Philosophy of Education

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Part A

My Philosophy of Education

To define the term philosophy, there’s on one definite definition to define it. To understand the
definition and the meaning it brings about first we need to understand the etymology of the word
philosophy. The word philosophy originated from the Greek word Philosophia which means "love
of wisdom,” where phylos brings the meaning of “to love” and sophie bring the meaning
“wisdom.” Let’s look at a few definitions of this word to get a better understanding of this term
that is commonly used in our daily life. Understanding definitions of this word to get a better
picture of the real definition of philosophy to understand better about philosophy of education.

Definitions of philosophy:

According to Oxford dictionary the definition of philosophy is “the study of the fundamental
nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic

According to Cambridge the definition of philosophy is “the use of reason in understanding

such thing as the nature of the real world and existence, the use and limits of knowledge, and
the principles of moral judgement.”

Philosophy has its own definition in according to the field of studies. It can vary according to the
understanding of an individual and a group of people. Philosophy in each field is defined according
to its nature and benefit towards the person and society. As such there is a specific definition for
the field of education as well. It is concerned with the nature and goal of the education. Philosophy
has very long and profound history in the western countries till the present day started from
Socrates and many other philosophers.

To define the philosophy of education one should understand the aim of education beforehand.
The aim of education is to:

• Cultivate curiosity
• To foster creativity
• Improve knowledge and understanding
• Promoting moral and social thinking
• Improve feelings and decision making
• To improve self-realization
• To bring out potential of everyone which creates the individuality and uniqueness od each
• To foster rationality and critical thinking

Derived from this definition as basis, philosophy of education can define as the understanding
beliefs and principle about education by a group of people or an individual. It can define as the
opinion of someone about education. The definition given should be directed towards the method,
meaning, goal and forms of teaching. Many philosophers have contributed in giving a better
understanding towards the philosophy of education. Plato, Immanuel Khant, Ibn Sina and so on
are a few to name of those who have contributed towards the philosophy of education.

In lieu to this, each teacher may have their own philosophy about the teaching and education when
educating the children. As a teacher I have my own philosophy about education where I put the
children at the important phase at defining my own philosophy. I have few views about my
philosophy of education. They are:

1. Students need to learn

2. Nobody should be left behind in education
3. Students need to participate actively in the learning process
4. Education need to be physiological where they need to involve whole body
5. Feedback given to enhance the student’s ability
6. Teacher need to have a proper structure of teaching
7. Students need to have proper tools for education

Students need to learn

As froe m and everyone knows education is one of the most basic need of every child just like
food, shelter and protection. Every child deserves to get a proper education. It is because education
is the only tool that will help a child to grow mentally and face the society later in their adulthood.
Without education a life of the children will be so empty that they lack powerful resource for
engage in societal life. In that case an educator’s primary role is to fill this basic need of child that
comes to them. It is one of the greatest gifts that teacher could give to any children.

Nobody should be left behind in education

As mentioned earlier every student deserves to get education. In line with that regardless of the
capability of student in understanding or grasping the information given every child need to be
attended according to their needs. Not all the child has the same capability as others. Every child
is unique in their own way. Thus, they should b treated right when education is given. Education
shouldn’t be a set of rule on what need to be done and what not or merely just some memorization
that they do in order to answer the examination but it should be something that is able to bring out
the best in them. Not one of the children should be denied of this privilege of studying.

Students need to participate actively in the learning process

In my point of view students learn at their best when they actively participate in the learning
opportunity. Every teacher needs to encourage students to give their point of view and ask
questions for them to participate in the learning process. This will give them various skill like how
to study, methods of taking notes, memorization of factual data based on understanding, as well
as to express themselves to others. With that each student able to showcase their talents and gifts
that they have. These skills will help them to learn better and be a high performing student. This
will also help them to explore more of education and research for themselves to learn better.

