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James St George Episcopal March 2021

From the Priest-in-charge Daylight Saving Time
After a brutal February, Don’t forget to turn your
weatherwise, many of us look clocks ahead one hour on
March 14, 2021! You may
forward to March with hope and need that extra hour of
optimism that at least the sleep!!
weather will ease up. Shoveling,
de-icing, and cautious driving Attend Services on Zoom
have taken their toll. The nominal
beginning of spring, on the vernal Sunday service at 10:00 am
equinox of March 21, further encourages hope. This is also Wednesday Bible Study/Evening
the season of Lent, which endures through March this year, Prayer at 7:00 pm
finally becoming Holy Week at the end of the month.
Both services use the
Also associated with the ending of winter is the idea of spring Zoom app that can be
cleaning. After time cooped up with windows sealed against downloaded free on
drafty cold, greeting fresh air is liberating. Perhaps we can your computer, iPad
or cell phone.
take our cues with the beginning of spring to adopt some
good habits in our faith as well. Sweep out the old mental Invitations are sent to your e-mail address. If
cobwebs and accumulation of spiritual dust and theological you are not getting them, check your spam or
dirt, to be ready for good things of the unfolding year. junk folders and controls, and make sure we
have your address by e-mailing Brian+
The tools of religious housekeeping are different from at
cleansers and mops and rags, sunlight and fresh
breezes. They are quiet, words of prayer, and being in a Congregational Leaders Gathering
comfortable and comforting place. These are not so hard to
find, pick up and occupy. Sometimes we just have to make a Join these virtual
specific effort to clear the space for them. meetings where
leaders get together
to discuss different
Such is, admittedly, not always easy. The normal distractions
topics facilitated
of the world are hard enough to ignore. And in our season of by Rev. Thomas Br
pandemic, it might seem burdensome to attempt anything ackett, Manager for
strenuous, challenging, or difficult. And that is okay Church Planting &
too. Sometimes it is just quite enough to get through each Mission Development. After the gatherings
day in one piece and with an unbroken spirit. report back to your church what you learned with
the hopes of inspiring and encouraging
congregational leaders.
Still, our faith is a reservoir of healing and hope, if we choose
to dip into it. The repentance of Lent is not to drain away our Every month on the Second Tuesday, as
resources, but to replenish our spiritual strength. So try and follows:
dust off some time just to be in the presence of the divine. It Mar 9, 2021 02:00 PM
is always there, waiting for you. Apr 13, 2021 02:00 PM
May 11, 2021 02:00 PM
Jun 8, 2021 02:00 PM
Upcoming Events
The Good News is “Eternal Life”.
Vestry Meeting –
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Following 10:00 am Zoom Service Lenten Resources
== Lenten Meditations 2021 (English and
Contact Information
Address: 398 Washington Avenue,
Jermyn, PA 18433
Telephone: 570-876-4896
e-mail: Life Transformed - The
Website: Way of Love in Lent

Help with
Water Bills Lent Madness - Who Will Win
The Golden Halo?

Need Assistance with your PA

American Water Bill??
Contact Fr, Brian
Call 570-348-4428 or email the
following information of Fr. Brian can also be reached by calling or texting 570-814-9698. Although not as prompt, his e-mail address is
- A clear full-page picture of
pages 1 and 3 of your most Weekly Bulletins
recent water bill
- Name on the bill Contact Heather Evans to add or delete information from the weekly bulletin, or
- Your telephone number to add announcements or events to the church website. She can be contacted at
570-468-3022 (leave a message) or

St. James St. George Episcopal Church

398 Washington Avenue
Jermyn, PA 18433

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