4th EVS EM Lev2 WS 14-42

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LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 14
Name of the topic / concept : Climbers / Creepers, Shrubs and Trees

Key concept
• Climbers/creepers
• shrub
• trees
learning out comes
• able to keep examples for the climbers.
• able to give examples for the shrubs.
• able to give examples for the trees.
• will says similarities and differences between climbers / creepers, shrubs and trees.
• able to classify the plants around us as climbers, shrubs and trees.

Concept presentation
The plants like ridge gourd, bitter gourd, jasmine etc. have weak stems and usually
grow on trellis, trees, ground or with any other support. They are known as climbers /
creepers. In plants like Nerium, Rose etc. multiple stems arise from the base (ground). These
are called shrubs. They are big in size. These are called trees. We get wood from the long and
thick trunk of these trees.
1. Write the similarities and differences between climbers / creepers, shrubs and trees. Give
2. Give examples.
• climbers : ___________________ ________________________
• shrubs: ___________________ ________________________
• trees : ____________________ __________________________

self evaluation - 14
I. Observe the picture and write the plants names in a given table.

Climbers shrubs trees

II. Choose the correct answer.
1. Shadow giving plant is ............. [ ]
A) Jasmine B) Chrysanthemum C) mango D) Gunner
2. The plant which has weak stem. [ ]
A) chilli B ) guava C) ridge gourd D) babool
3. the plant which has strong stem [ ]
A) bean B) tamarind C) bitter gourd D) tomato
4. The plant has multiple stems arise from base [ ]
A) rose B) peepal C) neem D) jasmin
5. The plant has weak stem and usually grow on trellis [ ]
A) beans B) mango C) tamarind D) chilli

III. Match the following

1. rose [ ] A) green leaf
2. babool [ ] B) medicinal plant
3. lettuce (palakura) [ ] C) shrub
4. Bean stalk [ ] D) tree
5. garlic [ ] E) climbers

IV. Draw the picture of a shrub you like and name it.
LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 15
Name of the topic / concept : parts of plants

Key concepts
• roots
• stem
• leaves
• flowers
• fruits
Learning outcomes :
• may identify the parts of a plant.
• able to explain the uses of roots to plants.
• able to give similarities and differences in roots of different plants.
• give examples for different types of stems.
• able to explain the importance of leave.
• able to give examples for different types of flowers.
Concept presentation
Generally plants have roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits. Roots grow below the
soil. Stem, leaves, flowers are above the soil. Root is the part of the plant that grows beneath
the soil. The roots in the soil give support to the plant to stand erect. Plants absorb water and
nutrients through the roots. Stem is the part of the plant that grows above the soil the stem
gives rise to the branches and other parts, like leaves, fruits and flowers. The stem transports
(conducts) water and nutrients absorbed by the roots to all the parts of the plant. Food is
prepared in the leaves of the plant.Seed is obtain from flower. Flowers change (transform)
into fruits.
1. Which parts of a plant are useful to us? Give two examples for each.
2. Draw the diagram of your favourite flower. Colour it and write about it.
3. Prepare a bouquet using flowers and leaves available in your surroundings.
Explain in your classroom how you have prepared it

Self evaluation - 15
I. Answer the following question.
1. Observe the roots picture given below. Write the differences between them

2. Observe the plant given below. Write the parts of plant above the soil and below the

Parts above the soil Parts below soil

II. Choose the correct answer

1. Which of the following plant part lies below the soil [ ]
A) leaves B)fruit C)roots D)flowers
2. The part of plant which gives strength to the plant to stand erect [ ]
A) stem B)leaves C)flowers D)fruit
3. Which part of the plant prepares food [ ]
A) stem B)roots C)leaves D)branches
4. The part transports water and nutrients absorbed by the roots to all parts of a plants [ ]
A) roots B)fruits C)stem D)leaves
6. ________ is absorbed by the leaves to prepare food in the plants [ ]
A) nutrients B)water C)sunlight D)moonlight
III. Draw the diagrams of tamarind, mango, rose leaves.
Tamarind leaf Mango leaf Rose leaf
LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 16
Name of the topic / concept : flower – livelihood

Key concepts :

• flower business

• flower garden

learning out comes :


• explains the flower business.

• able to give the examples for types of flower sold in the market.

• collect the information from the florist.

Concept presentation

Some people depend on flowers to earn their livelihood and some do business.
Flowering plants are not found in all the houses. Such people buy flowers farmers are grown
flowers send to the market. In festival season there is a large sale of flowers .Florist use some
techniques to preserve flowers. .

1. How can you say that flowers are a means of livelihood?

2. Raju planted a rose plant. It did not grow well. It dried up, imagine what may be the
reasons for this?

Self evaluation – 16

I. Answers the following questions.

1. Which flowers are sold in the flower market?

2. Generally in which occasions flowers are sold most?


3. What questions might have you ask a florist to know about the flower business?
II. Write the names of the flowers in the space given below :

4. Draw a flower which you like.

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 17
Name of the topic / concept : from flower to fruits

Key concepts:
• Flowers into fruits
• The relationship of the flower with butterflies, honeybees and beetles.
Learning out comes :
learners ......
• Able to record the observations of transformation of flowers into fruits.
• Explains the relationship with the flowers and butterflies, honeybees , beetles.
• Able to draw the figures of various flowers transforming into fruit with his
• Gives the examples for insects suck their food from flowers.
Concept presentation
Flower change into fruit. Honeybees, butterflies and beetles rest on flowers and suck their
nectar. Thus they are taking their food from the flowers. Plants also get benefit from insects.
The insects like butterfly and beetles help in the transformation of flower into a fruit.
1. Draw the pictures of any flower changing into fruit.
2. Meet a farmer you know who grows vegetables and fruits. Ask him how he grows
them. Write in a sequence.