Education need to be physiological where they need to involve whole body

A well-made lesson planning and good classroom management is what needed to make the
students engage in the education and learning process. The lesson planning should be well
grounded in most relevant way and activities with purpose to enhance the student’s knowledge
and skills. This will help them to enkindle their desire to learn more. This will also help the teacher
to understand better each child and their ability level. The teaching goal of every teacher is to make
the students to embrace exploring more, learn through experimental procedures and application of
the knowledge gained in daily life as well as showing the outcome through innovation and
creativity. When student able to produce their own ideas and rigorous products it can be said that
the teacher has achieved the teaching outcome wholly.
Feedback given to enhance the ability of the students

Feedback is an important tool to make the students to learn and perform better in their education.
There’s no one way to give the feedback. In order to give individual feedback, the teacher need to
gather the data of each student. This will also help the teacher to adjust the learning environment
according to the needs of the student. For example, conducting a pre-test to obtain the starting
point of teaching and post-test to evaluate the student’s performance level will increase the
effectiveness of teaching and able identify the ability of each student to accommodate their
teaching needs.

Teacher need to have a proper structure of teaching

A teacher should be able to generate a good and well-prepared lesson plan and implement it in the
classroom and subsequently evaluate the students in the classroom. The learning lesson plan
created should be exciting to the students and enkindle their learning interest. A teacher also should
be able to include all the students in the class through the lesson plan prepared because as
mentioned earlier nobody should be left behind. The teacher should be able to inspire every student
to be excited and eager to learn more and push themselves to learn the next level of learning.

Students need to have proper tools and resources for education

Each student through learning should be able to identify how their memory system works. With
that they should eb able to strategize their skills obtained to work and study effectively in different
level of cognitive domain. Students should be able to understand about themselves like their
language preferences and environment preferences. The teacher on the other hand should be able
to assist the students by creating plans to develop other learning skills. Educational tools are of
immense beneficial, technology for example which could make the student to learn better and the
teacher to teach better to inspire and motivate the students.
Part B

There are many philosophers who have contributed in view of the education. Their views are so
powerful that it has the power to change the whole idea and social structure of the education
system. They came from different background and has contributed different views on t heir own
without being influenced of who they are. In this article I choose Swami Vivekananda and Plato
to be discussed about their contribution in field of education.

Swami Vivekananda

Born as Narendranath Datta on 1863 in Calcutta is from a middle-class family. Having raised by
a mother who is devoted Hindu and a father who is skeptical about religious view gave Swami
Vivekananda to be a youth with idea thoughts and views. He had a very astonishing mental abilities
as young person and intense power of being calm and patient. He finished his matriculation and
further his studies about Western Philosophies. He joined Sri Ramakrishna a scholar who didn’t
get a formal education after being not answered appropriately at his college to the questions he
asked. He’s a very profound student of the Sri Ramakrishna because he always questions his
master. Eventually Swami Vivekananda denounce all worldly possessions and became a ‘Sanyasi’
a person who lives a simple life and live by begging. He’s a teacher by profession who teaches
Sanskrit and Philosophy.

On the other hand, Plato born to father who was a descendant from the last king of Athens on
428BC at Greek. Even with such background Plato did not show interest in politics but he founded
the science of politics. Plato studied arithmetic, writing and reading as a young boy. At the age of
20, he became the disciple of Socrates

Both these philosophers have their own aim and goal about education. Discussing further would
give a better understanding about their views on philosophy of education.
According to Vivekananda and Plato, aim of education can be simplified as follow:

Swami Vivekananda Plato

Education should create faith in oneself Education is service of state

Education must create self-confidence and self- Education should preserve the status of quo

Education should develop morality Prepare oneself for future life

Education must teach practical side of life Education is to turn the soul towards the light

Education must promote brotherhood of Education need to maintain the welfare of

universal individual and society

Education is not merely learning from book Education prepares someone to face the reality

Education must generate spirit of renunciation Knowledge of good

Education should create immense faith in man Metaphysical truth

Swami Vivekananda’s goal of education is more related to bringing out the strength and character
of someone. It should be able to embark the person to face the challenge that is waiting outside in
real world. The individual also should be able to face any challenges with bravery in succeeding
in their endeavors. On the other hand, the goal of education by Plato is to put knowledge to the
soul. Education should be able to bring out the talent in someone and that should be the main aim
of the education. Education also should maintain the welfare of the individual and society.

