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My Pandemic Path

13 Th Sub Chapter of the Novel (i am youRs)

By Farid Ismail
My Pandemic Path

Pandemic ...

Just hearing that word was

deafening to my ears. Nothing
crossed my mind but bad things
that hit this world.

My story this time is, how my

pandemic path accompanies my
life, accompanies my day, and
begins my new story.

maybe if my pandemic story was

united with my love story, this
episode would be too long. I
might even be able to create a
telenovela in a novel. Bak is like
making a country within the
country it is.

indeed the word pandemic has

been around for a long time, but
this is the first time I have
experienced it.

Temptation is a gift, because

that's when God is showing his
The days I went through continued, nothing really
meant anything in my early 10 grade. just like
yesterday, I am very enthusiastic about my departure.
Until a smile flashed across my return.

This is solely because of him, because he who always

makes a smile on my face seems to be full of sincerity
without any burden in it.

every morning, I tell myself it's going to be a good day.

Until one day I faced a condition that I had never faced

Maybe it's not that different from that world. but as if

it was more meaningful, my pandemic path carved a
new story for me, where the usual things I did easily
immediately vanished.

Maybe the universe has hinted at me about that,

because before that nightmare (pamdemi) was present
in my life. many calamities have befallen my country.

The beginning of the year should be a joy for

everyone, but not in this beautiful year. Right at the
start of 00.00 in the year that is pretty in the digit,
perfect maybe 2020 is none other than that.

right where me and him had a semester in the new

school, the school that became my bridge to a beautiful
future for me.
No one would have thought beforehand, the impact of
extreme weather changes resulted in the evolution of the
virus in various countries. Indonesia is no exception.

Before, I thought nothing would happen back in my life, I

thought all my suffering was over. But fate isn't completely
smooth, and things don't always get better.

I've been through a long vacation, but it's not just long.
because there was a lot of suffering that occurred at the
beginning of this year, it seemed to increase the length of
the holiday.

I thought the beginning of the year was just like any other
day. I escorted her departure and return as usual. But there
is little harmony in it. Natural phenomena always
accompany it.

This early week was full of this phenomenon which was

none other than the torrential rain. Not beautiful rain like
the title of the novel, but a prolonged rain that makes
catastrophic disaster.

Her gratitude until now I'm still with her. accompanied by

him, and himself always by my side. Even though many
obstacles stand in his way, he can't separate me and him.
After the days were not very beautiful in terms of the state
of the universe I went through. I will also land in a new phase
of my story. Not only my story, maybe a new phase of this
world. Even though I wasn't even a year old at that time, I
faced many obstacles from the universe. Luckily it wasn't a
matter of heart anymore at that time, because my heart was
only for him, and I only belonged to him.

As usual, that morning I woke up from my sleep. I hope at

that time I want to start the day with happiness. Because this
is my birth month, the third month of the year.

But even though it's beautiful, it's not the same as before.
because I've got the news that the school is no longer being
done face-to-face. I got news from my 10th homeroom
teacher at that time, even though at first I was happy. Will
this pleasure last forever.

I am already used to this displeasure, but while I'm still with

him I won't feel any emptiness.

Luckily I'm living with my parents, if possible, you don't

know where my parents were before. may be able to read my
story from the beginning, I can't force it but this is only the
13th story of my 14 episodes.

It's not too burdensome at the beginning, the task given is

only about the ruler of the environment. Who else if not the
But in truth a pandemic is a situation, where there is indeed a
riot in it, then who is it.

It is just an invisible virus, which you may not even feel, just call it
covid. He is indeed very evil, but he may exist because of man
himself. as if the universe was punishing all living things.

Maybe with the exception of plants, I don't know if he also

caught the virus. I don't know how they are. Maybe not, they're
just plants.

The second day there were still no problems that meant a lot to
me, even I thought at that time I was very happy if it was like this.
The task seemed lighter, there was no nervousness, no panic. And
maybe I can ask if I can't.

on the other hand there is him who still keeps me strong. Himself
who encouraged me to go through all this. Me and him have
become one. One inseparable unity.

The days I live today are nothing new in my opinion, but in

terms of circumstances maybe yes. because the true psychology of
a person is hard to deal with everything that will somehow end.
Once upon a time I thought. Had this pandemic been planned,
because in fact at that time there might have been pollution
everywhere, apparently it might be an almighty plan, I thought.
Because of this, the universe is paused for a moment, while making
humans aware and perhaps starting a new, better life.

