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. I EB No.5 527 10
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 6 527 10
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. I EBNo.7 484 36 26
, 42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.8 774 7
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. I EB No.9 368
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 10 292
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 712 14 15
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 238 7
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 2 EB No.3 551 26 5
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 2 EB No.4 686 97 2
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 3 EBNo.5 683 682 1
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 3 EB No. 6 538 527
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 4 EB No. 7 444 150 -
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 5 EB No.8 550 38 64
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 6 EBNo.9 403 5 4
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 6 EB No. 10 433 16 26
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 7 EB No. 11 459 284
42608000 Heggadadevankote eTP) Ward No. 7 EB No. 12 566 368
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 7 EB No. 13 534 10 329
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 14 574 426
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 15 520 350
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 9 EBNo.16 697 118 ", 73
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 9 EBNo.17 597 200 19
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 10 EBNo.18 710 208 15
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 10 EBNo.19 520 lSI 15
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 10 EBNo.20 358 65 56
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) WardNo. II EBNo.21 440 134 19
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No. 11 EBNo.22 384 136 13
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Ward No". II EBNo.23 448 192 8
42609000 Nanjan~d (TMC) Ward No. 1 EBNo.I 545 137
Ward No. 1 EBNo.2 558 2 32
42609000 Nanjangud eTMC)
Ward No. 1 EBNo.3 509 119
42609000, Nanjangud (TMC)
Ward No. 1 EB No. 4 504 II
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC)
Ward No. 2 EBNo.5 794 5 2
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC)
Ward No. 2 EBNo.6 621 4 11
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC)
Ward No. 2 EB No.7 452 18 10
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC)
Ward No. 3 EBNo.8 748 56
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC)
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.9 567



Locanon Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urb::m block / popUlation Castes Tribes
EB number ~o~ulation ~o~ulation
2 3 4 5 6 7
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No.3 EB No. 10 546 41
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 4 EBNo.11 165 8
42609000 Na~angud(TMC) Ward NO.4 EB No. 12 342
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 5 EB No. 13 425
42609000 Nanjangud (fMC) Ward No.5 EB No. 14 366
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No.6 EB No. 15 329
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward NO.6 EB No. 16 530 8 4
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward NO.6 EB No. 19 183
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 7 EB No. 17 500 9
,12609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 7 EB No. 18 434 136
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 7 EB No. 20 697 12
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 8 EB NO.21 439
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 9 EB No. 22 488 105
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 9 EBNo.23 444
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) . Ward No. 9 EB No. 27 511 332
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 10 EB No. 24 434 90
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 10 EB No. 25 601 27 160
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 10 EB No. 26 695 10 298
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. II EB No. 28 579
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 11 EB No. 29 375
42609000 Nanjangud(TMC) Ward No. II EB No. 30 429
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 12 EB No. 31 455 105
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 12 EB No. 32 512 373
42609000 Nanjangud(TMC) Ward No. 12 EB No. 33 536 366 32
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 12 EB No. 34 580
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 13 EB No. 35 641 31 15
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 13 EB No. 36 667 8
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 14 EB No. 37 472 8 4
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 14 EB No. 38 671 146 37
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 14 EB No. 39 558 14
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 15 EB No. 40 694
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 15 EB No. 41 355 1
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 15 EB No. 42 465 15
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 16 EB No. 43 402 16
42609000 Na~angud(TMC) Ward No. 16 EB No. 44 493 20 12
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 16 EB No.45 326 3
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 17 EB No. 46 498 486
42609000 Nanjangud(TMC) Ward No. 17 EB No. 47 496 491
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 17 EB No. 48 749 739 2
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 17 EBNo.49 814 788
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 18 EB No. 50 355 322
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 18 EB No. 51 397 382
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 18 EB No. 52 650 639
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 18 E8 No. 53 412 412
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 18 EBNo.54 461 432
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 19 EB No. 55 760 74 18
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 19 EB No. 56 643 9 8
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 19 E8 No. 57 475 17
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 58 854 70 49



Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled· Scheduled
Code urban block / population Castes Tribes
EB number 2°l!ulation 2°Eulation
I 2 3 4 5 6 7
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 20 EBNo.59 524 26
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 60 562 92 58
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 20 EB No. 61 729 10 30
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 20 EBNo.62 649 5 20
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 21 EB No. 63 347 4
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 21 EBNo.64 446 4
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 21 EBNo.65 635 30 55
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 22 EB No. 66 482 182 25
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 22 EBNo.67 668 257 17
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 22 EBNo.68 522 253 25
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 22 EBNo.69 905 176 23
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 22 EBNo.70 727 107 23
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 23 EB No. 71 644 13 6
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 23 EBNo.72 443 8
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) . Ward No. 23 EBNo.73 322 49 . 10
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 24 EBNo.74 666 545 13
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 24 EB No. 75 608 505 13
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 24 EBNo.76 531 414 4
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 24 EB No. 77 754 639 2
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 25 EBNo.78 702 8 28
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 25 EBNo.79 604 26
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 25 EB No. 80 683 3 22
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 26 EB No. 81 442 4
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) , Ward No. 26 EBNo.82 485 7
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 26 EB No. 83 534 9
42609000 Nanjangud(TMC} Ward No. 26 EBNo.84 598 19
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward,No.26 EB No. 85 715 12 15
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 27 EBNo.86 454 8
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 27 EBNo, 87 449 26 3
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 27 EBNo.88 714
42609000. Nanjangud (TMC) Ward No. 27 EBNo.89 487 10 5
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No.1 EBNo.1 601
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. I EBNo.2 472
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 2 EBNo.3 343 23
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 2 .EBNo.4 507 23
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 3 EBNo, 5 298 3
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 3 EBNo.6 573 133 40
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 4 EBNo.7 536· 3 9
42610000 Bannur(TP) WardNo.4 EBNo.8 461
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 4 EB No, 9 414 9
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 10 467 2
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 11 427 4
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 6 EB No. 12 721 5
Ward No. 6 EB No. 13 451 6
42610000 Bannur (TP)
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 7 EBNo.14 575
Ward No. 7 EBNo.15 451 17
42610000 Bannur (TP)
Ward No. 8 EB No. 16 673 4
42610000 Bannur (TP)
Ward No. 8 EBNo.17 581 318
42610000 Bannur (TP)
Ward No. 9 EB No. 18 302 9
42610000 Bannur(TP)

Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code urban block I population Castes Tribes
EB number population population
2 3 4' 5 6 7
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 19 492 5
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 10 EBNo.20 742 9 221
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 21 501 161
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 11 EBNo.22 378 37 25
42610000 BannuT(TP) Ward No. II EE No. 23 577 23? 210
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. II EB No. 24 537 536
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 25 617 611
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 26 652 427
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 27 575 113 420
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 28 612
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 29 385 6
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 30 312 12
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 14 EBNo.31 664
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 15 EBNo.32 672
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 33 377
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 15 EBNo.34 703 16 218
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 35 584 409
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 36 742 682 5
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 16 EBNo.37 538 538
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 38 363 14 22
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 17 EBNo.39 406 5 66
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 40 547 341 6
42610000 Bannur (TP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 41 692 140 19
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 42 291
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 19 EBNo.43 466 9
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 20 EBNo.44 489 2 2
42610000 Bannur(TP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 45 472 II
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. I EB No.1 349 349
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 349 348
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 2 EB NO.3 521 12 305
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 2 EB NO.4 436 53 298
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 3 EB No.5 371 159
42611000 Tirurnakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward NO.3 EBNo.6 437 51 54
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 4 EB No.7 377 87
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 4 EB No.8 416 45
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 4 EBNo.9 493 6 301
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 5 EB No. 10 501 106
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No.5 EBNo.l1 237 39
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No.6 EB No. 12 597 49
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No.7 EB No. 13 463 I3
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 14 392 5
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 15 594 4 42
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 16 347 17
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No.9 EB No. 17 575 3 279
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No.9 EB No. 18 364 339
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 19 588 4 326
4261 1000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 20 646 153
42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 21 359 38
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Ward No. II EB No. 22 515 65


Location District! CD Block! Town Totall Number of Total population (including Population in the
code Rural! households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6
number Urban with at least population)
Caste Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
26 Mysorc Total 92,886 467,640 237,476 230,164 62,022 31,289 30,733
Rural 69,744 348,780 176,719 172,061 48,012 24,229 23,783
Urban 23,142 118,860 60,757 58,103 14,010 7,060 6,950
0001 Piriyapatna Total 6,702 35,078 17,835 17,243 5,032 2,569 2,463
Rural 6,702 35,078 17,835 17,243 5,032 ·2,569 2,463
0002 Hunsur Total 7,990 39,106 19,883 19,223 5,457 2,740 2,717
Rural 7.990· 39,106 19,883 19,223 5,457 2,740 2,717
0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 6,345 30,474 15,340 15,134 3,945 2,001 1,944
Rural 6,345 30,474 15,340 15,134 3,945 2,001 1,944
0004 Mysore Total 9,214 47,033 23,947 23,086 6,839 3,441 3,398
Rural 8,289 42,640 21,690 20,950 6,190 3,111 3,079
Urban 925 4,393 2,257 2,136 649 330 319
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 Urban 192 864 430 434 ·135 57 78

42604000 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward No.67 Urban 148 685 355 33() 114 62 52

42604000 Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68 Urban 13 57 32 25 6 4 2

42604000 Sathagalli (OG) - Ward No.69 Urban 9 49 27 22 3 2

42604000 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward No.70 Urban 162 825 420 405 97 43 54
Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.73 Urban 23 88 30 58 15 5 10
Srirampura (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.74 Urban 76 361 200 161 48 26 22
Lingamhudi (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.76 Urban 86 493 249 244 80 47 33
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 34 138 69 69 33 17 16
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 103 .454 244 210 53 31 22
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 79 379 201 178 65 37 28
0005 Heggadadevankote Total 12,493 63,596 32,202 31,394 9,276 4,732 4,544
Rural 12,493 63,596 32,202 31,394 9,276 4,732 4,544
0006 Na~angud Total 14,446 71,608 36,093 35,515 9,781 4,906 4,875
Rural 14,446 71,608 36,093 35,515 9,781 4,906 4,875
0007 Tirumakndal Narsipur Total 13,479 66,278 33,676 32,602 8,331 4,170 4,161
Rural 13,479 66,278 33,676 32,602 8,331 4,170 4,161
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 247 1,255 640 615 153 75 78
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Urban 1,419 7,034 3,574 3,460 922 474 448
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 869 4,407 2,255 2,152 558 290 268
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Urban 17,302 88,996 45,595 43,401 10,310 5,207 5,103
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 34 138 69 69 33 17 16
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 103 454 244 210 53 31 22
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 79 379 201 178 65 37 28
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 514 2,776 1,457 1,319 356 181 175
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 1,740 9,330 4,649 4,681 1,108 535 573
42610000 Bannur(TP) Urban 679 3,261 1,631 1,630 356 170 186

42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Urban 156 830 442 388 96 43 53



Literates lIIiterates Total workers Total! District! CD Block! Town

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
218,934 128,151 90,783 248,706 109,325 139,381 202,550 131,337 11,213 Total Mysore
141,645 84,662 56,983 207,135 92,057 115,078 164,449 102,140 62,309 Rural
77,289 43,489 33,800 41,571 17,268 24,303 38,101 29,197 8,904 Urban
13,824 8,626 5,198 21,254 9,209 12,045 16,889 10,084 6,805 Total Piriyapatna
13,824 8,626 5,198 21,254 9,209 12,045 16,889 10,084 6,805 Rural
15,915 9,779 6,136 23,191 10,104 13,087 22,142 12,248 9,894 Total Hunsur
15,915 9,779 6,136 23,191 10,104 13,087 22,142 12,248 9,894 Rural
12,430 7,663 4,767 18,044 7,677 10,367 15,294 9,143 6,151 Total Krishnarajanagara
12,430 7,663 4,767 18,044 7,677 10,367 15,294 9,143 6,151 Rural
20,448 12,079 8,369 26,585 11,868 14,717 19,401 13,449 5,952 Total Mysore
17,897 10,640 7,257 24,743 11,050 13,693 18,014 12,282 5,732 Rural
2,551 1,439 1,112 1,842 818 1,024 1,387 1,167 220 Urban
519 285 234 345 145 200 272 229 43 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66

451 257 194 234 98 136 210 175 35 Urban Hutagal1i (OG) - Ward No.67

II 7 4 46 25 21 25 18 1 Urban Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68

Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
20 14 6 29 13 16 14 14 Urban No.69
Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
469' 267 202 356 153 203 227 198 29 Urban No.70
Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward
51 16 35 37 14 23 22 14 8 Urban No.73
Srirampura (OG) - Ward
219 132 87 142 68 74 131 106 25 Urban No.74
Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
213 124 89 280 125 155 162 146 16 Urban No.76
90 50 40 48 19 29 40 36 4 Urban Hebbalu (Cl)
332 184 148 122 60 62 154 125 29 . Urban Belvata (CT)
176 103 73 203 98 105 130 106 24 Urban Bhogadi (CT)
25,250 15,108 10,142 38,346 17,094 21,252 32,203 18,369 13,834 Total Heggadadevankote
25,250 15,108 10,142 38,346 17,094 21,252 32,203 18,369 13,834 Rural
27,790 16,310 11,480 43,818 19,783 24,035 32,648 21,153 11,495 Total Nanjangud
27,790 16,310 11,480 43,818 19,783 24,035 32,648 21,153 11,495 Rural
. 28,539 16,536 12,003 37,739 17,140 20,599 27,259 18,861 8,398 Total Tirumakudal Narsipur
28,539 16,536 12,003 37,739 17,140 .20,599 27,259 18,861 8,398 Rural
792 448 344 463 192 271 354 281 13 Urban Piriyapatna (fP)
4,082 2,340 1,742 2,952 1,234 1,718 2,641 1,982 659 Urban Hunsur (TMC)
2,451 1,413 1,038 1,956 842 1,114 1,632 1,093 539 Urban Krishnarajanagara (TMC)
59,734 33,523 26,211 29,262 12,072 17,190 27,792 21,577 6,215 Urban Mysore (M Corp+OG)
90 50 40 48 19 29 40 36 4 Urban Hebbalu (CT)
332 184 148 122 60 62 154 125 29 Urban Belvata (CT)
176 103 73 203 98 105 130 106 24 Urban' Bhogadi (CT)
997 712 1,067 460 607 1,036 650 386 Urban Heggadadevankote (TP)
5,647 3,104 2,543 3,683 1,545 2,138 2,766 2,295 411 Urban Nanjangud (fMC)
1,035 768 1,458 596 862 1,333 862 411 Urban Bannur(TP)

292 181 357 150 207 223 190 33 Urban Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP)



Location Districtl CD Block! Town TotaU Main workers Industrial category

code Rurall Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Urbau

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
26 Mysorc Total 155,925 111,465 44,460 57,977 42,650 15,327 48,480 29,416 ]9,064
Rural 122,916 85,527 37,389 57,036 41,955 15,081 46,681 ' 28,266 18,415
Urban 33,009 25,938 7,071 941 695 246 1,799 ],]50 . 649
0001 Piriyapatna Total 14,049 9,314 4,735 9,519 6,601 2,918 2,866 1,563 1,303
Rural 14,049 9,314 4,735 9,519 6,601 2,918 2,866 1,563 1,303
0002 Hunsur Total 15,540 10,261 5,279 10,601 7,287 3,314 3.565 1,938 1,627
Rural 15,540 10,261 5,279 10,601 7,287 3,314 3,565 1,938 1,627
0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 11,427 8,004 3,423 5,674 4,289 1,385 4.614 2,776 1,838
Rural 11,427 8,004 3,423 5,674 4,289 1,385 4,614 2,776 1,838
0004 Mysorc Total 15,365 11,580 3,785 4,598 3,610 988 3,622 2,103 1,519
Rural 14,045 10,452 3,593 4,593 3,607 986 3,604 2,091 1,513
Urban 1,320 1,128 192 5 3' 2 18 12 6
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 Urban 254 220 34
Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.67 Urban 209 174 35
Metagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.68 Urban 25 18 7
Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.69 Urban 14 14 2 2
Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.70 Urban 215 187 28 2 2 3 3
Chamundibetla (OG)-
42604000 Ward No.73 Urban 17 II 6
Srirampura (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.74 Urban 126 104 22 6 5
Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.76 Urban 162 146 16
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 40 36 4
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 146 123 23
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 112 95 17 7 6 1
0005 Heggadadevankote Toral 25,873 16,145 9,728 14,055 9,327 4,728 9,857 5,296 4,561
Rural 25,873 16,145 9,728 14,055 9,327 4,728 9,857 5,296 4,561
0006 Nanjangud Total 24,338 17,731 6,607 .8,175 6,856 1,319 12.326 7,829 4,497
Rural 24,338 17,731 6,607 8,175 6,856 1,319 12,326 7,829 4,497
0007 Tirumakudat Narsipur Total 17,644 13,620 4,024 4,419 3,988 431 9,849 6,773 3,076
Rural 17,644 13,620 4,024 4,419 3,988 431 9,849 6,773 3,076
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 316 263 53 36 34 2 58 44 14
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Urban 1,792 1,482 310 254 214 40 301 245 56
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 1,335 972 363 288 179 109 178 100 78
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Urban 25,069 19,741 5,328 85 64 21 145 110 35
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 40 36 4
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 146 123 23
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 112 95 17 7 6
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 722 501 221 142 90 52 236 133 103
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 2,057 1,735 322 45 44 I 172 114 58
42610000 Bannur (TP) Urban 1,206 803 403 89 68 21 702 398 304
Tirumakudal - Narsipur
42611000 (TP) Urban 214 187 27



of main workers Marginal workers Total! District! CD Block! Town
Household industry workers Other workers Rurall

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
1,184 576 608 48,284 38,823 9,461 46,625 19,872 26,753 Total Mysore
463 312 151 18,736 14,994 3,742 41,533 16,613 24,920 Rural
721 264 457 29,548 23,829 5,719 5,092 3,259 1,833 Urban
103 74 29 1,561 1,076 485 2,840 770 2,070 Total Piriyapatna
103 74 29 1,561 1,076 485 2,840 770 2,070 Ruml
59 36 23 1,315 1,000 315 6,602 1,987 4,615 Total Hunsur
59 36 23 1,315 1,000 315 6,602 1,987 4,615 Rural
69 61 8 1,070 878 192 3,867 1,139 2,728 Total Krishnarajanagara
69 61 8 1,070 878 192 3,867 1,139 2,728 Rural
56 32 24 7,089 5,835 1,254 4,036 1,869 2,167 Total Mysore
49 25 24 5,799 4,729 1,070 3,969 1,830 2,139 Rural
7 7 1,290 1,106 184 67 39 28 Urban
254 220 34 18 9 9 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66

208 173 35 Urban Hutagalli (OG) - Ward No. 67

25 18 7 Urban Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68

Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
12 12 Urban No.69
Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
5 5 205 179 26 12 11 Urban No.70
Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward
17 11 6 5 3 2 Urban No.73
Srirampura (OG) - Ward
119 102 17 5 2 3 Urban No.74
Lingambndi (OG) - Ward
162 146 16 Urban No.76
40 36 4 Urban Hebbalu (CI)
2 2 143 120 23 8 2 6 Urban Belvata (CI)
105 89 16 18 11 7 Urban Bhogadi (CI)
68 46 22 1,893 1,476 417 6,330 2,224 4,106 Total Heggadadevankotc
68 46 22 1,893 1,476 417 6,330 2,224 4,106 Rural
62 37 25 3,775 3,009 766 8,310 3,422 4,888 Total Nanjangnd
62 37 25 3,775 3,009 766 8,310 3,422 4,888 Ruml
53 33 20 3,323 2,826 497 9,615 5,241 4,374 Total Tirumakudal Narsipur
53 33 20 3,323 2,826 497 9,615 5,241 4,374 Rural
222 185 37 38 18 20 Urban Piriyapatna (TP)
27 18 9 1,210 1,005 205 849 500 349 Urban Hunsur ('fMC)
111 61 50 758 632 126 297 121 176 Urban Krishnarajanagara (TMC)
565 172 393 24,274 19,395 4,879 2,723 1,836 887 Urban Mysore (M Corp+OG)
40 36 4 Urban Hebbalu (CI)
2 2 143 120 23 8 2 6 Urban Belvata (CI)
105 89 16 18 II 7 Urban Bhogadi (CT)
2 340 276 64 314 149 165' Urban Heggadadevankote (TP)
4 2
1,830 1,568 262 709 560 149 Urban Nanjangnd ('fMC)
10 9
2 413 337 76 127 59 68 Urban Bannnr(TP)

213 186 27 9 3 6 Urban Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP)



Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Industrial category
code Rurall Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry
number Urban workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males FeDlale~ Persons Males Females

2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
26 Mysore Total 5,863 1,661 4,202 32,559 12,977 19,582 512 118 394
Rural 5,845 1,652 4,193 31,841 12,677 19,164 195 74 121
Urban 18 9 9 718 300 418 317 44 273
0001 Piriyapatna Total 661 III 550 1,755 523 1,232 11 6 5
Rural 661 III 550 1,755 523 1,232 II 6 5
0002 Hunsur Total 2,359 548 1,811 3,937 1,316 2,621 33 11 22
Rural 2,359 548 1,811 3,937 1,316 2,621 33 . II 22
0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 629 159 470 2,982 858 2,124 31 13 18
Rural 629 159 470 2,932 858 2,124 31 13 18
0004 Myson: Total 280 71 209 2,433 918 1,515 21 4 17
Rural 280 71 209 2,426 916 1,510 20 4 16
Urban 7 2 5
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 Urban I 1
Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.67 Urban
Metagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.68 Urban
Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.69 Urban
Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.70 Urban 3 2
Chamundibetta (OG)-
42604000 Ward No.73 Urban
Srirarnpura (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.74 Urban
Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
42604000 NO.76 Urban
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 3 3
0005 Heggadadevankote Total 1,046 363 683 4,786 1,600 3,186 51 19 32
Rural 1,046 363 683 4,786 1,600 3,186 51 19 32
0006 Nanjangud Total 589 220 369 6,957 2,661 4,296 31 13 18
Rural 589 220 369 6,957 2,661 4,296 31 13 18
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 281 180 101 8,998 4,803 4,195 18 8 10
Rural 281 180 101 8,998 4,803 4,195 18 8 10
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 2 2
42602000 Hunsur(TMC) Urban 8 4 4 78 36 42 81 4 77
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 2 2 164 42 122 6 2 4
42604000 MY'50n: (M Corp+OG) Urban 3 2 55 33 22 222 36 186
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 3 3
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 278 129 149
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 81 35 46 7 6
42610000 Bannur(TP) Urban 4 3 57 25 32

42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsi(!ur (TP) Urban



of marginal workers Non-workers Totall District} CD Block! Town Location
Other workers Rurall code
Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2
7,691 5,116 2,575 265,090 106,139 158,951 Total Mysore 26
3,652 2,210 1,442 ]84,331 74,579 109,752 Rural
4,039 2,906 1,133 80,759 31,560 49,199 Urban
413 130 283 18,189 7,751 10,438 Total Piriyapatna 0001
413 130 283 18,189 7,751 10,438 Rural
273 112 161 16,964 7,635 9,329 Total Hunsur 0002
273 112 161 16,964 7,635 9,329 Rural
225 109 116 15,180 6,197 8,983 Total Krishnarajanagara 0003
225 109 116 15,180 6,197 8,983 Rural
1,302 876 426 27,632 10,498 17,134 Total Mysore 0004
1,243 839 404 24,626 9,408 15j18 Rural
59 37 22 3,006 1,090 1,916 Urban
16 9 7 592 201 391 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 42604000

475 180 295 Urban Hutagalli (OG) - Ward No.67 42604000

32 14 18 Urban Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68 42604000

35 13 22 Urban Satbagalli (OG) - Ward No.69 42604000

9 9 598 222 376 Urban Alanahalli (OG) - Ward No.70 42604000

5 3 2 66 16 50 Urban Cbarnundibetta (OG) - Ward NO.73 42604000

5 2 3 230 94 136 Urban Srirampura (OG) - Ward No.74 42604000

331 103 228 Urban Lingambudi (OG) - Ward No.76 42604000

98 33 65 Urban Hebbalu (CT) 42605000
8 2 6 300 119 181 Urban Be1vata (CT) 42606000
15 11 4 249 95 154 Urban Bhogadi (CT) 42607000
447 242 205 31,393 13,833 17,560 Total Heggadadevankote 0005
447 242 205 31,393 13,833 17,560 Rural
733 528 205 38,960 14,940 24,020 Total Nanjangud 0006
733 528 205 38,960 14,940 24,020 Rural
318 250 68 39,019 14,815 24,204 Total Tirumakudal Narsipur 0007
318 250 68 39,019 14,815 24,204 Rural
36 18 18 901 359 542 Urban Piriyapatna (TP) 42601000
682 456 226 4,393 1,592 2,801 Urban Hunsur (fMC) 42602000
125 77 48 2,775 1,162 1,613 Urban Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 42603000
2,443 1,765 678 61,204 24,018 37,186 Urban Mysore (M Corp+OG) 42604000
98 33 65 Urban Hebbalu (CT) 42605000
8 2 6 300 119 181 Urban Belvata (CT) 42606000
15 11 4 249 95 154 Urban Bhogadi (CT) 42607000
35 19 16 1,740 807 933 Urban Heggadadevankote (TP) 42608000
620 524 96 6,564 2,354 4,210 Urban Nanjangud (fMC) 42609000
31 35 1,928 769 1,159 Urban Bannur(fP) 42610000

6 607 252 355 Urban Tirumakudal - NarsiEur (TP) 42611000

9 3



Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Number of TDtal population (including Population in the
code Rural' households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6
number Urban with at least populatiDn)
Tribe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
26 Mysore Total 56,490 271,351 136,831 134,520 37,064 18,736 18,328
Rural 46,507 224,254 113,122 111,132 31,298 15,789 15,509
Urban 9,983 47,097 23,709 23,388 5,766 2,947 2,819
0001 Piriyapatna Total 3,169 15,689 7,956 7,733 2,262 1,159 1.103
Rural 3,169 15,689 7,956 7,733 2,262 1,159 1,103
0002 Hunsur . Total 7,296 35,801 18,224 17,577 4,954 2,483 2,471
Rural 7,296 35,801 18,224 17,577 4,954 2,483 2,471
. Urban
0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 2,919 13,955 7,016 6,939 1,627 840 787
Rural 2,919 13,955 7,016 6,939 1,627 840 787
0004 Mysore Total 7,087 35,067 17,971 17,096 5,048 2,653 2,395
Rural' 6,494 32,331 16,558 15,773 4,705 2,470 2,235
Urban 593 2,736 1,413 1,323 343 183 160
42604000 Hinkal 'COG) - Ward No.66 Urban 226 1,074 552 522 125 67 58

42604000 Hutagalli COG) - Ward No.67 Urban 51 196 102 94 24 15 9

42604000 Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68 Urban 4 3

42604000 Alanahalli '(OG) - Ward No.70 Urban 21 106 54 52 13 7 6

Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.73 Urban 126 674 336 3~8 81 42 39
Srirampura (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.74 Urba" 72 319 171 148 45 21 24

42604000 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward NO.75 Urban 6 4 2

Lingambudi COG) - Ward
42604000 No.76 Urban 5 2 3
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 35 109 57 52 18 II 7
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 36 155 80 75 27 13 14
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 23 88 52 36 9 6 3
0005 Heggadadevankote Total 10,292 49,390 24,702 24,688 7,639 3,747 3,892
Rural 10,292 49,390 24,702 24,688 7,639 3,747 3,892
0006 Nanjangud Total 9,600 45,239 22,633 22,606 6,006 3,002 3,004
Rural 9,600 45,239 22,633 22,606 6,006 3,002 3,004
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 6,737 31,849 16,033 15,816 4,105 2,088 2,017
Rural 6,737 31,849 16,033 15,816 4,105 2,088 2,017
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 323 1,581 777 804 176 99 77
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Urban 754 3,438 1,721 1,717 431 227 204
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 360 1,645 826 819 228 107 121
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Urban 6,290 30,079 15,256 14,823 3,628 1,865 1,763
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 35 109 57 52 18 11 7
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 36 155 80 75 27 13 14
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 23 88 52 36 9 6 3
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 466 2,092 1,012 1,080 294 154 140
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 500 2,311 1,143 1,168 292 135 157
42610000 Bannur(TP) Urban 598 2,879 1,462 1,417 323 173 150
42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) Urban 598 2,720 1,323 1,397 340 157 183



Literates JIIiterates Total workers Total! District! CD Block! Town

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
lQS,597 65,057 43,54Q 162,754 71,774 90,980 126,344 81,633 44,711 Total Mysore
80,914 49,423 31,491 143,340 63,699 79,641 108,639 68,425 40,214 Rural
27,683 15,634 12,049 19,414 8,075 11,339 17,705 13,208 4,497 Urban
6,382 3,902 2,480 9,307 4,054 5,253 7,455 4,620 2,835 Total Piriyapatna
6,382 3,902 2,480 9,307 4,054 5,253 7,455 4,620 2,835 Rural
13,950 8,847 5,103 21,851 9,377 12,474 20,463 11,309 9,154 Total Hunsur
13,950 8,847 5,103 21,851 9,377 12,474 20,463 11,309 9,154 Rural
6,633 4,125 2,508 7,322 2,891 4,431 6,776 4,340 2,436 Total Krishnarajanagara
6,633 4,125 2,508 7,322 2,891 4,431 6,776 4,340 2,436 Rural
11,310 6,877 4,433 23,757 11,094 12,663 15,004 10,670 4,334 Total Mysore
9,730 5,984 3,746 22,601 10,574 12,027 14,028 9,910 4,118 - Rural
1,580 893 687 1,156 520 636- 976 760 216 Urban
526 301 225 548 251 297 392 296 96 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward No_66

135 75 60 61 27 34 77 64 13 Urban Hutagalli (OG) - Ward No.67

2 2 2 2 Urban Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68

Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
56 30 26 50 24 26 26 20 6 Urban No.70
Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward
467 251 216 207 85 122 201 166 35 Urban No.73-
Srirampura (OG) - Ward
192 117 75 127 54 73 116 97 19 Urban No_74

6 4 2 3 3 Urban Dattagalli (OG) - Ward No.75

Lingamblldi (00) - Ward
2 1 3 2 4 2 2 Urban No.76
60 30 30 49 27 22 44 34 10 Urban Hebbalu (CT)
86 51 35 69 29 40 76 51 25 Urban Belvata (CT)
54 35 19 34 17 17 35 26 9 Urban Bhogadi (CT)
17,427 10,660 6,767 31,963 14,042 17,921 26,346 14,706 11,640 Total Heggadadevankote
17,427 10,660 6,767 31,963 14,042 17,921 26,346 14,706 11,640 Rural
14,481 8,686 5,795 30,758 13,947 16,811 20,646 14,090 6,556 Total Nanjangnd
14,481 8,686 5,795 30,758 13,947 16,811 20,646 14,090 6,556 Rural
12,311 7,219 5,092 19,538 8,814 10,724 12,925 9,450 3,475 Total Tirumakudal Narsipur
12,311 7,219 5,092 19,538 8,814 10,724 12,925 9,450 3,475 Rural
807 447 360 774 330 444 654 456 198 Urban Piriyapatna (TP)
1,975 1,145 830 1,463 576 887 1,438 1,006 432 Urban Hunsur (TMC)
999 579 420 646 247 399 574 459 115 Urban Krishnarajanagara (TMC)
18,334 10,337 7,997 11,745 4,919 6,826 10,934 8,274 2,660 Urban Mysore (M Corp+OO)
60 30 30 49 27 22 44 34 10 Urban Hebballl (CT)
86 51 35 69 29 40 76 51 25 Urban Belvata (CT)
54 35 19 34 17 17 35 26 9 Urban Bhogadi (CT)
922 532 390 1,170 480 690 996 585 411 Urban Heggadadevankote (TP)
1,408 793 615 903 350 553 908 665 243 Urban Nanjangnd (TMC)
1,506 824 682 1,373 638 735 1,082 887 195 Urban Bannur(TP)

671 1,188 462 726 964 765 199 Urban Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP)
1,532 861



Location District! CO Block! Town TotaU Main workers Industrial category
code RuraU Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28
26 Mysore Total 97,173 69,553 27,620 39,790 29,718 10,072 26,662 15,748 10,914
Rural 80,932 57,087 23,845 38,927 29,086 9,841 25,509 . 14,980 10,529
Urban 16,241 12,466 3,775 863 632 231 1,153 768 385
0001 Piriyapatlla Total 6,331 4,358 1,973 3,784 2,819 965 1,742 990 752
Rural 6,331 4,358 1,973 3,784 2,819 965 1,742 990 752
com H\.\n.~ur Total 13,855 9,301 4,554 9,771 6,735 . 3,036 2,963 1,662 1,301
Rural 13,855 9,301 4,554 9,771 6,735 3,036 2,963 1,662 1,301
0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 4,691 3,732 959 2,695 2,228 467 1,137 765 372
Rural 4,691 1,712 959 2,695 2,228 467 1,B7 765 172
0004 Mysore Tota) 12,660 9,596 3,064 4,249 3,359 890 1,928 1,110 818
Rural. 11,746 8,876 2,870 4,239 3,349 890 1,895 1,087 808
Urban 914 720 194 10 10 33 23 10
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 Urban 382 293 89 9 9 30 22 8
Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.67 Urban 76 64 12
MctagalJi (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.68 Urban 2
Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.70 Urban 26 20 6
Chamundibetta (00)-
42604000 Ward No.73 Urban 169 139 30
Srirampum (00) - Ward
42604000 No.74 Urban 115 96 19 2
Dattagalli (00) - Ward
42604000 No.75 Urban 3 3
Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.76 Urban 4 2 2
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 44 34 10
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 69 49 20
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 24 19 5
0005 Heggadadevankotc Total 21,319 12,810 8,509 10,358 6,708 3,650 8,867 4,553 4,314
Rural 21,319 12,810 8,509 10,358 6,708 3,650 8,867 4,553 4,314
0006 Nanjangud Total 15,383 11,765 3,618 5,842 5,137 705 6,455 4,147 2,308
Rural 15,383 11,765 3,618 5,842 5,137 705 6,455 4,147 2,308
0007 Tirumakudal NaTSipur Total 7,607 6,.245 1,362 2,238 2,110 128 2,450 1,776 674
Rural 7,607 6,245 1,362 2,238 2,110 128 2,450 1,776 674
4260 I 000 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 632 443 189 139 99 40 172 110 62
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Urban 1,.290 924 366 185 129 56 183 113 70
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 497 423 74 82 69 13 40 30 10
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OO) Urban 10,198 7,905 2,293 44 37 7 III 77 34
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban 44 34 10
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban 69 49 20
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban 24 19 5
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 798 511 287 300 193 107 257 128 129
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 824 618 206 13 13 9 7 2
42610000 Bannur (TP) Urban 1,021 846 175 62 55 7 364 288 76
Tirumakudal - Narsipur
426 11000 (TP) Urban 844 694 150 37 36 17 15 2



of main workers Marginal workers Tot;ill . District! CD Block! Town
Household industry workers Other workers Rural!

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
2,053 1,045 1,008 28,668 23,042 5,626 29,171 12,080 17,091 Total Mysore
968 620 348 15,528 12,401 3,127 27,707 11,338 16,369 Rural
1,085 425 660 13,140 10,641 2,499 1,464 742 722 Urban
89 61 28 716 488 228 1.124 262 862 Total Piriyapatna
89 61 28 716 488 228 1,124 262 862 Ruml
162 113 49 959 791 168 6,608 2,008 4,600 Total Hunsur
162 113 49 959 791 168 . 6,608 2,008 4,600 Rural
25 20 5 834 719 115 2,085 608 1,477 Total Krishnamjanagam
25 20 5 834 719 115 2,085 608 1,477 Ruml
211 165 46 6,272 4,962 1,310 2,344 1,074 1,270 Total Mysore
166 138 28 5,446 4,302 1,144 2,282 1,034 1,248 Rural
45 27 18 826 . 660 166 62 40 22 Urban
22 17 5 321 245 76 10 3 7 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66

75 64 II Urban Hutaga11i (OG) - Ward No.67

2 Urban Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68

Alanaballi (OG) - Ward
26 20 6 Urban No.70
Cbamundibetta COG) - Ward
169 139 30 32 27 5 Urban NO.73
Srirarnpum (OG) - Ward
3 3 110 95 15 Urban NO.74

3 3 Urban Dattagalli (OG) - Ward No.75

Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
4 2 2 Urban No.76
44 34 10 Urban Hebbalu (Cf)
20 10 10 48 38 10 7 2 5 Urban Belvata (CT)
24 19 5 11 7 4 Urban Bbogadi (CT)
320 159 161 1,774 1,390 384 5,027 1,896 3,131 Total Heggadadevankote
320 159 161 1,774 1,390 384 5,027 1,896 3,131 Ruml
154 97 57 2,932 2,384 548 5,263 2,325 2,938 Total Nanjangud
154 97 57 2,932 2,384 548 5,263 2,325 2,938 Rural
52 32 20 2,867 2,327 540 5,318 3,205 2,1l3 Total TirurnaIrudal Narsipur
52 32 20 2,867. 2,327 540 5,318 3,205 2,1l3 Rural
71 36 35 250 198 52 22 13 9 Urban Piriyapatna (fP)
178 89 89 744 593 151 148 82 66 Urban Hunsur (fMC)
2 2 373 322 51 77 36 41 Urban Krishnamjanagam (fMC)
596 178 418 9,447 7,613 1,834 736 369 367 Urban Mysore eM Corp+OG)
44 34 10 Urban Hcbbalu (CT)
20 10 10 48 38 10 7 2 5 Urban .Belvata{CT)
24 19 5 II 7 4 Urban Bbogadi (Cf)
I 6 234 189 45 198 74 124 Urban Heggadadevankote (TP)
93 612 501 III 84 47 37 Urban Nanjangud (TMC)
190 97
12 5 7 583 498 85 61 41 20 Urban Bannur(TP)

2 781 636 145 120 71 49 Urban Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP)

9 7



Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Industrial caft

code Rura!---------C--ti-·v-a-to-r-s----------~A-g-r7ic-1I7It~u-r-a717Ia7b-o-u-re-r-s-------H~o-us-e7h-o7Id77jn-d~u-s7tr-y----
number Urban workers

Persons Males Females Persons IHales Females Persons JHaJes Females

1. 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
26 Mysore Total 4,047 1,093 2,954 20,495 8,408 12,087 591 . 94 497
Rural 4,011 1,081 2,930 20,227 8,312 11,915 366 79 287
Urban 36 12 24 268 96 In 225 15 210
0001 Piriyapatna Total 240 30 210 761 lSI 580 19 3 16
Rural 240 30 210 761 181 580 19 3 16
0002 Hunsur Total 1,969 474 1,495 3,950 1,288 2,662 166 19 147
Rural 1,969 474 1,495 3,950 1,288 2,662 166 19 147
0003 Krishnarajanagara Total 429 68 361 1,535 481 1,054 10 4 6
Rural 429 68 361 1,535 481 1,054 10 4 6
0004 Mysore Total 318 64 254 1,112 427 685 21 3 18
Rural 318 64 254 1,1 I 1 427 684 17 3 14
Urban 1 4 4
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 Urban 3 3
Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.67 Urban
Metagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.68 Urban
Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.70 Urban
Chamundibettn (OG)·
42604000 Ward No.73 Urban
Srirampura (OG) ~ Ward
42604000 No.74 Urban
Dattagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.75 Urban
Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
42604000 No.76 Urban
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban
0005 Heggadadevankote Total 634 235 399 3,904 1,403 2,501 54 17 37
Rural 634 235 399 3,904 1,403 2,501 54 17 37
0006 Nanjangud Total 290 102 188 4,305 1,829 2,476 51 10 41
Rural 290 102 188 4,305 1,829 2,476 51 10 41
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur Total 131 108 23 4,661 2,703 1,958 49 23 26
Rural 131 108 23 4,661 2,703 1,958 49 23 26
42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) Urban 6 6
42602000 Hunsur (TMC) Urban 10 2 8 67 32 35 9 3 6
42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) Urban 29 3 26
42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) Urban 3 2 7 5 2 202 10 192
42605000 Hebbalu (CT) Urban
42606000 Belvata (CT) Urban
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) Urban
42608000 Heggadadevankote (TP) Urban 20 7 13 136 40 96 2 2
42609000 Nanjangud (TMC) Urban 7 2 5
42610000 Bannur (TP) Urban 11 5 6 3 3

42611000 Tirumakudal- Narsipur (TP) Urban 2 2 12 5 7



narginal workers Non-workers Total! District! CD Blockl Town Location
Other workers Rural! cod"
Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2
4,038 2,485 1,553 145,007 55,198 89,809 Total Mysore 26
3,103 1,866 1,237 115,615 44,697 70,918 Rural
935 619 316 29,392 10,501 18,891 Urban
104 48 56 8,234 3,336 4,898 Total Piriyapatna 0001
104 48 56 8,234 3,336 4,898 Rural
523 227 296 15,338 6,915 8,423 Total Hunsur 0002
523 227 296 15,338 6,915 8,423 Rural
III 55 56 7,179 2,676 4,503 Total Krishnarajanagara 0003
III 55 56 7,179 2,676 4,503 Rural
893 580 313 20,063 7,301 12,762 Total Mysore 0004
836 540 296 18,303 6,648 11,655 Rural
57 40 17 .. 1,760 653 1,107 Urban
6 3 3 682 256 426 Urban Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 42604000

119 38 81 ; Urban Hutagalli (OG) - Ward No.67 42604000


2 2 - ; Urban Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68 42604000


80 34 46 ; Urban Alanahalli COG) - Ward No.70 42604000

32 27 5 473 170 303 ; Urban Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward No.73 42604000


203 74 129 ; Urban Srirampura COG) - Ward No.74 42604000


3 2 ~Urban Dattagalli COG) - Ward No.75 42604000


~Urban Lingambudi (OG) - Ward No.76 42604000

65 23 42 Urban Hebbalu CCT) "42605000
6 2 4 79 29 50 Urban Belvata (CT) 42606000
11 7 4 53 26 27 Urban Bhogadi (CT) 42607000
435 241 194 23,044 9,996 13,048 Total Heggadadevankote 0005
435 241 194 23,044 9,996 13,048 Rural
617 384 233 24,593 8,543 16,050 Total Nanjangud 0006
617 384 233 24,593 8,543 16,050 Rural
477 371 106 18,924 6,583 12,341 Total Tirumakudal Narsipur 0007
477 371 106 18,924 6,583 12,341 Rural
15 7 8 927 321 606 Urban Piriyapatna (TP) 42601000
62 45 17 2,000 715 1,285 Urban Hunsur (TMe) 42602000
48 33 15 1,071 367 704 Urban Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 42603000
524 353 171 19,145 6,982 12,163 Urban Mysore (M Corp+OG) 42604000
65 23 42 Urban Hebbalu (CT) 42605000
6 2 4 79 29 50 Urban Belvata (CT) 42606000
4 53 26 27 Urban Bhogadi (CT) 42607000
11 7
27 13 1,096 427 669 Urban Heggadadevankote (TP) 42608000
32 1,403 478 925 Urban Nanjangud (TMC) 42609000
77 45
11 1,797 575 1,222 Urban Bannur (TP) 42610000
47 36

41 1,756 558 1,198 Urban Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) 42611000

105 64


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name ofViJlage hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5· 6 7 8 9 10
000 I Piriyapatna (Total) 39,543 209,330 108,257 101,073 27,357 13,915 13,442
0001 Piriyapatna (Rural) 39,543 209,330 108,257 101,073 27,357 13,915 13,442
0001 Piriyapatna (Urban)
Piriyapatna (Rural)
02755800 K. Basavanahalli 139.0 115 571 279 292 85 46 39
02755900 Gobbalikaval \56.0 --------Un-inhabited------------
02756000 Manuganahalli 251.0 135 734 348 386 84 43 41
02756100 Kanagal 390.0 496 2,470 1,240 1,230 314 153 161
02756200 Chamarayanakote 515.0 463 2,271 1,161 1,110 294 151 143
02756300 Sulekotc 382.0 305 1,658 835 823 237 116 121
02756400 Kambipura 224.0 50 283 128 155 51 22 29
02756500 Hegathur 127.0 5 29 14 15 5 2 3
02756600 Gariguddakaval 557.0 44 232 118 114 23 13 10
02756700 lchanahalli 169.0 64 384 IS4 200 60 21 39
02756800 Gudibhadranahosahalli 141.0 46 240 112 128 31 17 14
02756900 Rasimartikaval 229.0 7 36 19 17 4 -2 2
02757000 Rajanabelaguli 615.0 428 2,412 1,172 1,240 299 137 162
02757100 Hunasethoppalu 193.0 116 628 323 305 91 43 48
02757200 Ganganakuppe 254_0 205 1,125 564 561 156 72 84
02757300 Adagoor 384.0 58 320 160 160 39 18 21
02757400 ShanuboganahaIli 241.0 165 868 447 421 95 54 41
02757500 Ambalare 376.0 282 1,386 700 686 149 77 72
02757600 Vaddarabylakuppe 165.0 48 289 155 134 31 14
02757700 Chapparadahalli 337.0 399 2,087 1,048 1,039 268 136 132
02757800 Hasuvinakaval 790.0 195 1,046 518 528 163 80 83
02757900 Byadarabilaguli 406.0 197 1,075 537 538 132 68 64
02758000 Haleyur 154.0 60 298 141 157 40 17 23
02758100 Haranahalli 343.0 158 941 504 437 134 64 70
02758200 Chikkanerale 175.0 52 267 127 140 23 14 9
02758300 Tharikal 464.0 350 1,899 943 956 295 155 140
02758400 Doddaneiale 484.0 175 980 487 493 121 56 65
02758500 Kesarakere 192.0 17 88 45 43 5 '2 3
02758600 Bilagunda 332.0 133 625 326 299 76 46 30
02758700 Channakalkaval 2,003.0 568 2,824 1,407 1,417 470 248 222
02758800 Doddakamaravalli 241.0 197 953 460 493 120 55 65
02758900 Chikkamaravalli 185.0 122 656 332 324 97 56 41
02759000 Dindagadu 468.0 268 1,348 673 675 170 76 94
02759100 Avarthi 365.0 309 1,554 SOO 754 229 116 113
02759200 SunkadahaIli 145.0 114 569 268 301 96 4p 50
02759300 Benagal 269.0 201 996 513 483 123 67 56
02759400 Doddahonnurkaval 549.0 45 266 132 134 27 16 II
02759500 Maradiyur 311.0 153 772 395 377 110 51 59
02759600. Koppa 176.0 541 2,555 1,31 I 1,244 404 206 198
02759700 Giragur 404.0 182 833 419 414 142 TI, 65
02759800 Doddahosur 591.0 410 2,090 1,100 990 294 161 133
02759900 Guddenahalli 207.0 18 82 44 38 7 4 3
02760000 Bylakuppe 269.0 319 1,525 756 769 201 100 101
02760100 Doddahonnur 197_0 92 469 237 232 80 42 38
02760200 Muthakur 62.0 13 56 27 29 4 3
02760300 GuUedahalla Jungle 407.0 239 1,169 575 594 143 75 68
02760400 M. Hosahalli 402.0 166 908 448 460 130 67 63
02760500 Thirum'alapllra 323.0 196 904 461 443 106 66 40
02760600 P. Basavanahalli 421.0 151 814 411 403 118 58 60
02760700 PoonadahaIli 303.0 212 1,029 524 505 118 58 60
02760800 Charapura 69.0 27 129 62 67 11 5
02760900 Handiguddadakaval 6
803.0 356 1,686 874 812
02761000 Gollarahosahalli
253 143 110
138.0 257 1,426 749 677
02761100 Lakshmipura 149 74 75
161.0 83 . 532 335 197 66 36 30



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males, Females Name ofViJlage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

35,078 17,835 ]7,243 15,689 7,956 7,733 105,704 64,973 40,731 Piriyapatna (Total)
35,078 17,835 ]7,243 ]5,689 7,956 7,733 105,704 64,973 40,731 Piriyapatna (Rural)
Piriyapatna (Urban)
Piriyapatna (Rural)
92 78 10 4 6 300 177 123 K. Basavanahalli
-----------Un-inhabited---------- Gobbalikaval
138 65 73 486 266 220 Manuganahalli
344 164 180 269 133 136 1,373 811 562 Kanagal
490 267 223 133 68 65 1,112 715 397 Chamarayanakote
468 236 232 481 249 232 773 480 293 Sulekote
9 4 5 152 85 67 Kambipura
20 11 9 Hegathur
9 3 6 98 57 41 Gariguddakaval
56 28 28 141 65 76 154 95 59 Ichanahalli
103 62 4.1 Gudibhadranahosahalli
2 1 ,9 6 3 Rasimartikaval
226 115 III 88 43 45 996 604 392 Rajanabelaguli
123 63 60 245 170 75 Hunasethoppalu
221 107 114 18 10 , 8 311 212 99 Ganganakuppe
33 18 15 173 104 69 Adagoor
40 21 19 590 343 247 Shanuboganahalli
52 30 22 616 378 238 Ambalare,
289 155 134 117 80 37 Vaddarabylakuppe
289 142 147 1,123 696 427 Chapparadahalli
261 129 132 179 93 86 415 270 145 Hasuvinakaval
132 65 67 514 320 194 Byadarabilaguli
103 49 54 147 78 69 Haleyur
315 172 143 428 295 133 Haranahalli
7 5 2 37 16 21 163 92 71 Chikkanerale
509 254 255 109 49 60 813 492 321 Tharikal
157 74 83 526 313 213 Doddanerale
46 28 18 Kesarakere
39 19 20 8 3 5 247 164 83 Bilagunda
571 312 165 147 970 572' 398 Channakalkaval
1,130 559
159 77 82 584 324 260 Doddakamaravalli
103 101 294 177 117 Chikkamaravalli
37 16 21 531 272 259 735 443 292 Dindagadu
264 139 125 86 42 44 898 534 364 Avarthi
71 80 267 142 125 Sunkadahalli
325 312 71 36 35 477 296 181 Benagal
75 24 12 12 130 71 59 Doddahonnurkaval
145 70
421 210 211 37 19 18 '375 216 159 Maradiyur
364 182 182 350 162 188 1,425 831 594 Koppa
57 54 37 20 17 432' 239 193 'Giragur
51 666 347 319 997 565 432 Doddahosur
119 68
50 27 23 Guddenahalli
83 37 17 20 836 458 378 Bylakuppc
149 66
99 25 16 9 203 120 83 Doddahonnur
179 80
18 9 9 33 16 17 Muthakur
7 2 5
5 3 2 734 367 367 Gulledahalla Jungle
105 52 53 339 183 156 M. Hosahalli
522 254 268
64 36 28 459 269 190 Thirumalapura
120 65 55
92 49 43 381 224 157 P. Basavanahalli
135 67 68
42 31 596 351 245 Poonadahalli
145 67 78 73
7 85 40 45 72 37 35 Charapura
15 8
245 200 924 517 407 Handiguddadakaval
56 33 23 445
3 1 947 518 429 Gollarahosahalli
15 9 6 4
5 6 333 248 85 Lakshmipura
182 87 95 11


CD Btock-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0001 Piriyapatna (Total) 103,626 43,284 60,342 96,427 60,641 35,786 82,751 57,461 25,290
0001 Piriyapatna (Rural) 103,626 43,284 60,342 96,427 60,641 35,786 82,751 57,461 25,290
0001 Piriyapatna (Urban)
Piriyapatna (Rural)
02755800 K. Basavanahalli 271 102 169 201 160 41 165 150 15
02755900 Gobbalikaval ----------Un-inhabited-------------
02756000 Manuganahalli 248 82 166 408 220 188 215 198 17
02756100 Kanagal 1,097 429 668 861 710 151 791 666 125
02756200 Chamarayanakote 1,159 446 713 751 574 177 664 542 122
02756300 Sulekote 885 355 530 652 468 184 588 436 152
02756400 Kambipura 131 43 88 116 85 31 116 85 31
02756500 Hegathur 9 3 6 11 8 3 11 8 3
02756600 Gariguddakaval 134 61 73 105 72 33 78 66 12
02756700 Ichanahalli 230 89 141 148 III 37 123 .105 18
02756800 Gudibhadranahosahalli 137 50· 87 153 70 83 153 70 83
02756900 . Rasimartikaval 27 13 14 25 14 II 25 14 II
02757000 Rajanabe\aguli 1,416 568 848 1,282 759 523 1,262 757 505
02757100 Hunasethoppalu 383 153 230 424 224 200 411 224 187
02757200 Ganganakuppe 814 352 462 339 330 9 326 320 6
02757100 AdagQor 147 56 91 145 92 53 126 85 41
02757400 Shanuboganahalli 278 104 174 431 259 172 306 248 58
02757500 Ambalare 770 322 448 412 382 30 406 378 28
()27S7600 Vaddarn.bylakuppe 112 75 97 )}6 90 46 122 8S 17
02757700 Chapparadahalli 964 352 612 1,105 644 461 1,059 634 425
02757800 Hasuvinakaval 631 248 383 553 302 251 505 295 210
()27579()() Byadarabil·uguli 561 2\7 344 442 334 lOB 347 311 2S
02758000 Haleyur 151 63 88 152 88 64 103 ·76 27
02758100 Haranahalli 513 209 304 471 284 187 336 260 76
()27S%2()() Chikkanera\e Hl4 15 69 157 Bl 76 \()9 70 39
02758300 Tharikal 1,086 451 635 903 545 358 741 507 234
02758400 Doddancmlc 454 174 280 380 290 90 301 266 35
()27S8S()() Kesamkere 42 \7 25 39 27 12 34 :23 II
02758600 BiJagunda 378 162 216 293 184 109 231 163 68
02758700 Channakalkaval 1,854 835 1,019 1,122 770 352 874 761 113
()27588()() Doddakamaravalli 369 \36 233 116 152 64 282 236 46
02758900 Chikkamaravalli 362 155 207 333 199 134 293 182 III
02759000 Dindagadu 613 230 383 611 428 183 490 388 102
()27591()() Avarthi 656 266 :'>90 547 442 105 415 395 20
02759200 Sunkadahalli 302 126 176 231 157 74 64 54 10
02759300 Benagal 519 2J7 302 502 294 208 412 28.6 126
(l17594\)\) Dodd"honnun<1lva\ 136 61 75 89 84 5 89 84 5
02759500 Marndiyur 397 179 218 351 225 126 291 216 75
02759600 Koppa 1,130 480 650 1,010 677 333 938 658 280
\l2"J597\)\) Giragm 4\)1 180 221 403 259 144 400 258 142
02759800 Doddahosur· 1,093 535 558· 1,081 668 413 865 662 203
02759900 Guddenahalli 32 17 15 44 29 15 42 28 14
\)2160(\()O By\akuppe 689 29'3 391 637 429 208 521 408 113
02760100 Doddahonnur 266 117 149 249 133 116 128 126 2
02760200 Muthakur 23 11 12 15 13 2 14 12 2
017603()() GulledahaUa Jungle 435 20'3 227 602 308 294 490 269 221
02760400 M. Hosahalli 569 265 304 272 218 54 220 186: 34
02760500 Thimmalapum 445 192 253 368 268 100 348 264 ' 84
\)27606(\0 p_ Basnvanahalli 433 187 246 195 175 20 195 175 20
02760700 Poonadahalli 433 173 260 303 272 31 300 271 29
02760800 Champura 57 25 32 40 40 40 40
02761l9\)O Handiguddadakaval 162 357 405 620 441 179 585 423 162
02761000 Gollarahosahalli 479 231 248 571 304 267 568 304 264
02761100 Lakshmipura 199 87 112 142 104 38 128 98 30


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

59,192 41,822 17,370 10,707 5,866 4,841 808 599 209 12,044 9,174 2,870 Piriyapatna (Total)
59,192 41,822 17,370 10,707 5,866 4,841 808 599 209. 12,044 9,174 2,870 Piriyapatna (Rural)
Piriyapatna (Urban)
Piriyapatna (Rural)
117 114 3 46 35 II K. Basavanahalli
-------------Un-inhabited------------ Gobbalikaval
175 165 10 3 3 37 30 7 Manuganahalli
589 492 97 19 15 4 13 12 170 147 23 Kanagal
512 420 92 83 62 21 13 12 56 48 8 Chamarayanakote
448 335 113 57 27 30 82 74 8 Sulekote
104 79 25 4 1 3 8 5 3 Kambipura
10 7 3 I Hegathur
64 59 5 9 3 6 5 4 Gariguddakaval
86 82 4 27 14 13 10 9 I Ichanahalli
150 68 82 2 1 1 . Gudibhadranahosahalli
23 13 .10 2 1 . 1 Rasimartikaval
1,210 725 485 7 3 4 15 6 9 30 23 7 Rajanabelaguli
396 215 181 2 12 8 4 Hunasetboppalu
306 306 20 14 6 Ganganakuppe
J09 75 34 7 3 4 6 3 3 4 4 Adagoor
195 168 27 75 53 22 3 3 33 24 9 Shanuboganahalli
382 359 23 I 1 4 3 19 15 4 Ambalare
97 67 30 9 5 4 8 6 2 8 7 1 Vaddarabylakuppe
982 572 410 17 10 7 12 II 48 41 7 Chapparadahalli
346 207 139 48 23 25 2 2 109 63 46 Hasuvinakaval
310 293 17 9 5 4 6 6 22 18 4 Byadarabilaguli
91 68 23 2 1 I I· 2 7 6 .1 Hale~
306 238 68 21 15 6 9 7 2 Haranaballi
75 59 16 28 8 20 6 3 3 Chikkanerale
408 331 77 246 101 145 14 12 2 73 63 10 Tharikal
263 237 26 15 8 7 3 3 20 18 2 J?oddanerale
17 17 15 4 II 2 2 Kesarakere
115 112 3 105 43 62 II 8 3 Bilagunda
583 540 43 193 152 41 2 96 68 28 Channakalkaval
209 180 . 29 20 17 3 52 39 13 Doddakamaravalli
272 168 1M 5 2 3 16 12 4 Chikkamaravalli
76 40 36 2 I 53 47 6 Dindagadu
359 300 59
18 14 4 9 9 158 145 13 Avarthi
230 227 3
41 35 6 22 18 4 Sunkadahalli
202 155 47 2 2 207 128 79 Benagal
2 2 13 9 4 Doddahonnurkaval
74 73 1
23 4 3 169 118 51 Maradiyur
117 94
137 65 72 28 IS 13 716 530 186 Koppa
57 48 9
128· 58 70 110 92 18 Giragur
162 108 54
606 451 155 90 78 12 Doddabosur
169 133 36
. 1 9 5 4 26 17 9 Guddenahalli
7 6
48 35 12 6 6 297 243 54 Bylakuppe
129 III 18 83
4 4 11 11 Doddahonnur
113 III 2
1 \ \ Muthakur
12 11 I
2 2 191 119 72 Gulledaballa Jungle
294 145 149 3 3
4 4 14 12 2 M. Hosahalli
159 133 26 43 37 6
48 7 5 2 64 52 12 Thiruinalapura
194 172 22 83 35
5 21 21 4 3 1 P. Basavanahalli
153 139 14 17 12
31 30 11 j 6 Poonadahalli
233 219 14 25 17 8
1 1 Cbarapura
38· 38 1
10 3 7 260 215 45 Handiguddadakaval
145 91 54 170 114 56
2 2 401 220 181 GollaTI.hosaballi
165 82 83
2 2 36 24 12 Lakshmipurn
89 72 17


CD Block-
Industrial cateoorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Ag_riculturallabourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 . ,48 49
0001 Piriyap.tnll (Totnl) 13,676 3,180 10,496 4,676 730 3,946 6,932 1,682 5,250
000] Piriyapatna (Rural) 13,676 3,180 10,496 4,676 730 3,946 6,932 1,682 5,250
0001 Piriyapatna (Urban)
Piriyapatna (Rural)
02755800 K. Basavanahalli 36 10 26 2 2
02755900 Gobbalikaval ------------Un-inhabited------------
02756000 Manuganahalli 193 22 171 176 20 156 15 2 13
02756100 Kanagal 70 44 26 4 2 2 55 37 18
02756200 Chamarayanakote 87 32 55 29 15 14
02756300 Sulekote 64 32 32 29 16 13
02756400 Kambipura
02756500 Hegathur
02756600 Gariguddnknval 27 6 21 26 21
02756700 Ichanahalli 25 6 19 24 19
02756800 Gudibhadranahosahalli
02756900 Rasimartikaval
02757000 Rajanabelaguli 20 2 18 16 15
02757100 Hunasethoppalu 13 13 13 13
02757200 Ganganakuppe 13 10 3 2 2 5 5
02757300 Adagoor 19 1 12 2 2 7 , 2 5
02757400 Shanuboganahalli 125 11 114 5 4 114 8 106
02757500 Ambalare 6 4 2
02757600 Vaddarabylakuppc 14 5 9 12 3 9
02757700 Chapparadahalli 46 10 36 3 2 39 6 33
02757800 Hasuvinakaval 4S 7 41 25 2 23 21 4 17
02757900 Byadarabilaguli 95 12 83 48 7 41 7 1 6
02758000 Halerur 49 12 37 14 2 12 34 9 25
02758100 Haranahalli 135 24 III 97 18 79 38 6 32
02758200 Chikkanerale 48 11 37 40 10 30 7 6
02758300 Tharikal 162 38 124 83 26 57 77 )0 67
02758400 DDddanerale 79 24 55 31 2 29 19 18
02758500 Kesarakere 5 4 5 4 I
02758600 Bilagunda 62 21 41 4 I 3 56 20 36
02758700 Channakalkaval 248 9 239 5 2 :3 243 7 236
02758800 DDddakamamvalli 34 16 18 3 2 1 18 9 9
02758900 Chikkamaravalli 40 17 2J 18 9 9 18 6 12
02759000 Dindagadu 121 40 81 4 3 104 34 70
02'759100 Avarthi 131 47 85 8 4 4 38 17 21
02759200 Sunkadahalli 167 103 64 2 2 88 53 35
02759300 Benagal 90 8 82 12 12
02759400 Doddahonnurkaval
02759500 Maradiyur 60 9 51 47 4 43
02759600 Koppa 72 19 53 1 10 3
02759700 Giragur 7
3 I 2 I
02759800 Doddahosur 2 2
216 6 210 I 214
02759900 Guddenahalli 6 208
2 I
02760000 Bylakuppe I
116 21 95 I
02760100 Doddahonnur 75 J 72
121 7 114 7 6
02760200 Muthakur 113 6. 107
J 1 1
02760300 Gulledahalla Jungle 112 39 73 71 27 44
02760400 M. Hosahalli 52 32 20 g 5 3 37 22 15
02760500 Thirumalapura 20 4 16 14 4 10 6
02760600 P. Basavanahalli 6
02760700 Poonadahalli 3 2
02760800 Champura 3 2
02760900 Handiguddadakaval 35 18 17 10 4 6
02761000 Gollarahosahalli 3 3
02761100 Lakshmipura 14 6 8 5 2 3 2 2


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons . Males Females Persons Males Females Name of ViIlage number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
189 62 127 1,879 706 1,173 112,903 47,616 65,287 Piriyapatna (Total) 0001
189 62 127 1,879 706 1,173 112,903 47,616 65,287 Piriyapatna (Rural) 0001
Piriyapatua (Urban) 0001
Piriyapatna (Rural)
33 10 23 370 119 251 K. Basavanahalli 02755800
-------Un-illhabited--------- Gobbalikaval 02755900
1 1 326 128 198 Manuganahalli 02756000
11 5 6 1,609 530 1,079 Kanagal 02756100
5 5 53 12 41 1,520 587 933 Chamarayanakote 02756200
34 16 18 1,006 367 639 Sulekote 02756300
167 43 124 Kambipura 02756400
18 6 12 Hegathur 02756500
127 46 81 Gariguddakaval 02756600
236 73 163 Ichanahalli 02756700
87 42 45 Gudibhadranahosahalli 02756800
11· 5 6 Rasimartikaval 02756900
3 2 1,130 413 717 RajanabelaguJi 02757000
204 99 105 Hunasethoppalu 02757100
6 5 786 234 552 Ganganakuppe 02757200
3 2 7 4 3 175 68 107 Adagoor 02757300
6 2 4 437 188 249 Shanuboganahalli 02757400
2 2 4 4 974 318 656 Ambalare 02757500
2 2 153 65 88 Vaddarabylakuppe 02757600
I 3 2 982 404 578 Chapparadahalli 02757700
2 493 216 277 Hasuvinakaval 02757800
32 3 29 8 7 633 203 430 Byadarabilaguli 02757900
146 53 93 Haleyur 02758000
470 220 250 Haranahalli 02758100
1 110 46 64 Chikkanerale 02758200
2 2 996 398 598 Tharikal 02758300
5 5 24 16 8 600 197 403 Doddanerale 02758400
49 18 3I Kesarakere 02758500
2 2 332 142 190 Bilagunda 02758600
1,702 637 1,065 Channakalkaval 02758700
13 5 8 637 208 429 Doddakamaravalli 02758800
4 2 2 323 133 190 Chikkamaravalli 02758900
13 5 8 737 245 492 Dindagadu 02759000
85 25 60 1,007 358 649 Avarthi 02759100
76 49 27 338 111 227 Sunkadahalli 02759200
78 8· 70 494 219 275 Benagal 02759300
177 48 129 Doddahonnurkaval 02759400
13 5 8 421 170 251 Maradiyur 02759500
61 16 45 1,545 634 911 Koppa 02759600
430 160 270 Giragur 02759700
1,009 432 577 Doddahosur 02759800
1 38 15 23 Guddenahalli 02759900
5 34 13 21 888 327 561 Bylakuppe 02760000
220 104 116 Doddahonnur 02760100
41 14 27 Muthakur 02760200
41 12· 29 567 267 300 Gulledahalla Jungle 02760300
6 4 2 636 230 406 M. Hosahalli 02760400
536 193 343 Thirumalapura 02760500
619 236 383 P. Basavanahalli 02760600
726 252 474 Poonadahalli 02760700
89 22 67 Charapura 02760800
24 13 11 1,066 433 633 Handiguddadakaval 02760900
3 3 855 445 410 Gollarahosahalli 02761000
7 2 5 390 231 159 Lakshmipura 02761100


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02761200 Kailasapura 234.0 138 683 349 334 61 32 29
02761300 Aralikumari 593.0 246 3,388 2,494 894 171 102 69
02761400 Lingapura 537.0 85 390 193 197 59 25 34
02761500 Doddaharve rarest 1,031.0 2 3 3
02761600 Doddaharve 2,164.0 674 5,064· 4;!21 843 261 144 117
02761700 Basavanayeni 605.0 456 2,475 1,288 1,187 298 155 143
02761800 Halaganahalli 368.0 456 2,754 1,380 1,374 449 215 234
02761900 Suragahalli 527.0 214 1,300 673 621 202 107 95
02762000 Gorahalli 529.0 376 1,819 925 894 239 118 121
02762100 Haradur 457.0 330 1,653 817 836 236 120 116
02762200 Anivalu 406.0 154 826 413 413 121 58 63
02762300 Kowlanahalli 246.0 97 473 249 224 50 25 25
02762400 Harinahalli 228.0 138 620 311 309 86 50 36
02762500 Sangarnsettyhalli 288.0 290 1,438 711 727 190 88 102
02762600 Navilukodikaval 266.0 4 42 16 26 7 2 5
02762700 Naganahalli 436.0 174 972 501 471 142 69 73
02762800 Attigodu 539.0 372 2,050 1,085 965 ·260 149 III
02762900 Melur 311.0 174 1,011 514 497 122 63 59
02763000 Maradoor 528.0 356 2,063 1,072 991 336 180 156
02763100 Kithoor 966.0 899 4,534 2,301 2,233 519 304 275
02763200 Galaganakere 324.0 150 796 405 391 106 52 54
02763300 Thammadahalli 530.0 343 1,847 966 881 246 131 115
02763400 Kothavalli 985.0 596 3,402 1,139 1,663 504 265 239
02763500 Hiremalali 366.0 9 51 30 21 6 5 I
02763600 Chikkamalali 202.0 104 623 330 293 79 36 43
02763700 BettMa Thunga 806.0 369 2,307 1,172 1,135 319 160 159
02763800 Bettadakaval 234.0 -----Un-inlmbited--------
02763900 Bettadapura 981.0 1.209 5,837 2,962 2,875 801 411 390
02764000 Kurgallu 397.0 156 730 357 373 101 58 43
02764100 Depurn 180.0 77 418 196 222 75 29 46
02764200 Vaderahosahalli lungle 26.0 ------Un-inhabited-----------
02764300 Nilavadi 611.0 170 859 433 426 101 48 53
02764400 Konasur 639.0 418 2,002 993 1,009 222 III III
02764500 loganahalli 460.0 200 1,139 577 562 173 87 86
02764600 Bhuvanahalli 284.0 369 1,753 885 868 222 102 120
02764700 Bekkare 350.0 210 990 525 465 . 113 62 51
02764800 Kanoor 462.0 184 1,021 511 510 104 59 45
02764900 Komalapura 388.0 309 1,684 898 786 190 102 88
02765000 Billahalli 229.0 92 511 260 251 60 32 28
02765100 Seegekorekaval 271.0 37 213 107 106 40 24 16
02765200 Eachuru 277.0 235 1,210 625 585 148 85 63
02765300 Barse 478.0 195 1,.201 594 601 202 89 113
02765400 Kudakuru 615.0 92 523 257 266 81 45 36
02765500 Nandipura 519.0 189 1,082 540 542 142 60 82
02765600 N. Settihalli 249.0
02765700 Nilangala
260 1,444 706 738 178 84 94
305.0 III 677 360 317 79 45 34
02765800 Kelaganahalli 410.0 270 1,467 752 715 218 117 101
02765900 Honnenaballi 404.0 339 1,897 958 939 283 148 J35
02766000 Bhavalalu 167.0 58 327 160 167 45 24 21
02766100 Handitavalli ·227.0 269 1,267 666 601 157 81 76
02766200 Nagarngbatta 207.0 78 417 221 196 58 28 30
02766300 Ravandur 635.0 530 2,523 1,285 1,238 335 177 158
02766400 Haralahalli 231.0 98 490 241 249 41 20 21
02766500 Arenahalli 526.0 358 2,046 1,043 1,003 295 151 144
02766600 BhoganabaUi 226.0 170 821 410 411 68 36 32
02766700 Kodihalli 276.0 7 41 20 21 7 2 5
02766800 Kellur 521.0 237 1,188 600 588 141 69 72
02766900 R. Hosahalli 534.0 143 711 359 352 85 37 48



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
385' 210 175 Kailasapura
5 3 2 2,858 2,243 615 Aralikumari
10 5 5 372 184 188 106 58 48 Lingapura
2 2 3 3 Doddaharve Forest
996 511 485 135 63 72 3,981 3,732 249 Doddaharve
I 1,439 786 653 Basavanayeni
240 131 109 1,598 795 803 Ha1agallahalli
285 147 138 671 410 261 Suragahalli
292 142 150 178 95 83 844 526 318 Gorahalli
133 69 64 150 76 74 812 505 307 Haradur
431 215 216 353 236 117 Anivalu
264 178 86 Kowlanahalli
342 191 151 Harinahalli
3 2 765 465 300 Sangarasettyhalli
22 7 15 Navilukodikaval
735 380 355 419 294 125 Naganahalli
184 86 98 63 40 23 810 522 288 Attigodu
197 104 93 433 280 153 Mdur
311 174 137 56 27 29 943 634 309 Maradoor
442 228 214 326 169 157 2,524 1,475 1,049 Kithoor
146 73 73 357 234 123 Galaganakere
81 48 33 527 271 256 794 549 245 Thammadahalli
210 106 104 18 10 8 1,302 872 430 Kothavalli
26 16 10 Hiremalali
11 5 6 203 105 98 373 227 146 Chikkamalali
319 153 166 1,061 664 397 Bcttada Thunga
-------------Un-inhabited--------- Bettadakaval
313 157 156 257 133 124 3,235 1,826 1,409 Bettadapura
250 126 124 136 61 75 312 184 128 Kurgallu
131 63 68 104 46 58 169 107 62 Depura
--------Un-inhabited--------- Vaderahosahalli Jungle
236 120 116 160 78 82 503 297 206 Nilavadi
430 216 214 109 57 52 1,009 598 41 I Konasur
220 106 114 97 52 45 505 333 172 Joganahalli
138 68 70 976 608 368 Bhuvanahalli
196 107 89 580 349 231 Bekkare
148 78 70 89 45 44 496 278 218 Kanoor
117 59 58 104 55 49 827 552 275 Koma1apura
257 168 89 Billahalli
95 50 45 110 60 50 Seegckorekaval
70 40 30 625 390 235 Eachuru
250 128 122 577 347 230 Barse
121 60 61 71 32 39 253 138 115 Kudakuru
426 211 215 374 243 131 Nandipura
128 67 61 114 59 55 607 375 232 N. Settihalli
126 61 65 335 218 117 NiJanga1a
79 74 86 48 38 639 408 23 I Ke1aganahalli
451 441 479 346 133 Honnenahalli
72 81 180 100 80 BhavalaJu
138 74 64 756 474 282 Handitavalli
21 21 181 124 57 N agaraghatta
284 244 188 103 85 1,313 788 525 Ravandur
97 90 258 151 107 Hara1ahalli
43 48 1,171 643 528 Arenahnlli
22 8 14 363 218 145 Bhoganahalli
53 23 30
8 8 5 3 Kodihalli
15 7
72 67 27 40 683 413 270 Kellur
153 81
384 234 150 R. Hosahalli
322 173 149


CD BIock-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02761200 Kailasapura 298 139 159 271 160 III 270 160 110
02761300 Aralikumari 530 251 279 479 286 193 478 285 193
02761400 Lingapura 284 135 149 196 106 90 101 99 2
02761500 Doddahan'e Forest 3 3 3 3
02761600 Doddahan'c 1,083 489 594 718 482 236 519 418 101
0276l7()() Basavanuycni 1,036 SOl 534 1,1l1 579 532 934 511 423
02761800 Halaganahalli 1,156 585 571 945 793 152 901 777 124
02761900 Suragahalli 629 263 366 851 458 393 633 346 287
02762000 Gorahalli 975 399 576 920 535 385 671 505 166
0276210() Haradur 841 312 529 956 495 461 894 492 402
02762200 Aniva1u 473 177 296 405 229 176 405 229 176
02762300 Kowlanahalli 209 71 138 262 150 112 250 144 106
02762400 Harinahalli 278 120 158 358 181 177 311 161 150
02762500 Sangarascttyhalli 673 246 427 768 452 316 496 410 86
02762600 Navilukodikaval 20 9 II 27 12 15 19 10 9
02762700 Naganahalli 553 207 346 578 318 260 506 290 216
02762800 Attigodu 1,240 563 677 1,214 696 518 1,183 693 490
02762900 Melur 578 234 344 474 301 173 324 298 26
02763000 Maradoor 1,120 438 682 1,216 674 542 1,158. 666 492
02763100 Kithoor 2,010 826 1,184 2,601 1,418 1.183 2,009 1,273 736
02763200 Galaganakere 439 171 268 438 254 184 435 252 183
02763300 Thammadahalli 1,053 417 636 600 562 38 584 547 37
02763400 Kothavalli 2,100 867 1,233 1,893 1,046 847 1,458 1,038 420
02763500 Hircmalali 25 14 II 25 18 7 23 17 6
02763600 Chikkamalali 250 103 147 276 185 91 230 167 63
02763700 Bellada Thunga 1,246 508 738 755 709 46 717 690 27
02763800 Bettadakaval ------------Un-inhabited-------------
02763900 Bettadapura 2,602 1,136 1,466 2,301 1,721 580 1,941 1,550 391
02764000 Kurgallu 418 173 245 369 198 171 367 197 170
.02764100 Depura 249 89 160 242 118 124 236 118 118
02764200 Vadcrahosahalli Jungle --c-----Un-inhabited-----------
02764300 Nilavadi 356 136 220 54l 272 269 405 265 140
02764400 Konasur 993 395 598 1,219 646 573 1,112 625 487
02764500 Joganahalli ' 634 244 390 554 323 231 538 321 217
02764600 Bhuvanahalli 777 277 500 860 526 334 756 518 238
02764700 Bekkare 410 176 234 455 292 163 444 286 158
02764800 KallOor 525 233 292 564 310 254 334 301 33
02764900 Kamalarum 857 346 511 917 528 389 916 527 389
02765000 Billahalli 254 92 162 204 164 40 204 164 40
02765100 Seegekorekaval 103 47 56 66 54 12 59 49 10
02765200 Eachuru 585 235 350 396 337 59 359 320 39
02765300 Barse 624 247 377 629 349 280 607 330 277
02765400 Kudakuru 270 119 151 323 160 163 302 156 146
02765500 Nandipura 708 297 411 572 309 263 449 293 156
02765600 N. Settihalli 837 331 506 680 429 251 400 390 ]0
02765700 Ni1angala 342 142 200 389 222 167 355 221 134
02765800 Kelaganahalli 828 344 484 771 433 338 600 426 174
02765900 Honnenahalli 1,418 612 806 1,024 578 446 908 571 337
02766000 Bhavalalu 147 60 87 118 ]0] 17 96 85 II
02766100 Handitavalli 511 192 319 469 396 73 441 390 51
02766200 Nagaraghatta 236 97 139 148 141 7 140 138 2
02766300 Ravandur 1,210 497 713 1,291 758 533 615 547 68
02766400 HaralahaJJj 232 90 142 298 156 142 238 149 89
02766500 Arenahalli 875 400 475 1,037 635 402 749 603 146
02766600 Bhoganahalli 458 192 266 463 256 207 291 233 58
02766700 Kodihalli 33 15 18 18 13 5 18 13 5
02766800 Kellur 505 187 318 567 398 169 564 396 168
02766900 R. Hosahalli 327 125 202 397 230 167 380 229 151


Industrial category of main workers
Housebold industry
. Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name orViIIage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37· 38 39 40 2
122 72 50 146 87 59 Kailasapura
311 171 140 2 164 112 52 Aralikumari
101 99 2 Lingapura
3 3 Doddaharve Forest
357 296 61 37 25 12 16 9 7 1.09 88 21 Doddaharve
578 304 274 5 3 2 II 2 9 340 202 138 Basavanayeni
461 401 60 95 57 38 2 2 343 317 26 Halaganahalli
504 285 219 1.04 39 65 I 24 22 2 Suragahalli
588 436 152 7 7 17 13 4 59 49 10 Gorahalli
764 415 349 88 47 41 16 9 7 26 21 5 Haradur
392 221 171 11 7 4 Anivalu
231 129 102 5 5 14 10 4 Kowlanaballi
295 148 147 1 14 12 2 Harinaballi
358 314 44 63 32 31 3 2 72 62 I 0 Sangarasettyballi
17 10 7 2 2 Navilukodikaval
431 262 169 44 13 3] 6 4 2 25 II 14 NaganahalIi
1,058 590 468 4 4 12.0 102 18 Attigodu
308 284 24 3 3 13 II 2 Melur
1,135 651 484 22 15 7 Maradoor
1,104 791 313 13] 68 63 43 37 6 731 377 354 KithoOT
416 237 179 19 15 4 Galaganakere
538 505 33 9 6 3 36 35 Thanunadahalli
1,203 883 320 83 32 51 24 14 1.0 148 109 39 Kotbavalli
10 9 13 8 5 Hiremalali
118 105 13 84 41 4.3 II 7 4 17 14 3 Chikkamalali
670 651 19 12 11 34 27 7 Bettada Thunga
--------Un-inhabited---------- Bettadakaval
6.08 478 130 187 119 68 71 53 18 1,.075 900 175 Bettadapura
360 191 169 7 6 Kurgallu
148 76 72 71 31 40 17 II 6 Depura
-------Un-inhabited------ Vaderahosahalli Jungle
383 250 133 1.0 5 5 2 2 10 8 2 Nilavadi
922 529 393 126 43 83 18 13 5 46 40 6 Konasor
472 289 183 43 17 26 22 14 8 Joganaballi
670 452 218 28 15 13 57 50 7 Bhuvanahalli
394 244 15.0 5.0 42 8 Bekkare
320 289 31 6 5 8 7 1 Kanooe
781 451 330 99 46 53 3 3 33 27 6 Komalapura
155 131 24 38 23 15 II 10 I Billaballi
53 44 9 6 5 I Seegekorekaval
310 272 38 2 2 4 4 43 42 1 Eachuru
565 299 266 1 6· 4 2 35 27 8 Barse
184 111 73 9 8 3 2 106 36 70 Kudakuru
283 232 51 153 50 103 3 3 1.0 8 2 Nandipura
365 359 6 16 12 4 18 18 N. Settihalli
238 ]56 82 105 56 49 4 3 8 6 2 Nilangala
570 404 166 6 1 5 I I 23 20 3 Kelaganahalli
425 393 32· 467 167 30.0 9 8 7 3 4 Honnenaballi
64 59 5 11 10 1 8 8 13 8 5 Bhavalalu
303 291' 12 76 48 28 62 51 11 Handitavalli
130 129 1 1 6 6 3 2 Nagaraghatta
243 238 5 53 44 9 4 4 315 261 54 Ravandur
161 100 6] 65 39 26 2 1.0 9 Haralahalli
328 215 113 2 2 1.07 99 8 Arenahalli
312 287 25
257 211 46 15 7 8 18 14 4 Bhoganaballi
5 7 2 5 6 6 Kodihalli
508· 354 154 33 21 12 2 2 21 19 2 Kellur
145 8 2 6 2 2 R. Hosaballi
370 225


CD Block-
Industrial category
code i\lar"inal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02761200 Kailasapura
02761300 Aralikumari I
02761400 Lingapura 95 7 88 94 6 88
02761500 Doddaharve Forest
02761600 Doddaharve 199 64 135 4 2 2 143 31 112
68 109 100 26 74 I ]
02761700 Basavanayeni 177
02761800 Halaganahalli 44 16 28 5 3 2 26 6 20
02761900 Suragahalli 218 112 106 7 2 5 202 102 100
02762000 Gorahalli 249 30 219 134 10 124 108 17 91
02762100 Haradur 62 59 39 39 16 15
02762200 Anivalu
02762300 Kowlanahalli 12 6 6 12 6 6
02762400 Harinahalli 47 20 27 46 19 27
02762500 SangarasettyhalJi 272 42 230 59 26 33 209 14 195
02762600 Navilukodikaval 8 2 6
02762700 Naganahalli 72 28 44 6 2 4 21 13 8
02762800 Attigodu 31 3 28 16 16 5 5
02762900 Melur 150 3 147 146 3 143 2 2
02763000 Maradoor 58 8 50 56 8 48 I
02763100 Kithoor 592 145 447 34 24 10 140 98 42
02763200 Galaganakere 3 2
02763300 Thammadahalli 16 15 3 2 1 12 12
02763400 Kothavalli 435 8 427 367 6 361 52 1 51
02763500 Hiremalali 2 I 2
02763600 Chikkamalali 46 18 28 43 17 26
02763700 Bettada Thunga 38 19 19 13 8 5 23 9 14
02763800 Bettadakaval -------------Un-inhabited--------------
02763900 Bettadapura 360 171 189 14 2 12 278 124 ]54
02764000 Kurgallu 2 I 2 I
02764100 Depura 6 6
02764200 Vaderahosahalli Jungle ---------Un-inhabited---------
02764300 Nilavadi 136 7 129 119 5 114 7 7
02764400 Konasur 107 21 86 45 14 31 59 6 53
02764500 Joganahalli 16 2 14 15 2 13 1 I
02764600 Bhuvanahalli 104 8 96 12 3 9 89 2 87
02764700 Bekkare II 6 5 4 3
02764800 Kanoor 230 9 221 8 5 3 222 4 218
02764900 Komalapura I
02765000 Billahalli
02765100 Seegekorekaval 7 5 2 7 5 2
02765200 Eachuru 37 17 20 37 17 20
02765300 Barse 22 19 3 2 1 3 2
02765400 Kudakuru 21 4 17 4 3
02765500 Nanclipura 123 16 107 2 2 121 16 105
02765600 N. Settihalli 280 39 241 226 31 195 53 8 45
02765700 Nilangala 34 I 33 31 31 2 2
02765800 Kelaganahalli 171 7 164 159 159 11 6 5
02765900 Honnenahalli 116 7 109 3 2 111 4 107
02766000 Bhavalalu 22 16 6 II 7 4
. 02766100 Handitavalli 28 6 22 17 3 14 10 3 7
02766200 Nagaraghatta 8 3 5 I I 7 3 4
02766300 Ravandur 676 211 465 163 13 150 463 164 299
02766400 Haralahalli 60 7 53 42 5 37 13 13
02766500 Arenahalli 288 32 256 108 3 105 170 27 ]43
02766600 Bhoganahalli 172 23 149 125 10 115 44 12 32
02766700 Kodihalli
02766800 Kellur 3 2 3 2 I
02766900 R. Hosahalli 17 16 14 14 2 2



of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village uumber
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
412 189 223 Kailasapura 02761200
2,909 2,208 701 Aralikumari 02761300
194 87 107 Lingapura 02761400
Doddaharve Forest 02761500
4 3 48 30 18 4,346 3,739 607 Doddaharve 02761600
5 4 71 41 30 1,364 709 655 Basavanayeni 02761700
13 7 6 1,809 587 1,222 Halaganahalli 02761800
2 I 7 7 449 215 234 Suragahalli 02761900
3 2 4 2 2 899 390 509 Gorahalli 02762000
2 5 4 697 322 375 Haradur 02762100
421 184 237 Anivalu 02762200
211 99 112 Kowlanahalli 02762300
262 130 132 Harinahalli 02762400
3 2 670 259 411 SangarasenyhaJli 02762500
8 2 6 15 4 II Navilukodikaval 02762600
I 44 13 31 394 183 211 Naganahalli 02762700
5 4 5 2 3 836 389 447 Attigodu 02762800
2 2 537 213 324 Melur 02762900
847 398 449 Maradoor 02763000
4 3 414 22 392 1,933 883 1,050 Kithoor 02763100
2 2 358 151 207 Galaganakere 02763200
I 1,247 404 843 Thammadahalli 02763300
3 2 13 13 1,509 693 816 Kothavalli 02763400
26 12 14 Hiremalali 02763500
2 347 145 202 Chikkamalali 02763600
1,552 463 1,089 Bettada Thunga 02763700
-------------Un-inhabited-------- Bettadakaval 02763800
6 5 62 44 18 3,536 1,241 2,295 Bettadapura 02763900
361 159 202 Kurgallu . 02764000
6 6 176 78 98 Depura 02764100
------------Un-inhabited------ Vaderahosahalli Jungle 02764200
10 2 8 318 161 157 Nilavadi 02764300
2 783 347 436 Konasur 02764400
585 254 331 Joganahalli 02764500
3 3 893 359 534 Bhuvanahalli 02764600
7 3 4 535 233 302 Bekkare 02764700
457 201 256 Kanoor 02764800
767 370 397 Komalapnra 02764900
307 96 211 Billahalli 02765000
147 53 94 Seegekorekaval 02765100
814 288 526 Eachuru 02765200
16 16 572 245 327 Barse 02765300
16 3 13 200 97 103 Kndakuru 02765400
510 231 279 Nandipnra 02765500·
764 277 487 N. Settihalli 02765600
288 138· 150 Nilangala 02765700
696 319 377 Kelaganahalli 02765800
1 873 380 493 Honnenahalli 02765900
2 9 7 2 209 59 150 BhavalaJu 02766000
798 270 528 Handitavalli 02766100
269 80 189 Nagaraghatta 02766200
2 43 29 14 1,232 527 70S Ravandnr 02766300
7 5
2 3 2 I 192 85 107 Haralahalli 02766400
·6 2 2 1,009 408 601 Arenahalli 02766500
6 4
2 358 154 204 BhoganahaJli 02766600
23 7 16 Kodihalli 02766700
621 202 419 Kellur 02766800
314 129 18S R. Hosahalli 02766900


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institution:!1 and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02767000 Makodu 933.0 761 4,245 2,110 2.\35 579 283 296
02767100 Malaganakere 432.0 142 613 289 324 69 37 32
02767200 M. Settihalli 379.0 172 1,000 483 517 143 66 77
02767300 Kalkere 531.0 110 714 365 349 99 45 54
02767400 Dorekere 510.0 164 982 495 487 143 60 83
02767500 Aithanahalli 525.0 . 229 1,295 664 631 200 III 89
02767600 Seeguru 309.0 145 866 439 427 122 56 66
02767700 Hirnahalli 294.0 118 611 30\ 3\0 98 52 46
02767800 Manchedevanahalli 216.0 10 62 35 27 11 7 4
02767900 R.Thunga 581.0 280 1,598 799 799 201 95 106
02768000 Doddabyalalu 710.0 289 1,514 734 780 184 90 94
02768100 Javanikuppe 243.0 169 858 420 438 92 42 50
02768200 Makanahalli 278.0 207 1,211 617 594 190 101 89
02768300 Chikkabyalalu 250.0 51 303 155 148 39 15 24
02768400 Suntlavalu 248.0 265 1,502 763 739 199 102 97
02768500 Aswalu 323.0 167 945 467 478 138 62 76
02768600 Sanyasipura 247.0 116 636 342 294 87 50 37
02768700 Hitnchcbbagilu 457.0 573 2,965 1,460 1,505 444 217 227
02768800 Avarekaiguddadakaval 594.0 19 71 37 34 10 7 3
02768900 Telaginakuppe 265.0 154 824 438 386 80 50 30
02769000 K. Haralahalli 185.0 64 339 174 165 33 22 II
02769100 Neralakuppe 188.0 50 252 120 132 35 9 26
02769200 Scnabinakuppc 141.0 26 153 77 76 22 12 10
02769300 Kandega\a 367.0 229 1,226 616 610 171 83 &8
02769400 G.Basavanahalii 191.0 134 731 353 378 108 50 58
02769500 Hemmige 316.0 238 1,192 608 584 163 85 78
02769600 Kodihalli.K.G 134.0 8 47 23 24 5 2 3
02769700 Kagguntli 366.0 229 1,101 545 SS6· 128 71 57
02769800 Dodda Vaddarakerc 73.0 32 179 85 94 19. 13 6
02769900 Chikkavaddarakere 73.0 66 331 180 151 40 23 17
02770000 Mellahalli 341.0 139 655 335 320 70 40 30
02770100 Kiranalli· 496.0 330 1.696 841 855 235 106 129
02770200 Basa\apura 274.0 223 1,202 603 599 147 76 71
02770300 Kampalapura 636.0 929 4,450 2,318 2,132 571 322 249
02770400 Borehosahalli 278.0 178 1,019 512 507 145 72 73
02770500 Naviloor 666.0 312 1,628 827 801 219 117 102
02770600 Alanahalli 405.0 465 2,512 1,261 1,251 280 141 139
02770700 Manchedevanahalli 616.0 146 733 367 366 104 56 48
02770800 Kundanahalli 259.0 127 659 334 325 77 34 43
02770900 Mallinathapura 293.0 96 459 226 233 63 27 36
02771000 Hunasavadi 472.0 261 1,206 608 598 146 80 66
02771 roo Kamanahalli 123.0 6 25 13 12 3 2 I
02771200 Boothanahalli 161.0 178 892 448 444 106 62 44
02771300 Koralahosahal1i 153.0 21 151 79 72 25 14 11
02771400 Lingapura Forest 380.0 -----------Un-inbabited----------
02771500 Ayarabeedu 509.0 136 852 423 429 165 76 89
02771600 Bemmathi 233.0 86 475 246 229 61 30 31
02771700 lIapura 173.0 80 449 209 240 80 35 45
02771800 Belathur 326.0 Jl9 627 321 306 61 35 26
02771900 Chittenahalli 273.0 170 803 398 405 87 41 46
02772000 Chowdenahalli 97.0 83 436 225 211 46 25 21
02772100 Channenahal1i 397.0 179 903 430 473 116 46 70
02772200 Naralapura 275.0 127 736 371 365 91 51" 40
02772300 Kirangoor 204.0 - 101 474 243 231 54 27 27
02772400 Lingapura 347.0 88 402 180 222 70 32 38
02772500 Rajivagrama 432.0 135 594 289 305 83 42 41
02772600 Muthur 428.0 457 2,128 1,059 1,069 299 134 165
02772700 Magali 178.0 118 653 330 323 100 55 45