Swami Vivekananda

1. Education should create faith in oneself

• Steppingstone for advancement
• To enlighten someone about their latent power
• Will give them a life which is divine and sublime
2. Education must create self-confidence and self-reliance
• Education should bring freedom from worldly bond
• Bring material wealth
• Education should enable someone to attain glory in life and perfection
3. Education should develop morality
• Education should build someone’s character not merely put knowledge into
4. Education must teach practical side of life
• Education should help someone to stand on their own legs to meet the basic needs
in life
• He suggests building centers and workshops to solve the problem of hunger and
poverty as well as unemployment
5. Education must promote brotherhood of universal
• Should promote the feel of soul
• Should promote internationalism where the world should be an union of sould and
6. Education is not merely learning from book
• Not just knowledge from book
• Should aimed at development of human being
7. Education must generate spirit of renunciation
• The feeling to work for others
• Doing something for world
8. Education should create immense faith in man
• Have trust in each other


1. Education is service of state

• It not for personal growth
• For the happiness of citizens
2. Education should preserve the status of quo
• Preserve the changes and form of subversion
3. Prepare oneself for future life
• An individual without education will not have progress in life
• Education should change the outlook of life
4. Education is to turn the soul towards the light
• It should bring the latent talent of a person
• It should bring the person to right path
5. Education need to maintain the welfare of individual and society
• It should enhance the sense of idea in individual
6. Education prepares someone to face the reality
• It prepares someone for the future
7. Knowledge of good
• To make someone a better individual
8. Metaphysical truth
• Achieve something that which is not material reality
Opinions and views what should be taught in school

Swami Vivekananda

The teaching method of Swami Vivekananda comprises the wholeness of mind and body. Based
on this Swami Vivekananda has drawn certain strategies that can be implemented. They are:

• Bramachariaya
• Meditation and concentration
• Reverence and faith
• Scripture study
• Service to others
• Discussion
• Congenial atmosphere

Swami Vivekananda defines education as concentrating on the mind and not merely reading the
book. He did not recommend any curriculum to be adhered strictly but emphasize on a well-
rounded curriculum to develop the personality of the child. He promotes a balance between the
Indian spiritualism and Western education. Studying different branches of studies is what
recommended by him. He suggests variety of subjects to be studied such as language, philosophy,
Vedanta, purans, Upanishads, religion, economics, geography, history, mathematics, science,
psychology, home science, technical, industrial agriculture, physical exercise and so on. He also
suggests needle crafting, cooking, child rearing for girls. He also suggests western studies like
engineering and technology to be included in the curriculum so that could achieve material wealth
in the country.

Swami Vivekananda suggests few methods of teaching. They are:

• Reservoir of knowledge is concentration and thus it is the important essence in acquiring

education. Concentration is the key to gain knowledge not the facts merely.
• Discussion between the teacher and student is another keynote in education. Open
discussion helps the child to grab as much knowledge as he can.
• Counselling and guidance is also needed because it take the children to the right path. It is
also an important tool in education and learning.
• Children should gain as much freedom as he needed to learn and not any burden should be
a stumbling block his freedom from learning.
• They also required to build faith and confidence in oneself. He believes that the quality of
life depends upon the level of confidence and faith they have. Apart from this, books are
also essential to acquire knowledge.