It does not always run smoothly, because when the days turn into
weeks, the task will expand itself more and more. until maybe at the
moment the pleasure I experience because online turns into suffering
for me.

Maybe this is just my opinion. I don't know about other people, I

don't know what other people's perspectives are on this.

I didn't want to go back into the pseudo world, now I miss that world.

It is possible that I have experienced nothing, but it is actually different.

this discomfort when it was hard for me, because I was really only in
the environment of my house, I really couldn't go anywhere at that

Apart from the heavy duty there was something else that happened
to me at that time. Maybe at first I was used to dealing with it all. but
after a long period of time my longing churned, as if to release all the
burdens in my body .
Talk miss, I'm already bored with it. In the past, it was very easy for
me to get rid of it. But, at the moment. I have a hard time removing it
from inside me.

because my love for him is too deep, so i can't get it away

The only way is, a pseudo world that I'll be in. At that time I could
not go to the world all, not a personal problem but a universal

This pandemic saturated me, as if this world was only in one sphere of
space, I wanted to be free from this situation at that time.

Although day by day the increase in cases is increasing. time after time
the death rate began to skyrocket until one day my beloved country
did a real lock down.

There is no activity that can be done outside of that time, my days

are full of anxiety, my days are full of burdens, and my days are also
full of longing.

can I get through this yallah. I'm really hard to do anything, like in
prison if that's me at that time. Indeed, no one prevented me from
leaving, but I did take the initiative not to leave at that time. Because
how many people died because of it.
Even though the pandemic isn't over yet, it feels like the tightness has
eased. vehicles have started to scatter. I think maybe this thing will end,
even though no antidote has been found.

Finally this holiday comes to me again. But unlike last year's holiday, I
was able to celebrate with him without anything binding.

now it seems that everything contains rules, rules that must be obeyed.
When I'm with me, I have to use a mask on my face and a hand sanitizer on
my hand.

At first it was awkward, but over time it became an obligation. Even until
the time I wrote this scribble in my novel.

I'm grateful to finally be able to let go of my longing, I can meet him.

Even though I can't see her beautiful smile. Obstructed by the mask, it
doesn't matter if I have to be grateful for the blessings that have been given
to me.

indeed when I was still relativ at that time it felt very fast I was going to go
up to the eleventh grade. This process is so fast, although in fact this story is
very long.

Me and him are still in the same room, I am more and more grateful for the
blessings that are given to me. I don't know when the pandemic will end,
but from my story there are many lessons that I can take.

Whether it's my career journey, my pandemic journey, or even my love

All of that seemed to be an inseparable unity.

who might have been against the rivals of the class champions at that
time, were only a few of my classmates. But right now it felt like my
opponent was more than that, I was actually fighting against the man-
made tool itself. None other than an information search tool (Google)

maybe I could hear the voice that was unique to my teachers, now I can't
hear it, I can just obey and feel it.

And what I used to be very frugal with my internet package, maybe now
it all seems to double in a short time.

I really want all of this to pass, it's fine with the new world. Because I've set
foot several times in my new world. I'm not surprised by that.

I hope a lot from my story ....

I always hope that one day this pandemic ends and I can return to
activities without being restricted.
My age is getting more and more Getting older and more mature. But
besides studying, I was trying to find some additional sustenance.

but due to the pandemic as well, my online sales decreased. The endorse
that used to come to me didn't even come.

Although indeed every human being is not free from wrongdoing, there
is hope that we reduce it. Because maybe because of my fault he and you
are caught in this situation.

a situation where the universe is not on our side, maybe I him and you guys
have to introspect again on nature.

Because he also has feelings, just like me he and you. Maybe from now on
we should all go back to learn to preserve it.
So that hopes that have been dashed due
to this pandemic can be ignored. Can be
realized. Or maybe you can live it.

Maybe this definition is not long, my

pandemic story is not over yet, I don't
know what other surprises will come to

But I ended this episode ...

episodes where under no circumstances
am I still with him about him and for him.

My pandemic path ...

Is introspection for me

And them ..

Thank You
Farid Ismail XI MIPA 1

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