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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part D:

J Automobile Engineering
Modelling and analysis of the vehicle Ó IMechE 2016
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underbody and the occupants
DOI: 10.1177/0954407016651353

subjected to a shallow-buried-mine

blast impulse

Xinlei Zhang, Yunbo Zhou, Xianhui Wang and Zongqian Wang

When a charge is ignited at the bottom of a vehicle, the underbody and the occupants are the most vulnerable. The pro-
tection of the vehicle underbody is still a significant problem in the environment of a buried-mine blast impulse. The first
part of this study presents an algorithm that can be used to simulate a shallow-buried-mine blast. Models using the
multiple-material arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian algorithm and the initial-impulse mine algorithm respectively were con-
structed on the basis of experiments carried out by Anderson et al. The accuracy and superiority of the initial-impulse
mine algorithm were proved by comparing the results for the jump velocity and the computation time. The second part
introduces a blast experiment on a full-scale armoured vehicle. The occupant was represented by a Hybrid III 50th-per-
centile adult-male dummy. A numerical model was established using the initial-impulse mine method; the seat position
represented the worst-case situation, which was same as for the experiments. A comparison of the experimental data
and the simulation results, which include the peak acceleration of the floor and the force to which the dummy’s tibia is
subjected, showed good agreement.

Vehicle underbody, occupant protection, experimental verification, initial-impulse mine, blast wave

Date received: 3 December 2015; accepted: 27 April 2016

Introduction they presented the blast response of a vehicle subjected

to a landmine blast under the front left wheel to verify
An increasing number of people have died and vehicles the accuracy of this method. Although this method can
have been destroyed in battlefields as a result of the be used to simulate the blast impulse, it requires much
blasts from landmines in recent years. Ramasamy et computation time, and the efficiency is lower. Schwer12
al.1 studied the casualty data from the Rhodesian War coupled the enhanced load blast with the MM-ALE
(1972–1980), involving about 2212 vehicle mine inci- algorithm and demonstrated its superiority by some sim-
dents and 16,456 people. Elastic deformation and plas- ple examples. Guo et al.13 used the above method, com-
tic deformation of the vehicle underbody are the most bined with experimental results, to analyse the damage
dangerous problems that occur when the mine
explodes. In these conditions, it is easy for the occu-
pant’s lower legs, spine and head to be hurt by defor- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and
mation if the occupant is not controlled.2 Thus, Technology, Jiangsu Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
protection of the armoured vehicle is becoming a prob-
lem which urgently needs to be solved. Corresponding authors:
Yunbo Zhou, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University
In order to evaluate the damage to a vehicle and its of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210094, People’s Republic of
occupants resulting from a landmine blast impulse and China.
to determine the vulnerability of the vehicle, finite ele- Email:
ment analysis has been widely used recently.3–10 Erdik et
Xianhui Wang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University
al.11 studied a parametric approach for quantification
of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210094, People’s Republic of
which used the multiple-material (MM) arbitrary China.
Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) algorithm. Subsequently, Email:

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2 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering

