2 Inequalities and Distances - Linear Systems

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Class 5

Data Analysis : Data manipulation

1. Chloe made a list of her homework marks.

4 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 4 5

(a) Write down the mode of her homework marks.

(b) Work out her mean homework mark.

(Total 3 marks)

2. Peter rolled a 6-sided dice ten times.

Here are his scores.
3 2 4 6 3 3 4 2 5 4

(a) Work out the median of his scores.

(b) Work out the mean of his scores.

(c) Work out the range of his scores.

(Total 5 marks)
3. Here are the weights, in kg, of 8 people.

63 65 65 70 72 86 90 97

(a) Write down the mode of the 8 weights.

............................ kg
(b) Work out the range of the weights.

............................ kg
(Total 3 marks)

4. Here are the ages of 6 people.

5 18 10 14 22 12

(a) Work out the range of these ages.

(b) Find the median age.

(c) Work out the mean age.

(Total 5 marks)
5. Here are the shoe sizes of 6 students.

2 10 7 6 10 9
(a) Work out the range of these shoe sizes.

(b) Find the median shoe sizes.

(c) Work out the mean shoe sizes.

(Total 5 marks)
6. Jalin wrote down the ages, in years, of seven of his relatives.

45, 38, 43, 43, 39, 40, 39

(a) Find the median age.

(b) Work out the range of the ages.

(c) Work out the mean age.

(Total 4 marks)
7. Mr Smith kept a record of the number of absences for each student in his
class for one term.

Here are his results.

0 0 0 8 4 5 5 3 2 1
(a) Write down the mode.

(b) Work out the mean.

(Total 3 marks)
8. Here are 10 numbers.

3 2 5 4 2 4 6 2 1 2
(a) Find the mode of these numbers.
(b) Find the median of these numbers.

(c) Find the range of these numbers.

(Total 5 mark)
9. Here are the test marks of 6 girls and 4 boys.

Girls: 5 3 10 2 7 3

Boys: 2 5 9 3

(a) Write down the mode of the 10 marks.

(b) Work out the median mark of the boys.

(c) Work out the range of the girls’ marks.

(d) Work out the mean mark of all 10 students.

(Total 6 marks)
10. Here are ten numbers.
7 6 8 4 5 9 7 3 6 7

(a) Work out the range.

(b) Work out the mean.

(Total 4 marks)
11. Here are fifteen numbers.

10 12 13 15 15

17 19 20 20 20

21 25 25 25 25

(a) Find the mode.

(b) Find the median.

(c) Work out the range.

(Total 4 marks)
12. A rugby team played 7 games.

Here is the number of points they scored in each game.

3 5 8 9 12 12 16

(a) Find the median.

The rugby team played another game.
They scored 11 points.

(b) Find the median number of points scored in these 8 games.

(Total 5 marks)
13. Tom recorded the shoe size of five of his friends.
Here are his results.

8 9 3 4 7

(a) Work out the median shoe size.

Another friend has a shoe size of 8

(b) Work out the median shoe size of all six friends of Tom.

(Total 4 marks)

14. The mean of eight numbers is 41

The mean of two of the numbers is 29
What is the mean of the other six numbers?

(Total 3 marks)
Finding the Mean, Median, Mode Practice Problems

Now you get a chance to work out some problems. You may use a calculator if you would like.
Study each of these problems carefully; you will see similar problems on the lesson knowledge
check. You will need paper and a pencil to complete the following exercises. You will be able to
check your answers with the link provided within the lesson to see how you well you did.

Complete the following problems.

1. What is the mean of the following numbers?

10, 39, 71, 39, 76, 38, 25

a. 42
b. 39
c. 42.5
d. 35.5

2. What number would you divide by to calculate the mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6?

a. 6
b. 3
c. 5
d. 4

3. What measure of central tendency is calculated by adding all the values and dividing the
sum by the number of values?

a. Median
b. Mean
c. Mode
d. Typical value

4. The mean of four numbers is 71.5. If three of the numbers are 58, 76, and 88, what is
the value of the fourth number?

a. 64
b. 60
c. 76
d. 82

5. Determine the mean of the following set of numbers:

40, 61, 95, 79, 9, 50, 80, 63, 109, 42

6. The mean weight of five complete computer stations is 167.2 pounds. The weights of
four of the computer stations are 158.4 pounds, 162.8 pounds, 165 pounds, and 178.2
pounds respectively. What is the weight of the fifth computer station?

7. The mean width of 12 iPads is 5.1 inches. The mean width of 8 Kindles is 4.8 inches.

a. What is the total width of the iPads?

b. What is the total width of the Kindles?
c. What is the mean width of the 12 iPads and 8 Kindles?

8. The following data represent the number of pop-up advertisements received by 10

families during the past month. Calculate the mean number of advertisements received
by each family during the month.

43 37 35 30 41 23 33 31 16 21

9. The following table of grouped data represents the weight (in pounds) of 100 computer
towers. Calculate the mean weight for a computer.

Weight (pounds) Number of Computers

[3 - 5) 8
[5 - 7) 25
[7 - 9) 45
[9 - 11) 18
[11 - 13) 4

10. A group of customer service surveys were sent out at random.

The scores were 90, 50, 70, 80, 70, 60, 20, 30, 80, 90, and 20.

Find the mean score.

11. What is the median of the following numbers?

10, 39, 71, 42, 39, 76, 38, 25

a. 42.5
b. 39
c. 42
d. 35.5
12. The front row in a movie theatre has 23 seats. If you were asked to sit in the seat that
occupied the median position, in which seat would you have to sit?

a. 1
b. 11
c. 23
d. 12

13. What is the median score achieved by a student who recorded the following scores on
10 math quizzes?

68, 55, 70, 62, 71, 58, 81, 82, 63, 79

a. 68
b. 71
c. 69
d. 79

14. A set of four numbers that begins with the number 32 is arranged from smallest to
largest. If the median is 35, which of the following could possibly be the set of numbers?

a. 32, 32, 36, 38

b. 32, 35, 38, 41
c. 32, 34, 36, 35
d. 32, 36, 40, 44

15. The number of service upgrades sold by each of 30 employees is as follows:

32, 6, 21, 10, 8, 11, 12, 36, 17, 16, 15, 18, 40, 24, 21, 23, 24, 24, 29, 16, 32, 31, 10, 30,
35, 32, 18, 39, 12, 20

What is the median number of service upgrades sold by the 30 employees?

a. 18
b. 21
c. 24
d. 32

16. Which of the following measures can be determined for quantitative data?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. All of these

17. Which of the following measures can be calculated for qualitative data?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. All of these

18. What is the term used to describe the distribution of a data set with one mode?
a. Multimodal
b. Unimodal
c. Nonmodal
d. Bimodal

19. What is the mode of the following numbers?

12, 11, 14, 10, 8, 13, 11, 9

a. 11
b. 10
c. 14
d. 8

20. Which of the following measures can have more than one value for a set of data?
a. Median
b. Mode
c. Mean
d. None of these

21. What are the modes of the following sets of numbers?

a. 3, 13, 6, 8, 10, 5, 6
b. 12, 0, 15, 15, 13, 19, 16, 13, 16, 16

22. A student recorded her scores on weekly math quizzes that were marked out of a
possible 10 points. Her scores were as follows:

8, 5, 8, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 6, 6, 9, 8, 9, 7, 9, 9, 6, 8, 6, 6, 7

What is the mode of her scores on the weekly math quizzes?