Plato’s goal of education is for the development of the individual children as well as for the safety
of the state. Education should bring welfare for both the society and the individual. It should help
in improving the virtue. Plato has proposed several subjects to be taught in the school. They are:

1. Physical and music education

• Plato’s education comprises beauty and health of both mind and soul. Thus, it is
divided into two; music and gymnastic as for keeping the custom of Greek.
• It begins even while the mother is still pregnant where the pregnant mother required
to move and walk around as much as they could.
• He regards such movement is important to the baby.
2. Astronomy and mathematics
• It is divided into four disciplines
• Mathematics, geometry and arithmetic is to turn them to the worldly ideas and drill
with world pure views and it liberates the mind
• Astronomy is for the soul where it initiates the soul to the undisputable harmony of
3. Pre-school
• It is a responsibility of the parent
• Main aim is to teach discipline
• Too linear will make a child with bad temper and easily upset while being too strict
will make them sullen and unfit for the civic life.
4. Culture
• Starts with the stories that the parents told their children.
• He feels story telling has great impact in molding the child because they are still
fragile and first impression from story telling will help to build their character
• But the stories should have censors on what need to be told and what not to be told
to the children.
5. Games
• Games also help to build the children’s character.
• So as such it should be practiced since childhood to up-bring an all-rounder child.

Plato also suggest a school system according to the age of the children. They are:

i. Age 3 to 6
• play under the administration of women
ii. Age 6
• Enters school
• Learn writing, counting and reading
iii. Age 10
• Fair allowance of time as a boy
iv. Aeg 18
• Basic education time ends
• Go through several exam and contest
• Undergo military and physical training
v. Age 21
• Higher studies which leads to philosophy
vi. Age 30
• Study philosophy
• After finish must serve 15 years in military
• They will have constant test
vii. Age 50
• Devout to public life and philosophy

Both, Swami Vivekananda and Plato has their own perception on the philosophy of education.
Their aim and goal clearly show that they are trying to bring up an all-rounded child who could
face the real world when reaching the adulthood. Their philosophy clearly explain that the teaching
profession is composed of desire and passion to encourage the children to enhance their love
towards life-long learning process. A child is as pure as white cloth when they are born. It is how
we educate them that would make them when they are adult. Thus, from these two philosophers it
is crystal clear that a good education is needed to build the character of each child.

Based on their definitions and goal of philosophy there is no doubt that the support fully the
education of each child that born into this world. They emphasize on few things as follow:

1. Nurture the whole of individual

Both of their philosophy stresses about the body soul, and mind of the children. All three need to
be in balance to attain a well-behaved and well nurtured child. Even though is difficult but it is not
something that is impossible. A good education should teach us on how to handle our emotions,
construct relationship with others and live their life well. Education is not merely the memorization
or reading of a book. But it should be something very subjective where the pupil learns through
asking questions as how Swami Vivekananda and Plato has studied and improvise their life.
Teachers also plays an important role in building their character. This will help them in the future.
Lack of anything from body, mind and soul can lead to a stressful like

2. Independent and self sufficiency

A student should be allowed to ask question. Only through asking a child can become successful
in their studies. Even though both has slightly different opinion on the goal of education but still
both agrees that being independent and feel enough with all that has been given will help them to
build their character. As we discussed earlier both survived and started to work back as normal.
Their point and views clearly state that one should learn how to be independent to face the real-
life so that they could face the challenges that is awaiting them in future.
3. Schools and communities should be part of holistic system

Both Swami Vivekananda and Plato emphasize that the school and community plays an important
role in molding the child. Lacking any one of these may not give them the child a full learning
experience. As Plato mentioned the learning process starts even before the child is born. It shows
how family and community plays an important role in educating a child. With that we are able to
build a child who is holistic and well-behaved.
Part C

A study was conducted to understand the socioeconomic mobility among the rubber tappers. The
aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between social mobility among the poor rubber tapper
families and the success of Malaysian poverty annihilation program. The socio-economic mobility
in view of education and salary between two generations was also measured. Poverty is one of the
major issues that must be addressed in a country. The definition of poverty according to United
Nation is when someone’s earning is less than USD2 per day. But as time goes on the definition
not limited to earning but includes other aspects like unemployment, spatial poverty and health
insurance. The way to overcome poverty is through integration of social economic mobility.
Improvement in social status and economic between generations or individual lifetime is defined
as social-economic mobility. In terms of Malaysian context, ever since moved to service based
from agricultural sector, the poverty level has changed drastically.

