18feb Vijayakumar

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Mumbai (T2)

Chennai (T1)

Thursday, Feb. 18,202121:05 Hrs Thursday, Feb. 18,2021 22:45 Hrs

Passenger Name Add-on Services

Mr. S Vijayakumar SG 323

Seat 3C, 1 Meal(s),


Baggage Info: 1 piece of check-in baggage of up to 15 kg and 1 piece of hand baggage of up to 7 kg are r.-... Chat via Whatsapp
permitted. Power banks/portable mobile chargers are allowed ONLY in hand baggage. l..:!l6000000006

Splce~ splce~cotlCnS

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REGISTER AT: https://spiceclub.spi<ejet.com/
Tac apply

As you are on a corporate fare for the Mumbai - Chennai sector(s), you are entitled to a complimentary hot or
cold meal/sandwich from the selection available on-board.

Payment Information

Payment Type

Fare + Airline fuel charge +
4,2631NR RCS Provision Fees 50lNR
Aviation Security Fees 3891NR Development Fees 1421NR
1 Tawa Paneer Khurchan with
steamed rice & tadka masoor dal

Terms and Conditions

1. H.nd a...• AI"-nee (Domestic .nd Intemdon.Q: Each passenger is pe""itbiKI to carry one piece of hand baggage with maximum weight of7 kg., including a laptop and duty frtte shopping bags, frtte
ofcost. On nights to and from London, one piece of hand baggage of up to 10 kg is permitted. Hand baggage size must be within the dimensions of: 55 em + 35 cm + 25 em (L+W+H; IDtal115 cm) on Boeing
nights and50cm + 35 em + 23 em (L+W+H; total 108 em or 42.5 inches) on Q4OI) flights. Women passengers artt also pe""itted to carry a ladies purse, o-..rand abo-.. the aforttmentioned hand baggage
allowance. Passengers with infants artt pe""itbld to carTYan additional piece of hand baggage with maximum weight of 7 kg. (10 kg in case of London flight), and not exceeding the aforementioned size
2. Checked-In a.g.,.. AIIo_nee: SpioeJet pe""its one piece offrtte checkecl-in baggage of up to 15 kg with overall maximum dimensions of 158 em (L+W+H), per passenger, for all domestic nights. In case
of International tra-..I, baggage allowanoe of20 kg (30 kg in case passenger is tra-..lling IDI ft-omColombo, Dubai, Ras AI-Khaimah, Muscat, Hong Kong and KabuOis pe""itted. In case the passenger is
tra-..lling to! from Jeddah and Riyadh, baggage allowance of25 kg is permitted. For passengers travelling from Jedclah 10India, 51it.rs of Zam Zam walllr (only) will be acoepilld o-..r and abo-.. the baggage
allowance. For nights 10and ft-omLondon, Business class passengers artt pe""itted to carry two pieces of baggage of not more than 30 kg each. Eoonomy class passengers are permitted to carry two pieces
of baggage of not more than 20 kg each. For flights from RasAI-Khaimah having travel betw•• n 9th Feb, 2021 and 15th Mar, 2021, passengers win be permitted to carry 40 kg of fIN checked-in baggage
(except Amritsar).
Connecting Flight Baggag. Poliey
3. Passenger travelling on SpioeJet domestic flight to SpioeJet international night or vioe -..rsa, the FIN Baggage Allowanoe of International night will be applicable onoe within 24hrs of its flight departurtt to any
domestic flight af'IIIr landing in India.
4. Passenger travelling on SpioeJet domestic flight and having oonnection on another airline toIft-oman inillmational destination, are permitted one pieoe of checkecl-in baggage of up 1015 kg per passenger per
5. Web check-in is manclaloryfor all domestic nights and closes 60 mins prior to departure. Web check-in facility is available on www.spicejet.com. For assistance with check-in or rttissuanoe of boarding pass at
the airport or SpioeJet Reservations, a facilitation fee of INR 100 per passenger will be charged. Bookings made for senior citizens, a""ed foroes, unaccompanied minors and passengers with medical
oonditions or on a strttlcher artt exempted ft-omthis fee. Airport check-in counters will open thIN hours prior to departure. Passengers are encouraged to report at least two hours prior to departure. Check-in
oounlllrs will close 75 mins prior to departure for London, Dubai and Kabul nights and 60 mins prior to departure for all other nights.
Failurtt to rttport on time can fault in your booking being cancelled and the fare rtttained.
6. Boarding galll closes 20 minutes (45 minutes In _ of ~bul .nd 25 mlnu •• ln cae of other InillmdOlUl1 u.v.1 ) prior 10scheduled departure time and failure to board within the stipulated time can
rttsult in denied boarding with fartt retained.
7. Passengers who he-.. web checkecl-in must ensurtt that hand baggage meet the physical dimensions and the weight limits, and must pay for excess hand baggage (if any) at the airport check-in oounlllr. Thertt
will be random checks at the boarding galils for hand baggage size and weight, and if found o-..rsized or overweight, INR 501l/Kgwill be chargeable, and additionally the bag may be taken ft-omthe passenger
10be plaoeclin the hold.
Payment by foreign eredit eards:
8. For an foreign (Non-Indian) credit / debit card paym.nts, the card must be produced for physical v.rirlCation at the airport check-in counlilr if the pass.nger is the cardholder. Incase the cardhok:l.r is not
trav.ling, it is mandatory for the passeng.r to fumish to the airport check-in staff a physical copy of the front sk:l. of credit / debit card duly authorized by the cardholder, along with cardholder's valid proof of
k:I.ntil'ication. In the abs.nce of such credit / d.bit card or oopy and/or identity mismatch, we will b. constrained to rttfus. the boarding. You may howev.r pay through acceptabl. allilmalil mode of paym.nt at
the time of check-in and continue your journey.

