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The definitive guide to creating traps, hazards, and puzzles

for your fantasy adventures

A common misconception regarding traps is that their purpose is solely to inflict damage on characters. This is a very limited
view. A trap that is blundered into, goes off, injures a few characters, and then is forgotten can be a wasted opportunity. The
best traps are the ones that characters find and then spend time and brainpower trying to overcome in interesting ways, asking
questions like: Can it be disabled? If not, can it be circumvented? Can its effect be minimized?
One of our primary goals as storytellers is engagement, and traps can be an excellent tool for this! An adventuring party is
made up of players who all have fun in different ways. As diverse as our players can be, so too are their characters, with
different skills, proficiencies, and areas of expertise. Traps, when used well, can add to everyone’s experience. A trap can
allow a player to flex their roleplaying muscles or it can highlight a meticulously optimized character build. This book has
hundreds of examples of ways to challenge players. When using them, consider the things your players enjoy, and what
their characters can do, and use obstacles that play to these things. Be conscious of where they get invested, when they are
having fun, and how they react. Give everyone opportunities to contribute and to overcome the challenges laid before them.
This creates a satisfying experience for everyone.
This book is the culmination of thousands of hours of combined game-mastering experience and the wisdom that those
contributors have imparted to us. The traps and puzzles found herein are designed to fit many situations, but you will
certainly find some you enjoy more than others. Some may be perfect for your campaigns, while some will almost certainly
not be. Investigate, delve, and seek out those that are just the right fit for you. It is also our hope that as you read, you will
be inspired to create your own. Use this book as a guide and as a companion on the hazard-strewn path that is the craft of
It is with those words that we send you forth into the cobwebbed corridors, neglected crypts, and warrens of the dark
unknown to find many hours of fun, tension, and excitement.
Warmest Regards and Happy Gaming,

The Writers

Nord Games LLC is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast™. We Authors: Andrew Geertsen, Chris Haskins, JVC Parry, Megan Roy
make no claim to or challenge to any trademarks held by Wizards Lead Designer: Chris Haskins
of the Coast™. Proofing and Editing: James Vacca
Nord Games LLC., 2020, all rights reserved. Product Identity: Art Director: Ralph Stickley
The following items are hereby identified as Nord Games LLC.’s Layout and Typesetting: Chris van der Linden, Ralph Stickley
Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Illustrators: Shen Fei, Konrad Krogull, Evgeny Maloshenkov
Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: product and product
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; Additional Contributors: Spike Murphy-Rose, Steve Winter
artifacts; creatures; characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic Project Management: Chris Haskins, Greg Peterson
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, Brand and Marketing: Chris Haskins, Megan Roy
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and
graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations;
names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities;
places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified
as Product Identity. Previously released Open Game Content is
excluded from the above list.
Printed in China

Introduction p. 4 Designing Traps p. 105
How to Use Traps p. 5 Random Trap Generator p. 111
Level 1-4 Traps p. 10 Trap-Centric Dungeons p. 136
Level 5-8 Traps p. 25 Perplexing Puzzles p. 141
Level 9-12 Traps p. 40 Subtle Secrets p. 159
Level 13-16 Traps p. 56 Ridiculous Riddles p. 161
Level 17-20 Traps p. 71 Trapsmith Legends p. 164
Complex Traps p. 87

Welcome to Treacherous Traps! If you're a GM (Game Master) • Chapter 8: Designing Traps. This is the perfect place
looking to spice up your games with some unique, intriguing, to start when making your own traps. In it there are
and downright diabolical obstacles, you're in the right place. general guidelines and best practices for trap design,
This book is a resource meant to aid you when creating traps, tables that cover different variable elements of a trap,
puzzles, riddles, and other exciting challenges for your and suggested experience rewards if you choose to
players. Follow our charts, guidelines and tips to create your award experience for overcoming traps.
own, or drop any of our hundreds of pre-made traps and • Chapter 9: Random Trap Generator. This chapter
puzzles into your game at a moment's notice. contains a table to help you create a simple randomized
trap that you can adjust and implement to fit your needs.
How to Use This Book Below the random table are sections that cover each of
the 50 triggers and 50 effects in detail.
Treacherous Traps is intended to be something you consult
regularly, as opposed to something you read “cover-to- • Chapter 10: Trap-Centric Dungeons. This chapter
cover” (though you certainly could). It’s very unlikely that contains some general thoughts about designing
you will need all the information in this book at once. Read dungeons focused on or built primarily around traps, as
this chapter first. Then, to help you maximize your time and well as a few examples of how to accommodate traps of
efforts when accomplishing your goals, you can cherry-pick different types within certain spaces or corridors.
through the book’s sections as needed. Here is a breakdown • Chapter 11: Perplexing Puzzles. This chapter contains
of what you can expect in each chapter: brief guidelines on implementing puzzles and their
• Chapter 1: Introduction and How to Use Traps. This solutions into your game. There are also 30 pre-made
chapter breaks down the general philosophy of how puzzles you can use in a variety of situations and settings.
to think about traps and other related subject matter. Almost all include tweaks and suggestions to alter their
Detailed breakdowns of the topics in this chapter are difficulty or customize them for your campaign.
found elsewhere in the book. • Chapter 12: Subtle Secrets. This brief chapter contains
• Chapter 2-6: Simple Traps. These chapters are filled a selection of story, quest, and environmental secrets
with pre-made simple traps. These are ready to be that can be used in your campaign.
dropped into your game as they are, or with very little • Chapter 13: Ridiculous Riddles. This brief chapter
adaptation. Each chapter has 50 traps split into 5 levels of contains general guidelines regarding the creation of
lethality (setback, moderate, dangerous, perilous, deadly), riddles, as well as some example riddles.
organized by level range (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20).
• Chapter 14: Trapsmith Legends. This brief chapter
• Chapter 7: Complex Traps. This chapter has 25 traps introduces a new player background, the Trapsmith,
designed to be more elaborate than the simple traps. who begins their journey with a new kind of tool:
They feature multiple elements that trigger in stages and trapsmith tools. The chapter also includes 3 NPCs with
present a range of obstacles for character to overcome. the Trapsmith background who specialize in creating
There are 5 complex traps per level range (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, and disarming traps. These Trapsmith Legends can be
13-16, 17-20), one for each level of lethality (setback, hired to accompany characters on their journey and
moderate, dangerous, perilous, deadly). come complete with stats for easy reference.

4 Introduction
In either case, before you charge over and begin perusing the • Effect (Random Table Entry). This is what happens when
vast selection of ways in which you can hamper, harangue, the trigger conditions are met. Again, there’s a reference
and otherwise haze the poor characters about to encounter to the table in Chapter 9. Most of the time, trap effects
them, it is a good idea to understand the very basics of how require a saving throw or make an attack roll and have
and why traps work as they do. instantaneous results. But if there are lingering effects
that characters can deal with, information about that is
Trap Entries listed here.
The traps in the following chapters will always contain the • Countermeasures (Trait). Options for what characters
following elements: can do to find, notice, or disarm the trap are provided in
this section. If the trap has any traits (like difficult or
• The type of trap (mechanical, magic, or hybrid) sensitive) those are noted here.
• The trap’s level range, lethality, and any purpose
keywords. Trap Types
• A description of the trap, providing its general layout In the following chapters, you will find traps in 3 categories:
and position.
• Mechanical. These are traps where the trigger and
• Trigger (Random Table Entry). This is what triggers the effect are both mundane.
trap. We’ve also noted what entry from Chapter 9 was
used to make this trap, to give you an idea of how to use • Magic. These are traps where the trigger and effect are
the triggers from that chapter. both magic, and are usually spell traps.
• Hybrid. These are traps where the either the trigger is
magic and the effect is mundane, or vice versa.

Chapter One | How to Use Traps 5

Spell Traps If a magic trigger activates a mechanical effect, the trap
usually has some sort of rune or sigil that acts as a detector.
Many of the magic and hybrid traps described in this book When activated, the rune creates a Tiny, invisible, mindless,
could be a glyph of warding (spell trap) or the symbol spell. These shapeless force that only lasts long enough to interact
spells each have their own specific rules for detection and with the mechanical elements of the trap, setting off the
disarming. A glyph of warding or symbol can only be found mundane effect. If you’d like, you can add the following
with an Intelligence (Investigation) check, using the caster’s spell to your game to provide a way for spellcasters (usually
spell save DC, and can only be disabled with dispel magic. You sorcerers and wizards, or clerics of deities devoted to
can use the DC determined by the trap’s lethality, or if you protection) to make these sorts of detectors.
know that an NPC wizard cast the spell you can use their
spell save DC. Rune of Detecting

As an optional rule you can allow a character to use a 2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
successful Intelligence (Arcana) check to disable a glyph of Casting Time: 1 hour
warding or symbol as well as dispel magic. When we present Range: Touch
these kinds of traps throughout this book, we assume that
this optional rule is in effect. Components: V, S, M (incense and powdered precious
metals worth at least 50 gp, which the spell consumes)
Whether or not creatures can use Investigation passively
is up to you; if you decide to allow for passive Investigation Duration: Until dispelled or triggered
to discover a glyph of warding that can make them less When you cast this spell, you inscribe a rune upon a surface
threatening. However, if a glyph can only be found with (such as a table or a section of floor or wall), or on an object.
an active check, you might consider allowing for a Wisdom If you choose a surface, the rune can cover an area of the
(Perception) check or leaving some clues in the trapped area surface no larger than 10 feet in diameter. If you choose an
to let the characters know that something might be hidden. object, that object must remain in its place; if the object is
moved more than 10 feet from where you cast this spell, the
Hybrid Traps rune burns away, and the spell ends without being triggered.
These kinds of traps combine mundane triggers and magic You can hide the rune in a larger design, but the rune
effects, or magic triggers and mundane effects, and this can is visible and can be spotted with a successful Wisdom
lead to some interesting combinations. Hybrid traps can (Perception) check. With a successful Intelligence (Arcana)
usually be detected with Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence check, a creature that spots the rune can erase a portion of it,
(Arcana), and they can also be found with detect magic. ending the spell without triggering it. The DC for both these
checks is your spell save DC.
When a mundane trigger activates a magic effect, the trapped
area or object is enchanted with a spell effect but just waiting You decide what triggers the rune when you cast the spell.
for input from the trigger to complete the arcane circuit. For rune inscribed on a surface, the most typical triggers
When activated, the trap targets the creature that triggered it include touching or standing on the rune , removing another
with the effect. If the trap affects an area, the area is centered object covering the rune, approaching within a certain
on that creature. If the trap summons hostile creatures or distance of the rune, or manipulating the object on which
creates harmful objects, they appear as close as possible to the the runeis inscribed. For glyphs inscribed on an object, the
triggering and attack it. If the effect requires concentration, it most common triggers include approaching within a certain
lasts until the end of its full duration. distance of the object, or seeing or reading the rune.
When viewed with detect magic, this kind of hybrid traps You can further refine the trigger so the rune activates
usually have an aura that reflects the school of magic for only under certain circumstances or according to physical
the effect. A trap that creates a blast of fire usually shows up characteristics (such as height or weight), creature kind
with an evocation aura when looked at with detect magic. (for example, the ward could be set to affect aberrations
or drow), or alignment. You can also set conditions for
creatures that don’t trigger the rune, such as those who say a
certain password.
When the rune is triggered, it creates a Tiny, invisible,
mindless, shapeless force that only lasts long enough to
interact with a nearby mechanical element, such as the
workings of a trap, a lever, or a button. The mechanical
element must be within 10 feet of the rune. Once the force
interacts in this way, the spell ends and the rune fades away.

6 Chapter One | How to Use Traps

Trap Level & Lethality Trigger and Effect
The pre-made traps in this book are arranged by level and A trap is easily thought of as an “if/then” statement: “If this
lethality. These are used together to determine things such as happens, then that happens.” This means that the most basic
the variables of the trap, such as appropriate damage output, components of a trap are its trigger and its effect. Every trap
spell level, duration of effects, and (if needed) appropriate has at least one of each.
experience reward. Triggers come in all shapes and sizes. They can be as basic
Level. A trap’s level is expressed as one of five ranges: 1-4, as a tripwire strung across a path, but they can be more
5-8, 9-12, 13-16, and 17-20. An appropriate trap will be in the complex, such as a weight-sensitive floor which only
range that includes the average level of your characters. activates when a certain amount of weight, or more, is
Lethality. Variable statistics of a given trap, such as attack placed on it. Triggers come in three varieties:
bonus, the DC for a saving throw to resist its effects or • Mundane. The trigger has some sort of mechanical
an ability check to overcome it, and the damage it deals apparatus or it relies on things like gravity and
all depend on the trap’s lethality. A trap intended to be momentum.
a setback is unlikely to seriously harm characters of • Ambiguous. The trigger could be created using
the indicated levels, but a moderate trap likely will. A mundane or magical means and functions respectively
dangerous trap is likely to seriously injure (and potentially (i.e., a “wrong key” trap could detect a wrong key using
kill) characters of the indicated levels and a perilous internal pins and mechanisms, or simply with an arcane
trap almost definitely will. A deadly trap is likely to kill enchantment).
characters of the indicated levels.
• Magic. The trigger functions purely by magical means.
Trap Purpose No matter the type, all triggers share a common trait: if their
requirements are met, they activate.
A trap’s purpose keyword describes its primary usage in
the area, including the reasoning behind its placement and Effects come in the same three varieties that triggers do:
the overall goal of the trap. Some traps may do more than • Mundane. The effect functions via mechanical means,
one of the following, but their primary purpose is reflected or relies on things such as gravity or momentum. No
in the keyword. part of the effect is magical (fire comes from a natural
• Alert. These traps notify someone or something to the source, real rocks fall down, etc).
presence intruders. The alert need not only in the form • Ambiguous. The effect could be created using mundane
of a sound. or magical means and functions respectively (i.e., poison
• Block. These traps impede creatures from proceeding gas could start filling the room, but the gas could be
in a particular direction. The trap could stand in the created with either chemicals or magic).
way of multiple avenues, not only one. It could also • Magic. The effect is created purely with magic.
prevent retreat.
No matter the type, all effects share a common trait, if their
• Harm. Traps intended to cause damage or possibly kill trigger is activated, the effect occurs.
creatures have this keyword.
• Hinder. These kinds of traps disable or hamper Countermeasures
creatures, damaging their senses or imposing
No one likes being hit with something they had no chance to
see coming. When it comes to traps, it is important to always
• Subdue. A trap that captures creatures alive, either know what the characters can do to detect elements of the
by containing them physically or with magic, has this trap. Each trap entry will provide options like:
• Ability checks to notice elements of the trap.
• If necessary, ability checks to understand how the trap
works and how to disable it.
• Different ways in which the creatures involved can slow,
stop, or otherwise interfere with the trigger or effect.
Not all trap triggers can be detected in the same ways, and
some can be more difficult to detect than others. A trigger
housed within the doorjamb of a closed door is very difficult
to find, but a pressure plate might be much easier to spot.

Chapter One | How to Use Traps 7

The following are some concepts to consider when it comes Once a trigger has been detected, it usually needs to be
to how characters detect traps in your game. disarmed (unless it can simply be avoided, such as a
Alternative Skill Usage. There may be times when using tripwire). Depending on the type of trap, disarming tends to
a skill with an unorthodox ability may be appropriate, work in different ways.
depending on the task. Consider the situation and your Mundane. Mundane triggers, or ambiguous triggers that
players’ levels of creativity to determine whether doing are being used as mundane, are usually disarmed with a
something like this would be appropriate. Some tables also successful Dexterity check while using thieves' tools or
allow for something called the “Rule of Cool”; the the GM trapsmiths’ tools. The main objective when disarming a trap
will allow something that the system typically does not, is to do so without accidentally setting it off.
simply because it makes the game more fun or adds to the
Magic. Magic triggers, or ambiguous triggers used as magic
situation in a way that makes for a better experience.
ones, are usually disarmed with dispel magic. In the following
Immersion. Have players describe what senses their chapters, if a trap can be disabled this way and the spell
characters are using to detect traps, instead of simply listing effect would be 4th level or higher, the DC for the dispel magic
the skills they have on their character sheet. This can help ability check is noted. If there is no DC provided, the spell
engage the players and paint a more vivid picture of the effect is 3rd level or lower.
scene in their mind’s eye. Try to be aware of each creature’s
Sometimes a magic trigger can be disarmed by erasing a rune
passive Perception. If a character or creature has a passive
on the wall or otherwise disrupting the magic of the trap. A
Perception high enough to notice certain elements of the
successful Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check can disable
trap, be sure to let them know without forcing them to roll.
a magic trap in this way, or reveal how it might be done.
More information about this is in Chapter 9.
Optionally, another method could be allowing a spellcaster to
Timing. Think about how much time is passing as the make a spellcasting ability check to disarm a magic trap with
characters find and deal with traps. Even though it may only intuitive knowledge of a small burst of magic.
take a few minutes of real-world time, it may have been
Encourage players to be creative when dealing with traps.
hours or even days in game time (or vice versa).
They may come up with a way of disabling or circumventing
Too Many Rolls. Don’t just let every player roll dice until a trap that is not listed in the trap’s entry. It’s up to you to
someone detects and/or disarms the trap. Have the players determine if this method could work, and what rolls or
describe, with some specifics, how they are attempting to actions are required.
detect or disarm the trap. This can slow things down just
enough to add a bit of tension and get the players thinking, When players think outside the box to disarm or avoid a
instead of just rolling until they win. Also consider that trap, consider rewarding them with something they can
it rarely makes sense for every character to take turns use later. This will help encourage players to bring their
attempting to disarm a trap. This is especially true if someone creativity to the table. Granting Inspiration or advantage
particularly suited to the task has already failed. Instead, on the character’s next trap-related roll can be great
characters can use things like the Help action, class features motivation.
like Bardic Inspiration, or spells like guidance. This will allow Some traps are rigged to activate on a failed attempt to
most everyone to participate, even if there is a specialist. disarm them, no matter the result of the ability check,
Trap Clues. If you’re designing or including traps that relate while other traps are only triggered if the final result is
to the overall story of your campaign, such as a ritual or particularly low. A critical failure (rolling a natural 1) when
important location within the dungeon, make sure to leave disarming a trap may result in additional hardships, at your
clues sprinkled throughout the rest of your adventure. If the discretion.
players get their characters to this important spot and have If a character has encountered a particular type of trap
no idea how to prevent a deadly trap, then it’s not going to be before, then they may gain advantage when it comes to
very fun springing it on them unexpectedly. However, if they dealing with that kind of trap. If they have been successful
arrive armed with at least some information about the trap in dealing with a particular trap (or type of trap) in
(how to detect it, or at least how to survive it) the experience meaningful ways, they could slowly move toward gaining a
will be far more memorable for all involved. You can also bonus to disarming traps of that type. This is something that
throw out subtle clues to trap triggers or effects, such as an the player would need to keep track of on their character
odd smell, things out of place, or marks on the walls. How sheet, but it could be a realistic way to mechanically
much information you put in your clue will impact what represent expertise. Characters that have dealt with a kind
your players immediately decide to do. of trap many times could get advantage or a bonus die (such
Trap Lore. In some cases a trap’s trigger or effect may be as a d4 or d6) to roll when making ability checks to detect or
extremely difficult to detect. It may be appropriate to use disarm that kind of trap.
an Intelligence (History, Nature, or Religion) check in order
to reveal lore about the trap and its location within the
surrounding area.
8 Chapter One | How to Use Traps
Sometimes a trap’s effect stands out more than its trigger. When designing or placing a trap, it is important to consider
In any case, detection still often uses the same skills as when whether the trap would be able to reset itself or not.
detecting triggers, though a few more skills become relevant. Mechanical traps may or may not reset, depending on
Wisdom (Perception) accounts for the five senses and can the elements of the trap itself. Very basic traps, such as
be used actively or passively. Depending on the effect, other a tripwire or a leaf-covered pit break or fall apart when
applicable skills are Intelligence (Arcana, History, and activated. On the other hand, something like swinging
Religion). And for magic effects, there is always detect magic. blades attached to a pressure plate may reset, depending on
Not all trap effects are hidden. Sometimes a nasty wall of how well-engineered its internal mechanisms are.
spikes or a pendulum blade hanging from the ceiling in plain Magic traps may reset depending on the parameters of the
sight is enough to stop intruders in their tracks. trap. A glyph of warding spell trap only casts a spell once, but a
room enchanted to consistently affect a type of creature does
DISABLING EFFECTS so until dispelled or disarmed.
Sometimes the only option to deal with a trap is to disable Hybrid traps factor in mechanical and magic elements,
or negate its effects. Wedging climbing pitons between so may or may not reset based on the design of their
the cracks of a trapdoor, packing dart holes with wooden component elements.
dowels, or affixing a bag of holding to the water inlet of
a flooding chamber are all ways to negate a trap’s effects Complex traps usually reset automatically after a period of
instead of disarming it’s trigger. time, whether with magic or by mechanical means.

Traps as Templates
The pre-generated traps in the following chapters are
designed to be as usable in multiple settings and situations,
but there is no reason that you cannot make changes to them
to suit your needs. Some of the traps may have slight bits
of flavor, mentions of certain detection criteria, or other
elements that are specific about one thing or another. These
can be easily changed. For example, a trap could describe a
room decorated with tapestries of dwarven war victories,
with a magic trigger that activates whenever an elf walks into
the room. Instead, you could change this trap to be set in a
forest clearing with trees carved to depict elven war victories,
with a magic trigger that activates whenever a dwarf enters
the clearing.

Chapter One | How to Use Traps 9

e were heading to a centuries-old abandoned were behind him and the cleric and wizard were at the back,
temple deep in the jungle. The whole place discussing the artifact we were looking for, thoughts about
has been swallowed up by vines, lichen, and the temple, and what challenges might lie inside.
saplings. The trail we chose was well used, So there we were, walking down this dense, green, throat of
but as we got deeper into the jungle, it got uncomfortably a path through the jungle when I noticed something. A little
narrow. Scattered throughout the undergrowth were vestiges play of light near the ground caught my eye, and there before
of strange shrines and crudely constructed altars made of my eyes was a tripwire. And sure enough, just as I realized
stone, wood, and animal parts. what I was seeing, the big man’s foot ran right into it…
It bears mentioning that, given the unnerving nature of all Who needs a rogue when you’ve got a barbarian that
this, — not to mention the admonishments from the locals “detects traps”?
that went something like “don’t visit the temple,” and “you
could be taken captive by ancient sorceries,” and “you’ll The traps in this chapter are designed to challenge characters
surely perish,”— we were a bit on edge. Our ranger, keenly who are levels 1-4 and are grouped by their lethality. Any
interested by the shrines and altars, inspected them but of these traps can be dropped right into a dungeon or
could not discern their purpose. That doesn’t mean they similar adventure and shouldn’ t require any preparation.
didn’t have one. For more information on customizing traps, go to Chapter
8: Designing Traps, or for a completely random and
Of course, per usual, our big barbarian took the lead because
unexpected trap, go to Chapter 9: Random Trap Generator.
should an axe, spear, or wave of arrows fly at us, it's better to
have someone up front who can take it. Myself and the ranger

10 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Level 1-4 Traps Table
Roll a d100 on the table below to choose a random trap appropriate for 1-4 characters,
or select a desired lethality and roll a d10.

d100 d10 Trap Page d100 d10 Trap Page

1-2 1 Aging Offerings 12 61-62 1 Glyph of Burning Hands 20
3-4 2 Rune of Acid Splash 12 63-64 2 Falling Rocks 20
5-6 3 Rune of Fire Bolt 12 65-66 3 Intruder Grab 20
7-8 4 Hidden Crossbow 12 67-68 4 Night Terrors 20


9-10 5 Falling Net 13 69-70 5 Restraining Chains 21

11-12 6 Fossil Fingers 13 71-72 6 Rotating Tunnel 21
13-14 7 Poison Spray Statue 13 73-74 7 Speak Sand, Don’t Enter 21
15-16 8 Sinister Seal 13 75-76 8 Stony Glare 22
17-18 9 Swinging Stones 14 77-78 9 Swinging Log 22
19-20 10 Trapdoor Pitfall, Minor 14 79-80 10 Whirling Blades 22
21-22 1 Blinding Crystal 14 81-82 1 Blazing Ring, Minor 22
23-24 2 Covert Counteraction 14 83-84 2 Exploding Chest 22
25-26 3 Extinguish Flame 15 85-86 3 Flaming Tome 23
27-28 4 Oath of Pacifism 15 87-88 4 Glyph of Force 23

29-30 5 Silent Guardians 15


89-90 5 Lightning Gem 23

31-32 6 Rogue’s Bane, Minor 15 91-92 6 Mysterious Relic 23
33-34 7 Spear Strike, Minor 16 93-94 7 The Other Other White Meat 24
35-36 8 Stair Slide 16 95-96 8 Shrinking Chamber 24
37-38 9 Swinging Stars 16 97-98 9 Symbol of Congealing 24
39-40 10 Uprising Underfoot 16 99-100 10 Tipping Floor 24
41-42 1 Choking Vapors 17
43-44 2 Circle of Bewitchment 17
45-46 3 Fire Jug 18
47-48 4 Glyph of Sleep 18

49-50 5 Hidden Hellion 18

51-52 6 Liability Lamp 18
53-54 7 Missile Orb 19
55-56 8 Pain Threshold 19
57-58 9 Poison Darts, Minor 19
59-60 10 Trapestry 19

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 11

Level 1-4 Setback Rune of Fire Bolt
Hybrid trap (level 1-4, setback, harm)
These traps should present a minor inconvenience to
characters of this level range. A magic rune is inscribed on the wall, floor, or ceiling.
Trigger (Activate Rune). A creature that gets within 20 feet
Aging Offerings of the rune triggers the trap.
Magic trap (level 1-4, setback, hinder) Effect (Elemental Blast). When triggered, the rune activates
a hidden nozzle that emits a blast of fire, making a ranged
Atop a shrine rests a copper bowl filled with gemstones. attack against the triggering creature. The attack has a +5
Trigger (Offering). A creature that removes the offerings attack bonus and deals 5 (1d10) fire damage. This attack can’t
from the bowl triggers the trap. gain advantage or disadvantage.
Effect (Aging). A pulse of necromantic energy emanates Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
from the bowl, aging the thief. The triggering creature check reveals the rune, and a creature that succeeds on a DC
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check knows how the rune works.
magically aged 1d10 years. If the roll is even, the creature A creature next to the rune can disable it with a successful
is made younger; if odd, it becomes older. This forced aging Intelligence (Arcana) check, but getting that close would set
can be undone with remove curse or more powerful magic. off the trap. Casting dispel magic on the rune makes it fade
Countermeasures. A creature can infer the importance of away, disarming the trap.
the offerings with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Religion)
check, and detect magic reveals an aura of necromancy on the
bowl. Casting dispel magic on the bowl disables the trap.
Hidden Crossbow
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, harm)
Rune of Acid Splash A surface such as a wall or ceiling has visible openings on it,
such as cracks or another form of small space.
Hybrid trap (level 1-4, setback, harm)
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that gets within 10 feet
A rune of detection is inscribed on the wall, floor, or ceiling. of the opening steps on a hidden pressure plate and triggers
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that gets within 20 the trap.
feet of the rune triggers the trap. Effect (Bolt). The trap makes a ranged attack against
Effect (Acid/Slime Blast). When triggered, the rune activates the triggering creature. The attack has a +5 attack bonus
a hidden nozzle which sprays a jet of acid, making a ranged and deals 4 (1d8) piercing damage. This attack can’t gain
attack against the triggering creature, and 1 additional advantage or disadvantage.
creature within 5 feet of the triggering creature. The attack Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 10 Wisdom
has a +5 attack bonus and deals 3 (1d6) acid damage. This (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate. The pressure
attack can’t gain advantage or disadvantage. plate can be disabled with a successful DC 10 Dexterity check
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) using thieves’ tools, but a check with a total of 5 or lower
check reveals the rune, and a creature that succeeds on a DC triggers the trap.
10 Intelligence (Arcana) check knows how the rune works.
A creature next to the rune can disable it with a successful NOOKS AND CRANNIES
Intelligence (Arcana) check, but getting that close would set
off the trap. Casting dispel magic on the rune makes it fade Someone with experience in dungeons or ancient ruins
away, disarming the trap. might become all too familiar with what hidden dangers
can be housed within cracks or small gaps.

12 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Falling Net Poison Spray Statue
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, subdue) Hybrid trap (level 1-4, setback, harm)
An interesting object in the area, such as a chest or a large A small, alluring statue with glittering gems beckons
gem, is bait for this trap. A large net of thick hempen ropes adventurers to inspect it. The statue could be a snake
is hidden above the object, waiting to drop. with emerald eyes, a monkey with diamonds for teeth,
Trigger (Tension Cable). The object is attached to a tension or a dragon with a ruby in its mouth. A rune of detecting is
cable; moving the object triggers the trap. inscribed somewhere on the statue.

Effect (Net). The trap releases a net onto all creatures in Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature gets within 5 feet of
a 10-foot radius, centered on the object. Creatures in the the statue triggers the trap.
area must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. A creature Effect (Elemental Blast). A noxious gas suddenly erupts
that fails the saving throw is trapped under the net and from somewhere on the statue (mouth, nose, ears, etc). The
restrained, while creatures that succeed avoid the net. A triggering creature must make a DC 10 Constitution saving
creature restrained by the net can use its action to make a DC throw, taking 6 (1d12) poison damage on a failed save, or half
10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within as much on a successful one.
its reach on a success. Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
The net has AC 10 and 20 hit points. Dealing 5 slashing check lets a creature spot the rune. A creature that succeeds on
damage to the net (AC 10) destroys a 5-foot-square section a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check recognizes the statue and
of it, freeing any creature trapped in that section. A glass knows about the trap. A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana)
bottle is tied to the net, and it breaks when the net drops, check or casting dispel magic on the statue disables the trap.
alerting nearby creatures when the net hits the floor.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) Sinister Seal
check reveals the tension cable or hidden net. A successful Hybrid trap (level 1-4, setback, block)
DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the cable,
but a check with a total of 5 or lower triggers the trap A unique and ornate seal is carved into the floor of this
room; a rune of detection is hidden in the design of the seal.
Fossil Fingers Trigger (Pass Area). A creature that walks over the seal
activates the rune, which activates a timed mechanism. After
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, hinder) 1 minute, the trap effect occurs. The GM can set specific
A finely crafted lock protects a door, chest, or other criteria for what activates the rune.
container. The lock has a unique maker’s mark and appears Effect (Barrier). A heavy stone slab or metal portcullis slams
to be more complex than most. down in the entrance to the room.
Trigger (Pick Lock). A creature that succeeds at picking the Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
lock, or opens the container without its key, triggers the trap. check lets a creature spot the rune, and a creature that
Effect (Needle). A hidden needle springs out, attacking the succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (History or Religion) check
triggering creature with a +5 attack bonus. If it hits, the recognizes the seal and knows about the trap. A successful
needle deals no damage but delivers a dose of stone hands DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check or casting dispel magic on
poison. This attack can’t gain advantage or disadvantage. the rune disables the trap.
A creature exposed to stone hands poison must make a DC
10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 3 (1d6)
poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in
this way, the creature automatically fails any ability checks
using Dexterity. On a successful save, the creature takes half
damage and isn’t poisoned.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check lets a creature spot the mechanism attached to the
lock, and a creature that succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
(History) check recognizes the maker’s mark on the lock and
knows about trap. A successful DC 10 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools disables the trap.

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 13

Swinging Stones Level 1-4 Moderate
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, harm)
These traps will probably harm characters of this level.
Two large stones are tied to the ceiling with hempen ropes,
clearly visible to all. A thin tripwire is stretched across the
room, underneath the stones. This trap is often used in Blinding Crystal
narrow corridors, making the stones harder to avoid. Hybrid trap (level 1-4, moderate, hinder)
Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that walks through the A small crystal sits on a pedestal; a rune of detection is
tripwire triggers the trap. inscribed on the crystal.
Effect (Swinging Object). The stones tied to the ceiling swing Trigger (Touch Object). A creature that touches the crystal
toward the triggering creature, who must make a DC 10 triggers the trap.
Dexterity saving throw. A creature has disadvantage on Effect (Blindness). When triggered, the rune opens a small
this saving throw if the trapped area is only 5 feet wide or hatch under the crystal which releases a beam of light that
smaller. The creature takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage on a hits the crystal, creating a blinding flash. All creatures
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 10 Wisdom throw or be blinded for 1 minute, or for 2 minutes if the
(Perception) check reveals the tripwire. A successful DC 10 creature has darkvision.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the tripwire, but At the end of each of their turns, a creature blinded in this
a check with a total of 5 or lower triggers the trap. way can attempt a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a
success, the creature is no longer blind.
Trapdoor Pitfall, Minor Countermeasures. A creature can spot the rune with a
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, harm) successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check and detect magic
A 20-foot deep vertical shaft is hidden under a trapdoor reveals an aura of abjuration magic on the crystal. Once
disguised to look like the rest of the floor. The trapdoor discovered, a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check or
covers a 5-foot square space and has a pressure plate dispel magic can disable the rune.
embedded in it.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the trapdoor Covert Counteraction
activates the pressure plate, making the trap door swing open. Hybrid trap (level 1-4, moderate, hinder)
Effect (Drop Into Empty Pit). The triggering creature must The chamber has many columns around its edge and a
make a DC 10 dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, single source of light near its center. This combination casts
the creature is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a dark and solid shadows along the walls. A rune of detection is
failed save, the creature falls into the pit and takes 7 (2d6) inscribed near the light source, and bags of flour or a similar
bludgeoning damage. substance are concealed on the ceiling of the shadowed
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) areas, ready to drop.
check reveals the pressure plate and a successful DC 10 Trigger (Step Into Light/Darkness). A creature that enters an
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. area in shadow triggers the trap.
Effect (Falling Object). When activated, the rune releases
a bag of flour over the triggering creature, who must make
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature
is covered in flour for 1 minute. Any attack roll against a
creature doused in flour has advantage if the attacker can
see it, and the affected creature automatically fails Stealth
checks. An affected creature can remove the flour as an
action on their turn.
Countermeasures. A creature can spot the rune with a
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check; if a creature
makes this check with disadvantage and succeeds, they can
spot the bags of flour. A creature that can reach the rune
can disable it with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
check, and a creature that can reach the bags without
entering the shadows can remove them easily. Casting dispel
magic on the rune also disables the trap, and increasing the
light in the room is a way to bypass the trap.

14 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Extinguish Flame Silent Guardians
Magic trap (level 1-4, moderate, hinder) Mechanical trap (level 1-4, moderate, harm)
Within the area, etchings on the floor, a lone crystal, or 2 suits of armor, made of boiled leather and chainmail,
something is the locus of this magic trap. stand in various locations in the area. A creature that
Trigger (Produce Flame). If any non-magical source of light approaches a suit of armor quietly can hear the soft clicking
such as a candle, torch, or oil lamp is created or brought into of clockwork gears emanating from within.
the area, the trap triggers. Trigger (Musical/Auditory). Creatures who move or perform
Effect (Spell Effect). The trap casts prestidigitation and with a actions within 20 feet of a suit of armor must make a
loud woosh, the triggering flame is extinguished by a strong successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check each round to
and localized magical wind. avoid triggering the trap.

Countermeasures. Detect magic reveals an aura of Effect (Animate Object). When triggered, the suits of armor
transmutation magic on the etchings. A creature that animate and attack all other creatures in the area. The suits
succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check understands of armor use the game statistics for animated object, armor
the etchings and knows about the trap. with the following changes:

A spellcaster can disable the trap with a successful DC 12 • The armor’s hit points are 18 (4d8).
ability check using their spellcasting ability; casting dispel • The armor’s AC is 15.
magic on the area will also disable the trap • The armor’s Constitution is 12 (+0)

Oath of Pacifism • The armor doesn’t have the Antimagic Susceptibility trait.
• The armor doesn’t have the Multiattack action.
Magic trap (level 1-4, moderate, block)
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
This chamber’s floor is covered with pictographs, and the
(Perception) check alerts a creature to the clockwork and
walls are painted to resemble armored warriors standing
gears inside the armor, and a successful DC 12 Intelligence
behind shields.
(Investigation) check lets a creature figure out that the armor
Trigger (Mortal Sacrifice). Any creature killed in this area could animate if activated with vibrations from sound.
triggers the trap.
A creature next to a suit of armor can attempt a DC 12
Effect (Suggestion). The pictographs on the floor glow with Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, deactivating their
a soft light, and the trap attempts to implant a suggestion in mechanisms on a success. A check that totals 5 or less
the mind of creatures in the chamber. All creatures in the triggers the trap. Using a spell like silence to muffle sound can
chamber must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a also work, but spellcasting within 20 feet of the armor will
failed save, a creature puts their weapons away and doesn’t trigger the trap.
engage in combat for 1 minute. Creatures that can’t be
charmed are immune to this effect. Rogue’s Bane, Minor
Casting dispel magic on a creature affected by the trap ends Mechanical trap (level 1-4, moderate)
the effect for that creature.
A poorly disguised tripwire is easily detected, but it is a
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana, facade. The true trap is well hidden and set to go off if the
History, or Religion) check lets a creature identify the decoy is tampered with.
pictographs on the walls, alerting them to the trap. The
pictographs also have an aura of enchantment magic when Trigger (False Trigger). Disarming, or attempting to disarm,
viewed with detect magic. the false trigger triggers the real trap.
The trap can be disabled with dispel magic or by a spellcaster Effect (Random Trap). Randomly select another mechanical
that succeeds on a DC 12 spellcasting ability check. trap of the same or lower lethality and use its effect.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the false and real triggers. A successful DC 12
Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the nature of the
trap and allows a creature to make a DC 12 Dexterity check
using thieves’ tools to disable the real trigger. On a success,
the real trap is disabled.

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 15

Spear Strike, Minor Swinging Stars
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, moderate, harm) Mechanical trap (level 1-4, moderate, harm)
Three spears are hidden within the walls, floor, or ceiling A pair of double doors engraved with a scene of the night sky
of this area. A thin, almost invisible tripwire is strung blocks the path. These doors pull open easily, but a tension
across the area, under the spears. This trap is usually used cable is attached to them on the side opposite the engraving.
in narrow corridors, doorways, or other passages that are Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that opens the doors triggers
frequently traversed. the trap.
Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that walks through the Effect (Swinging Object). A spiked ball on a chain swings
tripwire triggers the trap. down at the triggering creature. They trap attacks the
Effect (Spears). Spears thrust toward the triggering creature, triggering creature with a +6 attack bonus, dealing 5 (1d10)
who must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. The creature bludgeoning damage and 5 (1d10) piercing damage if it hits.
takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as This attack can’t gain advantage or disadvantage.
much on a successful one. Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 12 Wisdom check lets a creature spot the cable through some gaps
(Perception) check reveals the false and real triggers. A around the hinges, and a successful DC 12 Dexterity check
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals while using thieves’ tools disables the trap.
the nature of the trap and allows a creature to make a DC
12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to disable the real
trigger. On a success, the real trap is disabled.
Uprising Underfoot
Hybrid trap (level 1-4, moderate, harm)
Stair Slide This corridor is entirely unlit. There are sconces along the
length of the corridor, and a basket of torches at one end. The
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, moderate, harm) basket has enough torches for all of the sconces. In the middle
At the bottom of a steep flight of stairs is a 30-foot deep pit of the corridor, a rune of detection is inscribed on the wall.
under a trap door. A pressure plate is disguised as part of Trigger (Bring Object). A creature that brings a lit torch 30
one of the steps, halfway up the stairs. feet into the corridor triggers the trap.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the Effect (Spikes). When activated, the rune engages the
pressure plate triggers the trap. mechanisms below the floor and spikes shoot up along the
Effect (Drop Into Empty Pit). The trap door at the bottom of corridor. Each creature in the corridor must make a DC 12
the stairs opens and the stairs themselves flatten into a slide, Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) piercing damage on a
sending any creature on the stairs down to the bottom and failed save or half as much on a success.
into the pit. All creatures on the stairs must make a DC 12 Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save a creature is able check lets a creature spot the rune and the holes in the floor
to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failed save, the creature for the spikes, although this check has disadvantage if the
falls into the pit and takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. creature has no other source of light and cannot see in
The trap door doesn’t close, and climbing out of the pit the dark. A creature can disable the rune with a successful
doesn’t require a Strength check, but the stairs do not reset. Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic.
Travelling up the stair slide requires a DC 12 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check or a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check to
climb the walls. A creature that fails either check falls onto
the slide and might fall in the pit again.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the pressure plate. A successful DC 12
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the pressure
plate, and a check with a total of 5 or lower triggers the trap.

16 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Level 1-4 Dangerous Circle of Bewitchment
Magic trap (level 1-4, dangerous, hinder)
These traps are likely to seriously injure (and potentially kill)
characters of these levels. This circle of runes covers a 10-foot radius sphere and emits
a thick, green smoke that smells of sulphur.
Choking Vapors Trigger (Command Word). Using a wand, rod, ring, orb,
or similar item that requires a command word activates
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm) the trigger.
The floor of the empty tunnel is paved with uneven flagstones. Effect (Bewitchment). The triggering creature must succeed
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). When 20 or more pounds on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be cursed by bad luck.
of weight are placed on the central flagstone, it depresses When a cursed creature enters a new situation or starts a
and cracks a glass vial filled with liquid. new encounter, roll a d20 and reference the table below.
Effect (Poison Gas). The liquid quickly becomes a 20-foot- This poor luck does not extend to dice rolls, inflict status
radius sphere of poisonous, yellow-green fog centered on effects, confer advantage or disadvantage, or impact combat in
the triggering creature. The fog spreads around corners. It any way. It is intended to impact circumstances, such as extra
lasts for 10 minutes or until strong wind disperses the fog. guards or a poor first impression with an important NPC.
Its area is heavily obscured.
d20 Bad Luck
When a creature enters the fog’s area for the first time on a
turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC 1-2 Catastrophic. The circumstance is as bad as it
15 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 16 (3d10) could be. Important NPC’s are hostile or the city
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a watch is on high alert for some reason. A serious,
successful one.
time-consuming, or difficult impediment crops up.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the hidden vial, and a successful DC 15 3-9 Terrible. The circumstance is much worse than
Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables the trap. it might otherwise be. There are a few additional
guards, a moderately difficult complication, or an
unfriendly NPC.
10-19 Unfortunate. The circumstance is slightly worse
than it might otherwise be. There’s only 1 or two
guards, an indifferent NPC, or a complication
that’s easy to overcome.
20 Lifted. The cloud of bad luck lifts and the crea-
ture is no longer cursed.
At the end of each day, a bewitched creature can make a DC
15 Charisma saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for
that creature. Remove curse or more powerful magic can also
end the bewitchment.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
check or casting detect magic reveals the nature of the runic
circle. Another successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
or dispel magic cast on the runes disables them.

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 17

Fire Jug Hidden Hellion
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm) Simple trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm)
A large, oil-filled ceramic jug hangs from the ceiling by an A sprawling passage of demon script, written in Infernal,
old hempen rope, subtly connected to a tripwire stretched spreads across the pages of a dusty tome. It glows like the
across the room. Its lid has a sparking mechanism that will embers of a dying fire.
set the oil ablaze if the jug falls and breaks. Trigger (Read Writing). Any creature can read the writing,
Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that walks through the even if they don’t speak Infernal. Reading the writing aloud
tripwire triggers the trap. triggers the trap.
Effect (Falling Object). The jug falls and breaks on the floor, Effect (Summon Creature). When triggered, the trap
spreading flaming oil in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered summons 2 dretches, or other fiends of CR ¼ or lower. The
on the triggering creature. The triggering creature can try dretches attack all other creatures in the room and will not
to catch the falling jug with a successful DC 15 Dexterity leave the area. After 1 minute, or if reduced to 0 hit points,
(Athletics) check. Otherwise, each creature in the area must the dretches vanish into a puff of brimstone.
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion)
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. check lets a creature understand the danger of the text. The
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom tome has an aura of conjuration magic when viewed with
(Perception) check reveals the tripwire. A successful DC 15 detect magic.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap, but a A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the tome with
check with a total of 10 or lower triggers it. a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic cast
on the tome also disables the trap.
Glyph of Sleep
Magic trap (level 1-4, dangerous, block) Liability Lamp
Carved into the wooden statue is a glyph of warding (sleep) Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm)
which looks like a wreath of flowers and leaves. Soft, Darkness fills the chamber. Hanging on the doorframe is an
ambient forest noises fill the air around it. extinguished oil lamp.
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that approaches Trigger (Activate Light Fixture). A fine thread concealed
within 5 feet of the glyph triggers the trap. within the lamp snaps when exposed to the heat, activating
Effect (Sleep). When triggered, the trap casts sleep, sending the trap.
creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how Effect (Scything Blades). A curved blade concealed in the wall
many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures slashes at the triggering creature, which must make a DC 15
within 20 feet of a point next to the triggering creature Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 16 (3d10) slashing
range are affected in ascending order of their current hit damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
points (ignoring unconscious creatures). On a failed save, the creature is also restrained as they are
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit pinned against the opposite wall by the blades.
points, each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious A creature restrained by the blades can free themselves with
for 1 minute. If a sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an a successful DC 15 Constitution (Athletics) check or another
action to shake or slap them, they wake up.Subtract each creature can free them with a successful DC 15Strength
creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the (Medicine) check.
creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit
points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
that creature to be affected. check reveals the thread, and a successful DC 15 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals the trigger, but usually a creature
would need to be within 5 feet of the glyph to make this check.
Detect magic can also reveal the trigger. A creature adjacent to
the glyph can disable it with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check. Dispel magic also disables the glyph.

18 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Missile Orb Poison Darts, Minor
Magic trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm) Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm)
A brilliant blue glass orb floats at a 4 feet off the ground. The Several holes along the walls of the chamber are disguised
light within it appears to dim and brighten in gentle pulses. A with relief carvings of snakes, gargoyles, or other menacing
glyph of warding (magic missile) is inscribed on the top of the orb. creatures. A pressure plate is hidden near the center of
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature of a particular type, the chamber.
race, or alignment that gets within 60 feet of the orb triggers Trigger (Pressure Plate). A Small size or larger creature that
the trap. The specific criteria are up to the DM, but should fit steps on the pressure plate triggers the trap.
into the themes or overall nature of the area where this trap Effect (Darts). The trap makes three ranged attacks against
is placed. the triggering creature. Each attack has a +8 attack bonus
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts magic missile at the and deals 2 (1d4) piercing plus 3 (1d6) poison damage. These
triggering creature. The creature takes 10 (3d4 +3) force attacks can’t gain advantage or disadvantage.
damage and the orb stops glowing. Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom
Countermeasures. A creature adjacent to the orb can detect (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate. A successful
the glyph with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables, but a
check, or with detect magic. The glyph can be disabled with a check with a total of 10 or lower triggers the trap.
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
Pain Threshold Hybrid trap (level 1-4, dangerous, block)
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm) Woven from sparkling threads, this tapestry depicts a
The floor in front of a closed door is perforated with small dwarven army being defeated by a horde of undead. It is made
holes. Hidden beneath the surface of that floor is a collection of of two parts, and can easily be separated to pass through. A
tall, rusty spikes, triggered by a mechanism in the door frame. rune of detection is hidden in the design of the tapestry.
Trigger (Open/Close Door). A creature that opens the door Trigger (Pass Area). If a dwarf moves through the tapestry
triggers the trap. the trap is triggered.
Effect (Spiked Floor). Spikes shoot up from the floor and Effect (Barrier). A creature passing through the tapestry
pierce the feet and/or legs of any creature standing in the two when the trap is triggered must make a DC 15 Strength
5-foot squares in front of the door. The triggering creatures saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 16 (3d10)
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 15 (6d4) piercing damage as a falling portcullis crushes them.
piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. Additionally, they are trapped beneath the portcullis and
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) restrained. Freeing a creature from beneath the portcullis
check reveals the holes in the floor, and a successful DC 15 requires a successful DC 15 Strength check.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. On a successful save, the creature dodges the portcullis, and
can choose which side of the barrier to be on.
Countermeasures. A creature can detect the rune with a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check or with detect
magic. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel
magic disables the trap.

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 19

Level 1-4 Perilous Intruder Grab
Hybrid trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm)
These traps may kill characters of these levels, and will
definitely injure them severely. Shadowed archways line the walls of this chamber. The floor
is a crumbling mosaic of a giant skull with flames in its eyes
and a gaping mouth. A rune of detection is hidden in the mosaic
Glyph of Burning Hands Trigger (Fail to Speak Password). A creature that walks
Magic trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm) atop the skull mosaic and doesn’t speak the password
A glyph of warding (burning hands) is written in ash on the wall, triggers the trap.
floor, or ceiling of this area. Effect (Net). When activated, the rune releases a large rope
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that gets within 10 from the ceiling. Each creature in a 10-foot radius centered
feet of the rune triggers the trap. on the triggering creature must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
Effect (Elemental Blast). The glyph casts burning hands. Each saving throw or be restrained by the net until freed. The net
creature in a 15-foot cone centered on the triggering creature is covered with a sticky acid that burns on contact. A creature
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes that touches the net for the first time on a turn, or who ends
3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on its turn touching the net, takes 14 (4d6) acid damage.
a successful one. A creature restrained by the net can use its action to make
The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t a DC 17 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature
being worn or carried. within its reach on a success. The net has AC 10 and 20 hit
points. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) destroys
Countermeasures. A creature can discover the glyph with a a 5-foot-square section of it, freeing any creature trapped in
successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check, but to do that section.
so they would have to be within 10 feet of the glyph. Detect
magic can also reveal the glyph. With a successful DC 17 Countermeasures. A creature can spot the rune with a
Intelligence (Arcana) check, a creature adjacent to the glyph successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check or with detect magic.
can disable it; dispel magic can also disable the glyph. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation)
check can find the password hidden in the mosaic.
Falling Rocks Speaking the password, a successful DC 17 Intelligence
(Arcana) check, or dispel magic cast on the rune disables it.
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm)
The ceiling is lined with large rocks held up by unseen
mechanisms. The way forward is blocked by a door,
Night Terrors
portcullis, or other non-magical obstruction which can Magic trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm)
be opened by a lever on the wall. However, there are three Tiny sigils line the walls of this chamber, difficult to notice,
levers, and pulling the wrong one sets off the trap. but ready to activate once a creature falls asleep.
Trigger (Move Lever/Press Button). Pulling the wrong lever Trigger (Unconsciousness). A creature that goes unconscious
triggers the trap. within the area triggers the trap.
Effect (Falling Objects). All creatures within the chamber Effect (Summon Creature). The runes glow with an eerie light
or passageway must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, and summons fey spirits that take the form of 4 swarms of
taking 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half bats that appear in unoccupied spaces within the chamber.
as much on a successful one. The area is difficult terrain The bats are hostile and attack, targeting unconscious
unless the rocks are moved. creatures first. The bats disappear after 5 minutes or if
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 17 Wisdom reduced to 0 hit points, and will not leave the chamber. The
(Perception) check reveals the hidden mechanisms that trap could summon other creatures of an appropriate theme
hold up the rocks, and a creature that succeeds on a DC 17 for the environment, as long as they are CR ¼.
Intelligence (Investigation) check can deduce the correct Countermeasures. A creature can discover the runes with
lever from the amount of wear on each. A successful DC 17 a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. (Arcana) check, or with detect magic. The runes can be
disabled with a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check
or with dispel magic.

20 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Restraining Chains Speak Sand, Don’t Enter
Magic trap (level 1-4, perilous, block) Hybrid trap (level 1-4, perilous, block)
A pile of chains lies on the floor of this chamber. They are A wide stone archway adorns the way out of this room.
rusted with age but have symbols of enchantment chiselled Chiselled into the adjacent wall is a short sentence; ‘Only
on their surface. the small may pass, like sand through an hourglass’. A rune of
Trigger (Pass Area). A good-aligned creature passing within detection is inscribed the apex of the archway.
10 feet of the chains triggers the trap. Trigger (Speak Trigger Word). A creature that says the word
Effect (Restraint). The chains animate and attempt to bind ‘sand’ in Common or one other language appropriate to the
the characters. All creatures within 10 feet the area must area triggers the trap.
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be restrained. A Effect (Falling Sand). When activated, the rune releases
creature can free itself from the restraints with a successful blocking mechanisms in the room’s ceiling and sand starts to
DC 17 Strength check. pour in. A creature in the room must make a successful DC
Countermeasures. A creature can discern the nature 17 Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of its turn to stay
of the symbols on the chains with a successful DC 17 atop the sand. The save DC increases by 2 each round.
Intelligence (Arcana) check, and detect magic reveals an aura A creature that fails one saving throw is buried up to their
of enchantment magic around the chains. A creature can knees and restrained. On their next saving throw, if the
disable the trap with another successful DC 17 Intelligence creature succeeds they dig themselves out and are no longer
(Arcana) check, or dispel magic. restrained; if they fail they are buried waist-deep and
remain restrained.
Rotating Tunnel A creature buried waist-deep must make a DC 17 Strength
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm) saving throw at the beginning of their turn; if they succeed
they dig themselves free of the sand and if they fail they are
The interior of this short tubular passageway is lined with buried to the neck and immobilized. On their next turn, the
conical spikes and grooves in a spiral pattern. creature is completely buried and starts suffocating.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). At one end of the tunnel there is a As an action, a creature can dig out another creature with
pressure plate. A Medium or larger creature that steps on the a successful Strength (Athletics) check against the current
pressure plate triggers the trap. save DC of the trap. Spells like freedom of movement or
Effect (Spiked Walls). Once activated, the passageway spins movement modes like burrow can also allow creatures to
slowly. Creatures within the tunnel while it is rotating must freely move through the sand.
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) piercing Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Wisdom (Perception) check finds the rune and the hidden
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 17 Wisdom holes in the ceiling. Detect magic can also reveal the rune. If a
(Perception) check reveals the pressure plate and a successful creature makes a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check,
DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it. A check they deduce the trigger word.
with a total of 10 or lower triggers the trap. A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic
disables the trap.

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 21

Stony Glare Level 1-4 Deadly
Magic trap (level 1-4, perilous, hinder)
These traps will almost certainly kill characters of these levels.
The gnome statue is partially shrouded in shadow, though it
is clear that the eyes are made from gemstones.
Trigger (Look Into). A creature that looks directly into the
Blazing Ring, Minor
eyes of the statue triggers the trap. Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)
Effect (Paralysis). The triggering creature must succeed on A 1-foot thick ring of decorative stonework surrounds a
a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed. At the end 25-foot diameter circle area in the center of the room. The
of each of its turns, a creature paralyzed by this effect can ceiling directly above the ring is blackened with soot. In the
make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, this effect 5-foot square at the circle’s center is something intriguing.
ends for that creature. Trigger (Weight Sensitive Floor). When a Small or larger
This effect ends if dispelled, either with dispel magic or lesser creature steps onto a space adjacent to the 5-foot square
restoration, or after 1 minute. at the center of the area within the ring, they activate a
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) pressure plate. Parts of the stonework slide away, revealing
or Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the tiny symbols spouts which pour flaming oil onto the floor from the ring’s
embedded in the statue’s eyes, the trigger for the trap. With inner edge.
detect magic, a creature sees an aura of transmutation magic Effect (Wall of Fire). The flaming oil creates a ringed wall of
around the statue. flames 25 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. When the wall appears,
disables the trap. each creature within its area must make a DC 20 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 17 (5d6) fire
Swinging Log damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
The side of the wall facing inwards deals the trap’s fire
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm)
damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
A 5-foot wide, 30-foot long corridor stands between that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage
the entrance and destination. A thin, barely visible wire when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
stretches across the corridor at the 20 foot mark. turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that trips the wire triggers A creature that is adjacent to the wall can make a DC 20
the trap. Constitution check using thieves’ tools to end this effect.
Effect (Swinging Object). When the trap is triggered, a 5-foot Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
wide log swings down in a 15-foot long line. Each creature check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 20
in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables it.
taking 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage on a failure or half as
much on a success.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
Exploding Chest
check reveals the tripwire, and a successful DC 17 Dexterity Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)
check while using thieves’ tools disables it. A nondescript, locked chest is filled with explosives and
several hundred tiny ball bearings. The chest may contain
Whirling Blades valuables, or it might be a decoy.
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm) Trigger (Open/Close Object). The lock on the chest is
relatively easy to open; it can be picked with a successful DC
This 20-foot wide corridor has scratch marks all over the
10 Dexterity check using thieve’s tools.
walls, and is splattered throughout by blood. At the end of
the corridor is a plinth, atop which is a silver decanter. Effect (Elemental Blast). When the trap is activated, the
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). Removing the decanter explosives go off and the ball bearings are sent up to 120 feet
from the plinth triggers the trap. in all directions. Any creature within range who is not behind
cover must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17
Effect (Scything Blades). Posts affixed with curved blades pop (5d6) damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful
up from the floor and spin rapidly, slicing anything within one. Half of this damage is fire and half is piercing.
range. Each creature in the corridor must succeed on a DC 17
Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (6d4) slashing damage. Countermeasures. A creature that opens the chest triggers
the trap. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) reveals the mechanisms hidden in the lid that will trigger
check reveals the hidden mechanism in the plinth, and a
the explosives. A successful DC 20 Dexterity check using
successful DC 17 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools
thieves’ tools disables the trap.
disables the trigger.

22 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

Flaming Tome Lightning Gem
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm) Hybrid trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)
A large tome lays open on a lectern in the middle of the A brilliant, sparkling white gem is prominently displayed
chamber. on a pedestal or set into a statue. When the gem is picked up,
Trigger (Tension Cable). A tension cable is attached to the the pedestal or statue unleashes a blast of lightning.
book’s cover. The trap activates when the book is closed. Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). A creature that picks up the
Effect (Elemental Blast). A sheet of flame erupts from the gem triggers the trap.
lectern. Each creature within 5 feet of the book when the Effect (Elemental Blast). The rune creates an explosion of
trap is triggered must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, lightning in a 20-foot-radius. Each creature in the area
taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6)
on a successful one. lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) successful one.
check reveals the tension cable and the small nozzle in the Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
lectern. A successful DC 20 Dexterity check while using check reveals the trigger, and a successful DC 20 Dexterity
thieves’ tools disables the trap. check using thieves’ tools disables it.
To bypass the trigger, a creature can attempt to replace the
Glyph of Force object with one of equal weight. The creature must succeed
Magic trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm) on a DC 20 Intelligence (Perception) check to accurately
estimate the weight of the object and a successful DC 20
The walls of this 15-foot square chamber are covered in large Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to switch the objects.
metal spikes. In the centre of the room is a stone monolith, Failure on either roll activates the trap.
into which a glowing, blue glyph of warding (thunderwave) has
been carved.
Trigger (Creature Detector). Creatures that come within 10
Mysterious Relic
feet of the monolith trigger the trap. Hybrid trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)

Effect (Elemental Blast). The glyph casts thunderwave. Each A wondrous item sits on display in the center of the
creature in a 15-foot cube centered on the triggering creature chamber, with a rune of detection inscribed on it. The floor of
must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed the chamber is comprised of several sections connected by
save, a creature takes 9 (2d8) thunder damage and is pushed 10 obscured hinges.
feet away from the triggering creature. On a successful save, Trigger (Touch Object). Touching the relic, even with a spell,
the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t pushed. activates the trap.
A creature that is pushed hits the spikes on the walls of the Effect (Drop Into Monster Lair). When the trap activates, the
room, suffering another 9 (2d8) piercing damage. room’s floor falls away, swinging down on hinges connected
In addition, unsecured objects that are completely within the to the walls. All creatures within the chamber must make
area of effect are automatically pushed 10 feet away from the a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save a
triggering creature, and the spell emits a thunderous boom creature is able to jump to safety or cling to the floor as it
audible out to 300 feet. goes vertical. On a failed save, the creature falls into the pit
and takes 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Intelligence
(Investigation) check or casting detect magic reveals the glyph. The pit is the lair of 2 rust monsters, or some other
A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check, or dispel appropriate creatures of CR ½ or lower.
magic cast on the glyph disables it. However, in most cases a Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 20 Wisdom
creature would need to be within 10 feet of the monolith to (Perception) check reveals the rune on the object and the
detect or disable the glyph with an ability check. small gaps between each section of the floor. A successful
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the nature
of the trap and allows a creature to attempt a DC 20
Intelligence (Arcana) check to disable the rune.
The rune can also be found with detect magic, and dispel magic
will disable the rune.

Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps 23

The Other Other White Meat Symbol of Congealing
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm) Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)
Nailed to the walls of this subterranean tunnel are dozens of The floor of this sandstone temple is cut with blood stained
pointed ears. The trap designer enchanted the area with an gutters that form a complex pattern of sinister design.
alarm spell, set to alert a creature that lairs nearby. Statues of half-human half-ooze creatures line the walls.
Trigger (Creature Detector). A good elf that enters the Trigger (Spill Blood). If a creature that bleeds loses at least
tunnel triggers the trap. 5 hit points in this chamber, the blood fills the gutters and
Effect (Release Creatures). The sound of a hand bell fills starts to drip down to the oozes below, awakening them.
the tunnel for 10 seconds, audible out to 60 feet. The sound Effect (Release Creatures). The round after blood starts to
wakes up a creature. Roll on the table below to determine reach them, 2 gray oozes flow up from beneath the floor of
what creature is roused. this chamber and attack all creatures within.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
d8 Creature
check reveals the tiny holes in the gutters and the gentle
1 1 brown bear pulsing of ooze below. The gutters can be blocked up with
sand or mud or something similar, no ability check required.
2 4 constrictor snakes
3 4 giant badgers Tipping Floor
4 4 giant centipedes Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)
5 4 giant poisonous snakes The floor of the passageway is balanced so that it tips when
enough weight gets past the halfway point.
6 1 giant scorpion
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). When one Medium sized
7 1 giant spider or larger creature passes the halfway point of the passage
the trap activates.
8 2 swarms of insects
Effect (Drop Into Lower Area). When the trap activates,
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
the passage tips, forming a ramp. All creatures in the
Intelligence (History) check can recall some rumors about
passageway must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a
the trap; casting detect magic reveals an aura of abjuration
successful save a creature is able to jump to safety or cling to
on the tunnel. A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on
the floor as it tips downward. On a failed save, the creature
the tunnel with a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check;
falls into a lower area of the dungeon or structure and takes
dispel magic also disables the trap.
17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage.

Shrinking Chamber Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)

check reveals a gap along the edges of the passageway floor,
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm) and a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools
At the end of the corridor is a locked iron door, covered with locks the hinge in place. A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
rust. Next to it is a polished metal button. check reveals a well-hidden lever to deactivate the trap.
Trigger (Press Button). A creature that presses the button
triggers the trap.
Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). The walls of this corridor
start to move slowly inwards, at a rate of 1 foot per round
at the end of the initiative order. Once the surface reaches
a creature’s space, they take 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If
the surface is still moving on the next turn, the creature is
restrained and takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage. A third
round spent being crushed inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning
damage, the fourth and every round thereafter inflicts 10d10
bludgeoning damage until the surface retracts. The walls
retract after covering 5 feet.
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals something about the button. A
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
the nature of the trigger, and allows a creature to attempt a
DC 20 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools to disable it.

