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What is asthma? Asthnais a chronic, inflammatory disease that i characterised by reversible airway obstruction. Signs and symptoms «Wheezing «Shores of breath + Coughing. Remember to ask ifthe patent has history of atopy e.g. hayfever and eczema, Triggering factors indute: + Dustpettvapours * Emotion Drugs, 9. beta-blockers. Treatment Investigations Peak expiratory flow rate: note diurnal variation. Sputum sample. £86: in emergency Spiromety for obstructive Gefecs. Bloods: increased Ig, FBC ‘CXR: pneumothorax, consoldation ‘Conservative: patient education; advice on inhaler technique and avoidance of triggering factors; annual asta review and influenza vaccine required, © Medical: eer to British Thoacic Society Guidelines: Step 1: salbutamol (a short-acting beta-2 receptor agonist. Step 2: step 1 + bedometasone (inhaled steroid) Step 3: steps 1,2 + salmeterol a long-acting bet2-2 receptor agonist) + increased total dose of inhaled steroid Step 4: steps 1-3 + increased dose of inhaled steroid + consider adding addtional therapy, e.. Teophyline (a xanthine derived bronchodilator that inhibits phosphodiesterase). Montelukast (a leukotriene receptor antagonist) Step 5: orl prednisolone steroid) + high-dose inhaled steroid; refer to specialist. Pathophysiology * Copious mucus secretion. * nfammatin Contraction of bronchial muscle Allergen | Th2 cells | ‘© ILS: stimulates eosinophils © 13: stimulates mucus secretion. ‘Treatment of acute asthma Remember as O SHIT: ‘Oxygen. Salbutamal Hydrocortisone, Ipratropium Theophylline. ‘Interleukin (4: stimulates eosinophils and stimulates B Iymphocjtes. 8 lymphocytes produce Ig, which causes mast cells to

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