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Bibliometrics analysis

Assignment I
Vaibhav Naik | 20040141019 | MBA HHM 2020-2022
Bibliometrics analysis
Bibliometric analysis is a statistical evaluation of published scientific articles,
books, or the chapters of a book. It is an effective way to measure the influence of
publication in the scientific community.

Bibliometrics involves development and application of quantitative measures and

indicators for sciences and technology, based on bibliographic information. This
bibliographic information represents codified knowledge as it can be found in a
diversity of scientific output types, such as serial literature, books, and book
chapters, conference proceedings, patents, etc

Types of bibliometric analysis

Bibliometrics can be either descriptive or evaluative.

1. Evaluative bibliometrics is the application of bibliometrics which focuses

specifically on the evaluation of scientific activity, and more, in particular,
on quality aspects of scientific performance. It looks at how many articles
your organization has published

2. Descriptive bibliometrics involves analysing documents using bibliometric

indicators. The study uses citation analysis to look at how articles have
influenced the subsequent researches done by others.

Bibliometric methods use bibliographic data from publication databases to
construct structural images of scientific fields. They introduce a measure of
objectivity into the evaluation of scientific literature and can be used to detect
informal research networks.
Bibliometric methods have two main uses which include performance analysis and
science mapping.
 Performance analysis seeks to evaluate the research and publication
performance of individuals and institutions.
 Science mapping aims to reveal the structure and dynamics of scientific

There are five main bibliometric methods. They are:

1. Citation: Estimates influence of documents, authors or journals through

citation rates.
2. Co-citation: Connects documents, authors or journals on the basis of joint
appearances in reference lists.
3. Bib.coupling: Connects documents, authors or journals on the basis of the
number of shared references.
4. Co-author: Connects authors when they co-author the paper.
5. Co-word: Connects keywords when they appear in the same title, abstract or
keyword list.

Types of bibliometric measures

Some of the common bibliometric measures include:

a) Citation counts: indicates the number of times a research output appears in

the reference lists of other documents such as articles, books, reviews,
conference proceedings etc. These counts can be seen in Google Scholar,
Scopus and Web of Science.
b) H-index: It is designed to measure an author's productivity and impact. It is
the number of an author’s publications (h) that have h or more citations to
them. It can be found in Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science.
c) Field-weighted citation impact: It is the ratio of citations received relative to
the expected world average for the subject field, publication type and
publication year. It can apply to a research output or group of research
outputs. It is found in SciVal.
d) Outputs in top percentiles: It indicates the number or percentage of research
outputs in the top most-cited publications in the world, UK, or a specific
country. It is found in Scopus and SciVal.
e) Journal Impact Factor: It is based on the average number of citations
received per paper published in that journal in the preceding two years. It is
found in Journal Citation Reports.
f) Cite Score: It indicates the average number of citations received in a
calendar year by all items published in that journal in the preceding three
years. It is found in Scopus
g) SCImago Journal Rank: It places a higher value on citations from more
prestigious journals. It is found in Scopus
h) Scopus SNIP: It is a ratio of a journal's citation count per paper and the
citation potential in its subject field. The Scopus SNIP normalises citation
rate subject differences. It is found in Scopus.

Importance of Bibliometric analysis
 It provides an overview and contributes to information about the literature in
a given field.
 It provides a more profound analysis of performance and productivity
 It gives the evidence of the impact of your research outputs when applying
for jobs, promotion or research funding
 It helps to identify new and emerging areas of research
 It helps in identifying potential research collaborators
 It helps to look for journals in which to publish.

Software’s used in Bibliometric analysis

CitNetExplorer VOSviewer CiteSpace Bibexcel

The Science of
Science (Sci2) Publish or Perish Power BI Gephi

Datacopia Citation Gecko Knowledge
Interface for

Local Citation Google chart

SciMAT CRExplorer
Network tools

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