23. What is the mode of the following numbers, and what word can be used to describe the
distribution of the data set?

5, 4, 10, 3, 3, 4, 7, 4, 6, 5, 11, 9, 5, 7

The SAT Math: Problem Solv i ng

and Data Analys i s
Why is problem-solving and data analysis important on the SAT Math test?

About 26% (15 out of 58 points) of the SAT Math questions fall under the category of Problem Solving and D ata
Analysis. Questions i n this category test your ability to
create a representation of a problem, consider the units involved, attend to the meaning of quantities, and
[apply reasoning about} ratios, rates, and proportional relationships.
They also assess your skill in
interpreting and synthesizing data, [as well as identifying] quantitative measures of center, the overall pat­
tern, and any striking deviations from the overall pattern in different data sets.
The specific topics i nclude
using rates, ratios, and proportional relationships to solve problems
evaluating and a nalyzing data gathering methods
calculate and use statistics of "central tendency" like mean, median, and mode
basic measures of data "spread" such as standard deviation, range, and confidence intervals
solving problems concerning percentages and percent change
analyzing scatterplots, pie graphs, tables, histograms, and other graphs
exploring linear, quadratic, and exponential relationships in data

How are these skills used?

Analyzing and d rawing inferences from data are core skills not only in mathematics and the physica l sci­
ences, but also in social sciences such as psychology, sociology, and economics. Since these subjects constitute
a substantial portion of any liberal arts curriculum, colleges consider these to be essential college preparatory

Sound intimidating? It's not.

If you take the time to master the four core skills presented in these 16 lessons, you will gain the knowledge and
practice you need to master SAT Math problem-solving and data analysis questions.
324 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Ski l l 1 : Worki ng with Data

Lesson 1 : Worki ng with averages (a rith metic means)

Th e average (arithmetic mean) o f fo u r numbers i s sum of these numbers: 15 x 4 = 60. I f one of these num­
15. I f o n e o f t h e numbers is 18, what is t h e average bers is 1 8, then the sum of the remaining three numbers is
(arithmetic mean) of the remaining three numbers? 60 - 1 8 = 42. Using the first formula above gives us an
average of 42/3 = 14.

I I I I I Ms. Aguila's class, which has 20 students, scored a n

average o f 9 0 % on a test. M r. B owie's class, which has
30 students, scored an average of 80% on the same
test. What was the combined average score for the
The average (arithmetic mean) of a ny set of two classes? (Disregard the % symbol when grid­
numbers i s calculated with the formula ding. For instance, enter 74% as 74.)
average =

# of numbers

But it i s helpful to notice that this for m can

take two other forms: (Medium) Can we j ust take the average of the scores
for the two classes, and say the overall average is
sum = average x # of numbers (90 + 80)/2 = 85? No, because there are more students in the
sum second class, so we can't "weigh" the two classes equally.
# of n umbers = --­

average Using the formula above we can calculate the sum of all
of the scores in both classes. In Ms. Aguila's class, the sum
of the scores is 90 x 20 = 1,800, and the sum of the scores
in M r. Bowe's class is 80 x 30 = 2,400. Therefore, the sum
(Medium) I n this problem, we are given the average of of all of the scores in the two classes combined is 1,800 +
the set and the number of numbers in the set. So we can 2,400 = 4,200. Since there are 50 students altogether in the
use the formula sum = average x # of numbers to find the two classes, the combined average is 4,200/50 = 84.

Lesson 2: Working with medians a nd modes

The median of l , 6, 8, and k is 5. What is the average

Roll Frequency
(arithmetic mean) of these four numbers?
1 10

I I I I 2

The median of any set of numbers is the number 4 7

that divides the ordered set into two equal sets. 5 9
In other words, half of the numbers should be
less than or equal to the median, and half the 6 9
numbers should be greater than or equal to the
median. To find a median, The table above shows the results of 50 rolls of a die,
1 . Put the numbers in increasing (or decreasing ) with two missing values labeled a and b. I f the mode
order. of these 50 rolls is 2, what is the greatest possible
2. If there are an odd number of numbers, the average (arithmetic mean) value of these rolls?
median is the middle number.
3. If there are an even number of numbers,
the median is the average of the two middle
The mode of a set of numbers is the number that
(Medium) Using this definition we can find the value of
appears the most frequently. This means that not
k. The tricky part is step 1, since we don't know where
every set of numbers has a mode. For instance, in
the set 1, 1 , 2, 3, 4, the mode is 1, but the set 1, 2,
k should be when we put the numbers in order. Clearly,
however, there are only four possibilities to consider.
3, 4 does not have a mode, because every num­
bers occurs once.

(Hard) This data set has 50 numbers, each representing

If k is the least of these numbers, then the correct order­ a roll of a die. I f the mode is 2, then 2 is the most fre­
ing is k, 1, 6, 8. Since there are an even number of numbers, quent roll . Since the table above shows that the highest
the median is the average of the middle two: ( 1 + 6)/2 = 3.5. known frequency is 10 (for a roll of 1), then a (the number
But this contradicts the given fact that the median is 5, so of times a 2 was rolled ) must be at least 1 1 . We also know
that doesn't work. Putting k in the next slot gives us an order that the total number of rolls is 50, so 10 + a + b + 7 + 9 +
of 1, k, 6, 8. In this case, the median would be (k + 6)/2. 9 = 50, and therefore a + b = 1 5 . The question asks u s
k+6 t o fi n d t h e greatest possible a verage of these rolls, so we
-- = 5 want to maximize the sum of all of the rolls. This means
Multiply by 2: k + 6 = 10 that we want b (the number of times a 3 was rolled ) to be
Subtract 6: k=4 as great as possible. Since b = 1 5 a, then the greatest b

can be is 1 5 - 1 1 = 4. Therefore a = 1 1 and b = 4. Now we

Notice that this confirms our assumption that k is have to find the average of these 50 numbers: [(1)(10) +
between 1 and 6, so k must equal 4. Now we must find the (2) ( 1 1) + (3)(4) + (4)(7) + (5)(9) + (6)(9)]/50 = (10 + 22 +
average of these four numbers: ( 1 + 4 + 6 + 8)/2 = 1 9/2 = 9.5. 1 2 + 28 + 45 + 54)/50 = 3.42.
326 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Lesson 3: Understandin data s read

Th e SAT Math test may occasionally ask you about the "spread" o f a set o f data. You will NOT h ave t o calculate
technical statistics like variance, standard deviation, or margin of error, but you m ight be asked to answer
more basic questions about the "spread" of a set of data, as i n the questions below.