Even though the overall poverty rate in Malaysia seems low, the actual poverty seems to be high
when discussed in terms of occupation and ethnic. Examples include:

• Pahang:35%
• Sabah: 20%
• Sarawak: 7%

Among all the groups that exist in group, rubber tappers are also considered to be who lives in
rural areas and face poverty. They do not have a good development in their places like

• Schools which are far

• Not having proper sanitation
• Low level income

These situations will impede their socio-economic mobility and thus national unity and cohesion.
The rubber tappers are categorized into three groups which is, those with smallholders’ status,
rubber estate owners and a group which remain unidentified. Rubber tappers from Baling, Kedah
was chosen as sample for this research purpose and compare the education and income in terms of
children and household head.
There are several previous studies that are to prove the relevance between education, family
background and social economic mobility. They are as follow:

1. An individual’s occupation depends on the background of his/her parents’ and autonomous

when it comes to the growth in economic contributions.
2. Studies and education background directly have impact and growth in social economic
3. Higher income parents or family has less mobility.
4. Earning links between sons and daughters can be identified that endowments and
investments are important tool in social mobility transmission

For this research, a total of 100 respondents were chosen. Stratified convince sampling method
were used in this study. The aspects of selection of sample are strata, age and occupation. The
study involves the head of families and the child which born at the year 1946 to 1976. A
comparative study was made between this two group. The research was conducted through two-
tiered questionnaire. The respondent involved were children who are working of age 20 to 40 and
their parents aged 40-70 years old. In this sense researcher able to obtain data about inter-
generational mobility profile of each family through interview. A questionnaire which was fully
taken from KRI was used. It encompasses the following criteria:

1. Mobility definition
2. Factors influencing mobility
3. View on equality and inequality in opportunity

Income mobility and education was used to measure socio-economic mobility between the head
of the family and his child.

Education mobility was defined as:

Income mobility is defined as:

Respondents also asked the following:

• To comment if there is increase or decrease in socio-economic mobility

• If the children of household head are doing better than them or not

The majority of respondent are of age 55-59 years old with family size of 6-8 people in a family.
The respondents were categorized into B40 group of people. There was not much difference in
education level between the child and the household head for 25% of respondents. The rest has at
least one level higher and the remaining two levels higher than their parents. Only 24 respondents
said that their child is doing better than them. In addition to that parents with high education have
children less educated than them while parents who are less educated have children who possess
higher level education than them. There is no significant influence due to income and family size.

From the study conducted several conclusions can be made in the rubber tapper community in
Baling, Kedah. They are:

✓ There is increase in education mobility from first generation who have only primary
education to second generation with at least one level higher than their parents
✓ The children from the parents who possess second level education is not doing better than
their parents in education
✓ It shows that the national level education level is still poor
✓ The income mobility has significant increase due to minimum wage of RM900 is

With that it can be concluded that, income mobility and education mobility is present in Malaysia
among rubber tapper families. But that would be mainly due to legal action by Malaysian
government that each child should get at least primary education of six years. Poverty in Malaysia
is still existed, and more actions are needed to sort out this issue.

Through this article it is proven that the socio-economic strata can be improved with a better
education. Education has the power to change the life and socio-economic mobility of one
generation to another. The completion of schooling shouldn’t be merely a fulfillment of the
government rules, but it should be showcasing the quality of the education that they gain. Even
though, some children earn more than their parents, but that amount doesn’t signify the salary a
highly educated level person in Malaysian context. In other word, it has already mentioned by the
researcher in the article that the families are mostly of B40 group which include the household
head and their children where B40 group is defined as low earning group in Malaysia. It can be
said that not many of the respondent has completed a tertiary level education because the salary
amount might differ if they have completed their tertiary education. The results show that only 5%
of the group earns more than RM1000 which quite worrisome. This should be taken into
consideration when education is planned. The importance of tertiary level education is still lacking
in the rural community and poverty might be one of the reasons for them that stops them from
pursuing further studies.