24 Chapter Two | Level 1-4 Traps

o, we were finally out of that godsforsaken jungle skewered; a fate I would perhaps wish on my worst enemies
and into the somewhat cooler interior of the temple. but almost certainly not upon myself or my companions.
After clearing aside some cobwebs and most certainly As the walls got close, our barbarian (gods bless the brute)
disturbing more insects than I care to think about, we stretched out his arms and braced against them. Every
sallied forth into the bowels of the temple, ready to get our vein in his face stood out as he strained, his feet wide, his
hands on this artifact we’ve been hearing so much about. shoulders and back bunching and flexing as the pressure
We head along down a corridor and, in retrospect, I feel like built. A horrendous grinding sound came from a mechanism
I should have known something was up. Long abandoned within the walls as it fought the big man’s incredible
temple, tripwires-of-barbarian-murdering hidden in the strength. He started screaming as his bones began cracking,
trees, and here we were with a nice, long, open corridor? muscle tearing. Our cleric started healing him, mending his
Not bloody likely… body even as it was breaking…
I looked around and saw dust motes floating in the air, And then there was a sound, like a clank, a clatter, or
shimmering in the sunlight coming through the temple something falling apart, and the wall stopped. We were alive
entry. It was almost kind of pretty. Then I noticed more dust. for the moment, but something told me this isn’t the worst
Falling dust. From the ceiling. As soon as I opened my mouth this place can do...
to say something, we all felt this deep rumbling coming from The traps in this chapter are designed to challenge
around us. Yes, it was pretty clear that things were about to characters who are levels 5-8 and are grouped by their
get bad, and quickly. lethality. Any of these traps can be dropped right into a
The left wall started inching toward us and I could sense tiny (or, dungeon or similar adventure and shouldn’t require any
in some cases, not-so-tiny) bouts of claustrophobia blossoming preparation. For more information on customizing traps, go
in all of us. To make matters worse, foot-long spikes erupted to Chapter 8: Designing Traps, or for a completely random
from the mouths of the sculptures on the wall to our right. If and unexpected trap, go to Chapter 9: Random Trap
we didn’t do something fast, we were going to be pulped or Generator.
Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 25
Level 5-8 Traps Table
Roll a d100 on the table below to choose a random trap appropriate for 5-8 characters,
or select a desired lethality and roll a d10.

d100 d10 Trap Page d100 d10 Trap Page

1-2 1 Baffling Barriers 27 61-62 1 Blazing Rings, Lesser 34
3-4 2 Burning Blade 27 63-64 2 Crystal Combination 34
5-6 3 Chasm of Capturing 27 65-66 3 Drowning Pool 35
7-8 4 Dastardly Darts 27 67-68 4 Eye of Madness 35


9-10 5 Fire Grate 28 69-70 5 Formidable Glare 35

11-12 6 Open & Close 28 71-72 6 Illusion Confusion 36
13-14 7 Rune of Scorching Ray 28 73-74 7 Knowledge is Dangerous 36
15-16 8 Safeguarded Sword 28 75-76 8 Life-Giving Light 36
17-18 9 Sticky Situation 28 77-78 9 Pressurized Poison 36
19-20 10 Trapdoor Pitfall, Lesser 29 79-80 10 Wall of Fireball 37
21-22 1 Chest of Fumes 29 81-82 1 Crushing Chamber 37
23-24 2 Glyph of Blazing Nuisance 29 83-84 2 Curiosity Petrified the Cat 37
25-26 3 Gunge Tank 30 85-86 3 Dead of Winter 38
27-28 4 Peacekeeper 30 87-88 4 Fiery Feast 38

29-30 5 Putrid Slime 30


89-90 5 Fire Bad 38

31-32 6 Rogue’s Bane, Lesser 30 91-92 6 Introspection 38
33-34 7 Separating Slab 30 93-94 7 Ooze Fault Was That? 39
35-36 8 Spellcaster’s Spirit 31 95-96 8 Restless Guardians 39
37-38 9 Still Water 31 97-98 9 Sinister Flame 39
39-40 10 Urn of Silence 31 99-100 10 Writhing Embrace 39
41-42 1 All or Nothing 32
43-44 2 Ambiguous Ascension 32
45-46 3 Falling Fids 32
47-48 4 Frozen Tome 32

49-50 5 Gruesome Decoration 33

51-52 6 Magical Melting 33
53-54 7 Sanguine Idol 33
55-56 8 Shocking Surprise 33
57-58 9 Step Lightly 33
59-60 10 Vampiric Shrine 34

26 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps

Level 5-8 Setback Chasm of Capturing
Hybrid trap (level 5-8, setback, subdue)
These traps should present a minor inconvenience to
characters of this level range. A rickety rope bridge is the only way to span a chasm,
beneath which is a swirling portal.
Baffling Barriers Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). If a creature of size
Medium or larger moves across the bridge, they must succeed
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, setback, block)
on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or the bridge breaks.
A sturdy hand crank is affixed to a wall next to a closed
Effect (Drop Into Portal). Any creatures on the bridge when
portcullis. Turning the crank raises the portcullis, but also
it breaks fall into the chasm unless they succeed on a DC
makes hidden portcullises drop down and block other exits
10 Dexterity saving throw. At the bottom of the chasm is
from the area.
a portal that teleports creatures into a large holding cell,
Trigger (Turn Wheel/Crank). Raising the portcullis more deeper into the surrounding area. A successful DC 10
than 1 foot triggers the trap. Intelligence (Arcana) check, or detect magic, reveals the nature
Effect (Barrier). All other exits to the chamber are blocked of the portal, but not where it goes.
by a portcullis which drops into their threshold and locks in Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on a
place. A portcullis can be unlocked with a successful DC 10 DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check spots the flimsy nature of
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools and then raised with a the bridge. A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
successful DC 10 Strength check. check reveals that the bridge won’t bear much weight, and
Countermeasures (Difficult, Sensitive). The hidden allows a creature to attempt a DC 10 Dexterity check while
portcullises and the mechanism on the crank can be spotted using thieves’ tools or carpenter’s tools to disable the trap.
with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, and
successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check allows a
character to understand the mechanism enough to disable it. A
Dastardly Darts
successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables Hybrid trap (level 5-8, setback, harm)
the trap, and a check with a total of 5 or lower triggers the trap. This chamber has dozens of dart holes along it’s walls, but
no pressure plates, tripwires, or mechanical triggers of any
Burning Blade kind. A rune of detection near the floor of the chamber lights
up when creatures of a certain type reach the middle of the
Magic trap (level 5-8, setback, harm)
area, filling the room with poisoned darts.
A cresset filled with crackling flames stands in a place of
pride at the centre of the chamber. It has been forged to Trigger (Creature Detector). When a creature of the chosen
resemble a diabolical face with its mouth open as if in a type reaches the middle of the trapped room the trap activates.
hideous scream of pain. Effect (Darts). The trap fires two darts at each creature in the
Trigger (Draw Weapon). Unsheathing a metal weapon room. Each ranged attack has a +5 attack bonus and deals 1
or carrying a drawn metal weapon into the trapped area piercing damage and 3 (1d6) poison damage.
triggers the trap. Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
Effect (Heat Metal). The trap makes the drawn or unsheathed Wisdom (Perception) check can find small darts scattered
weapon glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with around the outside of the room, as well as the rune near the
the object takes 8 (2d8) fire damage from the trap. floor. The rune can also be found with detect magic.
If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes With a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a creature
the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a DC 11 can disrupt the rune; dispel magic also disables the trap.
Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it
doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls
and ability checks until it does so.
This effect lasts until dispelled or for 1 minute.
Countermeasures. An aura of transmutation magic
surrounds the cresset when viewed with detect magic, and
a creature that succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check finds some melted remnants of weapons scattered
around the area. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence
(Arcana) check, a creature knows the melted pieces were
affected by a spell of some kind.
A spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 10 spellcasting ability check
can channel a little bit of magic into the cresset and disable it.
Casting dispel magic on the cresset also disables the trap.
Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 27
Fire Grate Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the rune and the hidden
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, setback, harm nozzle for the flame jet, 5 feet below it. The rune can also be
This bare chamber is featureless except for the large, ornate found with detect magic.
fireplace against the far wall. The mantle and hearth are A creature adjacent to the rune can disable it with a DC 10
made of marble sculpted into the form of a twisting dragon. Intelligence (Arcana) check, although in most cases getting
A dim light emits from the back of the fireplace, but it is that close would set off the trap. Dispel magic can also disable
otherwise cold. the rune.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). The fireplace is large enough for
one Medium creature to investigate, but if they do they step Safeguarded Sword
on a pressure plate and trigger the trap.
Hybrid trap (level 5-8, setback, subdue)
Effect (Barrier). The triggering creature must succeed on
Resting atop a stone plinth covered by an embroidered velvet
a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or be trapped as metal
cloth is an immaculate blade. The silvered sword shines with
bars shoot up from the floor behind them, sealing them
radiance, illuminating a poem engraved upon the blade. A
in the fireplace. The cage bars can be pushed down with a
rune of detection is worked into the embroidery on the cloth.
successful DC 10 Strength check.
Trigger (Read Writing). Reading the script on the blade
Countermeasures. The pressure plate can be spotted with a
aloud triggers the trap.
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, and a successful
DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. Effect (Drop Into Empty Pit). When activated, the rune
opens a trapdoor that creates a pitfall around the plinth. Any
Open & Close creature within 5 feet of the plinth must succeed on a DC 10
Dexterity saving throw or fall into a 20-foot deep pit.
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, setback, block)
A creature that falls into the pit takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning
The circular steel door leading out of a tunnel has a metal damage and is restrained by the thick grease at the bottom
wheel attached to it, which can open the door but also of the pit. A creature restrained by the grease can free
triggers the trap. themselves with a successful DC 10 Strength check.
Trigger (Turn Wheel/Crank). Turning the wheel triggers the Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
trap and locks the door. Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Arcana) check can
Effect (Barrier). A portion of the tunnel ceiling 20 feet back spot the rune, and it can also be found with detect magic. A
from the door opens, and boulders and debris rain down on successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check or casting dispel
a 10-foot square area. Any creatures in the area of the rubble magic on the rune disables it.
must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
bludgeoning damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Sticky Situation
Clearing the rubble or smashing open the door requires Mechanical trap (level 5-8, setback, hinder)
a successful DC 10 Strength check. The door can also be
When a creature steps on a pressure plate, a hidden hatch in
unlocked with a DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
the ceiling springs open and several gallons of an extremely
Countermeasures. The mechanism on the crank can be sticky slime drop down.
spotted with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check,
Trigger (sensitive, Pressure Plate). The hatch is 15 feet square,
and a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools
and the pressure plate is a 5-foot square in the middle of that
disables the trap.
area. Stepping on the pressure plate activates the trap.

Rune of Scorching Ray Effect (Falling Object). The slimed area is difficult terrain
and any creature that enters or starts its turn in the area
Hybrid trap (level 5-8, setback, harm) must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or be
A rune of detection glyph is written on the wall, floor, or restrained. As an action, a creature restrained by the slime
ceiling. When a creature gets too close, the rune activates a can make a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check; if it succeeds it
hidden jet of flame. is no longer restrained.
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that gets within 20 Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 10 Wisdom
feet of the rune triggers the trap. (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate and ceiling
hatch and a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’
Effect (Elemental Blast). When activated, the rune releases a
tools disables the trap. A check with a total of 5 or lower
jet of flame from the hidden nozzle. The trap makes a ranged
triggers the trap.
attack against the triggering creature and up to two other
targets within 20 feet. These attacks have a +5 bonus and
deal 7 (2d6) fire damage each, and these attacks can’t gain
advantage or disadvantage.
28 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps
Trapdoor Pitfall, Lesser Glyph of Blazing Nuisance
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, setback, subdue) Magic trap (level 5-8, moderate, harm)
A 30-foot deep vertical shaft is hidden under a trapdoor, A glyph of warding (flaming sphere) is inscribed on the floor of
disguised to look like the rest of the floor. The trapdoor this room. If an open flame is created within or brought
covers a 5-foot square space and has a pressure plate into the chamber, it instantly leaps off its torch, escapes
embedded in it. from its lantern, or hops out of the campfire and becomes
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the a flaming sphere.
trapdoor activates the pressure plate, causing the trap door Trigger (Produce Light/Darkness). If a creature creates or
to swing open. brings an open flame into the chamber, the trap is triggered.
Effect (Drop Into Empty Pit). The triggering creature must Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature flaming sphere; a 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire appears in
is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the creature an unoccupied space next to the triggering creature. Any
falls into the pit and takes 11 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the sphere must
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 7
check reveals the pressure plate and a successful DC 10 (2d6) fire damage from the sphere on a failed save, or half as
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. much damage on a successful one.
Each round, on initiative count 10, the sphere moves up to
Level 5-8 Moderate 30 feet, always trying to stay next to the triggering creature.
If the sphere runs into a creature, that creature must make
These traps will probably harm characters of this level. the saving throw against the sphere’s damage, and the
sphere stops moving this turn.
Chest of Fumes The sphere can jump over barriers up to 5 feet tall and across
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, moderate, harm) pits up to 10 feet wide. The sphere ignites flammable objects
not being worn or carried, and it sheds bright light in a 20-
This well-adorned and locked chest contains something
foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
of value. A glass vessel containing a noxious concoction is
hidden in the lid and breaks open if the chest is unlocked by The sphere lasts until dispelled, or for 1 minute.
any means other than with its key. Countermeasures. A creature can find the glyph with a
Trigger (Wrong Key). Using the wrong key (such as a skeleton successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check or with
key), or successfully picking the lock triggers the trap. detect magic. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
or dispel magic, disables the glyph.
Effect (Poison Gas). When triggered, the glass vessel within
the lid breaks open and creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of
poisonous, yellow-green fog centered on the chest. The fog
spreads around corners. It lasts for 1 minute or until strong
wind disperses the fog, Its area is heavily obscured.
When a creature enters the fog’s area for the first time on a
turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC
12 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 14 (4d6)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
or Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the mechanism
in the lid that will release the vial. A successful DC 12
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.

Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 29

Gunge Tank Putrid Slime
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, moderate, harm) Mechanical trap (level 5-8, moderate, hinder)
An alcove large enough for a single Medium creature is The faint smell of death and decay comes from this chamber.
empty, except for a chain dangling in the middle. Etched The corpse of a slain adventurer, monster, or animal is lying
into the back of the alcove is a door frame. Pulling the chain on the floor. A putrid slime, giving off a wretched smell,
doesn’t open the door; it drops a barrel of acidic slime onto coats the corpse.
the triggering creature. Trigger (Interact With Bait). A creature that touches or
Trigger (Pull Rope/Chain). Pulling on the rope triggers searches the dead creature inadvertently gets the slime on
the trap. their hands and clothing.
Effect (Falling Objects). The barrel falls onto the triggering Effect (Acid/Slime Blast).The slime is especially difficult
creature and splashes it with slime. The creature must to remove, and the smell gets worse and worse as the
make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5 (1d10) creature moves around. Creatures stained with the slime
bludgeoning damage plus 16 (3d10) acid damage on a have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 1 hour.
failed save, or half as much acid damage on a successful one, The slime can be removed with 10 minutes of thorough
and no bludgeoning damage. scrubbing with soap and water.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) Countermeasures. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the trigger, and a successful DC 12 Dexterity check reveals the slime on the corpse, and a successful DC 13
(Sleight of Hand) check disables the trap. Intelligence (Nature) check reveals the effect of the slime.

Peacekeeper Rogue’s Bane, Lesser

Magic trap (level 5-8, moderate, harm) Mechanical trap (level 5-8, moderate)
A glyph of warding (shatter) is hidden in this chamber, A poorly disguised tripwire is easily detected, but it hides the
destroying drawn weapons. Hopefully, the explosion will let real trap that is set to go off if the decoy is tampered with.
cooler heads prevail. Trigger (False Trigger). Disarming or attempting to disarm
Trigger (Draw Weapon). The first creature to draw a weapon the false trigger sets off the real trap.
in the area or bring a drawn weapon into the area sets off Effect (Random). Randomly select a mechanical trap of the
the trap. same or lower lethality and use its effect.
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts shatter. Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the (Perception) check reveals the false trigger. A successful DC
triggering creature must make a DC 12 Constitution saving 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals its true nature. A
throw. A creature takes 13 (3d8) thunder damage on a failed successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables
save, or half as much on a successful one. A creature holding the real trap.
an item in their hand must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw or drop what they are holding as they cover their ears.
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful
Separating Slab
DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check or detect magic. Dispel Hybrid trap (level 5-8, moderate, block)
magic or a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check A rotting fresco on the walls depicts hundreds of alarmed
disables the glyph. faces; a rune of detection is worked into the fresco. Parts of the
plaster have fallen away, revealing the moldy walls beneath.
Trigger (Pass Area). A creature that moves past the center of
the room triggers the trap.
Effect (Barrier). A 1-inch wide stone slab drops down across
the center of the room with a massive thud, splitting it in
two. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12 Dexterity check can
slip under the slab as it descends.
Countermeasures. If a creature succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check, they spot the rune worked into the fresco.
The rune can also be found with detect magic. A creature
can disable the rune with a successful DC 12 Intelligence
(Arcana) check or with dispel magic.

30 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps

Spellcaster’s Spirit Urn of Silence
Magic trap (level 5-8, moderate, hinder) Magic trap (level 5-8, moderate, hinder)
An enormous glass tube takes up the majority of this arcane A beautifully painted urn depicting monks in silent worship
workshop. Floating inside it is the corpse of an elderly sits in a depression. The urn rests on a plinth that glows
female human, dressed in robes and wielding a staff. with a soft radiance. Lifting the urn reveals a small glyph of
Trigger (Break Object). If a creature breaks the glass tube, warding (silence).
the trap triggers. Trigger (Cast Spell). A creature that casts a spell within 20
Effect (Fear). A ghostly figure that resembles the human in feet of the urn triggers the trap.
the tube flies out of it, screaming and flailing. All creatures Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts silence.
that can see the terrifying figure must succeed on a DC 10 For 10 minutes or until dispelled, no sound can be created
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. A creature within or pass through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on
frightened this way must take the Dash action and move the triggering creature. Any creature or object entirely inside
away from the tube by the safest available route on each of the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures
its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that
If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t includes a verbal component is impossible there.
have line of sight to the tube, the creature can make a Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, this effect ends (Investigation) check or detect magic reveals the glyph. Dispel
for that creature. magic or a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check
This effect ends for all creatures if dispelled with dispel magic disables it.
or after 1 minute.
Countermeasures (Difficult). The glass tube has an aura
of illusion magic when viewed with detect magic.. A creature
that succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check
finds some scattered notes in the workshop that explain the
nature of the trap.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the tube with
a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic cast
on the tube also disables the trap.

Still Water
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, moderate, harm)
A large fountain takes up most of this room. The fountain is
10 feet wide, 20 feet long, and 2 feet deep. Coins and gems
litter the bottom of the fountain, but disturbing the water
releases 4 ice mephits.
Trigger (Disturb Liquid). Disturbing the water triggers
the trap.
Effect (Release Creatures). The ice mephits have made this
fountain their home. When the water is disturbed they
attack, trying to drive off intruders.
Countermeasures. Due to their False Appearance trait, the
mephits are almost impossible to spot under the water; they
appear as crystal clear shards of ice. However, they could
be detected with detect evil and good or with features like the
paladin’s Divine Sense.

Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 31

Level 5-8 Dangerous Falling Fids
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm)
These traps are likely to seriously injure (and potentially kill)
characters of these levels. The lower deck of the pirate ship is poorly lit and filled with
hammocks; a large chest is secured here, obscured by tarps.
All or Nothing Trigger (Tension Cable). A thin wire connects the chest lid to
the ceiling. If the lid is lifted the wire goes slack, triggering
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, dangerous, block) the trap.
A series of portcullises blocks the path forward: one every 5 Effect (Falling Objects). Conical wooden spikes (called fids)
feet. The first one is resting at an angle around 3 feet up as if fall from the ceiling. The triggering creature must make a DC
jarred in place. Creatures could easily get beneath it. 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) piercing damage
Trigger (Remove Barrier). Removing a portcullis, usually by on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save.
lifting it up, triggers the trap. Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom
Effect (Barrier). Lifting a portcullis makes the previous one (Perception) check reveals the trap, and a successful DC 15
close, forcing creatures to proceed forward. Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables it. If the
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 15 Wisdom check to disable the trap totals 10 or less, the trap is triggered.
(Perception) check reveals the mechanisms hidden in the
slots for each portcullis. With a successful DC 15 Intelligence Frozen Tome
(Investigation) check, a creature understands the trap, and Magic trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm)
a successful DC 15 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools
disables it. Horrifying wailing sounds burst forth from a tome resting
on a plinth made of ice. Swirling ink covers the pages of the
tome, throbbing in sync with the screams.
Ambiguous Ascension Trigger (Open/Close Object). Closing the tome stops the
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm) screams, but triggers the trap.
A thick, knotted rope dangles from the top of this cylindrical Effect (Elemental Blast). A blast of cold erupts from the
shaft. The bottom end of the rope is coiled on the floor of the tome, freezing it in a block of ice. All creatures in a 15-foot
chamber, and the top end is attached to something out of cone centered on the triggering creature must make a DC
sight at the top of the shaft. 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) cold damage on a
Trigger (Pull Rope). Pulling on the rope in an attempt to failure or half as much on a success. The tome can be broken
climb it or test its sturdiness triggers the trap. free of the ice with a DC 15 Strength check.
Effect (Falling Object). When pulled off it’s ledge, a 10-gallon Countermeasures (Difficult). The tome has an aura of
ceramic vessel crashes and spreads alchemist’s fire and oil evocation magic when viewed with detect magic, and a creature
in a 15-foot radius centered on the triggering creature. All that succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check can spot
creatures in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving fragments of shattered ice around the base of the plinth.
throw, taking 28 (8d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as Examining the tome and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence
much on a successful one. (Arcana) check lets a creature understand how the trap works.
Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on a DC A spellcaster can make a DC 15 spellcasting ability check to
15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices something odd about the try and disrupt the magic around the tome, and dispel magic
rope, and with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) cast on it will disable the trap as well.
check they can spot that the rope is tied to a ceramic jar at the
top of the shaft, instead of a firm anchor point. A creature can
remove the rope without setting off the trap by succeeding on
a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.

32 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps

Gruesome Decoration Effect (Summon Creatures). The idol summons 2 quasits
that attack the triggering creature. The quasits will defend
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm) themselves and attack other creatures but their primary
The corpse of a slain adventurer is suspended on the wall target is the creature that failed to provide a sacrifice. The
by four spears jutting out from holes in the wall. Four more quasits will not leave the chamber with the idol and return to
spears are hidden in the wall, set to go off when the corpse the Abyss if reduced to 0 hit points or after 24 hours.
is disturbed. Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on DC 15
Trigger (Interact With Bait). A creature that searches the Intelligence (Religion) check understands the sacrifice
corpse triggers the trap. required to propitiate the Abyssal idol. The idol also has an
aura of conjuration magic when viewed with detect magic.
Effect (Spears). Four heavy, poison-tipped spears thrust
out of the wall. The triggering creature must make a DC 15 A spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 15 spellcasting ability
Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) piercing damage and check can siphon away some of the magic of the idol,
14 (4d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much of disabling the trap. Dispel magic cast on the idol also disables it.
both on a successful one.
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom Shocking Surprise
(Perception) check reveals the mechanism attached to the Magic trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm)
corpse. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’
An idol, weapon, relic, or door handle is enchanted to blast
tools disables the mechanism, and a check with a total of 10
any creature that touches it with lightning.
or lower triggers the trap.
Trigger (Touch Object).Touching the object triggers the trap.
Magical Melting Effect (Elemental Blast). The triggering creature is hit with a
Magic trap (level 5-8, dangerous, hinder) lightning blast and must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw, taking 33 (6d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or
The door frame before you seems to be made of melted half as much on a successful one.
laboratory tools. The majority of the frame is metal of
swirling colors, but poking out of it are random spurs and Countermeasures (Difficult). With a successful DC 15 Wisdom
spikes, as well as shards of crystal, glass, and wood. A glyph of (Perception) check, a creature can find scorch marks and the
warding (dispel magic) is hidden in the lintel of the door frame. remnants of lightning blasts around the item; a creature that
spots this and then succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
Trigger (Fail to Speak Password). A creature that passes check understands the trap. When viewed with detect magic,
through the opening without speaking the password the object has an aura of evocation magic.
“solidify” triggers the trap.
A spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 15 spellcasting ability
Effect (Dispel Magic). When activated, the glyph casts dispel check can disrupt the enchantment on the object, disabling
magic, targeting the triggering creature. Any spell of 3rd level the trap. Dispel magic cast on the object also disables the trap.
or lower active on the creature ends.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence Step Lightly
(Investigation) check or casting detect magic reveals the
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, dangerous, subdue)
glyph. The shards of crystal and glass spell out the password
in Primordial. A 10-by-10-foot section of the chamber floor is a hidden
trapdoor, designed to break away down the middle when it
Speaking the password, a successful DC 15 Intelligence
bears enough weight. Under the trap door is a 30-foot pit
(Arcana) check, or dispel magic cast on the glyph disables it.
with spikes at the bottom.

Sanguine Idol Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). When two Medium

creatures or three Small creatures occupy the 10-by-10-foot
Magic trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm) area, the trapdoor opens.
An idol made of flesh and bone smashed together into the Effect (Drop Into Spiked Pit). The triggering creature(s) must
mockery of a man, sickening to behold, stands upon a raised make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save,
dais. Oil paintings of hideous creatures from the depths of the creature is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a
the Abyss surround the dais. failed save, the creature falls into the pit and takes 10 (3d6)
Trigger (Insult Idol). A creature that passes through the bludgeoning damage and 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
chamber with the idol must give it a sacrifice of blood. Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom
Failure to do so triggers the trap. (Perception) check reveals the weight-sensitive floor. A
successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables
the trap, and a check with a total of 10 or lower triggers the trap.

Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 33

Vampiric Shrine Crystal Combination
Magic trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm) Hybrid trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm)
The stench of blood dripping from an altar fills the air. The A locked door has 6 colored crystals embedded around the
scarlet liquid seems to ooze from the stone by some magical edges and a rune of detection inscribed on the front. To unlock
means, flowing into cracks in the floor in a constant cycle. the door, the crystals must be arranged in the correct order
On either side of the altar are bronze statues of humanoids in a pattern of holes in the center of the door.
with open mouths, baring long fangs.
Trigger (Wrong Combination). Arranging the crystals in the
Trigger (Corpse). Bringing a corpse within 20 feet of the incorrect order triggers the trap.
altar triggers the trap.
Effect (Falling Sand). Small chutes open in the room’s ceiling
Effect (Reanimate Creatures). The corpse that triggered the and disgorge sand that quickly fills the room. Creatures
trap is animated as a ghast that attacks any creatures in the in the area must make a successful DC 17 Dexterity saving
altar room. The ghast will not go farther than 40 feet from throw at the beginning of their turns to stay atop the sand.
the altar. It crumbles to dust if reduced to 0 hit points or The save DC increases by 2 at the end of each round.
after 24 hours.
A creature that fails one saving throw is buried up to their
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC knees and restrained. On their next saving throw, if the
15 Intelligence (Religion) check knows about the altar creature succeeds they dig themselves out and are no longer
and understands the trap. The trap also has an aura of restrained; if they fail they are buried waist-deep and
necromancy magic when viewed with detect magic. remain restrained.
A spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 15 spellcasting ability A creature buried waist-deep must make a DC 17 Strength
check can disrupt the enchantment on the altar, disabling saving throw at the beginning of their turn; if they succeed
the trap. Dispel magic can also disable the trap. they dig themselves free of the sand and if they fail they are
buried to the neck and immobilized. On their next turn, the
Level 5-8 Perilous creature is completely buried and starts suffocating.
These traps may kill characters of these levels, and will As an action, a creature can dig out another creature with
definitely injure them severely. a successful Strength (Athletics) check against the current
save DC of the trap. Spells like freedom of movement or
Blazing Ring, Lesser movement modes like burrow can also allow creatures to
freely move through the sand.
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, perilous, harm)
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
A 1-foot thick ring of decorative stonework surrounds a check reveals the hidden chutes for the sand. A creature
25-foot diameter circular area in the center of the room. The that succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check
ceiling directly above the ring is blackened with soot. In the understands that only the correct combination of crystals
5-foot square at the circle’s center is something intriguing.
in the door’s center will open the door. Clues for the correct
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Floor). When a Small or larger combination might be present in the room or elsewhere in
creature steps onto a space adjacent to the 5-foot square at the the surrounding area.
center of the area within the ring, they activate a pressure plate.
The rune of detection is plainly visible, and also revealed with
Parts of the stonework slide away, revealing spouts which pour
detect magic. A creature can disable the rune with a successful
flaming oil onto the floor from the ring’s inner edge.
DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check, which disables the trap.
Effect (Wall of Fire). The flaming oil creates a ringed wall of
flames 25 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. When the wall appears,
each creature within its area must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 28 (8d6) fire
damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
The side of the wall facing inwards deals the trap’s fire
damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage
when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
A creature that is adjacent to the wall can make a DC 17
Constitution check using thieves’ tools to end this effect.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 17
Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables it.

34 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps

Drowning Pool At the end of each of its turns, a confused creature can make
another DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, perilous, block) effect ends for that creature.
This chamber is filled with algae-strewn water that sloshes Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
at ankle-height. Moss has grown on the pillars and walls, as Intelligence (History or Religion) check recognizes the statue
well as the door leading out of the chamber. Affixed to one and is aware of the trap. The glyph can be found with a
pillar is a large iron wheel. successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or with
Trigger (Turn Wheel/Crank). Turning the wheel clockwise detect magic.
triggers the trap. Once found, the glyph can be deactivated with dispel magic (DC
Effect (Drop Into Water). Trap doors open beneath the 14) or with a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
creature turning the wheel, pulling them into a pit filled with
water unless they succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw. Formidable Glare
The trap doors close and lock above the triggering creature,
Magic trap (level 5-8, perilous, hinder)
sealing them in the water where they begin suffocating. A
creature can unlock the trap doors from either side with a A polished glass dome protects a lifesize statue of a fearsome
successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. dragon, somehow sculpted from solidified lava. The dragon’s
eyes are made of rubies that flare and glow like embers. A
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
glyph of warding (hold person) is inscribed on the left eye.
check reveals the trigger, and a successful DC 17 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. Trigger (Look Into). Looking into the statue’s eyes triggers
the trap.
Eye of Madness Effect (Restraint). When activated, the glyph casts hold person
Magic trap (level 5-8, perilous, hinder) on the triggering creature, which must succeed on a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end
A demonic statue sits cold and silent, with two rubies for eyes. of each of its turns, the creature can make another Wisdom
One of its eyes glows with an enchanted twinkle, which hides saving throw. On a success, the spell ends. Dispel magic can also
a glyph of warding (confusion). If a creature gets close enough to end the spell.
look at the enchanted ruby they risk being driven mad.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Intelligence
Trigger (Look Into). A creature that gets within 20 feet of (Investigation) check or detect magic reveals the glyph. A
the statue and looks into the enchanted ruby triggers the successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic
trap. A creature can avoid looking at the ruby, but they have disables it.
disadvantage on any ability checks made to find or disable
the trap.
Effect (Spell Effect). The triggering creature and each
creature in a 10-foot radius around them must succeed on a
DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be confused for 1 minute or
until dispelled (dispel magic DC 14). A confused creature must
roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its
behavior for that turn.

d10 Behavior
1 The creature uses all its movement to move in a
random direction. To determine the direction,
roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
The creature doesn’t take an action this turn.
2-6 The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.
7-8 The creature uses its action to make a melee
attack against a randomly determined creature
within its reach. If there is no creature within its
reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
9-10 The creature can act and move normally.

Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 35

Illusion Confusion Life-Giving Light
Magic trap (level 5-8, perilous, harm) Magic trap (level 5-8, perilous, harm)
The chamber is filled with a strange, lingering ash-like dust. The floor of this dark cavern is uneven, and something
A relief carving on the floor depicts a strange sigil. The same crunches sickeningly beneath your feet as you enter.
symbol, but in reverse, is on the ceiling directly overhead. Trigger (Produce Light/Darkness). Bringing or producing
A glyph of warding (phantasmal killer) is worked into the light, non-magical or magical, into the cavern triggers the trap.
reversed symbol.
Effect (Reanimate Creatures). Light reveals the bones in this
Trigger (Pass Area). A creature that passes over the runic room and they begin to glow with a sickly hue, animating
symbol on the floor triggers the trap. into 8 skeletons that attack all creatures in the cavern. The
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts phantasmal skeletons will not leave the cavern, and they stay active until
killer, targeting the triggering creature. The spell taps into reduced to 0 hit points, or until 24 hours pass, at which point
the nightmares of the creature and creates an illusory they crumble to dust. The skeletons can also be dispelled
manifestation of its deepest fears, visible only to that creature. with dispel magic.
The target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on
failed save, the target becomes frightened for the duration. DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) finds bone fragments scattered
At the end of each of the target’s turns before the spell ends, all around the room; with a successful DC 17 Intelligence
the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw (Arcana) check, a creature can discern the fragments are
or take 22 (4d10) psychic damage. On a successful save, the remnants of animated creatures. When viewed with detect
spell ends. The spell also ends if dispelled or after 1 minute. magic, the room has an aura of necromancy magic.
Countermeasures. If a creature investigates the dust around With a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check, a
the room and succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on this room. Dispel
check, they can discern the residue of materials used to magic also disables this trap.
make the glyph and they know about the trap. This doesn’t
reveal the location of the glyph, but the creature knows it’s
in the room somewhere.
Pressurized Poison
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, perilous, harm)
A creature can find the glyph with a successful DC 17
Intelligence (Investigation) check or with detect magic. Once Wooden floorboards cover the floor of the corridor ahead,
found, a successful DC Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel in stark contrast to the carpeted floors behind you. The
magic (DC 14, 4th-level spell) disables the trap. corridor is relatively wide, allowing several creatures to walk
side-by-side, and is at least 30 feet long.
Knowledge is Dangerous Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). When a Medium or
larger creature steps on the central floorboard, the bottles of
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, perilous, block) poison hidden beneath burst and emit a noxious gas.
Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves cover the walls of this room. Effect (Poison Gas). The trap creates a 20-foot radius sphere
Although all of the books could be interesting, one with a of poisonous gas. It lasts for 10 minutes or until strong
golden spine catches the eye. wind disperses the fog. Its area is heavily obscured. When a
Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). Pulling the golden-spined creature enters the fog for the first time on a turn or starts
book from the shelf triggers the trap. its turn there, that creature must make a DC 17 Constitution
Effect (Barrier). Every door leading out of the library slams saving throw. The creature takes 28 (8d6) poison damage on a
shut and locks. The doors can be opened with a successful failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DC 17 Strength check, or a DC 17 Dexterity check using Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
thieves’ tools. check reveals the trapped floorboard, and a successful DC 17
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it.
check reveals that the book is trapped, and a successful DC 17
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it.

36 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps

Wall of Fireball Curiosity Petrified the Cat
Magic trap (level 5-8, perilous, harm) Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, hinder)
This charred-black chamber is notably hotter than the rest, The room is packed full of strange curiosities and trinkets,
and a single stone in one wall glows bright with orange veins including a throne made of leather and bone, a suit of
of a lava-like substance. A glyph of warding (burning hands) is armor made of red metal, a flask of silvery liquid, an open
inscribed on the glowing stone. book filled with symbols and glyphs, a twisting obsidian
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that gets within 5 candlestick, and dozens of other oddities. Standing out from
feet of the stone triggers the trap. them all is a prism filled with swirling purple smoke.

Effect (Elemental Blast). When activated, the glyph casts Trigger (Detect Magic). A creature that casts detect magic
burning hands as a 5th level spell. Each creature in a 15-foot within the chamber triggers the trap.
cone centered on the triggering creature must make a DC 17 Effect (Petrification). When triggered, the prism shatters
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 24 (7d6) fire damage and the smoke within surges towards the triggering creature
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. and down their airways. The creature must make a DC 20
The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
being worn or carried. restrained as their flesh begins to harden and change into
ivory. On a successful save, the creature isn’t affected.
Countermeasures. A creature can spot the rune without
activating it with a successful DC 17 Intelligence A creature restrained in this way must make a DC 20
(Investigation) check; detect magic can also reveal the glyph. Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If
it successfully saves against this effect three times, the effect
With a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check a creature ends for that creature. If it fails its save three times, it is turned
can disable the rune, but to do so they would need to be next to into a statue of ivory and petrified. The successes and failures
the glyph, activating it. Dispel magic can also disable the glyph. don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the
creature collects three of a kind.
Level 5-8 Deadly The creature remains petrified until the effect is dispelled,
These traps will almost certainly kill characters of these levels. either with dispel magic or greater restoration, or after 1 hour. If
a creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers from
Crushing Chamber similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.
Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on a
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm)
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check can find fragments of
The exit to the chamber or corridor is blocked by a locked stone in odd shapes scattered around the area, remnants
door, portcullis, or other removable barrier. On the wall next of petrified creatures. With a successful DC 20 Intelligence
to the exit are six small levers inset in the wall. They are all (Arcana) check, a creature understands the danger of the
in the down position. smoke inside the prism and how the trap is activated.
Trigger (Move Lever/Press Button). Moving any of the levers A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the prism
except one to the up position triggers the trap. with a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check or with
Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). Any other exits to the dispel magic (DC 15).
chamber or corridor are suddenly blocked by a door,
portcullis, or other barrier. A grinding noise fills the area
the ceiling begins to drop down. The ceiling moves at a rate
of 1 foot per round at the end of the initiative order. Once
the surface reaches a creature’s space, they take 5 (1d10)
bludgeoning damage. If the surface is still moving on the
next turn, the creature is restrained and takes 10 (2d10)
bludgeoning damage. A third round spent being crushed
inflicts 20 (4d10) bludgeoning damage, the fourth and every
round thereafter inflicts 50 (10d10) bludgeoning damage and
then the surface retracts.
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the gap between the walls and the
ceiling. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
reveals that one of the levers is far more worn than the rest,
indicating that it’s the correct lever while the rest are decoys.
The locked exit can also be opened with a successful DC 20
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.

Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 37

Dead of Winter Fire Bad
Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm) Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm)
A strange book with an intricate blue leather cover rests in A glyph of warding (conjure elemental) is inscribed on the ceiling
this room, surrounded by chunks of ice. A glyph of warding (ice of this room. If any kind of open flame - candles, torches, or
storm) is inscribed inside the book. lanterns - are brought into or ignited in this room, the glyph
Trigger (Creature Detector). The trap is triggered if any non- summons an air elemental.
good creature opens the book. Trigger (Produce Flame). If any open flame is brought into
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts ice storm or ignited in the room, the trap is triggered.
as a 5th-level spell. A hail of rock-hard ice pounds to the Effect (Summon Creature). When activated, the glyph casts
ground in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered conjure elemental. An air elemental appears in an unoccupied
on the triggering creature. Each creature in the cylinder space within 10 feet of the open flame that triggered the
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 13 (3d8) trap. The elemental disappears when it drops to 0 hit points
bludgeoning damage and 14 (4d6) cold damage on a failed save, or after 1 hour. The elemental also disappears if targeted
or half as much damage on a successful one. with dispel magic (DC 15, 5th-level spell).
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20 The elemental is hostile to all creatures in the room and
Intelligence (History) check remembers details about this attacks indiscriminately, but it will not leave the room.
book and understands the trap. The book also has an aura Countermeasures. A creature that can see in the dark can find
of abjuration magic when viewed with detect magic, and the the glyph on the ceiling with a successful DC 20 Intelligence
glyph can be found with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check; detect magic can also reveal the glyph.
(Investigation) check. Once found, a creature can disable the glyph with a successful
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel magic or DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
Fiery Feast Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, hinder)
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, deadly, block) Polished to perfection, the enormous black opal in the centre
This chamber is lit by lava which flows in gutters around of this chamber shows a shadowed version of reality in its
the top of the walls. The floor is made of hexagonal blocks reflection. Resting on a small plinth, the spherical jewel is at
of obsidian, as are the room’s long, central table and the least six feet across and exudes a chilling aura.
surrounding chairs. The table is covered with roasted meats, Trigger (Look Into). A creature adjacent to the opal can look
ash-covered molten cheeses, and crusty loaves of bread. into it to investigate distorted reflection. Unfortunately,
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). The six armless chairs gazing into the opal triggers the trap.
are each a single piece of obsidian, including the floor piece. Effect (Invisibility). The creature must succeed on a DC
When a Small size or larger creature sits in a chair, the 20 Constitution saving throw or become invisible for 10
floor below them erupts in a jet of flame. Each chair can be minutes, or until this effect is dispelled (dispel magic DC 15).
triggered separately, and disabling one chair doesn’t disable Anything the creature is wearing or carrying is invisible as
the others. long as it is on their person. A creature rendered invisible by
Effect (Elemental Blast). The triggering creature must make the jewel can be seen in the shadowy version of reality inside
a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. They take 55 (10d10) fire it, but is otherwise invisible.
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) Intelligence (Arcana or History) check recognizes the jewel
check reveals the mechanism connected to each chair, and a and understands the danger of the trap. The jewel has an
successful DC 20 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools aura of illusion magic when viewed with detect magic.
disables the trap for that chair. A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the jewel with
a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check; casting dispel
magic (DC 15) on the jewel also disables the trap.

38 Chapter Three | Level 5-8Traps

Ooze Fault Was That? Sinister Flame
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm) Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm)
Hundreds of bottles hang from the ceiling on thin pieces In the center of this room’s floor is a broad, low-rimmed
of wire, each filled with a strange, ooze-like creature. The stone bowl, with a glyph of warding (conjure elemental) inscribed
miniature oozes slop against their glass prisons as you walk within. A drip of flammable liquid from the ceiling lands
past, as if sensing your presence. By the chamber door is a in the bowl periodically. If an open flame is brought into or
shelf of bottles filled with different fluids, and a complex ignited in the area, the flame of the torch or lamp suddenly
device resembling a set of scales. The scales are weighed down becomes animated, leaps down to the floor, runs to the bowl
completely on one side with one of the fluid-filled bottles. and jumps into it, igniting an incredible blaze. From the
Trigger (Wrong Combination). Weighing down the other inferno emerges a fire elemental.
side of the scale completely triggers the trap. Trigger (Produce Flame). Bringing an open flame or igniting
Effect (Falling Objects). The ooze-filled bottles fall from the one in the room triggers the trap.
ceiling. Avoiding a falling bottle requires a successful DC Effect (Summon Creature). When activated, the glyph casts
20 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures who fail to avoid the conjure elemental. A fire elemental appears in an unoccupied
vessels are covered with mini-oozes. The first time the oozes space within 10 feet of the bowl and is hostile to all creatures
cover a creature, and at the start of each of their turns when in the room. The elemental disappears after 1 hour, or when
covered with ooze, the creature takes 17 (5d6) acid damage. it drops to 0 hit points or if dispelled with dispel magic (DC 15,
A creature can scrape an ooze off themselves or another 5th-level spell).
creature as an action. Countermeasures. A creature that can see in the dark can find
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) the glyph in the bowl with a successful DC 20 Intelligence
check reveals the trigger and a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Investigation) check; detect magic can also reveal the glyph.
check using thieves’ tools disables it. Once found, a creature can disable the glyph with a successful
DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
Restless Guardians
Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm) Writhing Embrace
The statue of a deity sits atop a well-adorned pedestal with Magic trap (level 5-8, deadly, block)
a glyph of warding (spirit guardians) inscribed on it. The glyph is A small black opal rests alone on the smooth flagstone floor
keyed to creatures of a particular type or alignment. in the middle of a long corridor. A glyph of warding (black
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature of the chosen type tentacles) is inscribed on the underside of the opal.
approaching within 5 feet of the statue triggers the trap. Trigger (Creature Detector). When a creature gets within 5
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts spirit feet of the opal the trap activates.
guardians as a 5th level spell. A sudden swirl of tiny angelic Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts black tentacles; squirming,
(good deity), fey (neutral deity), or fiendish (evil deity) ebony tentacles fill a 20-foot square on the ground, centered on
spirits materialize around the triggering creature. The glyph the triggering creature. For 1 minute or until dispelled, these
doesn’t specify any creatures to be unaffected by this spell. tentacles turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.
The guardians affect an area in a 15-foot radius around the When a creature enters the affected area for the first time on
triggering creature. In that area, other creatures’ speed is a turn or starts its turn there, the creature must succeed on
halved and when a creature enters the area for the first time a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
on a turn or starts its turn there, they must make a DC 20 damage and be restrained by the tentacles until the spell
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes ends. A creature that starts its turn in the area and is already
22 (5d8) radiant damage (if the deity is good or neutral) or restrained by the tentacles takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage.
22 (5d8) necrotic damage (if the deity is evil). On a successful Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Intelligence
save, the creature takes half as much damage. (Investigation) check can find the glyph, but a creature close
The guardians last for 10 minutes or until dispelled with enough to examine the opal sets off the trap. Detect magic also
dispel magic (DC 15, 5th-level spell). reveals the glyph.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20 A successful dispel magic disables the glyph; a successful DC
Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the statue and 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check can also disable the glyph but
understands the trap. The glyph can be found with a DC 20 a creature would need to be close enough to set off the trap
Intelligence (Investigation) check or with detect magic. to tamper with the glyph in this way.
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel magic or
with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check).

Chapter Three | Level 5-8 Traps 39

am a self-aware rogue. I can admit my faults. I know Then, before I knew it, as I was staring lovingly at my new
what I am. I say this because, and I know this may favorite thing, I couldn’t feel my hand. A blackness started
surprise some of you, I have a weakness for gold and creeping from my fingertips, over my hand, and up my arm!
expensive looking things. With that out of the way... Everyone saw. I started screaming. Then the barbarian started
We got through that godawful corridor, ultimately screaming and decides he can solve the problem in his usual
unscathed thanks to the combined efforts of the cleric and way: with his axe! Thankfully, before he turned me into an
the barbarian. After this harrowing moment, we, of course, idol-less amputee, our wizard (bless her) got in his way.
chose to continue onward, perhaps because we may not be Out of what I can only guess was a sense of self-preservation
the best at taking architecturally-based hints that none- that overcame my sense of self-enrichment, I dropped the
too-subtly say “STAY OUT!” idol back onto the pedestal. Our cleric made it over to me and
We came to this lovely courtyard surrounded by walls and used some of that wonderful divine magic to get my arm back
overgrown greenery. In the center of this courtyard was a to its old familiar self again.
pedestal, and on this pedestal sat a wonderfully expensive- I’ll never understand the people who build these places, using
looking golden idol of a happy little monkey. I know what perfectly good valuables as mere bait for good rogues like
you’re thinking, and yes, I am not so lacking in humility to myself just trying to get by. What’s the world coming to...
admit that I wanted it. Badly. The traps in this chapter are designed to challenge characters
Something in my head started encouraging me to take who are levels 5-8 and are grouped by their lethality. Any
the idol. Taking expensive-looking things tends to be my of these traps can be dropped right into a dungeon or
modus operandi anyway, so of course, I strode boldly forth similar adventure and shouldn’t require any preparation.
and snatched the little golden rascal. Easy as taking candy For more information on customizing traps, go to Chapter
from someone incapable of stopping a thief from taking 8: Designing Traps, or for a completely random and
their candy. unexpected trap, go to Chapter 9: Random Trap Generator.

40 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Level 9-12 Traps Table
Roll a d100 on the table below to choose a random trap appropriate for 9-12 characters,
or select a desired lethality and roll a d10.

d100 d10 Trap Page d100 d10 Trap Page

1-2 1 Animal Article 42 61-62 1 Bathe the Tiger 50
3-4 2 Bad Key 42 63-64 2 Crystal Light 51
5-6 3 Blinded by Greed 42 65-66 3 Cube of Encaging 51
7-8 4 Demonic Bars 43 67-68 4 The Forest Walks 51


9-10 5 Earthen Clearing 43 69-70 5 Invisible Barricade 51

11-12 6 Gas Bomb 43 71-72 6 Mirrored Flame 52
13-14 7 Hydroblast 44 73-74 7 Model Disaster 52
15-16 8 Portal Puddle 44 75-76 8 The Old Needle in Lock 52
17-18 9 Sleep Sounds 44 77-78 9 A Riveting Read 52
19-20 10 Trapdoor Pitfall 44 79-80 10 Rolling Stop 53
21-22 1 Acid Arrow 45 81-82 1 Back to the Cradle 53
23-24 2 Bloody Chamber 45 83-84 2 Blazing Rings 53
25-26 3 Dropped into Hell 45 85-86 3 Burning Barricade 54
27-28 4 Green Mist 46 87-88 4 Corrosive Pit 54

29-30 5 Manticore Statue 46


89-90 5 Enchanted Armory 54

31-32 6 Pilfering Pincushion 46 91-92 6 Lightning Breath 54
33-34 7 Rogue’s Bane 46 93-94 7 Scything Blades 55
35-36 8 Scrap Room 46 95-96 8 Shockingly Secure 55
37-38 9 Spirit Skull 47 97-98 9 Sinister Skulls 55
39-40 10 Shafted 47 99-100 10 Small Folk Only 55
41-42 1 Bewildering Bait 47
43-44 2 Caustic Drop 48
45-46 3 Disappearing Tube 48
47-48 4 Font of Fire 48

49-50 5 Ice Entice 48

51-52 6 Magnum Ignis 48
53-54 7 Murderous Menagerie 49
55-56 8 No Wizzids Alawd 49
57-58 9 Popping Rot 49
59-60 10 Vile Touch 50

Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 41

Level 9-12 Setback Bad Key
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, setback, harm)
These traps should present a minor inconvenience to
characters of this level range. The corridor slopes down towards a single, battered door.
The door looks as if it has been battered by something big,
but it remains locked. The keyhole is complex, with lots of
Animal Article tiny spurs inside.
Magic trap (level 9-12, setback, hinder) Trigger (Use Wrong Key). Picking the lock or using any key
A small statuette of an animal is enchanted to transform a but the correct one activates a separate mechanism inside
creature that picks it up, to prevent thievery. This sort of trap the door.
may be used by someone who has a use for such animals, or Effect (Rolling Boulder). The ceiling above the higher end
perhaps just has a strange sense of humor. of the corridor opens, releasing a massive circular boulder
Trigger (Pick Up Object). A creature that picks up the that rolls toward the bottom of the corridor. All creatures
statuette triggers the trap. present roll initiative as the sphere is released. The sphere
Effect (Transmutation). The triggering creature makes a rolls initiative with a +8 bonus. On its turn, it moves 60 feet
DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails, they are in a straight line. The sphere can move through creatures’
transformed into the same beast as the statue for 10 minutes, spaces, and creatures can move through its space, treating it
or until they drop to 0 hit points or die. This effect doesn’t as difficult terrain.
work on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. Whenever the sphere enters a creature’s space or a creature
A transformed creature’s game statistics, including mental enters its space while it’s rolling, that creature must succeed on
ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the beast it a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
transforms into. It retains its alignment and personality. damage and be knocked prone. The sphere stops when it hits a
The creature assumes the hit points of its new form. When wall or similar barrier. It can’t go around corners.
it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the As an action, a creature within 5 feet of the sphere can
number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it attempt to slow it down with a DC 10 Strength check. On a
reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess successful check, the sphere’s speed is reduced by 15 feet.
damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess If the sphere’s speed drops to 0, it stops moving and is no
damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0 hit longer a threat.
points, it isn’t knocked unconscious. Countermeasures. A creature can spot the hidden
A transformed creature is limited in the actions it can mechanism with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
perform by the nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast check, and a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’
spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech. tools disables the trap.
The creature’s gear melds into the new form. It can’t activate,
use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment. Blinded by Greed
At the end of each of its turns, a creature transformed Magic trap (level 9-12, setback, hinder)
by this effect can make another Wisdom saving throw.
On a success, this effect ends. This effect also ends for all An ornately detailed scroll case is mounted into a heavy
creatures if dispelled, either with dispel magic or remove curse. stone base carved to resemble a humanoid hand.

Countermeasures (Difficult). With a successful DC 10 Trigger (Tension Cable). Lifting the scroll case puts tension
Wisdom (Perception) check, creatures can find evidence of the on the cable attached to it, triggering the trap.
animal around the room: things like fur, horns, broken pieces Effect (Blindness). Magical darkness fills a 15-foot-radius
of tack, and the like. Once found, a creature that succeeds on sphere around the scroll case. The darkness spreads around
a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check realizes these are from corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this
polymorphed creatures and is aware of the trap. darkness, and non-magical light can’t illuminate it.
The statuette has an aura of transmutation magic when The darkness emanates from the scroll case and moves with it.
viewed with detect magic. With a successful DC 10 spellcasting Completely covering the case with an opaque object, such as a
ability check, a spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness. If any of this effect’s area
on the statue, disabling the trap. Casting dispel magic on the overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or
statuette also disables the trap. lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.
The darkness lasts for 10 minutes or until dispelled with
dispel magic.

42 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
Wisdom (Perception) check spots the tension cable, and a
Earthen Clearing
successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it. Mechanical trap (level 9-12, setback, harm)
The scroll case has an aura of evocation magic when viewed Rune-covered monoliths mark the edges of this clearing. In
with detect magic, and a creature that succeeds on a DC 10 the center of the clearing is a large spherical stone that sits
Intelligence (Arcana) check understands the effect of this trap in the opening of a vertical tunnel shaft, blocking it from
but not the trigger. With a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability being opened. 4 dust mephits are trapped in the shaft.
check, a spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the scroll Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). Moving the sphere away from
case, disabling the trap. Dispel magic also disables the trap. the opening it covers triggers the trap.
There is no ability check to disable this trap because nothing
Demonic Bars is preventing the stone from being moved.
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, setback, block) Effect (Release Creatures). The dust mephits trapped held
The long corridor ahead is covered by green, shimmering in the vertical tunnel beneath the stone are released into
demon mouths carved from stone. They appear every 10 feet the area and attack all other creatures. If dropped to half of
down the 60-foot long corridor in vertical lines on the walls. At their hit points or fewer, the mephits flee.
each line of demon mouths, a pressure plate is set into the floor. Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A Small or larger creature stepping Wisdom (Perception) check hears the sounds of the mephits
on a pressure plate triggers the trap. scrabbling and chattering in the tunnel. With a successful
DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a creature recognizes the
Effect (Barrier). Iron bars shoot from each line of demon
sounds and can identify the mephits.
mouths, forming a 6 grates across the corridor. A creature
in the 5-foot wide area in front of the demon mouths must
make a DC 10 Dexterity check. On a success, the creature can Gas Bomb
choose which side of the barrier they end up on; otherwise, Mechanical trap (level 9-12, setback, harm)
the creature lands on a random side of the barrier.
Often used to alert the trap setter of incoming danger, the
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 10 Wisdom gas bomb is triggered by a tripwire along the floor connected
(Perception) check lets a creature spot a pressure plate, and to the cork of a bottle containing a clever alchemical
each one can be disabled with a successful DC 10 Dexterity concoction. As soon as the cork is pulled the bottle explodes
check using thieves’ tools. However, a check that totals 5 or in a cloud of gas; the sound of the bottle opening is audible
less sets off the trap. at quite a distance.
Trigger (Tripwire)
(Tripwire). A creature that walks through the trip
wire activates the trap.
Effect (Poison Gas)
Gas). A 20-foot-radius sphere of poisonous,
yellow-green fog erupts from a point next to the triggering
creature. The fog spreads around corners. It lasts for 10
minutes or until strong wind disperses the fog, ending the
spell. Its area is heavily obscured.
When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on
a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC
10 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 10 (3d6)
poison damage from the trap on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
The fog moves 10 feet away from its starting point at the
start of each round, rolling along the surface of the ground.
The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the lowest level of
the land, even pouring down openings.
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the trip wire. A successful DC 10
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trip wire,
and a check with a total of 5 or lower triggers the trap.

Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 43

Hydroblast Sleep Sounds
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, setback, harm) Magic trap (level 9-12, setback, hinder)
The alcove ahead is shrouded in darkness and a soft tinkling A beautiful noise echoes throughout this gemstone-encrusted
can be heard from within it, perhaps the sound of coins or cavern. It sounds something like a mixture of whalesong,
gemstones falling into a pile. It’s distinctly different from the lyre music, and a heavenly choir. A glyph of warding (sleep) is
sounds heard throughout the rest of the area. In the alcove, a inscribed in this cavern, hidden among the gems.
rune of detection waits to activate a powerful jet of water. Trigger (Speak Trigger Word). A creature saying the word
Trigger (Step Into Light/Darkness). A creature moving into ‘sound’, in either Common or a language appropriate for the
the shadowed alcove triggers the trap. area, triggers the trap.
Effect (Elemental Blast). When activated, the rune triggers Effect (Sleep). When activated, the glyph casts sleep as a 2nd-
a hidden mechanism that emits a blast of water. The blast level spell, sending creatures into a magical slumber. Roll
attacks the triggering creature with a +5 ranged attack bonus 7d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures the glyph
and deals 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage if it hits. A creature can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point next to the
hit by the blast is knocked prone. triggering creature are affected in ascending order of their
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10 current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures).
Wisdom (Perception) check spots the signs of massive water Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit
damage outside the shadowed area. A creature that can see points, each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious
in the dark can find the rune with the same check; detect for 1 minute, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses
magic also reveals the rune. an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each
Once found, the rune can be disabled with a successful DC creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the
10 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic. Using creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit
light sources to remove the darkness can also bypass the points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for
triggering conditions for the trap. that creature to be affected.
Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t
Portal Puddle affected by this spell. The spell can also be dispelled with
dispel magic.
Magic trap (level 9-12, setback, subdue)
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom
A beautiful pool sparkling with starlight fills the chamber; (Perception) check, a creature can spot remnants of a journal
a tiled walkway leads around its edge to doors at the far end in the cavern. After reading the journal, a creature can make
of the chamber. Steps lead down into the waters, and at the a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check; if they succeed, they deduce
bottom of the pool there is a mosaic of marine scene. the trigger word.
Trigger (Disturb Liquid). A creature that enters the pool The glyph can be found with a successful DC 10 Intelligence
triggers the trap. (Investigation) check or with detect magic. The glyph can be
Effect (Teleport). The triggering creature is instantly disabled with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check
teleported into a chamber above this one. The chamber could or with dispel magic.
be a holding cell, or the lair of a monster, or a laboratory.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10 Trapdoor Pitfall
Intelligence (History) check recognizes the scene in the Mechanical trap (level 9-12, setback, subdue)
mosaic and knows the dangers of the trap. When viewed
with detect magic, the pool has an aura of conjuration magic. This 50-foot deep vertical shaft is hidden under a trapdoor
which has been disguised to look like the rest of the floor.
With a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check, a The trapdoor is 5-foot square and has a pressure plate
spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the pool; dispel embedded in it.
magic cast on the pool also disables the trap.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the
trapdoor activates the pressure plate, causing the trap door
to swing open.
Effect (Drop Into Pit). The triggering creature must make a DC
10 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature is able
to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the creature falls
into the pit and takes 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the pressure plate and a successful DC 10
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.

44 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

a successful DC 12 Strength (Medicine) check, as long as
Level 9-12 Moderate there is room. Once the spikes reach the opposite surface,
they retract and return to their starting point, releasing any
These traps will probably harm characters of this level.
impaled creatures.

Acid Arrow Countermeasures. The rune is easily spotted, and a creature

can understand what triggers the rune with a successful
Magic trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm) DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A creature can disable
Hanging from the ceiling above is an ornate brass longbow, the rune with dispel magic or with another successful DC 12
covered with strange gears and pistons. Beneath the bow is a Intelligence (Arcana) check.
copper bowl filled with small cogs, springs, screws, and bolts.
The items in the bowl cover up a glyph of warding (acid arrow). Dropped into Hell
Trigger (Offering). If a creature enters this room and then Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm)
leaves without placing a small piece of metal into the bowl,
This chamber has a strangely bouncy floor and is
the trap activates.
uncomfortably warm. Mounted on the walls are dozens
Effect (Elemental Blast). When activated, the glyph casts acid of busts of infernal creatures with sneering smiles and
arrow as a 3rd-level spell, targeting the triggering creature. leering eyes.
A shimmering green arrow streaks towards the target and
Trigger (Musical/Auditory). Making a sound in the chamber
bursts in a spray of acid. The glyph makes a ranged spell
causes the floor to vibrate and give way. Creatures who move
attack against the target with a +6 bonus. On a hit, the target
or perform actions in the trapped area must make a successful
takes 5d4 acid damage immediately and 3d4 acid damage at
DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check each round to avoid triggering
the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the
the trap.
target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and
no damage at the end of its next turn. Effect (Drop Into Fire). When triggered, the entire floor
to give way. Each creature in the room must make a DC 12
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature is able
Intelligence (History or Religion) check recognizes the bow
to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the creature
and understands the trap.
falls into the 20-foot deep pit and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning
A creature can find the glyph with a successful DC 12 damage. Green flames lick through a grate at the bottom of
Intelligence (Investigation) check or with detect magic. Once the pit. A creature that enters the flames for the first time, or
found, the glyph can be disabled with a successful DC 12 starts its turns in the flames, takes 7 (2d6) fire damage.
Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals sensitive nature of the floor, and
Bloody Chamber allows a creature to make a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm) check; if they succeed they understand how the trap works.
The walls of this antechamber are covered with obsidian A creature who understands the trap can a DC 12 Dexterity
spikes the length of a human finger. On the floor is a dull check using thieves’ tools, disabling the trap on a success.
rune of detection. Alternatively, casting silence can negate this trigger entirely.
Trigger (Spill Blood). A creature that spills blood in the
antechamber triggers the trap.
Effect (Impaling Spikes). When activated, the rune engages
hidden mechanisms that power impaling spikes. The spikes
move at a rate of 1 foot per round, always at the end of the
initiative order. They start at one end of the chamber and
keep moving until the spikes touch the opposite surface, at
which point they retract. When the spikes enter a creature’s
space, it must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. If the
creature fails they take 21 (6d6) piercing damage, or half as
much on a success. A creature that fails the saving throw is
impaled on the spikes and restrained.
A creature impaled by spikes can free themselves with a
DC 12 Constitution (Athletics) check but not until there
is room equivalent to their size available in front of the
spikes. Another creature can free an impaled creature with

Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 45

Green Mist Pilfering Pincushion
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm) Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm)
Atop a stone pedestal sits a shallow copper bowl filled with The floor and ceiling around an object in the room is densely
a clear liquid. A vial of grayish, green liquid is held over the perforated with small holes. Moving the object activates
copper bowl, balanced on a thin copper stand. When enough tension cable, releasing needle-sharp spikes from above
weight is applied to the floor in front of the pedestal, the vial and below.
is knocked off of its perch and it drops into the clear liquid. Trigger (Pick Up Object). Lifting the object triggers the trap.
A grayish green mist forms immediately.
Effect (Spikes). Spikes shoot up from the holes in the floor
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). A creature of Medium size around the object as well as down from holes in the ceiling.
or larger standing in front of the pedestal triggers the trap. Each creature within 10 feet of the object must make a DC 12
Effect (Poison Gas). A 20-foot-radius sphere of poisonous, Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) piercing damage on a
grayish-green mist erupts from a point next to the triggering failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
creature. The fog spreads around corners. It lasts for 10 minutes Countermeasures (Sensitive). A creature can spot the
or until strong wind disperses it. Its area is heavily obscured. tension cable with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
When a creature enters the fog’s area for the first time on a check, and a successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’
turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC 12 tools disables the trap. If the Dexterity check totals 5 or
Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 21 (6d6) poison lower, the trap is triggered.
damage from the trap on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Rogue’s Bane
The fog moves 10 feet away from its starting point at the Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate)
start of each round, rolling along the surface of the ground.
The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the lowest level of A poorly disguised tripwire is easily detected, but it hides the
the land, even pouring down openings. real trap that is set to go off if the decoy is tampered with.