The "range" of a set of data is defined as the absolute (Medium) When a question introduces a new term, read
difference between the least value and the greatest its definition carefully- several times, if necessary. This
value in the set. I f five positive integers have an aver­ question gives us two new terms. To understand these
age (arithmetic mean) of 10, what is the greatest pos­ terms, let's apply them to a simple set of numbers, such
sible "range" of this set? as the set i n choice (A). The average of this set is 2; there­
fore, the "absolute deviation" of each of these numbers is

its "absolute difference" from 2, which is 0 for each num­
ber. The "average absolute deviation" of the entire set is
defined as the average of these "absolute deviations,"
(Medium-hard) I f five numbers have an average of 10, which is, of course, (0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ) /4 = 0.
then their sum must be 5 x 10 = 50. I f we want the great­ Notice that the "average absolute deviation" of a
est possible "range," then we must maximize one of these number set is a measure of "spread." Since the numbers
numbers by minimizing the sum of the other numbers. in (A) are bunched up as tightly as possible, their "aver­
Since the smal lest positive integer is l , we can minimize age absolute deviation" is 0. Now let's look at the remain­
the sum of the other four numbers by setting them all ing choices. Which seems to h ave the greatest "spread? "
equal to 1. This gives us 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + x = 50, so x = 46. Once you've made your guess, do the calculations and
This gives us a maximum "range" of 46 - 1 = 45. see if you're right. For confirmation, you should find that
the "average absolute deviations" are (A) 0, (B) 1 , (C) 0.5,
The "absolute deviation" of a number in a set is the and (D) 0.375. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).
absolute d i fference between that number and the
average (arithmetic mean) of the set. The "average
absolute deviation" of a set is the average (arithme­
tic mean) of all of the absolute deviations in the set.
Which of the following sets has the greatest "aver­
age absolute deviation? "
A) 2, 2, 2, 2
B) 2, 3, 4, 5
C) 4, 4, 5, 5
D) 4, 4, 4, 5

Lesson 4: Variations and drawing inferences from data

The variables x and y vary directly if they have a constant ratio, that is,

r = k or y = kx (where k is a constant)

The variables x and y vary inversely if they have a constant product, that is,

xy = k or y = - (where k is a constant)

x y If y varies inversely as x, then the graph of their

1 5 relation in the xy-plane is a hyperbola that
approaches, but does not touch, the x- and
2 20 y-axes:

Given the ordered pairs in the table above, which of y

the following could be t rue?
A) y varies directly as x
B) y varies inversely as x
C) y varies directly as the square of x 9
3 \ y= -
D) y varies i nversely as the square of x • , ... x

2 • 4-
(Medium-hard) Using the definitions above, we can see y= ----
whether y and x vary directly or i nversely. Do they have -
x -
a constant ratio? No: 5/ 1 "" 20/2. Therefore, they do not x

vary directly and (A) is incorrect. Do they have a constant 2 3

product? No: 1 x 5 "" 2 x 20. Therefore, they do not vary
inversely, a nd (B) is incorrect. To check (C), we must ask:
do y and x2 have a constant ratio? Yes: 5/(1)2 = 20/(2)2 = 5, x y
therefore the correct answer is (C).
2 12

I f y varies directly as x, then the graph of their 4 96

relation in the xy-plane is a line through the
origin: The variables x and y are related by a n equation of
the form y = Axn where A and n are both positive
y real numbers. Based on the data in the table above,
y = 4x what is the value of y when x = 3?
y = 2x A) 40.5
I y=x B) 46.0

C) 54.0

y = O.Sx
f I
D) 64.0
I I /
I I /
/J / /� ,,,,. .,...
(Medium) I n order to find the value of y when x = 3, we
";;. ....
x must find the specific equation relating x and y. We can
find the values of A and n in the equation y = Axn by first
328 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

plugging in the values from the table. Plugging in the first (Notice that this means that y varies directly as x3.)
ordered pair gives us 12 = A (2) n and plugging in the sec­
ond ordered pair gives us 96 = A (4) n . Substitute n = 3 into either
equation: 1 2 = A (2)3
96 = A(4) n
1 2 = A(2) n Simplify: 12 = BA
Divide by 8: 1.5 = A
96 4"
Divide the corresponding sides:
12 2" Therefore, the equation that relates x and y is y =
Simplify: 8 = 2n l . 5x3. Finally, we find y when x = 3 by substituting into
the equation: y = 1 . 5 (3)3 = 1 . 5 (27) = 40.5, so the correct
Substitute 8 = 23: 23 = 2 n and so n =3
answer is (A).

E xer�ise Set 1 ( N o Calcu lator)

• •
The "range" of a set of data is defined as the absolute If p varies i nversely as q and p = 4 when q = 6, the
difference between the least value and the greatest which of the following is another solution for p and q?
value i n the set. Four positive integers have a n aver­
A) p = 8 and q = 1 2
age (arithmetic mean) of 7. 5.
B) p = 8 and q = 1 0
a. What is the greatest possible range of this set?
C) p = 12 and q = 1

I I I I I D) p = 1 2 and q = 2

b . What is the least possible range of this set?

I I I I I A set of n numbers has a n average (arithmetic mean)
of3k and a sum of 1 2m, where k and m are both posi­
tive. Which of the following is equivalent to n ?
I f the median of 2, 4, 6, and b is 4.2, what is the aver­ k m 4m
age (arithmetic mean) of these four numbers?


• I f y varies inversely as the square of x, then when x is
The average (arithmetic mean) of 2, 5, 8 and k is 0. multiplied by 4, y will be
What is the median of these numbers? A) divided by 16

B) divided by 2
C) multiplied by 2
D) multiplied by 1 6

A set of numbers has a sum of 48 and an average of 6 .
H o w many numbers a r e i n t h e set?
Letf(x, y) = Ax2y3 where A is a constant. I ff(a, b) = 10,

what is the value off(2a, 2b)?
A) 100
B) 260
C) 320
I f the average (arithmetic mean) of 4 and x is equal
to the average (arithmetic mean) of 2, 8, and x, what D) 500
i s the value of x?

I I I I I A set of four integers has a mode of 7 and a median of
4. What is the greatest possible average (arithmetic
• mean) of this set?
The median of a set of 22 consecutive even integers A) 3.50
is 25. What is the l argest number in the set? B) 3 .75

C) 4.00
D) 4.25
330 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Exe rc ise Set 1 (Ca lc u la tor)

Four positive i ntegers have a mode of 4 and a median I f y varies i nversely as x and the graph of their rela­
of 3 . What is their sum? tion i n the xy-plane passes through the point (2, 1 5),
what i s the value of y when x = 4?

Ill Ill
Five different integers have a n average (arithmetic
mean) of 10. I f none is less than 5, what i s the great­ Roll Frequency
est possible value of one of these i ntegers?
1 4

2 5
3 4
4 6

5 5
6 6
I f b varies i nversely as a, and b = 0.5 when a = 32,
then for how many ordered pairs (a, b) are a and b
both positive i ntegers? A six-sided die was rolled 30 times and the results
tabulated above. What i s the d i fference between

I I I I I the average (arithmetic mean) of the rolls and the

median of the rolls?
A) 0 . 1

Ill B) 0.2
The median of 1 1 consecutive integers i s 28. What is C ) 0.3
the least of these integers? D) 0.4

I f y varies i nversely as the square of x, and y = 4
• when x = 2, then what i s the value of y when x = 3?
I fy = Ax3 and y = 108 when x = 3, then for what value 16
of x does y = 62.5? 9

I I I I I B) 8
C) 3
D) 9

A set of four positive i ntegers has a median of 2 and
a mode of 2 . I f the average (arithmetic mean) of this
set is 3, what is the largest p ossible number i n the

• m
At a fixed temperature, the volume of a sample of If the graph of y = J(x) i n the xy-plane contains the
gas varies i nversely as the pressure of the gas. If the points (4, 3) and (16, 6), which of the fol lowing could
pressure of a sample of gas at a fixed temperature be t rue?
is increased by 50%, by what percent is the volume
A) y varies directly as the square of x
B) y varies inversely as the square of x
A) 25%
C) y varies directly as the square root of x
B) 33 - % D) y varies inversely as the square root of x
C) 50%
D) 66 - %
Khan%math% %

Ratios, rates and proportions


1. Playing tennis Playing squash

!" !"
rate 1,594 2,726
! !

