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A Haunted House by Virginia Woolf

‘A haunted house’ by Virginia Woolf revolves around a house occupied by two living

couple where another couple ghost in search of treasure that they thought have left

behind when living in the same house years ago. The story is narrated by the woman

living in the house. The story starts with a fine weather and described as windy and

rainy as the story progressed. The ghost couple goes from room to room in search of

the treasure which they do not remember what they are looking for and asking

themselves what they are trying to find. The ghost couple search for the treasure

quietly as they didn’t want to wake up the couple who is sleeping in their room. The

narrator understands that their house is occupied by a ghostly couple when the

doors and windows shut and open by itself. The narrator further affirms the presence

of ghost when she heard sound of the ghost couple talking as if they are looking for

something that they have left behind and she dropped the book on the grass floor

and only could see the reflection of apple, rose and green leaves on the window in

presence of the sunlight and nothing else. She could only listen to the sounds of

pigeon and threshing machine from the garden. Moving further the wife of the male

ghost died years ago before the husband. The husband left the house after the death

of the wife out of sorrow and travelled far to South, North and East. The husband

was devasted by the death of his dearly wife. After many years the husband back to

the house where his wife lived and years later, he passed away as well. Now they

are united in a different world and thus came back looking for the treasure that they

think they left behind in the house. The house I still same safe and sound as how it

was during the years they have lived there. While looking for the treasure they

reminisce the memories they had in the house together. The weather gets windy as

the ghost couple continues their search and arrived at the room where the current
couple is sleeping which was their room when they were alive. It was a silent night

with a windy situation and the candle burn soft and still. When they arrive at the

room, they remember how they sleep in the room with full of love for each other. And

during the day they spend all their time together in each corner of the house. The

ghost couple find their joy by reminiscing their memories in the house when they

lived here. The couple ghost whisper as not to wake up the sleeping couple in their

room. Then the ghost couple hold up a light upon the couple and seeing them

sleeping in so much love with a moment of pause. The shine of moonlight upon the

couple made the ghost couple realized how much joy they have as a couple. And

they understood they have found each other after so long thus, the light in the heart

is their hidden treasure they have left behind in the house. The feeling of joy and

love as well as light in the heart is the real treasure that one should own in their life.

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