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DAY -1

I want to start a journey from today, it’s not millstone, and it’s not the first step to
reach the milestone. So many humans are wasted by themselves without using
their own skill or knowledge or passion it’s a kind of suicide, talent ignorance is
the worst punishment to give their own. The main problem of success it’s not the
availability of sourcing really it because of not given proper priority to them.

What is the main issue humans struggling in front successes are mainly
three important points these all are lack of vision, lack of knowledge, and lack of
patience, these all are the main role-playing in the unsuccessful people or
common people. These there is more connection with human brain, the brain is an
important part of the human body, and no one can deny this statement.

You choose one common man who you don’t know much before, ask him to
what is the goal of your life, defiantly he socking for your question or he gives a
mythical answer or he avoiding to answer. Only a few peoples are telling what
they really need or what he became. That is lack of vision, how to resolve it.
Before that we should understand what the success stand is for. Why people not
really not going beyond the success.

Why all people are not successful the reason is everyone's needs are
different from one to others. Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid says in the
earth only a few peoples need success. The larger amount of people’s needs
psychological needs like sleep, food, reproduction then they want security needs
like employment, health, property, resources. After satisfy they move for the next
need of love and belonging like friendship, love, family. Then peoples move to
esteem needs like freedom status and respect. Then one few peoples are looking
for the final stage of the self-actualization stage this is the stage of the peoples
aim to desire to become the most that one can be.

In this previous paragraph says everyone needs is different from others in

that case what is mean by success. Here needs stand for success. Everyone work
for achieving their own need, so fulfil them need is a success. Once they fulfil the
need next move to the next level as per Maslow’s hierarchy.

Here nature has some miracle, some peoples are from the bottom of the
pyramid and achieve the top category. Crossing one or two steps more at the
time. That kind of peoples only gets respect as a successful person. They are called
an inspiration for others, they are twinkling like a star in the sky. Why only a few
percentages of people get this achievement. What they have than others. That is
called vision.

We go for the one example a well-off baby became the business magnet in
their future it’s a story. A baby born in a middle class and he became a great
businessman it’s an inspiring story. The above two ends are the same but the story
glorifies because of achieving the same hierarchy or above one. A well-off baby
has possibilities for a businessman or well-settled life get naturally, but in the
case of a middle-class baby have some other needs for own satisfaction even
though that person achieves the next level it’s called success. A baby learn mother
tongue is nature for them needs but the baby learns one more extra language is a
success. I hope you understand what success is.

Now we go for what is the vision, why few people’s ones get success and
the others struggle in their own need because they not inspire anything beyond
his level. They only look at what is he have, they only concentrate what he needs
for today, they don’t bother about how the world change, they not ready to move
from their own comfort zone. Even though that is worst. Only they view their own
shadows. May be sometimes they looks upward at the time felt jealousy.

You first see something beyond your level, get inspire from the next level
people's need, and get an urge to get that, this process called vision. This is the
first step progress for success, may u get urge for filling your level needs it’s a
story, you want to create an inspiration story you get inspired from next level

The first step you want to success first you have vision, the first point you get
need a vison you need to look beyond your limit

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