! !
rate 77 130
! !

Fat burning rate 49

The table above lists average expenditure rates of playing tennis vs. playing
squash based on a body weight of 55 kilograms. The ratio of each value in the
tennis column to the corresponding value in the squash column is about the same
throughout the table. Which of the following is closest to the fat burning rate r of

A. 27
B. 29
C. 83
D. 85

Correct answer: C

2. Lea’s car travels an average of 30 miles per gallon of gas. If she spent $20.70 on
gas for a 172.5 mile trip, what was the approximate cost of gas in dollars per
Khan%math% %

A. $1.45 per gallon

B. $3.40 per gallon
C. $3.60 per gallon
D. $5.75 per gallon

Correct answer: C

3. Kavitha and Andrei are truck drivers for the Delightful Delivery Company,
which services cities W, T, and Q.

The distance from city W to city T is 48.5 miles.

The distance from city T to city Q is 20 miles.
The distance from city Q to city W is 36 miles.

If Kavitha's truck and Andrei's truck travel at the same speed, and it takes
Andrei 91 minutes to go from city W to city T, about how much time will it take
Kavitha to travel from city W to city Q?

A. 19 minutes
B. 38 minutes
C. 68 minutes
D. 123 minutes

Correct answer: C

4. Yasemin is using a sugar cookie recipe with a flour to sugar ratio of 11:6. To
make one batch of cookies, 2.75 cups of flour are needed. If Yasemin would like
to triple the recipe, which of the following best approximates how much sugar she
will need?
Khan%math% %

A. 1.5 cups
B. 4.5 cups
C. 5 cups
D. 15 cups

Correct answer: B

5. A certain high school geometry class is made up of freshmen and sophomores.

The ratio of freshmen to sophomores in that class is 3:4. If there
are 12 sophomores in the class, what is the total number of students in the class?
A. 9
B. 16
C. 21
D. 28

Correct answer: C
Khan%math% %

1. The musical interval between two sounds is called an "octave" if the ratio of the
sounds' frequencies is 2:1. The following table shows the names of the musical
intervals between two sounds based on the ratios of the two sounds' frequencies.
Name of the musical interval Ratio of two sound frequencies
Major third 4:5
Perfect fourth 3:4
Perfect fifth 2:3
Major sixth 3:5
If a sound is played with a frequency of 480 Hz, and a second sound is played
with a frequency of 800 Hz, what is the name of the musical interval between the
two sounds?

A. Major third
B. Perfect fourth
C. Perfect fifth
D. Major sixth

Correct answer: D

2. The "maximum occupancy" of a room is the total number of people who can be in
a room without causing a fire hazard. In a large room, a Fire Safety Code states
that the maximum occupancy is 1 person for every 7 square feet (f! ! ). A college is
hosting a concert in a hall that is 14,721 f! ! , and 1,000 people are expected to
attend. According to the Fire Safety Code, approximately how many more people
can attend the concert without causing a fire hazard?
Khan%math% %

A. 900 people
B. 1,000 people
C. 1,100 people
D. 2,100 people

Correct answer: C

! !
3. A donut company makes cream-filled donuts using cup (c) of dough and
! !
tablespoon (tbsp) of cream per donut. The company decides to change their recipe
to use 3 times the amount of cream for their "New Triple-Stuffed Donuts!" If the
donut company's new recipe uses the same amount of dough per donut, what is the
ratio of dough to cream needed to make 12 triple-stuffed donuts?

A. 1 c:3 tbsp
B. 1 c:6 tbsp
C. 2 c:3 tbsp
D. 1 c:2 tbsp

Correct answer: B

4. A marine aquarium has a small tank and a large tank, each containing only red and
blue fish. In each tank, the ratio of red fish to blue fish is 3 to 4. The ratio of fish
in the large tank to fish in the small tank is 46 to 5. What is the ratio of blue fish in
the small tank to red fish in the large tank?

A. 15:184
B. 10:69
C. 69:10
D. 184:15
Khan%math% %

Correct answer: B
5. Two leading brands of paper towels are on sale. Brand A has 6 rolls, each
with 56 sheets, for $4.29. Brand B has 8 rolls, each with 48 sheets, for $5.99.
Which of the following best describes the relationship between the cost per sheet
of the two brands?

A. The two brands cost the same amount per sheet.

B. Brand B costs $0.003 more per sheet than Brand A.
C. Brand A costs $0.003 more per sheet than Brand B.
D. Brand B costs $0.03 more than Brand A.

Correct answer: B
Khan%math% %

1. Zhang Lei spent $20.00 during his last outing at the bowling alley. This included a
one time shoe rental fee of $3.50. He spent the rest of the money on bowling a
number of games. If it took Zhang Lei 45 minutes to bowl each game and he
spent 2 hours and 15 minutes bowling, how much did it cost per game?

A. $3.00
B. $5.50
C. $6.67
D. $7.34

Correct answer: B Level 2

2. Mr. Bumble delivers newspapers to his community every week. His route
takes 3 hours to complete. During the first 2 weeks of delivering newspapers, he
traveled a total of 100 blocks. Mr. Bumble delivers newspapers for 50 weeks each
year. How many blocks does Mr. Bumble travel delivering newspapers in 1 year?

A. 1 block
B. 4 blocks
C. 50 blocks
D. 2,500 blocks

Correct answer: D

3. During a timed test, Alexander typed 742 words in 14 minutes. Assuming

Alexander works at this rate for the next hour, which of the following best
approximates the number of words he would type in that hour?
Khan%math% %

A. 53
B. 840
C. 3180
D. 44,520

Correct answer: C


A quilter wants to make the design shown above using the Golden Ratio.
Specifically, he wants the ratio of the triangle heights A:B and B:C to each
equal 1.62. If the quilter makes the triangle height A=8 in, approximately how tall
should he make triangle height C?

A. 3 in
B. 4 in
C. 5 in
D. 6 in
Khan%math% %

Correct answer: A

5. Elena is conducting a study about the effects of toxins in the water on the
hormones of fish. Elena surveys 350 male fish in a river and finds that 150 of the
male fish have egg cells growing inside them. According to Elena's survey, what
is the ratio of male fish with egg cells to male fish without egg cells in the river?

