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Lipid disorder & metabolic syndrome

Lipids: are water insoluble and transport in blood as macromolecular

complexes. These complex are surrounded by coat of phospholipid and
embedded by proteins (called apoproteins) in its surface, so these
lipoprotein now allow receptors in the liver and the peripheral tissues
to recognize it.
There are 5 types of lipoprotein found in the blood:
Very-low-density lipoprotein
Intermediate-density lipoprotein
Low-density lipoprotein
‫يعتبر اخطر نوع ألنو يترسب داخل جدار االوعيه الدمويه ويسبب تصلب بالشرايين‬
High-density lipoprotein
‫ المترسب على جدار االوعيه الدمويه الى الكبد‬lDl‫يعتبر احسن نوع ألنو ينقل ال‬
.‫يسمى الكوليسترول النافع يزيد مستواه بالدم عن طريق الرياضه فقط وليس األدويه‬
Function of lipid:
1-source of energy. 2-use for synthesis thyroid hormone & other
chemical component.
When ingestion food contain lipid the small intestine absorbed as
What is lipid disorder:
It is high blood levels of:
high( Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol)
High (Triglycerides fat).
Or low (High density lipoprotein).
Which increased risk for developing heart disease.
LDL Cholesterol Pathogenesis:
The cholesterol oxidize into foam cell and then plaque & then
formation of blood clot.
All we have fatty stick inside Aorta but it is different degree according
to age & risk factors, the mechanism of fatty stick is :
The blood go inside branch of aorta & cause injury in intimae of blood
vessels (mainly in branch of aorta) due to speed ,so if the pt. have
hypertension he is at risk of atherosclerosis.
Risk factors:
1-Primamry hypercholestremia:
More common
Due to genetic background or environmental factors.
2-Secondary hypercholestremia :
Due to other disease like nephrotic syndrome
Or HTN or D.M or hypothyroidism
3-druges: like diuretics( thiazaid)
Clinical pic:
Hypercholestermia :
Like symptom of coronary & stroke & peripheral vascular diseases
xanthelasma and xanthoma.
Acute pancreatitis & retinal venous thrombosis.
Treatment :
Inhibit enzyme that formation of LDL (methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase)
It work in muscle cell & liver so u must follow up the liver enzyme
It decrease the absorb of cholesterol in small intestine so the side
effect is diarrhea & abdominal pain.
Treat hypercholestremia.
2-Fibrate :
The side affect, It work in muscle cell & liver so u must follow up the
liver enzyme
Trea hypertriglycerdemia.
How to prevent :
By healthy diet & exercise & avoid fast food.
What is metabolic syndrome :
It is group of five risk factors that increase the developing of heart
disease, diabetes, and stroke.
The five risk factors are:
Excess fat around the waist
‫أخطرواهم شي الدهون المتراكمه حول البطن النها تعمل مقاوميه لألنسولين وتفرز هرمون‬
‫االندروجين وراح يسبب ضغط وسكر‬
High blood pressure (>130/85 mmHg)
High blood sugar levels (insulin resistance)
High triglyceride levels
Low levels of good cholesterol (HDL)
Other risk factors :
Family history & lack of exercise.
The pathogensis
Complication :
Heart attack
Kidney disease
Treatment :
1-diet & exercise . 2-control HTN & DM. 3-aspirn to lower risk of strok
& cardiac attack.

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