Countermeasures (Sensitive). With a successful DC Trigger (False Trigger). Disarming or attempting to disarm
12 Wisdom (Perception) check, a creature can spot the the false trigger sets off the real trap.
sensitivity of the floor. A successful DC 16 Dexterity check Effect (Random). Randomly select a mechanical trap of the
using thieves’ tools disables the trap, but a check with a total same or lower lethality and use its effect
of 5 or less triggers the trap. Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the false trigger. A successful DC
Manticore Statue 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals its true nature. A
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm) successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables
the real trap.
A hideous, lifelike statue of a manticore fills this chamber.
Inside the statue’s mouth is a small button, just at the back
of the tongue. Scrap Room
Trigger (Move Lever/Press Button). Pressing the button Hybrid trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm)
triggers the trap. The room ahead is filled with scrap metal: piles of pewter
Effect (Dart). A barrage of 6 darts shoot from the creature’s plates, dozens of hollow steel poles leaned up against the
tail toward the triggering creature. The creature must make walls, and dented cages piled up high. The walls are dotted
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (3d4) piercing with inch-wide holes, and a rune of detection is inscribed on
damage and 7 (3d4) poison damage on a failed save, or half one wall.
as much of both on a successful one. Trigger (Musical/Auditory). Loud noises, such as knocking
Countermeasures (Difficult). The button is easy to spot, over a pile of junk, triggers the trap.
but with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check a Effect (Elemental Blast). Each creature must make a DC 12
creature can find some darts scattered around the base of Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) lightning damage on
the statue. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
check reveals the hidden mechanisms in the statue, and Countermeasures. Creatures moving through the area or
allows a creature to attempt a DC 12 Dexterity check while taking actions within it must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity
using thieves’ tools to disable the trap. (Stealth) check or trigger the trap.
A creature can find the rune with detect magic or a successful
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. Once found, a creature
can disable the rune with dispel magic or a successful DC 12
Intelligence (Arcana) check.

46 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Spirit Skull Level 9-12 Dangerous
Magic trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm)
These traps are likely to seriously injure (and potentially kill)
A desk is strewn with papers and parchment, and resting characters of these levels.
atop the mess is a blood-red crystal skull. A glyph of warding
(spirit guardians) is inscribed on the skull.
Trigger (Look Into). When a creature looks into the skull, the
Bewildering Bait
glyph activates. Magic trap (level 9-12, dangerous, hinder)
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts spirit A seemingly valuable item is inscribed with a glyph of warding
guardians. A sudden swirl fiendish spirits materialize around (confusion), so as to thwart potential thieves. This is suited to
the triggering creature. The glyph doesn’t specify any areas with environmental hazards such as falls or spikes.
creatures to be unaffected by this spell. Trigger (Touch Object). A creature that touches the object
The guardians affect an area in a 15 foot radius around the triggers the trap.
triggering creature. In that area, other creatures’ speed is Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts
halved and when a creature enters the area for the first confusion, assaulting and twisting creatures’ minds,
time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC 12 spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled action.
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the
13 (3d8) necrotic damage. On a successful save, the creature triggering creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
takes half as much damage. throw or be affected by the spell.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12 An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll a d10
Intelligence (History) check recognizes the skull and at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for
understands the trap. The glyph can be found with a DC 12 that turn.
Intelligence (Investigation) check or with detect magic.
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel magic or d10 Behavior
with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check).
1 The creature uses all its movement to move in a

Shafted random direction. To determine the direction,

roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm) tThe creature doesn’t take an action this turn.
Holes an inch or two wide are scattered in a seemingly random
array across the walls and ceiling of this room. Housed within 2-6 The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.
are metal rods intended to bludgeon and pin victims. A 7-8 The creature uses its action to make a melee
pressure plate is concealed in the middle of the room. attack against a randomly determined creature
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the within its reach. If there is no creature within its
pressure plate triggers the trap. reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
Effect (Spears). The trap makes 6 attack rolls with spears
against creatures in the area; each spear has a +6 ranged 9-10 The creature can act and move normally.
attack bonus and deals 3 (1d6) piercing damage on a hit. If hit At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can make
by a spear, a creature is restrained by it. Creatures restrained a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends
by spears can make DC 12 Constitution (Athletics) checks to for that target. This effect also ends if dispelled with dispel
free themselves, taking 1 piercing damage if they fail. Other magic (DC 14, 4th-level spell), or after 1 minute.
creatures can free those restrained by the spears with a DC
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 15 Intelligence
12 Strength (Medicine) check, again dealing 1 damage to the
(History) check, a creature can discern that the item isn’t
restrained creature if they fail.
really valuable at, but a cheap copy. A creature can find
Long metal poles, restrained under pressure within the the glyph on the item with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
ceiling and walls, eject down vertically or at 45 degree angles (Investigation) check; this doesn’t trigger the trap. Using
in an area up to 40 feet long with the pressure plate being at detect magic also reveals the glyph.
the center. Any creatures in the affected area must make a
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) bludgeoning Once found, the glyph can be dispelled with dispel magic or
damage on a failed save and be knocked prone. A creature with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
can use its action to make a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) to free
itself or another creature pinned by a pole
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the pressure plate and a successful
DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it. A check
with a total of 5 or lower sets off the trap.
Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 47
Caustic Drop Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the pressure plate and
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm) the tiny pilot light in the nozzle. With a successful DC 15
A thin tripwire is stretched across this room or corridor. A Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, a creature can disable
basin or container of corrosive liquid is perched on a hidden the trap.
ledge, ready tip onto a creature that hits the tripwire.
Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that walks through the Ice Entice
tripwire triggers the trap. Magic trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm)
Effect (Acid/Slime Blast). The vessel tips and douses the At the bottom of a pool lies an enticing object, such as a gem,
triggering creature with acid. The triggering creature and that covers a glyph of warding (ice storm). When a foolhardy
any creatures adjacent to it must make a DC 15 Dexterity soul reaches into the water to recover the object, disturbing
saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) acid damage on a failed save, or the surface of the liquid, a freezing cold rains down on them.
half as much on a successful one.
Trigger (Disturb Liquid). When the liquid is disturbed, the
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) trap activates.
check lets a creature spot the tripwire, and a successful DC 18
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it. A Dexterity Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts ice storm;
check that totals 5 or less triggers the trap. a hail of rock-hard ice pounds to the ground in a 20-foot-
radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on the triggering.
Disappearing Tube Each creature in the cylinder must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw. A creature takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, dangerous, hinder) and 14 (4d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much
Eight strange metal tubes cross this chamber, covered with damage on a successful one.
condensation. One of the tubes also has a crack, split, or Countermeasures. A creature can spot the glyph without
break in its side. The inside of the tube is pitch-black, and disturbing the water with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
covered with a strange mold. (Investigation) check, or with detect magic.
Trigger (Produce Flame). Bringing an open flame or igniting Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel magic; a
a flame in the tube triggers the trap. successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check would also
Effect (Invisibility). The mold releases spores that cover the disable the glyph, but would require disturbing the water.
triggering creature; it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or turn invisible for 8 hours. Anything the Magnum Ignis
target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the
Magic trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm)
target’s person.
Cupboards containing a wide variety of objects and
A creature can wash the spores off with 10 minutes of solid
curiosities line the walls of this study. One of them is
scrubbing with soap and water.
covered with cobwebs as if it hadn’t been touched in years.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 15 A closer look reveals a single book inside, with a glyph of
Wisdom (Perception) check spots that the moss is reacting warding (wall of fire) inscribed within.
to the presence of the flame. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
Trigger (Open/Close Book). Opening the book triggers
(Nature) check lets a creature figure out the nature of the moss.
the trap.

Font of Fire Effect (Wall of Fire). When activated, the glyph casts wall
of fire, creating a wall of flames on the floor around the
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm) triggering creature. The flames form a ringed wall 20 feet in
A small spout is nestled in the wall, hidden from all but diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque and
close inspection or keenest perception. When triggered, lasts for 1 minute or until dispelled with dispel magic (DC 14).
the spout sprays a gout of flame. A pressure plate is When the wall appears, each creature within its area must
concealed near the spout. make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
Trigger (Pressure Plate). When a Medium sized creature or creature takes 22 (5d8) fire damage, or half as much damage
larger steps on the pressure plate, the trap activates. on a successful save.
Effect (Elemental Blast). Highly flammable oil blasts forth The interior of the wall deals 22 (5d8) fire damage to each
from a spout on the wall and ignites, creating a 15-foot-cone creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of that side or
of fire centered on the triggering creature. All creatures in inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage when it
the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its turn
31 (9d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
successful one.

48 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check spots a ring of scorch marks in
No Wizzids Alawd
the center of the room, and a successful DC 15 Intelligence Magic trap (level 9-12, dangerous, block)
(Arcana) check lets a creature deduce the marks are from a Hanging from the wall in the ramshackle wooden shack
wall of fire spell. is a poorly-made sign painted with black letters that spell
The glyph can be found with detect magic, or with a successful out “No Wizzids Alawd.” The goblins captured a wizard
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once found, the and forced him to enchant their sign, giving them a steady
glyph can be dispelled with dispel magic or with a successful stream of spellcasting captives.
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. However, to interact with Trigger (Detect Magic). A creature that casts detect magic
the glyph with an ability check a creature would have to open triggers the trap.
the book.
Effect (Teleport). The triggering creature is teleported to a
goblin-run prison.
Murderous Menagerie Countermeasures (Difficult). The sign has an aura of
Magic trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm) conjuration magic when viewed with detect magic, although
The room or corridor contains weapon racks and various that does set off the trap. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom
equipment; 8 of the weapons have been enchanted to (Perception) check, a creature can spot some arcane symbols
animate and attack intruders. What constitutes an intruder on the sign; with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
is up to the trap’s designer. check, a creature can understand the symbols and knows the
danger of the trap.
Trigger (Creature Detector). An unauthorized creature
(physical characteristics, race, or alignment) that enters the A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the sign with
area activates the trap. a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
14) also disables the trap.
Effect (Animate Objects). The enchanted weapons are 8
flying swords. They attack unauthorized creatures in the
area and ignore all other creatures; they will not leave the Popping Rot
area. They crumble to dust if reduced to 0 hit points or Magic trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm)
dispelled. After 1 minute, the weapons return to their resting
Puffs of black, rotting dust blow through this room and the
places and the trap resets.
withered husks of dead creatures are scattered throughout,
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds at a DC 15 including the corridors outside the room. A glyph of warding
Wisdom (Perception) check spots arcane symbols on the (blight) is inscribed on the room’s floor.
enchanted weapons, and a creature that succeeds on a DC 15
Trigger (Creature Detector). When a living creature enters
Intelligence (Arcana) check understands that the weapons
the area, the trap activates.
will animate. The enchanted weapons have an aura of
transmutation magic. Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts blight;
necromantic energy washes over the triggering creature,
The weapons can be disabled with a dispel magic (DC 14);
draining moisture and vitality from it. The target must make
a spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 15 spellcasting ability
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. The target takes 36 (8d8)
check can also disrupt the enchantment, disabling the trap.
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. This spell has no effect on undead or
constructs. If the triggering creature is a plant creature, it
makes the saving throw with disadvantage, and the spell
deals maximum damage to it.
Countermeasures. The withered remains of a past victim
of this trap are easily found at the entrance to the room; a
creature that investigates and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check recognizes the effects of the blight spell.
The glyph can be found with detect magic, or with a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once found, the
glyph can be dispelled with dispel magic, or with a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. However, to use an ability
check on the glyph a creature would have to be adjacent to it.

Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 49

Vile Touch These are natural diseases; any effect that removes a disease
or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects apply to them.
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, dangerous, harm)
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom
An item has a hidden needle embedded in it, crusted with (Perception) check, a creature can spot the needle; with a
disease-bearing filth. successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check, a creature can
Trigger (Touch Object). A creature that touches the object identify the diseased filth on it.
triggers the trap. Dousing the object with alcohol removes the disease, and a
Effect (Hidden Needle). The needle attacks the triggering successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools lets a
creature with a +8 melee attack bonus. If it hits, the needle creature remove the needle without exposing themselves to
infects the creature with a random disease. Roll a d6 and the disease.
consult the table below to see what disease the needle is
infected with. Level 9-12 Perilous
d6 Disease Effect These traps may kill characters of these levels, and will
definitely injure them severely.
1 Blinding Pain grips the creature’s mind, and its
Sickness eyes turn milky white. The creature has
disadvantage on Wisdom checks and
Bathe the Tiger
Magic trap (level 9-12, perilous, block)
Wisdom saving throws and is blinded.
In the center of this area is a circular basin with the squat
2 Filth Fever A raging fever sweeps through the idol of a crouching tiger inside. The tiger is stained a variety
creature’s body. The creature has of muted colors. Jugs, decanters, and containers of various
disadvantage on Strength checks, liquids such as water, alcohol, oil, and milk are arrayed
Strength saving throws, and attack around the room.
rolls that use Strength. Trigger (Offering). A creature that tries to leave the room
without bathing the tiger idol in liquid triggers the trap.
3 Flesh Rot The creature’s flesh decays. The
creature has disadvantage on Charisma Effect (Restraint). A creature that triggers the trap must
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for
checks and vulnerability to all damage.
8 hours by bands of magical force. A paralyzed creature can
4 Mindfire The creature’s mind becomes feverish. make another DC 17 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each
The creature has disadvantage on hour; on a success, this effect ends for that creature. Dispel
Intelligence checks and Intelligence magic (DC 15) or lesser restoration can also end this effect for a
single creature.
saving throws, and the creature
behaves as if under the effects of the Countermeasures. With a successful DC 17 Intelligence
(Religion) check, a creature understands the trap and knows
confusion spell during combat.
to pour a liquid on the tiger before leaving. Detect magic
5 Seizure The creature is overcome with reveals an aura of enchantment magic around the statue.
shaking. The creature has A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statue with
disadvantage on Dexterity checks, a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check; the statue can
Dexterity saving throws, and attack also be dispelled with dispel magic (DC 15).
rolls that use Dexterity.
6 Slimy The creature begins to bleed
Doom uncontrollably. The creature has
disadvantage on Constitution checks
and Constitution saving throws. In
addition, whenever the creature takes
damage, it is stunned until the end of
its next turn
At the end of each of the infected creature’s turns, it must
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. After failing three of
these saving throws, the disease’s effects last for 7 days, and the
creature stops making these saves. After succeeding on three of
these saving throws, the creature recovers from the disease.

50 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Crystal Light The Forest Walks
Magic trap (level 9-12, perilous, harm) Mechanical trap (level 9-12, perilous, harm)
A crystal hovers in the center of this room, shedding light Strange pictures are painted on the walls of this wooden
in a 30-foot sphere. If a non-good creature enters the light, temple with thick, gritty paint. They appear to show a forest
they are seared by a burning rebuke. coming to life and crushing humans beneath their root-
Trigger (Creature Detector). A non-good creature that like feet. A sodden mound of twigs and leaves occupies one
approaches within 30 feet of the crystal triggers the trap. corner — a shambling mound in disguise.

Effect (Elemental Blast). The crystal fires a beam of searing Trigger (Draw Weapon). If a weapon is unsheathed
light at triggering creatures. It makes a ranged attack with a within the temple or if a weapon is drawn in the area, the
+10 bonus, dealing 66 (12d10) radiant damage if it hits. shambling mound rises and attacks.

Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Effect (Release Creatures). The shambling mound is
Intelligence (History or Religion) check recognizes the dedicated to preserving peace in the temple and only attacks
crystal and understands the trap. Detect magic reveals an aura the triggering creature. If that creature sheathes their
of evocation magic around the crystal. weapon, the shambling mound returns to the corner and
settles down.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the crystal
with a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
(DC 15) also disables the trap. Intelligence (Nature) check recognizes the mound as a plant
creature, and a creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom
(Insight) check understands that the paintings are probably
Cube of Encaging an admonition against violence in the vicinity.
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, perilous, block)
The exit from this chamber is blocked by a metal cube, 4 feet Invisible Barricade
on a side. The sides of the cube look like panels that could be Magic trap (level 9-12, perilous, block)
opened, though they seem to be bolted shut. Each side has a
circular groove on it. Faded and moth-eaten paintings line this portrait gallery.
The only painting that has retained its lustre is that of a
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). Pressing against the cube stern-looking woman clothed in furs and wearing a crown of
to move it triggers the trap; it can be triggered up to steel barbs. A glyph of warding (wall of force) is concealed in the
six times (once for each side of the cube). Triggering a painting’s frame.
side from a distance allows a character to push the cube
without being trapped. Trigger (Pass Area). A creature passing in front of the
painting triggers the trap.
Effect (Cage). The triggering creature must succeed on a
DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by a metal Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts wall
hemisphere that closes around the creature from the cube. of force. An invisible wall of force springs into existence
A creature outside the metal hemisphere can retract it with extending from the painting to the far wall as a horizontal
a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or a barrier. The wall is 1/4 inch thick and lasts for 10 minutes. If
creature can burst out with a successful DC 17 Strength check. the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the
creature is pushed to a random side of the wall.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the mechanisms hidden in the cube, and a Nothing can physically pass through the wall. It is immune
successful DC 17 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools to all damage and can’t be dispelled by dispel magic. A
disables them. disintegrate spell destroys the wall instantly, however. The
wall also extends into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal
travel through the wall.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
Intelligence (History) check recognizes the painting and
understands the trap. With a successful DC 17 Intelligence
(Investigation) check, or with detect magic, a creature can find
the glyph without triggering the trap.
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel magic or a
successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check.

Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 51

Mirrored Flame The Old Needle in Lock
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, perilous, harm) Mechanical trap (level 9-12, perilous, harm)
Half of this space is shrouded in non-magical darkness. The lock of the door is covered with silver filigree and
A lantern hangs from a pole on a sturdy chain near the tiny crystals.
entrance; a rune of detection is inscribed on the lantern, Trigger (Attempt to Pick Lock). A creature that attempts to
hidden in the decorations. pick the lock triggers the trap.
Trigger (Activate Light Fixture). Lighting the lantern Effect (Needle). A sharp needle pierces the target, dealing
triggers the trap. no damage but delivering a poison. The target must make
Effect (Bolts). When activated, the rune triggers a hail of a successful DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 66
crossbow bolts from weapons hidden in the shadowed (12d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
side of the room. All creatures within 15 feet of the lantern successful one.
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature examining the lock
piercing damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. can discover the needle with a successful DC 17 Wisdom
Countermeasures. A creature can find the rune with a (Perception) check and understands how it works with a
successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check or with detect successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
magic. Once found, a creature can disable the rune with dispel Once found and understood, a creature can disable the trap
magic or with a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check. with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
This also unlocks the door.
Model Disaster
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, perilous, harm) A Riveting Read
A miniature model of a room is on display in this chamber. Magic trap (level 9-12, perilous, hinder)
The diorama seems eerily similar to the room it is inside; a A book or tablet lies open in this room, pages dense with
rune of detection is hidden in the designs of the model. text. Somewhere in the text are the words “Stay here, do not
Trigger (Interact with Bait). Moving parts of the replica move or speak”, written in Common or a local language.
room trigger the trap. Trigger (Read Text). A creature that reads the phrase out
Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). The walls of the room begin loud triggers the trap.
to close in, moving until the meet in the middle. The walls Effect (Suggestion). The triggering creature must make a DC
move at a rate of 1 foot per round at the end of the initiative 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature stays
order. Once the surface reaches a creature’s space, they take where it is and doesn’t move or speak for 8 hours. Creatures
1d10 bludgeoning damage. If the surface is still moving that can’t be charmed are immune to this effect.
on the next turn, the creature is restrained and takes 2d10
The creature has an aura of enchantment magic when
bludgeoning damage. A third round spent being crushed
viewed with detect magic. Casting dispel magic (DC 15), or
inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning damage. The walls retract after
remove curse on the creature ends the effect.
three rounds.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds
Intelligence (Arcana) check can spot some hidden sigils and
on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check can find the rune
symbols worked into the other parts of the text, alerting
in the model and with a successful DC 17 Intelligence
them to the enchanted nature of the writing. When viewed
(Investigation) check, a creature can deduce the nature of the
with detect magic, the text has an aura of enchantment magic.
trap. Detect magic can also reveal the rune.
A spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 17 spellcasting ability
Once found and understood, the rune can be dispelled with check can disrupt the enchantment on the text, or the
dispel magic or disabled with a successful DC 17 Intelligence enchantment can be dispelled with dispel magic (DC 15).
(Arcana) check.

52 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Rolling Stop Level 9-12 Deadly
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, perilous, block)
These traps will almost certainly kill characters of these levels.
Walking deeper into the area, a large hallway with an arched
ceiling slopes upward; a rune of detection is inscribed in the
ceiling. If a creature exits the dungeon through this same Back to the Cradle
hallway with a particular item in their possession, a gigantic Magic trap (level 9-12, deadly, hinder)
boulder crashes through the ceiling at the upper end, A statue, made from iron and spider silk, stands in the rear
barreling toward the exit, smashing all in its path. Once it of the room; it depicts a repulsive human-spider hybrid.
reaches the bottom of the hallway, that exit is now blocked. Around the room are cradles made of spiderweb and rotting
Trigger (Pass Area). A creature carrying a particular item canvas. Flickering candles illuminate reliefs of bowing
across the hallway’s upper entrance threshold triggers the trap. figures on the walls of this room.
Effect (Rolling Boulder). When the trap is activated, the rune Trigger (Insult Idol). Creatures that don’t prostrate
releases a massive boulder; all creatures present roll initiative themselves before the statue trigger the trap.
as the sphere is released. The sphere rolls initiative with a Effect (Aging). A creature that triggers the trap must make
+8 bonus. On its turn, it moves 60 feet in a straight line. The a DC 20 Constitution saving throw; on a failure, a wave of
sphere can move through creatures’ spaces, and creatures can black energy washes over the creature and reduces its age by
move through its space, treating it as difficult terrain. 16 (3d10) years. Creatures cannot be reduced below 1 year old
Whenever the sphere enters a creature’s space or a creature in this way. This aging can be reversed with greater restoration
enters its space while it’s rolling, that creature must succeed or more powerful magic, such as wish.
on a Dexterity saving throw or take 21 (6d6) bludgeoning Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
damage and be knocked prone. The sphere stops when it hits Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the statue and
a wall or similar barrier. It can’t go around corners. understands the trap. When viewed with detect magic, the
As an action, a creature within 5 feet of the sphere can attempt statue has an aura of necromancy magic.
to slow it down with a DC 17 Strength check. On a successful A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statue with
check, the sphere’s speed is reduced by 15 feet. If the sphere’s a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check; the trap can
speed drops to 0, it stops moving and is no longer a threat. also be disabled with dispel magic (DC 16).
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the rune; detect magic also Blazing Ring
reveals the rune. Mechanical trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm)
If a creature can get up to it, they can disable the rune with a A 1-foot thick ring of decorative stonework surrounds a
successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Dispel magic can 25-foot diameter circle area in the center of the room. The
also disable the rune. ceiling directly above the ring is blackened with soot. In the
5-foot square at the circle’s center is something intriguing.
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Floor). When a Small or larger
creature steps onto a space adjacent to the 5-foot square at the
center of the area within the ring, they activate a pressure plate.
Parts of the stonework slide away, revealing spouts which pour
flaming oil onto the floor from the ring’s inner edge.
Effect (Wall of Fire). The flaming oil creates a ringed wall of
flames 25 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. When the wall appears,
each creature within its area must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 52 (8d6) fire
damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
The side of the wall facing inwards deals the trap’s fire
damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage
when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
A creature that is adjacent to the wall can make a DC 17
Constitution check using thieves’ tools to end this effect.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 17
Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables it.
Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 53
Burning Barricade Enchanted Armory
Simple trap (level 9-12, deadly, block) Magic trap (level 9-12, deadly, block)
A stone slab etched with an enormous skull and crossbones Polished blades, enamelled suits of armor, and decorated
blocks the way forward. 20 vials of alchemist’s fire are shields fill the racks that line the walls of this armory. A glyph
hidden in niches in the upper parts of the area blocked by of warding (blade barrier) is inscribed on the chamber’s floor.
the slab, waiting to fall when the slab is moved.
Trigger (Creature Detector). A good creature that approaches
Trigger (Remove Barrier). The barricade can be removed within 15 feet of the glyph triggers the trap.
easily, but doing so triggers the trap.
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts blade
Effect (Falling Objects). The vials drop down, smash and then barrier, creating a wall of whirling, razor-sharp blades made
ignite. Any creature adjacent to the slab must succeed on a of magical energy. The glyph creates a ringed wall 60 feet
DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be doused in alchemist’s in diameter, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick, centered on the
fire, taking 25 (10d4) fire damage at the start of each of its triggering creature. The wall provides three-quarters cover to
turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to creatures behind it, and its space is difficult terrain. The wall
make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. lasts for 10 minutes or until dispelled with dispel magic (DC 16).
Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on a When a creature enters the wall’s area for the first time on a
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the hidden vials, turn or starts its turn there, the creature must make a DC 20
and with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
they can understand how the trap works. 33 (6d10) slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature
Once understood, the trap can be disabled with a successful takes half as much damage.
DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Finding a way Countermeasures. With a successful DC 20 Intelligence
to remove the barricade without being next to it also helps (Arcana) check, a creature can sense a lingering trace of
creatures avoid this trap.
magic on the armor and weapons around the room.

Corrosive Pit The glyph can be found with a successful DC 20 Intelligence

(Investigation) check or with detect magic. Once found, it can
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm) be disabled with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)
Something corrosive is splattered around the base of an check, or with dispel magic.
unlocked door. It seems to have eaten into the floor. A hidden
mechanism is built into the door, ready to drop creatures Lightning Breath
into a hidden pit.
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm)
Trigger (Open/Close Door). Opening the door triggers
The corridor is empty save for a pair of statues that depict
the trap.
many-legged, serpent-like creatures with tooth-filled maws:
Effect (Drop Into Acid). The triggering creature must make behirs. A thin tripwire stretches between the statues.
a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the
creature is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failed Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that walks between the behir
save, the creature falls into the 50-foot deep pit and takes 17 statues snaps the tripwire, triggering the trap.
(5d6) bludgeoning damage. The pit is filled with three feet Effect (Spell Effect). A bolt of lightning arcs from the statues
of corrosive acid. A creature that enters the acid for the first towards the triggering creature. Three bolts then leap from
time or starts its turn in it takes 16 (3d10) acid damage. that creature to as many as three other random creatures,
Any non-magical weapon or armor that is made of metal each of which must be within 30 feet of the first creature. A
that a character is wearing or holding that touches the creature can be targeted by only one of the bolts.
acid begins to corrode. At the start of each turn in the pit, A creature targeted by a bolt must make a DC 20 Dexterity
the following occurs: A weapon takes a permanent and saving throw. The creature takes 45 (10d8) lightning damage
cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
-5, the weapon is destroyed. Non-magical ammunition made
of metal that touches the acid is destroyed after dealing Countermeasures. A creature can spot the tripwire with a
damage. Armor or shields take a permanent and cumulative successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check, and the trap
-1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 can be disabled with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check
or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed. using thieves’ tools.

Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on When viewed with detect magic, the statues have an aura of
a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check spots the trapdoor in evocation magic. Casting dispel magic (DC 16) on the statues
front of the door, and with a successful DC 20 Intelligence disables the trap. The status can also be destroyed (AC 17, 20
(Investigation) check they can understand the trap. hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage), which
disables the trap as well.
Once understood, the trap can be disabled with a successful
DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.

54 Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps

Scything Blades Sinister Skulls
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm) Mechanical trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm)
A pressure plate is concealed in the floor of this corridor, The bones and skulls of a wide range of humanoids litter the
waiting to release massive, heavy, crescent-shaped blades to floor of this chamber, most with soot stains and scorch marks.
slice through a 15-foot cube, centered on the pressure plate. A wraith lies in wait, awakening at the slightest disturbance.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). Stepping on the pressure plate Trigger (Musical/Auditory). A creature that makes too much
triggers this trap. noise triggers the trap.
Effect (Scything Blades). All creatures in the area of the Effect (Release Creatures). When roused, the wraith rises
blades must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 52 up from the piles of bones and attacks, focusing first on the
(15d6) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a triggering creature. The wraith will not leave the area.
successful one. On a failed save a creature is also restrained Countermeasures. Creatures that move through the area or
as they are pinned against the opposite wall by the blades. take actions in it must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity (Stealth)
A creature restrained by the blades can free themselves with check, otherwise the trap activates.
a successful DC 20 Constitution (Athletics) check or another
creature can free them with a successful DC 20 Strength
(Medicine) check.
Small Folk Only
Simple trap (level 9-12, deadly, hinder)
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A creature can find the
pressure plate with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) A small, circular door approximately three feet across is set
check; it can be disabled with a successful DC 20 Dexterity into the wall or natural environment. The path to it seems
check using thieves’ tools. If the total of the Dexterity check well travelled; little footprints can be seen leading to and
is 10 or less, the trap activates. from it. In front of the door is a hidden pressure plate.
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). If a Small or smaller
Shockingly Secure creature steps on the pressure plate the door opens. A Medium
or larger creature stepping on the plate triggers the trap.
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm)
Effect (Blindness). All creatures within 15 feet of the door
A door or chest is secured with a lock that requires a specific must succeed a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or go blind
key. If a creature attempts to tamper with the lock in any for 1 day. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
way, lightning leaps from the hole of the lock to the creature. end of every hour, ending the effect for themselves if they
Trigger (Attempt to Pick Lock). A creature attempting to pick succeed. The effect also ends if dispelled with dispel magic (DC
or tamper with the lock triggers the trap. 16), heal, lesser restoration, or similar magic.
Effect (Spell Effect). A bolt of lightning arcs from the lock Countermeasures. The door has an aura of necromancy
towards the triggering creature. Three bolts then leap from magic when viewed with detect magic. A creature can spot the
that creature to as many as three other random creatures, pressure plate with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
each of which must be within 30 feet of the first creature. A check; a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’
creature can be targeted by only one of the bolts. tools disables the trap.
A creature targeted by a bolt must make a DC 20 Dexterity
saving throw. The creature takes 45 (10d8) lightning damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Countermeasures. WIth a successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check, a creature can spot some odd-looking
elements inside the lock. Once spotted, a creature that succeeds
on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check understands the trap.
The lock has an aura of evocation magic when viewed with
detect magic. Casting dispel magic (DC 16) on the lock disables
the trap. A spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 16 spellcasting
ability check can also disrupt the enchantment on the lock.

Chapter Four | Level 9-12 Traps 55

enturing on from our previous unsettling Our cleric did his best to shield us from a nearby lavafall,
situation, we arrived at a locked door in a as our wizard took to the air, and our ranger clung to the
corridor. Its walls were covered in graven faces barbarian’s back for dear life. And then there was, of course,
with yawning, hungry mouths. By now, we myself, whose hands were most certainly rock-steady and
knew that sticking around any place like this was likely not not shaking at all at the thought of falling into a gaping
the best idea, so we did what we could to make haste. Our chasm before being excruciatingly boiled alive in molten
wizard, sharp as ever, discovered a mechanism nestled in earth.
one of the open mouths and determined that this must open And then, after an eternity of hand-sweat-producing
the uncooperative exit. moments, I felt something and heard every rogue’s favorite
Working with delicate devices is one of my many diverse sound in the world: a satisfying click. The lava-drooling
abilities, so I stepped up to the contraption and set to work. faces ceased their salivation, the floor gap which was
Because nothing in the world can ever go smoothly, or threatening to split our barbarian up the middle retracted,
perhaps because I am beset by a curse which has doomed and the door to go deeper into the temple was now open.
me to wind up in places that want me dead, something We went through the door, even if at this point it may well
started happening; something that was certainly not the have been against our better judgement...
door unlocking.
The traps in this chapter are designed to challenge characters
The floor started shaking, and split in two! It began edging who are levels 13-16 and are grouped by their lethality.
ever-wider as the barbarian stood astride the gap (I find this Any of these traps can be dropped right into a dungeon or
mildly funny, considering his position in the first hallway similar adventure and shouldn’t require any preparation.
was almost the exact opposite of this). To make matters For more information on customizing traps, go to Chapter
worse, the open mouths (except for the one I was working 8: Designing Traps, or for a completely random and
on) started belching down cascading lava-flows. unexpected trap, go to Chapter 9: Random Trap Generator.

56 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

Level 13-16 Traps Table
Roll a d100 on the table below to choose a random trap appropriate for 13-16 characters,
or select a desired lethality and roll a d10.

d100 d10 Trap Page d100 d10 Trap Page

1-2 1 Chain the Aggressor 58 61-62 1 Add to the Collection 65
3-4 2 Here’s the Magic 58 63-64 2 Clockwork Con-trap-tion 66
5-6 3 Kraken’s Wrath 58 65-66 3 Hanging Hooks 66
7-8 4 Mirroring 58 67-68 4 Needletongue 66


9-10 5 Poison Pot 58 69-70 5 Prismatic Glyph 66

11-12 6 Slimed 59 71-72 6 Sandy Grave 67
13-14 7 Tap Nap 59 73-74 7 Severe Slumber 67
15-16 8 Touching Transformation 59 75-76 8 Sorcerous Cell 68
17-18 9 Trapdoor Pitfall, Greater 59 77-78 9 Thin Facade 68
19-20 10 Turret Salvo 60 79-80 10 Trap-a-port 68
21-22 1 Burning Combination 60 81-82 1 Blazing Rings, Greater 68
23-24 2 Chains of Integrity 60 83-84 2 Blind Leading the Blind 69
25-26 3 Chandelier Drop 60 85-86 3 Bolts of Slaying 69
27-28 4 Floor Inferno 61 87-88 4 Corrosive Chains 69


29-30 5 Hiding Horn 61 89-90 5 Hot on the Trail 69

31-32 6 Pacification Panel 61 91-92 6 Lava Lake 69
33-34 7 Pincushion 62 93-94 7 Manners Maketh Man 70
35-36 8 Rogue’s Bane, Greater 62 95-96 8 Pass of Gas 70
37-38 9 Silver Serpent 62 97-98 9 Snake Pit 70
39-40 10 Vinesnare 62 99-100 10 Unstable Ground 70
41-42 1 Backstabber 63
43-44 2 Blazing Barrier 63
45-46 3 Disrespected Deity 63
47-48 4 Generosity 63

49-50 5 Impaling Tale 64

51-52 6 Punji Pick 64
53-54 7 Spider Architects 64
55-56 8 Thought Spiral 64
57-58 9 Up is Down 65
59-60 10 Voltage Viewer 65

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 57

Effect (Elemental Blast). A surging jet of water shoots forth
Level 13-16 Setback from the lock. The triggering creature must succeed on a DC
10 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
These traps should present a minor inconvenience to
damage and be knocked back 15 feet.
characters of this level range.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
Chain the Aggressor Wisdom (Perception) check can hear the gurgle of water
inside the door, and they find the hidden mechanism inside
Magic trap (level 13-16, setback, block) the keyhole. With a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using
The walls of the dungeon are painted with crude depictions thieves’ tools, a creature can disable the trap.
of rope, chain, and leather bindings.
Trigger (Unconsciousness). A creature that makes another Mirroring
creature fall unconscious triggers the trap. Mechanical trap (level 13-16, setback, harm)
Effect (Restraint). The triggering creature and up to 2 others Hanging on the wall of this chamber is a beautifully
in the room must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or constructed mirror, partially covered by a stained linen
be paralyzed for 10 minutes, held by chains of magic force. throw. The mirror can swing out on hidden hinges to reveal a
At the end of each of its turns, the a paralyzed creature can small niche behind it.
make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the effect
Trigger (Look Into). A creature that sees its reflection in the
ends on that creature. This effect also ends for all creatures if
mirror triggers the trap.
dispelled with dispel magic (DC 14).
Effect (Release Creatures). A doppelganger lurks behind
Countermeasures. If a creature investigates the paintings
the mirror. When a creature looks into the mirror, the
and succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) or a DC 10
doppelganger uses its Read Thoughts action. Since it can now
Intelligence (Arcana) check they can deduce the nature of
see the triggering creature in the mirror, the doppelganger
the trap. The room also has an aura of enchantment magic
can change its form and deceive the creatures’ companions.
when viewed with detect magic.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on this room with
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the hinges around
a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check; casting dispel
the mirror without looking in the mirror. There is nothing
magic (DC 14) on the room also disables the trap.
keeping the mirror closed.

Here’s the Magic Poison Pot

Magic trap (level 13-16, setback)
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, setback, harm)
A glyph of warding (magic missile) is inscribed on the wall, ready
Dug into the floor of the chamber are ten cylindrical
to detect the casting of spells.
compartments, each of which has a metal cap. Most of the
Trigger (Cast Spell). A creature that casts a spell within 40 caps appear locked in place, save one which is slightly askew.
feet of the glyph triggers the trap.
Trigger (Remove Barrier). Removing the unlocked cap
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts magic missile as a 4th- triggers the trap.
level spell. Six glowing darts of magical energy hit the
Effect (Darts). A dart fires from the bottom of the
triggering creature; each dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage.
compartment straight up. The trap makes one ranged attack
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence against the triggering creature with a +5 bonus, dealing 2 (1d4)
(History) check, a creature can remember some detail about piercing damage if it hits. A creature that suffers the piercing
this room or area, and is aware of the trap. damage must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking
The glyph can be found with detect magic, or with a successful 21 (6d6) poison damage and becoming poisoned on a failed
DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once found, it can save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
be disabled with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
check or with dispel magic. Wisdom (Perception) check can spot a mechanism attached
to the cap, and with a successful DC 10 Intelligence
Kraken’s Wrath (Investigation) check they understand the trap.
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, setback, harm) Once understood, a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools disables the trap
Fixed half-way up the wall of the chamber is a circular stone
door, shaped to resemble the face of a kraken. The door is
locked by an internal mechanism inside the kraken’s mouth.
Trigger (Use Wrong Key). Using the wrong key for the
circular door triggers the trap.

58 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

Slimed Touching Transformation
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, setback) Magic trap (level 13-16, setback, hinder)
A rope dangles in an enticing place, seemingly meant to An important object sits on a pedestal or lies in a chest. The
reveal something or open a door. The rope is attached to a object is enchanted to lignify (turn to wood) anyone who
vessel high above. When it’s pulled, the rope goes slack and touches it.
the vessel falls. Trigger (Touch Object). A creature that touches the object
Trigger (Pull Chain/Rope). A creature that pulls on the rope triggers the trap.
triggers the trap. Effect (Petrification). The triggering creature must make
Effect (Falling Object). A ceramic vessel containing several a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
gallons of a slimey acidic substance comes crashing to the creatures are restrained as their flesh begins to harden.
floor, spreading the slime in all directions. All creatures within On a successful save, the creature isn’t affected. A creature
a 10-foot sphere centered on the triggering creature must restrained by this effect must make a DC 10 Constitution
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) acid saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. saves against this effect three times, the effect ends for that
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10 creature. If it fails its save three times, it is turned into an
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the vessel attached to inanimate wooden doll and petrified. The successes and
the rope. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until
check, a creature can deduce that the rope leads nowhere the creature collects three of a kind.
and can just be avoided. This effect lasts for 10 minutes or until dispelled, either
with dispel magic (DC 14) or greater restoration. If a creature
Tap Nap is physically broken while petrified, it suffers from similar
deformities if it reverts to its original state.
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, setback)
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
Various ornate carvings and symbols adorn panels on the Intelligence (History) check recognizes the object and
wall of this room. One panel has been inscribed with a glyph understands the danger of the trap. The object has an aura
of warding (sleep), hidden among the arcane writing. of transmutation when viewed with detect magic.
Trigger (Tap/Prod). A creature that taps, prods, knocks on, A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the object with
pushes, pulls, or disturbs a panel in any way triggers the trap. a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts sleep as a 4th-level spell, 14) also disables the trap.
sending creatures into a magical slumber. The spell can
affect 49 (11d8) hit points of creatures. Creatures within 20
feet of a point next to the triggering creature are affected
Trapdoor Pitfall, Greater
in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring Mechanical trap (level 13-16, setback, harm)
unconscious creatures). A 60-foot deep vertical shaft is hidden under a trapdoor
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit disguised to look like the rest of the floor. The trapdoor
points, each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious covers a 5-foot square space and has a pressure plate
for 1 minute, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses embedded in it.
an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the
creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the trapdoor activates the pressure plate, and the trap door
creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit swings open.
points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for Effect (Drop Into Empty Pit). The triggering creature must
that creature to be affected. make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a success the creature
Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the creature
affected by this spell. falls into the pit and takes 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage.
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence Countermeasures. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom
(Investigation) check, a creature can find the glyph without (Perception) check, a creature can find the pressure plate and
setting off the trap. trapdoor. A successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with a successful DC tools disables the trap.
10 Intelligence (Arcana) check, or with dispel magic.

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 59

Turret Salvo Chains of Integrity
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, setback, harm) Mechanical trap (level 13-16, moderate, block)
Passing through this area requires raising a well-constructed A golden staff, capped with a ruby orb, stands in a metal
steel gate using a crank. The gate is bordered on both sides by frame in this room. The staff looks incredibly valuable and it
small, round, openings. is placed on a dais with a spiraling pattern of tiles od atop it.
Trigger (Turn Wheel/Crank). Turning the crank triggers Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). Extracting the staff from the
the trap. stand triggers the trap.
Effect (Bolts). An array of crossbows hidden inside the Effect (Net). The trap releases a net of chains onto all
turrets fires toward the crank. The trap makes four attacks creatures within 10 feet of the staff who must make DC 12
against the triggering creature with a +5 bonus to the rolls, Dexterity saving throws. A creature that fails is trapped
dealing 5 (1d10) piercing damage on a hit. under the net and restrained, and creatures that succeed
avoid the net. The links of the chains glow with celestial
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
light, and any creature that starts its turn restrained by the
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the bolts hidden
net takes 22 (4d10) radiant damage.
inside the openings. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence
(Investigation) check, a creature understands the trap. A creature restrained by the net can use its action to make
a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature
Once understood, a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using
within its reach on a success. On a failure, the creature takes
thieves’ tools disables the trap.
11 (2d10) radiant damage

Level 13-16 Moderate The net has AC 10 and 20 hit points. Dealing 5 slashing
damage to the net (AC 10) destroys a 5-foot-square section
These traps will probably harm characters of this level. of it, freeing any creature trapped in that section.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12
Burning Combination Wisdom (Perception) check spots the mechanisms attached
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, moderate, harm) to the stand; with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools, a creature can disable the trap.
On the floor of this circular room are four pedestals and in
the center is a wooden crate containing four items; a set of A creature can attempt to replace the staff with something
manacles, an iron shovel, an oil lamp, and a glass prism. The of equal weight. To attempt this, a creature makes a DC 12
only other exit from the chamber is a locked portcullis. A Intelligence (Perception) check to estimate the weight of the
rune of detection is worked into the floor of the room. staff, then a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to make
the switch; failure on either check triggers the trap.
Trigger (Wrong Combination). If the objects are placed in
the correct order (manacles in the north, shovel to the east,
lamp to the south, prism to the west), the portcullis opens. Chandelier Drop
Otherwise, the trap activates. Hybrid trap (level 13-16, moderate, block)
Effect (Falling Objects). Burning coals fall from the ceiling This room is decorated in a highly gothic fashion, featuring a
around the pedestals. Each creature within 10 feet of a large, vicious-looking steel chandelier covered in barbs and
pedestal must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a spikes. The chandelier is not suspended from the ceiling but
failure, a creature takes 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and from chains connected to the walls.
14 (4d6) fire damage. On a success, a creature takes half the Trigger (Pass Area). A creature that passes directly beneath
bludgeoning damage, and none of the fire damage. the chandelier steps on a pressure plate, opening a trapdoor.
Countermeasures. Clues to the correct order for the items Effect (Teleporting Drop). The 10-foot square trapdoor
are scattered around the room as part of the decorations; a opens, revealing a 20-foot deep pit with a portal at the
creature that succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check bottom. An identical portal appears on the ceiling, the
can deduce the proper sequence. chandelier in between.
The rune can be found with a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check Creatures on the trapdoor when it opens must succeed on a
or with detect magic. Once found, the rune can be disabled with DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the pit. A creature
dispel magic or a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. who falls into the pit passes through the bottom portal, out the
The portcullis is firmly locked down; only a successful DC 20 ceiling portal, through the chandelier, and into the pit again,
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools will release it. looping through the portals each round. Each time a creature
falls through the chandelier they take 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
This damage increases by 3 (1d6) for each time a creature has
passed through the chandelier (1d6 the first time, 2d6 the
second, 3d6, the third, etc…).

60 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

A creature can attempt to stop their loop by grabbing onto the
chandelier with a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
Pacification Panel
Magic trap (level 13-16, moderate, block)
Countermeasures. A creature can spot the pressure plate
with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check; it can A glyph of warding (wall of force) prevents creatures wielding
be disabled with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check using weapons from proceeding. Any creature that draws a
thieves’ tools. The portals can each be dispelled with dispel weapon or carries a drawn weapon into the enchanted area
magic (DC 15). will trigger a wall of force to block their way forward or their
way back, or both.
Floor Inferno Trigger (Unsheathe Weapon). A creature that draws a
Simple trap (level 13-16, moderate, harm) weapon in the area or enters the area with a weapon drawn
triggers the trap.
A section of the floor is littered with pressure plates. A
creature that steps on one of them will set off a grid of Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts wall of
flaming spires that shoot up from the floor. force, creating an invisible vertical barrier that blocks passage
forward. The wall is 1/4 inch thick and lasts for 10 minutes. If
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on a pressure the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the
plate triggers the trap. creature is pushed to a random side of the wall (your choice
Effect (Fire Blast). Several spouts of flame suddenly erupt which side).
from the floor in a 10-foot-by-10-foot square centered on
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful
the trigger pressure plate. All creatures in the area must
DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once found, it
make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) fire
can be disabled with dispel magic or with a successful DC 12
damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Intelligence (Arcana) check.
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check, a creature can find the pressure plates. A
successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables
a single pressure plate, but a check with a total of 5 or lower
triggers the trap.

Hiding Horn
Magic trap (level 13-16, moderate, hinder)
The mouthpiece to a large horn extends out from the wall
of this room. When blown, the horn curses its user with
Trigger (Musical/Auditory). A creature that blows the horn
triggers the trap.
Effect (Invisibility). The creature blowing the horn must
make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become invisible
for 8 hours or until dispelled (dispel magic DC 16). Anything
the creature is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is
on the target’s person.
Countermeasures. The horn has an aura of illusion magic
when viewed with detect magic. A creature that succeeds on a
DC 12 Intelligence (History) check recognizes the writings and
etchings on the horn and understands the danger of the trap.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the horn with
a successful DC 12 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
16) also disables the trap.

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 61

Pincushion creature. If it fails its save three times, it is turned into a
statue made of silver. The successes and failures don’t need
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, moderate, hinder) to be consecutive; keep track of both until the creature
A door or chest is closed and secured with a combination collects three of a kind.
lock. The lock consists of three dials, each of which has runic This effect lasts for 8 hours, or until dispelled, either with
symbols. The correct combination unlocks the lock, the dispel magic or greater restoration. If a creature is physically
wrong combination is perilous. broken while petrified, it suffers from similar deformities if
Trigger (Wrong Combination). A creature that enters the it reverts to its original state.
wrong combination triggers the trap. Countermeasures. The statuette has an aura of
Effect (Needle). A poison needle springs out from the lock transmutation magic when viewed with detect magic. With
mechanism. The triggering creature must make a DC 12 a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Religion) check, a creature
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 21 recognizes the statue and understands the trap.
(6d6) poison damage and is poisoned for 10 minutes. While With a successful DC 12 spellcasting ability check, a
poisoned in this way, the creature is paralyzed. On a success, spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statue.
the creature takes half the poison damage and isn’t poisoned. Casting dispel magic (DC 16) on the statue also disables the trap.
Countermeasures. A creature can recognize the lock
and remember its combination with a successful DC Vinesnare
12 Intelligence (History) check, and a successful DC 12
Simple trap (level 13-16, moderate, block)
Intelligence (Investigation) check lets a creature spot the
hidden needle. The grove of giant oaks is dappled by sunlight. In the centre
of the clearing, surrounded by a circle of stones and dozens of
Once found, the needle mechanism can be disarmed with a
red-capped toadstools, is a heavily scratched wooden trapdoor.
successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Trigger (Open/Close Object). Opening the trapdoor triggers
Rogue’s Bane, Greater the trap.

Mechanical trap (level 13-16, moderate) Effect (Snare). A thorned vine attached to a mechanical arm
whips around the triggering creature. The triggering creature
A poorly disguised tripwire is easily detected, but it hides the must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 33
real trap that is set to go off if the decoy is tampered with. (6d10) slashing damage and be restrained until it is freed.
Trigger (False Trigger). Disarming or attempting to disarm The vine has AC 11, 10 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning
the false trigger sets off the real trap. damage, and vulnerability to fire and slashing damage.
Effect (Random). Randomly select a mechanical trap of the At the beginning of each of its turns, a creature restrained
same or lower lethality and use its effect. by the snare takes an additional 11 (2d10) slashing damage.
A creature restrained by the snare can free themselves with
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check, or they can be
(Perception) check reveals the false trigger. A successful DC
free by another creature that succeeds on a DC 12 Strength
12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals its true nature. A
(Medicine) check.
successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables
the real trap. Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the snare and a successful DC 12 Dexterity
Silver Serpent check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.

Simple trap (level 13-16, moderate, hinder)

A jade statuette carved to resemble a hissing serpent rests
on an altar. Its eyes are made from silver spheres, and silver
coins are strewn on the ground before the statuette.
Trigger (Insult Idol). Failure to place a silver coin at the
statuette’s base before leaving the room triggers the trap.
Effect (Petrification). The triggering creature must make
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature is restrained as their flesh begins to harden. On
a successful save, the creature isn’t affected. A creature
restrained by this effect must make a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully
saves against this effect three times, the effect ends for that

62 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (History
Level 13-16 Dangerous or Religion) check reveals the intent of the symbols on the
walls, and the room has an aura of evocation magic when
These traps are likely to seriously injure (and potentially kill)
viewed with detect magic.
characters of these levels.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the room with
Backstabber a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
14) also disables the trap. Providing a sacrifice disables this
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm) trap for 24 hours.
This wooden cabinet has a built-in lock, surrounded by an
ornately etched plate of silver. The cabinet itself seems to
have been stabbed in multiple places, though none of the
Disrespected Deity
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm)
marks are deep enough to penetrate the wood.
In the chamber there sits a stone statue atop a tall pedestal.
Trigger (Attempt to Pick Lock). A creature that attempts to
The statue’s right hand is extended and on it rests a silver
pick the lock triggers the trap.
bowl. The idol must be presented an offering to assure safe
Effect (Spears). A bank of spears shoots out from the wall passage to the next chamber. Those who fail to appease the
opposite the cabinet. The triggering creature must make idol will be punished.
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) piercing
Trigger. A creature that doesn’t present the idol with
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
satisfactory offering triggers the trap.
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom
Effect. One or more creatures are released from one or
(Perception) check, a creature can spot the mechanisms in
more cages embedded in the walls of the chamber. The
the lock; a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’
released creature(s) should be thematically and challenge
tools disables the trap.
rating appropriate.

Blazing Barrier Countermeasures. The detect magic spell causes an aura to

illuminate the idol. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
Simple trap (level 13-16, dangerous, block) check once it is discovered reveals the nature of the trigger.
Frozen piles of ash are scattered across the floor of this ice
cavern. Dark symbols of a demonic cult are carved into the
wall. To those who can understand them, the symbols make
Simple trap (level 13-16, dangerous, block)
it clear that going further into the cave complex requires the
sacrifice of a living, thinking creature. Dappled light filters through an enormous, sealed tank of
water that takes up half of the empty room. A statue stands
Trigger (Mortal Sacrifice). If a sentient creature is not
outside the tank with an outstretched hand, and a matching
killed before entering the chamber beyond this one, the
statue but with clenched fists is inside the tank.
trap is triggered.
Trigger (Offering). If a creature walks past the open-handed
Effect (Wall of Fire). When activated, the trap creates a wall
statue without placing a gold coin into it, they trigger the trap.
of fire up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
wall is opaque and blocks further entry into the caves. Effect (Swap). The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma
saving throw or instantly switch places with the clenched-
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must
fist statue. If they cannot breathe water, they must hold their
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
breath and may start to suffocate. The glass tank has AC 15, 100
creature takes 22 (5d8) fire damage, or half as much damage
hit points, immunity to slashing, poison, and psychic damage,
on a successful save.
and vulnerability to piercing and bludgeoning damage.
The side of the wall facing into this room deals 22 (5d8) fire
Giving a coin to the open-handed statue swaps the statue
damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
and creature again, but dispelling or disrupting the
that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage
enchantment doesn’t.
when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage. Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion)
check lets a creature recognize the statue and understand
The wall lasts for 8 hours or until dispelled with dispel magic
the trap. With detect magic, the statues have an aura of
(DC 14).
conjuration magic.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statues with
a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check. Casting dispel
magic (DC 16) on the statues also disables the trap.

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 63

Impaling Tale Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). The ceiling moves at a
rate of 1 foot per round at the end of the initiative order.
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm) Once the surface reaches a creature’s space, they take
A closed book’s cover is connected to a mechanism 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If the surface is still moving
restraining spikes in a nearby surface. Opening the book on the next turn, the creature is restrained and takes 2d10
without disarming the connection will release the spikes. bludgeoning damage. A third round spent being crushed
inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning damage, the fourth and every
Trigger (Open/Close Object). A creature that opens the book
round thereafter inflicts 10d10 bludgeoning damage. After 7
triggers the trap.
rounds, the ceiling reaches the floor and then retracts.
Effect (Spears). Spears drop from a nearby surface, thrusting
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
into the 5-foot spaces adjacent to the book. A creature in the
check reveals the spider webs and with a successful DC 15
threatened area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
Intelligence (Nature) check, a creature knows that burning
taking 66 (12d10) piercing damage on a failed save or half as
away the webs triggers the trap.
much on a successful one.
A creature that climbs up the wall disable the trap with a
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
check reveals the holes in the ceiling hiding the spears. A
successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables
the trap. Thought Spiral
Magic trap (level 13-16, dangerous, hinder)
Punji Pick The stairwell ahead is painted with bright colours in
Simple trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm) confusing, hypnotic patterns that make it unclear when one
step ends and another begins.
The door ahead is closed and locked, but it can be picked
with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Trigger (Fail to Speak Password). A creature that enters the
However, a failed attempt releases a trap door that drops the stairwell without uttering the word ‘reveal’ triggers the trap.
target into a spiked pit. Effect (Amnesia). A hazy fog fills the triggering creature’s
Trigger (Fail to Pick Lock). A creature that attempts to pick mind and it must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On
the lock and fails triggers the trap. a failure, the creature forgets the previous 1d10 days; these
memories form in the magical paint on the staircase. The
Effect (Drop Into Spiked Pit). The floor drops out from
memories return after 8 hours; greater restoration or similar
under the triggering creature, which must make a DC 15
magic also restores the lost memories.
Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature
is able to grab onto the edge of the spiked pit. On a failed Countermeasures. The patterns in the stairwell can be seen
save, the creature falls into the spiked pit and takes 17 (5d6) from outside it, and with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
bludgeoning damage and 49 (14d6) piercing damage. (Arcana) check a creature realizes the nature of the trap.
Detect magic reveals an aura of enchantment magic around
Countermeasures (Difficult). With a successful DC 15
the stairwell.
Wisdom (Perception) check, a creature can spot the
mechanisms inside the lock but doesn’t know exactly what A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment with a successful
they do. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check DC 15 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC 16) also
lets a creature understand the trap. disables the trap.
With a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools,
a creature can disable the trap.

Spider Architects
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm)
The chamber ahead is filled with darkness and a soft
pattering, like pieces of plaster or stone falling to the floor,
echoes throughout. Skittering around the place are hundreds
of tiny spiders, their webs marking every surface.
Trigger (Produce Flame). The ceiling is held up by a thin,
flammable spider web. Bringing a flame beneath the web
causes it to burn away and trigger the trap.

64 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

Up is Down Level 13-16 Perilous
Magic trap (level 13-16, dangerous, block)
These traps may kill characters of these levels, and will
This chamber’s vaulted ceiling is 120-feet high, and is definitely injure them severely.
marked by archways and alcoves. Blocking your exit from
the cathedral-like room is a portcullis, beside which is a
hefty iron lever. A glyph of warding (reverse gravity) is inscribed Add to the Collection
on the lever. Hybrid trap (level 13-16, perilous, hinder)
Trigger (Move Lever/Press Button). Pulling the lever triggers The room is filled with beautiful sculptures of beasts,
the trap and also raises the portcullis. standing on ornate stands and plinths. Each has a unique
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts reverse design, and must have been the pinnacle of the artists’ career.
gravity. All creatures and objects in a 50-foot radius, 100- A thin, transparent wire stretches between two of the plinths.
foot high cylinder centered on the triggering creature Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that snaps the wire triggers
that aren’t somehow anchored to the ground fall upward the trap.
and reach the top of the area. A creature can make a DC Effect (Transmutation). When activated, a burst of purple
15 Dexterity saving throw to grab onto a fixed object it can energy washes over the triggering creature, transforming it
reach, thus avoiding the fall. into a random beast unless they succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
After 1 minute, or if dispelled with dispel magic (DC 17), saving throw. The trap has no effect on a shapechanger or a
affected objects and creatures fall back down, taking 55 creature with 0 hit points.
(10d6) bludgeoning damage. The transformation lasts 8 hours or until dispelled; the
Countermeasures. A creature can spot the glyph with a transformation also ends if the creature drops to 0 hit points
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or with or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge
detect magic. Once found, the glyph can be disabled with a rating is equal to or less than the creature’s. The creature’s
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic. game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced
by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment
Voltage Viewer and personality.
Magic trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm) The creature assumes the hit points of its new form. When
it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the
A crystal ball hovers in this room, glowing and pulsing due number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it
to the raging lightning storm captured inside. reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess
Trigger (Look Into). A creature within 10 feet of the crystal damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess
ball that looks into it triggers the trap. damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0 hit
Effect (Elemental Blast). A stroke of lightning forming a points, it isn’t knocked unconscious.
line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from the crystal, The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the
aimed at the triggering creature. Each creature in the line nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast spells, or take
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes any other action that requires hands or speech.
35 (11d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much The creature’s gear melds into the new form; it can’t activate,
damage on a successful one. use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.
The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
aren’t being worn or carried. check lets a creature spot the tripwire, and with a successful
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools a creature can
(Perception) check, a creature spots blasts and scorch marks disable the trap.
on the walls of this room. A creature that succeeds on a DC The plinths with the tripwire each have an aura of
15 Intelligence (Arcana) check can understand the nature of transmutation magic when viewed with detect magic. A
the trap without triggering it. If viewed with detect magic, the spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the plinths with
crystal has an aura of evocation magic. a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the crystal 14) also disables the trap.
with a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check; casting
dispel magic (DC 16) on the crystal also disables the trap.
Either way, the lightning storm dissipates harmlessly with a
loud crack of thunder.

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 65

Clockwork Con-trap-tion Trigger (Interact with Bait). Opening the skull’s mouth
triggers the trap.
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, perilous, block)
Effect (Needle). A poisoned needle in the skull's mouth
A complex clockwork mechanism takes up the majority pierces the creature that opened the skull. That creature
of this workshop. It whirrs and buzzes like a living insect, must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
spinning and gyrating in place. In front of the mechanism is save, the target takes 22 (4d10) poison damage and 22 (4d10)
a panel of buttons and levers. necrotic damage and is poisoned. While poisoned in this
Trigger (Move Lever/Press Button). Most of the buttons way, the creature must make another DC 17 Constitution
and levers control the workings of the machine. One of the saving throw every hour or take an additional 11 (2d10)
buttons is false: pressing it triggers the trap. necrotic damage. The creature is no longer poisoned after 4
hours or once they succeed on 2 Constitution saving throws
Effect (Barrier). A 5-foot tall, 10-foot wide barrier of
to resist the additional damage.
whirling blades shoots up from the floor 5 feet behind the
control panel, trapping creatures there. A creature that Countermeasures. A creature can spot the hidden needle
approaches or starts its turn within 5 feet of the barrier with a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check;
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) with a successful DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check a
slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a creature can open the skull without triggering the trap.
successful one. The trap can be disabled with a successful DC 17 Dexterity
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check using thieves’ tools.
check lets a creature spot the top of the bladed wall,
flush with the ceiling. A successful DC 17 Intelligence Prismatic Glyph
(Investigation) check reveals the false button, and allows
Magic trap (level 13-16, perilous, harm)
a creature to attempt a DC 17 Dexterity check while using
thieves’ tools to disable the trap. Thick, black tar stains the tapestry hanging on the wall,
concealing a hidden door. The masterpiece of thread work
Hanging Hooks has been ruined by the tar, which is formed into a glyph of
warding (prismatic spray).
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, perilous, harm)
Trigger (Creature Detector). A good creature that approaches
On the ceiling of this chamber are nasty barbs that look like within 5 feet of the tapestry triggers the trap.
meat or fish hooks. The walls and floor are splattered with
blood, and the entire place is dimly lit by a single brazier. A Effect (Spell Effect). When activated the glyph casts prismatic
metal door with a grated window marks the exit. spray. Eight multicolored rays of light flash from the glyph.
Each ray is a different color and has a different power and
Trigger (Tension Cable). A taut cable is fixed between the purpose. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a
metal door and the floor. Opening the door triggers the trap. DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. For each target, roll a d8 to
Effect (Spring Floor). All creatures in the room are flung up into determine which color ray affects it.
the ceiling and must make a DC 17 Dexterity check. On a failure, 1. Red: The target takes 35 (10d6) fire damage on a failed
the creature takes 28 (8d6) piercing damage and becomes save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
grappled by the hooks on the ceiling (escape DC 17). On a
success, the creature takes half the damage and isn’t grappled. 2. Orange: The target takes 35 (10d6) acid damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
A creature that fails their ability check to escape from the
hooks takes an additional 28 (8d6) piercing damage. 3. Yellow: The target takes 35 (10d6) lightning damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 17 Wisdom
(Perception) check, a creature can spot the tension cable; 4. Green: The target takes 35 (10d6) poison damage on a
it can be disabled with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
using thieves’ tools. 5. Blue: The target takes 35 (10d6) cold damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Needletongue 6. Indigo: On a failed save, the target is restrained. It must
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, perilous, harm) then make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the end
of each of its turns. If it successfully saves three times,
A bizarre skull etched with runes sits in pride of place in the spell ends. If it fails its save three times, it perma-
the cabinet. It seems vaguely humanoid, but there’s nently turns to stone and is subjected to the petrified
something strange about it. The edges of the eye-sockets are condition. The successes and failures don’t need to be
encrusted with cut glass, and there is clearly something in consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects
the skull’s closed mouth. three of a kind.