that occurred to a vehicle cabin and its occupants when applying the initial velocity transformed by the detona-
subjected to a blast. In their study, experiments using tion of a shallow-buried mine to the nodes of the struc-
four different trinitrotoluene (TNT) equivalents (330 g, ture surface. The empirical models presented by
750 g, 1000 g and 1500 g) were set up; the positions were Westine et al.27 and developed by Tremblay28 have as a
same as in the simulations. The pressure and the occu- theoretical basis the equations
pant injuries for the simulations and the experimental    rffiffiffiffiffiffi
results were used to verify the accuracy of the method, 7 d tan (0:9589jd) 3:25 rE
iv (x, y) = 0:1352 1 +
which can be applied to a full-scale vehicle. In compari- 9z jd z
son with the MM-ALE algorithm, this method improved ð1Þ
the efficiency and saved computation time, but it did not
consider the effect of the soil. and
Recently, many studies have focused on a shallow-
buried-mine blast impulse.14–16 Also, Livermore j= h i ð2Þ
Software Technology Corporation (LSTC) has added z5=4 A3=8 tan (2:2d=z)3=2
an algorithm to the software LS-DYNA to model this:
*INITIAL_IMPULSE_MINE (*IIM).17 While it not where iv(x, y) is the vertical specific impulse, d is the
as precise as the MM-ALE algorithm, which considers depth from the surface of the soil at the place where the
the Lagrangian–Eulerian fluid–structure interaction, it mine is buried to the centre of mine, z is the vertical dis-
requires a shorter computation time and can produce a tance from the target surface to the centre of the explo-
similar structural response for a buried-mine blast sive, d is the horizontal distance from the centre of mine
impulse. Anderson et al.18, 19 conducted a series of to the target point, E is the explosive energy release, r is
well-characterized experiments using a relatively simple the density of the surrounding soil and A is the cross-
structure for a landmine blast impulse. Johnson and sectional area of the charge. Figure 1 provides a sche-
Basudhar20 used the results from the experiments car- matic diagram of the buried-mine parameters.
ried out by Anderson at al. as the standard for compar- When the parameters of the model are met, the non-
ison with finite element analysis simulations which dimensional functions and the values are in the data
employed *IIM and then performed shape optimiza- ranges
tion of a simplified V-shaped vehicle underbody with d
this method using LSTC’s optimization code LS-OPT. 0:1064 41:0
Grujicic et al.21–23 made a series of research studies on E=A
an up-armoured high-mobility multi-purpose wheeled 6:354 2 4150
rc z
vehicle (HMMWV). Finite-element-based analyses pffiffiffiffi ð3Þ
were employed in their work to address the ability of A
0:1544 44:48
the vehicle to survive detonation of a landmine which z
was buried shallowly in sand underneath the right d
04 419:3
wheel of the vehicle. The kinematic and structural z
responses (including large-scale rotation and deforma- where c is the wave speed in the soil; then the impulse
tion, buckling, plastic yielding, failure initiation, frac- can be computed.
ture and fragmentation) of the HMMWV were
regarded as the injury criteria. The aim of the work by
Thota et al.24, 25 was optimization of the shock Flat target plate
response in the space frame and space frame joints of On the basis of the specific impulse given by equation
the armoured vehicle. (1), we can compute the total impulse on the flat target
In the above studies, many algorithms were plate using the integral
researched in order to model the blast impulse and the ðð
full-scale vehicle experiments and optimizations. This
Iv = iv ðx, yÞ dx dy ð4Þ
paper aims to adopt the initial-impulse mine (IIM)
method to model the shallow-buried-mine blast under
the vehicle underbody, by comparison of the response
of the underbody and the damage to its occupants to Oblique target plate
verify the accuracy and the superiority of the method;
Figure 1(b) shows the relationship between the relative
this has significant influence on the design, develop-
positions of the oblique target plate and the mine,
ment and optimization of vehicles in the future.
which is given by

IIM method in dA = ðir cos uÞ( cos u dA) ð5Þ

Recently, LSTC has added an algorithm to LS-DYNA where in is the impulse normal to the oblique target
which can be utilized via *IIM to simulate a shallow- plate, ir is the radial impulse, b is the angle between the
buried-mine impact.26 This algorithm works by impact direction and the vertical and u is the angle

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Zhang et al. 3

Figure 1. Schematic diagrams of the buried-mine parameters: (a) flat target plate; (b) oblique target plate.

between the impact direction and the normal of the tar-

get plate.
From the equations in = ir cos2u and iv = ir cos2b,
together with equation (5), we can obtain the relation

cos2 u
in = iv ð6Þ
cos2 b

where iv is given by equation (1). The total explosive

impulse on the oblique target plate is computed from
the integral of equation (6) to give Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the set-up for the experiments
carried out by Anderson et al.
cos2 u
in = iv (x, y) dx dy ð7Þ
cos2 b sin a
The plate is blasted upwards when the mine is deto-
where a is the oblique angle of the plate. nated, because the target plate is not fixed. As a result
of gravity, the plate falls when it has reached its maxi-
mum height. From the maximum height H recorded
Simulations and validation of the flat with two cable-pull potentiometers, the jump velocity
target plate V can be calculated using the equation
The accuracy of the empirical IIM model of a shallow- V = 2gH ð8Þ
buried mine blast is validated by comparing the simula-
tion results with the experimental results obtained by where g is the gravitational constant (equal to 9.8 m/s2).
Anderson et al.18 The set-up for the experiments car- The jump velocity V is a useful index of the structural
ried out by Anderson et al. is shown in Figure 2. A steel response that results from the blast loading which is
plate is placed at a position 200 mm below the surface caused by the decreasing pressure from the sand and
of the soil. The dimensions of the flat steel plate are mine.
800 mm 3 800 mm 3 60 mm, and its mass is 300 kg.
The soil is contained in a round cardboard barrel
(height, 850 mm; diameter, 630 mm; wall thickness, 3 Numerical model
mm). The charge is replaced by Composition B, which In order to ensure the accuracy of the simulations,
is a bare cylindrical heavy-explosive charge (625 g) with the finite element models adopted the same arrange-
a height-to-diameter ratio of approximately 1 to 3 ment as for the experiments made by Anderson et al.18
(height, 37 mm; diameter, 113 mm). The cross-sectional The ALE algorithm and the IIM algorithm were used
area is 1.0 mm 3 104 mm. The distance between the to establish the quarter-models respectively; the ton–
charge and the soil surface is 50 mm. The charge is ini- millimetre–second units system was adopted. Solid ele-
tiated by 10 g of pentaerythritol trinitrate at its centre. ments and shell elements of the target plate were used
The test soil is common silica sand with a grain size of for a comparison analysis.29 The centre of mass of the
up to 1 mm. plate was located above the charge.

