Basic Guide To DNS - Google..

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Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help


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Basic Guide to DNS

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This is a list of common terms that you'll encounter when managing a domain. Click a term below to jump to the
description of the term, and its practical use with Google Apps.

Since registrars, hosts, and record configurations vary, this is a basic guide to DNS.

Domain Name
Domain Registrar
Top Level Domain
Second-level Domain
Third-level Domain
Domain Host
A Record
NS Record
MX Record
CNAME Record
IP Address
Custom URLs
Domain Alias
WHOIS directory


DNS stands for Domain Name System. This system is in place to organize and identify domains. Essentially, DNS
provides a name for a domain's one or more IP addresses. For instance, the domain name
might translate to 198.102.434.8. This makes it much easier to remember URLs and email addresses.

DNS is also used to find out where to deliver email for a particular address. This is done with MX Records.

You need to have a registered domain name to use Google Apps.

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Domain Name

Domain names are easy-to-remember names (URLs and email addresses) that are associated with one or more IP
addresses. Since a web page is defined by its URL, the page can move to a different IP address without affecting

Example: is the domain name.

com is the top level domain.
singlespeed is a subdivision of com, and represents the second-level domain.
www is a subdomain (also known as third-level domain or CNAME).

The whole domain name can not exceed a total length of 255 characters, but some registries have shorter limits.

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Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help

Domain Registrar

Domain registrars sell Internet domain names (ex. or ). Most of these companies
offer a hosting service in addition to registration.

If your domain registrar is separate from your domain host, you'll need to add the host's name servers to your
registrar's account. For example, if you purchase a domain name from (which offers domain
registration) and host your domain with DynDNS (which offers domain hosting), you'll add the name servers of
DynDNS ( and to your account with

Google Apps offers domain registration with a select group of domain registration partners. This allows you to
purchase a domain name and sign up for Google Apps at the same time. If you purchase a domain name while
signing up, Google will auto-configure services for your domain so that you won't need to manually configure MX
and CNAME records.

If you purchased your domain name before signing up for Google Apps, visit our list of domain hosts (some of
which are also domain registrars) that have instructions for modifying MX records in our Help Center.

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Top Level Domain

Top-level domains are the last part of a domain name - the letters after the last period. Some examples are: biz
com org edu us ca fr de travel local es pl

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Second-level Domain

Second-level domains are directly below top-level domains. Some current examples are:

Second-level Domain Domain Name






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Third-level Domain

Third-level domains are also known as subdomains and CNAMEs. In a URL, the subdomain is written before the
domain name. Here's some examples:

Subdomain URL






To set up web publishing with Google Apps, you'll need to pick a subdomain as your web publishing address.

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Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help

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Domain Host

Domain hosts run DNS servers for your domain. This includes A records, MX records, and CNAME records. Most
domain hosts offer domain name registration as well.

Since Google Apps is not a domain host, you'll need to modify your DNS records with your domain host to set up
email and web publishing. Click here if you don't know which company is hosting your domain.

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A Record

A records (also known as host records) are the central records of DNS. These records link a domain, or
subdomain, to an IP address.

A records and IP addresses do not necessarily match on a one-to-one basis. Many A records correspond to a
single IP address, where one machine can serve many web sites. Alternatively, a single A record may correspond
to many IP addresses. This can facilitate fault tolerance and load distribution, and allows a site to move its physical

Google Apps does not support IP addresses alone. Instead of using A records, you can set up email and web
publishing by modifying your MX and CNAME records with your domain host.

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NS Record

Name server records determine which servers will communicate DNS information for a domain. Two NS records
must be defined for each domain. Generally, you will have a primary and a secondary name server record - NS
records are updated with your domain registrar and will take 24-72 hours to take effect.

If your domain registrar is separate from your domain host, your host will provide two name servers that you can use
to update your NS records with your registrar.

If you're not sure who is hosting your domain, you can perform a free NS Lookup. Here's how:

1. Visit
2. Search for NS lookup.
3. Select a search result.
4. Type your domain name into the tool.
5. Select NS records or Any records for your query.
6. Click Look it up.

Example result (showing that is the domain host for nameserver =

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MX Record

Mail Exchange records direct email to servers for a domain, and are listed in order of priority. If mail can't be
delivered using the first priority record, the second priority record is used, and so on.

To set up email with Google Apps, you need to configure the MX records with your domain host using Google's
server information.

If you'd like to check the status of your MX records, you can perform a free MX lookup. Here's how:

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Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help

MX Record Lookup By

Enter domain name

Example result (showing that email for is directed to Google): mail exchanger = 10

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CNAME Record

Canonical name records are aliases for A records. For each CNAME record, you can choose an alias and a host.

To set up web publishing with Google Apps, you can pick an address for your web pages. The third-level domain of
the address is the alias and is the host.

If you'd like to check the status of your CNAME record for web publishing, you can perform a free CNAME lookup.
Here's how:

1. Visit
2. Search for NS lookup.
3. Select a search result from the list.
4. Type your web publishing address in to the field.
5. Select CNAME record if it's not the default search query.
6. Click Submit, or Lookup.

Example result (showing that the subdomain of is pointing to

DNS Lookup (CNAME) for Items Returned: 1

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IP Address

Internet Protocol addresses are unique numbers that allow devices to locate information on a network.

Since a domain name may have one or more associated IP addresses, Google Apps doesn't support email and
web publishing configuration using IP addresses alone.

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Custom URLs

Custom URLs, or short URLs, make using the Internet easier. A custom URL allows you and your users to access
the login page for services at your domain with a simple, easy-to-remember address. With Google Apps, your
custom URLs will follow this format:

http://[customize this section]

Instead of asking your users to visit to log in to their

calendars, you can create a short, custom URL. Learn more

Calendar Examples

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Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help

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Domain Alias

Domain name aliases are additional domain names associated with your primary domain. With Google Apps, you
can add a domain alias that receives mail and delivers it to mailboxes at your primary domain.

Some common uses:

Add a domain alias to cover other top-level domains. If your domain name is, you
may want to alias and
Add a domain alias to help people who mistype your domain name. If your domain name is, you may want to alias,, and
Add a domain alias to receive mail addressed to two separate domains in one mailbox. If you receive mail at
two domain names, such as and, you can alias to, and all mail sent to either address will be delivered to

WHOIS directory

The WHOIS directory is a public listing of domain names, and people or organizations associated with each domain

As a privacy measure, some domain name owners prefer to have their personal information hidden from the
WHOIS directory. This is similar to the way someone may want his/her personal telephone number unlisted in a
local telephone book.

The WHOIS directory is used to determine the owner of domain names and IP addresses. There are many free
web-based directories available on the Internet. The information provided in the WHOIS directory includes a mailing
address and a telephone number.

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