66 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

7. Violet: On a failed save, the target is blinded. It must
then make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw at the start of
Severe Slumber
your next turn. A successful save ends the blindness. If Magic trap (level 13-16, perilous, subdue)
it fails that save, the creature is transported to another An important or significant object has been enchanted to put
plane of existence of the GM’s choosing and is no longer creatures that remove it from its resting place into a deep sleep.
blinded. (Typically, a creature that is on a plane that isn’t
Trigger (Remove Object). A creature that removes the object
its home plane is banished home, while other creatures
from its current location triggers the trap.
are usually cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.)
Effect (Sleep). The enchantment can affect 76 (17d8)
8. Special: The target is struck by two rays. Roll twice
hit points of creatures. Creatures within 20 feet of the
more, rerolling any 8.
enchanted object are affected in ascending order of their
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with detect magic current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures). Starting
or a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each
found, it can be disabled with a successful DC 17 Intelligence creature affected falls unconscious for 8 hours, or until the
(Arcana) check or with dispel magic. sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or
slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each creature’s hit points
Sandy Grave from the total before moving on to the creature with the next
lowest hit points. A creature’s hit points must be equal to or
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, perilous, block)
less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected.
This sandstone tomb is filled with decrepit statues of old
Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t
kings and queens. Steps lead up to a towering gold statue of
affected by this spell.
a jackal-headed goddess-queen. A pressure plate is hidden
on the final step. Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
Intelligence (History) check recognizes the object and knows
Trigger (Pressure Plate). Stepping on the pressure plate
about the trap. The object has an aura of enchantment magic
triggers the trap.
when viewed with detect magic.
Effect (Falling Sand). The statue’s mouth opens and sand
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the object
begins to pour into the tomb. Creatures in the area must
with a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic
make successful DC 17 Dexterity saving throws at the
(DC17) can also disable the trap.
beginning of their turns to stay atop the sand. The save DC
increases by 2 at the end of each round.
A creature that fails one saving throw is buried up to their
knees and restrained. On their next saving throw, if the
creature succeeds they dig themselves out and are no longer
restrained; if they fail they are buried waist-deep and
remain restrained.
A creature buried waist-deep must make a DC 17 Strength
saving throw at the beginning of their turn; if they succeed
they dig themselves free of the sand and if they fail they are
buried to the neck and immobilized. On their next turn, the
creature is completely buried and starts suffocating.
As an action, a creature can dig out another creature with
a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check against the
current save DC of the trap. Spells like freedom of movement
or movement modes like burrow can also allow creatures to
freely move through the sand.
Countermeasures. A creature can find the pressure plate
with a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check; it can
be disabled with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools.

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 67

Sorcerous Cell Trap-a-port
Magic trap (level 13-16, perilous, subdue) Magic trap (level 13-16, perilous, subdue)
A glyph of warding (forcecage) is written on the wall, floor, or A 5-foot radius circular portal is set into the floor of this
ceiling. When a creature gets too close the glyph activates. room, covered by an illusory rug or carpet.
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that gets within 5 Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that steps onto the
feet of the glyph triggers the trap. portal triggers the trap.
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts forcecage. Effect (Teleport). The triggering creature must make a DC 17
An immobile, invisible, cube-shaped cage composed of Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature is
magical force springs into existence around the triggering able to grab onto the edge of the portal. On a failed save, the
creature. The prison is 20 feet on a side and is made from creature is teleported to another location.
1/2-inch diameter bars spaced 1/2 inch apart.
Countermeasures. The rug has an aura of illusion magic
Any creature that is completely inside the cage’s area when it when viewed with detect magic, and another aura of
comes into being is trapped. Creatures only partially within conjuration magic outlines the portal. A creature that
the area, or those too large to fit inside the area, are pushed interacts with the rug can make a DC 17 Wisdom saving
away from the center of the area until they are completely throw; on a success, the creature realizes the illusion.
outside the area.
Once discovered, the portal can be disabled with dispel magic
A creature inside the cage can’t leave it by non-magical (DC 17); a spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 17 spellcasting
means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or interplanar ability check can also disrupt the enchantment.
travel to leave the cage, it must first make a DC 12 Charisma
saving throw. On a success, the creature can use that magic to
exit the cage. On a failure, the creature can’t exit the cage and Level 13-16 Deadly
wastes the use of the spell or effect. The cage also extends into These traps will almost certainly kill characters of these levels.
the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel.
This spell can’t be dispelled by dispel magic and it lasts for
1 hour.
Blazing Ring, Greater
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, deadly, harm)
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with detect magic
or with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) A 1-foot thick ring of decorative stonework surrounds a
check. Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel 25-foot diameter circle area in the center of the room. The
magic or with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. ceiling directly above the ring is blackened with soot. In the
However, to use an ability check on the glyph a creature 5-foot square at the circle’s center is something intriguing.
would have to be close enough to trigger it. Trigger (Weight Sensitive Floor). When a Small or larger
creature steps onto a space adjacent to the 5-foot square
Thin Facade at the center of the area within the ring, they activate a
pressure plate. Parts of the stonework slide away, revealing
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, perilous)
spouts which pour flaming oil onto the floor from the ring’s
A long, straight, narrow corridor allows passage only to inner edge.
those who know the password. A rune of detection is inscribed
Effect (Wall of Fire). The flaming oil creates a ringed wall of
on the wall of the corridor.
flames 25 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
Trigger (Fail to Speak Password). A creature that passes wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. When the wall appears,
the halfway point of the corridor without speaking the each creature within its area must make a DC 20 Dexterity
password triggers the trap. saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 70 (20d6) fire
Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). The walls move at a rate of damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
1 foot per round at the end of the initiative order. Once the The side of the wall facing inwards deals the trap’s fire
surface reaches a creature’s space, they take 1d10 bludgeoning damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
damage. If the surface is still moving on the next turn, the that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage
creature is restrained and takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage. when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
A third round spent being crushed inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
damage, and the walls then retract.
A creature that is adjacent to the wall can make a DC 20
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 17 Intelligence Constitution check using thieves’ tools to end this effect.
(History) check, a creature can recall useful information
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
about the trap, including the password; the rune can be
check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 20
found with a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables it.
Once found, the rune can be disabled with a successful DC 17
Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.

68 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps

Blind Leading the Blind Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
check while examining the lock reveals the trigger. A
Magic trap (level 13-16, deadly, hinder) successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
A glyph of warding is etched into the floor of the chamber. A the snare, and allows a creature to attempt a DC 20 Dexterity
creature that creates an open flame in the chamber or brings check while using thieves’ tools to disable the trap.
an open flame into the area suffers the consequences.
Trigger. The presence of an open flame in the area triggers Hot on the Trail
the trap. Hybrid trap (level 13-16, deadly)
Effect. All creatures in the chamber must make a DC 20 The walls of the chamber have spouts every few feet that fire a
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the creature is blast of flame in a large cone. A rune of detection is inscribed on
magically blinded. This is a curse. the chamber walls, waiting to detect the presence of a creature
Countermeasures. The detect magic spell causes an aura to of particular physical characteristics, race, or alignment.
illuminate the area. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) Trigger (Creature Detector). When a creature that meets the
check once it is discovered reveals the nature of the trigger. specified criteria gets within 5 feet of the rune, the
Casting dispel magic at 8th level or higher on the area will trap activates.
disable the trap.
Effect (Elemental Blast). Fire erupts from several spouts
around the room. Each creature in the chamber must make
Bolts of Slaying a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 87 (25d6) fire damage
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, deadly, harm) on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
The only way to leave the caverns is up a sheer cliff face, with Countermeasures. The rune can be found with detect magic,
only scattered handholds. At the bottom of the cliff are dozens or with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. Once
of boulders, two of which have a rune of detection inscribed on found, the rune can be disabled with a successful DC 20
them. Enchanted ballistas are hidden in these boulders. Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
Trigger (Bring Object). Approaching the cliff face with
any magic item or non-magical contraption that allows a Lava Lake
creature to fly or glide triggers the trap. Magic trap (level 13-16, deadly, block)
Effect (Bolts). Hidden inside two of the boulders are +3 High above a lake of lava, resting upon an inaccessible
ballistas loaded with bolts of humanoid slaying. A creature that pinnacle of rock, is a statue of a dwarven warrior, armed
triggers the trap is targeted with two ranged attacks from with a pickaxe and shield. A shrine to dwarven deities of the
these ballistas, each of which have a +15 bonus, and deal forge is on ground level.
19 (3d10 + 3) piercing damage on a hit. If the target hit is a
Trigger (No Command Word). Using a wand, rod, ring, orb,
humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving
or similar item that requires a command word within the
throw, taking an extra 33 (6d10) piercing damage on a failed
shrine activates the trigger.
save, or half as much on a successful one.
Effect (Swap). A triggering creature must succeed on a DC
Countermeasures. A creature can spot the rune and
20 Charisma save, or instantly switch places with the statue.
the hidden crossbows with a successful DC 20 Wisdom
The statue animates as a clay golem and attacks all non-
(Perception) check, or with detect magic.
dwarfs in the shrine. The golem will not leave the shrine, and
Once found, the rune can be disabled with a successful DC if reduced to 0 hit points it crumbles to dust.
20 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic.
If a creature falls from the pinnacle into the lava they take 35
(10d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall, and 99 (18d10) fire
Corrosive Chains damage from the lava. They take the fire damage again at the
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, deadly, block) end of their turn if they remain submerged.
The iron chest is battered and dented all over, but is still Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC
locked fast. It is the only feature in this deep, dank cavern. 20 Intelligence (Religion) check realizes the triggering
conditions for the trap. The shrine has an aura of
Trigger (Fail to Pick Lock). A creature that tries and fails to
conjuration magic when viewed with detect magic.
pick the lock triggers the trap.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the shrine
Effect (Snare). The triggering creature must succeed on a DC
with a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check; dispel
20 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by a chain covered
magic (DC 17) also disables the trap.
in acid that shoots from the lock. A creature restrained by the
chain takes 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage and 55 (10d10)
acid damage. The restrained creature can free themselves with
a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.

Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps 69

Manners Maketh Man 20 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 36 (8d8)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Magic trap (level 13-16, deadly, block) successful one.
In this room is a statue of a dignified, regal woman holding Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
a golden quill in one hand, and a diamond shaped shield in Intelligence (History) or Wisdom (Insight) check can recall
the other. stories of this trap or deduce what the password might be.
Trigger (Insult Idol). A creature that is libellous, scandalous, The rune can be found with a successful DC 20 Wisdom
or rude in the statue’s presence triggers the trap. (Perception) check. Once found, it can be disabled with a
Effect (Wall of Force). An immobile, invisible, cube-shaped successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic.
prison composed of magical force springs into existence
around the triggering creature. The prison is 10 feet on a Snake Pit
side, creating a solid barrier that prevents any matter from
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, deadly, harm)
passing through it and blocking any spells cast into or out
from the area. The floor in this room is painted with an optical illusion
which makes it look like a pit of snakes.
Any creature that is completely inside the cage’s area when
the trap is activated is trapped. Creatures only partially Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). A Medium or larger
within the area, or those too large to fit inside the area, creature that steps on the floor triggers the trap.
are pushed away from the center of the area until they are Effect (Drop Into Lair). The triggering creature must succeed
completely outside the area. on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or fall 100 feet into a pit
A creature inside the cage can’t leave it by non-magical which opens beneath them like a trapdoor, taking 35 (10d6)
means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or interplanar bludgeoning damage. At the bottom of the pit are 5 swarms
travel to leave the cage, it must first make a DC 20 Charisma of poisonous snakes.
saving throw. On a success, the creature can use that magic to Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
exit the cage. On a failure, the creature can’t exit the cage and check reveals the trigger, and a successful DC 20 Dexterity
wastes the use of the spell or effect. The cage also extends into check while using thieves’ tools disables the trigger.
the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel.
The prison can’t be dispelled by dispel magic; it fades away Unstable Ground
after 1 day. Apologising to the statue with a successful DC 20
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, deadly)
Charisma (Religion) check dispels the prison.
A large chamber has a floor covered in strange runes and
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
symbols, including a rune of detection. Casting within the
Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the statue and
chamber activates the rune, which collapses the floor.
understands the trap. The statue has an aura of evocation
Creatures within the chamber fall fifty feet into a pit filled
magic when viewed with detect magic.
with 25-foot deep water.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statue with
Trigger (Cast Spell). Casting a spell in the chamber triggers
a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
the trap.
17) also disables the trap.
Effect (Drop). The floor of the chamber falls away, starting at
Pass or Gas the center and moving out toward the walls. Each creature in
the room must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Hybrid trap (level 13-16, deadly) success, the creature is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On
When a creature enters this room, a magical mouth (as a failure, the creature falls into the pit below. Creatures close to
per the magic mouth spell) appears on the wall asking for a the center of the chamber have disadvantage on their saving
password. This question could take the form of a simple throw, while creatures close to the walls have advantage.
request or a riddle and should be something that pertains to The pit is 50 feet deep and half-filled with water; climbing
the surrounding area. A rune of detection is inscribed on the out of it requires a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
wall opposite the mouth. check. After each hour in the pit, a creature must succeed on
Trigger (Command Word). Not speaking the password a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or begin suffocating.
triggers the trap. Countermeasures. The rune can be found with a successful
Effect (Poison Gas). When activated, the rune releases valves DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check, and with a successful DC
that create a 20-foot-radius sphere of poisonous, yellow- 20 Intelligence (History) check a creature can recall some
green fog centered on the middle of the room. The fog details and bits of lore about this trap.
spreads around corners. It lasts 10 minutes or until strong Once found, the rune can be disabled with a successful DC
wind disperses the fog. Its area is heavily obscured. 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
When a creature enters the fog’s area for the first time on a Detect magic can be used to find the rune, and dispel magic can
turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC disable it, but casting either spell inside the room triggers
the trap.
70 Chapter Five | Level 13-16 Traps
e arrived in a great chamber, a vaulted ceiling Dazzling beams of sunlight streamed through as huge
soaring high overhead. Massive statues stood chunks of the ceiling broke free and slammed down around
along the walls, hands raised as if saluting us. We darted left and right, avoiding them as best we could.
our valiant and unflinching resolve to get to There was a low groaning sound from above, which made
this point. Perhaps this temple was built with so many traps our wizard say something I’ll not repeat here. One of the
as a sort of trial, a test of mettle and fortitude, if you will. towering statues was falling straight toward us. While most
This would certainly make sense, for there, unguarded and of us reflexively screamed and futilely tried to brace for what
awaiting us, was the artifact. was coming, our wizard stood tall, stretching out an arm as
As a group we all proceeded forward, intent on experiencing if mocking the gigantic carving.
this long-awaited moment together. We stood around As she screamed in defiance, a shimmering orb of force
the artifact and took it (I won’t say who actually took it, bloomed around us just as the incalculable tons of stone
that’s for me to know). We waited a moment, sure that slammed into it. The world was filled with nothing but dust,
something terrible was about to happen, but nothing did. grit, and the sound of rattling stone. I opened my eyes and
We looked at one another, hesitantly smiled, then quickly saw my companions doing the same. We weren't’ smears
devolved into laughter, cheers, hugs, and rejoicing in our on the ground! We were alive! As the dust settled, we looked
accomplishment. We walked out of the room, and out of around at the wreckage, and those sunbeams sliced through
that awful temple for good. the gloom as a final, divine reward for our work.
… At least, that’s what I’d hoped would happen. Oh, there It was finally time to go home.
were cheers and much rejoicing and all that, but as soon The traps in this chapter are designed to challenge characters
as we started to walk away, everything gave way in an
who are levels 17-20 and are grouped by their lethality.
almighty lurch. We saw the massive granite statues sway
Any of these traps can be dropped right into a dungeon or
ominously as streams of dust cascaded down from the
similar adventure and shouldn’t require any preparation.
ceiling high above. Cracks raced along the walls and up into
For more information on customizing traps, go to Chapter
the ceiling itself as the whole place started coming down.
8: Designing Traps, or for a completely random and
unexpected trap, go to Chapter 9: Random Trap Generator.
Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 71
Level 17-20 Traps Table
Roll a d100 on the table below to choose a random trap appropriate for 17-20 characters,
or select a desired lethality and roll a d10.

d100 d10 Trap Page d100 d10 Trap Page

1-2 1 Authorization Required 73 61-62 1 Acidic Ceiling 81
3-4 2 Barfing Book 73 63-64 2 Arresting Vanity 81
5-6 3 Burning Bright 73 65-66 3 Dead Men May Grow Tails 81
7-8 4 Cost of Vision 74 67-68 4 Magic Trunk 82

9-10 5 Font of Flame 74 69-70 5 Searing Spikes 82

11-12 6 Silencing Spikes 74 71-72 6 Shocking Exit 82

13-14 7 Snapping Jaws 74 73-74 7 Skull Scree 82
15-16 8 Stewards of the Axe 75 75-76 8 Sweet-Sounding Stench 83
17-18 9 Swinging Spike-Hammer 75 77-78 9 The Thin Veil 83
Trapdoor Pitfall, 79-80 10 Timber! 84
19-20 10 75
Treacherous 81-82 1 Anti-Wizard Alarm 84
21-22 1 Blinding Knowledge 75 83-84 2 Blazing Rings, Treacherous 84
23-24 2 Bronze Blockade 76 85-86 3 Best Left Alone 84
25-26 3 Corrosive Bath 76 87-88 4 Cool Off 85
27-28 4 Crushing Chest 76

89-90 5 Log Ride 85


29-30 5 Crystal Clear 76 91-92 6 Pooling Puddle Problem 85

31-32 6 Dozing Deterioration 77 93-94 7 Snicker Snack 85
33-34 7 Path of Light 77 95-96 8 Telestairs 86
35-36 8 Picked Wrong 77 97-98 9 Unworthy 86
37-38 9 Rogue’s Bane, Treacherous 77 99-100 10 Wake the Dragon 86
39-40 10 Swift Imprisonment 78
41-42 1 Acid Lock 78
43-44 2 Doom Dome 78
45-46 3 Futile Blade 79
47-48 4 Froggy Floor 79

49-50 5 Join Me 79
51-52 6 Poisoned Path 79
53-54 7 Run For Your Life 80
55-56 8 Seal of Embers 80
57-58 9 Sticky Situation 80
59-60 10 Violence Cage 80

72 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

At the end of each long rest, an infected creature must make
Level 17-20 Setback a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
character gains one level of exhaustion. On a successful save,
These traps should present a minor inconvenience to
the character’s exhaustion level decreases by one level. If a
characters of this level range.
successful saving throw reduces the infected creature’s level
of exhaustion below 1, the creature recovers from the disease.
Authorization Required Countermeasures. The rune and hidden nozzle can be
Magic trap (level 17-20, setback, subdue) spotted with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A door or archway is enchanted to allow only certain Once found, the rune can be disabled with a successful DC 10
creatures to pass freely. Any who do not match the Intelligence (Arcana) check, or with dispel magic.
qualifications attempting to pass are teleported elsewhere,
usually somewhere they would rather not be. Burning Bright
Trigger (Creature Detector). The trap is keyed to certain Mechanical trap (level 17-20, setback, harm)
criteria of creatures, including physical characteristics, race,
Multiple shadowed alcoves line the walls of this shrine.
type, and alignment. If a creature meeting the requirements
Beside the door on a small plinth is a gleaming silver
for safe passage passes the threshold, the trap is
lantern. Flammable oil is held in place by a thin wax coating
deactivated for 1 minute. If a creature that doesn’t meet the
on the inside upper surface of the lantern.
requirements passes through the archway, the trap activates.
Trigger (Activate Light Fixture). Lighting the lantern
Effect (Teleport). The triggering creature is instantly
triggers the trap.
transported to another location within the dungeon or
structure containing the trap. Effect (Acid/Slime Blast). Sticky, flammable oil pours forth
from the lamp, setting the triggering creature on fire. The
Countermeasures. The archway has an aura of conjuration
triggering creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving
magic when viewed with detect magic. A creature that
throw or be covered in flaming oil and take 11 (2d10) fire
succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check can spot and
damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end
decipher a series of sigils or runes along the outside of the
this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity
archway or door, and understands the trap.
check to extinguish the flames and scrape off the oil.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment with a successful
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10
DC 10 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC 15) also
Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the hidden oil, and with
disables the trap.
a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check a creature
understands the danger of the trap.
Barfing Book The oil can be easily scraped out of the lantern, or washed
Hybrid trap (level 17-20, setback, hinder) out with alcohol or another solvent.
A book of putrid secrets sits atop a plinth or pedestal, covered
in pulsing boils and pustules, waiting to be read. Above the
book, a hidden nozzle waits to disgorge a gout of vile slime
and sludge; a rune of detection waits to activate the nozzle.
Trigger (Open/Close Object). A creature that opens the book
triggers the trap.
Effect (Acid/Slime Blast). A blast of putrid smelling slime
covers the triggering creature, who must make a DC 10
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature avoids
the slime. On a failure, the creature must make a DC 11
Constitution saving throw or contract sewer plague from the
foul slime.
It takes 1d4 days for sewer plague’s symptoms to manifest in
an infected creature. Symptoms include fatigue and cramps.
The infected creature suffers one level of exhaustion, and
it regains only half the normal number of hit points from
spending Hit Dice and no hit points from finishing a long rest.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 73

Cost of Vision Silencing Spikes
Magic trap (level 17-20, setback, hinder) Hybrid trap (level 17-20, setback, harm)
A gate with an offering bowl blocks the way to a treacherous, This 5-foot wide corridor is covered with a fine layer of dust,
labyrinthine path. To open the gate, a creature must place concealing a rune of detection.
an offering in the bowl representing something that Trigger (Musical/Auditory). Any sound triggers the trap. A
would distract it from a righteous course. If the offering is creature that moves or performs actions in the trapped area
accepted, the gate allows the creature passage. Any creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid
who gives an unsatisfactory offering or attempts to sneak triggering the trap.
through is magically blinded.
Effect (Spikes). When activated, the rune activates a
Trigger (Offering). A creature that places an unsatisfactory mechanism that causes spikes to extend from the walls. Each
offering in the bowl triggers the trap. creature in the corridor must make a DC 10 Dexterity check,
Effect (Blindness). A triggering creature must make a DC 10 taking 17 (5d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as
Constitution saving throw or be magically blinded for 1 day. much on a successful one.
The creature can make another DC 10 Constitution saving Countermeasures. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom
throw at the end of every hour, ending the effect on a success. (Perception) check, a creature can find the hidden holes
A creature blinded by the trap can have their sight restored for the spikes and the rune. The rune can also be found
with dispel magic (DC 17), remove curse or lesser restoration. with detect magic. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence
Countermeasures. Pictographs and carvings around the (Investigation) check, a creature can understand how the
gate provide clues to the nature of the trap; a creature that trap operates.
succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check can deduce A creature can disable the trap with a successful DC
the required offering. 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check to disrupt the rune, or a
The bowl has an aura of necromancy magic when viewed successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to
with detect magic. A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment disable the spikes. Dispel magic cast on the rune also disables
on it with a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check, or the trap, and silence can negate the trigger entirely.
with dispel magic.
Snapping Jaws
Font of Flame Hybrid trap (level 17-20, setback, block)
Magic trap (level 17-20, setback, harm) Strange writing is scrawled on the wall, including a rune of
A locked door bars farther passage. To the right of the door detection. The writing is spread over 5 feet, and there is a large
is a small stone font engraved with a flame motif, filled with concealed hole in the wall beneath it.
water. At the bottom of the font is a key, and a hidden glyph of Trigger (Produce Light/Darkness). Bringing a light source
warding (burning hands). within 5 feet of the writing triggers the trap.
Trigger (Disturb Liquid). A creature that sticks their hand Effect (Snare). A pair of steel jaws launches from the
into the water or otherwise disturbs the font triggers the concealed hole in the wall. The jaws make an attack roll
trap. Creatures can remove the key without causing ripples against the triggering creature with a +5 bonus to the roll,
by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. dealing 16 (3d10) piercing damage on a hit. This attack
Effect (Spell Effect). A thin sheet of blue flames shoots forth cannot gain advantage or disadvantage. A target hit by the
from the font. Each creature in a 15-foot cone centered on jaws is restrained until it is freed.
the triggering creature must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving A successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity
throw. A creature takes 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, check using thieves’ tools makes the jaws release. Failure
or half as much damage on a successful one. on either check deals 11 (2d10) piercing damage to the
The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t trapped creature.
being worn or carried. Countermeasures. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful check reveals the rune; once found it can be dispelled with dispel
DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check or with detect magic. magic or with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with a successful DC
10 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.

74 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

Stewards of the Axe Trapdoor Pitfall,
Magic trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm) Treacherous
At the far end of this chamber is an anvil, glowing with a Mechanical trap (level 17-20, setback, harm)
throbbing, red heat. Stuck in the anvil is a rune-engraved
A hidden trapdoor opens on to an 80-foot deep vertical
battleaxe. Lying around the anvil are 4 dwarf corpses in
shaft. The trapdoor covers a 5-foot square space and has a
various states of death and decay.
pressure plate embedded in it.
Trigger (Draw Weapon). Pulling the battleaxe from the anvil
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the
triggers the trap. It can only be removed by a dwarf.
trapdoor activates the pressure plate, causing the trap door
Effect (Reanimate Creatures). The 4 dead dwarves rise as to swing open.
wights and attack all other creatures in the room, focusing
Effect (Drop Into Empty Pit). The triggering creature must
on the triggering creature. If the creature that pulled the
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature
battleaxe from the anvil drops it or dies, the axe magically
is able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the creature
reappears in the anvil. The wights fade into nothingness if
falls into the pit and takes 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage.
reduced to 0 hit points, or if dispelled with dispel magic (DC
18). They do not leave the room and, if not killed, return to Countermeasures. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom
dormancy after 24 hours. (Perception) check a creature can spot the pressure plate;
it can be disabled with a successful DC 10 Dexterity check
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 12 Intelligence
using thieves’ tools.
(History or Religion) check, a creature can identify the anvil

Level 17-20 Moderate

and understands the trap. A dwarf has advantage on this
check. If viewed with detect magic, the anvil has an aura of
necromancy magic. These traps will probably harm characters of this level.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the anvil with a
successful DC 12 spellcasting ability check, or with dispel magic. Blinding Knowledge
Magic trap (level 17-20, moderate, hinder)
Swinging Spike-Hammer There is a single book left on the shelf in this room. It has a
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, setback, harm) gilded spine covered with a spiralling, graceful motif; a glyph
A heavy door blocks the way forward; a spring-loaded arm is of warding (blindness/deafness) is hidden in the book.
attached to the ceiling on the other side. A long, sharp metal Trigger (Open/Close Book). Opening the tome triggers
rod is affixed perpendicular to the arm. The arm is set to the trap.
release when the door opens.
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts
Trigger (Open Door). A creature that opens the door triggers blindness/deafness as an 8th level spell. The glyph targets the
the trap. triggering creature and up to 7 other creatures, who all must
Effect (Swinging Object). A large spike affixed to a spring- make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. If a creature fails,
loaded arm swings down and attacks the creature standing they are blinded for 1 minute. At the end of each of their
in the doorway. The spike makes a melee attack roll against turns, a blinded creature can make a DC 12 Constitution
the triggering creature with a +5 bonus, dealing 27 (5d10) saving throw. On a success, the spell ends for that creature.
piercing damage if it hits. This attack cannot gain advantage Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12
or disadvantage. Intelligence (Arcana or History) check recognizes the book
Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds as a rare or unique tome, one that might be trapped in some
on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check can spot some of way. Casting detect magic reveals an aura of abjuration magic
the mechanisms by opening the door a crack, but it takes around the tome, and dispel magic disables the trap.
a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check to
understand the trap.
Once understood, a creature can disable the trap with a
successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 75

Bronze Blockade Crushing Chest
Magic trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm) Mechanical trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm)
A large clay statue stands blocking passage to an important Scrape marks line the walls of this chamber. A treasure chest
area; a word is written on its forehead in an obscure banded with iron rests in a slight depression in the center. A
language. If a creature approaches the statue and doesn’t hidden mechanism is worked into the base of the chest.
speak the password, the statue animates and attacks. Trigger (Open/Close Chest). Opening the chest triggers
Trigger (Fail to Speak Password). A creature that gets within the trap.
20 feet of the statue and fails to speak the password within 1 Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). When activated, the walls
round triggers the trap. of the room begin to move in towards the center, moving
Effect (Release Creatures). The statue is a clay golem that at a rate of 1 foot per round at the end of the initiative
attacks the triggering creature and its companions. However, order. Once the surface reaches a creature’s space, they take
its primary purpose is preventing creatures from getting to 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If the surface is still moving
the area it guards. The golem will not leave the room. on the next turn, the creature is restrained and takes 2d10
Once roused, the golem will remain active for 24 hours, or bludgeoning damage. A third round spent being crushed
until a creature says the password. If reduced to 0 hit points, inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning damage, the fourth and every
it crumbles to dust. round thereafter inflicts 10d10 bludgeoning damage until
the surface retracts. Once the walls meet in the middle of the
Countermeasures. The statue can be identified as a golem with room, they retract.
a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A creature that
speaks the obscure language written on the golem can deduce Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
the password; a successful DC 12 Intelligence (History) check (Perception) check reveals the hidden mechanism in the
can also provide clues about the golem. chest. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
reveals the nature of the trigger, and allows a creature to
attempt a DC 12 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools to
Corrosive Bath disable the trap.
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm)
At the center of the chamber is a gold statue sitting on Crystal Clear
a sturdy stone pedestal. A tension cable is affixed to the Magic trap (level 17-20, moderate, hinder)
bottom of the statue and runs down through a hole through
the center of the pedestal. A glowing pillar casts blindingly bright light throughout
this room. An altar is just barely visible on the other side
Trigger (Pick Up Object). A creature that picks up the statue of the pillar.
triggers the trap.
Trigger (Step Into Light/Darkness). Blocking the light falling
Effect (Drop Into Pit). The floor surrounding the pedestal upon the altar triggers the trap.
suddenly drops away, revealing a pit filled with acid. Each
creature standing next to the pedestal must succeed on a DC Effect (Petrification). Any creature within 30 feet of the altar
12 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the pit. A creature that when there is no light falling on it must succeed on a DC 12
starts its turn in the acid takes 7 (2d6) acid damage per round. Constitution saving throw if their body is made of flesh.
On a failed save, it is restrained as its flesh begins to turn to
At your discretion, the acid can damage weapons, armor, crystal. On a successful save, the creature isn’t affected.
and other items. Any non-magical ammunition the creature
is carrying is destroyed, and any non-magical weapons A creature restrained by this effect must make another DC
and armor the creature is carrying takes a permanent 12 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls or AC for each If it successfully saves against this effect three times, it
round of contact with the acid. If its penalty drops to -5, the ends. If it fails its saves three times, it is turned to crystal
weapon or armor is destroyed. and subjected to the petrified condition. The successes and
failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom the target collects three of a kind.
(Perception) check reveals the trap door, and with a
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check made If the creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers
while examining the statue reveals the trigger. A DC 12 from similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.
Dexterity check made with thieves' tools disables the trap. Countermeasures. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Religion
or Arcana) check lets a creature recognize this crystal and
understand the trap. The crystal has an aura of transmutation
magic when viewed with detect magic. Casting dispel magic (DC
16) on the crystal disables the trap, and spells like daylight or
darkness can also provide ways to bypass the crystal.

76 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

Dozing Deterioration Picked Wrong
Magic trap (level 17-20, moderate, hinder) Mechanical trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm)
The walls and floors of this chamber are padded with A locked door blocks the way. The lock can be easily
feather-filled cushions. Hanging from the ceiling on a chain overcome with the key or a skilled burglar using thieves’
is a silver censer. tools, but an unskilled burglar is in for a surprise.
Trigger (Unconsciousness). If a creature falls unconscious in Trigger (Fail to Pick Lock). A creature that attempts to pick
the room the censer begins to emit magical smoke. the lock and fails triggers the trap.
Effect (Aging). The smoke wraps around unconscious Effect (Drop Into Pit). The floor in front of the door suddenly
creatures, who must on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw drops away, revealing a 50-foot deep pit. The triggering
or be magically aged/de-aged 1d10 years. If the roll is even, creature must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or
creatures are made older; if the roll is odd, they are made falls into the pit, taking 52 (15d6) bludgeoning damage.
younger. This effect can be undone with greater restoration, but Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
only if it is cast within 24 hours of being aged. (Perception) check reveals the break away floor. A successful
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12 DC 212 Intelligence (Investigation) check made on the lock
Intelligence (Arcana or History) check recognizes the reveals the trigger; once found, a creature that makes a
censer and understands the trap. The censer has an aura of successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves' tools disables
necromancy magic if viewed with detect magic. A spellcaster the trap.
can disrupt the enchantment on the censer with a successful
DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check; dispel magic (DC 18) cast on
the censer also disables the trap.
Rogue’s Bane, Treacherous
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, moderate)
Path of Light A poorly disguised tripwire is easily detected, but it hides the
real trap that is set to go off if the decoy is tampered with.
Hybrid trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm)
Trigger (False Trigger). Disarming or attempting to disarm
Outside the entrance to this pitch black room or hall is a the false trigger sets off the real trap.
small shrine with unlit ceremonial candles, each with an
inscription that reads (possibly in a foreign language) “walk Effect (Random). Randomly select a mechanical trap of the
safely in the light.” Anyone entering the room without one same or lower lethality and use its effect.
of these lit candles is quickly plunged into a pit beneath the Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 12 Wisdom
floor. Darkvision does not penetrate the magical darkness (Perception) check reveals the false trigger, and a successful
within the room. DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals its true
Trigger (Produce Light/Darkness). A creature standing in nature. A successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’
the chamber for more than 1 round (6 seconds) without tools disables the real trap.
holding one of the lit ceremonial candles triggers the trap.
Effect (Drop Into Spiked Pit). The 5-foot area of floor directly
beneath the triggering creature falls way, revealing a 40-foot-
deep spiked pit. The triggering creature must succeed on a DC
12 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the pit and take 14 (4d6)
bludgeoning damage and 21 (6d6) piercing damage.
Countermeasures. The room and the candles have an aura
of evocation magic when viewed with detect magic.. A creature
that succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check can deduce
the nature of the trap and knows to use the candles to grant
safe passage.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the room with
a successful DC 12 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
17) cast on the room also disables the trap.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 77

Swift Imprisonment Doom Dome
Magic trap (level 17-20, moderate, block) Magic trap (level 17-20, dangerous, subdue)
The walls of this dark shrine are covered with tapestries A glyph of warding (forcecage) is hidden in this chamber, ready
depicting mortals engaging in deals with devils, infernal to detect the presence of a particular item. Once that item is
beings emerging from the hells, and angels being brought brought into the chamber a cage of force traps the creature
low by devilish armies. A glyph of warding (forcecage) is hidden carrying the item.
in the design of one of the tapestries. Trigger (Bring Item). A creature that brings the item into the
Trigger (Corpse). If an evil creature dies in the area, or the chamber triggers the trap.
corpse of an evil creature enters the area, the trap is triggered. Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts forcecage. An immobile,
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts forcecage. An immobile, invisible, cube-shaped prison composed of magical force
invisible, cube-shaped prison composed of magical force springs into existence around the triggering creature. The
springs into existence around the triggering creature. The prison is a cage 20 feet on a side and is made from 1/2-inch
prison is a box 10 feet on a side, creating a solid barrier that diameter bars spaced 1/2 inch apart. It creates a solid barrier
prevents any matter from passing through it and blocking that prevents any matter from passing through it and
any spells cast into or out from the area. blocking any spells cast into or out from the area.
Any creature that is completely inside the cage’s area is Any creature that is completely inside the cage’s area is
trapped. Creatures only partially within the area, or those trapped. Creatures only partially within the area, or those
too large to fit inside the area, are pushed away from the too large to fit inside the area, are pushed away from the
center of the area until they are completely outside the area. center of the area until they are completely outside the area.
A creature inside the cage can’t leave it by non-magical A creature inside the cage can’t leave it by non-magical
means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or interplanar means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or
travel to leave the cage, it must first make a DC 12 Charisma interplanar travel to leave the cage, it must first make a DC
saving throw. On a success, the creature can use that magic to 15 Charisma saving throw. On a success, the creature can use
exit the cage. On a failure, the creature can’t exit the cage and that magic to exit the cage. On a failure, the creature can’t
wastes the use of the spell or effect. The cage also extends into exit the cage and wastes the use of the spell or effect. The cage
the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel. also extends into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel.
This spell can’t be dispelled by dispel magic; it fades away after This spell can’t be dispelled by dispel magic; it fades away after
1 hour. 1 hour.
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with detect magic
DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check or with detect magic. or with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with a successful DC Once discovered, the glyph can be disabled with a successful
12 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic. DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, or with dispel magic.

Level 17-20 Dangerous

These traps are likely to seriously injure (and potentially kill)
characters of these levels.

Acid Lock
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, dangerous, harm)
This sturdy adamantine door has an incredibly intricate
locking mechanism made of burnished metal. Although
dented in places, the door looks incredibly sturdy.
Trigger (Use Wrong Key). Using the wrong key for the lock
triggers the trap.
Effect (Acid Blast). Acid blasts out from the lock over
the triggering creature. The creature must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 82 (15d10) acid damage on
a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals the trigger, and a successful DC 15 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.

78 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

Futile Blade The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the
nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast spells, or take
Magic trap (level 17-20, dangerous, harm) any other action that requires hands or speech.
Resting atop a stand made of twisted iron is a vicious- The target’s gear melds into the new form. The creature can’t
looking sword forged from adamantine. It seems to hum activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its
with power. equipment.
Trigger (Spill Blood). A creature removing the sword from Countermeasures. The glyph can be found without
the stand must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or triggering it with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
take 1 point of slashing damage as they nick themselves on (Investigation) check, or with detect magic. A creature can
the blade. Spilling blood with the sword in this way triggers disable the glyph dispel magic or with a successful DC 15
the trap. Intelligence (Arcana) check.
Effect (Summon Creatures). The spilled blood becomes the
red, pinpoint eyes of 3 wraiths. The wraiths attack all other Join Me
creatures in the room, focusing on the triggering creature or
Hybrid trap (level 17-20, dangerous, harm)
whoever is holding the sword. They do not leave the room.
A corpse covered in blackened armor lies on the floor
The wraiths fade into nothingness if reduced to 0 hit points.
of the chamber, covering up a rune of detection. A vat filled
They fade back into the walls of the room if the sword is
with necrotising fluid is positioned to fall over a creature
replaced on the stand or after 24 hours.
by the corpse.
At your discretion, the sword can be a magic item, or just an
Trigger (Interact with Bait). Interacting with the corpse
adamantine weapon.
triggers the trap. A successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 15 Intelligence of Hand) check allows a creature to interact with the bait
(Arcana or History) check, a creature can recognize the without activating the trigger.
sword and knows about the dangers of the trap. With detect
Effect (Falling/Tipping Vessel). The rune tips the vat onto the
magic, the stand for the sword has an aura of necromancy
triggering creature, who must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
magic (if the sword is a magic item, it also has an aura).
throw, taking 82 (15d10) necrotic damage, or half as much on
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the stand with a success.
a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic cast
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
on the stand also disables the trap.
check lets a creature spot the vat and the hidden rune. One
found, a creature can disable the rune with a successful DC
Froggy Floor 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
Magic trap (level 17-20, dangerous, hinder)
The floor of this chamber has a beautiful mosaic of a frog, Poisoned Path
with a glyph of warding (true polymorph) hidden in the design. Mechanical trap (level 17-20, dangerous, harm)
Trigger (Creature Detector). A character that walks across A 5-foot-wide walkway formed of stone archways spans a
the mosaic triggers the trap. chasm. On either side of the walkway is an enormous drop
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts polymorph on the into lightless depths. A creature that falls from the walkway
triggering creature, which must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom drops 500 feet to the bottom of the chasm, taking 70 (20d6)
saving throw or be transformed into a frog. The spell has no bludgeoning damage.
effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. Trigger (Pressure Plate). Stepping on the pressure plate in
The transformation lasts for 1 hour, or until the target drops the middle of the walkway triggers the trap.
to 0 hit points or dies. The target’s game statistics, including Effect (Needle). A hard, razor-sharp needle coated with
mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of a frog. a weakening poison spears up from the center of the
It retains its alignment and personality. pressure plate into the triggering creature’s foot. The needle
The target assumes the hit points of a frog. When it reverts pierces armor that isn’t magical. The triggering creature
to its normal form, the creature returns to the number of hit must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of become poisoned. A creature poisoned in this way becomes
dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to incredibly weak and must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
its normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce saving throw to avoid falling from the walkway.
the creature’s normal form to 0 hit points, it isn’t knocked Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom
unconscious. (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate and hidden
needle. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’
tools disables the trap, but a roll that totals 10 or less triggers
the trap.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 79

Run For Your Life Sticky Situation
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, dangerous, harm) Mechanical trap (level 17-20, dangerous)
This 5-foot-wide corridor has a lever at the entrance; a A rather average lock seals a door or container and hides a
closed gate or door lies at the other end. When the lever is devious parting gift. A tiny sealed vial containing a strong
pulled, the barrier opens and the walls begin contracting. adhesive is hidden within the lock, and breaks open when
Once the walls meet, the door closes and the lever and wall the lock is picked.
return to their original positions. Trigger (Pick Lock). The lock can be picked with a successful
Trigger (Pull Lever). A creature that pulls the lever to open DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. However, a
the barrier triggers the trap. creature that succeeds at picking the lock triggers the trap.
Effect (Crushing Ceiling/Walls). The barrier opens and the Effect (Acid/Slime Blast). The triggering creature must
walls of the corridor begin contracting at a rate of 1 foot at the succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or have their hands
end of each round. Once the surface reaches a creature’s space, covered in sticky adhesive. While covered in adhesive, the
they take 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If the surface is still creature automatically fails any ability checks using Dexterity.
moving on the next turn, the creature is restrained and takes The adhesive can be washed off with 10 minutes of vigorous
2d10 bludgeoning damage. A third round spent being crushed scrubbing with soap and water, or with a 1 minute soak in a
inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning damage. On the fourth round, the gallon of alcohol.
barriers meet in the middle of the corridor and retract.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 15
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) Wisdom (Perception) check can spot the hidden vial,
check reveals scrape marks on the floor, indicative of the and with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
crushing walls. When examining the lever, a creature that check a creature understands the danger of the trap. Once
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check spots understood, a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves'
how the hidden mechanisms work and understands the tools disables the trap.
trap. Once understood, a creature that succeeds on a DC 15
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools can disable the trap.
Violence Cage
Seal of Embers Magic trap (level 17-20, dangerous, block)
Magic trap (level 17-20, dangerous) Intense heat fills this room, radiating from the open
trenches filled with lava. Weapon racks line the walls,
A beautifully crafted seal is inlayed into a 5-foot-by-5-foot obscuring a glyph of warding (forcecage). A creature that spends
section of the floor. The seal was originally intended to have 1 hour in this room must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
some arcane or religious significance, but now it has been throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
perverted by a glyph of warding (fireball).
Trigger (Mortal Sacrifice). If a creature is killed by any
Trigger (Cast Spell). A creature that casts a spell while means other than fire damage, the trap is triggered.
standing on the seal triggers the trap.
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts forcecage; an immobile,
Effect (Spell Effect). The glyph casts fireball as a 9th level spell. invisible, cube-shaped prison composed of magical force
A bright streak flashes from the glyph to a point next to the springs into existence around the triggering creature. The
triggering creature and then blossoms with a low roar into prison is a solid box, 10 feet on a side, creating a solid barrier
an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius that prevents any matter from passing through it and
sphere centered on that point must make a DC 15 Dexterity blocking any spells cast into or out from the area.
saving throw. A target takes 49 (14d6) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any creature that is completely inside the cage’s area when it
forms is trapped. Creatures only partially within the area, or
The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects those too large to fit inside the area, are pushed away from the
in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. center of the area until they are completely outside the area.
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or with detect magic.
Once discovered, the glyph can be disrupted with a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, or with dispel magic.
A creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or
Religion) check understands the original purpose of the seal
and knows that casting hallow on it will also disable the trap.

80 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

A creature inside the cage can’t leave it by non-magical A creature restrained by this spell must make another DC 17
means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or interplanar Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If
travel to leave the cage, it must first make a DC 15 Charisma it successfully saves against this spell three times, the spell
saving throw. On a success, the creature can use that magic to ends. If it fails its saves three times, it is turned to stone
exit the cage. On a failure, the creature can’t exit the cage and and subjected to the petrified condition. The successes and
wastes the use of the spell or effect. The cage also extends into failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until
the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel. the target collects three of a kind.
The wall can’t be dispelled by dispel magic and it lasts for 1 hour. If the creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers
Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful from similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or with detect magic. The creature can be restored with greater restoration or more
Once found, the glyph can be disabled with dispel magic or powerful magic.
with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with detect magic
or with a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once
Level 17-20 Perilous discovered, a creature can disrupt the glyph with a successful
DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check or with dispel magic.
These traps may kill characters of these levels, and will
definitely injure them severely.
Dead Men May Grow Tails
Acidic Ceiling Magic trap (level 17-20, perilous)
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, perilous, harm) A humanoid corpse lies on the floor, clutching an important
or valuable item in its dead hands. Retrieving the item will
The ceiling of this room is covered with a thick layer of
most certainly disturb the body, triggering the trap.
slime. The door leading out has been barricaded by a pile
of crates and barrels, and the floor or the room is a springy Trigger (Corpse). A creature that disturbs the corpse triggers
material, carefully balanced by the barricade. the trap.
Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). Shifting the barricade triggers Effect (Summon Creature). The corpse suddenly writhes and
the trap. convulses, transforming into a nalfeshnee (or some other
creature of CR 13 or below that is more appropriate to the area)
Effect (Spring Floor). Creatures that move the barricade
and attacking all creatures in the area. The demon vanishes in a
are flung straight up into the ceiling. Those creatures must
puff of brimstone if reduced to 0 hit points. It will not leave the
make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 63 (18d6)
area, and it becomes a humanoid corpse again after 24 hours.
acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on
a successful one. Additionally, the creature takes 3 (1d6) Countermeasures. With a successful DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight
bludgeoning damage from hitting the ceiling, and 3 (1d6) of Hand) check, a creature can retrieve the item without
bludgeoning damage from hitting the floor again. triggering the trap.
Countermeasures. With a successful DC 17 Wisdom When viewed with detect magic the corpse has an aura of
(Perception) check, a creature understands how the conjuration magic. With a successful DC 17 Intelligence
spring floor works and can spot the acid on the ceiling. By (Arcana) check, a creature can spot claw marks and traces
succeeding on a DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, of hellfire around the corpse, indicative of its demonic
a creature can wedge bits of planking into the spring floor, transformation.
disabling the trap. A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the corpse
with a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic
Arresting Vanity (DC 17) also disables the trap.
Magic trap (level 17-20, perilous)
A mirror in the chamber is covered by a sheet or curtain.
Removing the cover and looking into the mirror may prove
deadly due to the glyph of warding (flesh to stone) worked into
the mirror’s frame.
Trigger (Creature Detector). A creature that looks into the
mirror at their own reflection triggers the trap.
Effect (Petrification). The glyph casts flesh to stone, targeting
the triggering creature. If the target’s body is made of flesh,
the creature must make a DC17 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, it is restrained as its flesh begins to harden.
On a successful save, the creature isn’t affected.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 81

Magic Trunk Shocking Exit
Magic trap (level 17-20, perilous, block) Magic trap (17-20, perilous, harm)
This large iron trunk looks impenetrable, though the lock is The exit from this room is plated with steel that is burnished
battered and loose. into jagged, purple patterns. Stamped into these patterns are
Trigger (Bring Object). A creature that brings thieves’ tools unusual runes, masking a glyph of warding (chain lightning).
within 5 feet of the chest triggers the trap. The trap doesn’t Trigger (Remove Object). Taking any valuable objects from
trigger if the tools are in a pouch or pack, only if the tools are the room triggers the trap.
out and in the creature’s hand. Effect (Lightning Blast). The glyph casts chain lightning,
Effect (Swap). The triggering creature must succeed on a creating a bolt of lightning that arcs toward the triggering
DC 17 Charisma save or instantly switch places with a straw creature. Six bolts then leap from that target to as many as
mannequin inside the trunk. The trunk is locked and can six other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the
be picked open with a DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be
tools. However, a creature attempting to pick the lock from targeted by only one of the bolts.
inside the trunk has disadvantage on this check. A target must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. The
Countermeasures (Difficult). A creature that succeeds on a target takes 45 (10d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or
DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check can spot a few arcane sigils half as much damage on a successful one.
and symbols engraved on the chest. With a successful DC Countermeasures. The glyph can be found with a successful
17 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a creature understands the DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or with detect
teleportation effect inscribed by the sigils. The chest also has magic. Once found, it can be disrupted with dispel magic or a
an aura of conjuration magic when viewed with detect magic. successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the chest with
a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
17) also disables the trap.
Skull Scree
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, perilous, harm)
Searing Spikes The way forward has narrowed down to a perilous, 1-foot-
wide ledge. Creatures moving along the ledge risk must
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, perilous, harm) succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or fall 30 feet to
Barring entry to the next area is an adamantine door the ground below, taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. A
decorated with etchings of flaming serpents. The door seems creature can move at half speed to automatically succeed on
to give off some heat of its own, though not enough to burn. the saving throw.
Trigger (Open/Close Door). Opening the door triggers the trap. Trigger (Pressure Plate). Part way along the ledge is a
Effect (Swinging Object). A mechanical arm studded with pressure plate built into the wall. A Small or larger creature
fiery adamantine spikes swings down from the roof in who passes by the plate without noticing it leans on the
the next room. The spikes make a melee attack against the plate, triggering the trap.
triggering creature with a +10 bonus, dealing 88 (16d10) Effect (Falling Objects). A concealed compartment in
piercing damage and 22 (4d10) fire damage on a hit. This the wall above the ledge opens to disgorge a barrage of
attack cannot gain advantage or disadvantage. humanoid skulls. The triggering creature must succeed on a
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 17 Wisdom DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 99 (18d10) bludgeoning
(Perception) check reveals the hidden mechanism on the door. damage. They must also make a saving throw to avoid falling
A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the from the ledge, as described above.
nature of the trigger, and allows a creature to disable the trap Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 17 Wisdom
with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful
DC 17 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables the
trap. However, a check that totals 10 or less triggers the trap.

82 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

Sweet-sounding Stench d10 Effect
Magic trap (17-20, perilous, hinder)
3 A cloud of 600 oversized butterflies fills a 30-foot
The chamber is filled with musical instruments such as radius centered on the target. The area becomes
lutes, flutes, and drums resting in various stands or holders. heavily obscured. The butterflies follows the
All the instruments appear at least slightly used. On the far
creature until they are out of the trap’s range.
side of the chamber is a door with a frame of wood bearing
carvings of clouds and wind. 4 Grass grows on the ground in a 60-foot radius
Trigger (Musical/Auditory). A creature that walks through centered on the target. If grass is already there,
the door doesn’t need to be playing the instrument, but if it grows to ten times its normal size and remains
no woodwind is being played in the room when a creature overgrown for 1 minute.
walks through the carved door the trap triggers.
5 An object of the DM 's choice disappears into the
Effect (Acid/Slime Blast). An eruption of terrible smelling
slime sprays from the door onto the triggering creature. The Ethereal Plane. The object must be neither wrong
target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw nor carried, within range of the trap, and no larger
or become poisoned for 10 minutes. While poisoned in this than 10 feet in any dimension.
way, the target must repeat the saving throw at the start of
6 Leaves grow from the target. Unless they are picked
each of its turns. On a failure, the target is incapacitated for
1 round as it gags and retches. Dousing the creature with a off, the leaves turn brown and fall off after 24 hours.
gallon of oil or alcohol removes the slime. 7 The trap attacks the target with a large gem worth
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana 1d4 x 10 gp.
or Performance) check allows a creature to interpret the
8 A burst of colorful shimmering light extends from
meaning of the carvings on the wall and understand the
trap. When viewed with detect magic, the door has an aura of the target in a 30-foot radius. The target and each
abjuration magic. creature in the area that can see must succeed on a
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment with a successful Constitution saving throw or become blinded for
DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC 17) also 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
disables the trap. at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success.
The Thin Veil 9 The target's skin turns bright blue for 1d10 days.
Magic trap (level 17-20, perilous)
10 The target’s size is halved in all dimensions, and
The air in this area is thick with static electricity and the its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. This
smell of ozone, like the approach of a thunderstorm. This is
reduction decreases its size by one category—from
all indicative of a place infused with wild magic.
Medium to Small, for example. The target also has
Trigger (Cast Spell). A creature that casts a spell in the area
disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength
triggers the trap.
saving throws and its weapons also shrink to match
Effect (Wild Magic). The triggering creature is hit with a surge
its new size. While these weapons are reduced, the
of magical feedback. Roll 1d6 + 2 times on the table below.
target’s attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage (this
d10 Effect can’t reduce the damage below 1). This effect ends if
dispelled with dispel magic (3rd level spell) or remove
1 Heavy rain falls in a 60-foot radius centered on a
curse, or after 1 minute.
target creature. The area becomes lightly obscured.
The rain follows the creature until they are out of Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17
Intelligence (Arcana) check understands the nature of the
the trap’s range.
trap. Detect magic or a similar effect can also reveal the trap,
2 An animal appears in the unoccupied space nearest but might set it off as well.
the target. The animal acts as it normally would. Roll
a d100 to determine which animal appears. On a 01-
25, a rhinoceros appears; on a 26-50, an elephant
appears; and on a 51-100, a rat appears.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 83

Timber! Blazing Ring, Treacherous
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, perilous,subdue) Mechanical trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm)
After triggering a tripwire in the corridor, 2-foot-diameter A 1-foot thick ring of decorative stonework surrounds a
horizontal logs roll out of the ceiling. Channels in the walls 25-foot diameter circle area in the center of the room. The
guide the logs as they slam down in front and behind the ceiling directly above the ring is blackened with soot. In the
area around the tripwire, trapping those near the tripwire 5-foot square at the circle’s center is something intriguing.
between two floor-to-ceiling log walls. Trigger (Weight Sensitive Floor). When a Small or larger
Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that walks through the creature steps onto a space adjacent to the 5-foot square
tripwire triggers the trap. at the center of the area within the ring, they activate a
Effect (Cage). Thick timbers hidden in the ceiling of the pressure plate. Parts of the stonework slide away, revealing
corridor drop into channels in the walls in front of and spouts which pour flaming oil onto the floor from the ring’s
behind the tripwire, creating a 20-foot-long-by-10-foot- inner edge.
wide wooden cage within the corridor. A creature in the path Effect (Wall of Fire). The flaming oil creates a ringed wall of
of the falling logs must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, flames 25 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
taking 70 (20d6) bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. When the wall appears,
success. Each log has an AC of 5, 50 HP, immunity to piercing each creature within its area must make a DC 20 Dexterity
damage, and vulnerability to fire damage. saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 87 (25d6) fire
Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
check the channels in the walls that the logs fall into. The The side of the wall facing inwards deals the trap’s fire
tripwire can be found with a successful DC 15 Intelligence damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
(Investigation) check, and disabled with a successful DC 20 that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage
Dexterity check using thieves' tools. when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
Level 17-20 Deadly A creature that is adjacent to the wall that succeeds on a DC
20 Constitution check using thieves’ tools ends this effect.
These traps will almost certainly kill characters of these levels.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
Anti-wizard Alarm check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 20
Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools disables it.
Magic trap (level 17-20, deadly, alarm)
A 1-foot thick ring of decorated stonework surrounds a 25- Best Left Alone
foot diameter circle area in the center of the room. The ceiling
Hybrid trap (level 17-20, deadly)
directly above the ring has a glyph of warding (dispel magic).
An altar is adorned with fascinating relics, including a
Trigger (Cast Spell). Casting a spell within the ring of
jeweled skull rests under a dome of glass. The cover is
stonework triggers the trap.
enchanted to contain the skull’s curse.
Effect (Dispel Magic). The glyph casts dispel magic as a 9th-
Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). A creature that removes the
level spell, targeting the triggering creature. Any spell of 9th
glass dome that covers the skull triggers the trap.
level or lower on the creature ends. The glyph also releases
an audible chime that rings out through the area, audible up Effect (Exhaustion). All living creatures within 60 feet of
to 60 feet away the jeweled skull must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution
saving throw at the beginning of their turns or gain 1 level of
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Intelligence
exhaustion. The skull has no effect on constructs or undead.
(Investigation) check reveals the glyph. Once found, it can be
Covering the skull with the dome ends this effect.
dispelled with dispel magic, or disabled with a successful DC
20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Countermeasures. With a successful DC 20 Intelligence
(History or Religion) check, a creature recognizes the skull
and understands the danger it poses. When viewed with
detect magic, the glass dome has an aura of abjuration magic,
while the skull has an aura of necromancy magic.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment with a successful
DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check; dispel magic (DC 20) also
disables the trap.

84 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

Cool Off Pooling Puddle Problem
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, deadly, block) Hybrid trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm)
As well as the more conventional exits from this room, a The passageway ends at a small area with an old well, water
section of one of the wood-panelled walls appears to be steadily dripping into it from above. The well is overflowing;
made of plaster rather than bricks. excess water is running onto the floor and into puddles
Trigger (Break Object). Breaking the fake wall triggers down the passageway. A tripwire is strung across the puddle
the trap. farthest from the well.

Effect (Cage). Bars shoot up from the floor around the Trigger (Tripwire). A creature that breaks the tripwire alerts
broken section of wall in a 10-foot ring, creating a floor-to- the lurking elementals.
ceiling cage. Any creatures caught in the area when the trap Effect (Release Creatures). The well is home to 2 water
is triggered must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw elementals who erupt from the well and attack all other
or become trapped in the cage. creatures. If reduced to 0 hit points, the elementals collapse
The bars are made of adamantine and enchanted and slowly into small puddles. They will not leave the area and return to
begin to cool down to a freezing temperature. Any creature dormancy after 24 hours.
that starts their turn within 5 feet of the cage takes 11 (2d10) Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana
cold damage. This damage increases by 2d10 each round. or Nature) check or Wisdom (Survival) check reveals clues
Breaking the cage requires a successful DC 20 Strength that the water coming from the well is behaving strangely,
check. With a successful DC 20 Dexterity check, a creature indicative of an elemental.
can make the bars retract.
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful DC 20 Wisdom
Snicker Snack
(Perception) check reveals the hidden mechanisms in the Hybrid trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm)
fake wall and floor. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20 A magnificent marble archway stands in the center of this
Intelligence check with mason’s tools can also spot the otherwise empty room. Looking through the archway reveals
falseness of the wall. a forest that cannot otherwise be seen beyond it. A rune of
Once discovered, a successful DC 20 Intelligence detection is worked into the design on the keystone of the arch.
(Investigation) check reveals the nature of the trigger, and Trigger (Pass Threshold). Passing through the archway
allows a creature to disable the trap with a successful DC 20 triggers the trap.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Effect (Swinging Object). When activated, the rune releases a
greatsword of sharpness that slashes at the triggering creature.
Log Ride The sword makes a melee attack with a +12 bonus, dealing 100
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm) (20d6 + 30) magic slashing damage if it hits. If the sword rolls
A 50-foot-deep, 15-foot-wide chasm lies ahead. A pressure a 20 on the attack roll, the triggering creature takes an extra
plate at the edge of the chasm activates a swinging log 14 (4d6) slashing damage. The sword then rolls another d20. If
designed to knock any creatures in its path into the chasm. it rolls a 20, it lops off one of the target’s limbs, with the effect
However, clever creatures may use the swinging log to cross. of such loss determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb
to sever, the sword lops off a portion of its body instead.
Trigger (Pressure Plate). A creature that steps on the
pressure plate triggers the trap. Countermeasures. The rune can be found with a successful
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check or with detect magic. Once
Effect (Swinging Object). A massive log attached to the found, it can be disabled with a successful DC 20 Intelligence
ceiling swings toward the edge of the chasm. All creatures (Arcana) check; dispel magic also disables the trap.
within 15 feet of the edge of the chasm must make a DC
20 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails takes 70
(20d6) bludgeoning damage and falls into the chasm, taking
an additional 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage. On a success,
a creature takes 35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage and is
launched to the other side of the chasm.
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the pressure plate and a successful
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the log. The trap
can be disabled with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using
thieves' tools, but a result of 10 or lower triggers the trap.

Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps 85

Telestairs Wake The Dragon
Magic trap (level 17-20, deadly, block) Magic trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm)
A formidable spiral staircase is strewn with bones and Within this large chamber is a massive stone statue of a
scraps of armor. Written in blood on the bottom step is a dragon. A sealed door blocks the way forward, and various
passage from a demonic text, written in Infernal. passages of music are written on the walls of the chamber.
Trigger (Creature Detector). Any non-undead that uses the Playing the correct musical notes opens the door; playing
stairs triggers the trap. the wrong notes awakens the dragon.

Effect (Teleport). The triggering creature must succeed on a Trigger (Auditory/Musical). A creature can make a DC 20
DC 20 Charisma saving throw or be teleported somewhere Charisma (Performance) check to identify the various bits of
else in the dungeon or area, usually a prison of some kind. music on the wall and play one. On a success, the door opens;
a failure triggers the trap.
Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the text and Effect (Release Creatures). The statue animates, becoming a
understands the nature of the trap. When viewed with detect young black dragon that attacks all other creatures in the
magic, the stairs have an aura of conjuration magic. area. If reduced to 0 hit points, the dragon crumbles to dust. It
will not leave the area, and after 24 hours it returns to stone.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the stairs with
a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check; dispel magic Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on successful DC
(DC 19) also disables the trap. 20 Intelligence (History or Performance) check knows about
the dragon statue and understands the trap. The statue has
an aura of abjuration magic when viewed with detect magic.
Unworthy A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statue with
Mechanical trap (level 17-20, deadly, block) a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic (DC
Portraits of undead nobles or royalty hang on the walls, 19) also disables the trap.
each resting in immaculate white frames of fused bone. One
portrait is covered by a red velvet curtain and attached to it
is a twisted black rope.
Trigger (Pull Rope/Chain). Pulling the rope triggers the trap.
Effect (Drop Into Monster Lair). The floor below the portrait
swings open, revealing a 10-foot wide hole and a drop of 20
feet. A creature standing above the trapdoor must succeed
on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or fall, taking 70 (20d6)
bludgeoning damage.
At the bottom of the pit is a 30-foot square chamber. Inside
it is a stone golem, carved to resemble a minotaur skeleton.
The golem attacks any creature that falls into the pit.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the trapdoor, and a
successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools
disables the trap.