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
247 118 129 4 " 1 3 1,671 1,038 633 Makodu
117 56 61 3 2 299 175 124 Malaganakere
118 58 60 134 67 67 397 237 160 M" Settihalli
27 18 9 359 175 184 327 218 109 Kalkere
235 136 99 402 273 129 Dorekere
242 123 119 160 76 84 677 417 260 Aithanahalli
350 192 158 44 22 22 395 242 153 Seeguru
10 2 8 295 167 128 Hitnahalli
13 11 2 Manchedevanahalli
125 64 61 338 162 176 651 388 263 R.Thunga
271 137 134 2 I , 744 418 326 Doddabyalalu
6 2 4 498 296 202 Javanikuppe
924 467 457 613 382 231 Makanahalli
92 44 48 156 97 59 Chikkabyalalu
338 176 162 607 379 228 Sundavalu
130 66 64 68 30 38 575 296 279 Aswalu
175 96 79 182 104 78 208 134 74 Sanyasipura
278 138 140 48 23 25 1,246 774 472 Hitnehebbagilu
28 15 13 29 16 13 AvarekaiguddadakavaJ
124 66 58 7 3 4 517 307 210 Telaginakuppe
52 27 25 227 137 90 K. Haralahalli
177 101 '76 Neralakuppe
70 40 30 Senabinakuppe
207 103 104 694 420 274 Kandegala
32 16 16 243 159 84 G.Basavanahalli
100 50 50 650 379 271 Hemmige
25 15 10 KodihallLK.G
12 7 5 554 319 235 Kaggundi
54 29 25 Dodda Vaddarakcrc
13 8 5 163 100 63 Chikkavaddarakere
199 107 92 90 48 42 330 196 134 Mellahalli
130 64 66 36 14 22 806 487 319 Kiranalli
139 71 68 48 24 24 671 394 277 Basalapura
491 248 243 365 192 173 2,593 1,496 1,097 Kampalapura
208 100 108 194 98 96 429 280 149 Borehosahalli
765 401 364 121 58 63 593 344 249 Naviloor
281 150 131 1,034 518 516 1,056 680 376 Alanahalli
12 5 7 344 175 169 407 224 183 Manchedevanahalli
67 40 27 100 54 46 423 252 171 Kundanahalli
57' 33 24 22 13 9' 252 156 96 Mallinathapura
273 127 146 36 22 14 636 367 269 Hunasavadi
16 8 8 Kamanahalli
246 120 126 477 286 191 Boothanahalli
32 19 13 52 39 13 Koralahosahalli
-----------Un-inhabited------ Lingapura Forest
66 37 29 233 103 ' 130 340 195 145 Ayarabeedu
59 27 32 72 37 35 205 132 73 Bemmathi
172 75 97 120 62 58 215 120 95 llapura
153 77 76 335 195 140 BeJathur
45 26 19 481 271 210 Chittenahalli
91 48 43 21 12 9 235 140 95 Chowdenahalli
359 163 196 411 237 174 Channcnahalli
29 14 15 84 47 37 472 257 215 Naralapura
21 11 10 18 8 10 268 163 105 Kirangoor
4 1 3 256 116 140 170 81 89 Lingapura
4 3 425 206 219 233 120 113 Rajivagrarna
366 366 75 43 32 1,101 625 476 Muthur
275 177 98 Magali


CD Block-

code lIIiterales Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons l\lales Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02767000 Makodu 2,574 1,072 1,502 1,967 1,251 716 1,742 1,158 584
02767100 Malaganakere 314 114 200 386 197 189 368 189 179
02767200 M. Scttihalli 603 246 357 459 294 165 409 284 125
02767300 Kalkere 387 147 240 384 220 164 384. 220 164
02767400 Dorekere 580 222 358 511 307 204 349 284 65
02767500 Aithanahalli 618 247 371 595 363 232 395 334 61
02767600 Seeguru 471 197 274 390 246 144 284 228 56
02767700 Hitnahalli 316 134 182 360 188 172 321 187 134
02767800 ManchedevanahaIli 49 24 25 27 15 12 15 15
02767900 R.Thunga 947 411 536 792 485 307 547 450 97
02768000 Doddabyalalu 770 316 454 784 486 298 776 478 298
02768100 Javanikuppe 360 124 236 373 247 126 350 244 106
02768200 Makanahalli 598 235 363 517 309 208 489 291 198
02768300 Chikkabyalalu 147 58 89 168 85 83 128 84 44
02768400 Sundavalu 895 384 511 802 457 345 800 ·455 345
02768500 Aswalu 370 171 199 303 281 22 285 267 18
02768600 Sanjrnsipura 428 208 220 350 214 136 350 214 136
02768700 Hitnchebbagilu 1,719 686 1,033 1,587 867 720 1,492 828 664
02768800 Avarekaiguddadakaval 42 21 21 42 25 17 38 22 16
02768900 Telaginakuppe 307 131 176 450 269 181 449 269 180
02769000 K. Haralahalli 112 37 75 164 94 70 101 87 14
02769100 Neralakuppe 75 19 56 138 81 57 77 74 3
02769200 Senabinakuppe 83 37 46 74 4i 32 74 42 32
02769300 Kandegala 532 196 336 492 329 163 386 309 77
02769400 G.Basavanahallj 488 194 294 382 208 174 317 184 133
02769500 Hemmige 542 229 313 698 403 295 689 397 292
02769600 Kodihalli.K.G 22 8 14 29 17 12 29 17 12
02769700 Kaggundi 547 226 321 584 350 234 491 332 159
02769800 Dodda Vaddarakere 125 56 69 85 54 31 82 52 30
02769900 Chikkavaddarakere 168 80 88 184 124 60 179 121 58
02770000 Mellahalli 325 139 186 272 222 50 272 222 50
02770100 Kiranalli 890 354 536 955 566 389 757 544 213
02770200 Basalupura 531 209 322 554 356 198 534 351 183
02770300 Kampalapura 1,857 822 1,035 1,835 1,453 382 1.648 1,336 312
02770400 Borehosahalli 590 232 358 580 307 273 329 263 66
02776500 Naviloor 1,035 483 552 880 469 411 606 451 155
02770600 Alanahalli 1,456 581 875 836 740 96 732 652 80
02770700 Manchedevanahalli 326 143 183 368 213 155 366 212 154
02770800 Kundanahalli 236 82 154 322 183 139 292 166 126
02770900 Mallinathapura 207 70 137 206 150 56 206 150 56
02771000 Hunasavadi 570 241 329 631 364 267 626 363 263
02771100 Kamanahalli 9 5 4 13 7 6 13 7 6
02771200 Boothanahalli 415 162 253 337 238 99 169 163 6
02771300 Koralahosahalli 99 40 59 86 44 42 76 43 33
02771400 Lingapura Forest --------Un-iuhabited-----------
02771500 Ayarabeedu 512 228 284 352 217 135 333 213 120
02771600 Bemmathi 270 114 156 291 152 139 132 )]3 19
02771700 Jlapura 234 89 145 202 115 87 202 115 87
02771800 BeJathur 292 126 166 358 205 153 358 205 153
02771900 Chittenahalli 322 127 195 292 219 73 284 213 71
02772000 ChowdenahaIIi 201 85 116 168 123 45 134 120 14
02772100 Channenahalli 492 193 299 470 249 221 454 248 206
02772200 Naralapura 264 ]]4 150 203 191 12 199 188 II
02772300 Kirangoor 206 80 126 173 136 37 170 136 34
02772400 Lingapura 232 99 133 169 109 60 161 108 53
02772500 Rajivagrama 361 169 192 141 120 21 141 120 21
02772600 Muthur 1,027 434 593 1,222 658 564 1,158 630 528
02772700 Magali 378 153 225 189 174 15 178 165 13



Industrial category of main workers

Household iudustry
Cultivators' Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
1,297 871 426 319 190 129 15 14 III 83 28 Makodu
340 176 164 16 7 9 12 6 6 Malaganakere
282 206 76 lOS 61 44 3 3 19 14 5 M. Settihalli
375 214 161 5 3 2 4 3 Kalkere
155 146 9 190 136 54 4 2 2 Dorekere
335 296 39 19 I 18 6 6 35 31 4 Aithanahalli
218 176 42 15 12 3 51 40 11 Seeguru
299 178 121 4 I 3 5 4 13 7 6 Hitnahalli
15 15 Manchedevanahalli
526 435 91 13 7 6 8 8 R.Thunga
585 373 212 134 60 74 I 56 44 12 Doddabyalalu
294 206 88 20 10 10. 3 3 33 25 8 Javanikuppe
403 228 175 58 45 13 28 18 10 Makanahalli
108 67 41 13 10 3 2 2 5 5 Chikkabyalalu
704 398 306 75 37 38 2 2 19 18 I Sundavalu
228 217 11 7 2 5 5 5 45 43 2 Aswalu
347 211 136 2 2 Sanyasipura
1,267 683 584 109 53 56 2 1 114 91 23 Hitnehebbagilu
23 12 11 5 5 10 5 5 AvarekaigUddadakaval
435 259 176 3 3 10 6 4 Telaginakuppe
98 85 13 3 2 K. Haralahalli
71 69 2 5 5 Neralakuppe
60 36 24 7 4 3 7 2 5 Senabinakuppe
319 288 31 46 6 40 5 4 16 II 5 Kandegala
308 177 131 2 2 7 5 2 G.Basavanahalli
656 372 284 17 9 8 4 4 12 12 Hemmige
28 16 12 I I Kodihalli.K.G
343 268 75 III 41 70 5 3 2 32 20 12 Kaggundi
77 51 26 4 3 Dodda Vaddarakere
158 107 SI 4 2 2 17 12 5 Chikkavaddarakere
151 143 8 84 45 39 37 34 3 Mellahalli
614 448 166 59 33 26 84 63 21 Kiranalli
393 264 129 85 44 41 14 8 6 42 35 7 Basalapura
699 543 156 109 57 52 II 4 7 829 732 97 Kampalapura
293 239 54 21 12 9 15 12 3 Borehosahalli
507 395 112 73 41 32 2 2 24 13 II Navi100r
695 622 73 12 8 4 I 24 21 3 Alanahalli
215 123 92 34 19 15 3 2 114 68 46 Manchedevanahalli
255 138 117 13 8 5 1 23 20 3 Kundanahalli
167 126 41 26 13 13 2 2 II 9 2 Mallinathapura
377 218 159 179 88 91 69 56 13 Hunasavadi
13 7 6 Kamanahalli
161 155 6 2 2 6 6 Boothanahalli
64 38 26 12 5 7 Koralahosahalli
----------Un-inhabited--------- Lingapura Forest
64 59 5 248 136 112 1 1 20 17 3 Ayarabeedu
10 26 17 9 2 2 4 4 Bemmathi
100 90
44 25 113 56 57 20 15 5 JJapura
153 12 12 Belathur
346 193
127 34 69 42 27 I 53 44 9 Chittenahalli
8 40 34 6 8 8 5 5 Chowdcnahalli
81 73
90 190 91 99 2 2 38 21 17 Channenahalli
224 134
9 16 15 6 5 1 Naralapura
177 168
15 33 17 16 12 9 3 Kirangoor
125 110
4 86 40 46 5 2 3 Lingapura
69 65
15 13 10 3 3 1 2 Rajivagmrna
124 109
398 205 193 2 2 67 53 14 Muthur
691 370 321
4 3 4 3 20 20 Magali
147 140 7 7


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02767000 Makodu 225 93 132 124 64 60 91 25 66
02767100 Malaganakcre 18 8 10 8 7 1 9 1 8
02767200 M. Settihalli 50 10 40 35 8 27 14 2 12
02767300 Kalkcrc
02767400 Dorekere 162 23 139 53 9 44 104 9 95
02767500 Aithanahalli 200 29 171 4 I 3 191 26 165
02767600 Secguru 106 18 88 75 3 72 19 5 14
02767700 Hitnahalli 39 1 38 6 5 28 28
02767800 Manchedevanahalli 12 12 12 12
02767900 R.Thunga 245 35 210 3 2 239 34 205
02768000 Doddabyalalu 8 8
02768100 Javanikuppe 23 3 20 10 2 8 I
02768200 Makanahalli 28 18 10 4 4 20 11 9
02768300 Chikkabyalalu 40 39 37 36 3 3
02768400 Sundavalu 2 2
02768500 Aswalu 18 14 4 4 3
02768600 Sanyasipura
02768700 Hitnehebbagilu 95 39 56 50 20 30
02768800 AvarekaiguddadakavaJ 4 3 3 2
02768900 Telaginakuppe I 1
02769000 K. Hamlahalli 63 7 56 63 7 56
02769100 Neralakuppe 61 7 54 61 7 54
02769200 Senabinakuppe
02769300 Kandegala 106 20 86 8 2 6 94 17 77
02769400 G.Basavanahalli 65 24 41 60 23 37
02769500 Hemmige 9 6 3 3 2 2 I I
02769600 Kodihalli.K.G
02769700 Kaggundi 93 18 75 15 6 9 40 10 30
02769800 Dodda Vaddamkere 3 2 1 1 2 2
02769900 Chikkavaddarakere 5 3 2 4 2 2
02770000 Mellahalli
02770100 KiranalJi 198 22 176 10 3 7 183 15 168
02770200 Busalapura 20 5 15 6 2 4 10 10
02770300 Kampalapura 187 117 70 27 10 17 81 45 36
02770400 Borehosahalli 251 44 207 178 13 165 68 29 39
02770500 Naviloor 274 18 256 247 10 237 27 8 19
02770600 Alanahalli 104 88 16 9 8 I 74 62 12
02770700 Manchedevanahalli 2 2 )
02770800 Kundanahalli 30 17 13 15 7 8
02770900 Mallinatbapura
02771000 Hunasavadi 5 4 3 3
02771100 Kamanahalli
02771200 Boothanahalli 168 75 93 64 12 52 104 63 41
02771300 Koralahosahalli 10 9 10 9
02771400 Lingapura Forest ---------Un-inhabited----------
02771500 Ayarabeedu 19 4 15 I 1 14 13
02771600 Bemm<lthi 159 39 120 36 12 24 122 26 96
02771700 llapurn
0277 I 800 Belathur
02771900 Chittenahalli 8 6 2 2 2 4 3 I
02772000 Chuwdcnahalli 34 3 31 33 3 30
02772100 Channenahalli 16 1 15 15 14
02772200 Naralapurn 4 3 I 2 I 2 2
02772300 Kirangoor 3 3 2 2 1
02772400 Lingapum 8 7 7 6
02772500 Rajivagrnma
02772600 Muthur 64 28 36 18 IO 8 44 17 27
02772700 Magali 11 9 2 10 8 2


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
9 4 5 2,278 859 1,419 Makodu 02767000
227 92 135 Malaganakere 02767100
541 189 352 M. Settihalli 02767200
330 145 185 Kalkere 02767300
5 5 471 188 283 Dorekere 02767400
4 3 I 700 301 399 Aithanahalli 02767500
II 9. 2 476 193 283 Seeguru 02767600
4 4 251 113 138 Hitnahalli 02767700
35 20 15 Manchedevanahalli 02767800
3 3 806 314 492 R.Thunga 02767900
7 7 730 248 482 Doddabyalalu 02768000
II 11 485 173 312 lavanikuppe . 02768100
3 2 694 308 386 Makanahalli 02768200
135 70 65 Chikkabyalalu 02768300
2 2 700 306 394 Sundavalu 02768400
14 13 642 186 456 Aswalu 02768500
286 128 158 Sanyasipura 02768600
4 i 2 40 17 23 1,378 593 785 Hitnehebbagilu 02768700
29 12 17 Avarekaiguddadakaval 02768800
374 169 205 Telaginakuppe 02768900
175 80 95 K Haralahalli 02769000
114 39 75 Neralakuppe 02769100
79 35 44 Senabinakuppe 02769200
3 2 734 287 447 Kandegala 02769300
5 I 4 349 145 204 G.Basavanahalli '02769400
3 3 494 205 289 Hemmige 02769500
18 6 12 Kodihalli.KG 02769600
3 3 35 2 33 517 195 322 Kaggundi 02769700
94 31 63 Dodda Vaddarakere 02769800
147 56 91 Chikkavaddarakere 02769900
383 113 270 Mellahalli 02770000
4 4 741 275 466 Kiranalli 02770100
3 2 648 247 401 Basalapura 02770200'
6 4 2 73 58 15 2,615 865 1,750 Kampalapura 02770300
5 2 3 439 205 234 Borehosahalli 02770400
748 358 390 Naviloor 02770500
2 19 17 2 1,676 521 1.155 A1anahalli 02770600
365 154 211 Mallchedevanahalli 02770700
4 3 10 7 3 337 151 186 Kundanahalli 02770800
253 76 177 Mallinathapura 02770900
575 244 331 Hunasavadi 02771000
12 6 6 Kamanahalli 02771100
555 210 345 Boothanahalli 02771200
65 35 30 Koralahosahalli 02771300
-----------Un-inhabiled----- Lingapura Forest 02771400
3 I 2 500 206 294 Ayarabeedu. 02771500
184 94 90 Bemmathi 02771600
247 94 153 Dapura . 02771700
269 116 153 Belathur 02771800
2 511 179 332 Chittenahalli 02771900
268 102 166 Chowdenahalli 02772000
433 181 252 Channenahalli 02772100
, 533 180 353 Naralapura 02772200
301 107 194 Kirangoor 02772300
233 71 162 Lingapura 02772400
453 169 284 Rajivagrama 02772500
2 906 401 505 MUlhur 02772600
464 156 308 Magali 02772700


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of I! ol!ulation) age-groul! 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02772800 Halcpetekantapura 185.0 42 212 113 99 21 10 II
02772900 Haruvemallarajapatna 360.0 150 677 343 334 97 57 40
02773000 Piriyapatna (Rural) 119.0 85 514 252 262 67 34 33
02773100 Thimakapura 269.0 167 770 380 390 91 45 46
02773200 Begur 229.0 69 367 179 188 48 22 26
02773300 Kalcthimmanahalli 371.0 36 179 90 89 27 II 16
02773400 Sulagodu 218.0 75 350 172 178 58 26 32
02773500 Kogilavadi 282.0 136 605 309 296 79 43 36
02773600 Chowthi 408.0 233 1,134 575 559 130 65 65
02773700 Habntoor 710.0 395 1,937 959 978 240 126 114
02773800 Ankanahalli 283.0 259 1,553 779 774 211 103 108
02773900 Rajapura 226.0 116 569 302 267 74 38 36
02774000 Abbur 272.0 158 853 44& 405 85 42 43
02774100 Tatanahalli 270.0 145 764 396 368 94 46 48
02774200 Harilapura 398.0 116 669 339 330 97 52 45
02774300 Hunasekuppe 230.0 139 685 346 339 64 32 32
02774400 Ichanahalli 328.0 20 110 60 50 10 5 5
02774500 Mummadikaval 464.0 150 677 346 331 101 54 47
02774600 Laxmipura 395.0 137 697 350 347 65 37 28
02774700 Anechowkur Forest 3,154.0 5 9 7 2
02774800 Abbalathi 350.0 150 606 298 308 92 38 54
02774900 Malangi 518.0 283 1,298 653 645 181 100 81
02775000 Chowkur 320.0 144 625 315 310 91 44 47
02775100 Halasoor 85.0 5 17 10 7 4 2 2
02775200 Sathyagalakaval 330.0 125 667 340 327 107 53 54
02775300 Sathyagala 507.0 292 1,535 779 756 174 88 86
02775400 Bel-.-ya 290.0 176 781 398 383 90 42 48
02775500 Ittagalli 233.0 129 738 363 375 126 58 68
02775600 Panchavalli 400.0 371 1,843 942 901 268 153 115
02775700 Uthenahalli 726.0 332 1,725 854 871 270 131 139
02775800 Alalur 549.0 113 519 263 256 72 36 36
02775900 Muddanahalli * 281.0 ------------Un-inhabited--------------
02776000 Kachuvanahalli Jungle 1,832.0 --------Un-inhabited - ----



Scheduled Castes I!oI!uation Scheduled Tribes I!oI!ulation Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
31 20 II 10 6 4 119 73 46 Halepetekantapurn
109 54 55 61 33 28 - 382 220 162 Haravemallarajapatna
308 160 148 Piriyapatna (Rural)
151 80 71 29 12 17 429 248 181 Thimakapura
223 116 107 170 85 85 Begur
8 4 4 9 6 3 124 69 55 Kalethimmanahalli
46 20 26 164 97 67 Sulagodu
148 74 74 332 192 140 Kogilavadi
285 134 151 358 190 168 590 350 240 Chowthi
371 186 185 242 121 121 989 562 427 Habatoor
212 103 109 958 529 429 Ankanahalli
26 14 12 400 220 180 Rajapura
353 194 159 119 66 53 533 314 219 Abbur
356 187 169 3 2 361 220 141 Tatanahalli
303 150 153 1 1 302 183 119 Hari1apura
93 51 42 7 3 4 333 198 135 Hunasekuppe
11 8 3 7 4 -3 79 46 33 Ichanahalli
446 236 210 4 2 2 246 140 106 Mummadikaval
34 19 15 240 123 117 392 212 180 Laxmipura
4 3 5 5 Anechowkur Forest
12 5 7 343 172 171 289 161 128 Abbalathi
87 41 46 464 240 224 578 333 245 Ma1angi
118 64 54 32 21 11 257_ 139 118 Chowkur
5 4 1 Ha1asoor
564 291 273 202 125 77 Sathyagalakaval
423 213 210 777 469 308 Sathyagala
151 92 59 372 229 143 Bekya
137 70 67 17 8 9 193 123 70 Ittagalli
438 213 225 17 9 8 912 520 392 Panchavalli
186 94 92 187 99 88 735 441 294 Uthenahalli
256 129 127 15 7 8 318 184 134 A1a1ur
--------Un-inhabited------------- Muddanahalli*
---------Un-inhabited---------- Kachuvanahalli Jungle


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
Iluluber Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02772800 Halepetekantapura 93 40 53 74 59 15 72 59 13
02772900 Haravemallarajapatna 295 123 172 351 219 132 322 214 108
02773000 Piriyapatna (Rural) 206 92 114 187 155 32 181 150 31
02773100 Thimakapura 341 132 209 432 235 197 366 213 153
02773200 Begur 197 94 103 181 114 67 118 93 25
02773300 Kalethimmanahalli 55 21 34 103 63 40 71 49 22
02773400 Sulagodu 186 75 III 166 106 60 162 105 57
02773500 Kogilavadi 273 117 156 324 207 117 324 207 117
02773600 Chowthi 544 225 319 664 374 290 629 366 263
02773700 Habatoor 948 397 551 1,184 648 536 1,170 641 529
02773800 An\mnahalli 595 250 345 760 469 291 707 451 256
02773900 Rajapilra 169 82 87 212 174 38 210 174 36
02774000 Abbur 320 134 186 314 258 56 296 249 47
02774100 Tatanahalli 403 176 227 361 227 134 358 225 133
02774200 Harilapura 367 156 211 199 195 4 199 195 4
02774300 Huoasekuppe 352 148 204 359 2II 148 356 209 147
02774400 Ichanahalli 31 14 17 53 34 19 53 34 19
02774500 Mummadikaval 431 206 225 321 216 '105 224 210 14
02774600 Laxmipura 305 138 167 374 230 144 374 230 144
02774700 Anechowkur Forest 4 2 2 5 5 5 5
02774800 Abbalathi 317 137 180 407 207 200 362 204 158
02774900 Malangi 720 320 400 661 381 280 398 363 35
02775000' Chowkur 368 176 192 344 185 159 294 170 124
02775100 Halasoor 12 6 6 11 6 5 II 6 5
02775200 Sathyaga1akava1 465 215 250 327 190 137 322 189 133
02775300 Sathyagala 758 310 448 983 533 450 980 531 449
02775400 Bekya 409 169 240 349 259 90 297 255 42
02775500 Ittagalli 545 240 305 422 219 203 298 200 98
02775600 Paochavalli 931 422 509 968 572 396 766 521 245
02775700 Uthenahalli 990 413 577 905 505 400 748 459 289
02775800 Alalur 201 79 122 273 146 127 170 142 28
02775900 Muddanahalli * -----------Un-inhabited------------
02776000 Kachuvanahalli Jungle -------Un-inhabited---------



Industrial category of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agriculturallabonrers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
'29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
23 23 16 9 7 4 4 29 23 6 Halepetekantapurn
154 98 56 85 41 44 83 75 8 Harnvemallarnjapatna
96 79 17 77 65 12 8 6 2 Piriyapatna (Rural)
255 147 108 31 12 19 55 34 21 25 20 5 Thimakapurn
34 31 3 56 39 17 4 4 24 19 5 Begur
43 39 4 28 10 18 Kalethimmanahalli
84 73 11 58 18 40 4 3 16 II 5 Sulagodu
177 121 56 117 62 55 3 3 27 21 6 Kogilavadi
470 277 193 155 85 70 4 4 ,Chowthi
744 429 315 371 167 204 12 8 4 43 37 6 Habatoor
522 320 202 92 51 41 4 2 2 89 78 II Ankanahalli
40 33 7 I 1 169 140 29 Rajapurn
153 127 26 5 3 2 137 118 19 Abbur
275 164 111 33 18 15 2 48 42 6 Tatanahalli
171 169 2 15 13 2 13 13 Harilapura
280 159 121 54 36 18 7 5 2 15 9 6 Hunasekuppe
42 26 16 8 5 3 2 2 Ichanahalli
126 121 5 80 74 6 2 2 16 13 3 Mummadikaval
268 168 100 94 51 43 II 10 Laxmipura
4 4 Anechowkur Forest
176 105 71 167 89 78 5 5 14 5 ,9 Abbalathi
315 296 19 62 50 12 20 17 3 Malangi
170 100 70 27 15 12 96 55 41 Chowkur
4 2 2 7 4 3 Halasoor
204 128 76 2 I 5 3 2 III 57 54 Sathyagalakaval
862 471 391 110 55 55 2 2 6 3 3 Sathyagala
227 204 23 58 40 18 11 10 Bekya
232 157 75 54 31 23 4 4 8 8 Ittagalli
396 265 131 143 71 72 226 185 41 Panchavalli
451 303 148 264 127 137 3 2 30 27 3 Uthenahalli
140 117 23 7 5 2 . 23 20 3 Alalur
----------Un-inhabited----- Muddanahalli'
----------Un-inhabited----- Kachuvanahalli Jungle


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02772800 Halepetekantapura 2 2
02772900 Haravemallarajapatna 29 5 24 9 2 7 15 2 13
02773000 Piriyapatna (Rural) 6 5 1 2 I 1
02773100 Thimakapura 66 22 44 4 3 46 15 31
02773200 Begur 63 21 42 54 17 37
02773300 Kalethimmanahalli 32 14 18 4 4 28 10 18
02773400 Sulagodu 4 3 3 3
02773500 Kogilavadi
02773600 Chowthi 35 8 27 33 8 25 2 2
02773700 Habatoor 14 7 7 9 6 3 5 1 4
02773800 Ankanahalli 53 18 35 14 14 23 9 14
02773900 Rajapura 2 2 I
02774000 Abbur 18 9 9
02774100 Tatanahalli 3 2 3 2
02774200 Harilapura
02774300 Hunasekuppe 3 2 2 2
02774400 1chanahalli
02774500 Mummadikaval 97 6 91 13 12 84 5 79
02774600 L..axnlipura
02774700 Anechowkur Forest
02774800 Abbalathi 45 3 42 23 I 22 15 2 13
02774900 Malangi 263 18 245 122 7 115 136 10 126
02775000 Chowkur 50 15 35 13 13
02775100 Halasoor
02775200 Sathyagalakaval 5 4
02775300 Sathyagala 3 2 I 3 2
02775400 Bekya 52 4 48 2 I 47 3 44
02775500 Ittagalli 124 19 105 86 15 71 38 4 34
02775600 Panchavalli 202 51 151 147 39 108 53 10 43
02775700 Uthcnahalli 157 46 111 140 39 101 16 7 9
02775800 Alalur 103 4 . 99 II 11 91 4 87
02775900 Muddanahalli * -----------Un-inhabited-----------
02776000 Kachuvanahalli Jungle ------Un-inhabited-- --


of marginal workers
Household industry lVorkers Other lVorkers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
138 54 84 Halepetekantapura 02772800
5 I 4 326 124 202 Haravemallarajapatna 02772900
4 4 327 97 230 Piriyapatna (Rural) 02773000
II 2 9 5 4 338 145 193 Thimakapura 02773100
2 7 3 4 186 65 121 Begur 02773200
76 27 49 Kalethimmanahalli 02773300
184 66 118 Sulagodu 02773400
281 102 179 Kogilavarli 02773500
470 201 269 Chowthi 02773600
753 311 442 Habatoor 02773700
3 13 9 4 793 310 483 Ankanahalli 02773800
I 357 128 229 Rajapura 02773900
17 9 8 539 190 349 Abbur 02774000
403 169 234 Tatanahalli 02774100
470 144 326 Harilapura 02774200
326 135 191 Hunasekuppe 02774300
57 26 31 Ichanahalli 02774400
356 130 226 Mummadikaval 02774500
323 120 203 Laxmipura 02774600
4 2 2 Anechowkur Forest 02774700
7 7 199 91 108 Abbalathi 02774800
5 4 637 272 365 Malangi 02774900
36 15 21 281 130 151 Chowkur 02775000
6 4 2 Halasoor 02775100
5 4 340 150 190 Sathyagalakaval 02775200
552 246 306 Sathyagala 02775300
2 2 432 139 293 Bekya 02775400
316 144 172 Ittagalli 02775500
2 2 875 370 505 Panchavalli 02775600
I 820 349 471 Uthenahalli 02775700
246 117 129 Alalur 02775800
-------Un-inhabited---------- Muddanahalli * 02775900
------Un-inhabited------- Kachuvanahalli Jungle 02776000


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of. institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16

0002 Hunsur (Total) 43,184 210,026 107,049 102,977 27,535 13,977 13,558
0002 Hunsur (Rur"l) 43,184 210,026 107,049 102,977 27,535 13,977 13,558
0002 Hunsur (Urban)
Hunsur (Rural)
02776100 Ramenahalli 702.0 353 1,831 947 884 197 85 112
02776200 Harave 791.0 422 2,222 1.139 1,083 274 141 133
02776300 Mamr 998.0 350 1,940 990 950 250 122 128
02776400 Hirikyathanahalli 375.0 532 2,762 1,399 1,363 388 192 196
02776500 Sheerenahalli 420.0 229 1,291 656 635 160 80 80
02776600 Manchabayanahalli 496.0 311 1,664 875 789 238 129 109
02776700 Jabagere 565.0 559 2,715 1,367 1,348 371 175 196
02776800 Chikkadiganahalli 186.0 125 561 279 282 67 37 30
02776900 Keriyuru 456.0 163 856 441 415 117 63 54
02777000 Machabayanahalli 396.0 181 846 433 413 98 44 54
02777100 Mullum 306.0 324 1,442 749 693 148 78 70
02777200 Hulyalu 221.0 176 776 382 394 100 55 45
02777300 Gavadagere 383.0 716 3,215 1,603 1,612 396 194 202
02777400 Manuganahalli 243.0 40 178 86 92 15 7 8
02777500 Mylamburu 312.0 169 880 445 435 156 78 78
02777600 Honnenahalli 236.0 45 197 97 100 30 14 16
02777700 Marurkaval 333.0 28 143 72 71 14 6 8
02777800 Chittikyathanahalli 143.0 147 748 393 355 88 50 38
02777900 Mullur 202.0 ------------Un-inhabited----------
02778000 Moduru 743.0 448 2,323 1,173 1,150 330 163 167
02778100 Modursannena Hallikaval 249.0 ------------Un-inhabited----------
02778200 Sannenahalli 226.0 73 408 229 179 66 40 26
02778300 Thippalapura 164.0 168 863 439 424 103 57 46
02778400 Madapura 196.0 ------------Un-inhabited-------
02778500 Belthur 306.0 12 70 37 33 9 4 5
02778600 Kattemalalavadi 912.0 1,051 5,451 2,734 2,717 767 360 407
02778700 Agrahara 315.0 164 799 393 406 91 48 43
02778800 Hodakekattekaval 228.0 7 32 17 15 3 2
02778900 Biligere 373.0 205 1,100 572 528 132 75 57
02779000 Maragowdanahalli 250.0 153 806 410 396 114 54 60
02779100 Pinnikyathanahalli 224.0 2 15 7 8 3 2 I
02779200 Undavadi 329.0 183 733 380 353 90 46 44
02779300 Hejjodlu 110.0 83 395 188 207 35 18 17
02779400 Attiguppe 374.0 163 818 391 427 102 52 50
02779500 Krishnapura 697.0 234 1,177 590 587 166 84 82
02779600 Siriyuru 226.0 121 655 332 323 77 36 41
02719700 Siriyuruna1a 333.0 I 2
02779800 Habbanakuppc 416.0 230 1,209 603 606 145 68 77
02779900 Lalanakere 224.0 ----------Un-inhabited------
02780000 Chilkundakaval 228.0 . 65 337 167 170 41 18 23
02780100 Yamagumbha 661.0 322 1,689 856 833 221 112 109'
02780200 Kothegala 775.0 358 1,772 882 890 206 104 102
02780300 Atthikuppe 528.0 252 1,201 617 584 151 86 65
02780400 Chilkunda 1,047.0 572 2.950 1,554 1,396 388 200 188
02780500 Kanagal 255.0 175 992 516 476 130 70 60
02780600 Hulaganahalli 195.0 8 57 29 28 9 6 3
02780700 Vadlimanuganahalli 292.0 56 332 169 163 48 30 18
02780800 Harinahalli 283.0 206 948 467 481 123 57 66
02780900 Muthurayana Hosahalli 222.0 263 1,451 719 732 201 103 98
02781000 Kallahalli 595.0 212 1,094 538 556 134 64 70
0278 I 100 Tammadahalli 514.0 270 1,148 581 567 172 93 79
02781 ioo Naganahalli 174.0 79 382 203 179 53 24 29
0278 1300 Nilavagilukaval 123.0 36 182 103 79 19 10 9
02781400 Adiganahalli 363.0 104 494 246 248 40 21 19



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
39,106 19,883 19,223 35,801 18,224 ]7,577 98,232 59,631 38,601 Hunsur (Total)
39,]06 19,883 19,223 35,801 18,224 ]7,577 98,232 59,631 38,601 Hunsur (Rural)
Hunsur (Urban)
Hunsur (Rural)
52 34 18 525 271 254 1,054 648 406 RamenahaIli
165 75 90 818 405 413 1,181 718 463 Harave
227 111 116 542 291 251 858 528 330 ManlT
220 118 102 533 284 249 1,492 890 602 Hirikyathanahalli
140 64 76 209 103 106 562 340 222 Sheerenahalli
127 72 55 1,064 560 504 678 451 227 ManchabayanahaIli
153 81 72 898 461 437 1,258 851 407 Jabagere
244 119 125 341 186 155 Chikkadiganahalli
178 89 89 189 93 96 430 272 158 Keriyuru
179 96 83 331 166 165 480 306 174 Machabayanahalli
399 202 197 24 13 II ],049 611 438 Mullum
364 182 182. 330 179 ]5] Hulyalu
204 102 102 1,547 769 778 1,770 1,057 713 Gavadagcrc
134 75 59 ManuganahaIli
127 63 64 369 245 124 Mylamburu
6 4 2 53 25 28 102 55 47 Honnenahalli
6 4 2 109 63 46 Marurkaval
273 149 124 398 254 144 Chittikyathanahalli
-------Un-inhabited---------. Mullur
81 40 41 349 163 186 932 590 342 Modum
---------Un-inhabited------- Modursannena Hallikaval
126 71 55 134 88 46 Sannenahalli
252 124 128 425 263 162 Thippalapura
----------Un-inhabited--------- Madapura
4 3 50 30 20 Belthur
2,459 1,257 1,202 689 348 341 2,777 1,614 1,163 Kattemalalavadi
252 126 126 9 4 5 344 204 140 Agrahara
16 9 7 Hodakekattekaval
205 95 110 13 7 6 446 276 170 Biligere
432 280 152 Maragowdanahalli
8 4 4 Pinnikyathanahalli
101 53 48 404 255 149 Undavadi
91 42 49 207 124 83 Hejjodlu
63 29 34 439 242 197 Attiguppe
292 144 148 604 374 230 Krishnapura
145 80 65 3 2 352 219· 133 Siriyuru
2 ·2 Siriyurunala
III 57 54 13 7 6 748 428 320 Habbanakuppe
-------Un-inhabited------ Lalanakere
334 165 169 173 104 69 Chilkundakaval
303 149 154 89 50 39 656 412 244 Yamagumbha
166 79 87 202 103 99 955 566 389 Kothegala
514 254 260 575 345 230 Atthikuppe
381 320 80 43 37 1,719 1,022 697 Chilkunda
7 6 298 145 153 502 337 165 Kanagal
18 II 7 Hulaganahalli
164 76 88 148 91 57 VadlimanuganahaJli
90 180 86 94 495 295 200 Harinahalli
180 90
105 95 465 239 226 639 390 249 Muthurayana Hosahalli
97 96 596 337 259 Kallahalli
93 641 324 317 489 330 159 Tammadahalli
192 99
92 193 124 69 NaganahaIli
200 108
5 4 137 86 51 Nilavagilukaval
93 80 280 157 123 Adiganahalli'


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

0002 Hunsur (Total) 111,794 47,418 64,376 120,440 68,116 52,324 86,546 58,848 27,698
()002 Hunsur (Rural) 111,794 47,418 64,376 12(),440 68,116 52,324 86,546 58,848 27,698
0002 Hunsur (Urban)
Hunsur (Rural)
02776100 Ramenahalli 777 299 478 1,151 649 502 833 604 229
02776200 Harave 1,041 421 620 1,466 786 680 1,158 724 434
02776300 Marur 1,082 462 620 1,068 534 534 683 501 182
02776400 Hirikyathanahalli 1,270 509 761 1,789 951 838 1,426 858 568
02776500 Sheerenahalli 729 316 413 772 439 333 541 418 123
02776600 Manchabayanahalli 986 424 562 896 510 386 473 446 27
02776700 Jabagere 1.457 516 941 1,651 877 774 1,523 831 692
02776800 Chikkadiganahalli 220 93 127 258 173 85 160 142 18
02776900 Keriyuru 426 169 257 570 304 266 410 280 130
02777000 Machabayanahalli 366 127 239 560 294 266 344 279 65
02777100 Mulluru 393 138 255 981 531 450 271 194 77
02777200 Hulyalu 446 203 243 450 263 187 206 131 75
02777300 Gavadagere 1,445 546 899 1,525 973 552 966 749 217
02777400 Manuganahalli 44 II 33 94 58 36 52 49 3
02777500 Mylamburu 511 200 311 626 316 310 464 259 205
02777600 HonnenahaIli 95 42 53 133 69 64 133 69 64
02777700 Marurkaval 34 9 25 89 49 40 89 49 40
027.77800 Chittikyathanahalli 350 139 211 501 299 202 330 230 150
02777900 Mullur -----------Un-inhabited------
02778000 Moduru 1,391 583 808 1,460 739 721 1,191 658 533
02778100 Modursannena Hallikaval ------------Un-inhabited---------
02778200 Sannenahalli 274 141 133 171 128 43 107 102 5
02778300 Thippalapura 438 176 262 507 315 192 207 205 2
02778400 Madapum -------------Un-inhabitcd-----------
02778500 Belthur 20 7 13 47 29 18 30 25 5
02778600 Kattemalalavadi 2.674 1,120 1,554 2,833 1,610 1,223 1,702 1,343 359
02778700 Agrahara 455 189 266 452 246 206 236 233 3
02778800 Hodakekattekaval 16 8 8 22 12 10 20 II 9
02778900 Biligere 654 296 358 604 352 252 324 313 II
02779000 Maragowdanahalli 374 130 244 511 268 243 269 249 20
02779100 Pinnikyathanahalli 7 3 4 11 5 6 8 5 3
02779200 Undavadi 329 125 204 263 259 4 260 259 1
02779300 Hejjodlu 188 64 124 252 120 132 120 106 14
02779400 Attiguppe 379 149 230 530 269 261 327 232 ,95
02779500 Krishnapum 573 216 357 712 412 300 540 371 169
02779600 Siriyuru 303 113 190 426 225 201 419 223 196
02779700 Siriyurunala I. 1 2 1 I
02779800. Habbanakuppe 461 175 286 808 439 369 509 395 114
02779900 Lalanakere -----------Un-inhabited---------
02780000 Chilkundakaval 164 63 101 246 129 117 145 101 44
02780100 Yamagurnbba 1,033 444 589 1,048 568 480 626 520 106
02780200 Kothegala 817 316 501 1,014 552 462 790 537 253
02180300 Atthikuppe 626 272 354 776 410 366 484 382 102
02780400 Chilkunda 1,231 532 699 1,550 941 609 1,038 842 196
02780500 Kanagal 490 179 311 685 355 330 315 305 10
02780600 HulaganahaJli 39 18 21 36 17 19 16 16
02780700 Vadlimanuganahalli 184 78 106 202 103 99 101 101
02780800 Harinahalli 453 172 281 655 331 324 454 307 147
02780900 Muthumyana Hosahalli 812 329 483 655 433 222 447 431 16
02781000 Kallahalli 498 201 297 786 402 384 366 360 6
02781100 Tammadahalli 659 251 408 629 345 284 594 341 253
02781200 Naganahalli 189 79 110 206 112 94 206 112 94
02781300 Nilavagilukaval 45 17 28 101 69 32 101 69 32
02781400 Adiganahalli 214 89 125 265 142 123 161 141 20


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
62,761 43,518 19,243 14,009 7,630 6,379 733 528 205 9,043 7,172 1,871 Hunsur (Total)
62,761 43,518 19,243 14,009 7,630 6,379 733 528 205 9,043 7,172 1,871 Hunsur (Rural)
Hunsur (Urban)
Hunsur (Rural)
779 563 216 8 2 6 15 12 3 31 27 4 Rarnenahalli
1,085 675 410 46 27 19 10 6 4 17 16 ,I Harave
586 442 144 46 24 22 6 2 4 45 33 12 Marnr
1,314 792 522 63 27 36 48 39 9 Hirikyathanaha11i
461 341 120 62 59 3 5 5 13 13 Sheerenahalli
382 378 4 58 40 18 33 28 5 Manchabayanahalli
1,345 716 629 114 59 55 25 24 39 32 7 Jabagere
101 97 4 3 3 56 42 14 Chikkadiganahalli
355 245 110 37 17 20 2 2 16 16 Keriyurn
257 218 39 73 50 23 1 13 10 3 Machabayanahalli
194 123 71 55 54 1 3 2 19 15 4 Mulluru
173 108 65 9 3 6 24 20 4 Hu1yalu
481 407 74 211 115 96 4 3 270 224 46 Gavadagere
34 34 2 2 16 13 3 Manuganahalli
375 211 164 83 42 41 5 5 My1amburu
133 69 64 Honnenahalli
87 47 40 2 2 Marurkaval
361 219 142 7 6 11 9 2 Chittikyathanahalli
----------Un-inbabited---------- Mullur
1,127 611 516 29 15 14 7 5 2 28 27 Moduru
-----------Un-inhabitcd---------- Modursannena Hallikava1
102 97 5 1 4 4 Sannenahalli
196 194 2 3 3 7 7 Thippalapura
----,-Un-inhabited------ Madapura
9 6 3 3 3 18 16 2 Belthur
846 733 113 371 194 177 23 2 21 462 414 48 Katternala1avadi
212 211 10 8 2 14 14 Agrahara
20 11 9 Hodakekattekaval
247 240 7 40 38 2 4, 4 33 31 2 Biligere
251 231 20 4 4 14 14 Maragowdanahalli
7 5 2 Pinnikyathanahalli
255 254 2 2 3 3 Undavadi
83 80 3 29 19 10 8 7 Hejjodlu
269 189 80 25 17 8 33 26 7 Attiguppe
248 180 68 203 117 86 9 6 3 80 68 12 Krisbnapura
231 116 115 135 66 69 20 17 3 33 24 9 Siriyuru'
1 Siriyurunala
362 99 32 17 15 15 15 Habbanakuppe
----Un-inhabited----------- lalanakere
130 87 43 15 14 1 Chilkundakaval
550 458 92 10 5 5 65 56 9 Yarnagumbha
729 487 242 13 8 5 1 1 47 41 6 Kothegala
367 289 78 101 ,77 24 8 8 8 8 Atthikuppe
769 621 148 98 79 19 35 27 8 136 115 21 Chilkunda
275 267 8 36 35 4 3 Kanagal
16 16 -'
1 1 Vadlimanuganahalli
100 100
247 89 92 35 57 14 14 12 II Harinahalli
417 13 11 10 6 4 2 Muthurayana Hosahalli
327 3 16 14 2 7 7 13 12 1 Kal1ahalli
106 94 12 430 195 235 58 52 6 Tammadahalli
100 54 46 7 7 Naganahalli
98 51 47
4 2 37 33 4 Nilavagilukaval
58 32 26 6
13 5 8 5 3 2 Adigaoahalli
143 133 10


CD Block-

Industrial catcgorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name or Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 4] 42 43 ·44 45 46 47 48 49
0002 Hunsur (Total) 33,894 9,268 24,626 13,494 2,685 10,809 17,]48 5,058 12,090
0002 Hunsur (Rural) 33,894 9,268 24,626 13,494 2,685 10,809 17,148 5,058 12,090
0002 Hunsur (Urban)
Hunsur (Rural)
02776100 Ramenahalli 318 45 273 287 35 252 31 10 21
02776200 Harave 308 62 246 256 42 214 52 20 32
02776300 Marnr 385 33 352 13 I 12 97 22 75
02776400 Hirikyathanahalli 363 93 270 204 24 180 110 53 57
02776500 Sheercnahalli 231 21 210 96 9 87 135 12 123
02776600 Manchabayanahalli 423 64 359 160 24 136 239 30 209
02776700 labagere 128 46 82 66 19 47 57 27 30
02776800 Chikkadiganahalli 98 31 67 92 26 66
02776900 Keriyuru 160 24 136 3 3 153 20 133
02777000 Machabayanahalli 216 15 201 8 7 208 14 194
02777100 Mulluru 710 337 373 59 31 28 644 303 341
02777200 Hulyalu 244 132 112 240 129 III
02777300 Gavadagere 559 224 335 154 51 103 328 124 204
02777400 Manuganahalli 42 9 33 37 7 30 4 I 3
02777500 Mylamburu 162 57 105 101 40 61 60 16 44
02777600 Honnenahalli
02777700 Marurkaval
02777800 Chittikyathanahalli 121 69 52 98 55 43 9 8
02777900 Mullur -------Un-inhabited-----~----
02778000 Moduru· 269 81 188 194 63 131 73 18 55
02778100 Modursannena Hallikaval --------Un-inhahited------------
02778200 Sannenahalli 64 26 38 60 25 35 2
02778300 Thippalapura 300 110 190 280 101 179 18 7 11
02778400 Madapura ----------Un-inhabited------------
02778500 Belthur 17 4 13 15 4 11 2 2
02778600 Kattemalalavadi 1,131 267 864 541 161 380 479 65 414
02778700 Agrahara 216 13 203 194 9 185 19 4 15
02778800 Hodakekattekuval 2 I 2 1 1
02778900 Biligere 280 39 241 101 16 85 177 22 155
02779000 Maragowdanahalli 242 19 223 29 9 20 212 10 202
02779100 Pinnikyathanahalli 3 3 2 2
02779200 Undavadi 3 3 2 2
02779300 Hejjodlu 132 14 118 55 7 48 76 7 69
02779400 Attiguppc 203 37 166 151 31 120 48 4 44
02779500 Krishnapura 172 41 131 129 24 105 37 12 25
02779600 Siriyurn 7 2 5 2 2 4 2 2
02779700 Siriyurunala I I
02779800 Habbanakuppe 299 44 255 277 41 236 17 2 15
02779900 Lalanakere --------Un-inhabited------_
02780000 Chilkundakaval 101 28 73 30 9 21 71 19 52
02780100 I Yamagumbha 422 48 374 410 46 364 6 I 5
02780200 Kothegala 224 15 209 110 9 101 III 5 106
02780300 Atthikuppe 292 28 264 24 5 19 259 23 236
02780400 Chilkunda 512 99 413 172 10 162 336 88 248
02780500 Kanagal 370 50 320 125 5 120 208 21 187
02780600 Hulaganahalli 20· I 19 18 17
02780700 VadJimanuganahalli 101 2 99 101 2 99
02780800 Harinahalli 201 24 177 171 16 155 30 8 22
02780900 Muthurayana Hosahalli 208 2 206 152 151 56 I 55
02781000 Kallahalli 420 42 378 380 34 346 30 7 23
02781100 Tammadahalli 35 4 31 5 4 30 3 27
02781200 Naganahalli
02781300 NiJavagiJukavaJ
02781400 Adiganahalli 104 103 103 102


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 S6 57 58 2

399 77 322 2,853 1,448 ].405 89,586 38,933 50,653 Hunsur (Total) 0002
399 77 322 2,853 1,448 ],405 89,586 38,933 50,653 Hunsur (Rural) 0002
Hunsur (Urban) 0002
Hunsur (Rural)
680 298 382 Ramenahalli 02776100
756 353 403 Harave 02776200
12 11 263 9 254 872 456 416 Marur 02776300
49 16 33 973 448 525 Hirikyathanahalli 02776400
519 217 302 Sheerenahalli 02776500
1 I 23 10 13 768 365 403 Manchabayanahalli 02776600
2 2 3 3 1,064 490 574 Jabagere 02776700
4 4 303 106 197 Chikkadiganahalli 02776800
4 4 286 137 149 Keriyuru 02776900
286 139 147 Machabayanahalli 02777000
4 3 3 2 461 218 243 Mulluru 02777100
.1 2 2 326 119 207 Hulyalu 02777200
12 II 65 48 17 1,690 630 1,060 Gavadagere 02777300
1 84 28 56 Manuganahalli 02777400
254 129 125 Mylamburu 02777500
64 28 36 Honnenahalli 02777600
54 23 31 Marurkaval 02777700
14 13 247 94 153 Chittikyathanahalli 02777800
-----------Un-inhabited------------- Mullur 02777900
] I 86.3 434 429 Moduru 02778000
-------Un-inhabited------- Modursannena Hallikaval 02778100
2 2 237 JOJ 136 Sannenahalli 02778200
2 2 356 124 232 Thippalapura 02778300
------------Un-inhabited------------ Madapura 02778400
23 8 15 Belthur 02778500
26 26 85 41 44 2,618 1,124 1,494 Kattemalalavadi 02778600
3 3 347 147 200 Agrahara 02778700
10 5 5 Hodakekattekaval 02778800
2 496 220 276 Biligere 02778900
295 142 153 Maragowdanahalli 02779000
4 2 2 Pinnikyathanahalli 02779100
470 121 349 Undavadi 02779200
143 68 75 Hejjodlu 02779300
3 2 288 122 166 Attiguppe 02779400
2 4 4 465 178 287 Krishnapura 02779500
229 107 122 Siriyuru 02779600
1 1 Siriyurunala 02779700
. 3 2 2 2 401 164 237 Habbanakuppe 02779800
------Un-inhabited----------- lalanakere 02779900·
91 38 53 Chilkundakaval 02780000
5 4 641 288 353 Yamagumbba 02780100
3 2 758 330 428 Kotbegala· 02780200
9 9 425 207 2 I 8 Atthikuppe 02780300
3 2 1,400 613 787 Chilkunda 02780400
36 24 12 307 161 146 Kanagal 02780500
2 2 21 12 9 Hulaganahalli 02780600
130 66 64 Vadlimanuganaballi 02780700
293 136 157 Harinaballi 02780800
796 286 510 Muthurayana Hosahalli 02780900
308 136 172 Kallahalli 02781000
10 9
519 236 283 Tammadahalli 02781100
176 91 85 Naganahalli 02781200
81 34 47 Nilavagilukaval 02781300
229 104 125 Adiganahalli 02781400


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location A~ea of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02781500 Kallahallikaval 17.0 29 141 70 71 18 5 13
0278 I 600 AngatahaUi 275.0 78 444 218 226 50 21 29
02781700 Ramenahalli 165.0 195 873 441 432 109 57 52
02781800 Cheonasoge 216.0 171 806 402 404 89 44 45
02781900 Hosakote 408.0 138 704 374 330 80 40 40
02782000 Thattckcre 506.0 306 1,416 702 714 148 75 73
02782 I 00 Hunasegala 403.0 147 712 349 363 76 37 39
02782200 Muthurayana Hosahalli 1,048.0 132 723 383 340 131 75 56
02782300 Kamakuppe 486.0 187 1,002 510 492 142 75 67
02782400 Beerathammanahalli 351.0 127 763 398 365 Ill) 57 62
02782500 Hemmige 519.0 317 1,539 769 770 268 145 123
02782600 Hyrige 714.0 212 1,128 586 542 139 66 73
02782700 Honnt:nahalli 326.0 121 545 278 267 64 33 31
02782800 Vaddambalu 318.0 147 754 400 354 106 60 46
02782900 Heggandur. 338.0 283 1,427 728 699 181 104 77
02783000 Kamegowdanahalli 294.0 261 1,441 736 705 21 I 10"1 110
02783100 Gowdikere 457.0 34 204 106 98 33 12 21
02783200 H.Boreroppadakaval 783.0 268 1,373 704 669 233 124 109
02783300 Kademanuganahalli 626.0 314 1,548 788 760 189 107 82
02783400 Uduvepura 601.0 136 655 350 305 100 55 45
02783500 Kallaboochahalli 223.0 83 459 239 220 68 37 31
02783600 SettahaIIi 438.0 82 348 167 181 52 25 27
02783700 Hanagodu 675.0 587 2,976 1,554 1,422 375 18S 190
02783800 Kiranguru 202.0 248 1,095 547 548 137 68 ·69
02783900 Parekoppa[u 47.0 -------Un-inhabited--------
02784000 Beeranahallikaval 40.0 44 175 93 82 33 22 11
02784100 Beeranahalli 531.0 117 608 315 293 63 31 32
02784200 Kud[ur 426.0 218 963 506 457 107 58 49
02784300 Kottigekaval 30.0 62 336 152 184 76 28 48
02784400 Ummathur 424.0 523 2.654 1,361 1,293 424 217 207
02784500 Hanagodunala 306.0 3 II 4 7
02784600 Pcnjahallikaval 454.0 310 1,497 758 739 210 105 105
02784700 Haralahalli 376.0 194 957 475 482 124 64 60
02784800 Madahalli 380.0 73 336 162 174 72 27 45
02784900 HiJ.ldugodlu 507.0 .184 870 437 433 92 42 50
02785000 Dasanapura 437.0 207 943 498 445 141 78 63
02785100 Doddahejjurkaval 35.0 --------Un-inhabited-------
02785200 Abburu 278.0 170 827 423 404 114 63 51
02785300 Sindenahalli 200.0 115 518 259 259 66 35 31
02785400 Negathur 240.0 50 255 129 126 40 25 15
02785500 Kachuvinahalli 155.0 159 814 411 403 132 69 63
02785600 Neralakuppe 293.0 148 751 392 359 131 82 . 49
02785700 Habbanakuppe K.G 484.0 44 231 122 109 28 13 15
02785800 Billanahosahalli 182.0 115 528 265 263 123 61 62
02785900 Konanahosahalli 141.0 22 115 58 57 18 7 11
02786000 Kolavige 434.0 175 873 456 417 97 51 46
02786100 Mudaganur 521.0 123 607 291 316 56 28 28
02786200 Chikkahejjur 606.0 100 494 237 257 65 28 37
02786300 Doddabejjur 569.0 244 1,205 624 581 192 103 89
02786400 Doddahejjurkerekaval 35.0 ------Un-inhabited---_ _ _
02786500 Bbarathavadi 401.0 203 871 440 431· 125 63 62
02786600 Veeranahosahalli 210.0 122 525 268 257 80 41 39·
02786700 Veeranahosahalli Jungle 2,866.0 -----Un-inhabited--__ _
02786800 Thuppadakola 1,170.0 ----Un-inhabited--_ _ _
02786900 Kurubarahosahalli 1,206.0 878 3,494 1,990 1,504 346 174 172
02787000 Varanchi Or Gurupum 1,023.0 663 3,154 1,594 1,560 475 255 220
02787100 Kalkunikc 149.0 12 60 31 29 II 7 4



Schcduled Castes popuation Schcduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persous Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
67 44 23 Kallahallikaval
22 9 13 269 163 106 Angatahalli
3 2 132 69 63 417 260 157 Ramcnahalli
32 18 14 28 14 14 465 274 191 Chennasoge
347 172 175 73 42 31 382 238 144 Hosakote
285 136 149 12 4 8 792 457 335 Thattekere
167 86 81 283 161 122 Hunasegala
160 84 76 308 175 133 142 92 50 Muthnrayana Hosahalli
289 146 143 33 18 15 484 268 216 Kamakuppe
246 134 112 329 162 167 227 160 67 Bccrathammanahalli
747 364 383 222 123 99 589 357 232 Hemmige
188 97 91 560 330 230 Hyrige
170 83 87 225 132 93 Honnenahalli
210 113 97 395 236 159 Vaddambalu
115 54 61 33 17 16 634 383 251 Heggandur
28 16 12 519 264 255 ·615 404 211 Kamegowdanahalli
5 3 2 88 61 27 Gowdikere
351 179 172 315 162 153 461 281 180 H.Boreroppadakaval
386 195 191 51 22 29 702 413 289 Kademanuganahalli
18 9 9 320 171 149 307 192 115 Uduvepura
15 6 9 13 7 6 232 144 88 Kallaboochahalli
103 52 51 119 54 65 138 81 57 Settahalli
604 315 289 218 129 89 1,538 912 626 Hanagodu
325 152 173 35 16 19 296 186 110 Kiranguru
--------Un-inhabited----------- Parekoppalu
87 48 39 52 38 14 Beeranahallikaval
312 154 158 7 3 4 316 186 130 Beeranahalli
5 2 3 8 3 5 513 294 219 Kudlur
207 97 110 95 50 45 Kottigekaval
449 236 213 810 412 398 881 540 341 Ummathur
5 2 3 Hanagoduna1a
259 134 125 101 51 50 756 449 307 Penjahallikaval
50 22 28 260 135 125 485 278 207 Haralahalli
128 63 65 117 54 63 74 42 32 Madahalli
231 III 120 384 230 154 Hindugodlu
65 34 31 640 346 294 388 216 172 Dasanapura
------Un~inhabited----------- Doddahejjurkaval
168 89 79 402 239 163 Abburu
228 136 92 Sindenahalli
62 32 30 120 68 52 Negathur
8 4 4 351 235 116 Kachuvinahalli
22 10 12 403 218 185 351 202 149 Neralakuppe
143 79 64 126 76 50 Habbanakuppe K.G
389. 192 197 262 143 119 Billanahosahalli
50 27 23 52 31 21 KonauallOsahalli
454 238 216 451 272 179 Kolavige
123 64 59 53 24 29 286 163 123 Mudaganur
37 20 17 92 44 48 171 97 74 Chikkahejjur
490 262 228 258 133 125 444 262 182 Doddahejjur
------.Un-inhabited------------ Doddahejjurkerekaval
109 107 204 102 102 409 240 169 Bharathavadi
11 8 308 155 153 227 130 97 Veeranahosahalli
-------Un-inhabited------------- Veeranahosahalli Jungle
-------Un-inhabited------------- Thuppadakola
79 465 232 233 2,021 1,329 692 Kurubarahosahalli
157 78
307 316 159 157 1,447 811 636 Varanchi Or Gurupura
617 310
38 20 18 Kalkunike


CD Block-

code lIIiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVillaue Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons l\1ales Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02781500 Kallahallikaval 74 26 48 81 41 40 56 41 15
02781600 AngatahaJli 175 55 120 229 120 109 151 118 33
02781700 Ramenahalli 456 181 275 468 281 187 338 209 129
02781800 Chennasoge 341 128 213 471 274 197 299 230 69
02781900 Hosakote 322 136 186 389 208 181 222 193 29
02782000 "Thattekere 624 245 379 901 484 417 895 484 41 I
02782100 Hunasegala 429 188 241 488 241 247 205 201 4
02782200 Muthurayana Hosahalli " 581 291 290 383 224 159 181 157 24
02782300 Kamakuppc 518 242 276 600 326 274 240 212 28
02782400 Beerathammanahalli 536 238 298 454 263 191 211 148 63
02782500 Hemmige 950 412 538 843 463 380 503 405 98
02782600 Hyrige 568 256 312 725 400 325 487 378 109
02782700 Honnenahalli 320 146 174 326 170 156 200 170 30
02782800 Vaddambalu 359 164 195 431 253 178 417 248 169
02782900 Heggandur 793 345 448 831 461 370 601 446 155
02783000 Kamegowdanahalii 826 332 494 1,008 525 483 670 444 226
02783100 Gowdikere 116 45 71 102 61 41 83 59 24
02783200 H.Boreroppadakaval 912 423 489 768 411 357 483 350 133
02783300 Kademanuganahalli 846 375 471 928 502 426 704 439 265
02783400 Uduvepura 348 158 190 362 203 159 194 124 70
02783500 Kallaboochahalli 227 95 132 257 144 113 146 111 35
02783600 Settahalli 210 86 124 210 108 102 45 42 3
02783700 Hanagodu 1,438 642 796 1,140 875 265 760 628 132
02783800 Kiranguru 799 361 438 638 323 315 219 " 198 21
02783900 Parekoppalu -----------Un-inhabited---------
02784000 Beeranahallikaval 123 55 68 103 46 57 93 43 50
02784100 Beeranahalli 292 129 163 381 209 172 379 208 171
02784200 Kudlur 450 212 238 610 319 291 552 308 244
02784300 Kottigekaval 241 102 139 196 91 105 73 63 10
02784400 Urnrnathur 1,773 821 952 1,507 818 689 595 519 76
02784500 Hanagodunala 6 2 4 8 4 4 3 2
02784600 Penjahallikaval 741 309 432 877 510 367 763 452 311
02784700 Haralahalli 472 197 275 543 312 231 527 307 220
02784800 Madahalli 262 120 142 184 106 78 129 76 53
02784900 Hindugodlu 486 207 279 536 313 223 412 284 128
02785000 Dasanapura 555 282 273 621 334 287 614 334 280
02785100 Doddahejjurkaval -----------Un-inhabited---------
02785200 Abburu 425 184 241 463 273 190 431 255 176
02785300 Sindenahalli 290 123 167 292 168 124 244 144 100
02785400 Negathur 135 61 74 148 71 77 123 68 55
02785500 Kachuvinahalli 463 176 287 511 257 254 423 249 174
02785600 Neralakuppe 400 190 210 426 235 191 203 142 61
02785700 Habbanakuppe K.G 105 46 59 135 74 61 23 22 I
02785800 Billanahosahalli 266 122 144 313 159 154 43 28 15
02785900 Konanahosahalli 63 27 36 69 36 33 52 30 22
02786000 Kolavige 422 184 238 524 300 224 322 259 63
02786100 Mudaganur 321 128 193 380 201 179 329 175 154
02786200 Chikkahejjur 323 140 183 326 173 153 145 103 42
02786300 Doddahcjjur 761 362 399 763 405 358 667 374 293
02786400 Doddahejjurkerekaval -----------Un-inhabited--------
02786500 Bharathavadi 462 200 262 482 269 213 201 162 39
02786600 Veeranahosahalli 298 138 160 284 154 130 SI 71 10
02786700 Veeranahosahalli Jungle ---------Un-inhabited-------
02786800 Thuppadakola --------Un-inhabited-------
02786900 Kurubarahosahalli 1,473 661 812 1,948 1,177 771 775 494 281
02787000 Varanchi Or Gurupura 1,707 783 924 1,650 962 688 1,312 860 452
02787100 Kalkunike 22 11 II 33 18 15 33 18 15


Industrial category of main workers
. Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
26 26 23 8 IS 2 2 5 5 Kallahallikaval
141 114 27 3 3 2 2 5 2 3 Angatahalli
250 150 100 43 18 25 45 41 4 Ramenahalli
288 221 67 3 3 8 6 2 Chennasoge
107 104 3 72 58 14 I 1 42 30 12 Hosakote
793 419 374 57 29 28 5 5 40 31 9 Thattekere
200 196 4 2 2 3 3 Hunasegala
96 89 7 5 4 3 3 77 64 13 Muthurayana Hosahalli
186 175 II 23 21 2 31 16 15 Kamakuppe
158 113 45 8 3 5 39 28 II 6 4 2 Beerathammanahalli
281 274 7 154 81 73 52 40 12 16 10 6 Hemmige
359 288 71 69 40 29 7 7 52 43 9 Hyrige
197 167 30 3 3 Honnenahalli
234 141 93 138 69 69 2 2 43, 38 5 Vaddamhalu
480 373 107 93 45 48 28 28 Heggandur
582 381 201 60 39 21 3 2 25 22 3 Kamegowdanahalli
55 39 16 14 7 7 3 2 II 11 Gowdikere
389 286 103 22 20 2 4 2 2 68 42 26 H.Boreroppadakaval
466 343 123 188 63 125 II 8 3 39 25 14 Kademanuganahalli
144 98 46 39 16 23 11 10 Uduvepura
116 88 28 II 7 4 19 16 3 Kallaboochahalli
41 38 3 1 I 3 3 Settahalli
212 191 21 80 52 28 31 19 12 437 366 71 Hanagodu
198 183 15 15 11 4 6 4 2 Kiranguru
------------Un-inhabited-------------- Parekoppalu
38 19 19 31 13 18 24 11 13 Beeranahallikaval
120 112 8 225 95 130 34 33 Beeranahalli
432 254 178 108 49 59 12 5 7 Kud1ur
29 25 4 43 37 6 1 Kottigekaval
261 229 32 133 III 22 4 3 197 178 19 Ummathur
2 1 1 1 I Hanagodunala
207 187 20 522 235 287 3 3 31 27 4 Penjahallikava1
158 142 16 353 156 197 4 3 12 8 4 Hara1ahalli
49 48 1 80 28 52 Madahalli
188 155 33 196 108 88 4 4 24 17 7 Hindugodlu
254 199 55 359 134 225 Dasanapura
-----------Un-inhabited------------ Doddahejjurkaval
301 180 121 119 66 53 I I 10 8 2 Abburu
163 97 66 64 36 28 17 11 6 Sindenahalli
24 22 2 98 45 53 Negathur
82 74 8 311 153 158 29 22 7 Kachuvinahalli
48 46 2 118 67 51 10 6 4 27 23 4 Neralakuppe
7 7 10 9 6 6 Habbanakuppe K.G
18 11 7 23 16 7 2 Billanahosahalli
51 29 22 1 Konanahosahalli
191 138 53 117 112 5 13 8 5 Kolavige
309 166 143 8 3 5 8 3 5 4 3 Mudaganur
104 78 26 37 22 15 2 2 2 I Chikkahejjur
423 250 173 235 118 117 3 2 6 5 Doddahejjur
---"---------Un-inhabited-------------- Doddahejjurkerekaval
109 97 12 68 43 25 6 6 18 16 2 Bharathavadi
54 46 8 5 4 22 21 1 Veeranahosahalli
--------Un-inhabited------------- Veeranahosahalli Jungle
----------Un-inhabited------------ Thuppadakola
305 205 100 93 47 46 I 1 376 241 135 Kurubarahosahalli
304 139 584 321 263 21 12 9 264 223 41 Varanchi Or Gurupura
8 I3 6 7 Ka1kunike
19 11


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02781500 Kallahallikava1 25 25 24 24 1 1
02781600 Angatahalli 78 2 76 10 10 67 66
02781700 . Ramenahalli 130 72 58 68 41 27 48 21 27
02781800 Chennasoge 172 44 128 65 65 99 37 62
02781900 Rosakote 167 15 152 104 6 98 63 9 54
02782000 Thattekere 6 6 1 5 5
02782100 Hunasegala 283 40 243 239 23 216 43 17 26
02782200 Muthurayana Hosahalli 202 67 135 90 4 86 17 4 13
02782300 Karnakuppe 360 114 246 7 3 4 328 103 225
02782400 Beerathammanahalli 243 liS 128 64 24 40 166 88 78
02782500 Hemmige 340 58 282 liS 5 110 214 51 163
02782600 Hyrige 238 22 216 173 15 158 62 4 58
02782700 Honnenahalli 126 126 124 124 2 2
02782800 Vaddambalu 14 5 9 2 2 II 5 6
02782900 Heggandur 230 15 215 173 9 164 57 6 51
02783000 Kamegowdanahalli 338 ·81 257 227 43 184 104 36 68
02783100 Gowdikerc 19 2 17 14 2 12 4 4
02783200 H.BorcroppadakavaJ 285 61 224 152 17 135 106 32 74
02783300 Kademanuganahalli 214 63 \61 124 37 87 97 25 72
02783400 Uduvepura 168 79 89 II 10 157 78 79
02783500 Kallaboochahalli III 33 78 4 3 103 29 74
02783600 Settahalli 165 66 99 I 164 65 99
02783700 Hanagodu 380 247 133 129 109 20 139 77 62
02783800 Kiranguru 419 125 294 18 8 10 391 113 278
02783900 Parekoppalu ----------Un-inhabited-----------
02784000 Beeranahalliknval 10 3 7 10 3 7
02784100 Beeranahalli 2 1
02784200 Kudlur 58 II 47 2 55 10 45
02784300 KottigekavaI 123 28 95 122 27 95
02784400 Ummathur 912 299 613 41 15 26 712 255 457
02784500 Hanagodunala 5 2 3 5 2 3
02784600 Penjahallikaval 114 58 56 6 4 2 104 53 51
02784700 Haralahalli 16 5 II 13 4 9
02784800 Madahalli 55 30 25 55 30 25
02784900 Hindugodlu 124 29 95 9 7 2 114 21 93
02785000 Dasanapura 7 7 7 7
02785100 Doddahejjurkaval -----Un-inhabited-------
02785200 Abbum 32 IS 14 2 2 27 16 II
02785300 Sindenahalli 48 24 24 19 8 II 28 15 I3
02785400 Negathur 25 3 22 3 3 22 3 19
02785500 Kachuvinahalli 88 8 80 3 I 2 80 3 77
02785600 Neralakuppe 223 93 130 25 18 7 192 71 121
02785700 Habbanakuppe K.G 112 52 60 III 51 60
02785800 Billanahosahalli 270 131 139 24 16 8 240 109 131
02785900 Konanahosahalli 17 6 Jl 5 5 12 6 6
02786000 Kolavige 202 41 161 114 114 88 41 47
02786100 Mudaganur 51 26 25 4 4 43 20 23
02786200 Chikkahejjur 181 70 III 1 176 69 107
02786300 Doddahejjur 96 31 65 10 6 4 85 24 61
02786400 Doddahejjurkerekaval -------Un-inhabited-----
02786500 Bharathavadi 281 107 174 10 5 5 265 96 169
02786600 Veeranahosahalli 203 83 120 422 197 80 117
02786700 Vecranahosahalli Jungle ---------Un-inhabited---------
02786800 ThuppadakoJa ----Un-inhabited--------
02786900 Kurubarahosahalli 1,173 683 490 386 190 196 85 10 75
02787000 Varanchi. Or Ourupura 338 102 236 20 8 12 223 64 159
02787100 Kalkunike



of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
60 29 31 Kallahallikaval 02781500
215 98 117 - Angatahalli 02781600
14 10 4 405 160 245 Ramenahalli 02781700
7 6 335 128 207 Chennasoge 02781800
315 166 149 Hosakote 02781900
515 218 297 Thattekere 02782000
I 224 108 116 Hunasegala 02782100
9 2 7 86 57 29 340 159 181 Muthurayana Hosahalli 02782200
24 7 17 402 184 218 Karnakuppe 02782300
7 I 6 6 2 4 309 135 174 Beerathammanahalli 02782400
11 2 9 696 306 390 Hemmige 02782500
2 2 403 186 217 Hyrige 02782600
219 108 III Honnenahalli 02782700
323 147 176 Vaddambalu 02782800
596 267 329 Heggandur 02782900
6 2 4 433 211 222 Kamegowdanahalli 02783000
102 45 57 Gowdikere 02783100
3 2 24 11 13 605 293 312 RBoreroppadakavai 02783200
2 2 620 286 334 Kademanuganahalli 02783300
293 147 146 Uduvepura 02783400
4 3 202 95 107 KallaboochahaIli 02783500
138 59 79 Settahalli 02783600
13 2 11 99 59 40 1,836 679 1,157 Hanagodu 02783700
3 2 7 3 4 457 224 233 Kiranguru 02783800
--~--------Un-inhabited-------------- Parekoppalu 02783900
72 47 25 Beeranahallikaval 02784000
227 106 121 BeeranahaJli 02784100
353 187 166 Kudlur 02784200 '
140 61 79 Kottigekaval 02784300
94 2 92 65 27 38 1,147 543 604 Ummathur 02784400
3 _3 Hanagodunala 02784500
2 2 2 620 248 372 Penjahallikava1 02784600
1 2 414 163 251 -Haralahalli 02784700
152 56 96 Madahalli 02784800
334 124 210 Hindugodlu 02784900
322 164 158 Dasanapnrn 02785000
----------Un-inhabited------------- Doddahejjurkaval 02785100
2 2 364 150 214 Abburu 02785200
226 91 135 Sindenahalli 02785300
107 58 49 Negathur 02785400
5 4 303 154 149 Kachuvinahalli 02785500
6 4 2 325 157 168 NeraJakuppe 02785600
I 96 48 48 Habbanakuppe K.G 02785700
3 3 3 3 215 106 109 Billanahosahalli 02785800
46 22 24 KonanahosahaIli 02785900
349 156 193 Kolavige 02786000
2 227 90 137 Mudaganur 02786100
4 2
2 2 168 64 104 Chikkahcjjur 02786200
2 2
442 219 223 Doddahejjur 02786300
------------Un-inhabited------------- Doddahejjurkerekaval 02786400
2 2 389 171 218 Bharathavadi 02786500
4 4
241 114 127 Veeranahosahalli 02786600
,1 1
________Un_inhabited___________ _ Veeranahosahalli Jungle 02786700
----------Un-inhabited------------ Thuppadakola 02786800
693 480 213 1,546 813 733 Kurubarahosahalli 02786900
9 3 6
84 27 57 1,504 632 872 Varancbi Or Gurupura 02787000
11 3 8
27 13 14 Kalkunike 02787100


CD B1ock-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Nalne of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02787200 Kirijaji 569.0 238 1,236 615 621 170 74 96
02787300 Mookanahalli 402.0 215 1,104 570 534 160 81 79
02787400 Ramapatna 418.0 162 839 423 4J6 106 49 57
02787500 Kirasodlu 167.0 99 446 230 216 62 34 28
02787600 Kattcmulalavadinala 325.0 ----------Un-inhabited-------------
02787700 Thondalu 360.0 214 1,015 513 502 126 67 59
02787800 Hagaranahalli 331.0 180 885 444 441 J 17 58 59
02787900 Rayanahalli ,159.0 103 487 236 251 47 19 28
02788000 Maraduru 478.0 347 1,796 938 858 250 125 125
02788100 Kebbe Koppalu 392.0 196 906 469 437 115 54 61
02788200 Bannikuppe 908.0 930 4,676 2,339 2,337 588 297 291
02788300 Somanahalli 366.0 206 975 500 475 128 56 72
02788400 Uyyigowdanahalli 375.0 210 1,057 562 495 133 75 58
02788500 Beejaganahalli 465.0 492 2,586 1,321 1,265 367 184 183
02788600 Doddahunsur 531.0 85 459 225 234 65 28 37
02788700 Nilavagilu 429.0 335 J,569 803 766 187 100 87
027'88800 Govindanahallinala 62:0 ------U·n-inhabited--------------
02788900 Chikkahunsur 413.0 105 436 216 220 82 42 40
02789000 Govindanahalli 174.0 256 1,433 745 688 237 128 109
02789100 Hanchya 170.0 81 382 192 190 48 20 28
02789200 Nallurunala 147.0 ------Un-inhabited------------
02789300 Hanumanthapuranala 129.0 --------Un-inhabited------------
02789400 Aspathrekaval 1,690.0 1,175 5,090 2,561 2.529 625 303 322
02789500 Bnllcnnhalli 346.0 244 1,160 579 581 176 86 90
02789600 Rathnapuri 907.0 502 2,489 1,271 1,218 314 161 153
02789700 Uddurkaval 1,614.0 955 4,930 2,486 2,444 720 351 369
02789800 Uddumala 537.0 ----------Un-inhabited--------------
02789900 Udduru 1,459.0 374 1,846 952 894 244 134 110
02790000 NadappanahalJi 290.0 150 679 340 339 75 36 39
02790100 Madahallikaval 159.0 21 112 57 55 15 10 5
02790200 MadahalJi 510.0 79 373 196 177 42 26 16
02790300 Maralaiahna Koppalu 298.0 189 1,008 514 494 126 67 59
02790400 Halcpura 712.0 224 1,146 577 569 147 66 81
02790500 Gagcnahalli 1,018.0 384 1,854 951 903 213 110 103
02790600 Ayarahalli 220.0 199 922 445 477 97 48 49
02790700 Harohalli 323.0 91 457 236 221 49 24 25
02790800 Huscnpurakaval 127.0 -----Un-inhabitcd-----------
02790900 Gerasanahalli 326.0 357 1,651 839 812 218 115 103
02791000 Huscnpura 282.0 364 1,597 818 779 198 105 93
02791100 Huscnpuranala 437.0 -----Un-inhabited------------
02791200 Shravananahalli 334.0 117 506 251 255 79 38 41
02791300 ShsnubhoganahalJi 157.0 181 779 403 376 84 47 37
02791400 Lakkur 161.0 -------Un-inhabited-----------
02791500 Bolanahalli 234.0 894 4,268 2,182 2,086 496 268 228
02791600 Kempanahalli 415.0 211 1,042 535 507 122 63 59
02791700 MYdanahalli 182.0 82 359 193 166 38 24 14
02791800 Halebeedu 334.0 495 2,369 1,187 1,182 266 130 136
02791900 Vaddarahalli 167.0 70 344 177 167 34 15 19
02792000 Bettadur 362.0 124 596 293 303 56 32 24
02792100 Halladakallahalli 166.0 27 136 66 70 J3 6 7
02792200 Boochahalli 174.0 75 384 200 184 55 32 23
02792300 Halebeedukaval 85.0 ---------Un-inhabited----------__
02792400 Bommalapura 106.0 6 3 3
02792500 Sabbanahalli 275.0 56 269 146 123 36 23 13
02792600 Mallinathapura 690.0 150 790 399 391 J15 59 56
02792700 Rangaiahnakoppalu 204.0 205 1,062 581 481 127 68 59
02792800 KUppekolagatta 1,634.0 254 1,173 603 570 147 69 78
02792900 Jecnahall i 443.0 81 383 191 192 51 26 25



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
445 217 228 3 2 591 352 239 Kirijaji
460 238 222 496 322 174 Mookanahalli
64 29 35 59 26 33 400 250 150 Ramapatna
34 17 17 198 121 77 Kirasodlu
-~---------Un-inhabited------------- Kattemalalavadinala
469 236 233 28 12 16 469 292 177 Thundalu
458. 235 223 399 251 148 Hagaranahalli
170 80 90 5 2 3. 247 141 106 Rayanahalli
98 54 44 412 211 201 838 549 289 Maraduru
300 155 145 278 197 81 Kebbe Koppalu
1,296 653 643 771 390 381 2,147 1,327 820 Bannikuppe
529 271 258 500 313 187 Somanaballi
477 258 219 633 390 243 Uyyigowdanahalli
832 397 435 1,058 664 394 Beejaganahalli
438 213 225 231 129 102 Doddahunsur
676 329 347 217 110 107 835 503 332 Nilavagilu
-------------Un-inhabited------------ Govindanahalliimla
92 47 45 123 64 59 142 80 62 Chikkahunsur
305 162 143 702 383 319 Govindanahalli
16 10 6 188 107 81 Hanchya
. ------------Un-inhabited----------- Nallurunala
------------Un-inhabited------------ Hanumanthapuranala
1,341 671 670 179 79 100 2,318 1,369 949 Aspathrekaval
237 120 117 222 104 118 441 244 197 Ballenahalli
89 66 23 61 30 31 1,595 894 701 Rathnapuri
1,269 635 634 331 155 176 2,303 1,346 957 Uddurkaval
----------Un-inhabited--------- Uddurnala
646 335 311 133 67 66 645 412 233 Udduru-
83 42 41 217 107 110 313 189 124 Nadappanahalli
10 7 3 21 11 10 40 24 16 Madahallikaval
52 28 24 319 167 152 133 87 46 Madahalli
572 291 281 403 255 148 Maralaiahna Koppalu
112 59 53 224 104 120 395 253 142 Halepura
490 254 236 172 87 85 868 535 333 Gagenahalli
43 19 24 216 105 111 507 293 214 Ayarahalli
223 121 102 209 140 69 Harohalli
---------Un-inhabited-------------- Husenpurakaval
395 204 191 78 40 38 688 434 254 Gerasanahalli
251 135 116 794 473 321 Husenpura
------------Un-inhabited------------ Husenpuranala
32 17 15 217 136 81 Shravananahalli
18 8 10 69 37 32 401 244 157 Shsnubhoganahalli
----------Un-inhabited----------- Lakkur
260 134 126 2,881 1,488 1,393 1,812 1,095 717 Bolanahalli
77 40 37 364 177 187 456 278 178 Kempanahalli
110 58 52 148 103 45 Mydanahalli
349 178 171 SIS 269 246 1,098 665 433 Halebeedu
8 4 4 164 119 45 Vaddarahalli
221 112 109 256 154 I 02 Bettadur
10 5 5 68 39 29 Halladakallahalli
165 98 67 Boochahalli
------------Un-inhabited-------- Halebeedukaval
5 185 99 86 127 83 44 Sabbanahalli
14 9
264 173 91 Mallinathapura
74 508 337 171 Rangaiahnakoppalu
157 83
201 47 27 20 669 410 259 Kuppekolagatta
415 214
69 146 88 58 Jeenahalli
138 69


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02787200 i(jrijaji 645 263 382 689 382 307 687 382 305
02787300 Mookanahalli 608 248 360 674 372 302 479 365 114
02787400 Ramapatna 439 173 266 499 280 219 491 278 213
02787500 i(jrasodlu 248 109 139 177 161 16 167 160 7
02787600 Kattemalalavadinala -----Un-inhabited------------
02781700 Thondalu 546 221 325 552 292 260 341 242 99
02787800 Hagaranahalli 486 193 293 474 262 212 474 262 212
02787900 Rayanahalli 240 95 145 292 164 128 292 164 128
02788000 Maraduru 958 389 569 1,06&· 597 471 1,048 595 453
02788100 KebbcKoppalu 628 272 356 514 283 231 . 510 279 231
02788200 Bannikuppe 2,529 1,012 1,517 2,799 1,519 1,280 2,320 1,375 945
02788300 Somanahalli 475 187 288 526 306 220 386 239 147
02788400 Uyyigowdanahalli 424 172 252 527 295 232 195 152 43
02788500 Beejagulluhalli 1,528 657 871 1,328 782 546 864 667 197
02788600 Doddahunsur 228 96 132 220 137 83 86 76 10
02788700 Nilavagilu 734 300 434 836 484 352 811 467 344
02788800 Govindanahallinala ---~---------Un-inhabited-----------
02788900 Chikkahunsur 294 136 158 235 127 108 132 115 17
02789000 Govindanahalli 731 362 369 599 391 208 386 308 78
02789100 Hanchya 194 85 109 193 125 68 183 123 60
02789200 Nallurunala ----Un-inhabired------------
02789300 Harnllllanthapufilililia ----Un-inhabited------------
02789400 Aspathrekaval 2,772 1,192 1,580 3,060 1,707 1,353 2,317 1,543 774
02789500 Balicnahalli 719 335 384 482 344 138 226 208 18
02789600 Rathnapuri 894 377 517 1,213 734 479 628 477 151
02789700 Uddurkaval 2,627 1,140 1,487 2,505 1,470 1,035 1,709 1,225 484
02789800 Uddumala ---------Un-inhabited--------------
02789900 Uddunl 1,201 540 661 1,055 616 439 797 597 200
02790000 Nadappanahalli 366 151 215 372 199 173 166 132 34
02790100 Madahallikaval 72 33 39 87 44 43 76 42 34
02790200 Madahalli 240 109 131 275 144 131 191 106 85
02790300 Mamlaiahna Koppalu 605 259 346 579 319 260 527 307 220
02790400 Ha1cpura 751 324 427 763 423 340 563 343 220
02790500 Gagcn:lhalli 986 416 570 1,208 633 575 1,171 623 548
02790600 Ayarahalli 415 152 263 598 323 275 518 296 222
02790790 Harohalli 248 96 152 388 205 183 283 148 1.35
02790800 Hllsenpurakaval ---------Un-inhabited--------
02790900 Gerasanahalli 963 405 558 1,058 567 491 1,053 566 487
02791000 Husenpura 803 345 458 1,014 552 462 866 525 341
02791100 Husenpurana la ------Un-inhabited----------
02791200 Shravananahalli 289 115 174 291 168 123 287 165 122
02791300 Shsnubhoganahalli 378 159 219 517 262 255 257 217 40
02791400 Lakkur -------------Un-inhabitcd-----------
02791500 Bolanahalli 2,456 1,087 1,369 2,495 1,366 1,129 1,678 1,078 600
02791600 Kempanahalli 586 257 329 631 345 286 604 331 273
02791700 Mydanahalli 211 90 121 236 138 98 229 134 95
02791800 Ha1ebecdu 1,271 522 749 1,648 897 751 860 695 165
02791900 Vaddarahalli 180 58 122 235 127 108 145 101 44
02792000 Bettadur 340 139 201 369 199 170 327 193 134
02792100 Halladakallahalli 68 27 41 61 44 17 61 44 17
02792200 Boochahalli 219 102 117 135 122 13 131 118 13
02792300 Ha1ebeedukaval --------Un-inhabited--------------
02792400 Bommalapura 6 3 3 3 3 3 3
02792500 Sabbanahalli 142 63 79 124 82 42 93 67 26
02792600 Mallinathapura 526 226 300 415 245 170 232 229 3
02792700 Rangaiahnakoppalu 554 244 310 652 403 249 420 380 40
02792800 Kuppekolagatla 504 193 311 585 343 242 526 302 224
02792900 Jcenahalli 237 103 134 181 109 72 124 102 22


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricu)turallabourers . workers . Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
519 285 234 130 65 65 38 32 6 Kirijaji
353 276 77 93 57 36 33 32 Mookanahalli
429 248 181 55 25 30 7 5 2 Ramapatna
154 149 5 2 1 3 3 8 7 Kirasodlu
------------Un-inhabited--------- Kattemalalavadinala
295 209 86 34 23 11 2 1 10 9 Thondalu
441 242 199 19 10 9 14 10 4 Hagaranahalli
192 107 85 94 53 41 3 2 3 2 I Rayanahalli
878 503 375 91 50 41 78 42 36 Maraduru
451 245 206 33 19 14 26 15 11 Kebbe Koppalu
1,742 1,050 692 424 214 210 II 5 6 143 106 37 Bannikuppe
340 201 139 15 II 4 31 27 4 Somanahalli
176 143 33 2 I 17 8 9 Uyyigowdanahalli
714 540 174 22 12 10 5 4 123 111 12 Beejaganahalli
75 68 7 4 4 7 4 3 Doddahunsur
310 212 98 413 180 233 87 74 13 Nilavagilu
-------~----Un-inhabited------ Govindanahallinala·
20 20 101 86 IS 1 1 10 8 2 Chikkahunsur
120 109 11 140 96 44 4 3 122 100 22 Govindanahalli
41 39 2 102 54 48 4 4 36 30 6 Hanchya
------------Un-inhabited----------- Nallurunala
------------Un-inhabited-------- Hanumanthapuranala
1,425 962 463 516 291 225 12 8 4 364 282 82 Aspathrekaval
198 182 16 23 21 2 5 5 Ballenahalli
292 219 73 71 33 38 4 4 261 221 40 Rathnapuri
909 649 260 332 190 142 30 22 8 438 364 74 Uddurkava1
------------Un-inhabited------.:_-- Uddurnala
696 525 171 52 33 19 49 39 oJ() Udduru
.129 102 27 28 21 7 9 9 Nadappanahalli
63 34 29 13 8 5 Madahallikaval
173 96 77 11 4 7 7 6 Madahalli
486 278 208 II 6 5 8 5 3 22 18 4 Maralaiahna Koppalu
531 330 201 28 II 17 4 2 2 Halepura
1,125 589 536 17 10 7 3 2 26 22 4 Gagenahalli
362 210 152 86 38 48 70 48 22 AyarahaUi
279 147 132 3 2 1 1 Harohalli
--------Un-inhabited------- Husenpurakaval
1,038 555 483 2 2 13 11 2 Gcrasanahalli
769 462 307 15 9 6 3 2 79 53 26 Husenpura
-------Un-inhabited------ Husenpuranala
223 127 96 55 29 26 9 9 Shravananahalli
192 166 26 43 32 II 22 19 3 Shsnubhoganahalli
--------Un-inhabited------ Lakkur
1,337 824 513 229 161 68 8 8 104 85 19 Bolanahalli
595 324 271 9 7 2 Kempanahalli
223 129 94 6. 5 1 Mydanahalli
716 581 135 39 22 17 3 2 102 90 12 Halebeedu
87 35 22 13 9 1 Vaddarahalli
140 115 11 6 5 61 47 14 Bettadur
40 15 1 5 4 1 Halladakallahalli
13 Boochahalli
131 118
----------Un-inhabited------ Halebeedukaval
3 3
24 5 3 2 2 2 8 8 Sabbanahalli
78 54
10 10 I 40 37 3 Mallinathapura
181 181
31 28 3 8 7 147 119 28 Rangaiahnakoppalu
234 226 8
86 42 44 11 11 131 47 84 Kuppekolagatta
298 213 85
6 5 15 9 6 leenahalli
98 87 11 11


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workcrs Cultivators Agriculturallabourcrs
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02787200 Kirijaji 2 2 2 2
02787300 Mookanahalli 195 7 188 130 2 128 64 4 60
02787400 Ramapatna 8 2 6 7 2 5 1
02787500 Kirasodlu ro 1 9 10 9
02787600 Kattemalalavadinala ----------Un-inhabited------------
02787700 l110ndalu 211 50 161 182 40 142 28 9 19
02787800 Hagaranahalli
02787900 Rayanahalli
02788000 Maraduru 20 2 18 4 2 2
02788100 Kebbe Koppalu 4 4 3 3
02788200 Bannikuppe 479 144 335 198 67 131 272 71 201
02788300 Somanahalli 140 67 73 109 54 55 29 11 18
02788400 Uyyigowdanahafli 332 143 189 146 35 111 184 108 76
02788500 Beejaganahalli 464 115 349 4 I 3 435 98 337
02788600 Doddahunsur 134 61 73 3 3 127 58 69
02788700 Nilavagilu 25 17 8 3 3 19 12 7
02788800 Govindanahallinala --------"---Un-inhabited--------------
02788900 Chikkahunsur 103 12 91 102 11 91
02789000 Govindanahalli 213 83 130 3 2 159 63 96
02789100 Hanchya 10 2 8 9 8
02789200 Nallurunala -----------Un-inhabited--------------
02789300 Hanumanthapuranala ---------Un-inhabitcd-------------
02789400 Aspathrekaval 743 164 579 267 4 263 398 125 273
02789500 Ballenahalli 256 136 120 I 1 253 133 120
02789600 Rathnapuri 585 257 328 51 31 20 456 173 283
02789700 Uddurkaval 796 245 551 289 110 179 395 89 306
02789800 Uddumala ---------Un-inhabited--------------
02789900 Udduru 258 19 239 223 14 209 31 2 29
02790000 Nadappanahalli 206 67 139 6 1 5 192 60 132
02790100 Madahallikaval II 2 9 10 2 8 1
02790200 Madahafli 84 38 46 42 20 22 40 16 24
02790300 Maralaiahna Koppalu 52 12 40 24 3 21 14 3 11
02790400 Halepura 200 80 120 160 57 103 35 20 15
02790500 Gagenahalli 37 10 27 24 6 18 6 2 4
02790600 Ayarahalli 80 27 53 56 23 33 23 3 20
02790700 Harohalli 105 57 48 101 56" 45
02790800 Husenpurakaval ------Un-inhabited----------
02790900 Gerasanahalli 5 4 2 1 I 3 3
02791000 Husenpura 148 27 121 10 2 8 77 5 72
02791100 Husenpuranala ------Un-inhabited-----------
02791200 Shravananahalli 4 3 2 1 I
02791300 Shsnubhoganahalli 260 45 215 162 13 149 91 26 65
02791400 Lakkur -------Un-inhabited-----------
02791500 Bolanahalli 817 288 529 113 44 69 529 142 387
02791600 Kempanahalli 27 14 13 1 1 24 12 12
02791700 Mydanahalli 7 4 3 7 4 3
02791800 Halebeedu 788 202 586 462 81 381 199 85 114
02791900 Vaddarahalli 90 26 64 1 1 89 25 64
02792000 Bettadur 42 6 36 23 3 20 9 8
02792100 Halladakallahalli
02792200 Boochahalli 4 4
02792300 Halebeedukaval
02792400 Bommalapura
02792500 Sabbanahalli 31 15 16 17 4 13 2 2
02792600 Mallinathapnr.I 183 16 167 160 11 149 11 II
02792700 Rangaiahnakoppalu 232 23 209 160 14 146 46 5 41
02792800 Kuppekolagatta 59 41 18 22 22 32 .19 13
02792900 JeenalJaJli 57 7 50 46 5 41 7 6



of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons MalCs Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
547 233 314 Kirijaji 02787200
430 198 232 Mookanahalli 02787300 "
340 143 197 Ramapatna 02787400
269 69 200 Kirasodlu 02787500
----------Un-inhabited------- Kattemalalavadinala 02787600
I I 463 221 242 'nlOndalu 02787700
411 182 229 Hagaranahalli 02787800
195 72 123 Rayanahalli 02787900
15 15 728 341 387 Maraduru 02788000
,1 392 186 206 Kebbe Koppalu 02788100
3 2 6 5 1,877 820 1,057 Bannikuppe 02788200
2 2 449 194 255 Somanahalli 02788300
2 2 530 267 263 Uyyigowdanahalli 02788400
25 16 9 1,258 539 719 Beejaganahalli 02788500
3 3 239 88 151 Doddahunsur 02788600
2 2 733 319 414 Nilavagilu 02788700
------------Un-inhabited--"---- Govindanahallinala 02788800
I 201 89 112 Chikkahunsur 02788900
29 4 25 22 14 8 834 " 354 480 Govindanahalli 02789900
189 67 122 Hanchya 02789100
------------Un-inhabited--------- Nallurunala . 02789200
-----------Un-inhabited-------- Hanumanthapuranala 02789300
9 3 6 69 32 37 2,030 854 1,176 Aspathrekaval 02789400
2 2 678 235 443 Ballenahalli 02789500
4 2 2 74 51 23 1,276 537 739 RathnapUli 02789600
12 6 6 100 40 60 2,425 1,016 1,409 Uddurkaval 02789700
-------------Un-inhabited--------- Uddllrnala 02789800
4 3 1 791 336 455 Udduru 02789900
8 6 2 307 141 166 Nadappanahalli 02790000
25 13 12 Madahallikaval 02790100
2 2 98 52 46 Madahalli 02790200
13 5 8 429 195 234 Maralaiahna Koppalu 02790300
4 2 2 1 383 154 229 Halepura 02790400
2 2 5 5 646 318 328 Gagenahalli 02790500
324 122 202 Ayarahalli 02790600
3 2 69 31 38 Harohalli 02790700
---------Un-inhabited------ Husenpurakava1 02790800
593 272 321 Gerasanahalli 02790900
61 20 41 583 266 317 Husenpura 02791000
------------Un-inhabited----------- Husenpuranala 02791100
2 2 215 83 132 Shravananahalli 02791200
7 6 262 141 121 Shsnubhoganahalli 02791300
----------Un-inhabited------- Lakkur 02791400
9 3 6 166 99 67 1,773 816 957 Bolanahalli 02791500
2 2 411 190 221 Kempanahalli 02791600
123 55 68 "Mydanahalli 02791700
6 6 121 36 85 721 290 431 Halebeedu 02791800
109 50 59 Vaddarahalli 02791900
10 2 8 227 94 133 Bettadur 02792000
75 22 53 Halladakallahalli 02792100
4 4 249 78 171 Boochahalli 02792200
-----------Un-inhabited------------- Halebeedukaval 02792300
3 3 Bommalapura 02792400
12 11 145 64 81 Sabbanahalli 02792500
9 5 4 375 154 221 Mallinathapura 02792600
3 3
26 4 22 410 178 232 Rangaiahnakoppalu 02792700
3 588 260 328 Kuppekolagatta 02792800
2 2 3
3 202 82 120 Jeenahalli 02792900