A. 3:4
B. 3:7
C. 4:5
D. 4:7

Correct answer: A
Class 6
Data Analysis : Ratio and Untie rate
334 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Ski l l 2 : Working with Rates, Ratios,

Percentages, a nd Proportions
Lesson 5 : Rates and u n it rates

On a sunny day, a 50 square meter section of solar households to a p articular number of square meters of
p anel array can generate an average of 1 kilowatt­ solar panels:
hour of energy per hour over a 1 0-hour period. If an
average household consumes 30 kilowatt-hours of 30 kwh/day 1 day
1 , 000 households x x x
energy per day, how large an array would be required 1 household 1 0 sun-hours
to power 1 , 000 households on sunny days?
50 square meters
- � ---- = 1 50 , 000 square meters
A) 1,500 square meters 1 kwh/sun-hour
B) 15,000 square meters
C) 1 50,000 square meters Note very carefully how (1) all of the u n its on the left
D) 15,000,000 square meters side of the equation c ancel except for "square meters"
(which is what we want), and (2) each conversion factor
(Medium) This is clearly a "rate problem," because it
represents a n explicit fact mentioned i n the problem.
i ncludes two "per" quantities. When working with rates,
keep two important ideas i n mind:

M a ny rate problems can be easily managed with

Th e units fo r any rate c a n be translated t o give the "rate pie":
the formula for the rate. For instance, if a word
problem i ncludes the fact that "a rocket burns
fuel at a rate of 15
kilograms per second," this
fact can be translated i nto a formula as long as
we remember that per means divided by:

# kilograms of fuel
rate ( of fuel burning) = ------­
# seconds

Any "rate fact" in a problem can be inter­

preted as a "conversion factor." For instance, i f
" a rocket burns fuel at a rate o f kilograms per
second," then i n the context of that problem, one This is a simple graphical device to organize
second of burning is equivalent to 15
kilograms i nformation i n a rate problem. It is s imply a way
of fuel being burned. Therefore, as we d iscussed of expressing all three forms of the "rate equation"
i n Chapter 7, Lesson 4, we are entitled to use at once: distance = rate x time; rate = distance/
either of the following conversion factors i n this time; and time = distance/rate. For example, i f a
problem: word problem states that "Maria completes a n
x-mile b icycle race at an average speed of z miles
15 kilograms
1 second -
---=-- or ---- per hour," your "rate pie" should look like this:
1 second 15

x miles
Just as we did in Chapter 7, Lesson 4, we can solve
this problem by j ust noticing that it is essentially a
conversion problem. The question asks " how large an
array (in square meters) would b e required to p ower
1 , 000 households on sunny d ays?" So we can treat the
problem as a conversion from a p articular number of

which still leaves 3,400 - 1,600 = 1,800 gallons left.

First, we plug the given values in: x miles goes in Notice that we have a lready taken 3 hours and 20 min­
for distance, and z miles per hour goes i n for rate. utes, and as yet have not finished pumping. This means
Then, as soon as two of the spaces are filled, we that choices (A) and (B) are certainly i ncorrect. So how
simply perform the operation between them long will it take to pump the remaining 1 , 800 gallons?
(i n this case division) and put the result in the Now that we can bring the stronger pump online, it will
final space. In this case, the time Maria took to only take 1,800 gallons x ( 1 m inute/ 180 gallons) = 10
complete the race was x/z hours. more minutes; therefore, the correct answer is (D).
Although you don't need to construct a graph of this
situation to solve the problem, graphing helps show the
overal l picture:
A water pump for a dredging project can remove 180
gallons of water per minute, but can work only for 3
consecutive hours, at which time it requires 20 min­
utes of maintenance before it can be brought back
36,000 - ��·�99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
online. While it is offl i ne, a smaller pump is used I

in its place, which can pump 80 gallons per minute. <Jl 27,000 \so: gal/ min
\ :
Using this system, what is the least amount of time it c::
would take to pump 35,800 gallons of water? (ii 1 8,000
1 80 gal/mm I

A) 3 hour 10 minutes
B) 3 hours 15 minutes
C) 3 hours 25 minutes 0
0 60 1 20 180 240
D) 3 hours 30 m inutes
(Hard) I f we want to pump out the water as quickly as
possible, we want to use the stronger pump for the max­
imum three hours. To find the total amount of water Notice that the l i ne has a slope of 180 for the first 180
pumped in that time, we do the conversion: minutes, then 80 for the next 20 minutes, and then 180
for the next 180 mi nutes, and crosses the l ine y = 35,800
1 80 gallons
60 minutes -�-- at 2 1 0 minutes.
3 h ours x x 32, 400 gallons
1 hour 1 minute

So after 3 hours, there are still 35,800 - 32,400 = 3,400

I n the graph of a ny linear function, y i n terms
gallons left to pump. At that point, the smaller pump must
be used for a minimum of 20 minutes, which can pump of x , the slope of the line is equivalent to the
unit rate of the function, that is, the rate at
which y increases or decreases for every unit
80 gallons
20 minutes x = 1 , 600 gallons increase in x.
l minute
336 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Lesson 6: Ratios: pa rt-to-pa rt a nd pa rt-to-whole

A marathon offers $5,000 in p r i z e money to t h e top

three finishers. If the first-, second-, and third-place part by the sum. For instance, if a p aint mixture
prizes are d istributed in a ratio of 5:4 : 1 , how much is a 2:5 combination of red and yellow, respec­
money, in doll ars, does the second-place finisher tively, the "whole" is 2 + 5 = 7, which means that
receive? the mixture is 2/7 red and 5/7 yellow.

Bronze is an a lloy (a metallic mixture) consisting of
copper and tin. If 50 kg of a bronze a lloy of 20% tin
and 80% copper is mixed with 70 kg of a bronze a lloy
(Easy) When given a "part-to-part" ratio, such as 5:4: 1 of 5% tin and 95% copper, what fraction, by weight,
(which is of course, really a part-to-part-to-part ratio), it of the combined bronze a lloy is tin?
often helps to add up the parts and consider the whole. A) 5/48
This prize is divided into 5 + 4 + 1 = 10 equal parts, so
B) 9/80
the winner gets 5/ 10 of the prize money, the second-place
finisher gets 4/10 of the prize money, and the third-place C) 1 /8
finisher gets 1 / 10 of the prize money. The second-place fin­ D) 1 /4
isher therefore takes home (4/ 10) x $5,000 = $2,000.
(Medium) The combined alloy will weigh 50 kg + 70 kg =
1 20 kg. The total weight of the tin comes from the two
If you are given a part-to-part ratio, it is often separate a lloys: (0.20) (50) + (0.05)(70) = 10 + 3.5 = 1 3 . 5 kg.
helpful to add up the parts and then divide each Therefore the fraction of the combined a lloy that is tin is
1 3 . 5 / 1 20, which simplifies to 9/80.

Exercise Set 2 (Ca lcu lator)

• ..
I f a train travels at a constant rate of 50 miles per A motorcycle has a fuel efficiency of 60 miles per gal­
hour, how many m inutes will it take to travel 90 lon when it is cruising at a speed of 50 miles per hour.
miles? How many hours can it travel at 50 miles per hour on
a full tank of gas, if its tank can hold 10 gallons?


Two cars leave the same point simultaneously, going •
in the same direction along a straight, flat road, one I f the ratio of a to b i s 3 to 4, and the ratio of a to c i s
at 35 miles per hour and the other at 50 miles per 5 to 2, what is t h e ratio of b to c?
hour. After how many minutes will the cars be 5
A) 3 to 10
miles apart?
B) 3 to 5

I I I I I C) 5 to 3
D) 10 to 3

I f a $6,000 contribution is divided among chari­ ..
ties A, B, and C i n a ratio of 8:5:2, respectively, how A paint mixture consists of a 3:2: 1 1 ratio ofred, violet,
much more, i n dollars, does charity A receive than and white, respectively. How m a ny ounces of violet
charity C? are needed to m a ke 256 ounces of this mixture?