Self evaluation 17
1. Observe the below pictures. Write your observations.

3. Write the uses of flowering plants?
4. Write the benefits of a plant from the butterflies, honeybees, and beetles with rest on the
5. Write different occasions in which flowers are used.
6. Draw the figures showing how the guava or ridge gourd flower changing into fruit.
LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 18
Name of the topic / concept : fruits_seeds

Key concept:
• Size of seeds
• Type of seeds
• Usage of seeds
Learning outcomes:
• Able to give examples for various types of seeds
• Explains the importance of seeds.
• Classify the fruits based on the no of seeds.
• Able to draw the pictures different fruits.
Concept presentation
Seeds germinate into new plant.Irrespective of the size of the tree, the size of seed can
be small or big. Some seeds are small (banyan) and some are big in size (coconut). Some
seeds like castor have hard shells; some other seeds like sesame are soft. Fruits of guava,
pomegranate have many seeds but the fruits of mango and coconut have single seed.
1. Write the names of single seed fruit?
2. Write the names of seedless fruit? .
Self-evaluation -18
I. Answer the following question

1. Write names of seeds you know?

2. Give examples for fruits and vegetables which have many seeds?
II. Match the following.
• Single seed fruit [ ] A) banyan tree
• Many seeds fruits [ ] B) pomegranate
• Small size seeds fruits [ ] C) mango
• Seedless fruits [ ] D) coconut
• Large seeded fruit [ ] E) grapes

III. Draw the picture of mango fruit and its seed.

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 19
Name of the topic / concept : Germination of seeds

Key concepts:
• Germination of seed
• Do all the seeds germinate?

Learning outcomes :
• Explains the process of germination of seeds
• Identify the diversity in seeds
• Describes the conditions required for seed germination.
• Explain why the earthworm is called a farmer friend. .
• Observe the germination of seed and draw a diagram in different stages.

Concept presentation
Seeds germinate when they are sown in a fertile soil. The micro organisms
(decomposers) decompose the dead bodies of animals, leaves shred by trees and excreta of
animals and make the soil fertile. Some animals dig burrows in the soil and live in them.
They make the soil porous and fertile. Earthworm is known as the ‘farmer's friend’.

1. What are the conditions required for seeds to germinate?

2. Write down the different stages in the sequence of seed to plant.

3. Sow some seeds in the soil. Sow some of them in a box containing sand. Water them
every day. Find out what had happened after five days.

Self evaluation -19

I. Answer the following questions
1. Write examples of seeds with hard shell.
2. Why do some seeds not germinate? Write the reasons.
3. Air, water, sunlight are essential to germinate a seed, write the experiment in an order.
II. Match the following
1. Earthworm [ ] a) Lung diseases
2. Tamarind seed [ ] b) rice
3. Parthenium pollen [ ] c) Fertilize the soil
4. Animal excreta [ ] d) Farmer friend
5. paddy [ ] e) hard-shelled seed
III. Draw pictures showing the seed germination stages.
LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 20
Name of the topic / concept : dispersal of seeds

Key concepts :
dispersal of seeds by animals
dispersal of seeds by water
dispersal of seeds by air
Learning outcomes:
learners ......
• Able to give examples for seeds that travel from one place to another by air, by water,
by animals.
• Able to give reasons why the dispersal of seeds.
• Able to describe how the seeds are dispersed.
• Predicts what will happen if seed dispersal does not occur.

Concept presentation
When the cattle, goats and sheep graze, the seeds get stuck to their hair, get carried and fall in
different places and grow into new plants. When the fruits of the plant get dried, they break
open and disperse their seeds. In some places fruits and seeds are carried away by water.
There they grow into new plants. Thus the seed dispersal occurs through air, water and
1. When the wheat grains were imported to our country from other country the seeds of the
weed came along with them describe?
I. Answer the following questions.
1. Write examples of seeds that are dispersed by sticking to animal hair.
2. What would happen if the seeds are not dispersed?

II. Match the following

1. Grass seeds [ ] a) Spread by air
2. caltrops (palleru) [ ] b) spread by sticking to human clothes
3. Calotropis (zilledu) [ ] c) fruits get dried, they break open seeds
4. ladies fingers [ ] d) dispersal through water
5. Coconut [ ] e) dispersal by sticking to animal hair

III. Draw diagram of Calotropis (zilledu) seed.

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : PLANTS AROUND US Worksheet No : 21
Name of the topic / concept : nurseries

Key concepts :
• nurseries
• school garden
• kitchen garden
Learning outcomes:
learners ......
• able to explain about nurseries
• give examples for the plants grown in nurseries for social forestation
• able to make a list of plants to grow in nurseries
• may collect the information of plants grown in a nursery
• explains the need for plant growing
• able to describe how to produce plants in nurseries

Concept presentation
A nursery is a place where a wide variety of plants are grown. Plants are grown in a
nursery and supplied. We can see thousands of varieties of plants in the nurseries. Plants are
produced by various methods like grafting, tissue culture and by sprinkling seeds. It is
necessary to plant the trees as pollution is increasing day by day. Nurseries are playing a vital
role in protecting the environment.
1. What are nurseries? How are they useful?
2. Why should we plant trees? Why should we protect them? Write a few slogans to support
3. Your friend is growing some plants carefully in the school premises. After a year she
celebrated the birthday of the plant too. How do you feel when you see her taking care of
these plants so well?

