Assignment Pronoun Leisure Time, Holiday, Compaund Noun, Start Fish

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Name : Wa Ode Fitriani

NIM : 19010106007

Leisure Time, Holiday, Compaund Noun And Start Fish

Leisure Time


41.1 Put the words into the correct columns.

Swimming golfer court track jump pitch net

Motor racing stick basketball athlete box skis race

Goalkeeper racing driver sail rink skiing swimming costume

Sport Person Place Verb Equipment

Swimming Golfer Court Sail Stick
Jump Goalkeeper Track Pitch Basketball
Skis Swimming Box Net Costume
Motor racing Rink Ras
Athlete Racing driver Skiing

41.2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

1. We play football in the winter at my school.

2. Do you know much exercise?

3. I playing basketball in the summer and winter.

4. We always happy in the winter, as long as there is enough snow.

5. I like a bit of yoga when I was younger.

6. We used to go in the camping in the mountains.

7. I very a lot of swimming in the summer.

8. If you want to sport fit, you need to run three or four miles other day.

9. I used to sport in the gym, but I’m getting a bit old for that now.
41.3 What is the sport and who is the person?

1. a. skiing

b. skier

2. a. swimming

b. swimmer

3. a. boxing

b. boxing player

4. a. Life vest

b. floating

5. a. race

b. runner

41.4 Complete the last word in each sentence.

1. Do you know the size of a boxing ring?

2. I used to play ice ski

3. We played golf in scotland, where they have some fantastic interesting golf

4. My dad plays golf. He’s nit a serious golfer; he just plays for fan

5. If the girls go swimming, they must remember to take their swimming serious

6. We watch a lot of motor bikes

7. I love swimming, and it helps to keep me diet

8. My sister enjoys rock music

9. You can’t go camping unless you have a wiil

10. Running is good exercise, so four or five times a week I go running sport

41.5 Answer these questions. If possible, compare your answer with someone else.

1. What sport or leisure activities do you do? Why do you do it/them? Volleyball, because it
can make the body healthy and remain stamina.

2. What sport do you watch, and where? Badminton and at school.



51.1 Write down four more words beginning with sun.

Sun shine sun rise sun bright sun blazing sun set

51.2 Match the words on the left with the words on the right.

1. sun d a. shade

2. wind b b.sea

3. seaside e c.surfing

4. sit in the a d.tan

5. sandy f e.resort

6. rough c f.beach

51.3 Cover the opposite page. What are these people doing?

1. a. playing

b. volleyball

2. a. Blazing sun

b. sunbathe

3. a. surfing

b. playing surfing

4. a. swimming

b. swimmer

5. a. Surf player

b. tough surfing
51.4 Cross out the wrong answer.