A ) 32
B) 36
C) 46
• D) 48
I f a car traveling at 60 mph is chasing a car travelling
at 50 mph and is 114 mile behind, how many minutes
will it take the first car to catch the second? •
A pool that holds 20,000 gallons is 114 full. A pump
I I I I I can deliver g gallons of water every m m i nutes. If
the pumping company charges d dollars per min­
ute, how much will it cost, i n dollars, to fil l the pool?
.. 5, 000 md
A truck's gas tank can hold 1 8 gallons. I f the tank is g
2/3 full and the truck travels for 4 hours at 60 miles 5, 000 gd
per hour until it runs out of gas, what is the efficiency B)
of the truck, i n miles per gallon?
1 5 , 000 md

5, 000 gd
338 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Yael travels to work at an average speed of 40 miles 2a 1 c 1 . a
I f - = - and - - -, what is -?
per hour and returns home by the same route at 24 3b 5 2b 2 c

miles per hour. I f the total time for the round trip is
2 hours, how many miles is her trip to work?
A) 25 I I I
B) 30
C) 45
D) 60 I f a cyclist races at 30 miles per hour for 1/2 of the
distance of a race, and 45 miles per hour for the fi nal
1/2 of the distance, what is her average speed, i n
ID miles p e r hour, for t h e entire race?

A hare runs at a constant rate of a miles per hou r,
and a tortoise runs at a constant rate of b miles per
hour, where 0 < b < a. How many more hours will
it take the tortoise to finish a race of d miles than
the hare? ..
Anne can paint a room in 2 hours, and Barbara can
a+b paint the same room in 3 hours. I f they each work
A) --

2d the same rate when they work together as they do

ad - bd alone, how many hours should it take them to paint
ab the same room if they work together?
C) --

ab - bd

What is the average speed, in miles per hour, of a

sprinter who runs 1/.i mile i n 45 seconds? (1 hour =
Janice can edit 700 words per minute and Edward
60 seconds)
can edit 500 words per minute. If each page of text
contains 800 words, how many pages can they edit, A) 1 1 . 25
working together, in 20 minutes? B) 13.5

C) 20
D) 22

I f a printer can print 5 pages in 20 seconds, how
many pages can it print i n 5 minutes? A car t ravels d miles i n t hours and arrives at its des­
tination 3 hours late. At what average speed, i n miles

I I I I I per hour, should the car h ave gone i n order to arrive

on t ime?

Ill A) --

Traveling at 40 miles per hour, Diego can complete d
his daily commute in 45 minutes. How many min­ B)
utes would he save if he traveled at 50 miles per d
hour? C) - - 3


In three separate I-mile races, Ellen finished with Sylvia drove 3 1 5 miles and arrived at her destination
times of x minutes, y minutes, and z minutes, in 9 hours. I f she had driven 10 miles per hour faster,
respectively. What was her average speed, in miles how many hours would she have saved on the trip?
per hour, for all three races?
A} 1 .75 hours
x+y+z B) 2.00 hours
3 C} 2 . 2 5 hours
B) D} 2.50 hours
1 80
342 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Lesson 7: I nterpreti ng percent problems

What number is 5 percent o f 36? Again, let's use the glossary to translate and then solve:
28 � what percent of 70?

I I I I I Simplify:
28 = (x -;- 100) x 70
28 = - x 70 = 0.7x
1 00
Divide by 0.7: 40 = X
When interpreting word problems, remember
that statements about quantities can usually What number is 1 20% greater than 50?
be translated into equations or inequalities.
H ere's a simple translation key:
is/is equal to means
means x To increase a number by x%, just multiply it by
what/wha t n umber means x
To decrease a number by xo/o, just

per means 1 00
percen t means -;- 100 multiply it by For instance, to increase
a number by 20%, just multiply by 1 .20 (because
the final quantity i s 120% of the original quantity,
(Easy) Notice that this enables us to translate the question and to decrease a number by 20%, just multiply
i nto an equation, which can be solved to get the answer: by 0.80 (because the final quantity is 80% of the
What number � 5 percent Qf 36? original quantity).
x = (5 -;- 100) x 36 so x = 1.8

2 8 is what percent o f 70? (Easy) I f we increase a number by 1 20%, the resulting
number is 100% 1 20% = 220% of the original number.

I I I I Therefore, the number that is 1 20% greater than 50 is

2 . 2 0 x 50 =

Lesson 8 : Percent change

A shirt has a marked retail price of $80, but is on If a population of bacteria increases from 100 to 250,
sale at a 20% discount. If a customer has a coupon what is the percent increase in this population?
for 10% off of the sale price, and if the sales tax is
A) 60%
5%, what is the final price of this shirt, including all
discounts and tax? B) 67%
A) $58.80 C) 1 50%
B) $60.00 D) 250%
C) $60.48
D) $ 6 1 .60 To find the percent change i n a quantity, just use
(Medium) To find the final price, we must perform three the formula
changes: decrease by 20%, decrease by 10%, and increase
final amount - initial amount
by 5%. This gives us ( 1 .05)(0.90)(0.80)($80) = $60.48, so the percent ch ange = . . . x 1 oocrr

answer is (C). Notice that, since multiplication is com­ mztial amount

mutative, it doesn't matter in what order we perform the
three changes; the result will still be the same. Notice that any "percent change" i s a "per­
cent of the initial amount," which explains why
the initial amount s the value in the denominator.

(Easy) I f we know this formula, this question is straight­

forward: the percent change is (250 - 100)/100 x 100% =
1 50%, choice (C). I f you mistakenly use 250 as the
denominator, you would get an a nswer of (A) 60%, which
is incorrect.
344 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

Lesson 9: Working with proportions and sca les

On a scale blueprint, the drawing of a rectangular

patio has dimensions 5 cm by 7.5 cm. I f the longer The Law of Cross-Multiplication
side of the actual patio measures 21 feet, what is the
If two ratios are equal, then their "cross­
area, in square feet, of the actual p atio?
products" must also be equal.
A) 1 57. 5 square feet
I f � = £ then ad = be.
B) 294.0 square feet b d
C ) 356.5 square feet The Law of Cross-Swapping
D) 442.0 square feet
If two ratios are equal, then their "cross­
(Medium) In a scale drawi ng, all lengths are propor­ swapped" ratios must also be equal.
tional to the corresponding lengths in real l i fe . That a c d c a b
I f - = -, then - = - and - = -.
is, the lengths in the drawing and the corresponding b d b a c d
lengths i n real l i fe shou ld a l l b e i n the same ratio. We
c a n set up a proportion here to find the shorter side of
7.5 cm 5 cm
the patio, x.
2 1 feet x feet
7.5 cm 5 cm Cross-multiply: 7. 5x = 105
2 1 feet x feet Divide by 7. 5: X = 14

Therefore, the patio has dimensions 21 feet by 14 feet,

When working with proportions, remember the two and so it has a n area of (2 1)(14) = 294 square feet. The
laws of proportions. correct answer is (B).

Exe rc ise Set 3 Ca lculator

• •
What number is 1 50% of 30? I f the price of a house i ncreased from $40,000 to
$ 1 20,000, what is the percent increase in price?