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4 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering

The soil, the air and the mine were constructed using Table 1. Numerical comparisons of the parametric relations.
ALE single-point integral hexahedral elements and
connected to each other by common nodes. The key- Parameter Real value Minimum Maximum
word *BOUNDARY_NON_REFLECTING was used d 0.200 0.106 1.000
to define the non-reflecting boundary and to simulate z
the infinite air domain.30 The target plate was defined E=A 9.562 6.350 150.0
rc 2
as Lagrangian, the soil, the air and the mine were pffiffiffiz
defined as Eulerian, and then the keyword A 0.401 0.154 4.480
d 2.263 0.000 19.30
to define the Lagrangian–Eulerian fluid–structure inter-
action. The number of elements in the IIM model is
only 2.8% of those in the ALE method.

Validation results
Material constitutive models
When the mine charge equivalent, the buried depth, the
TNT was used in this study as the high-explosive mate- distance between the target and the soil surface, the size
rial and is defined by the keyword of the target plate, etc., are maintained in the same con-
*MAT_HIGH_EXPLOSIVE_BURN. The mine blast ditions, the ALE method and the IIM method respec-
impulse, which is described by the Jones–Wilkins–Lee tively were used to simulate the responses of the flat
(JWL) equation of state31 and defined by the keyword target plate for buried-mine loading at different soil
*EOS_JWL in the LS-DYNA software, is given by moisture contents. The impulse momentum of the tar-
  get plate’s was regarded as the evaluative index, which
w can be calculated simply from the jump velocity. The
P=A 1  expðR1 VÞ
R1 V averages of the experimental results obtained by
w wE Anderson et al. were used as the standard for compari-
+B 1  expðR2 VÞ +
R2 V V son with the numerical results.
It can also be seen that the simulation results using
where V is the relative volume, E is the initial internal the ALE algorithm are reasonably consistent with the
energy and the parameters w, A, B, R1 and R2 are experimental results, and the difference is smaller
constants. within the range of allowable error; this is confirmed
The material model of air adopted was by the data in Table 2. In comparison with the accura-
*MAT_NULL. Air was regarded as an ideal gas in this cies of the results obtained using the ALE algorithm,
study. Thus, the linear polynomial equation of state the accuracies of the IIM numerical results are lower
defined with the keyword *EOS_LINEAR_ and the difference is relatively larger, but also they are
POLYNOMIAL was used to simulate the air domain dependable and consistent with the experimental
according to results. However, from the viewpoint of calculation
accuracy, the computation time of the IIM algorithm is
P = C0 + C1 m + C2 m2 + C3 m3 only about 0.4% of that of the ALE algorithm and
+ C4 + C5 m + C6 m2 E improves the computational efficiency greatly. In com-
parison with the solid element used for the target plate,
where m is the initial relative volume, E is the initial the difference for the shell element is relatively lower.
internal energy per unit reference specific volume and In addition, in comparison with the experimental data,
the parameters C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 are the IIM algorithm produces the same impulse trend.
constants. Thus, it can be used to simulate the buried-mine blast
The proportions of gas and water in the soil have a impulse.
great influence on the blast response and the blast pres-
sure distribution.32, 33 Sand has different dynamic
responses for different levels of water saturation.34 In Numerical simulations of a full-scale
this study, three different moisture contents of the soil vehicle subject to a buried-mine blast
were used in the experiments:7%, 14% and 22%. The impulse
density of the soil is 1.37 3 10–3 g/mm3 at a moisture
content of 7%. The material model of the soil used was In the third section, the accuracy of the IIM algorithm
*MAT_ELASTIC_PLASTIC_HYDRO_SPALL. that was used for the flat target plate for buried-mine
As shown in Table 1, the values for each of the para- blast loading was verified. However, for a full-scale
metric relations are within the ranges of the require- vehicle, which has many components, the structures of
ments. Therefore, the IIM algorithm can be used to which are more complex, the response of the vehicle for
model the blast impulse. a buried-mine blast impulse is difficult to predict. If we
construct the finite element model using the ALE

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Zhang et al. 5

Table 2. Comparison between the experimental results and the simulation results for different moisture contents in the sand.