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02793000 Bilikere 358.0 943 4,691 2,414 2,277 611 297 314
02793100 Bilikerekaval 74.0 -----------Un-inhabitcd-------------
02793200 Hullenahalli 264.0 215 966 50S 461 88 49 39
02793300 Devarnhalli 177.0 122 582 295 287 66 33 33
02793400 Manuganahalli 518.0 264 1,201 600 601 144 74 70
02793500 Doddakadanahalli 273.0 -------------Un-inhabited----------
02793600 Chikkadanahalli 235.0 164 739 367 372 52 23 29
02793700 Ankanahalli 397.0 157 698 357 34J 94 50 44
02793800 Handanahalli 754.0 268 1,445 724 721 204 102 102
02793900 Doddabeechanahalli 304.0 107 552 269 283 69 29 40
02794000 Dallalu 672.0 232 1,122 570 552 152 73 79
02794100 Chikkabeechanahalli 320.0 394 1,978 1,006 972 281 152 129
02794200 Harndanahalli 158.0 88 439 225 214 68 4J 27
02794300 Sbankahalli 167.0 97 483 247 236 53 26 27
02794400 Vaderahosahalli 572.0 289 1,343 690 653 160 81 79
02794500 Hallikere 266.0 63 260 134 126 26 14 12
02794600 Kbayam Gutta Gudishetti ·184.0 2 4 3 I
02794700 Thippllr 267.0 127 585 301 284 77 40 37
02794800 Thippllrkaval 112.0 ------------Un-inhabited-------
02794900 Challahalli 408.0 222 1,044 564 480 105 63 42
02795000 Benkipurn 353.0 423 2,178 1,111 1,067 316 156 160
02795100 Gohalli 219.0 76 380 192 188 57 26 31
02795200 Annarayapura 439.0 17 90 40 50 11 5 6
02795300 Dhythyanakerekaval 699.0 24 101 52 49 10 4 6
02795400 Dharmap"ra 958.0 577 2,743 1,397 1,346 356 185 171
02795500 Basthimadanahalli 280.0 6 22 14 8 2 2
02795600 Aswalu 325.0 275 1.261 652 609 161 95 66
02795700 Marnnahalli 228.0 102 489 243 246 89 42 47
02795800 Sulekerekaval 381.0 9 43 21 22 7 4 3
02795900 Gejjaiahnavaddaragudi 98.0 160 727 366 361 105 49 56
02796000 Karimuddanahalli .551.0 501 2,102 1,064 1,038 290 159 131
02796100 Halladakoppalu 354.0 204 948 462 486 121 55 66
02796200 Tarikallu 293.0 369 1,557 786 771 173 88 85
02796300 Tharikalnala .113.0 230 1,119 579 540 178 101 77
02796400 Kudineerumuddanahalli 362.0 348 1,679 834 845 238 124 114
02796500 Uyyigondanahalli 677.0 757 3,482 1,742 1,740 481 226 255
02796600 Tarikalkaval 487.0 292 1,361 688 673 185 103 82
02796700 Kadavaddaragudi 435.0 161 708 360 34& 107 52 55
02796800 Kuttavadi 927.0 418 1,790 923 867 216 94 122
02796900 MudlaplITa 241.0 18 85 48 37 16 10 6
02797000 Devagalli 299.0 152 638 332 306 79 41 38
02797100 Sonahalli 478.0 119 541 284 257 73 42 31
02797200 Yalachanahalli 224.0 50 259 138 121 27 11 16
02797300 Singaramaranahalli 509.0 330 1,623 830 793 186 81 105



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males· Females Name ofVilJage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
598 317 281 1,856 909 947 2,453 1,440 1,013 Bilikere
------------Un-inhabited------'-- BiIikerekaval
799 412 387 452 291 161 HullenahalIi
105 53 52 3 2 313 184 129 DevarahaIIi
78 38 40 28 14 14 610 359 251 ManuganahaIIi
----------Un-inhabited------ Doddakadanahalli
75 43 32 532 312 220 Chikkadanahalli
83 48 35 281 173 108 Ankanahalli
48 25 23 1,092 546 546 566 355 211 Handanahalli
290 131 159 284 170 114 Doddabeechanahalli
190 95 95 232 115 117 475 284 191 Dallalu
351 175 176 604 406 198 Chikkabeechanahalli
168 117 51 Haradanahalli
208 135 73 Shankahalli
271 142 129 555 338 217 Vaderahosahalli
124 82 42 Hallikere
2 I Kbayam Gutta Gudishetti
164 80 84 J3 7 6 241 155 86 Thippur
------------Un-inhabited------ Thippurkaval
179 91 88 48 25 23 444 291 153 Challahalli
30 14 16 1,574 808 766 795 529 266 Benkipllra
9 6 3 251 127 124 152 98 54 Gohalli
10 5 5 47 21 26 Annarayapllra
10 2 8 60 36 24 Dhythyanakerekaval
644 331 313 755 378 377 1,126 697 429 Dharmapura
11 7 4 Basthimadanahalli
608 326 282 576 340 236 Aswalu
477 236 241 173 105 68 Maranahalli
5 3 2 7 3 4 18 9 9 Sulekerekaval
133 64 69 332 201 131 Gejjaiahnavaddaragudi
168 89 79 202 109 93 883 536 347 Karimuddanahalli
84 38 46 28 J3 15 412· 252 160 Halladakoppalu
7 4 3 327 173 154 734 426 308 Tarikallu
747 381 366 33 18 15 347 231 116 Tharikalnala
123 66 57 771 422 349 Kudineerumuddanahalli
733 368 365 93 48 45 1,525 917 608 Uyyigondanahalli
136 71 65 76 42 34 706 405 301 Tarikalkaval
124 61 63 124 57 67 261 155 106 Kadavaddaragudi
70 34 36 205 101 104. 952 573 379 Kuttavadi
19 10 9 30 17 13 Mudlapura
249 130 119 55 30 25 313 188 125 DevagaIIi
217 131 86 Sonahalli
101 56 45 111 78 33 Yalachanahalli
516 263 253 322 162 160 732 477 255 Singaramaranahalli


CD Block-

code llliterates Total workers Main workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
number Name of Village
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 2
2,238 974 1,264 2,139 1,371 768 1,534 1,186 348
02793000 Bilikere _____________ Un_inhabited__________ _
02793100 Bilike,ekaval
514 214 300 456 340 116 437 334 103
02793200 Hullenahalli
269 111 158 276 177 99 193 145 48
02793300 Devarahalli
591 241 350 674 396 278 521 319 202
02793400 Manuganahalli
02793500 Doddakadanahalli -----------Un-inhabited--------------
207 55 152 640 325 315 309 270 39
02793600 Chikkadanahalli
417 184 233 309 228 81 238 221 17
02793700 Ankanahalli
879 369 510 679 400 279 481 375 106
02793800 Handanahalli
268 99 169 322 183 139 186 173 13
02793900 Doddabecchanahalli
647 286 361 645 367 278 323 303 20
02794000 Dallalu
1,374 600 774 1,222 657 565 631 590 41
02794100 Chikkabeechanahalli
02794200 Hamdanahalli 271 108 163 236 124 112 191 111 80
02794300 Shankahalli 275 112 163 277 164 113 157 152 5
02794400 Vaderahosahalli 788 352 436 741 444 297 470 409 61
02794500 Hallikere 136 52 84 148 78 70 119 76 43
02794600 Khayam Gutta Gudishetti 2 2 3 2 3 2
02794700 Thippur 344 146 198 317 210 107 249 198 51
02794800 Thippurkaval ----------u n-i nhab ited-----------
02794900 Challahalli 600 273 327 656 362 294 621 355 266
02795000 Benkipum 1,383 582 801 1,267 682 585 1,151 668 483
02795100 Gohall; 228 94 134 243 121 122 78 75 3
02795200 Annamyapura 43 19 24 43 26 17 29 26 3
02795300 Ohythyanakerekaval 41 16 25 63 37 26 39 37 2
02795400 Dh:u1hapum 1,617 700 917 1,557 880 677 1,322 794 528
02795500 Basth;madanahalli II 7 4 II 7 4 II 7 4
02795600 Asw"lu 685 312 373 706 386 320 686 379 307
02795700 Maranahalli 316 138 178 270 155 115 270 155 115
02795800 Sulekerekaval 25 12 13 21 12 9 21 12 9
02795900 Geiiaiahnavaddaragudi 395 165 230 416 251 165 402 241 161
02796000 Karimuddanahalli 1,219 528 691 1,142 700 442 1,104 692 412
02796100 Halladakoppalu 536 210 326 518 286 232 510 285 .225
02796200 Tarikallu 823 360 463 898 523 375 592 409 183
02796300 Tharikalnala 772 348 424 638 343 295 466 31 I 155
02796400 Kudineerumuddanahalli 908 412 496 1,004 546 458 867 505 362
02796500 Uyyigondanahalli 1,957 825 1,132 1,983 1,121 862 1,792 1,092 700
02796600 Tarikalkaval 655 283 372 826 429 397 621 373 248
02796700 Kadavaddaragudi 447 205 242 480 242 238 378 225 153
02796800 Kuttavadi 838 350 488 917 600 317 821 568 253
02796900 Mudlapura 55 31 24 45 32 13 44 31 13
02797000 Dcvagalli 325 144 181 317 209 108 300 204 96
027971 00 Sonahalli 324 153 171 316 193 123 315 193 122
02797200 Yalachanahalli 148 60 88 181 99 82 167 88 79
02797300 Singammaranahalli 891 353 538 1,010 548 462 894 519 375


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
844 608 236 23 17 6 10 5 5 657 556 101 Bilikere
--------Un-inhabited-------- Bilikerekaval
394 298 96 I I 4 4 38 31 7 Hullenahalli
166 124 42 5 I 4 2 2 20 18 2 Devarahalli
386 200 186 I 4 4 130 115 15 Manuganahalli
---------Un-inhabited------------- Doddakadanahalli
306 270 36 3 3 Chikkadanahalli
209 194 15 8 7 2 2 19 18 . I Ankanahalli
406 319 87 24 II 13 10 9 41 36 5 Handanahalli
173 163 10 1 9 7 2 3 3 Doddabeechanahalli
202 188 14 97 93 4 24 22 2 Dallalu
601 562 39 I 26 24 2 3 3 Chikkabeechanahalli
180 lOS 75 8 3 5 3 3 Haradanahalli
138 135 3 10 8 2 9 9 Shankahalli .
357 307 50 30 23 7 15 15 68 64 4 Vadcrahosahalli
96 64 32 21 10 11 2 2 Hallikere
3 2 . Kbayam Gutta Gudishetti
184 148 36 41 29 12 23 21 2 Thippur
-----------Un-inhabited----------- Thippurkaval
585 329 256 8 5 3 5 4 23 17 6 Challahalli
915 544 371 199 96 103 37 28 9 Benkipura
56 53 3 21 21 I I Gohalli
23 20 3 6 6 Annarayapura
24 24 9 8 6 5 Dhythyanakerekaval
1,032 626 406 208 103 105 2 2 80 63 17 Dharmapura
7 4 3 4 3 1 Basthimadanahalli
535 303 232 99 38 61 7 2 5 45 36 9 Aswalu
233 133 100 29 17 12 7 5 2 Maranahalli
16 9 7 5 3 2 Sulekerekaval
292 185 107 33 16 17 77 40 37 Gejjaiahnavaddaragudi
655 420 235 262 115 147 4 3 183 156 27 Karimuddanahalli
411 233 178 77 38 39 1 21 13 8 Halladakoppalu
402 253 149 104 88 16 8 5 3 78 63 15 Tarikallu
262 183 79 184 113 71 1 1 19 14 5 Tharikalnala
625 365 260 173 90 83 8 3 5 61 47 14 Kudineerumuddanahalli
1,114 718 396 482 229 253 15 13 2 181 132 49 Uyyigondanahalli
477 298 179 88 44 44 4 3 52 28 24 Tarikalkaval
281 175 106 83 41 42 2 2 12 7 5 Kadavaddaragudi
478 338 140 203 106 97 7 7 133 117 16 Kuttavadi
42 29 13 2 2 Mudlapura
230 166 64 57 30 27 13 8 5 Devagalli
246 157 89 37 26 11 5 5 27 5 22 Sonahalli
79 60 19 37 16 21 51 12 39 Yalachanahalli
740 461 279 44 14 30 110 44 66 Singaramaranahalli


CD B1ock-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agriculturallahollrers
number Name ofVilInge Persons Male, Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02793000 Bilikere 605 185 420 217 50 167 260 63 197
02793 I 00 Bilikerekaval --~---------Un-inhabited-----------
02793200 Hullenahalli 19 6 13 716 3 2
,02793300 Devarahalli 83 32 51 15 6 9 55 15 40
02793400 Manuganahalli 153 77 76 6 4 2 112 55 57
02793500 Doddakadanahalli -----------Un-inhahited----------
02793600 Chikkadanahalli 331 55 276 II 7 4 320 48 272
02793700 Ankanahalli 71 7 64 46 2 44 10 2 8
02793800 Handanahalli 198 25 173 151 18 133 18 17
02793900 Doddabeechanahalli 136 10 126 113 7 106 19 3 16
02794000 Dallalu 322 64 2S8 155 17 138 163 45 118
02794100 Chikkabcechanaballi 591 67 524 564 56 508 26 11 15
02794200 Harao.lanahalli 45 13 32 45 13 32
02794300 Shankahalli 120 12 108 109 6 103 10 5 5
02794400 Vaderahosahalli 271 35 236 230 24 206 33 3 30
02794500 Hallikere 29 2 27 27 2 25 2 2
02794600 'Khayam Gutta Gudishetti
02794700 Thippur 68 12 56 51 8 43 16 3 13
02794800 Thippllrkaval -----------Un-inhabited-------
02794900 Challahalli 35 7 28 27 2 25 2 2
02795000 Benkipura 116 14 102 71 7 64 41 5 3(,'
02795100 Gohalli 165 46 119 6 2 4 158 43 lIS
02795200 Anllarayapura 14 14 14 14
02795300 Dhythyanakerek""a\ 24 24 18 18 6 6
02795400 Dharmapllra 235 86 149 12 5 7 211 75 136
02795500 Basthimadanahalli
02795600 Aswalll 20 7 13 17 5 12
02795700 Maranahalli
02795800 Sillekerekaval
02795900 Gejjaiahnavaddaragudi 14 10 4 13 9 4
02796000 , Karimuddanahalli 38 8 30 16 2 14 19 3 16
02796100 Halladakoppalu 8 7 3 3 5 1 4
02796200 Tarikallu 306 114 192 4 4 296 105 191
02796300 Tharikalnala 172 32 140 22 5 17 143 26 117
02796400 Kudineerumuddanahalli 137 41 96 57 12 45 74 28 46
02796500 Uyyigondanahalli 191 29 162 12 3 9 166 22 144
02796600 Tarikaikaval 205 56 149 103 29 74 92 24 68
02796700 Kadavaddaragudi 102 17 85 79 II 68 15 5 10
02796800 Kuttavadi 96 32 64 46 18 28 46 12 34
02796900 Mudlapura
02797000 Devagalli 17 5 12 17 5 12
02797100 Sonahalli I 1
02797200 Yalachanahalli 14 II 3 2 2 3 2
02797300 Singaramaranahalli 116 29 87 2 2 97 22 75



of marginal workers

Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 S3 54 55 S6 57 58 2 I
5 4 123 71 52 2,552 1,043 1,509 Bilikere 02793000
-------Un-inhabited---------- Bilikerekaval 02793100
9 4 5 510 165 345 HulienahalJi 02793200
12 10 2 306 118 188 Devarohallj 02793300
3 3 32 18 14 527 204 323 Manuganahalli 02793400
------------Un-inhabited------------ Doddakadanahalli 02793500
99 42 57 Chikkadanahalli 02793600
15 3 12 389 129 260 Ankanahalli 02793700
6 2 4 23 4 19 766 324 442 Handanahalli 02793800
4 4 230 86 144 DOddabeechanahalli 02793900
4 2 2 477 203 274 Dallalu 02794000
756 349 407 Chikkabeechanahalli 02794100
203 101 102 Haradanahalli 02794200
206 83 123 Shankahalli 02794300
7 7 602 246 356 Vaderahosahalli 02794400
112 56 56 Hallikere 02794500
1 Khayam Gutta Gudishetti 02794600
268 91 177 Tbippur 02794700
--------Un-inhabited---- Tbippurkavul 0279480"0
2 2 4 3 1 388 202 186 Challahalli 02794900
3 2 I 911 429 482 Benkipura 02795000
137 71 66 Gohalli 02795100
47 14 33 Annarayapura 02795200
38 15 23 Dhythyanakerekaval 02795300
6 5 6 5 1,186 517 669 Dharmapura 02795400
11 7 4 Basthimadanahalli 02795500
2 2 555 266 289 Aswalu 02795600
219 88 131 Maranahalli 02795700
22 9 13 Sulekerekaval 02795800
311 115 196 Geijaiahnavaddaragudi 02795900
3 3 960 364 596 Karimuddanahalli 02796000
430 176 254 Halladakoppalu 02796100
6 5 1 659 263 396 TarikaJlu 02796200
2 2 5 4 481 236 245 Tbarikalnala 02796300
3 2 3 3 675 288 387 Kudineerumuddanahalli 02796400
13 4 9 1,499 621 878 Uyyigondanahalli 02796500
2 8 2 6 535 259 276 Tarikalkaval 02796600
5 5 3 2 228 118 110 Kadavaddarogudi 02796700
2 2 1 873 323 550 Kuttavadi 02796800
40 16 24 Mudlapura 02796900
321 123 198 Devagalli 02797000
I 1 225 91 134 Sonuhalli 02797100
8 6 2 78 39 39 Yulachanahalli 02797200
17 7 10 613 282 331 Siullaramaranahalli 02797300


CD Block-

Total population (inclUding

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males' Females Pefsons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0003 Krishnarajanagara (Total) 44,122 208,566 104,881 103,685 24,390 12,522 11,868
0003 Krishnarajanagara (Rural) 44,122 208,566 104,881 103,685 24,390 12,522 11,868
0003 Krisbnarajanagara (Urban)
Krishnarajanagara (Rural)
02797400 Bettahalli 629.0 257 1,224 610 614 150 77 73
02797500 Maluganahalli 551.0 210 937 470 467 112 54 58
02797600 Bettahallikaval 235.0 ---------Un-inhabited---------
02797700 Kulume Hosuru 180.0 115 595 290 305 97 61 36
02797800 Munduru 685.0 498 2,406 1,196 1,210 318 151 167
02797900 Kalammana Koppalu 378.0 331 1,636 775 861 177 75 102
02798000 Seegavalu 269.0 295 1,404 705 699 152 82 70
02798100 Haradanahalli 595.0 469 2,268 1,144 1,124 283 128 155
02798200 Bakkarehallada Kaval 235.0 ----------Un-inhahited---------
02798300 Sanabinakuppe 140.0 13 60 28 32 4 4
02798400 Karpuravalli 501.0 227 1,136 572 564 127 64 63
02798500 Dadadahalli 378.0 219 1,080 554 526 155 74 81
02798600 Lakkikuppe . 446.0 300 1,393 695 698 162 85 77
02798700 Hebsur 401.0 276 1,269 619 650 152 81 71
02798800 Saraguru 220.0 85 401 201 200 51 21 30
02798900 Gayanahalli 241.0 150 786 401 385 112 53 59
02799000 Pashupathi 313.0 178 905 459 446 122 63 59
02799100 Gummanahalli 131.0 83 470 237 233 64 36 28
02799200 Honnenahalli 410.0 188 887 461 426 ,95 44 51
02799300 Yaladahalli 222.0 29 139 73 66 11 7 4
02799400 Rampura 199.0 210 971 511 460 117 71 46
02799500 Moodalabeedu 200.0 265 1,149 576 573 114 55 59
02799600 Kallimuddanahalli 209.0 106 429 210 219 50 22 28
02799700 Ankanahalli 361.0 525 2,348 1,164 1,184 228 110 118
02799800 Saligrama 1,109.0 2,643 11,780 5,981 5,799 1,414 748 666
02799900 Chikkanayakanahalli 538.0 453 2,070 1,013 1,057 245 128 117
02800000 Kedaga 253.0 210 1,113 569 544 120 55 65
02800 I 00 Mavanur 266.0 102 515 265 250 76 33 43
02800200 Ballur 824.0 334 1,611 814 797 213 112 101
02800300 Laxmipura 200.0 483 2,292 1,150 1,142 297 155 142
02800400 Bylapura 89.0 41 203 99 104 17 9 8
02800500 Bevinahalli 125.0 12 57 32 25 7 5 2
02800600 Thandreankanahalli 245.0 148 710 362 348 91 45 46
02800700 Kuppahalli 206.0 204 1,084 559 525 137 69 68
02800800 Mudiguppe 134.0 229 1,115 553 562 137 74 63
02800900 Kenchanahalli 254.0 147 805 422 383 105 56 49
02801000 Kuchenahalli 132.0 -----Un-inhabited----
02801100 Thandre 651.0 524 2,568 1,267 1,301 319 154 165
02801200 Katnalu 246.0 87 490 254 236 56 24 32
02801300 Alalakuppc 107.0 -------Un-inhabited------
02801400 Meluru 618.0 539 2,593 1,333 1,260 302 164 138
02801500 Sankanahalli 296.0 80 355 169 186 30 13 17
02801600 Bachaballi 191.0 128 660 343 317 79 41 38
02801700 Kurubahalli 148.0 148 748 386 362 102 46 56
02801800 Yaiemuddanahalli 329.0 248 1,121 582 539 134 68 66
02801900 Kodiyala 407.0 J55 762 386 376 105 62 43
02802000 Hanumanahalli 438.0 154 659 324 335 95 49 46
02802100 Narnchanahalli 164.0 230 1,010 481 529 127 64 63
02802200 Halemirle 218.0 312 1,374 717 657 168 89 79
02802300 Natanahalli 169.0 179 781 395 386 84 53 31
02802400 Shyabalu 189.0 136 708 369 339 83 46 37
02802500 Malanaikanahalli ,495.0 141 618 307 311 56 23 33
02802600 Mirle 1,576.0 1,432 6,075 3,015 3,060 638 341 297
021',02700 Beechanahalli 209.0 244 1,243 641 602 115 64 51



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
30,474 15,340 15,134 13,955 7,016 6,939 103,994 62,619 41,375 Krishnarajanagara (Total
30,474 15,340 15,134 13,955 7,016 6,939 103,994 62,619 41,375 Krishnarajanagara (Rural
Krishnarajanagara (Urba,
Krishnarajanagara (Rural
120 58 62 562 347 215 Bettahalli
257 127 130 5 4 487 293 194 Maluganahalli
-------------Un-inhabited------------ Bettahallikaval
24 9 15 123 82 41 Kulwne Hosum
196 100 96 55 24 31 892 549 343 Munduru
143 70 73 465 308 157 Ka1ammana Koppalu
321 166 155 35 21 14 577 357 220 Seegavalu
259 124 135 15 11 4 1,028 640 388 Haradanahalli
------------Un-inhabited----------- Bakkarehallada Kaval
21 14 7 Sanabinakuppe
255 137 118 26 13 13 541 317 224 Karpuravalli
309 163 146 486 301 185 Dadadahalli
297 144 153 501 333 168 Lakkikuppe
60 26 34 504 316 188 Hebsur
110 51 59 231 154 77 Saraguru
236 118 118 80 41 39 295 204 91 Gayanahalli
139 76 63 466 294 172 Pashupathi
235 154 8 I Gummanahalli
390 200 190 538 316 222 Honnenahalli
75 40 35 Yaladahalli
316 168 148 146 73 73 481 298 183 Rampura
5 3 2 79 41 38 608 381 227 Moodalabeedu
154 73 81 181 114 67 KalIimuddanahalIi
138 56 82 1,271 741 530 Ankanahalli
1,910 951 959 395 197 198 6,879 3,814 3,065 Saligrama
224 106 118 1,069 584 485 Chikkanayakanahalli
97 56 41 545 357 188 Kedaga
78 43 35 94 54 40 194 128 66 Mavanur
4 2 2 III 58 53 762 456 306 Ballur
230 117 113 2 I 1 859 506 353 Laxmipura
30 15 15 99 50 49 Bylapura
-. 39 22 17 Bevinahalli
45 23 22 133 55 78 372 241 131 Thandreankanahalli
88 52 36 24 11 13 529 347 182 Kuppahalli
147 74 73 505 308 197 Mudiguppe
55 29 .26 285 205 80 Kenchanahalli
-------------Un-inhabited----------- Kuchenahalli
298 153 145 135 67 68 887 559 328 Thandre
117 62 55 253 170 83 Katoalu
----------Un-inhabited----------- Alalakuppe
463 243 220 68 34 34 1,249 756 493 Meluru
190 110 80 Saukanahalli
241 168 73 Bachahalli
95 48 47 305 200 105 Kurubahalli
272 138 134 6 2 4 439 283 156 Yalemuddanahalli
168 90 78· 502 280 222 Kodiyala
140 153 294 180 114 Hanumanahalli
100 115 61 32 29 420 248 172 Narachanahalli
74 61 731 428 303 Halemirle
54 31 23 21 9 12 438 260 178 Natanahalli
46 34 85 45 40 328 197 131 Shyabalu
27 13 14 319 196 123 Malanaikanahalli
472 248 224 92 44 48 3,489 1,938 1,551 Mirle
649 409 240 BeecbanahaIli


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVilJage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0003 Krishnarajanagara (Total 104,572 42,262 62,310 102,149 65,654 36,495 78,709 60,156 18,553
0003 Krishnarajanagara (Rural 104,572 42,262 62,310 102,149 65,654 36,495 78,709 60,156 18,553
0003 Krishnarajanagara (Urhal
) Krishnarajanagara (Rural)
02797400 Bettahalli 662 263 399 689 391 298 672 382 290
02797500 Maluganahalli 450 177 273 512 303 209 510 303 207
02797600 Bettahallikaval -------Un-inhabited-------------
02797700 Kulume Hosum 472 208 264 315 175 140 269 -166 103
02797800 Munduru 1,514 647 867 1,376 733 643 1,280 706 574
02797900 Kalammana Koppalu 1,171 467 704 1,069 533 536 1,065 530 535
02798000 Seegavalu 827 348 479 926 459 467 920 458 462
02798100 Haradanahalli 1,240 504 736 1,231 682 549 1,179 652 527
02798200 Bakkarehallada Kaval -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02798300 Sanabinakuppe 39 14 25 15 15 13 13
02798400 Karpuravalli 595 255 340 340 316 24 235 223 12
02798500 Dadadahalli 594 253 341 776 420 356 621 352 269
02798600 Lakkikuppe 892 362 530 932 475 457 626 419 207
02798700 Hehsllr 765 303 462 752 424 328 638 . 382 256
02798800 Saraguru 170 47 123 201 116 85 102 102
02798900 Gayanah,J11i 491 197 294 368 226 142 317 202 115
02799000 Pashupathi 439 165 274 399 291 108 294 257 37
02799100 Gummanahalli 235 83 152 178 145 33 97 96
02799200 Honnenahalli 349 145 204 444 297 147 390 287 103
02799300 Yaladahalli 64 33 31 79 41 38 75 40 35
02799400 Rampura 490 213 277 438 308 130 305 285 20
02799500 Moodal.beedu 541 195 346 498 378 120 416 364 52
02799600 Kallimuddanahalli 248 96 152 233 137 96 217 137 80
02799700 Ankanahalli 1,077 423 654 1,023 698 325 867 642 225
02799800 Saligrama 4,901 2.167 2,734 5,012 3,739 1,273 4,504 3,673 831
02799900 Chikkanayakanahalli 1,001 429 572 952 606 346 862 566 296
02800000 Kedaga 568 212 356 674 410 264 428 343 85
02800100 Mavanur 321 137 184 350 187 163 325 186 139
02800200 Ballur 849 358 491 830 521 309 440 431 9
02800300 Laxmipura 1,433 644 789 1,172 727 445 1,083 719 364
02800400 Bylapura 104 49 55 70 69 1 69 68
02800500 Bevinahalli 18 10 8 18 18 18 18
02800600 Thandreankanahalli 338 121 217 340 242 98 297 236 61
02800700 Kuppahalli 555 212 343 527 294 233 369 278 91
02800800 Mudiguppe 610 245 365 408 352 56 393 345 48
02800900 Kenchanahalli 520 217 303 442 261 181 433 261 172
02801000 Kuchcnahalli -------Un-inhabited------------
02801100 Thandre 1,681 708 973 1,227 754 473 1,071 727 344
02801200 Kamalu 237 84 153 279 174 105 183 160 23
02801300 Alalakuppe --------Un-inhabited----------
02801400 Meluru 1,344 577 767 1,407 847 560 972 780 192
02801500 Sankanahalli 165 59 106 184 113 71 109 107 2
02801600 Bachahalli 419 175 244 423 226 197 394 224 170
02801700 Kuru:bahalli 443 186 257 481 260 221 383 252 131
02801800 Yalemuddanahalli 682 299 . 383 510 358 152 507 356 151
02801900 Kodiyala 260 106 154 485 253 232 308 233 75
02802000 Hanumanahalli 365 144 221 421 221 200 216 208 8
02802100 Narachanahalli 590 233 357 349 304 45 271 266 11
02802200 Halemirle 643 289 354 631 441 190 485 416 69
02802300 Natannhalli 343 135 208 332 235 97 306 227 79
02802400 Shyabalu 380 172 208 238 196 42 142 130 12
02802500 Malanaikanahalli 299 III 188 218 2]] 7 204 198 6
02802600 Mirle 2,586 1,077 1,509 2,489 1,791 698 2,275 1,702 573
02802700 Beechanahalli 594 232 362 606 390 216 429 378 51



Industrial cat~gorv of main workers

Household industry
. Cultivators Agrieulturallabourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 '
51,054 40,214 10,840 15,014 9,307 5,707 675 518 157 11,966 10,117 1,849 Krishnarajanagara (Total,
51,054 40,214 10,840 15,014 9,307 5,707 675 518 157 11,966 10,117 1,849 Krishnarajanagara (Rural
Krishnarajanagara (Urbal
Krishnarajanagara (Rural
630 352 278 18 10 8 5 4 19 16 3 Bettahalli
498 294 204 3 2 9 7 2 Maluganahalli
-----------Un-inhabited------------- Bettaha1likaval
237 145 92 26 18 8 6 .3 3 Kulume Hosuru
1,183 647 536 63 37 26 33 21 12 Munduru
997 503 494 54 16 38 14 11 3 Kalammana Koppalu
877 420 457 2 40 36 4 Seegavalu
1,120 602 SI8 2 2 56 48 8 Haradanahalli
-----------Ull-inhabited------------ Bakkarehallada Kaval
13 13 . Sanabinakuppe
228 218 10 6 4 2 Karpuravalli
503 285 218 90 44 46 12 II 16 12 4 Dadadahalli
571 380 191 18 10 8 II 9 2 26 20 6 Lakkikuppe
538 325 213 79 42 37 I I 20 14 6 Hebsur
99 99 2 2 Saraguru
294 '184 110 7 4 3 4 4 12 10 2 Gayanahalli
272 241 31 2 20 15 5 Pashupathi
84 84 9 9 4 3 Gumrnanahalli
363 271 92 14 5 9 13 11 2 Honnenahalli
66 33 33 9 7 2 Yaladahalli
212 208 4 55 42 13 2 2 36 33 3 Rampurn
313 283 30 41 25 16 3 3 59 53 6 Moodalabeedu
158 115 43 39 5 34 20 17 3 Kallimuddanahalli
626 504 122 143 49 94 5 4 93 85 8 Ankanahalli
1,513 1,316 197 1,009 597 412 . 41 19 22 1,941 1,741 . 200 Saligrama
722 475 247 106 61 45 2 2 32 28 4 Chikkanayakanahalli
329 276 53 84 57 27 I 14 9 5 Kedaga
304 174 130 21 12 9 Mavanur
386 379 7 1 1 17 17 36 34 2 Ballur
686 458 228 309 187 122 20 16 4 68 58 . 10 Laxmipura
46 46 14 13 1 4 4 5 5 By1apura
18 18 Bevinahalli
272 224 48 4 2 2 21 10 11 Thandreankanahalli
2S6 232 24 91 30 61 21 16 5 Kuppahalli
298 289 9 78 44 34 17 12 5 Mudiguppe
368 228 140 59 27 32 6 6 Kenchanahalli
----------Un-inhabited----------- Kuchenahalli
736 524 212 219 106 113 6 3 3 110 94 16 Thandre
108 104 4 52 40 12 23 16 7 Katoalu
------------Un-inhabited-------- Alalakuppe
743 662 81 157 56 101 9 9 63 53 10 Meluru
87 87 5 5 I 16 14 2 Sankanahalli
274 179 95 1I0 38 72 9 6 3 Bachahalli
132 17 167 67 100 4 4 63 49 14 Kurubahalli
240 19 215 90 125 33 26 7 Yalemuddanahalli
241 189 52 40 21 19 I 26 22 4 Kodiyala
184 3 18 16 2 '1 10 7 3 Hanumanahalli
111 107 4 120 119 I 2· 2 44 40 4 Narachanahalli
339 304 35 92 62 30 6 5 48 45 3 Halemirle
105 94 11 116 64 52 20 IS 5 65 54 11 Natanahalli
56 55 14 14 19 15 4 53 46 7 Shyabalu
130 128 2 56 56 2 2 16 12 4 Malanaikanahalli
770 217 805 541 264 12 3 9 471 388 83 Mirle
230 222 8 12 7 5 78 47 31 Beechanahalli
109 102 7


CD Block-
Industrial categor"
code Mar o inal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0003 Krishnarajanagara (Total 23,440 5,498 17,942 7,816 1,404 6,412 13,553 3,234 10,319
0003 Krishnarajanagara (Rural 23,440 5,498 17,942 7,816 1,404 6,412 13,553 3,234 10,319
0003 Krishnarajanagara (Urbal
.) Krishnarajanagara (Rural)
02797400 Bettahalli 17 9 8 14 6 8
02797500 Maluganahalli 2 2 1
02797600 Bcttahailikaval --------Un-inhabited------------
02797700 Kulume Hosuru 46 9 37 422 41 7 34
02797800 Munduru 96 27 69 20 7 13 72 18 54
02797900 Kalammana Koppalu 4 3 2 1
02798000 Secgavalu 6 1 5
02798100 Haradanahalli 52 30 22 29 14 15
02798200 Bakkarehallada Kaval -------Un-inhabited----------
02798300 Sanabinakuppe 2 2 2 2
02798400 Karpuravalli 105 93 12 6 6 87 76 11
02798500 Dadadahalli 155 - 68 87 137 60 77 18 8 10
02798600 Lakkikuppe 306 56 250 254 34 220 46 18 28
02798700 Hebsur 114 42 72 79 29 50 30 9 21
02798800 Saraguru 99 14 85 77 4 73 17 5 12
02798900 Gayanahalli 51 24 27 43 20 23 8 4 4
02799000 Pashupathi I 105 34 71 59 14 45 45 20 25
02799100 Gummanahalli 81 49 32 7 6 74 43 31
02799200 Honnenahalli 54 10 44 6 5 48 9 39
02799300 Yaladahalli 4 3 4 1 3
02799400 Rampura 133 23 110 8 3 5 118 17 101
_ 02799500 Moodalabeedu 82 14 68 67 8 59 11 4 7
02799600 Kallimuddanahalli 16 16 I I 15 15
02199700 Ankanahalli 156 56 100 3 3 138 43 95
02799800 Saligrama 508 66 442 64 12 52 389 40 349
02799900 Chikkanayakanahalli 90 40 50 21 12 9 66 27 39
02800000 Kedaga 246 67 179 203 52 151 41 13 28
02800100 Mavanur 25 24 2S 24
02800200 Ballur 390 90 300 183 4 179 206 85 121
02800300 Laxmipura 89 8 81 43 2 41 42 4 38
02800400 Bylapum
02800500 Bevinahalli
02800600 Thandreankanahalli 43 6 37 4 1 3 37 4 33
02800700 Kuppahalli 158 16 142 20 3 17 134 10 124
02800800 Mudiguppe 15 7 8 7 2 5
02800900 Kcnchanahalli 9 9 7 7
02801000 Kuchenahalli -------Un-inhabited---------
02801100 Thandre 156 27 129 18 4 -14 116 5 111
02801200 Katoalu 96 14 82 53 12 41 40 2 _ 38
02801300 AlaJakuppe ---Un-inhabited------------
02801400 Meluru 435 67 368 124 15 109 301 49. 252
02801500 Sankanahalli 75 6 69 59 59 14 4 10
02801600 Bachahalli 29 2 27 28 2 26
02801700 Kurubahalli 98 8 90 11 5 6 85 2 83
02801800 Yalemuddanahalli 3 2 1 I
02801900 Kodiyala 177 20 157 168 17 151 8 2 6
02802000 Hanumanahalli 205 13 192 116 7 109 88 5 83
02802100 Narachanahalli 72 38 34 1 I 20 17 3
02802200 Halemirle 146 25 121 6 6 128 21 107
02802300 Natanahalli 26 8 18 4 3 13 4 9
02802400 Shyabalu 96 66 30 85 60 25
02802500 Malanaikanahalli 14 13 1 11 II
02802600 Mirlc 214 89 125 10 3 7 ISS 76 79
02802700 Beechanahalli 177 12 165 159 10 149



of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
257 86 171 1,814 774 1,040 106,417 39,227 67,190 Krishnarajanagara (TotaI 0003
257 86 171 1,814 774 1,040 106,417 39,227 67,190 Krishnarajanagara (Rural 0003
Krishnarajal\agara (Urba. 0003
Krishnarajanagara (Rural)
2 2 535 219 316 Bettahalli 02797400
425 167 258 Maluganaballi 02797500
-----------Un-inhabited----------- Bettahallikaval 02797600
1 I 280 lIS 165 Kulume Hosum 02797700
4 2 2 1,030 463 567 Munduru 02797800
2 2 567 242 325 Kalammana Koppalu 02797900
5 5 478 246 232 Seegavalu 02798000
3 3 19 12 7 1,037 462 575 Haradanahalli 02798100
---------Un-inhabited------------ Bakkarehallada Kaval 02798200
45 13 32 Sanabinakuppe 02798300
4 4 8 7 796 256 540 Karpuravalli 02798400
304 134 170 Dadadahalli 02798500
5 3 2 461 220 241 Lakkikuppe 02798600
4 4 517 195 322 Hebsur 02798700
4 4 1 1 200 85 115 Saraguru 02798800
418 175 243 Gayanahalli 02798900
506 168 338 Pashupathi 02799000
292 92 200 Gummanahalli 02799100
443 164 279 Honnenahalli 02799200
60 32 28 Yaladahalli 02799300
7 3 4 533 203 330 Rampura 02799400
4 2 2 651 198 453 Moodalabeedu 02799500
196 73 123 Kallimuddanahalli 02799600
3 2 I 12 II 1,325 466 859 Ankanahalli 02799700
17 17 38 14 24 6,768 2,242 4,526 Saligrama 02799800
3 1 2 1,118 407 711 Chikkanayakanahalli 02799900
2 2 439 159 280 Kedaga 02800000
165 78 87 Mavanur 02800100
781 293 488 Ballur 02800200
4 2 2 1,120 423 697 Laxmipura 02800300
133 30 . 103 Bylapura 02800400
39 14 25 Bevinahalli 02800500
2 1 370 120 250 Thandreankanaballi 02800600
4 3 557 265 292 Kuppahalli 02800700
6 4 2 707 201 506 MUdiguppe 02800800
2 2 363 161 202 Kenchanahalli 02800900
-----------Un-inhabited------------ Kuchenahalli 02801000
22 18 4 1,341 513 828 Thandre 02801100
3 3 211 80 131 Katnalu 02801200
---------Un-inhabited------------ Alalakuppe 02801300
9 2 7 1,186 486 700 Meluru 02801400
2 2 171 56 115 Sankanahalli 02801500
237 117 120 Bachahalli 02801600
2 I 267 126 141 Kurubahalli 02801700
2 2 611 224 387 Yalemuddanahalli 02801800
277 133 144 . Kodiyala 02801900
238 103 135 Hanumanahalli 02802000
36 16 20 661 177 484 Narachanahalli 02802100
15 5 10
2 7 1 6 743 276 467 Halemirle 02802200
5 3
3 3 449 160 289 Natanahalli 02802300
6 6
4 4 470 173 297 Shyabalu 02802400
7 2 5
3 2 1 400 96 304 MalanaikanahaUi 02802500
10 38 3,586 1,224 2,362 Mide 02802600
2 15 637 251 386 Beechanahalli 02802700


CD Block-

Total population (inclnding

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02802800 Hulleborekaval 106.0 10 3 7 I 1
02802900 Gu luvinaattiguppe 476.0 367 1,767 910 857 186 105 81
02803000 Matadakaval 452.0 --------Un-inhabited-------------
02803100 Hosum 128.0 87 459 236 223 57 34 23
02803200 Arakere 244.0 19 96 49 47 12 8 4
02803300 Munjanahalli 151.0 245 1,179 605 574 122 59 63
02803400 Chikkabherya 218.0 165 829 424 405 91 43 48
02803500 Valagerehalli 102.0 -------Un-inhabited-------------
02803600 Gemuada 198.0 108 594 289 305 92 43 49
02803700 Somanahalli 236.0 46 220 110 110 31 17 14
02803800 Battiganahalli 254.0 98 504 255 249 53 25 28
02803900 Bherya 399.0 869 4,377 2,269 2,108 556 301 255
02804000 Sambaravalli 243.0 30 174 76 98 20 7 13
02804100 Mandiganahalli 280.0 172 776 394 382 82 40 42
02804200 Sugganahalli 204.0 119 534 267 267 56 27 . 29
02804300 Hosa Agrahara 448.0 318 1,487 753 734 130 70 60
02804400 Haramballi 323.0 304 1,464 745 719 183 98 85
02804500 Alambadikaval 101.0 I 4 2 2
02804600 Doddavaddaragudi 196.0 84 379 180 199 34 19 15
02804700 Bommenahall; 265.0 52 239 107 132 27 11 16
02804800 Kakanahalli 180.0 32 144 68 76 19 9 10
02804900 Gandhanahalli 550.0 1,047 5,106 2,585 2,521 547 291 256
02805000 Chikkavoddaragudi 279.0 220 1,012 511 501 93 48 45
02805100 Kanchinakere 255.0 304 \,399 736 663 175 97 78
02805200 Maragowdanahalli 286.0 294 1,526 740 786 207 . 88 119
02805300 Adaguru 272.0 166 832 407 425 117 . 60 57
02805400 Galigekere 541.0 611 3,236 1,617 1,619 349 171 178
02805500 A1junahalli 554.0 398 1,906 926 980 185 97 88
02805600 Manchanahalli 616.0 449 2,161 1,046 1,115 210 93 117
02805700 Kaggaliborekaval 336.0 230 1,013 511 502 125 58 67
02805800 Beeranahalli 64.0 ------Un-inhabited------------
02805900 Chenga 133.0 -----Un-inhabited------------
02806000 Hampapura 834.0 883 4,225 2,131 2,094 491 . 253 238
02806100 Sanyasipura 69.0 67 355 178 177 39 15 24
02806290 Abburu 143.0 88 414 221 193 61 30 31
02806300 Vallambudi 63.0 5 2 3
02806400 Karthalu 174.0 420 1,929 963 966 171 83 88
02806500 Hullehosur 220.0 -------Un-inhabited-------------
02806600 Thandre 73.0 102 523 266 257 59 26 33
02806700 Hanasogehantha 676.0 -----Un-inhabited-------------
02806800 Hanasoge 587.0 569 2,648 1,319 1,329 256 128 128
02806900 Yaremanuganahalli 282.0 143 754 394 360 110 58 52
02807000 Channamgere 344.0 415 2,015 1,023 992 231 127 104
02807100 Chikkahanasoge 341.0 297 1,344 690 654 127 77 50
02807200 Bandahalli 137.0 211 1,046 517 529 143 77 66
02807300 Kolur 224.0 200 983 512 471 134 70 64
02807400 Kolurhantha 390.0 -------Un-inhabited--------
02807500 Kaggala 56.0 165 776 378 398 92 53 39
02807600 Nadappanahalli 418.0 216 1,125 574 551 151 78 73
02807700 Dammanahalli 18LO 164 735 369 366 76 34 42
02807800 . Hadya 298.0 411 1,951 959 992 232 123 109
02807900 Hadyahantha 292.0 ----------Un-inhabited-----------
02808000 Sakkare 123.0 99 515 254 261. 76 33 43
02808100 Mayigowdanahalli 359.0 199 912 445 467 121 60 61
02808200 Diddahalli 191.0 168 831 445 386 ·106 62 44
02808300 Hosur 287.0 480 2,201 1,135 1,066 229 123 106
02808400 Kuppehantha 126.0 3 1 2 1
02808500 Sreeramapura 385.0 282 1,194 595 599 122 66 56



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
10 3 7 5 3 2 Hulleborekaval
223 III 1)2 612 400 212 Guluvinaattiguppe
-----------Un-inhabited------- Matadakaval
192 . 99 93 131 98 33 Hosuru
28 20 8 Arakere
150 70 80 501 253 248 553 358 195 Munjanahalli
175 96 79 295 148 147 303 188 11·5 Chikkabhel)'a
--------c---Un-inhabited-------------- . Valagerehalli
147 71 76 127 93 34 Gerudada
220 110 110 74 39 35 Somanahalli
285 174 III Battiganahalli
924 459 465 356 183 173 2,387 1,401 986 Bbel)'a
35 ' 21 14 Sambaravalli
42 22 20 378 234 144 , Mandiganahalli
35 19 16 5 2 3 272 168 104 Sugganahalli
308 148 160 394 198 196 902 538 364 Hosa Agrahara
361 181 180 14 7 7 606 380 226 Haramballi
3 2 Alambadikaval
92 49 43 10 4 6 216 lIS 101 Doddavaddaragudi
66 28 38 106 59 47 Bommenahalli
144 68 76 41 24 17 Kakanahalli'
224 108 116 63 31 32 2,314 1,478 836 Gandhanahalli
119 64 . 55 5 2 3 662 383 279 Chikkavoddaragudi
122 59 63 612 411 20 I Kanchinakere
642 318 324 555 358 197 Maragowdanaballi
51 26 25 517 295 222 Adaguru
253 117 136 774 404 370 1,591 987 604 Galigekere
322 160 162 367 186 181 1,164 676 488 AIjunahaIli
175 81 94 1,053 626 427 Manchanahalli
24 12 12 488 299 189 Kaggaliborekaval
-----------Un-inhabited----- Beeranahalli
-------------Un-inhabited------- Chenga
874 431 443 1,022 524 498 2,540 1,465 1,075 Hampapura
353 177 176 184 113 71 Sanyasipura
29 13 16 224 149 75 Abburu
4 2 2 Vallambudi
115 59 56 1,228 716 512 Karthalu
------------Un-inhabited----- Hullebosur
297 185 112 Thandre
-----------Un-inhabited------- Hanasogebantha
212 101 111 80S 410 395 1,441 855 586 Hanasoge
275 151 124 402 243 159 Yarcmanuganahalli
195 99 96 290 146 144 883 558 325 Cbannamgere
200 109 91 697 419 278 Chikkabanasoge
220 109 111 480 300 180 Bandahalli
440 227 213 488 307 181 Kolur
--------Un-inhabited------ Kolurbantha
101 48 53 309 186 123 Kaggala
292 149 143 491 324 167 Nadappanahalli
71 38 33 317 190 127 Dammanahalli
391 197 194 396 187 209 880 518 362 Hadya
--------Un-inhabited--------- Hadyahantha
23 9 14 145 94 51 Sakkare
49 49 22 11 II 372 219 153 May;gowdanahalli
16 10 6 451 289 162 Diddahalli
101 34 44 19 25 1,199 714 485 Hosur
\ 135
113 109 5 2 3 665 375 290 Sreeramapura


CD Block-

code lJIiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons IVlales Females Persons Males Females Persons IVlales Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02802800 Hulleborekaval 5 523 2 2
02802900 Guluvinaattiguppc 1,155 510 645 1,074 602 472 577 525 52
02803000 Matadakaval -------------Un-inhabited-------------
02803 I 00 Hosuru 328 138 190 268 153 115 162 135 27
02803200 Arakcrc 68 29 39 62 34 28 48 33 15
02803300 Munjanahalli 626 247 379 537 388 149 381 360 21
02803400 Chikkabherya 526 236 290 428 279 149 200 185 IS
02803500 Valagerehalli -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02803600 Gemdad. 467 196 271 407 198 209 178 171 7
02803700 SomanahaJli 145 7I 75 87 63 24 50 48 2
02803800 Battiganahalli 219 81 138 293 187 106 154 134 20
02803900 Bherya 1,990 868 1,122 1,638 1,352 286 1,492 1,286 206
02804000 Sambamvalli 139 55 84 104 61 43 81 60 21
02804 I 00 Mandiganahalli 398 160 238 281 270 11 250 242 8
02804200 Sugganahalli 262 99 163 241 164 77 161 144 17
02804300 Hasa Agrahara 585 215 370 456 410 46 373 356 17
02804400 Haramballi 858 365 493 701 486 215 445 414 31
02804500 Alambadikaval I I I
02804600 Doddavaddaragudi 163 65 98 227 121 106 133 101 32
02804700 Bammenahalli 133 48 85 122 65 57 J09 64 45
02804800 Kakanahalli 103 44 59 73 40 33 69 40 29
02804900 Gandhanahalli 2,792 1,107 1,685 2,147 1,519 628 1,978 1,464 514
02805000 Chikkavoddaragudi 350 128 222 347 289 58 304 276 28
02805100 Kanchinakcrc 787 325 462 714 455 259 660 431 229
02805200 Maragowdanahalli 971 382 589 703 485 218 580 464 116
02805300 Adaguru 315 1I2 203 261 252 9 258 251 7
02805400 Galigekere 1,645 630 1,015 1,423 1,004 419 1,263 941 322.
02805500 AIjunahalli 742 250 492 828 539 289 570 530 40
02805600 Manchanahalli 1,108 420 688 1,017 650 367 947 630 317
02805700 Kaggal iborekaval 525 212 313 446 313 133 260 251 9
02805800 Beeranahalli ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02805900 Chenga ---------Un-inhabited--------------
02806000 Hampapura 1,685 666 1,019 1,493 1,165 328 1,152 1,028 124
02806100 Sanyasipura 171 65 106 142 91 51 79 77 2
02806200 Abbum 190 72 1I8 244 146 98 184 137. 47
02806300 VaUambudi 1 1 2 1 1
02806400 Karthalu 701 247 454 1,149 628 521 830 607 223
02806500 Hullehosur --------Un-inbahited------------
02806600 Thandre 226 81 145 295 172 123 211 171 40
02806700 Hanasogehantha ---------Un-inhabited--------------
02806800 Hanasoge 1,207 464 743 1,376 809 567 1,064 800 264
02806900 Yaremanuganahalli 352 151 201 414 225 189 272 209 63
02807000 Channamgere 1,132 465 667 1,176 674 502 631 601 30
02807 I 00 Chikkahanasogc 647 271 376 622 428 194 351 327 24
02807200 Bandahalli 566 217 349 555 313 242 384 271 113
02807300 Kalur 495 205 290 394 336 58 373 330 43
02807400 Kolurhantha ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02807500 Kaggala 467 192 275 492 255 237 247 239 8
02807600 Nadappanahalli 634 250 384 528 348 180 384 299 85
02807700 Dammanahalli 418 179 239 465 253 212 217 216 1
02807800 Hadya 1,071 441 630 1,002 656 346 633 589 44
02807900 Hadyahantha -----------Un-inhabited------____ _
02808000 Sakkare 370 160 210 325 181 144 176 170 6
02808 I 00 Mayigowdanahalli 540 226 314 568 297 271 308 284 24
02808200 Diddahalli 380 156 224 426 287 139 157 134 23
02808300 Hosur 1,002 421 581 1,169 679 490 867 656 211
02808400 Kuppehantha 3 1 2 2 2 1
02808500 Sreeramapura 529 220 309 577 414 163 440 384 56


Industrial category of main workers
Housebold industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Otber workers
PersoDS Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
2 2 Hulleborekaval
325 314 II 153 125 28 13 12 86 74 12 Guluvinaattiguppe
----------Un-inhabited-------- Matadakaval
140 117 23 2 2 20 16 4 Hosuru
46 31 15 1 1 1 Arakere
319 305 14 19 14 5 8 8 35 33 2 Munjanahalli
117 113 4 25 21 4 58 51 7 Chikkabherya
--------Un-inhabited----------- Va1agerehalli
164 160 4 2 1 I 12 10 2 Gerudada
43 41 2 2 2 5 5 Somanahalli
96. 96 26 10 16 32 28 4 Battiganahalli
417 391 26 307 211 96 21 6 15 747 678 69 Bhetya
61 44 17 2 2 18 14 4 Sambaravalli '
232 228 4 18 14 4 Mandiganahalli
101 92 9 4 2 2 55 49 6 SugganahnIli
194 191 3 55 2 3 3 121 109 12 Hosa Agrahara
348 325 23 8 88 81 7 HarambalJi
I 1 Alambadikava1
106 83 23 10 6 4 2 2 15 10 5 Doddavaddaragudi
36 25 11 56 29 27 17 10 7 Bommenahalli
26 17 9 42 22 20 Kakanahalli
986 815 171 696 436 260 27 13 14 269 200 69 Gandhanahalli
217 202 15 4 4 13 13 70 57 13 Chikkavoddaragudi
618 394 224 41 36 5 Kanchinakere
251 221 30 318 233 85 3 3 8 7 1 Maragowdanahalli
191 190 12 12 6 5 49 44 5 Adaguru
685 528 157 435 291 144 14 12 2 129 110 19 GaIigekere
493 466 27 9 5 4 5 5 63 54 9 AIjunahaIli
637 438 199 173 96 77 29 12 17 108 84 24 Mancbanahalli
194 187 7 24 23 2 1 40 40 Kaggaliborekaval
-------Un-inhabited----'----- Beeranahalli
------------Un-inhabited---------- Chenga
465 434 31 152 116 36 7 2 5 528 476 52 Hampapura
·52 51 1 17 17 10 9 Sanyasipura
88 75 13 71 39 32 24 22 2 Abburu
1 1 Vallambudi
653 465 188 23 16 7 7 5 2 147 121 26 Kartha1u
-------Un-inhabited-------- Hullehosur
186 148 38 2 2 23 21 ·2 Thandre
---------Un-inhabited-------- Hanasogehantha
769 584 185 144 87 57 6 6 145 123 22 Hariasoge
·155 133 22 83 50 33 34 26 8 Yaremanuganahalli
504 12 10 3 7. 7 98 87 11 Channamgere
270 265 5 39 28 11 41 34 7 Chikkahanasoge
264 181 83 97 70 27 2 21 19 2 Bandahalli
230 224 6 118 84 34 2 2 23 20 3 Ko1ur
--------Un-inhabited------- Ko1urbantha
200 199 1 19 15 4 7 7 21 18 3 Kagga1a
199 39 115 73 42 3 3 ·28 24 4 NadappanahaJli
23 23 25 24 Dammanaballi
168 168
340 13 180 161 19 14 12 2 86 76 10 Hadya
-----Un-inhabited------ Hadyahantha
2 2 31 2S 6 Sakkare
143 143
57 50 7 3 2 67 57 10 MayigowdanahaIli
181 175 6
4 4 122 101 21 DiddahalJi
31 29 2
123 64 59 20 20 257 224 33 Hosur
467 348 119
I Kuppehantha
142 45 5 2 64 59 5 Sreemmapura
182 178 4 187


CD Block-
Industrial catcgorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males ~'emales Persons Males Females
t 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02802800 Hulleborckaval 3 3 3 3
02802900 Guluvinaattiguppe 497 420 105 4 101 329 54 275
02803000 Matadakaval ------------Un-inhabited--------
02803100 Husuru 106 18 88 I I 98 13 85
02803200 Arakere 14 13 14 13
02803300 Munjanahalli 156 28 128 2 2 145 23 122
02803400 Chikkabherya 228 94 134 46 15 31 139 58 81
02803500 Valagerehalli ---------Un-inhabited------
02803600 Gerudada 229 27 202 204 10 194
02803700 Somanahalli 37 15 22 35 13 22
02803800 Battiganahalli 139 53 g6 2 2 110 29 81
02803900 Bherya 146 66 go 24 9 15 91 42 49
02804000 Sambamvalli 23 22 18 18 2 2
02804100 Mandiganahalli 31 28 3 2
02804200 Sugganahalli 80 20 60 53 13 40 13 12
02804300 Hosa Agrahara 83 54 29 17 14 3 49 28 21
02804400 Haramballi 256 72 184 9 4 5 236 61 175
02804500 Alambadikaval
02804600 Doddavaddaragudi 94 20 74 7 6 87 19 68
02804700 Bommenahalli 13 12 3 3 10 9
02804800 Kakanahalli 4 4 4 4
02804900 Gandhanahalli 169 55 114 67 26 41 40 15 25
02805000 Chikkavoddaragudi 43 13 30 17 3 14 19 6 13
02805100 Kanchinakere 54 24 30 1 5 4
02805200 Maraguwdanahalli 123 21 102 52 9 43 69 11 58
02805300 Adaguru 3 1 2 2 1 1
02805400 Galigekere 160 63 97 23 3 20 109 44 65
02805500 AIjunahalli 258 9 249 2 247 4 243
02805600 Manchanahalli 70 20 50 3 2 31 6 25
02805700 Kaggaliborekaval 186 62 124 2 176 57 119
02805800 Beeranahalli --------Un-inhabited-----
02805900 Chenga ------------Un-inhabited--------
02806000 Hampapura 341 137 204 20 6 14 253 93 160
02806100 Sanyasipura 63 14 49 19 5 14 43 8 35
02806200 Abburu 60 9 51 40 9 31 20 20
02806300 Vallambudi I I 1
02806400 Karthalu 319 21 298 269 13 256 35 34
02806500 Hullehosur ----------Un-inhabited----
02806600 Thandre 84 83 83 1 82
02806700 Hanasogehantha -----------Un-inhabited-----
02806800 Hanasoge 312 9 303 200 1 199 100 8 92
02806900 Yaremanuganahalli 142 16 126 95 5 90 42 10 32
02807000 Channamgere 545 73 472 343 32 311 186 33 153
02807100 Chikkahanasoge 271 101 170 172 47 125 95 52 43
02807200 Bandahalli 171 42 129 72 8 64 99 34 65
02807300 Kolur 21 6 15 1 17 2 15
02807400 Kolurhantha -----------Un-inhabited--------
02807500 Kaggala 245 16 229 131 9 122 111 6 105
02807600 Nadappanahalli 144 49 95 92 40 52 48 6 42
02807700 Dammanahalli 248 37 211 80 19 61 165 17 148
02807800 Hadya 369 67 302 152 42 110 205 22 183
02807900 Hadyahantha ------------Un-inhabited------
02808000 Sakkare 149 11 138 97 6 91 38 3 35
02808100 Mayigowdanahalli 260 13 247 157 8 149 102 4 98
02808200 Diddahalli 269 153 116 228 129 99 19 16 3
02808300 Hosur 302 23 279 202 .12 190 47 4 43
02808400 Kuppehantha
02808500 Sreeramapura 137 30 107 22 5 I7 114 25 89


of marginal workers
Housebuld industry workers Otber workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
5 4 Hulleborekaval 02802800
2 2 61 19 42 693 308 3'85 Gulnvinaattiguppe 02802900
----------Un-inhabited------------ Matadakaval 02803000
7 4 3 191 83 108 Hosuru 02803100
34 15 19 Arakere 02803200
4 4 5 1 4 642 217 425 Munjanaballi 02803300
3 3 40 21 19 401 145 256 Chikkabherya 02803400
---------Un-inhabited------------- Valagereballi 02803500
25 17 8 187 91 96 Gerudada 02803600
1 133 47 86 Somanahalli 02803700
27 22 5 211 68 143 Battiganahalli 02803800
7 7 24 15 9 2,739 917 1,822 Bherya 02803900
2 I 70 15 55 Sambaravalli 02804000
29 27 2 495 124 371 Mandiganahalli 02804100
I 13 5 8 293 103 190 Sugganahalli . 02804200
5 3 2 12 . 9 3 1,031 343 688 Hosa Agrahara 02804300
11 7 4 763 259 504 Haramballi 02804400
3 2 A1ambadikaval 02804500
152 59 93 Doddavaddaragudi 02804600
117 42 75 Bommenahalli 02804700
71 28 43 Kakanahalli 02804800
2 2 60 14 46 2,959 1,066 1,893 Gandbanallalli 02804900
6 4 2 665 222 443 Chikkavoddaragudi 02805000
48 22 '26 685 281 404 Kanchinakere 02805100
2 823 255 568 Maragowdanaballi 02805200
571 155 416 Adagum 02805300
8 4 4 20 12 8 1,813 613 1,200 GaJigekere 02805400
2 1 1 7 3 4 1,078 387 691 Arjunahalli 02805500
II 2 9 25 II 14 1,144 396 748 Manchanahalli 02805600
I 1 7 3 4 567 198 369 Kaggaliborekaval 02805700
---------Un-inhabited---------- Beeranahalli 02805800
c----------Un-inhabited------------- Chenga 02805900
9 3 6 59 35 24 2,732 966 1,766 Hampapura 02806000
213 87 126 Sanyasipura 02806100
170 75 95 Abbum 02806200
3 1 2 Vallambudi 02806300
2 2 13 7 6 780 335 445 Karthalu 02806400
------Un-inhabited-------------- Hullehosur 02806500
228 94 134 Thandre 02806600
_________ ~Un_inhabited-----~-------- Hanasogebantha 02806700
7 5 5 1,272 510 762 Hanasoge 02806800
5 1 4 340 169 171 YaremanuganahalJi 02806900
4 6 6 4 2 839 349 490 Channamgere 02807000
4 2 2 722 262 460 Chikkahanasoge 02807100
491 204 287 BandahaJli 02807200
3 3 589 176 413 Kolnr 02807300
----------Un-inhabitcd----------- Kolurhantha 02807400
3 1 2 284 123 161 Kaggala 02807500
597 226 371 Nadappanahalli 02807600
4 3
3 2 270 116 154 Dammanahalli 02807700
10 3 7 949 303 646 Hadya 02807800
2 2
_________Un_inhabited---------- Hadyahantha 02807900
14 2 12 190 73 117 Sakkare 02808000
I 344 148 196 Mayigowdanahalli 02808100
8 14 405 158 247 Diddahalli 02808200
40 1,032 456 576 Hosur 02808300
6 6 47 7
I I Kuppehantha. 02808400
617 181 436 Sreeramapura 02808500


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02808600 Haleyuru 882.0 1,269 5,581 2,753 2,828 609 323 286
02808700 Anknnahalli 251.0 235 1,197 598 599 140 69 71
02808800 Gudduganahalli 410.0 113 561 273 288 7} 33 40
02808900 Somanahalli 248.0 181 919 481 438 135 76 59
02809000 Benaganahalli 228.0 155 751 368 383 82 38 44
02809100 Kogilur 343.0 152 829 423 406 89 46 43
02809200 Chibukahalli 257.0 144 777 398 379 102 45 57
02809300 Kuppe 1,391.0 952 4,314 2,156 2,158 532 283 249
02809400 Kestur 1,328.0 1,140 5,449 2,729 2,720 651 334 317
02809500 Kanchagarakoppalu 124.0 219 970 472 498 122 61 61
02809600 Malali 445.0 260 1,322 657 665 164 81 83
02809700 Hosakote 622.0 546 2,616 1,301 1,315 381 199 182
02809800 Nijaganahalli 245.0 91 446 233 213 55 29 26
02809900 Mavathur Hantha 243.0 ------------Un-inhabited--------------
028 I 0000 Byadarahalli Hantha 466.0 ------:----Un-inhabited-------------
02810100 Kappadihantha . 353.0 3 6 4 2
02810200 Chandagalhantha 306.0 ---------Un-inhabited--------------
02810300 Venkatapura 204.0 ------------Un-inhabitcd-------------
02810400 Buvanahalli 363.0 45 185 94 91 23 12 II
02810500 Bachahalli 155.0 II 40 21 19 3 2 I
02810600 Hebbal 853.0 1,049 4,733 2,397 2,336 515 263 252
02810700 Hebbal Kaval 27.0 -----------Un-inhabited-----------
028 I 0800 Chandagal 59.0 694 2,890 1,420 1,470 324 182 142
02810900 Katnalhantha 358.0 -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02811000 Katnal 92.0 122 615 293 322 79 31 48
02811100 Cheemahalli 325.0 476 2,243 1,117 1,126 258 141 117
02811200 Beeranahalli 192.0 174 782 377 405 104 45 59
02811300 Madhuvanahalli 153.0 3 14 8 6 4 2 2
02811400 Byadarahalli 663.0 752 3,586 1,807 1,779 413 225 188
02811500 Siddapura 422.0 582 2,684 1,342 1,342 310 147 163
02811600 Gowdenahalli 231.0 104 539 267 272 65 30 35
02811700 Mavathur 674.0 322 1,557 800 7;'7 153 79 74
02811800 Ichanahalli 318.0 103 543 276 267 73 40 33
02811900 Maragowdanahalli 425.0 326 1,623 795 828 178 . 89 89
02812000 Madahalli 298.0 51 295 150 145 48 27 21
02812100 Huralikamena Halli 234.0 5 3 2
02812200 Adaganahalli 461.0 281 1,281 620 661 167 83 84
028 I 2300 Degganahalli 662.0 358 1,742 885 857 228 114 114
02812400 Kanugana Halli 165.0 205 902 445 457 61 28 33
02812500 Thippur 1,269.0 682 3,130 1,608 1,522 317 166 151
02812600 Chamalapura 185.0 80 356 171 185 43 21 22
02812700 Bannikuppe 274.0 ----------Un-inhabited--------___ _
02812800 Kamenahalli 357.0 235 1,164 578 586 135 68 67
02812900 Kaggere 343.0 313 1,568 777 791 140 69 71
02813000 Goragundi 323.0 152 803 404 399 102 51 51
02813 100 Yedathore 99.0 ----------Un-inhabitcd---------
02813200 Manuganahalli 101.0 4 2 2
02813300 Mudalakoppalu 193.0 115 560 274 286 101 41 60
02813400 Lala~ahalli 463.0 272 1,207 621 586 141 73 68
02813500 Narayanapura 333.0 230 1,067 515 552 121 59 62
028 I 3600 Sathigrama 355.0 306 1,655 854 801 214 118 96
028 I 3700 Southanahalli 347.0 99 523 267 256 57 29 28
02813800 Kallahalli 582.0 457 2,227 1,137 1,090 265 136 129
02813900 Mulepetlu 383.0 192 927 480 447 101 54 47
02814000 Marchahalli 413.0 312 1,444 724 720 207 105 102
02814 I 00 Lalamdevanahalli 159.0 168 696 359 337 71 45 26
02814200 Basavarajapura 260.0 295 1,31 I 661 650 131 67 64
. 02814300 Hosahalli 434.0 383 1,670 811 859 172 87 85



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
665 327 338 94 46 48 3,153 1,831 1,322 Haleyuru
85 45 40 570 347 . 223 Ankanahalli
154 81 73 183 117 66 Gudduganahalli
287 153 134 322 216 106 Somanahalli
6 2 4 415 251 164 Benaganahalli
89 44 45 373 246 127 Kogilur
267 131 136 335 228 107 Chibukahalli
626 303 323 254 122 132 2,411 1,447 964 Kuppe
238 123 115 118 55 63 2,510 1,559 951 Kestur
174 83 91 554 307 247 Kanchagarakoppalu
183 86 97 163 88 75 653 411 242 Malali
214 111 103 255 122 133 1,184 751 433 Hosakote
257 134 .l23 235 148 87 Nijaganahalli
-----------Un-inhabited------ Mavathur Hantha
-------------Un-inhabited-------- Byadarnhalli Hantha
6 4 2 Kappadihantha
-------------Un-inhabitcid------- Chandagalhan tha
------------Un-inhabited----- Venkatapura
104 63 41 Buvanahalli
15 10 5 Bachahalli
701 357 344 174 91 83 2,594 1,539· 1,055 Hebbal
-----------Un-inhabited-·---- Hebbal Kaval
179 92 87 597 280 317 1,597 902 695 Chandagal
----------Un-inhabited-------- Katnalhantha
185 84 101 370 220 150 Katnal
9 5 4 747 497 250 Cheeniahalli
156 79 .77 451 252 199 Beeranahalli
9 5 4 Madhuvanahalli
502 250 252 30 13 17 1,695 1,028 667 Byadarahalli
719 359 360 51 25 26 1,510 921 589 Siddapura
117 54 63 259 165 94 Gowdenahalli
543 278 265 60 35 25 655 388 267 Mavathur
58 29 29 251 124 127 255 161 94 Ichanahalli
144 67 77 5 2 3 904 532 372 Maragowdanahalli
78 49 29 Madahalli
5 3 2 Huralikamena Halli
68 34 34 160 79 81 535 312 223 Adaganahalli
118 59 59 805 509 296 Degganahalli
191 95 96 594 354 240 Kanugana Halli
95 1,164 602 562 1,853 1,140 713 Thippur
194 99
159 76 83 157 93 64 Chamalapura
64 31 33
------------Un-inhabited---------- Bannikuppe
101 707 409 298 Kamenahalli
199 98
262 258 131 127 1,008 578 430 Kaggere
509 247
273 424 251 173 Goragumli
536 263
. --------Un-inhabited---------- Yedathore
282 184 98 Mudalakoppalu
105 49 56
7 3 4 741 434 307 Laianahalli
179 86 93
96 49 47 662 374 288 Narayanapum
137 64 73
345 308 786 487 299 ·Sathigrama
157 84 73 653
305 185 120 Soutbanahalli
308 154 154
703 343 360 1,093 674 419 Kallahalli
333 176 157
468 291 177 Mulepetlu
392 207 185
78 73 826 475 351 Marchahalli
98 48 50 151
421 247 174 Lalamdevanahalli
285 145 140
231 Basavarajapura
5 3 2 611 380
340 172 168
1,116 590 526 Hosahalli
425 206 219


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 Z5 26 27 28
02808600 Haleyuru 2,428 922 1,506 2,997 1,797 1,200 2,136 1,595 541
02808700 Ankanahalli 627 251 376 417 374 43 405 373 32
02808800 Glldduganahalli 378 156 222 195 179 16 194 179 15
02808900 Somanahalli 597 265 332 494 273 221 372 246 126
02809000 Bcnaganahnlli 336 117 219 333 229 104 283 209 74
02809100 Kogilur 456 177 279 320 229 91 238 225 13
02809200 Chibllkahalli 442 170 272 470 285 185 274 231 43
02809300 Kuppe 1,903 709 1,194 2,173 1,301 872 1,730 1,243 487
02809400 Kestur 2,939 1,170 1,769 2,251 1,618 633 1,808 1,549 259
02809500 Kanchagarakoppalu 416 165 251 413 290 123 406 287 119
02809600 Malali 669 246 423 638 406 232 598 397 201
02809700 Hosakote 1,432 550 882 1,368 890 478 J,066 846 220
02809800 Nijaganahalli 211 85 126 261 138 123 256 137 119
02809900 Mavathur Hantha ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02810000 Byadarahalli Hantha -----------Un-inhabited------------
02810100 Kappadihantha 431 4 3
02810200 Chandagalhantha ------------Un-inhabited------------
02810300 Vcnkatapura ----------Un-inhabited-------------
02810400 Bllvanahalli 81 31 50 122 67 55 106 64 42
02810500 Bachahalli 25 11 14 27 12 15 19 8 II
02810600 Hebbal 2,139 858 1,281 2,676 1,566 1,110 1,692 1,356 336
02810700 Hebbal Kaval ----------Un-inhabited-------------
02810800 Chandagal 1,293 518 775 1,650 955 695 1,430 911 519
02810900 Katnalhantha -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02811000 Katnal 245 73 172 353 168 185 250 159 91
02811100 Cheernahalli 1,496 620 876 1,330 729 601 1,039 661 378
02811200 Beeranahalli ,331 125 206 428 241 187 427 240 187
02811300 Madhuvanahalli 5 3 2 963 9 6 3
02811400 Byadarahalli 1.891 779 1,112 1,880 1,167 7J3 1,274 1,074 200
02811500 Siddapura 1,174 421 753 1,414 834 580 1,061 773 288
02811600 Gowdcnahalli 280 102 178 333 181 152 174 158 16
02811700 Mavathur 902 412 490 1,138 583 555 507 425 82
02811800 lchanahalli 288 115 173 295 168 127 222 164 58
02811900 Marago\Vdanahalli 719 263 456 875 502 373 708 487 221
02812000 Madahalli 217 101 116 163 88 75 135 87 48
02812100 Huralikamena Halli 4 2 2 3 2 I
02812200 Adaganahalli 746 308 438 702 398 304 551 393 158
02812300 Degganahalli 937 376 561 996 562 434 529 510 19
02812400 Kanugana Halli 308 91 217 465 267 198 316 265 51
02812500 Thippur 1,277 468 809 1,626 1.009 617 1,212 943 269
02812600 Chamalapura 199 78, 121 239 115 124 85 80 5
02812700 Bannikuppe ----------Un-inhabited-------___ _
02812800 Kamenahalli 457 169 288 440 360 80 287 279 8
02812900 Kaggcre 560 199 361 717 449 268 649 419 230
02813000 Goragundi 379 153 226 297 248 49 279 233 46
02813100 Yedatbore ------------Un-inhabited-----_____ _
02813200 Manuganahalli 4 2 2 I 1
02813300 Mudalakoppalu 278 90 188 204 182 22 140 126 14
02813400 Lalanahalli 466 187 279 506 408 98 483 398 85
02813500 Narayanapllra 405 141 264 426 305 121 362 291 71
02813600 Sathigrama 869 367 502 740 516 224 315 287 28
02813700 Southanahalli 218 82 136 153 139 14 96 92 4
02813800 Kallahalli 1,134 463 671 1,243 772 471 556 483 73
02813900 Mulcpetlu 459 189 270 621 332 289 547 298 249
02814000 Marchahalli 618 249 369 588 416 172 350 324
02814100 Lalamdevanahalli 26
275 112 163 303 215 88
02814200 Basavarajapura 287 211 76
700 281 419 742 441 301
02814300 Hosahalli 390 375 15
554 221 333 633 471 162 583 462 121



Industrial categorv of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males . Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage
29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2
1,125 864 261 580 373 207 9 8 422 350 72 Haleyuru
309 306 3 65 41 24 7 7 24 19 5 Ankanahalli
180 166 14 5 5 8 7 Gudduganahalli
348 226 122 8 5 3 16 15 Somanahalli
261 192 69 9 5 4 13 12 Benaganaha IIi
166 165 I 41 37 4 31 23 8 Kogilur
183 166 17 71 47 24 2 2 18 16 2 Chibukahalli
965 673 292 255 149 106 9 7 2 501 414 87 Kuppe
1,505 1,293 212 143 107 36 15 15 145 134 11 Kestur
253 202 51 106 49 57 17 9 8 30 27 3 Kanchagarakoppalu
444 293 151 65 33 32 89 71 18 Mala!i
858 722 136 82 21 61 16 14 2 110 89 21 Hosakote
233 123 110 17 9 8 2 2 4 3 Nijaganahalli
--------Un-inhabited----------- Mavathur Hantha
-----------Un-inhabited--------- Byadarahalli Hantha
2 . . 2 2 Kappadihantba
----------Un-inhabited---------- Chandagalhantha
---------Un-inhabited--------- Venkatapura
24 19 5 43 21 22 1 1 38 23 15 Buvanahalli
5 4 I 14 4 10 Bachaballi
883 785 98 540 339 201 15 10 5 254 222 . 32 Hebbal
--------Un-inhabited--------- Hebbal Kaval
584 463 121 566 275 291 14 12 2 266 161 105 Chandagal
----~----Un-inhabited--------- Katnalhantha
128 89 39 91 41 50 31 29 2 Katual
621 483 138 375 144 231 2 41 33 8 Cheemahalli
371 198 173 6 2 4 50 40 I 0 Beeranahalli
7 5 2 2 Madhuvanahalli
705 684 21 403 256 147 10 9 156 125 31 Byadarahalli
785 600 185 147 74 73 9 9 120 90 30 Siddapura
107 103 4 43 33 10 7 6 17 16 Gowdenahalli
30 26 18 8 95 51 44 Mavathur
385 355
194 155 39 25 7 18 3 2 I Ichanahalli
147 80 39 41 3 2 98 66 32 Maragowdanahalli
527 380
36 12 3 9 25 22 3 Madahalli
98 62
2 1 I Huralikamena Halli
58 137 63 74 7 5 2 73 49 24 Adaganahalli
334 276
7 109 106 3 2 2 78 69 9 Degganahalli
340 333
136 117 19 22 19 3 Kanugana Halli
158 129 29
323 176 147 6 5 102 81 21 Thippur
781 . 681 100
28 26 2 6 6 8 6 2 Chamalapura
43 42
_______ Un_inbabited------ Bannikuppe
2 1 1 18 17 1 Kamenahalli
267 261 6
183 84 45 39 3 2 51 44 7 Kaggere
511 328
94 25 29 23 6 Goragundi
131 116 15 119
--------Un-inhabited---------- Yedathore
23 19 4 Muda1akoppalu
107 98 9 10 9
283 247 36 104 62 42 96 89 7 Lalanahalli
53 6 6 45 36 9 Narayanapura
176 167 9 135 82
2 2 2 90 77 13 Sathigrama
195 182 13 28 26
19 16 3 Southanahalli
76 75 1
45 3 3 75 68 7 Kallahalli
343 322 21 135 90
42 48 37 11 Mulepetlu
417 221 196 82 40
3 3 3 54 49 5 MarchahaIli
267 249. 18 26 23
1 65 SS 10 Lalamdevanahalli
150 120 30 71 35 36
11 3 3 22 22 Basavarajapura
259 255 4 106 95
57 9 7 2 74 37 37 Hosahalli
325 300 25 175 118


CD Block-

Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators' Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02808600 HaleYllrll 861 202 659 144 38 106 592 117 475
02808700 Ankanahalli 12 II 3 2 9 9
02808800 Gllddllganahalli 1 1
02'308900 Soman.halli 122 , 27 9$ \3 (i 7 10& 20 88
02809000 Benaganahalli 50 20 30 39 18 21 10 I 9
02809100 Kogilur 82 4 78 76 76 6 4 2
02809200 Chibllkahalli 196 54 142 132 45 87 61 6 55
02809300 Kuppe 443 58 385 110 36 74 296 17 279
028,09400 Kestur 443 69 374 86 26 60 339 35 304
02809500 Kanchilgarakoppalu 7 3 4 5 I 4
02809600 Malali 40 9 31 20 17 17 3 14
02809700 Hosakote 302 44 258 28 21 260 32 228
02809800 Nijaganahalli 5 4 5 1 4
02809900 Mavathur Hantha -----------Un-inhabited-----------
02810000 Byadarahalli Hantha -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02810100 Kappadihantha
02810200 Chandagalhantha ------Un-inhabitcd------------
02810300 Venkawpura --------Un-inhabited------------
02810400 Buvanahalli 16 3 13 2 2 6 6
02810500 Bachahalli 8 4 4 2
02810600 Hcbbal 984 210 774 512 86 426 446 112 334
02810700 Hebbal Kaval -------Un-inlmbited------------
02810800 Chandagal 220 44 176 77 19 58 102 18 84'
02810900 Katnalhantha ----------Un-inhabited--------____ _
02811000 Katnai 103 9 94 3 3 97 6 91
02811 J00 Cheemahalli 291 68 223 149 42 107 139 26 113
02811200 Beeranahalli
02811300 Madhuvanahalli
028 I 1400 Byadamhalli 606 93 513 425 48 377 152 33 119
02811500 Siddapura 353 61 292 25 24 305 53 252
02811600 Gowdenahalli 159 23 136 20 2 18 52 10 42
02811700 Mavathur 631 158 473 132 125 363 110 253
0281 1800 Ichanahalli 73 4 69 6 5 66 3 63
0281 1900 Maragowdanahalli 167 15 152 47 46 43 9 34
02812000 Madnhalli 28 27 14 13 11 11
02812100 HuralikamenaHalli 1 1
02812200 Adaganahalli lSI S 146 118 4 1J4 31 31
02812300 Degganahalli 467 52 415 238 17 211 226 35 191
028 12400 Kanugana Halli 149 2 147 7 7 141 140
02812500 Thippur 414 66 348 235 12 223 175 51 124
02812600 Chamalapura 154 35 119 I 144 30 114
02812700 Bannikuppe -----------Un-inhabited--------____ _
02812800 Kamenahalli 153 81 72 152 80 72
02812900 Kaggere 68 30 38 3 2 63 27 36
02813000 Goragundi 18 15 3 18, 15 3
02813100 Yedathore ------Un-inhabited-------_____ _
02813200 Manuganahalli
02813300 Mudalakoppal11 64 56 8 33 31 2 5 3 2
02813400 Lalanahalli 23 JO 13 14 4 10 3 3
02813500 Naraynnapura 64 14 50 33 8 25 26 2 24
02813600 Sathigrama 425 229 196 18 12 6 381 198 183
02813700 Southanahalli 57 47 10 2 2 54 44 10
02813800 Kallahalli 687 289 398 51 31 20 618 247 371
02813900 Mulepetlll 74 34 40 4 2 2 38 18 20
02814000 Marchahalli 238 92 '146 47 9 38 148 58 90
02814100 L,lamdevanahalli 16 4 12 2 I I 13 3 10
02814200 ' Basavarajapura 352 66 286 6 3 3 302 49
02814300 Hosahalli SO 253
9 41 5 5 26 8 18


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
2 123 46 77 2,584 956 1,628 Haleyoru 04808600
780 224 556 Ankanahalli 02808700
366 94 272 Gudduganahalli 02808800
425 208 217 Somanahnlli 02808900
418 139 279 l3 enaganahalli 02809000
509 194 315 Kogilur 02809100
3 3 307 113 194 Chibukahalli 02809200
4 3 33 4 29 2,141 855 1,286 Kuppe 02809300
3 3 15 8 7 3,198 1,111 2,087 Kestur 02809400
2 2 557 182 375 Kanchagarakoppalu 02809500
3 3 684 251 433 Malali 02809600
9 9 5 5 1,248 411 837 Hosakote 02809700
185 95 90 Nij aganahalli 02809800
----------Un-inhabited-------- Mavathur Hantha 02809900
-----Un-inhabited----------- Byadarahalli Hantha 028ioooo
2 Kappadihantha 02810100
---------Un-inhabited------. Chandagalhantha 02810200
-------Un-inhabited------------- Venkatapura 02810300
7 2 5 63 27 36 Buvanahalli 02810400
6 3 3 13 9 4 Bachahalli 02810500
5 2 3 21 10 11 2,057 831 1,226 Hebbal 02810600
------Un-inhabited------- Hebbal Kaval 02810700
41 7 34 1,240 465 775 Chandagal 02810800
---------Un-inhabited---------- Katnalhanth'1 02810900
3 3 262 125 137 Katnal 02811000
3 3 913 388 525 Cheemahalli 02811100
354 136 218 Beeranahalli 02811200
5 2 3 Madhuvanahalli 02811300
5 23 11 12 1,706 640 1,066 Byadarahalli 02811400
3 5 15 4 11 1,270 508 762 Siddapura 02811500
6 81 11 70 206 86 120 Gowdenahalli 02811600
136 41 95 419 217 202 Mavathur 02811700
248 108 140 Ichanahalli 02811800
77 5 72 748 293 455 Maragowdanahalli 02811900
3 3 132 62 70 Madahalli 02812000
1 Huralikamena Halli 02812100
2 579 222 357 Adaganahalli 02812200
2 2 746 323 423 Oegganahalli 02812300
I 437 178 259 Kanugana Halli 02812400
3 2 1,504 599 905 Thippur 02812500
1 I
117 56 61 Chamalapura 02812600
9 4 5
________ Un_inhabited_________ Banniknppe 02812700
I 724 218 506 Kamenahalli 02812800
2 2 851 328 523 Kaggere 02812900
506 156 350 Goragundi 02813000
________Un_inhabited_________ Yedathore 02813100
3 1 2 Manuganahalli 02813200
22 4 356 92 264 Mudalakoppalu 02813300
701 213 488 Lalanahalli 02813400
6 6
1 641 210 431 Narayanapura 02813500
4 3
7 915 338 577 Sathigrama 02813600
26 19
370 128 242 Southanahalli 02813700
7 984 365 619 Kallahalli 02813800
18 11
18 306 148 158 Mulepetlu 02813900
32 14
'856 308 548 Marchahalli 02814000
5 3 2 38 22 16
393 144 249 Lalamdevanahalli 02814100
569 220 349 Basavarajapura 02814200
43 14 29
1,037 340 697 Hosahalli 02814300
19 18


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and 'houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02814400 Chowkahalli 259.0 249 1,175 605 570 141 74 67
02814500 Kantenahalli 92.0 -----------Un-inhabited------------
02814600 Kalenahalli 499.0 454 2,118 1,069 1,049 283 141 142
02814700 Arakcre 404.0 246 1,221 610 611 187 93 94
02814800 Domahalli 280.0 412 1,903 1,009 894 204 104 100
02814900 Basavapatna 209.0 71 376 189 187 51 27 24
02815000 Hangaraboyanahalli 93.0 90 540 262 278 72 38 34
02815100 Mallahalli 97.0 ------------Un-inhabited-----------



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage
11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 2
533 274 259 9 5 4 672 392 280 Chowkahalli
-----------Un-inhabited------------- Kantenahalli
38 17 21 21 II 10 808 515 293 Kalenahalli
137 75 62 188 89 99 486 321 165 Arakere
267 140 127 361 192 169 832 540 292 Domahalli
132 65 67 163 95 68 Basavapatna
387 184 203 107 55 52 331 190 141 Hangaraboyanahalli
------------Un-inhabited---------- Mallahalli


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02814400 Chowkahalli 503 213 290 519 363 156 494 358 136
02814500 Kantenahalli ---------Un-inhabited-----------
02814600 Kalenahalli 1,310 554 756 1,006 671 335 889 627 262
02814700 Arnkere 735 289 446 680 381 299 308 284 24
02814800 Oomahalli 1,071 469 602 747 600 147 704 580 124
02814900 Basavapatna 213 94 119 183 108 75 117 80 37
02815000 Hungaraboyanahalli 209 72 137 165 140 25 114 106 8
02815100 Mallahalli ------------Un-inhabited-------------


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators . Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
168 137 31 155 63 92 5 5 166 153 13 Chowkahalli
------------Un-inhabited--------- Kantenahalli
525 326 199 131 95 36 233 206 27 Kalenahalli
220 207 13 38 30 8 50 47 3 Arakere
187 181 6 346 238 108 10 9 161 152 9 Domahalli
103 69 34 13 10 3 Basavapatna
78 76 2 10 8 2 26 22 4 Hangaraboyanahalli
------------Un-inhabited---------- Mallaballi


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers CultiYators Agricultural labourers
nUluber Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons l\'Iales Females Person. Males Femalc~

1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02814400 Chowkahalli 25 5 20 3 3 21 5 16
02814500 Kantenahalli -----------Un-inhabited------------
02814600 Kalenahalli 117 44 73 56 9 47 27 16 II
02814700 Arakere 372 97 275 20 6 14 334 75 259
02814800 Domahalli 43 20 23 35 13 22
02814900 Basavapatna 66 28 38 43 18 25
02315000 Hangaraboyanahalli 51 34 17 39 23 16
02815100 Mallahalli -------------Un-inhabited-----------


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females' Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
656 242 414 Chowkahalli 02814400
--------Un-inhabited-------- Kantenahalli 02814500
33 18 15 1,112 398 714 Kalenahalli 02814600
18 16 2 541 229 312 Arakere 02814700
8 7 1 1,156 409 747 Domahalli 02814800
21 10 11 I 193 81 112 Basavapatna 02814900
10 10 375 122 253 Hangaraboyanahalli 02815000
-------------Un-inhabited------------ Mallahalli 02815100


CD Block-

Total population (including

Lo~ation Area of institutional and honseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0004 Mysore (Total) 58,736 283,111 146,051 137,060 37,831 19,368 18,463
0004 Mysore (Rural) 48,479 239,262 123,168 116,094 32,219 16,497 15,722
0004 Mysore (Urban) 10,257 43,849 22,883 20,966 5,612 2,871 2,741
Mysorc (Rural)
02815200 Ramanahalli 404.0 -------------Un-inhabited--------
02815300 Cholenahalli 508.0 -------~--~--Un-inhabited-------------
02815400 Yedahalli 402.0 223 1,056 54] 515 132 57 75
02815500 I-losakote 195.0 -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02815600 Kallinathapura 156.0 24 112 57 55 13 7 6
02815700 Anandur 1,199.0 330 1,570 806 764 206 99 107
02815800 Subramanyapura 70.0 --------Un-inhabited------------
02815900 Undavadi 362.0 155 740 380 360 76 42 34
02816000 Chikkanahalli 494.0 381 1,680 833 847 204 94 110
02816100 KallurunaganahalJi Kaval 333.0 2 7 4 3
02816200 KallurunaganahalJi 950.0 384 1,717 853 864 225 112 113
02816300 S.Hemmanahalii 145.0 315 1,454 749 705 195 100 95
02816400 Amachawadi 181.0 317 1,577 838 739 174 89 85
02816500 Hunnavalli 137.0 -----------Un-inhabited--------
02816600 Yachegowdanahalli 430.0 180 850 438 412 115 58 57
028 I 6700 Dadadakallahalli 462.0 303 1,447 753 694 148 86 62
028 16800 Gungralchatra 484.0 406 1,787 898 889 218 110 108
028 16900 Yelachahalli 462.0 134 636 326 310 84 41 43
02817000 Megalapura 251.0 112 537 282 255 55 30 25
02817100 Mydanahalli 551.0 240 1,102 549 553 153 77 76
02817200 Karakanahalli 428.0 227 1,144 572 572 151 67 84
02817300 Rattanahalli 631.0 297 1,441 710 731 200 96 ]04
02817400 Elwala 893.0 1,875 8,327 4,198 4,129 1,145 579 566
02817500 Koorgalli 689.0 1,369 5,019 2,901 2,118 651 325 326
02817600 Belavadi 719.0 961 3,921 2,067 1,854 531 259 272
02817700 Huyilalu 783.0 398 2,017 1,030 987 292 145 147
02817800 Nagawala 926.0 612 3,01 I 1,533 1,478 435 219 216
02817900 Bommenahalli 688.0 264 1,390 7]0 680 176 92 84
028 I 8000 KamaravaIli 303.0 219 1,039 539 500 183 84 99
02818100 Manikyapura 211.0 74 413 185 228 56 20 36
028 I 8200 K.Hemmanahalli 597.0 178 908 474 434 97 53 44
02818300 MadagalJi 335.0 380 1,818 943 875 240 123 117
028 I 8400 Jettihundi 187.0 205 948 438 510 144 68 76
02818500 Chandrabeedu 41.0 ---------Un-inhabited----
02818600 Doddamaragowdanahalli 1,215.0 576 3,031 1,575 1,456 444 225 219
02818700 Nuggahalli ]53.0 83 541 283 258 90 42 48
02818800 Shettinayakanahalli 312.0 221 1,147 581 566 162 83 79
02818900 Kumarabeedu 253.0. 281 1,341 697 644 206 105 101
02819000 Gohalli 149.0 57 271 139 132 44 22 22
02819100 Shyadanahalli 353.0 154 636 327 309 90 48 42
02819200 NaganahalIi 547.0 698 3,340 1,736 1,604 317 177 140
02819300 Laxmipura 199.0 273 1,350 673 677 147 79 68
02819400 Kalasthavadi 484.0 280 1,232 614 618 137 69 68
02819500 Siddalingapura 73.0 639 2,810 1,420 1,390 367 202 165
02819600 Kesare 944.0 1,131 5,289 2,696 2,593 679 342 337
02819700 Rammanahalli 573.0 1,456 7,474 3,829 3,645 1,099 566 533
02819800 Hanchya 939.0 436 2,044 1,046 998 253 120 133
02819900 Basavanahalli 441.0 19 83 51 32 II 5 6
02820000 Nadanahalli 254.0 379 1,767 910 857 288 149 139
02820100 Hosahundi 213.0 338 1,537 820 717 171 87 84
02820200 Bandipalya 242.0 658 3,180 1,655 1,525 429 233 196
02820300 Kuppaluru 112.0 195 905 443 462 143 69 74
02820400 Ayyajayyanahundi 44.0 I 5 3 2
02820500 Hala1u 223.0 4 18 12 6 2 2