86 Chapter Six | Level 17-20 Traps

A complex trap has multiple triggers, or a trigger with multiple
inputs (such as levers or buttons), and multiple effects, or an
Reading a Complex Trap
effect with stages. Most of the time, complex traps do reset A complex trap is a dynamic threat, with more elements
once they have gone through all their effects or stages. than a simple trap. However, a complex trap’s type, level
range, lethality, purpose, trigger, and countermeasures all
Like a simple trap, a complex trap is meant to harm, hinder,
work the same as they do for simple traps.
or impose some negative situation on it’s targets. However, a
simple trap usually has only one trigger and one effect and, in Initiative. A complex trap takes turns like a creature,
general, simple traps don’t reset once they are triggered. and this part of the description tells you when the trap
acts during the round. A complex trap always acts after a
Complex traps and puzzles can often be mistaken for each
creature that has the same initiative count.
other. Both tend to have moving parts (metaphorically or
literally), both can be mentally trying, and both can have Active Elements. When a trap acts, it produces specific
similar components. The main difference is the purpose of effects as detailed here.
the obstacle. In many cases, a complex trap challenges the Dynamic Elements. Some complex traps have threats that
character, while a puzzle challenges the player. increase in severity over time. Usually, these elements
Minor Adjustments. If you’re fond of a trap in this chapter, happen at the end of the trap’s turns or in response to a
you can always adjust it to provide the right level of creature’s actions.
challenge for the characters in your campaign. Chapter 9: Constant Elements. A complex trap can damage or affect
Designing Traps has tables for things like ability check DC’s, creatures even when not taking its turn. These elements
damage, and other variables for a trap based. Find what best usually happen to creatures that end their turn in certain areas.
suits your needs and use that instead of the statistics given
in this chapter.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 87

Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
Complex Traps Table Active Elements. The Stair Slide is primarily a ramp
Roll a d100 on the table below to choose a random complex depositing creatures in the pit at its bottom, but also has
trap, or select a desired level and roll a d10. bolts that fire at creatures along the 120 feet from the trigger
area to the trapdoor.
d100 d10 Trap Page • Stairs to Slide (Initiative 20). This element activates
1-4 1-2 Stair Slide 88 only once, the first time the trap acts. The stairs fold
down, turning into a slide that is difficult terrain. Each
5-8 3-4 Wall Blade 89 creature on any portion of the stairs must succeed on a
Level 1-4

9-12 5-6 A Short Drag 89 DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

• Open the Pit (Initiative 20). This element activates
13-16 7-8 Hauntedwood Bowl 90
only once, the first time the trap acts. A trap door at the
17-20 9-10 Drenching Pit 90 bottom landing of the stairs opens, revealing a 10-foot
deep pit.
21-24 1-2 Stab in the Dark 91
• Hidden Bolts (Initiative 10). Bolts fire out from holes in
25-28 3-4 The Hourglass 91 the walls in the 120 feet between the trigger area and the
Level 5-8

29-32 5-6 Passageway Piercing 92 trapdoor, making one attack against each creature in the
area: +5 attack bonus; 2 (1d4) piercing damage on a hit.
33-36 7-8 Fire Down Below 92
Dynamic Elements. A creature that starts its turn on the
37-40 9-10 Gassy Gargoyles 93 slide moves 30 feet down it, towards the pit. The distance
the creature moves increases by 30 feet each time it starts its
41-44 1-2 Trapdoor Floor 94 turn on the slide.
45-48 3-4 The Tenderizer 94 Constant Elements. Creatures are subjected to a shower of
Level 9-12

crossbow bolts while on the slide and drop into the pit when
49-52 5-6 Slip-n-Slide 95
they hit the bottom.
53-56 7-8 Perilous Prisms 96 • Hail of Bolts. Any creature that ends its turn in the
57-60 9-10 Flooding Chamber 96 Hidden Bolts’ area is targeted by a ranged attack: +5
attack bonus; taking 2 (1d4) piercing damage on a hit.
61-64 1-2 Rats in a Maze 97
• Into the Pit. A creature that reaches the bottom of the
65-68 3-4 Crazy Kitchen 97
Level 13-16

slide while prone or moving faster than their base speed

must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall
69-72 5-6 Aspect of the Kraken 98
into the pit, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and
73-76 7-8 What a Drag 99 landing prone.
77-80 9-10 Chargrilled 100 Countermeasures. Creatures can avoid activating the Stair
Slide and deal with these elements in a number of ways.
81-84 1-2 Flammable Fluid 100
Trigger. A creature can spot the weight sensitive stairs that
Level 17-20

85-88 3-4 Necessary Weevil 101 trigger the trap with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check. Once found, the trigger can be disabled with a
89-92 5-6 Storm’s Run 102
successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
93-96 7-8 Free Falling 102 Stairs to Slide. A creature can try to make the slide revert
97-100 9-10 Melting Pot 103 back to stairs with a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools.
Stair Slide Open the Pit. A creature can climb out of the pit with a
successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. The trap doors can
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, harm) be closed with a successful DC 10 Strength check; the doors
A 200-foot long, 10-foot wide staircase leads up from one lock together. A creature that fails this check falls into the pit.
floor to the next. 120 feet from the bottom of the stairs is a
Hidden Bolts. Creatures who succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom
pressure plate that turns the stairs into a slide. Creatures on
(Perception) check find the holes in a 5-foot section of wall
the stairs slide down and into the path of bolts fired from
from which the bolts fire. They can then plug these holes
holes in the walls. Once they reach the bottom of the stairs,
with cloth or something similar as an action. Plugging the
they are deposited into a pit.
holes prevents the bolts from firing in that area.
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). Two or more Medium
or larger creatures standing on the steps past the 120-foot
mark triggers the trap.

88 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Wall Blade A Short Drag
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, moderate, harm) Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm)
The 10-foot wide corridor has flagstones along it, one of A section of floor contains a locked trap door, sensitive to
which is a pressure plate. When a creature steps on the plate, tapping, prodding, or investigating If triggered, the doors
a curved blade pops out from the wall and slices targets open and a grasping vine that snares the triggering creature.
within range. It continues to slash out, blocking the corridor. The snare pulls the creature through the trap doors and into
Trigger. A Small or larger creature stepping on the pressure a nest of stirges.
plate triggers the trap Trigger (Tap/Prod). Applying pressure to the locked trap
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20. door via tapping or prodding triggers the trap. Creatures can
investigate the trapdoor without activating the trigger by
Active Elements. A scything blade emerges from a hidden succeeding at a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
panel in the wall and attacks.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20.
Scything Blade (Initiative 20). Creatures in a 10-foot line
in front of the blade must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving Active Elements. A Short Drag consists of a trapdoor that
throw, taking 2 (1d4) slashing damage on a failed save, or swings open, a snare that drags the triggering creature down
half as much on a successful one. a slope into a chamber, and a nest of 4 stirges.

Dynamic Elements. The blade becomes more dangerous the Trap Door Opens (Initiative 20). This element activates only
longer the trap remains active. once, the first time the trap acts.The trap door unlocks and
swings open, locking into place. A creature standing on the
Blade Accelerates. The blade moves with increasing speed. trap door must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
Each time the trap acts, Scything Blade’s damage increases slide down a 30-foot long ramp, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
by 2 (1d4) to a maximum of 10 (4d4). damage and landing prone in the chamber beneath.
Constant Elements. The Scything Blade slashes creatures in Grasping Vine (Initiative 20). A vine whips out from the
front of it. trap door toward the triggering creature. It must succeed on
Scything Blade. Any creature that ends its turn in a 10-foot a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
line in front of the blade must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving damage and be restrained until it is freed.
throw, taking the blade’s current damage, or half as much on Dynamic Elements. A creature that ends its turn while
a success. restrained by the vine is pulled 30 feet down a slope into the
Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger and active element can chamber with the stirges. The vine then releases them.
be thwarted by particular countermeasures. Constant Elements. The chamber is home to 4 stirges who
Pressure Plate (Sensitive). A successful DC 12 Wisdom attack creatures dragged in by the vine. The stirges do not
(Perception) check reveals the pressure plate, and a leave the chamber on their own.
successful DC 12 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger and the snare can be
disables it, preventing the trap from activating. However, if thwarted by particular countermeasures.
the Dexterity check totals 5 or less the trap activates.
Trigger. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
Scything Blade. Characters can smash the blade, damage reveals the sensitivity of the trapdoor; it can be disabled
its components, or discern how to avoid it. with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Intelligence (Investigation), DC 12. As an action, a creature that A success on this check also unlocks the trapdoor
can see the blade can attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) Grasping Vine. A successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check
check. A successful check means that the creature has allows a creature snared by the vine to escape. The snare can
learned how to anticipate the blade’s movement, giving also be cut; it has AC 15, 15 hit points, immunity to poison and
them advantage on the next Dexterity saving throw psychic damage, and vulnerability to fire damage.
made by the creature to avoid the blade while they aren’t
Attack. A creature in the area can ready an attack to strike at
the blade as it passes by. The creature has disadvantage on
its next Dexterity saving throw made to avoid the blade. The
creature then attacks. The blade has AC 15, 15 hit points, and
immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, DC 12. Creatures can use
thieves’ tools in the blade’s area to foil its mechanism. A
successful check stops the blade from activating.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 89

Hauntedwood Bowl Drenching Pit
Hybrid trap (level 1-4, perilous, harm) Complex trap (level 1-4, deadly, harm)
This 200-foot long, sloping corridor is filled with crushed Hidden in the floor is a trapdoor that drops creatures into a
skeletons and has a locked door at its lowest end. Above the pit that quickly becomes a watery grave.
door, spelled out in a mosaic, is a simple riddle. Answering Trigger. When two or more Medium sized creatures stand
the riddle makes the skeletons reanimate; a giant skull then on the trapdoor the trap triggers.
falls from the ceiling and starts to roll toward the door.
Initiative. The trap acts on Initiative 20 and 10.
Trigger. Uttering the answer to the riddle while in the
corridor triggers the trap. Active Elements. The Drenching Pit consists of a locked
trapdoor and a pit that slowly fills with water.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
Trapdoor (Initiative 20). This element activates only once,
Active Elements. Hauntedwood Bowl reanimates the when the trap first acts. A 10-foot by 10-foot trapdoor is
skeletons, then drops a giant skull into the corridor which set into the floor and held closed by a heavy spring. Once
rolls toward the bottom. triggered, the trapdoor opens and drops creatures into the
Reanimate Creatures (Initiative 20). 3 skeletons animate pit below. The door then lifts back into place and rods slide
and attack living creatures in the corridor. The trap cannot into it, bolting the door in place.
animate more than 12 skeletons at a time. If it would The pit beneath the door is 20 feet deep. A creature standing
animate more than 12, the oldest 3 crumble to dust. on it when the trap triggers must make a DC 20 Dexterity
Rolling Skull (Initiative 10). The first time this element saving throw. On a success, the creature is able to grab onto
activates, a massive skull drops from a trap door in the the edge of the pit. Otherwise, the creature falls into the pit
ceiling and starts to roll down the corridor at a speed of 50 and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
feet a round. On subsequent activations, the skull moves Flooding Water (Initiative 10). Water fills the pit at a rate
another 50 feet down the corridor. of 5 feet per round.
Skeletons (Initiative 10). The animated skeletons move and Constant Elements. The pit slowly fills with water, making
attack living creatures in the corridor. attempts to escape more difficult.
Constant Elements. The massive skull barreling down the Treading Water. After 2 rounds, the water is at chest height
corridor threatens to crush everything in its path. for Small creatures, and any ability checks made to disable
Giant Skull. Each creature in the skull’s path must make the trap have disadvantage. Attack rolls to break the spouts
a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature or trapdoor are unaffected.
takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. After 3 rounds, creatures start to tread water. A creature
On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and treading water can keep it’s head clear for a number of
isn’t knocked prone. Objects that block the skull, such as a minutes equal to 1+its Constitution score. After that time,
conjured wall, take maximum damage from the impact. the creature starts must hold their breath or drown.
Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger and active elements can After 4 rounds, the water in the pit is deep enough that
be thwarted by particular countermeasures. ability checks made to disable the trap have disadvantage.
Trigger. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence An attack roll made by a creature that doesn’t have a
(Investigation) check or DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check swimming speed (either natural or granted by magic)
can deduce or intuit the trigger word. A successful DC has disadvantage unless the weapon is a dagger, javelin,
17 Wisdom (Perception) check lets a creature notice the shortsword, spear, or trident.
hidden trapdoor in the ceiling. The corridor has an aura of Countermeasures. Creatures can deal with the trap’s
necromancy magic when viewed with detect magic; the mosaic elements in multiple ways.
has an rune of detection hidden in its design.
Trapdoor. The trapdoor can be found before it opens. Once
Reanimate Creatures. The door at the end of the corridor it shuts, it can be attacked or unlocked.
can be opened with a successful DC 17 Strength check, or a
successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Once Detect. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
the door is open, the trap stops animating skeletons. the trapdoor and a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools disables the trap.
Rolling Skull. If the skull hits a barrier without destroying
it, it stops. Once the skull hits the door at the lowest end of Attack. A creature can attack the trapdoor, hopefully breaking
the corridor it smashes into smithereens. If it rolls out of the it open before their companions drown. The trapdoor has an
corridor, it crumbles to dust. AC of 15, 50 (5d10) hit points, immunity to piercing, poison,
and psychic damage, and vulnerability to fire damage.
Unlock. The trapdoor can be unlocked with a successful DC 20
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.

90 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Spouts. Water flows into the pit from 4 spouts. Once all 4
have been closed in some way, water ceases filling the pit.
The Hourglass
Hybrid trap (level 5-8, moderate, hinder)
Attack. If a creature is adjacent to a spout, they can destroy it
with a melee attack. The spouts all have an AC of 19, 5 (2d4) This trap is set in a conical chamber; an inverted cone filled
hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage, and with sand is hidden by a sliding plate in the ceiling. The plate
vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. has a skull-like sigil inscribed on it. If a creature spills blood
in the chamber, the sliding plate withdraws, connecting
Plug. If a creature can reach a spout, they can wedge an object
the two chambers and allowing sand to pour into the lower
or some cloth into it. Any spell that deals cold damage can
chamber. The doors lock shut, preventing escape, and the
freeze a spout closed.
sand is cursed to age any creature buried within it.

Stab in the Dark Trigger. The spilling of blood within the chamber triggers
the trap.
Hybrid trap (level 5-8, setback, harm)
Initiative. The trap acts on Initiative 20 and 10.
This low-ceilinged chamber is warded by a magical charm
that triggers a trap when creatures talk inside. When Active Elements. The Hourglass locks the doors and cursed
triggered, creatures within the chamber are blinded by a sand begins to pour into the chamber.
flash of light from a lantern in the middle of the ceiling, Locked Doors (Initiative 20). This effect activates only
while spears stab down repeatedly. once, the first time the trap acts. The exits and entrances to
Trigger. Talking in this chamber triggers the trap. this room slam together and lock shut.
Initiative. The trap acts on Initiative 20 and 10. Falling Sand (Initiative 10). A sliding plate in the ceiling
withdraws and sand begins to pour into the room through a
Active Elements. Stab in the Dark attempts to magically blind
5-foot wide hole. Creatures in the area must make successful
the creatures within and stab them with repeating spears.
Dexterity saving throws at the beginning of their turns to
Blindness (Initiative 20). All creatures within the chamber stay atop the sand. The DC starts at 12 and increases by 2 at
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or the end of each round.
become blinded. A blinded creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself on A creature that fails one saving throw is buried up to their
a success. A creature who succeeds on the saving throw is knees and restrained. On their next saving throw, if the
immune to the magical blindness for 1 minute. creature succeeds they dig themselves out and are no longer
restrained; if they fail they are buried waist-deep and
Spears (Initiative 10). Spears stab down from hidden holes in remain restrained.
the ceiling of the chamber. Each creature in the chamber must
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) piercing A creature buried waist-deep must make a Strength saving
damage on a failure, or half damage as much on a success. throw at the beginning of their turn, using the current save
DC of the trap. If they succeed they dig themselves free
Constant Elements. The Stabbing Spears affect each creature
of the sand and if they fail they are buried to the neck and
that ends its turn in the chamber.
immobilized. On their next turn, the creature is completely
Spears. Any creature that ends its turn in the chamber must buried and starts suffocating.
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) piercing
As an action, a creature can dig out another creature with
damage on a failure, or half damage as much on a success.
a successful Strength (Athletics) check against the current
Countermeasures. The trigger and Active Elements of the save DC of the trap. Spells like freedom of movement or
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. movement modes like burrow can also allow creatures to
Trigger. The lantern on the room’s ceiling has an aura of freely move through the sand.
abjuration and necromancy magic when viewed with detect Dynamic Elements. The Falling Sand becomes harder and
magic. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence harder to avoid over time.
(Investigation) check while examining the lantern can
find some strange sigils on it, and with a successful DC 10 Avalanche of Grains. Each time the Falling Sand activates,
Intelligence (Arcana) check they understand the trap. the DC of the saving throws made to avoid becoming buried
or dig creatures out increases by 2. The DC for ability checks
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the lamp with
to unlock or push open the locked doors also increases in
dispel magic or with a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check.
this way.
Spears. The easiest way to avoid the spears is to drop
Constant Elements. The Falling Sand is cursed to age any
prone, as they are not long enough to reach the floor of the
creature that ends its turn buried within it.
chamber. Alternatively, a character can ready an action
to snap the spears when they stab down. The creature Sands of Time. A creature that ends its turn immobilized
makes its Dexterity saving throw against the spears with by the Falling Sand must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving
disadvantage. After they have taken damage, they can snap throw or be aged by 1d10 years.
the spear with a successful DC 10 Strength check. This makes
one 5-foot square of the room safe from the Spears element.
Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 91
Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the Barrier. A successful DC 15 Strength check is enough to lift
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. the barrier high enough for a Medium or smaller creature to
Trigger. A creature can spot the gaps around the sliding crawl beneath. The barrier can also be destroyed; it has AC
plate with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. 15, 50 hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage,
The skull sigil has an aura of abjuration magic when viewed and vulnerability to fire damage.
with detect magic and a creature that succeeds on a DC 12 Bolts. A creature within 5 feet of the concealed ballista can
Intelligence (Religion) check understands the nature of the disable it after 3 rounds of successful ability checks.
trap. The sigil can be disabled with dispel magic or a successful • Round 1: As an action, the creature can locate the
DC 12 spellcasting ability check made by a spellcaster. concealed ballista with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
Open the Doors. The doors’ lock has been enhanced with (Investigation) check.
arcane lock, which can be found with detect magic. As an action, a • Round 2: As an action, the creature can break away the
creature can pick the lock on the doors with a successful DC 12 concealing plaster with a successful DC 15 Strength check.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. The doors can be pushed
open as an action with a successful DC 12 Strength check. • Round 3: As an action, the creature can disable the
ballista with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
Block the Sand. Characters who can reach the ceiling of the thieves’ tools.
chamber can stop the Falling Sand in the following ways:
Slide the Plate. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check finds a way to unlock the plate, making
Fire Down Below
it slide back and separate the two chambers. Mechanical trap (level 5-8, perilous, harm)

Replace the Plate. A creature can block the hole in the A trapdoor on the floor of the chamber hides a 20-foot-deep
chamber’s ceiling by replacing the plate. As an action, a pit, at the bottom of which are jets of fire.
creature within 5 feet of the hole can block the hole until Trigger. A creature that steps on the trapdoor activates the
the start of their next turn with a shield or similar object by pressure plate, making it swing open.
succeeding on a DC 12 Strength check. Any conjured barrier Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
that covers the hole also stops the Falling Sand.
Active Elements. Fire Down Below includes a drop and jets
Passageway Piercing of fire.
Drop (Initiative 20). This element activates only once, the
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, dangerous, harm)
first time the trap acts. The triggering creature must make a
This trap is triggered by a tripwire set half-way down the DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature is
corridor. A repeating ballista hidden in the wall at the end able to grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the creature
of a 5-foot wide, 100-foot long corridor fires upon creatures falls into the pit and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
that trigger the trap, while a barrier drops to block the exit.
Flames (Initiative 10). Each creature in the pit must make
Trigger. Tripping the wire triggers the trap. a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 14 (4d6) fire
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20, 10, and 5. damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Active Elements. The Passageway Piercing fires ballista bolts Constant Elements. The constant flames turn the pit into
down the corridor and drops a wooden barrier across its exit. an oven.
Barrier (Initiative 20). This element only activates one, Heat Exhaustion. A creature that ends its turn in the pit
the first time the trap acts. A 1-foot thick wooden barrier must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or gain
drops down from the ceiling 10 feet in front of the corridor’s 1 level of exhaustion. Creatures wearing medium or heavy
exit. A creature within 5 feet of the barrier can make a DC armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage
15 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature can on this saving throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity
choose which side of the barrier they end up on; on a failure, to fire damage automatically succeed on this saving throw,
they must remain where they are. as do creatures normally adjusted to hot climates.
Bolts (Initiative 10 and 5). A concealed ballista fires down Countermeasures. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
the hallway. The first creature in the corridor is targeted by an check reveals the pressure plate and a successful DC 17
attack: +8 attack bonus; 16 (3d10) piercing damage on a hit. Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.
Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
Trigger (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the tripwire, and a successful DC
15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.

92 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Gassy Gargoyles Open the Doors. The doors’ lock has been enhanced with
arcane lock, which can be found with detect magic. As an action, a
Hybrid trap (level 5-8, deadly, harm) creature can pick the lock on the doors with a successful DC 30
There are four gargoyles in the corners of the chamber. The trap Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. The doors can be pushed
activates when flame is brought into the area; causes magical open as an action with a successful DC 30 Strength check.
bonds of flame erupt and grapple creatures, dealing damage Poison Gas. The gas can be disabled by blocking the flow
to them. In addition, poison gas spouts from the mouths of the from the gargoyle’s mouths, but heavily damaging a statue
gargoyles; once the gas reaches a certain potency, it ignites.
leaves the gas vents open. When all four gargoyles are
Trigger (Produce Flame). Bringing a flame into the chamber blocked up or disabled, the trap deactivates.
triggers the trap.
Attack. Reducing a gargoyle to 0 hit points (AC 17; 20 hit
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. points; resistance to fire, piercing, and slashing damage;
Active Elements. The trap consists of magical restraints immunity to poison and psychic damage), or making a
made from flames, and poison gas which fills the room from successful DC 20 Strength check to break one increases the
pipes in the mouths of the gargoyles. Poison Gas damage by 5 (1d10).
Fiery Restraint (Initiative 20). This effect activates only Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, DC 20. A creature can use
once, the first time the trap acts. Each target within 30 feet thieves’ tools to disable the gas in one of the gargoyles,
of the triggering flame must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom reducing the Poison Gas damage by 5 (1d10).
saving throw or become restrained and take 10 (3d6) fire Strength check, DC 15. A creature can block up the gargoyle
damage. A creature holding the triggering flame makes the with a cloak or similar object, reducing the Poison Gas
save with disadvantage. damage by 5 (1d10). Once a character succeeds on the check,
Locked Doors (Initiative 20). This effect activates only someone must remain within 5 feet of the gargoyle to keep it
once, the first time the trap acts. The exits and entrances to blocked up.
this room slam shut and are locked in place by magic.
Poison Gas (Initiative 10). Poison gas floods the room.
Each creature inside must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
throw, taking 5 (1d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful one.
Dynamic Elements. The longer the poison gas remains in
the room, the more lethal it becomes. After it hits a certain
concentration, it ignites.
Increased Potency.. The damage from the Poison Gas
element increases by 5 (1d10) each round after it activates, to
a maximum of 22 (4d10). Once the gas reaches its maximum
damage, the gas ignites the next time it activates. Each
creature in the chamber must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) fire damage on a failed save,
or half as much on a successful one.
Constant Elements.. The Fiery Restraint affects each creature
that ends its turn restrained.
Fiery Restraint.. A creature that ends its turn restrained by
the Fiery Restraint takes 10 (3d6) fire damage.
Countermeasures.. The traps trigger and active elements can
be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
Trigger. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals a rune of detection on the ceiling that reacts to the
presence of the flame. The rune can also be found with
detect magic,, which also reveals an aura of evocation magic
around the gargoyle statues. A successful DC 20 Intelligence
(Arcana) check or dispel magic disables the trap.
Fiery Restraint. A restrained creature can be freed with
a successful DC 20 Strength check, which deals 10 (3d6)
damage to the creature attempting the check. Casting dispel
magic upon the flame dispels each restraint, and deals no
damage to the caster.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 93

Trapdoor Floor Trigger. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check, a creature can find a rune of detection at the bottom of
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, setback, harm) the pool; detect magic also reveals the rune. A successful DC
In the centre of the chamber is a pool of water, glistening 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic cast on the rune
with radiant light. A creature that touches the water triggers disables the trap.
the trap; the floor of the chamber opens like a trap door, Lock. As an action, a creature can find the locking
dropping creatures onto spikes. The opening then locks mechanism on the door by succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom
closed and the spikes slowly rises, trapping creatures (Perception) check. With another action, and a successful
between the ceiling and the spikes. DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check, a creature can
Trigger (Disturb Liquid). Upsetting the surface of the liquid figure out how to make the door unlock and retract. The
triggers the trap. locking mechanism is at the top of the pit, so a creature can,
as an action, disable it with a successful DC 10 Dexterity
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20, 15, and 10.
check using thieves’ tools as long as they are adjacent to it.
Active Elements. The Trapdoor Floor consists of a trapoor, Unlocking the floor ends the trap.
a drop onto spikes, and then a floor that slowly grinds
Impaling Spikes. A creature can stop the spikes from
upwards, crushing creatures on the spikes.
moving by jamming something into the gap between the
Drop (Initiative 20). This effect activates only once, the surface and the walls of the pit with a successful DC 10
first time the trap is triggered. Each creature touching the Strength check. Once all four sides of the surface have been
floor falls as the floor gives way. A creature within 5 feet jammed, the surface stops moving.
of a solid surface, such as the walls of the chamber or the
pool, can grab the edge with a successful DC 10 Dexterity
saving throw. A creature that falls takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning
The Tenderizer
damage from the 20-foot drop, plus an additional 3 (1d6) Mechanical trap (level 9-12, moderate, harm)
piercing damage from the spiked surface they fall onto. Each 5-foot square of the chamber has a large stone
Lock (Initiative 15). This effect activates only once, the first pillar hanging above it. These pillars smash down when
time the trap is triggered. The floor swings back into position the pressure plate in the centre of the room is triggered.
and locks. A creature hanging on to the edge of the pit can Additionally, the chamber slowly heats up like an oven as
drop down into the pit, taking the damage as described above, four vents on the walls pump in hot air.
before the floor locks shut with a successful DC 10 Dexterity Trigger (Pressure Plate). Applying 20 pounds or more of
(Athletics) check, otherwise they end up on top of the floor. pressure to the pressure plate triggers the trap.
Impaling Spikes (Initiative 10). The impaling spikes Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
move at a rate of 1 foot per round. They keep moving until
Active Elements. The Tenderizer makes pillars to smash
the spikes touch the ceiling of the pit, at which point they
down onto creatures within the chamber, and blasts of fire
retract. When the spikes enter a creature’s space, it must
shoot out from the walls.
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. If the creature fails
they take 10 (3d6) piercing damage, or half as much on a Crushing Pillars (Initiative 20). Each creature in the
success. A creature that fails the Dexterity saving throw is chamber must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a
restrained by being impaled on the spikes. failed save, a creature takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage
and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes
A creature impaled by spikes can free themselves with a
half damage and isn’t knocked prone.
successful DC 10 Constitution (Athletics) check but not until
there is room equivalent to their size available in front of the Fire Blast (Initiative 10). Each creature in the chamber
spikes. Another creature can free an impaled creature with a must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking
successful DC 10 Strength (Medicine) check, as long as there 5 (1d10) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
is room. Once the spikes reach the ceiling they retract and successful one.
return to their starting point, releasing any impaled creatures. Dynamic Elements. The Fire Blast becomes more dangerous
Constant Elements. The Impaling Spikes damage any the longer the trap remains active.
creatures impaled on them. It’s Getting Hot in Here. After it activates, the Fire Blast
Spiked Surface. A creature that ends its turn restrained by increases in heat; its damage increases by 5 (1d10) to a
the Impaling Spikes takes 3 (1d6) piercing damage. maximum of 22 (5d10). While its damage is 10 (2d10) or
greater, it acts on initiative count 20 and 10.
Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. Constant Elements. The Fire Blast affects each creature that
ends its turn in the chamber.
Fire Blast. Any creature that ends its turn within the chamber
must make a saving throw against the Fire Blast effect.

94 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. Active Elements. Slip-N-Slide unleashes a torrent of water to
Trigger (Sensitive). A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) blast from the broken pipes, and a swinging mallet sweeps
check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 12 through the corridor.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. Water Blast (Initiative 20). A 60-foot long, 10-foot wide
Crushing Pillars. There are several ways to combat the pillars. line of water bursts from the pipes. The first creature hit by
Intelligence (Investigation), DC 12. As an action, a creature that the water must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
can see the Crushing Pillars and succeeds on an Intelligence take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and be pushed 30 feet away
(Investigation) check learns how to anticipate the pillars’ from the broken pipes. The torrent counts as difficult terrain
movement, giving them advantage on the next Dexterity when walking into the flow.
saving throw made to avoid the pillars while the creature Swinging Object - Forward (Initiative 20). An enormous
isn’t incapacitated. mallet swings forward in an arc that goes through the
Strength, DC 12. A creature in the chamber can ready an action 50-foot long area beyond the first 20 feet of the corridor.
to brace against a Crushing Pillar when it smashes down. Creatures in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity
The creature has disadvantage on its next Dexterity saving saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 11 (2d10)
throw to avoid the pillar. The creature then makes a Strength bludgeoning damage, is pushed 10 feet toward the pipes, and
check. On a success, the pillar becomes jammed, preventing falls prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half the
it from smashing down on that 5-foot square again until the damage and isn’t pushed or knocked prone.
trap is reset. Swinging Object - Backwards (Initiative 10). The
Fire Blast. The vents blasting heat can be disabled by mallet swings backwards, in the same arc as detailed
blocking them up. A successful DC 12 Dexterity check using above. Creatures in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity
thieves’ tools, or a successful DC 12 Strength check made to saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 11 (2d10)
block up the vent with a cloak or similar object, decreases bludgeoning damage, is pushed 10 feet away from the pipes,
the fire damage by 5 (1d10). Once a creature succeeds on the and falls prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half
check, they or another creature must remain next to the vent the damage and isn’t pushed or knocked prone.
to keep it blocked up. When all four vents are blocked in this Constant Elements. The blast of water from the pipes pushes
manner, the trap deactivates. creatures away each round.
Water Blast. Any creature that ends its turn within the 60-
Slip-n-Slide foot long, 10-foot wide line extending from the broken pipes
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, dangerous, block) must make a saving throw against the Water Blast effect.
The trap is in a 130-foot long, 10-foot wide corridor. A Countermeasures. The trigger and active effects of the trap
wall of pipes spans the corridor 90 feet along its length. A can be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
creature that breaks the pipes to get past them releases a Trigger (Difficult). A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
blast of water that pushes creatures back into a swinging check reveals several small cranks and wheels on the pipes.
mallet. Beyond the pipes is a doorway exiting the corridor. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
that turning these will stop the flow of water into the pipes,
SUGGESTION and allows a creature to attempt a DC 15 Dexterity check
while using thieves’ tools to disable the trap.
This trap begs the question “why would there be pipes Water Blast. Once activated, the Water Blast can be turned
going straight through the middle of the hallway?” off with the same process as described for the Trigger.
There are many possible answers to this question. The Swinging Object. A creature can use its action to anticipate
dungeon denizens might be small or otherwise able to fit the swinging of the mallet. They have advantage on their
through or around the pipes. Perhaps the hallway isn’t next Dexterity saving throw made to avoid the Swinging
used often, or the pipes fell into their current position Object from either direction.
due to failed structural supports. Open the Door. Once they are broken, a creature can move
past the pipes with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Trigger. Breaking the pipes triggers the trap. There is no check. The door out of the corridor is 40 feet away from
room for a Small or larger creature to squeeze through the the broken pipes, and it can be opened as an action with a
pipes, but a creature can see through them via small gaps. successful DC 15 Strength check. Opening the door ends
This might allow a creature to teleport past the pipes with a the trap.
spell; a creature could also transform into a Tiny animal to
get through the pipes.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 95

Perilous Prisms Crystals. The crystals have an aura of evocation magic when
viewed with detect magic. Creatures can smash the crystals or
Hybrid trap (level 9-12, perilous, harm) attempt to dispel them.
Glittering crystals float in each of the four corners of this Attack. Reducing a crystal to 0 hit points destroys it. Each
room, which only has one doorway leading into and out of it. crystal has AC 17; 30 hit points; resistance to radiant
In the center of the room is a shrine, atop which rests a relic. damage; and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Taking the relic from the shrine activates the trap; the doors
lock, and the crystals fire bolts of radiance at the creature Dispel. The enchantment surrounding the crystals can be
holding the relic. dispelled with dispel magic (DC 15), or with a successful DC 17
spellcasting ability made by a spellcaster.
Trigger (Pick Up/Shift Object). Picking up the relic triggers
the trap.
Flooding Chamber
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 15.
Mechanical trap (level 9-12, deadly, harm)
Active Elements. Perilous Prisms locks the door, and the
In the center of this 25-foot square chamber is a large crank;
prisms spin rapidly and fire blasts of light at the creature
painted lines around the crank point to a door leading further
with the relic.
into the dungeon. Turning the crank makes a square barrier
Locked Doors (Initiative 20). This effect activates only drop from the ceiling, blocking the exits. This 15-foot enclosed
once, the first time the trap is triggered. The door leading out area then begins to fill with water from the grated floor. A
of this room slams shut and is locked in place by magic. creature that attempts to damage the barriers is electrified.
Bolts of Light (Initiative 15). The 4 floating crystals each Trigger (Turn Wheel/Crank). Turning the crank triggers
move up to 30 feet on their turn to get in range of the the trap.
creature holding the relic. If they cannot,they target the
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
closest creature instead. The crystals cast guiding bolt as a
5th-level spell: +10 attack bonus, 28 (8d6) radiant damage Active Elements. The Flooding Chamber drops barriers,
on a hit, attack rolls against the creature hit by the bolt have enclosing creatures in the central 15-foot square of the
advantage until the crystals’ next turn. room, and fills this space with water from below.
Dynamic Elements. Tampering with the crystals in any way Iron Cage (Initiative 20). A 15-foot square cage drops
makes them emit a burst of radiance. down from the ceiling. A creature within 5 feet of the falling
barrier can attempt a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw; a
Blinding Radiance. Every time a crystal is dispelled, or
creature that succeeds can choose which side they end up on
each time an attack hits the crystals, they give off a blinding
when the barrier falls. Creatures that fail this saving throw
flash of radiance. Each creature within 30 feet of the
are trapped in the cage.
targeted crystal must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving
throw or become blinded until the end of their next turn. Flooding Water (Initiative 10). Water begins to fill the
enclosed 15-foot cube in the center of the chamber at a rate
Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the
of 5 feet per round.
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
Dynamic Elements. The metal cage is studded with crystals
Trigger. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence
that explode with lightning when shattered.
(Religion) check recognizes the relic and knows the danger
of the trap. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check Electrified Cage. Each attack roll that hits the cage makes
reveals a weight sensitive plate on the shrine beneath the it emit a pulse of lightning. The attacking creature, and each
relic; a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools creature touching the water within the cage , must make a
disables the trap. DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (5d10) lightning
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
To bypass the trigger, a creature can attempt to replace the
relic with something of equal weight. The creature must Constant Elements. The cage slowly fills with water, making
make a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Perception) check to attempts to escape more difficult.
accurately estimate the weight of the relic and a successful Treading Water. After 2 rounds, the water is at chest height
DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to switch the objects. for Small creatures, and any ability checks made to disable
Failure on either roll activates the trap. the trap have disadvantage. Attack rolls to break the cage are
Open the Doors. The doors’ lock has been enhanced with unaffected.
arcane lock, which can be found with detect magic. As an action, After 3 rounds, the water reaches the top of the cage;
a creature can pick the lock on the doors with a successful creatures within must hold their breath or drown. Ability
DC 27 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. The doors can be checks made to disable the trap have disadvantage. An attack
pushed open as an action with a successful DC 27 Strength roll made by a creature that doesn’t have a swimming speed
check. Unlocking the door ends the trap. (either natural or granted by magic) has disadvantage unless
the weapon is a dagger, javelin, shortsword, spear, or trident.

96 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Countermeasures. The trigger and some active elements of Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the
the trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
Trigger (Difficult). A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) Trigger. A creature that succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
check reveals the hidden mechanisms connected to the (Arcana) check can recognize and interpret the runes on
crank. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check the door, revealing the danger of the trap. The runes also
reveals the nature of the trigger, and allows a creature to have an aura of evocation magic when viewed with detect
disable it with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using magic. The runes can be disabled with dispel magic (DC 14) or
thieves’ tools. with a successful DC 10 spellcasting ability check made by a
Iron Cage. Reducing a 5-foot square section of the cage to spellcaster.
0 hit points destroys it, allowing the water to pour out into Navigating the Maze. A creature can deduce the path of the
the chamber harmlessly. Each 5-foot square section of the maze as an action with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival)
cage has AC 20; 50 hit points; resistance to bludgeoning and check. This allows a creature to progress through the maze,
slashing damage; and immunity to lightning, poison and which fills the room. Once a creature successfully completes
psychic damage. the maze, by either reaching the center or the way out of the
room, the trap ends.
Rats in a Maze Removing the Walls. The walls can be found with detect
Magic trap (level 13-16, setback, block) magic; a creature that runs into a wall can figure out what it is
with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Nothing
This trap is set in a large chamber with a rune-inscribed door. can physically pass through the walls of force. They are
When creatures enter the chamber, multiple walls of force immune to all damage and can’t be dispelled by dispel magic.
appear, turning the chamber into a maze. Then, shards of metal A disintegrate spell destroys a wall instantly, however. The
debris fall into the chamber through portals in the ceiling. wall also extends into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal
Trigger. Moving through the door and into the chamber travel through the wall.
triggers the trap. Closing the Portals. A 5-foot square portal can be closed by
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. casting dispel magic on it. This prevents debris from falling in
Active Elements. Rats in a Maze summons several walls of the 5-foot square portal beneath it.
invisible force and drops debris from portals in the ceiling.
Walls of Force (Initiative 20). This element only activates
Crazy Kitchen
once, the first time the trap acts. Invisible walls of force Hybrid trap (level 13-16, moderate, harm)
spring into existence, turning the chamber into a winding This trap takes place in a chamber filled with artisan tools,
maze. Each wall is made of 10-foot-by-10-foot panels and is such as cook’s tools, smith’s tools, or mason’s tools. When a
1/4 inch thick. If a wall cuts through a creature’s space when it creature breaks the tripwire, a magical gas pours forth from
appears, the creature is pushed to a random side of the wall. a vat, putting creatures in the chamber to sleep. The tools
Falling Objects (Initiative 10). Portals open above the then animate and attack the creatures in the room.
maze and disgorge shards of metal into the chamber. Each Trigger (Tripwire). Breaking the tripwire triggers the trap.
creature in the chamber must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 3 (1d6) slashing damage on a failed save, or Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10.
half as much on a successful one. Active Elements. A vat in the chamber produces a magic
Dynamic Elements. The amount of metal coming from the sleep-inducing gas. The tools scattered around the chamber
portals increases every round. animate and attack creatures within.

Additional Debris. After it activates, the damage from Sleep Gas (Initiative 20). Each creature in the chamber
Falling Objects increases by 3 (1d6) to a maximum of 14 must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
(4d6). While its damage is 7 (2d6) or greater, it acts on fall asleep for 1 minute. Creatures put to sleep in this way
initiative count 20 and 10. There are portals above every remain unconscious until the effect ends, the sleeper takes
5-foot square of the room’s floor, but only some of them damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the
open up at a time, depending on how much damage this sleeper awake. Undead, constructs, and creatures that don’t
effect deals. need to sleep aren’t affected by this effect.

Constant Elements. The Falling Objects affects any creature A creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to
that ends its turn in the chamber. the Sleep Gas for 1 hour.

Falling Objects. Any creature that ends its turn in the Animated Objects (Initiative 10). The tools around the
chamber must make a saving throw against the Falling room animate and attack creatures that are not unconscious.
Objects effect. The trap animates 4 objects, and each object makes one
attack against a random target: +6 attack bonus, 7 (2d6)
slashing damage on a hit.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 97

Dynamic Elements. More tools animate the longer the trap If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t
remains active. have line of sight to the illusory kraken, the creature can
More the Merrier. After their turn, the number of make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save,
Animated Objects increases by four. There can be no more this effect ends for that creature.
than 12 animated tools at any one time. Once a creature succeeds on their Wisdom saving throw to
Constant Elements. A creature that ends its turn in the sleep- resist the Kraken Fear, they are immune to it for 1 hour.
inducing gas is affected by it, unless they are immune to it. Illusory Tentacles (Initiative 10). The illusory kraken
Sleep Gas. Each creature that ends its turn in the chamber has eight tentacles. Each tentacle makes an attack against
must make a saving throw against the Sleep Gas, unless they a random creature holding a weapon within 30 feet of the
are immune or already unconscious. statuette: +8 attack bonus, 11 (2d10) psychic damage on a hit.

Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the Dynamic Elements. Tampering with the kraken idol increases
trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. the trap’s power.

Trigger (Sensitive). A successful DC12 Wisdom (Perception) Kraken Idol. Each successful ability check made to disable
check reveals the tripwire, and a successful DC 12 Dexterity the statuette increases the damage of the Illusory Tentacles by
check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. 5 (1d10) and increases the DC of the Wisdom saving throw to
resist the Kraken Fear by 1.
Sleep Gas. The vat producing the sleep-inducing gas can be
deactivated by a creature within 5 feet of it. As an action, the Constant Elements. The Kraken Fear and Illusory Tentacles
creature can locate magic runes on the vat with a successful affect each creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of the
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The creature can kraken idol
then dispel those runes with dispel magic (DC 15); as an action, Kraken Fear. Any creature that ends its turn within 30 feet
a creature can also disrupt the runes with a successful of the kraken idol must make a saving throw against the
DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Once the vat has been Kraken Fear, unless they are immune.
deactivated, the trap ends. Illusory Tentacles. Any creature that ends its turn within
Animated Objects. Each object can be destroyed by 30 feet of the kraken idol is targeted by an attack: +8 attack
attacking it (AC 12; 12 hit points; immunity to poison and bonus; 5 (1d10) psychic damage on a hit.
psychic damage) or by casting dispel magic on it. Characters Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of
can take the Dodge action to give the objects disadvantage the trap can be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
on attack rolls against them. Additionally, creatures can escape the trap by locating a
secret door.
Aspect of the Kraken Trigger. A creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
Magic trap (level 13-16, dangerous, harm) (Religion) check recognizes the kraken statuette and
In the center of this chamber is a plinth with a kraken understands the danger of the trap. The statuette also has
statuette atop it. When a weapon is drawn in the chamber, an aura of illusion magic when viewed with detect magic. A
the statuette creates an illusory kraken that induces fear in spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the statuette
nearby creatures. Additionally, the illusory tentacles attack, with a successful DC 15 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic
dealing psychic damage to creatures they hit. Creatures can DC (DC 16) also disables the trap. This can be done before or
leave through the door they entered, or search for a secret after the trap activates.
door which allows them to progress. Kraken Ilusion. Once activated, the illusory kraken can be
Trigger (Draw Weapon). Drawing a weapon or bringing an dispelled with dispel magic (DC 16). A creature that succeeds
unsheathed weapon into the chamber triggers the trap. on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check recognizes that
the kraken is an illusion. Once a creature knows the kraken
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. isn’t real, it is immune to Kraken Fear and resistance to the
Active Elements. The Aspect of the Kraken creates an psychic damage from the Illusory Tentacles.
illusory kraken that scares creatures and attacks them with Secret Door. If creatures can locate and unlock a secret
phantasmal tentacles. door, they can escape the chamber. To locate the door, a
Kraken Fear (Initiative 20). An illusion of a manifests creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
around the statuette. All creatures within 30 feet of the check. Once the door has been found, it can be unlocked with
statuette must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
become frightened. A creature frightened this way must take
the Dash action and move away from the statuette area by
the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is
nowhere to move.

98 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

What A Drag Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the
trap can each be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
Mechanical trap (level 13-16, perilous, harm)
Trigger (Sensitive). A successful DC 17 Wisdom
This trap is set in a 140-foot long corridor, which has a (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate, and a
pressure plate by the entrance. Applying weight to the successful DC 17 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools
pressure plate triggers it, and a chain snare catches the disables the trigger. Disabling the trigger, either before or
triggering creature around the ankle. The snare then drags after the trap activates, disables the trap.
the creature through a series of effects triggered by the
initial pressure plate. Chain Snare. As an action, a creature can be free
themselves from the snare or a creature restrained by the
Trigger (Pressure Plate). Applying 20 pounds or more of snare with a successful DC 18 Strength check. The snare can
pressure to the pressure plate triggers the trap. also be destroyed: it has AC 18; 20 hit points; resistance to
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20, 15, and 10. bludgeoning and slashing damage; and immunity to poison
and psychic damage.
Active Elements. What A Drag snares the triggering creature
in the first 5 feet of the trap. It then drags them through the Poison Darts. The darts can be disabled by closing the holes
corridor ahead, which fires poison darts in the next 60- through which they fire. First, a creature must succeed on
foot long area, and scything blades which swing across the a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check to uncover the holes. A
corridor in the next 60-foot long area. There is a 10-foot gap creature can then stuff cloth or some other material in the
between the poison darts and the scything blades holes as an action.
Chain Snare (Initiative 20). This element activates only Scything Blades. Characters can smash the blades, damage
once, the first time the trap acts. A chain snare catches their components, or discern how to avoid them. The blades
around the triggering creature’s ankle. The target must are disabled if the Dexterity saving throw DC made to avoid
succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or become them is reduced below 10. Ways to do that are described below.
restrained by the snare until freed. Intelligence (Investigation), DC 17. As an action, a creature that
Poison Darts (Initiative 15). Darts fire across the corridor can see the blades can attempt an Intelligence (Investigation)
in the 60-foot long area past the first 10 feet. The darts make check. A successful check means that the creature has
one attack roll against each creature in the area with a +10 learned how to anticipate the blades’ movement, giving
bonus to the attack roll. A creature hit by a dart must make them advantage on the next Dexterity saving throw
a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 33 made by the creature to avoid the blades while they aren’t
(6d10) poison damage and becomes poisoned on a failed incapacitated.
save, or takes half the damage and isn’t poisoned on a Attack. A creature in the area can ready an attack to strike at
successful one. a blade as it passes by. The creature has disadvantage on its
Scything Blades (Initiative 10). Scything blades swing next Dexterity saving throw made to avoid the blades. The
across the corridor in the 60-foot long area past the first creature then attacks. Each blade has AC 15; 15 hit points;
70 feet. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 17 and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Destroying a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) slashing damage on blade reduces the Scything Blades saving throw DC by 2.
a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, DC 17. Creatures can use thieves’
Constant Elements. The Chain Snare drags creatures down the tools in the blade’s area to foil its mechanism. A successful
corridor, and the Darts and Scything Blades affect any creature check reduces the Scything Blades saving throw DC by 2.
that ends its turn in an area affected by these elements.
Chain Snare. The snare drags any creature restrained by it
60 feet down the corridor.
Poison Darts. Any creature that ends its turn in the 60-foot
long area past the first 10 feet of the corridor is targeted by
the Poison Darts element.
Scything Blades. Any creature that ends its turn in the
60-foot long area past the first 70 feet of the corridor must
make a saving throw against the Scything Blades element.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 99

Chargrilled Magic Adhesive. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) check can identify the
Magic trap (level 13-16, deadly, harm) adhesive. Once identified, the adhesive can be removed with a
A beautiful treasure stands in a display case. Opening the successful DC 20 Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check, or with
display case and touching the treasure triggers the trap. dispel magic. Removing the adhesive deactivates the trap.
Trigger (Touch Object). Opening the case and touching the Ring of Flame. The Ring of Flame can be extinguished with
treasure triggers the trap. dispel magic (DC 18).
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 15. Fire Blast. The Fire Blast is emanating from an arcane glyph
in the ceiling, which can be spotted with a successful DC 20
Active Elements. Chargrilled releases a magic adhesive,
Wisdom (Perception) check. It can be disrupted with dispel
sticking the treasure and the triggering creature to the
magic (DC 18).
display case. A wall of fire appears around the creature and
case, and fire blasts them from the ceiling.
Magic Adhesive (Initiative 20). This element activates only
Flammable Fluid
once, the first time the trap acts. A magic adhesive pours Hybrid trap (level 17-20, setback, harm)
forth from the treasure, sticking itself and the triggering In the center of this chamber is a hidden rune of detection.
creature to the display case. The triggering creature must Walking over the rune triggers the trap; greasy oil covers the
succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained floor, spikes shoot up, and a blast of fire ignites the room.
until the adhesive is removed.
Trigger (Creature Detector). Walking over the rune triggers
Ring of Flame (Initiative 20). This element activates only the trap.
once, the first time the trap acts. A wall of fire surrounds
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 15.
the triggering creature and display case. The ringed wall is
opaque, 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. Active Elements. Flammable Fluid makes grease pour into
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must the chamber, spikes erupt from the floor, and releases a blast
make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a of flame.
creature takes 56 (16d6) fire damage, or half as much damage Oil Slick (Initiative 20). Grease spills out from holes that
on a successful save. open along the base of the chamber’s walls. The chamber floor
Fire Blast (Initiative 15). A blast of flame shoots from the becomes difficult terrain, and each creature in the chamber
ceiling onto the display case. A creature within 10 feet of must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
the display case must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, Spikes (Initiative 20). This element activates only once, the
taking 88 (16d10) fire damage on a failed save, or half as first time the trap acts. Spikes erupt from the floor of the
much on a successful one. chamber. Each creature standing on the chamber floor must
Dynamic Elements. The Ring of Flame and Fire Blast make a DC 10 Dexterity saving, throw taking 7 (2d6) piercing
become more dangerous the longer the trap remains active. damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Burning Brighter. After it activates, the damage dealt by Fire Blast (Initiative 15). This element activates only once,
Ring of Flame increases by 3 (1d6), to a maximum of 70 (20d6). the first time the trap acts. A blast of flame erupts from a
nozzle hidden in the ceiling, damaging nearby creatures and
And Brighter. After it activates, the damage dealt by Fire
igniting the oil-covered floor. Each creature within 15 feet of
Blast increases by 5 (1d10), to a maximum of 110 (20d10).
the rune of detection must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving
Constant Elements. The Ring of Flame affects each creature throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
that ends its turn inside it or passes through it. much on a successful one.
Ring of Flame. The ringed wall of fire deals the damage from Dynamic Elements. Oil continues to pour into the chamber,
Ring of Flame to each creature that ends its turn inside ir or and the fire gets hotter and hotter, becoming more
passes through it. The other side of the wall deals no damage. dangerous the longer the trap remains active.
Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the Grease Pump. After it activates, the DC for the saving throw to
trap can each be thwarted by particular countermeasures. avoid falling prone due to the Oil Slick element increases by 2.
Trigger. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence Fan the Flames. After it activates, the damage dealt by Fire
(History) check recognizes the trapped object and understands Blast increases by 3 (1d6), to a maximum of 17 (5d6).
the danger it brings. The object also has an aura of abjuration
Constant Elements. The active elements of the trap affect
and evocation magic when viewed with detect magic.
each creature that ends its turn in the chamber.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the object with
Oil Slick. A creature that ends its turn standing on the
a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic
chamber floor must make a saving throw against the Oil
(DC 18) also disables the trap. Disrupting or dispelling the
Slick element, at its current DC.
enchantment deactivates the trap once activated.

100 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Spikes. A creature that ends its turn standing on the chamber Transmutation (Initiative 10). This effect activates only
floor takes 7 (2d6) piercing damage from the Spikes. once, the first time the trap acts. A beam of transmutation
Fire Blast. Any creature that ends its turn standing on the magic energy shoots down from the chandelier. Each
flaming oil must make a saving throw against the Fire Blast creature in the 5-foot square beneath the chandelier must
element, at its current DC. succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be transformed
into a beetle (use the statistics for a frog statistics) for 1 hour.
Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements can be This effect ends if dispelled (dispel magic DC 18), or if the
thwarted by particular countermeasures. creature drops to 0 hit points or dies, and it doesn’t work on
Trigger. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check or a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points.
detect magic reveals the rune of detection. Once found, it can A transformed creature’s game statistics, including mental
be disrupted with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the beast it
check or casting dispel magic on the rune. Once the trigger is transforms into. It retains its alignment and personality.
disabled, the trap deactivates. The creature assumes the hit points of its new form. When
Fire Blast. Any spell or other effect that generates a large it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the
quantity of ice, water, or a blast of cold prevents creatures number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it
from taking damage from the Fire Blast during the round the reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess
effect happens. damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess
damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0 hit
Necessary Weevil points, it isn’t knocked unconscious.

Hybrid trap (level 17-20, moderate, harm) A transformed creature is limited in the actions it can
perform by the nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast
An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling of this circular spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech.
chamber. Any creature that passes directly beneath the The creature’s gear melds into the new form. It can’t activate,
chandelier triggers the trap. The doors lock, and spiked use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.
chains extend from the chandelier, which begins to spin
rapidly. Finally, a beam of magical energy shoots down Dynamic Elements. The chandelier spins ever faster,
directly beneath the chandelier. Any creature that enters this becoming more dangerous the longer the trap remains active.
beam is transformed into a beetle. Increased Speed. After it activates, the damage from the
Trigger (Creature Detector). Walking directly beneath the Flailing Chains increases by 10 (3d6). While its damage is 35
chandelier triggers the trap. (10d6) or greater, it acts on initiative 20 and 10.

Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. Constant Elements. The Flailing Chains and Transmutation
affect each creature that ends its turn in an area affected by
Active Elements. Necessary Weevil first locks the doors. these elements.
Chains then extend from the chandelier which starts to
spin, and a beam of transmutation magic shoots down from Flailing Chains. A creature that ends its turn within 10 feet
beneath the chandelier. of the chamber walls must make a saving throw against the
Flailing Chains effect.
Locked Doors (Initiative 20). This effect activates only
once, the first time the trap acts. The exits and entrances to Transmutation. A creature that ends its turn directly
this room slam shut and are locked in place by magic. Tiny beneath the chandelier must make a saving throw against
creatures can crawl beneath the door frames. the Transmutation effect.

Flailing Chains (Initiative 20). Chains extend from the Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger and active elements can
chandelier, and it begins to spin rapidly. Each creature each be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
within 10 feet of the chamber walls must make a DC 12 Trigger. The chandelier has an aura of transmutation magic
Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) slashing damage on a when viewed with detect magic, and a creature that gets close
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Tiny enough to it can find arcane symbols on the chandelier with
creatures are unaffected. successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. The chandelier
can be disabled with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
check, or with dispel magic (DC 18). Disabling the chandelier
deactivates the trap.
Open the Doors. The doors’ lock has been enhanced with
arcane lock, which can be found with detect magic. As an action, a
creature can pick the lock on the doors with a successful DC 22
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. The doors can be pushed
open as an action with a successful DC 22 Strength check.

Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 101

Flailing Chains. Characters can pull down the chains, hear the echoes must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
damage the chandelier components, or discern how to avoid throw or become deafened. A creature remains deafened for
the chains. The chains are disabled if the Dexterity saving 1 minute after they leave the corridor.
throw DC made to avoid them is reduced below 5. Ways to do Dynamic Elements. The echoing of the thunderclap gets
that are described below. worse with each successive blast.
Intelligence (Investigation), DC 12. As an action, a creature that Bursting Eardrums. After the Deafening Echoes activates,
can see the chains can attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) the saving throw DC to resist being deafened increases by 2.
check. A successful check means that the creature has learned
how to anticipate the chains’ movements, giving them Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger can be thwarted by
advantage on the next Dexterity saving throw made by the particular countermeasures. The active elements of the trap
creature to avoid the chains while they aren’t incapacitated. end when creatures leave the corridor through the door at
the far end, which is locked.
Strength, DC 12. A creature in the area can ready a Strength
check to pull down a chain as it passes by. The creature has Trigger (Sensitive). A successful DC 15 Wisdom
disadvantage on its next Dexterity saving throw made to (Perception) check reveals the pressure plate, and a
avoid the chans. The creature then makes the check. On a successful DC 15 Dexterity check while using thieves’ tools
success, the chain is destroyed. Destroying a chain reduces disables the trap. Unfortunately, disabling the pressure plate
the Flailing Chains saving throw DC by 2. after the trap is active doesn’t deactivate it.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, DC 12. Creatures can use Leave the Corridor. Leaving the corridor through the
thieves’ tools within 5 feet of the chandelier to foil its far end deactivates the trap. The door at the far end of the
mechanism. A successful check reduces the Flailing Chains corridor is locked. It can be unlocked over 3 rounds with the
saving throw DC by 2. following ability checks, each of which takes an action.
Transmutation. As an action, a spellcaster directly beneath • Round 1. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
the chandelier can disrupt the beam of transmutation magic to locate the locking mechanism.
with a successful DC 12 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic • Round 2. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
(DC 18) also disables this element. to understand the workings of the lock.
• Round 3. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
Storm’s Run thieves’ tools to unlock the door.
Hybrid trap (level 17-20, dangerous, hinder)
The trap is set in a 200-foot long corridor. Stepping on a Free Falling
pressure plate at the start of the corridor releases a bolt of Complex trap (level 17-20, perilous, harm)
lightning, aimed at the triggering creature, from the far end
This chamber has an ornate, tiled mosaic on the floor which
of the corridor. A thunderous boom echoes throughout the
depicts spiralling portals. Stepping on one of the mosaic
corridor, potentially deafening the creatures.
portals triggers the trap, which opens real portals below the
Trigger. Applying weight to the pressure plate triggers triggering creature and above it. The trap also conjures a wall
the trap. of blades between the two portals.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20, 15 and 10. Trigger (Creature Detector). Stepping onto one of the mosaic
Active Elements. Bolts of lightning shoot down the corridor portals on the floor triggers the trap.
from the far end. A thunderous boom erupts, knocking back Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20.
and deafening creatures.
Active Elements. Free Falling opens two linked portals and
Lightning Bolt (Initiative 20). A stroke of lightning summons a wall of blades.
forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts hurtles
Portals (Initiative 20). This effect activates only once, the
from the far end of the corridor to the entrance. Each
first time the trap acts. A portal appears directly above and
creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
below the triggering creature, 10 feet apart. The portals remain
throw, taking 35 (10d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or
active until dispelled or otherwise deactivated. The triggering
half as much damage on a successful one.
creature must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be
Thunderclap (Initiative 15). A booming thunderclap fills the trapped in a loop, falling from one portal to the other.
corridor. Each creature in the corridor takes 17 (5d6) thunder
Wall of Blades (Initiative 20). A horizontal wall of
damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw
whirling, razor-sharp blades made of magical energy
or be pushed 30 feet back toward the corridor’s entrance.
appears between the two portals. The wall is 20 feet square
Deafening Echoes (Initiative 10). The echoes of the and 5 feet thick.
thunderclap resound through the corridor, reaching
Dynamic Elements. The longer the trap remains active, the
deafening volumes. Each creature in the corridor that can
more dangerous it becomes.

102 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

Terminal Velocity. Each turn the trap remains active, the
creature falling through the portals speeds up. Their falling
Melting Pot
speed is equal to the number of rounds the trap has been Complex trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm)
active. A creature falls through the Wall of Blades at more A creature that brings a spellcasting focus into this chamber
and more points in a round depending on their falling speed, triggers the trap. An obsidian monolith in the center of the
as shown in the table below. chamber emits a petrifying aura, and boulders begin flying
around the chamber, smashing into creatures. Finally, acid
Falling Speed Enters Wall of Blades on... bubbles up from the chamber floor; both the boulders and acid
1 Initiative 20 have potentially catastrophic effects for petrified creatures.
Trigger (Bring Object). Bringing a spellcasting focus into the
2 Initiative 20 and 10
chamber triggers the trap.
3 Initiative 20, 15, and 10 Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20, 15, and 10.
4 Initiative 20, 15, 10, and 5 Active Elements. Melting Pot creates an aura of petrification
5 Initiative 20, 15, 10, 5, and 0 magic, animates boulders that fly in circles around the
chamber, and makes acid seep up through the floor.
Constant Elements. The Wall of Blades damages creatures
Aura of Petrification (Initiative 20). A wave of
that pass through it.
petrification magic sweeps out from the monolith. Each
Wall of Blades. When a creature enters the wall’s area for creature within 60 feet of the central monolith must
the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures are restrained as their flesh begins to harden. On a
the creature takes 33 (6d10) slashing damage. On a successful successful save, a creature isn’t affected.
save, the creature takes half as much damage.
Animated Boulders (Initiative 15). Boulders surrounding
Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger and active elements can the monolith animate, and fly around the chamber in circles.
be thwarted by particular countermeasures. Each creature in the chamber must make a DC 20 Dexterity
Trigger. A creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed
(Arcana) check or recognizes the mosaics and understands the save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
danger they hide. The mosaics also have an aura of conjuration If a petrified creature takes more than 50 damage in a single
and evocation magic when viewed with detect magic. turn from a boulder, one random limb is smashed to pieces.
A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the mosaics A creature reduced to 0 hit points by damage from this
with a successful DC 17 spellcasting ability check; dispel magic source is obliterated. An obliterated creature and everything
(DC 19) cast on the mosaics also disables the trap. it is wearing or carrying, except magic items, are reduced to
a pile of broken stone. The creature can be restored to life
Portals. Once activated, faint arcane symbols surround each
only by true resurrection or wish.
portal. As an action, a creature can examine the runes and
successfully disrupt their function with a successful DC 17 Seeping Acid (Initiative 10). Corrosive acid bubbles up
Intelligence (Arcana) check, closing one portal. Alternatively, from the chamber floor. Each creature standing on the floor
a portal can be closed with dispel magic (DC 19). Closing a of the chamber must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
portal reduces the falling speed of a creature caught between throw, taking 17 (5d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half as
them by 1. much damage on a successful one.
If one of the portals is closed, the other remains open. This If a petrified creature is reduced to 0 hit points by damage
means that a creature falling between them slams into the from the acid, it melts. A melted creature and everything it
floor, taking bludgeoning damage equal to their falling speed is wearing, except magic items, are reduced to slurry. The
multiplied by 7 (2d6). creature can be restored to life only by true resurrection or a wish.
Wall of Blades. The whirling blades can be disrupted, Dynamic Elements. Each of the trap’s active elements
attacked, or dispelled. The Wall of Blades vanishes if its damage becomes more dangerous the longer the trap remains active.
is reduced to 0 (0d10). Ways to do that are described below. The boulders speed up and the acid becomes more corrosive.
Spellcasting ability check, DC 17. As an action, a creature that Boulders Accelerate. After it activates, the damage from
can see the Wall of Blades can attempt a spellcasting ability Animated Boulders increases by 7 (2d6), to a maximum of 87
check to disrupt the magic that sustains it. On a success, the (25d6). While its damage is 35 (10d6) or greater, this element
wall’s damage is reduced by 5 (1d10). acts on initiative 15 and 10.
Attack. A creature within 5 feet of the Wall of Blades can Corrosion Concentrates. After its turn, the damage from
attack it: the wall has AC 17. On a hit, the blade barrier is Seeping Acid increasing by 7 (2d6), to a maximum of 87 (25d6).
partially disrupted, and its damage is reduced by 5 (1d10). Constant Elements. The trap’s active elements affect each
Dispel magic, DC 17. A successful casting of dispel magic reduces creature that ends its turn in an area affected by these elements.
the blade barrier’s damage by 11 (2d10).
Chapter Seven | Complex Traps 103
Aura of Petrification. A creature restrained by this Monolith. The trap can be deactivated only be destroying
element must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the monolith, which also restores all creatures it has turned
the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against to stone, ending the petrified effect on them. Ways to destroy
this effect three times, the effect ends for that creature. If the monolith are described below.
it fails its save three times, it is turned into a stone statue Attack. A character can attack the monolith. It has AC 20; 250
and is petrified. The successes and failures don’t need to be hit points; resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
consecutive; keep track of both until the creature collects damage from non-magical weapons; and immunity to acid,
three of a kind. poison, and psychic damage.
For each affected creature, this effect lasts until dispelled, Dispel Magic, DC 19. Casting dispel magic on the monolith deals
either with dispel magic (DC 19) or greater restoration, or when 25 damage to the monolith.
the monolith is destroyed. If a creature is physically broken
while petrified, it suffers from similar deformities if it Spellcasting ability check, DC 20. As an action, a spellcaster can
reverts to its original state. disrupt the enchantment on the monolith with a successful
DC 20 spellcasting ability check, dealing 25 damage to it.
If a creature successfully saves against this element three
times, they are immune to it for 1 hour.
Animated Boulders. Any creature that ends its turn
within the chamber must make a saving throw against the
Animated Boulders effect.
Seeping Acid. Any creature that ends its turn standing on
the floor of the chamber must make a saving throw against
the Seeping Acid effect.
Countermeasures.. The trigger and active elements of the
trap can each be thwarted by particular countermeasures.
Trigger (Difficult). A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)
check reveals the negating symbols covering the monolith,
alerting a creature to the trap. The monolith has an aura
of transmutation magic when viewed with detect magic. A
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check allows a
creature to find the right symbols to deface with a successful
DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check, disabling the trap. A
successful dispel magic (DC 20) spell cast on the monolith also
disables the trap.
Animated Boulders. A creature who takes the Dodge action
can make their next saving throw against the Animated
Boulders with advantage.