Self evaluation 21
I. Answer the following questions
1. Write examples of some plants that can be grown in nurseries.
2. Why is it necessary to grow plants in nurseries? Write the reasons.
3. Explain how plants are useful for environmental protection.
4. Write down your experiences about the nursery you visited.
5. Draw a plant which you like.
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Find the way! Worksheet No : 22
Name of the topic / concept : Can you find the directions ? / directions, corners

Key concepts :
• directions
• corners

Learning outcomes :
• able to recognises the directions and corners.
• Identify the place of the things around him, based on directions and corners
• explains how to identify directions and corners.

Concept presentation

Kasturi wants to go to her friend Kamala's house. She asked Ramya to guide her.
Ramya said it is to the south of the post office. "The south! What's that?" asked Kasturi.
Ramya stood facing the sun, stretched her hands on either sides and said, "The direction the
sun rises is the east, to the back is west, right hand side is south and the left hand side is
north. These are the four directions". We call the place /side between any two directions as
corner. In between the east and south is south east, in between the south and west is south
west corner, in between west and north north west corner and in between the north and east
corner is north east.

1. What do you see on the four sides of your house?

2. What do you have around your school?

• east …………………• northwest…………………

• west………………… • southeast……………….

• north………………… • northeast……………….

• south………………… • southwest,…………………

3. What are there on the all four sides of Chandu?

east : school north ………….……………

west ………………………… south ………………………

4. Visit the houses nearby. Then fill the table given below with the observations made.

Observations Items to tabulated

House 1 House 2 House 3

Which side is the main door?

Which side / corner is the tap /

/ bore-well / hand pump /
water tank?

Which corner is kitchen

Observattions Itemss to tabulateed

House 1 Hoouse 2 House 3

Which direction
d doo you have
open sppace?

Which direction
d arre the windoows
and the doors of thhe house?

Which side is roadd

Are the arrangements same inn all the houuses?


Which side / corneer are the waater storage tanks and kitchen
k in most
m of the hhouses.

Did youu notice anyy relation beetween these arrangements and thee directions in which th
hey are?


Self evaluation
n - 22


I. Obserrve the pictuure and fill in the blankks

1. Thhe well is inn the west direction


2. Thhe bus-stop is in the………….. direction.

3. Thhe school iss in the……

……. directioon.

4. Thhe mango trree is in thee …………ddirection.

II. Choose correct answer.
1 An area with many families is called -----. [ ]
a) mandal B) village C) district
2) Total no of directions? [ ]
A) 4 B) 8 C) 6
3. North east corner lies between? [ ]
A) north- south B) east-west C) north-east
4.Any area has ’………… . [ ]
A) boundaries B ) corner c) direction

III. Write the corner names.



Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Find the way! Worksheet No : 23
Name of the topic / concept : How to draw a map?-village

Key concept :
• Map drawing
• Village map

Learning outcomes :
• Able to learn how to draw the maps.
• Able to draw the classroom map with measurements.
• Identify the things with symbols, After observing the village map

Concept presentation
Map is a drawing of large areas on a paper showing directions and scale. Usually when we
draw maps on a paper, the north should face upward (N↑). Places that limit the village in
different directions are called boundaries of the village.
1. What are boundaries? Name the boundaries of your village.
2. Draw the map of your house. Show the rooms in it.
Self evaluation-23
1. What is a map? What is the need of the map? Why?
2. Observe the map. Fill in the blanks given below.

• Lake is in -------------------------------- direction.

• North side is -------------------------------
• In North -east direction ----------------------------------
• post office is in ------------------------------------ direction
• D indicates---------------------------

1. Draw your village map. Show different places with symbols

(ex : school, temple, lake, fields, mountains, post office, hospital)
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Find the way! Worksheet No : 24
Name of the topic / concept : mandal, district, state

Key concepts :
• Mandal map
• District map
• State map

Learning out comes:

• Explains the relations among mandal, district, state.
• Gives the examples of the offices located in madal head quarter.
• Able to read the mandal, district, state map.
• Able to draw the mandal, district, state map.
• Locate the different places and boundaries in mandal, district, state map.

Concept presentation

A group of villages constitute a mandal. Population of a mandal is around a few

thousands. In every mandal there are offices of Mandal Praja Parishad, Tahasildar office,
Department of Agriculture & Electricity, and also a Primary Health Centre and a Police
Station. As we have villages in mandal, many mandals are included in a district. There are 33
districts in our state. Our state name is Telangana. Telagana is formed on 2nd june 2014.
Rivers Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra and Musi flow through the state. The forests spread
through the districts of Adilabad, Nirmal, Komram Bheem, Mancherial, Peddpally,
Jayashankar, Mahabubabad, Bhadradri, Nagar Kurnool. .
1. what is the realtion between villages and mandals?
2. Write the differences between mandal and district ?
3. Look at the Telangana map. And list down the question you would like to ask.

4. Identify your district in Telangana state map .And write the names of the districts adjacent to
your district.

5. Based on the Telangana map in which districts the Godavari river is flowing through.
6. Draw the map of Telangana in your notebooks. .write the boundaries Telangana state and
name the districts in the above map.
7. Draw a map of your district and identify your mandal.
8 . Draw your classroom map with match sticks. Display in the classroom.
Seelf evaluatio
on- 24

I. Fill inn the blankss

1. Ouur state namme is -----------------------------------------------
2. Ouur country name
n is ----------------------------------------------------
3. Ouur state capiital- is -------------------------------------------
4. Noo of districtts in our statte--------- .
5. Teelangan statee is formed on ________________ _.

