Environmental Pollution and Degradation

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Environmental Pollution and Degradation

Environmental pollution is one of the many challenges a country may face. These are

mainly caused by human activities which is harmful to the environment in different ways. It is a

threat not just to our ecosystem but it also affects the health of billions of people which leads to

illness, disabilities or death. Moreover, it undermines the economic development and it also

decreases the competitiveness of a country.

Environmental pollution affects the lives of people more than what can be imagined.

Despite of thousands of effects of environmental pollution, it is often overlooked and neglected.

Thus, the threat continues to grow. As it affects the life of people, it has also a great impact on

the development of one country. According to UNECE “Pollution takes it toll on the economy in

several ways: it costs human lives, it reduces people ability to work, it affects vital products like

food, it damages cultural and historical monuments, it reduces the ability of ecosystems to

perform functions societies need and it costs money in remediation or restoration.” Due to

polluted environment, people can get sick. Hence, they will not be able to work. Low

employment rate can have a negative effect to our economy, it slows down our development and

our economy becomes inefficient. One of the ways of a country to generate money came from



different cultural and historical monuments which are open for tourists. Tourism is good for the

growth of the country because it helps the economy to develop. However, tourism have also

environmental effect. According to Lan (2019) “when tourism becomes unsustainable in nature,

it can have disastrous consequences on the environment.” Tourists can cause different forms of

pollution. These pollutions caused by tourism can degrade the appearance and good ambience of

our cultural and historical monuments and other tourist spots in our country. Therefore, the

government will have to spent thousands of money to beautify the place again.
Pollution can really hinder the development of our country. As we have learned some of

its effects, there is an urgent need to address these problems. The government should impose

some restrictions to different industries, or the pollutants, which will help lessen pollution in the

country. Government should also raise awareness to citizens about it to minimize pollution.

As a citizen, we should also help our country to be better. As what they say, change

begins within ourselves. All of us must take part in the change our country needs. By simply

disposing our waste right, recycling, taking public transportation to reduce air pollution and so

on can be a big help to lessen pollution. This can save the country to spend money for

remediation and restoration.

Pollution is hazardous not only to our environment but also to our development. We need

to realize its effect to save money. We must not neglect pollution as we have to suffer if we will.

So, serious measures must be taken for us to focus on our development.

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