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Eastern Star Academy, Inc.


Grade Level: Grade 12      Learning Modality:  Modular Distance Learning

  Subject: DIAS Subject Teacher:  Jhener Nonesa, LPT

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Clarify the relationships and differences between social science and applied
2. Identify the goals and scope of counseling.
3. Explain the principles of counseling.

Duration: Week 1 and 2, 3 hours

Defining the Social Sciences and the Applied Social Sciences

Social sciences are vast fields of scientific study which investigate

human societies and the different forces within them. These diverse
fields examine how people interact and develop their culture. Social
sciences are comprised of several disciplines, including history, political
science, sociology, psychology, economics, geography, demography,
anthropology and linguistics. Through a body of empirical knowledge,
the social sciences offer a complex collection of lenses that allow us to
Understand and clarify the various aspects of human society. Varieties
of lens that the social sciences study refers to the various areas of the
social sciences that research human society. That field of social science
uses a diverse collection of lenses made up of a body of ideas,
theories, structures and methodologies that allow us to understand and
research the multi-faceted forces that make up and influence human
Branches of Social Science

Economics Anthropology


Political Science

Demography Psychology

Economics -
Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of goods
and services within society. The two primary divisions of the economics are microeconomics,
which focuses on the actions of individual consumers and producers, and macro-economics,
which explores the actions and output of the aggregate economy.

Anthropology -
Anthropology is a scientific study of human beings and their cultures in the past and present.
Anthropology 's systematic approach to human research, the importance of fieldwork and
participant observation, and its focus on cross-cultural comparison, make it special in the social

History -
History is a systematic study of past human events in order to understand the meaning, dynamics
and relationship of the causes and effects of events in the development of societies. This is
derived from the Greek word past, which means "investigation". In a social science, history
focuses on the interpretation and analysis of historical events, as they have historically occurred
with the use of primary and secondary sources. Primary sources refer to eyewitness reports or
historical accounts of the incident. They often use secondary sources or
facts that are not eye-witness accounts and are based on primary sources.

Political Science -
Political science focuses on human actions in relation to political processes, states, rules and
international affairs. This explores the relationship between citizens and politics at all levels, from
the citizen to the national and international levels.
Psychology -
Psychology is researching how the human mind functions in consonance with the body to
generate thoughts that contribute to individual actions. Psychology analyzes how individuals and
communities view the world through various feelings, thoughts and states of consciousness.

Sociology -
Sociology is a systematic study of people’s behavior in groups. It is derived from the Latin word
socio which means “people together” and Greek word logos which means “the study of.” As a
discipline of the social science, it attempts to understand why and how people interact with each
other and how the function as a society or social subgroups. Applied sociology focus on the use
and proper application of sociological theories, methods and skills to examine data.

Geography is a study of the relationship between people and their environment. Geography was
derived from Greek words: geography means "world" and “graphos” means "charting or drawing."
Geography examines both the physical features of the Earth's surface and its interaction with
human societies. This also explores how human society communicates with the natural world and
the effect of environments and places on people.

Demography is a statistical study of human populations over time, according to the Max Planck
Center for Demographic Science (2016). This explores trends in population growth through the
study of birth, human activity, and morbidity, aging and mortality statistics. Population studies or
social demography are an important sub-field of sociology. Social demographers analyze
demographic data to identify, describe and forecast social phenomena. This also studies the
composition of social class and population distribution.

“Discipline and Ideas in Applied

Social Sciences by Dela Cruz et al.
(2016) p.6-11”


The applied social sciences were developed as a response to the highly
segmented and compartmentalized division of social science disciplines that
dominated western research training in the late 1990s and until the end of the
twentieth century. Scholars from the social sciences argued that there is a need for
more collaboration in the various fields of the social sciences. This suggests that
the various areas of social sciences need to work together effectively to resolve
problems. This multidisciplinary approach to the study of various social problems
has become the focus and the beginning of applied social sciences. Similar to social
sciences, which concentrate on theoretical studies of society, applied social
sciences concentrate on the use and application of the various ideas, theoretical
models and hypotheses of social science disciplines to better explain society and
the various challenges and issues it faces. The applied social sciences were used to
provide possible approaches to the complex problems of society (Gouldner, 1989).
Counseling is one of the areas of social sciences applied to it. As an
application of the social sciences, counseling provides guidance, assistance and
support to individuals who are distracted by a range of problems in their lives.
Professional guidance is provided to the individual through counseling, and this is
done through the application of psychological methods such as the collection of
case history data, personal interviews and skills tests. Counseling may be provided
by psychologists, life coaches, job psychologists and personal development

Social Work
Social research is another technical practice in the social sciences related to
it. Having been trained in social sciences to interact and understand social
realities, an applied social sciences practitioner has a good theoretical and
conceptual foundation for social work practice. Through social work, professionals
are supporting people, families, associations and neighborhoods to strengthen their
individual and mutual well-being

Communication Studies
Applied social sciences provide appropriate instruction for employment in
the communications field. One example of a career in the advertising industry is in
the field of mass media. For example, in the news and current affairs department of
major television and radio networks, practitioners stress the importance of balance,
objective, truthful and creative reporting of news and other important events as
they have happened. Practitioners in applied social sciences have ample experience
in this field as they are equipped with communication theories and principles that
allow them to understand and educate the public about the social, political,
cultural, and economic realities. Communication professionals have the skills to
write, create and deliver news accurately and creatively to the public.