II. Readd the sentennces. Write truet or falsee

1. Diistrict is a group
g of villlages [ ]
2. Diistrict is biggger than maandal [ ]
3. Ouur state is foormed as thhe 29th state in India. [ ]
4. Many
M districtts makes couuntry. [ ]

III. Idenntify the disstrict with covered withh forests in given

g Telanngana map w
with green colour

III. Idenntify and coolor our state on the maap of India. Also
A mark the
t boundarries of our country.
IV. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

1. Write the names of the rivers that flow in our state.


2. Write the crops that are grown in our state?


3. Write the district offices in your district head quarter.

Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Public institutions Worksheet No : 25
Name of the topic / concept : Public institutions – gram panchayat

Key concept :
• Public institutions
• Gram panchayat
• Village secretary

Learning outcomes :
• Explains about the public institutions.
• Able to give the examples for public institutions.
• Prepares the list of works at village level.
• Able to know the duties of officers at panchayat level.

Concept presentation

In every village, they have a Gram Panchayat which provides the required facilities to
the public and solves the problems if any. In every village, there are public institutions like
schools, veterinary hospital, Anganwadi centres etc. The institutions established by the
government for public welfare are called Public Institutions.

1. What are public institutions? Give some examples.

2. What are the functions of Gram Panchayat?
3. What are the problems of your village? Does the Gram Panchayat solve them?

4. Why they are not issuing more than one ration card for the family?

5. Visit a public institution at your village. Find out who work there and what are their duties.
Name of the public institution Their duty

6. Draw your village map indicating the following with the given symbols.

ex: School Hospital post office P bank

Self evaluation n – 25
I. Read the followiing sentencees: write TR
1. Thhe gram pannchayat dutyy is to provvide facilitiees to the villlage. [ ]
2. At
A the villagee level Tahssildar is the officer for grama pancchyat [ ]
3. The Gram Paanchayat is responsiblee for school maintenancce [ ]
4. Thhe Anganwaadi Center provides
p eduucation and
d nutritious food
f to 3 too 5years chilldren.
[ ]
5. Thhe governm
ment providees provisionns to the poo
or through a fair price sshop. [ ]

II. Chooose the corrrect answer.

1. Who
W cleans thhe drains in
i the villagge? [ ]
A)) Postman B Electriciian
B) C) Safai
S workerrs
2. Too whom shoould we apply for rationn card at thee village levvel? [ ]
A) Mandal Prresidents B) Village Revenue Officer C) Tahshildhar
3. Which
W is reqquired to gett the provisiions in the fair
f price shhop. [ ]
A) adhaar cardd B ration caard
B) C) A T M card..
4. If there is a prroblem in thhe village, to
t whom should we com
mplain [ ]
A) sarpanch B Tahsildaar
B) C) headmaster
5. Find out odd one. [ ]
A) food securiity card B A T M caard
B) C) raation card

III. Obsserve the piccture. Writee answers too the questio


1. The above picture is related to?
2. Which camera is used to scan your eyes to issue adhaar card?
3. Do you have an Aadhaar card? Write the details given on the adhaar card?
4. Who invented the Iris camera?-
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Public institutions Worksheet No : 26
Name of the topic / concept : Public institutions – Mandal head quarters

Key concepts:
• Tahsildar office.
• Mandal parishad development office
• Police station,
• Bank,
• Mandal resource centre.
• Mandal parishad president

Learning outcomes :
• Able to give examples for public institutions at mandal level
• Explains the duties of public institution at mandal level.
• Identifies various offices in mandal map..

Concept presentation
There are different government institutions like mandal parishad office, police station,
tahsildar office, primary health centre, bank working at mandal level to serve the people in
the mandal. Once in three months a meeting is organized to review all the developmental
activities. All mandal level officers participate in it. Just like every village has a Sarpanch, a
mandal too has Mandal President. This meeting is conducted under the chairmanship of
Mandal President. Development of a village or a mandal depends upon the leadership
qualities and dedication of village Sarpanch, Mandal President and also the officers in the
village and the mandal.
1. What is your mandal’s name? What are the different offices located there?
2. Differentiate between the functions of the mandal development offices and Tahsildar
Mandal parishad office Tahsildar office

3. Visit a Mandal level office. Find out who work there and what are their duties. What are
the benefits received by the people from that office?
4. Draw your mandal map. Identify the public institutions in the map?

Self evaluation – 26
I. Fill in the blanks
1. Gram panchayath : sarpanch :: mandal : ----------------------------------------
2. Sanctioning Land Holder Pass books to farmers is done by……………
3. Your mandal Tahsildar’s name is -------------------------------------------------------------

II. Read the following sentences: Write “TRUE” OR “FALSE”

1. The Tahsildar office collects land revenue from the farmers. [ ]
2. The Mandal parishath office collects deposits from the people. [ ]
3. Mandal resource center monitors schools. [ ]
III. Underline the correct answer
1.The government agency which enrolls the school age children in the school (mandal
parishad office / mandal resource centre)
2Mid day meal scheme is monitored by. (mandal resource centre/ gram panchayath)
3.Mandal parishad meeting held for every…. (two months/ three months)

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. Mark the activities of banks with , police station activities with .