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
47,033 23,947 23,086 35,067 17,971 17,096 131,408 78,284 53,124 Mysore (Total)
42,640 21,690 20,950 32,331 16,558 15,773 102,243 61,852 40,391 Mysore (Rural)
4,393 2,257 2,136 2,736 1,413 1,323 29,165 16,432 12,733 Mysore (Urban)
Mysore (Rural)
-------Un-inhabited------------- Ramanaballi
------Un-inhabited----------- Cholenahalli
54 22 32 129 68 61 487 291. 196 Yedahalli
-----------Un-inhabited----------- Hosakote
52 32 20 Kallinathapura
131 56 75 19 9 10 741 428 313 Anandur
-----------Un-inhabited-------------- Subramanyapura
162 84 78 412 247 165 Undavadi
70 35 35 774 449 325 Chikkanaballi
4 4 Kallurunaganahalli Kaval
185 97 88 823 477 346 Kallurunaganahalli
57 31 26 403 ·214 189 667 407· 260 S.Hernmanaballi
1,510 789 721 754 495 259 Amachawadi
----Un-inhabited------------ Hunnavalli
146 66 80 150 80 70 380 244 136 Yachegowdanahalli
250 133 117 582 380 202 Dadadakallahalli
294 150 144 354 184 170 818 469 349 Gungralchatra
12 6 6 146 69 77 247 134 I 13 Yelachaballi
75 39 36 319 195 124 Megalapura
224 117 107 10 4 6 537 310 227 Mydanahalli
516 324 192 Karakanahalli
398 189 209 543 352 191 Rattanaballi
1,003 492 511 492 251 241 4,968 2,803 2,165 Elwala
284 157 127 62 38 24 3,152 2,088 1,064 KoorgalJi
387 208 179 21 14 7 2,250 1,337 913 Belavadi
25 13 12 736 463 273 Huyilalu
205 99 106 586 302 284 1,082 683 399 Nagawala
914 465 449 611 355 256 Bommenaballi
329 170 159 359 190 169 335 232 103 Kamaravalli
4 2 2 202 109 93 Manikyapura
15 8 7 418 239 179 K..Hcmmanahalli
261 136 125 251 134 117 875 529 346 Madagalli
50 23 27 6 2 4 349 179 170 lettihundi
-----Un-inhabited------------ Chandrabeedu
186 98 88 511 272 239 896 612 284 Doddamaragowdanahalli
193 131 62 Nuggaballi
412 210 202 544 342 202 Shettinayakanahalli
175 90 85 810 423 387 600 368 232 Kumarabeedu
6 2 4 114 67 47 Gohalli
206 110 96 21 II 10 292 177 115 Shyadanaballi
774 383 391 4 3 1,902 1,082 820 Naganahalli
504 248 256 49 24 25 704 394 310 Laxmipura
388 196 192 155 70 85 655 367 288 Kalasthavadi
152 128 65 63 1,674 961 713 Siddalingapura
299 147
1,749 901 848 37 17 20 2,911 1,671 1,240 Kesare
203 202 5,154 2,627 2,527 1,913 1,146 767 Rarnmanaballi
345 159 186 121 65 56 977 590 387 Hanchya
2 3 56 39 - 17 Basavanaballi
289 248 18 8 10 716 435 281 Nadanahalli
31 2 749 464 285 Hosabundi
65 34
604 301 303 51 30 21 1,391 842 549 Bandipalya
254 4 3 501 277 224 Kuppaluru
499 245
4 3 1 Ayyajayyanabundi
15 10 5 Halaln


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1I1l114 My,ore (Tot!l!) 151,703 67,767 83,936 118,943 88,065 30,878 101,094 80,170 2U,924
0004 My,ore (Rural) 137,019 61,316 75,703 103,597 75,297 28,300 86,408 67,813 18,595
0004 Mysore (Urban) 14,684 6,451 8,233 15,346 12,768 2,578 14,686 12,357 2,329
Mysore (Rural)
02815200 Ramanahalli ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02815300 Cholenahalli --------Un-inhabited-----------
02815400 Yedahalli 569 250 319 601 360 241 586 350 236
028 I 5500 Hosakote -----------Un-inhabited-------------
028 I 5600 Kallinathapura 60 25 35 38 35 3 25 23 2
02815700 Anandur 829 378 451 613 533 80 548 490 58
028 I 5800 Subramanyapura -----------Un-inhabited-----------
028 15900 Undavadi 328 133 195 275 249 26 272 246 26
02816000 Chikkanahalli 906 384 522 874 563 311 513 472 41
02816100 Kallurunaganahalli Kaval 3 3 5 3 2 5 3 2
02816200 Kallurunaganahalli 894 376 518 747 560 187 684 534 150
028I6300 S.Hemmanahalli 787 342 445 710 456 254 509 409 100
02816400 Amachawadi 823 343 480 738 482 256 497 437 60
02\\\650() Hunn,w"m -------Un-inhabited-----------
02816600 Yachegowdanahalli 470 194 276 497 290 207 261 217 44
02816700 Dadadakallahalli 865 373 492 778 461 317 394 363 31
02816800 Gungralchatrd 969 429 540 564 514 50 485 456 29
02816900 Yelachahalli 389 192 197 220 200 20 216 200 16
02817000 Megalapura 218 87 131 275 176 99 174 101 73
02817100 Mydanahalli 565 239 326 434 355 79 393 334 59
02817200 Karakanahalli 628 248 380 452 370 82 396 345 51
02817300 Rattanahalli 898 358 540 664 431 233 448 281 167
02817400 Elwala 3,359 1,395 1,964 3,045 2,420 625 2,401 2.055 346
02817500 Koorgalli 1,867 813 1,054 2,377 2,023 354 2,227 1,965 262
02817600 Belavadi 1,671 730 941 1,528 1,272 256 1,365 l,I 58 207
02817700 Huyilalu 1,281 567 714 824 605 219 822 604 218
02817800 Nagawala 1,929 850 1,079 1,376 969 407 1,336 952 384
02817900 Bommenahalli 779 355 424 611 461 150 549 450 99
02818000 Kamaravalli 704 307 397 547 327 220 462 298 164
02818100 Manikyapura 21 I 76 135 324 152 172 257 129 128
02'31'3200 K.Hemmanahalli 490 235 255 449 300 149 444 298 146
02818300 Madagalli 943 414 529 822 583 239 793 578 215
02818400 lettihundi 599 259 340 498 284 214 449 277 172
02818500 Chandrabeedu -----Un-inhabited-----
02818600 Doddamaragowdanahalli 2,135 963 1,172 1,727 985 742 1,004 894 110
02818700 Nuggahalli 348 152 196 278 168 110 270 168 102
02818800 Shettinayakanahalli 603 239 364 546 360 186 448 355 93
02818900 Kumarabeedu 741 329 412 724 399 325 702 395 307
02819000 GohaIli 157 72 85 146 83 63 146 83 63
02819100 Shyadanahalli 344 150 194 320 198 122 207 151 56
02819200 NaganaImlli 1,438 654 784 1,549 1,077 472 1,194 897 297
02819300 Laxmipura 646 279 367 604 412 192 326 264 62
02819400 Kalasthavadi 577 247 330 504 378 126 493 373 120
02819500 Siddalingapura 1,136 459 677 1,027 831 196 682 578 104
02819600 Kesare 2,378 1,025 1,353 2,379 1,693 686 2,111 1,522 589
02819700 Ratnmanahalli 5,561 2,683 2,878 2,820 2,132 688 2,072 1,696 376
02819800 Hanchya 1,067 456 611 882 637 245 610 497 113
02819900 Basavanahalli 27 12 15 44 31 13 44 31 J3
02820000 Nadanahalli 1,051 475 576 626 504 122 354 281 73
02820100 Hosahundi 788 356 432 643 553 90 614 540 74
02820200 Bandipalya 1,789 813 976 1,413 1,026 387 838 729 109
02820300 Kuppaluru 404 166 238 305 241 64 109 92 17
02820400 Ayyajayyanahundi 2 1 1 2 1
02820500 Halalu 3 2 10 8 2 10 8 2


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry,
Cultivators Agricultural labourers ,workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons 'Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
38,599 30,814 7,785 11,367 6,606 4,761 989 702 287 50,]39 42,048 8,091 Mysore (Total)
38,283 30,535 7,748 11,148 6,430 4,718 777 563 2]4 36,200 30,285 5,915 Mysore (Rural)
316 279 37 219 176 43 212 139 73 13,939 11,763 2,176 Mysore (Urban)
Mysore (Rural)
----------Un-inhabited------- Ramanahalli
------------Un-inhabited----------- Cholenahalli
498 304 61 21 40 3 2 24 .23 Yedahalli
-----·-----Un-inhabited---- Hosakote
25 23 2 Kallinathapura
349 324 25 103 80 23 95 85 10 Anandur
------------Un-inhabited----- Subramanyapurn
137 127 10 14 4 10 121 115 6 Undavadi
327 322 5 19 12 7 6 6 161 132 29 Chikkanahalli
2 1 2 1 1 I Kallurunaganahalli Kava)
488 380 108 18 10 8 3 3 175 141 34 Kallurunaganahalli
277 221 ,56 104 84 20 -' 128 104 . 24 S.Hemll,lanahalli
325 287 38 42 28 14 130 122 8 Amachawadi
-------~---Un-inhabited----- Hunnavalli
169 145 24 42 32 10 50 40 10 Yachegowdanahalli
336 310 26 20 19 3 2 35 32 3 DadadakaIlahaIli
380 361 19 3 3 8 8 94 84 10 Gungralchatra
102 102 6 5 2 106 92 14 Ye1achahalli
135 66 69 5 3 2 2 32 31 Mega1apura
138 132 6 54 35 19 3 2 198 166 32 Mydanahalli
243 219 24 30 25 5 5 5 118 96 22 Karakanahalli
216 186 30 53 44 9 4 2 2 175 49 126 Rattanahalli
403 360 43 55 38 17 21 20 1,922 1,637 285 E1wa1a
190 177 13 64 47 17 8 8 1,965 1,733 232 Koorgalli
338 277 61, 10 8 2 12 8 4 1,005 865 140 Belavadi
449 323 126 373 281 92 Huyi1alu
681 484 197 185 104 81' 2 2 468 362 106 Nagawala
334 282 , 52 44 13 31 171 155 , 16 Bommenahalli
318 199 119 1 143 99 44 Kamaravalli
160 66 94 18 5 13 79 58 21 Manikyapura
74 56 18 62 37 25 308 205 103 K.Hemmanahalli
86 73 J3 85 55 30 2 2 620 448 172 Madagalli
157 96 61 109 40 69 183 ]41 42 lettihundi
-----------Un-inhabited----- Chandrabeedu
719 638 81 56 46 10 2 2 227 208 19 Doddamaragowdanahalli
20 15 5 192 99 93 58 54 4 Nuggahalli
328 255 73 11 8 3 109 92 17 Shettinayakanahalli
340 180 160 122 61 61 '2 2 238 152 86 Kumarnbeedu
76 39 37 46 22 24 24 22 2 Gohalli
9 9 4' 3 194 139 55 ,Shyadanahalli
519 413 106 441 300 141 24 18 6 210 166 44 Naganahalli
150 132 18 33 23 10 6 I 5 137 108 29 Laxmipura
113 103 10 167 100 67 2 2 211 168 43 Kalasthavadi
31 28 3 26 20 6 625 530 95 Siddalingapura
325 284 41 302 171 131 15 2 13 1,469 1,065 404 Kesare
575 108 90 51 39 5 5 1,294 1,065 229 Rammanahalli
184 176 8 67 25 42 14 8 6 345 288 57 Hanchya
12 1 21 12 9 10 7 3 Basavanahalli
15 27 19 8 309 247 62 Nadanahalli
18 3
25 18 7 333 273 60 Hosahundi
255 249 6
21 27 18 9 I 592 513 79 Bandipalya
218 197
5 3 2 :> 2 89 76 13 Kuppaluru
12 11
1 1
9 7


CD B1ock-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricuiturallabourers
nUlllber Name of Village Persons . Males ·Females Persons Males Females Persons Males . Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0004 Mysorc (Total) 17,849 7,895 9,954 2,446 547 1,899 8,185 2,687 5,498
0004 Mysore (Rural) 17,189 7,484 9,705 2,440 542 1,898 8,161 2,674 5,487
0004 Mysore (Urban) 660 411 249 6 5 1 24 13 11
Mysore (Rural)
02815200 Ramanahalli ------------u n-inhabited--------
02815300 Cholenahalli -------------Un-inhabited--------------
02815400 Yedahalli 15 10 5 743
02815500 Hosakote -----------Un-inhahited-----------
02815600 Kallinathapura 13 12
02815700 Anandur 65 43 22 8 2 6 8 3 5
02815800 Subramanyapura -----------Un-inhabited----------
02815900 Undavadi 3 3
02816000 Chikkanahalli 361 91 270 195 2 193 51 8 43
02816100 Kallurunaganaha11i Kava1
02816200 Kallurunaganahalli 63 26 37 21 2 19 24 10 14
02816300 S.Hemmanahalli 201 47 154 97 14 83 68 17 51
02816400 Amachawadi 241 45 196 116 19 97 121 25 96
02816500 Hunnavalli ------------Un-inhahited----------
02816600 Yachegowdanahalli 236 73 163 12 10 2 168 44 124·
02816700 Dadadakallahalli 384 98 286 96 4 92 251 63 188
02816800 Gungra1chatra 79 58 21 6 3 3 63 48 15
02816900 Yelachahalli 4 4 2 2
02817000 Mega1apura 101 75 26 4 2 2 20 6 14
02817100 Mydanahalli 41 21 20 8 5 3 7 2 5
028 I 7200 Karakanahalli 56 25 31 9 8 38 21 17
02817300 Rattanahalli 216 150 66 1
02817400 Elwala 644 365 279 87 40 47 115 35 80
02817500 Koorgalli 150 58 92 15 4 11 14 3 11
02817600 Belavadi 163 114 49 1 50 28 22
02817700 Huyi1alu 2
02817800 Nagawa1a 40 17 23 22 7 15 9 4 5
02817900 Bommenahalli 62 11 51 2 2 46 1 45
0281 8000 Kamaravalli 85 29 56 10 4 6 15 4 11
02818100 Manikyapum 67 23 44 31 \0 21 8 3 5
02818200 K.Hemmanahalli 5 2 3 1 1 I
02818300 Madagalli 29 5 24 22 4 18
02818400 lettihundi 49 7 42 7 2 5
02818500 Chandrabeedu ------------Un-inhabited--------
02818600 Doddamaragowdanahalli 723 91 632 163 11 152 502 36 466
02818700 Nuggahalli 8 8 8 8
02818800 Shettinayakanahalli 98 5 93 90 89 5 4
028 18900 Kumarabeedu 22 4 18 3 3 10 9
02819000 Gohalli
02819100 Shyadanahalli 113 47 66 2 2
0281 9200 NaganahalJi 355 180 175 6 6 206 99 107
02819300 Laxmipura 278 148 130 20 3 17 236 129 107
02819400 Kalasthavadi 11 5 6 7 2 5
02819500 Siddalingapura 345 253 92 27 25 2 51 34 17
028 I 9600 Kesare 268 171 97 8 5 3 208 130 78
02819700 Rammanahalli 748 436 312 32 15 17 114 31 83
02819800 Hanchya 272 140 132 54 9 45 11 2 9
02819900 Basavanahalli
02820000 Nadanahalli 272 223 49 4 3 22 14 8
02820100 Hosabundi ·29 13 16 8 1 7
02820200 Bandipalya 575 297 278 70 10 60 119 36 83
02820300 Kuppaluru 196 149 47 4 2 2 5 4
02820400 Ayyajayyanahundi
02820500 Hala1u


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons . Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
231 78 153 6,987 4,583 2,404 164,168 57,986 106,182 Mysore (Total) 0004
208 67 141 6,389 4,291 2,179 135,665 47,871 87,794 Mysore (Rural) 0004
23 11 12 607 382 225 28,503 10,115 18,388 Mysore (Urban) 0004
Mysore (Rural)
------------Un-inhabited------------ Ramanahalli 02815200
------------Un-inhabited-------------- Cholenahalli 02815300
7 5 2 455 181 274 Yedahalli 02815400
--------Un-inhabited----------- Hosakote 02815500
13 12 I 74 22 52 Kallinathapum 02815600
3 2 46 36 10 957 273 684 Anandur 02815700
---------Un-inhabited------------- Suhmmanyapura 02815800
2 2 465 131 334 Undavadi 02815900
114 81 33 806 270 536 Chikkanahalli 02816000
2 Kallurunaganahalli Kaval 02816100
18 14 4 970 293 677 Kallurunagaoahalli 02816200
36 16 20 744 293 451 S.Hemmanahalli 02816300
4 3 839 356 483 Amachawadi 02816400
-----Un-inhabited------------ H unn,!Valli 02816500
56 19 37 353 148 205 Yachegowdanahalli 02816600
10 7 3 27 24 3 669 292 377 DadadakallahalIi 02816700 '
3 3 7 4 3 1,223 384 839 Gungmlchatm 02816800
2 2 416 126 290 Yelachahalli 02816900
4 2 2 73 65 8 262 106 156 Megalapura 02817000
3 3 23 14 9 668 194 474 MydanahaJli 02817100
8 3 5 692 202 490 Kamkaoaballi 02817200
215 149 66 777 279 498 RattanabaIli 02817300
14 5 9 428 285 143 5,282 ],778 3,504 Elwala 02817400
6 5 115 50 65 2,642 878 1,764 Koorgalli 02817500
6 5 106 85 21 2,393 795 1,598 Belavadi 02817600
1,193 425 768 Huyilalu 02817700
8 5 3 1,635 564 1,071 NagawaIa 02817800
14 10 4 779 249 530 Bommenahalli 02817900
60 21 39 492 212 '280 Kamamvalli 02818000
28 10 18 89 33 56 Manikyapura 02818100
3 2 I 459 174 285 KHemmanahaIIi 02818200
7 1 6 996 360 636 MadagalIi 02818300
41 4 37 450 ]54 296 Jettihundi 02818400
- - '-----Un-inhabited---------- Chandmbeedu 02818500
5 3 2 53 41 12 1,304 590 714 Doddamamgowdaoahalli 02818600
263 115 148 Nuggahalli 02818700
3 3 601 221 380 Sbettinayakanaballi 02818800
9 3 6 617 298 319 Kumarnbeedu 02818900
125 56 69 Goballi 02819000
110 46 64 316 129 187 Shyadanahalli 02819100
19 7 12 124 74 50 1,791 659 ],132 Naganahalli 02819200
6 4 2 16 12 4 746 261 485 Laxmipum 02819300
4 ,3 728 236 492 Kalasthavadi 02819400
267 194 73 1,783 589 1,194 Siddalingapura 02819500
52 36 16 2,910 1,003 1,907 Kesare 02819600
2 2 600 390 210 4,654 1,697 2,957 Ramrnanahalli 02819700
1 206 128 78 1,162 409 753 Hanchya 02819800
39 20 19 Basavanahalli 02819900
245 206 39 1,141 406 735 NadanahaIli 02820000 .
20 11 9 894 267 627 Hosahundi 02820100
4 382 251 131 1,767 629 1,138 Bandipalya 02820200
2 2 183 141 42 600 202 398 Kuppalnrn 02820300
3 2 Ayyajayyanahundi 02820400
8 4 4 Halalu 02820500


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02820600 Chowdahalli 263.0 337 1,877 981 896 294 152 142
02820700 Gurur 365.0 198 932 494 438 107 49 58
02820800 Mandakalli 835.0 641 3,310 1,667 1,643 467 221 246
02820900 Madahalli 558.0 286 1,427 754 673 229 129 100
02821000 Javanahalli 202.0 7 41 20 21 4 3
02821100 Mallahalli 257.0 308 1,613 873 740 222 121 101
02821200 Ballahalli 426.0 137 654 352 302 100 59 41
02821300 Kemmannupura 165.0 ------Un-inhabitcd-------------
02821400 Maratikyathanahalli 384.0 734 3,348 1,717 1,631 404 212 192
02821500 Kergalli 818.0 555 3,064 1,580 1,484 514 271 243
02821600 Yadahalli 298.0 210 1,007 514 493 105 44 61
02821700 Nagarthahalli 326.0 321 1,670 866 804 299 149 150
02821800 Kenchalagudu 332.0 102 491 268 223 60 35 25
02821900 Devagalli 294.0 95 514 255 259 64 30 34
02822000 Mullur 644.0 138 735 402 333 107 64 43
02822100 Anagalli 658.0 159 781 388 393 94 48 46
02822200 Gopalapura 503.0 500 ' 2,570 1,292 1,278 343 173 170
02822300 Mavinahalli 686.0 365 1,917 969 948 226 108 118
02822400 Baradanapura 319.0 145 810 426 384 86 57 29
02822500 Danpurd 329.0 140 683 348 335 90 44 46
02822600 Danagalli 696.0 1,076 5,881 3,132 2,749 830 451 379
02822700 Udburu 785.0 1,604 8,080 4,106 3,974 1,223 652 571
02822800 Kalalavadi 614.0 66 313 160 153 32 18 14'
02822900 Dadadahalli 549.0 266 1,464 773 691 211 112 99
02823000 Sindhuvalli 666.0 605 3,398 1,706 1,692 480 242 238
02823100 Thaluru 718.0 382 1,967 999 968 200 98 102
02823200 Murudagalli 282.0 261 1,428 713 715 180 94 86
02823300 Kellahalli 358.0 200 1,020 532 488 115 59 56
02823400 Jayapura 954.0 337 1,806 953 853 235 124 III
02823500 Chikkanahalli 599.0 23 114 65 49 11 4 7
02823600 Harohalli 1,126.0 393 1,969 997 972 263 146 117
02823700 Gumachanuhalli 512.0 167 769 398 371 131 72 59
02823800 S. Kallahalli 632.0 298 1,490 739 751 195 96 99
02823900 Maddur 842.0 336 1,575 803 772 211 120 91
02824000 Mandanahalli 223.0 160 826 429 397 86 43 43
02824\011 Kadanaha\\\ 252.0 91 492 25& 234 61 39 22
02824200 Gujjegowdanapura 520.0 264 1,261 655 606 182 99 83
02824300 Arasinakere 739.0 299 1,403 725 678 226 124 102
02824400 Thoreyanakaturu 331.0 386 1,943 980 963 328 178 150
02824500 Marballi 807.0 760 4,170 2,189 1,981 628 344 284
02824600 Nanagalli 509.0 -------Un-inhabited----------
02824700 Doora 626.0 734 4,021 2,064 1,957 521 268 253
02824800 Chikkakaturu 385.0 -------Un-inhabited------------
02824900 Doddakaturu 655.0 264 1,486 778 708 194 101 93
02825000 Doddakanya 471.0 437 2,351 1,209 1,142 310 156 154
02825100 Chikkakanya 204.0 118 662 331 331 69 35 34
02825200 Byathahalli 308.0 165 827 451 376 114 63 51
02825300 Kadakola 780,0 996 5,327 2,761 2,566 705 339 366
02825400 BhugathagaJli 403.0 370 1,926 971 955 264 137 127
02825500 Vajamangala 959.0 809 4,229 2,183 2,046 591 310 281
02825600 Harohalli 2,498.0 1,635 7,888 4,054 3,834 1,088 557 531
02825700 Varakodu 1,632.0 855 4,348 2,210 2,138 644 307 337
02825800 Chikkahalli 268.0 393 1,903 988 915 275 137 138
02825900 Lalithadripura 554.0 764 3,692 1,900 1,792 483 244 239
02826000 Sarakariuthanahalli 582.0 347 1,822 952 870 190 101 89
02826100 Yandahalli 337.0 156 809 408 401 126 59 67
02826200 Choranahal!i 226.0 391 1,921 973 948 225 108 117
02826300 Varuna 555.0 421 2,162 1,077 1,085 276 119 157



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16. 17 18 19 2
530 265 265 60 28 32 881 553 328 Chowdahalli
286 150 136 500 314 186 Gurur
721 362 359 195 89 106 1,577 949 628 Mandakalli
182 98 84 531 353 178 Madahalli
12 6 6 lavanahalli
14 13 5 3 2 553 385 168 Mallahalli
228 145 83 Ballahalli
-----------Un-inhabited--------- Kemmannupura
389 215 174 22 II II 1,564 867 697 Maratikyathanahalli
152 86 66 10 3 7 1,123 707 416 Kergalli
110 58 52 413 253 160 Yadahalli
322 147 175 495 339 . 156 Nagarthahalli
150 89 61 266 141 125 283 178 105 Kenchalagudu
311 162 149 287 175 112 Devagalli
241 137 104 371 235 136 MulJur
249 131 118 301 180 121 Anagalli
489 243 246 957 594 363· Gopalapura
461 210 251 856 549 307 Mavinahalli
386 258 128 Baradanapura
4 2 2 310 195 115 Daripura '
977 537 440 480 257 223 2,419 1,622 797 Danagalli
418 222 196 7,036 3,554 3,482 2,133 1,338 795 Udburu
112 59 53 8 4 4 188 105 83 Kalalavadi
248 126 122 587 393 194 Dadadahalli
624 317 307 90 44 46 1,422 825 597 Sindhuvalli
667 319 348 810 494 316 Thaluru
412 214 198 627 377 250 Murudagalli
8 5 3 331 207 124 Kellahalli
263 153 110 717 366 351 856 536 320 Jayapura
8 5 3 55 40 15 Chikkanahalli
753 370 383 57 33 24 741 430 311, Harohalli
759 393 366 256 168 88 Gumachanahalli
848 417 431 10 4 6 669 402 267 S. Kallahalli
595 317 278 78 38 40 535 326 209 Maddur
149 75 74 311 185 126 Mandanahalli
191 127 64 Kadanahalli
307 174 133 430 263 167 Gujjegowdanapura
249 131 118 166 82 84 539 316 223 Arasinakere
15 8 7 1,712 868 844 507 331 176 Thoreyanakaturu
490 252 238 956 502 454 1,467 963 504 Marballi
----------Un-inhabited-------------- Nanagalli
1,217 613 604 42 20 22 1,773 1,026 747 Doora
------Un-inhabited--------- Chikkakaturu
210 111 99 614 381 233 Doddakaturu
761 388 373 1,036 617 419 Doddakanya
154 83 71 380 220 160 Chikkakanya ,
220 III 109 433 283 150 Byathahalli
499 247 252 1,351 666 685 2,571 1,592 979 Kadakola
298 310 21 12 9 834 480 354 Bhugathagalli'
1,610 804 806 373 186 187 1,621 931 690 Vajamangala
667 354 313 3,773 1,954 1,819 2,731 1,543 1,188 Harohalli
101 53 48 5 4 I 1,546 925 621 Varakodu
165 87 78 797 475 322 Chikkahalli
858 419 439 12 4 8 1,712 1,004 708 Lalithadripura
145 133 846 528 318 Sarakariuthanahalli
48 44 147 75 72 244 140 104 Yandahalli
170 163 635 373 262 Choranahalli
357 979 568 411 Varona
751 394


CD Block-

code lIliteratcs Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02820600 Chowdahalli 996 428 568 630 470 160 547 449 98.
02820700 Gurur 432 180 252 313 294 19 287 232 5
02820800 Mandakalli 1,733 718 1,015 1,162 941 221 730 672 58
02820900 Madahall; 896 401 495 816 476 340 678 457 221
02821000 Javanahalli 29 14 15 27 16 11 7 7
02821100 Mallahalli 1,060 488 572 676 498 178 . 644 480 164
02821200 Ballahalli 426 207 219 364 218 146 354 215 139
02821300 Kemmannupura ----------Un-inhabited-------
02821400 Maratikyathanahalli 1,784 850 934 1,302 1,058 244 1,208 1,030 178
02821500 Kergalli 1,941 873 1,068 1,405 896 509 1,252 845 407
02821600 Yadahalli 594 261 333 389 324 65 367 306 61
02821700 Nagarthahalli 1,175 527 648 716 507 209 657 480 177
02821800 Kenchalagudu 208 90 118 229 162 67 229 162 67
02821900 Devagalli 227 80 147 197 144 53 197 144 53
02822000 Mullur 364 167 197 319 225 154 375 223 152
02822100 Anagalli 480 208 272 375 237 138 188 186 2
02822200 Gopalapura 1,613 698 915 . 1,279 747 532 673 643 30
02822300 Mavinahalli 1,061 420 641 1,066 634 432 961 601 360
02822400 Baradanapura 424 168 256 483 304 179 370 276 94
02822500 Daripura 373 153 220 332 226 106 186 1"68 18
02822600 Danagalli 3,462 1,510 1,952 2,748 1,719 1,029 2,116 1,535 581
02822700 Udburu 5,947 2,768 3,179 3,304 2,433 871 3,074 2,305 769
02822800 Kalalavadi 125 55 70 118 97 21 118 97 21
02822900 Dadadahalli 877 380 497 436 400 36 416 389 27
02823000 Sindhuvalli 1,976 881 1,095 1,390 973 417 1,186 918 268
02823100 Thaluru 1,157 505 652 837 622 215 525 497 28
02823200 Murudagalli 801 336 465 638 427 211 591 411 180
02823300 Kellahalli 689 .325 364 575 350 225 449 330 119
02823400 Jayapura 950 417 533 686 494 192 391 347 44
02823500 Chikkanahalli 59 25 34 39 33 6 33 30 3
02823600 Harohalli 1,228 567 661 619 601 78 580 561 19
02823700 Gumachanahalli 513 230 283 455 267 188 419 260 159
02823800 S. Kallahalli 821 337 484 772 430 342 583 424 159
02823900 Maddur 1,040 477 563 863 479 384 857 477 380
02824000 Mandanahalli 515 244 271 462 307 155 441 301 140
02824100 Kadanahalli 301 131 170 290 160 130 224 132 92
02824200 Gujjegowdanapura 831 392 439 631 392 239 364 315 49
02824300 Arasinakere 864 409 455 703 478 225 694 477 217
02824400 Thoreyanakaturu 1,436 649 787 831 602 229 802 593 209
02824500 Marballi 2,703 1,226 1,477 2,038 1,333 705 1,705 1,272 4JJ
02824600 Nanagalli ---------Un-inhabited---------
02824700 Doora 2,248 1,038 1,210 1,670 1,283 387 1,499 1,216 283
02824800 Chikkakaturu ----------Un-inhabited------
02824900 Doddakaturu 872 397 475 625 469 156 620 467 153
02825000 Doddakanya 1,315 592 723 958 728 230 847 696 151
02825100 Chikkakanya 282 III 171 251 209 42 177 172 5
02825200 Byathahalli 394 168 226 413 301 112 371 289 82
02825300 Kadakola 2,756 1,169 1,587 2,198 1,660 538 1,935 1,538 397
02825400 Bhugathagalli 1,092 491 601 717 553 164 609 480 129
02825500 Vajamangala 2,608 1,252 1,356 1,678 1,344 334 1,193 1,072 121
02825600 Harohalli 5,157 2,511 2,646 3,477 2,650 827 2,847 2,314 . 533
02825700 Varakodu 2,802 1,285 1,517 1,885 1,397 488 1,461 1,163 298
02825800 Chikkahalli .1,106 513 593 697 593 104 587 509 78
02825900 Lalithadripura 1,980 896 1,084 1,435 1,165 270 1,317 1,127 190
02826000 Sarakariuthanahalli 976 424 552 639 554 85 626 545 81
02826100 Yandahalli 565 268 297 240 222 18 240 222 18
02826200 Choranahalli 1,286 600 686 735 603 132 724 594 130
02826300 Varnna 1,183 509 674 816 676 140 778 655 123



Industrial category of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2
,69 66 3 98 53 45 7 4 3 373 326 47 Chowdahalli
79 79 34 34 174 169 5 Gurur
237 218 19 41 39 2 451 414 37 Mandakalli
482 303 179 41 19 22 154 134 20 MadahaIli
7 7 Javanahalli
359 237 122 31 18 13 2 2 252 223 29 Mallahalli
209 119 90 81 40 41 64 56 8 Ballahalli
------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kemmannupura
293 261 32 56 37 19 8 2 6 851 730 121 Maratikyathanahalli
700 375 325 64 44 20 3 3 485 423 62 Kergalli
155 154 57 16 41 155 136 19 Yadahalli
343 269 74 165 81 84 5 4 144 126 I8 Nagarthahalli
87 71 16 123 76 47 19 15 4 Kenchalal,'Udu
121 86 35 21 6 15 55 52 3 Devagalli
279 154 125 43 23 20 8 8 45 38 7 Mullur
121 120 7 7 59 58 Anagalli
607 584 23 36 29 7 I 1 29 29 Gopa1apura
742 452 290 64 22 42 9 4 5 146 123 23 Mavinahalli
310 229 81 19 JO 9 41 37 4 Bamdanapura
177 160 17 I 7 6 Daripura
1,382 963 419 103 20 83 15 11 4 616 541 75 Danagalli
987 777 210 205 90 115 19 15 4 1,863 1,423 440 Udburu
52 46 6 55 42 13 11 9 2 Kala1avadi
150 146 , 4 25 21 4 241 222 19 Dadadahalli
396 299 97 236 142 94 21 14 7 533 463 70 Sindhuvalli
224 209 15 39 36 3 I 261 251 10 Tha1uru
378 221 157 3 2 10 9 200 180 20 Mumdagalli
338 232 J06 2 109 97 12 Kellahalli
219 189 30 13 12 2 2 157 144 13 Jayapura
27 26 1 1 5 3 2 Chikkanahalli
465 458 7 20 13 7 7 7 88 83 5 Harahalli
150 101 49 178 109 69 91 50 41 Gumachanahalli
465 372 93 94 29 65 3 3 21 20 1 S. Kallahalli
573 304 269 192 109 83 5 5 87 59 28 Maddur
320 212 108 50 26 24 3 3 68 60 8 Mandanahalli
221 130 91 1 2 2 Kadanahalli
306 267 39 18 15 3 7 6 33 27 6 Gujjcgowdanapura
432 320 112 166 82 84 96 75 21 Arasinakere
316 206 110 59 29 30 427 358 69 Thoreyanakaturu
970 676 294 183 99 84 21 20 531 477 54 Marballi
------------Un-inlmbited------------- Nanagalli
851 701 150 166 78 88 33 21 12 449 416 33 Doora
---------.,-Un-inhabited---------- Chikkakaturu
365 291 74 171 116 55 I I 83 59 24 Doddakaturu
483 379 104 29 14 15 3 2 332 301 31 Doddakanya
69 69 32 29 3 76 74 2 Chikkakanya
110 72 38 29 15 14 232 202 30 Byathahalli
400 293 107 100 42 58 58 44 14 1,377 1,159 218 Kadakola
227 185 42 67 40 27 1 314 254 60 Bhugathagalli
432 421 11 60 31 29 4 3 I 697 617 80 Vajamangala
1,240 1,149 91 778 513 265 35 22 13 794 630 164 Harohalli
805 662 143 265 153 112 5 3 2 386 345 41 Varakodu
115 112 3 33 19 14 29 ]I 18 410 367 43 Chikkahalli
223 192 31 65 48 17 20 16 4 1,009 871 138 Lalithadripura
161 144 17 26 20 6 24 23 415 358 57 Sarakariuthanahalli
42 41 1 197 180 17 Yandahalli
271 239 32 2 2 4 3 447 350 97 Choranahalli
304 294 10 78 23 55 48 19 29 348 319 29 Varuna


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Maruinal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
t 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02820600 Chowdahalli 83 21 62 42 5 37
02820700 GuruI' 26 12 14 2 2 4 I 3
02820800 Mandakalli 432 269 163 24 18 6 131 59 72
02820900 Madahalli 138 19 119 116 16 100 13 2 II
02821000 Javanahalli 20 9 11 18 7 II
02821100 Mallahalli 32 18 14 5 2 3
02821200 Ballahalli 10 3 7 3 2 7 6
02821300 Ken1l1mnnupura ------------Un-inhabited---------
02821400 Maratikyathanahalli ·94 28 66 24 5 19 16 3 13
02821500 Kergalli 153 51 102 68 31 37 66 5 61
02821600 Yadahalli 22 18 4- 5 3 2
02821700 Nagarthahalli 59 27 32 7 2 5 37 14 23
02821800 Kenchalagudu
02821900 Devagalli
02822000 Mullur 4 2 2 3 2
02822100 Anagalli 187 51 136 3 2 1 163 41 122
02822200 Gopalapura 606 104 50i 99 4 95 492 92 400
02822300 Mavinahalli 105 33 72 20 10 10 71 17 54
02822400 Baradanapura 113 28 85 88 15 73 6 6
02822500 Daripura 146 58 88 126 43 83
02822600 Danagalli 632 184 448 92 29 63 410 52 358
02822700 Udbum 230 128 102 12 3 9 178 108 70
02822800 l{ala!avadi
02822900 Dadadahalli 20 11 9 2 7 4 3
02823000 Sindhuvalli 204 55 149 9 I 8 138 31 107
02823100 l1mlum 312 125 187 18 12 6 232 66 166
02823200 Murudaga\li 47 16 31 34 6 28
02823300 Ke!lahalli 126 20 106 47 2 45 8 8
02823400 Jayapura 295 147 148 8 3 283 141 142
02823500 Chikkanahalli 6 3 3 5 2 3
02823600 Haroha!li 99 40 59 6 3 3 89 35 54
02823700 Gumachanahalli 36 7 29 23 5 18 13 2 II
02823800 S. Ka!lahalli 189 6 183 130 3 127 59 3 56
02823900 Maddur 6 2 4 2 2
02824000 MandanahaUi 21 6 IS 2 13 3 10
02824100 Kadanahalli p6 28 38 6 4 2 43 II 32
02824200 Gujjegowdanapura 267 77 190 16 2 14 234 72 162
02824300 Arasinakere 9 1 8 5 5 2 2
02824400 Thoreyanakatum 29 9 20 2 2 23 6 17
02824500 Marballi 333 61 272 38 6 32 259 33 226
02824600 Nanagalli -----------Un-inhabitcd---------
02824700 Doora 171 67 104 12 5 7 1·00 14 86
02824800 Chikkakaturu ------------Un-inhabited------------
02824900 Doddakaturu 5 2 3 2 2 3 2 I
02825000 Doddakanya III 32 79 II" 10 71 16 55
02825100 Chikkakanya 74 37 37 16 16 53 18 35
02825200 Byathahalli 42 12 30 9 2 7 1
02825300 Kadakola 263 122 141 36 9 27 96 29 67
02825400 Bhugathagalli 108 73 35 60 29 31
02825500 Vajamangala 485 272 213 9 3 6 224 30 194
02825600 Harahalli 630 336 294 45 16 29 517 274 243
02825700 Varakodu 424 234 190 10 1 9 348 192 156
02825800 Chikkahalli 110 84 26 10 10 19 10 9
02825900 Lalithadripura 118 38 80 5 4 59 8 51
02826000 Sarakariuthanahalli 13 9 4 5 2 3
02826100 Yandahalli
02826200 Choranahalli 11 9 2
02826300 Varnna 38 21 17 8 3 5



of marginal workers
Household iudustrv workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
2 2 39 14 25 1,247 511 736 Chowdahalli 02820600
20 9 11 619 200 419 Gurur 02820700
277 192 85 2,148 726 1,422 Mandakalli 02820800
9 8 611 278 333 Madahalli 02820900
2 2 14 4 10 lavanahalli 02821000
27 16 II 937 375 562 Mallahalli 02821100
290 134 156 Ballahalli 02821200
------Un-inhabited------------- Kemmannupura 02821300
5 2 3 49 18 31 2,046 659 1,387 Maratikyathanahalli 02821400
19 15 4 1,659 684 975 Kergalli 02821500
17 15 2 618 190 428 Yadahalli 02821600
15 11 4 954 359 595 Nagarthahalli 02821700
262 106 156 Kenchalagudu 02821800
317 III 206 Devagalli 02821900
I 356 177 179 Mullur 02822000
2 2 19 8 11 406 151 255 ;\nagalli 02822100
5 2 3 10 6 4 1,291 545 746 Gopalapura 02822200
13 6 7 851 335 516 Mavinahalli 02822300
19 13 6 327 122 205 Baradanapura 02822400
2 I 18 14 4 351 122 229 Daripura 02822500
2 2 128 103 25 3,133 1,413 1,720 DanagaIli 02822600
40 17 23 4,776 1,673 3,103 Udburu 02822700
195 63 132 Kalalavadi 02822800
II 6 5 1,028 373 655 Dadadahalli 02822900
6 5 51 22 29 2,008 733 1,275 Sindhuvalli 02823000
4 3 58 46 12 1,130 377 753 Thaluru 02823100
12 9 3 790 286 504 Murudagalli 02823200
2 2 69 18 51 445 182 263 Kellahalli 02823300
4 3 1,120 459 661 Jayapura 02823400
1 75 32 43 Chikkanahalli 02823500
4 2 2 1,290 396 894 Harohalli 02823600
314 131 183 Gumachanahalli 02823700
718 309 409 S. Kallahalli 02823800
3 2 712 324 388 Maddur 02823900
2 3 2 364 122 242 Mandanahalli 02824000
17 13 4 202 98 104 Kadanahalli 02824100
4 3 13 2 II 630 263 367 Gujjegowdanapura 02824200
2 1 700 247 453 Arasiuakere 02824300
4 3 1,112 378 734 Thoreyanakaturu 02824400
5 2 3 31 20 II 2,132 856 1,276 Marballi 02824500
--------Un-inhabited------- Nanagalli 02824600
2 57 47 10 2,351 781 1.570 Doorn 02824700
------Un-inhabited------------ Chikkakaturu 02824800
861 309 552 Doddakaturu 02824900
2 27 14 13 1,393 481 912 Doddakanya 02825000
5 3 2 411 122 289 Chikkakanya 02825100
32 10 22 414 150 264 Byathahalli 02825200
5 125 83 42 3,129 1,101 2,028 Kadakola 02825300
48 44 4 1,209 418 791 Bhugathagalli 02825400
250 238 12 2,551 839 1,712 Vajamanga1a 02825500
4 63 45 18 4,411 1,404 3,007 Harohalli 02825600
5 60 40 20 2,463 813 1,650 Varakodu 02825700
75 63 12 1,206 395 811 Chikkahalli 02825800
6 5
2 9 43 27 16 2,257 735 1,522 Lalithadrip~a 02825900
7 6 1,183 398 785 Sarakariuthanahalli 02826000
569 186 383 Yandahalli 02826100
10 8 2 1,186 370 816 Choranahalli 02826200
17 8 1,346 401 945 Varona 02826300
4 4 25


CD BIock-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name ofViJlage hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02826400 Puttegowdanahundi 164.0 196 978 497 481 114 60 54
()2826500 Chatnahalli 730.0 275 1,286 673 613 184 99 85
02826600 Madhavagere 323.0 141 693 358 335 93 46 47
02826700 Keelallapura 251.0 232 1,183 629 554 146 73 73
02826800 Megalapura 173.0 153 771 416 355 88 53 35
02826900 Hongate 94.0 2 5 4 I
02827000 Duddagere 683.0 387 1,935 1,002 933 261 114 147
02827100 Pillahalli 276.0 218 1,063 550 513 158 86 72
02827200 Dandikere 303.0 175 872 446 426 113 48 65
02827300 Choganahalli 295.0 2 7 3 4
02827400 Kuntanahalli 86.0 -------Un-inhabited--------------
02827500 Jantagalli 558.0 224 1,162 588 574 190 105 85
02827600 Aragowdanahalli 143.0 ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02827700 Madapura 178.0 -------Vn-inhabited-------------
02827800 Marasettihalli 419.0 245 1,237 606 631 173 73 100
02827900 Hadajana 522.0 398 2,106 1,079 1,027 296 146 150
Oi828000 Gudumadanahalli 186.0 142 680 353 327 66 32 34
02828100 Marase 332.0 122 576 313 263 94 54 40
02828200 Oeva1apllfIJ. 344.0 315 1,567 783 784 173 86 87
02828300 KlImbarahalii 268.0 34 153 70 83 22 8 14
02828400 Madaragalli 307.0 27 112 61 51 10 7 3
02828500 Koodanahalli 505.0 491 2,516 1,304 1,212 347 182 165
02828600 Kochanahalli 351.0 234 1,300 649 651 183 86 97
02828700 Someshwarapura 570.0 657 3,402 1,757 1,645 459 247 212
02828800 Ayarahalli 1,179.0 691 3,497 1,784 1,713 482 250 232
02828900 Kiralll 502.0 268 1,369 707 662 171 85 86
02829000 MosambayanahalJi 2]9.0 280 1,434 749 685 161 82 79
02829100 Hosahalli 488.0 181 874 440 434 126 61 65
02829200 Inam-Uthanahalli 634.0 217 1,184 608 576 127 64 63
02829300 Kuppegala 440.0 570 2,636 1,358 1,278 276 153 123
02829400 Yadakola 708.0 951 4,808 2,476 2,332 608 314 294
Mysore (Urlmn)
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 2,833 12,132 6,419 5,713 1,499 769 730
42604000 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward 1,686 6,554 3,521 3,033 924 470 454
42604000 Metagalli (OG) - Ward 113 508 259 249 82 44 38
42604000 Sathagalli (OG) - Wanl 108 600 321 279 63 34 29
42604000 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward 774 3,682 1,881 1,801 445 226 219
42604000 Chamundibetta (OG)- 266 1,393 657 736 157 76 81
Ward No.73
42604000 Srirampllra (OG) - Ward 1,403 6,085 3,135 2,950 742 364 378
42604000 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward 42 188 94 94 17 9. 8
42604000 Lingamblldi (OG) - Ward 118 658 342 316 92 55 37
42605000 Hebballl (CT) 412 1,527 786 741 277 152 125
42606000 Belvata (CT) 1,439 5,707 2,939 2,768 732 375 357
42607000 Bhogadi (CT) 1,063 4,815 2,529 2,286 582 297 285



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
50 29 21 449 263 186 Puttegowdanahundi
681 348 333 505 309 196 Chatnahalli
316 191 125 Madhavagere
315 164 151 540 341 199 Keelanapura
5 4 346 224 122 Megalapura
3 3 Hongate
522 279 243 900 552 348 Duddagere
424 209 215 6 3 3 359 218 141 Pillahalli
422 219 203 351 213 138 Dandikere
3 2 ChoganahaIli
----------Un-inhabited------- KuntanahaIli
287 133 154 315 192 123 Jantagalli
-----------Un-inhabited-------- Aragowdanahalli
-----------Un-inhabited----------- Madapura
311 151 160 546 325 221 Marasettihalli
944 484 460 6 2 4 824 526 298 Hadajana
370 223 147 GudumadanahaIli
22 15 7 279 173 106 Marase
171 77 94 8 5 3 751 433 318 Devalapura
53 33 20 Kumbarahalli
13 9 4 55 28 27 MadaragaIli
238 130 108 90 46 44 971 604 367 KoodanahaIli
574 271 303 131 73 58 493 285 208 Kochanahalli
586 305 281 941 487 454 1,444 863 581 Someshwarapura
263 135 128 1,038 532 506 1,311 782 529 Ayarahalli
124 53 71 57 26 31 464 290 174 Kiralu
573 346 227 MosambayanahaIli
308 148 160 342 202 140 Hosahalli
785 396 389 10 7 3 483 269 214 Inam-Uthanahalli
986 492 494 13 7 6 1,286 751 535 Kuppegala
1,738 888 850 16 6 10 2,016 1,209 807 Yadakola
Mysore (Urban)
864 430 434 1,074 552 522 7,972 4,573 3,399 Hinkal COG) - Ward No.66
685 355 330 196 102 94 4,744 2,752 1,992 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
57 32 25 4 3 162 90 72 Metagalli COG) - Ward
49 27 22 244 163 81 Sathagalli COG) - Ward
825 420 405 106 54 52 2,228 1,246 982 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
88 30 58 674 336 338 1,045 521 524 Chamundibetta (OG)-
Ward No.73
361 200 161 319 171 148 4,218 2,343 1,875 Srirampura COG) - Ward
6 4 2 98 48 50 Dattagalli COG) - Ward
493 249 244 5 2 3 293 179 114 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
138 69 69 109 57 52 1,070 558 512 Hebbalu CCn
454 244 210 155 80 75 4,049 2,214 1,835 Belvata (CT)
379 201 178 88 52 36 3,042 1.745 1,297 Bhogadi (Cn


CD Block~

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons l\;falcs Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02826400 Puttegowdanahundi 529 234 295 346 322 24 314 297 17
02826500 Chutnahalli 781 364 417 456 440 16 452 440 12
02826600 Madhavagere 377 167 210 237 225 12 213 206 7
02826700 Keelanapura 643 288 355 487 403 84 320 299 21
02826800 Megalapurn 425 192 233 351 269 82 141 119 22
02826900 Hongate 2 I 4 I 4 3 1
02827000 Duddag~e 1,035 450 585 809 658 151 769 637 132
02827100 Pillahalli 704 332 372 539 348 191 341 276 65
02827200 Dandikere 521 233 288 510 311 199 418 304 114
02827300 ChoganahaJli 4 3 5 3 2 5 3 2
02827400 Kuntanahalli -----------Un-inhabited-------------
01827500 Jantagalli 847 396 451 439 328 III 375 271 104
02827600 Aragowdanahalli -------------Un-inhabited------------
02827700 Madapura --------Un-inhabited-----------
02827800 Marasettihalli 691 281 410 659 409 250 601 392 209
02827900 Hadajana 1,282 553 729 802 662 140 785 652 133
02828000 Oudumadanahalli 310 130 180 275 231 44 207 192 15
02828100 Murase 297 140 157 213 176 37 129 110 19
02828200 Devalupura 816 350 466 771 536 235 722 534 188
02828300 Kumbarahalli· 100 37 63 84 55 29 81 55 26
02828400 MadaragaJli 57 33 24 43 35 8 42 35 7
02828500 Koodanahalli 1,545 700 845 1,116 785 331 1,033 765 268
02828600 Kochanaballi 807 364 443 486. 390 96 477 384 93
02828700 Someshwarapura 1,958 894 1,064 1,468 1,071 397 1,431 1,049 382
02828800 Ayarahalli 2,186 1,002 1,184 1,833 1,167 666 1,741 1,135 606
02828900 Kiralu 905 417 488 561 460 101 501 435 66
02829000 Mosambayanahalli 861 403 458 537 508 29 486 473 13
02829100 Hosahalli 532 238 294 405 277 128 403 277 126
02829200 Inam-Uthanahalli 701 339 362 501 389 112 440 380 60
02829300 Kuppegala 1,350 607 743 1,036 813 223 925 720 205
02829400 Yadakola. 2,792 1,267 1,525 2,120 1,491 629 1,996 1,434 562
Mysorc (Urban)
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 4,160 1,846 2,314 4,344 3,609 735 4,164 3,494 670
426U4000 Hutagalli (00) - Ward 1,810 769 1,041 2,313 2,025 288 2,296 2,015 281
42fi04000 Meragalli (OG) - Ward 346 169 177 163 125 38 163 125 38
42604000 Sathagalli (OG) - Ward 356 158 198 199 192 7 199 192 7
42604000 A1anahalli (OG) - Ward 1,454 635 819 1,112 965 147 1,029 907 122
42604000 Chamundibetta (OG)- 348 136 212 402 340 62 350 296 54
Ward No.73
42604000 Srirampura (OG) - Ward 1,867 792 1,075 2,068 1,717 351 2,033 1,699 334
42604000 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward 90 46 44 68 59 9 67 58 9
42604000 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward 365 163 202 227 201 26 227 201 26
42605000 Hebbalu (Cn 457 228 229 532 461 71 532 461 ?l
42606000 Belvat" (Cn 1,658 725 933 2,225 1,727 498 2,100 1,662 438
42607000 Bhogadi (Cn 1,773 784 989 1,693 1,347 346 1,526 1,247 279



Industrial category of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricnlhtrallabourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
157 145 12 84 81 3 72 70 2 Puttegowdanahundi
399 396 3 38 30 8 15 14 I Chatnahalli
153 152 I 3 3 56 50 6 Madhavagere
189 183 6 33 28 5 97 88 9 Keelanapura
107 87 20 33 31 2 Megalapura
2 2 2 I Hongatc
264 249 15 123 72 51 381 316 65 Duddagcrc
167 139 28 69 60 9 105 77 28 Pillahalli
148· 122 26 68 4 64 202 178 24 Dandikere
3 2 2 Choganahalli
----------Un-inhabited---- Kuntanahalli
171 128 43 14 3 11 4 2 2 186 138 48 Jantagalli
-------------Un-inhabited------ Aragowdanahalli
------------Un-inhabited------- Madapura
236 187 49 205 62 143 I 1 159 142 17 Marasettihalli
174 165 9 183 102 81 428 ·385 43 Hadajana
133 131 2 8 8 66 53 13 Gudumadanahalli
19 18 6 6 103 85 18 Marase
312 281 31 39 9 30 3 2 I 368 242 126 Devalapura
32 19 13 22 11. 11 5 3 2 22 22 . Kumbarahalli
2 2 21 16 5 19 17 2 Madaragalli
306 231 75 342 200 142 2 383 333 50 Koodanahalli
189 172 17 115 55 60 12 10 2 161 147 14 Kochanahalli
649 440 209 235 125 110 96 83 13 451 401 50 Someshwarapura
865 630 235 580 259 321 14 6 8 282 240 42 Ayarahalli
260 246 14 82 38 44 10 10 149 141 8 Kimlu
324 319 5 40 35 5 19 18 103 101 2 Mosambayanahalli
235 155 80 44 24 20 3 2 121 96 25 Hosahalli
346 321 25 53 32 21 4 3 37 26 I I Inam-Uthanahalli
375 358 17 474 302 172 5 4 71 56 15 Kuppegala
888 696 192 865 534 331 8 5 3 235 199 36 Yadakola·
Mysore (Urban)
35 33 2 42 32 10 52 35 17 4,035 3,394 641 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66
45 43 2 7 4 3 10 8 2 2,234 1,960 274 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
163 125 38 Metagalli (OG) - Ward
84 83 2 2 113 107 6 Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
10 4 6 21 19 2 7 7 991 877 114 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
350 296 54 Chamundibetta (OG)-
Ward No.73
61 54 7 28 20 8 39 23 16 1,905 1,602 303 Srirampura (OG) - Ward
4 4 2 2 61 52. 9 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward
227 201 26 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward·
4 3 , I 2 526 457 69 Hebbalu (Cl)
8 7 I 19 16 3 80 48 32 1,993 1,591 402 Belvata (Cl)
65 48 17 98 81 17 22 17 5 1,341 1,101 240 Bhogadi (CT)


CD Block-
lndustrial catc"orv
code Marg!nal workers Culth'ators A"rieultural labourers
number Name ofViJlage Persons Males Females Persons Males. Females Persons Males Females
I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02826400 Puttegowdanahundi 32 25 7 4 2 2 22 18 4
02826500 Chatnahalli 4 4 2 2
02826600 Madhavagere 24 19 5 I 13 12
02826700 Keelanapurn 167 104 63 5 3 2 87 51 36
02826800 Megalapura 210 150 60 3 1 2 2
02826900 Hongate
02827000 Duddagere 40 21 19 3 2 37 20 17
02827100 Pillahalli 198 72 126 48 19 29 29 5 24
02827200 Dandikere 92 7 85 4 4 4 4
02827300 Choganahalli
02827400 Kuntanahalli -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02827500 Jantagalli 64 57 7 10 7 3 30 28 2
02827600 Arngowdanahalli -------Un-inhabited------------
02827700 Madapurn ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02827800 Marnsettihalli 58 17 41 I I 35 34
02827900 Hadajana 17 10 7 2 2 8 2 6
02828000 Gudumadanahallj 68 39 29 3 2 6 6
02828100 Marnsc 84 66 18 I I
02828200 Devalapurn 49 2 47 5 4 37 36
02828300 Kumbarnhalli 3 3 3 3
02828400 Madarngalli I
02828500 Koodanahallj 83 20 63 8 2 6 64 10 54
02828600 Kochanahallj 9 6 3 4 1 3
02828700 Someshwarapura 37 22 15 I 17 7 10
02828800 Ayarahalli 92 32 60 13 9 4 43 9 34
02828900 Kirnlu 60 25 35 3 3 46 17 29
02829000 Mosambayanahalli 51 35 16 I 30 14 16
02829100 Hosahalli 2 2 2 2
02829200 Inam-Uthanaha1li 61 9 52 3 2 57 7 50
02829300 Kuppegala 111 93 18 4 4 91 83 8
02829400 Yadakola 124 57 67 7 6 102 41 61
Mysorc (Urban)
42604000 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66 180 115 65 3 3 6 4 2
42604000 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward 17 10 7
42604000 Metagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward 83 58 25 6 5
42604000 Chamundibetta (00)- 52 44 8
Ward No.73
42604000 Srirampura (OG) - Ward 35 18 17
42604000 Oattagalli (OG) - Ward
42604000 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward
42605000 Hebbalu (CT)
42606000 Belvata (Cl) 125 65 60 1 I
42607000 Bhogadi (Cl) 167 100 67 2 10 3 7


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0005 IIcggadade\'ankote (Total) 47,606 233,885 118,536 115,349 32,539 16,362 16,177
0005 Heggadade\'ankotc (Rural) 47,606 233,885 118,536 115,349 32,539 16,362 16,177
0005 Heggadade\'ankotc (Urban)
Hcggadade\'ankote (Rural)
02829500 Rajegowdanahllndi 968.0 233 1,188 592 596 182 87 9S
02829600 Bheernanahalli 811.0 251 1,238 641 597 135 72 63
02829700 Yelehundikaval 175.0 26 109 57 52 20 13 7
02829800 Mllsker ·418.0 162 778 412 366 118 65 53
02829900 Padukotekava 1,859.0 691 3.238 1,657 1,581 503 251 252
02830000 Yelehllnd 168.0 92 481 238 243 72 36 36
02830100 Somegowdanahundi 106.0 -------Un-inhabited--------
02830200 Annur 527.0 318 1,586 805 781 254 141 113
02830300 Gowdimachanayakana Halli 350.0 118 599 323 276 108 60 48
02830400 Sollapura 1,146.0 26 126 68 58 15 12 3
02830500 Siddapura 650.0 101 480 248 232 61 31 30
02830600 Agasanahundi· 1,032.0 60 288 15] 137 44 24 20
02830700 Bommalapura 345.0 26 89 55 34 9 6 3
02830800 Hosahalli 648.0 176 918 460 458 127 61 66
02830900 Nanjanayakanahalli 556.0 180 950 468 482 138 63 75
02831000 Yedathore 971.0 490 2,449 1,216 1,233 381 186 195
02831100 Savve 923.0 433 2,038 1,040 998 281 l51 130
02831200 Padukote 776.0 285 1,395 686 709 211 109 102
02831300 Kodaseege 285.0 86 473 249 224 54 22 32
02831400 Haropura 130.0· 66 359 192 167 52 30 22
02831500 Voddaragudi 497.0 198 1,109 547 562 166 80 86
0283 1600 Shanthipura 403.0 152 666 330 336 85 39 46
02831700 Konegowdanahundi 220.0 93 428 224 204 45 2S 20
0283 1800 Chakkodanahalli 438.0 226 1.093 543 550 171 74 97
02831900 Budanur 823.0 202 1,013 517 496 137 73 64
02832000 Metikuppe 1,870.0 277 1,402 718 684 212 III 101
02832100 Chagathikuppe 53.0 ------Un-inhabited------
02832200 Metikuppeka\'al 1,166.0 ----------Un-inhabited------
02832300 Metikuppe Forest 5,254.0 26 113 55 58 23 II 12
02832400 Amani Jungle 3,143.0 --------Un-inhabited---------
02832500 Hunasekuppe 738.0 174 775 402 373 82 40 42
02832600 Penjahalli 51l.0 271 1,243 630 613 165 77 88
02832700 Hirehalli 2,250.0 932 4,532 2,254 2,278 618 313 305
02832800 Sonahalli 389.0 121 565 293 272 78 39 39
02832900 Chakahalli 90.0 88 397 202 195 44 20 24
02833000 Heggadadevankote (Rural) 1,037.0 124 564 293 271 72 32 40
02833100 Belaganahallikaval 411.0 194 972 511 461 124 62 62
02833200 Belaganaballi . 10l.0 10 32 17 15 5 2 3
02833300 Malara 110.0 117 793 420 373 132 68 64
02833400 Gudumanahalli 285.0 2 12 6 6 1 I
02833500 Hyrige 552.0 676 3,507 1,745 1,762 514 253 261
02833600 Matakere 279.0 154 797 417 380 124 69 55
02833700 Manuganahalli 257.0 43 219 122 97 25 17 8
02833800 Boppanahalli 216.0 378 1,887 981 906 268 131 137
02833900 Yarahalli 483.0 373 1,935 1,010 925 271 l46 125
02834000 KattemanuganahaUi 469.0 249 1,443 743 700 192 97 95
02834100 Heggadapum 217.0 227 1,174 597 577 178 88 90
02834200 Dasanapura 133.0 46 211 119 92 23 13 10
02834300 Akkadevanahalli 110.0 4 18 9 9 2 1 1
02834400 Naganahalli 285.0 384 1,567 81T 750 206 117 89
02834500 Machanayakanaha!1i 268.0 119 551 282 269 96 46 50
02834600 Seemnahundi 181.0 107 532 270 262 76 38 38
02834700 MOlha 334.0 168 955 495 460 150 84 66
02834800 Krishnapurakava1 145.0 134 655 337 318 102 63 39



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
63,596 32,202 31,394 49,390 24,702 24,688 104,065 62,245 41,820 Heggadadevankote (fotal)
63,596 32,202 31,394 49,390 24,702 24,688 104,065 62,245 41,820· Heggadadevankote (Rural
Heggadadevankote (Urbal
Heggadadevankote (Rural:
252 128 124 87 49 38 503 299 204 Rajegowdanahundi
293 150 143 519 268 251 625 355 270 Bheemanahalli
40 18 22 6 4 2 42 25 17 Yelehundikaval
45 24 21 200 III 89 339 228 111 Musker
763 381 382 196 98 98 1,455 865 590 Padukotekava
69 34 35 97 45 52 208 122 86 Yelehund
------------Un-inhabited-----------_- Somegowdanahundi
211 99 112 452 223 229 673 379 294 Annur
263 142 121 258 139 119 223 133 90 Gowdimachanayakana Hallj
126 68 58 66 41. 25 SoJlapura
213 109 104 16 7 9 220 137 83 Siddapura
25 10 15 27 13 14 162 97 65 Agasanahundi
36 24 12 Bomrnalapura
182 82 100 52 33 19 428 249 179 Hosahalli
197 106 91 221 108 113 499 292 207 Nanjanayakanahalli
655 341 314. 504 243 261 1,024 598 426 Yedathore
220 113 107 1,377 710 667 854 510 344 Savve
262 118 144 364 186 178 521 302 219 Padukote
72 37 35 5 4 1 222 148 74 Kodaseege
29 . 14 15 41 22 19 160 95 65 Haropura
664 328 336 165 74 91 511 298 213 Voddaragudi
118 59 59 180 88 92 I 388 225 163 Shanthipura
61 34 27 203 108 95 173 116 57 Konegowdanahundi
305 141 164- 505 303 202 Chakkodanahalli
469 236 233 108 62 46 459 283 176 Budanur
584 287 297 547 318 229 Metikuppe
---------Un-inhabited---------~- Chagathikuppe
---------Un-inhabited------ Metikuppekaval
7 6 91 40 51 15 13 2 Metikuppe Forest
---------~---Un-inhabited-------------- Arnani Jungle
165 82 83 347 185 162 574 321 253 Hunasekuppe
232 117 115 88 43 45 521 306 215 Penjahalli
1,328 666 662 1,282 631 651 1,815 1,067 748 Hirehalli
122 67 55 158 82 76 201 129 72 Sonahalli
9 6 3 348 175 173 142 87 55 Chakahalli
170 93 77 185 93 92 276 176 100 Heggadadevankote (Rural)
135 70 65 4 2 2 509 329 180 Belaganahallikaval
I 2 2 21 13 8 Belaganahalli
793 420 373 363 225 138 Malam
9 6 3 Gudumanahalli
1,553 804 749 621 288 333 1,312 766 546 Hyrige
469 244 225 82 43 39 392 221 171 Matakere
11 12 92 62 30 Maouganahalli
194 267 139 128 700 443 257 BoppanahalJi
386 192
530 272 258 55 28 27 1,176 678 498 Yarahalli
289 714 410 304 Kattemaouganahalli
589 300
196 197 581 303 278 443 278 165 Heggadapura
88 51 37 8 4 4 86 62 24 Dasanapura
12 6 6 AkkadevaoahalJi
15 40 19 21 992 568 424 Nagaoahalli
35 20
67 208 131 77 MachanayakanahaJli
136 69
2 267 173 94 SeeI3Ilahundi
251 124 127
6 352 176 176 381 227 154 Motha
12 6
326 181 145 Krisbnapurakaval
60S 308 297


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers !'vlain workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0005 Heggadadevankote (Total) 129,820 56,291 73,529 120,830 72,192 48,638 99,432 65,182 34,250
0005 Heggadadevankote (Rural 129,820 56,291 73,529 120,830 72,192 48,638 99,432 65,182 34,250
0005 Heggadadevankote (Urbar
) Heggadadevankote (Rural)
02829500 Rajegowdanahundi 685 293 392 698 391 307 690 391 299
02&29600 Bheemanahalli 613 286 327 708 391 317 692 387 305
02829700 Yclchundikaval 67 32 35 69 34 35 67 33 34
02829800 Musker 439 184 255 481 270 211 432 268 164
02829900 Padukotekava 1,783 792 991 2,047 1,094 953 1,683 962 721
02830000 Yelehund 273 116 157 268 128 140 241 127 114
02830100 Somegowdanahundi ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02830200 Annur 913 426 487 869 507 362 812 484 328
02830300 Gowdimachanayakana Halli 376 190 186 364 196 168 . 355 193 162
02830400 SoUapura 60 27 33 71 39 32 71 39 32
02830500 Siddapura 260 111 149 305 163 142 268 146 122
02830600 Agasanahundi 126 54 72 175 97 78 107 88 19
02830700 Bommalapura 53 31 22 71 45 26 69 43 26
02830800 Hosahalli 490 211 279 521 300 221 377 280 97
02830900 Nanjanayakanahalli 451 176 275 520 303 217 466 282 184
02831000 Yedathorc 1,425 618 807 1,332 736 596 1,283 728 555
0283 II 00 Savve 1.184 530 654 1,164 621 543 1,153 619 534
02831200 Padukote 874 3B4 490 884 454 430 859 449 410
02831300 Kodascege 251 101 150 297 152, 145 297 152 145
02831400 Haropura 199 97 102 231 124 107 167 108 59
02831500 Voddaragudi 598 249 349 513 305 208 398 285 113
02831600 Shanthipura 278 105 173 322 202 120 167 149 18
0283 1700 Konegowdanahundi 255 108 147 289 148 141 289 148 141
0283 1800 Chakkodanahalli 588 240 348 552 317 235 417 298 119
02831900 Budanuf 554 234 320 469 325 144 425 311 114
02832000 Metikuppe 855 400 455 870 477 393 639 437 202
02832100 Chagathikuppe --------Un-inhabited-------------
02832200 Metikuppekaval -------Un-inhabited------------
02832300 Metikuppe Forest 98 42 56 54 35 19 35 30 5
02832400 Alnani Jungle -----Un-inhabited--------
02832500 Hunasekuppe 201 81 120 503 288 215 503 288 215
02832600 Penjahalli 722 324 398 716 399 317 699 391 308
02832700 Hirehalli 2,717 1,187 1,530 2,206 1,374 832 2,038 1,297 741
02832800 Sonahalli 364 164 200 308 170 138 297 165 132
02832900 Chakahalli 255 115 140 96 83 13 96 83 13
02833000 Heggadadevankote (Rural) 288 117 171 356 188 168 356 188 168
02833100 Belaganahallikaval 463 182 281 688 370 318 688 370 318
02833200 Belaganahalli II 4 7 17 II 6 17 II 6
02833300 Malara 430 195 235 373 242 131 373 242 131
02833400 Gudumanahalli 3 3 4 4 4 4
02833500 Hyrige 2,195 979 1,216 1,388 972 416 1,370 955 415
02833600 Matakere 405 196 209 335 224 III 324 219 105
02833700 Manuganahalli 127 60 67 141 83 58 121 71 50
02833800 Boppanahalli 1,187 538 649 1,004 630 374 729 517 212
02833900 Yarahalli 759 332 427 733 588 145 490 400 90
02834000 Kattemanuganahalli 729 333 396 750 447 303 709 427 282
02834100 Heggadapura 731 319 412 719 376 343 664 348 316
02834200 Dasanapura 125 57 . 68 60 52 \\ 60 52 '3
02834300 Akkadevanahalli 6 3 3 5 4 4 4
02834400 Naganahalli 575 249 326 774 493 281 773 493 280
02834500 Machanayakanahalli 343 lSI 192 363 198 165 363 198 165
02834600 Seeranahundi 265 97 168 323 166 157 119 112 7
02834700 Motha 574 268 306 575 320 255 512 315 197
02834800 Krishnapurakaval 329 156 173 226 181 45 221 179 42



Industrial categorv of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
59,051 40,332 18,719 27,642. 14,544 13,098 952 610 342 11,787 9,696 2,091 Heggadadevankote (Total)
59,051 40,332 18,719 27,642 14,544 13,098 952 610 342 11,787 . 9,696 2,091 Heggadadevankote (Rural
Heggadadevankote (Urbar
Heggadadevankote (Rural:
145 131 14 530 247 283 15 13 2 Rajegowdanahundi
425 238 187 233 122 III 34 27 7 Bbeemanahalli
31 15 16 35 18 17 Ye1ehundikaval
406 249 157 10 6 4 1 15 13 2 Musker
1,325 762 563 287 143 144 6 4 2 65 53 12 Padukotekava
183 102 81 47 17 30 II 8 3 Ye1ehund
----------Un-inhabitcd--------- Somegowdanahundi
390 247 143 341 177 164 18 11 7 63 49 14 Annur
122 102 20 223 85 138 2 8 5 3 Gowdimachanayakana Halli
24 20 4 47 19 28 Sollapura
139 86 53 107 44 63 6 4 2 16 12 4 Siddapura
77 67 10 16 7 9 14 14 Agasanahundi
46 29 17 18 10 8 5 4 Bommalapura
253 188 65 85 57 28 39 35 4 Hosahalli
278 159 119 102 48 54 86 75 1 I Nanjanayakanahalli
528 388 140 584 228 356 16 13 3 155 99 56 Yedathore
578 336 242 527 241 286 1 47 41 6 Savve
490 257 233 287 138 149 82 54 28 Padukote
262 136 126 22 6 16 13 10 3 Kodaseege
91 87 4 72 20 52 4 I 3 Haropura
140 124 16 151 57 94 106 103 3 VOddaragudi
79 76 3 37 28 9 51 45 6 Shanthipura
166 128 38 122 20 102 1 Konegowdanahundi
291 224 67 45 16 29 7 7 74 51 23 Chakkodanahalli
286 231 55 128 71 57 II 9 2 Bndanur
301 232 69 286 156 130 18 18 34 31 3 Metikuppe
----Un-inhabited------ Cbagathikuppe
---------Un-inhabited.~---"- Metikuppekaval
1 34 29 5 Metikuppe Forest
-----------Un-inhabited-------- Amani Jungle
503 288 215 Hunasekuppe
511 294 217 175 85 90 4 4 9 8 Penjahalli
1,309 859 450 555 311 244 8 7 166 120 46 Hirehalli
157 95 62 . 122 ·60 62 18 10 8 Sonahalli
90 77 13 3 3 3 3 Cbakahalli
288 151 137 59 31 28 9 6 3 Heggadadevankote (Rural)
490 255 235 173 91 82 25 24 Belaganahallikaval
4 4 11 5 6 2 2 Belaganahalli
91 73 18 258 148 110 3 2 21 19 2 Malara
4 4 Gudumanahalli
624 467 157 549 326 223 5. 5 192 157 35 Hyrige
106 81 25 .193 121 72 4 4 21 17 4 Matakere
121 71 50 Manuganahalli
413 359 54 265 130 135 7 6 44 22 22 Boppanahalli
193 139 54 62 58 4 235 203 32 Yarahalli
554 337 217 149 87 62 5 3 2 Kattemanuganahalli
291 264 76 34 42 32 22 10 Heggadapura
46 43 3 12 7 5 1 1 Dasanapura
1 1 1 Akkadevanahalli
2 2
2 636 403 233 127 82 45 Naganahalli
9 7
104 140 79 61 Machanayakanahalli
222 118
2 2 19 15 4 Seeranahundi
98 95 3
167 . 58 31 27 11 8 3 Motha
443 276
166 147 19 12 8 4 Krishnapurakaval
43 24 19


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agriculturallabourcrs
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons IHales Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0005 Heggadadevankote (Total) 21,398 7,010 14,388 4,119 1,083 3,036 14,893 4,672 10,221
0005 Heggadadevankotc (Rural 21,398 7,010 14,388 4,119 1,083 3,036 14,893 4,672 10,221
0005 Heggadadevankote (Urbar
) Heggadadevankote (Rural)
02829500 Rajegowdanahundi 8 8 8 8
02829600 Bhcemanahalli 16 4 12 4 3 II 10
02829700 Yelehundikaval 2 I 1 I
02829800 Musker 49 2 47 37 I 36 7 7
02829900 Padukotekava 364 132 232 92 8 84 113 30 83
02830000 Yelehund 27 I 26 5 5 22 21
02830 I 00 Somegowdanahundi ------------Un-inhabited------
02830200 Annur 57 23 34 826 41 17 24
02830300 Gowdimachanayakana Halli 9 3 6 8 3 5
02830400 Sollapura
02830500 Siddapura 37 17 20 24 13 II 12 4 8
02830600 Agasanahundi 68 9 59 2 I· 64 8 56
02830700 Bommalapura 2 2 2 2
02830800 Hosahalli 144 20 124 74 8 66 63 10 53
02830900 Nanjanayakanahalli 54 21 33 38 13 25 12 5 7
02831000 Yedathore 49 8 41 I 1 42 6 36
0283 I 100 Savve 11 2 9 4 4 4 3
0283 1200 Padukote 25 5 20 16 5 II
02831300 Kodaseege
02831400 Haropura 64 16 48 2 1 61 15 46
02831500 Voddaragudi 115 20 95 27 I 26 63 12 51
0283 1600 Shanthipura 155 53 102 37 9 28 108 39 69
0283 I 700 Konegowdanahundi
02831800 Chakkodanahalli 135 19 116 113 8 105 4 I 3
0283 \ 900 Budanur 44 14 30 I 42 13 29
02832000 Metikuppc 231 40 191 94 27 67 119 11 108
02832100 Chagathikuppe ----------- Un-inhabited-------
02832200 Metikuppekaval ------------- Un-inhabited------~
02832300 Metikuppe Forest 19 5 14 I 1
02832400 Amani Jungle ------------Un-inhabited-------
02832500 Hunasekuppe
02832600 Penjahalli 17 8 9 2 I I 15 7 8
02832700 Hirehalli 168 77 91 15 8 7 147 68 79
02832800 Sonahalli 11 5 6 7 3 4 4 2 2
02832900 Chakahalli
02833000 Heggadadevankote (Rural)
02833100 Belaganahallikaval
02833200' BelaganahalJi
02833300 Malara
02833400 Gudumanahalli
02833500 Hyrige 18 17 12 11
02833600 Matakere II 5 6 4 3
02833700 Manuganahalli 20 12 8
02833800 Boppanahalli 275 113 162 10 4 6 263 108 155
02833900 Yarahalli 243 188 55 4 3 26 19 7
02834000 Kattemanuganahalli 41 20 21 II 5 6 30 15 15
02834100 Heggadapura 55 28 27 21 II 10 26 10 16
02834200 Dasanapura
02834300 Akkadevanahalli
02834400 Naganahalli
02834500 Machanayakanahalli
02834600 Seeranahundi 204 54 150 6 2 4 196 52 144
02834700 Motha 63 5 58 3 3 59· 4 55
02834800 Krishnapurakaval 5 2 3 5 2 3



of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
379 97 282 2,007 1,158 849 113,055 46,344 66,711 Heggadadevankote (fotal) 0005
379 97 282 2,007 1,158 849 113,055 46,344 66,711 Heggadadevankote (Rural 0005
Heggadadevankote (Urba. 0005
Heggadadevankote (Rural)
490 201 289 Rajegowdanahundi 02829500
530 250 280 Bheemanahalli 02829600
40 23 17 Ye1ehundikaval 02829700
2 2 3 2 297 142 155 Musker 02829800
159 94 65 1,191 563 628 Padukotekava 02829900
213 110 103 Yelehund 02830000
--------Un-inhabited------------ Somegowdanahundi 02830100
3 2 5 2 3 717 298 419 Annur 02830200
235 127 108 Gowdimachanayakana HalIi 02830300
55 29 26 SoUapura 02830400
175 85 90 Siddapura 02830500
2 2 113 54 59 Agasanahundi 02830600
- 18 10 8 Bommalapura 02830700
7 2 5 397 160 237 Hosahalli 02830800
4 3 430 165 265 Nanjanayakanahalli 02830900
"I 5 2 3 1,117 480 637 Yedathore 02831000
3 2 874 419 455 Savve 02831100
8 8 511 232 279 Padukote 02831200
176 97 79 Kodaseege 02831300
128 68 60 Haropura 02831400
3 2 22 6 16 596 242 354 Voddaragudi 02831500
9 5 4 344 128 216 Shanthipura 02831600
139 76 63 Konegowdanahundi . 02831700
4 3 14 9 5 541 226 315 Chakkodanahalli 02831800
I 544 192 352 Budanur 02831900
3 3 15 2 13 532 241 291 Metikuppe 02832000
-----Un-inhabited------------- Chagathikuppe 02832100
------Un-inhabited---------- Metikuppekaval " 02832200
18 5 13 59 20 39 Metikuppe Forest 02832300
---------Un-inhabited----------- Amani Jungle 02832400
272 114 158 Hunasekuppe 02832500
527 231 296 PenjahaIIi 02832600
6 5 2,326 880 1,446 Hireballi 02832700
257 123 134 Sonahalli 02832800
301 119 182 Chakahalli 02832900
208 105 103 Heggadadevankote (Rural) 02833000
284 141 143 Belaganahallikaval 02833100
15 6 9 BelaganahaIli 02833200
420 178 242 Malara 02833.300
8 2 6 , Gudumanahalli 02833400
4 4 1 1 2,119 773 1,346 Hyrige 02833500
3 2 2 462 193 269 Matakere 02833600
20 12 8 78 39 39 ManuganahaIIi 02833700
1 883 351 532 Boppanaballi 02833800
11 21 181 157 24 1,202 422 780 Yarahalli 02833900
693 296 397 Kattemanuganahalli 02834000
8 7 455 221 234 Heggadapura 02834100
151 67 84 Dasanapura 02834200
13 5 8 Akkadevanahalli 02834300
793 324 469 N aganahalli 02834400
188 84 104 Machanayakanahalli 02834500
209 104 105 Seeranahundi 02834600
380 175 205 Motha 02834700
429 156 273 Krishnapurakaval 02834800


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons· Males Fcmllles Pers!)ns Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02834900 Kollegowdanahalli 735.0 282 1,452 737 715 206 102 104
02835000 Yarahallikava\ 308.0 288 1,348 686 662 225 122 103
02835100 Shirmahalli 169.0 297 1,625 811 81~ 249 130 1 ]9
02835200 Chowdahalli 257.0 76 389 211 178 43 22 21
02835300 lakkahalli 413.0 525 2,746 1,4]3 1,333 351 193 158
02835400 Heggadahalli 491.0 170 847 4]6 431 ]09 47 62
02835500 Hebbalaguppe 393.0 726 3,684 1,872 1,812 480 233 247
02835600 Hulikura 227.0 5 31 23 8 5 4
02835700 Hulikurakaval 96.0 75 340 166 174 55 27 28
02835800 Thumbasoge 290.0 388 1,852 926 926 261 126 135
02835900 Thoravalli 182.0 123 638 330 308 76 41 35
02836000 1tna 532,0 447 2,099 1,001 1,098 292 150 142
02836100 Thotahalli 128.0 --------Un-inhabited----------
02836200 Purn 166_0 ---------Un-inhabited--------
02836300 Halladamanuganahalli 898.0 298 1,408 725 683 207 113 94
02836400 Kattehundi 266_0 130 589 309 280 72 42 30
02836500 Gollanabeedusaragur 392_0 36i 1,645 841 804 246 130 1]6
02836600 Gollanabcedu 388.0 95 449 240 209 57 28 29
02836700 Masanakuppe 161.0 7 52 27 25 15 7 8
02836800 Ankanahalli 222.0 3 18 7 II
02836900 Muddaiahnahundi 28_0 19 122 59 63 23 12 II
02837000 Kothegala 361.0 98 477 232 245 61 25 36
02837] 00 Gangadahosahalli 21.0 294 1,432 711 721 196 104 92
02837200 Yennegerekaval 82.0 23 83 42 41 9 3 6
02837300 Thandasipura 319.0 1 5 3 2
02837400 Gangadahalli 86.0 50 273 138 135 33 14 19
02837500 Alanahalli 380.0 517 2,661 1,344 1,317 340 184 156
02837600 Devalapura 173.0 10 43 15 28 5 1 4
02837700 Sindcnahalli 201.0 177 1,051 530 521 179 88 91
02837800 M. Mallahalli 141.0 3 19 Il 8 3 2
02837900 Kaniyanahundi 1,049.0 290 1,445 777 668 189 108 81
02838000 Bettadabeedu 717.0 279 1,456 728 728 190 94 96
02838100 Kethahalli 270.0 31 141 67 74 21 7 14
02838200 Ka1kodu 337.0 9 53 29 24 9 4 5
02838300 Kadasur 171.0 16 90 52 38 16 9 7
02838400 Kyathanahalli 854.0 592 2,908 1,483 1,425 369 176 193
02838500 Kandegowdanapura 200.0 30 158 84 74 21 10 ·11
02838600 Manegaranahundi 101.0 ------Un-inhabited---------
02838700 Chamalapura 280.0 59 328 174 154 46 25 21
02838800 Bannavadi 452,0 82 486 253 233 49 24 25
02838900 Jompanahalli 350.0 125 530 269 261 86 4] 45
02839000 M.Kannenahalli 310_0 321 1,572 846 726 228 130 98
02839 IOO Charnanahalli 225.0 185 847 437 410 129 67 62
02839200 Chikkereyur 539_0 475 2,258 1,160 1,098 367 193 174
02839300 Doddakereyur 536.0 19 76 33 43 22 9 13
02839400 Kunigalu 211.0 79 323 168 155 45 19 26
02839500 Kodichamanahalli 219_0 24 119 61 58 17 10 7
02839600 Mallahalli 176_0 II 41 23 18 2 2
02839700 Doddakerekaval 106.0 66 281 142 139 54 30 24
02839800 Bachegowdanahalli 137.0 305 1,374 706 668 188 105 83
02839900 Garikekattekaval 167.0 29 113 65 48 19 12 7
02840000 Horrnahalli 119.0 ------Un-inhabited------------
02840100 Bcttahalli 194.0 4 18 9 9 I I
02840200 K_Kaunenahalli IOLO 72 353 184 ]69 50 28 22
02840300 lruvidi 59_0 17 76 41 35 14 II 3
02840400 Nayakanahundi 299.0 145 723 388 335 95 48 47
02840500 Chottanahalli 298_0 4 58 50 8
02840600 Madapura 398_0 604 2,993 1,491 1,502 351 180 171



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
694 357 337 63 31 32 661 403 258 Kollegowdanahalli
878 441 437 720 424 296 Yarahallikaval
319 156 163 587 360 227 Shinnahalli
332 176 156 165 118 47 Chowdahalli
],789 944 845 1,275 768 507 lakkahalli
185 84 101 428 253 175 Heggadahalli
802 401 401 1,293 658 635 1,685 1,031 654 Hebbalaguppe
9 6 3 13 12 Hulikura
132· 63 69 100 46 54 III 66· 45 Hulikurakaval
408 200 208 783 390 393 927 576 351 Thumbasoge
85 41 44 247 135 112 262 164 98 Thoravalli
241 118 123 1,777 844 933 738 482 256 ltna
------Un-inhabited------- Thotahalli
-----Un-inhabited---------- Pura
375 241 134 Halladamanuganahalli
154 75 79 242 153 89 Kattehundi
97 50 47 598 385 213 GoUanabeedusaragur
86 49 37 175 112 63 Gollanabeedu
52 27 25 17 14 3 Masanakuppe
13 5 8 Ankanahalli
70 38 32 Muddaiahnahllndi
86 43 43 89 37 52 220 127 93 Kothegala
311 147 164 173 87 86 610 356 254 Gangadahosahalli
48 28 20 Yennegerekaval
5 3 2 Thandasipura
5 2 3 5 4 114 72 42 Gangadahalli
918 457 461 233 119 114 1,422 844 578 Alanahalli
12 3 9 3 1 2 22 9 I3 Devalapura
39 15 24 5 3 2 329 218 III Sindenahalli
7 6 I M. Mallahalli
55 30 25 34 20 14 642 404 238 Kaniyanahundi
142 75 67 396 195 201 456 285 171 Bettadabeedu
6 2 4 38 24 14 Kethahalli
18 13 5 Kalkodu
16 10 6 Kadasur
537 251 286 121 65 1,281 820 461 Kyathanahalli
97 52 45 57 35 22 Kandegowdanapura
------Un-inhabited--------- Manegaranahundi
69 32 37 133 82 51 Chamalapura
436 228 208 243 137 106 Bannavadi
157 76 81 276 158 118 lompanahalli
749 407 342 456 224 232 682 438 244 M.Kaunenahalli
59 59 105 60 45 307 194 113 ChamanahaUi
740 380 360 202 98 104 681 438 243 Chikkereyur
4 2 2 34 16 18 Doddakereyur
52 28 24 187 100 87 147 98 49 Kunigalu
43 28 15 Kodichamanahalli
28 17 11 Mallahalli
126 65 61 Doddakerekaval
27 17 1,060 536 524 453 260 193 Bachegowdanahalli
2 3 71 47 24 Garikekattekaval
----Un-inhabited------- Hormahalli
3 2 Bettahalli
71 38 33 156 90 66 KKannenahalli
84 49 35
34 22 12 lruvidi
3 272 {94 78 Nayakanahundi
10 7
7 49 45 4 Chottanahalli
12 5
441 409 195 214 1,328 785 543 Madapura
852 411


CD Block-

code ll1itcrates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Femalcs Persons IVlales Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02834900 Kollegowdanahalli 791 334 457 679 439 240 600 428 [72
02835000 Yarahallikava[ 628 262 366 537 343 194 377 287 90
02835100 Shinnahalli 1,038 451 587 801 497 304 796 495 301
02835200 'Chowdahalli 224 93 131 249 131 118 215 [19 96
02835300 lakkahalli 1,471 645 826 1,475 783 692 917 582 335
02835400 Heggadahalli 419 163 256 536 280 256 439 270 169
02835500 Hebbalaguppe 1,999 841 1,158 [,637 1,099 538 1,033 812 221
02835600 Hulikura 18 II 7 24 18 6 21 18 3
02835700 Hu[ikurakava[ 229 100 129 197 104 93 136 97 39
02835800 Thumbasoge 925 350 575 882 586 296 600 443 157
02835900 Thoravalli 376 [66 210 344 203 141 338 201 137
02836000 Itna 1,361 519 842 1,186 620 566 501 363 \38
02836100 Thotahalli -----------Un-inhabited----------
02836200 Pura , -----------Un-inhabited----------
02836300 Halladamanuganahalli 1,033 484 549 716 471 245 679 461 218
02836400 Kattehundi 347 156 191 185 169 16 157 153 4
02836500 Gollanabeedusaragur' 1,047 456 591 [,000 553 447 782 5[4 268
02836600 Gollanabeedu 274 128 146 254 160 94 252 158 94
02836700 Masanakuppe 35 J3 22 21 12 9 14 12 2
02836800 Ankanahalli 5 2 3 6 4 2 .4 4
02836900 Muddaiahnahundi 52 2[ 31 50 36 14 46 34 12
02837000 Kothegala 257 lOS 152 224 152 72 211 [46 65
02837100 Gangadahosahalli 822 355 467 758 470 288 696 447 249
02837200 Yennegerekaval 35 [4 21 49 3[ 18 49 31 [8
02837300 Thandasipura 5 3 2 3 3
02837400 Gangadahalli 159 66 93 148 91 57 148 91 57
02837500 Alanahalli 1,239 500 739 1,158 842 316 929 826 103
02837600 Devalapura 21 6 [5 17 [[ 6 14 II 3
02837700 Sindenahalli 722 3[2 410 532 325 207 507 317 190
02837800 M. Mallahalli 12 5 7 14 9 5 14 9 5
02837900 Kaniyanahundi 8Q3, 373 430 541 483 58 499 471 28
02838000 Bettadabeedu 1,000 443 557 825 443 382 552 387 165
02838100 Kethahalli 103 43 60 71 40 31 65 39 26
02838200 Kalkodu 35 16 [9 30 [9 II 2] 16 5
02838300 Kadasur 74 42 32 51 30 21 30 29
02838400 Kyathanahalli 1,627 663 964 1,139 802 337 966 749 2[7
02838500 Kandegowdanapura 10[ 49 52 97 55 42 58 50 8
02838600 Manegaranahundi --------Un-inhabited-----
02838700 Chamalapura 195 92 103 168 99 69 97 86 11
02838800 Bannavadi 243 116 127 [08 100 8 104 97 7
02838900 Jompanahalli 254 III 143 228 153 75 132 98 34
02839000 M_Kannenahalli 890 40S 482 924 488 436 920 486 434
02839100 Chamanahalli 540 243 297 447 284 163 411 271 140
02839200 Chikkereyur 1,577 722 855 1,[51 724 427 923 638 285
02839300 Doddakereyur 42 [7 25 25 22 3 21 19 2
02839400 Kunigalu 176 70 106 121 93 28 68, 66 2
02839500 Kodichamanahalli 76 33 43 70 37 33 53 32 21
02839600 Mal[ahalJi 13 6 7 [3 13 13 13
02839700 Doddakerekava[ J55 77 78 144 80 64 52 29 23
02839800 Bachegowdanahal[i 92[ 446 475 854 450 404 849 449 400
02839900 Garikekattckaval 42 18 24 78 45 33 75 45 30
02840000 Honnahalli -----------Un-inhabited------
02840100 Bettahalli 15 8 7 12 8 4 II 8 3
02840200 KKannenahalli 197 94 [03 185 '114 71 163 103 60
02840300 lruvidi 42 19 23 41 22 19 40 22 [8
02840400 Nayakanahundi 451 194 257 450 251 199 428 246 182
02840500 Chottanahalli 9 5 4 8 5 3 7 5 2
02840600 Madapura 1,665 706 959 [,566 920 646 1,541 9]5 626