C.ncellations.nd Resch.duling Initiatedby P•••• ng.ns:

9. Changes/cancellation in the bookings can be made only up ID2 hour prior to scheduled d.parturtt time ( 4 hours In c••• of IntemdOlUl1 trw.l) upon paym.nt of a change/cancellation fee (amount dep.nds
on the type offar. purchased, as advised at the time of booking) along with dil'rerenoe in fare, if applicabl•. All promolsal. farttS artt restricti.•• fares and artt refundabl. (only statutory taxes). Certain
promolsal. fara do not p.""it changes to the flight. Please check resb"ictionson the fare whil. booking
Pa••• ng.r H.ndlingduringFlightDelay.,C.ncell.tion.,.nd Mi••• d Connection.:
1Q SpioeJet does not oonnect IDother carriers; th.rttfortt, SpioeJet is not raponsibl. for any losses incurred by the passengers while trying IDconnect to or from other carriers. SpioeJet will not be liabl. in any
way for delays! cancellations/ di.•• rsions whether due to bad weath.r, go.•• mment rttgulation or for instanoes beyond SpioeJefs control. SpioeJet reserves the right, without assigning any reason, to cancel or
delay the oomm.ncem.nt or oontinuance of the flight or IDalter the stopping place or IDdeviate from the route of the journey or to change the type of aircraft in use without thereby incurring any liability in
damages or otherwise to the pass.ng.r or any other person on any ground whatsoe.•• r, SpiceJet also reserves ID itself the right to refuse to carry any person whom it oonsiders unfit IDt~1 or who in the
opinion of SpioeJet may constitulil risks to the aircraft or to the Custom.rs on board. For denied boarding, d.lays and cancellation the Civil Aviation Requirem.nts under section 3 - Air Transport, Series 'M' Part
IV, Issu. I, dated August 1,2016 shall b. applicable. Pleas. rttfer to the T.""s of Carriage at htIp:llwww.spioejet.oomltnc.aspx for details. W. strongly recomm.nd passengers to provide oon-ect phone
number.nd em.1I MId •.••• to .lUIble us to Infonn of flight del.,.. or c.ncell.tlons In unfo •.•••• n conditions.
11. If in our rttasonabl. opinion pass.nger oonduct is observed as to .ndanger the aircraft or any person or property on board, or obstruct the crew in the performance ofth.ir duties, or fail to comply with any
instructions of the crew, including but not limited to those with rapect IDsmoking, oonsumption of alcohol/drug at any place in the aircraft or display behaviour creating inoon-..nience to the oth.r passengers
(including under inftuence of aloohol), SpiceJet wiDhave full right to take all slilps!measurtts ID prev.nt any such act, including ratraint. Each such passeng.r shall also be liabl. to pay penalty of Rs.10,000 p.r
passeng.r which will be levied and to b. paid immedialilly. Additionally you may b. rttfused onward carriage at any point and may b. prosecubld for offences oommitted on board the aircraft. Further SpioeJet
rttserws the right to offload you ft-omthe flight and ~r ft-omeach such pass.nger any and all oost (whether dirttct or oonsequ.ntial) incurred as a result of your b.haviour, including but not limited to air
traffic oontrol charges, di.•• rsion fuel oosts, airport landing charges and necessary flight crew oosts, oost incurred due to disrupted op.rationslftight delays and misoonnections and inoon.•• ni.noe to oth.r
Addition.1T.nn•• nd Condition.
12 Self or Voluntary offIoading after boarding the night by the pass.nger is sb"ictlynot pe""itted, exoept in an unforttseen •.•• nt of medical.m.rg.ncy or similar cases, such as death of relati-..s for which the
passeng.r will hav.1D provk:l•• videnoe, to the satisfaction of SpiceJel S.lf or Voluntary offIoading causes unwarranted incon-..ni.nce to other trav.lling passengers, d.lay in operation offlight and also the