Collection of Law and order Reduce crime lending

deposits rate loan
Deposit Receiving complaints Child protection
money from the people

2. How can a primary health center useful to the people?

3. Write the activities of veterinary hospital.


4. If you are a village sarpanch, what issues of your village are discussed at mandal parishad
5. Write an invitation letter to attend general body meeting?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Public institutions Worksheet No : 27
Name of the topic / concept : District Level – Collectorate : Public Institutions - Public Property

Key concepts :
• District head quarters
• Collectorate
• Public Property

Learning outcomes :
• give examples for district level offices.
• able to explain the relationship among district, mandal, village level public institutions.
• describes the functions of various government agencies in the district head quarter.
• identify the mandals and its boundaries in a given district map.

Concept presentation
There are many government departments at district level to serve the people in the
villages. They release the funds to mandals and panchayats to take up different welfare
activities. There are other organisations and government offices at district level to help the
people of the district. Different types of public institutions are functioning from village to
district level to meet the needs of the people. All the officers perform the duties allotted to

1. What is your district name? Where is your district headquarters? What are the different
offices located there?
2. Write the name of any office in district head quarters. Frame questions to know what
benefits are provided to people by that office.

3. Identify your mandal in your district map. Identify the surrounding mandals. Write their

Self evaluation – 27

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

1. Write the name of your District Collector.

2. To whom the Arogyasri card issued? What are the benefits of that card?
3. How many mandals are there in your district? Write any two names.
4. What is public property? How do we protect them?

5. Write a letter to the district collector for Arogyasri card?

Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : Public institutions Worksheet No : 28
Name of the topic / concept : right to information

Key concept :
• Right to information – 2005
• Letter for information

Learning outcomes :
• explains about Right to information act.
• Able to write an application for information.
• Ask necessary questions to get information from government institutions.

Concept presentation

The Right to Information Act is the right to get the required information from Public
Institutions (Govt. Offices). We have a right to know the details of the records, documents,
memos, orders, reports of government offices etc. For this, we have to submit the required
application to the officer concerned. We can collect the details in written form from the
offices concerned.

1. What are the advantages of right to information? What information would you would like
to know?
2. For which problems of your village, would you like to utilise the Right to information?
3. Write a letter to the relevant authority with reference to the Right to Information Act, to
know the particulars of work done by your gram panchayath in the previous year?
------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

4. What are the questions would you like to ask your teacher about Right to information act
Question: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Question: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Self evaluation – 28
Write the correct answer.
1. The Right to Information Act is implemented from ---------. [ ]
A) 12 OCT, 2010 B) 12 OCT, 2005 C) 14 SEP, 2006
2. Which of the following is not true regarding the right to information? [ ]
A) The application can be submitted on white paper
B) Nominal pay
C) No fixed time to answer
3. Whom should we apply for information at the Gram Panchayat level? [ ]
A) Village Secretary B) Tahsildar C) Sarpanch

II. Observe the given application. Write answers to the questions.

1. To whom did you give application?
2. What information did you apply for?
3. How much did the applicant pay for the information?
4. Why should the officer give the above information to the applicant?


LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 29
Name of the topic / concept : Houses-past and present

Key concept:

• mason

• apartment

• mud roofs

• building with slab

Learning outcomes:


1) give examples for different types of houses..

2) able to draw the different types of houses.

3) prepare a list of materials required for the construction of houses..

4) able to know the material required for the construction of different types of houses

5) explain the need for houses.

Concept presentation
We need houses to live in. There are different types of houses in villages and towns. They
are huts, mud roof, tiled houses, apartment houses. Present day houses have been subjected to
many changes when compared to the houses in the past.. Apartments are built for more
accommodation in less space in cities. Those days the material used for construction of
houses are available locally.

1. What types of houses are there in your region?.



2. List the materials used for construction that are available locally and those brought from
out side in a tabular form..

Local availability Bringing from outside

Self evaluation29
I. What kind of houses are there in the picture given below and write?.

------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------

------------------------------- -------------------------------


II. What is the need of the house? Write two reasons


III. Match the following.

1. construction of houses [ ] A) floor coated with dung
2. door making [ ] B) roof
3. mud wall [ ] C) carpenter
4. palm leaves. [ ] D) manson
5. cow dung [ ] E) lumps

4. Write down the materials required to build the house


5. Draw the hut diagram?



LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 30
Name of the topic / concept : house construction –mud roof

Key concepts:

• lime and sand mixture

• construction of house

• plastering

• concrete
Learning outcomes:


1) Explains how the construction work in those days.

2) Ask questions to know who participate in the construction of the house

3) Explain the construction stages of a house.

4) Asked questions to learn about the construction of houses

5) able to say the differences and similarities of different types of houses.

Concept presentation
Once the mud roof houses are constructed with mud walls. Now buildings are
constructed with concrete. Iron rods, cement, gravel, shabad stones or marble, plaster of paris
for ceramic tiles in the bathroom are used for house construction.

1. Who all participate in constructing a house? What are they called?



2. Bilal wants to construct a house. What questions he might ask the mason


3. Draw a plan of your house .mark the different rooms? describe your house?

4. Many workers put in their efforts to construct a house. How do you appreciate the work of
the construction workers??

Self evaluation 30
I. Write the differences between a duplex house and a concrete slab building.



II. The following works are related to the construction of the house. Write them in order
1. Wall construction 2. Digging the foundation 3. Roofing 4. fixing the doors 5. Laying
the flooring 6. Construction of the basement

III. Match the following

1. mixture of sand and lime [ ] A) construction of slab
2. Tandur stones [ ] B) more smooth of walls
3. mixture of cement and gravel sand [ ] C) dangu
4. wall care putty [ ] D) keep the room cool
5. plaster of paris sheets. [ ] E) flooring

IV. Write the material and tools used in the construction of a house.

Material Tools

V. Draw a picture of your house. Mark the different room.



LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 31
Name of the topic / concept : method of making bricks

Key concept:

• kiln

• burnt bricks

• clay

Learning outcomes:


• Describes the different stages of brick making.