Industrial categorv of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers . workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39. 40 2
367 299 68. 171 76 95 8 5 3 54 48 6 Kollegowdanahalli
109 70 39 119 87 32 4 4 145 126 19 Yarahallikaval
566 409 157 205 66 139 6 3 3 19 17 2 Shinnahalli
188 101 87 9 4 5 2 1 16 13 3 Chowdahalli
849 534 315 20 II 9 7 6 41 31 10 Jakkahalli
300 189 III 76 28 48 34 27 7 29 26 3 Heggadahalli
444. 335 109 235 149 86 IO 8 2 344 320 24 Hebbalaguppe
21 18 3 Hulikura
126 92 34 10 5 5 Hu1ilcurakaval
229 207 22 277 160 117 2 2 92 74 18 Thumbasoge
196 101 95 110 73 37 31 27 4 Thoravalli
403 296 107 70 42 28 28 25 3 Ilna
-------------Uu-inhabited------ Thotahalli
------------Un-inhabited------- Pura
454 327 127 176 102 74 JJ 6 7 36 26 10 Halladamanuganahalli
156 153 3 1 Kattehundi
599 402 197 45 19 26 17 6 11 i21 87 34 Gollanabeedusaragur'
217 138 79 6 3 3 28 16 12 Gollanabeedu
12 11 2 Masanakuppe
4 4 Ankanaballi
45 33 12 Muddaiahnahundi
81 70 II 83 42 41 47 34 13 Kothegala
476 324 152 90 32 58 17 17 113 74 39 Gangadahosahalli
30 17 13 7 4 3 12 10 2 Yennegerekaval
2 2 I Thandasipura
94 62 32 28 10 18 26 19 7 Gangadahalli
750 679 71 38 27 11 4 4 137 116 21 Alanahalli
4 3 10 8 2 Devalapura
385 241 144 41 10 31 1 80 66 14 Sindenahalli
8 4 4 2 I 1 4 4 M.Mallahalli
434 424 10 28 14 14 12 12 25 21 4 Kaniyanahundi
344 276 68 165 76 89 6 3 3 37 32 5 Bettadaheedu
32 21 II 23 10 13 10 8 2 Kethahalli
8 8 13 8 5 Kalkodu
21 21 9 8 1 Kadasur
669 577 92 136 38 98 4 4 157 130 27 Kyathanahalli
52 45 7 6 5 Kandegowdanapura
____________ Un_inhabited ______ _ Manegaranahundi
93 84 9 4 2 2 Chamalapura
86 82 4 13 12 I 5 3 2 Bannavadi
122 91 31 3 2 1 7 5 2 Jompanahalli
582 302 280 272 134 138 66 50 16 M.Kannenahaili
112 67 45 173 101 72 6 3 3 120 100 20 Chamanahalli
470 338 132 334 194 140 2 117 105 12 Chikkereynr
21 19 2 Doddakereynr
.49 49 13 12 2 4 4 Kuniga1u
51 31 20 Kodichamanahalli
13 Mallahalli
27 19 2 2 4 2 2 Doddakerekavai
326 279 207 92 115 3 2 34 29 5 BacbegowdanabaUi
42 28 5 3 2 Garikekattekaval
--------Un-inhabited----------- Honnahalli
8 3 Bettahalli
96 54 42 6 4 2 K.Kannenahalli
61 45 16
19 13 5 2 3 3 2 lruvidi
89 45 44 15 II 4 Nayakanahundi
323 190 133
2 2 Chottanahalli
5 3 2
334 356 34 22 12 222 160 62 Madapura
595 399 196 690

. 645

CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marninal workers Cultivators Aoriculturallabourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02834900 Kollegowdanahalli 79 11 68 61 7 54 13 13
02835000 Yarahallikaval 160 56 104 43 6 37 99 42 57
02835100 Shimmhalli 5. 2 3 2 2
02835200 Chowdahalli 34 12 22 30 II 19 3 3
02835300 Jakkahalli 558 201 357 93 45 48 461 156 305
02835400 HeggadahalJi 97 lO 87 41 2 39 56 8 48
02835500 Hebbalagllppe 604 287 317 80 46 34 509 231 278
02835600 Hulikura 3 3 3 3
02835700 Hulikurakaval 61 7· 54 3 3 56 6 50
02835800 Thllmbasoge 282 143 139 7 6 251 115 136
02835900 Thoravalli 6 2 4 6 2 4
02836000 ltna 685 257 428 56 19 37 602 215 387
02836100 Thotahalli --------Un-inhabited--------------
02836200 Pura -----Un-inhabited-------------
02836300Halladamanuganahalli 37 10 27 22 5 17 13 3 10
02836400Kattehundi 28 16 12 I I 5 4 I
02836500Gollanabeedusaragur 218 39 179 139 24 115 18 17
02836600Gollanabeedu 2 2 1
02836700 Masanakuppe 7 7 6 6
02836800 Ankanahalli 2 2 2 2
02836900 MlIddaiahnahundi 4 2 2 3 2 I
02837000 Kothegala 13 6 7 3 3 5 I 4
02837100 Gangadahosahalli 62 23 39 39 14 25 20 8 12
02837200 Yennegcrekaval
02837300 Thandasipura 2 2 2 2
02837400 Gangadahalli
02837500 Alanahalli 229 16 213 21 2 19 199 10 189
02837600 Devalapllra 3 3 2 2
02837700 Sindenahalli 25 8 17 5 4 17 2 15
02837800 M. Mallahalli
02837900 Kalliyanahimdi 42 12 30 3 3 38 9 29
02838000 Bettadabcedu 273 56 217 268 54 214
02838100 Kethahalli 6 I 5 1
02838200 Kalkodu 9 3 6 9 3 6
02838300 Kadasur 21 20 20 19
02838400 Kyathanahalli 173 53 120 48 .12 36 112 33 79
02838500 Kandegowdanapura 39 5 34 38 4 34
02838600 Mancgaranahundi ------Un-inhahited-------------
02838700 Chamalapura 71 13 58 71 13 58
02838800 Bannavadi 4 3 2 2 2 1
02838900 Jompanahalli 96 55 41 I 85 50 35
02839000 M.Kannenahalli 4 2 2 4 2 2
02839100 Chamanahalli 36 13 23 19 5 14
02839200 Chikkereyur 228 86 142 25 II 14 192 69 123
02839300 Doddakereyur 4 3 I I I 3 3
02839400 Kunigalu 53 27 26 2 2 38 24 14
02839500 Kodichamanahalli 17 5 12 16 5 II
02839600 Mallahalli
02839700 Doddakerekaval 92 51 41 91 50 41
02839800 Bachcgowdanahalli 5 1 4 2 2 3 I 2
02839900 Garikeknttekaval 3 3 2 2
02840000 HormahaJli ------Un-inhabited--------------
02840100 Bettahalli
02840200 K.Kannenahalli 22 11 II 21 10 II
02840300 lruvidi I I
02840400 Nayakanahundi 22 5 17 15 4 II 7 6
02840500 ChoCtananalli I I I
02840600 Madapum 25 5 20 4 2 2 12 3 9


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons - Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
5 4 I 773 298 475 Kollegowdanahalli 02834900
2 2 16 6 10 811 343 468 Yarahallikaval 02835000
2 824 314 510 Shinnahalli 02835100
140 80 60 Chowdahalli 02835200
4 4 1,271 630 641 Jakkahalli 02835300
311 136 175 Heggadahalli 02835400
3 2 12 8 4 2,047 773 1,274 Hebbalaguppe 02835500
7 5 2 Hulikura 02835600
143 62 81 Hulikurnkava1 02835700
24 22 2 970 340 630 Thumbasoge 02835800
294 127 167 Thoravalli 02835900
26 23 3 913 381 532 ltua 02836000
-------Un-inhabited------------- Thotahalli 02836100
-----Un-inhahited-------------- - Pura 02836200
2 2 692 254 438 HalladamanuganahaIli 02836300
2 2 20 10 10 404 140 264 Kattehundi 02836400
18 17 43 13 30 645 288 357 Gollanabeedlisaragur 02836500
1 195 80 115 Gollauabeedu 02836600
31 -15 16 Masanakuppe 02836700
12 3 9 Ankanahalli 02836800
72 23 49 Muddaiahnahundi 02836900
5 2 3 253 80 173 Kothegala 02837000
3 2 674 241 433 Gangadahosahalli 02837100
34 11 23 Yennegerekaval 0283(200
Thandasipura 02837300
125 47 78 Gangadahalli 02837400
9 4 5 1,503 502 1,001 Alanahalli 02837500
26 4 22 Deva1apura 02837600
3 2 519 205 314 Sindenahal1i 02837700
5 2 3 M.Mallahalli 02837800
1 904 294 610 Kaniyanabundi 02837900
5 2 3 631 285 346 Bettadabeedu 02838000
4 3 70 27 43 Ketbahalli 02838100
23 10 13 Kalkodu 02838200
39 22 17 Kadasur 02838300
3 3 10 5 5 1,769 681 1,088 Kyatbanaballi 02838400
61 29 32 Kandegowdanapura 02838500
----Un-inhabited------------ Manegaranahundi 02838600
160 75 85 Chamalapura 02838700
378 153 225 Bannavadi 02838800
9 5 4 302 116 186 Jompanahalli 02838900
648 358 290 MlCannenahalli 02839000
16 7 9 400 153 247 Chamanaballi 02839100
2 2 9 6 3 1,107 436 671 Cbikkereyur 02839200
51 I1 40 Doddakereyur 02839300
12 202 75 127 Kunigalu 02839400
49 24 25 Kodicbamanahalli 02839500
28 10 18 Mallahalli 02839600
137 62 75 Doddakerekaval 02839700
520 256 264 Bachegowdanahalli 02839800
35 20 15 Garikekattekaval 02839900
~----Un-inhabited------------ Honnahalli 02840000
6 5 Bettaballi 02840100
168 70 98 K.Kannenahalli 02840200
35 19 16 Iruvidi 02840300
273 137 136 Nayakanahundi 02840400
50 45 5 Chottanahalli 02840500
1,427 571 856 Madapura 02840600
9 9


CD B1ock-

Total popUlation (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02840700 Kolagala 438.0 624· 3,027 1,539 1,488 389 199 190
02840800 Holehundi 327.0 59 267 147 120 44 23 21
02840900 Karigala 1,613.0 242 1,134 559 575 164 71 93
02841000 HomntamganaIIi 514.0 719 3,394 1,721 1,673 386 196 190
02841100 Hampapura 160.0 337 1,574 777 797 177 90 87
02841200 Kohala 871.0 219 1,104 562 542 113 54 59
02841300 Marchahalli 159.0 64 309 164 145 .44 21 23
02841400 Pura 244.0 226 1,063 534 529 153 81 72
02841500 Karehundi 27.0 63 304 162 142 40 19 21
02841600 Jinnahalli 361.0 406 2,059 1,053 1,006 255 128 127
02841700 Hirenand i 336.0 113 543 275 268 82 36 46
02841800 Kanchamalli 206.0 247 1,220 607 613 135 60 75
02841900 Chikkanandi 283.0 209 993 525 468 123 66 57
02842000 Chamahalli 543.0 107 569 286 283 68 40 28
02842100 Hatwal 421.0 285 1,427 718 709 192 95 97
02842200 Chakkur 733.0 333 1,786 909 877 216 110 106
02842300 Moleyur (Kalihundi) 445.0 273 1,440 708 732 202 89 113
02842400 ShankahaIIi 181.0 80 489 251 238 50 33 17
02842500 Muddanahalli 232.0 60 349 169 180 48 24 24
02842600 Adahalli 324.0 170 853 428 425 124 59 65
02842700 KBelthur 596.0 520 2,308 1,143 1,165 285 132 153
02842800 Kulya 307.0 197 978 499 479 126 62 64
02842900 Hunaganahalli 295.0 137 660 323 337 97 43 54
02843000 Manuganahalli 510.0 169 846 442 404 94 49 45
02843100 Halemanchahalli 181.0 -------Un-inhabited--------------
02843200 Manchahalli 227.0 48 219 118 101 22 II II
02843300 Kallasamgur 376.0 136 688 353 335 92 45 47
02843400 Hunsahalli 333.0 113 568 272 296 70 31 39
02843500 Lanke 658.0 357 1,782 883 899 291 139 152
02843600 Hoovinakola 516.0 109 453 234 219 73 36 37
02843700 Kattehunsur 463.0 194 981 504 477 130 73 57
02843800 Kallambalu 440.0 476 2,304 1,157 1,147 299 144 J55
02843900 Kundur 756.0 97 437 222 215 57 22 35
02844000 Puradakatte 11l1.0 125 601 294 307 100 37 63
02844100 Kunnapatna 146.0 61 307 146 161 49 23 26
02844200 Lakkur(B) 182.0 ---Un-inhabited--------
02844300 Bidagalu 451.0 290 1,270 645 625 142 77 65
02844400 Saragur 786.0 2,093 9,931 4,997 4,934 1,198 594 604
02844500 Nallur 132.0 35 140 73 67 25 12 13
02844600 Hanchipura 76.0 200 1,007 498 509 114 65 49
02844700 Masahalli 494.0 349 1,687 853 834 237 100 137
02844800 Kothegala 1,240.0 593 3,000 1,538 1,462 443 229 214
02844900 Halasur 615.0 305 1,381 692 689 243 122 121
02845000 Chamalapura 565.0 202 958 491 467 114 54 60
02845100 Bennagere 383.0 108 558 283 275 75 34 41
02845200 Changowdanahalli 433.0 96 478 242 236 82 44 38
02845300 Mullur 1,167.0 717 3,353 1,699 1,654 435 219 216
02845400 Jatagathipura 170.0 -------Un-inhabited---------
02845500 Beerwal 246.0 135 606 311 295 79 37 42
02845600 Basavanakote 131.0 -------·Un-inhabited------------
02845700 Nandinathapura 81.0 ------------Un-;nhab;ted-----------_
02845800 Lakkasogc 603.0 -----------Un-inhabited----------_
02845900 Cbillaballi 236.0 13 85 40 45 18 5 13
02846000 Hadanur 1,026.0 582 2,791 1,350 , 1,441 428 188 240
02846100 Shambugowdanahalli 328.0 --------Un-inhabited--------_
02846200 Lakshmanapura 377.0 . -------Un-inhabited-----------_
02846300 Muthigechikkathalalu 505.0 212 1,017 515 502 129 59 70
02846400 Hunasur 178.0 16 70 33 37 12 7 5



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
1,153 613 540 684 336 348 1,015 613 402 Kolagala
258 142 116 5 2 3 123 77 46 Holehundi
279 135 144 128 63 65 388 243 145 Karigala
1,501 748 753 344 180 164 1,614 930 684 Hommaragahalli
326 154 172 28 15 13 1,021 544 477 Hampapura
592 305 287 419 249 170 Kohala
216 III 105 128 75 53 Marchahalli
202 102 100 427 260 167 Pura
141 100 41 Karehundi
263 130 133 794 410 384 917 588 329 linnahalli
272 145 127 293 180 113 Hirenandi
105 56 49 30 16 14 473 279 194 Kauchamalli
408 217 191 19 9 10 278 164 114 Chikkanandi
18 11 7 253 146 107 Chamahalli
245 119 126 263 132 131 569 327 242 Hatwal
390 201 189 413 198 215 931 559 372 Chakkur
550 271 279 829 469 360 Moleyur (Killihundi)
183 113 70 Shankahalli
259 123 136 169 91. 78 Muddanahalli
272 140 132 425 248 177 Adahalli
301 154 147 1,359 674 685 1,072 660 412 K_Belthur
300 154 146 49 21 28 381 227 154 Ku1ya
17I 90 81 336 204 132 HuoaganahaIli
222 114 108 5 2 3 449 257 192 Manuganahalli
------------Un-inhabited----- HalemanchahaIli
96 66 30 Manchahalli
245 124 121 204 106 98 264 172 92 Kallasaragur
304 147 157 283 160 123 HunsahaIli
1,106 541 565 54 30 24 540 312 228 Lanke
450 233 217 207 136 71 Hoovinakola
233 123 JlO 458 273 185 Kattehunsur
723 350 373 991 590 401 Kallambalu
28 14 14 177 120 57 Kundur
577 283 294 253 174 79 Puradakatte
59 32 27 248 114 134 113 72 41 Kunnapatna
-------Un-inhabited----- Lakkur(B)
467 230 237 18 8 10 764 432 332 Bidagalu
2,198 1,113 1,085 1,538 776 762 5,910 3,287 2,623 Saragur
139 73 66 55 35 20 Nallur
III 51 60 61 31 30 485 285 200 Hanchipura
542 271 271 176 86 90 912 559 353 Masahalli
662 335 327. 765 398 367 1,146 663 483 Kothegala
1,092 548 544 466 289 177 Halasur
149 68 81 393 205 188 383 228 155 Chamalapura
15 8 7 283 164 119 Bennagere
324 162 162 204 129 75 Challgowdanahalli
921 481 440 969 494 475 1,541 927 614 Mullur
__________Un_inhabited_______ _ Jatagathipura
158 83 75 152 72 80 272 168 104 Beerwal
------------Un-inhabited------- Basavanakote
----------Un-inhabited--------- Nandinathapura
---------Un-inhabited------ Lakkasoge
45 30 15 Cbillahalli
724 122 58 64 1,084 640 444 Hadanur
1,421 697
-------Un-inhabited------- Shambugowdanahalli
______ Un_inhabited______ Lakshmanapura
22 256 126 130 371 223 148 Muthigechikkathalalu
40 18
26 15· 7 ·8 Huoasur
46 20


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVilluge Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02840700 Kolagala 2,012 926 1,086 1,600 996 604 \,287 889 398
02840800 Holehundi 144 70 74 136 72 64 '72 60 12
02840900 Karigala 746 316 430 689 361 328 465 331 134
02841000 Hommaragahalli 1,780 791 989' 1,417 1,040 377 1,044 861 183
02841100 Hampapura 553 233 320 546 449 97 439 385 54
02841200 Kohala 685 313 372 554 357 197 310 280 30
02841300 Marchahalli 181 89 92 137 94 43 66 55 11
02841400 Pura 636 274 362 566 340 226 253 237 16
02841500 Karehundi 163 62 101 161 116 45 138 111 27
02841600 Jinnahalli 1,142 465 677 885 646 239 806 631 175
02841700 Hircnandi 250 95 155 209 176 33 164 155 9
02841800 Kanchamalli 747 328 419 559 405 154 540 400 140
02841900 Chikkanandi 715 361 354 458 327 131 392 316 76
02842000 Chmnahalli 316 140 176 314 191 123 313 191 122
02842100 Hatwa! 858 391 467 738 468 270 726 465 261
02842200 Chakkur 855 350 505 914 562 352 778 505 273
02842300 Mo\eyur (Ka\ihundi) 61\ 239 372 . 917 480 437 8i 1 457 354
02842400 Shankahalli 306 138 168 304 155 149 173 131 42
02842500 Muddanahalli 180 78 102 192 102 90 142 79 63
02842600 Adaha!!i 428 180 248 552 290 262 476 254 222
02842700 K.Bellhur 1,236 483 753 1,339 693 646 652 434 218
02842800 Kulya 597 272 325 509 320 189 498 314 184
02842900 Hunaganaha!!i 324 119 205 421 207 214 4'12 205 207
02843000 Manuganahalli 397 185 212 421 259 162 421 259 162
02843100 Halemanchahalli --------Un-inhabited--------------
02843200 Manchahalli 123 52 71 119 63 56 119 63 56
02843300 Kallasaragur 424 181 243 340 212 128 174 153 21
02843400 Hunsahalli 285 112 173 323 182 141 323 182 141
02843500 Lanke 1,242 571 671 944 545 399 928 537 391
02843600 Hoovinakola 246 98 148 264 138 126 214 122 92
02843700 Kattehunsur 523 231 292 607 316 291 533 299 234
02843800 Kallambalu 1,313 567 746 1,432 749 683 1,254 703 551
02843900 Kundur 260 102 158 278 162 116 142 136 6
02844000 Puradakatte 348 120 228 299 173 126 221 155 66
02844100 Kunnapatna 194 74 120 160 n 87 136 70 66
02844200 Lakkur(B) -----Un-inhabited------------
02844300 Bidagalu 506 213 293 539 402 137 393 360 33
02844400 Saragur 4,021 1,710 2,311 3,828 2,878 950 3,525 2,779 146
02844500 Nallur 85 38 47 75 47 28 75 47 28
02844600 Hanchipura 522 213 309 522 317 205 512 314 198
02844700 Masahalli 775 294 481 1,012 582 430 929 537 392
02844800 KOlhegala 1,854 875 979 1,462 911 551 1,069 740 329
02844900 Halasur 915 403 512 779 390 389 538 332 206
02845000 Chamalapura 575 263 312 670 351 319 523 299 224
02845100 Bennagcre 275 119 156 332 177 ISS 194 165 29
02845200 Changc>wdanahalli 214 113 161. 2\\6 141 139 212 140 72
02845300 Mullur 1,812 772 1,040 1,695 966 729 1,439 897 542
02845400 Jatagathipura --------Un-inhabited----------
02845500 Beerwal 334 143 191 261 185 76 125 106 19
02845600 Basavanakote -----------Un-inhabited--------
02845700 Nandinalhapura -----------Un-inhabited----------
02845800 Lakkasoge -----------Un-inhabited---------__
02845900 Chillahalli 40 10 30 44 30 14 44 30 14
02846000 Hadanur 1,707 710 997 1,658 868 790 1,600 850 750
02846100 Shambugowdanahalli -------Un-inhabited--------__ _
02846200 Lakshmanapura --------Un-inhabited--------
02846300 Muthigechikkathalalu 646 292 354 635 349 286 445 342 103
02846400 Hunasur 55 26 29 42 21 21 35 20 15



Industrial category of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricultnrallabourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViUage
29 30 31· 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
880 617 263 313 196 117 3 2 91 75 16 Kolagala
27 25 2 39 30 9 6 5 I Holehundi
233 194 39 205 114 91 4 2 2 23 21 2 Karigala.
685 565 120 . 138 102 36 - 221 194 27 Hommaragahalli
138 134 4 17 9 8 2 282 241 41 Hampapura
207 195 12 51 37 14 52 48 4 Kohala
43 39 4 2 I I 21 15 6 Marchahalli
187 175 12 48 47 18 15 3 Pura
103 82 21 3 2 I 32 27 5 Karehundi
288 232 56 358 259 99 3 2 157 138 19 Jinnahalli
151 144 7 5 5 8 6 2 Hirenandi
280 233 47 183 100 83 76 66 10 Kanchamalli
202 175 27 ISS 114 44 31 26 S Chikkanandi
292 180 112 15 9 6 2 I 4 I 3 Chamahalli
471 313 158 221 121 100 8 7 26 24 2 Hatwal
257 248 9 451 197 254 3 2 67 58 9 Chakkur
505 303 202 278 128 150 3 3 25 23 2 Moleynr (Kalihnndi)
154 121 33 8 4 4 2 2 9 4 5 Shankahalli
128 .69 59 12 8 4 J I I I Muddanahalli
462 244 218 8 5 3 6 5 1 Adahalli
314 225 89 232 112 120 105 96 9 K.Belthur
340 196 144 143 105 38 15 13 2 Knlya
393 195 198 12 5 7 2 5 4 Hunaganahalli
317 202 115 85 39 46 18 17 Manuganahalli
--------Un-inhabited---------- Halemanchaballi
94 49 45 23 12 II 2 2 Manchahalli
155 136 19 14 13 1 5 4 KaJlasaragur
270 152 118 47 25 22 5 4 Hunsahalli
773 459 314 110 49 61 44 29 15 Lanke
150 85 65 39 18 21 25 19 6 Hoovinakola
424 238 186 79 39 40 30 22 8 Kattebunsur
1,018 571 447 156 71 85 8 6 2 72 55 17 'KaJ1ambalu
98 98 4 3 I 40 35 5 Kundur
114 87 27 101 64 37 6 4 2 Puradakatte
65 44 21 71 26 45 Kunnapatna
-----Un-inhabited------------ Lakkur(B)
205 198 7 32 22 10 156 140 16 Bidagalu
264 193 71 939 593 346 97 67 30 2,225 1,926 299 Saragur
2 I 1 4 2 2 69 44 25 Nailor
394 246 148 97 49 48 21 19 2 Hancbipura
753 427 326 139 80 59 37 30 7 Masahalli
790 577 213 221 117 104 7 5 2 51 41 10 Kothegala
144 130 14 364 181 183 2 28 20 8 Halasur
353 213 140 131 58 73 4 I 3 35 27 & Chamalapura
130 118 12 19 11 8 9 5 4 36 31 5 Bennagere
180 132 48 26 6, 20 6 2 4 Changowdanahalli
574 496 78 636 220 416 12 9 3 217 172 4S Mullur
--~----Un-inhabited----------- Jatagathipura
4 2 2 32 26 6 89 78 11 Beerwal
---------Un-inhabited---------- Basavanakote
----Un-inhabited---------- Nandinathapura
----'----Un-inhabited------ Lakkasoge
31 21 10 10 6 4 3 3 Chillahalli
1,054 585 469 443 199 244 3 2 100 65 35 Hadanur
--------Un-inhabited------------ Shambugowdanahalli
--------Un-inhabited-------- Lakshmanapura
60 83 47 36 65 58 7 Muthigechikkathalalu
297 237
12 3 1 2 2 Hunasur
30 18


CD Block-

Industrial categorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name ofViJlage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02840700 Kolagala 313 107 206 63 18 45 237 82 155
02840800 Holehundi 64 12 52 13 6 7 51 6 45
02840900 Kariga!a 224 30 194 57 S 49 165 22 143
02841000 Hommaragahalli 373 179 194 17 9 8 274 114 160
02841100 Hampapura 107 64 43 5 3 2 69 41 28
02841200 Kohala 244 77 167 11 2 9 214 66 148
02841300 Marchaha!li 71 39 32 2 2 69 37 32
02841400 Pura 313 103 210 60 10 50 225 69 156
02841500 Karehundi 23 5 18 5 5 9 2 7
02841600 Jinnahalli 79 15 64 17 16 35 7 28
02841700 Hirenandi 45 21 24 32 18 14
02841800 Kanchamalli 19 5 14 2 2 8 8
02841900 Chikkanandi 66 11 55 20 20 45 II 34
02842000 Chamahalli ·1
02842100 Hatwal 12 3 9 8 2 6 4 I 3
02842200 Chakkur 136 57 79 9 8 I III 40 71
02842300 Moleyur (Kalihundi) 106 23 83 98 20 78 6 3 3
.02842400 Shankahalli 131 24 107 3 I 2 123 22 101
02842500 Muddanahalli 50 23 27 22 9 13 24 II 13
02842600 Adahalli 76 36 40 II 2 9 44 22 22
02842700 K..Belthur 687 259 428 5 I 4 599 190 409
02842800 Kulya II 6 5 II 6 5
02842900 Hunaganahalli 9 2 7 7 2 5
02843000 Manuganahalli
02843100 Halemanchahalli -----------Un-inhabitcd-------------
02843200 Manchahalli
02843300 Kallasaragur 166 59 107 165 59 106
02843400 Hunsahalli
02843500 Lanke 16 8 8 7 6 3 2
02843600 Hoovinakola 50 16 34 6 3 3
02843700 Kattehunsur 74 17 57 43 11 32 27 5 22
02843800 Kallambalu 178 46 132 98 21 77 72 20 52
02843900 Kundllr 136 26 110 2 2 133 23 110
02844000 Puradakatte 78 18 60 43 10 33 35 8 27
02844100 Kunnapatna 24 3 21 3 3
02844200 Lakkur (B) ---Un-inhabited------------
02844300 Bidagalu 146 42 104 7 5 2 123 24 99
02844400 Saragur 303 99 204 7 2 5 101 27 74
02844500 Nallur
02844600 Hanchipura 10 3 7 3 3 7 3 4
02844700 Masahalli 83 45 38 2 2 68 37 31
02844800 Kothegala 393 171 222 112 12 100 236 .124 112
02844900 Halasur 241 58 183 11 9 2 226 46 180
02845000 Chamalapura 147 52 95 36 17 19 104 32 72
02845100 Bcnnagere 138 12 126 10 10 '119 11 108
02845200 Changowdanahalli 74 7 67 7 6 67 6 61
02845300 Mullur 256 69 187 13 4 9 184 42 142
02845400 Jatagathipllm -----Un-inhabited-----------
02845500 Beerwal 136 79 57 3 3 121 69 52
02845600 Basavanakote -----Un-inhabited-------
02845700 Nandinathapura ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02845800 Lakkasoge -------Un-inhabited---------
02845900 Chillahalli
02846.000 Hadanur 58 18 40 9 8 28 8 20
02846100 Shambugowdanahalli -----------Un-inhabited---------
02846200 Lakshmanapura -------Un-inhabited------____ _
02846300 Mllthigechikkathalalu 190 7 183 7 I 6 174 6 168
02846400 Hunasllr 7 I 6 2 2 I



of marginal workers
Housebold industrv workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
2 2 II 7 4 1,427 543 884 Kolagala 02840700
131 75 56 Holehundi 02840800
2 2 445 198 247 Karigala 02840900
I 81 56 25 1,977 681 1,296 Hommaragahalli 02841000
7 7 26 20 6 1,028 328 700 Hampapura 02841100
I 18 9 9 550 205 345 Kohala 02841200
172 70 102 Marcbahalli 02841300
28 24 4 497 194 303 Pura 02841400
9 3 6 143 46 97 Karchundi 02841500
27 7 20 1,174 407 767 linnahalli 02841600
5 2 3 8 7 334 99 235 Hirenandi 02841700
9 5 4 661 202 459 Kancbamalli 02841800
535 198 337 Chikkanandi 02841900
255 95 160 Chamaballi 02842000
689 250 439 Hatwal 02842100
15 8 7 872 347 525 Chakkur 02842200
2 2 523 228 i95 Moleyur (Kalibundi) 02842300
5 4 185 96 89 Sbankahalli 02842400
3 2 I 157 67 90 Muddanahalli 02842500
20 II 9 301· 138 163 Adahalli 02842600
7 5 2 76 63 13 969 450 519 K.Belthur 02842700
469 179 290 Kulya 02842800
239 116 123 Hunaganaballi 02842900
425 183 242 Manuganaballi 02843000
-----------Un-inhabited-------------- Halemanchahalli 02843100
100 55 45 Manchaballi 02843200
348 141 207 Kallasaragur 02843300
245 90 155 Hunsahalli 02843400
2 2 4 4 838 338 500 Lanke 02843500
44 13 31 189 96 93 Hoovinakola 02843600
4 I 3 374 188, 186 Kattehunsur 02843700
8 5 3 872 408 464 Kallambalu 02843800
159 60 99 Kundur 02843900
302 121 181 Puradakatte 02844000
21 3 18 147 73 74 Kunnapatna 02844100
--------Un-inhabited-------- Lakkur (B) 02844200
16 13 3 731 243 488 Bidagalu 02844300
15 2 13 180 68 112 6,103 2,119 3,984 Saragur 02844400
65 26 39 Nallur 02844500
485 181 304 Hanchipura 02844600
I 12 7 5 675 271 404 Masahalli 02844700
6 2 4 39 33 6 1,538 627 911 Kothcgala 02844800
4 3 602 302 300 Halasur 02844900
7 3 4 288 140 148 Chamalapura 02845000
8 8 226 106 120 Bennagere 02845100
192 95 . 97 Changowdanahalli 02845200
59 23 36 1,658 733 925 Mullur 02845300
-----------Un-inhabited---------- Jatagathipura 02845400
12 7 5 345 126 219 Bccrwal 02845500
-'-----------Un-inhabited---------- Basavanakote 02845600
-----------Un-inhabited----------- Nandinatbapura 02845700
------Un-inbabited---------- Lakkasoge 02845800
41 10 31 Chillahalli 02845900
20 9 11 1,133 482 651 HadaDur 02846000
-----------Un-inhabited------------ Sbambugowdanaballi 02846100
----------Un-inhabited--------- Laksbmanapura 02846200
9 9 382 166 216 Muthigechikkathalalu 02846300
3 28 12 16 Hunasur 02846400


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and hODseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males, Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02846500 Muguthanamule 314.0 85 470 240 230 85 43 42
02846600 Siddapura 144.0 101 486 248 238 78 35 43
02846700 Chikkakundur 315.0 -------------Un-inhabited-----------
02846800 Ankupura 1,223.0 ------------Un-inhabited------------
02846900 Bnrngi 1,091.0 255 1,319 687 632 189 103 86
02847000 VaderahalJi 681.0 16 56 28 28 6 3 3
02847100 Hirehalli 570.0 --------Un-inhabited---------
02847200 Antharasanthe 1,619.0 828 4,139 2,152 1,987 628 325 303
02847300 Nuralakuppe 508.0 311 1,585 787 798 229 110 119
02847400 Anagatti 500.0 194 960 490 470 135 71 64
028.47500 Ycbmathur 333.0 151 752 360 392 114 43 71
02847600 Nilavagilu 601.0 144 775 400 375 113 66 47
02847700 Magudilu 409.0 286 1,381 693 688 153 77 76
02847800 Nera1e 703.0 548 2,554 1,300 1,254 329 164 165
02847900 Pura 133.0 441 1,716 810 906 207 104 103
02848000 Beechanahalli 63LO 130 647 325 322 103 55 48
0284810U Jecyara 394.0 87 496 '244 252 78 39 ' 39
02848200 Machare 456.0 44 216 116 100 24 12 12
02848300 Krishnarajapura 446.0 136 620 319 301 109 61 48
02848400 Manchegowdanahalli 918.0 576 2,908 1.472 1,436 390 197 193
0284S500 Halemagge 1,344.0 342 1,756 876 880 272 .130 142
02848600 Ragalakuppe 345.0 22 115 56 59 12 6 6
02848700 Antharasanthe Plantation 41.0 7 30 16 14 2 2
02848800 Honnurkuppc 161.0 31 154 76 78 24 I] 13
02848900 Badanakuppe 146.0 24 117 60 57 21 12 9
02849000 Hosaholalu 298.0 18 67 36 31 I3 9 4
02849100 Maggc 422.0 -------------U n- inhab ited-------------
02S49200 Sundapura 137.0 -------------Un-inhabited------------
02li49300 N.Belathur 2,029.0 643 3,114 1.593 1,521 460 246 214
02849400 Huralipura 5LO ------------Un-inhabited------------
1)2849500 Nisna 792.0 251 1,210 624 586 152 71 81
02849600 Malali 544.0 32 178 94 84 22 9 13
02849700 Sogahalli 295.0 22 135 69 66 13 6 7
02849800 Malalagadde 38.0 -------------Un-inhabited-----------
02849900 Jaganakote 425.0 37 209 102 107 35 19 16
02850000 Kanakanahalli 215.0 213 1,089 560 529 172 84 88
02850100 Karavadi 65.0 -----------Un-inhabited----------
02850200 KalasuIll 36.0 126 656 342 314 101 54 47
02850300 KenchanahaUi 431.0 272 1,339 663 676 167 94 73
02850400 N. Begur 1,408.0 516 2,509 1,310 1,199 30] 151 150
02850500 Beeramballi 683.0 294 1,563 776 787 231 125 106
028:50600 Hosahalli 570.0 256 1,406 736 670 222 110 112
02850700 Gundathur 168.0 ---------Un-inhabited----------
02850800 Karapura 266.0 60 244 121 123 30 13 17
02850900 K.Gandathur 363.0 163 946 467 479 182 80 102
02851000 Iyyanapura 250.0 ----------Un-inhabited-----------
02851 I 00 Thenekallu 168.0 ------------Un-inhabited-------
02851200 Udbur 210.0 ----------Un-inhabited---------
02851300 Melukote 232.0 ----------U n -inhabited---------
02851400 Kakanakote Forest 14,028.0 86 418 213 205 107 54 53
02851500 Kadegadde 91.0 110 665 359 306 142 77 65
02851600 Vadakanamala 59.0 64 349 175 174 75 35 40
02851700 111immanlhosahalli 21.0 56 275 143 132 53 29 24
02851800 Doddabyranakupl'e 32.0 125 581 305 276 103 61 42
02851900 Ch ikkabyranakuppe 25.0 22 119 60 59 27 I3 14
02852000 Anemala 42.0 121 588 294 294 113 55 58
02852100 Netkalhundi 10.0 30 163 78 85 41 21 20
02852200 Hosur 24.0 78 395 196 199 72 37 35



Schednled Castes popnation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
364 182 182 9 5 4 130 86 44 Muguthanamule
239 115 124 224 133 91 Siddapura
------------Uu-inhabited----------- Chikkakundur
-------------Un-inhabitcd---------- Ankupura
34 14 20 434 280 154 Baragi
48 23 25 8 5 3 Vaderahalli
------------Un-inhabited------------- Hirehalli
1,291 655 636 657 341 316 2,055 1,225 830 Antharasanthe
766 388 378 176 101 75 876 493 383 NuraJakuppe
489 252 237 72 39 33 393 230 163 Anagatti
259 129 130 312 186 126 Yelamathur
285 145 140 254 126 128 346 214 132 Nilavagilu
444 22i 223 299 148 151 821 468 353 Magudilu
623 327 296 723 361 362 1,107 684 423 Nerale
·215 . 110 105 381 175 206 1,037 541 496 Pura
56 31 25 429 215 214 276 173 103 Beechanahalli
478 237 241 185 112 73 Jeeyara
53 27 26 40 20 20 115 73 42 Machare
375 202 173 76 38 38 225 144 81 Krishnarajapura
809 410 399 261 134 127 1,334 799 535 Manchegowdanahalli
943 467 476 206 lOS 101 728 397 331 Halcmagge
38 16 22 56 32 24 Ragalakuppe
23 13 10 Antharasanthe Plantation
5 3 2 66 42 24 Honnurkuppe
40 21 19 44 30 14 Badanakuppe
30 18 12 Hosaholalu
-------------Un-inhabitcd-------------- Magge
-------------Un-inhabitcd------- Sundapura
892 444 448 638 327 311 1,571 940 631 N .Belathur
------------Un-inhabited------- Humlipum
170 89 81 . 477 242 235 726 437 289 Nisna
49 27 22 16 II 5 III 74 37 Malali
46 ~ 21 35 23 12 SogahalJi
-------------Un-inhabitcd----------- Malalagadde
200 100 100 80 39 41 Jaganakote
391 196 195 279 147 132 525 299 226 Kanakanahalli
----------Un-inhabited--------- Karavadi
203 99 104 374 219 155 KaJasuru
798 401 397 58 34 24 651 372 279 Kenchanahalli
725 375 350 719 378 341 1,303 806 497 N. Begur
562 291 271 233 97 136 759 432 327 Beeramballi
4 4 1,310 677 633 643 405 238 Hosahalli
----------Un-inhabited------- Gundathur
46 22 24 85 33 52 123 72 51 Karapura
912 445 467 331 193 138 K.Gandathur
__________ Un_inhabited_________ _ Iyyanapum
------------Un-inhabitcd-------- Thenekallu
-------------Un-inhabited---------. Udbur
-----------Un-inhabitcd-------- Melukote
5 4 391 199 192 137 80 57 Kakanakote Forest
600 323 277 150 105 45 Kadegadde
305 153 152 96 65 31 Vadakanamala
190 95 95 91 55 36 Thirnmanihosahalli
245 128 117 272 159· 113 Doddabyranakuppe
106 53 53 20 12 8 Chikkabyranakuppe
447 224 223 148 93 55 Anernala
163 78 85 28 22 6 N etIcalhundi
365 180 185 160 lOS 55 HOSUT


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVillaae Persons Males Females Pe~sons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02846500 Muguthananmle 340 154 186 295 153 142 235 146 89
02846600 Siddapura 262 115 147 297 158 139 267 150 117
02846700 Chikkakundur ----------Un-inhnbited------------
02846800 Ankupura ---------Un-inhabited-----------
02846900 Baragi 885 407 478 838 444 394 814 441 373
02847000 Vauernhalli 48 23 25 38 2D 18 38 20 18
02847100 Hirehalli ----------Un-i nhab ited--------------
02847200 Antharasanthe 2,084 927 1,157 1,896 1,200 696 1,385 1,048 337
02847300 Nuralakuppe 709 294 415 850 477 373 664 454 210
02847400 Anagatti 567 260 307 523 290 233 361 250 111
02847500 Yelamathur 440 174 266 422 230 192 390 226 164
02847600 Nilavagilu 429 186 243 371 235 l42 321 231 90
02847700 Magudilu 560 225 335 784 426 358 772 420 352
02847800 Nerale 1,447 616 831 1.227 761 466 1,066 684 382
02847900 Purn 679 269 410 589 433 156 468 373 95
02848000 Beecnananalli 371 152 219 348 190 158 20 19
02848 Hio J eeyara 311 132 179 263 141 122 8 7
02848200 Mach"rc 101 43 58 114 65 49 2 2
02848300 Krishnarajapura 395 175 220 341 169 172 307 157 150
02848400 Manchegowdanahalli 1,574 673 901 1,763 954 809 1,042 759 283
02848500 Halemagge 1,028 479 549 937 527 410 710 402 308
02848600 Ragalakuppe 59· 24 35 79 38 41 78 37 41
02848700 Antharasanthe Plantation 7 3 4 15 13 2 13 12 I
02848800 Honnurkuppe 88 34 54 87 49 38 83 47 36
02848900 Badanakuppe 73 30 43 63 36 27 61 36 25
02849000 Hosaholalu 37 18 19 39 21 18 39 21 18
02849100 Maggc ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02849200 SUJ1dapura --------Un-inhabited------------
02849300 N.Belathur 1,543 653 890 1,620 950 670 1,235 805 430
02849400 Huralipura ----Un-inhabited-------------
02849500 Nisna 484 187 297 721 393 328 654 381 273
02849600 Malali 67 20 47 78 57 21 35 34
02849700 Sogahalli 100 46 54 77 46 31 70 40 30
02849800 Malalagadde -------Un-inhabited-------------
02849900 laganakote 129 63 66 111 60 51 28 28
02850000 Kanakananalli 564 261 303 630 342 288 489 286 203
02850100 Karavadi -----Un-inhabited---------_----
02850200 Kalasuru 282 123 159 282 221 61 282 221 61
02850300 Kenchanahalli 688 291 397 722 380 342 160 120 40
02850400 N. Begur . 1,206 504 702 1,359 796 563 1,025 721 304
02850500 Beeramballi 804 344 460 901 464 437 842 452 390
02850600 Hosahalli 763 331 432 702 371 331 682 369 313
02850700 Gundathur --------Un-inhabited-------------
02850800 Karapura 121 49 72 136 80 56 126 79 47
02850900 K.Gandathur 615 274 341 488 259 229 465 250 215
02851000 Iyyanapum ---------Un-inhabited-----------
028511 00 Thenckallu -------Un-inhabited-------------
02851200 Udbur -----Un-inhabited-------------
02851300 Melukote -------Un-inhabited-------------
02851400 Kakanakote Forest 281 133 148 156 93 63 24 23 I
02851500 Kadegadde 515 254 261 377 206 171 207 III 96
02851600 Vadakanamala 253 110 143 160 91 69 120 83 37
02851700 'Ibimmanihosahalli 184 88 96 126 72 54 105 67 38
02851800 Doddabyranakuppe 309 146 163 209 154 55 200 152 48
0285 I 900 Chikkabyranakuppe 99 48 51 45 27 18 45 27 18
02852000 Ancmala 440 201 239 254 150 104 245 145 100
02852100 Netkalhundi 135 56 79 71 42 29 68 42 26
02852200 Hosur 235 91 144 200 105 95 9 7 2


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
234 145 89 I I Muguthanamule
226 133 93 40 17 ·23 Siddapura
. -------Un-inhabited------ Chikkakundur
------------Un-inhabited------- Ankupura
546 335 211 234 87 147 34 . 19 15 Baragi
14 12 2 24 8 16 Vaderahalli
-------Un-inhabited------ Hirehalli
713 551 162 356 217 139 11 10 I 305 270 35 Antharasanthe
562 372 190 24 17 7 5 2 3 73 63 10 Nuralakuppe
235 177 58 82 41 41 . 1 43 32 11 Anagatti
281 164 117 88 47 41 9 5 4 12 10 2 Yelamathur
195 144 51 114 76 38 12 II 1 Nilavagilu
532 302 230 215 103 112 7 3 4 18 12 6 Magudilu
661 436 225 334 188 146 13 11 2 58 49 9 Nerale
68 62 6 43 20 23 18 9 9 339 282 57 Pura
14 14 6 5 1 Beechanahalli
2 2 .6 5 Jecyara
2 2 Machare
298 151 147 9 6 3 Krishnarajapura
758 536 222 214 162 52 5 5 65 56 9 Manchegowdanahalli
254 143 III 389 199 190 67 60 7 Halemagge
47 26 21 31 11 20 Ragalakuppe
12 11 I I Antharasanthe Plantation
47 29 18 19 9 10 17 9 8 Honnurkuppe
43 28 15 18 8 10 Badanakuppe
39 21 18 Hosaholalu
--------Un-inhabited,---- Magge
------Un-inhabited---·-- Sundapura
604 443 161 485 238 247 5 5 141 119 22 N.Belathur
-------Un-inhabited---- Huralipura
368 213 155 246 136 110 40 32 8 Nisna
21 20 I 14 14 Malali
41 23 18 27 IS 12 2 2 Sogahalli
- .-------Un-inhabited------ Malalagadde
24 24 I 3 :> Jaganakote
199 127 72 238 109 129 5 4 47 46 Kanakanahalli
------Un-inhabited---- Karavadi
93 88 5 110 74 36 4 2 2 75 57 18 Kalasuru
100 74 26 23 18 5 4 2 2 33 26 7 kenchanahalli
396 327 69 452 266 186 72 35 37 105 93 12 N. Begur
623 342 281 139 52 87 17 8 9 63 50 13 Beeramballi
319 199 120 214 107 107 130 49 81 19 14 5 Hosahalli
- - - - .-Un-inhabited---- Gundathur
29 14 15 54 25 29 43 40 3 Karapura
310 161 149 123 59 64 3 2 29 28 1 K.Gandathur
--~--Un-inhabited-_ _- Iyyanapura
---------Un-inhabited----- Thenekallu
--------Un-inhabited---- Udbur
--------Un-inhabited---- Melukote .
2 22 21 Kakanakote Forest
95 88 17 10 7 7 6 Kadegadde
41 21 20 3 2 Vadakanamala
76 60 16
63 35 28 9 7 2 Thimmanihosahalli
33 25 8
24 96 60 36 73 68 5 Doddabyranakuppe
31 7
20 12 8 Chikkabyranakuppe
25 15 10
202 112 90 36 28 8 Anemala
7 5 2
57 35 22 3 2 Netkalhundi
8 5 3
5 4 Hosur
3 2


Industrial categorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agrieulturallabourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons l\fales Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02846500 Muguthanamule 60 7 53 54 6 48 3 3
02846600 Siddap"ra 30 8 22 17 4 J3 7 3 4
02846700 Chikkakundur -------------Un-inhabited-----------
02846800 Ankupl1ra ----------Un-inhabited----------
02846900 Baragi 24 3 21 8 8 II 10
02847000 Vaderahalli
02847100 Hirehalli -------------Un-inhabited--------
02847200 Antharasanthe 511 152 359 107 19 88 333 81 252
02847300 Nuralakuppe 186 23 163 22 6 16 108 14 94
02847400 Anagatti 162 40 122 25 12 13 127 19 108
02847500 Yelamathur 32 4 28 9 2 7 15 2 13
02847600 Nilavagilu S6 4 52 36 :> 33 20 19
02847700 Magudilu 12 6 6 4 3 6 2 4
01&47800 Nerale 161 77 84 26 16 10 109 39 70
02847900 Pura 121 60 61 5 4 55 19 36
02848000 Beechanahalli 328 171 157 105 103 2 220 67 153
02848100 Jeeyara 255 134 121 146 88 58 lOS 46 62
02848200 Machare 112 63 49 97 59 38 14 3 II
02848300 Krishnarajapum 34 12 22 34 12 22
02848400 Manchegowdanahalli 721 195 526 135 14 121 581 177 404
02848500 Halemagge . 227 125 102 3 2 216 116 100
02848600 Ragalakuppc I· I
02848700 Antharasanthe Plantation 2
02848800 Honnurkuppe 4 2 2
02848900 Badanakuppc 2 2
02849000 Hosaholalu
02849 I 00 Magge ------------Un-inhabited-----------
02849200 Sundapura ----~--------Un-inhabited------------
02849300 N.Belathur 385 145 240 18 3 15 354 133 221
02849400 Huralipura -----------Un-inhabited-----
02849500 Nisna 67 12 55 31 5 26 36 7 29
02849600 Malali 43 23 20 43 23 20
02849700 Sogahalli 7 6
02849800 Malalagadde ------------Un-inhabited-------
02849900 Jaganakote 83 32 51 83 32 51
02850000 Kallakanahalli 141 56 85 5 5 126 47 79
02850100 Karavadi ------------Un-inhabited----
02850200 Kalasuru
02850300 Kellchanahalli 562 260 )02 6 2 4 54! 248 293
02850400 N. Begur 334 75 259 32 4 28 259 57 202
02850500 Beeramballi 59 12 47 31 6 25 18 4 14
02850600 Hosahalli 20 2 18 10 10 8 2 6
02850700 Gundathur -----------Un-inhabited-----
02850800 Karapura 10 1 9 312 7 7
02850900 K.Gandathur 23 9 14 12 12 2
02851000 Iyyanapura --------.----Un-inhabited-----
02851100 Thenekallu -----------Un-inhabited-----
02851200 Udbur ------------Un-inhabited-------
02851300 Melukote -------------Un-inhabited-------
02851400 Kakanakote Forest 132 70 62 II 7 4 3 2
02851500 Kadegadde 170 95 75 4 I 3 158 86 72
02851600 Vadakanamala 40 8 32 16 2 14 24 6 18
02851700 Thimmanihosahalli 21 5 16 16 4 12 5 1 4
02851800 Doddabyrnnakuppe 9 2 7 1 I 8· 2 6
02851 900 Chikkabyranakuppe
02852000 Anemala 9 5 4 2 5 3 2
02852100 Netkalhundi 3 3 2 2
02852200 Hosur 191 98 93 189 98 91


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
2 2 I 175 87 88 Muguthanamule 02846500
6 5 189 90 99 Siddapura 02846600.
--------Un-inhabited----------- ChikkakunduT 02846700
-------Un-inhabited------------- Ankupum 02846800
5 2 ·3 481 243 238 Baragi 02846900
18 8 10 Vademhalli 02847000
-------------Un-inhabited------------- Hirehalli 02847100
6 2 4 65 50 15 2,243 952 1,291 Antharasanthe 02847200
52 51 422 735 310 425 Nurnlakuppe 02847300
10 9 1 437 200 237 Anagatti 02847400
6 6 2 2 330 130 200 Ye1amathUT 02847500
398 165 233 Nilavagilu 02847600
1 I 1 597 267 330 .Magudilu 02847700
17 14 3 9 8 I 1,327 539 788 Nerale 02847800
4 2 2 57 38 19 1,127 377 750 Pura 02847900
I 2 299 135 164 Beechanahalli 02848000
1 233 103 . 130 Jeeyarn 02848100·
102 51 51 Machare 02848200
279 150 129 Krishnarajapum 02848300
5 4 1,145 518 627 Manchegowdanahalli 02848400
8 8 819 349 470 Halemagge 02848500
36 18 18 Raga1akuppe 02848600
15 3 12 Anthamsanthe Plantation 02848700
4 2 2 67 27 40 HonnUTkuppe 02848800
2 2 54 24 30 Badanakuppe 02848900
28 15 13 Hosaholalu 02849000
---------Un-inhabited----------- Magge 02849100
----------Un-inhabited----------- Sundapura 02849200
3 2 10 7 3 1,494 643 851 N.Belathur 02849300
-----Un-inhabited------- HurnIipurn 02849400
489 231 258 Nisna 02849500
100 37 63 Malali 02849600
6 6 58 23 35· Sogahalli 02849700
------Un-inhabited---------- lYJalalagadde 02849800
98 42 56 Jaganakote 02849900
5 4 5 5 459 218 . 241 Kanakanahalli 02850000
-----Un-inhabited-------- Karavadi 02850100
374 121 253 Kalasuru 02850200
12 7 5 3 3 617 283 334 Kenchanahalli 02850300
13 12 30 13 17 1,150 514 636 N. Begur 02850400
8 7 2 1 662 312 350 Beeramballi 02850500
2 2 704 365 339 Hosahalli 02850600
-------Un-inhabited----------- GundathUT 02850700
108 41 67 Karapurn 02850800
9 8 458 208 250 K.Gandathur 02850900
--------Un-inhabited------------ Iyyanapura 02851000
--------Un-inhabited------------- Thenekallu 02851100
-------Un-inhabited------------- Udbur 02851200
--------Un-inhabited------------- Melukote 02851300
118 61 57 262 120 ·142 Kakanakote Forest 02851400
8 8 288 153 135 Kadegadde 02851500
189 84 105 Vadakanamala 02851600
149 71 78 Thimmanihosahalli 02851700
372 151 221 Doddabyranakuppe 02851800
74 33 41 Chikkabyranakuppe 02851900
2 334 144 190 Anemala 02852000
92 36 56 Netkalhundi 02852100
195 91 104 Hosur 02852200


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and honsclcss Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02852300 Golur 17.0 107 546 258 288 130 58 72
02852400 Machur ILO 173 955 472 483 209 83 126
02852500 Begurjungle 9,763.0 ------------Un-inhabited-------------
02852600 Kittur (Ther:mi Manti) 1,246.0 517 2,657 1,352 1,305 403 209 194
02852700 Uyyamballi 349.0 106 528 281 247 75 46 29
02852800 Bettadavarehundi 18.0 33 186 101 85 24 15 9
02852900 Bidarahalli 421.0 353 1,559 768 791 216 106 110
02853000 Agathuru 308.0 379 1,846 879 967 276 124 152
02853100 Sagare 1,344.0 704 3,359 1,630 1,729 423 208 215
02853200 Kandegala 213.0 72 366 185 181 56 31 25
02853300 Singapa\na 375.0 59 308 163 145 51 28 23
02853400 Nanjanathapura 130.0 99 571 283 288 93 38· 55
02853500 Hegganur .618.0 332 1,604 809 795 210 92 118
02853600 Lingenahalli 129.0 34 169 83 86 25 10 15
02853700 Mallarajapura 154.0 -------------Un-inhabited-------------
02853800 Thelagumasahalli 270.0 133 616 305 311 82 39 43
·02853900 Devalapura· 397.0 191 1,083 538 545 149 75 74
02854000 Hnllemala 173.0 91 474 245 229 68 37 31
02854100 Beddalapura 256.0 64 303 156 147 42 23 19
02854200 Haleyuru 530.0 166 885 465 420 113 62 51
02854300 Narasipura 180.0 95 521 271 250 48 21 27
02854400 Hcggudlu 243.0 99 510 252 258 64 32 32
02854500 Konanalathuru 148.0 ----------Un-inhabited--------------
02854600 Huskur 451.0 51 236 105 131 58 21 37
02854700 Hariyalapura 228.0 19 76 40 36 11 10
02854800 Iyyanapura 114.0 ---------Un-inhabitcd------------
02854900 Ryrapllra 230.0 -------Un-inhabited--------------
02855000 Alaganchi 964.0 --------Un-inhabited-------------
02855] 00 Vallahalli 146.0 22 117 55 62 24 12 12
02855200 Katawalu 1,154.0 226 1,134 5~ ~2 I~ 67 78
02855300 Nemmanahalli 495.0 252 1,150 573 577 192 88 ,104
02855400 B. Matagere 787.0 265 1,351 678 673 175 95 80
02855500 Badaga 531.0 186 921 483 438 80 37 43
02855600 Kandalikc 299.0 48 219 101 11& 26 11 15
02855700 I1osakotc 173.0 69 282 142 140 42 20 22
02855800 Be!,'lInl 283.0 70 316 171 145 43 28 15
02855900 Seegevadi 13.0 15 71 39 32 14 8 6
02856000 Moleyurukaval 108.0 37 195 91 104 24 13 II
02856100 Kebbepura 98.0 73 310 152 158 40 19 21
02856200 Nadahadi 65.0 53 276 150 126 39 26 13
02856300 Bankavadi 1,396.0 157 753 374 379 77 32 45
02856400 Huralipura 1,156.0 ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02856500 Chikkabcsuge 575.0 2 7 4 3
02856600 Inur Marigudi Jungle 10,083.0 12 26 18 8 I
02856700 Moleyuru 1,730.0 171 843 421 422 98 50 48
02856800 Hirehalli 1,837.0 149 706 368 338 58 25 33
02856900 Kudagi 173.0 88 370 199 171 47 24 23
02857000 Kumagala 1,346.0 99 541 265 276 81 33 48
02857100 Alanahalli 223.0 2J 142 81 61 23 16 7
02857200 Channagundi 708.0. 196 917 482 435 115 68 47
02857300 Alalahalli 715.0 190 902 441 461 141 71 70
02857400 Marahugathanapura 464.0 . ------Un-inhabited------------
02857500 Chowdahalli 185.0 -- -Un-inhabited



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
485 227 258 127 82 45 Golur
855 423 432 291 192 99 Machur
------------Un-inhabited----------- 8egwjungle
327 176 151 1,438 712 726 892 553 339 Kittur (Therani Manti)
522 278 244 214 134 80 Uyyamballi
I 116 69 47 8ettadavarehundi
288 134 154 714 364 350 695 437 258 8idarahalli
107 61 46 1,528 712 816 722 450 272 Agathuru
516 239 277 i,782 855 927 1,297 774 523 Sagare
182 95 87 5 I 4 158 91 67 Kandegala
308 163 145 115 79 36 Singapatna
567 281 286 225 134 91 Nanjanatbapum
783 401 382 45 22 23 714 435 279 Hegganur
115 57 58 3 3 55 30 25 Lingenaballi
-----------Un-inhabited---------- Mallarajapura
35 18 17 14 8 6 241 145 96 Thelagurnasahalli
668 335 333 63 30 33 342 204 138 Devalapura
244 127 117 13 6 7 197 128 69 Hullcmala
5 2 3 8 4 4 138 84 54 8eddalapum
435 226 209 16 10 6 408 258 150 Haleyuru
208 110 98 8 3 5 298 179 1 19 Narasipura
166 84 82 318 156 162 189 114 75 Heggudlu
-----------Un-inhabited------- Konanalathuru
236 105 131 65 28 37 Huskur
22 12 10 Hariyalapum
----------Un-inhabited----- Iyyanapura
------------Un-inhabited------- Bympura
-------Un-inhabited---- Alaganchi
105 47 58 29 19 10 Vallaballi
190 102 88 182 88 94 506 308 198 Katawalu
484 252 232 409 192 217 404 241 . 163 Nemmanahalli
412 206 206 32 15 17 628 363 265 B. Matagere
317 159 158 167 92 75 530 321 209 Badaga
82 48 34 Kandalike
148 85 63 Hosakote
194 104 90 20 10 10 124 73 51 Beguru
3 3 62 35. 27 13 7 6 Seegevadi
168 77 91 90 50 40 Mo1eyurukava1
300 146 154 127 63 64 Kebbepura
100 59 41 Nadahadi
181 92 89 7 4 3 462 253 209 Bankavadi
------------Un-inhabited---------- Huralipura
5 3 2 Chikkabesuge
4 3 14 10 4 15 13 2 !nur Marigudi Jungle
48 26 22 460 278 182 Moleyuru
3 2 1 60 28 32 483 295 188 Hirehalli
143 71 72 30 16 14 130 79 51 Kudagi
367 182 185 224 137 87 Kurnagala
62 34 28 46 30 16 Alanahalli
20 12 8 442 260 182 Channagundi
64 31 33 113 59 54 382 225 157 Alalaballi
--------Un-inhabited------- Marabugathanapum
-Un-inhabited Chowdaballi


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVi\lage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28
02852300 Golllr 419 176 243. 309 158 151 188 147 41
02852400 Machur 664 280 384 336 267 69 334 266 68
02852500 Begmjllngle ------------Un-inhabited-----------
02852600 Kittur (Therani Manti) 1,765 799 966 1,479 843 636 1,273 806 467
02&52700 Uyyamballi 314 147 167 219 166 53 218 166 52
. 02852800 Bettadavarehundi 70 32 38 101 63 38 93 63 30
02852900 Bidarahalli 864 331 533 903 483 420 755 453 302
02853000 Agathuru 1,124 429 695 980 523 457 855 494 361
02&53100 Sagare 2,062 856 1,206 1,892 980 912 1,850 968 882
02853200 Kandegala 208 94 114 222 116 J06 152 114 38
02&53300 Singapatna 193 84 109 154 84 70 148 83 65
02853400 Nanjanathapura 346 149 197 239 160 79 233 159 74
02853500 H~gganllr 890 374 516 812 502 310 726 476 250
02853600 Lingenahalli 114 53 61 81 55 26 69 55 14
02853700 Mallarajapura ------------Un-inhabited--------------
02853800 Thelagumasahalli 375 160 215 388 224 164 387 223 164
02853900 Devalapura 741 334 407 553 320 233 474 311 163
02854000 Hullemala 277 117 160 196 156 40 164 144 20
02854100 Beddalapura 165 72 93 120 95 25 120 95 25
02854200 Haleyuru 477 207 270 421 286 135 367 286 81
02854300 NarasiplIra 223 92 131 235 183 52 234 182 52
02854400 Heggudlu 321 138 183 285 155 130 279 154 125
02854500 Konanalathuru ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02854600 Huskur 171 77 94 128 66 62 127 66 61
02854700 Hariyalapura 54 28 26 45 23 22 43 22 21
02854800 Iyyanapllra -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02854900 Byrapura ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02855000 Alaganchi -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02855100 Vallahalli 88 36 52 71 34 37 71 34 37
02855200 Katawalu 628 274 354 722 382 340 518 377 141
02855300 Nemmanahalli 746 332 414 673 351 322 630 335 295
02855400 B. Matagere 723 315 408 626 402 224 453 378 75
02855500 Badaga 391 162 229 417 301 116 404 294 110
02855600 Kandalike 137 53 84 127 67 60 71 62 9
02855700 Hosakote 134 57 77 162 99 63 96 94 2
02855800 Beguru 192 98 94 198 103 95 194 101 93
02855900 Seegevadi 58 32 26 37 23 14 36 23 13
02856000 Moleyurukaval 105 41 64 103 49 54 31 28 3
02856100 Kebbepura 183 89 94 165 80 85 62 36 26
02856200 Nadahadi 176 91 85 155 83 72 68 37 31
02856300 Bankavadi 291 121 170 451 227 224 193 156 37
02856400 Huralipura --------Un-inhabited---------
02856500 Chikkabesuge 2 I 5 3 2
02856600 Inur Marigudi Jungle 11 5 6 19 14 5 12 11
02856700 Moleyuru . 383 143 240 501 262 239 257 244 13
02856800 Hirehalli 223 73 150 324 254 70 227 219 8
02856900 Kudagi 240 120 120 221 122 99 211 119 92
02857000 Kurnagala 317 128 189 303 173 130 140 122 18
02857100 Alanahalli 96 51 45 85 48 37 44 40 4
02857200 Channagundi 475 222 253 417 296 121 396 282 114
02857300 Alalahalli 520 216 304 358 243 115 323 222 101
02857400 Marabugathanapura -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02857500 Chowdahalli --- --Un-inhabited --


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males' Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
93 70 23 71. 56 15 2 22 20 -2 Oolur
.96 93 3 7 6 231 167 64 Machur
-------Un-inhabited------- BegllIjungle
SS6 579 307 317 171 146 12 II 58 45 13 Kittur (Therani Manti)
l40 115 25 66 42 24 12 9 3 Uyyamballi
54 35 19 12 2 10 4 3 23 23 Bettadavarehundi
170 114 56 395 202 193 15 II 4 175 126 49 Bidarahalli
251 174 77 460 202 258 31 29 .2 113 89 24 Agathuru
1,027 564 463 656 300 356 40 20 20 127 84 43 Sagare
99 73 26 52 40 12 I I Kandegala
124 74 50 12 3 9 II 5 6 'Singapatna
227 155 72 5 4 1 1 I N:mjanathapura
341 256 85 334 178 156 5 3 2 46 39 7 Hegganur
37 37 29 17 12 3 2 Lingenahalli
-----------Un-inhabited--------- Mallarajapura
299 I7I 128 82 47 35 I 5 5 Thelagumasahalli
267 195 72 170 82 88 37 34 :3 Devalapura
146 13] 15 II 7 4 7 6 Hullemala
84 74 10 34 19 15 2 2 Beddalapura
276 237 39 76 37 39 14 12 2 Haleyuru
138 125 13 95 '56 39 Narasipura
170 99 71 99 47 52 5 4 5 4 Heggudlu
--------Un-inhabited-------- Konanalathuru
33 19 14 93 46 47 Huskur
35 18 17 4 3 4 3 Hariyalapura
-----------Un-inhabited-------- Iyyanapura
---------Un-inhabited------ Byrapura
-----------Un-inhabited------- AIaganchi
71 34 37 Vallahalli
442 327 liS 61 35 26 7 7 8 8 Katawalu
38] 231 150 223 90 133 7 2 5 19 12 7 Nemmanahalli
220 216 4 182 116 66 51 46 5 B. Matagere
357 256 101 42 35 7 4 2 2 Badaga
45 43 2 22 15 7 4 4 Kandalike
84 83 I 4 3 I 8 S Hosakote
183 94 89 4 2 2 7 5 2 Beguru
5 5 30 18 12 Seegevadi
29 27 2 MoleyurukavaI
42 26 16 20 10 10 Kebbepura
22 13 9 40 22 18 3 2 3 I 2 Nadahadi
173 143 30 12 5 7 8 8 Bankavadi
-----------Un-inhabitcd----- Huralipura
3 3 8 8 Inur Marigudi Jungle
230 223 7 16 II 5 2 9 9 Moleyuru
199 193 6 12 12 16 14 2 Hirehalli
160 89 71 43 26 17 8 4 4 Kudagi
130 1]7 13 5 3 2 2' 2 3 2 Kurnagala
37 34 3 7 6 1 A1anahaIli
363 256 107 24 18 6 ,9 8 Channagundi
233 161 72 55 27 28 5 5 30 29 Alalahalli
---------Un-inhabited---- Marabugathanapura
--Un-inhabited Chowdahalli


CD Block-
Industrial catcgorv
code Marginal lVorkers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name ofVilJagc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02852300 Golur 121 11 110 10 2 8 109 9 100
02852400 Machur 2 I I
02852500 Begurjung1e -----------Un-inhabited-------------
02852600 Kittur (Therani Manti) 206 37 169 107 21 86 89 13 76
02852700 Uyyarnballi 1
02852800 Bettadavarehundi 8 8 3 3 4 4
02852900·Bidarahalli 148 30 118 26 25 104 22 82
02853000 Agathuru 125 29 96 33 8 25 81 15 66
02853100 Sagare 42 12 30 9 4 5 30 1 23
02853200 Kandegala 70 2 68 39 38 29 29
02853300 Singapatna 6 5 3 2
02853400 Nanjanathapura 6 I 5 6 5
02853500 Hegganur 86 26 60 4 4 77 23 54
02853600 Lingenahalli 12 12 12 12
02853700 Mallarajapura -------------Un-inhabited----------
02853800 Thelagumasahalli 1 1 I
02853900 Devalapura 79 ·9 70 9 8 69 1 62
02854000Hullernala 32 12 20 29 10 19
02854100 Beddalapura
02854200Haleyuru 54 54 32 32 22 22
02854300Narasipura I 1
02854400 Heggudlu 6 5 4 3 2 2
02854500Konanalathum -------------Un-inhabited----------
02854600Huskur 1
02854700Hariyalapura 2 2
02854800 Iyyanapura -------------Un-inhabited----------
02854900 Byrapura -------------Un-inhabited---------
02855000Alaganchi ------------Un-inhabited---------
02855200 Katawalu 204 5 199 194 5 189 10 10
02855300 Nemrnanahalli 43 16 27 2 I 40 14 26
02855400 B. Matagere 173 24 149 120 9 III 52 15 37
02855500 Badaga 13 7 6 I 10 4 6
02855600 Kandalike 56 5 51 40 5 35 16 16
02855700 Hosakote 66 5 61 59 4 55 2 2
02855800 Begum 4 2 2 2 2
02855900 Seegevadi I I 1
02856000 Moleyurukaval 72 21 51 I I 71 21 50
02856100 Kebbepura 103 44 59 20 12 8 80 30 50
02856200 Nadahadi 87 46 41 8 6 2 75 39 36
02856300 Bankavadi 258 71 187 33 16 17 189 . 46 143
02856400 Huralipura -------------Un-inhabiled-----------
02856500 Chikkabesuge 5 3 2 5 3 2
02856600 lour Marigudi Jungle 7 3 4 5 I 4
02856700 Moleyuru 244 18 226 4 3 I 230 11 219
02856800 Hirehalli 97 .35 62 56 17 39 23 9 14
02856900 Kudagi 10 3 7 4 4 4 2 2
02857000 Kumagala 163 51 tl2 2 2 160 50 110
02857100 Alanahalli 41 8 33 3 2 38 7 31
02857200 Channagundi 21 14 7 3 2 6 5
02857300 Alalahalli 35 21 14 6 4 2 6 3 3
02857400 Marabugathanapura -----------Un-inhabited---------
02857500 Chowdahalli -- - -Un-inhabited


of marg!nal workers
Household industr;!: 'workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
237 100 137 Golur 02852300
619 205 414 Machur 02852400
-------Un-inhabited----------- Begmjungle 02852500
10 3 7 1,178 509 669 Kittur (Therani Manti) 02852600
309 115 194 Uyyamballi 02852700
85 38 47 Bettadavarehundi 02852800
I 17 7 10 656 285 371 Bidarahalli 02852900
'4 3 7 3 4 866 356 510 Agathuru 02853000
3 1 2 1,467 650 817 Sagare 02853100
2 1 144 69 75 Kandegala 02853200
3 3 154 79 75 Singapatna 02853300
332 123 209 Nanjanathapura 02853400
4 3 792 307 485 Hegganur 02853500
88 28 60 Lingenahalli 02853600
----------Un-inhabited-------------- Mallarajapura 02853700
228 81 147 Thelagumasahalli 02853800
530 218 312 Devalapum 02853900
2 2 278 89 189 Hullemala 02854000
183 61 122 Beddalapura 02854100
464 179 285 Haleyuru 02854200
286 88 198 Narasipura 02854300
225 97 128 Heggudlu 02854400
------Un-inhabited-------------- Konanalathuru 02854500
108 39 69 Hus!rur 02854600
31 17 14 . Hariyalapura 02854700
-----Un-inhabited------------- Iyyanapura 02854800
------Un-inhabited------------- Byrapura 02854900
------Un-inhabited--------- Alaganchi 02855000
46 21 25 Vallahalli 02855100
412 200 212 Katawalu 02855200
r 477 222 255 Nemmanahalli 02855300
725 276 449 B.Matagere 02855400
2 2 504 182 322 Badaga 02855500
92 34 58 Kandalike 02855600
2 2 3 2 120 43 77 Hosakote 02855700
118 68 50 Begum 02855800
34 16 18 Seegevadi 02855900
92 42 50 Moleyurukaval 02856000
3 2 1 145 72 73 Kebbepura 02856100
4 I 3 121 67 54 Nadahadi 02856200
33 6 27 3 3 302 147. 155 Bankavadi 02856300
------------Un-inhabited------------- Huralipura 02856400
2 Chikkabesuge 02856500
2 2 7 4. 3 mur Marigudi Jungle 02856600
4 2 2 6 2 4 342 159 183 Moleyuru 02856700
18 9 9 382 114 268 Hirehalli . 02856800
2 1 1 149 77 72 Kodagi 02856900
238 92 146 Kumagala 02857000
57 33 24 Alanahalli 02857100
12 12 500 186 314 Channagundi 02857200
6 5 17 I3 4 544 198 346 Alalahalli 02857300
--------Un-inhabited----------- Marabugatbanapura 02857400
Un-inhabited------ Chowdalialli 02857500


C DBlock-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons l\1ales Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0006 Nanjangud (Total) 64,052 311,991 158,135 153,856 39,700 20,047 19,653
0006 Nanjangud (Rural) 64,052 311,991 158,135 153,856 39,700 20,047 19,653
0006 Nanjangud (Urban)
Nanjangud (Rural)
02857600 Ibjala 420.0 444 2,150 1,125 1,025 284 150 134
02857700 Haradanahalli 608.0 629 3,145 1,594 ,1,551 455 246 209
02857800 Madanahalli 178.0 155 803 413 390 122 60 62
02857900 Kanenur 952.0 535 2,435 1,204 1,231 258 126 132
02858000 Hullahalli 1,001.0 1,724 8,278 4,098 4,180 1,089 528 561
02858100 Belale 263.0 283 1,314 659 655 157 72 85
02858200 Shirarnalli 530.0 620 , 2,881 1,408 1,473 385 171 214
02858300 Huskur 490.0 353 1,779 892 887 243 134 109
02858400 Karya 326.0 214 1,010 499 511 129 60 69
02858500 Kurihundi 452.0 382 1,766 912 854 232 122 HO
02858600 Taraganahalli 440.0 391 1,775 885 890 252 136 116
02858700 Kappasoge 309.0 460 2,247 1,104 1,143 308 140 168
02858800 Motha 637.0 78 406 214 192 59 26 33
02858900 Kongahallikaval 90.0 3 8 3 5 2 I
02859000 Katur 870.0 423 2,130 1,074 1,056 315 154 161
02859100 Ncllithalapura 550.0 329 1,446 708 738 180 91 89
02859200 Akala 492.0 183 825 407 418 105 43 62
02859300 Rajur 213.0 149 764 391 373 106 59 47
02859400 Kadaburu 444.0 258 1,226 627 599 172 96 76
02859500 Shettahalli 146.0 141 643 336 307 94 48 46
02859600 Mangalore 286.0 4 19 9 10 2 I
02859700 Yalehalli 305.0 118 582 '282 300 58 24 34
02859800 DugguhaUi 480.0 284 1,295 645 650 126 62 64
02859900 Chamanamadanahalli 274.0 140 299 186 113 '28 14 14
02860000 Madapura 346.0 218 1,050 526 524 126 64 62
02860100 Haginavalu 674.0 670 3,469 1,759 1,710 468 255 213
02860200 Ambale 994.0 400 1,979 1,001 978 272 141 131
02860300 Kaggalur 347.0 54 216 113 103 16 10 6
02860400 Melagalli 478.0 -----------Un-inhabited----------
02860500 Uganiya 348.0 -----------Un-inhabited----------
02860600 Kadajetti 564.0 236 1,122 570 552 161 90 71
02860700 Hura 716.0 710 3,617 1,862 1,755 470 240 230
02860800 Yedahalli 202.0 25 126 61 65 14 7 7
02860900 M. Kongahalli 266.0 133 661 331 330 no 51 59
02861000 Malkundi 471.0 525 2,624 1,322 1,302 372 192 180
02861100 Hallare 1,065.0 682 3,391 1,683 1,708 ·447 227 220
02861200 Kantirayanapura Kaval 361.0 ---------Un-inhabited---------
02861300 Kaladevanahalli 216.0 ---------Un-inhabited--------
02861400 Mallahalli 281.0 236 1,143 585 558 121 61 60
02861500 Channapatna ·305.0 278 1,388 691 697 214 109 105
02861600 Hadya 431.0 453 2,108 1,060 1,048 276 141 135
02861700 Ariyur 417.0 177 858 408 450 118 ' 53 65
02861800 lalahalli 127.0 66 321 161 160 50 19 31
02861900 Kandegala 522.0 225 1,095 551 544 165 89 76
02862000 Thelanur 264.0 -----------Un-inhabited----
02862100 Gadiguddadakaval 100.0 -------Un-inhabited----_ _
02862200 Kallahalli 353.0 -----------Un-inhabited---------
02862300 Kellupura 364.0 126 590 297 293 63 29 34
02862400 Karlapura 208.0 ---------Un-inhabited-------
02862500 Bhogavaluvadeyanapura 176.0 6 49 27 22 13 7 6
02862600 Hosaveedukaval 230.0 20 89 41 48 II 2 9
02862700 Hosaveedu 742.0 329 1,629 810 819 229 105 124
02862800 Maduvinahalli 584.0 482 2,346 1,161 1,185 284 149 135
02862900 Rayagowdanahalli 177.0 --------Un-inhabited-----



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
71,608 36,093 35,515 45,239 22,633 22,606 . 123,576 73,597 49,979 Nanjangud (Total)
71,608 36,093 35,515 45,239 22,633 22,606 123,576 73,597 49,979 Nanjangud (Rural)
Naujangud (Urban)
Nanjangud (Rural)
238 126 112 1,663 872 791 725 487 238 Ibjala
1,213 613 600 213 103 110 1,147 679 468 Haradanahalli
302 150 152 404 232 172 Madanahalli
751 365 386 137 66 71 1,029 589 440 Kancnur
1,449 715 734 2,072 999 1,073 4,592 2,586 2,006 Hullahalli
182 96 86 961 476 485 353 214 139 Belale
723 341 382 1,077 630 447 Shiramalli
466 237 229 476 261 215 Huskur
54 27 27 266 125 141 422 255 167 Karya
742 384 358 636 382 254 Kurihundi
375 184 191 560 279 281 623 367 256 Taraganahalli
373 209 164 1,328 629 699 789 483 306 Kappasoge
45 21 24 104 78 26 Motha
8 3 5 2 I 1 Kongahallikaval
.464 244 220 21 13 8 779 488 291 Katur
217 99 118 134 70 64 627 348 279 Nellithalapura
233 122 III 10 6 4 387 237 150 Alcala
349 177 172 249 141 108 Rajur
295 148 147 237 127 110 478 273 205 Kadaburu
114 68 46 376 219 157 Shettahalli
11 7 4 Mangalore
146 69 77 282 158 124 Yalehalli
270 139 131 498 284 214 Duggahalli
72 46 26 9 8 159 101 58 Chamanamadanahalli
7 3 4 540 264 276 411 268 143 Madapura
735 394 341 341 176 165 1,090 666 424 Haginavalu
372 199 173 758 458 300 Ambale
73 52 21 Kaggalur
---------Uil-inhabited---------- Me1agalli
-------Un-inhabited---------~ Uganiya
315 156 159 104 63 41 475 284 191 Kadaj etti
1,574 826 748 599 314 285 1,665 1,001 664 Hura
8 5 3 58 36 22 Yedahalli
160 108 52 M. Kongahalli
847 419 428 883 531 352 Malkundi
561 285 276 905 423 482 1,071 631 440 Hallare
-----------Un-inhabited------ Kantirayanapura Kaval
----------Un-inhabited------ Kaladevanahalli
177 93 84 61 28 33 527 326 201 Mallahalli
840 416 424 470 297 173 Cbannapatna
399 194 205 703 351 352 813 509 304 Hadya
263 124 139 70 36 34 360 210 150 Ariyur
300 150 150 128 82 46 J alaballi
433 215 218 346 216 130 Kandegala
-----Un-inhabited---- Thelanur
----------Un-inhabited------ Gadiguddadakaval
---Un-inhabited------ Ka1lahalli
56 10 5 5 257 . 154 103 Kellupura
128 72
---Un-inhabited---- Karlapura
II 6 5 Bhogavaluvadeyanapura
16 8 8 16 9 7 Hosaveedukaval
340 306 60 35 25 626 382 244 Hosaveedu
715 351 364 951 547 404 Maduvinahalli
-----Un-inhabited----- Rayagowdanaballi


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers lVlain workers
nnmber Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0006 Nanjangud (Total) 188,415 84,538 103,877 139,798 99,755 40,043 109,685 87,764 21,921
0006 Nanjangud (Rural) 188,415 84,538 103,877 139,798 99,755 40,043 109,685 87,764 21,921
0006 Nanjangud (Urban)
Nanjangud (Rural)
02857600 Ibjala 1,425 638 787 867 597 270 650 566 84
92857700 Hamdanahalli 1,998 915 1,083 1,597 972 625 1,594 971 623
02857800 Madanahalli 399 181 218 361 270 91 30S 242 63
02857900 Kanenur 1,406 615 791 1,175 801 374 1,169 798 371
02858000 Hullahalli 3,686 1,512 2,174 3,423 . 2,422 1,001 2,221 1,869 352
02858100 Bc1ale 961 445 5\6 670 428 242 560 384 176
02858200 Shiramalli 1,804 778 1,026 1,455 913 542 1,278 852 426
02858300 Huskur 1,303 631 672 904 566 338 829 535 294
02858400 Karya 588 244 344 594 321 273 367 311 56
02858500 Kurihundi 1,130 530 600 789 576 213 584 495 89
02858600 Tamganahalli 1,152 518 634 741 556 185 430 421 9·
02858700 Kappasoge 1,458 621 837 1,102 718 384 1,080 712 368
02858800 Motha 302 136 166 235 140 95 9 9
02858900 Kongahallikaval 6 2 4 2 2 2 2
02859000 Katur 1,351 586 765 1,000 639 361 806 611 195
02859100 Nellithalapum 819 360 459 713 470 243 479 424 55
02859200 Akala 438 170 268 320 273 47 320 273 47
02859300 Rajur 515 250 265 332 242 90 331 242 89
02859400 Kadaburu 748 354 394 411 303 108 411 303 108
02859500 Shettahalli 267 117 150 234 212 22 223 203 20
02859600 Mangalore 8 2 6 6 6 6 6
02859700 Yalehalli 300 124 176 224 198 26 215 198 17
02859800 Duggahalli 797 361 436 769 453 316 769 453 316
02859900 Chamanamadanahalli 140 85 55 152 136 16 152 136 16
02860000 Madapum 639 258 381 538 335 203 483 326 157
02860100 Haginavalu 2,379 1,093 1,286 1,452 1,097 355 1,070 978 92
02860200 Ambale 1,221 543 678 792 609 183 781 602 179
02860300 Kaggalur \43 .61 82 107 78 29 96 74 22
02860400 Melagalli ----------Un-inhabited------
02860500 Uganiya ---------Un-i nhabited------
02860600 Kadajetti 647' 286 361 540 336 204 421 318 103
02860700 Hum 1,952 861 1,091 1,497 1,060 437 1,402 1,035 367
02860800 Yedahalli 68 25 43 75 39 36 37 33 4
02860900 M, Kongahalli 501 223 278 179 161 \8 \79 16! 18
02861000 Malkundi 1,741 791 950 1,428 862 566 988 802 186
028611 00 Hallare 2,320 1,052 1,268 1,589 1,031 558 1,032 803 229
02861200 Kantirayanapura Kaval -------Un-inhabited---------
02861300 Kaladevanahalli --------o-Un-inhabited----------
02861400 MallahaIli 616 259 357 510 375 135 SOl 372 129
02861500 Channapatna 918 394 524 555 400 155 472 375 97
02861600 Hadya 1,295 551 744 991 657 334 716 589 127
02861700 Ariyur 498 198 300 410 229 lSI 313 215 98
02861800 lalahalli \93 79 114 146 83 63 79 73 6
02861900 Kandega1a 749 335 414 613 343 270 505 331 174
02862000 Thelanur -------Un-inhabited-----
02862100 Gadiguddadakaval ----------Un-inhabited------
02862200 . Kallahalli ---------Un-inhabited------
02862300 Kellupum 333 ;. 143 190 274 183 91 231 183 48
02862400 Karlapura ------Un-inhabited------__
02862500 Bhogavaluvadeyanapura 38 21 17 24 12 12 9 8
02862600 Hosaveedukaval 73 32 41 61 32 29 47 32 15
02862700 Hosaveedu 1,003 428 575 868 522 346 853 518 335
02862800 Maduvinahalli 1,395 614 781 1,183 755 428 958 725 233
02862900 Rayagowdanahalli --------Un-inhabited---_



Industrial category of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name or Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 2
49,731 44,245 5,486 36,712 24,340 12,372 1,290 787 503 21,952 18,392 3,560 Nanjangud (Total)
49,731 44,245 5,486 36,712 24,340 12,372 1,290 787 503 21,952 ]8,392 3,560 Nanjangud (Rural)
Nanjangud (Urban)
Nanjangud (Rural)
463 446 17 59 28 31 6 6 122 86 36 Ibjala
968 634 334 370 177 193 61 13 48 195 147 48 Haradanahalli
194 162 32 80 57 23 4 4 27 23 4 Madanahalli
519 407 112 548 304 244 3 3 99 84 15 Kanenur
486 459 27 384 281 103 70 26 44 1,281 1,103 178 Hullahalli
·90 74 16 422 276 146 47 33 14 Belale
433 352 81 738 415 323 107 85 22 Shiramalli
159 138 21 652 382 270 7 7 II 8 3 Huskur
234 204 30 105 84 21 28 23 5 Karya
314 252 62 190 168 22 21 21 59 54 5 Knrihundi
323 320 3 68 65 3 3 3 36 33 3 Taraganahalli
412 406 6 546 205 341 12 8· 4 110 93 17 Kappasoge
8 8 Motha
2 2 KongahaJlikaval
559 451 108 171 99 72 4 3 72 58 14 Katur
266 250 16 140 115 25 3 2 70 57 13 NeJlithalapura
202 186 16 47 28 19 6 6 65 53 12 Akala
281 217 64 18 5 13 1 31 19 12 Rajur
210 192 18 17S 94 81 5 S 21 12 9 Kadaburu
177 164 13 28 24 4 18 15 3 Shett3halli
6 6 Mangalore
147 143 4 46 43 3 22 12 10 Yalehalli
489 309 180 248 119 129 32 25 7 Duggahalli
3 3 149 133 16 Chamaoamadanahalli
202 156 46 246 142 104 5 2 3 30 26 4 Madapura
583 565 18 237 205 32 26 15 11 224 193 31 Haginavalu
649 514 135 84 50 34 5 4 43 34 9 Ambale
74 59 15 2 2 8 8 12 7 5 Kaggalur
-----------Un-inhabited--------- Melagalli
-----------Un-inhabited------- Ugaoiya
179 165 14 168 95 73 74 58 16 Kadajetti
458 447 11 688 378 310 21 11 10 235 199 36 Hum
I 35 31 4 Yedahalli
143 128 IS 22 20 2 14 13 M.Kongahalli
172 164 8 733 570 163 1 82 67 15 Malkundi
649 590 59 258 106 152 8 6 2 117 101 16 Hallare
----------Un-inhabited-------- Kantirayanapura Kaval
--------Un-inhabited----- Kaladevanaballi
309 266 43 174 92 82 18 14 4 M:lIlahalli
269 247 22 177 109 . 68 2 2 24 17 7 Channapatna
467 420 47 159 98 61 11 11 79 60 19 Hadya
14 122 62 60 80 56 24 Arijur
111 97
I 20 18 2 10 7 3 Jalahalli
49 48
266 148 118 50 41 9 Kandegala
189 142 47
-------Un-inhabited------ Thelanur
______ Un_inhabited ____ _ Gadiguddadakaval
-----Un-inhabitedl---- Kallahalli
149 103 46 9 8 Kellupurn
72 71
__________ Un_inhabited______ _ KarJapura
8 7 1
18 10 Hosaveedukaval
19 14 5 28
387 155 232 13 12 98 68 30 Hosaveedu
355 283 72
170 2 1 77 64 13 Maduvinahalli
454 405 49 425 255
_________ Un_inhabited----- Rayagowdanahalli


CD Block-

Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0006 Nanjangud (Total) 30,113 11,991 18,122 2,737 843 1,894 23,500 8,690 14,810
0006 Nanjangud (Rural) 30,113 11,991 18,122 2,737 843 1,894 23,500 8,690 14,810
0006 Nanjangud (Urban)
Nanjangud (Rural)
02857600 Ibjala 217 31 186 11 10 102 9 93
02857700 Haradanahalli 3 2 2 2
02857800 Madanahal1i 56 28 28 44 26 18 4 4
02857900 Kanenur 6 3 3 4 3
02858000 Hullahalli 1,202 553 649 26 10 16 579 207 372
02858 I 00 Belale 110 44 66 6 2 4 87 30 57
02858200 ShiramalJi 177 61 116 3 3 163 56 107
02858300 Huskur 75 31 44 3 2 70 28 42
02858400 Karya 227 10 217 117 4 113 110 6 104
02858500 Kurihundi 205 81 124 12 5 7 179 64 115
02858600 Taraganahalli 311 135 176 19 4 15 287 ·128 159
02858700 Kappasoge 22 6 16 2 1 20 5 15
02858800 Motha 226 131 95 27 27 193 101 92
02858900 Kongahallikaval
02859000 Katur 194 28 166 9 9 177 20 157
02859100 Nellithalapura 234 46 188 17 7 10 214 37 177
02859200 Akala
02859300 Rajur
02859400 Kndaburu
02859500 Shettahalli 11 9 2 10 8 2
02859600 Mangalore
02859700 Yalehalli 9 9 9 9
02859800 Duggahalli
02859900 Chamanamadanahalli
02860000 Madapura 55 9 46 4 4 49 8 41
02860100 Haginavalu 382 119 263 18 12 6 310 72 238
02860200 Ambale 11 7 4 3 2 1 6 3 3
02860300 Kaggalur 11 4 7 7 4 3 4 4
02860400 Melagalli -----------Un-inhabited----------
02860500 Uganiya ----------Un-inhabited------
02860600 Kadajetti 119 18 101 31 6 25 81 7 74
02860700 Hura 95 25 70 12 II 7I 18 53
02860800 Yedahalli 38 6 32 38 6 32
02860900 M. Kongahalli
02861000 Malkundi 440 60 380 4 2 2 436 58 378
02861100 HalJare 557 228 329 78 60 18 451 155 296
02861200 Kantirayanapura Kaval ---------Un-inhabited-----------
0286 I 300 Kaladevanahalli ---------Un-inhabited----------
02861400 Mallaballi 9 3 6 1 1 8 2 6
02861500 Channapatna 83 25 58 4 I 3 79 24 55
02861600 Hadya 275 68 207 60 15 45 208 49 159
02861700 Ariyur 97 14 83 18 2 16 71 6 65
02861800 la1ahalli 67 10 57 11 2 9 56 8 48
02861900 Kandegala 108 12 96 27 4 23 79 8 71
02862000 Thelnnur -----------Un-inhabited-----
02862100 Gadiguddadakaval -----------Un-inhabited----------
02862200 Kallahalli ---------Un-inhabited--------
02862300 Kellupura 43 43 43 43
02862400 Karlapura ------------Un-inhabited------
02862500 Bhogavaluvadeyanapura 15 4 II 15 4 11
02862600 Hosaveedukaval 14 14 14 14
02862700 Hosaveedu 15 4 IJ 13 2 II
02862800 Maduvinahalli 225 30 195 7 6 131 16 115
02862900 Rayagowdanahalli --------Un-inhabited-----



of marginal workers
Household indust!:r workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
292 83 209 3,584 2,375 1,209 172,193 58,380 113,813 Nanjangud (Total) 0006
292 83 209 3,584 2,375 1,209 172,193 58,380 113,813 Nanjangud (Rural) 0006
Nanjangud (Urban) 0006
Nanjangud (Rural)
16 15 88 20 68 1,283 528 755 Ibjala 02857600
1,548 622 926 Haradanahalli 02857700
8 2 6 442 143 299_ Madanahalli 02857800
2 2 1,260 403 857 Kanenur 02857900
76 11 65 521 325 196 4,855 1,676 3,179 Hullahalli 02858000
17 12 5 644 231 413 Belale 02858100
II 2 9 1,426 495 931 Shiramalli 02858200
2 875 326 549 Huskur 02858300
416 178 238 Karya 02858400
13 11 2 977 336 641 Kurihundi 02858500
3 2 2 2 1,034 329 705 Taraganahalli 02858600
1,145 386 759 Kappasoge 02858700
6 3 3 171 74 97 Motha 02858800
6 5 Kongahallikaval 02858900
2 2 6 6 1,130 435 695 Katur 02859000
3 2 733 238 495 Nellithalapura 02859100
505 134 371 Akala 02859200
432 149 283 Rajur 02859300
815 324 491 Kadaburu 02859400
409 124 285 Shettahalli 02859500
13 3 10 Mangalore 02859600
358 84 274 Yalehalli 02859700
526 192 334 Duggahalli 02859800
147 50 97 Chamanarnadanahalli 02859900
I 512 191 321 Madapura 02860000
7 2- 5 47 33 14 2,017 662 1,355 Haginavalu 02860100
2 2 1,187 392 795 Ambale 02860200
109 35 74 Kaggalur 02860300
--------Un-inhabited----------- MeJagaJli 02860400
-------Un-inhabited--------- Ugauiya 02860500
7 5 2 582 234 348 Kadajetti 02860600
12 6 6 2,120 802 1,318 Hura 02860700
51 22 29 Yedahal1i 02860800
482 170 312 M.Kongahalli 02860900
1,196 460 736 Malkundi 02861000
2 3 23 II 12 1,802 652 1,150 Hallare 02861100
______Un_inhabited _________ Kantirayanapura Kaval 02861200
-----Un-inhabited------- Kaladevanahalli 02861300
633 210 423 Mallahalli 02861400
833 291 542 Channapatna 02861500
7 4 3 1,117 403 714 Hadya 02861600
8 6 2 448 179 269 Ariyur 02861700
175 78 97 Jalahalli 02861800
2 2 482 208 274 Kandegala 02861900
-------Un-inhabited----------- Thelanur 02862000
_______ Un_inhabited------- Gadiguddadakaval 02862100
______ Un_inhabited--------- Kallahalli 02862200
316 114 202 Kellupura 02862300
________Un_inhabited------------ Karlapura 02862400
25 15 10 Bhogavaluvadeyanapura 02862500
28 9 19 Hosaveedukaval 02862600
2 761 288 473 Hosaveedn 02862700
13 73 1,163 406 757 Madnvinahalli 02862800
_ _ _ _Un_inhabited---- Rayagowdanahalli 02862900


