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Assignment : 3

Here are some steps that will help you in getting your assignment done with
much ease and comfort in 4 steps:

Step 1: Start with an Outline

Step 2: Introduction

Step 3: Body of the Assignment (Code & Output screen)

Step 4: Conclusion


Instruction :

a) Explain with suitable examples and diagrams wherever required.

b) Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format.
c) Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission.
d) Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in
your document.
e) The Assignment should be submitted on AGAM LMS on the deadline as
mentioned by the instructor/coordinator.
f) Please mention the question number and try to solve sequentially
1) Take input from user a list of numbers, and return True if first and
last number of a list is same else false.

2) Take input from user a list of numbers, Iterate it and print only
those numbers which are divisible of 2

3) Can we use the “else” clause for loops? If yes explain with
example for all loops.

4) Explain with example collections in python ?

5) Take input from user a list of numbers and display numbers which
are divisible by 10 and if you find number greater than 200 stop
the loop iteration

6) Print the star(“*”) pattern using nested for loop

7) Write a function calculation() such that it can accept two

arguments and calculate the addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division of it.
a) It must return addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
in a single return call.
b) Also individual print for addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division

8) Explain with example continue, break, pass keyword in python

using python loop?

9) Write python code for class which will compute the area of a
a) Rectangle
b) Circle
c) Square.

10) Explain with example :

a) What is a class?
b) What is an instance?
c) What is encapsulation?
d) What is abstraction?
e) What is inheritance?
f) What is polymorphism?

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