I I I I I A) 67%
B) 80%

.. C) 200%
D) 300%
If the areas of two circles are i n the ratio of 4:9, the
circumference of the larger circle is how many times
the circumference of the smaller circle?

I I I I I At a student meeting, the ratio of athletes to non
athletes is 3:2, and among the athletes the ratio of
males to females is 3:5. What percent of the students
.. at this meeting are female athletes?

What number is 30% less than 70? A) 22.5%

B) 25%

I I I I I C) 27.5%
D) 37.5%

What number is the same percent of 36 as 5 is of 24? B

To make a certain purple dye, red dye and blue dye
are m ixed in a ratio of 3:4. To make a certain orange
dye, red dye and yellow dye are mixed in a ratio of 3:2.
If equal a mounts of the p urple and orange dye are
• mixed, what fraction of the new mixture is red dye?

David's motorcycle uses 2/5 of a gallon of gasoline 9
to t ravel 8 miles. At this rate, how many miles can it 20
travel on 5 gallons of gasoline?

I I I I C)
.. 40
The retail price of a shirt is $60, but it is on sale at
a 20% discount and you h ave a n additional 20% off
coupon. l f t here is also a 5% sales tax, is the final cost
of the shirt? If the price of a stock declined by 30% in one yea r
a n d increased b y 8 0 % the next year, b y what percent
A) $34.20 did the price increase over the two-year period?
A) 24%
B) $36.48
C) $37.80
B) 26%
D ) $40.32
C) 50%
D) 500
346 McGraw-Hill Education: SAT

• •
A farmer has a n annual budget of $ 1,200 for barley I f the width of a rectangle decreases by 20%, by what
seed, with which he can plant 30 acres of barley. If percent must the length increase i n order for the
next year the cost per pound of the seed is proj ected total area of the rectangle to double? (Ignore the %
to decrease by 20%, how many acres will he b e able symbol when gridding.)
to afford to plant next year on the same budget?
A) 24
B) 25
C) 36
D) 37. 5
Two middle school classes take a vote on the desti­
nation for a class trip. Class A has 2 5 students, 56%
of whom voted to go to St. Louis. Class B has n stu­
• dents, 60% of whom voted to go to St. Louis. I f 57. 5%
I f x is 3_ % of 90, what is the value of 3_ x?
of the two classes combined voted to go to St. Louis,
3 3 what is the value of n?

I f n is 300% less than � , what is the value of l nl?
2 I f 1 2 ounces of a 30% salt solution are mixed with

24 ounces of a 60% salt solution, what i s the percent
concentration of salt i n the mixture?
A) 45%
ID B) 48%
The cost of a pack of b atteries, after a 5% sales tax, C) 50%
i s $8.40. What was the price before tax, in dollars? D) 54%

I f the length of a rectangle i s doubled but its width
Ill is decreased by 10%, by what percent does its area
I f the price of a sweater is marked down from $80 increase?
to $68, what i s the percent discount? (Ignore the % A) 80%
symbol when gridding.)
B) 90%

I I I I I C) 180%
D) 190%

Three numbers, a, b, and c, are all positive. I f b is
30% greater than a , and c i s 40% greater than b, what
is the value of .£ ?


The freshman class at H illside H igh School has 45 I f the population of town B is 50% greater than the
more girls than boys. If the class has n boys, what population of town A, and the population of town C
p ercent of the freshman class are girls? is 20% greater than the population of town A, then
what percent greater is the population of town B
n + 45
A) --- % than the population of town C?
2n + 45
l OOn A) 20%
B) --- %
2n + 45 B) 25%
l OO(n + 45) C) 30%
C) %
2n + 45 D) 40
l OOn
D) -- %
n + 45
Khan%math% %

1. A college writing seminar increased its size by 50% from the first to the second
day. If the total number of students in the seminar on the second day was 15, how
many students were in the class on the first day?

A 8
B. 10
C. 23
D. 30

Correct answer: B LEVEL 2

1. In 2005, the USGS conducted a survey to investigate water usage in the United
States. The following table shows their findings.
Categories of water usage Total estimated water usage
Aquaculture 2%
Domestic 1%
Industrial 4%
Irrigation 31%
Livestock 1%
Mining 1%

Pubic supply 11%

Thermo electric 49%
If 3.8 billion gallons of water is used for domestic use per day, approximately
how many gallons of water are used for irrigation per day?

A. 1 billion
B. 118 billion
C. 152 billion
Khan%math% %

D. 380 billion

Correct answer: B LEVEL 2

2. A baker at a successful bakery makes three types of cupcakes: vanilla, red velvet,
and double chocolate. On Wednesday, he made 18 vanilla cupcakes, which
was 17% of the total amount of cupcakes he made. How many total cupcakes did
the baker make on Wednesday?

A. 35
B. 54
C. 94
D. 106

Correct answer: D LEVEL 2

3. A construction crew was made up of 8 men and the rest women. If 40% of the
crew was comprised of men, how many people were in the crew?

Sample answers list:

an integer, like 6
a simplified fraction number, like 3/5
a simplified improper fraction, like 7/4
an exact decimal, like 0.75

Correct answer: 20 LEVEL 2

Khan%math% %

4. A movie fanatic has amassed a giant collection of home movies, some on DVD
and others in the older VHS cassette mode. If the fanatic has 308 movies on DVD,
which comprises 31.3% of the total collection, how many total movies are in the

A. 96
B. 212
C. 676
D. 984

Correct answer: D LEVEL 2

5. A clothing warehouse houses about 14,000 garments at the beginning of each year.
Throughout the year, a small percentage of the garments become lost or damaged,
and must be replaced at the end of the year. Each year, about 1.5% of the
garments become damaged but not lost, and about 0.6% become lost. About how
many garments must be replaced each year due to loss or damage?

A. 80 garments
B. 130 garments
C. 210 garments
D. 290 garments

Correct answer: D LEVEL 2

6. Mr. Edwards hired a new employee to work in his bakeshop. In one hour, this
employee burned 439 chocolate chip cookies, which represented 25% of all the
cookies the employee burned in that day. How many cookies did the new
employee burn in the course of the day?
Khan%math% %

A. 110
B. 351
C. 549
D. 1756

Correct answer: D LEVEL 2

7. Hailey's laundry basket contains 7 socks. These 7 socks account for

approximately 21% of Hailey's socks. How many socks does Hailey have in total?

A. 2 socks
B. 3 socks
C. 26 socks
D. 33 socks

Correct answer: D LEVEL 2

8. A company has the goal of doubling their revenue from 32 million dollars
to 64 million dollars over the next 2 years. If the company increases its revenue
by 50% in the first year, by approximately what percentage must the company
increase their revenue in the second year in order to reach their goal?

A. 25%
B. 33%
C. 50%
D. 100%

Correct answer: B LEVEL 2

Khan%math% %

9. During last year's basketball season, Jackson attempted 150 free throws of which
he made 120. So far this season, he's attempted 24 and made 16. A player's
free-throw percentage is defined to be the percent of free throws made out of the
number of free throws attempted. Assuming calculations began with the start of
last year's season, which of the following best approximates Jackson's overall
free-throw percentage to date?