airline incurring additional costs for such delays. In cas. the pass.nger offtoads himselflh.rs.lffor any caus. other than as mentioned abo-.., SpioeJet will cancel the .ntire ticket for.ach such passenger for
th. subject trav.1 and also any furth.r transportation (whether undersingl. or multiple PNR) with no refunds. Each such passenger who is off-loaded shall be liabl.to a off-loading fee ofRs.10,OOOper
passeng.r which will be levied and to b. paid immedialilly upon off-loading. Additionally, SpioeJet reser-..s the right to recov.r from each such passeng.r any and an oosts (whether direct or consequential)
incurrttd due to disruplild operations including but not limiting to removal of baggage, flight delays, disruptions and misconnections and inoon.•• nience to other pass.ngers.
13. Excess Baggage in te""S of weight and pieces ov.r and above the frtt. baggage allowanoe will be charged as per the applicabl. rates at the airport For details, please refer to the T.rms of Carriag. on our
website www.spioejeloom.
14. Excess baggage can be pre-booked at discounted raIiIs up ID3 hrs prior to d.parture on domestic flights and 6 hrs prior to departure on inlilmational flights, from our website, by calling our Reservation
numbers or at our airport ticketing counlilrs.
15. We strongly recomm.nd that all valuables (•. g. camera, jewell.ry, cash, .Iectronics, perishables items, etc.) and medication shall b. carried in cabin baggage only. SpioeJet assumes no rttsponsibility for any
pilferage/ damage IDvaluables incase they are carried in check-in baggage and the pass.ng.r shall be doing so at their sol. risk and oonsequ.nces.
16. Pass.ng.rs tra.•• lling ID UAElOman from India for .mploym.rMourist purposes shall b. rttquiring an -OK TO BOARD- comment in the PNR. Kindly get in touch with your visa issuing agency for the sam•.
17. All Foreign Nationals! Non-Resident Indians artt mandatorily rttquired to carry their Passport with valid visa for their tra.•• 1.
18. Nam. changes artt not permitted on your booking. Pleas•• nsUrttthat passenger's booking name matches with proof of identirlCation.
19. It is mandatory for all passengers ID pres.nttheir go-..mmentapp~ photo-k:l.ntification proof at the time ofcheck-in. For mortt details on the types of valid ID docum.nts, pleas.
visit https:/Iwww.spicejeloomlCharter.aspx
2Q AIry booking made using special fares! promo codes! disoount ooupons etc. shall be subject IDterms and oonditions of respective promotion in addition to the g.neral T.rms of Carriag•.
21. Pass.ng.rs rttquiring wheelchair assistance, stretcher, or passenger t~lIing with infants and unaccompanied minors are rttquested ID book in advance sinoe the facility for these special s.rvioe rttquests artt
Wmilild.Pleas. rttfer ID http://www.spioejeloorn'SpeciaIAssistanoe.aspxfordetails. You may also call our Res.rvations +91(0)124 4983410 and +91(0)124 7101600 for further assistanoe.
22. For any queries, you may call us anytime at +91 (0)1244983410 and +91 (0)124 7101600 or oonnect with our chat bot, Ms. Pepper on our website http://www.spioejeloorn' ,or through our WhatsApp numb.r
23. This booking is go-..med by the Fare Rules and T.rms of Carriag. aooepted at the time of booking and also availabl. at htIp:llwww.spioejet.comfTnc.aspx.
24. Flight schedules are subject IDchang. and applicabl. rttgulatory approvals.
25. Certain farttS oouk:lcarTYa rttsb"ictionrttlated to change/cancellation and policy. In cas. you do not wish to opt for restriclild fare, you can book two separalil PNRs for.ach sector without the
