Assignment: 1

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Assignment : 1

Here are some steps that will help you in getting your assignment done with
much ease and comfort in 4 steps:

Step 1: Start with an Outline

Step 2: Introduction

Step 3: Body of the Assignment

Step 4: Conclusion


Instruction :

a) Explain with suitable examples and diagrams wherever required.

b) Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format.
c) Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission.
d) Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in
your document.
e) The Assignment should be submitted on AGAM LMS on the deadline as
mentioned by the instructor/coordinator.
1) Write a Python program to find the maximum and minimum
numbers from a sequence of numbers.
2) Write a Python program to swap two variables.
3) Make a list of fruits and another list of the price of each fruit. Use
these two lists to show following activity. a) Combine both list, b)
Modify list, c) Reverse list.
4) Write a Python program to print given string 5 times
a = ‘python’
5) Write a Python program to show use of keyword: non local, global
6) Write a Python program to print type conversion for binary, int,
float, list
7) Write a Python program to show string formatters with %,
format(), {}
8) Write a Python program to show list is mutable
9) Write a Python program to show tuple is immutable.
10) Explain with example Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionary in python.

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