104 Chapter Seven | Complex Traps

When designing your traps, consider what your adventure • What is the trap mechanically supposed to accomplish?
needs. If the dungeon has a particular theme, such as snakes, • Actually killing characters?
then perhaps the traps poison their targets or release
monstrous snake creatures. If the dungeon has an acid • Getting characters to use up resources such as spells
theme then the traps could blast creatures with acid, release or abilities prior to a big encounter?
oozes, or drop creatures into pools of acid. • Eating up time?
Before you start designing your trap, it is important to • Setting the mood or conveying plot details?
ask yourself some questions to help give yourself a clear
• If the trap takes more resources from the characters
understanding of what you need to accomplish with it. Here
than intended, how will things likely go for them
are some to get you started:
once they get through? Will there be an area and/or
• Should the trap be complex or simple? resources that allow for recovery, or will they simply
• Who or what is creating this trap? have to cope with the setback?
• How is it powered? • Could this kill the entire party? If it does, how will
you deal with that?
• Why is it needed in this particular spot?
Answering questions like these will help to set you on a firm
• How do those that live or work in the area get around it? footing and give you a clear vision of what your trap needs
• What experience do you want the players, not their to do and how it needs to do it. It will also help you decide on
characters, to have when they reach it? the trap’s severity.
• Should this be a quick or lengthy encounter?
• Will the method for overcoming the trap be readily
apparent when they reach the trap, or will they have
an opportunity to learn about it beforehand?

Chapter Eight | Designing Traps 105

When selecting and implementing traps, think about who
is building these traps, how sophisticated they are, and why
Characters Building Traps
they were built in the first place. For example, a troop of At some point, your player characters may wish to build
goblins in the forest are likely to have many nets, snares, and their own traps in your campaign. There are many ways to
poison darts set up to capture or kill their prey. On the other handle this scenario, and many details to consider.
hand, a group of cultists trying to protect the relics in their If a character tries to build a trap in the middle of a game,
deity's temple could have traps designed to blast intruders try to glean from the player what they're hoping the trap will
with elemental magic, fatally wound them with scything accomplish. Then, consult Chapter 9 and use the Random
blades, or crush them to death with closing walls. Trap Generator to determine what trap trigger and effect
The space a trap occupies matters in terms of how things would best suit their trap. If a player asks about this outside
physically fit together. If a dungeon is built into a hill, but of the game, you may instead choose to explore this chapter
the internal ceiling of the dungeon is just below ground level with them and design a trap from the ground up together
outside, things that rise up into the ceiling would stick out of that best suits their character's needs.
the ground above. Creatures walking along would certainly Other things to consider for character-created traps may
wonder about a large, random-seeming portcullis sticking include how long it takes to set up a trap of that type (digging
up out of an otherwise picturesque grassy hillside. a pit, rigging a hidden weapon, etc.) and what materials are
needed to create the trap. It is up to your discretion as a GM
The Purpose of Traps to determine how realistic you wish the character's trap
creation experience to be.
Traps are obstacles for the characters to overcome. When
planning a trap, consider whether or not you want the
characters to find it. A trap that the characters are likely Simple Traps
to find with ability checks or spells makes them expend A simple trap usually has a single trigger and a single effect,
resources overcoming the trap, as well as providing an either of which could be magic or mundane. Simple traps do
interesting and exciting challenge. not reset after they’ve been triggered.
A trap that the characters shouldn’t be able to find, usually
because the DC to spot it is very high, can provide a nasty
surprise. It could serve as a warning that the characters
Complex Traps
A complex trap is any that goes beyond having a single
aren’t prepared to enter a specific area, or it can be
trigger and a single effect. It might be a gauntlet of
something they stumble into to further the plot of the story
obstacles, a trap that has multiple phases, or a trap that can
you are telling.
be triggered by several different things. The intricacies of
However, don’t keep a trap hidden or make it extremely building complex traps are addressed in Chapter 7.
hard to find when it would certainly kill one or more of the
characters or make it impossible for them to achieve their
goal. The characters should have a fair chance to spot a trap Complex Triggers
that deadly and have a good shot at avoiding its effects. A simple trigger is typically binary, something that is just on or
The point of such a trap is not, in fact, to kill anyone or to off, such as a switch or button. A multi-stage trigger, however,
derail the adventure; it's to confront characters with a life- is one that goes in phases or that has multiple requirements.
or-death, win-or-lose challenge that they must overcome. One of the scariest real world traps is a carnivorous plant
Realizing that everything is on the line has a wonderfully called the venus fly trap. It catches flies and other small
clarifying effect. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, “nothing insects when they land on its specially evolved leaves. These
in life is so exhilarating as being shot at and missed!” leaves have many sensitive hair-like protrusions, and the
It is always your responsibility as the GM to be prepared for trap only closes when two different hairs are touched within
the worst-case scenario when players encounter any traps 20 seconds. This helps the plant avoid false triggers.
you use or create. With this thought process as a guide, you A locked door with a swinging log hanging behind it, ready to
can design traps that are not only clever and devious, but smash any intruders, is a simple trap. But to keep inhabitants
that also further the plot and heighten excitement. of the dungeon from being pulped, the engineer installed it
with a multi-stage trigger. If the lock is disabled with thieves’
tools, and if the door is then opened, the trap activates. These
measures prevent the trap going off when an unintended
target unlocks the door with a key and opens it.

106 Chapter Eight | Designing Traps

Complex Effects Level and Lethality
Pairing two or more trap effects can add complexity to the The overall difficulty or threat your trap can pose to
encounter, especially when one effect restrains or confines characters is a combination of two things: the level of the
characters to one area. A trap that restrains creatures with characters encountering it and the trap’s lethality.
a net makes it much harder for them to run away from a Level. A trap’s level is expressed as one of five ranges: 1-4,
boulder rolling towards them. 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, and 17-20. An appropriate trap will be in the
range that includes the average level of your characters.
Traps as Plot Devices Lethality. Variable statistics for a trap such as attack bonus,
Traps should be exciting and memorable moments, not damage, ability check and saving throw DC’s, and spell
frustrating or boring. Avoid situations where characters level all depend on the trap’s lethality. A trap intended
have no countermeasures against a trap; make them to be a setback is unlikely to seriously harm characters
engaging or interesting, not just a way to drain resources. of the indicated levels, but a moderate trap likely will. A
Traps can provide information about the area, take dangerous trap is likely to seriously injure (and potentially
characters to parts of a dungeon, or give clues about the kill) characters of the indicated levels and a perilous
owner or creator of a structure. trap almost definitely will. A deadly trap is likely to kill
characters of the indicated levels.
Some traps may be detectable, but require characters to have
prior knowledge of their existence or some specific piece of Always consider the message that traps of various lethalities
information to bypass them or disable them. A successful and their placement can convey to the players. For example,
Intelligence (History, Nature, or Religion) check, depending placing a setback trap near the entrance of the dungeon
on the context, can all provide these kinds of clues. The DC may help to warn the players that there are probably more
for these checks is based on the trap’s severity. traps inside. This should tip them off to beware. Placing a
dangerous trap at the entrance, however, could tip them off
For example, if the characters are in a dungeon of some
that they might need more supplies, such as potions of healing,
evil antagonist where countless other heroes have lost
or let them know that they aren’t of an appropriate level for
their lives, there is likely to be some information about the
this area. These are just a few ways that traps can be used to
dungeon written down in books. An Intelligence (History)
set expectations and tone.
check may be appropriate to reveal clues about possible
magical triggers they may find (if anyone got out, able to
tell the tale). While exploring the crypt of a long dead and Trap Attacks
once powerful paladin, searching for an ancient relic, an Traps attack creatures in one of two ways. If a creature’s
Intelligence (Religion) check might reveal information about armor is the main or only thing that could defend against
the tomb’s defenses. the attack, or if the trap is attacking with a small number of
Even if these checks don’t give details about the traps separate weapons, the trap rolls an attack roll against the
themselves, they may give clues about those who might have creature’s AC. If a trap would make 6 or more attacks in a
set them, or important information that could be creatively single turn, creatures should roll a Dexterity saving throw to
applied to the situation. avoid damage. A creature takes no damage if they succeed
Traps can provide information even after they've been and half damage if they fail.
activated. Finding evidence of triggered traps — such as
corpses, burns, rubble, or blood — can let characters know to Trap Damage
be wary or that someone else is after the same thing they are.
Not all traps deal damage, but those that do should be
designed as an appropriate challenge. Traps deal damage
based on their severity, either to a single target with attack
rolls or to multiple targets if they make a group of creatures
roll a saving throw. The trap can deal its damage all at once
or over several rounds, but the maximum damage it deals
shouldn’t be more than the value indicated for its severity.

Chapter Eight | Designing Traps 107

Reference Tables
Below are tables for variable game statistics of traps, such as attack bonus and saving throw DC, based on character level and
trap lethality. The values in these tables are guidelines; feel free to adjust them as needed.


The table below shows appropriate DCs and attack bonuses to use depending on the trap’s severity.

Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

Attack Bonus +5 +6 +8 +10 +12
DC 10 12 15 17 20


The table below shows recommended average damage amounts based on traps that only target a single creature.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 5 (1d10) 11 (2d10) 16 (3d10) 22 (4d10) 27 (5d10)
5-8 11 (2d10) 22 (4d10) 33 (6d10) 44 (8d10) 55 (10d10)
9-12 16 (3d10) 33 (6d10) 49 (9d10) 66 (12d10) 82 (15d10)
13-16 22 (4d10) 44 (8d10) 66 (12d10) 88 (16d10) 110 (20d10)
17-20 27 (5d10) 55 (10d10) 82 (15d10) 110 (20d10) 137 (25d10)


The table below shows recommended average damage amounts for a trap that targets more than one creature.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 3 (1d6) 7 (2d6) 10 (3d6) 14 (4d6) 17 (5d6)
5-8 7 (2d6) 14 (4d6) 21 (6d6) 28 (8d6) 35 (10d6)
9-12 10 (3d6) 21 (6d6) 31 (9d6) 42 (12d6) 52 (15d6)
13-16 14 (4d6) 28 (8d6) 42 (12d6) 56 (16d6) 70 (20d6)
17-20 17 (5d6) 35 (10d6) 52 (15d6) 70 (20d6) 87 (25d6)


All magic traps have a spell-like effect of some kind. Use the table below to determine the spell level for the trap, which may
be important for spells like dispel magic.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 Cantrip Cantrip 1st 1st 2nd
5-8 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
9-12 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
13-16 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
17-20 7th 8th 9th 9th+3rd 9th+5th

108 Chapter Eight | Designing Traps

If a trap releases or summons creatures, use the table below to determine the CR of the creatures and how many the trap can
create. This table is just a general guideline; feel free to adjust the trap depending on your needs.
Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly
1-4 Two CR 1/8 Two CR 1/4 Four CR 1/8 Four CR 1/4 Two CR 1/2
5-8 Four CR 1/2 Eight CR 1/4 One CR 2 Two CR 2 One CR 5
9-12 Eight CR 1/4 One CR 2 Two CR 2 One CR 5 One CR 6
13-16 One CR 2 One CR 5 One CR 6 Four CR 2 Two CR 5
17-20 Two CR 5 Two CR 6 Three CR 5 Three CR 6 One CR 7

Most traps have an instantaneous effect; they deal damage or drop a creature into a pit. But some traps, especially magical
ones, have spell effects with a duration. If the duration isn’t specified in its description, use the table below to determine the
length of the duration, based on character level and severity of the trap.
In most cases, a trap effect with a set duration can be removed with a spell like dispel magic, remove curse, lesser restoration,
greater restoration, or more powerful magic. An effect with a permanent duration can only be removed with greater restoration,
or something more powerful like wish. Spells that can remove a trap effect with a duration are listed in their descriptions.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes
5-8 1 minute 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour
9-12 10 minutes 1 hour 8 hours 8 hours 1 day
13-16 10 minutes 8 hours 8 hours 1 day 1 day
17-20 1 day 1 day permanent permanent permanent

Chapter Eight | Designing Traps 109

Traps do not have a CR, like creatures, but if you feel it is appropriate to award experience for overcoming traps you can use
the values in the table below. If awarding experience points for traps would adversely affect the overall pacing or balance
of your campaign, don’t do it. Maintaining a good flow is far more important than ensuring that every task or challenge the
characters overcome has a numerical value.
All suggested rewards presented below, both for simple and complex traps, are for a group, not for each character individually.
Simple Trap Experience Rewards

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 50 75 100 150 200
5-8 550 825 1100 1650 2200
9-12 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800
13-16 2550 3825 5100 7650 10200
17-20 4400 6600 8800 13200 17600

Complex Trap Experience Rewards

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 125 200 250 375 500
5-8 1250 1875 2500 3750 5500
9-12 2750 4125 5500 8000 12000
13-16 5500 8250 11000 17000 25500
17-20 10000 14625 19500 29500 44000

110 Chapter Eight | Designing Traps

Over time, all GMs develop habits. When we need ideas our
favorites come back again and again, until our dungeons Unlikely Combinations
and adventures start falling into familiar patterns.
Generating traps is not without its idiosyncrasies. Every
Random tables are powerful tools to help break those
combination of trigger and effect presented in this section can
patterns, because they force us to incorporate elements or
work together, but some may require a little extra thought.
combinations that wouldn't spring to mind naturally.
For example, consider a trap with a mundane trigger and a
In this chapter, you will find a set of tables for the two
magic effect, such as a pressure plate that teleports the target
crucial parts of a trap: a trigger and an effect. The table
to another location. The pressure plate could be in a narrow
doesn't do all of the work for you, but it does generate a
hallway, with a portal disguised as a mirror. When the target
concept. You can then flesh out the idea by deciding what
approaches to look into the mirror they step on the pressure
the exact details of the trigger and effect are, how they
plate, which catapults them into the portal.
work together, and how they fit into the space where they’re
found. You can use these tables to generate a trap on the fly, What about a magic trigger paired with a mundane effect?
but they function best when you have time to consider all the The target draws their weapon in the trap’s range, making it
possibilities and ramifications. Create a few traps in advance cast produce flame on a candle hidden in the ceiling. Just above
so that you have some options for just the right situation. the candle is a thin rope, from which hangs a jug filled with
oil. Once the flame burns through the rope the jug falls to the
The table contains 50 unique triggers and 50 unique effects.
ground, shattering and releasing the oil. The still burning
You can roll a d100 two times, using the first result to
rope tied to the jug ignites the oil and all creatures within a
determine your trigger, and the second to determine your
20 foot radius are set ablaze.
effect. You can also choose a combination of trigger and
effect from the table, or you can choose one half of the trap
and roll randomly for the other.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 111

Trigger and Effect Generation Table
Type d100 d20/10 Trigger Page Effect Page
1-2 1 Attempt to Pick Lock 114 Barrier 123
3-4 2 Break Object 114 Bolts 123
5-6 3 Fail to Pick Lock 114 Cage 123
7-8 4 Interact With Bait 114 Crushing Ceiling/Walls 123
9-10 5 Make Sound 114 Darts 124
11-12 6 Move Lever/Press Button 114 Drop 124
13-14 7 Open/Close Door 115 Falling Objects 125
15-16 8 Open/Close Chest 115 Falling/Tipping Vessel 125
17-18 9 Open/Close Object 115 Falling Sand 125
19-20 10 Pick Lock 115 Impaling Spikes 126
21-22 11 Pick Up/Shift Object 115 Needle 126
23-24 12 Pressure Plate 115 Net 126
25-26 13 Produce Flame 115 Release Creatures 126
27-28 14 Pull Rope/Chain 115 Rolling Boulder 126
29-30 15 Remove Barrier 115 Scything Blades 127
31-32 16 Tapping/Prodding 116 Snare 127
33-34 17 Tension Cable 116 Spears 127
35-36 18 Tripwire 116 Spikes 127
37-38 19 Turn Wheel/Crank 116 Spring Floor 127
39-40 20 Weight Sensitive Surface 116 Swinging Object 127
41-42 1 Activate Light Fixture 116 Acid/Slime Blast 128
43-44 2 Disturb Liquid 116 Adhesive 128
45-46 3 False Trigger 116 Animated Object 128
47-48 4 Musical/Auditory 117 Blindness 128
49-50 5 Open/Close Book 117 Deafness 129
51-52 6 Remove Object 117 Elemental Blast 129
53-54 7 Step Into Light/Darkness 117 Exhaustion 129
55-56 8 Touch Object 117 Molten Metal 129
57-58 9 Use Wrong Key 117 Poison Gas 130
59-60 10 Wrong Combination 117 Wall of Fire 130
61-62 1 Activate Rune 118 Aging 130
63-64 2 Bring Object 118 Amnesia 130
65-66 3 Cast Spell 118 Bewitchment 131
67-68 4 Command Word 118 Dispel Magic 131
69-70 5 Corpse 118 Fear 131
71-72 6 Creature Detector 118 Heat Metal 131
73-74 7 Detect Magic 118 Invisibility 131
75-76 8 Draw Weapon 119 Petrification 132
77-78 9 Fail to Speak Password 119 Reanimate Creatures 132
79-80 10 Insult Idol 119 Restraint 132
81-82 11 Look Into 119 Seeming 132
83-84 12 Mortal Sacrifice 119 Sleep 133
85-86 13 Offering 119 Spell Effect 133
87-88 14 Pass Area 120 Suggestion 133
89-90 15 Pass Threshold 120 Summon Creatures 133
91-92 16 Produce Light/Darkness 120 Swap 133
93-94 17 Read Writing 120 Teleport 134
95-96 18 Speak Trigger Word 120 Transmutation 134
97-98 19 Spill Blood 120 Wall of Force 134
99-100 20 Unconsciousness 120 Wild Magic 135

112 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Triggers Detecting Triggers
Detecting a trigger of any kind usually requires a Wisdom
The best way to be safe from any trap is to notice its trigger (Perception) check. Magic triggers can also be found with an
and avoid it, which isn't always easy or even possible. No Intelligence (Arcana) check, but this doesn’t let a creature
trap should be both impossible to find and impossible to sense the presence of magic. That’s what detect magic is
avoid or mitigate. It may, however, be one or the other. If for. An Intelligence (Arcana) check represents a creature
it's easy to find, then it's fair to severely punish creatures recognizing some arcane symbols or recalling a piece of lore
who don't find it by making the saving throw difficult or about an object or area. Once discovered, an Intelligence
not allowing one at all. If a trap is impossible to find or to (Investigation) check can be used to conduct a thorough
bypass, then there should be a way to mitigate or negate the examination of the trap trigger and deduce how to best to
damage entirely. disable it.
Always think about triggers in specific, real-world terms, There may be times when it may seem more appropriate to
not just dice rolls. You want to be able to describe in detail use a non-standard check, such as Dexterity (Perception) if
what characters see or feel as they explore. Consider all the something requires a particularly deft touch.
senses. Sight and sound are common descriptors, but smell,
taste, and texture can help set the scene as well. PASSIVE CHECKS
Always be aware of a creature’s passive Perception (10 + the
Trigger Types creature’s Wisdom/Intelligence modifier + any bonuses, such
Trap triggers come in three different forms: mundane, as proficiency) and compare it to the relevant DCs for any
ambiguous, and magic. Each kind of trigger says something trap they’re approaching. If a creature’s passive Perception
about the purpose of the trap and how best to use it. equals or exceeds the DC to detect the trigger, the creature
automatically detects it and can try to disable it.
MUNDANE TRIGGERS Triggers with the difficult trait require an active Intelligence
Mundane triggers are triggers without a magic component. (Investigation) check to understand how they work and how
They usually have some sort of mechanical apparatus — like they can be disabled.
clockwork, gears, or water pressure — but they can also be as Difficult. A trigger with this trait is more complex than
simple as a floor tile that breaks away when enough weight usual. Once a creature detects the trigger, they must make a
is applied. successful Intelligence (Investigation) check to understand
how it works. If the check fails, the creature cannot disable
AMBIGUOUS TRIGGERS the trigger because they do not understand what they have
Ambiguous triggers could be mundane, magic, or a found. A creature can attempt to understand a difficult trap
combination of both. The Wrong Key trigger, for example, again after completing a long rest.
might be a key of the wrong shape or size or it might be the
right shape key that hasn’t been enchanted properly. One
option is mundane while the other is magic.
Disabling Triggers
Identifying a trigger is one thing, but disabling it is another.
MAGIC TRIGGERS Mundane triggers usually require a successful Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools, while disabling magic triggers
Magic triggers have far fewer limitations. They can be simple
usually requires a successful Intelligence (Arcana) check or a
or complex, but they often include a hint of mysticism. A
successful use of dispel magic. Ambiguous triggers can require
glyph that activates when a creature gets close enough is
either option.
the classic example. There could be a magic trip wire that
activates the trap or an alarm spell that detects intruders and Most of the time, there’s no drawback to failing to disable
then activates the trap. a trap, but if the trigger has the sensitive trait it could be
disastrous if the check is particularly low.
Sensitive. Failing to disable a sensitive trigger may result
in accidentally setting off the trap. Traps of setback and
moderate lethality are triggered on failed disable checks
totaling 5 or less. Dangerous, perilous, and deadly traps are
triggered on failed disable checks totaling 10 or less.
Sometimes triggers can be bypassed instead of disabled.
Using silence to get past a trap triggered by sound bypasses
the trap, but it hasn’t been disabled. If creatures make sound
near that trigger later on, without the protection of the spell,
the trap can still activate.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 113

Refer to the table below when determining the DC for An object that would pique interest has been placed out in
detecting and disabling triggers based on the lethality of the the open and interacting with it triggers the trap. This might
trap. be a corpse or object out of its normal place. The object
may or may not show evidence of the trap’s nature, such as
Lethality DC being shot full of darts, or sliced cleanly in half. If the object
Setback 10 does have evidence like this it could be intended to deceive
potential victims.
Moderate 12
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check
Dangerous 15 reveals the trigger. A successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check allows a creature to interact with the bait without
Perilous 17
activating the trigger, while a successful Dexterity check
Deadly 20 made with thieves’ tools disables the trigger.

Trigger Details Any sound above a certain level triggers the trap. Creatures
Detailed descriptions of each type of trigger are presented must make an effort to be stealthy, and some creatures may
below, along with suggestions regarding how the trigger not make enough sound to trigger the trap due to flying or
might best be used. Common countermeasures are also other forms of movement.
provided. By no means are these the only possible options,
just the most common. Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the trigger. Creatures who move or
To make any of these triggers more challenging, you can add perform actions in the trapped area must make a successful
the difficult or sensitive trait. Dexterity (Stealth) check each round to avoid triggering the
trap. A successful Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
Mundane Triggers the nature of the trigger, and allows a creature to attempt a
These triggers are primarily mechanical and don’t have any Dexterity check using thieves’ tools check to disable it.
magical component. Gears, levers, weights, springs, or Creative characters can use other ways of muffling sound,
other mechanical devices might be involved in the design like casting silence on a creature or area, to bypass this trigger.
of the trigger.
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals a mundane trigger and a successful Dexterity check Moving a lever or pressing a button triggers the trap.
using thieves’ tools disables it. Mundane triggers that Depending on the trap, pressing the button or moving the
operate differently have their countermeasures noted in lever again might deactivate the trap once triggered.
their descriptions.
The trigger is built into a lock and attempting to pick it Multiple levers or buttons quickly turns a simple trap
triggers the trap. Using a key on the lock will not trigger the into a complex one. A natural instinct is to test each
trap. This is one of the most common triggers and is a useful lever to assess what they all do and how to deal with the
deterrent almost anywhere. trap. Consider ensuring that there are clues in the area
BREAK OBJECT of the trap, or make sure characters have a chance to
learn about the trap prior to encountering it.
Breaking an object such as a glass case, crystal vial, or magic
gem triggers the trap.


Failing an attempt to pick a lock triggers the trap.

114 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check
OPEN/CLOSE DOOR reveals the trigger, and a successful Dexterity check using
Opening or closing a door triggers the trap. Locating these thieves’ tools disables it.
types of triggers is often difficult because the mechanism
To bypass the trigger, a creature can attempt to replace the
can be completely hidden on the other side of the door or
object with one of equal weight. The creature must make
part of the door itself. Note that this trigger is not something
a successful Intelligence (Perception) check to accurately
attached to the door; that would be a Tension Cable trigger.
estimate the weight of the object and a successful Dexterity
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful Wisdom (Sleight of Hand) check to switch the objects. Failure on
(Perception) check reveals the trigger. A successful either roll activates the trap.
Intelligence (Investigation) check while examining the door
reveals the nature of the trigger, and allows a creature to PRESSURE PLATE
attempt a Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to disable it.
Applying weight to the pressure plate triggers the trap.
Sawing, burning, or smashing a hole through the door It's possible to avoid the plate by simply jumping over it or
without letting it swing open could bypass this trigger. Using putting something across it. The pressure plate could be set
a ranged spell to blow the door off the hinges could also into a wall and triggered when someone leans against it or
allow creatures to trigger the trap while avoiding its effects. places a steadying hand on it. It could also be at a spot that's
hard to search or to avoid, such as on the far side of a 15-foot
OPEN/CLOSE CHEST chasm that creatures are likely to leap across.
Opening or closing a chest triggers the trap. Locating this Some pressure plates activate only after they have been
type of trigger is often difficult because the mechanism can depressed and then released. Hopefully, a creature that steps
be completely hidden within the chest, or part of one or onto the plate has companions who can figure out a way to
more of the chest’s components. Note that this trigger is not deactivate the trap or negate its effects.
something attached to the chest; that would be a Tension
Cable trigger. PRODUCE FLAME
The presence of flame triggers the trap. Usually this is due to
OPEN/CLOSE OBJECT light or heat sensitive mold or fungi in range of the trigger.
Opening or closing an object may flip a hidden switch, make Bait is important with this kind of trigger. Something such
gears mesh, or act as a mundane trigger in any number of as faint writing etched into the wall of a dark room or cave
other ways. If an object can be opened or closed — whether entices creatures to bring the flame closer.
with a door, shutter, stopper, or anything else — then it can
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check
be trapped. Objects such as a cabinet, a drawer, or book, an
reveals that a nearby surface is reacting to the presence of
oil lamp with a door, or a mechanical eye could all be good
the flame. A successful Intelligence (Nature) check disables
candidates for this trigger.
the trigger.
Picking a lock triggers the trap. This may include attempting
Pulling on a rope, chain, or hanging line of some sort triggers
to subvert the lock in a way that does not involve using the
the trap. This could be a rope or chain a creature needs to
correct key.
climb or slide down. It might even be a rope tossed around a
Countermeasures (Difficult). A successful Wisdom rock or other handy projection with the trigger built in.
(Perception) check lets a creature detect the trigger, and a
A rope or chain hanging from an upper level is the perfect
successful Intelligence (Investigate) check lets it understand
opportunity to tie a jug of something nasty to the other end.
the trigger. The trigger can be disabled by successfully
When pulled, the jug comes down and explodes in tar, fire,
picking the lock with a Dexterity check using thieves’ tools
poisonous gas, or some other horrible thing.
that exceeds the lock DC by 5 or more.
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check
PICK UP/SHIFT OBJECT reveals the trigger, and a successful Dexterity (Sleight of
Picking up or moving an object triggers the trap. The trap Hand) check disables it.
could be hidden behind an object or it could be resting on a
pressure plate that triggers the trap.
Removal of a barrier triggers the trap. Barriers can be as
large as a portcullis or as small as a drain stopper. This
trigger could be a stone in the ceiling, wall, or floor that
when removed allows water, sand, oil, or some other
material into a chamber.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 115

Placing or removing weight on the surface triggers the trap.
The characters find a wondrous crystal orb set onto a A weight sensitive surface is a more sensitive version of a
pedestal in the middle of the room. It’s purpose isn’t pressure plate, and is often used in larger applications. The
immediately apparent, but they know it has to be surface could be a 5-foot by 5-foot square on the floor, or the
valuable. They don’t detect any curse on it so someone floor’s entire area.
picks it up. Within moments, a tube blocked by the orb
begins spewing a black, poisonous vapor into the room. Ambiguous Triggers
These triggers can be magical or not, depending on the
situation. A book with a needle hidden in the spine that is
TAPPING/PRODDING on a spring-loaded release is a mundane combination of the
Applying pressure to a specific spot via tapping or prodding Open/Close trigger and a Needle effect.
triggers the trap. Rapping on walls or tapping on the floor
However, if the book was enchanted to trigger when opened,
with a pole are such common methods for finding traps and
that would be a magical version of the Open/Close trigger.
secret doors that trap builders often take advantage of them.
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check COUNTERMEASURES
reveals the trigger. A successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) Unless noted otherwise, If a trigger is mundane, a successful
check allows a creature to tap or prod without activating Wisdom (Perception) check reveals it, and a successful
the trigger, while a successful Dexterity check made with Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables it.
thieves’ tools disables it.
If a trigger is magic, a successful Wisdom (Perception)
TENSION CABLE check, Intelligence (Arcana) check, or detect magic reveals it. A
successful Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic disables
A wire, rope, or other line connects an object to the trap. The
the trigger.
trap triggers when the tension cable is pulled or goes slack.
A magic version of an ambiguous trigger is usually the
TRIPWIRE equivalent of a 3rd level abjuration spell for interactions
A wire, rope, or other line is strung across a high traffic area. with detect magic and dispel magic.
Breaking or sufficiently disturbing the line triggers the trap.
Often used for traps with external mechanisms, the wire can
also be connected to a complicated network of components Lighting or dousing a light fixture triggers the trap. A wall
hidden in a wall or removed area. sconce with a torch or a lantern is hard for a creature with no
darkvision to resist. This could also be an orb with a continual
TURN WHEEL/CRANK flame spell, activated by touch or a command word.
Turning a wheel or crank in a certain direction, or turning it
to or past a certain point, triggers the trap. A wheel or crank
is usually used with opening or closing something, raising A pool or fountain can be dangerous for any number
or lowering gates, drawbridges, or powering some other of reasons: filled with poisonous liquid, the home of a
mechanical tasks. Accompanying their normal function dangerous creature, the trigger for a trap. This trigger can be
with a trap trigger turns a seemingly innocuous device into a effective on a pool or basin with gems or valuable items at
potentially deadly encounter. the bottom. Some trivial amount of disturbance might still
be safe; a creature might be able to remove items from the
TRAPPED LIKE RATS! pool as long as they don’t make too many ripples.

The characters find a heavy portcullis blocking their

way. None of them can lift it, but they do find a crank Some other trigger left out in the open, such as an undisguised
mechanism to raise it. The strongest among them pressure plate, can be the perfect bait. Physically or magically
interacting with this false trigger is what actually sets off the
spends several minutes raising the portcullis, then uses
trap. A creature may get clues to the nature of the true trigger
a latch built into the crank to lock it. The characters while attempting to disable the false one.
move onward, but a few minutes later they hear a loud
thud as the portcullis comes crashing back down. What
they didn’t realize is that the crank also wound a timed
release on the latch and now they are trapped on the
other side of the portcullis.

116 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Making a particular sound, or the absence of a sound, Using an incorrect key triggers the trap. Turn the key the
triggers the trap. The trigger could be tied entirely to a wrong way, clockwise instead of counter-clockwise, could
musical instrument and activated if the object is played in also trigger this trap.
a specific area. Or the trigger could be activated by failing
to play the instrument. Other sounds, like speaking or WRONG COMBINATION
smashing rocks together, could also be triggers. Combinations can be used for almost anything. They can lock
Countermeasures. If mundane, a successful Wisdom doors or chests, lower bridges, activate portals. Inputs could
(Perception) check reveals the trigger and a successful be nearly anything as well, such as pulling on chains, ropes,
Intelligence (History) check gives insight to the required levers, pushing buttons, using particular spell components
sound. If magic, a successful Wisdom (Perception) check, in a certain order, spelling a word backward, or even doing
Intelligence (Arcana) check, or casting detect magic reveals dance steps. The important thing is to consider what correct
the nature of the trigger. A successful Intelligence (Arcana) combination the trap engineer decided on, why they decided
check or dispel magic disables it. on that combination, and why they determined that someone
should be seriously penalized for getting it wrong.
OPEN/CLOSE BOOK In the event that someone who knows the combination
Opening or closing a particular book triggers the trap. is held hostage and forced to enter it, entering the wrong
A creature examining a massive tome on a pedestal or combination might give them the upper hand. If the trap’s
opening a dusty old book they found on a bookshelf can effect targets the creature entering the combination, the
activate this trigger. hostage could position themselves in such a way as to avoid
the attack, harm their captors and attempt an escape.
Removing a particular object from a certain area triggers the COMBO-PUZZLES
trap. This can be as specific as removing a gem from its ring
or as broad as removing a treasure horde from a dungeon. When it comes to solving combination
puzzles,characters should never be faced with a
STEP INTO LIGHT/DARKNESS combination that they could not know by the time they
Moving from light into darkness, darkness into light, reach it. You could place hints along the way, hide the
breaking a beam of light, casting a shadow onto a particular combination in the room, or use an NPC to tell them
surface, or standing between a light source and an object
the answer cryptically, etc. Just remember that barring
triggers the trap.
progress with a combination that the characters have
Countermeasures. If mundane, a successful Wisdom
no way of knowing is frustrating. Arbitrarily pushing
(Perception) check reveals the trigger and a successful
Dexterity (Acrobatics or Stealth) check bypasses it. If magical, buttons or pulling ropes isn’t fun, especially if the
a successful Wisdom (Perception), Intelligence (Arcana) characters are being punished with traps for each
check, or casting detect magic reveals the trigger. A successful failure.
Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic disables it.
Depending on the nature of the trigger, spells like daylight
or darkness could also serve to disable either a magical or
mundane version.

Touching a particular object triggers the trap. There may
be parameters that determine who or what may or may not
touch the object. These criteria can be as broad or specific as
necessary, including race, alignment, gender, spellcasting
ability, religious affiliation, or class. Wearing gloves or using
something else to touch the object might bypass the trigger
instead of disabling it.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 117

Magic Triggers ACTIVATE RUNE
Something that couldn’t be achieved by a mechanical A rune of detection can be activated by simple proximity or it
process, such as determining when a creature of a specific can have more nuanced activation criteria. The rune may be
race enters a room, is probably a magic trigger. Magic invisible or out in the open. What the rune does may or may
triggers are often glyphs or runes of some kind, scribed not be readily apparent; it may even be beneficial. Whatever
onto the surface of a wall or object near the trapped area. effect it has, activating the rune still triggers the trap.
They can also be crystals, orbs, plants, suits of armor, or
Countermeasures. A rune of detection can be found with
something easy to hide in the area. When creating a trap
a successful Wisdom (Perception) check or with detect
with a magic trigger, it’s usually better to have some object
magic. Once found, it can be disabled with dispel magic or a
or glyph as the trigger since that gives a fixed point for
successful Intelligence (Arcana) check.
determining range and other parameters of the effect.
Unless otherwise noted, a successful Wisdom (Perception) BRING OBJECT
check or casting detect magic reveals a magic trigger. Magic Bringing a specific object or type of object to or past a
triggers can also be found with an Intelligence (Arcana) certain point or area triggers the trap. The object could be
check, but this represents a creature recognizing an object or something found in the same area as the trap, or something
area from their knowledge of magic; it’s not a replacement that was brought from further away. This trigger could also
for detect magic. A successful Intelligence (Arcana) check or a be a broad enchantment that triggers if a type of item enters
successful dispel magic cast on the trigger disables it. the area such as a weapon, or a set of thieves’ tools.
Detect Magic. Finding magic traps with detect magic is usually
pretty straightforward, but the spell doesn’t reveal the CAST SPELL
nature of the trigger or what countermeasures might be Casting a spell triggers the trap. The trigger may require a
necessary. Detect magic can also be blocked by 1 foot of stone, specific spell, or any spell from a specific school of magic, or
1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of any spell at all. This type of trigger is especially effective in
wood or dirt. In most cases, triggers are abjuration effects. areas or chambers where creatures are likely to be attacked
Dispel Magic. Magic traps of 3rd level or lower are and will cast spells during combat.
automatically disabled by detect magic. For magic triggers of
4th level or higher, the DC required is 10 + the spell’s level COMMAND WORD
(or the trigger’s spell level equivalent). Using anything that requires a command word triggers the
The table below shows recommended spell levels for magic trap. Creatures can use magic weapons, armor, potions,
traps based on character level and trap lethality. You can use scrolls, and similar items that don't rely on command words
this table to determine the spell level of the trigger for detect with no risk, unless those items have extra powers that are
magic and it’s DC for dispel magic. triggered on command.




Bringing a corpse into an area triggers the trap. The trigger


might only activate if the corpse is of a creature from a

specific race or type.

1-4 Cantrip Cantrip 1st 1st 2nd CREATURE DETECTOR

5-8 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th A creature of a certain type or with certain qualities entering
the detector’s range triggers the trap. Such qualities can
9-12 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th include type, race, class, alignment, age, or gender. This is
13-16 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th especially useful for organizations made up of a particular
race and alignment, such as a cult of evil elves. They might
17-20 7th 8th 9th 9th 9th set up the trigger to activate if it detects a creature of any
other race and alignment.

The presence of an active detect magic spell within a certain
area, whether cast in that area or active already, triggers the
trap. This is a good trigger to combine with other triggers,
especially in an area where detect magic would usually see use,
like a treasure vault. Note that detect magic will reveal this
trigger, but it will also set off the trap.

118 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Unsheathing a weapon within a specified area triggers the
The wizard was invisible and down to his last spell.
trap. Carrying the specific weapon out and ready for use into
the area can also trigger the trap. Drawing the weapon out of After the rest of his companions had been killed and
an object (anvil, stone, block of wood, etc.) or removing it from their bodies thrown into the basilisk pit, the cultists
being submerged in something could also trigger the trap. resumed the ritual. What the high priest had failed to
notice was that his precious snake-tooth dagger was
FAIL TO SPEAK PASSWORD not the genuine article. In the commotion, the wizard
Failure to speak a certain password within a predetermined had swiped it with mage hand, replacing the real dagger
amount of time triggers the trap. Another trap trigger
with a simple one enhanced by an illusion. The priest
such as a pressure plate, tripwire, lever, or button might
be rendered safe by uttering a special word or phrase. The raised the dagger over his head as the ritual reached
trigger could be deactivated only for a short time or only its climax, then plunged it into the heart of his victim.
for the person who said the password. The password can Suddenly the room began to shake. For a moment the
be hidden somewhere in the room, revealed by a puzzle, or cultists thought they had succeeded in summoning the
hinted at in legends or rumors. great serpent from his slumber, but as the ceiling began
INSULT IDOL to collapse, the priest knew that something was terribly
wrong. The cultists tried to run, but a massive stone fell
Doing something that would be insulting or distasteful to a
and blocked their escape. The wizard dodged boulder
deity or otherworldly being while in the presence of an effigy
or representation of it triggers the trap. Desecrating an idol or after boulder and just as there was nowhere left to go, he
blaspheming against a deity in its shrine might trigger a trap. cast teleport to make his escape.
Ignoring an idol or failing to present an offering may also be
considered an insult and trigger the trap.
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check,
Placing an offering in a vessel triggers the trap.
Intelligence (Arcana) or (Religion) check, or casting detect
Alternatively, the trigger may be activated if the wrong
magic reveals the nature of the trigger. Another successful
offering is given, if no offering is given, or if existing
Intelligence (Arcana) check or a successful dispel magic cast on
offerings are taken from the vessel. Vessels may be plates,
the idol disables it.
vases, wishing wells, fountains, bowls, baskets or any other
Performing specific rites or obeisances can bypass the trap container capable of receiving items.
as well.
Offerings are typically coins, precious metals, gems, magic
LOOK INTO items or anything of value, though the specifics of what is
needed can vary greatly and could certainly be odd, strange,
Looking into an object, opening, or material triggers the or even humorous. Offerings can also be ephemeral things
trap. A magic mirror could trap the viewer or swap them like a memory or a story instead of physical objects.
for an evil twin. Looking into a pool of water could cause
a creature to become charmed. A creature looking into the Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception) check or
eyes of a portrait or the jeweled eyes of a statue could be Intelligence (Religion) check reveals the nature of the trigger.
possessed or charmed. Alternatively, simply seeing the A successful dispel magic cast on the trigger disables it.
reflection of a rune or glyph in a mirror may be enough to Giving the correct offering or leaving existing offerings as
trigger a trap. they are bypasses the trap.

Killing a creature in a specific area or way triggers the trap.
Alternatively, sacrificing the wrong creature, or performing
the sacrifice incorrectly, triggers the trap.
Countermeasures. A successful Wisdom (Perception)
check, Intelligence (Arcana, History, or Religion) check, or
casting detect magic reveals the nature of the trigger. Another
successful Intelligence (Arcana) check or a successful dispel
magic cast on the trigger disables it.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 119

Moving into or through an area triggers the trap. This could Uttering a particular word or phrase in the area triggers
be triggered by anyone, or only by creatures that meet the trap. The trigger word or phrase might be something
certain criteria (such as “good-aligned creatures,” “elves,” or common that creatures are likely to speak without
“anyone who isn’t a goblin”). prompting, or it could be found on a nearby surface in an
attempt to trick them into saying it aloud.
DO NOT PASS THE SEAL A successful Wisdom (Insight) check or Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals any clues in the area or helps
The characters enter a large room with multiple exits on creatures to deduce what the trigger word might be.
the near side and a beautifully decorated dragon shrine
on the far side. On the floor, in the exact center of the SPILL BLOOD
room, is a beautiful mosaic seal of a dragon with ruby The spilling of blood within the area triggers the trap.
eyes and outstretched wings. Referring to his books, Alternatively, the enchantment could be placed on a weapon
or powerful artifact that the characters will use in combat.
the wizard finds a passage about the shrine. “Only the
worthy may approach.” he reads. Hearing this, the This trigger is especially effective when used in an area
paladin, self-righteous and bombastic, strides forward where a fight is likely to break out. It also fits as a deterrent
if used in a place focused on peace, where the overseers
across the seal to approach the shrine. Suddenly, the
might openly inform guests as to what will happen (or
entire room begins to shake and rumble. The wizard perhaps just that something will happen) if blood is spilled.
turns to the fighter, saying “he is not worthy…”
PASS THRESHOLD A creature being unconscious in a particular area triggers
the trap. This area can be a single room, a collection of
Crossing the threshold of a door, entryway, exit, or archway rooms, or an entire dungeon.
triggers the trap. The trigger could be part of the doorway
itself, of just part of the transition from one area to another.


A powerful necromancer has filled his labyrinth with
undead minions, and set alarm traps at every major
junction. The characters watch the undead minions
pass through the main corridor and formulate a plan.
Waiting for the most opportune moment, they spring
into action, making a break for it through the main
corridor. To their dismay they immediately set off a
series of bells, chimes, and gongs. Wave after wave of
undead minions attack the puzzled group, who had no
idea that the necromancer’s traps were set to only detect
living creatures.

Creating light or darkness within a certain area triggers the
trap. Magical or non-magical means of creating light or
darkness can both trigger the trap.

When a creature reads aloud certain writing it triggers the
trap. The writing may be in a book or scroll, carved above a
doorway, or etched into the blade of a sword.

120 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

These are the parts of the trap that eviscerate, immolate, surprise and makes some countermeasures less effective or
maim, poison, puncture and otherwise really mess up even more dangerous.
creatures. That is, unless they find ways to avoid them. Effects can be magic or mundane, depending on what works
Effects can be used in many clever ways. Consider placing best for the trap and the nature of the effect. A Ring of
an effect so that it targets someone other than the creature Flame effect may be a flammable liquid, or it could be a wall
who triggered the trap. Whether it's a pit that opens 15 feet of flame spell. A set of spears thrusting out from the passage
behind a pressure plate or a flame jet that engulfs every wall could be as simple as it sounds, or they could be an
portion of a room except the 5-foot space containing a chest, illusion that deals psychic damage. Always think about the
shifting the effect away from the trigger provides a nasty setting and what fits your campaign.

Trap Effect Reference Tables

For trap effects that deal damage, use the tables below to determine the outcome based on character level and trap severity.
This damage may be dealt in one round, or it may be dealt over multiple rounds.
Not all traps use a d10 damage die; that’s just a baseline average for how much damage the effect should deal. For example,
if several darts shoot at a level 10 character, and the trap is dangerous, the attack should deal around 49 damage on average.
This means if each dart is dealing 1d4 damage, there will be around 20 darts involved in this one trap.


Use these values if the trap is making attack rolls against creatures or for any ability checks or saving throws the trap requires.

Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

Attack Bonus +5 +6 +8 +10 +12
DC 10 12 15 17 20


The table below shows recommended average damage amounts based on traps that only target a single creature.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 5 (1d10) 11 (2d10) 16 (3d10) 22 (4d10) 27 (5d10)
5-8 11 (2d10) 22 (4d10) 33 (6d10) 44 (8d10) 55 (10d10)
9-12 16 (3d10) 33 (6d10) 49 (9d10) 66 (12d10) 82 (12d10)
13-16 22 (4d10) 44 (8d10) 66 (12d10) 88 (16d10) 110 (20d10)
17-20 27 (5d10) 55 (10d10) 82 (15d10) 110 (20d10) 137 (25d10)


The table below shows recommended average damage amounts for a trap that targets more than one creature.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 3 (1d6) 7 (2d6) 10 (3d6) 14 (4d6) 17 (5d6)
5-8 7 (2d6) 14 (4d6) 21 (6d6) 28 (8d6) 35 (10d6)
9-12 10 (3d6) 21 (6d6) 31 (9d6) 42 (12d6) 52 (15d6)
13-16 14 (4d6) 28 (8d6) 42 (12d6) 56 (16d6) 70 (20d6)
17-20 17 (5d6) 35 (10d6) 52 (15d6) 70 (20d6) 87 (25d6)

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 121

All magic traps have a spell-like effect of some kind. Use the table below to determine the spell level for the trap, which may
be important for spells like dispel magic.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 Cantrip Cantrip 1st 1st 2nd
5-8 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
9-12 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
13-16 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
17-20 7th 8th 9th 9th + 3rd 9th + 5th

If the effect releases or summons creatures, use the table below to determine the CR of the creatures and how many the trap
can create. This table is just a general guideline; feel free to adjust the trap depending on your needs.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 Two CR 1/8 Two CR 1/4 Four CR 1/8 Four CR 1/4 Two CR 1/2
5-8 Four CR 1/2 Eight CR 1/4 One CR 2 Two CR 2 One CR 5
9-12 Eight CR 1/4 One CR 2 Two CR 2 One CR 5 One CR 6
13-16 One CR 2 One CR 5 One CR 6 Four CR 2 Two CR 5
17-20 Two CR 5 Two CR 6 Three CR 5 Three CR 6 One CR 7

Most effects have an instantaneous effect; they deal damage or drop a creature into a pit. But some traps, especially magical
ones, have spell effects with a duration. If the duration isn’t specified in its description, use the table below to determine the
length of the duration, based on character level and severity of the trap.
In most cases, a trap effect with a set duration can be removed with a spell like dispel magic, remove curse, lesser restoration,
greater restoration, or more powerful magic. An effect with a permanent duration can only be removed with greater restoration,
or something more powerful like wish. Spells that can remove a trap effect with a duration are listed in their descriptions.

Level Setback Moderate Dangerous Perilous Deadly

1-4 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes
5-8 1 minute 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour
9-12 10 minutes 1 hour 8 hours 8 hours 1 day
13-16 10 minutes 8 hours 8 hours 1 day 1 day
17-20 1 day 1 day permanent permanent permanent

122 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Effect Details BOLTS
A hidden crossbow, or an array of crossbows, is set to fire
Detailed descriptions of each type of effect (mundane, when the trigger is activated. Usually they are carefully hidden
ambiguous, and magic) are provided below. Each effect behind a wall, on the ceiling, or otherwise hidden out of sight.
is presented with a description of how it is intended to
function and some suggestions for how the effect might best Effect. The trap makes one attack roll against a creature in
be used. The effect’s mechanics are listed, explaining how range for each bolt set to fire. The number of bolts should be
the trap affects creatures. enough to deal the trap’s damage based on its severity, and
each bolt deals piercing damage.
Many of these effects refer to creatures within the trap’s area
or within range of the trap. A trap’s specific range or area of Combining this effect with another can produce a trap with
effect is up to you, but should be mostly determined by its flaming bolts that deal additional fire or acid damage.
location and severity. A trap in a 20-foot square room that is
only a setback might just target 1 creature or 1 5-foot square; CAGE
if the trap is perilous it might affect the entire room. A wooden or metal cage drops down onto creatures in the
area, or in some cases walls suddenly spring up from the floor.
Spell Trap Alternatively, creatures could fall into a locking chest or box.
Some ambiguous effects and most magic effects presented Effect. Creatures in the area of the trap must succeed on
below could be a symbol spell or a spell trap version of glyph of a Dexterity saving throw or be trapped in the cage. If the
warding, each of which have specific rules for how its effects cage is merely heavy but has no floor, a successful Strength
resolve. These rules supercede the general rules for trap (Athletics) check will lift it.
effects. A trap effect that could be a glyph of warding or symbol If the cage is locked, a successful Dexterity check while using
is designated with the spell trap trait. thieves’ tools will unlock it.
Spell traps have a more fixed severity than other effects, due
to the level of the stored spell. A spell trap storing prismatic CRUSHING CEILING/WALLS
spray is always going to be at least 7th level spell slot, making The ceiling or walls are designed to slowly crush creatures
at minimum a perilous trap for 13th-16th level characters. to death. Once the surfaces reach a creature’s space, they
To allow for more flexibility, we’ve provided two versions of start to take damage. This effect can be used in most indoor
effects with the spell trap trait; one that is a glyph of warding spaces, such as rooms or corridors, and often includes a
(spell trap) and one that isn’t. You can use whichever version barrier to prevent escape.
best suits your needs. The trap’s speed is variable; at the speed listed below, it takes
1 minute (10 rounds) to move 10 feet. If the ceiling starts
Mundane Effects at 10 feet up, it will reach most Medium creatures within 5
Similar to their trigger counterparts, mundane effects are rounds. If you decide to alter the speed, make sure that the
primarily mechanical or, at the very least, lacking any magical characters have time to attempt to stop or avoid the walls.
component. Any locomotion is due to machinery, gravity, or This effect also works wondrously in terms of dramatic
naturally generated exertion (such as a goblin riding a bicycle tension. The walls are a natural countdown, and combining
in order to power a rotating pinwheel of death). this with descriptions of sounds as the space closes can be
incredibly engaging.
Effect. The moving surfaces move at a rate of 1 foot per
A barrier can be a portcullis, a stone slab, wooden timbers, round at the end of the initiative order. Once the surface
or other device designed to block a passageway. A barrier can reaches a creature’s space, they take 1d10 bludgeoning
also be placed cleverly as a way to split up groups of creatures. damage. If the surface is still moving on the next turn, the
Effect. Once triggered, any creatures in the path of the creature is restrained and takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage.
barrier must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature that A third round spent being crushed inflicts 4d10 bludgeoning
fails takes full damage from the trap (usually bludgeoning), damage, the fourth and every round thereafter inflicts 10d10
or only half damage on a success. bludgeoning damage until the surface retracts.
Possible ways to get past the barrier might include a Most traps of this kind are designed to retract once they
successful Strength (Athletics) check to lift or catch the reach the opposite wall or floor.
barrier or a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check to
determine how or if it can be dismantled.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 123

Drops are like pastries; they come in many shapes, sizes,
DARTS and fillings. A big open pit is easy to spot, but stepping on
Darts shoot out of the walls, floor, or ceiling at a nearby a pressure plate that causes the floor to collapse is hard
area. The darts may be smeared with some sort of poison or to avoid. Concealing a pit with a tarp, trapdoor, debris, or
enchanted in some way. magical illusion is also highly effective.
Effect. Each creature in the trap’s area must make a Dexterity What happens once a creature reaches the bottom of a
saving throw. A creature that fails takes full piercing damage drop depends on how far they fell. Most drops deal 1d6
from the trap, or half as much on a succes. bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen (maximum 20d6). If
If the darts are poisoned, creatures that fail their Dexterity creatures fall into water or if they drop into a slanted chute
saving throw must make a Constitution saving throw or be that slows their fall they might take half the damage or
reduce the effective fall distance.
poisoned for 1 minute.
Remember that creatures always land prone when they
DROP fall, unless they have a way to negate the damage from the
Creatures drop into a deep pit with sheer sides dug into the fall. That could be from a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
ground or floor. The pit could be empty, spiked, filled with (Acrobatics) check against the trap effect’s DC, although that
water, an entry to lower floor or area, or the lair of a monster. might not be possible for all drops.

Effect. Creatures standing over the drop when the trap For a drop with more variety, roll a d10 and consult the
is triggered must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a table below. Except for the Drop Into Teleporter version,
successful save, a creature is able to grab onto the edge of these drops can be either magic or mundane. The maximum
the pit. On a failed save, a creature falls into the pit and takes damage of this drop is determined by the trap’s lethality,
bludgeoning damage from the fall. Climbing out of a pit which also sets the maximum depth of the drop.
usually takes a successful Strength (Athletics) check.

Type of
d10 Effect
1 Empty Creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fall.
2 Spiked Creatures take 1d6 damage for every 10 feet they fall; half of this damage is bludgeoning and half is piercing.
Creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fall after the first 20 feet. A creature in the
3 Into water water can keep it’s head clear for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution score. After that time,
the creature starts to suffocate.
Creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fall, or half that damage if the fall ends in
Into lower
4 a ramp or slide to ease the landing. The creatures are now in a deeper area or a lower floor than they were
previously on.
Creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fall, or half that damage if the fall ends in
5 Into lair
a ramp or slide to ease the landing. The creatures are now in the lair of a monster.
Creatures take 1d6 damage for every 10 feet they fall; half of this damage is bludgeoning and half is acid.
For a more challenging drop, the acid can corrode metal. Any nonmagical weapon or armor that is made
of metal that a character is wearing or holding that touches the acid begins to corrode. At the start of
each turn in the pit, the following occurs: A weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to
6 Acid
damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of
metal that touches the acid is destroyed after dealing damage. Armour or shields take a permanent and
cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armour reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0
bonus is destroyed.
7 Fire Creatures take 1d6 damage for every 10 feet they fall; half of this damage is bludgeoning and half is fire.
8 Hidden The trap’s trigger gains the difficult trait.
Creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fall. After a creature falls into the pit, the
cover snaps shut to trap its victim inside. A successful Strength check is necessary to pry the cover open.
9 Locking The cover can also be smashed open. A creature in the pit can also attempt to disable the spring
mechanism from the inside with a Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, provided that the mechanism is
in its reach and the creature can see it.
Creatures that fall into the pit are teleported to another location of the trap designer’s choosing.
10 Teleporting Depending on how the trap is arranged, a creature could take damage from a fall when they arrive in the
new location.

124 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Small objects such as ball-bearings or caltrops scatter and
DOUBLE SURPRISE remain on the ground after hitting their initial target. Ball-
bearings usually cover a level, square area that is 10 feet
The rogue returned from her scouting mission to report
on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must
that three rooms ahead there was a small group of succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A
goblins on guard duty within a large chamber. They creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need
shouldn’t put up much resistance, so the barbarian ran to make the save.
in swinging, followed by the fighter and the bard, but the Caltrops usually cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side.
rogue and wizard held back to guard the corridor. The Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15
barbarian’s heroic slaughter was cut short when the first Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1
goblin head was sliced clean off and the floor suddenly piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature’s
walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1
fell out from under their feet. The three heroes along
hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed
with the remaining goblins fell thirty feet down into a doesn’t need to make the save.
pit with a dirt floor littered with bones, broken weapons,
A vessel could be caught to prevent it’s contents from
and shredded armor. The rogue and wizard stood helpless
spilling. To catch the vessel, a creature (typically the one who
at the doorway, looking down into the pit. A low pitched triggered the trap) must make a successful Dexterity save or
rumble turned into a roar as their companions regained a successful Strength (Athletics) check.
their footing and prepared for a real fight.
Sand or gravel pours into a small area. Unless the space is
FALLING OBJECTS extremely small, or the volume of sand is massive, this trap
Objects are positioned in a high place, ready to fall on takes five or more rounds to complete.
a creature that triggers the trap. The ceiling or columns
Effect. Creatures in the area must make successful Dexterity
holding up the ceiling collapse and send heavy bricks or
saving throws at the beginning of their turns to stay atop the
stone pieces falling to the floor. This effect is especially
sand. The save DC starts at the base DC for the trap’s severity
powerful as part of the final encounter in a dungeon, adding
and increases by 2 at the end of each round.
to the drama and tension of the scene.
A creature that fails one saving throw is buried up to their
Effect. Creatures in the area of the trap must make a
knees and restrained. On their next saving throw, if the
Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails takes full
creature succeeds they dig themselves out and are no longer
bludgeoning damage from the trap, or half as much on a
restrained; if they fail they are buried waist-deep and
success. Multiple saving throws may be necessary depending
remain restrained.
on the size of the area and how far creatures must move to
get to safety. A creature buried waist-deep must make a Strength saving
throw at the beginning of their turn; if they succeed they dig
FALLING/TIPPING VESSEL themselves free of the sand and if they fail they are buried to
A falling or tipping vessel might be a jug, bowl, or barrel. the neck and immobilized. On their next turn, the creature is
Inside might be a combustible substance like oil or high- completely buried and starts suffocating.
proof alcohol, or something immediately harmful such as As an action, a creature can dig out another creature with
burning acid or a poisonous powder. a successful Strength (Athletics) check against the current
Effect. The contents of the vessel are emptied onto a creature or save DC of the trap. Spells like freedom of movement or
into an area. Avoiding a falling object and its contents always movement modes like burrow can also allow creatures to
requires a successful Dexterity saving throw. Dealing with the freely move through the sand.
vessel’s contents depends on the nature of what’s inside.
Splashing liquids can reach nearby creatures, who can avoid
being splashed with a successful Dexterity saving throw.
Fine powders create a cloud which lingers in the area for a
time, which can create a lightly or heavily obscured area. If
the powder is poisonous, creatures in the area must make a
Constitution saving. A creature that fails takes full poison
damage from the trap, or half as much on a success.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 125

Effect. The trap releases a net onto creatures in its area,
IMPALING SPIKES who must make Dexterity saving throws. A creature that
A surface such as a ceiling or wall is covered in spikes and fails is trapped under the net and restrained, and creatures
moves until it reaches another surface, impaling creatures that succeed avoid the net. A creature restrained by the net
caught in the middle. The trap’s speed is variable and the can use its action to make a Strength check, freeing itself or
space between the spikes and opposite wall determines the another creature within its reach on a success.
time available for creatures to react to the trap.
The net has AC 10 and 20 hit points. Dealing 5 slashing
The spikes stick 5 feet out from the wall, so remember damage to the net (AC 10) destroys a 5-foot-square section of
to give characters time to avoid or stop the spikes. If the it, freeing any creature trapped in that section. If the net has
space is a 10-foot room, and the spikes occupy 5 feet of harmful elements worked into it (blades, barbs, etc) a creature
that, the characters would start off in immediate danger. If takes half damage from the trap on a failed Strength check to
spikes mounted on a ceiling are smooth, when they retract free itself, or no damage on a successful one.
creatures could slide off and take falling damage as normal.
Effect. The impaling spikes move at a rate of 1 foot per round, RELEASE CREATURES
always at the end of the initiative order. They keep moving When the trap is triggered, it releases a creature from a cage
until the spikes touch the opposite surface, at which point or from another chamber. Usually this kind of trap releases
they retract. When the spikes enter a creature’s space, it must a vicious beast ready to attack. However, this could release a
make a Dexterity saving throw. If the creature succeeds they captive for the characters to slay so the captor doesn’t have
take half damage from the trap, otherwise the creature takes to. This could be for convenience, or as an insidious trick.
the trap’s full damage and is restrained by being impaled on
Effect. The trap releases one or more creatures into the area
the spikes. Spikes generally deal piercing damage but they
and they act according to their nature and disposition. See
could be coated with poison or enchanted as well.
the Creatures table above for suggestions on how many
A creature impaled by spikes can free themselves with a creatures the trap can release and what CR they should be.
Constitution (Athletics) check but not until there is room
If the creatures live in the trapped area, they generally won’t
equivalent to their size available in front of the spikes.
leave it and just attack intruders. But if the creatures were
Another creature can free an impaled creature with a
imprisoned, they might be more focused on escape.
successful Strength (Medicine) check, as long as there is
room. Once the spikes reach the opposite surface, they ROLLING BOULDER
retract and return to their starting point, releasing any
impaled creatures. A massive boulder rolls toward creatures in the area,
crushing any who don’t move fast enough. Where the
NEEDLE boulder starts and how fast it moves determines how much
time creatures have to outrun the boulder. An effective use
Needles are often used in small mechanisms that require
of this trap is if the boulder is easy to outrun but another
the target to have bare hands to manipulate, such as locks or
danger lies ahead, like deep chasm. A rolling boulder coming
clockwork devices.
from behind is a good way to force creatures to run blindly
Effect. Needles don’t do any damage on their own, so they into unexplored hallways where more dangers await.
are usually coated in poison, requiring the triggering
Effect. When the trap is activated, all creatures present roll
creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
initiative as the sphere is released. The sphere rolls initiative
the creature takes full poison damage from the trap, or half
with a +8 bonus. On its turn, it moves 60 feet in a straight line.
damage on a success. Needles can be hollow and deliver
The sphere can move through creatures’ spaces, and creatures
some other kind of payload, or enchanted to deal fire or ice
can move through its space, treating it as difficult terrain.
damage instead of poison.
Whenever the sphere enters a creature’s space or a creature
NET enters its space while it’s rolling, that creature must succeed
on a Dexterity saving throw or take bludgeoning damage
A net falls on creatures, either from above or shot from a
and be knocked prone. The sphere stops when it hits a wall
wall. Most nets are made of hemp or silk rope, but some may
or similar barrier. It can’t go around corners, but smart
be made from much tougher materials such as braided rope,
dungeon builders incorporate gentle, curving turns into
chain, or even wire. Nets of rope can carry strong fumes that
nearby passages that allow the sphere to keep moving.
could knock a creature out if it fails a Constitution saving
throw, leaving it waiting and vulnerable. As an action, a creature within 5 feet of the sphere can
attempt to slow it down with a DC 20 Strength check. On a
successful check, the sphere’s speed is reduced by 15 feet.
If the sphere’s speed drops to 0, it stops moving and is no
longer a threat.