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area Of institutional aud houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name ofViUage hectares ho useholds Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02863000 Hediyala 1,091.0 873 4,260 2,190 2,070 610 3\ \ 299
02863100 Amakahalli 155.0 ----------Un-inhabited--------------
02863200 Hadannruvadeyanapura 204.0 101 537 280 257 81 44 37
02863300 Bankahalli 355.0 249 1,144 590 554 230 125 105
02863400 Naganapura 3,814.0 339 1,560 792 768 172 93 79
02863500 Devarayasettipura 973.0 420 2,117 1,085 1,032 266 145 121
02863600 Kothanahalli 389.0 110 504 254 250 87 45, 42·
02863700 Rampura 1,461.0 943 4,896 2,501 2,395 686 358 328
02863800 Kembal 757.0 135 637 299 338 103 40 63
02863900 Bidamgoodu 403.0 401 2,177 1,082 1,095 291 146 145
02864000 Maraluru 835.0 432 2,322 1,197 1,125 324 170 154
02864100 Goddanapura 844.0 213 1,191 604 587 192 102 90
02864200 Yechagalli 689.0 533 2,951 1,475 1,476 418 202 216
02864300 Thandavapura 926.0 1.003 5,156 2,722 2,434 639 307 332
02864400 Hebya 240.0 168 892 454 438 115 64 .51
02864500 Adakanahulli 402.0 155 833 435 398 111 46 65
02864600 Chikkaiahnachatra 7.0 i30 704 376 328 83 55 28
02864700 Basavanapura 138.0 125 637 331 306 71 38 33
02864800 Hejjige 296.0 502 2,803 1,445 1,358 356 157 199
02864900 Thoremavu 426.0 343 1,933 970 963 226 105 121
02865000 Immavu 992.0 370 1,999 982 1,017 252 122 130
02865100 Hulimavu 643.0 302 1,521 786 735 196 103 93
02865200 Bokkahalli 309.0 460 2,332 1,211 1,121 305 161 144
02865300 Hadinaru 1,714.0 1,301 6,136 3,113 3,023 823 418 405
02865400 Moodahalli 462.0 427 2,121 1,074 1,047 281 129 152
02865500 Alathur 442.0 386 1,806 951 855 199 105 94
02865600 Hosakote 620.0 958 4,769 2,401 2,368 571 265 306
02865700 Kurahattika\'al 346.0 1 4 2 2
02865800 Thumnerale 636.0 461 2,257 1,166 1,091 301 164 137
02865900 Nandigundapura 250.0 130 613 313 300 81 37 44
02866000 Thumncrnlekava) 14.0 -----Un-inhabited------------
02866100 Nandigunda 277.0 189 847 430 417 118 62 56
02866200 Alambur 235.0 370 1,744 888 856 204 112 92
02866300 Saragooru 598.0 476 2,283 1,137 1,146 258 132 126
02866400 Haniyamballi 276.0 173 831 403 428 86 47 39
02866500 Gonahalli 196.0 257 1,161 582 579 137 63 74
02866600 Kalmahalli 161.0 202 1,015 528 487 112 58 54
02866700 Nagarle 399.0 717 3,510 1,751 1,759 399 198 201
02866800 Kuppamvalli 266.0 237 1,294 665 629 179 92 87
02866900 Suthur 364.0 784 3,850 2,001 1,849 475 253 222
02867000 Jeemaralli 489.0 250 1,219 621 598 173 88 85
02867100 Bilugali 400.0 564 2,877 1,433 1,444 395 197 198
02867200 Jodihurihampurn (Igli) 485.0 195 931 472 459 122 70 52
02867300 Thayuru 551.0 720 3,176 1,586 1,590 378 196 182
02867400 Eswamgowdanahalli 559.0 180 943 496 447 121 59 62
02867500 Haropura 169.0 100 524 267 257 67 32 35
02867600 Gejjiganahalli 392.0 314 1,606 806 800 220 102 118
02867700 Kahalli 137.0 67 342 172 170 25 10 15
02867800 Kalkunda 885.0 382 1,809 898 911 205 110 95
02867900 Biligere 297.0 307 1,573 809 764 )99 100 99
02868000 Belagunda 318.0 137 661 334 327 73 37 36
02868100 Kirugunda 961.0 519 2,567 1,289 1,278 313 155 158
02868200 Madahalli 307.0 90 438 217 221 44 26 18
02868300 Mallupura 317.0 428 1,997 1,075 922 274 154 120
02868400 Srikantanagar 482.0 296 1,349 712 637 188 87 \01
02868500 Alaganchi 934.0 473 2,258 1,153 1,105 301 145 \56
02868600 Thagadooru 1,900.0 1,529 7,280 3,600 3,680 934 414 520
02868700 Kamahalli 185.0 195 888 456 432 122 60 62



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes popnlation Literates

Persous Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
1,164 611 553 125 64 61 1,826 1,100 726 Hediyala
----------Un-inhabi ted-------------- Amakahalli
331 171 160 11 7 4 211 137 74 Hadanuruvadcyanapura
393 205 188 257 129 128 444 262 182 Bankahalli
476 250 226 296 136 160 732 435 297 Naganapura
778 370 408 19 12 7 808 452 356 Devarayasettipura
114 55 59 165 87 78 180 107 73 Kothanahalli
1,158 554 604 130 64 66 1,677 1,034 643 Rampura
12 6 6 403 189 214 162 91 71 Kembal
III 61 50 221 105 116 706 422 284 Bidaragoodu
20 7 13 159 78 81 376 227 149 Maraluru
272 132 140 93 43 50 310 185 125 Goddanapura
148 69 79 592 307 285 1,055 589 466 Yechagalli
330 167 163 335 174 161 2,836 1,767 1,069 Thandavapura
418 211 207 348 195 153 Hebya
5 3 2 15 8 7 317 202 115 Adakanahalli
266 142 124 403 249 154 Chikkaiahuachatra
218 117 101 406 229 177 Basavanapura
640 335 305 38 17 21 1,130 740 390 Hejjige
598 293 305 12 6 6 715 440 275 Thoremavu
218 94 124 621 336 285 Immavu
518 277 241 89 50 39 728 425 303 Hulimavu
809 416 393 997 518 479 1,051 636 415 Bokkahalli
526 280 246 880 443 437 2,227 1,303 924 Hadinaru
557 279 278 165 89 76 799 489 310 Moodahalli
270 138 132 518 270 248 783 469 314 AJathur
1,103 530 573 1,333 648 685 1,848 1,102 746 Hosakote
4 2 2 2 2 Kurahattikaval
345 168 177 372 189 183 756 459 297 Thumnerale
266 139 127 198 125 73 Nandigundapura
------Un-inhabited------------- Thumneralekaval
289 145 144 342 200 142 Nandigunda
442 291 151 Aiambur
469 214 255 393 198 195 1,061 603 458 Saragooru
388 197 191 402 226 176 Haniyamballi
313 161 152 848 421 427 389 237 152 Gonahalli
571 289 282 498 302 196 Kalmahalli
1,227 615 612 1,067 525 542 1,925 1,100 825 Nagarle
537 282 255 143 72 71 560 330 230 Kupparavalli
919 472 447 1,401 705 696 1,753 1,086 667 Suthur
593 310 283 481 261 220 JeemaraJli
895 438 457 315 157 158 1,060 598 462 Bilugali
139 76 63 292 184 108 Jodihariharapura (Igli)
270 266 1,185 575 610 1,280 742 538 Thayuru
403 208 195 251 161 90 Eswaragowdanahalli
121 125 178 104 74 Haropura
219 225· 519 . 306 213 Gejjiganahalli
47 20 27 157 94 63 Kahalli
443 824 468 356 Kalkunda
853 410
640 325 315 136 69 67 680 423 257 BiJigere
219 208 252 145 107 Belagunda
428 436 117 56 61 980 578 402 Kirugunda
156 90 66 Madahalli
43 45 214 110 104 1,047 633 414 Mallupura
103 49 54 565 362 203 Srikantanagar
20 13 7
531 272 259 829 502 327 Aiaganchi
895 456 439
1,088 513 575 2,842 1,716 1,126 Thagadooru
1,046 509 537
66 31 35 293 191 102 Kamahalli
270 133 137


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02S63000 Hediya\a 2,434 1,090 1,344 1,989 1,293 696 1,661 1,201 460
02863 100 Amakahalli ----Un-inhabited--------
02863200 Hadanuruvadeyanapura 326 \43 183 313 165 148 279 164 115
02863300 Bankahalli 700 328 372 531 339 192 491 332 159
02863400 Naganapura 828 357 471 865 521 344 565 469 96
02863500 Devarayasettipura 1,309 633 676 1,312 718 594 842 623 219
02863600 Kothanahalli 324 147 177 252 164 88 191 138 53
02863700 Rampura 3,219 1,467 \,752 2,167 1,595 572 1,814 1,479 335
02863800 Kembal 475 208 267 390 199 191 277 183 94
02863900 Bidaragoodu 1,471 660 811 976 696 280 901 677 224
02864000 Maraluru 1,946 970 976 982 732 250 731 648 83
02864100 Goddanapura 881 419 462 304 276 28 253 243 10
02864200 Yechagalli 1,896 886 1,010 1,051 898 153 982 846 136
02864300 Thandavapura 2,320 955 1,365 1,906 1,634 272 1,818 1,585 233
02864400 Hebya 544 259 285 414 290 124 348 282 66
02864500 Adakanahalli 516 233 283 307 262 45 293 255 38
02864600 Chikkaiahnachatra 301 127 174 245 212 33 239 208 31
02864700 Basavanapura 23\ 102 \29 211.', 206 12 116 111 4
02864800 Hejjige 1,673 705 968 1,142 890 252 964 802 162
02864900 Thoremavu 1,218 530 688 816 607 209 608 505 103
02865000 Immavu 1,378 646 732 1,049 697 352 568 561 7
02865100 Hulimavu 793 361 432 650 516 134 389 349 40
02865200 Bokkahalli 1,281 575 706 1,037 749 288 789 604 185
02865300 Hadinaru 3,909 1,810 2,099 2,626 2,015 611 2,083 1,893 190
02865400 MoodahaIIi 1,322 585 737 928 709 219 655 609 46
02865500 Alathur 1,023 482 541 897 636 261 663 624 39
02865600 Hosakote 2,921 1,299 1,622 2,211 1,540 671 1,360 1.205 155
02865700 Kurahattikaval 2 2 2 2 2 2
02865800 Thumnemle \,501 .707 794 1,074 799 27$ 786 742 44
02865900 Nandigundapura 415 188 227 222 213 9 112 108 4
02866000 Thumneralckaval ------Un-inhabited-------
02866100 Nandigunda 505 ·230 275 313 258 55 131 120 II
021166200 Alambur 1,302 597 705 767 594 173 713 556 157
02866300 Saragooru 1,222 534 688 950 714 236 950 714 236
021166400 Haniyamballi 429 177 252 466 266 200 300 243 57
02866500 Gonahalli 772 345 427 528 349 179 208 184 24
02866600 Kaimahalli 517 226 291 426 337 89 416 334 82
02866700 Nagarle 1,585 651 934 1,618 1,066 552 1,272 1,022 250
02866800 Kupparavalli 734 335 399 586 463 123 490 436 54
02866900 Suthur 2,097 915 1,182 1,913 1,207 ·706 1,211 977 234
02867000 Jeemaralli 738 360 378 501 386 115 214 196 18
02867100 BilugaJi 1,817 835 982 1,429 912 517 567 SOl 66
02867200 Jodihariharapura (IgIi) 639 288 351 495 297 198 490 295 195
02867300 Thayuru 1,896 844 1,052 1,575 I,U44 531 884 710 174
02867400 Eswaragowdanahalli 692 335 357 434 339 95 216 209 7
02867500 Haropura 346 163 183 237 169 68 216 166 50
02867600 GejjiganahaIli 1,087 500 587 767 551 216 696 533 163
02867700 Kahalli 185 78 107 208 113 95 116 100 16
02867800 Kalkunda 985 430 555 759 598 161 692 559 133
02867900 Biligere 893 386 507 785 513 272 747 499 248
02868000 Belagunda 409 189 220 345 218 127 310 203 107
02868100 Kirugunda 1,587 711 876 1,137 822 315 950 758 192
02868200 Madahalli 282 127 155 213 163 50 211 162 49
02868300 Mallupura 950 442 508 1,027 764 263 961 760 201
02868400 Srikantanagar 784 350 434 577 490 87 567 483 84
02868500 A1aganchi 1.429 651 778 1,067 770 297 1,028 759 269
02868600 Thagadooru 4,438 1,884 2,554 2,747 2,290 457 1,984 1,756
02868700 Karnahalli 595
265 '330 323 268 55 269 230 39


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females" Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
591 492 99 846 510 336 4 4 220 195 25 Hediyala
----------Un-inhabited------ Amakahalli
173 113 60 98 43 55 8 8 Hadanuruvadeyanapura
180 162 18 248 114 134 62 56 6 Bankahalli
271 265 6 252 168 84 14 14 28 22 6 Naganapurn
507 443 64 314 169 145 2 2 19 II 8 Devarayasettipurn
92 84 8 86 45 41 3 2 1 10 7 3 Kothanahalli
·873 762 III 603 425 178 14 13 324 279 45 Rampura
88 68 20 174 105 69 15 ·10 5 Kembal
524 418 106 238 140 98 138 119 19 Bidaragoodu
457 453 4 89 29 60 185 166 19 Marnluru
198 194 4 II II 3 3 41 35 6 Goddanapura
372 358 14 300 218 82 2 2 308 268 40 Yechagalli
424 388 36 143 97 46 5 3 2 1,246 1,097 149 Thandavapura
74 66 8 126 89 37 148 127 21 Hebya
55 49 6 82 62 20 11 10 145 134 I I Adakanahalli
18 14 4 28 "16 12 3 2 190 176 14 Chikkaiahnachatra
58 58 58 54 4 Basavanapura
339 295 44 386 291 95 3 3 236 213 23 Hejjige
225 204 21 232 174 58 4 3 147 124 23 Thoremavu
203 201 2 326 323 3 39 37 2 Immavu
253 243 10 84 61 23 7 6 I 45 39 6 Hulimavu
301 270 31 337 195 142 13 12 I 138 127 II Bokkahalli
902 877 25 663 568 95 20 12 8 498 436 62 Hadinaru
375 359 16 179 .156 23 101 94 7 Moodahalli
390 380 10 127 117 10 10 9 136 118 18 Alathur
446 420 26 670 568 102 8 8 236 209 27 Hosakote
2 2 Kurahattikaval
460 451 9 246 " 218 28 2 2 78 71 7 Thumnerale
102 99 2 2 8 7 I Nandigundapura
------------Un-inhabited------ Thumneralekaval
74 74 3 2 I 4 3 50 41 9 Nandigunda
415 381 34 241 135 106 3 3 54 37 17 Alambur
508 410 98 282 187 95 5 3 2 155 114 41 Saragooru
127 118 9 103 66 37 4 3 I 66 56 10 Haniyamballi
101 92 9 23 17 6 2 2 82 75 7 Gonahalli
190 181 9 178 114 64 4 2 2 44 37 7 Kalmahalli
465 438 27 380 242 138 23 12 11 404 330 74 Nagarle
174 166 8 236 201 35 80 " 69 II Kupparavalli
454 429 25 400 244 156 8 8 349 296 53 Suthur
2 34 27 7 44 35 9 Jeemaralli
136 134
120 115 5 254 213 41 10 9 183 164 19 Bilugali
158 49 262 122 140 I I 20 15 5 Jodihariharapura (Igli)
429 370 59 204 142 62 22 13 9 229 185 44 Thayuru
28 27 1 24 24 Eswaragowdanahalli
164 158 6
38 3 100 67 33 75 61 14 H,uopura
320 184 136 172 149 23 Gejjiganahalli
204 200 4
16 12 4 8 3 5 2 2 Kahalli
90 85 5
278 199 79 5 5 176 128 48 Kalkunda
233 227 6
14 346 198 148 202 117 85 Biligere
198 184
200 122 78 28 20 8 Belagunda
82 61 21
421 279 142 6 6 145 120 25 Kirugunda
378 353 25
121 78 43 9 6 3 Madahalli
81 78 3
85 58 27 398 364 34 Mallupura
"477 338 139
173 112 61 1 209 191 18 Srikantanagar
184 180 4
447 267 180 7 7 190 155 35 Alaganchi
384 330 54
543 90 41 36 5 555 456 99 Thagadooru
755 721 34 633
30 22 8 Kamahalli
127 125 2 112 83 29


CD Block-
Industrial categorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02863000 Hediyala 328 92 236 69 21 48 240 58 182
02863 100 Amakahalli ------------Un-inhabited----------
02863200 HadanunIvadeyanapura 34 I :"13 9 1 8 23 23
02863300 Bankahalli 40 7 33 2 2 33 4 29
02863400 Nuganapura 300 52 248 123 18 105 176 34 142
02863500 Devarayasettipura 470 95 375 134 3 131 303 66 237
02863600 Kothanahalli 61 26 35 61 26 35
02863700 Rampura 353 116 237 84 34 50 256 72 184
02863800 Kembal 113 16 97 29 6 23 84 10 74
02863900 Bidaragoodu 75 19 56 32 4 28 26 4 22
02864000 Maraluru 251 84 167 228 69 159
028641 00 Goddanapura 51 33 18 22 19 3 18 6 12
02864200 Yechagalli 69 52 17 2 30 23 7
02864300 Thandavapura 88 49 39 2 67 32 35
02864400 Hebya 66 8 58 59 4 55
02864500 Adakanahalli 14 7 7 3 3
02864600 Chikkaiahnachatra 6 4 2 3 1 2
02864700 Basavanapura 102 94 8 78 73 5
02864800 Hejjige 178 88 90 5 2 3 159 74 85
02864900 Thoremavu 208 102 106 2 2 177 74 103
02865000 Immavu 481 136 345 7 6 431 97 334
02865100 Hulimavu 261 167 94 7 7 240 148 92
02865200 Bokkahalli 248 145 103 6 4 2 216 122 94
02865300 Hadinaru 543 122 421 64 13 51 449 87 362
02865400 Moodahalli 273 100 173 49 10 39 209 80 129
02865500 Alathur 234 12 222 II 6 5 221 5 216
02865600 Hosakote 851 335 516 23 B 15 758 296 462
02865700 Kurahanikaval
02865800 lllUmnemle 288 57 231 184 9 175 99 46 53
02865900 Nandigundapura 110 105 5 I
02866000 Thumneralekaval ----------Un-inhabited--------------
02866100 Nandigunda 182 138 44 1 1 132 98 34
02866200 A lam bur 54 38 16 862 43 31 12
02866300 Saragooru
02866400 Haniyamballi 166 23 143 5 5 157 22 135
02866500 Gonahalli 320 165 155 4 2 2 304 153 151
02866600 Kalmahalli 10 3 7 9 3 6
02866700 Nagarlc 346 44 302 8 2 6 299 29 270
02866800 Kupparavalli 96 27 69 2 2 85 20 65
02866900 Suthur 702 230 472 39 8 31 605 191 414
02867000 Jcernamlli 287 190 97 12 4 8 272 183 89
02867100 Bilugali 862 411 451 857 411 446
02867200 Jodihariharapura (Igli) 5 2 3 4 1 3
02867300 ll1UYUru 691 334 3S7 113 39 74 519 261 258
02867400 Eswuragowdanahalli 218 130 88 21 12 9 146 78 68
02867500 Haropura 21 3 18 20 2 18
02867600 Gejjiganahalli 71 18 S3 .2 2 35 16 19
02867700 Kahalli 92 13 79 JO 7 3 80 6 74
02867800 Kalkunda 67 39 28 2 1 I 60 34 26
02867900 Biligere 38 14 24 6 3 3 23 5 18
02868000 Bclagunda 35 15 20 I I 33 15 18
02868100 Kirugunda 187 64 123 23 13 10 156 45 III
02868200 Madahalli 2 1 1 2 1
02868300 Mallupura 66 4 62 49 48 8 1 7
02868400 Srikan!anagar 10 7 3 3 1 2
02868500 Alaganchi 39 II 28 6 2 4 30 6 24
02868600 Thagadoonl 763 534 229 17 5 12 517 311 206
02868700 Kamahalli 54 38 16 2 2 50 34 16


of marginal workers
Household industry lVorkers Other lVorkers Non-lVorkers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
4 3 15 12 3 2,271 897 1,374 Hediyala 02863000
----------Un-inhabited--------- Amakahalli 02863100
2 2 224 115 109 Hadanuruvadeyanapura 02863200
5 3 2 613 251 362 Bankahalli 02863300
I 695 271 424 Naganapura 02863400
2 2 31 26 5 _ 805 367 438 Devarayasettipura 02863500
252 90 162 KothanahaIIi 02863600
12 10 2 2,729 906 1,823 Rampura 02863700
247 100 147 Kembal 02863800
17 11 6 1,201 386 815 Bidaragoodu 02863900
23 15 8 1,340 465 875 Maraluru 02864000
II 8 3 887 328 559 Goddanapura 02864100
36 28 8 1,900 577 1,323 Yechagalli 02864200
19 16 3 3,250 1,088 2,162 Thandavapura 02864300
6 4 2 478 164 314 Hebya 02864400
2 9 6 3 526 173 353 Adakanahalli 02864500
3 3 459 164 295 Chikkaiahnachatra 02864600
22 19 3 419 125 294 Basavanapura 02864700
14 12 2 1,661 555 1,106 Hejjige 02864800
29 28 1 1,117 363 754 02864900
43 33 10 950 285 665 02865000
13 II 2 871 270 601 Hulimavu 02865100
26 19 7 1,295 462 833 Bokkahalli 02865200
29 21 8 3,510 1,098 2,412 Hadinaru 02865300
15 10 5 1,193 365 828 Moodahalli 02865400
2 909 315 594 Alathur 02865500
69 30 39 2,558 861 1,697 Hosakote 02865600
2 2 Kurahattikaval 02865700
4 2 2 1,183 367 816 Thumnerale 02865800
109 105 4 391 100 291 Nandigundapura 02865900
_____Un_inhabited___________ _ Thurnneralekaval 02866000
4 2- 43 35 8 534 172 362 Nandigunda 02866100
1 I I ,I 977 294 683 Alambur 02866200
1,333 423 910 Saragooru 02866300
2 2 365 137 228 Haniyamballi 02866400
12 10 2 633 233 400 Gonahalli 02866500
1 589 191 398 Kalmahalli 02866600
32 13 19 1,892 685 1,207 Nagarle 02866700
7 7
9 7 2 708 202 506 Kupparavalli 02866800
4 54 31 23 1,937 794 1,143 Suthur 02866900
3 3 718 235 483 Jeemaralli 02867000
3 3 1,448 521 927 Bilugali 02867100
436 175 261 Jodihariharapura (Igli) 02867200
29 22 1,601 542 1,059 Thayuru 02867300
8 5 3 51
40 9 509 157 352 Eswaragowdanaha.lli 02867400
2 2 49
287 98 189 Haropura 02867500
34 34 839 255 584 Gejjiganahalli 02867600
2 134 59 75 Kahalli 02867700
4 1 1,050 300 750 Kalkunda 02867800
6 3 788 296 -492 Biligere 02867900
316 116 200 Belagunda 02868000
2 1,430 467 963 Kirugunda 02868100
7 5
225 54 171 Madahalli 02868200
970 311 659 Mallupura 02868300
9 2 7
772 222 550 Srikantanagar 0286&400
7 6 1
1,191 383 808 Alaganchi 02868500
1 1 2 2
4,533 1,310 3,223 Thagadooru 02868600
3 3 226 215 11
565 188 377 .Kamahalli 02868700
2 2


CD Block-

Total population (including

Locatiou Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02868800 Chinnamballi 422.0 279 1,261 611 650 114 49 65
02868900 Kongahalli 212.0 72 422 207 215 53 29 24
02869000 Heggadahalli 1,212.0 862 4;1.72 2,141 2,131 586 308 278
02869100 Byalaru 501.0 142 643 333 310 95 45 50
02869200 Dehne 663.0 677 3,214 1,634 1,580 427 228 199
02869300 Kallahalli 152.0 198 1,010 537 473 165 92 73
02869400 Kalhavadipura 185.0 344 1,641 881 760 226 120 106
02869500 Handhvinahalli 247.0 218 1,140 610 530 134 73 61
02869600 Devecrammanahalli 292.U 731 3,597 1,833 1,764 471 229 242
02869700 Devamsanahalli 101.0 489 2,486 1,240 1,246 313 155 158
02869800 Nanjangud(Rural) 921.0 --------Un-inhabited-------------
02869900 Golur 105.0 567 2,851 1,453 1,398 312 142 170
02870000 Geekahallj 219.0 254 1,259 632 627 160 80 80
02870100 Mullur 738.0 342 1,648 828 820 227 119 108
02870200 Horalavadi 477.0 564 2,954 1,520 1,434 391 204 187
02870300 Bendagahalli 221.0 45 224 118 106 43 22 21
02870400 Badanavalu 921.0 548 2,759 1,404 1,355 310 159 151
02870500 Veeredevanapura 577.U 768 3,522 1,817 1,705 410 201 209
02870600 Kodinarasipura 103.0 29 115 69 46 11 8 3
02870700 Gonathagala 190.0 133 599 297 302 99 49 50
02870800 Uppinahalli no.O 466 2,371 \,237 \,134 314 \3\ 133
02870900 Kalale 1,015.0 1,509 7,278 3,636 3,642 888 461 427
02871000 Karlapura 453.0 304 1,486 755 731 247 121 126
02871100 Harathale 751.0 408 1,991 984 1,007 274 129 145
02871200 Kanipura 131.0 -----Un-inhabited-------------
02871300 Volagcre 743.0 368 1,888 945 943 241 119 122
02871400 Hosakote (Masage) 611.0 197 942 469 473 118 54 64
02871500 Yechagundlu 370.0 299 1,369 707 662 158 87 71
02871600 Muddahalli 621.0 380 1,844 964 880 193 99 94
02871700 Sindhuvalli 1,012.0 659 3,284 1,682 1,602 402 213 189
02871800 Kurahatti 512.0 310 1,419 749· 670 156 89 67
02871900 Sindhuvallipura 429.0 2\2 1,051 523 528 134 64 70
02872000 Navilur 618.0 381 1,826 932 894 168 95 73
02872100 Surahalli 823.0 651 3,077 1,506 1,571 434 215 219
02872200 Kasuvinahalli 1,008.0 506 2;1.03 1,105 1,098 222 114 108
02872300 Makanapura 337.0 146 780 394 386 134 68 66
02872400 Depegowdanapura 149.0 114 595 307 288 74 36 38
02872500 Krishnapura 367.0 157 719 353 366 98 54 44
02872600 Kugalnr 408.0 435 1,978 988 990 241 114 127
02872700 Lakshrnanapura 214.0 128 557 285 272 83 44 39
02872800 Yelachagere 578.0 200 1,007 506 501 131 67 64
02872900 Hunasanalu 746.0 408 2,198 1,137 1,061 340 181 159
02873000 Hedathale 1,073.0 1,201 5,791 2,902 2,889 753 366 387
02873100 Sathagahalli 115.0 ----Un-inhabited-------_
02873200 Basavattige 609.0 227 1,090 569 521 87 45 42
02873300 Devanur 1,042.0 763 3,499 1,826 1,673 ·359 186 173
02873400 Varahalli 282.0 171 771 380 391 92 48 44
02873500 Kakkarahatti 563.0 40 232 116 J16 21 9 12
02873600 Ranoom 419.0 62 306 159 147 48 24 24
02873700 Hadya 267.0 245 1,159 571 588 135 59 76
02873800 Karepura 537.0 278 1,433 722 711 165 82 83
02873900 Karya 1,020.0 514 2,420 1,209 1,211 255 128 127
02874000 Chunchanahalli 1,557.0 367 1,709 860 849 178 90 88
02874100 Chikkakowlande 533.0 265 1,175 592 583 110 58 52
02874200 Nerale 821.0 628 3,117 1,562 1,555 380 194 186
02874300 Hemmaragala 333.0 685 3,355 1,776 1,579 354 184 170
02874400 Kumbarahalli 481.0 157 755 391 364 83 42 41
02874500 Hosapura 167.0 4 12 7 5



Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilJage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
258 124 134 120 51 69 588 351 237 Chinnamballi
89 43 46 168 90 78 Kongahalli
627 327 300 1,493 850 643 Heggadahalli
151 78 73 192 113 79 Byalaru
1,342 673 669 171 399 372 1,369 811 558 Debur
145 72 73 111 42 69 400 257 143 Kallahalli
314 162 152 4 2 2 929 568 361 Kathavadipura
534 330 204 Handhvinahalli
\,415 747 728 7 4 3 1,704 1,028 676 Deveerammanahalli
1,291 645 646 1,440 768 672 Devarasanahalli
-----------Un-inbabited------------ Nanjangud(Rural)
404 196 208 1 1 1,151 113 438 Golur
294 155 139 380 194 186 432 248 184 Geekahalli
1,155 590 565 99 48 51 758 467 291 Mullur
844 432 412 522 283 239 1,211 721 490 Horalavadi
73 46 27 Bendagaballi
\,155 584 571 6 4 2 1,405 810 595 Badanavalu
797 414 383 9 6 3 1,513 950 563 Veeredevanapura
115 69 46 58 41 17 Kodinarasipura
140 68 72 78 35 43 166 97 69 Gonathagala
807 424 383 163 89 74 875 522 353 Uppinahalli
1,100 549 551 3,791 1,886 1,905 3,140 1,814 1,326 Kala1e
203 102 101 11 12 5 374 230 144 Kar1apura
546 268 278 663 312 351 665 386 279 Harathale
-----------Un-inhabited---- Kanipura
542 272 270 675 393 282 Volagere
332 165 167 203 97 106 351 208 143 Hosakote (Masage)
224 III 113 606 330 276 503 300 203 Yechagundlu
521 279 242 689 402 287 Muddahalli
523 277 246 848 437 411 1,025 622 403 Sindhuvalli
250 124 126 112 60 52 617 398 219 Kurahatti
330 174 156 6 3 3 403 241 162 Sindhuvallipura
346 186 160 700 426 274 NavBor
469 219 250 1,111 544 567 780 469 311 Surahalli
548 271 277 299 146 153 877 508 369 Kasuvinaballi
.348 177 171 325 187 138 Makanapura
222 115 107 191 123 68 Depegowdanapura
136 64 12 233 128 105 Krishnapura
214 110 104 489 247 242 762 457 305 Kugalur
291 180 111 Lakshmanapura
101 49 52 301 149 152 319 201 118 Yelachagere
168 83 85 41 23 18 624 384 240 Hunasanalu
884 443 441 3,055 1,518 1,537 1,734 1,046 688 Hedathale
------------Un-inhabited---- Sathagahalli
154 75 79 519 331 188 Basavattige
503 270 233 413 200 213 1,735 1,063 672 Devanur
196 79 117 49 24 25 315 200 115 Varahalli
22 II 11 129 74 55 Kakkarahatti
76 36 40 92 53 39 Banooru
168 168 595 340 255 Hadya
178 89 89 294 153 141 503 308 195 Karepura
395 383 940 463 477 959 559 400 Karya
258 616 353 263 Chuncbanahalli
495 237
61 63 523 331 192 Chikkakow1ande .
220 113 107 124
360 281 143 138 1,344 833 511 Nerale
723 363
27 14 13 943 623 320 Hemmaragala
210 112 98
85 388 205 183 300 176 124 Kumbarahalli
184 99
3 3 Hosapura


CD Block-

code lIIiteratcs Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVilJage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02868800 Chinnamballi 673 260 413 554 425 129 248 235 13
02868900 Kongahalli 254 117 137 165 125 40 132 124 . 8
02869000 Heggadahalli 2,779 1,291 1,488 2,151 1,374 777 1,621 i,199 422
02869100 Byalaru 451 220 231 348 223 125 334 218 116
02869200 Debur 1,845 823 1,022 1,530 1,016 514 1,464 993 471
02869300 Kallahalli 610 280 330 421 306 115 328 266 62
02869400 Kathavadipura 712 313 399 607 531 76 536 486 50
02869500 Handhvinahalli 606 280 326 484 399 85 422 366 56
02869600 Deveerammanahalli 1,893 805 1,088 1,494 1,119 375 1,157 998 159
02869700 Devarasanahalli 1,046 472 574 898 793 105 748 700 48
02869800 Nanjallgud(Rural) ------------Un-inhabited-------------
02869900 Golllr 1,700 740 960 1,136 872 264 846 729 117
02870000 Geekahalli 827 384 443 485 383 102 399 340 59
02870100 Mullur 890 361 529 686 495 191 341 296 45
02870200 Horalavadi 1,743 799 944 1,425 945 480 1,129 875 254
02870300 Bendagahalli 151 72 79 119 77 42 94 71 23
02870400 Badanavalu 1,354 594 760 1,051 873 178 741 675 66
02870500 Veeredevanapura 2,009 867 1,142 1,412 1,180 232 1,330 1,128 202
02870600 Kodinarasipura 57 28 29 36 33 3 32 30 2
02870700 Gonathagala 433 200 233 246 186 60 176 143 33
02870800 Uppinahalli 1,496 715 781 1,068 744 324 799 625 174
02870900 Kalale 4,138 1,822 2,316 2,842 2,146 696 1,763 1,542 221
02871000 Karlapura 1,112 525 587 793 501 292 630 491 139
02871100 Harathale 1,326 598 728 839 571 268 818 562 256
02871200 Kanipura -------------Un-inhabited------------
02871300 Volagere 1,213 552 661 771 622 149 570 521 49
02871400 Hosakote (Masage) 591 261 330 356 296 60 252 237 15
02871500 Yechagllndlu 866 407 459 547 445 102 327 306 21
02871600 Muddahalli 1,155 562 593 647 558 89 540 505 35
02871700 Sindhuvalli 2,259 1,060 1,199 1,271 1,046 225 1,162 992 170
02871800 Kurahatti 802 351 451 568 457 III 456 418 38
02871900 Sindhuvallipura 648 282 366 419 336 83 252 219 33
02872000 Navilur 1,126 506 620 821 603 218 608 530 78
02872100 Surahalli 2,297 1,037 1,260 1,189 990 199 873 787 86
02872200 Kasuvinahalli 1,326 597 729 1,087 740 347 728 574 154
02872300 Makanapura 455 207 248 201 187 14 181 170 II
02872400 Depegowdanapura 404 184 220 376 205 171 123 113 10
02872500 Krishnapura 486 225 261 250 232 18 249 231 18
02872600 Kugalur 1,2]6 531 685 840 678 162 775 673 102
02872700 Lakshmanapura 266 105 161 213 188 25 190 187 3
02872800 Yelachagere 688 305 383 368 303 65 356 295 61
02872900 Hunasanalu. 1,574 753 821 860 650 210 363 320 43
0287]000 Hedathale 4,057 1,856 2,201 2,846 1,879 967 2,306 1,697 609
02873100 Sathagahalli -------------Un-inhabited---------
02873200 Basavattige 571 238 333 490 403 87 402 361 41
02873300 Dcvanur 1,764 763 1,001 1,335 1,141 194 1,2B 1,040 173
02873400 Varahalli 456 180 276 370 225 145 250 209 41
02873500 Kakkarahatti 103 42 61 100 77 23 n 69 3
02873600 Banoom 2]4 106 108 204 112
02873700 Hadya
92 190 110 80
564 231 333 622 387 235 465 354 lIi
02873800 Karepura 930 414 516 622 489 133 529 473 56
02873900 Karya 1,461 650 811 1,049 760 289 898 741 157
02874000 Chunchanahalli 1,093 507 586 890 635 255 781 586 195
02874100 Chikkakowlande 652 261 391 516 376 140 375 326 49
02874200' Nerale 1,773 729 1,044 1,368 953 415 659 563 96
02874300 Hemmaragala 2,412 1,153 1,259 1,885 1,166 719 1,212 1,057 155
02874400 Kumbarahalli 455 215 240 269 231 38 220 199 21
02874500 Hosapura 9 4 5 11 7 4 11 7 4


Industrial category of main workers
Honsehold industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
181 175 6 25 24 1 42 36 6 Chinnamballi
47 47 72 69 3 1 12 8 4 KongahaJli
628 605 23 798 434 364 17 II 6 178 149 29 Heggadahalli
57 56 257 144 113 20 18 2 Byalaru
519 414 lOS 711 395 316 23 13 10 211 171 40 Debur
72 64 8 43 29 14 7 3 4 206 170 36 Kallahalli
102 95 7 78 72 6 4 4 352 315 37 Kathavadipura
290 268 22 65 46, 19 67 52 15 Handhvinahalli
541 490 51 258 192 66 4 4 354 312 42 Deveerammanahalli
543 525 18 89 79 10 6 4 2 110 92 18 Devarasanahalli
-------------Un-inhabitcd------------ Nanjangud(Rural)
96 91 5 552 457 95 4 4 194 177 17 Golur
144 138 6 177 137 40 2 2 76 63 13 Geekahalli
175 165 10 48 26 22 23 23 95 82 13 Mullur
507 448 59 524 353 171 3 3 95 71 24 Horalavadi
84 64 20 7 4 3 3 3 Bendagahalli
399 373 26 153 135 18 13 I 176 155 21 Badanavalu
423 402 21 432 334 98 45 39 430 386 44 Veeredevanapura
1 1 10 9 1 21 20 I Kodinarasipura
107 88 19 30 21 9 39 34 5 Gonathagala
257 236 21 409 270 139 14 I3 119 106 13 Uppinahalli
487 460 27 556 457 99 7 4 3 713 621 92 Kalale
86 86 318 232 86 226 173 53 Karlapura
445 333 112 269 ' 150 119 2 102 78 24 Harathale
-----------Un-inhabited---------- Kanipura
468 440 28 47 35 12 55 46 9 Volagere
199 191 8 4 4 18 14 4 31 28 3 Hosakote (Masage)
298 279 19 4 3 1 I I 24 23 Yechagundlu
380 371 9 72 53 19 7 7 81 74 7 Muddahalli
952 835 117 73 44 29 4 3 133 lID 23 Sindhuvalli
291 279 12 80 63 17 4 3 81 73 8 Kurahatti
183 163 20 20 15 5 48 40 8 Sindhuvallipura
463 406 57 69 57 12 19 19 57 48 9 Navilur
674 628 46 74 58 16 4 4 121 97 24 Surahalli
428 393 35 206 101 105 8 8 86 72 14 Kasllvinahalli
171 162 9 10 8 2 Makanapllra
92 90 2 18 14 4 13 9 4 Depegowdanapura
178 164 14 1 1 2 2 68 65 3 Krishnapura
478 462 16 166 106 60 3 3 128 102 26 Kugalur
147 147 II 8 3 32 32 Lakshmanapura
161 157 4 21 12 9 5 4 169 122 47 Yelachagere
170 164 6 138 112 26 55 44 II Hunasanalu
505 436 69 1,194 839 355 66 49 17 541 373 168 Hedathale
------------Un-inhabitcd------------ Satbagahalli
220 212 8 41 37 .;: I 1 140 III 29 Basavattige
531 510 21 476 352 124 2 2 204 176 28 Devanur
46 45 I 98 71 27 1 105 92 13 Varahalli
54 2 2 2 14 13 Kakkarahalti
87 53 44 19 25 5 4 Banooru
251 224 27 134 73 61 80 57 23 Hadya
304 7 136 93 43 82 76 6 Karepura
258 8 476 362 114 ISS 121 34 Karya
59 213 144' 69 305 238 67 Chunchanahalli
262 203
30 35 32 3 107 91 16 Chikkakowlande
232 202
280 261 19 154 104 50 224 197 27 Nerale
30 349 231 118 74 67 7 Hcmmaragala
789 759
2 57 43 14 6 3 3 9 7 2 Kumbarahalli
148 146
4 Hosapura
11 7


CD Block-
Industrial categorv
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number "Name ofYillage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons J\lalcs Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02868800 Chinllamball i 306 190 116 2 291 185 106
02868900 KOllgahalli 33 I 32 32 32
02869000 Hcggadahalli 530 175 355 22 11 II 466 133 333
02869100 Byalaru 14 5 9 1 12 3 9
02869200 Debnr 66 23 43 7 6 59 22 37
02869300 Kallahalli 93 40 " 53 65 25 40
02869400 Kathavadipura 71 45 26 1 18 6 12
02869500 Halldhvinahalli 62 33 29 844 37 17 20
02869600 Devecrammanahalli 337 121 216 247 42 205
02869700 Devarasanahalli 150 93 57 16 10 6 120 79 41
02869800 Nanjangud(Rural) ---------Un-inhabited------------
02869900 Golur 290 143 147 541 250 107 143
02870000 G~ekahaUi 86 43 43 541 74 32 42
02870100 Mullur 345 199 146 12 7 5 329 189 140
02870200 Horalavadi 296 70 226 18 12 6 272 53 219
02870300 Bcndagahalli 25 6 19 25 6 19
02870400 Badanavalu 310 198 112 11 3 S" 64 44 20
02870500 Veeredevanapura 82 52 30 5 4 62 35 27
02870600 Kodillarasipura 4 3 1 4 3
02870700 Gonathagala 70 43 27 59 34 25
02870800 Uppinahalli 269 119 150 - 29 17 12 237 101 136
02870900 Kalale 1,079 604 475 38 30 8 779 370 409
02871000 Karlapura 163 10 153 153 9 144
02871100 Harathale 21 9 12 3 3 17 8 9
02871200 Kanipurd ----------Un -i nhab i!ed------------
02871300 Volagere 201 101 100 431 183 90 93
02871400 Hosakotc (Masage) 104 59 45 84 46 38
02871500 Ycchagundlu 220 139 81 2 \95 1I8 77
02871600 Muddahalli 107 53 54 6 5 82 29 53
02871700 Sin dhuvalli 109 54 55 I 100 48 52
02871800 Kurahatti 112 39 73 105 34 71
02871900 Sindhuvallipura 167 117 50 3 3 89 44 45
02872000 Navilur 213 73 140 63 6 57 147 64 83
02872100 Surahalli 316 203 113 24 19 5 258 155 103
02872200 Kasuvinahalli 359 166 193 5 4 I 349 159 190
02872300 Makanapura 20 17 3 20 17 3
02872400 Dcpcgowdanapura 253 92 161 5 4 224 79 145
02872500 Krishnapura I I I I
02872600 Kugalur 65 5 60 14 2 12
02872700 Lakshmanapura 23 I 22 23 I 22
02872800 Yelachagere 12 8 4 3 3" 4 2 2
02872900 Hunasanalu 497 330 167 8 7 472 308 164
02873000 Hedathale 540 182 358 65 4 61 416 153 263
02873 100 Sathagahalli --------Un-inhabited------------
02873200 Basavattige 88 42 46 I I 67 37 30
02873300 Devanur 122 101 21 8 8 85 64 21
02873400 Varahalli 120 16 104 3 2 28 4 24
02873500 Kakkarahatti 28 8 20 4 2 2 22 6 16
02873600 Banooru 14 2 12 I J3 2 II
02873700 Hadya 157 33 124 65 10 55 88 22 66
02873800 Karepura 93 16 77 6 1 5 62 7 55
02873900 Karya 151 19 132 5 4 110 12 98
02874000 Chunchanahalli 109 49 60 36 14 22 48 20 28
02874100 Chikkakowlande 141 50 91 IS 14 4 55 14 41
02874200 Nerale 709 390 319 31 26 5 614 301 313
02874300 Hemmaragala 673 109 564 32 14 18 624 82 542
02874400 Kumbarahalli 49 32 17 2 2 40 28 12
02874500 Hosapurn



of marginal workers
Honsehold industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number·
50 51 52 . 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
2 11 3 8 707 186 521 Chinnamballi 02868800
1 257 82 175 Kongahalli 02868900
3 2 39 30 9 2,121 767 1,354 Heggadahalli 02869000
1 295 110 185 Byalaru 02869100
1,684 618 1,066 DebuT 02869200
2 2 26 15 11 589 231 358 Kallahalli 02869300
52 39 13 1,034 350 684 Kathavadipura 02869400
17 12 5 656 211 445 Handhvinahalli 02869500
I 89 78 11 2,103 714 1,389 DeveeTammanahalIi 02869600
2 2 12 4 8 1,588 447 1,141 Devarasanahalli 02869700
-------Un-inhabited------- Nanjangud(Rural) 02869800
34 31 3 1,715 581 1,134 Golur 02869900
7 7 774 249 525 GeekahaIli 02870000
4 3 962 333 629 MulluT 02870100
6 5 1,529 575 954 Horalavadi 02870200
105 41 64 Bendagahalli 02870300
43 14 29 192 137 55 1,708' 531 1,177 Badanavalu 02870400
15 13 2 2,110 637 1,473 Veeredevanapura 02870500
79 36 43 KodinaTasipura 02870600
11 9 2 353 III 242 Gonathagala 02870700
2 2 1 1 1,303 493 810 UppinahaIli 02870800
10 3- 7 252 201 51 4,436 1,490 2,946 Kalale 02870900
10 1 9 693 254 439 Karlapura 02871000
1,152 413 739 Harathale 02871100
-----Un-inhabited-·---- Kanipura 02871200
14 & 6 1,117 323 794 Volagere 02871300
19 13 6 586 173 413 Hosakote (Masage) 02871400
2 2 21 20 1 822 262 560 Yechagundlu 02871500
19 19 1,197 406 791 MuddahaIli 02871600
3 2 5 4 2,013 636 1,377 SindhuvaIli 02871700
7 5 2 851 292 559 Kurahatti 02871800
75 70 5 632 187 445 Sindhuvallipura 02871900
I 2 2 1,005 329 676 NaviluT 02872000
4 4 30 25 5 1,888 516 I ,372 Surahalli 02872100
I 1 4 2 2 1,116 365 751 Kasuvinahalli 02872200
579 207 372 Makanapura 02872300
10 3 7 14 6 8 219 102 117 Depegowdanapura 02872400
469 121 348 Krishnapura 02872500
51 3 48 1,138 310 828 Kugalur 02872600
344 97 247 Lakshmanapura 02872700
5 3 2 639 203 436 Yelachagere 02872800
17 15 2 1,338 487 851 Hunasanalu 02872900
19 16 40 22 18 2,945 1,023 1,922 Hedathale 02873000
-------Un-inhabited-------- Sathagahalli 02873100
3 17 4 13 600 166 434 Basavattige 02873200
29 29 2,164 685 1,479 DevanuT 02873300
89 11 78 401 155 246 Varahalli 02873400
2 132 39 93 Kakkarahatti 02873500
102 47 55 Banooru 02873600
4 1 3 537 184 353 Hadya 02873700
25 8 17 811 233 578 Karepura 02873800
35 6 29 1,371 449 922 Karya 02873900
25 15 10 819 225 594 Chunchanahalli 02874000
22 45 659 216 443 Chikkakowlande 02874100
62 1 1,749 609 1,140 Nerale 02874200
17 13 4 1,470 610 860 Hemmaragala 02874300
1 4 486 160 326 Kumbarahalli 02874400
2 5
Hosapura 02874500


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of l!oEuiation2 age-grouE 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to
02874600 Koodlapura 631.0 607 3,086 1,552 1,534 470 238 232
02874700 Bagooru 280.0 63 334 187 147 38 23 15
02874800 TI,aradale 442.0 274 1,429 731 698 206 95 111
02874900 Mallahalli 253.0 430 2,215 1,156 1,059 274 141 133
02875000 Hampapura 150.0 78 391 206 185 35 21 14
02875100 Halepurn 606.0 430 2,006 1,015 991 222 95 127
02875200 Gattavadipura 542.0 3,59 1.671 860 811 173 86 87
02875300 Haraganapur 188.0 126 632 326 306 87 39 48
02875400 Gattavadi 575.0 390 1,769 875 894 188 89 99
0287:>500 Doddakowlande 624.0 674 3,701 1,902 1,199 528 282 246
02875600 Konanoor 621.0 472 2,165 1,050 1,115 229 ·92 lJ7
02875700 Konanapura 676.0 129 685 357 328 106 58 . 48
02875800 Paduvalamarahalli 706.0 408 1,803 918 885 170 101 69
02875900 Ramasettipura 342.0 12 35 19 16 2 I
02876000 Hanumanapura 364.0 271 1,293 662 631 153 76 77
02876100 Paduvala Agrahara 212.0 4 16 7 9
02876200 Dasanooru 639.0 523 2,181 1,090 1,091 i28 127 101
02876300 Doddahomma 664.0 347 1,453 739 714 173 90 83
02876400 Chikkahomma 792.0 514 2,441 1,208 1,233 281 148 133
02876500 Thoravalli 261.0 361 1,499 747 752 167 92 75



Scheduled Castes I!0l!uatlon Scheduled Tribes I!ol!ulation Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
434 219 215 249 127 122 911 557 354 Koodlapura
86 53 33 Bagooru
249 129 120 375 225 150 Tharadale
326 155 171 1,320 708 612 632 380 252 Mallahalli
127 87 40 Hampapura
317 144 173 468 237 231 68S 419 269 Halepura
133 73 60 303 154 149 637 398 239 Gattavadipura
49 24 25 264 160 104 Haraganapur
287 144 143 81 40 41 762 436 326 Gattavadi
·940 447 493 2,144 1,172 972 Doddakowlande
374 169 205 21 9 12 968 534 434 Konanoor
419 222 197 283 184 99 Konanapura
376 197 179 755 433 322 Paduvalamarahalli
20 13 7 Ramasettipura
546 267 279 491 285 206 Hanumanapura
7 4 3 8 4 4 Paduvala Agrahara
542 273 269 217 107 110 868 469 399 Dasanooru
206 106 100 532 321 211 Doddahomma
516 251 265 129 60 69 959 540 419 Chikkahomma
84 45 39 666 381 285 Thoravalli


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name orViliage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02874600 Koodlapura 2,175 995 1,180 1,606 946 660 876 762 114
02874700 Sagooru 248 134 114 173 93 80 106 68 38
02874800 Tharadale 1,054 506 548 608 438 170 604 436 168
02874900 Mallahalli 1,583 776 807 986 739 247 607 512 95
02875000 Hampapura 264 119 145 185 128 57 99 84 15
02875100 Halepura 1,318 596 722 1,299 691 608 914 589 325
02875200 Gattavadipura 1,034 462 572 804 603 201 758 572 186
02875300 Haraganapur 368 166 202 254 235 19 240 227 13
02875400 Galtavadi 1,007 439 568 683 590 93 578 542 36
02875500 Doddakowlande 1,557 730 827 1,548 1,044 504 1,524 1,037 487
02875600 Konanoor 1,197 ·516 681 1,173 738 435 1,087 726 361
02875700 Konanapura 402 173 229 274 233 41 274 233 41
02875800 Paduva1amarahalli 1,048 485 563 807 626 181 716 598 118
02875900 Ramasettipura. 15 6 9 II 11 11 11
02876000 Hanumanapura 802 377 425 569 440 129 559 431 128
02876100 Paduva1a Agrahara 8 3 5 6 6 6 6
02876200 Dasanooru 1,313 621 692 975 763 212 950 743 207
02876300 Doddahomma 921 418 503 648 461 187 555 436 119
02876400 Chikkahomma 1,482 668 814 1,350 811 539 1,303 803 500
02876500 Thoravalli 833 366 ·467 711 520 191 690 505 185


Industrial cat~ory of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
648 596 52 184 132 52 2 2 42 32 10 Koodlapura
97 62 35 5 2 3 4 4 Bagooru
161 112 49 400 286 114 8 8 35 30 5 Tharadale
355 317 38 164 116 48 2 1 86 78 8 Mallahalli
67 58 9 1 17 12 5 14 13 1 Hampapura
642 430 212 241 132 109 31 27 4 Halepura
443 368 75 258 156 102 57 48 9 Gattavadipura
168 164 4 49 42 7 23 21 2 Haraganapur
477 460 17 60 51 9 41 31 10 Gattavadi
246 194 52 441 261 180. 289 91 198 548 491 57 Doddakowlande
701 492 209 164 78 86 4 2 2 218 '154 64 Konanoor
92 79 13 4 3 178 151 27 Konanapura
489 435 54 87 60 27 2 2 138 103 35 Paduvalamarahalli
10 10 I Ramasettipura
161 151 10 307 212 95 91 68 23 Hanumanapnra .
5 5 Paduvala Agrahara
153 151 ::I 469 288 181 3 2 325 302 23 Dasanooru
142 .136 6 297 204 93 32 32 84 64 20 Doddahomma
443 327 116 647 369 218 213 107 106 Chikkahomma
161 139 22 454 311 143 74 55 19 Thoravalli


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
I 2 4] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02874600 Koodlapura 730 184 546 98 14 84 631 169 462
02874700 Bagooru 67 25 42 67 25 42
02874800 Tharadale 4 2 2 2
02874900 Mallahalli 379 227 152 334 188 146
02875000 Hampapura S6 44 42 85 44 41
02875100 Halepura 385 102 283 198 52 146 187 50 137
02875200 Gattavadipura 46 31 15 4 4 41 26 15
02875300 Haraganapur 14 8 6 1 13 7 6
02875400 Gattavadi 105 48 57 101 44 57
02875500 Doddakowlande 24 7 17 7 7 12 5 7
02875600 Konanoor 86 12 74 31 3 28 49 5 44
02875700 Konanapura
02875800 Paduvalamarahalli 91 28 63 12 5 7 61 13 48
02875900 Ramasetti pura
02876000 Hanumanapura 10 9 6 5
02876100 Paduvala Agrahara
02876200 Dasanooru 25 20 5 6 6 II 6 5
02876300 Doddahomma 93 25 68 3 3 85 20 65
02876400 Chikkahomma 47 8 39 3 3 38 5 33
02876500 Thoravalli 21 1" 6 3 2 \ - 15 11 4


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other .workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
1,480 606 874 Koodlapura 02874600
161 94 67 Bagooru 02874700
1 821 293 528 Tharadale 02874800
44 39 5 1,229 417 812 Mallahalli 02874900
206 78 128 Hampapura 02875000
707 324 383 Halepura 02875100
867 257 610 Gattavadipura 02875200
378 91 287 Haraganapur 02875300
4 4 1,086 285 801 Gattavadi' 02875400
5 2 3 2,153 858 1,295 Doddakowlande 02875500
5 3 2 992 312 680 Konanoor 02875600
411 124 287 Konanapura 02875700
18 10 8 996 292 704 Paduvalamarahalli 02875800
24 8 16 Ramasettipura 02875900
4 4- 724 222 502 Hanumanapura 02876000
10 I 9 Paduvala Agrahara 02876100
8 8 1,206 327 879 Dasanooru 02876200
3 2 2 1 805 278 527 Doddahomma 02876300
6 3 3 1,091 397 694 Chikkahomma 02876400
3 2 1 788 227 561 Thoravalli 02876500


CD Block-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur 51,574 245,839 125,353 120.486 29,102 14,900 14,202
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur 51,574 245,839 125,353 120,486 29,102 14,900 14,202
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur
Tirumakudal Narsipur
02876600· Aravattigekoppalu 103.0 322 1,423 697 726 174 91 83
02876700 B.Seehalli 765.0 868 4,255 2,170 2,085 476 247 229
02876800 Hunasagahalli 331.0 211 901 460 441 112 70 42·
02876900 Maragowdanahalli 269.0 234 1,128 552 576 129 59 70
02877000 Goravanahalli 303.0 283 1,237 632 605 138 68 70
02877100 Yachenahalli 540.0 690 3,002 1,507 1,495 282 152 130
02877200 Menasikyathanahalli 761.0 487 2,502 1,315 1,187 286 154 132
02877300 Doddamulagudu 436.0 S15 2,652 1,324 1,328 291 139 152
02877400 Hcgguru 842.0 785 3,634 1,861 1,773 414 223 191
02877500 Ankanahalli 318.0 378 1,800 918 882 216 126 90
02877600 Thuruganuru 468.0 713 3,361 1,703 1,658 333 183 150
02877700 Banagavadi 194.0 131 585 302 283 75 44 31
02877800 Hanumanalu 456.0 644 2,850 1,465 1,385 323 163 160
02877900 Bhugathagahalli 198.0 186 761 385 376 90 45 45
02878000 Madigahalli 431.0 522 2,364 1,196 1,168 266 138 128
02878 100 Kodagahalli 690.0 632 2,793 1,426 1,367 279 153 126
02878200 Bannur (Rural) 1.944.0 ------------Un-inhabited--------
02878300 Beedanahalli 232.0 366 1,633 813 820 195 100 95
02878400 Yadahalli 363.0 357 1,598 792 806 187 89 98
02878500 Nanjapura 254.0 244 1,109 576 533 140 75 65
02878600 Basavanahalli 312.0 491 2,083 1,084 999 197 97 100
02878700 Maliyuru 772.0 688 3,436 1,774 1,662 431 230 201
02878800 Chamanahalli 206.0 ----------Un-inhabited-------
02878900 Athahalli 189.0 621 2,739 1,396 1,343 270 145 125
02879000 Kunthanahalli 167.0 242 1,060 523 537 109 62 47
02879100 B.Bettahalli 457.0 494 2,207 1,111 1,096 244 1I4 130
02879200 Senapathihalli 329.0 188 868 436 432 115 54 61
02879300 Kanchanahalli 116.0 115 504 246 258 44 23 21
02879400 Ganiganakoppalu 114_0 166 743 376 367 63 34 29
02879500 Bcvinahalli 437.0 286 1,260 639 621 157 78 79
02879600 Bommanahalli 393.0 307 1,369 713 656 175 79 96
02879700 Chimili 605.0 253 1,187 620 567 148 86 62
02879800 Ramegowdanapura 366.0 158 777 390 387 62 2:7 35
02879900 Kempanapura 331.0 101 501 246 255 75 32 43
02880000 S.Doddapura 385.0 182 871 435 436 108 48 60
02880100 Doddalaxmipura 269.0 --------Un-inhabited---___ _
02880200 Kallipura 539.0 178 938 481 457 138 74 64
02880300 Kethupura 191.0 635 2,806 1,421 1,385 306 157 149
02880400 Jodi Bagore 22.0 ------Un-inhabited----__
02880500 Uddibagur 46.0 -----------Un-inhabi ted--------
02880600 Somanathapura 914.0 940 4,554 2,307 2,247 495 261 234
02880700 Chikkalaxmipuro 68.0 69 338 178 160 39 20 19
02880800 Ukkalagere 810.0 517 2,249 1,154 1,095 262 145 117
02880900 Budahalli 330.0 204 975 508 467 133 79 54
02881000 Chidravalli 413.0 519 2,484 ],259 1,225 294 145 149
02881100 Mudukanapura 222.0 148 710 379 331 87 47 40
02881200 Seegodipura 161.0 56 308 165 143 32 13 19
02881300 KOlathum 436.0 447 2,265 1,143 1,122 281 117 164
02881400 Halavara 241.0 137 702 352 350 105 52 53
02881500 Halavaramatha 77.0 ---------Un-inhabited--__


Tirumakudal Narsipur

Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViJlage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
66,278 33,676 32,602 31,849 16,033 15,816 111,841 64,791 47,050 Tirumakudal Narsipur
66,278 33,676 32,M2 31,849 16,033 15,816 111,841 64,791 47,050 Tirumakudal Narsipur
Tirumakudal Narsipur
Tirumakudal Narsipur
183 92 91 57 28 29 596 322 274 Aravattigekoppalu
180 92 88 7 6 1,591 940 651 B.Seehalli
75 32 43 329 202 127 Hunasagahalli
26 8 18 463 262 201 MaragowdanahaIli
93 50 43 8 4 4 542 323 219 Goravanahalli
460 238 222 1,316 755 561 Yachenahalli
268 133 135 12 8 4 953 593 360 Menasilcyathanahalli
476 235 241 1-77 86 91 1,152 646 506 Doddamulagudu
751 390 361 1I3 59 54 - 1,773 1,020 753 Heg8uru
125 63 62 218 97 121 825 485 340 Ankanahalli
360 175 185 4 3 I 1,796 1,012 784 Thuruganuru
36 21 15 25 12 13 245 142 103 Banagavadi
187 89 98 1,106 648 458 Hanumanalu
281 168 113 Bhugathagahalli
583 290 293 1,033 589 444 Madigahalli
308 142 166 6 3 _3 1,427 810 617 Kodagahalli
--------Un-inhabited--------- Bannor (Rural)
110 55 55 641 356 285 Beedanahalli
260 - 131 129 694 385 309 Yadahalli
172 81 91 5 3 2 398 242 156 Nanjapura
136 67 69 899 523 376 Basavanahalli
2,473 1,272 1,201 7 4 3 1,102 672 430 Maliyuru
----Un-inhabited------------ Chamanahalli
400 201 199 53 25 28 1,655 926 729 Athahalli
254 120 134 545 315 230 Kunthanah~lIi
332 165 167 1,101 637 464 B.Bettahalli
227 118 109 127 61 66 322 185 137 Senapathihalli
311 163 148 Kanchanahalli
61 36 25 72 39 33 373 224 149 Ganiganakoppalu
153 73 80 10 4 6 739 412 327 Bevinahalli
396 209 187 151 73 78 527 305 222 Bommanahalli
102 55 47 397 227 170 Chimili
253 127 126 339 193 146 Ramegowdanapura
335 165 170 144 84 60 Kempanapura
232 lIS 117 254 145 109 S.Doddapura
----Un-inhabited---------- Doddalaxmipura-
255 247 335 178 157 Kallipura
246 224 1,465 822 643 Kethupura
-------Un-inhabited---------- Jodi Bagore
------Un-inhabited------- . Uddibagur
312 1,132 566 566 2,135 1,199 936 Somanathapura
625 31.3
160 152 98 54 Chikkalaxmipura
338 178
853 502 351 UkkaJagere
814 407 407
105 658 345 313 264 141 123 Budahalli
220 1I5
409 388 179 209 1,035 602 433 Chidravalli
877 468
332 191 141 Mudukanapura
1I4 86 28 Seegodipura
187 94 93 858 517 341 Kolathuru
892 468 424
303 175 128 Halavara
133 62 71
-------Un-inhabited--------- HaJavanunatha


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVilJage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0007 Tirumakudal lIIarsipur 133,998 60,562 73,436 95,808 75,336 20,472 71,101 61,232 9,869
(fotal) .
0007 TirumakudaJ Narsipur 133,998 60,562 73,436 95,808 75,336 20,472 71,101 6],232 9,869
0007 Tirurnakudal Narsipur
Tirurnakudal Narsipur
02876600 Aravattigekoppalu 827 375 452 595 446 149 526 424 102
02876700 RSeehalli 2.664 1,230 1,434 1,442 1,301 141 1,287 1,224 63
02876800 Hunasagahalli 572 258 314 299 271 28 292 270 22
02876900· Maragowdanahalli 665 290 375 455 352 103 381 329 52
02877000 Goravanahalli 695 309 386 454 407 47 445 402 43
02877100 Yachenahalli 1,686 752 934 1,186 934 252 1,060 872 188
02877200 Menasikyathanahalli .1,549 722 827 1,188 800 388 944 752 192
02877300 Doddamulagudu 1,500 678 822 1,019 849 170 872 786 86
02877400 Hegguru· 1,861 841 1,020 1,551 1,140 411 1,005 936 69
02877500 Ankanahalli 975 433 542 725 569 156 497 446 51
02877600 Thuruganuru 1,565 691 874 1,2"38 1,099 139 1,209 1,079 130
02877700 Banagavadi 340 160 180 244 170 74 242 170 72
02877800 Hanumanalu 1,744 817 927 1,081 888 193 830 767 63
02877900 Bhugathagahalli 480 217 263 337 242 95 232 215 17
02878000 Madigahalli 1,331 607 724 1,065 780 285 952 723 229
02878100 Kodagahalli 1,366 616 750 1,213 902 311 914 790 124
02878200 Bannur (Rural) ----------Un-inhabited---------
02878300 Beedanahalli 992 457 535 660 549 111 628 537 91
02878400 Yadahalli 904 407 497 617 507 110 443 422 21
02878500 Nanjapura 711 334 377 392 344 48 316 295 21
02878600 Basavanahalli 1,184 561 623 839 671 168 575 539 36
02878700 Maliyuru 2,334 1,102 1,232 1,292 1,091 201 860 832 28
02878800 Chamanahalli ---------Un-inhabited--------
02878900 Athahalli 1,084 470 614 1,017 915 102 979 895 84
02879000 Kunthanahalli 515 208 307 415 312 103 351 291 60
02879100 B.Bettahaili 1,106 474 632 911 756 155 624 610 14
02879200 Senapathihalli 546 251 295 309 260 49 250 246 4
02879300 Kanchanahalli 193 83 110 179 171 8 179 171 8
02879400 Ganiganakoppalu 370 152 218 287 240 47 280 237 43
02879500 Bevinahalli 521 227 294 468 412 56 440 400 40
02879600 Bornmanahalli 842 408 434 .552 398 154 388 2S3 105
02879700 Chimili 790 393 397 589 412 177 408 371 37
02879800 Ramegowdanapura 438 197 241 311 286 25 302 277 25
02879900 Kempanapura 357 162 195 173 157 16 170 156 14
02880000 S.Doddapura 617 290 327 364 302 62 317 291 26
02880100 Doddalaxmipura ----Un-inhabited-------
02880200 Kallipura 603 303 300 366 299 67 301 290 11
02880300 Kethupura 1,341 59'1 742 1,089 897 192 1,066 885 181
02880400 Jodi Bagare --------Un-inhabited-----------
02880500 Uddibagu~ --------Un-inhabited-----------
02880600 Sornanathapura ·2,419 1,108 1.311 1,608 1,377 231 1,203 1,107· 96
02880700 Chikkalaxmipura 186 80 106 166 104 62 95 91 4
02880800 Ukkalagcre 1,396 652 744 987 724 263 531 462 69
02880900 Budahalli 711 367 344 431 307 124 159 129 30
02881000 Chidravalli 1,449 657 792 973 715 258 860 675 185
02881100 Mudukanapura 378 188 190 307 274 33 304 272 32
02881200 Seegodipura 194 79 115 102 98 4 91 89 2
02881300 Ko1athum 1,407 626 781 905 686 219 298 287 11
02881400 Halavara 399 177 222 334 213 121 333 212 121
02881500 Halavarnmatha ---------Un-inhabited---_ _ _


Tirumakudal Narsipur

Industrial category of main workers

Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers lVorkers Other lVorkers
Persons l\!lales Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillage
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
33,217 31,523 1,694 20,900 15,424 5,476 871 376 495 16,113 13,909 2,204 Tirumakudal Narsipur
33,217 31,523 1,694 20,900 15,424 5,476 871 376 495 16,113 13,909 2,204 Tirumakudal Narsipur
-Tirumakudal Narsipur
(Urban) .
Tirumakudal Narsipur
247 234 13 211 136 75 67 53 14 Aravattigekoppalu
1,125 1,097 28 66 43 23 95 83 12 B.Seehalli
263 250 B 8 3 5 20 16 4 HunasagahalJi
214 213 I 124 81 43 43 35 8 Mamgowdanahalli
278 276 2 125 93 32 8 7 I 34 26 8 Goravanahalli
.513 422 91 422 345 77 8 6 2 117 99 18 Yachenahalli
776_ 644 132· 108 56 52 I 59 51 8 Menasikyathanahalli
587 577 10 175 114 61 21 19 2 89 76 13 Doddamulagudu
784 -162 22 101 73 28 2 2 118 '99 19 Hegguru
336 331 5 ·109 68 41 7 6 45 41 4 Ankanahalli
780 758 22 259 176 83 2 2 168 143 25 Tburuganuru
73 53 20 131 87 44 38 30 8 Banagavadi
645 612 33 116 93 23 68 61 7 Hanumanalu
186 184 2 10 8 2 35 22 13 BhugathagahaUi
382 356 26 447 261 186 7 4 3 116 102 14 MadigahaUi
434 406 28 228 173 55 9 6 3 243 205 38 Kodagahalli
------------u n-inhabited ----------- Bannur (Rural)
296 292 4 257 176 81 75 69 6 BeedanahaUi
328 318 10 39 35 4 16 16 60 53 7 YadahaUi
162 159 3 62 57 5 6 3 3 86 76 10 Nanjapura
473 448 25 31 28 3 70 63 7 Basavanahalli
325 323 2 162 150 12 14 13 359 346 13 Maliyuru
------------u n-inhabited------------ Chamaoahalli
532 517 IS 24? 198 51 6 5 192 175 17 AthahaUi
60 58 2 209 159 50 7 6 75 68 7 Knnthanahalli
533 528 S 20 16 4 71 . 66 5 B.Bettahalli
7 7 225 221 4 18 18 Senapathihalli
146 146 21 17 4 12 8 4 Kanchanahalli
56 56. 186 153 33 6 6 32 28 4 Ganiganakoppalu
267 257 10 111 96 15 6 5 56 46 10 Bevinahalli
231 17D 61 82 57 25 I 74 55 19 Bommanahalli
268 243 25 127 118 9 13 10 3 Chimili
249 248 1 25 3 22 28 26 2 Ramegowdanapura
98 97 1 65 54 11 7 5 2 Kempanapura
75 75 217 192 25 25 24 S.Doddapura
---------Un-inhabited------- Doddalaxmipura
1I2 112 139 131 8 2 2 48 45 3 Kallipura
462 448 .14 490 340 150 5 4 109 .93 16 Kethupum
---------Un-inhabited------------- Jodi Bagore
----------Un-inllabited---------- Uddibagur
872 827 45 106 79 27 12 7 5 213 194 19 Somanathapura
15 15 50 48 2 30 28 2 Chikkalaxmipura
434 380 54 52 47 5 45 35 10 Ukkalagere
103 85 18 I3 12 1 42 32 10 Budahalli
371 334 37 301 193 108 34 20 14 154 128 26 Chidravalli
201 199 2 84 58 26 19 15 4 Mudukanapura
58 58 12 10 2 21 21 Seegodipura
244 241 3 11 8 3 7 7 36 31 5. Kolathuru
92 77 15 232 129 103 5 2 3 4 4 Halavara
-------Un-inhabited-------- Halavaramatha


CD Block-
Illdustrial cntcgol''''
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persolls Males Females Persous Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur 24,707 14,104 10,603 1,312 813 499 21,410 11,939 9,471
Illlln Tirumakudal Narsipur 24,707 14,104 10,61l3 1,312 813 499 21,410 11,939 9,471
0007 Tirumakudal Narsipur
Tirumakudal Narsipur
02876600 Aravattigekopp31u 69 22 47 61 )6 45
02876700 B.SeehaHi 155 77 7& 7 5 2 99 48, 51
02876800 Hunasagahalli 7 I 6 5 5
02876900 Maragowdanahalli 74 23 51 74 23 51
02877000 Gorayanahalli 9 5 4 1 3 2 1
02877100 Yachenaballi 126 62 64 6 5 109 48 61
02877200 Menasikyathanahalli 244 48 196 22 6 16 219 40 179
02877300 Doddamulagudu 147 63 84 19 17 2 121 43 78
02877400 Hegguru 54·6 204 342 163 27 136 357 156 201
02877500 Ankanahalli . 228 123 105 5 4 223 119 104
02877600 Thuruganuru 29 20 9 5 4 19 II 8
02877700 Banagavadi 2 2
02877800 Hanurnanalu 25) 121 130 52 29 23 184 86 98
02877900 Bhugathagahalli 105 27 78 J 1 86 21 65
02878000 Madiguhalli 113 57 56 13 2 II 94 52 42
02878100 Kodagahalli 299 112 187 4 3 259 90 169
02878200 Bannur (Rural) --------Un-inhabited-----------
02878300 Beedanahalli 32 12 20 6 5 I 26 7 19
02878400 Yadaballi 174 85 89 4 4 149 76 73
02878500 Nanjapura 76 49 27 6 5 60 40 20
02878600 Basavanahalli 264 132 132 J 1 232 109 123
02878700 Maliytlru 432 259 173 8 4 4 424 255 169
02878800 Chamanahalli ----Un-inhabited-------------
02878900 Athahalli 38 20 18 312 23 10 13
02879000 Kunthanahalli 64 21 43 2 2 47 II 36
02879100 B.Bettahalli 287 146 141 2 2 280 143 137
02879200 SenapathihaHi 59 14 45 59 14 45
02879300 Kanchanahalli
02879400 Ganiganakoppalu 7 3 4 7 3 4
02879500 Bevinahalli 28 12 16 3 2 1 19 8 11
02879600 Bommanahalli 164 115 49 9 8 145 107 38
02879700 Chimili 181 4) 140 74 74 106 4) 65
02879800 Ramegowdanapura 9 9 I
02879900 Kempanapura 3 2 3 2
02880000 S.Ooddapura 47 II 36 44 9 35
02880100 Doddalaxmipura ----Un-inhabited--------
02880200 Kallipura 65 9 56 1 I 60 6 54
02880300 Kethupura 23 12 II 1 18 8 10
02880400 Jodi Bagore -----Un-inhabited-----------
02880500 Uddibagur --------Un-inhabitcd-----------
028·80600 Somanathapura 405 270 135 532 335 206 129
02880700 Chikkalaxmipura 71 13 58 69 J3 56
02880800 Ukkalagere 456 262 194 74 57 17 356 189 167
02880900 Budahalli 272 178 94 I 260 172 88
02881000 Chidravalli ) 13 40 73 )1 10 92 24 68
02881100 Mudukanapura :> 2 1 2 1 1
02881200 Seegodipura I) 9 2 8 6 2
02881300 Kolathum 607 399 208 5 3 2 588 383 205
02881400 Halavara
02881500 Halavaramatha


Tirumakudal Narsipur
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
224 79 145 1,761 1,273 488 150,031 50,017 100,014 Tirumakudal Narsipur 0007
224 79 145 1,761 1,273 488 150,031 50,017 100,014 Tirumakudal Narsipur 0007
Tirumakudal Narsipur 0007
Tirumakudal Narsipur
7 6 828 251 577 Aravattigekoppalu 02876600
2 47 23 24 2,813 869 1,944 B.Seehalli 02876700
2 602 189 413 Hunasagahalli 02876800
673 200 473 Maragowdanahalli 02876900
4 2 2 783 225 558 Goravanahalli 02877000
11 9 2 1,816 573 1,243 Yachenahalli 02877100
3 2 1,314 515 799 Menasikyathanahalli 02877200
5 3 2 2 2 1,633 475 1,158 Doddamulagudu 02877300
25 21 4 ,2,083 721 1,362 Hegguru 02877400
1,075 349 726 Ankanahalli 02877500
5 5 2,123 604 1,519 Thuruganuru 02877600
2 2 341 132 209 Banagavadi 02877700
14 6 8 1,769 577 1,192 Hanumana1u 02877800
2 16 5 11 424 143 281 Bhugathagahalli 02877900
1 5 3 2 1,299 416 883 Madigahalli 02878000
5 4 31 20 11 1,580 524 1,056 'Kodagahalli 02878100
------Un-inhabited------------ Bannur (Rural) 02878200
973 264 709 Beedanahalli 02878300
7 7 '14 9 5 981 285 696 Yadahalli 02878400
10 8 2 717 232 485 Nanjapura 02878500
31 23 8 1,244 413 831 Basavanahalli 02878600
2,144 683 1,461 Maliyuru 02878700
-----Un-inhabited--------- Chamanahalli 02878800
12 9 3 1,722 481 1,241 Athahalli 02878900
3 3 12 8 4 645 211 434 Kunthanahalli 02879000
5 3 2 1,296 355 941 B.Bettahalli 02879100
559 176 383 Senapathihalli 02879200
325 75 250 Kanchanahalli 02879300
456 136 320 Ganiganakoppalu 02879400
5 2 3 792 227 565 Bevinahalli 02879500
10 7 3 817 315 502 Bommanahalli 02879600
I 598 208 390 Chimili 02879700
8 8 466 104 362 Ramegowdanapurn 02879800
328 89 239 Kempanapura 02879900
2 507 133 374 S.Doddapura 02880000
----Un-inhabited-----~ Doddalaxmipura 02880100
4 3 I 572 182 390 Kallipura 02880200
4 3 1,717 524 1,193 Kethupura 02880300
-----Un-inhabited---------- Iodi Bagore 02880400
-'-----Un-inhabited-------- Uddibagur 02880500
62 59 3 2,946 930 2,016 Somanathapura 02880600
3 2
2 2 172 74 98 Chikkalaxmipura 02880700
16 10 1,262 430 832 Ukkalagere 02880800
6 3 544 .201 343 Budahalli 02880900
2 2 9
6 3 1,511 544 967 Chidravalli 02881000
403 105 298 Mudukanapura 02881100
206 67 139 Seegodipura , 02881200
3 3
1,360 457 903 Kolathuru 02881300
5 5 9 8
368 139 229 Halavara 02881400
Halavaramatha 02881500


CD Block-
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and honseless Popnlation in the
code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6
number Name ofVilIage hectares households Persons Males Females Persons l\>fales Females
2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
02881600 Konagalli 212.0 176 844 445 399 86 42 44
02881700 Nngalagere 63.0 165 705 362 343 81 38 43
02881800 Kannayakanahalli 288.0 167 778 407 371 84 44 40
02881900 Thammadipura 304.0 128 543 265 278 57 27 30
02882000 Hasnvani 300.0 202 957 466 491 124 50 74
02882100 Namgyathanahalli 364.0 224 1,024 516 508 125 54 71
02882200 Homlahalli 573.0 272 1,350 682 668 145 67 78
02882300 Chikkabuhalli 197.0 255 1,161 579 582 154 70 84
02882400 S.K.P.Agrahara 101.0 110 509 257 252 56 26 30
02882500 Sosale 665.0 1,383 7,064 3,601 3,463 796 387 409
02882600 Binakanahalli 416.0 770 3,626 1,895 1,731 432 228 204
02882700 S.Megadahalli 379.0 423 2,034 1,047 987 249 121 128
02882800 Muthalavadi 519.0 610 2,926 1,471 1,455 323 164 159
02882900 Kayyambahalli 217.0 229 1,094 552 542 117 70 47
02883000 Kargahalli 313.0 343 1,739 891 848 181 93 88
02883100 Doddabagilu 916.0 800 3,929 2,043 1,886 515 276 239
02883200 Hunuganahalli 349.0 311 1,386 715 671 149 82 67
02883300 Pattehundi 307.0 188 947 491 456 132 66 66
02883400 Madegowdanahundi 106.0 208 957 494 463 98 43 55
02883500 Ranganathapur 1,089.0 312 1,769 993 776 221 111 110
02883600 Rangasamudra 634.0 588 2,793 1,456 1,337 299 170 . 129
02883700 Basavanapum 41.0 -----Un-inhabited---------
02883800 Hinuvalli 339.0 391 1,820 915 905 199 101 98
02883900 Kuppaya 616.0 528 2,533 1,283 1,250 387 220 167
02884000 Pillahalli 121.0 -------Un-inhabited---------
02884100 Thumbala 594.0 490 2,322 1,202 1,120 311 157 154
02884200 Honnuru 202.0 ---------Un-inhabited-------------
02884300 Muthathi 481.0 207 1,002 497 505 161 76 85
02884400 Agasthapura 142.0 73 330 175 155 63 35 28
02884500 Bommanayakanahalli 399.0 162 778 401 377 114 62 52
02884600 Channanjevadeyanapura 54.0 ----Un-inhabited-------
02884700 Hosakote 483.0 732 3,377 1,710 1,667 412 217 195
02884800 Induvalu 414.0 205 993 515 478 138 72 66
02884900 Ramanathapura Huudi 142.0 93 431 215 216 67 33 34
02885000 Yadadore 443.0 637 3,158 1,626 1,532 461 226 235
02885100 Gargeswari 233.0 888 4,993 2,542 2,451 674 n3 341
02885200 Thirumakudalu 110.0 87 440 237 203 57 33 24
02885300 Byrapura 292.0 2,546 12,095 6,170 5,925 1,376 726 650
02885400 Hunsuru 274.0 226 1,259 647 612 174 93 81
02885500 Kiragasuru 577.0 594 2,815 1,472 1,343 344 171 173
02885600 Kudluru 380.0 159 892 470 422 117 62 55
02885700 Danayakanapura 222.0 251 1,158 588 570 132 68 64
02885800 Bannahalli 256.0 117 556 286 270 65 32 33
02885900 AlgOOu 999.0 1,175 5,951 3,001 2,950 769 392 377
02886000 Yaraganahalli 439.0 492 2,385 1,237 1,148 . 183
326 143
02886100 Kethahalli 525.0 372 1,866 988 878 195 97 98
02886200 Karohani 1,059.0 458 2,119 1,086 1,033 259 134 125
02886300 Chowhalli 335.0 252 1,183 605 578 135 65 70
02886400 Nilasoge 875.0 579 2,817 1,434 1,383 350 169 181
02886500 Hosapura 216.0 123 644 314 330 91 42 49
02886600 Hiriyuru 373.0 380 1,906 985 921 212 111 101
02886700 Kotthegala 395.0 317 1,380 700 680 155 76 79
02886800 Kuruburu 429.0 355 1,776 887 889 197 82 115
02886900 Vatalu 899.0 624 2,993 1,493 1,500 370 187 183
02887000 Sujjaluru 466.0 263 1,196 625 571 95 52 43
02&87100 Hyakanuru 496.0 426 2,104 1,052 1,Q52 275 138 137
02887200 Adibettahalli 597.0 208 1,097 578 519 149 84 65
02887300 Madrahalli 407.0 272 1,374 709 665 152 76 76


Tirumakudal NaTsipuT

Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled TJ·ibes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
130 60 70 357 228 129 Konagalli
242 117 125 437 232 205 ]92 ]09 83 Naga]agere
359 180 179 325 208 117 Kannayakanahalli
476 232 244 201 104 97 Thammadipura
5]4 246 268 133 66 67 397· 231 166 Hasuvatti
568 280 288 495 281 214 Naragyathanahalli
578 295 283 699 398 30] Horalahalli
3]6 152 164 649 380 269 Chikkabuhalli
455 226 229 288 166 122 S.K.P.Agrahara
4,7]3 ·2,397 2.316 732 374 358 3,577 2,084 1,493 Sosale
1,083 577 506 1,064 514 550 1,746 1,060 686 Binakanahalli
485 250 235 1,068 542 526 780 476 304 S.Megadahalli
932 470 462 196 97 99 ],333 768 565 Muthalavadi
596 300 296 550 287 263 Kayyambahalli
698 354 344 128 63 65 8]5 500 315 Kargahalli
],]99 6]] 588 67 34 33 ],823 1,036 787 Doddabagilu
17] 92 79 436 244 192 Hunuganahalli
274 ]58 ] 16 Pattehundi
384 221 163 Madegowdanahundi
585 300 285 155 82 73 729 481 248 Ranganathapur
621 325 296 65 39 26 1,263 738 525 Rangasamudra
-----------Un-illhabited---------- Basavanapura
425 206 219 747 396 351 Hittuvalli
991 5]3 478 830 484 346 Kuppaya
-------------Un-inhabited------ Pillahalli
638 340 298 3 I ·2 862 512 350 Thumbala
------------Un-inhabited---------- Honnuru
620 304 3]6 328 ]99 ]29 Muthathi
9. 5 4 79 54 25 Agasthapura
114 62 52 251 ]49 102 Bomrnanayakanahalli
---------Un-inhabited----- Channanjevadeyanapura
56] 288 273 205 106 99 1,647 937 710 Hosakote
239 130 109 410 209 201 393 240 153 lnduvalu
423 212 211 ]36 70 66 Ramanathapura Hundi
2,218 ],162 1,056 554 273 281 1,290 779 5] 1 Yadadore
32· 21 11 16 7 9 3,732 1,984 1,748 Gargeswari
15 ]0 5 36 24 ]2 202 III 91 Thirumakudalu
3,387 1,700 1,687 ],667 83] 836 8,1l3 4,461 3,652 Byrapura
789 406 383 392 196 196 579 348 231 Hunsuru
516 273 243 231 120 ]11 1,1 ]4 688 426 Kiragasuru
]83 ]0] 82 395 247 ]48 Kudluru
366 188 178 105 5] 54 577 336 24] Danayakanapura
183 93 90 169 97 72 Bannahalli
629 320 309 3,220 1,6]9 ].601 2.610 1,539 1,071 Algodu
995 592 403 Yaraganahaili
637 324 313
560 286 274 402 213 189 652 397 255 Kethahalli
276 76 34 42 795 491 304 Karohatti
565 289
342 337 13 5 8 493 333 ] 60 Chowhalli
476 774 397 377 1,283 762 521 Nilasoge
965 489
]99 203 242 115 127 274 157 117 Hosapura
284 12 8 4 958 552 406 Hiriyuru
572 288
167 645 357 288 Kotthegala
322 155
878 522 356 Kuruburu
589 290 299
547 261 138 ]23 1,009 582 427 Vatalu
1,057 510
]22 49 28 21 509 310 ] 99 Sujjaluru
25] 129
434 749 441 3'08 Hyakanuru
905 471
]65 15 IO 5 488 279 209 Adibettahalli
344 ]1.9
384 730 445 285 Madrahalli
779 395


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name ofVilJage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons 1\lales Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02881600 Konagalli 487 217 270 293 279 14 291 277 14
02881700 Nagalagere 513 253 260 448 261 187 402 242 160
02881800 Kannayakanahalli 453 199 254 317 257 60 315 255 60
02881900 Thammadipura 342 161 181 311 177 134 193 140 53
02882000 Hasuvatti 560 235 325 448 285 163 426 273 153
02882100 NaragyathanahalJi 529 235 294 428 311 117 208 192 16
02882200 Horalahalli 651 284 367 4'11 455 36 489 454 35
02882300 Chikkabuhalli 512 199 313 409 362 47 404 358 46
02882400 S.K.P.Agrahara 221 91 130 167 134 33 167 134 33
02882500 Sosale 3,487 1,517 1,970 2,688 1,977 71 I 1,792 1,463 329
02882600 Binakanahalli 1,880 835 1,045 1,396 1,075 321 1,027 852 175
02882700 S.Megadahalli 1,254 571 683 716 582 134 334 318 16
02882800 Muthalavadi 1,593 703 890 1,058 819 239 701 636 65
02882900 Kayyambahalli 544 265 279 395 307 88 350 304 46
02883000 Kargahalli 924 391 533 735 560 175 599 519 80
02883100 Doddabagilu 2,106 1,007 1,099 1,484 1,169 315 1,202 1,014 188
02883200 Hunuganahalli 950 471 479 519 463 56 509 456 53
02883300 Pattehundi 673 333 340 454 319 135 415 309 106
02883400 Madegowdanah~ndi 573 273 300 381 343 38 338 328 10
02883500 Ranganathapur 1,040 512 528 724 526 198 407 332 75
02883600 Rangasamudra 1,530 718 812 1,139 930 209 950 879 71
02883700 Basavanapura -----------Un-inhabited------------
02883800 Hittuvalli 1,073 519 554 707 541 166 578 508 70
02883900 Kuppaya 1,703 799 904 1,084 745 339 921 709 212
02884000 Pillahalli ------------Un-inhabited--------------
02884100 Thumbala 1,460 690 770 974 718 256 447 409 38
02884200 Honnuru -----.--.Un-inhabited------
02884300 Muthathi 674 298 376 495 290 205 493 290 203
02884400 Agasthapum 251 121 130 152 109 43 96 93 3
02884500 Bommanayakanahalli 527 252 275 270 238 32 223 217 6
02884600 Channanjevadeyanapum -----------Un-inhabited----------
02884700 Hosakote 1,730 773 957 1,521 1,119 402 1,259 1,058 201
02884800 Induvalu 600 275 325 489 317 172 271 199 72
02884900 Ramanathapura Hundi 295 145 150 202 138 64 191 136 55
02885000 Yadadore 1,868 847 1,021 1,319 867 452 956 739 217
02885100 Gargeswari 1,261 558 703 1,801 1,288 513 1,733 1,245 488
02885200 Thirumakudalu 238 126 112 152 129 23 110 94 16
02885300 Byrapura 3,982 1,709 2,273 3,872 3,224 648 3,445 2,917 528
02885400 Hunsum 680 299 381 544 411 133 513 394 119
02885500 Kimgasuru 1,701 784 917 1,190 949 241 928 799 129
02885600 Kudluru 497 223 274 328 282 46 299 271 28
02885700 Danayakanapura 581 252 329 492 378 114 277 259 18
02885800 Bannahalli 387 189 198 215 180 35 214 179 35
02885900 Algodu 3,341 1,462 1,879 2,215 1,802 413 1,968 1,624 344
02886000 Yaraganahalli 1,390 645 745 843 782 61 701 679 22
02886100 Kethahalli 1,214 591 623 784 625 159 664 559 105
02886200 Karohatti 1,324 595 729 832 716 116 794 694 100
02886300 Chowhalli 690 272 418 452 363 89 285 268 17
02886400. Nilasogc 1,534 672 862 1,050 839 211 1,044 838 206
02886500 Hosapum 370 157 213 212 194 18 209 191 18
02886600 Hiriyuru 948 433 515 707 583 124 640 567 73
02886700 Kotthegala 735 343 392 515 458 57 483 444 39
02886800 Kuruburu 898 365 533 558 524 34 451 427 24
02886900 Vamlu 1,984 911 1,073 1,197 959 238 1,164 943 221
02887000 Sujjaluru 687 315 372 532 423 109 519 419 100
02887100 liyakanuru 1,355 611 744 7Y2 684 108 741 649 92
02887200 Adibettahalli 609 299 310 404 348 56 403 347 56
02887300 Madrahalli 644 264 380 553 441 112 250 239 II


Tirumakudal Narsipur
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers '
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
184 182 2 59 51 8 8 7 40 37 3 Konagalli
31 31 276 150 126 95 61 34 Nagalagere
150 147 3 lSI 95 56 13 12 1 Kannayakanahalli
7 6 131 97 34 55 37 18 Thammadipum.
106 104 2 290 143 147 30 26 4 Hasuvatti
150 138 12 3 I 2 55 53 2 Naragyathanahalli
238 232 6 151 131 20 100 91 9 Homlahalli
259 256 3 60 27 33 85 75 10 Chikkabuhalli
69 66 3 62 40 22 36 28 8 S.K.P.Agmhara
586 522 64 583 384 199 14 10 4 609 547 62 Sosale
276 271 5 436 327 109 2 I 1 313 253 60 Binakanahalli
214 207 7 23 20 3 97 91 6 S.Megadahalii
438 422 16 136 104 32 14 14 113 96 11 Muthalavadi
104 103 1 181 144 37 65 57 8 KayyambahaUi
238 230 8 297 236 61 9 6 3 55 47 8 Kargahalli
435 421 14 600 452 148 10 2 8 157 139 18 Doddabagilu
, 232 227 5 213 169 44 64 60 4 Hunuganahalli
283 259 24 107 38 69 4 4 21 12 9 Paltehundi
311 309 2 2 25 18 7 Madegowdanahundi
97 84 13 239 182 57 70 65 5 Ranganathapur
340 329 11 456 411 45 11 5 6 143 134 9 Rangasamudra
------------Un-inhabited----- Basavanapum
211 208 3 251 '194 57 1 1 115 105 10 Hittuvalli
366 297 69 465 327 138 2 88 84 4 Kuppaya
-----------Un-inhabited------- PiUahaUi
269 263 6 60 52 8 3 3 115 91 24 Thumbala
-----------Un-inhabited--------- Honnuru
75 57 18 391 214 177 27 19 8 Muthathi
83 81 2 12 12 Agasthapura
158 156 2 49 45 4 16 16 Bommanayakanahalli
-----------Un-inhabited------- Channanjevadeyanapum
485 474 11 631 456 175 3 I 2 140 127 13 Hos'akote
59 48 11 104 60 44 3 I 2 105 '90 15 Induvalu
57 53 4 126 77 49 8 6 2 Ramanathapum Hundi
268 208 60 393 282 III 10 1 9 285 248 37 Yadadore
156 152 4 19 18 1 404 46 358 1,154 1,029 125 Gargeswari
14 14 1 3 3 92 76 16 Thirumakudalu
268 239 29 277 184 93 7 4 3 2,893 2,490 403 Byrapum
85 78 7 201 99 102 227 217 10 Hunsuru
443 405 38 296 223 73 15 8 166 156 10 Kiragasuru
218 207 11 36 24 12 44 39 5 Kudluru
200 5 28 22 6 43 36 7 Danayakanapura
48 4 157 127 30 5 4 1 Bannahalli
424 19 378 250 128 23 16 7 1,124 934 190 Algodu
154 147 7 141 130 IJ Yaraganahalli
406 402 4
109 2 .404 311 93 3 3 146 136 10 Kethahalli
32 181 132 49 1 144 126 18 Karohatti
468 436
102 98 4 43 31 12 Chowhalli
140 139
302 4 526 352 174 8 8 204 176 28 NiJasoge
134 119 IS 14 12 2 Hosapura
60 59 1
447 8 132 77 55 52 42 10 Hiriyuru
134 108 26 42 36 6 Kotthegala
307 300 7
11 1 60 51 9 Kuruburu
379 364 15 11
627 441 186 7 7 170 152 18 Vatalu
360 343 17
181 86 20 20 Suijaluru
232 218 14 267
352 282 70 14 12 2 101 89 12 Hyakanuru
274 266 8
49 2 2 41 36 5 Adibettahalli
187 185 2 173 124
37, 2 39 33 6 Madrahalli
172 169 3 39