Moisture Mean Plate Impulse momentum (kg m/s1) Calculation time Difference (%)
content density element for the following
(%) (kg/m3) type
algorithm algorithm algorithm (min) algorithm (s) algorithm algorithm

7 1370 Solid 1979 2037 2457 38 9 3 24

Shell 2103 2268 6 15
14 1490 Solid 2154 2049 2519 73 18 –5 17
Shell 2157 2364 0.2 10
22 1670 Solid 2511 2286 2918 105 26 –9 16
Shell 2535 2713 1 8

ALE: arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian; IIM: initial-impulse mine.

Figure 3. Finite element model: (a) portion of the full-scale vehicle; (b) Hybrid III 50th-percentile dummy.

algorithm, a large air domain must be established the vehicle is meshed as 25 mm. A Hybrid III 50th-per-
because of the higher ground clearance of the armoured centile male dummy is used as the driver in this study.
vehicle; therefore, the IIM algorithm is considered. The size and mass of the dummy are equivalent to those
Also, it can reduce the computation time and improve of a common person; the organs, arms and legs of that
the efficiency. In order to verify the simulation results person are replaced by the corresponding sensors. Based
of the IIM algorithm, full-scale vehicle experiments on the anatomical data of the people, the different parts
were arranged at a testing ground. of the dummy are linked by a spring and a damper.
Two different explosive equivalents (3.5 kg and 4.5 kg)
are used in this study and are buried shallowly under the
Finite element model
centre of the vehicle 100 mm below the soil surface. The
A two-dimensional shell element (a four-node element) minimum clearance of the vehicle is 400 mm. The mine
was chosen to establish the finite element model of the is a bare cylindrical heavy-explosive charge, with a
vehicle, because parts of the armoured vehicle are regu- height-to-diameter ratio of approximately 1 to 3. For
lar sheet metals, i.e. the thickness is relatively smaller the 3.5 kg charge equivalent, the cross-sectional area of
than the dimensions in the other two directions. The the charge is 3.17 3 104 mm2. *IIM is used to apply an
present work mainly studies the response of the vehicle empirical blast impulse on the areas which need to be
underbody and its occupants subjected to a shallow- loaded directly. The material model of the vehicle used
buried-mine blast impulse; therefore, attachments such was *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY; its
as the wheels, the engine, the axles and the chassis are specific material parameters cannot be provided for rea-
not considered and are regarded as rigid. sons of confidentiality. The finite element model of the
In order to improve the quality of the meshes in the vehicle is presented in Figure 3.
modelling process, the smaller holes and edges are The mass of the full-scale vehicle is about 6 ton,
removed. The size of the mesh is changed with the gradi- which is a small TNT equivalent that does not cause
ent along the direction of the blast impulse, which can the vehicle to move upwards; therefore, the stress and
reduce the number of elements in the whole model. The the displacement of the underbody are chosen as the
vehicle underbody is meshed as 10 mm, while the top of evaluative indices of the structure response.

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6 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering

Table 3. Numerical comparison of the full-scale vehicle parametric relations.

Parameter Real value for the following TNT equivalents Minimum Maximum
3.5 kg 4.5 kg

d 0.20 0.20 0.106 1.0

E=A 8.41 9.16 6.35 150
rc 2
A 0.36 0.39 0.154 4.48
d 5.05 5.05 0.0 19.3

TNT: trinitrotoluene.

Figure 4. von Mises stress (MPa) and displacement (mm) nephogram of the underbody subjected to different mine masses: (a) von
Mises stress nephogram (3.5 kg); (b) displacement nephogram (3.5 kg); (c) von Mises stress nephogram (4.5 kg); (d) displacement
nephogram (4.5 kg); (e) von Mises stress nephogram of the lower plate (4.5k g); (f) von Mises stress nephogram of the upper plate
(4.5 kg).