 The three distinct divisions of science include: natural science dealing with natural
phenomena, social science dealing with society and the complex relationship between
individuals within society, and applied social sciences, which are the practical
application of social science expertise.

 Major fields of social science include anthropology, economics, history, psychology,

political science, geography, sociology and linguistics.

 Applied social science was a discipline founded on the reaction to the

compartmentalization of knowledge in the social sciences, the increasing feeling that
most theories and ideas appear to generalize knowledge and are only presented from a
macro viewpoint, and as a way for theories to connect and contribute to real life
The Discipline of Counseling

The severity and prevalence of social issues have a direct and significant effect on people's
psychological conditions. The circumstances of psychological damage, the past of trauma
and even the practice of shock are a source of anxiety. Such circumstances involve the
integrative efforts of the psychological sciences and the digital social sciences to solve
social issues that cause human distress. Counseling as a specialty has grown out of the
need for institutionalized resources to support and help people in circumstances of
difficulty in their lives. Professionals in this field, called counselors, support those in need
of clinical assistance in finding meaning, dealing with the difficulty of life and adjusting to
new environments.

As cases of psychological and mental wellbeing rise and the condition of social instability
rises, therapy becomes important. This chapter introduces you to the practice of
counselling. If you are interested in knowing this profession, this is your chance to
feel what it is, where its work settings are, and how it works.


Nystul (2003 ) defined counseling as essentially an art and a science inwhich you seek to weigh
the objective and subjective aspects of the counseling process. Counseling as an art is the
subjective dimension of advice. It maintains a flexible and creative process by which the counselor
modifies the approach in order to meet the growing needs of clients. It is also related to the act of
giving oneself and being compassionate in therapy processes. Counseling as a science, on the
other hand, is the objective dimension of the consultation process. Counselors who are discerning
and who acquire skills to formulate critical conclusions and inferences (Nystul, 2003). The art and
science of psychology means an intensification of the Boulder Method scientist-practitioner
paradigm (Myers, 2007). The model illustrates the incorporation of art and science into therapy,
which forms recommendations that incorporate theory and practice. In practical terms, therapy
happens when a person who is in distress asks for support and encourages another person to
enter a kind of relationship with him /her. It is indicative of someone seeking counseling requests
for time and attention from a person who will listen, who will allow him / her to speak and who will
not condemn and criticize him / her. This type of relationship is a formal aid in which a counselor-
counselee relationship is established.

Informal aid is asking for formal assistance in some ways, such as the presence of good listening
skills, compassion, and caring capacity. However, there is a higher degree of confidentiality and
objectivity in the context of structured assistance. People trust that the counselor will uphold his
oath of allegiance as a licensed counselor and will abide by his Code of Ethics and Professional
Principles (Nystul, 2003). Counseling is a vital part of assisting not only in social work but
also in education. It is a process of helping a person seeking help. Counseling happens when you
meet a qualified specialist who has the expertise, experience, and orientation to provide the
services needed. A trained professional is a counselor who will accompany you – listen to you and
help you achieve your goals.

Based on the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004, guidance and counseling is a profession that
involves the application of a "integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning
individual" through provision in accordance with its interests, needs and abilities (University of
Queensland, 2015). At the American Therapy Association (ACA) conference in Pittsburgh in
March 2010, members reached an agreement on the common concept of therapy. They
accepted that therapy is a therapeutic partnership that empowers diverse people, communities
and organizations to achieve mental health, wellbeing, education and career goals (Kaplan,
Travis's and Gladding, 2014). This concept talks about inspiring people, families, groups and
communities to achieve their goals in life.

The goal setting is a key component of individual, group, organizational and

community success. Counseling, like any form of assistance, must be motivated by
objectives. It will be more difficult to achieve the desired target if you do not or are
not conscious of the objectives. The primary objective of counseling is to help
people use their prevailing social skills and problem-solving skills more functionally
or to develop new survival and coping skills. The comprehensive and broad therapy
goals defined by Gibson and Mitchell (2003) are as follows:

1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the client’s human

growth and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive and
physical wellness
2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome
3. Enhancement Goals – enhance special skills and abilities
4. Remedial Goals – assisting client to overcome and treat an undesirable
5. Exploratory Goals – examining options, testing of skills, trying new and
different activities, etc.
6. Reinforcement Goals – helps client in recognizing that what they are doing,
thinking and feeling is fine
7. Cognitive Goals – involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and
cognitive skills
8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits
for good health
9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills,
learning emotional control and developing positive self-concept

The goals set out above suggest that therapy seeks to motivate the client by
helping him / her to make important decisions in life, to build capacity to cope, to
improve productivity and to improve the quality of life. Other than the goals
discussed above, McLeod (2003) presented a list of therapy priorities, some of
which are to improve the objectives set out above.