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02881600 Konagalli 2 2 2 2
02881700 Nagalngere 46 19 27 4 4
02881800 Kannayakanahalli 2 2
02881900 Thammadipura 118 37 81 112 34 78
02882000 Hasuvatti 22 12 10 22 12 10
02882100 Naragyathanahalli 220 119 101 218 117 101
02882200 Horalahalli 2 I
02882300 Chikkabuhalli 5 4 2 2
02882400 S.K.P.Agrahara
02882500 Sosale 896 514 382 12 4 8 801· 444 357
02882600 Binakanahalli 369 223 146 16 13 3 258 137 121
02882700 S.Megadahalli 382 264 118 3 2 360 245 115
02882800 Muthalavadi 357 183 174 334 163 171
02882900 Kayyumbahalli 45 3 42 39 39
02883000 Kargahalli 136 41 95 124 34 90
02883100 Doddabagilu 282 ISS 127 36 13 23 217 123 94
02883200 Hunuganahalli 10 7 3 8 6 2
02883300 Pattehundi 39 10 29 5 2 3 15 5 IO
02883400 Madegowdanahundi 43 15 28 38 13 25
02883500 Ranganathapur 317 194 123 296 181 115
02883600 Rangasamudra 189 51 138 154 32 122
02883700 Basavanapura ----------Un-inhabited------------
02883800 Hittuvalli 129 33 96 853 112 24 88
02883900 Kuppaya 163 36 127 16 16 145 34 III
02884000 Pillahalli ----------Un-inhabited-------------
02884100 Thumb"la 527 309 218 523 498 291 207
02884200 Honnuru ------------Un-inhabited-------------
028843UO Muthathi 2 2 2 2
02884400 Agasthapura 56 16 40 55 15 40
02884500 Bommanayakanahalli 47 21 26 47 21 26
02884600 Channanjevadcyanapura ---------Un-inhabited------------
02884700 HosakQtc 262 61 201 243 49 194
02884800 Induvalu 218 IJ8 100 191 91 100
02884900 Ramanathapura Hundi II 2 9 II 2 9
02885000 Yad"dore 363 128 235 9 2 7 304 98 206
02885100 Gargeswun 68 43 25 4 2 2 1
02885200 Thirumakudalu 42 35 7 4 2 2 9 7 2
02885300 Byrapura 427 307 120 16 II 5 140 74 66
02885400 Hunsuru 31 17 14 1 14 2 12
02885500 Kiragasuru 262 150 112 9 8 232 137 95
02885600 Kudluru 29 II 18 28 10 18
02885700 Danayakanapura 215 119 96 213 118 95
02885800 Bannahalli I I
02885900 Algodu 247 178 69 90 88 2 131 71 60
02886000 Yaraganahalli 14i 103 39 9 7 2 115 81 34
02886100 Kethahalli 120 66 54 8 8 112 66 46
02886200 Karohatti 38 22 16 4 4 27 12 -15
02886300 Chowhalli 167 95 72 167 95 72
02886400 Nilasogc 6 1 5 5 1 4
02886500 Hosapura 3 3 3 3
02886600 Hiriyuru 67 16 51 5 4 55 10 45
02886700 Kotthegala 32 14 18 28 10 18
02886800 Kuruburu 107 97 10 2 2 91 81 10
02886900 Vatalu 33 16 17 2 1 17 6 11
02887000 Sujjaluru 13 4 9 13 4 9
02887100 Hyakanuru 51 35 16 43 30 13
02887200 Adibcttahalli 1 1
02887300 Madrahalli 303 202 101 2 2 261 163 98


Tirumakudal Narsipur

of marginal workers
Household iodustry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 ,55 56 57 58 2 1
551 166 385 Konagalli 02881600
42 19 23 257 101 156 Nagalagere 02881700
2 2 461 150 31 I Kannayakanahalli 02881800
6 3 3 232 88 144 Thammadipura 02881900
509 181 328 Hasuvani 02882000
596 205 391 Naragyathanahalli 02882100
859, 227 632 Horalahalli 02882200
752 217 535 Chikkabuhalli 02882300
342 123 219 SKP.Agrahara 02882400
9 9 74 66 8 4,376 1,624 2,752 Sosale 02882500
2 93 72 21 2,230 820 1,410 Binakanahalli 02882600
19 18 1 1,318 465 '853 S.Megadahalli 02882700
8 8 14 11 3 1,868 652 1,216 Mutha1avadi 02882800
2 2 3 3 699 245 454 Kayyambahalli 02882900
1 II 6 5 1,004 331 673 Kargahalli 02883000
10 9 19 18 2,445 874 1,571 Doddabagilu 02883100
2 1 867 252 615 HunugaIlahalli 02883200
13 13 6 3 3 493 172 321 Pattehundi 02883300
4 2 2 576 151 425 Madegowdanahundi 02883400
21 13 8 1,045 467 578 Ranganathapur 02883500
14 13 21 18 3 1,654 526 1,128 Rangasamudrn 02883600
-------------Un-inhabited-------- Basavanapura 02883700
2 2 7 4 3 1,113 374 739 Hittuvalli 02883800
1,449 538 911 Kuppaya 02883900
-------Un-inhabited--------- Pillahalli 02884000
23 15 8 1,348 484 864 Thumbala 02884100
-----------Un-inhabited--------- Honnuru 02884200
507 207 300 Muthathi 02884300
178 66 112 Agasthapura 02884400
508 163 345 Bommanayakanahalli 02884500
----------Un-inhabited------ Channanjevadeyanapura 02884600
19 12 7, 1,856 591 1,265 Hosakote 02884700
26 26 504 198 306 Induvalu 02884800
229 77 152 Ramanathapura Hundi 02884900
49 27 22 1,839 759 1,080 Yadadore 02885000
12 50 39 11 3,192, 1,254 1,938 Gargeswari 02885100
29 26 3 288 108 180 Thirurnakuda1u 02885200
4 266 221 45 8,223 2,946 5,277 Byrapura 02885300
16 15 I 715 236 479 Hunsurn 02885400
15 3 2 1,625 523 1,102 Kiragasuru 02885500
18 3
1 S64 188 376 Kudluru 02885600
666 210 456 Danayakanapura 02885700
341 106 235 Bannahalli 02885800
26 19 7 3,736 1,199 2,537 Algodu 02885900
16 13 3 1,542 455 1,0'87 YaraganahaUi 02886000
2 2
1,082 363 719 Kethahalli 02886100
7 6 1,287 370 917 Karohatti 02886200
731 242 489 Chowhalli 02886300
1,767 595 1,172 NiJasoge 02886400
432 120 312 Hosapum 02886500
6 5 1,199 402 797 Hiriyuru 02886600
4 4 865 242 623 Kotthegala 02886700
14 1,218 363 855 Kuruburu 02886800
5 1,796 534 1,262 Vataln 02886900
14 9
664 102 ~62 Suiia\uI\l 02887000
2 1,312 368 944 Hyakanuru 02887100
7 5
693 230 463 Adibenahalli 02887200
1 I
821 268 553 Madrahalli 02887300
40 39


CD B1ock-

Total population (including

Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the
code Village in Number of EOEulation) age-grouE 0-6
nunlber Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Fema]es Persons Males Females

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
02887400 Kannahalli 932.0 500 2,393 1,229 1,164 300 146 154
02887500 Mngnru 2,227.0 1,512 7,727 3,949 3,778 88\ 443 438
02887600 Hosahalli 38).0 255 1,259 622 637 169 84 85
02887700 Madapura 367.0 440 2,062 \,097 965 210 103 107
02887800 Maradipura 173.0 299 1,426 729 697 187 92 95
02887900 Chandahalli 191.0 162 749 394 355 69 36 33
02888000 Akkur 631.0 294 \,498 756 742 187 93 94
02888100 Maranapura 220.0 94 447 224 223 40 16 24
02888200 T.Bettahalli 950.0 541 2,585 1,302 ).283 288 154 134
T.Megadahalli 501.0 411 1,889 971 918. 280 160 . 120
02888400 Koppalu (Kalihundi) 246.0 338 1,522 765 757 161 72 89
02888500 Madavadi 555.0 192 893 449 444 90 57 33
02888600 Holesalu (Kaveripl1ra) 1,400.0 1,042 4,946 2,515 2,431 657 330 327
02888700 Vijayapura 332.0 108 530 256 274 61 30 31
02888800 Settaha/li 213.0 -------------Un-inhabited------------
02888900 Vadayandaha/li 515.0 276 1,203 605 598 152 78 74
02889000 Hemmige 935.0 815 3,884 1,945 1,939 457 221 236
02889100 T.Doddapl1ra 952.0 499 2,261 1,156 1,105 260 133 127
02889200 Thottavadi 665.0 266 1,288 643 645 156 69 87
02889300 Muvinahalli 586.0 416 2,279 1,170 1,109 297 150 147
02889400 Talakodl1 1,484.0 2,025 8,842 4,399 4.443 917 471 446
02889500 Kukkuru 130.0 585 2,739 1,401 \,338 358 188 170
02889600 Malangi 696.0 585 2,593 1,289 1,304 336 184 152
02889700 Kaliyuru 752.0 663 3,424 1,784 1,640 407 218 189


Tirumakudal Narsipur

Scheduled Castes (!o(!uation Scheduled Tribes (!o(!uJation Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
692 366 326 1,135 670 465 Kannahalli
2,587 1,332 1,255 1,534 756 778 3,254 '1,892 1,362 Muguru
444 216 228 418 243 175 Hosahalli
631 331 300 995 622 373 Madapura
375 190 185 458 236 222 622 365 257 Maradipura
404' 212 192 297 184 113 Chandahalli
294 154 140 979 493 486 512 309 203 Akkur
252 125 127 164 95 69 Maranapura
1,526 764 762 1,307 749 558 T.Bettahalli
49 21 28 756 394 362 640 368 272 T.MegadahaIli
264 132 132 275 131 144 598 369 229 Koppalu (Kalihundi)
319 159 160 57 29 28 512 276 236 Madavadi
1,509 760 . 749 1,217 632 585 1,940 1,147 793 Holesalu (Kaveripura)
473 227 246 309 173 136 Vijayapura
-------Un-inhabited-------- Settahalli
613 306 307 598 349 249 Vadayandahalli
540 270 270 1,750 868 882 1,641 97 9 662 Hemmige
620 296 324 1,070 644 426 T.Doddapura
355 181 174 492 284 208 Thottavadi
576 307 269 875 542 333 Mavinahalli
1,656 839 817 3,723 1,837 1,886 5,161 2,923 2,238 Talakadu
948 468 480 1,508 785 723 1,199 706 493 Kukkuru
458 228 230 879 441 438 1,226 7.08 518 Ma1angi
1,109 589 520 1,586 811 775 1,336 763 573 Kaliyuru


CD Block-

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number N,mlc of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
r 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02887400 Kannahalli 1,258 559 699 923 745 178 463 436 27
02887500 Muguru 4,473 2,057 2,416 2,865 2,315 550 2,462 2,068 394
02887600 Hosahalli 841 379 462 427 380 47 427 380 47
02887700 Madapura 1,067 475 592 698 656 42 663 631 32
02887800 Maradipura 804 364 440 501 451 50 294 283 11
02887900 Chandahalli 452 210 242 245 239 6 196 194 2
02888000 Akkur 986 447 539 624 452 172 250 230 20
02888100 Maranapura 283 129 154 146 142 4
02888200 T.Bettahalli 1,278 553 725 1,013 728 285 498 441 57
02888300 T.Megadahalli 1,249 603 646 887 586 301 349 304 45
02888400 Koppalu (Kalihundi) 924 396 528 643 449 194 262 237 25
02888500 Madavadi 381 173 208 393 284 '109 54 48 6
02888600 Holesalu (Kaveripura) 3,006 1,368 1,638 1,905 1,480 425 561 526 35
02888700 Vijayapum 221 83 138 251 143 108 39 24 15
02888800 Settahalli ------------Un-inhabited-------
02888900 Vadayandahalli 605 256 349 410 .. 374 36 358 341 17
02889000 Hemmige 2,243 966 1,277 1,720 1,176 544 1,407 1,111 296
02889100 T.Doddapura 1,191 512 679 798 684 114 587 535 52
02889200 Thottavadi 796 359 437 452 422 30 358 348 10
02889300 MavinahaIIi 1,404 628 776 918 709 209 263 245 18
02889400 Talakadu 3,681 1,476 2,205 3.112 2,385 727 1,427 1,257 170
02889500 Kukkuru 1,540 695 845 1,334 854 480 261 241 20
02889600 Malangi 1,367 581 786 923 714 209 298 290 8
02889700 Kali~ru 2,088 1,021 1,067 1.431 1,086 345 396 386 10


Tirumakudal Narsipur

Industrial catcgor~ of main workers

. Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
368 353 15 49 46 3 1 45 36 9 Kannahalli
935 900 35 827 610 217 3 3 697 555 142 Muguru
116 114 2 294 255 39 17 11 6 Hosahalli
436 421 15 152 146 6 7 3 4 68 61 7 Madapura
163 161 2 38 36 2 93 86 7 Maradipura
67 67 100 100 29 27 2 Chandahalli
182 176 6 37 30 7 31 24 7 Akkur
308 291 17 94 65 29 96 85 II T.Bettahalii
117 116 146 107 39 2 2 84 79 5 T.MegadahaIIi
248 226 22 2 2 12 9 3 Koppalu (Kalihundi)
23 23 31 25 6 Madavadi'
404 394 10 38 32 6 119 100 19 Holesalu (Kaveripura)
16 11 5 9 5 4 14 8 6 Vijayapura
-------------Un-inhabited-------- Settahalli
168. 165 3 143 135 8 3 3 44 38 6 Vadayandahalli
706 629 77 481 329 152 12 11 208 142 66 Hemmige
245 235 10 252 220 32 8 6 2 82 74 8 T.Doddapura
183 183 143 135 8 2 2 30 28 2 Thottavadi
127 127 65 54 11 5 2 3 66 62 4 Mavinahalli
589 540 49 117 106 II 30 20 10 691 591 100 Talakadu
170 169 1 90 72 18 Kukkuru
208 207 13 13 2 2 75 68 7 Ma1angi
225 225 115 113 2 56 48 8 Ka1iyuru


CD Block-
Industrial category
code Marg!nal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
02887400 Kannahalli 460 309 151 23 15 8 435 294 141
02887500 Muguru 403 247 156 8 7 366 217 149
02887600 Hosahalli
02887700 Madapura 35 25 10 11 7 4 12 7 5
02887800 Maradipura 207 168 39 66 62 4 121 89 32
02887900 Chamlahalli 49 45 4 5 5 44 40 4
02888000 Akknr 374 222 152 36 29 7 310 178 132
02881lJUO Maranapura 146 142 4 146 142 4
02888200 T.Bcttahalli 515 287 228 9 5 4 470 252 218
02888300 T.Megadahalii 538 282 256 523 274 249
02888400 Koppalu (Kalihundi) 381 212 169 7 6 344 195 149
02888500 Madavadi 339 236 103 68 64 4 263 165 98
02888600 Holesalu (Kaveripura) 1,344 954 390 48 46 2 1,278 893 385
02888700 Vijayapura 212 119 93 3 2 209 117 92
02888800 Settahalli -----Un-inhabited-------------
02888900 Vadayandahalli 52 33 19 3 3 49 30 19
02889000 Hemmige 313 65 248 8 5 3 193 44 149
02889100 T.Doddapura 211 149 62 48 47 157 96 61
02889200 Thottavadi 94 74 20 9 9 85 65 20
02889300 Mavinahalli 655 464 191 3 3 644 455 189
02889400 Talakadu 1,685 1,128 557 102 85 17 1,500 986 514
02889500 Kukkuru 1,073 613 460 23 19 4 1,039 585 454
02889600 Malangi 625 424 201 34 31 3 584 387 197
02889700 Kaliyuru 1,035 700 335 6 3 3 994 670 324


Tirumakudal Narsipur

of m"rginal ,vorkers
Household industrv workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villag:e number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
1 1,470 484 986 Kannaha1li 02887400
29 23 6 4,862 1,634 3,228 Muguru 02887500·
832 242 590 Hosahalli 02887600
12 II 1,364 441 923 Madapura 02887700
20 17 3 925 278 647 Maradipura 02887800
504 155 349 Chandahalli 02887900
28 15 13 874 304 570 Akkur 02888000
301 82 219 Maranapura 02888100
6 4 2 30 26 4 1,572 574 998 T.B ettahalli 02888200
2 13 7 6 1,002 385 617 T.Megadahalli 02888300
30 16 14 879 316 563 Koppalu (Kalihundi) 02888400
2 6 6 500 165 335 Madavadi 02888500
18 15 3 3,041 1,035 2,006 Holesalu (Kaveripura) 02888600
279 113 166 Vijayapura 02888700
------Un-iuhabited--------- Settahalli 02888800
793 231 562 Vadayandahalli 02888900
5 2 3. 107 14 93 2,164 769 1,3·95 Hcmmige 02889000
I 1 5 5 1,463 472 991 T.Doddapura 02889100
836 221 615 Thottavadi 02889200
4 2 2 4 4 1,361 461 900 Mavinahalli 02889300
4S ·24 21 38 33 5 5,730 2,014 3,716 Talakadu 02889400
3 1 2 8 8 1,405 547 858 Kukkuru 02889500
7 6 1,670 575 1,095 Malangi 02889600
7 4 3 28 23 5 1,993 698 1,295 Kali~ru 02889700


Location NamcofTown/Ward Area of Numberof Total population (including Population in the
code Town/\Vard households institutional and houselcss age-group 0-6
number in square population)
Kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

42601000 Pir'iyapatna (TP) 6.0 3,150 14,924 7,592 7,332 1,820 939 881
0001 Ward No. I 232 1,206 621 585 158 84 . 74
0002 Ward No.2 295 1,511 725 786 177 85 92
0003 Ward No.3 240 1,192 626 566 163 94 69
0004 W.ard No.4 !67 832 425 407 109 58 51
0005 Ward No.5 238 1,083 555 528 121 62 59
0006 Ward No.6 210 919 481 438 105 56 49
0007 Ward No.7 236 1,100 590 510 123 72 51
0008 Ward No.8 348 1,475 730 745 214 109 105
0009 Ward No.9 222 1,178 641 537 145 74 71
0010 Ward No. 10 305 1,354 673 681 169 86 83
0011 WardNo.!! 216 1,007 497 510 103 47 56
0012 Ward No. 12 174 797 387 410 76 42 34
0013 Ward No. 13 267 1,270 641 629 157 70 87

42601001) lIun.ur (lMe) 11.8 9,253 43,900 22,360 21,540 5,706 2,941 2,765
000 I Ward No. I 440 2,019 1,027 992 263 130 133'
0002 Ward No. 2 448 2,091 1,092 999 254 134 120
0003 Ward No.3 422 1,988 1,012 976 228 126 102
0004 Ward No.4 405 1,865 952 913 225 123 102
0005 Ward No.5 502 2,108 1,081 1,027 228 109 1[9
0006 Ward No.6 406 2,117 1,099 1,0 I 8 250 139 111
0007 Ward No.7 468 2,172 1,077 1,095 269 130 139
0008 Ward No.8 552 2,498 1,257 1,241 318 171 147
0009 WardNo. 9 343 1,564 804 760 205 102 103
0010 Ward No. 10 312 1,526 775 751 163 87 76
0011 WardNu. II 317 1,544 778 766 207 102 105
0012 Ward No. 12 396 2,113 1,056 1,057 290 143 147
0013 Ward No. 13 219 1,165 593 572 III 57 54
0014 Ward No. 14 201 1,093 570 523 130 72 58
0015 Ward No. 15 503 2,466 1,229 [,237 368 181 187
0016 Ward No. !6 194 882 454 428 119 56 63
0017 Ward No. 17 361 1,5 I 9 783 736 161 88 73
0018 Ward No. 18 191 896 463 433 102 60 42
0019 Ward No. 19 218 1,106 554 552 175 84 91
0020 Ward No. 20 502 2,454 1,266 1,188 385 212 173
0021 Ward No. 21 553 2,542 1,270 1,272 353 176 177
0022 Ward No. 22 549 2,465 1,246 1,219 298 145 153
0023 WardNo.23 721 3,707 1,922 1,785 604 314 290

42603000 Krishnarajanagara 8.6 6,451 30,633 15,600 15,033 3,525 1,826 1,699
0001 Ward No. I 297 1,354 677 677 184 104 80
0002 Ward No.2 375 1,631 844 787 145 83 62
0003 Ward No.3 274 1,205 607 598 148 69 79
0004 Ward No.4 321 1,460 710 750 162 88 74
0005 Ward No.5 268 1,269 656 613 189 104 85
0006 Ward No.6 424 1,974 1,033 941 205 113 92
0007 Ward No.7 315 1,427 734 693 148 74 74
0008 Ward No.8 201 949 500 449 116 68 48
0009 W nrd No.9 269 1,175 589 586 104 52 52
0010 Ward No. 10 185 889 467 422 79 37 42
0011 WardNo.!! 292 1,323 633 690 130 66 64
0012 Ward No. 12 256 1,260 615 645 149 66 83.
0013 Ward No. 13 317 1,346 667 679 142 79 63
0014 Ward No. 14 225 1,002 516 486 105
0015 Ward No. rs 285 1,287 688 ·599
49 56
117 59 58
0016 Ward No. 16 253 1,017 529 488 99 55 44


Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Trihes population Literates Nam e of Townl \Vard

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persous Males Females

11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

1,255 640 615 1,581 777 804 9,754 5,384 4,370 Piriyapatna (TP)
17 7 10 71 38 33 898 477 421 Ward No. I
89 32 57 675 333 342 949 491 458 Ward No.2
12 6 6 291 150 141 683 394 289 Ward No.3
7 2 5 567 305 262 Ward No.4
6· 4 2 4 4 727 407 320 Ward NO.5
16 8 8 706 386 320 WardNo.6
47 22 25 23 15 8 841 475 366 Ward NO.7
636 317 319 18 7 II 1,063 549 514 WardNo.8
127 100 27 130 59 71 853 500 353 WardNo.9
115 53 62 258 125 133 919 483 436 Ward No. 10
5 3 2 78 37 41 581 328 253 Ward No. 11
320 207 113 Ward No. 12
201 96 105 10 3 7 647 382 265 Ward No. 13

7,034 3,574 .3,460 3,438 1,721 1,717 29,734 16,337 13,397 Hunsur (TMC)
545 2SS 260 481 233 248 1,020 608 412 WardNo.1
31 17 14 293 150 143 1,261 768 493 WardNo.2
4 2 2 880 438 442 1,089 647 442 Ward No.3
265 142 123 326 162 164 1,201 673 528 WardNo.4
295 152 143 264 132 132 1,704 931 773 Ward No. 5
1,346 690 656 261 143 118 1,256 732 524 Ward No.6
141 70 71 50 20 30 1,641 865 776 Ward No.7
99 50 49 140 73 67 1,901 995 906 Ward NO.8
271 139 132 161 83 78 940 557 383· Ward No. 9
31 12 19 87 44 43 1,216 654 562 Ward No. 10
13 7 6 8 5 3 1,233 634 599 WardNo.l1
1,163 554 609 8 3 1,446 796 650 Ward No. 12
19 7 12 978 511 467 Ward No. 13
7 3 4 13 7 6 880 467 413· Ward No. 14
335 175 160 79 38 41 1,509 817 692 WardJ:'o.15
12 8 4 15 8 7 590 327 263 WardNo.16
172 93 79 24 13 1I 1,106 617 489 Ward No. 17
44 26 18 12 3 9 660 358 302 Ward No. 18
104 49 55 48 26 22 ·663 359 304 Ward No. 19
555 520 25 14 II 1,524 870 654 Ward No. 20
281 263 135 65 70 1,478 791 687 Ward No. 21
115 125 54 23 31 1,882 1,007 875 Ward No. 22
136 74 38 36 2,556 1,353 1,203 Ward No. 23
278 142

2,152 1,645 81.6 819 22,068 n,008 10,060 Krish narajan agara
4,407 2,255
529 263 266 743 430 313 Ward No. 1
66 33 33
81 III .61 50 1,257 708 549 Ward No. 2
167 86
152 69 83 901 480 421 Ward No.3
160 82 78
170 70 33 37 1,170 581 589. Ward No. 4
275 105
341 10 4 6 700 406 294 Ward No. 5
712 371
3 83 37 46 1.315. 789 526 W.ard No.6
6 3
216 125 91 994 561 433 Ward No.7
7 4 3
41 22 19 696 395 301 Ward No.8
6 3 3
23 10 13 1,005 520 485 Ward No. 9
38 17 21 726 406 320 WardNo.10
17 13 4
72 80 992 517 475 WardNo.11
S 3 5 152
41 17 24 843 454 389 Ward No. 12
847 413 434
10 9 1,095 563 532 Ward No. 13
848 454 394 Ward No. 14
5 2 3
10 9 1,106 619 487 WardNo.15
18 9 9 19
20 16 851 458 393 Ward No. 16
23 13 10 36


Location Name of Townl IJIitera!es Total workers Main workers
code Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) 5,170 2,208 2,962 5,630 4,342 1,288 5,284 4,170 1,114
0001 Ward No.1 308 144 164 416 357 59 361 317 44
0002 Ward No.2 562 234 . 328 514 382 132 510 381 129
0003 Ward No.3 509 232 277 515 384 131 505 381 124
0004 Ward No.4 265 J20 145 283 237 46 279 235 44
0005 Ward No.5 356 148 208 375 320 55 330 296 34
0006 Ward No.6 213 95 118 351 285 66 336 280 56
0007 Ward No. 7 259 115 144 420 352 68 402 344 58
0008 Ward No.8 412 181 231 445 375 70 424 361 63
0009 Ward No.9 325 141 184 422 350 72 395 343 52
0010 Ward No. 10 435 190 245 527 388 139 456 358 98
0011 Ward No. 11 426 169 257 414 302 112 363 276 87
0012 Ward NQ. 12 417 180 297 407 238 169 384 228 156
0013 Ward No. 13 623 259 364 541 372 169 539 370 169

42602000 Hunsur (TMC) 14,166 6,023 8,143 16,179 12,959 3,220 13,981 11,653 2,328
0001 Ward No. I 999 419 580 855 640 215 786 614 172
0002 Ward No.2 830 324 506 855 647 208 698 536 162
0003 Ward No.3 899 365 534 897 612 285 846 595 251
0004 Ward No.4 664 279 385 701 528 173 669 519 150
0005 Ward No.5 404 150 254 701 592 109 591 5J9 72
0006 Ward No.6 861 367 494 892 612 280 455 390 65
0007 Ward No.7 531 212 319 692 597 95 66& 586 82
0008 Ward No.8 597 262 335 865 713 152 821 689 132
0009 Ward No.9 624 247 377 638 501 137 495 407 88
0010 Ward No. 10 310 121 189 558 464 94 542 453 89
001 I Ward No. 11 3lJ 144 167 509 453 56 426 377 49
0012 Ward No. 12 667 260 407 '754 615 139 490 417 73
0013 Ward No. 13 187 82 105 405 364 41 379 350 29
0014 Ward No. 14 213 103 110 435 328 107 320 275 45
0015 Ward No. 15 957 412 545 928 753 175 845 720 125
0016 Ward No. 16 292 127 165 330 271 59 324 269 55
0017 Ward No. 17 413 166 247 576 469 107 496 419 77
0018 Ward No. 18 236 lOS 131 331 286 45 314 276 38
0019 Ward No. 19 443 195 248 350 302 48 341 302 39
0020 Ward No. 20 930 396 534 892 706 186 730 611 119
002) Ward No. 21 1,064 479 585 990 792 198 929 762 167
0022 Ward No. 22 583 239 344 792 673 119 767 655 112
0023 Ward No. 23 1,151 569 582 1,233 1,041 192 1,049 912 137
42603000 Krishnarajanagara 8,565 3,592 4,973 10,190 8,174 2,016 9,163 7,652 1,511
0001 Ward No. I 6lJ 247 364 527 408 119 470 397 73
0002 Ward No.2 374 136 238 499 420 79 471 398 73
0003 Ward No.3 304 127 177 383 323 60 383 323 60
0004 Ward No.4 290 129 161 410 350 60 373 324 49
0005 Ward No.5 569 250 319 452 356 96 351 292 59
0006 Ward No.6 659 244 415 577 502 75 540 473 67
0007 Ward No.7 433 173 260 476 404 72 403 345 58
0008 Ward No.8 253 105 148 283 250 33 280 248 32
0009 Ward No.9 170 69 101 355 303 52 352 302 50
0010 Ward No. 10 163 61 102 271 232 39 256 221 35
0011 Ward No. 11 331 116 215 401 327 74 395 325 70
0012 Ward No. 12 417 161 256 364 321 43 330 295 35
0013 Ward No. 13 251 104 147 420 366 54 398 356
0014 Ward No. 14 154 62 42
92 316 295 21 314
0015 Ward No. 15 181 294 20
69 112 364 328 36
0016 Ward No. 16 363 327 36
166 7I 95 331 286 45 324 282 42


'Industrial categorv of main workers Name of Townl
Cnltivators Agricultural labourers HousehOld industry Other workers Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

836 650 186 867 512 . 355 135 92 43 3,446 2,916 530 Piriyapatna (TP)
13 13 9 5 4 38 35 3 301 264 37 Ward No. I
121 79 42 81 55 26 308 247 61 Ward No.2
118 99 19 127 72 55 260 210 50 Ward No. 3
27 19 8 20 13 7 2 230 202 28 WardNo.4
54 52 2 37 33 4 239 211 28 Ward No. 5
47 38 9 10 7 3 3 3 276 232 44 WardNo.6
50 40 10 II 10 1 1 I 340 293 47 Ward No. 7
27 27 21 16 5 3 2 373 316 57 Ward No. 8
2 1 20 14 6 3 2 370 326 44 Ward No. 9
23 22 6 2 4 79 44 35 348 290 58 Ward No. 10
93 75 18 135 83 52 135 118 17 WardNo. II
103 87 16 212 89 123 69 52 17 Ward No. 12
158 98 60 178 113 65 6 4 2 197 155 42 Ward No. 13

1,276 995 281 942 664 278 679 420 259 11,084 9,574 1,510 Hunsur (TMC)
169 121 48 265 199 66 70 40 30 282 254 28 WardNo. I
134 99 35 47 31 .16 17 8 9 500 398 102 Ward No.2
312 204 108 72 42 30 18 11 7 444 338 106 Ward No.3
71 62 9 100 53 47 15 10 5 483 394 89 Ward No. 4
10 10 27 ]3 14 553 495 58 Ward No. 5
31 31 4 3 1 103 56 47 317 300 17 Ward No. 6
31 30 10 7 3 16 9 7 611 540 71 Ward No. 7
34 30 4 11 7 4 10 10 766 642 124 Ward No.8
98 90 8 67 50 17 24 15 9 306 252 54 Ward No. 9
5 4 8 8 11 4 7 518 437 81 Ward No. 10
5 5 2 ] 418 370 48 Ward No. 11
I3 8 5 477 409 68 Ward No. 12
4 4 2 1 24 21 3 349 324 25 Ward No. 13
5 5 10 8 2 38 35 3 267 227 40 Ward No. 14
16 4 86 67 19 64 49 15 675 588 87 Ward No. 15
16 10 6 3 1 2 27 17 10 278 241 37 Ward No. 16
40 2 26 21 5 40 29 11 388 329 59 Ward No. 17
49 10 3 2 4 3 248 224 24 Ward No. 18
23 18 5 21 12 9 272 255 17 Ward No. 19'
25 17 8
124 ]()J 23 70 61 9 37 13 24 499 436 63 Ward No. 20
5 110 70 40 25 8 17 765 660 105 Ward No. 21
29 24
23 20 J 10 7 3 27 24 3 707 604 103 Ward No. 22
15 1 13 6 7 59 34 25 961 857 104 Ward No. 23

243 188 391 156 235 7,441 6,528 913 Krishnarajanagara

900 725 175 431
34 26 8 1 341 288 53 Ward No. I
94 83 11
2 2 13 7 6 445 380 65 Ward No. 2
11 9 2
2 370 312 58 Ward No. 3
11 10 1
15 1 357 309 48 Ward No. 4
2 1 336 280 56 Ward No. 5
12 10 2 2
61 39 22 25 21 4 386 349 37 Ward No. 6
68 64 4
3 328 283 45 Ward No. 7
63 53 10 12 9
5 2 11 11 258 228 30 Ward No. 8
4 4 7
6 4 2 328 282 46 Ward No. 9
17 15 2
238 205 33 Ward No. 10
18 16 2
6 3 3 357 291 66 Ward No. II
23 22 9 9
312 279 33 Ward No. 12
8 7 10 9
4 4 350 321 29 Ward No. 13
42 30 12 2 1
2 2 303 283 20 Ward No. 14
7 7 2 2
3 2 357 322 35 Ward No. 15
1 2 2
299 259 40 Ward No. 16
24 23


Location Name of Townl \Vard Marginal workers Industrial categorv
code Cultivators Agrieulturallabourers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

42601000 Piriyapatna (TP) 346 172 174 15 6 9 91 38 53

0001 Ward No. I 55 40 15 4 3
0002 Ward No.2 4 I 3 1 1
0003 Ward No.3 10 3 7 1. 6 2 4
0004 Ward No.4 4 2 2 2 2
0005 Ward No.5 45 24 21 13 3 10
0006 Ward No.6 15 5 10 4 2 2 2 2
0007 Ward No.7 18 8 10 3 2 1 7 6
0008 Ward No.8 21 14 7 2 2
0009 Ward No.9 2.7 7 20
0010 Ward No. 10 71 30 41 3 3 11 8 3
0011 WardNo. 11 51 26 25 2 26 11 15
0012 Ward No. 12 23 10 13 17 8 9
0013 Ward No. 13 2 2

42602000 Hunsur (TMC) 2,198 1,306 892 57 -23 34 517 264 253
0001 Ward No.1 69 26 43 7 2 5 48 17 31
0002 Ward No.2 157 III 46 11 8 3 109 85 24
0003 Ward No.3 51 17 34 21 6 15 7 . 6
0004 Ward No.4 32 9 23 11 I 10
0005 Ward No.5 110 73 37 6 2 4
0006 Ward No.6 437 222 215 I
0007 Ward No.7 24 11 13
0008 Ward No.8 44 24 20 2 2 8 8
0009 Ward No.9 143 94 49 I I 102 75 27
0010 Ward No. 10 16 11 5 5 3 2 2 2
0011 Ward No. 11 83 76 7
0012 Ward No. 12 264 198 66
0013 Ward No. 13 26 14 12
0014 Ward No. 14 115 53 62 68 16 52
0015 Ward No. 15 83 33 50 17 -2 15
0016 Ward No. 16 6 2 4 3 2 1
0017 Ward No. 17 80 50 30 15 5 10
0018 Ward No. 18 17 10 7 6 5
0019 Ward No. 19 9 9 I
0020 Ward No. 20 162 95 67 8 4 4 87 45 42
0021 Ward No. 21 61 30 31 17 6 II
0022 Ward No. 22 25 18 7 I 1
0023 Ward No. 23 184 - 129 55 9 4 5

42603000 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 1,027 522 505 29 29 283 62 221

0001 Ward No. I 57 11 46 28 2 26
0002 Ward No.2 28 22 6 9 8
0003 Ward No.3
0004 Ward No.4 37 26 11
0005 Ward No.5 101 64 37 2 2
0006 Ward No.6 37 29 8 5 3 2
0007 Ward N<;>. 7 73 59 14 7 2 5
0008 Ward No.8 3 2 I
0009 Ward No.9 3 2
0010 Ward No. 10 15 11 4
0011 Ward No. II 6 2 4 1
0012 Ward No. 12 34 26 8 29 24 5
0013 Ward No. 13 22 10 12
0014 Ward No. 14
2 2
0015 Ward No. 15 1
0016 Ward No. 16 7 4 3


of marginal workers Non-workers Name of Townf Ward Location
Household industry Other workers code
workers number
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

1 3 2.36 127 109 9,294 3,250 6,044' Piriyapatna (TP) 42601000

I 50 36 14 , 790 264 526 Ward No. 1 0001
3 2 997 343 654 Ward No.2 0002
3 2 ,677 242 435 Ward No.3 0003
1 I 549 188 361 Ward No.4 0004
31 21 10 708 235 473 Ward No.5 0005
9 3 6 568 196 372 Ward No.6 0006
8 5 3 680 238 442 Ward No.7 0007
19 14 5 1,030 355 675 Ward No.8 0008
26 6 20 756 291 465 Ward No.9 0009
2 2 55 ,22 33 827 285 542 Ward No, 10 0010
23 14 9 593 195 398 Ward No. 11 0011
6 2 4 390 149 241 Ward No. 12 0012
2 2 729 269 460 Ward No. 13 0013

192 27 165 1,432 992 440 27,721 9,401 18,320 Hunsur (TMC) 42602000
2 12 6 6 1,164 387 777 Ward No. I 0001
5 4 32 17 15 1,236 445 791 Ward No.2 0002
23 10 13 1,091 400 691 Ward No.3 0003
I I 20 8 12 1,164 424 740 Ward No.4 0004
18 2 16 86 69 17 1,407 489 918 Ward No.5 0005
80 7 73 356 215 141 1,225 487 738 Ward No.6 0006
2 2 22 II II 1,480 480 1,000 Ward No. 7 0007
5 5 29 24 5 1,633 544 1,089 Ward No. 8 0008
4 3 36 18 18 926 303 623 Ward No.9 0009
2 7 6 I 968 311 657 Ward No. 10 0010
I 82 76 6 1,035 325 710 Ward No.1 I 0011
3 I 260 195 65 1,359 441 918 Ward No. 12 0012
3 23 14 9 760 229 531 WardNo.13 0013
4 40 34 6 658 242 416 Ward No. 14 00]4
7 3
17 45 28 17' 1,538 476 1,062 Ward No. 15 0015
20 3
3 3 552 183 369 Ward No; 16 0016
50 43 7 943 314 629 Ward No. 17 0017
15 2 13
II 9 2 565 177 388 Ward No. 18 0018
756 252 504 Ward No. 19 0019
8 8
62 44 18 1,562 560 1,002 Ward No. 20 0020
5 2 3
41 24 17 1,552 478 1,074 WardNo.21 0021
3 3
3 \,613 573 1,100 Wru-dNo.21 0022
3 3 21 18
48 2,474 881 1,593 Ward No. 23 0023
4 2 2 171 123

144 20,443 7,426 13,017 Krishnarajanagara (TMC) 42603000

122 11 111 593 449

19 827 269 558 Ward No.1 0001

28 9
5 1,132 424 708 Ward No.2 0002
19 14
822 284 538 Ward No.3 0003
II 1,050 360 690 Ward No: 4 0004
37 26
817 300 517 Ward No.5 0005
99 62 37
1,397 531 866 Ward No.6 0006
30 25 5
951 330 621 Ward No.7 0007
66 57 9
666 250 416 Ward No.8 0008
2 2
820 286 534 Ward No.9 0009
3 2
618 235 383 Ward No. 10 0010
15 11 4
922 306 616 Ward No. 11 0011
5 2 3
294 602 Ward No. 12 0012
5 2 3 896
926 301 625 Ward No. )3 0013
20 10 10
221 465 Ward No. 14 0014
1 686
360 563 Ward No. 15 0015
1 923
243 443 Ward No. 16 0016
7 4 3 686


Loeation Name of TOlVnJ \Vard Arca of Number of Total population (including Populatioll in the
code Town/Ward households institutional and housc]css ngc-grou p 0-6
number in square pupu I ation)
Kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0017 Ward No. 17 353 1,804 979 825 167 75 92
0018 Ward No. 18 234 1,297 689 608 116 61 55
0019 Ward No. 19 278 1,544 782 762 240 120 120
0020 Ward No. 20 218 1,349 664 685 234 117 117
0021 Ward No. 21 289 1,505 739 766 209 112 97
0022 Ward No. 22 252 1,174 583 591 143 69 74
0023 Ward No. 23 270 1,392 699 693 194 106 88

42604000 Mysore (M C&rp+OG) 117.5 165,815 787,179 400,109 387,070 87,011 44,568 42,-143

42604000 Mysore (M Corp.) 88.7 158,472 755,379 383,480 371,899 82,990 42,521 40,469
0001 Ward No. I 1,743 8,226 4,150 4,076 617 328 289
01)02 Ward No. 2 1.878 9,278 4,731 4,547 915 463 452
0003 WardNo.3 883 4,625 2,359 2,266 ·532 275 257
0004 Ward No.4 2,059 . 9,179 4,550 4,629 615 310 305
0005 Ward No.5 1,652 8,183 4,092 4,091 945 486 459
0006 Ward No.6 1,872 9,240 4,699 4,541 938 476 462
0007 Ward No.7 1,787 7,792 3,896 3,896 668 335 333
0008 Ward No.8 2,541 11,546 5,771 5,775 1,360 691 669
0009 Ward No.9 2,054 8,835 4,41 I 4,424 757 385 372
0010 Ward No. 10 2,002 9,220 4,680 4,540 852 437 415
DOll Ward No. II 1,942 8,750 4,370 4,380 724 358 366
0012 Ward No. 12 4,080 18,912 9,710 9,202 2,130 1,099 1.031
0013 WardNo. 13 2,556 13,558 6,905 6,653 1,496 779 717
0014 WardNo. 14 1,233 6,678 3,314 3,364 584 302 282
0015 Ward No. 15 2,877 12,337 6,248 6,089 1,328 673 655
0016 WardNo. 16 2,729 11,630 5,951 5,679 796 413 383
0017 Ward No. 17 3,554 15,030 7,600 7,430 1,398 710 688
0018 WardNo. 18 6,377 27,076 13,653 13,423 2,357 1,196 1.161
0019 Ward No. 19 5,474 23,161 11,863 11,298 2,447 1,259 1,188
0020 Ward No. 20 3,468 14,968 7,520 7,448 1,443 729 714
0021 Ward No. 21 2,452 13,432 7,488 5.944 1,005 556 449
0022 Ward No. 22 2,081 9,460 4,824 4,636 773 416 357
0023 Ward No. 23 2,006 9,081 4,706 4,375 1,011 507 504
0024 Ward No. 24 1,281 5,983 3,063 2,920 517 281 236
0025 Ward No. 25 1,025 5,697 2,972 2,725 531 278 253
0026 Ward No. 26 1,074 5,765 2,711 3,054 496 259 237
0027 W·ardNo.27 794 4,290 2,131 2,159 443 225 218
0028 Ward No. 28 1,864 10,469 5,276 5,193 1,156 600 556
0029 WardNo.29 1,602 8,246 4,101 4,145 798 380 418
0030 WardNo. 30 1,285 6,772 3,341 3,431 639 321 318
0031 Ward No. 31 1,553 6,625 3,465 3,160 853 463 390
0032 Ward No. 32 2,538 11,822 6,217 5,605 1,073 573 500
0033 WardNo.33 3,250 14,010 7,128 6,882 1,733 868 865
0034 Ward No. 34 8,733 35,240 18,353 16,887 3,917 2,052 1,865
0035 Ward No. 35 3,333 13,746 7,048 6,698 1,746 882 864
0036 'Ward No. 36 2,574 11,028 5,503 5,525 1,032 505 527
0037 Ward No. 37 3,022 12,402 6,310 6,092 1,067 584 483
0038 Ward No. 38 2,261 10,065 4,772 5,293 853 427 426
0039 Ward No. 39 2,527 11,274 5,833 5,441 1,176 640 .536
0040 Ward No. 40 1,852 10,917 5,454 5,463 1,576 758 818
0041 WardNo.41 1,118 6,787 3,265 3,522 846 398 448
0042 Ward No. 42 1,612 9,650 4,870 4,780 1,356 685 671
0043 Ward No. 43 1,691 8,957 4,499 4,458 877 460
0044 Ward No. 44 417
1,525 7,987 4,050 3,937 1,060
0045 Ward No. 45 570 490
3,263 17 ,459 9,135 8,324 1,922
0046 Ward No. 46 984 938
2,008 11,765 6,334 5,431
0047 Ward No. 47 1,439 715 724
3,083 15,791 7,959 7,832
0048 Ward Nu. 48 2,269 1,166 1,103
1,979 9,646 4,864 4,782 992 506 486


Scheduled Castes population Sch edu led Tribes popu latio n Literates Nam c of Town! Ward

Persons Males Females Persons Males F<!males Persons Males Females

11 12 ]3 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 2
219 183 36 58 34 24 1,493 840 653 Ward No. 17
76 37 39 3 2 1,107 610 497 Ward No. 18
145 73 72 5 3 2 1,066 551 515 Ward No. 19
36 12 24 970 481 489 Ward No. 20
83 38, 45 1,061 521 540 Ward No. 21
408 207 201 39 11 22 600 344 256 Ward No. 22
1,123 565 558 529 320 209 Ward No. 23

88,996 45,595 43,401 30,079 15,256 14,823 591,478 315,116 276,36~ Mysore (M Corp+OG)

85,574 43,852 41,722 27,695 14,032 13,663 570,474 303,201 267,273 Mysorc (M Corp.)
40' 27 13 80 44 36 7,181 3,709 3,472 Ward No. 1
6 2 4 1,668 849 819 7,208 3,895 3,313 WardNQ.2
31 14 17 3,465 1,803 1,662 Ward No.3
56 20 36 60 36 24 8,164 4,147 4,017 WardNo.4
48 21 27 629 315 314 6,036 3,190 2,846 Ward No.5
8 , 6 2 333 169 164 7,381 3,949 3,432 Ward No. 6
114 54 60 364 182 182 6,418 3,367 3,051 WardNo.7
157 77 80 491 244 247 8,038 4,374 3,664 WardNO.8
86 46 40 103 56 47 7,589 3,911 3,678 WardNo.9
1,232 619 613 179 93 86 7,549 4,019 3,530 Ward No. 10
\,618 798 820 134 64 70 7,291 3,813 3,478 Ward No. II
3,589 1,832 1,751 226 114 112 13,991 7,557 6,434 Ward No. 12
11,010 5,553 5,457 65 32 33 9,186 5,117 4,069 WardNo.13
S,758 2,902 2,856 20 8 12 5,145 2,777 2,368 Ward No. 14
697 347 350 1,275 664 61 I 8,824 4,815 4,009 WardNo.15
624 316 308 207 114 93 10,272 5,377 4,895 WardNo.16
2,112 1,087 1,025 419 205 214 12,696 6,639 6,057 Ward No. 17
1,164 1,121 545 279 266 22,849 11,891 10,958 WardNo.18
1,382 757 625 623 311 306 17,539 9,448 8,091 Ward No. 19
161 153 310 158 152 11,921 6,229 5,692 Ward No. 20
2,004 952 459 253 206 11,418 6,595 4,823 Ward No. 21
735 189 110 79 8,283 4,325 3,958 Ward No. 22
1,537 802
7 336 157 179 6,314 3,639 2,735 WardNo.23
35 28
51 26 25 5,039 2,658 2,381 WardNo.24
26 318 164 154 4,627 2,517 2,110 WardNo.25
84 58
186 88 35 53 4,785 2,307 2,478 WardNo.26
371 185
192 93 99 3,372 1,797 1,575 WardNo.27
6 104 48 56 8,694 4,484 4,210 Ward No. 28
13 7
318 165 153 6,650 3,500 '3,150 WardNo.29
61 24 37
86 41 45 5,349 2,773 2,576 Ward No. 30
38 20 18
590 294 296 4,386 2,475 1,911 WardNo.31
1,088 547 541
1,316 689 687 9,190 5,104 4,086 Ward No. 32
1,603 800 803
270 133 137 10,221 5,554 4,667 Ward No. 33
2,665 1,433 1.232
761 405 356 26.168 14,361 11,807 Ward No. 34
1,693 856 837
479 247 232 8,906 5,047 3,859 Ward No. 35
903 456 447
484 641 321 320 9,080 4,709 4,371 WardNo.36
966 482
200 93 107 10,385 5,375 5,010 WardNo.37
1,047 570 477
258 113 145 8,504 4,160 4,344 Ward No. 38
346 70 276
516 270 246 7,903 4,418 3,485 Ward No. 39
1,685 827 858
6,707 3,579 3,128 Ward No. 40
4,823 2,404 2,419
23 9 14 5,327 2,589 2,738 Ward No. 41
6,685 3,386 3,299 Ward No. 42
230 235 7,174 3,773 3,401 WardNo.43
101 69 32 465
30 13 17 5,776 2,980 2,796 Ward No. 44
1,204 598 606
40 40 13,836 7,490 6,346 Ward No. 45
520 284 236 80
152 116 8,302 4,550 3,752 WardNo.46
846 532 314 268
96 108 10,508 5,530 4,978 Ward No. 47
2,061 1,004 1,051 204
124 7,574 4,036 3,538 Ward No. 48
634 315 319 243 119


Location Name ofTownl Illiterates Total workers Main workers
code Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Fenulles Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0017 Ward No. 17 311 139 172 436 392 44 409 366 43
0018 Ward No. 18 190 79 111 465 354 III 232 18& 44
0019 Ward No. 19 478 231 247 572 451 121 566 451 115
(I()2{1 Ward No. 20 379 1&3 196 441 360 81 403 338 65
0021 Ward No. 21 444 218 226 536 418 liS 483 407 76
0022 Ward No. 22 574 239 335 576 354 222 494 350 144
0023 Ward No. 23 863 379 484 735 374 361 573 350 223

4260401)1) Mysore (M 195,701 84,993 110,708 261,523 209,776 51,747 249,360 202,315 47,045
42604000 Mysore (M Corp.) 184,905 80,279 104,626 250,627 200,543 50,084 238,832 193,328 45,504
0001 Ward No.1 1,045 441 604 2,537 2,063 474 2,529 2,059 470
0002 Ward No.2 2,070 836 1,234 3,190 2,658 532 3,142 2,621 521
0003 Ward No.3 1,160 556 604 1,625 .1,383 242 1,517 1,321 196
0004 Ward No.4 1,015 403 612 2,901 2,254 647 2,837 2,205 632
0005 Ward No.5 2,147 902 1,245 2,713 2,233 480 2,683 2,215 468
0006 Ward No.6 1,859 750 1,109 3,075 2,537 538 3,017 2,49.8 ·519
0007 Ward No.7 1,374 529 845 2,687 2,137 550 2,612 2,081 531
0008 Ward No.8 3,508 1,397 2,111 ~,184 3,322 862 4,101 3,283 818
0009 Ward No.9 1,246 500 746 2,835 2,311 524 2,773 2,263 510
0010 Ward No. 10 1,671 661 I,OW 2,887 2,328 559 2,831 2,284 547
0011 Ward No. II 1,459 557 902 2,692 2,192 500 2,645 2,157 488
0012 Ward No. 12 4,921 2,153 2,768 6,455 5,138 1,317 6,298 5,060 1,238
0013 Ward No. 13 4.372 1,788 2,584 4,335 3,175 1,160 3,779 2,871 908
0014 Ward No. 14 1.533 537 996 2,234 1,703 531 2,009 1,555 454
0015 Ward No. 15 3,513 1,433 2,080 4,092 3,221 871 3,795 3.003 792
0016 Ward No. 16 1,358 574 784 3,617 2,914 703 3,535 2,855 680
0017 Ward No. 17 2,334 961 1,373 4,626 3,751\ 868 4,541 3,697 844
0018 Ward No. 18 4,227 1,762 2,465 8,650 7,056 1,594 8,480 6,950 1,530
0019 Ward No. 19 5,622 2,415 3,207 7,742 6,169 1,573 7,545 6,063 . 1,482
0020 Ward No. 20 3,047 1,291 1,756 4,747 3,919 828 4,552 3,762 790
0021 Ward No. 21 2,014 893 1,121 3,455 2,687 768 3,418 2,664 754
0022 Ward No. 22 1,177 499 678 2,790 2,178 612 2,703 2,109 594
0023 Ward No. 23 2,707 1,067 1,640 3,036 2,456 580 2,796 2,293 503
0024 Ward No. 24 944 405 539 2,138 1,719 419 2,110 1,702 408
0025 Ward No. 25 1,070 455 615 1,761 1,541 220 1,659 1,473 186
0026 Ward No. 26 980 404 576 1,754 1,448 306 1,718 1,418 300
0027 Ward No. 27 918 334 584 1,409 1,254 155 1,353 1,215 138
0028 Ward No. 28 1,775 792 983 3,318 2,995 323 3,264 2,955 309
0029 Ward No. ].9 1,596 601 995 2,705 2,338 367 2,665 2,3 !(I 355
0030 Ward No. 30 1,423 5611 855 2,187 1,835 352 2,093 1,768 325
003! Ward No. 31 2,239 990 1,249 2,526 1,966 560 2,474 1,951 523
0032 Ward No. 32 2,632 1,113 1,519 4,083 3,128 955 3,878 2,983 895
0033 Ward No. 33 3,789 1,574 2,215 4,897 4,020 877 4,572 3,809 763
0034 Ward No. 34 9,072 3,992 5,080 12,138 10,162 1,976 ) 1,117 9,418 1,699
0035 Ward No. 35 4,840 2,001 2,839 5,037 4,138 899 4,530 3,776 754
0036 Ward No. 36 1,948 794 1,154 3,667 2,861 806 3,571 2,791
0037 Ward No. 37 2,017 780
935 1,082 3,862 3,081 781
0038 Ward No. 38 3,682 2,943 739
1,561 612 949 3,058 2,427 631 2,981 2,380 601
0039 Ward No. 39 3,371 1,4J5 1,956 3,582 3,006 576 3,427
0040 Ward No. 40 4,210 2,919 508
1,875 2,335 3,840 2,964 876
0041 Ward No. 41 3,219 2,579 640
1,460 676 784 1,990 1,674
0042 Ward No. 42 316 1,973 1,661 312
2,965 1,484 1,481 3,108 2,593 515 3,037 2,557 480
0043 Ward No. 43 1,783 726 I,U57 2,914 2,273 641 2,841
0044 Ward No. 44 2,211 2,234 607
1,070 1,141 2,812 2,205
0045 Ward No. 45 607 2,709 2,150 559
3,623 1,645 1,978 5,299 4,283
0046 Ward No. 46 1,016 5,052 4,114 938
3,463 1,784 1,679 4,234 3,108
0047 Ward No. 47 1,126 4,060 3,060 1,000
5,283 2,429 2,854 5,268 4,176
0048 Ward No. 48 1,092 5,107 4,133 974
2,072 828 1,244 3,168 2,646 522 3,126 2,625 501


Industrial category of main workers Name of Townl
Cultivators AgrkuItural labourers Household industry Other workers Ward
Persons I\'lales Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ,Persons Males Females
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
7 7 5 5 2 2 395 352 43 Ward No. 17
2 2 11 3 8 219 183 36 Ward No. 18
22 21 3 3 84 10 74 457 420 37 Ward No. 19
5 5 71 19 52 327 314 13 Ward No. 20
6 6 8 7. 38 3 35 431 391 40 Ward No. 21
128 127 96 34 62 110 64 46 160 125 35 Ward No. 22
311 188 123 175 90 85 87 72 15 Ward No. 23

1,306 1,158 148 896 720 176 8,781 2,927 5,854 238,377 197,510 40,867 Mysore (M
1,067 937 130 794 641 153 8,673 2,854 5,819 228,298 188,896 39,402 Mysorc (M Corp.)
7 7 3 3 14 8 6 2,505 2,041 464 Ward No. I
10 10 4 3 64 11 53 3,064 2,597 467 Ward No.2
5 5 2 I 1 1,510 1,315 195 Ward No.3
27 25 2 4 4 6 3 3 2,800 2,173 627, Ward No.4
2 ' 1 2 2 168 82 86 2,511 2,130 381 Ward No.5
28 27 3 3 105 54 51 2,881 2,414 467 Ward NO.6
19 19 4 3 56 31 25 2,533 2,028 505 Ward No.7
5 3 2 6 5 172 85 87 3,918 3,190 728 Ward No.8
7 5 2 5 5 12 11 2,749 2,242 507 Ward No.9
6 6 7 7 27 6 21 2,791 2,265 526 Ward No.1 0
14 II 3 9 8 33 18 IS 2,589 2,120 469 Ward No. II
11 10 5 4 I 351 36 315 5,931 5,010 921 Ward No. 12
12 8 4 51 46 5 27 14 13 3,689 2,803 886 Ward No. 13
23 18 5 27 17 10 12 5 7 1,947 1,515 432 Ward No. 14
9 4 5 12 11 37 21 16 3,737 2,967 770 Ward No. 15
23 20 3 18 12 6 53 45 8 3,441 2,778 663 Ward No. 16
20 19 1 4 4 8 3 5 4,509 3,671 838 Ward No. 17
38 33 5 69 58 II 45 33 12 8,328 6,826 1,502 Ward No. 18
]] 8 3 10 9 I 84 55 29 7,440 5,991 1,449 Ward No. 19
25 21 4 7 5 2 11 6 5 4,509 3,730 779 Ward No. 20
13 1l 2 3 3 7· 5 2 3,395 2,645 750 Ward No. 21
12 12 4 2 2 16 13 3 2,671 2,082 589 Ward No. 22
33 33 17 15 2 11 7 4 2,735 2,238 497 Ward No. 23
6 5 3 3 13 10 3 2,088 1,684 404 Ward No. 24
]4 13 1 24 18 6 1,620 1,442 178 Ward No. 25
1 1 13 9 4 1,703 1,408 295 Ward No. 26
11 9 2 6 6 88 82 6 1,248 1,1l8 130 Ward No. 27
5 3 2 3 I 2 64 46 18 3,192 2,905 287 Ward No. 28
14 12 2 6 6 113 105 8 2,532 2,187 345 Ward No. 29
5 3 2 5 3 2 88 53 35 1,995 1,709 286 Ward No. 30
2 2 108, 54 54 2,364 1,895 469 Ward No. 31
11 10 6 5 70 54 16 3,791 2,914 877 Ward No. 32
39 35 4 14 11 3 401 249 152 4,118 3,514 604 Ward No. 33
60 55 5 60 46 14 55 30 25 10,94;2 9,287 1,655 Ward No. 34
197 188 9 33 30 3 102 74 28 4,198 3,484 714 Ward No. 35
16 14 2 9 6 3 86 16 70 3,460 2,755 705 Ward No. 36
33 27 6 22 15 7 6 I 5 3,621 2,900 721 Ward No. 37
16 14 2 6 4 2 15 13 2 2,944 2,349 595 Ward No. 38
53 47 6 6 6 12 10 2 3,356 2,856 500 Ward No. 39
1 3 2 123 39 84 3,092 2,538 554 Ward No. 40
5 5 16 14 2 1,951 1,641 310 Ward No. 41
2 57, 17 40 2,961 2,526 4~5 Ward No. 42
14 11 3 5 3
2 1 1 26 19 7 2,805 2,207 598 Ward No. 43
9 7
9 9 344 71 273 2,350 2,065 285 Ward No. 44
6 5 1
3 1 2 450 92 358 4,590 4,016 574 Ward No. 45
9 5 4
22 17 722 170 552 3,293 2,864 429 WardNo.46
6 4 ~ 39
10 9 500 133 367 4,595 3,990 605 Ward No. 47
10 9 46 11 35 3,053 2,591 462 Ward No. 48
17 14 3


Location Name of Town/ \Vard Marginal workers Industrial dategorv
code Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number I
Persons Males Fern"les Persons Males Females Persons Males ~emales
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 I 49
0017 Ward No. 17 27 26
0018 Ward No. 18· 233 166 67
0019 Ward No. 19 6 6
0020 Ward No. 20 38 22 16
0021 Ward No. 21 53 11 42
0022 Ward No. 22 82 4 78 27 27 46 46
0023 Ward No. 23 162 24 138 1 152 19 133

42604000 Mysore (M Corp+OG) 12,163 7,461 4,702 48 32 16 141 100 41

42604000 Mysore (M Corp.) 11,795 7,215 4,580 44 28 16 128 91 37

0001 Ward No.1 8 4 4
0002 Ward No.2 48 37 11
0003 Ward No.3 108 62 46
0004 Ward No.4 64 49 15
0005 Ward No.5 30 18 12
0006 Ward No.6 58 39 19
0007 Ward No.7 75 56 19
0008 Ward No.8 83 39 44 2 2
0009 Ward No.9 62 48 14
0010 Ward No. 10 56 44 12
0011 Ward No. 11 47 35 12
0012 Ward No. 12 157 78 79
0013 Ward No. 13 556 304 252 14 8 6
0014 Ward No. 14 225 148 77 26 15 11
0015 Ward No. 15 297 218 79 2 2
0016 Ward No. 16 82 59 23 I
0017 Ward No. 17 85 61 24 2 2 2 2
0018 Ward No. IS 170 106 64 4 3
0019 Ward No. 19 197 106 91 2 2
0020 Ward No. 20 195 157 38 2 2
0021 Ward No. 21 37 23 14
0022 Ward No. 22 87 69 18
0023 Ward No. 23 240 163 77 2
0024 Ward No. 24 28 17 II
0025 Ward No. 25 102 68 34
0026 Ward No. 26 36 30 6
0027 Ward No. 27 56 39 17 2 2
0028 Ward No. 28 54 40 14 1
0029 Ward No. 29 40 28 12
0030 Ward No. 30 94 67 27
0031 Ward No. 31 52 15 37
0032 Ward No. 32 .205 145 60
0033 Ward No. 33 325 211 114 4 3
0034 Ward No. 34 1,021 744 277 8 8 18 13 5
0035 Ward No. 35 507 362 145 6 6 9 9
0036 Ward No. 36 96 70 26
0037 Ward No. 37 180 138 42
0038 Ward No. 38 77 47 30
0039 Ward No. 39 155 87 68 I
0040 Ward No. 40 621 385 236 2 2
0041 Ward No. 41 17 13 4
0042 Ward No. 42 71 36 35
0043 Ward No. 43 73 39 34
0044 Ward No. 44 103 55 48 2
0045 Ward No. 45 247 169 78
0046 Ward No. 46 174 48 126
0047 Wnrd No. 47 161 43 118
0048 Ward No. 48 42 21 21


of marginal workers Non-workers Name of Townl Ward Location
Household industry Other workers code
workers number
Persons Males Females Persons 'Males Females Persons Males Females
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
27 26 1 1,368 587 781 Ward No. 17 0017
56 2 54 176 163 13 832 335 497 Ward No. 18 0018
4 4 2 2 972 331 641 Ward No. 19 0019
18 4 14 20 18 2 908 304 604 Ward No. 20 0020
36 2 34 17 9 8 969 321 648 Ward No. 21 0021
5 2 . 3 4 2 2 598 229 369 Ward No. 22 0022
9 5 4 657 325 332 Ward No. 23 0023

2,093 314 1,779 9,881 7,015 2,866 525,656 190,333 335,323 Mysore (M Corp+OG) 42604000

2,087 314 1,773 9,536 6,782 2,754 504,752 182,937 321,815 Mysore (M Corp.) 42604000
I I 7 4 3 5,689 2,087 3,602 Ward No. I 0001
47 37 10 6,088 2,073 4,015 Ward No.2 0002
108 62 46 3,000 976 2,024 Ward No.3 0003
63 48 15 6,278 2,296 3,982 Ward No.4 0004
29 18 11 5,470 1,859 3,611 Ward No.5 0005
5 5 52 38 14 .6,165 2,162 4,003 Ward No.6. 0006
3 2 I 72 54 18 5,105 1,759 3,346 Ward No.7 0007
6 2 4· 75 35 40 7,362 2,449 4,913 Ward No.8 0008 I
16 14 2 46 34 12 6,000 2,100 3,900 Ward No.9 0009
55 43 12 6,333 2,352 3,981 Ward No. IO 0010
46 35 11 6,058 2,178 3,880 Ward No. II 00]1
51 15 36 106 63 43 12,457 4,572 7,885 Ward No. 12 0012
9 9 532 296 236 9,223 3,730 5,493 Ward No. 13 0013
5 5 193 132 61 4,444 1,611 2,833 Ward No. 14 0014
2 2 291 216 75 8,245 3,027 5,218 Ward No. 15 0015
II 6 5 70 52 18 8,013 3,037 4,976 Ward No. 16 0016
81 61 20 10,404 3,842 6,562 WardNo.17 0017
13 4 9 153 99 54 18,426 6,597 11,829 Ward No. 18 0018
4 4 191 104 87 15,419 5,694 9,725 Ward No. 19 00]9
192 155 37 10,221 3,601 6,620 Ward No.. 20 0020
37 23 14 9,977 4,801 5,176 WardNo.21 0021
2 2 85 69 16 6,670 .2,646 4,024 Ward No. 22 0022
8 7 229 160 69 6,045 2,250 3,795 Ward No. 23 0023
1 26 17 9 3,845 1,344 2,501 Ward No. 24 0024
102 68 34. 3,936 1,431 2,505 Ward No. 25 0025
2 2 34 28 6 4,011 1,263 2,748 Ward No. 26 0026
36 26 10 18 13 5 2,881 877 2,004 Ward No. 27 0027
4 I 3 49 38 II 7,151 2,281 4,870 Ward No. 28 0028
14 9 5 26 19 7 5,541 1,763 3,778 Ward No. 29 0029
27 15 12 67 52 15 4,585 1,506 3,079 Ward No. 30 0030
26 4 22 26 11 15 4,099 1,499 2,600 Ward No. 31 0031
20 17 3 184 127 57 7,739 3,089 4,650 Ward No. 32 0032
14 3 11 307 205 102 9,113 3,108 6,005 Ward No. 33 0033
27 10 17 968 713 255 23,102 8,191 14,91 I Ward No. 34 0034
4 3 488 344 144 8,709 2,910 5,799 Ward No. 35 0035
95 69 26 7,361 2,642 4,719 Ward No. 36 0036
180 138 42 8,540 3,229 5,311 Ward No. 37 0037
77 47 30· 7,007 2,345 4,662 Ward No. 38 0038
2 7 145 85 60 7,692 2,827 4,865 Ward No. 39 0039
15 106 498 370 128 7,077 2,490 4,587 Ward No. 40 0040
17 13 4 4,797 1,591 3,206 Ward No. 41 0041
71 36 35 6,542 2,277. 4,265 Ward No. 42 . 0042
4 67 39 28 6,043 2,226 3,817 Ward No. 43 0043
34 64 51 13 5,175 1,845 3,330 Ward No. 44 0044
37 3
19 222 163 59 12,160 4,852. 7,308 Ward No. 45 0045
24 5
66 30 36 7,531 3,226 4,305 Ward No. 46 0046
108 18 90
35 13 10,523 3,783 6,740 Ward No. 47 0047
113 8 105 48
21 14 6,478 2,218 4,260 Ward No. 48 0048
6 6 35


Location Name ofTownl \Vard Area of Number of Total population (including_ Population in tile
code TownfWard households institutional and house less age-group 0-61
number in square population)
Kilometre Persons lIIales Fcrnalcs Persons ~Ialcs Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110
0049 Ward No. 49 1,002 4,698 2,386 2,312 406 21 I 195
Ward No. SO
I 725
0052 \V ard No. 52 1,414 7,880 3,918 3,962 975 493 482
0053 Ward No. 53 I,S06 9,495 4,862 4,633 1,356 709 647
0054 Ward No. 54 1,921 8,787 4,361 4,426 1,040 542 498
0055 W·ard No. 55 2,462 12,910 6,540 6,370 1,513 794 7.19
0056 Ward No. 56 4,188 22,762 I 1,597 11,165 3,625 1,884 1,741
0057 Ward No. 57 4,084 20,915 10,405 10,510 3,510 1,734 1,776
0058 Ward No. 58 1,989 9,769 4,973 4,796 1,211 617 594
0059 Ward No. 59 1,964 9,984 4,976 5,008 1,637 815 822
0060 Ward No. 60 3,388 16,379 8,329 8,050 1,754 867 887
0061 WardNo.61 1,795 8,859 4,554 4,305 863 457 406
0062 Ward No. 62 1,517 7,494 3,787 3,707 703 385 318
0063 Ward Nu. 63 2,896 13,526 6,953 6,573 1,147 587 560
0064 Ward No. 64 3,171 14,425 7,246 7,179 1,433 760 673
0065 Ward No. 65 4,892 24,156 12,269 1 1,887 3,322 1,740 1,582
Outgrowth (s)
0066 Hinkul (OG) - Ward 5.2 2,833 12,132 6,419 5.713 1,499 769 730
0067 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward 3.4 1,686 6,554 3,521 3,033 924 470 454
0068 M ciagalli (OG) - Ward 2.3 113 508 259 249 82 44 38
0069 Salhagalli (OG) - Ward 1.0 108 600 321 279 63 34 29
0070 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward 3.0 774 3,682 1,881 1,801 445 226 219
0073 Chamundibcllu (OG)- 5.7 266 1,393 657 736 157 76 81
Ward No.73
0074 Srirampura (OG) - Ward 3.8 1,403 6,085 3,135 2,950 742 364 378
0075 Dallagalli (OG) - Ward 0.2 42 188 94 94 17 9
0076 Lingambudi (OG) - WaTd 3.3 118 658 342 316 92 55 37

42605000 Hcbbalu (CT) 7.7 412 1,527 786 741 277 152 125
0001 Ward No. I 412 1,527 786 741 277 152 125

42606000 Belva'a (el) 2.0 1,439 5,707 2,939 2,768 732 375 357
0001 Ward No.1 1,439 5,707 2,939 2,768 732 375 357

42607000 Bhogadi (Cl) 4.7 1,063 4,815 2,529 2,286 582 297 285
000 I Ward No.1 1,063 4,815 2,529 2,286 582 297 285

42608000 H eggadadcmn k ote 1.9 2,572 12,045 6,169 5,876 1,547 820 727
000 I Ward No. I 211 950 510 440 125 68 57
0002 Ward No.2 242 1,237 644 593 175 101 74
0003 Ward No.3 231 1,221 601 620 183 92 91
0004 Ward No.4 106 444 218 226 75 38 37
0005 Ward No.5 137 550 279 271 65 33 32
0006 Ward No.6 201 836 435 401 98 52 46
0007 Ward No.7 350 1,559 736 823 212 102 110
0008 Ward No.8 229 1,094 571 523 145 89 56
0009 Ward No.9 274 1,294 666 628 161 81 80
0010 Ward No. 10 365 1,588 818 770 182 99 83
0011 Ward No. 11 226 1,272 691 581 126 65 61


Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name ofTown'\Vard

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
90 41 49 31 15 16 3,974 2,083 1,891 Ward No. 49
81 36 45 1,806 855 951 6,342 3,309 3,033 Ward No. 50
6,293 3,08:4 3,209 10 7 3 8,783 4,585 4,198 Ward No. 51
6,144 3,054 . 3,090 4 2 2 5,220 2,821 2,399 Ward No. 52
1,728 897 831 208 105 103 6,293 3,340 2,953 Ward No. 53·
234 113 121 438 214 224 6,284 3,276 3,008 Ward No. 54
643 362 281 32 18 14 10,113 5,264 4,849 Ward No. 55
295 151 144 70 39 31 16,021 8,226 7,795 Ward No. 56
1,772 867 905 1,185 572 613 11,112 5,793 5,319 WardNo.57
138 77 61 4,830 2,485 2,345 5,631 3,176 2,455 Ward No. 58
434 216 218 198 107 91 6,021 3,096 2,925 Ward No. 59
3,384 1,696 1,688 669 356 313 12,855 6,909 5,946 Ward No. 60
624 408 216 428 219 209 6,994 3,856 3,138 Ward No. 61
39 19 20 138 76 62 6,143 .3,237 2,906 Ward No. 62
1,674 853 821 396 193 203 11,110 5,961 5,149 Ward No. 63
1,857 950 907 574 300 274 11,053 5,839 5,214 Ward No. 64
1,721. 864 857 371 196 175 16,559 .8,69;1 7,867 WardNo.65
864 430 434 1.074 552 522 7,972 4,573 3,399 Hinkal (OG) - Ward No.66

685 355 330 196 102 94 4,744 2,752 1,992 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward
57 32 25 4 3 162 90 72 Mctagalli (OG) - Ward
49 27 22 244 163 81 Sathagalli (OG) - Ward
825 420 405 106 54 52 2,228 1,246 982 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward
88 30 58 674 336 338 1,045 521 524 Chamundibctta (OG) - Ward
361 200 161 319 171 148 4,218 2,343 1,875 Srirampura (OG) - Ward'
6 4 2 98 48 50 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward
493 249 244 5 2 3 293 179 114 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward

138 69 69 109 57 52 1,070 558 512 Hebbalu (Cl)

138 69 69 109 57 52 1,070 558 '512 Ward No. I

454 244 2]0 ISS 80 75 4,049 2,214 1,835 Belvata (Cl)

454 244 210 155 80 75 4,049 2,214 1,835 Ward No. I

379 201 178 88 52 36 3,042 1,745 1,297 Bhogadi (Cl)

379 201 178 88 52 36 3,042 1,745 1,297 Ward No. I

2,776 1,457 1,319 2,092 1,012 1,080 7,861 4,369 3,492 Hcggadadcvankotc (TP)

21 12 9 15 6 9 692 390 302 Ward No. I

123 79 44 7 5 2 886 474 412 WardNo.2
1,209 595 614 I 510 286 224 Ward No.3
150 74 .76 284 146 138 Ward No.4
38 21 17 64 31 33 438 234 204 WardNo.5
21 15 6 30 13 17 611 338 273 Ward No.6
10 7 3 981 447 534 690 401 289 WardNo.7
776 395 381 522 307 215 Ward No.8
167 151 92 49 43 967 534 433 Ward No.9
209 215 86 46 40 1,259 675 584 Ward No. 10
278 184 40 19 21 1,002 584 418 Ward No. II


Location Name of Townl Illiterates Total workers Main workers
code Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0049 Ward No. 49 724 303 421 1,)21 1,257 264 1,501 1,248 253
0050 Ward No. 50 2,451 )'006 1,445 3,310 2,240 1,070 2,996 2,227 769
0051 Ward No. 51 3,174 1,279 1,895 3,902 3,013 889 3,364 2,606 758
0052 Ward No. 52 2,660 1,097 1,563 2,629 1,994 635 2,605 1,988 617
0053 Ward No. 53 3,202 1,522 1,680 3,269 2,557 712 3,065 2,425 640
0054 Ward No. 54 2,503 1,085 1,418 2,997 2,418 579 2,931 2,380 551
0055 Ward No. 55 2,797 1,276 1,521 3,905 3,286 619 3,837 3,253 584
0056 Ward No. 56 6,741 3,371 3,370 7,518 5,987 1,531 7,066 5,759 1,307
0057 Ward No. 57 9,803 4,612 5,191 8,611 5,838 2,773 8,214 5,688 2,526
0058 Ward No. 58 4,138 . 1,797 2,341 3,402 2,811 591 3,265 2,746 519
0059 Ward No. 59 3,963 1,880 2,083 3,970 2,767 1,203 3,771 2,632 1,139
0060 Ward' No. 60 3,524 1,420 2,104 5,064 4,265 799 4,808 4,114 694
0061 Ward No. 61 1,865 698 1,167 2,895 2,472 423 2,821 2,414 407
0062 Ward No. 62 1,351 550 801 2,474 2,134 340 2,394 2,076 318
0063 Ward No. 63 2,416 992 1,424 4,083 3,582 501 4,050 3,559 491
0064 Ward No. 64 3,372 1,407 1,965 4,338 3,755 583 4,265 3,712 553
0065 Ward No. 65 7,597 3,577 4,020 8,879 6.534 2,345 7,523 5,708 1,815
0066 Hinkal (OG) - Ward 4,160 1,846 2,314 4,344 3,609 735 4,164 3,494 670
0067 Hutagalli (OG)- 1,810 769 1,041 2,313 2.025 288 2,296 2,015 281
Ward No.67
0068 Metagalli (OG) - 346 169 177 163 125 38 163 125 38
Ward No.68
0069 Sathagalli (OG)- 356 158 198 199 192 7 199 192 7
Ward No.69
0070 Alanahalli (OG)- 1,454 635 819 1,112 965 147 1,029 907 122
Ward No.70
0073 Chamundibetta (OG)· 348 136 212 402 340 62 350 296 54
Ward No.73
0074 Srirampurd (OG)- 1,867 792 1,075 2,068 1,717 351 2,033 1,699 334
Ward No.74
0075 Dattagalli (OG)- 90 46 44 68 59 9 67 58 9
Ward No.75
0076 Lingambudi (OG)- 365 163 202 227 201 26 227 201 26
Ward No.76

426050UO Hebbalu (CT) 457 228 229 532 461 71 532 461 71
0001 Ward No. t 457 228 229 532 46] 71 532 461 71

42606000 Belvata (Cl) 1,658 725 933 2,225 1,727 498 2,100 1,662 438
0001 Ward No. I 1,658 725 933 2,225 1,727 498 2,100 1,662 438

42607000 Bhogadi(Cl) 1,773 784 989 1,693 1,347 346 1,526 1,247 279
0001 Ward No.1 1,773 784 989 1,693 1,347 346 1,526 1,247 279 .

42608000 Heggadadevankote 4,184 1,800 2,384 4,583 3,265 1,318 3,739 2,846 893
000 I Ward No. I 258 120 138 337 278 59 307 263 44
0002 Ward No.2 351 170 181 377 318 59 200 185 15·
0003 Ward No.3 711 315 396 644 348 296 364 223 141
0004 Ward No.4 160 72 88 163 120 43 137 107 30
0005 Ward No.5 112 45 67 196 158 38 186 154 32
0006 Ward No.6 225 97 128 291 249 42 290 249 41
0007 Ward No. 7 869 335 534 765 449 316 540 373 167
0008 Ward NO.8 572 264 308 521 327 194 474 302 172
0009 Ward No.9 327 132 195 400 322 78 382 310 72
0010 Ward No. 10 329 143 186 527 415 112 514 409 105
0011 Ward No. II 270 107 163 362 28] 81 345 271 74


Industrial category of main workers Name of Town!
Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers ~Vard
PersollS Males Females PersollS Males Females Persolls Males Females Persolls Males Females
29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2
6 6 7 6 17 16 1,471 1,220 25 I Ward No. 49
16 ,16 1 527 ,67 460 2,452 2,144 308 Ward No. 50
I3 12 5 5 119 22 97 3,227 2,567 660 Ward No. 51
I 5 3 2 150 11 139 2,449 1,973 476 Ward No. 52
2 I 5 2 3 267 91 176 2,791 2,331 460 Ward No. 53
14 14 34 32 2 30 17 13 2~853 2,317 536 Ward No. 54
3 I 2 94 34 ,60 3,739 3,217 522 Ward No. 55
3 3 10 10 293 96 197 6,760 5,650 1,110 Ward No. 56
12 7 5 5 3 2 641 86 555 7,556 5,592 , 1,964 Ward No. 57
4 3 I 5 4 132 57 75 3,124 2,682 442 Ward No. 58
4 3 '1 5 4 631 97 534 3,131 2,528 603 Ward No. 59
10 10 10 7 3 162 90 72 4,626 4,007 619 Ward No. 60
2 2 10 9 59, 31 28 2,750 2,372 378 Ward No. 61
17 12 5 4 2 2 32 18 14 2,341 2,044 297 Ward No. 62
26 24 2 8 6 2 7 4 3 4,009 3,525 484 Ward No. 63
14 12 2 10 9 I 10 7 3 4,231 3,684 547 Ward No. 64
17 14 3 124 100 24 639 167 472 ' 6,743 .5,427 1,3 I 6 Ward No. 65
35 33 2 42 32 10 52 35 17 '4,035 3,394 641 Hillkal (00) - Ward
45 43 2 7 4 3 10 8 2 2,234 1,960 274 Hutagalli (OG}-
Ward No.67
163 125 38 Metagalli (00) -
Ward No.68
84 83 2 2 113 107 6 Sathagalli (OG)-
Ward No.69
10 4 6 21 19 2 7 7 991 877 114 Alallahalli (OG)-
Ward NO.70
350 296 54 Chamundibetta (OG)·
Ward No.73
61 54 7 28 20 8 39 23 16 ],905 1,602 303 Srirampura (od)-
Ward No.74
4 4 2 2 61 52 9 Dattagalli (00)-
Ward No.75
227 201 26 Lingambudi (00)-
Ward No.76

,4 3 2 1 526 457 69 Hebbalu (CT)

4 3 2 I 526 457 69 Ward No. 1

8 7 19 16 3 80 48 32 1,993 1;591 402 Belvata (Cn

8 7 , 19 16 3 80 48 32 ],993 1,591 402 Ward No. I

65 48 17 98 81 17 22 17 5 1,341 1,101 240 Bhogadi (CT)

65 48 17 98 81 17 22 17 5 1,34] 1,101 240 Ward No. I

625 423 202 659 372 287 70 36 34 2,385 2,015 370 Heggadadevankote
28 22 6 I3 9 4 21 9 12 245 223 22 Ward No. I
17 13 4 7 7 12 10 2 164 155 9 Ward No. 2
93 61 32 218 122 96 4 2 2 49 38 11 Ward No. 3
12 5 7 11 6 5 114 96 18 WardNo.4
15 11 4 6 3 3 5 3 2 ]60 137 23 Ward No. 5
15 13 2 11 9 2 264 227 37 Ward No. 6
170 113 57 146 75 71 2 2 222 185 37 Ward No. 7
108 68 154 78 76 3 I 2 141 115 26 Ward No. 8
13 10 3 4 2 2 354 288 66 Ward,No. 9
11 10
33 22 11 10 3 7 405 337 '68 Ward No. 10
66 47 19
20 2 47 31 16 9 6 3 267 214 53 Ward No. 11


of marginal workers Non-workers Name of Townl Ward Location
Household industry Other workers code
workers number
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
50 51 ,52 53 ,54 55 56 57 ' 58 2 1
4 4 16 9 7 3,177 1,129 2,048 Ward No. 49 0049
290 2 288 24 11 13 5,483' 2,075 3,408 Ward No. 50 0050
40 2 38 498 405 93 8,055 2,851 5,204 Ward No. 51 0051
4 4 20 6 14 5,251 1,924 3,327 Ward No. 52 0052
60 9 51 138 119 19 6,226 2,305 3,921 Ward No. 53 0053
8 I 7 56 35 21 5,790 1,943 3,847 Ward No. 54 0054
14 2 12 54 31 23 9,005 3,254 5,751 Ward No. 55 0055
175 11 164 277 217 60 15,244 5,610 9,634 Ward No. 56 0056
242 17 225 155 133 22 12,304 '4,567 7,737 Ward No. 57 0057
4 4 133 65 68 6,367 2,162 4,205 Ward No. 58 0058
22 4 18 176 131 45 6,014 2,209 3,805 Ward No. 59 0059
6 4 2 247 147 100 11,315 4,064 7,251 Ward No. 60 0060
73 58 15 5,964 2,082 3,882 Ward No. 61 0061
4 4 74 58 16 5,020 1,653 3,367 Ward No. 62 0062
12 6 6 21 17 4 9,443 3,371 6,072 Ward No. 63 0063
I 71 43 28 10,087 3,491 6,596 Ward No. 64 0064
463 70 393 863 727 136 15,277 .5,735 9,542 Ward No. 65 0065
5 5 166 108 58 7,788 2,810 4,978 Hinkul (OG) - Ward No.66 0066

10 6 4,241 1,496 2,745 Hutagalli (OG) - Ward No.67 0067

345 134 211 Metagalli (OG) - Ward No.68 0068

401 129 272 Sathagalli COG) - Ward No.69 0069

77 53 24 2,570, 916 1,654 Alanahalli (OG) - Ward No,70 0070

52 '44 8 991 317 674 Chamundibetta (OG) - Ward 0073

34 18 16 4,017 1,418 2,599 Srirampura (OG) - Ward 0074
120 35 85 Dattagalli (OG) - Ward No.75 0075

431 141 290 Lingambudi (OG) - Ward 0076


995 325 670 HebbaJu CCT) 42605000

995 325 670 Ward No. I 0001

7 4 3 117 60 57 3,482 1,212 2,270 Belvata leT) 42606000

7 4 3 117 60 57 3,482 1,212 2,270 Ward No. I 0001

10 7 3 145 89 56 3,122 1,182 1,940 Bhogadi (eT) 42607000

10 7 3 145 89 56 3,122 1,182 1,940 Ward No. I 0001

49 2 47 260 197 63 7,462 '2,904 4,558 Heggadadevankote (TP) 42608000

10 9 11 8 3 613 232 381 Ward No. I 0001

22 22 137 119 18 860 326 534 Ward No.2 0002
1 9 2 7 577 253 324 Ward No.3 0003
4 4 15 11 4 281 98 183 Ward No.4 0004
4 4 4 2 2 354 121 233 Ward No.5 0005
545 186 359 Ward No.6 0006
6 6 34 19 15 794 287 507 Ward No.7 0007
16 14 2 573 244 329 Ward No.8 0008
13 9 4 894 344 550 Ward No.9 0009
7 5 2 1,061 403 658 Ward No. 10 0010
14 8 6 910 410 500 Ward No. 11 0011


Location Nam e of Townl 'Yard Area of Nu rn ber of Total population (including Population in the
code Townl Ward households institutional and house less age-group 0-6
number in square population)
Kilomefre Pc rson s Males Females Persons Males Fern ales
2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10
42609000 Nanjangud (Tl\lC) 14.1 10,050 48,232 24,393 23,839 5,607 2,771 2,836
000 I Ward No. I 422 2,116 1,052 1,064 233 118 liS
0002 Ward No.2 428 1,867 937 930 187 105 82
0003 Ward No.3 374 1,861 918 943 211. 104 107
0004 Ward No.4 120 507 249 258 38 21 17
0005 Ward No.5 164 791 3R6 405 76 32 44
0006 Ward No.6 218 1,042 571 471 108 55 53
0007 Ward No.7 326 1,631 814 817 183 90 93
0008 Ward No.8 102 439 223 216 47 20 27
0009 Ward No.9 280 1,443 729 714 195 ·91 104
0010 Ward No. 10 370 1,730 858 sn 195 82 113
0011 Ward No. II 254 1,383 718 665 190 III 79
0012 Ward No. 12 463 2,083 1,039 1,044 286 139 147
0013 Ward No. 13 286 \,308 652 656 121 67 54
0014 Ward No. 14 354 1,701 801 900 160 93 67
0015 Ward No. 15 356 1,514 771 743 150 72 78
0016 Ward No. 16 277 1,221 626 595 123 67 56
0017 WurdNo.17 483 2,557 1,298 1,259 294 154 140
0018 Ward No. 18 432 2,275 1,146 1,129 267 128 139
0019 Ward No. 19 401 1,878 946 932 237 125 112
0020 Ward No. 20 717 3,318 1,684 1,634 428 200 228
0021 W;lrd No. 21 326 1,428 723 705 165 80 85
0022 Ward No. 22 700 3,304 1.728 1,576 304 137 167
0023 Ward No. 23 266 1,409 784 625 lIS 54 61
0024 Ward No. 24 473 2,559 1,267 1,292 395 187 208
0025 Ward No. 25 433 1,989 1,014 975 231 109 122
0026 Ward No. 26 595 2,774 1,375 1,399 403 191 212
0027 Ward No. 27 424 2,104 1,084 1,020 265 139 126

42610000 Bannur (TP) 3.1 4,831 23,239 11,825 11,414 2,727 1,449 1,278
0001 WardNo.l 220 1,073 565 508 114 66 48
0002 Ward No.2 168 850 441 409 161 91 70
0003 Ward No.3 196 871 453 418 105 54 51
0004 Ward No.4 331 1,411 726 685 168 97 71
0005 Ward No.5 197 894 449 445 83 47 36
0006 Ward No.6 262 1,172 58! 591 130 63 67
0007 Ward No.7 227 1,026 525 501 109 63 46
0008 WardNo.8 257 1,254 643 611 152 85 67
0009 Ward No.9 179 194 398 396 81 39 42
00 I a Ward No. 10 265 1,243 606 637 132 70 62
0011 Ward No. II 311 1,492 730 762 180 81 93
·0012 Ward No. 12 362 1,844 959 8S5 213 125 88
0013 Ward No. 13 176 997 519 478 120 66 54
0014 Ward No. 14 165 976 492 484 136 63 73
0015 Ward No. 15 439 2,336 1,158 1,178 334 173 161
0016 Ward No. 16 247 1,280 667 613 116 48 68
0017 Ward No. 17 170 769 425 344 73 40 33
0018 Ward No. 18 282 1,239 640 599 150 86 64
0019 Ward No. 19 166 757 367 390 60 29 31
0020 Ward No. 20 211 961 481 480 110 51 53

42611000 TIrumakudal- 1.0 2,145 9,927 4,989 4,938 1,179 576 603
Narsipur (TP)
000 I Ward No. I 132 698 351 347 80 38 42
0002 Ward No. Z 225 957. 471 486 142 71 71
0003 Ward No.3 173 808 430 378 99 49 50
0004 Ward No.4 272 1,286 640 646 147 79 68
0005 Ward No.5 157 738 373 365 79 37 42
0006 Ward No.6 151 597 303 294 61 31 30


Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Naill c of Townl 'Yard

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
9,330 4,649 4,681 2,311 1,143 1,168 32,552 17,814 14,738 Nnnjnngud (TMC)
-2 I I 299 141 158 1,309 740 569 Ward No, I
27 13 14 23 14 9 1,381 745 636 Ward No, 2
97 43 54 1,256 681 575 Ward No, 3
8 2 6 430 219 211 WardNo,4
668 344 324 WardNo,5
8 7 '4 4 620 354 266 Ward No, 6
157 75 82 1,105 585 520 Ward No, 7
336 186 150 Ward No, 8
437 225 212 872 497 375 Ward No, 9
37 21 16 548 270 278 1,107 626 481 Ward No. 10
1,063 547 516 Ward No. 11
844 431 413 32 14 18 1,052 579 473 Ward No. 12
31 18 13 23 12 11 1,082 561 521 WardNo.13
154 9 145 55 26 29 1,338 660 678 Ward No. 14
16 9 7 1,212 663 549 Ward No. 15
23 13 10 28 19 9 1,062 549 513 Ward No. 16
2,504 1,271 1,233 2 1,617 899 718 Ward No. 17
2,187 1,102 1.085 1,295 724 571 WardNo.18
83 43 40 43 18 25 1;237 638 599 Ward No. 19
178 113 65 183 93 90 ,2,386 1,309 1,077 Ward No. 20
38 19 19 56 29 27 1,145 610 535 WardNo.21
975 486 489 113 55 58 2,781 1,539 1,242 Ward No. 22,
70 45 25 16 7 9 1,193 702 491 Ward No. 23
2,103 1,022 1,081 32 19 13 1,352 773 579 Ward No. 24
11 7 4 76 32 44 1,483 811 672 Ward No, 25
19 9 10 47 25 22 1,33 4 758 576 Ward No. 26
36 19 17 16 10 6 836 515 321 WardNo.27

3,261 ],631 1,630 2,879 1,462 1,417 13,458 7,373 6,085 Bannur (TP)
610 350 260 Ward No. I
46 25 21 398 219 179 Ward No.2
136 72 64 40 18 22 380 228 152 WardNo.'3
3 2 18 8 10 812 447 365 Ward No, 4,
'6 3 3 541 289 258 WardNo.5
II 4 7 568 310 258 WardNo.6
17 10 7 554 303 251 WardNo.7
322 154 168 746 406 340 Ward No, 8
14 7 7 541 281 260 Ward No.9
9 2 7 382 190 192 742' 395 347 Ward No. 10
806 394 412 235 113 122 769 410 359 Ward No. 11
113 57 56 1,458 757 701 1,056 580 476 WardNo.12
6 3 3 749 395 354 Ward No. 13
12 5 7 652 337 315 Ward No. 14
425 192 233 218, 107 111 1,486 769 717 WardNo.15
1,220 634 586 5 4 I 872 518 , 354 Ward No. 16
19 16 88 58 30 555 333 222 Ward No'. 17
481 237 244 25 13 12 569 341 228 Ward No. 18
9 3 6 416 222 194 WardNo,19
2 13 5 8 436 240 196 WardNo.20

388 2,720 ],323 1,397 6,434 3,569 2,865 TIrumakudal - Narsipur

830 442
350 347 393 223 170 WardNo.1
65 34 31 603 287 316 454 251 203 Ward No.2
213 103 110 420 261 159 WardNo.3
51 51
3 3 433 212 221 892 476 416 Ward No.4
145 78 67 469 272 197 Ward No. 5
49 19 30 458 246 212 Ward No. 6