A. 67%
B. 73%
C. 78%
D. 80%

Correct answer: C LEVEL 2

Khan%math% %

1. A store holiday sale has an item marked down by $10 with an additional discount
of 25% of the new price. If the final price was $36.27, what was the original?

A. $19.70
B. $48.36
C. $58.36
D. $61.93

Correct answer: C LEVEL 3

2. A school has 63% girls and 37\%37% boys. If 23% of the girls wears contacts
and 42% of the boys wears contacts, what percent of all students wears contacts?

A. 14.5%
B. 15.5%
C. 30.0%
D. 75.0%

Correct answer: C LEVEL 3

3. Allegra and Simeon were selling containers of cookie dough for a charity event. In
the first week, Allegra sold 30% more than Simeon did. The following week,
Allegra sold 12 containers of cookie dough, while Simeon sold none. If Allegra
sold 40% more containers than Simeon did overall, how many did Simeon sell in
Khan%math% %

Sample answers list:

an integer, like 6
a simplified fraction number, like 3/5
a simplified improper fraction, like 7/4
an exact decimal, like 0.75
Correct answer: 120 LEVEL 3

4. In a community service class in the fall, 3 of the 15 class sessions were lectures,
while all others were devoted to fieldwork in parks. In the spring, the number of
sessions devoted to fieldwork remained the same, but the total number of sessions
increased to 18. What percent of class sessions were lectures in the spring?

A. 16.7%
B. 33.3%
C. 66.7%
D. 83.3%

Correct answer: B LEVEL 3

5. On Monday, a fruit vendor bought 80 pieces of fruit to sell at her market, 35% of
which were apples and the rest of which were oranges. On Tuesday, the vendor
bought the same number of oranges, but she only bought 73 pieces of fruit. On
Tuesday, what percentage of the fruit she bought was apples?

A. 28.8%
B. 38.3%
C. 65.0%
D. 71.2%

Correct answer: A LEVEL 3

Khan%math% %

6. A student answered 86 problems correctly, which was 81.9% of the total number
of problems on the test. How many problems did the student answer incorrectly?

A. 4
B. 19
C. 86
D. 105

Correct answer: B LEVEL 3

7. Fabrizzio went shopping on Tuesday and decided to purchase a pair of pants that
is 15% off the regular price for the rest of the week. If he buys the pants on
Tuesday, he will receive an additional 5% off. What percent would Tuesday's sale
price be of the original price for the pants?

A. 81%
B. 85%
C. 95%
D. 105%

Correct answer: A LEVEL 3

8. In a college philosophy class during the fall semester, there were 323 students,
42% of whom were male and the rest of whom were female. In the spring
semester, the same number of females was in the class as in the fall, but there
were only 298 total students in the class. In the spring, what percent of students
were female?
Khan%math% %

A. 46%
B. 58%
C. 63%
D. 92%

Correct answer: C LEVEL 3

9. A taxi ride cost a customer a total of $13.73, which included 4% sales tax and then
a $1 surcharge. What was the subtotal before the surcharge and sales tax?

A. $0.51
B. $12.24
C. $13.24
D. $318.25

Correct answer: B LEVEL 3

10. In the United States House of Representatives, 12.2% of congresspeople are from
the State of California. If there are 435 voting congresspeople, how many are not
from California?

A. 12.2
B. 53
C. 382
D. 488

Correct answer: C LEVEL 3

Khan%math% %

11. A chef has a large container of olive oil. In one night, after he used 25 quarts,
35.9% of the oil remained. How many quarts of olive oil remained in the

an integer, like 6
a simplified fraction number, like 3/5
a simplified improper fraction, like 7/4
an exact decimal, like 0.75
Correct answer: 14 LEVEL 3

12. In 2004, the number of people aged 16 years or older in the United States
was 223,357,000. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at that time 66% of
the population aged 16 and older was employed, and women made up
about 46.4% of this category. Approximately how many women aged 16 and older
were employed in 2004?

A. 68,400,000
B. 104,000,000
C. 147,400,000
D. 157,000,000

Correct answer: A LEVEL 3

Khan%math% %

1. At the beginning of the week, Josh had 32 computer games, 133% as many
computer games than Peter had. By the end of the week, Josh gave Peter 25% of
his computer games. How many computer games did Josh and Peter each have by
the end of the week?

A. Josh had 8 games; Peter had 24 games.

B. Josh had 24 games; Peter had 8 games.
C. Josh had 24 games; Peter had 32 games.
D. Josh had 32 games; Peter had 24 games.

Correct answer: C LEVEL 4

2. Owen answered a set of math and history Quiz Bowl questions. Owen correctly
answered 72% of all the 200 questions. However, Owen answered 53.3% of the
math questions. If 45%percent of the questions were in math, what percent of
history questions did Owen answer correctly? Round to the nearest percent.

% an integer, like 6
a simplified fraction number, like 3/5
a simplified improper fraction, like 7/4
an exact decimal, like 0.75

Correct answer: 87% LEVEL 4

3. In 2013, the population of Nevada and North Carolina were each growing at a rate
of approximately 3.3% per year. In addition, the US Census Bureau estimated that
the population of Nevada and North Carolina was 2.8 million and 9.8 million
people, respectively. If the population growth rates in each of these states
remained the same, approximately how many more people were living in North
Khan%math% %

Carolina compared to Nevada in 2014?

A. 7.0 million
B. 7.2 million
C. 9.3 million
D. 13.0 million

Correct answer: B LEVEL 4

4. On Monday, Harry had 75% as many toys as Teddy did. On Tuesday, after Harry
acquired 32more toys and Teddy acquired 15% more than he had on Monday,
Harry had as many toys as Teddy did. How many toys did Harry have on

an integer, like 6
a simplified fraction number, like 3/5
a simplified improper fraction, like 7/4
an exact decimal, like 0.75

Correct answer: 60 LEVEL 4

5. The chef has 36 pounds of strip loin steak. The amount of weight lost from the
trim on each pound is 35%, and 75% more of the steak's weight is lost after
cooking it. How many pounds of trimmed, cooked strip loin will the chef have left
to serve to the customers?

A. 5.85
B. 12.6
C. 17.55
D. 23.4
Khan%math% %

Correct answer: A LEVEL 4

6. Ivy is downloading a computer program from the Internet. After 8 minutes, the
computer program is 35% downloaded. If the computer program continues to
download at the current rate, about how much longer will it take for Ivy's
computer to finish downloading the program?

A. 12 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 18 minutes
D. 23 minutes

Correct answer: B LEVEL 4

Baby name Denis Dimitri Lea Tanya
Frequency 13 27 125 400
The table above displays the number of babies per million babies born
in 1985 with each of 4 names. In 1985, about what percentage of babies were
named Lea or Dimitri?

A. 0.000152%
B. 0.0152%
C. 0.98%
D. 1.52%

Correct answer: B LEVEL 4

Khan%math% %

8. A high school's graduation rate is defined to be the percentage of the senior class
that graduates. Last year 406 of Sagamore High School's 452 seniors graduated.
This year the school expects the previous year's graduation rate to increase by
approximately 2 percentage points. If there are 436 students in this year's senior
class, which of the following best approximates the number of seniors that
Sagamore High School expects to graduate this year?

A. 390 students
B. 400 students
C. 410 students
D. 420 students

Correct answer: B LEVEL 4


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