• Explains how to identify quality bricks

• Ask Questions to learn how to make bricks

• Give examples of bricks usage in different works.

Concept presentation

Bricks made of mud are used widely in construction. There are different stages of
making bricks. Collecting clay Mixing clay with ash adding water to the mixture and making
into a smooth paste by making cattle walk / tramp on it. Filling the moulds with mud lumps.
Drying the bricks for two days under the sun. Arranging the dried bricks in a kiln in layers
and blocking them with firewood and husk. When the bricks are burnt to red, they are cooled
for a week and then sold to the builders.


I. Write the different stages in making bricks in the pictures given below

Self evaluation 31

I. Which are quality bricks? Explain.


II. Write the questions you ask to learn the process of making bricks



III. Draw a wall made of bricks.



LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 32
Name of the topic / concept : construction of apartment

Key concept:

• tandur stones

• shabad stones

• stone crusher mission

• flat
learning outcomes:


• Able to know what materials are required construction of a house..

• Explain the needs and advantages of the apartments.

• Can say the Differences between apartment and common houses.

• Describes the process of preparation of concrete mixture..

Concept presentation
Besides bricks, materials used in construction of house like foundation stones, flooring
stones are available in different colours in our state in Tandur and Khammam.. Gravel stones
are required to prepare concrete. For this, crushers are used. The price of land in towns and
cities is very high. So, apartments with many houses are constructed on smaller sites.
Apartments are constructed to accommodate 25 to 30 families. The residence in each family
is called a flat.

1. Do the children of workers go to school? What happens if they do not study?



2. Why do people construct apartments? What are the uses of apartments?


Self evaluation32

1. Give examples for flooring stones?


2. Which materials are used in the concrete mixture?


3. Give examples of equipment/tools required for the construction of apartments?


4. Write the differences between apartments and common houses.

Apartment common house

5. Match the following

1. flat [ ] A) flooring
2. crane [ ] B) residence of each family
3. tiles [ ] C) door
4. ply wood [ ] D) lift to take material



LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 33
Name of the topic / concept : house- different regions

Key concept:

• Wooden houses

• stilt

• donga
Learning outcomes:


• describes the different types of houses in different regions of our country.

• give reasons to build houses in a special design in some areas

• Able to draw pictures of different types of houses.

Concept presentation
Houses are constructed keeping in mind, the temperature, the rainfall and the materials
available locally. Rainfall is more in the north-eastern regions such as Assam, Meghalaya,
Nagaland etc. where damp climate prevails. So we find more wooden houses. The roof of
houses slanting, made with sheets. The lower part is constructed with stilt. In Srinagar
tourists get to stay on house boats called “DONGA” on Dal lake.

1. Sridhar toured India recently on his motor bike. What questions would you ask to know
about the different types of houses in our country?


Self evaluation 33
I. Why they build more wooden houses in areas with high rainfall and damp climate? Write
the reasons ?

II. List the materials used for construction that are available locally.

III. Match the following

1. heavy rainfall region [ ] A) Tanduru
2. slit [ ] B) boat house
3. bamboo [ ] C) rain water passage
4. donga [ ] D) used for walls
5. colour stone [ ] E) wooden houses

IV. Draw a house roof with iron sheets.



LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 34
Name of the topic / concept : Houses- problems : excretion in open place

Key concept:

• slum areas

• excretion in open place

• anaemia

• de-worming
Learning outcomes:


• Describes the facilities and problems in the homes of people living in slums.

• Can say the why should not excretion outside.

• Give example for contagious deseases causing bacteria

• Toilet use is encouraged.

Concept presentation
We all need houses to live in. But most of the people do not have their own houses.
Many poor people in our state do not own houses. Government constructs houses for those
Poor people live in huts, beside streams, river banks and in open places in towns/cities Many
rural villages don't have toilet facilities. Some people, though have toilets, go to open places
for excretion. This is an unhealthy habit. Many problems arise due to this. House flies that sit
on the stools, spread harmful bacteria. When we drink this water, we are affected by diseases
like cholera and typhoid. Worms spread due to open excretion. Anaemia is caused due to
worms in the stomach. The food taken is absorbed by the worms and the person remains
weak. De-worming tablets should be taken twice a year


1. Why do many people not have houses of their own yet?


2. Can we judge a person to be rich or poor by seeing his residence? How?


3. Observe any house, built with the help of government and fill the table wit the particulars.

a) Height of basement feet.

b) No. of Rooms

c) Water facility Available / Not available

d) Toilet Available / Not available

e) Compound wall Available / Not available

If available, length feet

4. Anitha bhai became the reason for the sanitisation movement. How explain.

Self evaluation 34

I. Do we need a house to live in? Why? Write the reasons.



II. Observe the picture and write ,what are the problems facing by this residences?

III What are the disadvantages excretion in open places? Explain.

IV. What happens when the worms are in the stomach?.

V. Match the following.
1. poluted water [ ] A) Village with 100% sanitation
2. Bad Habit [ ] B) Anita Boy
3. De-warming tablets [ ] C) Cholera
4. Sulab Sanitation Award [ ] D) excretion in open place
5. Nirmal Puraskar [ ] E) remove worm from stomach



LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : House-construction-sanitization Worksheet No : 35
Name of the topic / concept : Sanitisation-garbage-clean house

Key concept:

• Sanitisation

• wet garbage

• compste pit

• reduce the garbage

• recycling
Learning outcomes:


1) Can say the disadvantages of dirty surroundings

2) Explain how to reduce garbage at home and at school.

