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Acute Chronic
Less than 6 months More than 6 months
Dose Not cause complications except if Chronic viral disease is the principal cause of
.there was comorbidities chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular
.carcinoma worldwide
No functional abnormality in LIVER

Sub clinical onset specially in asymptomatic, or may

(epidemic) , missed diagnose(flue like present as mild, slowly progressive hepatitis ,
manifestations ) , Self limited ( no vague symptoms develop after exposure 6-5
hospitalization only if developed ,.weeks
dehydration or encephalopathy) , need
supportive treatment ( like antipyretic , BUT : if patient come with ACUTE
antiemetic) manifestations ( symptoms of disease)
This is ( good prognosis ) why ? it's give a
Come with : Nausea, vomiting, clue that he has immunity fighting the
anorexia, taste/smell disturbance, infection . so the disease my resolve , versus
,headaches of patient has no symptoms that's mean he
.fatigue, myalgia, low-grade fever will reach to chronicty ( no immunity
Jaundice after flu symp. By 1-2 weeks fighting )
Only some progress to icteric (clinical
jaundice) phase, lasting days : Patients with chronic Hep
to weeks ,Pale stools and dark urine 1- ‫يتشخصوا بالصدفة‬
5 d prior to icteric phase
Hepatomegaly and RUQ pain
Splenomegaly and cervical
lymphadenopathy (10-20% of cases)

Patient has Co- morbidity other due
chronic disease ( slide 7)

Viral : A , E , acute B .Viral : C , B developed after Acute phase

And D , Autoimmune
Liver enzymes here inc. By Toxic: alcohol Drugs: alpha-methyl dopa,
‫ ضعف‬10-20
methotrexate , INH
AST+ALT(more) Metabolic: Wilson’s disease,alpha-1
‫ولكن وظيفة الكبد غير متأثرة‬ antitrypsin deficiency and hemochromatosis
))bronze- diabetes
Cryptogenic: unknown cause

‫البسيط‬ ‫المزمن‬


RNA virus RNA virus DNA virus RNA virus RNA virus
.Feco-oral trans Feco-oral Blood + vertical Blood Blood
.Sexual trans requiring HBsAg ‫المرض اللي متعبنا اوي‬
Diagnosed by very similar to ‫األب بيتغدى مع عياله‬ for entry into ‫النه يتغير في الجينوم زي‬
elevated hepatitis A ‫عادي‬ hepatocyte, ‫اإلنفلونزاـ كده‬
transaminases, Usually transmitted therefore infects Rapid change in
positive by contaminated In many cases the only patients envelope proteins
anti-HAV IgM water infection is subclinical with hepatitis B; so difficult to
Fulminant hepatitis causes more develop a vaccine
epidemic ‫ألنه في‬ 1-2% rises to 20% If there is acute aggressive drugs users or ‫يجي مع‬
‫فأي احد يصاب اطفال‬ in pregnant women clinical episode the disease than ‫او اللي نقلوا دم‬
‫او بالغين‬ Prevention and virus is cleared in 99% hepatitis B virus
In children: control with good of patients alone Extrahepatic
characteristically .sanitation , hygiene ‫معاه اعراضـ مناعيةـ‬ manifestations
asymptomatic Immune Co-infection: arthritis,
In adults: fatigue, Vaccine has been : phenomenn acquire HDV and cryoglobulinaemia
nausea, developed Skin rashes, HBV at the same with or without
,arthralgia, fever never becomes polyarthritis , arteritis time has better glomerulonephritis
jaundice chronic and no and prognosis than and porphyria
‫نادراًـ‬ carrier Glomerulonephritis superinfection .cutanea tarda
Can cause ‫في نفس الوقت‬ There is higher
fulminant hepatic chronic ‫ويحصل منه‬ ‫أفضل‬ incidence of diabetes,
failure and following 1-10% acute( ‫من ورا بعض‬ and association with
subsequent death acute hepatitis, HDV infection lichen planus, sicca
(<1-5%) which may be on pre-existing syndrome (dry
.Can relapse subclinical )HBV infection mouth,eye) and non-
:‫اكثر مع‬ HDV can present hodgkin’s lymphoma
Vaccine has been neonatal or as fulminant
developed childhood hepatic failure : Main cause
but never infection than (FHF) and/or Cirrhosis and
becomes chronic when HBV is accelerate hepatocellur C
and no carrier acquired in adult progression to
life cirrhosis
Vaccine has been interferon
Vaccine of HBV
? How to diagnose

HxAg : mean antigen of the virus e.g : ( HBAg , HCAg..etc )

Anti-HxAg : mean your Antibodies that fight the antigen e.g ( anti-HEV , Anti-HDV..etc )
IgM : means immunoglobulin's of RECENT infection
IgG : means of immunoglobulin's of OLD infection ( carrier ) or from VACCINES
ALT ,AST are enzymes found inside the liver cell , if they are high in serum
that indicate hepatocellular damage , so they are liver biomarkers
ALT is the more specific for hepatocellular damage than AST because
AST is also high in hymolysis , cardiac infarction
Quality : detect virus genotype
Quantity : detect virus Load

: First step to do in Hepatitis B

15 ‫ساليد‬
‫علشان هو منه نوعين مزمن وبسيط‬
-HbsAg = it means the person has a hepatitis B infection = ) surface Antigen (

ve+ ‫بدون ما أعرف هو مزمن او بسيط المهم خالص لو‬

Hepatitis B ‫معناه عنده‬

-If +ve – NEXT STEP : do other serological AB and Ag to know if this patient Immune or carrier or Active

Also I can do PCR because it’s a DNA virus :D

‫ ويقلي انه‬HbeAg : (envelope antigen) is a hepatitis B viral protein. It is an indicator of active viral replication
,.‫الشخص معدي أكثر‬
HBV DNA : I do it to give me a clue about management and drug therapy
- Anti-HBs = ) Antibodies (

ve+ ‫ افرح لو شفتو‬Tells me the person have immunity

Anti-HBc (core antigen ) I will see it in LIVER BIOPSY-

- In neonate with hep B they are more liable to chronicty L

‫ كل ماكان أكثر عرضة للكرونك‬.. ‫كل ماكان السن صغير‬
With mother have an active infection , GIVE : VACCINE + Immunoglobulin
)‫(طوالي بعد الوالدة‬
Also HEALTH care worker who had prick with infected needle : GIVE : VACCINE + Immunoglobulin

Hepatitis B chronic patient may present with : mild virus symptoms – cirrhosis- Autoimmune
‫ حرب باردة ويتشخصوا بالصدفة‬, phenomenon because they are in
: Biopsy asses the severity of the disease and chronicty
Mild : inflammatory cells
Moderate : inflammatory cells + fibrotic tissues
Severe : fibrotic cells only (Here will be normal hepatic enzymes level cuz there is no a life cells to
distract )

Every patient with chronic hepatitis should have screening for Hepatocellular
carcinoma every 6 months ultrasound to see focal change or serum high
.fetoprotein marker

If Hepato cellular carcinoma happen : (NO) cure or response to chemotherapy only surgical


Treatment of each one and management she did not mention something outside the slides
Also Autoimmune Chronic Active Hepatitis ( cirrhosis in young age) & Drug Induced
Liver( acetaminophen antidote is N-acetylcysteine) Disease & Alcoholic Liver Disease (non-
alcoholic fatty liver with : Obase +DM2+ metabolic S.)

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