The one thing that unclear and troubling for me is that, some of the children whose parents have
at least second level education have an education background lesser than their parents. This looks
a little worrisome and critical that even in this globalization era there are some people in our
developing country that doesn’t realize the importance of education. Even those who finished their
second level education couldn’t understand the importance of education and let their children to
stop schooling at primary level. This issue needs to be addressed as well because people at rural
area need to understand that education is one of the most powerful tools that could change their
lifestyle and socio-economic strata in society. It is proven that parents play an important role in
educating child to improvise their lifestyle. Nurturing a child to pursue education is the best gift a
parent could give their child. Even the parents need to be educated on the importance of education
to their children. Lack of awareness might lead to this issue as well. Apart from that lack of access
to school which is far also could be a reason for them to stop schooling at primary level. Besides
that, poverty also might have causative reason for this to happen.
Part D

A. Socialization

The process of learning on how to behave is simplest definition of the term socialization. It is a
continuous process where an individual learns the value, norm, social skills and behavior gain
his/her identity in the society. There are five types of socialization. They are primary socialization
and secondary socialization.

Primary socialization

✓ Most important part in the individual life

✓ Take place during the early stage of life as a newborn baby

Secondary Socialization

✓ Learning the correct behavior in the larger society

✓ This is obvious and with a purpose
✓ Smaller changes as compared to primary socialization
✓ Example when relocating to new environment

Reverse socialization

✓ It is a behavior deviated from desired behaviors

✓ Common among young people

Anticipatory Socialization

✓ The person rehearses for the position in the future

✓ For example, someone who is going for his/her first job. Then he/she would rehearse on
mannerism and how to behave at night


✓ Is about accepting new behavior after change the previous character.

✓ Able to expose to new norm
✓ Help to accept the transition in one’s life
B. Agents of socialization

a) Family
▪ Determinant for one’s character and behavior
▪ Help establish career goal
▪ Child spend most of the early childhood with family
▪ So family is responsible to teach the good and bad
▪ Basic need is provided
▪ Teach them culture and skills
▪ Place the child in society
▪ Gender role
b) School
▪ The place where student spend most of the time after home
▪ A place to communicate with their peers
▪ They learn to cooperate, healthy competition
▪ Learn to respect others
c) Media and communication
▪ Teach through symbol
▪ Give picture of life models’
d) Peers
▪ They able to develop their character on their own
▪ Establish self-identity on their own apart from family
e) Workplace
▪ Having to communicate to different people
▪ Learn punctuality
▪ Learn work ethics
▪ Learn to work in terms
f) Religion
▪ Teaches moral values
▪ Intended to give meaning to our live.

C. Structural difference between school and family setting

School Family

Yearly promotion No yearly promotion

Large size Small size

Heterogenous Homogenous

Relationship stop at end of school Relationship doesn’t end

Child to adult ratio high Child to adult ratio low

Age group is homogenous and narrow Mixed age group

Events and activities are narrow Events and activities are wide

Lack of privacy More privacy

Treatment is specific Treatment is diffused

D. Dimensions of socialization

There are several dimensions in my socialization during my school days. It can be further discussed
as follow:

i. Behavioral conformity

It is the bodily regulation that a student needs to undergo in order to fit into environment of the
school. What we were at home might be totally different and it cannot be implemented in school.
The behavior at home cannot be brought into the school as we face a different community and
environment in the school.

Example: As a student whenever I need to ask anything during class, I need to raise my hand till
the teacher answers me, at home I can talk to my family members and interrupt whenever I want.
In that situation I understand how to be patience and how to behave well without interrupting the
lesson. And I need to sit still during the lesson where at home I can do anything I want at any time.
Besides that, I need to line up every time even to buy food.

ii. Moral conformity

School is the place where I learned to differentiate between right and wrong. It is the place that
enkindles my critical thinking ability. It enables me enhances my moral values and virtues of being
good. That really helped me during my working life.