The list consists of insight-based problems related to others, self-awareness, self-

acceptance, self-actualization, liberation, problem-solving, psychological education,

cognitive improvement, behavioral change, structural change, empowerment,

reconciliation, and generativity. Such things briefly listed below are nevertheless
demanding motivating goals. The counselors, however, tend to be motivated by
these therapy goals.
A wide range of human problems are creating a wider scope and field of advice. In general,
the spectrum of treatment includes individual counseling, marital and premarital counseling, family
counseling and group counseling. The areas covered by this framework will be discussed in the
next section.

Counseling is a specific term with diverse definitions and objectives. The goals listed above reflect
the nature of the advice. Counseling is important in nearly every area of a person's life —
cognitive, mental, economic, financial, psychological, and others. It is also applied to individuals,
families and groups. There are several topics related to individual therapy, such as depression,
sexual harassment, anxiety, class, relationships, faith, philosophy, teenage problems, loss,
frustration, tension, vocation, studies, and others. In terms of family therapy, problems include
divorce, family dynamics, life changes, miscommunication, envy, money issues, parenting,
remarriage, and others.

The 4754-15 Scope of Practice for Licensed Professional Counselors is a more focused topic
relevant to the quality of advice. This covers the privileges and duties of licensed lawyers,
including the following:

Licensed Professional Counselors may for a fee, salary, or other considerations

1. Afford counseling services to individuals, groups, organizations, or the general public

comprising of application of clinical counseling principles, methods or procedures to assist
individuals in realizing effective personal, social, educational or career development and

2. “Apply clinical counseling principles, methods and procedures,” means an approach to

counseling that emphasizes the counselor’s role in systematically assisting clients through all of
the following: assessing and analyzing emotional conditions, exploring possible solutions and
developing and providing a treatment plan for mental and emotional adjustment or development.
It may include counseling, appraisal, consulting, supervision, administration, and referral.

3. Engage in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders when under the
supervision of a professional clinical counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, independent marriage
and family therapist or independent social worker.

4. Provide training supervision for student and registered counselor trainees when services are
within their scope of practice, which does not include supervision of the diagnosis and treatment
of mental and emotional disorders.

The set of core values is a key component of an organization. It has a significant influence on
other organizational components, more specifically, to its members. It serves as standards that
shape the member’s behavior in their interaction with their clients and other people. Different
professions, especially, those who require licensure like counseling, have its own set of core
values – values that are instilled among its members. Below are presents the core values and
ethical standards of counseling.
Eastern Star Academy, Inc.

Name:_______________________________ Module #______________________
Grade and Section:_______________________ Date:_________________________

Activity 1 Photo Analysis
Directions: Analyze the photo and answer the questions below.

A. What is counseling? Why do you think counseling is considered a discipline of the Applied
Social Sciences?

B. Why is social work considered as a discipline of the applied Social Sciences?

How do social workers help members of society?

C. Why are communication studies considered disciplines of the Applied Social

I Need Help, Where Will I Go?

1. If something is bothering you about life matters: academics, relationships,
family, identity, and financial concerns, with whom will you share your
problem? Will you pursue a formal help or a non-formal help? Why or why
not? Explain your answer.
2. Write your answer in the box.

In What Way Will Counseling Empower Me?

In our discussion on counseling goals, John McLeod contends that:
“Counseling aims to empower the client by helping him/her make critical decisions
in life, develop ability to cope, enhance effectiveness and improve quality life.”
1. What do you think about this statement? Do you accept or support it? How will
it empower you? Explain your answer.
2. Write your answer in the box.
Data Retrieval Chart
A. As you read the lesson, fill out the data retrieval chart. Data Retrieval Chart About the Main
Concerns and Focus of the Social Sciences.
B. Using the tree as your guide, what could be the outcome or the fruit of each branches that
you can use as your basis with your own principle as a HUMSS Student.


Social Sciences
Political Science

Branches of Social Science

Economics Anthropology


Political Science

Demography Psychology

Name: __________________________ Topic: _____________________________

Subject: _________________________ Week #: ____________________
Write your realization, understandings, and all things you’ve learned and experienced in
accomplishing the module. Write legibly.

Parent’s/ Guardian’s Signature: __________________ Teacher’s


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