126 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

A single curved blade or multiple curved blades are This effect covers spikes attached to a fixed surface, which
concealed in the walls, floor, or ceiling. When the trigger is can be almost anything. Possibilities include part of or the
activated, the blades swing out to strike creatures. entirety of a floor, wall, or ceiling, compartments within
Effect. Each creature in the area makes a Dexterity saving stairs, a wooden block, inside a bowl of punch, etc. If a
throw to evade the attack. Creatures take full slashing creature could step on it, run into it, be pushed into it, or
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful otherwise come into contact with it, it can be spiked.
one. On a failed save a creature is also restrained as they are Effect. When a creature moves or is shoved into the spikes
pinned against the opposite wall by the blades. it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes
A creature restrained by the blades can free themselves with full piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a
a Constitution (Athletics) check or another creature can free successful one.
them with a Strength (Medicine) check.
SNARE The spring floor either launches creatures straight up into
A snare can hold a creature in place, hoist a creature into the the ceiling, or into some other effects such as a pit, scything
air, or drag them into harm’s way. A snare can be made from blades, etc.
various materials such as rope or vine, which can be cut, or it Effect. A creature in the trap’s area must make a Dexterity
could be a mechanical device like a bear trap. saving throw or be launched upwards. Creatures that hit
Effect. The triggering creature must succeed on a Dexterity a ceiling or object take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every
saving throw or be restrained until it is freed. If the trap 10 feet traveled (max 20d6). Creatures that fall back to the
is designed to deal damage when activated, it occurs ground take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they
immediately. Snares generally deal either bludgeoning fall (max 20d6) and land prone, unless they avoid damage
or piercing damage. A successful Strength (Athletics) or a from the fall.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools frees the creature.
Snares can be designed to further damage a struggling
An object attached to a rigid structure (such as a wooden
victim; a successful Strength (Medicine) or Constitution
or metal rod or beam) or flexible line (such as a rope or
(Athletics) check lets a creature avoid further damage if they
chain) swings down from above, into the creatures’ path.
fail an attempt to escape this kind of snare.
Containers filled with flammable liquid, or poisonous
SPEARS powders, or an object with spikes on it can all be attached to
the swinging line.
Spears thrust out from the walls, floor, or ceiling at creatures
or into a nearby area. A spear head may be barbed to restrain Effect. The trap makes an attack against one creature it could
the target. Depending on the level and severity of the trap, hit, unless the object is very large and could hit multiple
there may be multiple spears. Use the appropriate damage creatures. Usually the object deals bludgeoning damage,
and average on a 1d6 roll to determine how many spear but can just as easily be piercing if the object has spikes, or
attacks to use. For example if the trap is a level 9-12 Setback slashing if it is a wide blade.
with an average of 16 damage, and a 1d6 deals an average of
4 damage, divide 16 by 4 to come up with 4 spear attacks.
Effect. The trap makes one attack roll against creatures in the
area for every spear that’s activated, dealing piercing damage
on a hit. If the spears are barbed, a target wearing cloth or
leather armor is skewered and restrained on a hit. Creatures
restrained by spears can make Constitution (Athletics) checks
to free themselves, taking half damage from the trap if they
fail. Other creatures can free those restrained by the spears
with a Strength (Medicine) check, again dealing half damage
to the restrained creature if they fail.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 127

Ambiguous Effects ANIMATED OBJECT
Ambiguous effects can vary widely and could be either Nearby inanimate objects unexpectedly spring to life, either
magical in origin or some sort of natural phenomenon. A pit with a spell like animate objects or with elaborate clockwork
could be filled with magically sustained fire, or be situated mechanisms. By default, objects animate with orders to
on a geothermal vent. A water blast could be a magically attack anyone they see, but they could be ordered to simply
conjured jet of water, or a geyser. prevent entry within an area, or might not attack a creature
bearing a certain token or object.
Other orders for the objects could include removing creatures’
Acid or slime in liquid or ooze form sprays onto creatures. gear, herding them in a particular direction, keeping them
Slime could be highly flammable, poisonous, suffocating, from leaving an area, serving them food and drink, bathing
or slick. them, singing an amusing musical number, cutting the
Effect. The particulars of this effect depend on the acid or supports of a rope bridge, or assembling the pieces of a golem.
slime itself. An acid effect could be an actual ooze creature, Effect. Whether animated with magic or mechanisms,
like a black pudding, or a spray of caustic chemicals. animated objects have game statistics based on their size as
If the trap sprays a jet of acid, creatures in the trap’s area per the animate objects spell. The object’s hit points and damage
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking full acid damage might be different due to its material; a suit of armor may have
from the trap on a failure or half damage on a success. more hit points than a piece of furniture. The objects, once
animated, immediately execute the order that was set for them.
Slime can be flammable or slippery, making creatures in
the area vulnerable to fire damage or have to succeed on a Objects remain animate for 1 minute or until reduced to 0 hit
Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling prone. Slime could also points. If the objects were animated with magic, a successful
deal poison damage; creatures affected by such a trap must dispel magic returns the objects to normal.
make a Dexterity saving throw. They take full poison damage
from the trap on a failed save, or half as much on a success. BLINDNESS
Creatures that fail a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the A flash of extremely bright light or a wave of darkness
slime could start suffocating instead of taking damage, blinds any creatures in the area. This trap is most effective
depending on the viscosity of the slime. when coupled with an immediate attack by other elements
of the trap, hostile creatures, or some other danger that can
ADHESIVE take advantage of the blindness.
When triggered, the trap applies an adhesive to creatures. Effect (Spell Trap). Creatures in the trap’s area must succeed
The adhesive may take the form of a slime that bubbles out on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for a duration
of the floor, a layer of glue hidden under a trapdoor, or an set by the trap’s lethality. Creatures can attempt another
ooze that drips from the ceiling. An interesting situation Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns
can occur if there is a chance that escape may mean leaving if in combat, or at the end of each minute. On a successful
boots, clothes, or other equipment behind, permanently save, this effect ends for that creature. You can adjust the
stuck in the fast-acting glue. interval between saving throws as needed.
Effect. If the trap releases the glue onto creatures, it makes If this effect is magical in nature, it can be dispelled with
an attack roll to hit them. Otherwise, creatures in the trap’s dispel magic, or ended with remove curse or lesser restoration.
area or creatures that enter the area make Dexterity saving This effect can also create darkness that fills a 15-foot-
throws. A creature hit by the trap or that fails their saving radius sphere around the triggering creature or an object.
throw is restrained. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with
If restrained by the glue, a creature can pull themselves darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and non-magical
free with a successful Strength (Athletics) check against the light can’t illuminate it.
traps’ DC. One creature can pull another out of the glue with The darkness emanates from the triggering creature or
the same check if they are adjacent to each other. object and moves with it. Completely covering an object
with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the
darkness. If any of this effect’s area overlaps with an area of
light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that
created the light is dispelled.
As a spell trap (2nd level slot), the glyph casts blindness/
deafness or darkness on the triggering creature.

128 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

Thunder Blast. Each creature in a 15-foot cube centered
DEAFNESS on the triggering creature must make a Constitution saving
All creatures in the area go deaf due to a magic effect or an throw. On a failed save, a creature takes full thunder damage
incredibly loud noise. and is pushed 10 feet away from the triggering creature. On a
Effect (Spell Trap). Creatures in the trap’s area must succeed successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and
on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for a duration isn’t pushed.
set by the trap’s lethality. Creatures can attempt another As a spell trap (1st level slot), the glyph casts thunderwave,
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns centered on the triggering creature.
if in combat, or at the end of each minute. On a successful
Water Blast. he trap makes an attack roll against a creature
save, this effect ends for that creature. You can adjust the
it can affect. If it hits, the trap deals bludgeoning damage
interval between saving throws as needed.
and the creature must make a Strength saving throw or be
If this effect is magical in nature, it can be dispelled with pushed 10 feet away from the trap.
dispel magic, or ended with remove curse or lesser restoration.
As a spell trap (2nd level slot), the glyph casts blindness/ EXHAUSTION
deafness on the triggering creature. Creatures in the area begin to suffer from exhaustion due
to extremes of temperature or a magical enchantment. The
ELEMENTAL BLAST longer they linger, the more levels of exhaustion they endure.
A sudden eruption of fire, lightning, cold, thunder, water, or Effect. Creatures in the trap’s area must succeed on a
other elemental force hits creatures in the trap’s area. Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
Effect (Spell Trap). This effect can have many variations, Creatures can attempt another Constitution saving throw at
depending on the type of energy or element. It can either the end of each of their turns if in combat, or at the end of each
make an attack roll if it’s targeting a small number of minute. On a successful save, this effect ends for that creature.
creatures, or it can affect an area and creatures must make You can adjust the interval between saving throws as needed.
Dexterity saving throws to avoid it. Some possible options If this effect is magical in nature, it can be dispelled with
for this effect are presented below: dispel magic, or ended greater restoration.
Acid Blast. A burst of acid strikes the triggering creature.
The trap makes a ranged attack and deals acid damage on MOLTEN METAL
a hit, and half the acid damage at the end of the creature’s Trenches or channels in the area fill with molten metal when
next turn. On a miss, the trap splashes the creature with acid the trap is triggered.
for half as much of the initial damage and no damage at the
Effect. Creatures in the trenches when they are flooded,
end of its next turn.
or creatures that touch the molten metal for the first time,
Fire Blast. Creatures affected by the trap must make a must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes full
Dexterity saving throw. They take full fire damage from the fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
trap on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Creatures successful one.
that fail their saving throw continue to burn, taking 1d4 fire
Each creature that ends their turn within 5 feet of a trench
damage at the start of each of their turns. A creature can end
filled with molten metal must succeed on a Constitution
this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity
saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. Creatures wearing
check to extinguish the flames.
heavy armor have disadvantage on their saving throw.
As a spell trap (2nd level slot), the glyph casts scorching ray,
Additionally, when a creature enters a flooded trench,
targeting all three rays at the triggering creature.
it sinks 1d4+1 feet into the metal and is restrained. If a
Lightning Blast. Creatures affected by the trap must make creature is restrained by molten metal at the start of its turn,
a Dexterity saving throw. They take full lightning damage it sinks another 1d4 feet. If the creature isn’t completely
from the trap on a failed save, or half as much on a success. submerged in the molten metal, it can escape as an action
As a spell trap (3rd level slot), the glyph casts lightning bolt, by succeeding on a Strength check. The DC is 10 plus the
aimed at the triggering creature. number of feet the creature has sunk into the molten metal.
A creature that is completely submerged in molten metal
Poison Spray. The triggering creature must make a can’t breathe.
Constitution saving throw, taking full poison damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A creature can pull another creature within its reach out of
the molten metal by using its action and succeeding on the
Strength check. The DC is the same as above, but the creature
helping has advantage.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 129

POISON GAS Magic Effects
The trap triggers an expulsion of poisonous gas into the Traps with magic effects are clearly wondrous in some way.
area. Usually, toxic fumes create a thick cloud with a foul They either initiate spell effects when activated or they are
smell and greenish hue. However, an alternative (and spells such as glyph of warding and symbol that function as traps.
especially lethal) version of this effect employs colorless, Not all magic effects need to be explained by a spell that
odorless gas. already exists already. Magic can do nearly anything, so
Detecting this gas requires a Wisdom (Perception) check you can come up with your own magic effects to best suit
with disadvantage. Creatures that succeed recognize the your needs. To prevent complications though, try and do
subtle signs of danger, such as hearing the hiss of the gas this sparingly and make sure that the effect couldn’t be
filling the area. duplicated with a spell. If you do create a custom effect,
make sure to give it a spell level appropriate to it’s severity
Effect. A 20-foot-radius sphere of poisonous, yellow-green
and school of magic for interactions with spells like detect
fog erupts from a point next to the triggering creature. The
magic and dispel magic.
fog spreads around corners. It lasts for 10 minutes or until
strong wind disperses the fog, ending the spell. Its area is AGING
heavily obscured.
All creatures in the area are magically aged, either older
When a creature enters the fog’s area for the first time on or younger.
a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a
Constitution saving throw. The creature takes full poison Effect (Spell Trap). Creatures in the area must succeed on
damage from the trap on a failed save, or half as much a Constitution saving throw or be magically aged 1d10
damage on a successful one. years. If the roll is even, creatures are made younger; if odd,
creatures become older. The magical aging can be undone
The fog moves 10 feet away from its starting point at the with remove curse or more powerful magic.
start of each round, rolling along the surface of the ground.
The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the lowest level of As a spell trap (3rd level slot), the glyph casts bestow curse on
the land, even pouring down openings. the triggering creature, inflicting the aging described above
as the curse.
The trap triggers a wall of fire that prevents creatures from
leaving the area. This could be a wall of fire spell, or flame A hazy fog fills the mind or creatures in the area, blurring or
jets built into a surface, or a river of magma. As with other blocking memories.
effects the keep creatures in one place, this is most effective Effect. Creatures in the trap’s area must make a Wisdom
when the creatures are simultaneously faced with another saving throw. Those that fail lose a number of days of memory
danger that may be even worse than the flames. based on the trap’s lethality, as shown in the table below.
Effect (Spell Trap). The wall can be up to 60 feet long, 20
feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet Lethality Number of Days Lost
in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall is Setback 2 (1d4)
opaque and lasts for 1 minute, although it can be dispelled
or disabled earlier. When the wall appears, each creature Moderate 3 (1d6)
within its area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a Dangerous 4 (1d8)
failed save, a creature takes the trap’s full fire damage, or
half as much damage on a successful save. Perilous 5 (1d10)
One side of the wall, determined by the trap’s designer, deals Deadly 6 (1d12)
the trap’s fire damage to each creature that ends its turn
A remove curse or greater restoration spell cast on a creature that
within 10 feet of that side of the wall. A creature takes the
lost memories in this way restores that lost time.
same damage when it enters the wall for the first time on a
turn or ends its turn there. The other side of the wall deals
no damage.
If the wall is mundane, a creature that is adjacent to the wall
can make a Constitution check using thieves’ tools to end
this effect.
As a spell trap (4th level slot), the glyph casts a ringed wall
version of wall of fire, centered on the triggering creature.

130 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

The victim(s) of the bewitchment are beset by generally The trap generates a terrifying force such as a haunting
bad luck. figure, an evil cackle, or a low pitched rumbling growl.
Effect. The triggering creatures must succeed on a Charisma Effect (Spell Trap). All creatures that can sense the terrifying
saving throw or be cursed by bad luck. When a cursed force must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
creature enters a new situation or starts a new encounter, frightened. A creature frightened this way must take the
roll a d20 and reference the table below. Dash action and move away from the trap’s area by the safest
This poor luck does not extend to dice rolls, inflict status available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere
effects, confer advantage or disadvantage, or impact combat in to move.
any way. It is intended to impact circumstances, such as extra If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t
guards or a poor first impression with an important NPC. have line of sight to the trap’s area, the creature can make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, this effect ends
d20 Bad Luck for that creature.
1-2 Catastrophic. The circumstance is as bad This effect ends for all creatures if dispelled or after 1 minute.
as it could be. Important NPCs are hostile As a spell trap (3rd level slot), the glyph casts fear on the
or the city watch is on high alert for some triggering creature.
reason. A serious, time-consuming, or
difficult impediment crops up. HEAT METAL
A manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a
3-9 Terrible. The circumstance is much worse
suit of heavy or medium metal armor, worn or wielded by
than it might otherwise be. There are a few the triggering creature glows red-hot.
additional guards, a moderately difficult
Effect. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes
complication, or an unfriendly NPC.
fire damage from the trap, as per its severity. If a creature is
10-19 Unfortunate. The circumstance is slightly holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it,
worse than it might otherwise be. There’s the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
drop the object if it can. If it doesn’t drop the object, it has
only 1 or two guards, an indifferent NPC, or
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until it does so.
a complication that’s easy to overcome.
This effect lasts for 1 minute or until dispelled with dispel magic.
20 Lifted. The cloud of bad luck lifts and the
creature is no longer cursed. INVISIBILITY
At the end of each day, a bewitched creature can make a DC The trap makes some or all objects or creatures in the area
15 Charisma saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for invisible. Depending on the specifics of the trap, it could
that creature. Remove curse or more powerful magic can also only affect weapons, armor, hats, boots, or all objects.
end the bewitchment. Effect. The objects targeted by the trap become invisible.
If a target object is being worn or carried by a creature,
DISPEL MAGIC that creature can make a Constitution saving throw. On a
When triggered, the trap dispels magic on creatures in its successful save, the targeted object doesn’t become invisible.
area. Trap makers often make use of this kind of trap strip If this effect targets a creature, it must make a Constitution
intruders of their protective enchantments. saving throw or become invisible. Anything the creature
Effect (Spell Trap). The trap targets each creature in its area is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the
with dispel magic. The trap uses a spell slot of 3rd level or one target’s person.
determined by its severity, whichever is higher. If the has to This effect lasts for a duration determined by its lethality, or
make a spellcasting ability check to dispel effects of a level until dispelled with dispel magic.
higher than it can automatically end, use its attack bonus as
its spellcasting ability modifier.
As a spell trap (3rd level slot), the glyph casts dispel magic on
the triggering creature.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 131

The trap turns creatures into stone, salt, wood, crystal, or All creatures in the area are held in place. This can be via an
some other solid material. unseen force, or animated ropes or chains. As a simple trap,
Effect (Spell Trap). Creatures in the trap’s area must make a deadly version of this effect might just be very difficult to
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures are break loose. However, as part of a complex trap, this effect
restrained as their flesh begins to harden. On a successful can expose creatures to great danger.
save, the creature isn’t affected. A creature restrained by Effect (Spell Trap). All creatures in the trap’s area must
this effect must make a Constitution saving throw at the succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed. At the
end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against this end of each of its turns, a creature paralyzed by this effect
effect three times, the effect ends for that creature. If it fails can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, this
its save three times, it is turned into a statue of some solid effect ends for that creature.
material and petrified. The successes and failures don’t This effect ends for all creatures if dispelled, either with
need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the creature dispel magic or lesser restoration, or after a period of time
collects three of a kind. determined by the trap’s lethality.
For each affected creature, this effect lasts until dispelled, As a spell trap (2nd level slot), the glyph casts hold person on
either with dispel magic or greater restoration, or after a certain the triggering creature.
amount of time, depending on the effect’s lethality. If a
creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers from SEEMING
similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.
Creatures in the area are cloaked with an illusion, taking on
As a spell trap (6th level slot), the glyph casts flesh to stone on a new appearance determined by the trap creator. This can
the triggering creature. make other creatures they encounter hostile; intruders into
a dwarven vault made to look like orcs will likely be attacked.
Effect. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Charisma
When the trap is triggered, it reanimates one or more dead saving throw or gain a new, illusory appearance. The illusion
creatures in the area to attack, block, or otherwise impede disguises physical appearance as well as clothing, armor,
creatures. This effect requires some way to get a regular weapons, and equipment. It can make each creature seem
supply of dead creatures. 1 foot shorter or taller and appear thin, fat, or in between.
Like the Animate Objects effect, the reanimated creatures The illusory appearance has the same basic arrangement
can be given a general command, such as to guard a of limbs as the target creature. Otherwise, the extent of the
particular chamber or corridor. Otherwise, the creatures illusion is up to the trap designer.
mindlessly attack any other creatures in the area. The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical
This effect could be used with a Corpse trigger; a body is inspection. For example, if the illusion adds a hat to a
brought into the area, and then reanimated when the trap creature’s outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone
goes off. who touches it would feel nothing or would feel the creature’s
Effect. This effect turns piles of bones into skeletons or the head and hair. If the illusion makes a creature appear thinner
corpses of Medium or Small humanoids into zombies. The than it is, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch it
number of creatures created depends on the trap’s lethality, would bump into it while it was seemingly still in midair.
as shown in the Creatures table earlier. If there aren’t A creature can use its action to inspect a target creature and
enough bones or corpses in the trap’s area when it triggers, it make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against the trap DC.
still makes as many creatures as it can. This effect can create If it succeeds, it becomes aware that the target is disguised.
undead of higher CR if it’s severity allows. The effect lasts for the duration determined by the trap’s
Creatures reanimated by this effect stay active until reduced lethality, or until dispelled with dispel magic.
to 0 hit points, or until 24 hours pass, at which point they
crumble to dust. The reanimated creatures will not leave the
trap’s area.

132 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

The suggested course of action can continue for the entire
SLEEP duration of the effect, determined by the trap’s lethality. If
Creatures in the area are magically put to sleep. This effect the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the
can be tailored to only affect only certain races, alignments, effect ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do.
genders, or other such criterion.
Casting dispel magic on a creature affected by the trap ends
Effect (Spell Trap). All creatures in the trap’s area must the effect for that creature.
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or fall asleep.
Creatures put to sleep in this way remain unconscious SUMMON CREATURES
until the effect ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone
When triggered, the trap summons creatures to the area.
uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Undead,
Creatures summoned this way are usually considered
constructs, and creatures that don’t need to sleep aren’t
hostile, but do not necessarily need to be. The summoned
affected by this effect.
creatures can be given a general command, such as to guard
For each affected creature, this effect lasts until ended, either a particular chamber or corridor. Otherwise, the creatures
with dispel magic or remove curse, or until 24 hours pass. only act to defend themselves.
As a spell trap (1st level slot), the glyph casts sleep, centered Effect (Spell Trap). The number of creatures summoned
on and including the triggering creature. depends on the trap’s lethality, as shown in the Creatures
table. Summoned creatures remain until reduced to 0 hit
SPELL EFFECT points, or until an amount of time passes, based on the
The trap is a glyph of warding with a spell stored inside it, or trap’s lethality. The summoned creatures will not leave the
a symbol. When the glyph is triggered, the stored spell is trap’s area.
cast. A glyph of warding can store any spell, except cantrips, As a spell trap (variable level slot), the glyph can cast any of
that targets a single creature or an area. The trap’s severity the conjure spells, such as conjure animals or conjure elemental.
determines the level of spell that the glyph can store.
This effect can also serve as a catch-all for any generically SWAP
magical effect that you want to use but doesn’t exist in a The trap makes a creature magically change places with
specific form as a spell or other ability. Magic can do lots of something else in another location. This exchange could be
different things and this effect can conform to the needs of used to transplant a dangerous creature into the midst of
your story. However, make sure that if you take this route the characters. It can also swap a creature with an object in
you consider how the players will interact with the effect. a dangerous area. The trap could even swap things such as
Assign it a spell level and school of magic, and consider ways minds or personalities.
that creatures can deal with the effect after it happens.
Effect. A target creature must succeed on a Charisma save, or
Effect. If the spell has a target, it targets the creature that instantly switch places with something else. Usually, the swap
triggered the glyph. If the spell affects an area, the area lasts for a duration determined by the trap’s lethality. However,
is centered on that creature. If the spell summons hostile if the swap doesn’t put creatures in immediate danger it can
creatures or creates harmful objects or traps, they appear last for a longer amount of time, or be permanent.
as close as possible to the intruder and attack it. If the spell
If the swap involves non-physical things like personalities,
requires concentration, it lasts until the end of its full duration.
it can be reversed by ending the effect with dispel magic or
remove curse.
The trap implants a course of activity (limited to a sentence
or two) into the minds of creatures in the area and magically
influences them to carry out that idea. The suggestion must
be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action
sound reasonable. A suggestion that makes a creature stab
itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some
other obviously harmful act doesn’t take hold in the target
creature’s mind.
Effect. Target creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw.
On a failed save, it pursues the course of action implanted
by the trap described to the best of its ability. Creatures that
can’t be charmed are immune to this effect.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 133

A transformed creature’s game statistics, including mental
TELEPORT ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the beast it
When the trap is triggered, it teleports creatures elsewhere. transforms into. It retains its alignment and personality.
Creatures don't need to be teleported into immediate danger, The creature assumes the hit points of its new form. When
though that's always a possibility. Just splitting up a group it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the
can be problematic enough. number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it
Effect. All creatures in the trap’s area must succeed on reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess
a Charisma saving throw or be instantly teleported to a damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess
location set by the trap’s designer. damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0 hit
points, it isn’t knocked unconscious.
TRANSMUTATION A transformed creature is limited in the actions it can
When the trap is triggered, it unleashes magic which turns perform by the nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast
one thing into another. spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech.
The creature’s gear melds into the new form. It can’t activate,
Effect (Spell Trap). All creatures in the trap’s area must
use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.
make a Wisdom saving throw. A creature that fails is
transformed into a random beast until the effect ends, they At the end of each of its turns, a creature transformed by
drop to 0 hit points, or they die. This effect doesn’t work on this effect can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a
a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. Use the table success, this effect ends for that creature.
below to determine what beast the creature transforms into. This effect ends for all creatures if dispelled, either with
dispel magic or remove curse, or after a certain amount of time,
d100 Beast d100 Beast depending on the effect’s lethality.
1-2 Ape 51-52 Hawk
As a spell trap (4th level slot), the glyph casts polymorph on
3-4 Axe beak 53-54 Hyena the triggering creature. It can also cast true polymorph, which
5-6 Baboon 55-56 Jackal requires a 9th-level spell slot.
7-8 Badger 57-58 Lion WALL OF FORCE
9-10 Bat 59-60 Lizard An invisible wall of force appears in the area, becoming a
11-12 Black bear 61-62 Mammoth confusing impediment.
13-14 Blood hawk 63-64 Mule Effect (Spell Trap). The wall of force can appear in any
15-16 Boar 65-66 Owl orientation set by the trap’s designer, as a horizontal or
vertical barrier or at an angle. It can be free floating or resting
17-18 Brown bear 67-68 Panther on a solid surface. It can be a hemispherical dome or a sphere
19-20 Camel 69-70 Poisonous snake with a radius of up to 10 feet, or it can be a flat surface made
21-22 Cat 71-72 Polar bear up of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be
contiguous with another panel. In any form, the wall is 1/4
23-24 Constrictor snake 73-74 Pony inch thick. If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it
25-26 Crab 75-76 Rat appears, the creature is pushed to a random side of the wall.
27-28 Crocodile 77-78 Raven Nothing can physically pass through the wall. It is immune
29-30 Deer 79-80 Rhinoceros to all damage and can’t be dispelled by dispel magic. A
disintegrate spell destroys the wall instantly, however. The
31-32 Dire wolf 81-82 Riding horse wall also extends into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal
33-34 Draft horse 83-84 Saber-toothed tiger travel through the wall.
35-36 Eagle 85-86 Scorpion This effect ends after 24 hours, and the trap automatically
37-38 Elephant 87-88 Spider resets.

39-40 Elk 89-90 Tiger As a spell trap (5th level slot), the glyph casts a
hemispherical dome version of wall of force, centered on the
41-42 Flying snake 91-92 Vulture triggering creature.
43-44 Frog 93-94 Warhorse
45-46 Giant centipede 95-96 Weasel
47-48 Giant fire beetle 97-98 Wolf
49-50 Goat 99-100 Worg

134 Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator

WILD MAGIC d10 Effect
When triggered, a surge of chaotic magic fills the area and A burst of colorful shimmering light extends from
makes an unexpected effect occur. This effect is designed to the target in a 30-foot radius. The target and each
be unpredictable and the possibilities aren’t limited to the creature in the area that can see must succeed on a
options in the table below. 8 Constitution saving throw or become blinded for
Effect. The trap targets a random creature in it’s area when 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
triggered, then roll d10 and consult the following table to at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
discover what happens. itself on a success.
d10 Effect 9 The target's skin turns bright blue for 1d10 days.
Heavy rain falls in a 60-foot radius centered on a The target’s size is halved in all dimensions, and
target creature. The area becomes lightly obscured. its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. This
The rain follows the creature until they are out of reduction decreases its size by one category—from
the trap’s range. Medium to Small, for example. The target also has
disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength
An animal appears in the unoccupied space nearest
10 saving throws and its weapons also shrink to match
the target. The animal acts as it normally would. Roll
its new size. While these weapons are reduced, the
2 a d100 to determine which animal appears. On a 01-
target’s attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage (this
25, a rhinoceros appears; on a 26-50, an elephant
can’t reduce the damage below 1). This effect ends if
appears; and on a 51-100, a rat appears.
dispelled with dispel magic (3rd level spell) or remove
A cloud of 600 oversized butterflies fills a 30-foot curse, or after 1 minute.
radius centered on the target. The area becomes
heavily obscured. The butterflies follows the
creature until they are out of the trap’s range.
Grass grows on the ground in a 60-foot radius
centered on the target. If grass is already there,
it grows to ten times its normal size and remains
overgrown for 1 minute.
An object of the DM 's choice disappears into the
Ethereal Plane. The object must be neither wrong
nor carried, within range of the trap, and no larger
than 10 feet in any dimension.
Leaves grow from the target. Unless they are picked
off, the leaves turn brown and fall off after 24 hours.
The trap attacks the target with a large gem worth
1d4 x 10 gp.

Chapter Nine | Random Trap Generator 135

Dungeons, ruins, crypts, and the like are all renowned for
being places that folk in their right minds avoid. One major LESS IS MORE
reason for this is that many of them are fraught with traps.
These ingenious, sometimes brutish, devices, contraptions, Traps can get stale very quickly and can easily be
and bits of magical malpractice are found all over, just overused. A trap (especially a simple one) can often
waiting for some hapless adventurers to come put them to
be spotted and disabled by one character, leaving the
the test. There are plenty of times where having a monster or
ruffian go to work on the characters is a perfectly serviceable others waiting around. They can also hamstring certain
course of action. At other times, good help is hard to find, characters who are not well-suited for traps.
and you want something dependable that can do the job Be judicious about which traps you choose and why.
without needing to be paid.
Make sure that you consider the capabilities of the
characters and provide opportunities for them to shine,
both as a group and as individuals. Try to have only
one major trap, one combat encounter and one social
situation between short rests. This gives most characters
a chance to do something meaningful in an encounter
between each short rest.
Overusing traps can make the game drag as players are
overcome with paranoia, searching and checking every
little thing. Traps are more effective and entertaining
when they are a surprise.

136 Chapter Ten | Trap-Centric Dungeons

Sliding Door (Initiative 20). The doors to and from the
Traps for Small Spaces antechamber grind slowly shut. After 2 rounds, the space
between the door and the frame is only big enough for a
Small spaces are usually less than a 20-by-25-foot room
Small creature. After 3 rounds, the doors are fully closed and
(500 square feet). The dimensions and shapes can vary, but
they lock shut.
what makes small spaces similar is that they are a room
or enclosed space, not a corridor, passageway, or other Constant Elements. A cloud of sleep-inducing gas is injected
primarily transitional space. into the chamber through holes in the wall
Small spaces are ideal for effects that are intended to impact Gas Cloud. Each creature that ends their turn inside
the entire group since they ensure that targets are easier to hit. the antechamber must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
Gas clouds, collapsing floors, and magic glyphs are ideal for saving throw or be knocked unconscious for 1 minute. An
small rooms. As a general rule, think about traps that can take unconscious creature wakes up if they take damage or if
advantage of all potential targets being in close proximity. another creature uses an action to shake them awake.
Countermeasures. Creatures can avoid activating the trap
Fiery Fall with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. This
Mechanical trap (13-16, dangerous, harm) reveals the hidden mechanisms in the door, as well as the
small nozzles for the gas. A successful DC 10 Dexterity check
This trap can be set in any small chamber. When too much using thieves’ tools disables the trap.
weight rests on the chamber floor, it gives way. Any creatures
in the chamber are dropped down into a pit filled with Once activated, a creature can stop up the nozzles emitting
flaming coals. the Gas Cloud as an action, but they have disadvantage on
their Constitution saving throw to resist falling asleep.
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). When 500 or more
pounds of pressure are placed on the floor of the chamber,
the trap triggers.
Psychic Panic
Magic trap (17-20, deadly, hinder)
Effect (Drop, Fire Jet). Each creature in the chamber must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the This trap should be placed in a room that stores treasure,
creature can grab onto the edge of the pit. On a failure, the including a particularly valuable or important object. When
creature falls into the pit and takes bludgeoning damage. a creature looks at the trapped object, it emits a pulse of
The sides of the pit are sheer, requiring a DC 15 Strength magic that causes fear and deals psychic damage.
(Athletics) check to climb out. Trigger (Look Into). If a creature looks directly at the
Each creature that enters the pit for the first time on a turn, trapped object while within 5 feet of it, the trap triggers.
or starts its turn there, takes 42 (12d6) fire damage from the Effect (Spell Effect). Once triggered, the object glows with a
burning coals in the bottom. pale light, filling a 60-foot-radius sphere with dim light for
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) 10 minutes, after which time the effect ends and the trap
check reveals the weight sensitive floor and hidden resets. Each creature in the sphere when the trap activates is
trapdoors, and a successful DC 15 Dexterity check while targeted by its effect, as is a creature that enters the sphere
using thieves’ tools disables the trap. for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
Each target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw
No Way Out or become frightened by the object. A creature that starts
Mechanical trap (level 1-4, setback, subdue) its turn frightened by the object must succeed on a DC 20
Wisdom saving throw or take 49 (9d10) psychic damage.
This trap is set in the antechamber of any kind of dungeon. If a frightened creature ends its turn in a location where
The antechamber should have one entrance from outside it doesn't have line of sight to the object, the creature can
and one leading further into the dungeon. When creatures make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save,
enter and use the door that leads further into the dungeon, this effect ends for that creature. This effect also ends for a
the entrance door slowly begins to slide shut. Once shut, it creature if dispel magic (DC19) is cast on them.
is almost impossible to open. To make matters worse, a gas
cloud fills the room that could knock creatures unconscious, Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 20
sealing them within the antechamber. Wisdom (Perception) check can find hasty messages
scrawled on the walls of the room, as well as scattered bits
Trigger (Open/Close Door). A creature that opens the door and bobs left by those running away. The trapped object has
leading further into the dungeon triggers the trap. an aura of abjuration and illusion magic when viewed with
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20. detect magic.
Active Elements. The exits from the antechamber slowly A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on the trapped
seals shut. object with a successful DC 20 spellcasting ability check;
dispel magic (DC 19) also disables the trap.

Chapter Ten | Trap-Centric Dungeons 137

Traps for Large Spaces Falling Debris
Magic trap (level 13-16, perilous, harm)
Large spaces are usually larger than a 20-by-25-foot room
(500 square feet). The dimensions and shapes of these large This trap is set in a chamber containing a treasure chest
areas can vary, but, like their smaller brethren, they are amongst piles of debris that litter the floor. The chest is
often destinations, not transitional areas like hallways. secured to the floor by thick chains linked to the handles of
the chest. When a creature attempts to pick the lock on the
Large spaces are ideal for effects that can single-out or chest, they trigger the trap. A glyph of warding (reverse gravity)
endanger members of a group. Obstacles that separate is hidden in the designs on the chest, causing creatures to
the characters from each other – such as runes of chain fall to the ceiling when activated. The debris scattered across
lightning, falling objects, and summoned monsters – all the floor falls upward as well, bombarding the characters.
work well in larger areas. As a general rule, think about
things that might require more space to function well. This Trigger (Attempt to Pick Lock). A creature that attempts to
is especially important if you’re considering combining a pick the chest’s lock triggers the trap. Using a key does not
combat encounter with a trap. trigger the trap.
Effect (Spell Effect). When activated, the glyph casts reverse
Climactic Traps gravity, reversing gravity in a 50-foot-radius, 100-foot high
cylinder centered on the chest. All creatures and objects
Large spaces are usually where something important takes that aren’t somehow anchored to the ground in the area fall
place. Consider placing a trap that leads to a big moment in upward and reach the top of the area when the glyph casts
the campaign. The ceiling of the dungeon collapses, an epic this spell. A creature can make a DC 17 Dexterity saving
monster is summoned, or the characters are paralyzed so throw to grab onto a fixed object it can reach, such as the
that the main antagonist can deliver their final monologue. chest, thus avoiding the fall.

Intriguing Traps If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this

fall, falling objects and creatures strike it just as they would
Some trap triggers cover areas, but often they are centered during a normal downward fall. If an object or creature
or focused on a specific point within a location. In large reaches the top of the area without striking anything, it
areas, the trap engineer can take advantage of room features remains there, oscillating slightly, for the duration.
that draw attention or beg inspection. This can be things
This reversal of gravity lasts for 1 minute, or until dispelled
such as an item on display, a piece of architecture, or even a
with dispel magic (DC 17). Once gravity is restored, affected
sound emanating from an unclear source.
objects and creatures fall back down.
The trap effects can also take advantage of the wide space.
The debris scattered across the floor also falls upward toward
In a large area, setting up forty hidden crossbows with
the ceiling, hitting any creature stuck there by reverse gravity.
enough ammunition to blanket the area in bolts is extremely
Each creature on the ceiling must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
resource and labor intensive. Perhaps those resources are
saving throw to avoid taking damage from the objects.
available, but if it’s unlikely the engineer would be able to
Multiple saves may be necessary depending on the size of the
build something like that, it is wise to consider what other
area and how far creatures must move to get to safety.
trap effects might be more reasonable for the space.
Countermeasures. A creature examining the chest can find
the glyph with a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation)
check, or with detect magic. Once found, it can be disabled
with a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check; dispel
magic also disables the glyph.
The chest can be picked open with a successful DC 17
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.

138 Chapter Ten | Trap-Centric Dungeons

Freezing Fountain Streams of Silver
Magic trap (level 13-16, moderate, harm) Hybrid trap (level 17-20, deadly, harm)
In the center of this large circular chamber is a beautiful This trap should be set in a large chamber with multiple 10-
fountain or pool. Disturbing the water triggers the trap; a foot deep trenches cut into the floor. When creatures pass a
barrier of blades springs up around the triggering creature, certain point in the chamber, scribed with a rune of detection,
and the temperature in the chamber drops over the course of molten metal pours into the trenches. Additionally, a metal
several rounds. barrier erupts from the floor, giving cover for a villain and
allowing them to escape.
Trigger (Disturb Liquid). Any creature that disturbs the
Trigger (Pass Area). Creatures of a certain type, race, or
water in the fountain triggers the trap.
alignment (determined by the villain), moving past the rune
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20. trigger the trap.
Active Elements. A wall of blades forms around the fountain Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20.
or pool, emanating from a glowing ring of arcane symbols. Active Elements. Gateways on the far wall open, spewing
Blade Barrier (Initiative 20). This element only activates molten metal that floods the trenches cut into the floor of
once, the first time the trap is triggered.A ringed wall up to 60 the chamber. A barrier also rises at the far end of the room.
feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick appears around Adamantine Barrier (Initiative 20). This element only
the fountain or pool. The wall provides three-quarters cover activates once, the first time the trap is triggered. A 10-foot
to creatures behind it, and its space is difficult terrain. tall adamantine barrier rises from a platform at the far end of
the chamber, where a villain might be standing. The barrier
When a creature enters the wall’s area for the first time on
has a 1-foot high gap at the eye level of a Medium creature,
a turn, it must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a allowing creatures to see through it. The barrier counts as
failure, the creature takes 33 (6d10) slashing damage. On a three-quarters cover for anyone on the platform.
success, the creature takes half as much damage.
Molten Metal (Initiative 20). Creatures in the trenches
The wall of blades lasts for 10 minutes, or until dispelled when they are flooded, or creatures that touch the molten
with dispel magic (DC 16). metal for the first time, must make a DC 20 Constitution
Dynamic Elements. The temperature in the chamber drops saving throw. A creature takes 87 (25d6) fire damage on a
markedly every round, quickly suffusing the room with a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
bitter cold. Additionally, when a creature enters a flooded trench, it
sinks 1d4+1 feet into the metal and is restrained.
Ice Cold. The chamber drops to 0 degrees Fahrenheit and
decreases by 5 degrees every round. Constant Elements. The molten metal in the trenches gives
off immense heat in a 5-foot area around it; creatures
Constant Elements. Creatures in the chamber must navigate restrained by the metal suffer fire damage.
the wall of blades while fighting off the deadly chill.
Metal Trench. Each creature that ends their turn within
Bitter Cold. A creature must succeed on a DC 12 5 feet of a trench filled with molten metal must succeed
Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level
for each 1 minute they spend in the room after the trap is of exhaustion. Creatures wearing heavy armor have
triggered. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold disadvantage on their saving throw.
damage automatically succeed on this saving throw, as do Sink or Swim. If a creature is restrained by molten metal at
creatures with cold weather gear and creatures naturally the start of its turn, it sinks another 1d4 feet. If the creature
adapted to cold climates. isn’t completely submerged in the molten metal, it can
Blade Barrier. When a creature ends their turn inside the escape as an action by succeeding on a Strength check. The
wall of blades, it must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. DC is 10 plus the number of feet the creature has sunk into
On a failure, the creature takes 33 (6d10) slashing damage. the molten metal. A creature that is completely submerged
On a success, the creature takes half as much damage. in molten metal can’t breathe.
A creature can pull another creature within its reach out of
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A creature that succeeds on a
the molten metal by using its action and succeeding on the
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check can find the ring of arcane
Strength check. The DC is the same as above, but the creature
symbols around the fountain, frosted over with unearthly
helping has advantage.
cold. The ring has an aura of evocation magic when viewed
with detect magic. Countermeasures. The rune can be found with a successful
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check, or with detect magic. Once
With a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a found, it can be disabled with dispel magic or with a successful
creature can disrupt the symbols without setting off the DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
trap. However, a check that totals 5 or less triggers the trap.
Once activated, a creature adjacent to the barrier can rip
Casting dispel magic (DC 16) on the ring also disables the trap. it off its moorings with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
With a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, a
creature can make the barrier retract.

Chapter Ten | Trap-Centric Dungeons 139

The side of each wall facing towards the center of the
Traps for Corridors corridor deals 22 (5d8) fire damage to each creature that
ends its turn within 10 feet of that side or inside the wall. A
& Passageways creature takes the same damage when it enters the wall for
the first time on a turn or ends its turn there. The other side
Corridors and passageways are spaces meant to be
of each wall deals no damage.
transitional, leading from one area to another. They are
often narrow and are ideal areas for traps due to their Once active, the walls can be deactivated by closing or
linearity. Traps such as hidden crossbows, scything blades, blocking the gas vents. This requires a successful DC 12
and falling ceilings all benefit from targets with limited Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine how they
mobility. The dungeon engineer is also able to much more might be thwarted, and then either a successful Dc 12
easily predict what potential targets will do and where they Strength check to block the vents, or a successful DC 12
will go in a passageway than in an open room. Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to close them.
Countermeasures (Sensitive). A successful Wisdom
BLOCKING THE WAY (Perception) check reveals the tripwire, and a successful
Whether by a wall of fire or a 2-ton stone cube, blocking Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap. However,
the corridor at one or both ends creates a confined space a Dexterity check that totals 5 or less triggers the trap.
for the targets of a trap. This may even be used to separate
characters from one another. Pin Cushions
PROJECTILES Mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous, harm)

Crossbows or darts are most effective when placed at the end If a creature walking through the corridor steps on a hidden
of the corridor. The target doesn’t have much space to dodge pressure plate, they trigger the trap. Darts laced with crawler
out of the way, and if the projectile doesn’t hit the target in mucus fire from the doorframe at the far end of the corridor.
the front it might hit a target further back. Trigger (Pressure Plate). Applying 20 or more pounds of
pressure to the pressure plate triggers the trap.
Blazing Barricade Effect (Darts). Darts shoot from the frame of the door at the
Mechanical trap (level 5-8, moderate, subdue) far end of the corridor. Each creature in the corridor must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails
A tripwire stretches across this thin corridor. Breaking
takes piercing damage and succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
the wire triggers the trap and reveals gas vents along the
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned
corridor. Ignited by a spark, the gas forms walls of fire to
creature is paralyzed. The creature can repeat the saving
erupt, sealing creatures in the corridor and separating them.
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
The vents are at 15 feet and 40 feet in a 50-foot long corridor.
itself on a success.
Trigger (Tripwire). Breaking the tripwire triggers the trap.
A creature that succeeds on its Dexterity saving throw takes
Effect (Wall of Fire). Gas vents open and a spark causes them half the piercing damage and isn’t poisoned.
to ignite, creating two walls of flame that block the corridor
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
at 15 and 40 feet. The walls reach from floor to ceiling and
check reveals the pressure plate, and a successful DC 15
are 1 foot thick. They are opaque and last for 1 minute.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap.
When the walls appear, each creature within a wall’s area
must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, a creature takes 22 (5d8) fire damage, or half as much
damage on a successful save.

140 Chapter Ten | Trap-Centric Dungeons

Puzzles are often confused with complex traps. However, a
trap can be disarmed while a puzzle must be solved. Puzzles
Harmful Puzzles
are often used as a filter of sorts, preventing those without Puzzles may or may not have an element that deals damage,
the right knowledge or who are unworthy from getting but such an effect should be passive or used as a penalty
access to an item or a place. rather than an integral part or purpose of the puzzle. A floor
with safe places to stand marked by runes while all other
Good puzzles challenge the creatures interacting with them
places have a breakaway floor is a good example of this. If
in ways other than a trap or a monster. Puzzles can be simple
the creature attempting the puzzle makes a mistake, the
or complex, they may have a single stage or multiple stages
penalty is a fall into the unknown.
with escalating difficulty, and they may have mechanical or
magic elements. All of these aspects depend on who made it
and what the puzzle is intended to do. Unexpected Solutions
It can be jarring when a puzzle you introduce, especially a
Challenging Players complex one, is bypassed in an unexpected way.
Puzzles are, by their nature, designed to challenge players When using puzzles in a freeform, tabletop game it is
rather than their characters. They are intended to engage the important to know that sooner or later, players will solve a
brains of the players and give them an opportunity to tackle puzzle in a way you did not intend. When this happens, do
an intellectual exercise. This often means ignoring most of not railroad players into finding your solution. Reward your
what’s on the character sheet and just letting the humans players’ ingenuity and enjoy the experience of seeing how
around the table figure out the solution. Ability checks your players interact with your puzzle.
should be used to offer hints when the group is stumped or In situations like these, we have a hard-and-fast rule: a
stalled, but don’t use them to simply give away the answer. working solution is the correct solution.

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 141

Puzzle-Centric Puzzles for Small Spaces
Puzzles that work well for small spaces are those that
Dungeons involve small things. This might involve things like a board
game whose pieces need to be moved, or a puzzle box. This
Dungeons don’t have to be designed around monsters or should be something where everyone can generally gather
traps. Instead, they can be designed around puzzles. Such around and participate.
dungeons focus on problems that need to be solved using
player cleverness rather than in-game character prowess. Puzzles for Large Spaces
Theme Puzzles that work well for large spaces are those that can
utilize different creatures doing different things at the same
Theme is of particular importance when it comes to puzzles, time. These puzzles make use of space, or situations where
much more so than traps. Sometimes the mere fact that a multiple creatures need to achieve something that one of them
trap can dish out a desired effect is enough to use it. Puzzles, alone couldn’t, such as pulling a lever in two different locations.
on the other hand, say something about the dungeon’s
owner and reinforce the theme of a dungeon. For instance,
if a dungeon is the home of a lich who utilizes the undead, it
Puzzles for Corridors and
would make sense for puzzles in that dungeon to be themed Passages
around death, life, and things tangentially related to those Puzzles that work well for corridors and passages often
topics. It is very important that the puzzles found in the make use of distance. This may mean that the components
dungeon fit with its theme. are laid out along the length of the hall, or it may require
creatures to travel certain amounts of distance.
Puzzle Placement
A puzzle presents a problem that needs solving, and the
characters should be able to solve the problem. This means
that they must have access to the items, tools, or information
required to solve the puzzle. There might be clues available
in or around the puzzle, or they could have found some
something before reaching the puzzle.
If the characters aren’t ready for the puzzle, there needs
to be a clear way for them to understand that they should
come back later. They should also have some idea of what
will indicate when they are ready. It need not be so obvious
as “you must be this tall to ride” but there should be clear
indications of what they don’t have that they will need to
solve the puzzle.
In the case of puzzles characters may not be ready for, be
sure to provide other paths they can take. These alternatives
can lead them to places where they will find what they need
to solve the puzzle. If there are no alternate paths, ensure
that they can go back the way they came and track down
what they need to accomplish the puzzle.
Regarding the physical location of the puzzle, think like the
dungeon’s owner and ask yourself why they would want a
puzzle in a particular spot, instead of a trap or monsters. A
puzzle is, in most circumstances, a way to make sure that
those who deserve to can proceed, and those who don’t are
stuck. Avoid placing puzzles in arbitrary places. This will help
to make whatever is beyond the puzzle much more rewarding.

142 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles

Premade Puzzles 2. The Necrodial
Below you will find 30 puzzles that we have designed to be A round metal object the size of an amulet hangs from
usable in a wide array of environments and situations. We a necklace or chain. On one side, the amulet has four
encourage you to use them and modify them as you see fit. concentric round dials, each inscribed with ten runes; the
Many of them will have optional adjustments or changes other side is blank. The amulet is meant to contain a key,
that can be made, but they are by no means the only changes gem, note, or other small object.
that can be made. If you think of something else, by all The dials on the amulet have a handle, ridges, or some other
means try it. Experiment and have fun! method of rotation. Over the uppermost portion of each
dial is a small downward-facing triangle of raised metal to
ı. Walk the Plank indicate what rune is selected. In the center of the dials is a
button with a skull engraved on it.
The entrance to the chamber is on level, stable ground, but
much of the rest of the room’s floor has collapsed, revealing Solution. Spinning all four dials to the correct rune and then
an area below the room. Several planks of wood in various pressing down on the center button makes the amulet come
lengths, are laying near the entrance to the chamber. apart in two pieces.
Scattered around this lower area in a seemingly random The exact combination of runes necessary to solve this
pattern are 15 feet high stone pillars which seem to have puzzle is up to your discretion. Perhaps these runes are a
been intended to support the now-collapsed upper floor. repeating motif in the hidden annals of a necromancer’s
Each column can accommodate one Medium or two Small study, or perhaps the runes are instead letters that must be
creatures safely. If the top of a column is occupied by a combined to spell out a particular 4-letter word.
Medium or two Small creatures and another creature of Zap. Attempting to open the device with the wrong
Small or larger size attempts to move into or through the combination of runes could be painful. A surge of lightning,
occupied space, all the creatures must succeed on a DC 10 fire, psychic or necrotic damage could hit the holder of the
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Creatures that fail fall from the amulet if the combination is incorrect.
pillar and take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Solution. Creatures must use the planks in order to cross
the chamber. Of the planks at the entrance, only three are
3. Revealed in Reflections
sturdy enough to span a gap between pillars. The sturdy Several mirrors are suspended in midair, as if weightless.
pieces are a 10-foot, 15-foot, and 20-foot piece. The pieces They can be repositioned or rotated easily; once in place,
can bridge gaps that are 5 feet less than their total length (ie. they remain perfectly still.
a 20-foot plank can bridge a 15-foot gap). With a successful Within the area where these mirrors are found are objects,
DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) or Intelligence check using decorations, or doors that are invisible to the naked eye.
woodcarver’s tools, a creature can determine if a plank is These features are only visible if viewed through one or
sturdy or not. more of the mirrors that float in this area.
Any configuration of the boards which allows the party Solution. Once the mirrors are repositioned, players must
to cross to the other side is a correct solution. A creature find a method of interacting with the exit or retrieving
attempting to cross a rotted or unstable plank will fall once the objects that the mirrors reveal. This could involve
they reach the middle of the plank. If it is adjacent to a interacting with the objects in real life as if they’re invisible,
pillar when it falls, a creature can catch themselves with a or perhaps even stepping through the mirror to bring objects
successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. back through to the real room. Allow the players’ creativity
Difficulty. This puzzle is extremely flexible. To increase or to shine in how these mirrors are used, especially if combat
decrease the difficulty of the puzzle, the amount of sturdy or other nefarious traps and dangers are present.
planks as well as the quantity and spacing of the pillars can Shining Shields. Any reflective surface, such as well-shined
be altered. Decoy paths — paths where the available boards metal, will do in place of mirrors if you desire. Perhaps
would take you most of the way, but ultimately fall just short even bodies of water could be utilized and positioned in
— also increase the difficulty of this puzzle. interesting ways!
You can add some damaging element, such as spikes or a
river of magma, to the lower area as another way to increase
the challenge of the puzzle.
Planning. Whether you implement this puzzle using
miniatures & terrain or simply using theatre of the mind,
it will be important to have a rough idea of pillar locations
in advance. Graph paper will allow you to easily mark the
distances between different pillars so you can guide your
players as they attempt to cross.
Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 143
4. Tears of the Angels 5. Descension
A chamber has one or more exits, but they are all blocked by On the floor of this chamber are 4 concentric circles. The
heavy stone doors. In the center of the chamber is a raised largest circle is 10 feet in diameter, while the smallest is 5
platform with a stone pressure plate. On the pressure plate sit feet in diameter. The 3 outermost circles each appear to be
three empty, silver decanters, beautifully adorned with elvish made of a single piece of metal which, imbedded into the
script and filigree. Each one is a different size: large, medium, floor. These metal rings each have 12 2-inch-diameter holes
and small. Upon close inspection, the bottom of the decanters evenly spaced around their perimeter, and each hole is
have numbers on them, indicating how many glasses of wine marked with a unique rune. Placing a piece of wood, spear
they can hold. The large decanter holds 7 glasses, the medium shaft, or other such object into a hole allows the connected
on holds 5, and the small one holds 3. One of the decanters ring to be rotated without difficulty.
weighs down a note with the following words:
The innermost circle is made of twelve triangular-shaped
In the greatest decanter wedges all pointing inward, similar to a sliced pie. If tapped
shall be served wine for friends or prodded the wedges sound solid, and if stuck with a
Just enough for the four of us hammer they will chip but not shatter — they are quite
For our fifth has met their end. strong. A line is burned into the metal plating of one of
If any of the vessels are removed from the pressure plate, the innermost triangular wedges. Directly across from this
the pressure plate rises slightly. A heavy stone door descends line, on the floor outside of the largest circle, is another line
from above to cover the entrance into the room, sealing marked or carved into the floor.
the party inside. The entrance and all exits can now only be Solution. In order to solve this puzzle, the three outer rings
opened once the puzzle is solved. must align between the marked lines in the correct order.
Also in the chamber is a statue of an angel, its head bowed. The runes on the rings could represent months, astrological
Tears steadily flow from the corners of its closed eyes, signs, faces in a card deck, or perhaps letters that spell a
trickling in small rivulets down into a shallow basin held in 3-letter word, acronym, or a character’s initials. The correct
its hands at waist height. The bowl appears to remain full, orientation of the rings is completely variable depending on
but does not overflow. what suits your campaign.
Solution. The object of the puzzle is to fill the large vessel with When the three metal rings are properly aligned, the
four glasses worth of liquid. The most obvious source of liquid segments of the innermost circle begin to descend slowly,
to complete this puzzle is the angel’s basin, which contains each wedge stopping lower than the one previous until a 10-
more than enough to attempt the puzzle multiple times. There foot deep spiral staircase has formed. This staircase could lead
are many ways to solve the puzzle, but the following is an to a lower level, a secret chamber, or a hidden passageway.
example of a correct solution: Control Rod. For more complexity, rotating the rings could
1. Fill the medium decanter. require a specific object. This object could be necessary due
to a special locking mechanism that prevents any other
2. Pour the contents of the medium decanter into the small
object from rotating the ring. To add yet another level of
decanter until it is full.
complexity, each ring could require a different object in
3. Pour the remaining contents of the medium decanter (2 order to rotate it.
glasses of liquid) into the large decanter, and empty the
small decanter.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2, so that another 2 glasses of liquid
end up in the medium decanter.
5. Pour the contents of the medium decanter into the large,
now bringing the large decanter to contain 4 glasses of
6. Set the large decanter on the pressure plate.
Once the large vessel is set on the pressure plate and
contains exactly 4 glasses worth of liquid, all exits from the
chamber open.
No Sweat. Puzzles involving distribution of water and
finding exact measurements using less-than-ideal
containers are a classic trope, and likely to be something that
at least some players are familiar with. That makes “Tears
of the Angels” a great lower-stress puzzle, or perhaps an
introduction to more complex versions of the same puzzle
concept in other forms.
144 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles
6. Turn Back Time 7. Now You’re Thinking
A sundial sits on a pedestal in a circular room filled with
light. Directly across from each hour mark on the sundial is with P-... Sand
a sconce on the wall. Each sconce features a small lever in an Characters enter a massive 40-foot wide and 50-foot long
upright position. room. There is an empty 5-foot square at the entrance and
Switching a lever down will extinguish the flame for 30 exit of the room, on the far side, but otherwise, the entirety
seconds as the lever cranks back upwards. When the lever of the ceiling, walls and floor are all covered in churning,
returns to the upright position, the sconce reignites. Aside gravity-defying sand. Amidst the sand are a number of
from the lever, the sconces have some sort of enchantment large, obvious buttons.
that prevents creatures from tampering with the flame or the If creatures touch any part of the sand, it will begin to
sconce itself. suck them in. It takes 1 round for the sand to fully absorb a
The exit to the room is utterly sealed and unable to be creature, and 6 seconds for them to reemerge on the ceiling,
opened directly by mundane or magical means. A doorstop wall, or floor exactly opposite of where they entered. When
sits on the floor nearby. characters reemerge, they continue to fall in the direction they
were previously sucked into the sand. This means characters can
Solution. Extinguishing all but one of the sconces casts a “fall” vertically or horizontally, even in opposing directions;
shadow on the sundial, thus displaying a particular time. gravity is relative to each creature depending on the
When this happens, the room surrounding the sundial direction they were sucked into the sand.
changes to reflect the previous state it was once in, at time
shown on the dial. One of the hours on the dial reveals a Solution. The party must find ways to redirect their gravity,
time when the exit was open. The party must use a wedge or reposition themselves, and push or pull each other, while
heavy object to prop the door open before the torches reset. falling in order to hit the buttons, making them light up. You
Characters may also try to escape through the door before it can use a map to show the location of these buttons can be
closes without propping it open, which is entirely possible, shown or describe them verbally (ex: “There is a red button
though that would make a return journey quite challenging. 20ft high and 40ft across on the left wall.”)
Turn Back Time. The hours on the sundial could instead be Once all buttons are lit, any falling creatures are sucked into
tied to spans of time other than literal minutes and hours. For the sand a final time before emerging right-side up from the
instance, 1 o’clock on the sundial might instead show the room sandy floor. At this point, the exit door unlocks and the sand
as it was 100 years ago. In this case, perhaps there is no exit in becomes walkable.
the present, but 100 years ago, there was a door in one of the Shifting Sands. Combat in this room would be an absolute
walls that now opens when the sundial shows 1 o’clock. nightmare, and is thus highly discouraged. However, if you
So That’s What Happened. Though the main goal of the are a particularly brave (or unstable) GM with an excellent
puzzle is to exit the room, other hours on the sundial can working knowledge of 3D space, or have players that have
still reveal information that is of interest to the characters. seen it all, feel free to give it a try!
For example, casting a shadow at 3 o’clock could show a
merchant finishing a journal entry before being placing
the book in a desk. This journal entry could perhaps even
contain a message meant specifically for the party by an
unknown author.
Aside from the exit door, other objects around the room may
rearrange, appear, or disappear according to the shadow cast
on the sundial. Feel free to play around with this concept and
potentially craft an underlying story as to what occurred at
each hour of the sundial.

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 145

8. Wicked Patience Hatch
Cubby Contents Result After Interaction

This 15-by-15 foot room has a lever on the back wall and on
7 A wooden handle When the chain is pulled,
the right wall is a metal door. Evenly spaced along the stone
walls are a series of small, numbered, 1-foot-diameter metal connected to a hatch #3 opens.
hatches that cannot be opened and do not have handles. One chain
of these is above the metal door. 8 A 10-digit dial Pressing the button adds
Pulling the lever makes a large, metal door slam down over with center the amount of seconds
the entrance to the room, barring creatures from entering or button; a small selected on the dial to the
exiting. The hatch above the right door slides open to reveal
triangle indicates timer
a countdown timer made of small numbered wooden tiles,
automatically flipping as time ticks down. the number
Once the lever has been pulled, and the door has slammed
shut, hatches 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 open to reveal a series of 9 A button Resets the lever in hatch
mundane items within cubby holes. Interacting with an item #6
has the effect shown in the table below:
10 A button Every 5 seconds the
Hatch Cubby Contents Result After Interaction button lights up red. If
Number pressed when unlit, the
1 A rope hanging When this rope is pulled, button does nothing,
from the top of the hatch #5 opens. If the but if pressed when lit, 5
cubby rope is released, hatch #5 seconds are added to the
closes. timer.