1. The beach was a.lovely b.calm c.sandy d.dirty

2. We went for a c.drink d.stroll

3. The sea was a.sandy b.calm c.rough d.cold

4. I enjoy a.surfing b.diving c.getting sunburn d.windsurfing

5. We walked a.along the beach the shore c.on the waves d.on the sand

6. The beach was a.near thec cliffs the breeze the rocks d.very sandy

51.5 Complete the sentences.

1. I love sunbathing, so I can get a nice suntan

2. Doctors why that you stay out of the sun completely in the middle of the day.

3. We used to subathe for hours, but then we didn’t know we were at the finish of getting
skin cancer

4. I always take a beach umbrella to give me waarmth from the sun when is very hot.

5. In the city it feels like there’s no air, but you often get a nice atmosphere by the sea.

6. I love going for a relax along the beach, especially in the evening when it’s quiet.

7. I don’t like sitting in the sun; I prefer to sit in the chair

8. We decided to relaxing a swim before lunch.

51.6 Answer the questions. If possible, ask someone else the same questions.

1. Do you ever spend time at seaside resort? Where do you go, and how often?

Answer : has never been

2. Do you enjoy any the beach activities on the opposite page? Which ones?

Answer : not too

3. Do you like sunbathing? Why? Not?

Answer : I dont like

4. Do you get a suntan easily? Have your ever had sunburn? Do you of then use sunscreen?

Answer : yes, yes I have, no

5. What do you like to do in the evening after a day on the beach?

Answe : lying on the mattress

Compaund Noun


73.1 Complete the circles with compaund noun from the opposite page.

Pablic transport pedestrian shopping traveling fleas dandruff

Roads money hair

Traffic lights buy a house curler

flight attendant teacher clothes pants pilot the plane

Jobs things we wear air travel

Underwear flight attendant

73.2 Complete the sentences

1. I got some money from the cashpoint

2. I booked our holiday through a online

3. We stayed on a very nice and beautiful, but unfornately our tent wasn’t really big enough.

4. He can’t walk at all now, so he has to use a auxiliaries to move around.

5. I sent her a letter but she never received; it must have got lost in the post.
6. Liz and Mark wanted to go out, but they couldn’t find a it for the choldren.

7. When I’m driving I always wear eyeglasses if it’s very bright and sunny.

8. Most people have a pay with the money on their salary; the more you earn, the more you

9. I washed my hair, then discovered that the shampoo wasn’t working.

73.3 Which words are being defined?

1. A substance that you use to clean your teeth. Toothpaste

2. A piece of furniture for keeping clothes in. Fragrance

3. Someone who plays music on the radio or at discos. At discos

4. A card with your name, photograph and information to prove who you are. Magician card

5. The first language you learn as a child. Mom and father

6. A game played on ice using sticks. Ski

7. A punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. Full stop

8. A card you use to pay for things. Happy

73.4 Make new compaund using one part of the compaunds below. Answer for 1-6 are on the
opposite page, answer for 7-12 are in other parts of the book.

1. airport airline 7. Living room sofa

2. full stop punctuation 8. Brother-in-law women

3. hairdresser comb 9. Sunglasses beach

4. credit card car 10. Traffic lights the rules

5. toothpaste tooth 11. Wheelchair sick person

6. bus driver passenger 12. Film-maker director

Start Fish

Exercise 1

1. Wave
a. To pass from physical life c. Salt water that surrounds land
b. A raised line of water d. Land in the middle of water
2. Taste
a. To hurt b. To find c. Flavor d. To walk
3. Against
a. To be touching something c. maybe
b. To stop from happening d. Enjoyable
4. Rock
a. Feelings c. honest
b. A place by the ocean d. A hard something from being hurt
5. Throw
a. To name something
b. To put something into the air
c. To make something work
d. To stop something from being hurt
6. Island
a. Land b. Salt water c. Feelings d. Hard thing
7. Discover
a. To be nice b. To stop c. To find something d. To name
8. Step
a. To keep from ham c. To walk
b. To be next to d. To hurt

9. Beach
a. Water that comes on land
b. A sandy or rocky place by the ocean
c. To be honest
d. To make something move in the air
10. Fix
a. To make something work
b. To pass from physical life
c. To be honest
d. To make something move in the air

Exercise 2

1. To be touching something
a. Beach b. Against c. Discover d. Wave
2. To break something
a. Identify b. Maybe c. Damage d. Ocean
3. A way that you feel
a. Prevent b. Emotion c. Rock d. Pleasant
4. Very honest
a. Still b. Step c. Throw d. Frank
5. Land in the middle of water
a. Save b. Taste c. Island d. Fix

Exercise 3

1. Wave / beach
I like to play on the beach
The big wave pushed the swimmer back.
2. Ocean / island
They walked across the ocean to find food.
I am scared of some animals that live in the island
3. Fix / damage
My dad knows how to fix cars.
If you damage the light, we won’t be able to see at night.
4. Still / rock
We have to go around that large still
We are rock planning to go to Florida this winter.
5. Step / throw
Do you know how to throw a football?
Please step into the house.

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