3) Explains about a good house.

4) Explains the importance of compost pit.

Concept presentation
Most of the diseases spread through unhygienic conditions. Garbage at home and at
school should be segregated into wet and dry garbage. Wet waste should be placed in
compost pit. Dry waste should be recycled. We should not burn the garbage in heaps. A
house with lush greenery, cleanliness, and good lighting is pleasant.

1. What do you do to keep your house clean?



2. Visit any five houses in your surroundings. Collect the information and fill the table with
the particulars.

Name of the
Sl no head of the Garbage heap Dust bin Near the wall On road

3. Imagine what a beautiful clean good house would look like. Draw a house figure color it.
Write five sentences about home. Demonstrate.



4. Whose house is beautiful in your village/city? Why? Write the reasons.


5. What will you do to make your house beautiful with plants, birds and animals?


Self evaluation 35

1. Write the garbage that collected at your house.


2. Why the municipalities collect dry and wet garbage separately? Write the reasons.

3. Describe the environmental disadvantages caused by disposable plastic things?


4. Which thing can be recycled?



5. Match the following.

1. Health is [ ] A) Rock Garden
2. Wet garbage [ ] B) spread of diseases
3. Burning of garbage [ ] C) wealth
4. Chandigarh [ ] D) de compose quickly
5. Unhygienic [ ] E) Harmful to the environment

6. Draw a beautiful house and colour it. Why do you think it is a good house.


LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 36
Name of the topic / concept : History of Nagula cheruvu-construction of tank

Key concept :

• tank

• rainfed crops

• outlet , sluice

• agriculture

Learning outcomes :


• Able to explain the history of the tanks .

• Give examples for crops which grown full of tanks

• Able to describes the stages in tank construction.

• ask questions to know the advantages of a tank.

Concept presentation

Prior to Nagulacheruvu, there used to be a big pond in that place. They dug
canals from the regions where water was flooding. A sluice was built completely with
stones to let the extra water flow. There was sufficient rainfall in the year in which we
constructed the tank farmers cultivated the paddy crop. In seat of paddy farmares
grew jowar, ground nut, horse gram and raagi when insufficient water in the tank.
1. Why do we need tanks?


2. What are the stages of the construction of the tank?


3. What are the uses of having outlet for tanks?


4. With the help of your teacher visit a nearby field .Observe how water is supplied to the
fields. Write about it.


5. There was a breach in the embankment; this was repaired by the whole village
collectively. How do you appreciate each person's effort? Convey it to your friend.

Self evaluation 36

I. Which crops are grown when tank is full of water.


II. What happens if there is a heavy rainfall? Explain the precautions to be taken to
keep children away from dangers.


III. The given words related to the construction of a tank. write the in order.

1. digging canals. 2. construct the bund high.

3. observe flooding water. 4. build outlets.

5. lay the stone inside the tank 6. build a sluice

------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------

------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------

IV. Match the following

1. sluice [ ] A) never get into

2. flood [ ] B) smaller than tank

3. pond [ ] C) to let the extra water flow

4. rushing water in small canal [ ] D) water floe during heavy rain fall
LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 37
Name of the topic / concept : Big tank of our state

Key concepts:
• panagallu (udaya samudram)
• osman Sagar tank
• Ramappa tank
• Tank bund
Learning outcomes :
• Describes about the big tanks in the state of Telangana.
• Give examples for big tanks in Telangana.
• Identify the tanks in the Telangana the state map.
• Explain the need of tank.

Concept presentation
There are many big tanks in our state. Ramappa tank in Warangal District, Panagal
tank in Nalgonda District, (Udaya Samudra) Hussain Sagar and Usman Sagar tanks in
Hyderabad. Tank Bund connects Hyderabad and Secunderabad on the banks of Hussain
Sagar. Osman Sagar is built on the Musi sub river. It is a fresh water tank

1. Collect the names of tanks like Ramappa, Pakala, Panagal, Hussain Sagar etc. Identify the
districts and places of their location in a Telangana map
Self evaluation 37
I. Give examples of big tanks in our state.


2. Why the depth of hussain sagar was 32 feet but it silted. Why?


3. Fill in the blanks.

1. Ramappa Temple famous for ………………..

2. Panagallu tank is also known as ... .....................

3………………tank was built on the sub river of Musi.

4. ...........................is being used for drinking by the people of Hyderabad.

5………………………..joints the twin cities of Hyderabad Secunderabad .

4. Match the following

1. Nalgonda district [ ] A) built hussainsagar

2. Pratapa rudrudu [ ] B) tank bund

3. Hazrat Hussain Shah Vali [ ] C) built panagal tank

4. Hyderabad Secunderabad [ ] D) panagallu tank

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 38
Name of the topic / concept : Relation between the farmers and the tanks

Key concepts:

• Tank water

• canal

• fish

• farmer
Learning outcomes :

• Describe the relation between formers and the tank.

• Give examples for animals which live in a tank.

• Explains the advantages of tanks.

• Imagine the disadvantages that, if, there are no tanks in a village

Concept presentation
Everyone person has special attachment with tank. Learn swimming in the tank,
washing clothes, fishing, catching turtles and keeping them in the water tank at home.
Enjoyed watching the birds in the pond. The tank is useful to farmers in many ways. They
will made lord Vinayaka images with clay.