benel'itslrab"ictions of the retum fare.
26. Pass.ng.rs artt advised to oompulsorily rtttain the boarding pass until exiting the terminal for security reasons. Passeng.rs on via and oonnecting flights shouk:l k•• p their boarding pass handy for physical
check at transit points.
2:1.Carriage of Samsung Galaxy Nolil7 is prohibilild in checked-in and hand baggage.
28. For safety reasons, dangerous articles, such as those lislild b.low, must not be carried in pass.ng.r's baggage.
a. Compressed gasses: de.ply rttfrigerated, flammabl., non-flammabl. and poisonous such as butane oxygen, liquid nitrogen, aqualung cylinders and compressed gas cylinders.
b. Corrosi-..s such as acids, alkalis, m.rcury and wet oeDbatblries and apparatus containing m.rcury.
c. Explosi-..s, munitions, firttworXs and flarttS, ammunition including blank cartrk:lges handguns, l'irttworks, pistol caps.
d. Flammabl. liquids and solk:ls such as lighlilr rttfills, lighlilr fu.l, matches, paints, thinners, fire-lighters, lighters that need in.•• rting befortt ignition, matches (these may be carried on the person), radioactiv.
malilrial, Briefcases and attach6 case with installed ala"" devioes. Oxk:lizing malilrials such as bleaching powd.r and peroxides.
•. Poisons and infectious substanoes such as insecticides, weed-kill.rs andliv. virus materials. Other dang.rous articles such as magnetized materials, offensi.•• or irritating materials.
f Carriage of dry oen batblries, kni.•• s, scissors, sharp insb"um.nts, IDols,rll'88rms, ammunitions, and toy replicas are prohibilild in the Passenger cabin.
g. Personal motorized .•• hicles (powered by lithium battery) similar to ho-..fl-boards, self balancing devioe, sooolilr etc. will not be pe""itted on Spicejet flights.
h. Spartt Lithium ion batteries and power banks may b. carried as cabin baggag.only. Lithium ion batblries ofwatt-hour(Wh), ratingabov.1oo Wh but not.xoeeding 160 Wh, will b. p.rmitbld. These
batblries must be individually proteclilcl to pr.-..nt short circuits.
L Older gen.ration Apple MacBook Pro laptops with 15 inches screen, purchased between Sepf15 and F.b'17 is prohibited ID b. carried in cabin as well as checkecl-in baggag•.
29. In the ev.nt Spicejet:
a. prepones the night by sixty (60) minutes or mortt; or
b. postpones the flight by one hundrttdand twenty (120) minutes or mortt,
the al'fecteclpassengers shall be .ntiUed.ither for:
L full refund of the amount paid by them; or
ii. to be accommodalild on alternate flight(s) for the sam. sector for next or preceding thrtt. (03) days ft-omthe original date of joumey, subject to availability and SpioeJet's discnttion in the •.•• nt SpioeJet.
3Q Add-on services Uk. M.al, SpioeMax, Exoess Baggage, Lounge, Priority Check-in, Preferred Bag Out are norHl8nceliabl. in isolation.
31. Know your rights .!:!!!;J;!:/Ico[p'oralil.sp'!!!!jet.comlContemlP.dflPassengerCharterMoCAIndiaF.b.J;!df .
32 I und.rstand and agrtt. that in the •.•• nt the Gl.••mment of India .xblnds the lock-down due to Covid-19 leading to cancellation of this booking, the .ntire amount shall be rtttained in credit shell which can b.
utilized for future bookings. I understand and agrtt.that no cash rttfund shan be made by SpiceJet Limilild in the •.•• nt of such cancellation. I herebyfurtherconfi"" that I he-.. read and understood the terms
and oonditions as m.ntioned at https:/Iwww.spicejet.oomlCoronaVirusT~IRestrictions.aspx

SpioeJet Limilild,
Reservations H.lpline No:
319, Udyog Vihar-4, Gurugram -122016, Haryana
Email:custr8lations@spioejet.com +91 (0)1244983410, +91 (0)124 7101600

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