As shown in Table 3, the values of each parametric the material of the underbody; local plastic deforma-
relation of the full-scale vehicle are within the ranges of tion occurs in only the lower plate. The areas which
the requirements. Thus, the IIM algorithm can be used have the maximum stress are located on the transfer
to model the blast impulse. case gap and the edges of the vehicle underbody; there
is no damage to the passengers and driver.
Figure 4(c), (e) and (f) show the explosion shock
Simulation results responses of the protective components at the bottom
In this section, the results of the response of and dam- of the vehicle for a TNT equivalent of 4.5 kg. The max-
age to the vehicle underbody subjected to a shallow- imum stress is 2316 MPa and greatly exceeds the ulti-
buried-mine blast impulse are presented in Figure 4. mate strength of the material of the underbody. The
Figure 4(a) shows the explosion shock responses of stress concentration areas of the lower plate are frac-
the protective components at the bottom of the vehicle tured. The maximum stress of the upper plate is 1692
for a TNT equivalent of 3.5 kg. The maximum stress is MPa and has not reached the ultimate strength of the
1717 MPa and has not reached the ultimate strength of material of the plate; the explosion shock wave has not

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Zhang et al. 7

Figure 5. Variations in the energy of the lower plate subjected to different mine masses (3.5 kg and 4.5 kg).

been able to penetrate, but extensive plastic deforma-

tion occurs.
Figure 4(b) and (d) show the z-direction displace-
ments of the underbody for two different TNT equiva-
lents; extensive deformation areas are located on the
strengthened beams and the lower plate. The maximum
Figure 6. Experimental equipment: (a) TNT equivalent, 3.5 kg;
displacement is 122.4 mm, which causes greater dam- (b) high-speed video camera.
age to the vehicle underbody. TNT: trinitrotoluene.
The energy curves in Figure 5 show the change in
the energy of the lower plate for the two different TNT
equivalents: 3.5 kg and 4.5 kg. When the mine is deto- Figure 7(a). In this test, the clearance was 400 mm; the
nated, the total energy and the kinetic energy rapidly charge was buried 100 mm from the soil surface and
increase to their peak values. Subsequently, the energy was detonated with the detonator at the centre. The
is transmitted to the vehicle and transformed to inter- dimensions of the test sand are 2 m 3 2 m with a depth
nal energy; thus, the total energy decreases. Finally, the of 1.5 m. The test environment conditions were good,
energy curves tend to be constant. Also, irrespective of and the temperature was moderate.
whether the TNT equivalent is 3.5 kg or 4.5 kg, the As shown in Figure 7(b), the seat position of the
total energy of the lower plate is about the same after a occupant in the vehicle must be close to normal and
time of 8 ms; therefore, it is demonstrated that the should represent the worst-case situation. The dummy
energy-absorbing capacity of the lower plate is limited. sensors record the electrical signals and transmit them
to the multi-channel high-speed data acquisition instru-
ment, in order to evaluate the response of the dummy
Experimental verification to the buried-mine blast impulse. The high-speed video
Experimental set-up cameras record the dynamic conditions of the dummy
and the whole vehicle as the experiment proceeds.
The experiments were arranged at a testing ground.
The experimental equipment mainly includes a cylindri-
cal bare explosive equivalent of 3.5 kg, experimental Comparison between the experimental results and
saturated sand, a Hybrid III 50th-percentile adult-male
dummy, many pressure and acceleration sensors, a
the simulation results
multi-channel high-speed data acquisition instrument, After the tests, the damage to the vehicle underbody
high-speed video cameras and a vernier caliper. Some was observed; the damage form and the displacement
of these are shown in Figure 6. The test site conditions of each component were recorded and compared with
met the requirements of AEP-55 (Vol 2),35 which con- those before the experiments. Extruded deformation of
tains the regulation that the vehicle should be posi- the aluminium honeycomb structure installed at the
tioned at the same ground clearance as the bottom of the vehicle occurred. The amounts of defor-
operationally loaded vehicle. The explosive should be mation at different positions in the honeycomb struc-
located at the bottom centre of the vehicle body and ture were measured with a vernier caliper.
represents the worst-case conditions for the occupants Subsequently, the location in which the maximum com-
considering the potential weak areas, as shown in pression occurred was determined and compared with

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8 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering

Table 4. Comparison of the values of the maximum compression and the peak floor acceleration.