Example: Exams taught me the meaning of hard work. To hold position in clubs and societies
taught me patience and instill leadership quality in me.

iii. Cultural conformity

In this dimension the students learn about the accepted styles and perspectives of expression. This
broaden the child regarding the cultural knowledge.

Example: Teacher would train on certain outlook and teaches them individually where certain
outlook is better to some while something else for others. Teaches about the culture where we even
learn about different cultures that exist and that really helped us to understand better friends from
different race and religion.
E. Process by which socialization took place

There are three major zone where the socialization occurs in the classroom. First zone is the core,
second is the inner ring and the third is outer ring. The core is the rules and regulation set in school
that need to be followed by all the students. It is important to maintain the harmony and integrity
of school while producing students who are well-mannered and obey the authority. Example
including doing homework, lining up and so on. The inner ring is the moral instructions. In this
student are taught about the desired and undesired qualities. Students learn moral values such as
kindness, bravery, courage, and so on. Third which is the outer ring, encompasses of implicit moral
instruction. Moral is taught in a more sophisticated way; even the teachers are given as example.
F. Socialization in classroom

Socialization in classroom is very different. Classroom is filled with children. The classroom is
controlled by one teacher and attended by many students. So, the school implement many
discipline techniques to keep the class in order. Students can interact within boundaries of the rule.
When any of the students break the rules or go against the rules then relevant punishment will be

Example: if cheat in the exam, zero marks will be given for the whole subject. That teaches me to
be more honest in whatever I pursue.

G. The hidden curriculum

These are the set of unwritten rules that is implemented in the school. These rules are not written
in the rules book, but children would definitely follow this rule even without being told to do so.
This rule really brings out the best in the students.

Example: Queuing up to buy food and cleaning up the classroom.

H. Classroom interaction

Classroom is the only place each student are well equipped to learn skill as well as good behaviors.
These are the qualities during our adulthood. There are two types interaction that took place in the
classroom. One is teacher -student interaction and the second is student-student interaction. The
teacher-student interaction took place through the lesson plan of the teacher. The lesson plan is
aimed at transferring the knowledge to the students. While transferring knowledge teachers also
controls the behavior of the student. Like for example, the students need to raise their hands when
need to ask anything. They can only talk when they are asked to do so. Healthy discussions are
opened by teachers to engage the students in communication and hence prepare them for the future

Another form of interaction in classroom is that student-student interaction. Students has their own
seating arrangement as told by the teacher. So, they have no choice but to get know those around
them eventually become friends. They develop this relationship into friendship and become a from
of informal education
I. Friendship

Informal learning and play are what equipped in preschool learning. So, there are many
opportunities for them to make many friends. Socio-emotional is developed when a child could
interact freely with others. Friendship is very important in teenage life. Friends they make during
childhood will journey together and they will grow together. They will always have someone to
listen to and have the sense of belonging to someone. It also observes the gender differences where
people of opposite sex able to differentiate their level of friendship and keep their limit with each

Example: I studied in co-ed school during my primary school days. I had many friends and that
really helped me to mingle around with friends of opposite gender later during my tertiary
education and my working life. It built confidence in me and changed myself who was very
conservative to a outspoken and courageous person.

J. Segregation

Segregation causes groupism in the school structure. To prevent that my class was not segregated.
Our class was a mix of students who could study well and those who are left behind. With that we
were able to help each other to excel in studies. Besides that, we also able to mingle around with
students of different races and religions. This help us to understand better different cultures and
their believes.
K. Socialization outside classroom

One of it was playground. We were able to learn about sportsmanship outside the classroom during
our physical activities. Annual sports day, other competitions like singing dancing and so on could
bring out the talents in the students. It is a great opportunity for the students to understand their
talents and showcase them to others.


It can be concluded that school plays an important role in enhancing the social skill in the students.
Without schools it would be difficult for the students to face the real-life challenges that await
them during adulthood.

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