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PROBLEM 2.77 ‘A horizontal circular pat is suspended as shown from three wies which ‘| ‘are attached to a support at D and form 30° angles with the vertical. Kowing tha the © component of te fase exer bye AD one x Flac t 2208 Ndi (he tenn ie AD.) cng x Grand dd face xen a oem ste coriat PROBLEM 2.91 {A steel rod is bent into semicircular ring of radius 0.96 m and is say Sommer in part by cables BD and BE which are atached to the ring at BP BP Keown that tension in cable AD is 220 N, determine he a components ofthis foro exe y he able onthe suport at. L} PROBLEM 2.95 Knowing thatthe tension is 850 N in cable AB and 1020 N in eable AC, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces ‘exerted at A by the two cables PROBLEM 2.100 For the plate of Problem 2.89, determine the tension in cables AB and AD Knowing thr the tension if eable AC is 27 Tb and that the resultant ofthe fooes exerted by the thre cables a A must be vertical, PROBLEM 2.104 “Thre cables are used to tether a ballon as shown, Determine the vertical force P exerted bythe balloon at A knowing that the tension in eable AC is 1001b. PROBLEM 2.105 ‘The ca shown in Figue P2108 and P2108 is suppned by tee bls Deermine the Wel ofthe ee knoeng th the eson In ‘Sble Abie RN PROBLEM 2.111 AA transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to pin at A and anchored by bolts at B, C, and D. If the tension in wire AB is 3.6 kN, ‘determine the vertical force P exerted by the tower on the pin at A. PROBLEM 2.119 ‘force is apled as sown to uniform cone which soporte by three cond, whee the ine of action the or peop bo verek ‘At the cone. Knowing tt the cone weighs 24 Th and that P= PROBLEM 2.121 Using two ropes and a roller chute, two workers are unloading a 200-kg cast-iron counterweight from a truck. Knowing that atthe instant shown the counterweight is kept from moving and that the positions of points A, B. and C are, respectively, A(0, -0.5 m, 1 m), B(-0.6 m, 0.8 m, 0), and €(0.7 m, 0.9 m, 0), and assuming that no friction exists between the counterweight and the chute, determine the tension in each rope. (Hint: Since there is no friction, the force exerted by the chute on the counterweight must be perpendicular to the chute.) PROBLEM 2.130 A container of weight W is suspended from ring A, to which cables AC and AB are attached, A foree P is applied to the end F of a third cable which passes over a pulley at B and through ring A and whichis attached to/a support at D. Knowing that W = 1000 N, determine the magnitude of. (Hint: The tension i the same inal portions of cable FBAD,) PROBLEM 2.125 ‘A container of weight W is suspended from ring A. Cable BAC passes ‘through the rng and i attached to fixed supports a B and C. Two forces ‘the position shown. Knowing that W = 1200 N, determine P and Q. (Hin: Toe tension is the same in both portions of cable BAC) PROBLEM 2.127 Collars A and 8 ae connected bya -mong wie and can side Fey on Icdoness rods. IF x fore P= (680N}} is applied at A, determine (@) te tension in the wire when y = 300 mm (6) the magnitude ofthe force Q required muna the equlbrum ofthe sytem PROBLEM 2.116 A transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts at B, C, and D. Knowing that the tower exerts om the pin at A an upward vertical force of 8 KN, determine the tension in each PROBLEM 2.139 AA frame ABC is supported in part by cable DBE which passes through a frictionless ring at B. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted by the cable at B knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N.

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