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Bode Plot Construction for Phase

Sort Poles and |Zeros| and mark on the ω axis

0.1× Pole, 0.1 × | ( p, n) Zero|, 10 × Pole, and 10 × | ( p, n) Zero|
for each Pole and Zero
Start with the following angle at very low frequencies
φ (0) = +90 × power of s term + 0 degrees if the constant is > 0
φ (0) = +90 × power of s term + 180 degrees if the constant is < 0
starting slope is 0 degrees/decade
encounter 0.1× Pole, 0.1 × | Negative Zero|, or 10 × Positive Zero:
slope after = slope before − 45 degrees/decade
encounter 0.1× Positive Zero, 10 × Pole, or 10 × | Negative Zero|:
slope after = slope before + 45 degrees/decade

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