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This news tells you that two different murders that seem unrelated to each
other are actually ONE perfectly prepared plan. It is Mr. Anthony’s private
detective, Arthur Gerard, who made this tragedy unearth.
The incident begins with a woman murder in Metcalf. It was learned that the
murdered woman was named Miriam Haines and that she was pregnant but
had recently lost her baby. It was also stated that she was married to Guy
Haines, an architect, but they were in the process of divorce. Mr. Haines, who
did not like his wife and wanted to divorce, was one of the prime suspects. But
there was no proof that Mr. Haines did, he was in a different city. Therefore, he
could not be found guilty because there was not much proof about the
incident. Months later, the murder of Mr. Anthony was committed in Great
Neck. Immediately after the murder was committed, Mr. Antony's private
detective, Mr. Gerard arrived at the scene to research. Because Mr. Gerard
knew that Mr. Anthony and his son were not well together, the Detective was
suspicious of Charles Anthony Bruno, but when the incident occurred, it was
learned that Charles Bruno and his mother Mrs. Anthony were out of town.
Despite this, Mr. Gerard was still suspicious of Charles Bruno, thinking he could
hire a murderer even if he didn't do it himself. So Mr. Gerard watched Mr.
Bruno's every move and tried to look for clues. One day, the detective found on
Mr. Bruno's bills, the bill for the flowers sent to Guy Haines' new wife. Mr.
Gerard thought this was odd and although he asked Mr. Bruno a few questions
about it, he did not get sensible answers. He went to town to Guy Haines to
learn more and asked Guy Haines about Mr. Bruno and the murders, but there
were things he did not find sensible with the answers he got from him too. Guy
Haines and Anthony Bruno said they met a few months ago, but Mr. Gerard
was suspicious of this. So he researched further and found out that they did not
meet in December and took the same train a few days before the murder of
Miriam Haines and had dinner together. The detective shared the proof with
the police, but the police did not believe it, as the people he suspected were
two independent people. Mr. Gerard decided to gather more details as well.
Meanwhile, it was learned that Anthony Bruno died as a result of an accident
while on a boat ride with Guy Haines, Haines' wife and a few friends. Guy
Haines, who felt lonely after this incident, went to meet Owen Markham with
the lover of his deceased ex-wife. And Guy Haines told Mr. Markham that they
met Anthony Bruno on the train and that everything was planned by Mr.
Bruno, both of them were irrelevant people, so no one could solve the case and
they would both get rid of two people he disliked. Although Guy Haines did not
agree, he said that Bruno Antony threatened him after he killed Miriam Haines.
Meanwhile, Guy Haines saw that the phone was on and realized that on the
phone, Detective Mr. Gerard heard everything and thus confessed to
everything. In this way, he surrendered.
We have conveyed all the information we have obtained about the incident in
this article. It is not yet known what Guy Haines was sentenced. When it
becomes clear, we will share it with you.

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