1. Who depend on tanks? How are farmers in particular depend on tanks?

2. Write about a famous tank you know in your district or state. Know about its history. Draw
a diagram of the tank. For this information refer books, magazines, newspapers, internet etc.,

Self evaluation 38
I. Give examples of animals that live in a tank.

II. Write the two differences between the pond and tank


III. Explain how the tank effects the life of the farmer.


IV. Write true or false

1. Groundwater level decreases due to check dam. [ ]

2. The bore well extracts groundwater. [ ]

3. At the end of summer the tanks are filled with full of water. [ ]

4. People are rearing fishing in tanks [ ]

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 39
Name of the topic / concept : Advantages of Tanks

Key concept

• Advantages of Tanks

• crops

• drinking water
Learning outcomes :
1. Explain the benefits of ponds.
2. Imagine what would happen if there is no tank
3. Realize that ground water increase when full of water in tank.

Concept presentation
Farmers mainly depend on the tanks for farming. It is a feast to farmers and
agricultural labourers when the tank is full. Children of our village learn swimming in this
tank. Fibre plants like amaranthus, jute, flax etc., are soaked in tank water to make ropes..Fish
are rearing in the tanks. Tank mud is used in their fields because it is very fertile

1. Visit a nearby tank with your elders and write your observations (on the bund, the tank,
uses of tank etc.,)
Self evaluation 39

I . Why farmers used tank mud in their fields? Write two reasons.


II. Give example for Fibre plants are soaked in tank water to make ropes.

III. Write the uses of tank mud


IV. Fill in the blanks.

1. Children of our village learn ………………… in this tank..

2. ………………… reaches the fields by opening tank outlet.

3. When the tank is full of water levels in the well is …………………

4. Farmers take up …………………… during summer.

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 40
Name of the topic / concept : Tanks-Pollution

Key concept:

• Tanks-Pollution

• wash cattle

• Chemical effluents

• Sewage water
Learning outcomes :
1) Able to give reasons why the tanks are getting polluted.

2) Explain the disadvantages of tanks pollution.

3) Imagine the measures to be taken to avoid water pollution in the tanks.

Concept presentation
The tanks are being polluted in different ways. The people of the village wash their
clothes in the tanks, urinal us, washing cattle, leave sewage water into the pond, leaving
chemicals effluents into tan, immersing Vinayaka idols the water in tank is polluted. So the
Such activities pollute the water and even the fish die.

1. A tank is an elixir of life for not only human beings but also birds, animals and other
insects. You want to participate in a procession to protect tanks. Write some slogans on
prevention of pollution and also suggest some other measures to protect them from pollution.
2. People are building houses on tanks now a days. How is it going to affect us and animals?
What should we do to stop this?

Self evaluation 40

II. People are opposed the decision to build a factory near the tank? Why?


II. What happens if the tank water is polluted? Explain.


III. Read the sentences. Write “TRUE’ or “FLASE”

1. Wash trucks and tractors in the tank. [ ]

2. Plastic covers should not be throw in tank water. [ ]

3. Small fishes are let in the tank for breeding. [ ]

4. Do not let the sewage water into the tank. [ ]

5. Construct the house when the tank dry up. [ ]

IV. Using the tank in this way is correct. Why?

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 41
Name of the topic / concept : We and Our Tanks

Key points :

• Drying of tanks

• drought
Learning outcomes :
1) able to give reasons for the drying up of the tanks

2) Describe the disadvantages due to drying of tanks.

3) Describe the situations when there is a drought.

Concept presentation
Due to environmental pollution, cutting of trees, there is a reduction in greenery. Rains are
decreasing every year. There is drought in some areas. As there are no rains and tanks are not
filled, this leads to great loss to the farmers. Already people in some villages are travelling
long distances to fetch drinking water.

1. What is drought? What is its effect?


2. What crops are grown with less water in your village?

Self evaluation 41

I. Global warming is more than ever before. Why? Write the reasons.


II. What happens when there is no water in the tanks.


III. Match the following.

1. cutting of trees [ ] A) food for crane

2. lack of rains [ ] B) causing drought

3. fishes in the tank [ ] C) decrease in groundwater level

4. Starvation deaths [ ] D) Global warming

LEVEL ‐ 2 
Class : 4 Medium : English Subject : Environmental Studies
Name of the chapter : OUR VILLAGE -OUR TANKS Worksheet No : 42
Name of the topic / concept : MAINTANACE OF TANK

Key concept :

• maintenance of tank

• maintenance of canal

• breaches
Learning outcomes :
1. Explain the need for Agricultural Water Management Societies'
2. Explain how to protect tank
3. Able to collect details of works by Agricultural Water Management Societies
Concept presentation
Government has formed 'Agricultural Water Management Societies' for the
development of tanks. t. Every year our society takes up repairs of canals, sluice ways,
outlets, etc. The government of Telangana under the name of "Mission Kakatiya" has taken
up desiltation programme all over the state to increase water storage capacity of tanks.

1. Why do we need Agricultural Water management Societies?

2. How should we conserve our tanks?
3. Kavitha and her grand father, went to a tank. She asked many questions regarding the tank.
What would you ask?

Self evaluation 42

I. If we protect our tank our future will be good? Give reasons.


II. Write the activities by the Agricultural Water Management Societies'.


III. Observe the picture below. Write your observations.

* What do you see in the picture?
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
* What the people are doing in the picture?
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
* What are the reasons for the tank to become so?
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
* Who is responsible for desilting the tank?

IV. Match the following

1. lack of rains [ ] A) deforestation
2. desiltation in tanks [ ] B) city of lakes
3. Udaypur city [ ] C) water scarcity
4. environmental pollution [ ] D) spread in the fields

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