TNT equivalent (kg) Maximum compression (mm) Peak floor acceleration (m/s2)
Simulations Experiments Difference (%) Simulations Experiments Difference (%)

3.5 26.04 24.62 5.77 83.67 77.85 7.48

4.5 35.28 138.71

TNT: trinitrotoluene.

Figure 8. Compression of the deformation of the honeycomb

structure: (a) experiments; (b) simulations.
max: maximum.
Figure 7. Experimental set-up: (a) position of the TNT; (b)
sitting position of the dummy. 2869 N. Figure 9 shows that these results were fairly
consistent and that the maximum difference of 8.29%
was within the reasonable range.
that in the simulation results. The electrical signals
recorded by the acceleration sensors located on the
floor under the feet of the dummy were observed and Conclusions
the maximum value recorded. Figure 8 shows the com-
pression of the honeycomb structure. The paper presents a comprehensive approach for simu-
Table 4 shows a comparison of the simulations and lating a shallow-buried-mine blast impulse. Based on
the experimental results for the maximum compression the results of the experiments and simulations, the fol-
and floor acceleration under the dummy’s feet (no test lowing main conclusions can be made.
was made for the TNT equivalent of 4.5 kg). From
Table 4, we know that the maximum difference was 1. In comparison with the ALE method, the IIM
7.48% in the range available; thus, the numerical anal- method is more convenient for simulating a
ysis of this method is credible. shallow-buried-mine blast impact on a target plate;
In addition, the data on the dummy recorded by the this means that it is unnecessary to construct larger
multi-channel high-speed data acquisition instrument soil and air domains, which saves modelling time.
were imported to the relative software for data pre-pro- The computation time for the IIM method is only
cessing. The experimental results of the force to which about 0.4% of that for the ALE method, which
the dummy’s tibia was subjected were compared with greatly improves the efficiency. In comparison with
the simulation results. The maximum force to which the experimental data, the IIM method produces
the dummy’s right tibia was subjected is 2726 N in the the same impulse trends, and the difference is
experiments, and the corresponding simulation result is lower and within the allowable range; thus, this

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Zhang et al. 9

Figure 9. Force curves for the Hybrid III dummy’s tibia; (a) left tibia; (b) right tibia.

method can be used to simulate a buried-mine impact loading and more easily provides simula-
blast impulse. tions of the threat from a shallow-buried explosive
2. The IIM method is used to construct a full-scale encountered on the battlefield.
vehicle model and to simulate a shallow-buried- 3. The protective components of an aluminium hon-
mine blast impulse. The charge is buried shallowly eycomb, which is fixed on the vehicle underbody,
100 mm from the sand surface, in the same way as absorb much energy from the blast impulse and
for the experimental set-up. From the responses of contribute greatly to the protective performance of
the vehicle underbody and the occupant, the results the vehicle. Therefore, this protective structure can
of the simulations and the experiments are rela- be used to improve the survivability of an occu-
tively consistent, and the maximum difference is pant in the design of future vehicles.
within the reasonable range; therefore, application
of the IIM method to simulate and predict the
response of an armoured vehicle for a shallow-bur- Acknowledgements
ied-mine blast impulse has proved to be highly The authors would like to thank the Nanjing University
accurate and successful. In addition, this method of Science and Technology for providing the appropri-
has improved the previous method for explosion ate equipment necessary for this research.

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10 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering

Declaration of Conflict of Interest Forum on blast/penetration, Bamberg, Germany, 12–13

October 2010, pp. J-I-1–J-I-12. Stuttgart: DYNAlook,
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publi-
13. Q Guo, Y Zhou, X Wang et al. Numerical simulations
cation of this article. and experimental analysis of a vehicle cabin and its occu-
pants subjected to a mine blast. Proc IMechE Part D: J
Funding Automobile Engineering 2016; 230(5): 623–631.
14. Fox DM, Huang X, Jung D et al. The response of small
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following finan- scale rigid targets to shallow buried explosive detona-
cial support for the research, authorship, and/or publi- tions. Int J Impact Engng 2011; 38(11): 882–891.
cation of this article: This work was supported by the 15. Pickering EG, Yuen SCK and Nurick GN. The influence
National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant of the height of burial of buried charges – some experi-
number: 51405232) and the Nanjing University of mental observations. Int J Impact Engng 2013; 58: 76–83.
Science and Technology (grant number: 10288). 16. Pickering EG, Yuen SCK, Nurick GN et al. The response
of quadrangular plates to buried charges. Int J Impact
Engng 2012; 49: 103–114.
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