Location Name ofTownl Illiterates Total workers Main workers
code Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
42609000 Nanjangud (fMC) 15,680 6,579 9,101 16,440 13,530 2,910 14,490 12,177 2,313
0001 Ward No.1 807 312 495 887 635 252 793 601 192
0002 Ward No.2 486 192 294 618 542 76 590 521 69
0003 Ward No.3 605 237 368 665 525 140 653 517 136
0004 Ward No.4 77 30 47 191 160 31 190 160 30
0005 Ward No.5 123 42 81 263 228 35 257 224 33
0006 Ward No.6 422 217 205 376 317 59 367 308 59
0007 Ward No.7 526 229 297 593 499 94 569 480 89
0008 Ward No.8 103 37 66 170 152 18 170 152 18
0009 Ward No.9 571 232 339 547 437 110 521 416 105
0010 Ward No. 10 623 232 391 639 494 145 616 473 143
0011 Ward No. 11 320 171 149 479 397 82 447 381 66
0012 Ward No. 12 1,031 460 571 701 541 160 432 346 86
0013 Ward No. 13 226 91 135 428 362 66 396 340 56
0014 Ward No. 14 363 141 222 577 493 84 477 428 49
0015 Ward No. 15 302 108 194 490 429 61 484 424 60
0016 Ward No .. 16 159 77 82 424 340 84 419 339 80
0017 Ward No. 17 940 399 541 824 684 140 622 535 87
0018 Ward No. 18 980 422 558 697 586 III 655 554 101
0019 Ward No. 19 641 308 333 662 525 137 593 509 84
0020 Ward No. 20 932 375 557 1,185 939 246 1,056 888 168
0021 Ward No. 21 283 113 170 470 406 64 467 403 64
0022 Ward No. 22 523 189 334 888 767 121 836 728 108
0023 Ward No. 23 216 82 134 413 368 45 395 357 38
0024 Ward No. 24 1,207 494 713 851 703 148 376 309 67
0025 Ward No. 25 506 203 303 615 553 62 592 535 57
0026 Ward No. 26 1,440 617 823 963 804 159 895 754 141
0027 Ward No. 27 1,268 569 699 824 644 180 622 495 127

42610000 Bannur (TI') 9,781 4,452 5,329 8,889 7,181 1,708 8,234 6,845 1,389
0001 Ward No.1 463 215 248 421 400 21 404 383 21
0002 Ward No.2 452 222 230 290 241 49 275 231 44
0003 Ward No.3 491 225 266 395 289 J06 361 271 90
0004 Ward No.4 599 279 320 529 467 62 524 464 60
0005 Ward No.5 347 160 187 338 283 55 284 246 38
0006 Ward No.6 604 271 333 572 401 171 544 383 161
0007 Ward No.7 472 222 250 354 316 38 296 273 23
0008 Ward No.8 508 237 271 467 397 70 418 369 49
0009 Ward No.9 253 117 136 312 263 49 307 258 49
0010 Ward No. 10 501 211 290 430 390 40 419 382 37
0011 Ward No. 11 723 320 403 632 457 175 599 439 160
0012 Ward No. 12 788 379 409 709 599 110 700 595 . 105
0013 Ward No. 13 248 124 124 333 288 45 268 248 20
0014 Ward No. 14 324 155 169 271 247 24 268 246 22
0015 Ward No. 15 850 389 461 847 652 195 805 631 ]74
0016 Ward No. 16 408 149 259 442 299 143 437 297 140
0017 Ward No. 17 214 92 122 239 222 17 232 217 15
0018 Ward No. IS 670 299 371 575 400 175 480 358 122
0019 Ward No. 19 341 145 196 283 244 39 274 239 35
0020 Ward No. 20 525 241 284 450 326 124 339 315 24
426] 1000 Tirnmakudal- 3,493 1,420 2,073 3,331 2,840 49] 3,088 2,675 413
NarsiDur ITP)
0001 Ward No. I 305 128 177 178 163 15 176 163 13
0002 Ward No.2 503 220 283 389 283 106 331 245 86
0003 Ward No.3 388 169 219 300 246 54 297 243 54
0004 Ward No.4 394 164 230 443 390 53 412 373 39
0005 Ward No.5 269 101 168 219 197 22 206 187 19
0006 Ward No.6 139 57 82 180 161 19 177 158 19


Industrial category of main workers Name of Town!
Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Otber workers Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
537 500 37 532 383 149 455 216 239 12,966 . 11 ,078 1,888. Nanjangud [fMC)
22 22 4 4 767 575 192 Ward No.1
62 59 3 2 2 6 6 520 454 66 Ward No.2
2 2 7 4 3 31 10 21 613 501 112 Ward No.3
3 3 .7 5 2 180 152 28 Ward No. 4
7 6 2 2 3 3 245 216 29 Ward No.5
14 14 2 2 351 292 59 Ward No.6
8 7 3 3 29 G 23 529 464 65 Ward No.7
3 3 167 149 18 Ward No.8
3 3 2 I 128 71 57 388 341 47 Ward No.9
9 9 9 6 3 85 41 44 513 417 96 Ward No. 10
2 2 4 3 73 29 44 368 347 21 Ward No. 11
2 2 2 2 4 3 424 339 85 Ward No. 12
5 5 6 5 385 330 55 Ward No. 13
6 5 2 2 12 9 3 457 412 45 Ward No. 14
15 13 2 2 2 5 I 4 462 408 54 Ward No. 15
23· 15 8 396 . 324 72 Ward No. 16
10 10 26 19 7 2 2 584 504 80 Ward No. 17
31 30 I . 94 75 19 6 5 524 444 80 Ward No. 18
16 15 56 45 II 9 4 5 512 445 67 Ward No. 19
15 14 7 5 2 23 2 21 1,011 867 144 Ward No. 20
13 13 6 5 448 385 63 Ward No. 21
26 24 2 2 2 2 806 701 i05 Ward·No.22
15 15 379 341 38 Ward No. 23
32 3 29 5 4 1 339 302 37 Ward No. 24
24 24 5 5 7 4 3 556 502 S4 Ward No. 25
128. 121 7 75 52 23 4 3 688 578 110 Ward No. 26
73 64 9 193 143 50 2 2 354 288 66 Ward No. 27

2,101 2,009 92 2,122 1,476 646 198 119 79 3,813 3,241 572 Bannur (TP)
304 297 7 33 28 5 67 58 9 Ward No. 1
79 78 20 15 5 20 7 13 156 131 25 Ward No.2
73 72 176 110 66 2 2 110 87 23 Ward No.3
153 151 2 101 88 13 2 I 268 224 44 WardNo.4
99 98 I 21 13 8 164 135 29 Ward No.5
117 III G 221 142 79 9 3 6 197· 127 70 Ward No.6
136 134 2 43 35 8 116 104 12 Ward No. 7
153 141 12 82 69 13 29 22 7 154 137 17 Ward No.8
101 97 4 81 60 21 4 2 2 121 99 22 Ward No.9
114 113 46 40 6 3 2 256 228 28 Ward No. 10
68 68 212 127 85 18 11 7 301 233 68 Ward No. 11
79 69 10 309 250 59 3 2 309 275 34 Ward No. 12
35 35 20 19 I 11 I 10 202 193 9 Ward No. 13
21 17 4 14 11 3 35 33 2. 198 185 13 Ward No. 14
34 25 9 99 56 43 30 12 18 642 538 104 Ward No. 15
27 21 6 299 176 123 111 100 11 Ward No. 16
70 66 4 37 35 2 5 4 120 112 8 Ward No. 17
97 87 10 . 173 106 67 21 16 5 189 149 40 Ward No. 18
. 155 148 7 71 47 24 5 3 2 43 41 2 Ward No. 19
186 181 5 64 49 15 89 . 85 4 Ward No. 20

172 166 6 52 46 6 40 24 16 2,824 2,439 385 Tirumakudal-

Narsiour rTP)
175 162 13 Ward No.1
4 2 2 325 241 84 Ward No.2
2 18 14 4 276 226 50 Ward No. 3
21 3 3 388 349 39 Ward No.4
10 9 146 128 18 Ward No. 5
50 50
8 8 157 139 18 Ward No. 6
12. 11


Location Name of Town! Ward Marginar workers Industrial category
code Cultivators Agricultural labourers
Persons Males Females Persons !Vlales Females Persons Males Females
2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
42!i09000 Nan.iangud (TMC) 1,950 1,353 597 3 2 124 62 62
0001 Ward No. I 94 34 60
0002 Ward No.2 28 21 7
0003 Ward No.3 12 8 4 3 2
0004 Ward No.4 1
0005 Ward No.5 6 4 2
0006 Ward No.6 9 9
0007 Ward No.7 24 19 5
0008 Ward No.8
0009 Ward No.9 26 21 5
0010 Ward No. 10 23 21 2
0011 Ward No. 11 32 16 16
0012 Ward No. 12 269 195 74
0013 Ward No. 13 32 22 10
0014 Ward No. 14 100 65 35
0015 Ward No. 15 6 5 I
0016 Ward No. 16 5 I 4
0017 Ward No. 17 202 149 53 28 17 11
0018 Ward No. 18 42 32 10 19 13 6
0019 Ward No. 19 69 16 53
0020 Ward No. 20 129 51 78
0021 Ward No. 21 3 3
0022 Ward No. 22 52 39 13 2
0023 Ward No. 23 18 II 7
0024 Ward No. 24 475 394 RI 34 4 30
0025 Ward No. 25 23 18 5
0026 Ward No. 26 68 50 18 18 11 7
0027 Ward No. 27 202 149 53 17 13 4

42610000 Bannur (TP) 655 336 319 67 24 43 300 142 ]58

0001 Ward No. I 17 17 2 2 13 13
0002 Ward No.2 15 10 5 7 4 3
0003 Ward No.3 34 18 16 12 4 8
0004 Ward NO.4 5 3 2 4 2 2
0005 Ward NO.5 54 37 17 10 10 39 23 16
0006 Ward No.6 28 18 10 22 15 7
0007 Ward No.7 58 43 15 46 35 11
0008 Ward No.8 49 28 21 12 11
0009 Ward No.9 5 5 2 2
0010 Ward No. 10 II 8 3 I I
001 t Ward No. t 1 33 18 15 3 3 20 7 13
0012 Ward No. 12 9 4 5
0013 Ward No. 13 65 40 25
0014 Ward No. 14 3 1 2
0015 Ward No. 15 42 21 21 38 19 19
0016 Ward No. 16 5 2 3 4 3
0017 Ward No. 17 7 5 2 5 4
0018 Ward No. 18 95 42 53 3 2 10 2 8
0019 Ward No. 19 9 5 4 2 2 7 5 2
0020 Ward No. 20 111 11 100 44 6 38 58 4 54

42611000 Tirumakudal - Narsipur (TP) 243 165 78 3 3 33 24 9

000 1 Ward No. 1 2 2

0002 Ward No.2 58 38 20 1
0003 Ward No.3 3 3 I
0004 Ward No.4 3I 17 14 2 2 3 2
0005 Ward No.5 13 10 3 10 7 3
0006 Ward No.6 3 3


of marginal workers Non-workers Name ofTownl Ward Location
Household industry Other workers code
workers number
Persons, Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2
177 25 152 1,646 1,265 381 31,792 10,863 20,929 Nanjangud (TMC) 42609000
10 2 8 84 32 52 1,229 417 812 Ward No.1 0001
28 21 7 1,249 395 854 Ward No.2 0002
9 7 2 1,196 393 803 Ward No.3 0003
I 316 89 227 Ward NO.4 0004
6 4 2 528 158 370 Ward No.5 0005
9 9 666 254 412 Ward No.6 0006
24 19 5 1,038 315 723 Ward No.7 0007
269 71 198 Ward No.8 0008
.26 21 5 896 292 604 Ward No.9 0009
22 20 2 1,091 364 727' Ward No. 10 0010
14 14 17 15 2 904 321 583 Ward No. 11 0011
16 8 8 252 186 66 1,382 498 884 Ward No. 12 0012
I I 31 22 9 880 290 590 Ward No. 13 0013
9 8 90 64 26 1,124 308 816 Ward No. 14 0014
6 .5 1 1,024 342 682 Ward No. 15 0015
5 4 797 286 ,511 Ward No. 16 0016
174 132 42 1,733 614 1,119 Ward No. 17 0017
I 22 18 4 1,578 560 1,018 Ward No. 18 0018
46 46 23 16 7 1,216 421 795 Ward No. 19 0019
46 46 82 51 31 2,133 745 1,388 Ward No. 20 0020
3 3 958 317 641 Ward No. 21 0021
22 13 9 28 25 3 2,416 961 1,455 Ward No. 22 0022
18 II 7 996 416 580 Ward No. 23 0023
12 12 428 390 38 1,708 564 ).144 Ward No. 24 0024
23 18 5 1,374 461 913 Ward No. 25 0025
50 39 11 1,811 571 1,240 Ward No. 26 0026
185 136 49 1,280 440 840 Ward No. 27 0027

38 7 31 250 163 87 14,350 4,644 9,706 Bannur (TP) 42610000

I 652 165 487 Ward No. I 0001
7 6 560 200 360 Ward No.2 0002
21 14 7 476 164 312 Ward No.3 0003
1 I 882 259 623 Ward No.4 0004
2 2 3 2 556 166 390 Ward No.5 0005
6 3 3 600 180 420 Ward No.6 0006
12 8 4 672 209 463 Ward No.7 0007
36 27 9 787 246 541 Ward No.8 0008
3 3 482 135 347 Ward No.9 0009
10 7 3 813 216 597 Ward No. 10 0010
10 8 2 860 273 587 Ward No.1 I 0011
3 3 6 4 2 1,135 360 775 Ward No. 12 0012
29 4 25 36 36 664 231 433 Ward No. 13' 0013
2 2 705 245 460 Ward No. 14 0014
3 2 . 1,489 506 983 Ward No. 15 0015,
838 368 470 Ward No. 16 0016
2 I 1 530 203 327 Ward No. 17 '0017
81 39 42 664 240 424 Ward No. 18 0018
474 123 351 Ward No. 19 0019
9 8 511 155 356 Ward No. 20 0020

3 204 138 66 6,596 2,149 4,447 Tirumakudal - Narsipur 42611000

2 2 520 188 332 Ward No. I 0001
57 37 20 568 188 380 Ward No.2 0002
508 184 324 Ward No.3 0003
2 2
13 843 250 593 Ward No.4 0004
26 13
519 176 343 Ward No.5 0005
3 3
417 142 275 Ward No.6 0006
3 3


Location Name of Townl Ward Area of Townl Number of Total population (including Population in the
code Ward in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6
number square I!o l!ulationl
Kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males I:emales
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0007 Ward Nu. 7 186 855 418 437 110 50 60
0008 Ward No.8 199 941 467 474 125 60 65
0009 Ward No.9 325 1,527 774 753 186 92 94
0010 Ward No. 10 140 646 318 328 63 28 35
0011 Ward No. 11 lS5 874 444 430 87 41 46


Scheduled Castcs population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name.ofTown/ Ward

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
18 8 10 558 311 247 Ward No.7
4 3 59 28 31 617 328 289 Ward No.8
7 3 4 944 469 475 991 562 429 Ward No.9
153 69 84 475 260 215 Ward No. 10
103 50 53 707 379 328 Ward No. II


Location Name of Townl Illiterates Total workers lVlain workers
code Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
OOO? Ward No.7 297 107 190 282 242 40 253 218 35
0008 Ward No.8 324 139 185 313 270 43 283 251 32
0009 Ward No.9 536 212 324 527 447 80 475 417 58
0010 Ward No. 10 171 58 113 216 187 29 208 180 28
0011 Ward No. 11 167 65 102 284 254 30 270 240 30


I ndustrial category of main workers Name of Townl
Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers Ward
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
29 30 31 32 33 ·34 35 36 37 38 3' 40 2
24 20 4 10 9 2 2 217 189 28 Ward No. 7
23 23 8 8 252 228 24 Ward No. 8
12 II 16 12 4 4 4 443 390 53 Ward No. 9
15 15 4 4 189 161 28 Ward No. 10
II II 3 3 256 226 30 Ward No. II


Location Name of Townl Ward I\tlargina1 ''''orkers Industrial category
code Cultivators Agricultural labourers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons 1\1ales Females
2 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49
0007 Ward No.7 29 24 5 8 7
0008 Ward No.8 30 19 II
0009 Ward No.9 52 30 22 5 4
0010 Ward No. 10 8 7
0011 Ward No. II 14 14 5 5


of marginal workers Non-workers Name of Townl Ward Location
Household industry Other workers code
workers number
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
20 16 4 573 176 397 Ward No. 7 0007
2 2 28 19 9 628 197 431 Ward No. 8 0008
46 29 17 1,000 327 673 Ward No. 9 0009
8 7 1 430 131 299 Ward No. 10 0010
9' 9 590 190 400 Ward No. II 0011

Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13
Name of Sub District: Piriyapatna (0001)
K. Basavanahalli 02755800 139 115 571 279 292 92 78 4 6
Gobbalikaval 02755900 156
Manuganahalli 02756000 251 135 734 348 386 65 73
Kanagal 02756100 390 496 2,470 1,240 1,230 164 180 133 136
Kambipura 02756400 224 50 283 128 155 4 5
Hegathur 02756500 127 5 29 14 15
Gariguddakaval 02756600 557 44 232 118 114 3 6
Icbanaballi 02756700 169 64 384 184 200 28 28 65 76
Gudibbadranahosahalli 02756800 141 46 240 112 128
Adagoor 02757300 384 58 320 160 160 18 15
Total 2,538 1,013 5,263 2,583 2,680 371 379 205 224
Rasimartikaval, 02756900 229 7 36 19 17
RajanabeJaguli , 02757000 615 428 2,412 1,172 1,240 115 111 43 45
Hunasethoppalu 02757100 193 116 628 323 305 63 , 60
Halaganahalli 02761800 368 456 2,754 1,380 1,374 131 109
Suragaballi 02761900 527 214 1,300 673 627 147 138
Total 1,932 1,221 7,130 3,567 3,563 457 419 43 45
Ganganakuppe 02757200 254 205 1,125 564 , 561 107 114 10 8
Ambalare 02757500 376 282 1,386 700 686 30 22
Vaddarabylakuppe 02757600 165 48 289 155 134 155 134
Chapparadahalli 02757700 337 399 2,087 1,048 1,039 142 147
Haleyur 02758000 154 60 298 141 157 49 54
Haranahalli 02758100 343 158 941 504 437 172 143
Goraballi 02762000 529 376 1,819 925 894 142 150 95 83
Total 2,158 1,528 '7,945 4,037 3,908 797 764 105 91
Chamarayanakote 02756200 515 463 2,271 1,161 1,110 267 223 68 65
Sulekote 02756300 382 305 1,658 835 823 236 232 249 232
Shanuboganahalli 02757400 241 165 868 447 421 21 19
Doddakamaravalli 02758800 241 197 953 460 493 77 82
Chikkamaravalli 02758900 185 122 656 332 324 103 101
, Dindagadu 02759000 468 268 1,348 673 675 16' 21 272 259
Total 2,032 1,520 7,754 3,908 3,846 720 678, 589 556
Channakalkaval . 02758700 2,003 568 2,824 1,407 1,417 559 571. 165 147
Sunkadaballi 02759200 145 114 569 268 301 71 80
Benagal 02759300 269 201 996 513 483 325 312 36 35
Maradiyur 02759500 311 153 772 395 377 210 211 19 18
Total 2,728 1,036 5,161 2,583 2,578 1,165 1,174 220 200
Hasuvinakaval 02757800 790 195 1,046 518 528 129 132 93 86
ByadarabiJaguli 02757900 406 197 1,075 537 538 65 67
Chikkanerale 02758200 175 52 267 127 140 5 2 16 21
Tharikal , 02758300 464 350 1,899 943 956 254 255 49 60


Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males .Females.
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Doddanerale 02758400 484 175 980 487 493 74 83 '_

Kesarakere 02758500 192 17 8& 45 43

Bilagunda 02758600 332 133 625 326 299 19 20 3 5
Depura 02764100 180 77 418 196 222 63 68 46 58
Vaderahosahalli Jungle 02764200 26
Nilavadi 02764300 611 170 859 433 426 120 116 78 82
Total 3,660 1,366 7,257 3,612 3,645 664 676 350 379
Haradur 02762100 457 330 1,653 817 836 69 64 76 74
Anivalu 02762200 406 154 826 413 413 215 216
Kow1anahalli 02762300 246 .97 473 249 224
BeUadapura 02763900 981 1,209 5,837 2,962 2,875 157 156 133 124
Total 2,090 1,790 8,789 4,441 4,348 441 436 209 198
Naganahalli 02762700 436 174 972 501 471 380 355
Hiremalali 02763500 366 9 51 30 21
Chikkamalali 02763600 202 104 623 330 293 5 6 105 98
Bettada Thunga 02763700 806 369 2,307 1,172 1,135 153 166
Bettadakaval 02763800 234
Barse 02765300 478 195 1,201 594 607 128 122
Kudakuru 02765400 615 92 523 257 266 60 61 32 39
Nandipura 02765500 519 189 1,082 540 542 211 21S
Total 3,656 1,132 6,759 3,424 3,335 937 925 137· 137
Harinahalli 02762400 228 138 620 311 309
Sangarasettyhalli 02762500 288 290 1,438 711 727 2
N avi lukodikaval 02762600 266 4 42 16 26
Attigodu 02762800 539 372 2,050 1,085 965 86 98 40 23
Kothavalli 02763400 985 596 3,402 1,739 1,663 106 104 IO 8
Total 2,306 1,400 7,552 3,862 3,690 192 202 51 33
Melur 02762900 311 174 1,011 514 497 104 93
Maradoor 02763000 528 356 2,063 1,072 991 174 137 27 29
Kithoor 02763100 966 899 4,534 2,301 2,233 228 214 169 1S7
Total 1,805 1,429 7,608 3,887 3,721 506 444 196 186
0011 ~rrA"ALLI
Galaganakerc 02763200 324 150 796 405 391 73 73
Thammadahalli 02763300 530 343 1,847 966 8&1 48 33 271 256
Honnenahalli 02765900 404 339 1,897 958 939 451 441
Handitavalli 02766100 227 269 1,267 666 601 74 64
N agaragbatta 02766200 207 78 417 221 196 21 21
Kodihalli 02766700 276 7 41 20 21 7 8
Kellur 02766800 521 237 1,188 600 588 81 72 27 40
Total 2,489 1,423 7,453 3,836 3,617 755 712 298 296
N. Settiha IIi· 02765600 249 260 1,444 706 738 67 61 59 55
Nilangala 02765700 305 1 II 677 360 317 61 65
Kelaganahalli 02765800 410 270 1,467 752 715 79 74 48 38



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Bhavalalu 02766000 167 58 327 160 167 72 81
Ravandur 02766300 635 530 2,523 1,285 1,238 284 244 103 85
Haraiahalli 02766400 231 98 490 241 249 97 90
Bhoganahalli 02766600 226 170 821 410 411 23 30 8 14
Total 2,223 1,497 7,749 3,914 3,835 683 645 218 192
Kurgallu 02764000 397 156 730 357 373 126 124 61 75
Konasur 02764400 639 418 2,002 993 1,009 216 214 57 52
Joganahalli 02764500 460 200 1,139 577 562 106 114 52 45
Bhuvanahalli 02764600 284 369 1,753 885 868 68 70
Bekkare 02764700 350. 210 990 525 465 107 89
Eachuru 02765200 277 235 1,210 625 585 40 30
Total 2,407 1,588 1,824 3,962 3,862 663 641 170 172
0014 KOPPA
Avarthi 02759100 365 309 1,554 800 754 139 125 42 44
Koppa 02759600 176 541 2,555 1,311 1,244 182 182 162 188
Giragur 02759700 404 182 833 419 414 57 54 20 17
Doddahosur 02759800 591 410 2,090 1,100 990 68 51 341 319
Guddenahalli 02759900 207 18 82 44 38
Aralikumari 02761300 593 246 3,388 2,494 894 3 2
Lingapura 02761400 537 85 390 193 197 5 5 ~84 188
Total 2,873 1,791 10,892 6,361 4,531 454 419 755 756
Doddahonnurkaval 02759400 549 45 266 132 134 70 75 12 12
Bylakuppe 02760000 269 319 1,525 756 769 66 83 17 20
Doddahormur 02760100 197 92 469 237 232 80 99 16 9
Muthakur 02760200 62 13 56 27 29 2 5 9 9
Gulledahalla Jungle 02760300 407 239 1,169 575 594 3 2
Thirumalapura 02760500 323 196 904 461 443 65 55 36 28
Handiguddadakaval 02760900 803 356 1,686 874 812 33 23 245 200
Gollarahosahalli 02761000 138 257 1,426 749 677 9 6 3 1
Lakshmipura 02761100· 161 83 532 335 197 87 95 5 6
Kailasapura 02761200 234 138 683 349 334
Doddaharve Forest 02761500 1,031 2 3 3 2
Doddaharve 02761600 2,164 674 5,064 4,221 843 511 485 63 72
Basavanayeni 02761700 605 456 2,475 1,288 1,187 1
Naviloor 02770500 666 312 1,628 827 . 801 401 364 58 63
Manchedevanahalli .. 02770700 616 146 733 367 366 5 7 175 169
Total 8,225 3,328 18,619 11,201 7,418 1,331 1,297 643 591
M. Hosahalli 02760400 402 166 908 448 460 254 268 52 53
P. Basavanahalli 02760600 421 151 814 411 403 67 68 49 43
Kanoor 02764800 462 184 1,021 511 510 78 70 45 44
Komalapura 02764900 388 309 1,684 898 786 59 58 55 49
Seegekorekav~1 02765100 271 37 213 107 106 50 45
02768900 265 154 824 438 386 66 58 3 4
K. Haralahalli 02769000 . 185 64 339 174 165 27 25



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females l\1ales Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Neralakuppe 02769100 188 50 252 120 132

Senabinakuppe 02769200 141 26 153 77 76
Total 2,723 1,141 6,208 3,184 3,024 601 592 204 193
Billahalli 02765000 229 92 511 260 251
Ai thanahalli 02767500 525 229 1,295 664 631 123 119 76 84
Seeguru 02767600 309 145 866 439 427 192 158 22 22
Hitnahalli 02767700 294 118 611 301 310 2 8
Manchedevanahalli 02767800 216 10 62 35 27
Hitnehebbagilu 02768700 457 573 2,965 1,460 1,505 138 140 23 25
Avarekaiguddadakaval .02768800 594 19 71 37 34 15 13 .-
Mellahalli 02770000 341 139 655 335 320 107 92 48 42
Haravemallarajapatna 02772900 360 150 677 343 334 54 55 33 28
Total 3,,325 1,475 7,713 3,874 3,839 631 585 202 201
Dorekere 02767400 510 164 982 495 487 136 99
R.Thunga 02767900 581 280 1,598 799 799 64 61 162 176
Sundavalu 02768400 248 265 1,502' 763 739 176 162
Aswalu 02768500 323 167 945 467 478 66 64 30 38
Sanyasipura 02768600 247 116 636 342 294 96 79 104 78
Kaggundi 02769700 366 229 1,101 545 556 7 5
Dodda Vaddarakere 02769800 73 32 179 85 94
Chikkavaddarakere 02769900 73 66 331 180 151 8 5
Total 2,421 1,319 7,274 3,676 3,598 553 475 296 292
Arenahalli 02766500 526 358 2,046 1,043 1,003 43 48
Kalkere 02767300 531 110 714 365 349 18 9 175 184
Doddabyalalu 02768000 710 289 1,514 734 780 137 134
Javanikuppe. 02768100 243 169 858 420 438 :2 4
Makanahalli 02768200 278 207 1,211 617 594 467 ·457
Chikkabyalalu 02768300 250 51 303 155 148 44 48
Basalapura 02770200 274 223 1,202 603 599 71 68 24 24
Total 2,812 1,407 7,848 3,937 3,911 782 768 200 209
R. Hosahalli 02766900 534 143 711 359 352 173 149
Makodu 02767000 933 761 4,245 2,110 2,135 118 129 3
Malaganakere 02767100 432 142 613 289 324 56 61 2
M. Settihalli 02767200 379 172 1,000 483 517 58 60 67 67
Total 2,278 1,218 6,569 3,241 3,328 405 399 69 .72
Kiranalli 02770100 496 330 1,696 841 855 64 66 14 22
Kampalapura 02770300 636 929 4,450 2,318 2,132 248 243 192 173
, Borehosahalli 02770400 278 178 1,019 512 507 100 108 98 96
Harilapura 02774200 398 116 669 339 330 150 153
Bekya 02775400 290 176 781 398 383 92 59
Total 2,098 1,729 8,615 4,408 4,207 654 629 305 291
Kandegala 02769300 367 229 1,226 616 610 103 104



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. -::_-=T-=o-=ta=I~P-:o-::p=u=la:..:ti==o=n-:_...:S::..:c:..:h:.:-e=.du=l:..:e=-d-=C:.:a:..:st:.:e=.s...:S::..:c:::h:..:ed.::u=:l:,::e::.d...:T:;_n.::·b:.:e:;:_s
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
GBasavanahalli 02769400 191 134 731 353 378 16 16
Hemmige 02769500 316 238 1,192 608 584 50 50
Kodihalli.K. G 02769600 134 8 47 23 24
Belathur 02771800 326. 119 627 321 306 77 76
Chi ttenahalli 02771900 273 170 803 398 405 26 19
Chowdenahalli 02772000 97 ,83 436 225 211 48 43 12 9
Channenahalli 02772100 397 179 903 430 473 163 196
Naralapura 02772200 275 127 736 371 365 14 15 47 37
Magali 02772700 178 118 653 330 323
Halepetekantapura 02772800 185 42 212 113 99 20 II 6 4
Thimakapura 02773.100 269 167 770 380 390 80 71 12 17
Total' 3,008 1;614 8,336 4,168 4,168 597 601 78 67
Poonadahalli 02760700 303 212 1,029 524 ' 505 67 78 42 31
Charapura 02760800 69 27 129 62 67 8 7 40 45
Alanahalli 02770600 405 465 2,512 1,261 1,251 150 131 518 516
Kundanahalli 02770800 259 127 659 334 325 40 27 54 46
Mallinathapura 02770900 293 96 459 226 233 33 24 13 9
Hunasavadi 02771000 472 261 1,206 608 598 127 146 22 14
Kamanahalli 027711 00 123 6 25 13 12
Boothanahalli 02771200 161 178 892 448 444 120 126
Koralahosahalli 02771300 153' 21 151 79 72 19 13
Bemmathi 02771600 233 86 475 246 229 27 32 37 35
I1apura 02771700 173 80 449 209 240 75 97 62 58
Kirangoor 02772300 204 101 474 243 231 11 10 8 10
Total 2,848 1,660 8,460 4,253 4,207· 677 691 796 764
0024 ~
Lingapura Forest 02771400 380
Ayarabeedu 02771500 509 136 852 423 429 37 29 103 130
Lingapura 02772400 347 88 402 180 222 3 116 140
Rajivagrama 02772500 432 135 594 289 305 3 1 206 219
Muthur 02772600 428 457 2,128 1,059 1,069 366 366 43 32
Begur 02773200 229 69 367 179 188 116 107
Kalethinunanahalli 02773300 371 36 179 90 89 4 4 6 3
Sulagodu 02773400 218 75 350 172 178 20 26
Kogilavadi 02773500 '282 136 605 309 296 74 74
Chowthi 02773600 408 233 1,134 575 559 134 151 190 168
Total 3,604 1,365 6,611 3,276 3,335 681 687 738 766
Piriyapatna (Rural) 02773000 Jl9 85 514 252 262
Habatoor 02773700 710 395 1,937 959 978 186 185 121 121
Ankanahalli 02773800 283 259 1,553 779 774 103 109
Rajapura 02773900 226 116 569 302 267 14 12
Hunasekuppe 02774300 230 139 685 346 339 51 42 3 4
Ichanahalli 02774400 328 20 110 60 50 8 3 4 3
Murnmadikaval 02774500 464 150 677 346 331 236 210 2 2
Laxmipura 02774600 395 137 697 350 347 19 15 123 117
Anechowkur Forest 02774700 3,154 5 9 7 2 3



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Abbalathi 02774800. 350 150 606 298 308 5 7 172 171

Malangi 02774900 518 283 1,298 653 645 41 46 240 224
Total 6,777 1,739 8,655 4,352 4,303 663 629 668 643
Abbur 02774000 272 158 853 448 405 194 159 66 53
Tatanahalli 02774100 270 145 764 396 368 187 169 2
Chowkur 02775000 320 144 625 315 310 64 54 21 11
Halasoor 02775100 85 5 17 10 7
Sathyagalakaval 02775200 330 125 667 340 327 291 273
Sathyagala 02775300 507 292 1,535 779 756 213 210
Ittagalli 02775500 233 129 738 363 375 70 67 8 9
Panchavalli 02775600 400 371 1,843 942 901 213 225 9 8
Uthenahalli 02775700 726 332 1,725 854 871 94 92 99 88
Alalur 02775800 549 113 519 263 256 129 127 7 8
Muddanahalli * 02775900 281
Kachuvanahalli Jungle 02776000 1,832
Total 5,805 1,814 9,286 4,710 4,576 1,455 1,376 211 179

Name of Sub District: HUllsur (0002)

Rmnenahalli 02776100 702 353 1,831 947 884 34 \8 271 254
Harave 02776200 791 422 2,222 1,139 1,083 75 90 405 413
Chittikyathanahalli 02777800 143 147 748 393 355 149 124
Modursannenahallikaval 02778100 249
Total 1,885 922 4,801 2,479 2,322 258 232 676 667
Marur 02776300 998 350 1,940 990 950 III 116 291 251
Hirikyathanahalli 02776400 375 532 2,762 1,399 1,363 118 102 284 249
Mylamburu 02777500 312 169 880 445 435 63 64
Honnenahalli 02777600 236 45 197 97 100 4 2 25 28
Marurkaval 02777700 333 28 143· 72 71 4 2
Shravananahalli 02791200 334 117 506 251 255 17 15
Total 2,588 1,241 6,428 3,254 3,174 296 284 621 545
Manchabayanahalli 02776600 496 311 1,664 875 789 72 55 560 504
Jabagere 02776700 565 559 2,715 1,367 1,348 81 72 461 437
Chikkadiganahall i 02776800 186 125 561 279 282 119 125
Keriyuru 02776900 456 163 856 441 415 89 89 93 96
Gavadagcre 02777300 383 716 3,215 .1,603 1,612 102 102 769 778
Manuganahalli 02777400 243 40 178 86 92
Total 2,329 1,914 9,189 4,651 4,538 463 443 1,883 1,815
Machabayanahalli 02777000 396 181 846 433 413 96 83 166 165
Mulluru 02777100 306 324 1,442 749 693 202 197 13 II
Hulyalu 02777200 221 176 776 382 394 182 182
Mullur 02777900 202
Pinnikyathanahalli 02779100 224 2 15 7 8


Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males' Females Males Females
code Paneha Code' village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Undavadi 02779200 329 . 183 733 380 353 53 48

Hejjodlu 02779300 110 83 395 188 207 42 49
Attiguppe 02779400 374 163 818 391 427 29 34
Krishnapura 02779500 697 234 1,177 590 587 . 144 148
Siriyuru 02779600 226' 121 655 332 323 80 65 2
Siriyurunala 02779700 333 3 2 I
Thondalu 02787700 360 214 1,015 513 502 236 233 12 16
Total 3,778 1,682 7,875 3,967 3,908 867 843 390 389
Ayarahalli 02790600 220 199 922 445 477 19 24 105 III
Harohalli 02790700 323 91 457 236 221 121· 102
Husenpurakaval 02790800 127
Husenpura 02791000 282 364 1,597 818 779 135 116
Husenpuranala 02791100 437
Bolanahalli 02791500 234 894 4,268 2,182 2,086 134 126 1,488 1,393
Kempanahalli 02791600 415 211 1,042 535 507 40 37 177 187
Rangaiabnakoppalu 02792700 204 205 I,Q62 5&1 481 83 74
Total 2,242 1,964 9,348 4,71,)7 4,551 532 479 1,770 1,691
Gerasanahalli . 02790900 326 357 1,651 839 812 204 191 40 38
Mydanahalli 02791700 .182 82 359 193 166 58 52
Halebeedu 02791800 334 495 2,369 1,187 1,182 178 171 269 246
Vaddarahalli 02791900 167 70 344 177 167 4 4
Bettadur 02792000 362 124 596 293 303 112 109
Halladakallahalli 02792100 166 27 136 66 70 5 5
BoochahalIi 02792200 174 75 384 200 184
Halebeedukaval 02792300 85
Sabbanahalli 02792500 275 56 269 146 123 9 5 99 86
. Total 2,071 1,286 6,108 3,101 3,007 570 537 408 370
Hullenahalli 02793200 264 215 966 505 461 412 387
Devarahalli 02793300 177 122 582 295 287 53 52 2 1
Manuganahalli 02793400 518 264 1,201 600 601 38 40 14 14
Doddakadanahalli 02793500 273
Chikkadanahalli . 02793600 235 164 739 367 372 43 32
Ankanahalli 02793700 397 157 698 357 341 48 35
Handanahalli 02793800 754 268 1,445 724 721 25 23 546 546
Doddabeechanahalli 02793900 304 107 552 269 283' 131 159
Total 2,922 1,297 6,183 3,117 3,066 338 341 974 948
Bommalapura 02792400 106 I 6 3 3
Mallinathapura 02792600 690 150 790 399 391
leenahalli 02792900 443 81 383 191 192 69 69
02793000 358 943 4,691 2,414 2,277 317 281 909 947
Bilikerekaval 02793100 74
02794000 672 232 1,122 570 552 95 95 115 117
Total 2,343 1,407 6,992 3,577 3,415 481 445 1,024 1,064



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Sheerenahalli 02776500 420 229 1,291 656 635 64 76 103 106
Ramapatna 02787400 418 162 839 423 416 29 35 26 33
Hagaranahalli 02787800 331 180 885 444 441 235 223
Rayanahalli 02787900 159 103 487 236 251 80 90 2 3
Maraduru 02788000 478 347 1,796 938 858 54 44 21 I 201
Kebbe Koppalu 02788100 392 196 906 469 437 155 145
Shsnubhoganahalli 02791300 157 181 779 403 376 8 10 37 32
Lakkur 02791400 161
Total 2,516 1,398 6,983 3,569 3,414 625 623 379 375
Moduru 02778000 743 448 2,323 1,173 1,150 40 41 163 186
Madapura 02778400 196
Kattemalalavadi 02778600 912 1,051 5,451 2,734 2,717 1,257 1,202 348 341
Agrahara 02778700 315 164 799 393 406 126 126 4 5
Hodakekatte,kaval 02778800 228 7 32 17 15
Biligere 02778900 373 205 1,100 572 528 95 110 7 6
Maragowdanahalli 02779000 250 153 806 410 396
Kirasodlu 02787500 167 99 446 230 216 17 17
Kattemalalavadinala 02787600 325
Total 3,509 2,127 10,957 5,529 5,428 1,518 1,479 539 555
Sannenahalli 02778200 226 73 408 229 179 71 55
Thippalapura 02778300 164 168 863 439 424 124 128
Kothegala 02780200 775 358 1,772 882 890 79 87 103 99
Tammadahalli 02781100 514 270 1,148 581 567 99 93 324 317
Naganahalli 02781200 174 79 382 203 179 108 92
Yalachanahalli 02797200 224 50 259 138 121 56 45
Total 2,077 998 4,832 2,472 2,360 537 500 427 416
Habbanakuppe 02779800 416 230 1,209 603 606 57 54 7 6
Lalanakere 02779900 224
Chilkundakaval 02780000 228 65 337 167 170 165 169
Atthikuppe 02780300 528 252 1,201 617 584 254 260
Chilkunda 02780400 1,047 572 2,950 1,554 1,396 381 320 43 37
Total 2,443 1,119 5,697 2,941 2,756 857 803 50 43
Hosahalli 02780900 222 263 1,451 719 732 lOS 95 239 226
Kallahalli 02781000 595· 212 1,094 538 556 97 96
Adiganahalli 02781400 363 104 494 246 248 93 80
Kallahallikaval 02781500 17 29 141 70 71
Hunasegala 02782100 403 147 712 349 363 86 81
Hosahalli Kaval 02782200 1,048 132 723 383 340 84 76 175 133
Hyrige 02782600 714 212 1,128 586 542 97 91
Total 3,362 1,099 5,743 2,891 2,852 562 519 414 359


Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population ' Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion . Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village UU
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Kanagal 02780500 255 175 992 516 476 7 6 145 153
Huiaganahalli 02780600 195 8 57 29 28
Vadlirnanuganahalli 02780700 .292 56 332 169 163 76 88
Harinahalli 02780800 283 206 948 467 481 90 90 86 94
Kamakuppe 02782300 486 187 1,002 510 492 146 143 18 15
Beeratharnmanahalli 02782400 351 127 763 398 365 134 Il2 162 167
Hemmige 02782500 519 317 1,539 769 770 364 383 123 99
Kadernanuganahalli 02783300 626 314 1,548 788 760 195 191 22 29
Total 3,007 1,390 7,181 3,646 3,535 936 925 632 645
Angatahalli 02781600 275 '78 444 218 226 9 13
Ramenahalli 02781700 16S 195 873 441 432 1 2 69 63
Chennasoge 02781800 216 171 806 402 404 18 14 14 14
Hosakote 02781900 408 138 704 374 330 172 175 42 31
Thattekere 02782000 506 306 1,416 702 714 136 149 4 8
Honnenahalli 02782700 326 121 545 278 267 83 87
Beeranahallikaval 02784000 40 44 175 93 82 48 39
Beeranahalli 02784100 531 117 608 315 293 154 158 3 4
Kudlur 02784200 426 218 963 506 457 2 3 3 5
Nilavagilu 02788700 429 335 1,569 803 766 329 347 110 107
Total 3,322 1,723 8,103 4,132 3,971 904 948 293 271
Belthur 02778500 306 12 70 37 33 3
Nilavagilukaval 02781300 123 36 182 103 79 4
Kottigekaval 02784300 30 62 336 152 184 97 110
Kalkunike 02787100 149 12 60 31 29
Kirijaji 02787200 569 238 1,236 615 621 217 228 2
Doddahunsur 02788600 531 85 459 225 234 213 225
Govindanahallinala 02788800 62
Chikkahunsur 02788900 '413 105 436 216 220 47 45 64 59
Govindanahalli 02789000 174 256 1,433 745 688 162 143
Hanchya 02789100 170 81 382 192 190 10 6
NaJlurunala 02789200 147
Hanumanthapuranala 02789300 129
Total 2,803 887 4,594 2,316 2,278 478 501 339 320
Mookanahalli 02787300 402 215 1,104 570 534, 238 222
Sornanahalli 02788300 366 206 975 500 475 271 258
Uyyigowdanahalli ,02788400 375 210 1,057 562 495 258 219
BeejaganahaUi 02788500 465 492 2,586 1,321 1,265 397 435
Total 1,608 1,123 5,722 2,953 2,769 1,164 1,134
02788200 908 930 4,676 2,339 2,337 653 643 390 381
02790100 159 21 112 57 55 7 3 II 10
02790200 510 79 373 196 177 28 24 167 152
02790300 298 189 1,008 514 494 291 281
Maralaiahna Koppalu



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Kuppekolagatta 02792800 1,634 254 1,173 603 570 214 201 27 20
Total 3,509 1,473 7,342 3,709 3,633 902 871 886 844
Gagenahalli 02790500 1,018 384 1,854 951 903 254 236 87 85
Chikkabeechanahalli 02794100 320 394 1,978 1,006 972 175 176
Haradanahalli 02794200 158 88 439 225 214
Shankahalli 02794300 167 97 483 247 236
Vaderahosahalli 02794400 572 289 1,343 690 653 142 129
Khayam Gutta
Gudishetti Halli 02794600 184 2 4 3
Tobl 2,419 1,254 6,101 3,122 2,979 571 541 87 .85
Halepura 02790400 712 224 1,146 577 569 59 53 104 120
Hallikere 02794500 266 63 260 134 126
Thippur 02794700 267 127 585 301 284 80 84 7 6
Thippurkaval 02794800 112
Challahalli 02794900 408 222 1,044 564 480 91 88 25 23
Benkipura 02795000 353 423 2,178 1,111 1,067 14 16 808 .766
Gohalli 02795100 219 76 380 192 188 6 3 127 124
Annarayapura 02795200 439 17 90 40 50 5 5
Dhythyanakerekaval 02795300 699 24 101 52 49 2 8
Total 3,475 1,176 5,784 2,971 2,813 252 252 1,076 1,044
N adappanahall i 02790000 290 150 679 340 339 42 41 107 110
Dharrnapura 02795400 958 577 2,743 1,397 1,346 331 313 378 377
Basthimadanahalli 02795500 280 6 22 14 R
Halladakoppalu 02796100 354 204 948 462 486 38 46 13 15
Tarikallu 02796200 293 369 1,557 786 771 4 3 173 154
Total 2,175 1,306 5,949 2,999 2,950 415 403 671 656
Uddurkaval 02789700 1,614 955 4,930 2,486 2,444 635 634 155 176
Uddumala 02789800 537
Udduru 02789900 1,459 374 1,846 952 894 335 311 67 66
Total 3,610 1,329 6,776 3,438 3,338 970 945 222 242
Aspathrekaval 02789400 1,690 1,175 5,090 2,561 2,529 671 670 79 100
Ballenahalli 02789500 346 244 1,160 579 581 120 117 104 118
Rathnapuri 02789600 907 502 2,489 1,271 1,218 66 23 30 31
Total 2,943 1,921 8,739 4,411 4,328 857 810 213 249
Ummathur 02784400 424 523 2,654 1,361 1,293 236 213 412 398
Hanagodunala 02784500 306 3 11 4 7
Penjahallikaval 02784600 454 310 1,497 758 739 134 125 51 50
Kurubarahosahalli 02786900 1,206 878 3,494 1,990 1,504 78 79 232 233
Varanchi Or Gurupura 02787000 1,023 663 3,154 1,594 1,560 310 307 159 157
Total 3,413 2,377 10,810 5,707 5,103 758 724 854 838
Vaddambalu 02782800 318 147 754 400 354 113 97



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Panch a . Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Heggandur 02782900 338 283 1,427 728 699 54 61 17 16
Kamcgowdanahalli 02783000 294 261' 1,441 736 705 16 12 264 255
Gowdikere 02783100 457 34 204 106 98 3 2
Hanagodu 02783700 675 587 2,976 1,554 1,422 315 289 129 89
Kiranguru 02783800 202 248 1,095 547 548 152 173 16 19
Parckoppalu 02783900 47
HaralahalJi 02784700 376 194 957 475 482 22 28 135 125
Madahalli 02784800 380 73 336 162 174 63 65 54 63
Total 3,087 1,827 9,190 4,708 4,482 622 628 731 666
H.Boreroppadakavl!l 02783200 783 268 1,373 704 669 179 172 162 153
Uduvepura 02783400 601 136 655 350 305 9 9 171 149
Kallaboochahalli 02783500 223 83 459 239' 220 6 9 7 6
Settahalli 02783600· 438 82 348 167 181 52 51 54 65
Abburu 02785200 278 170 827 423 404 89 79
Sindenahalli 02785300 200 115 518 259 259 I
Negathur 02785400 240 50 255 129 126 32 30
Kachuvinahalli 02785500 155 159 814 411 403 4 4
Neralakuppe 02785600 293 148 751 392 359 10 12 218 185
Habbanakuppe K.G 02785700 484 44 231 122 109 79 64
Billanahosahalli 02785800 182 115 528 265 263 192 197
Total 3,877 1,370 6,759 3,461 3,298 288 283 976 903
Hindugodlu 02784900 507 184 870 437 433 III '120
Dasanapura 02785000 437 207 943 498 445 34 31 346 294
Doddahejjurkaval 02785100 35
Konanahosahalli 02785900 141 22 lIS 58 57 27 23
Kolavige 02786000 434 175 873 456 417 238 216
Mudaganur 02786100 521 123 607 291 316 64 59 24 29
Chikkahejjur 02786200 606 100 494 237 257 20 17 44 48
Doddahejjur 02786300 569 244 1,205 624 58l 262 228 133 125
Doddahejjurkerekaval 02786400 35
Bharathavadi 02786500 401 203 871 440 431 109 107 102 102
Veeranahosahalli 02786600 210 122 525 268 257 11 8 155 153
Veeranahosahalli Jungle 02786700 .2,866
Thuppadakola 02786800 1,170
Total 7,932 1,380 6,503 3,309 3,194 611 570 1,069 990
Kudineerumuddanahalli 02796400 362 348 1,679 834 845 66 57
Uyyigondanahalli 02796500 677 757 3,482 1,742 1,740 368 365 48 45
Tarikalkaval 02796600 487 292 1,361 688 673 71 65 42 34
Total 1,526 1,397 6,522 3,264 3,258 505 487 90 79
Karimuddanahalli 02796000 551 501 2,102 1,064 1,038 89 79 109 93
Tharikalnala 02796300 7i3 230 1,119 579 540 381 366 18 15
Kadavaddaragudi 02796700 435 161 708 360 348 61 63 57 67
Kuttavadi 02796800 927 418 1,790 923 867 34 36 101 104
Mudlapura 02796900 241 18 85 48 37 10 9
Total 2,867 1,328 5,804 2,974 2,830 575 553 285 279



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village liB
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Yamagumbha 02780100 661 322 1,689' 856 833 149 154 50 39
Aswalu 02795600 325 275 1,261 652 609 326 282
Maranahalli 02795700 228 102 489 243 246 236 241
Sulekerekaval 02795800 381 9 43 21 22 3 2 3 4
Gejjaiahnavaddardgudi 02795900 98 160 727 366 361 64 69
Devagalli 02797000 299' 152 638 332 306 130 119 30 25
Sonahalli 02797100 478 119 541 284 257
Singaramaranahalli 02797300 509 330 1,623 830 793 263 253 162 160
Total 2,979 1,469 7,011 3,584 3,427 1,171 1,120 245 229

Name of Sub District: Krishnarajanagara (0003)

Bettahalli 02797400 629 257 1,224 610 614 58 62
Maluganahalli 02797500 551 210 937 470 467 127 130 4
Bettahallikaval 02797600 235
Kalammana Koppalu 02797900 378 331 1,636 775 861 70 73
Seegavalu 02798000 269 295 1,404 705 699 166 155 21 14
Haradanahalli 02798100 595 469 2,268 1,144 1,124 124 135 II 4
Total 2,657 1,562 7,469 3,704 3,765 475 482 103 95
Kulume Hosum 02797700 180 115 595 290 305 9 15
Mundum 02797800 685 498 2,406 1,196 1,210 100 96 24 31
Bakkarehallada Kaval 02798200 235
Karpuravalli 02798400 501 227 1,136 572 564 137 118 13 13
Dadadahalli 02798500 378 219 1,080 554 526 163 146
Yaladahalli 02799300 222 29 139 73 66
Rampura 02799400 199 210 971 511 460 168 148 73 73
Total 2,400 1,298 6,327 3,196 3,131 568 508 119 132
Sanabinakuppe 02798300 140 13 60 28 32
Moodalabeedu 02799500 200 265 1,149 576 573 3 2 41 38
Thandreankanahalli 02800600 245 148 710 362 348 23 22 55 78
Kuppahalli 02800700 206 204 1,084 559 525 . 52· 36 11 13
Mudiguppe 02800800 134 229 1,115 553 562 74 73
Thandre 02801100 651 524 2,568 1,267 1,301 153 145 67 68
Katnalu 02801200 246 87 490 254 236 62 55
Alalakuppe 0280 I 300 107
Total 1,929 1,470 7,176 3,599 3,577 367 333 174 197
Kuchenahalli 02801000 132
Meluru 02801400 618 539 2,593 1,333 1,260 243 220 34 34
Sankanahalli 02801500 296 80 355 169 186
Bachahalli 02801600 191' 128 660 343 317
Kurubahalli 02801700 148 148 748 386 362 48 47
Yalemuddanahall i 02801800 329 248 1,121 582 539 138 134 2 4
Total 1,714 1,143 5,477 2,813 2,664 429 401 36 38



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of -=----~~--~--~~~--~~~~~--~----
Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat .
] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Kenchanahalli 02800900 254 147 805 422 383 29 26
Guluvinaattiguppe 02802900 476 367 1,767 910 857 III 112
Matadakaval 02803000 452
Hosuru 02803100 128 87 459 236 223 99 93
Arakere 02803200 244 19 96 49 47
MunjanahalIi 02803300 151 245 1,179 605 574 70 80 253 248
Chikkabherya 02803400 218 165 829 424 405 96 79 148 147
Valagerehalli 02803500 102
Gerudada 02803600 198 108 594 289 305 71 76
Total 2,223 1,138 5,729 2,935 2,794 377 373 500 .488
Somanahalli 02803700 236 46 220 110 110 110 110
Baltiganahalli 02803800 254 98 504 255 ·249
Bherya 02803900 399 869 4,377 2,269 2,108 459 465 183 173
Sambaravalli 02804000 243 30 174 , 76 98
Mandiganahalli 02804100 280 172 776 394 382 22 20
Sugganahalli 02804200 204 119 534 267 267 19 16 2 3
Total 1,616 1,334 6,585 3,371 3,21'4 610 611 185 176
Hosa Agrahara 02804300 448 318 1,487 753 734 148 160 198 196
Haramballi 02804400 323 304 1,464 745 719 181 180 7 7
Alambadikaval 02804500 101 4 2 2
Doddavaddaragudi 02804600 196 84 379 180 199 49 43 4 6
Bommenahalli 02804700 265 52 239 107· • 132 28 38
Chikkavoddaragudi 02805000 279 220 1,012 511 501 64 55 2 3
Kanchinakere 02805100 255 304 1,399 736 663 59 63
Total 1,867 1,283 5,984 3,034 2,950 529 539 211 212
Kodiyala 02801900 407 155 762 386 376 90 78
Hanumanahalli 02802000 438 154 659 324 335 140 153
Narachanahalli 02802100 164 230 1,010 481 529 100 lIS 32 29
Halemirle 02802200 218 312 1,374, 717 657 74 61
BeechanahaIli 02802700 209 244 1,243 641 602
Kakanahalli 02804800 180 32 144 68 76 68 76
Total ],616 1,127 5,192 2,617 . 2,575 472 483 32 29
Kallimuddanahalli 02799600 209 106 429 210 219 73 81
Ankanahalli 02799700 361 . 525 2,348 1,164 1,184 56 82
Natanahalli 02802300 16'9 179 781 395 386 31 23 9 12
Shyabalu 02802400 189 136 708 369 339 46 34 45 40
Total 928 946 4,266 2,138 2,128 206 220 54 52
Saligrama 02199800 1,109 2,643 11,780 5,981 5,799 951 959 197 198
Total 1,109 2,643 11,780 5,981 5,799 951 959 197 198
Chikkanayakanahalli 02799900 538 453 2,070 1,013 1,057 106 118
Ballur 02800200 824 334 1,611 814 797 2 2 58 53



Loea Name of Name ofviUage & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ·8 9 10 11 '12 13

Laxmipura 02800300 200 483 2,292 1,150 1,142 117 113

Bylapura 02800400 89 41 203 99 104 ]5 ]5
Bevinahalli 02800500 125 12 57 32 25
Total 1.,776 1,323 6,233 3,108 3,125 240 248 59 54
Lakkikuppe 02798600 446 300 1,393 695 698 144 153
Hebsur 02798700 401 276 1,269 619 650 26 34
Saraguru 02798800 220 85 401 201 200 51 59
Gayanahalli 02798900 241 150 786 401 385 118 118 41 39
Pashupathi 02799000 313 178 905 459 446 76 63
Gummanahalli 02799100' 131 83 470 237 233
Hunnenahalli 02799200 410 188 887 461 426 200 190
Kedaga 02800000 253 210 1,113 569 544 56 41
Mavanur 02800100 266 102 515 265 250 43 35 54 40
Total 2,681 1,572 7,739 3,907 3,832 714 693 95 79
Abburu 02806200 143 88 414 221 193 13 16
Vallambudi 02806300 63 5 2 3
Karthalu 02806400 174 420 1,929 963 966 59 56
Hullehosur 02806500 220
Thandre 02806600 73 102 523 266 257
Hanasogehantha 02806700 676
Hanasoge 02806800 587 569 2,648 1,319 1,329 101 III 410 395
Total 1,936 1,180 5,519 2,771 2,748 173 183 410 395
Yaremanuganahal~i 02806900 282 143 754 394 360 151 124
Channamgere 02807000 344 415 2,015 1,023 992 99 96 146 144
Chikkal~anasoge 02807100 341 297 1,344 690 654 109 91
Bandahalli 02807200 137 211 1,046 517 529 109 III
Kolur 02807300 224 200 983 512 471 227 213
Kolurhantha 02807400 390
Total 1,7]8 1,266 6.142 3,136 3,006 695 635 146 144
Kaggala 02807500 56 165 776 378 398 48 53
Nadappanahalli 02807600 418 216 1,125 574 551 149 143
Dammanahalli 02807700 181 164 735 369 366 38 33
Hadya 02807800 298 411 1,951 959 992 197 194 187 209
Hadyahantha 02807900 292
Sakkare 02808000 123 99 515 254 261 9 14
Mayigowdanahalli 02808100 359 199 912 445' 467 49 49 II II
Ankanahalli 02808700 251 235 1,197 598 599 45 40
Gudduganahalli 02808800 410 113 561 273 288 81 73
Total 2,388 1,602 7,772 3,850 3,922 607 585 207 234
Diddahalli 02808200 192 168 831 445 386 10 6
Hosur 02808300 287 480 2,201 1,135 1,066 101 34 19 25
Haleyuru 02808600 882 1,269 5,581 2,753 2,828 327 338 46 48
Total 1,361 1,917 8,613 4,333 4,280 428 372 75 79


Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. . Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Mjdes ·Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code· village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
0017 MlRLE
Malanaikanahalli 02802500 495 141 618 307 311 13 14
Mirle 02802600 1,576 1,432 6,075 3,015 3,060 248 224 44 48
Total 2,071 1,573 6,693 3,322 3,371 248 224 57 62
Hulleborekaval 02802800 106 10 3 7 3 7
Gandbanahalli 02804900 550 1,047 5,106 2,585 2,521 108 116 31 32
Kaggaliborekaval 02805700 336 230 1,013 511 ·502 12 12
Chenga 02805900 133
Beeranahalli 02811200 192 174 782 377 405 79 77
Total 1,317 1,452 6,911 3,476 3,435 190 200 43 44
Marngowdanahalli 02805200 286 294 1,526 740 786 318 324
Adaguru 02805300 272 166 832 407 425 26 25
Galigekere 02805400 541 611 3,236 1,617 1,619 117 136 404 370
AIjunahalll 02805500 554 398 1,906 926 980 160 162 186 181
Total 1,653 1,469 7,500 3,690 3,810 621 647 590 551
Degganahalli 02812300 662 358 1,742 885 857 59 59
Kanugana Halli 02812400 165 205 902 445 457 95 96
Thippur 02812500 1,269 682 3,130 1,608 1,522 99 95 602 562
Chamalapura 02812600 185 80 356 171 185 31 33 76 83
Goragundi 02813000 323 152 803 404 399 263 273
Total 2,604 1,477 6,933 3,513 3,420 452 460 773 741
Manchanahalli 02805600 616 449 2,161 1,046 1,115 81 94
Hampapura 02806000. 834 883 4,225 2,131 2,094 431 443 524 498
Sanyasipura 02806100 69 67 355 178 177 177 176
Total 1,519 1,399 6,741 3,355 3,386 689 713 524 498
Kuppehantha 02808400 126 1 . 3 2
Sreeramapura 02808500 385 282 1,194 595 599 113 109 2 3
Kuppe 02809300 1,391 952 4,314 2,156 2,158 303 323 122 132
Mavathur Hantha 02809900 243
Total 2,145 1,235 5,511 2,752 2,759 416 432 124 135
Chandagalhantha 02810200 306
Chandagal 02810800 59 694 2,890 1,420 1,470 92 87 280 317
Katnalhan tha 02810900 358
Katnal 02811000 92 122 615 293 322 84 101
Cheernahalli 02811100 325 476 2,243 1,117 1,126 5 4
Manuganahalli 02813200 101 4 2 2
Total 1,241 1,293 5,752 2,832 2,920 97 91 364 418
Bannikuppe 02812700 274
Kamenahalli 02812800 357 235 1,164 578 .586 98 101
02812900 343 313 1,568 777 791 247 262 131 127
Yedathore 02813100 99

._----- ---- - - -


Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mudalakoppalu 02813300 193 115 560 274 286 49 56

Narayanapura 02813500 333 230 1,067 515 552 64 73 49 47
Southanahalli 02813700 347 99 523 267 256 154 154
Kallahalli 02813800 582 ' 457 2,227 1,137 1,090 176 157 343 360
Total 2,528 1,449 7,109 3,548 3,561 788 803 523 534
Beeranahalli 02805800 64
Kappadihantha 02810100 353 3 6 4 2
Venkatapura 028 I 0300 204
Hebbal 028 10600 853 1,049 4,733 2,397 2,336 357 344 91 83
Hebbal Kaval 02810700 27
Total 1,501 1,052 4,739 2,401 2,338 357 344 " 91 83
(}016 KESTUR
Kestur 02809400 1,328 1,140 5,449 2,729 2,720 123 115 55 63
Kanchagarakoppalu 02809500 124 219 970 472 498 83 91
Total 1,452 1,359 6,419 3,201 3,218 206 206 55 63
Somanahalli 02808900 248 181 919 481 438 153 134
Benaganahalli 02809000 228 ISS 751 368 383 2 4
Kogilur 02809100 343 152 829 423 406 44 45
Chibukahalli 02809200 257 144 777 398 379 131 136
Hosakote 02809700 622 546 2,616 1,301 1,315 111 103 122 133
Nijaganahalli 02809800 245 91 446 233 213 134 123
Total 1,943 1,269 6,338 3,204 3,134 575 545 122 133
Malali 02809600 445 260 1,322 657 665 86 97 88 75
Gowdenahalli 02811600 231 104 539 267 272 54 63
Mavathur 028 I I 700 674 322 1,557 800 757 278 265 35 25
Ichanahalli 02811800 318 103 543 276 267 29 29 124 127
Maragowdanahalli 02811900 425 326 1,623 795 828 67 77 2 3
Madahalli 02812000 298 51 295 150 145
Total 2,391 1,166 5,879 2,945 2,934 514 531 249 230
Byadarahalli Hanlha 02810000 466
Buvanahalli 02810400 363 45 185 94 91
Bachahalli 02810500 155 II 40 21 19
Madhuvanahalli 028 I 1300 153 3 14 8 6
Byadarahalli 02811400 663 752 3,586 1,807 1,779 250 252 13 17
Siddapura 02811500 422 582 2,684 1,342 1,342 359 360 25 26
Huralikamena Halli 02812100 234 5 3 2
Adaganahalli 02812200 461 281 1,281 620 661 34 34 79 81
Total 2,917 1,675 7,795 3,895 3,900 643 646 117 124
Lalanahalli 028 13400 463 272 1,207 621 586 86 93 3 4
Sathigrama 02813600 355 306 1,655 854 801 84 73 345 308
Mu!epetlu 02813900 383 192 927 480 447 207 185
Marchahalli 02814000 413 312 1,444 724 720 48 50 78 73



Loea Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name ofviJIage Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Lalamdevanahallj 02814100 159 168 696 359 337 145 140
Basavarajapura 02814200 260 295 1,311 661 650 172 168 3 2
Hosahalli 02814300 434 383 1,670 811 859 206 219
Total 2,467 1,928 8,910 4,510 4,400 948 928 429 387
Chowkahalli 02814400 259 249 1,175 605 570 274 259 5 4
Kantenahalli 02814500 92
Kalenahalli 02814600 499 454 2,118 1,069 1,049 17 21 11 10
Arakere 02814700 404 246 1,221 610 611 75 62 89 99
Domaha1li 02814800 280 412 1,903 1,009 894 140 127 192 169
Basavapatna 02814900 209 71 376 189 187 65 67
Hangaraboyanahalli 02815000 93 90 540 262 278 184 203 55 -52
Mallahalli 02815100 97
Total 1,933 1,522 7,333 3,744 3,589 755 739 352 334

Name of Sub District: Mysore (0004)

Ramanahalli 02815200 404
Cholenahalli 02815300 508
Yedahalli 02815400 402 223 1,056 541 515 22 32 68 61
Hosakote 02815500 195
Kallinathapura 02815600 156 24 112 57 55
Anandur 02815700 1,199 330 1,570 806 764 56 75 9 10
Undavadi 02815900 362 155 740 380 360 84 78
Chikkanahalli 02816000 494 381 1,680 833 847 35 35
Kaval 02816100 333 2 7 4 3
Kallurunaganahalli 02816200 950 384 1,717 853 864 97 88
Total 5,003 1,499 6,882 3,474 3,408 294 308 77 71
S.Hcmmanahalli 02816300 145 315 1,454 749 705 31 26 214 189
Amachawadi 02816400 181 317 1,577 838 739 789 721
Hunnavalli 02816500 137
Yach~gowdanahalli 02816600 430 180 850 438 412 66 80 80 70
Dadadakallahalli 02816700 462 303 1,447 753 694 133 117
Gungralchatra 02816800 484 406 1,787 898 889 150 144 184 170
Yelachahalli 02816900 462 134 636 326 310 6 6 69 77
Rattanahalli 02817300 631 297 1,441 710 731 189 209
Total 2,932 1,952 9,192 4,712 4,480 575 582 1,336 1,227
Karakanahalli 02817200 428 227 1,144 572 572
Elwala 02817400 893 1,875 8,327 4,198 '4,129 492 511 251 241
'Total 1,321 2,102 9,471 4,770 4,701 492 511 251 241
Megalapura 02817000 251 112 537 282 255 39 36
02817100 551 240 1,102 549 553 117 107 4 6
02817500 689 1,369 5,019 2,901 2,118 157 127 38 24
Total 1,491 1,721 6,658 3,732 2,926 313 270 42 30



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
lion Grama Name of village Location _area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Shyadanahalli 02819100 353 154 636 327 309 lIO 96 II 10
Naganahalli 02819200 547 698 3,340 1,736 1,604 383 391 3
Laxmipura 02819300 199 273 1,350 673 677 248 256 24 25
Kalasthavadi 02819400 484 280 1,232 614 618 196 192 70 85
Total 1,583 1,405 6,558 3,350 3,208 937 935 108 121
Siddalingapura 02819500 73 639 2,810 1,420 1,390 147 152 65 63
Kesare 02819600 944 1,131 5,289 2,696 2,593 901 848 17 20
Total 1,017 1,770 8,099 4,116 3,983 1,048 1,000 82 83
Rammanahalli 02819700 573 1,456 7,474 3,829 3,645 203 202 2,627 2,527
Total 573 1,456 7,474 3,829 3,645 203 202 2,627 2,527
Hanchya 02819800 939 436 2,044 1,046 998 159 186 65 56
Bhugathagalli 02825400 403 370 1,926 971 955 298 310 12 9
Total 1,342 806 3,970 2,017 1,953 457 496 77 ·65
Harohalli 02825600 2,498 ) ,635 7,888 4,054 3,834 354 313 1,954 1,819
Total 2,498 1,635 7,888 4,054 3,834 354 313 1,954 1,8]9
Vajarnangala 02825500 959 809 4,229 2,183 2,046 804 806 186 187
Varakodu 02825700 1,632 855 4,348 2,210 2,l38 53 48 4
Total 2,591 1,664 8,577 4,393 4,184 857 854 190 188
Nadanahalli 02820000 254 379 1,767 910 857 289 248 8 10
Lalithadripura 02825900 554 764 3,692 1,900 1,792 419 439 4 8
Total 808. 1,143 5,459 2,810 2,649 708 687 12 18
0012 HlNKAL
Belavadi 02817600 719 961 3,921 2,067 1,854 208 179 14 7
KHemmanahalli 02818200 597 178 908 474 434 8 7
Madagalli 02818300 335 380 1,818 943 875 136 125 134 117
Basavanahalli 02819900 441 19 83 51 32 2 3
Total 2,092 1,538 6,730 3,535 3,195 346 307 156 13]
Huyilalu· 02817700 783 398 2,017 1,030 987 13 12
Nagawala 02817800 926 612 3,011 1,533 1,478 99 106 302 284
Bommenahalli 02817900 688 264 1,390 710 680 465 449
Total 2,397 1,274 6,418 3,273 3,145 577 567 302 284
Karnaravalli 02818000 303 2 I9 1,039 539 500 170 159 190 169
Manikyapura 02818 JOO 211 74 413 185 228 2 2
Chandrabeedu 02818500 41
Doddamaragowdanahalli 028 I 8600 1,215 576 3,031 1,575 1,456 98 88 272 239
NuggahaUi 02818700 153 83 541 283 258
Shettinayakanahalli 02818800 312 221 1,147 58] 566 210 202


Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No_ Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code village IIlI
of yat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Madahalli 02820900 558 286 1,427 754 673 98 84
lavanahalli 02821000 202 7 41 20 21
Total 2,995 1,466 7,639 3,937 3,702 578 535 462 408
Jettihundi 02818400 187 205 948 438 510 23 27 2 4
Kumarabeedu 02818900 253 281 1,34] 697 644 90 85 423 387
Gohalli 02819000 149 57 271 139 132 2 4
Mallahalli 02821100 257 308 1,613 873 740 13 3 2
Ballahalli 02821200 426 137 654 352 302
Kemmannupura 02821300 165
Maratikyathanahalli 02821400. 384 734 3,348 1,717 1,631 215 174 11 II
Kergalli 02821500 818 555 3,064 1,580 1,484 86 66 3 7
Total 2,639 2,277 11,239 5,796 5,443 427 353 444 415
Kuppaluru 02820300 112 195 905 443 462 245 254 3
Ayyajayyanahundi 02820400 44 5 3 2
GUTUf 02820700 365 198 932 494 438 150 136
Kalalavadi 02822800 614 66 313 160 153 59 53 4 4
Total 1,135 460 2,155 1,100 1,055 454 443 7 5
Hosahundi 02820100 213 338 1,537 820 717 34 31 1
Bandipalya 02820200 242 658 3,180 1,655 1,525 301 303 30 21
Sarakariuthanahalli 02826000 582 347 1,822 952 870 145 133
Gudumadanahalli 02828000 180 142 680 353 327
Total 1,217 1,485 7,219 3,780 3,439 480 467 31 22
Chikkahalli 02825800 268 393 1,903 988 915 87 78
Choranahalli 02826200 226 391 1,921 973 948 170 163
Varuna 02826300 555 421 2,162 1,077 J,085 394 357
PillahaUi 02827100 276 218 1,063 550 513 209 215 3 3
Dandikere 02827200 303 175 872 446 426 219 203
Aragowdanahalli 02827600 143
Madapura 02827700 178
Total 1,949 1,598 7,921 4,034 3,887 1,079 1,016 3 3
Puttegowdanahundi 02826400 164 196 978 497 481 29 21
Chatnahalli 02826500 730 275 1,286 673 613 348 333
Madhavagere 02826600 323 141 693 358 335
KeelanapuTa 02826700 251 232 1,183 629 554 164 151
02826800 173 153 771 416 355 4
Hongate 02826900 94 2 5 4 I
Duddagere 02827000 683 387 1,935 1,002 933 279 243
02829200 634 217 1,184 608 576 396 389 7 3
Total 3,052 1,603 8,035 4,187 3,848 1,187 1,116 37 28



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village H H
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hosahalli 02829100 488 181 874 440 434 148 160
Kuppegala 02829300 440 570 2,636 1,358 1,278 492 494 7 .6
Yadakola 02829400 708 951 4,808 2,476 2,332 888 850 6 10
Total 1,636 1,702 8,318 4,274 4,044 1,528 1,504 13 16
Yamlahalli 02826100 337 156 809 408 401 48 44 75 72
Choganahalli 02827300 295 2 7 3 4
Kuntanahalli 02827400 86
JantagaJIi 02827500 558 224 1,162 588 574 133 154
Marasettihalli 02827800 419 245 1,237 .606 631 151 160
Kiralu 02828900 502 268 1,369 707 662 53 71 26 31
Mosambayanahalli 02829000 219 280 1,434 749 685
Total 2,416 1,175 6,018 3,061 2,957 385 429 101 103
Hadajana 02827900 522 398 2,106 1,079 1,027 484 460 2 4
Marase 02828100 332 122 576 313 263 15 7
Devalapura 02828200 344 315 1,567 783 784 77 94 5 3
Kumbarahalli 02828300 268 34 153 70 83
Madaragalli 02828400 307 27 112 61 51 9 4
Ayarahalli 02828800 1,179 691 3,497 1,784 1,713 13S 128 532 506
Total 2,952 1,587 8,011 4,090 3,921 711 689 548 517
Mandakalli 02820800 835 641 3,310 1,667 1,643 362 359 89 106
Kadakola 02825300 780 996 5,327 2,761 2,566 247 252 666 685
Total 1,615 1,637 8,637 4,428 4,209 609 611 755 791
Dadadahalli 02822900 549 266 1,464 773 691 126 122
Sindhuvalli 02823000 666 605 3,398 1,706 1,692 317 307 44 46
Doddakanya 02825000 471 437 2,351 1,209 1,142 388 373
Chikkakanya 02825100 204 118 662 331 331 83 71
Byathahalli 02825200 308 165 827 451 376 III 109
Total 2,198 1,591 8,702 4,470 4,232 1,025 982 44 46
Udburu 02822700 785 1,604 8,080 4,106 3,974 222 196 3,554 3,482
Total 785 1,604 8,080 4,106 3,974 222 196 3,554 3,482
Halalu 02820500 223 4 18 12 6
Chowdahalli 02820600 263 337 1,877 981 896 265 265 28 32
Yadahalli 02821600 298 210 1,007 514 493 58 52
Kenchalagudu 02821800 332 102 491 268 223 89 61 141 125
Danagalli 02822600 696 1,076 5,881 3,132 2,749 537 440 257 223
Total 1,812 1,729 9,274 4,907 4,367 949 818 426 380
Nagarthahalli 02821700 32~ 321 1,670 866 804 147 175
Devagalli 02821900 294 95 514 255 259 162 149
MuiluT 02822000 644 138 735 402 333 137 104
Anagalli 02822100 658 159 781 388 393 131 118



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat
, Pan
1 2 ,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Gopalapura 02822200 503 500 2,570 1,292 1,278 243 246

Total 2,425 1,213 6,270 3,203 3,067 820 792
Chikkanahalli 02823500 599 23 114 65 49 5 3
'Harohalli 02823600 1,126 393 1,969 997 972 370 383 33 24
S, Kallahalli 02823800 632 298 1,490 739 751 417 431 4 6
Maddur 02823900 842 336 1,575 803 7T2. 317 278 38 40
Mandanahalli 02824000 223 160 826 429 397 75 74
Kadanahalli 02824100 252 91 492 258 234
,Gujjegowdanapura 02824200 520 264 1,261 655 606 174 133
Total 4,194 1,565 7,727 3,946 3,781 1,353 1,299 80 73
0032 MARB,.uLI
Arasinakere 02824300 739 299 1,403 725 678 131 118 82 84
Thoreyanakaturu 02824400 331 386 1,943 980 963 8 7 868 844
Marballi 02824500 807 760 4,170 2,189 1,981 252 238 502 454
Nanagalli 02824600 509
Total 2,386 1,445 7,516 3,894 3,622 391 363 1,452 1,382
0033 DOORA
Thaluru 02823100 718 382 1,967 999 968 319 348
Murudagalli 02823200 282 261 1,428 713 715 214 198
Doora 02824700 626 734 4,021 2,064 1,957 613 604 20 22
Chikkakaturu 02824800 385
Doddakatum 02824900 655 264 1,486 778 708 III 99
Total 2,666 1,641 8,1}02 4,554 4,348 1,257 1,249 20 22
Koodanahalli 02828500 505 491 2,516 1,304 1,212 130 108 46 44
Kochanahalli 02828600 351 234 1,300 649 651 271 303 73 58
Sorneshwarapura 02828700 570 657 3,402 1,757 1,645 305 281 487 454
Total 1,426 1,382 7,218 3,710 3,508 706 692 606 556
Mavinahalli 02822300 686 365 1,917 969 948 210 251
Baradanapura 02822400 319 145 810 426 384
Daripura 02822500 329 140 683 348 335 2 2
Kellahalli 02823300 358 200 1,020 532 488 5 3
Jayapura 02823400, 954, 337 1,806 953 853 153 110 366 351
Gurnachanahalli 02823700 512 167 769 398 371 393 366
Total 3,158 1,354 7,005 3,626 3,379 368 364 761 719
0099 Not under any Pancbayat
Subramanyapura 02815800 70
. Total 70



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grgmn Name ofvillllgc Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code viUage. HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Name of Sub District: Heggadadevankote (0005)

BhccmanahaIIi 02329600 811 251 1,238 641 597 150 143 268 251
Yelehundikaval 02829700 175 26 109 57 52 18 22 4 2
Musker 02829800 418 162 778 412 366 24 21 III 89
Padukotekava 02829900 1,859 691 3,238 1,657 1,581 381 382 98 98
Yelehund 02830000 168 92 481 238 243 34 35 45 52
Total 3,431 1,222 5,844 3,005 2,839 607 603 526 492
0002 ANNUR
Rajegowdanahundi 02829500 968 233 1,188 592 596 .128 124 49 38
Somegowdanahundi 02830100 106
Annur 02830200 527 318 1,586 805 781 99 112 223 229
Hosahalli 02830800 648 176 918 460 458 82 100 33 19
Nanjanayakanahalli 02830900 556 180 950 468 482 106 91 108 113
Yedathore 02831000 971 490 2,449 1,216 1,233 341 314 243 261
Total 3,776 1,397 7,091 3,541 3,550 756 741 656· 660
0003 SAVVE

Savve 02831100 923 433 2,038 1,040 998 113 107 710 667
Padukote 02831200 776 285 1,395 686 709 118 144 186 178
Kodaseege 02831300 285 86 473 249 224 37 35 4 1
Haropura 02831400 130 66 359 192 167 14 15 22 19
Voddaragudi 02831500 497 198 1,109 547 562 328 336 74 91
(Rural) 02833000 1,037 124 564 293 271 93 77 93 92
Belaganahallikava! 02833100 411 194 972 5II 461 70 65 2 2
Total 4,059 1,386 6,910 3,518 3,392 773 779 1,091 1,0SO
M. Mallahalli 02837800 141 3 19 11 8
JompanahaIIi 02838900 350 125 530 269 261 76 81
M.Kannenahalli 02839000 310 321 1,572 846 726 407 342 224 232
Chamanahalli 02839100 225 185 847 437 410 59 59 60 45
Chikkereyur 02839200 539 475 2,258 1,160 1,098 380 360 98 104
Doddakereyur 02839300 536 19 76 33 43 2 2
Kunigalu 02839400 211 79 323 168 155 28 24 100 87
KodichamanahaIIi 02839500 219 24 119 61 58
Doddakerekaval 02839700 106 66 281 142 139
K.Kannenahalli 02840200 !OI 72 353 184 169 49 35 38 33
Total 2,738 1,369 6,378 3,311 3,067 999 901 522 503
Yennegerekaval 02837200 82 23 83 42 41
Thandasipura 02837300 319 5 3 2
Sindenahalli 02837700 201 177 1,051 530 521 15 24 3 2
Kalkodu 02838200 337 9 S3 29 24
K yathanahalli 02838400 854 S92 2,908 1,483 1,425 251 286 65 56
Kandegowdanapura 02838500 200 30 158 84 74 52 45
Manegaranahundi 02838600 101



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Paneha Code village HH
of yat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Chamalapura 02838700 280 59 328 174 154 32 37
Bannavadi 02838800 452 82 486 253 233 228 208
Bachegowdanahalli 02839800 137 305 1,374 706 668 27 17 536 524
Garikekattekaval 02839900 167 29 1 I3 65 48 2 3
Hormahalli 02840000 119
Total 3,249 1,307 6,559 3,369 3,190 607 620 604 582
Thotahalli 02836100 128
Pura . 02836200 166
Halladamanuganahalli 02836300 898 298 1,408 725 683
Masanakuppe 02836700 161 7 52 21 25 27 25
Ankanahalli 02836800 222 3 18 1 11
Muddaiahnahundi 02836900 28 19 122 59 63
Kothegala 02837000 361 98 477 232 245 43 43 37 52
GangadahosahaJli 02837100 21 294 1,432 711 721 147 164 87 86
Gangadahalli 02837400 86 50 273 138 135 2 3 4
Alanahalli 02837500 380 517 2,661 1,344 1,311 457 461 119 114
Devalapura 02837600 113 JO 43 15 28 3 9 2
Total 2,624 1,296 6,486 3,258 3,228 679 705 248 255
Kattehundi 02836400 266 130 589 309 280 75 19
Gollanabeedusaragur 02836500 392 362 1,645 841 804 50 47
Gollanabeedu 02836600 388 95 449 240 209 49 37
Kaniyanahundi 02837900 1,049 290 1,445 771 668 30 25 20 14
Bettadabeedu 02838000 717 279 1,456 728 728 15 67 195 201
Kethahalli 02838100 270 31 141 67 74 2 4
Kadasur 02838300 171 16 90 52 38
Mallahalli 02839600. 176 11 4f 23 18
Total 3,429 1,214 5,856 3,031 2,819 281 259 215 216
Kohala 02841200 871 219 1,104 562 542. 305 287
Pura 02841400 244 226 1,063 534 529 102 100
Karehundi 02841500 27 63 304 162 142
Hirenandi 02841700 336 113 543 275 268 145 127
Kanchamalli 02841800 206 247 1,220 .607 613 56 49 16 14
Chikkanandi 02841900 283 209 993 525 468 217 191 9 10
Chamahalli 02842000 543 107 569 286 283 11 7
Hatwal 02842100 421 285 1,427 718 709 119 126 132 131
Totai 2,931 1,469 7,223 3,669 3,554 944 880 168 162
Bettahalli 02840100 194 4 18· 9 9
Hommaragahalli 02841000 514 719 3,394 1,721 1,673 748 753 180 164
Hampapura 02841100 160 337 1,574 777 797 154 172 15 13
Marchahalli 02841300 159 64 309 164 145 III 105
linnahalli 02841600 361 406 2,059 1,053 1,006 130 133 410 384
Total 1,388 1,530 7,354 3,724 3,630 1,143 1,163 605 561
lruvidi 02840300 . 59 11 76 41 35



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name ofviUage Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code PaDeha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Nayakanahundi 02840400 299 145. 723 388 335 7 3

Chottanahalli 02840500 298 4 58 50 8 5 7
Madapura 02840600 398 604 2,993 1,491 1,502 411 441 195 214
Kolagala 02840700 438 624 3,027 1,539 1,488 613 540 336 348
Holehundi 02840800 327 59 267 147 120 142 116 2 3
Karigala 02840900 1,613 242 1,134 559 575 135 144 63 65
Total 3,432 1,695 8,278 4,215 4,063 1,313 1,251 596 630
Belaganahalli 02833200 101 10 32 17 15 2
Malara 02833300 110 117 793 420 373 420 373
Gudumanahalli 02833400 285 2. 12 6 6
Hyrige 02833500 552 676 3,507 1,745 1,762 804 749 288 333
Matakere 02833600 279 154 797 417 380 244 225 43 39
Manuganahalli 02833700 257 43 219 122 97 11 12
Yarahalli 02833900 483 373 1,935 ],0]0 925 272 258 28 27
Yarahallikaval 02835000 308 288 1,348 686 662 441 437
Total 2,375 1,663 8,643 4,423 4,220 2,193 2,054 361 399
nayakana Halli 02830300 350 118 599 323 276 142 121 139 119
Sollapura 02830400 1,146 26 126 68 58 68 58
Siddapura 02830500 650 101 480 248 232 109 104 7 9
Agasanahulldi 02830600 1,032 60 288 151 137 10 15 13 14
Bommalapura 02830700 345 26 89 55 34
Shanthipura 02831600 403 152 666 330 336 59 59 88 92
Konegowdanahundi 02831700 220 93 428 224 204 34 27 108 95
Chakkodanahalli 02831800 438 226 1,093 543 550 141 164
Budanur 02831900 823 202 1,013 517 496 236 233 62 46
Metikuppe 02832000 1,870 277 1,402 718 684 287 297
Chagathii'Uppe 02832100 53
Metikuppekaval 02832200 1,166
Metikuppe Forest 02832300 5,254 26 113 55 58 6 40 51
Amani Jungle 02832400 3,143
Sonahalli 02832800 389 121 565 293 272 67 55 82 76
Chakahalli 02832900 90 88 397 202 195 6 3 175 173
Total 17,372 1,516 7,259 3,727 3,532 878 840 1,001 972
Penjahalli 02832600 511 271 1,243 630 613 117 115 43 45
Hirehalli 02832700 2,250 932 4,532 2,254 2,278 666 662 631 651
Total 2,761 1,203 5,775 2,884 2,891 783 777 674. 696
Kattemanuganahalli 02834000 469 249 1,443 743 700 300 289
Heggadapura 02834100 217 227 1,174 597 577 196 197 303 278
Dasanapura 02834200 133 46 211 119 92 51 37 4 4
Akkadevanahalli 02834300 I 10 4 18 9 9
Naganahalli 02834400 285 384 1,567 817 750 20 15 19 21
Machanayakanahalli 02834500 268 119 551 282 269 69 67
Motha 02834700 334 168 955 495 460 6 6 176 176
Krishnapurakaval 02834800 145 134 655 337 318 308 297



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code Pancha Code· village UU
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
. Kollegowdanahalli 02834900 735 282 1,452 737 715 357 337 31 32
Total· 2,696 1,613 8,076 4,136 3,890 1,307 1,245 533 511
Chakkur 02842200 733 333 1,786 909 877 201 189 198 215
Moleyur (Kalihundi) 02842300 445 273 1,440 708 732 271 279
Shankahalli 02842400 181 80 489 251 238
Muddanahalli 02842500 232 60 349 169 180 123 136
K.Belthur 02842700 596 520 2,308 1,143 1,165 154 147 674 685
Kulya 02842800 307 197 978 499 479 154 146 21 28
Total 2,494 1,463 7,350 3,679 3,671 903 897 893 928
Adahalli 02842600 324 170 853 428 425 140 132
Hunaganahalli 02842900 295 137 660 323 337 90 81
Manuganahalli 02843000 510 169 846 442 404 114 108 2 3
Halemanchahalli 02843100 181
Manchahalli 02843200 227 48 219 118 101
Kallasaragur 02843300 376 136 688 353 335 124 121 106 98
Hunsahalli 02843400 333 113 568 272 296 147 157
Lanke 02843500 658 357 1,782 883 899 541 565 30 24
Hoovinakola 02843600 516 109 453 234 219 233 217
Kunnapatna 02844100 146 61 307 146 161 32 27 114 134
Lakkur (B) 02844200 182
Total 3,748 1,300 6,376 3,199 3,177 1,421 1,408 252 259
Boppanahalli 02833800 216 378 1,887 981 906 192 194 139 128
Heggadahalli 02835400 491 170 847 416 431 84 101
Hebbalaguppe 02835500 393 726 3,684 1,872 1,812 401 401 658 635
Hulikura 02835600 227 5 31 23 8 6 3
Hulikurakaval 02835700 96 75 340 166 174 63 69 46 54
Total 1,423 1,354 6,789 3,458 3,331 740 765 849 820
Chowdahalli 02835200 257 76 389 211 178 176 156
lakkahalli 02835300 413 525 2,746 1,413 1,333 944 845
Thumbasoge 02835800 290 388 1,852 926 926 200 208 390 393
Thoravalli 02835900 182 123 638 330 308 41 44 135 112
Itna 02836000 532 447 2,099 1,001 1,098 118 123 844 933
Nilavagilu 02847600 601 144 775 400 375 145 140 126 128
Total 2,275 1,703 8,499 4,281 4,218 1,624 1,516 1,495 1,566
Seeranahundi 02834600 181 107 532 270 262 124 127
Shinnaballi 02835100 169 297 1,625 811 814 156 163
Nuralakuppe 02847300 508 311 1,585 787 798 388 378 101
Anagatti 02847400 500 194 960 490 470 252 237 39
Yelamathur 02847500 333 151 752 360 392 129 130
Jeeyara 02848100 394 87 496 244 252 237 241
Machare 02848200 456 44 216 116 100 27 26 20 20
Badanakuppe 02848900 146 24 1]7 60 57 21 19
Hosaholalu 02849000 298 18 67 36 31



Loca Name of Name ofYillagc & Location Total No. _ _..:T..:o~ta:.:I..:P..:o;£p..:u=la..:t:.:io..:n;___ _:S:..:c=h:..:.c=.du;::.:l:..:.e.::.d..:C;;:c:l..:c.:_d..:T,-,-r_ib:..:c.::..s
tion Grama Name of village Location area of of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females
code PaDeha Code . village HH
of yat
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Sogahalli 02849700 295 22 135 69 66 25 21

Total 3,280 1,255 9,485 3,243 3,242 1,334 1,321 186 150
Hunasekuppe 02832500 738 174 775 402 373 82 . 83 185. 162
Antharasanthe 02847200 1,619 828 4,139 2,152 1,987 655 636 341 316
Manchegowdanahalli 02848400 918 576 2,908 1,472 1,436 410 .399 134 127
Ragalakuppe 02848600 345 22 115 56 59 16 22
Plantation 02848700 41 7 30 16 14
Honnurkuppc 02848800 161 31 154 76 78 3 2
Total 3,822 1,638 8,121 4,174 3,947 1,147 1,119 679 629
Magudilu 02847700 409 286 1,381 693 688 221 223 148 151
Nerale 02847800 703 548 2,554 1,300 1,254 327 296 361 362
Pura 02847900 133 441 1,716 810 906 110 105 175 206
Beechanahalli 02848000 631 130 647 325 322 31 25 215 214
Total ·1,876 1,405 6,298 3,128 3,170 689 649 899 933
Malalagadrle 02849800 38
Karavadi 02850100 65
Kalasuru 02850200 36 126 656 342 314 99 104
Kenchanahalli 02850300 431 272 1,339 663 676 401 397 34 24
Kiuur (Therani Manti) 02852600 1,246 517 2,657 1,352 1,305 176 151 712 726
Uyyamballi 02852700 349 106 528 281 247 278 244
Bettadavarehundi 02852800 18 33 186 101 85
Bidarahalli 02852900 421 353 1,559 768 791 134 154 364 350
Singapatna 02853300 375 59 308 163 145 163 145
Nanjanathapura 02853400 130 99 571 283 288 281 286
Total 3,109 1,565 7,804 3,953 3,851 1,369 1,336 1,274 1,245
Bidagalu 02844300 451 290 1,270 645 625 230 237 8 10
Agathuru 02853000 308 379 1,846 879 967 61 46 712 816
Sagare 02853100 1,344 704 3,359 1,630 1,729 239 277 855 927
Kandegala 02853200 213 72 366 185 181 95 87 4
Total 2,316 1,445 6,841 3,339 3,502 625 647 1,576 1,757
Saragur 02844400 786 2,093 9,931 4,997 4,934 1,113 1,085 776 762
Total 786 2,093 9,931 4,997 4,934 1,113 1,085 776 762
Kattehunsur 02843700 463 194 981 504 477 123 110
Kallambalu 02843800 440 476 2,304 1,157 1,147 350 373
Kundur 02843900 756 97 437 222 215 14 14
PUTadakatte 02844000 181 125 601 294 307 283 294
Halasur 02844900 615 305 1,381 692 689 548 544
Chamalapura 02845000 565 202 958 491 467 68 81 205 188
Total 3,020 1,399 6,662 3,360 3,302 555 578 1,036 1,026
Bennagere 02845100 383 108 558 283 275 8 7



Loca Name of Name of village & Location Total No. Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
tion Grama Name ofviUage -Location area of of -:::P:-er-s-on-s--;:-M:-a:.-:-le-s~F=e..;;;m:...a-:l:-es--;7M7a:..:l..;;;
code Pancha Code village HH
of yat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Changowdanahalli 02845200 433 96 478 242 236 162 162
MuUur 02845300 I, 167 717 3,353 1,699 1,654 481 440 494 475
Jatagathipura 02845400 170
Beerwal 02845500 246 135 606 311 295 83 75 72 80
Basavanakote 02845600 131
Nandinathapura 02845700 81
Lakkasoge 02845800 603
Chillahalli 02845900 236 13- 85 40 45
Shambugowdanahalli 02846100 328
Lakshrnanapura 02846200 377
Heggudlu 02854400 _ 243 99 510 252 258_ 84 82 156 162
Total 4,398 1,168 5,590 2,827 2,763 818 766 722 717
Nallur 02844500 132 35 140 73 67 73 66
Hanchipura 02844600 76 200 1,007 498 509 51 60 31 30
Masahalli 02844700 494 349 1,687 853 834 271 271 86 90
Kothegala 02844800 1,240 593 3,000 _1,538 1,462 335 327 398 367
Beddalapura 02854100 256 64 303 156 147 2 3 4 4
Haleyuru 02854200 530 166 885 465 420 226 209 10 6
Narasipura 02854300 180 95 521 271 250 110 98 3 5
Konanalathuru 02854500 148
Huskur 02854600 451 51 236 105 131 105 131
Hariyalapura 02854700 228 19 76 40 36
Total 3,735 1,572 7,855 3,999 3,856 1,068 1,034 637 633
Hegganur 02853500 618 332 1,604 809 795 401 382 22 23
Lingenahalli 02853600 129 3

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