2 A handle with a Nothing. The grip is Solution. When the countdown timer reaches 0, both the
entrance and exit doors open. The party simply needs to
leather grip sticks mildly comfortable.
wait. That’s it. Nothing else.
out from the left
An Object Lesson. This puzzle lends itself to certain settings
cubby wall.
or applications more than others. It could be a teaching
3 A chain hanging When the chain is pulled, tool found in a monastery or church to teach the lesson
from the top of the hatch #8 opens. If the that “patience is a virtue.” Or it could be an intentional test
cubby chain is released, hatch of restraint, meant to find out how long it takes the group
to “solve” the room. If it takes them longer than a certain
#8 closes.
amount of time, perhaps they’re refused a prize or are
4 A metal crank Every full rotation of the simply met with disappointment from the test-giver. Or the
crank adds 1 second to puzzle could be a delaying tactic, allowing something else to
the timer. catch up to the party, or give someone monitoring the room
extra time to react.
5 2 buttons Pressing the left button
One or the Other. The room could be set up so there are 2
adds 10 seconds to the exit doors and the timer is between them. If the timer ends
timer. Pressing the right in a certain amount of time or less, the left door is opened,
button adds 20 seconds to and the right remains shut. If the timer takes longer, the
the timer. left door remains shut and the right door opens. In this
situation, the left door is assumed to have something
6 A lever Pulling the lever down positive waiting.
adds 5 seconds to the
timer. The lever can not
manually be pushed back

146 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles

• Subtract the lower total from the higher total, then add
9. Sea Legs 10. This new number becomes the DC of the Dexterity
saving throw that all creatures on the floor must make to
The floor of this area is one large slab or wooden deck, 40
hold their ground.
feet wide and as long as necessary. Down the center of the
deck runs a narrow, 5-foot-tall barrier. The entire floor is • Any creature that fails the saving throw slides down the
mounted on a horizontal cylindrical beam or log running tipped floor. If they are on the higher side of the barrier,
directly below the barrier, allowing the floor to tilt. they slide into it. If they are on the lower side of the
barrier, they slide to the edge and must make a second
At the entrance to the room is a 10-foot wide doorway; a
Dexterity saving throw (same DC) or fall over the edge.
5-foot wide door covers one half, leaving the other half
open. Once someone enters through the open half of the • Now that the floor is tilted, the lane values of the higher
doorway, the door slides over, opening the other side and side of the barrier are reduced to +0, +1, +2, and +4. This
forcing creatures to enter the room on both sides of the represents the difficulty of fighting gravity and reducing
barrier. Creatures can then attempt to move across the floor, the incline. You may skip this value change to simplify the
but run the risk of tipping the floor if they’re not careful. puzzle if desired.
Determine which way the floor tips by following these steps • Repeat the steps as necessary.
and referencing the diagram below: Solution. The characters simply need to cross the floor to
the exit, hopefully without losing a friend or two to the
unknown depths waiting below the tipping floor.
Heads Up. When the floor tips, if someone on the upper
portion of the floor fails their Dexterity saving throw by 5 or
more, have them bounce, fly, or roll over the barrier and wind
up on the edge on the opposite side!
Wall Walker. Depending on how steep the floor gets, ability
checks using skills like Climbing or Acrobatics might be
necessary to prevent slipping or falling. Axes or daggers
stabbed into the surface can also keep a creature from
sliding. Let your players get creative with their preventative
attempts, and allow unorthodox solutions that make sense
when they try to save themselves from a slippery demise.
How Long?. The length of the room can have a strong
impact on this puzzle’s difficulty because it will lengthen the
amount of time the characters are on the floor. Keep their
speed in mind when choosing your room length. Keep your
players’ overall patience and sanity in mind as well.
Rolling Around. A combat encounter or the presence of
other weighted objects could make this puzzle much more
• Everyone rolls initiative. The puzzle always acts last. unpredictable. Adjust this puzzle concept however you
desire in order to spice things up!
• Everyone is allowed a turn as normal to move and take
an action. When moving, the entirety of the floor is Crunch the Numbers. If you care to be a bit more
always considered difficult terrain. simulationist, here are some ways in which you can alter the
puzzle’s numbers:
• Values are totaled for each side of the barrier. Each
“lane” of space to the right or left of the barrier has a • -1 from a side’s total for each Small creature on that side.
value for every 5 feet of distance from the barrier (+1, +2, • -2 from a side’s total for each Tiny creature on that side.
+4, +8). A creature generates that value for each space • When the floor tips and is no longer level, the lower
they occupy for whatever side of the barrier they’re on. floor’s values could change to +2, +4. +8, and +16.
This means a Large creature adds +6 to the side they are Climbing over the barrier to get to the other side will be
on (2 spaces in the +1 lane, 2 spaces in the +2 lane). necessary to adjust the weight.
• Total the amount for the left side.
• Total the amount for the right side.
• The room tips in the direction of the side with the
larger number.

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 147

ı0. Puzzle Floor ıı. Spin-N-Smash
The floor of the room is covered in tiles, and the exit is locked. This 40-foot diameter circular room has an entrance on one
Except for one, all the tiles are smooth and unremarkable. The end and an exit directly across from it. A thick vertical axle
unique tile has a rune, letter, or other marking. goes from floor to ceiling at the dead center of the room.
When a creature stands on the unique tile, it glows; all Affixed horizontally to this axle is a massive boom arm
adjacent tiles then reveal glowing symbols which were which sweeps a 15-foot diameter circle inside the room; the
previously hidden. Stepping to an adjacent tile will then boom is 10 feet wide and 15 feet long. The party must cross
reveal the other symbols adjacent to it, and so on. the room across a series of tiles, each of which spin the arm
either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Solution. Stepping on the tiles in the correct sequence
unlocks the exit. The room is enchanted with an effect similar to reverse
gravity, but instead of changing the direction of gravity this
For a puzzle like this, clues are incredibly important. Prior effect increases its pull. A creature can only move 5 feet on
to arriving at this puzzle, introduce knowledge about who its turn, or 10 feet if the creatures takes the Dash action. This
rules the dungeon. A journal or written orders that mention enchantment also prevents flight and levitation of any sort,
important information, a repeated motif, or strange sequences and makes jumping nearly impossible.
of unknown symbols could hold the solution to this puzzle.
Each traversable tile in the room is marked with a
The entire solution to the puzzle could only be learned once clockwise or counterclockwise arrow in the diagram below.
different clues (such as separate pages) are found and viewed Immediately after a creature steps on a tile (even in the
together. When looking at the clues all at once, it should be middle of its turn), the boom arm swiftly spins a quarter-
clear what they all have in common, be it a word, a name, a turn in the tile’s indicated direction.
sentence, etc. You can even write the solution on a piece of
paper, tear the paper into 3-6 pieces, and make each of those
pieces into a clue the players must retrieve.
In order to set up this puzzle, you can follow these steps:
1. Determine what your solution will be.
2. Figure out how many tiles that solution would occupy (i.e.
the word “love” would occupy 4 tiles if each tile was a letter).
3. On a grid, lay out the path you would like the party to
take, placing each letter or symbol of the correct solution on
a separate tile.
4. Fill in any remaining empty tiles with other symbols.
Spell It Out. For a more in-depth challenge, each tile of
your puzzle floor could contain an entire word as opposed
to a single letter or symbol. Perhaps the party came across
a journal in which the villain wrote down his greatest life
philosophy amongst their other rantings. Stepping on the tiles
that spell out this important sentence could be the solution.
When the boom arm spins, creatures whose space the boom
If using words, try giving the words adjacent to each glowing
arm would move into or through must make a successful
tile a sense of cohesion, with at least some of the revealed
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. A successful saving throw
words making sense in context. For instance, if the starting
means the creature was able to avoid being struck. A failed
tile is the word “I,” possible words adjacent to it could be
saving throw results in 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and the
“love”, “hate”, “go”, “went”, “feel”, “think”, etc.
creature is knocked prone.
Where to Begin. To make this puzzle more difficult, you can
Being hit with the arm is intended to hurt, but not kill. If
remove the starter tile entirely. This makes all the tiles blank,
a creature dies from this puzzle, it should be because they
forcing the party to experiment and find their starting position.
were battered over and over and over by the boom arm (and, at
Are We Done Here? To ensure the engagement of all party that point, could anyone truly be upset by their fate?)
members, create a solution with a number of tiles equal to
A Medium sized or larger creature who shares a space
your number of players. Then, the solution to the puzzle
with the arm can only do so by squeezing. Creatures can
could require characters to all be standing on a tile.
intentionally go prone and lie flat enough to avoid the boom
Don’t Step on That! If you’re feeling particularly devilish, arm, should it swing through. Due to the room’s increased
stepping on an incorrect tile can erase the characters’ gravity, crawling or moving while prone is entirely too
progress, forcing them to restart at the beginning. difficult to accomplish.

148 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles

Solution. Players must move through the room to the exit, Potion Label Effect When Consumed
taking as little damage as possible. Number
Mix it Up. The clockwise and counterclockwise symbols need
1 “For The creature heals 2d4+2
not be arranged in the configuration shown. If you think of a
different arrangement, feel free to experiment. emergencies!” hit points.
What Does This Mean? The symbols on the tiles do not need 2 “One drop The creature falls
to so obviously illustrate clockwise and counter-clockwise. per audience prone and laughs
There could be hints or a translation of these symbols earlier member!!” uncontrollably for
in the dungeon, or the characters could simply discover what 2 minutes. They are
the symbols do through experimentation.
incapacitated during this
Backwards. Especially devious GMs could add an additional time.
twist: each time a character successfully exits the room,
the meaning of the symbols reverses. At that point, all 3 “This one The creature burps
counter-clockwise symbols will start rotating the boom REALLY hurts!!!” loudly. It tastes like
arm clockwise, and vice versa. Whether this change is coconut. Nothing else
represented by the actual symbols on the tiles, or is simply happens.
left to be discovered in flabbergasted horror by your players,
is entirely up to you. 4 “Caution! Do not The creature is poisoned
drink! Contents until they finish a long
ı2. Three-Bottle Quaff are poisonous!!” rest.
On a table in this room are 6 potion bottles, each filled with 5 “DriNK?!?! The creature is
a different liquid and carrying a unique label. The numbers DRink! Tell paralyzed for 1 minute.
1-6 are drawn on a nearby surface such as a table, bookshelf, THE WoRLd At the end of that
or individual stools. Indentations or clean circles amidst the
of the cOMing minute, the creature
dusty surface indicate that a bottle is meant to be placed by
each number. APOcaLyPse!!” takes 2d4 psychic
damage after suffering
Players are also presented with the following riddle, either
strange antagonistic
verbally or in writing:
One’s the money,
Two is funny, 6 “Made! While! The creature gains one
Three’s a filthy liar! Drunk! Please! level of exhaustion.
Four’s a pain, Consume!
Five’s insane, Wisely!”
and Six will soon retire.
Once three potions are consumed,
You may move on (but you may be doomed!)
None of the bottles are numbered, but they do carry
labels with unique text. This text is the key to determining
a potion’s number, which can then be compared to the
descriptions in the riddle.
Solution. In order to proceed (either into a secret passage,
through a locked door, or past the person presenting the
test), the party must consume 3 of the 6 potion bottles in
their entirety.
No numbers are written on the potion bottles themselves.
However, the true number of each potion can be determined
by the number of exclamation points found on each label.
Using this information paired with the riddle, the more
dangerous potions can hopefully be avoided.
These potions should be presented in a random order. The
label and effects of each potion are as follows:

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 149

Each line of text begins with a symbol, to help players guess
ı3. Too Tall to Ride the tasks if they cannot translate its matching text.
Characters open the door to an abandoned laboratory, study, Below are some examples of potential symbols and their
library, or other space containing information or valuable paired text:
goods. Though the door is normal-sized, the handle to the
door is only 1.5 feet from the base. Symbol Translated Text Solution
As soon as a Medium or larger creature opens the door, a A circle with an “Spin me once The lock must
loud, high-pitched alarm rings out. Whether this space is in a arrow inside of it, round!” be rotated once,
location where the ringing alarm could wake guards, frighten
rotating clockwise clockwise.
civilians, or alert nearby monsters is up to your discretion.
Shutting the door turns off the ringing if the room is empty. A set of “Pick me!” The lock must
When inside the room with the door closed, the ringing is not lockpicking tools be picked (DC 12
loud enough to alert people outside the room. Dexterity check
For those inside the room, the ringing is not loud enough using thieves’
to cause pain, but it is loud enough to drown out all other tools).
sources of sound, including speech. While the alarm is
sounding, all precious materials in this room (books, A pair of parted “Sing me a little The lock opens
ingredients, potions, treasure, etc.) are enclosed behind bars lips with music ditty!” when a song.
or some type of magical ward until the alarm can be shut off. notes emerging
Solution. Players must note from your description of the from them
door and room contents that the room’s former occupant
was exceptionally small. Examples of hints include the door A hand, palm “DON’T TOUCH Every time the
handle’s height; the presence of tiny desk, chair, and writing facing outward, ME!” lock is touched,
utensils; a small coat hung on a low rack; or the presence with a large X the creature that
of many various ladder sizes to ascend and descend the across it touched it takes
1d4 lightning
If no Medium sized or larger creatures are in the room, the damage.
alarm stops ringing, and all previously barred materials in
the room become accessible. A pair of lips “Compliment The lock
It’s All Small. This idea can be extended further to multiple whispering me!” opens when
rooms, or even an entire building. Remember that crawling into the ear of a complimented.
creatures move half speed, or one-third speed over difficult blushing, happy
terrain. face

ı4. The Gift of a Linguist A pair of lips

“Tell me a secret!” Someone must
tell a secret about
A tall wooden door contains etched lines of text written in into the ear of a themselves to this
different languages. Each line of text is preceded by a carved
shocked face lock. It must be
symbol, and followed by a circular lock. Both the text and
symbol in each line hint at a task that must be completed to true, or the lock
open each lock. won’t open.
Solution. When a task is successfully fulfilled, the A heart with a “Tell me who you Someone must tell
corresponding lock makes an audible click as it opens. It’s up question mark in love most!” the lock who they
to you how many locks must be unlocked to open the door.
its center love most. It must
It’s also up to you to decide what languages each line of text is be true, or the lock
written in, and what tasks the text demands. At least one line
won’t open.
of text should be in Common, since almost all creatures speak
this language. Other options include, in order of difficulty: A wash cloth “Clean me!” The lock is
• Easy. Common surrounded by covered and
• Moderate. Dwarven, Elvish sparkles grime and must
be cleaned.
• Hard. Celestial, Draconic, Gnomish, Halfling, Infernal,
Undercommon A large flame “Warm me up!” The lock must be
• Very Hard. Aarakocra, Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Deep warmed up with
Speech, Druidic, Giant, Goblin, Gnoll, Ignan, Orc, a torch flame or a
Primordial, Sylvan, Terran fire spell.
150 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles
Before the Last Petal Falls. The puzzle as-is provides room
ı5. Blossoming for character building and roleplay opportunities; the
flower becomes a permanent, physical manifestation of
Connections two characters’ shared bond. These flowers can become
a powerful symbol throughout the game if you let them.
A large flower-like design is arrayed on the floor of this
Perhaps if the characters’ bond strengthens or weakens,
room, either carved into the ground or outlined with stones,
the flower can grow brighter or more dim to represent that.
shrubs, or other natural material. At the center of the flower
Perhaps the flower can become more poignant still if one of
stands a stone pedestal. The petals of the flower extend from
the characters represented in its colors passes on.
the base of the pedestal, and the petals cross each other like
a Venn diagram. All for One and One for All. For a more challenging or
rewarding experience, you can adjust the number of petals
A single white flower somehow thrives on the top of the
to fit the number of characters in your party. Instead of each
pedestal. Neatly engraved on the pedestal is the following
individual pedestal lowering with a valid token, all pairs
have to find a valid token of their bond before the puzzle
Here lies a beautiful pair, whose bond was so strong that they passed is solved. This is more difficult, so perhaps completing the
on together. From their grave blossomed a beautiful flower: the truest puzzle causes a more powerful magic item to materialize on
representation of their connection. Even in death their love lives on here, the central pedestal, or perhaps the pedestal itself descends
continuing to bless those who present tokens of their own shared bonds. to reveal a secret room or passageway.
When a creature steps into the space of a flower petal at any
time, that petal glows with a faint light, the color of which is
unique to every creature (determined by you). If two creatures
ı6. The Impossible Boy
The characters enter any empty space, be it a dungeon room
occupy the same petal at any time, the glow disappears.
or a seemingly abandoned building, with a bright lantern
When two creatures stand next to each other in petals that that sits on a stool against one wall. The lantern casts strong
overlap, the overlapping section of petal glows white, and shadows around the room. The shadow of a small humanoid
a second pedestal emerges from the floor in the center of figure is projected on one wall, but nothing in the light’s
the flower. path could possibly cast such a shadow.
Solution. Each pair of creatures must present a physical token Once the characters spot the shadowy silhouette, it begins
of their relationship with the creature in the petal beside to jump up and down and wave at them, gesturing its arm
them. For example, the pair could place a weapon on the in a beckoning motion. If they attempt to approach the wall
pedestal if they bonded while training together. They could or interact directly with the shadow on the wall, it simply
also present an important item the two found together, a pair shakes its head and repeats the gesture.
of binoculars to represent their night watches together, or
Solution. One of the characters must cast their shadow onto
even an inside joke scribbled on a note. Whether the token
the wall, repositioning the light if necessary. Once their
presented accurately represents that pair’s bond is up to your
shadow is on the wall, the shadowy figure excitedly beckons
discretion (and the pair to defend, if necessary.)
them closer, putting its hand by its face. If the character
If the token is deemed worthy, each individual’s petal glows allows their shadow to approach the shadowy figure, they feel
brighter, and their shared pedestal descends into the earth. a hand on their physical ear as they hear the voice of a young
When it reemerges, two flowers lay on or next to their boy. The voice whispers that he needs help retrieving his
presented token. The flowers are a mix of each individual’s favorite ball, which is hidden somewhere in the room. You can
color (for example: an orange and yellow swirl, for individuals determine where the ball is and how hard it is to find.
standing in orange-lit and yellow-lit petals). These flowers
Once they find the ball, the characters give it to the boy by
will never wilt, but are otherwise non-magical.
casting its shadow on the wall. When the boy takes it, the ball
I Don’t Know Them. If two creatures stand next to each disappears from the physical hand of the creature presenting
other and are strangers or do not share a bond, the it. As a token of thanks, the boy then hands over a gift that
overlapping petal glows gray, and the pedestal does not rise. materializes in the hand of the presenting creature. This could
If two individuals stand next to each other who actively be anything from a magic item to simply a mote or ball of
dislike or hate each other, the overlapping petal goes black, shadow, the use of which is up to your discretion.
and their personal colored lights disappear.
Who is This Boy? Characters may try to learn more about
this shadow boy or interact with him in other ways. Feel free
to let your imagination run wild as to what history or other
capabilities this shadow may have, and what other potential
purpose he could have in your world!

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 151

Only once all urns are correctly placed is the puzzle
ı7. Predicament in complete, the once-empty urns now fill with valuable
gems, potions of healing, or further clues towards something
Purgatory elsewhere in the dungeon. The puzzle could also open a
secret door in the fireplace.
The characters enter a storage room filled with hundreds

ı8. Aquatic Allies

of uniquely shaped, ash-filled terra cotta urns. Scattered
among them, easily noticeable, are 6 empty, clay urns,
painted with vibrant colors: green, purple, magenta, orange, An empty room or cavern is brightly lit with sconces, and
red, and blue. The purple, magenta, and red urns have square a 10-by-10 foot hole is roughly cut out of the floor. Next to
bases, while the green, orange, and blue urns have round the hole rests a large glass bowl. Underneath the cutout is
bases. This information should be made clear to the players another room entirely entirely with water, lapping at the
from the start. edges of the hole. 20 feet below the water’s surface, a school
At the far end of the room is a small empty fireplace. In the of blue, luminescent koi are swimming to and fro. If anyone
floor of the hearth are 6 urn-sized indents in an alternating dives into the water within 10 feet of the fish, they notice
square-circle pattern: that the creatures’ luminescence illuminates strange white
markings on the walls.
Solution. Characters must catch and bring at least one fish
above the surface. If a fish is brought above the surface
without being submerged in water, the fish immediately
stops glowing and shrivels, lifeless. Once exposed to air, the
fish cannot be revived or set aglow again. To keep the fish
On the mantle over the hearth is a folded piece of parchment glowing above water, it must remain submerged, either in
with the following message written in elegant calligraphy: the glass bowl or another similar vessel.
Apple, Pinky, Cherry, Violet, River, and Oz’flob died at the very same When a glowing koi is brought to the walls of the upper
instant. The day their spirits arrived at the gates to the afterlife, the line room, the markings revealed are too faint to read if the
was rather long, and so they were provided chairs to await their turn in sconces are still lit. Extinguishing all other lights in the
Judgement. But these unfortunate spirits were more unfortunate still, room except for one of the glowing koi allows any writing or
for they could not make up their minds on where to sit. markings on the walls, floor, and ceiling to be easily visible.
These markings can provide clues to another relevant key
Apple refused to sit beside Cherry, whose breath (even in spirit) was character or quest, directions to a hidden treasure (perhaps
unimaginable in its putrescence. in the pool below), or arrows pointing to specific portions
Pinky and Apple declared that they must sit right beside each other of the room that must be interacted with before revealing a
(they are twins, after all). hidden passageway.
River and Violet declared that they must be as far apart as possible Secret Notes. This puzzle is a great way to introduce
(ex-lovers are always so picky). luminescent koi and invisible writing as a mechanic for
further puzzles, or even an entire dungeon. Perhaps the next
Lastly, Oz’flob declared that she’d love to sit betwixt as much drama as room requires transporting a koi across a precarious gap
possible (living alone for so long can make you hungry for such gossip). without exposing it to air. Perhaps the luminescent koi lets
Some say these spirits are still there today, locked in eternal disagreement, the characters see a safe path drawn on the map of a room
longing for a solution that will finally put their souls to rest. filled with hidden traps. Characters could even receive a pot
of this invisible ink and a luminescent pendant as treasure
Solution. Players must correctly arrange the colored urns
that allows them to use this mechanic themselves in the
in the hearth following the proper square-circle pattern in
future. The koi fish, so long as it is consistently fed and cared
accordance with the logic puzzle. In this puzzle, Apple is the
for, could even be kept as a pet!
green urn, Pinky is the magenta urn, Cherry is the red urn,
Violet is the purple urn, River is the blue urn, and Oz’flob
is the orange urn. Using this knowledge, the only correct
solution is the following:
1. Purple Urn (Violet, Square Bottom)
2. Green Urn (Apple, Round Bottom)
3. Magenta Urn (Pinky, Square Bottom)
4. Orange Urn (Oz’flob, Round Bottom)
5. Red Urn (Cherry, Square Bottom)
6. Blue Urn (River, Round Bottom)

152 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles

• If calculated properly, The Liftomatic Vertical Transportation
ı9. The Arcanic Device shall pause at the peak of its loft for lo 30-seconds before
descending with gentility.
Liftomatic Vertical • Should thee be desirous to stoppeth upon a certain location whilst

Transportation Device
lofted within the shaft, whether thee be beyond the point thou
intended to reacheth, or mayhaps thou calculated wrongly and
A few steps lead up to a sliding door, inside which is a 15-by- undershotteth thine loft, pulleth the timed break lever, which
15-foot platform. The platform’s edge is surrounded by a shall locketh the platform in place for lo 30-seconds. The break
rail with hinged gates in the center of all its sides but one. lever may be reset, though if it is not, and additional loft has not
If a creature stands on the platform and looks up, they see been created in the arcanic elemental containment chamber, the
a vertical lift shaft rising high above them. Other doorways Arcanic Liftomatic Vertical Transportation Device shall descend
open on the left shaft at certain points high above. with gentility.
On the rail that does not have a hinged gate is a brass box • Should thee be desirous of the creation of further loft, thou mayest
with 7 wheel-like cylindrical dials set into it. The dials have pull thine timed break lever, set thine brazen tumblers to null, and
four pictograms etched into them: a flame, a water droplet, input the elements thee require and proceedeth per usual directations.
swirling air lines, and a simple dash line. Above each dial is a • A Note of Warning Most Dire! Should symbols
small brass frame which indicates what pictogram ss selected. inflammatory be input in series numbering greater than four, the
Dangling from a chain beside the console is a battered elemental containment chamber shall be unable to contain the
manual, the contents of which follow: element and the Liftomatic Vertical Transportation Device will
be engulfed in truly manifested element inflammatory.
Arcanic Liftomatic Vertical Transportation Device
Solution. The solution to this puzzle is simply to read the
• Do input the elements thee desire upon the brazen tumblers. manual and make heads or tails of the controls.
• Verily, ensureth thou hast input thine elements in the ord’r they To lift themselves 10 feet, the characters must input the
shall be made manifest. following on the tumblers: flame, water, air, null, null, null,
• Noteth that pow’r inflammatory in singular shall only beareth and null.
thee loft no more than ten spans of the standard foot of a human. To lift themselves 20 feet, they must input the following:
• Be thee ware that improp’r mixture of elements arcane may flame, flame, water, water, air, null, null.
causeth unintended or grave consequences. To lift themselves 30 feet, they must input the following:
• Thine elements must remain with others of their kind, excepting flame, flame, flame, water, water, water, air.
only when transitioning unto a new set of elements. Once a Call the Lift. Depending on how accessible you would like
contiguous group of elements has been created upon the brazen this elevator to be, you can create panels at any upper-level
tumblers, further groups will be unable to be created. door to allow the platform to be called from above so long as
• Should thee desire to loft thineselves above a height of ten spans of the operating procedures are remembered.
the standard human foot, thou must NOT alternate the elements Holy Hand Grenade. To enhance the comedic value of the
inflammatory and aqueous repeating, for functioning shall cease. reading of the manual, the reader may read it in their best
• Elements thee may selecteth: quavering, pseudo-Shakespearean voice.
• Inflammatory - Indicated by flame - Produces fire, heat,
necessary for loft fuel.
• Aqueous - Indicated by droplet - Produces moisture, neces-
sary for sustained lift.
• Zephyrous - Indicated by swirling lines - Produces air, lift,
necessary for initial propulsion.
• Null - Indicated by a dash.
• To propelleth thineselves, thou must combineth the elements
in sufficient quantities so as to loft thineselves to the desired
• An amount of element aqueous shall be added post entry of
element inflammatory. Such is required to formeth pressurized
gaseous aqueous, responsible for sustained lifting pow’r.
• A single instance of element zephyrous shall be added post
entry of element aqueous, no more, no less. Such is required to
produceth necessary initial thrust for loft.

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 153

20. Ancient Guardian of 2ı. For Whom the
the Hall Pyramid Rattles
A hallway is almost entirely blocked by a large stone statue, A pyramid-shaped object roughly the size of a watermelon
with but a few inches of space to spare on each side. The is in this room. The pyramid is made of a lightweight metal
statue can look like a cross-eyed goblin, a slack-jawed and has no seams or means to open it. A round, metallic-
ogre, or anything else exceptionally doofy-looking. When sounding object can be heard and felt rolling around inside
approached, the statue shouts in an equally-doofy voice: the pyramid when it is tilted.
“I AM THE ANCIENT GUARDIAN OF THE HALL. NO ONE If the characters take the pyramid with them, eventually the
GETS PAST, AND NO ONE EVER WILL, BECAUSE I’M A ball begins to rattle within the pyramid on its own. How long
REALLY GREAT GUARDIAN.” it takes for the pyramid to start rattling is up to you. This
rattling can be heard up to 50 feet away, and is audible even
Players can investigate the statue further, all while the when the object is kept in an extra-dimensional space such
statue continues on loudly and incessantly about their hall- as a bag of holding. The rattling only stops when the pyramid
guarding prowess. Below the statue is a small blackboard is held by a creature, who can feel that one of the corners of
plaque with the poorly-written words “Persuns Who Got the pyramid is warm to the touch.
Pasd” displayed across the top. No names are written below
it. The statue will proudly call attention to this plaque as Solution. The pyramid is reacting to the presence of a place
evidence that no one has ever gotten by, because if they had, it needs to get to, getting warmer or colder as it gets closer or
further away. The built-in alarm activates once the pyramid
their name would be on it.
gets within range of the location.
Solution. There are many potential solutions to this puzzle
Often, the characters will point the party towards
depending on the players’ approach. The easiest solution,
impassable terrain (large gaps, solid walls, etc.) leaving them
and the one that is hinted at the most, is for players to
to determine the best path towards their destination. If the
simply write their names on the “Persuns Who Got Pasd”
pyramid is tracking an object instead of a location, and that
plaque with chalk, a pencil, or even carved with a knife. object moves feedback changes to match.
As they do this, the poor dumb statue will be positively
gobsmacked, and may even beg or bribe the characters to Once the characters reach the location or object (or even
stop writing their names before they finish. Unfortunately, creature) the pyramid is tracking, it rattles loudly for a few
the statue will have no choice but to let the characters seconds before falling silent and growing cold once more. The
through once they write each of their names on the plaque. tracked item could be a fragment of a whole object, whose
other pieces must be located elsewhere using the pyramid. It
Other potential solutions may involve bribing the statue (“I could also be a special treasure, or even a person (such as the
know of a really great, even BIGGER hall we could bring you creator of the object, or a key character in the campaign).
to for you to guard!”) or possibly lying to the statue (“You’ve
Testing. There is great potential for customization with this
let us through before!” “We created you!”). Much of the fun
puzzle, seeing as it operates around an object that players
of this puzzle is interacting with players as this statue, and
must learn to utilize. Perhaps your pyramid features a
allowing players’ outlandish plans to work on it, seeing as
sentient or cursed ball in the center, or perhaps the pyramid
the statue is delightfully dumb.
is one of a pair that can be used by party members to
If your players do attack the statue, it has the stats of a communicate or track each other across long distances.
large animated object as created by a 5th-level animate object Is This Thing On? To increase the difficulty of the puzzle,
spell (HP: 50, AC: 10, Attack: +6 to hit, 2d10 + 2 damage, consider limiting the feedback of the pyramid by making
Movement Speed: 0ft). the entirety of it grow warmer or hotter depending on the
proximity of the target. You can also limit the temperature
feedback of the pyramid to simply “tepid”, “warm”, or “hot” to
remove the sliding scale of heat and further increase difficulty.
Which Way? Add more fun to the object-hunt by presenting
your players with gated choices at certain points along their
path. For example, perhaps the pyramid points them to a
room with two side-by-side doorways. When characters
select and enter a doorway, it closes and locks behind them,
now committing them to that path (which is either closer
or further from their goal). They can investigate the forked
paths for clues (footprints, debris, fur stuck in a door hinge,
etc.) that may also help them decide which direction to go.

154 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles

22. Well-Read, Well- 23. Uplifting Words
Reasoned Characters open a seemingly normal door into the middle of
a 15-foot square, 60-foot high shaft. On the far wall, across
Characters find an empty room with nine books laying from the entrance, the following proverb is painted:
randomly scattered across the stone floor. Into the floor in The hammer does pale when compared to the tongue.
large letters is carved the following poem, with a few feet of To build and to break, there is no better one.
space between the stanzas: It is not of matter, but soul that we speak,
The space between awaits us, So forge with thine words, for the crop ye shall reap.
Red, numbers, stares, and home 30 feet up from the proverb is a white door, flush with the
A clever placement wakes us, ceiling. 30 feet below is a black door, flush with the floor.
Boys, embraces, fright, and stone Although there are no visible or tangible walking surfaces,
The magic happens at the end, characters can enter the room and seemingly walk on thin
Then close your eyes and count to ten… air. However, they are unable to ascend or descend in the
shaft by normal means, such as climbing, jumping, or using
Solution. The solution to the puzzle is physically arranging
magic; each attempt results in the character being yanked
the books in order within the spaces between the stanzas.
back to the invisible “floor” where they first stood.
Describe the books and their titles in a random order.
Solution. Each time a character compliments a fellow
The books which should be laid out from left to right in the
party member, that character ascends 10 feet. Each time
space between stanzas one and two are:
a character insults a fellow party member, that character
1. Red: Crimson Nightmare by Terrance Black descends 10 feet. This means, from the starting middle
2. Numbers: Our World As Understood in Mathematics by ground, a character must give 3 compliments (30 feet) to
Harmony Sikh reach the top white door, or 3 insults (30 feet) to reach the
bottom black door.
3. Stares: Warring Gazes by Bobson Loveleaf
Characters may discover a blessed item behind the white
4. Home: The City Whence She Came by Tordwynn Aralance door and a cursed item behind the black door, or perhaps
The books which should be laid out from left to right in the the doors are simply two entrances into the same location,
space between stanzas two and three are: presented simply to reveal the character of those who
5. Boys: Puberty in Young Male Half Orcs: A Study by Graak accessed them.
Hogthorn Have At You! You could take this idea to the extreme by
6. Embraces: Hold Me, Hardly by Elizabet Skylancer pairing this idea with combat. Perhaps the rules of the shaft
only affect the players, requiring them to shout niceties or
7. Fright: Tales to Tell After Twilight by Desdemona Reaper obscenities at each other mid-battle whilst trying to thwart
8. Stone: A Miner’s Guide to Minerals by Tokk Orlach a flying enemy. Perhaps other speaking or sentient enemies
are beholden to the room’s rules as well, resulting in further
The book that should be placed at the end of the last stanza is:
mayhem, and requiring you to hurl insults or compliments
9. Magic: The Arcane Stairway (no author) as needed too!
Once the books are arranged in this order, the entire party
must close their eyes and count to ten (per the poem’s
instructions). During this time, they hear the sound of
flipping pages and feel rushing wind on their faces. When
they open their eyes, the books have each grown to roughly
5 feet in length and have embedded themselves into a wall to
form an ascending staircase. The stairs can then be climbed
up through an illusory portion of the ceiling, where a hidden
library or other important location can be found.
Speed Read. You should expect that characters will look
through the books. We encourage you to prepare or
improvise what the contents of the books might be.

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 155

24. We Are as Water 25. “Meta” Magic
This room is a 30-by-30 foot area with a 10-foot-wide Characters find a small diorama in the center of an empty
ledge of ice on one side, where the characters enter, and room. The diorama is stuck to the floor, and is an exact
a 10-foot-wide ledge of stone, covered in a thick haze of replica of the room the characters are currently in, as well
steam. A 10-foot-wide river of water flows between the as the surrounding dungeon. The diorama even includes
ledges, running impossibly from a stone wall on one side of strange, miniature figurines that seem to match the
the room to a dark stone tunnel on the other. If characters character’s current positions, and move about as they do.
investigate the icy area, steamy area, or water, they find If a miniature figurine is moved on the board, the character
nothing out of the ordinary. it represents is also moved a proportionate distance in the
In the center of the river, a rowboat and oars is anchored room. No miniature figurine can be tilted or lifted from
by a rope tied to a wooden stake in the ice. On the archway the diorama — they may only be slid. In the same vein, if a
above the river tunnel is a plaque engraved in elegant script: character jumps vertically or goes prone, their miniature
“We are as water, ever in three forms: who we were, who we are, and figurine remains unchanged. Miniature figurines cannot be
who we will be.” damaged or destroyed.

If characters get in the boat and row through the tunnel, Creatures can take damage as normal from this movement
they will emerge from the tunnel into the room they just left; due to traps or dangers in their path. Creatures that want to
they see and feel nothing behind them but the stone wall. prevent this forced movement can make a DC15 Charisma
They do, however, see a ghostly vision of their immediate saving throw. If the creature fails, they are moved against
past selves on the ice, replaying from the moment they their will. If they succeed, they are unmoved, and their
initially entered the room until they rowed into the tunnel. connection to the miniature figurine is severed, preventing
If any characters stayed behind without getting on the boat, them from being moved this way again.
they do not see this vision, but they do see the boat phase Solution. This puzzle concept has an infinite number of
through the stone wall. Any subsequent passes through the applications and solutions depending on the campaign
tunnel reveal the same thing. and in-world location of the diorama. The following are
Solution. The icy portion of the room represents the potential scenarios and solutions for this puzzle, which can
characters’ past, while the river portion of the room be adjusted or replaced with your own ideas:
represents the characters’ present. If characters enter the • Characters examining the diorama discover a hidden
steamy portion of the room after traveling through the room with no entrance that can’t be seen or accessed in
tunnel, they see another ghostly vision, presumably of their real life. Characters must find a way to carve a path in the
future selves. This vision shows themselves lowering to the diorama to make this room accessible; or, similarly, they
floor to lay motionless in a fetal position. After a moment, may find a way to relocate the treasure within this hidden
the vision melts through the stone floor and disappears. If room to a separate accessible location in the dungeon.
the characters follow this vision’s lead and curls into a fetal • Characters notice a room further into the dungeon with
position on the floor, they too will phase through the floor the lurking miniature figurines of sinister creatures.
and into a new area. Under the same limitations of the characters’ figurines
In this new area, or as they phase through to this area, (no lifting, no laying down, cannot be destroyed) players
characters may have further dream-like visions of their past or must relocate, restrain, or otherwise clear a path
future selves, personalized and described at your discretion. through these creatures in order to advance. This can
Be Creative. This puzzle presents ample opportunity for also be applied to disarming traps and clearing other
adjustment to suit your party’s needs. Especially since the map obstacles before advancing.
players will likely try many things outside of the “correct” • Characters notice a miniature in their current room
solution, you can think of many other ways to reward of a hostile creature they can’t otherwise see or detect.
their creativity with additional visions or discoveries. For Players must battle this creature, and may use their
example, what if players try to break through the stone wall action to move themselves, allies, or the creature to
from which the river mysteriously originates, or they try to another location using the diorama. If the creature is
travel backwards through it? What if players try to stop or sentient and intelligent, it may even try to commandeer
turn around in the middle of the dark river tunnel — would the diorama to use against the characters instead.
they discover anything?
You don’t need answers to every possibility right from
the start, but leave yourself open to having fun and being
creative with your responses to your players’ efforts.

156 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles

26. ‘Tis the Season 27. Short and Sweet
Characters enter a 15-by-15 foot room that is unnaturally The space is a room of any particular size, but cluttered with
brimming with springtime atmosphere. The floor of the things in some degree of disarray. On the wall hangs a large
room is covered in grass, flowers, and foliage. Sunlight picture frame as tall as a person. The painting inside the
streaks through rain clouds that drift and drizzle from the frame is flat black.
ceiling, 25 feet above. Notable items found amongst the clutter in are:
In the center of the grassy floor sits a 1-inch square metal • An ant farm
box. The box is nearly impossible to break open in its current
state, though something can be heard brushing against the • A journal lying next to the ant farm
inside of it. In the back right corner of the room is a 5-by-5 • A sack containing a large amount of dried meat.
foot square patch of tilled, unused farming soil. On the far
• A rough and slightly misshapen 3-by-3-foot, 6-foot tall
left corner of the room is an unlocked metal door.
block of sugar under a tarp.
Past this initial room are three more nearly identical rooms,
• A small chisel and hammer nearby.
each which embody the seasons of summer, autumn, and
winter. The summer room is cloudless, bright, hot, and • A small workbench with alchemical tools and a wooden
flooded with the scent of summery earth and flowers. The crate of small brown glass bottles labeled “ant repellent,
metal box in the summer room is hot to the touch. The not ale.”
autumn room is slightly chilly with crunchier, browning • A round, metal shield that looks like it was almost shorn
grass, and is filled with a sourceless breeze that wafts through in half by massive jaws.
it. This room’s metal box shows the beginnings of rust, but is
still very difficult to open. The winter room is very cold, coated Solution. An item the characters seek has been hidden inside
in a layer of snow that drifts slowly down from the clouds the ant farm. Any creature stepping through the frame exits
above. The metal box in this room is thoroughly rusted and a Tiny frame within the ant farm, stepping out onto a small
looks easier to open. Unlike the other rooms, the door at the area of stone. The stone is carved with wards which prevent
back of the winter room is locked, has no handle, and sports a the ants from approaching the frame and escaping. Beyond
deep, half-circle indent in its center, a bit larger than a fist. the stone, is a typical ant farm.

Solution. The metal box can be opened in any room, but it’s Creatures inside the ant farm appear Tiny to those outside
hardest to open in summer and easiest to open in winter. It it, but they are their normal size relative to other creatures
contains a 6-inch tree sapling, and once the box is opened in inside the ant farm. The ants in the farm are highly
one room it is opened in all rooms. territorial and attack intruders.

Characters can then plant the seed in the farming soil in The journal describes the room’s owner using the ant farm
the spring room. Nothing happens immediately, but in the as a place to store valuables. He discovered that his ants were
winter room there is no a 4-foot tall tree of the same kind temperamental, and he tried several things to deal with them
as the sapling. Removing this tree and replanting it in the including homebrewed ant repellant, dried meat, and sugar.
spring room, makes a large, fruit-bearing tree appear in The ant repellant doesn’t work at all. Instead, it enrages any
the autumn room. Characters can then take this fruit to the ants in the immediate area until the characters flees.
winter room, place it into the circular indent on the door, The ants quickly devour the dried meat, but it does nothing
and the door will open. to make them more friendly. The sugar, however, makes ants
What lies beyond the door could be a bounty of mystical fruits who eat it friendly towards the characters.
and vegetables, or perhaps a portal to another location or plane
that is similarly governed by the quick shifting of seasons.
28. Stoned
Remembering the Past. The core concept of this room
In the center of the room is a large, simple clay pot
could instead be used to provide interesting opportunities surrounded by beautiful colored stones. A creature who
for roleplay with the players. Perhaps key events in your picks up a stone is unable to speak, unable to release the
characters’ lives occurred in a particular season, creating stone, and cannot pick up another stone.
a ripe atmosphere for flashbacks or plot advancement. It’s
also possible that the rooms don’t culminate in a locked Each stone telepathically whispers a particular requirement
door at all, but simply serve as a physical representation of to the mind of the creature who picks it up, and meeting this
characters’ journey thus far. requirement allows the creature to drop the stone.
The conditions for each stone are:
• Red. You must take 5 hit points of damage while holding
the stone, then you may place it in the pot.
• Orange. You must place your stone in the shoe of a
fellow party member, and place the shoe in the pot.

Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles 157

• Yellow. You must get every party member to give you a The Small humanoid is enjoying some bread with honey
hug. The stone can then be placed into the pot. smeared on it. They want mead, and get belligerent if given
• Green. You must have no currency on your person or water; whiskey makes them start a fight.
within your belongings. Once you have no coin in your Solution. The Large humanoid gets water, the Medium
possession, the stone can then be placed into the pot. humanoid gets fire whiskey, and the Small humanoid gets
• Blue. You must douse any sources of light in the room. the sweet mead.
The stone may then be placed in the pot.
• Purple. Your stone can only be placed into the pot while 30. A Lasting Impression
you are upside-down (feet above your head). The characters enter an ancient, dusty room built entirely
• Black. You must make someone kneel on both knees and from roughly-carved sandstone bricks. Each of these bricks
bow to you. Once someone does, you may put your stone has carvings that resemble rudimentary hieroglyphics or
in the pot. early pictographs. The pictographs on certain bricks depict
• White. Get the rest of your party to leave the room. religious rituals, interactions with gods, famous wars, and
Once you are alone, you may put your stone in the pot. prophetic stories.
Solution. The puzzle is solved once every party member has One corner of a wall has crumbled, leaving an empty space
taken a stone and fulfilled its requirement. This may mean where six bricks used to be. Six sandstone bricks lay on the
that sealed exits open, treasure is revealed, or clues can be floor beneath the crumbled portion of wall, though they are
found. Once the puzzle has been solved, the stones placed in strangely pristine and have an aura of transmutation magic
the pot magically return to their original locations, and any visible with detect magic. The bricks look like they cover an
personal items removed to fulfill the stone’s requirements empty space of wall with the words “tell your story” carved
are magically returned. roughly into it.
We All Have to Get Stoned. The puzzle might require that Solution. Using a knife, chisel, or other tool, characters must
every member of the party take a stone, even those who are recreate six of their previous adventures, accomplishments,
not in the room. This might mean some or all of the characters or memorable encounters on the fallen bricks. They must
who are in the room need to leave, find the others, and come then place these bricks into the crumbled portion of the
back with them. Having one hand occupied with a stone may wall, filling the hole. The bricks then glow with a soft white
impede a character’s ability to use weapons or cast spells. light as they become part of the wall.
Where’s the Pot? For an even greater challenge, the stones Across the room, a different section of bricks shifts
may be found separate from the clay pot, and perhaps even outwards to reveal a 2-by-2 foot section of stone wall with
separate from each other. a strange, stony face carved into it. The face speaks to the
characters, thanking them for their stories and rewarding
29. Mean Muggin’ them with a story in return: any single one of the stories they
find depicted somewhere else in the room.
Within the tavern, 3 humanoids sit at a table, one Large, one
Medium, and one Small. After the retelling, the face asks the characters to return
someday with more stories, promising to reward them once
The tavernkeep says:
more with it’s knowledge. Finally, the bricks shift back into
“‘Ey, c’mere. You wanna play a bit of a game? See those three? Them’s place, covering the face, and the corner section of bricks
regulars ‘n’ they order the same thing every night. Here’s the game: crumbles once more, the characters’ stories erased from the
“These here are their drinks.” He puts three drinks on the bar. brick faces.
Three of you each grab a drink, and you take the drinks t’ them at the We Have to Draw? It is highly recommended that you
same time. They get the right drinks, they won’t start no rukus. Give require your players to actually draw their chosen memory
‘em the wrong drinks, and they’re like t’ fight. or adventure on an index-card-sized piece of paper. Even
“They get the right drinks, you get rooms, food and drinks on the if you are playing remotely, have players draw their brick
house. Any of ‘em fights, you pay full price, and buy a round for those face and send a picture of it to you and the gaming crew!
three and everyone else in here. Whaddaya say?” The worse the drawing, the better, trust us. You can even get
them framed afterwards to have a lifelong memory of your
There are three clay mugs on the bar, each with different campaign and its wild adventures!
contents: water, sweet mead, and fire whiskey. The patrons
are at their table, sober. Years and Years. You can provide a more concrete reward for
this puzzle. When the characters finish placing their bricks
The Large humanoid seems perfectly happy at the moment, into the wall, the floor starts to shudder, then slowly descends.
but starts a fight if given mead or whiskey. Describe how the brick walls continue downward as the
The Medium humanoid is eating some spicy food, and floor lowers, depicting thousands more stories on the bricks,
sweat is beading on his forehead. They want whisky, and get perhaps ones that grow more dark or sinister as they continue
belligerent if given water. Mead makes them start a fight. down. Eventually, the characters find themselves in a secret
underground tomb or tunnel system long forgotten by time.
158 Chapter Eleven | Perplexing Puzzles
Adding depth, mystery, and intrigue to an adventure can occurrences, Wisdom and Intelligence-based skills such as
be the difference between a good campaign and a great Arcana, Insight, and Investigation are useful, depending on
one. Storytelling usually benefits from keeping a bit of the nature of the occurrence.
information being from the main characters and then
Hidden information can be broken down into three categories:
revealing that information at the moment that gives the best
story secrets, quest secrets, and environment secrets.
dramatic effect. This could be something as important as a

Story Secrets
relationship between the main antagonist and the heroes
(such as the villain being one of the hero’s blood relatives) or
something more mundane, like a secret escape tunnel out of Story secrets include things having to do with the
the final chamber of the dungeon. overarching campaign and the characters’ roles within it.
Characters can learn these secrets by seeking out learned The noble who gives the characters their quest to rid the
scholars or ancient creatures that might know obscure land of vampires is himself a vampire. Two characters find
facts. They can also pour over books, scrolls, and runes out that they are actually half-siblings and share a psychic
on dungeon walls. Dreams, visions, flashbacks, and other connection. The entire planet has a giant dragon slumbering
magical occurrences can also yield useful information. inside of it. These are all secrets that could change the
characters or how they relate to the world of your campaign.
Each of these methods requires a different approach. Wisdom
and Charisma-based skills such as Insight, Persuasion, and The best way to give out these secrets is slowly, as clues to
Intimidation are useful when dealing with other creatures. a larger puzzle. Each piece helps to form a clearer picture
When searching for written secrets, Intelligence-based skills of the whole secret. Better still, but more challenging,
like History and Religion are appropriate. For supernatural is to leave a trail of clues that lead the characters to the
wrong conclusion. Then, when the final clue is in place, the
revelation comes as a shock.

Chapter Twelve | Subtle Secrets 159

Here are some example story secrets to inspire you in your • An unassuming creature, whether ally or adversary,
own storytelling: connected to the characters’ journey is secretly very
• The person setting the characters on their journey is powerful and not to be underestimated. This reveal
actually a blood relative of the antagonist, though they should be sudden and dramatic.
may or may not know it. The closer the relationship, the • The antagonist may only be defeated by a specific
more impactful the final reveal. person, spell, element, item, etc. This could also
• A powerful noble and several of their colleagues are be a specific location where the antagonist can be
secretly vampires, lycanthropes, or some other accursed defeated such as a particular building, environment, or
creature. One member of this group wants to eliminate dimension.
the others to gain power and eliminate the only people
who know their horrible secret. Environmental Secrets
• One of the characters is either vulnerable or immune Environmental secrets can be a compartment in a desk, a
to the main antagonist’s signature ability. The reason false wall in an alchemy lab, or a hatch in the floor under
for this unique situation might be a magical blessing the rug. Often these types of secrets are related to a simple
or curse, a twist of fate, or some other quirk of your or complex trap. Stepping in the wrong place, opening the
campaign’s setting. wrong door, and picking up an object might all trigger a trap.
• The dragon who is thought to guard the treasure died a In many cases, characters stumble over environmental
long time ago, but it's skeletal remains still lurk in its lair. secrets by accident; detecting a faint draft through a crack
• The individuals who hired the characters are actually that reveals a hidden passageway, looking up at the perfect
members of a different faction opposed to the one they moment to notice a lever on the ceiling, accidentally falling
claim to represent. down a pit trap to discover the next level of the dungeon.
• The characters aren’t expected to succeed or even Here are some examples of environmental secrets to inspire
survive on their adventure, but instead to act as a you in your own storytelling:
distraction while another group accomplishes its goal. • Stepping through a mirror is the only way to reach the
next level of the dungeon.
Quest Secrets • A secret passageway connects an early section of the
Quest secrets pertain to specific tasks within an adventure dungeon with a deeper area. The hidden doors of the
itself. These could be the location of a map the characters passageway can only be opened from the deeper area.
need to begin the next leg of their journey, a secret password • A chest has a secret compartment that can be accessed
to open a chest that contains the artifact they need to from the inside by pressing on a release mechanism.
proceed, or learning that touching the glowing orb on the • A password or command word for a magical device is
pedestal will instantly disintegrate someone who is not the written on the back of the tapestry.
chosen one.
• An illusion hides a door or passageway.
Here are some example quest secrets to inspire you in your
own storytelling: • Grooves on the floor, left by a trap, are revealed only
when light hits the tiles at a particular angle.
• If they want to release the captive creature from its
magical bonds, the characters must replace it with
someone else.
• The lock that foiled the characters is enchanted with
arcane lock, requiring a specific key or a knock spell.
• The object at the center of the characters’ quest can
only be touched by a creature of a particular bloodline,
a creature wearing a particular ring, or a creature in
possession of a particular enchanted item.
• Over the years, many replicas of the item the characters
are searching for have been made. Only the version with
a specific maker’s mark is the original.

160 Chapter Twelve | Subtle Secrets

Riddles are questions or verbal puzzles that are presented
so as to be cryptic or indirect, while still seeking a specific
Guidelines for Riddle Design
answer. Consider the classic “Riddle of the Sphinx” found in Here are some guidelines for creating riddles:
Greek mythology: 1. It should be solvable.
What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, 2. It must provide the necessary information.
three legs in the evening, and no legs at night?
3. It should have only one answer
The answer, as most people know, is “a human,” or “people.”
4. Have clues ready.
The riddle is a test of the ability to avoid overly literal
thinking, and to think figuratively. It would be very easy to Now we’ll elaborate on these various points.
simply ask “What crawls at the beginning of its life, walks
on two legs after that, and later uses a cane, and then dies?”
The point is to test the cleverness of the listener.

Chapter Thirteen | Ridiculous Riddles 161

Having said that, designing riddles can be difficult and,
unless you’re an expert at it, you might make a riddle that
Riddles and brain teasers can either make players feel can be answered by something that you didn’t expect. If the
wonderful and clever, or stupid and frustrated. There is also answer given by the players perfectly fits the criteria of the
something about sitting around playing a tabletop RPG, riddle, it is important to accept it. It will make the players
or playing a game with a group, that can turn an otherwise feel extremely clever and the game will keep moving.
clever individual’s brain to mush. Here are some things that
can impact one’s ability to solve riddles at the table: HAVE CLUES READY
• The pressure of other people watching Players will get stumped sometimes and it is important to
• Distractions be ready to give clues. This is an excellent opportunity to use
ability checks pertaining to what characters know or have
• Having the input of other individuals or solving as a encountered before. Make sure that the clue is just a clue, and
committee not the entire answer.
• If the players must remain “in character” while they try
to solve the riddle EXCEPTIONS
• In-game pressure (such as a character’s life depending Coming up with a riddle can be an amorphous, tricky, and
on a correct answer) confusing thing to do, even when you have guidelines like
these to help. Sometimes the guidelines may even steer
Because of these (and, very likely, many other reasons not
you away from where your mind wants to go. If you get
mentioned here), it is important to remember that you, the
inspired and come up with something that doesn’t follow
GM, want the players to solve your riddle! If you make it
the guidelines, but still works, great! Even in the examples
too hard, it is almost inevitable that they will be stuck there
below, you will find some that may not quite fit what’s above,
all night (or worse, multiple sessions). As a general rule, the
but they are still fun. Follow your inspiration and practice,
riddle will always be at least one degree harder for your
practice, practice.
group than it is for you, if not two. If you think your riddle is
hard, expect it to be very hard for your players. If you think GENERAL TIPS
your riddle is easy, expect it to be moderately difficult (which
is exactly the range that’s generally best to aim for, unless • Think of things with multiple meanings, such as an
your group is a bunch of hardened riddle-breakers). object or commonly used word or phrase.
• Use a simple rhyme scheme such as one of the following:
• Every line rhymes (go for similar syllable pacing in the
INFORMATION sentences).
The contents of the riddle must be sufficient to reveal the • Every other line rhymes (first with third, second with
answer on their own, to a reasonable degree. For instance, fourth, etc).
with our Sphynxian example, the riddle does not state
• Limerick (five lines; first, second and fifth rhyme, third
“man” or “a human” (or, in the case of fantasy RPGs, perhaps
and fourth rhyme).
it would be humanoid?). However, it is reasonable to think
that someone is aware of their own species and how the • Limit your lines; simpler is better.
flow of life tends to work. It is knowledge that the subject is
guaranteed to have. The riddle just forces them to realize the
connection between the abstract clue they were given, and
the firm information locked in their own minds.


Good riddles have a way of giving the solver that “Ah HA!”
moment, because there should be only one answer. When
the solver lands on an idea, they can check it by asking
themselves, “Does my idea meet the criteria of the riddle?”
If the answer is a firm “yes” for all points of the riddle, that
should be the answer.

162 Chapter Thirteen | Ridiculous Riddles

Example Riddles Riddle: I lie inside you, and deep underground. My arms are
outstretched, in them treasure is found. My riches crown
Now that we’ve broken down the elements of designing a kings, and bathe battlegrounds.
riddle, we’ve come up with some examples that you are free
to use or change as you see fit. Answer: A vein

Riddle: With a large appetite, I don’t bother to chew. I

remain unarmed, yet still fear is my due. I forge my own Riddle: I keep an eye open, but yet I am blind. I am sharp as
armor, but throw it out, too. a tack, but I have no mind. Please try not to lose me, for I’m
hard to find.
Answer: A snake
Answer: A needle

Riddle: I can be tall, but beyond hips never placed. Though

empty I rest, trav’ling full’s to my taste. To keep me at home Riddle: I have no real strength, so to speak
is naught but a waste. My appearance does seem rather meek
Answer: Boots Though I am thin and flimsy
I’ve held wit and whimsy
Riddle: I can be cliche, or rife with banality. I do not have And the wisdom that sages did seek
sides, but can have plurality. I can be be turned ‘round, but
more in mentality. Answer: Paper
Answer: A phrase
Riddle: Sometimes might I look like a pig
Riddle: I reach around earth, grasping ever so tight. Once More often I am grand and big
born, I exist for a time out of sight. Though later I reach into Give me what you’ve got
firmament’s light.
If it’s worth a little or lot
Answer: A tree
For aught else I don’t give a fig
Answer: A bank
Riddle: A thread in the curtain of your soul’s window. A
bond for the sep’rate, I hold things just so. A message in
crimson to mutineers go. Riddle: When I go to work I get nailed
Answer: A lash I get battered and trounced while impaled
When finally off-shift
Riddle: My glow, it is warm, but for warmth you don’t want I’m given a lift
me. I live and die, but no tear is shed for me. But I’ll see you
To get hammered and again assailed
anon, when you resurrect me.
Answer: A horseshoe
Answer: A candle

Riddle: The reason I’m loved is quite clear

Riddle: All walk through me, though many misconstrue me.
My meaning is subjective, but I’m always the objective. I am prized for my excellent ears
Answer: Life But what I haven’t told
Is they’re ears made of gold
Riddle: I am a master of true transmutation. Once I’ve And what they certainly can’t do is hear
been set to work, there’s often little cessation. I inspire and
Answer: Corn
drown, bring you up and then down, help you have a great
time then get you kicked out of town.
Answer: Alcohol Riddle: On the outside, I seem hard and hairy
If I lurk above, you best be wary
Riddle: I come from the moon or from the smile of a friend. I yield for stone
I also rest in a building, making sure it won’t bend. Or steel alone
Answer: A beam I’m also too much for a swallow to carry
Answer: A Coconut

Chapter Thirteen | Ridiculous Riddles 163

The trapsmith is a clever, cunning, and devious creator of some degree of ethics, depending on whether or not you
obstacles and impediments. In this chapter, you will find consider the potential victims of your traps to be deserving
information on the trapsmith background, as well as three of their fate.
trapsmith NPCs who can accompany an adventuring party Skill Proficiencies: Perception, plus your choice of one of
on their journeys, for the right price. the following: Arcana, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, or
Trapsmith Background. The trapsmith is proficient Survival.
in building and disarming traps, and has the tools and Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools, trapmaker's tools*
knowledge to do so. This background comes with a unique
set of equipment, features, and characteristics, all suited to Equipment: A set of tough, rugged clothing, a set of
the dungeon-delving experience. trapmaker’s tools*, a small boot knife, string, a wooden
hammer, box of 50 1-inch iron nails, a small envelope
NPCs & Hirelings. For those facing an especially holding 15 hollow needles, a thimble, a round leather scroll
challenging dungeon — full of scything blades, pitfalls, and case containing 10 pieces of parchment, 5 small pieces of
fire blasts at every turn — there are folk who make a good writing charcoal, a spool of wire, a spool of thin braided
living acting as guides through such treacherous places. rope, a spring, a pulley, and a pouch containing 5 gp.

Trapsmith Feature: Professional Courtesy. When you come into

contact with other trap makers with whom you share a
You love traps and you always have. The satisfaction when language, you can talk shop. When you do this, you have a
something comes together just right is a feeling you’re very better chance of building professional rapport. At the GM’s
familiar with. You have always enjoyed tinkering with things discretion, this might shift them away from being hostile,
and finding ways to defend your home or place of business provide you a discount on materials, or they may decide to
with dangerous devices. You understand that traps can be, do you a small favor.
and often are, harmful but you treat your profession with

164 Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends

Suggested Characteristics. Being especially perceptive, d6 Flaw
you’re always keeping a keen eye on your surroundings.
Even in polite company, you’re always looking for the 1 The desire to see what's beyond the horizon has
nearest exit. You’re rarely surprised since you have likely gotten me in trouble more than once.
thought of many different ways a particular situation could When I earn money I quickly, and foolishly,
go. You may also have some scars from your exploits, which spend it.
you may or may not wear proudly.
3 It's every foolhardy adventurer for themselves
d8 Personality Trait when the plan goes sideways.
1 I'm persistent and don't give up easily. 4 I have a loose relationship with the truth and will
say whatever I need to if it's advantageous to me.
2 It takes a lot to aggravate me but, once I reach that
point, I explode like a powder keg. 5 I am cowardly in the face of adversity.
3 I have a particular aversion to being confined in a 6 I'm cheap and refuse to pay fair prices for goods
space with no exit. My favorite places have no walls and services.
and no ceilings.
4 I'm trusting of those who seem genuine and always d6 Physical Feature
try to see the best in people. I’m missing a digit or two.
5 I'm attracted to people with money and power.
2 I have a nasty scar on my face or head.
6 I'm willing to risk everything for the sake of
3 I have a prosthetic appendage.
I’ve regaled many a stunned crowd with stories of 4 A section of my body has been horribly burned.
my adventures. 5 I have a permanent limp.
8 I'm especially sensitive, and resistant to criticism.
6 I don’t have any eyebrows, and they never grow back.

d6 Ideal
*Trapmaker’s Tools
1 Practical. I use my skills to aid those with
This kit includes tools handy for crafting traps, such as
righteous intent. (Lawful) lightweight wire-cutters, pliers, various clips, and a pair of
2 Reckless. We may lose a few people along the way thick gloves designed for the handling of sharp objects.
so the rewards better be worth it. (Chaotic)
3 Supportive. The coin I make from my skills goes to NPCs & Hirelings
benefit the needy. (Good) Throughout the land, there are folk who are wise when it
4 Selfish. Me, myself, and I. (Evil) comes to traps and how to deal with them, and some of them
are for hire. Each of these NPCs has a unique skill set which
5 Assignment. It doesn't really matter who I'm may be useful to an adventuring party.
working for, or to what end, as long as I get paid.
Compensation. Some trapsmiths require an upfront fee
for their services, others may demand a share of the profits;
6 Unpredictable. People around me never know some may demand both. The more potential danger, the
what I'm going to do next. (Chaotic) more the trapsmith charges.
Alterations. The characters below are designed as by-
d6 Bond the-book characters (with the exception of the Trapsmith
Most of my earnings go to my guild. background and trapmaker’s tools). If they are too powerful,
or not powerful enough, for your needs, feel free to increase
2 I'm avoiding a manipulative and dependent family. or decrease their level and adjust as necessary.
3 I regret putting my friend in a dangerous situation,
one that led to their death.
4 Folk from far and wide will one day tell tales of
my exploits.
5 I go it alone, and I always have.
6 I'm quick to make new friends, but also quick to
lose them.

Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends 165

• Read Thoughts. Berf chooses one creature that he can
Berf Barbender see within 60 feet of him. That creature must make a
Medium humanoid (hill dwarf), chaotic neutral Wisdom saving throw. If the creature succeeds on the
saving throw, Berf can’t use this feature on it again until
Class Cleric 9 Armour Class 16 (leather he finishes a long rest.
Background Trapsmith armor, shield) If the creature fails its save, Berf can read its surface
Occupation Hireling Hit Points 66 (9d8 + 18) thoughts when it is within 60 feet of him. This effect
Speed 25 ft. (not reduced by lasts for 1 minute. During that time, Berf can use an
heavy armor) action to end this effect and cast the suggestion spell on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the creature without expending a spell slot. The target
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) automatically fails its saving throw against the spell.
Dwarven Combat Training. Berf has proficiency with bat-
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +3 tleaxes, handaxes, light hammers, and warhammers.
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Investigation +5, Medicine
+6, Nature +6, Perception +6 Dwarven Resilience. Berf has advantage saving throws
Tools smith’s tools, thieves’ tools, trapmaker’s tools against poison.
Damage Resistances poison Spellcasting. Berf is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Sylvan attacks). Berf has the following cleric spells prepared:
Channel Divinity (2/Short Rest). As an action, Berf can • Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending, thaumaturgy
channel divinity (DC 14) to create one of the following effects: • 1st level (4 slots): bless, command, identify
• Turn Undead. Each undead that can see or hear Berf must • 2nd level (3 slots): augury, suggestion
make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its
saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute, or until it takes • 3rd level (3 slots): nondetection, speak with dead
damage. • 4th level (3 slots): arcane eye, confusion
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move
• 5th level (1 slot): legend lore, scrying
as far away from Berf as it can, and it can’t willingly
move to a space within 30 feet of him. It also can’t take Stonecunning. Whenever Berf makes an Intelligence (History)
reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action, check related to the origin of stonework, he is considered
or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from proficient in the History skill, and has +9 to his roll.
moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use
the Dodge action. ACTIONS
When an undead fails its saving throw against Berf’s Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit with, reach 5 ft., one
Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if its CR is target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage, and 4 (1d8)
lower than 1. radiant damage.
• Knowledge of the Ages. Berf gains proficiency in any skill, Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
or with any tool, for 10 minutes. 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage, and 4
(1d8) radiant damage.

166 Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends

Berf Barbender is an old dwarf cleric with a craggy, grizzled
appearance; he wears a long, red waistcoat with big brass
buttons. He is knowledgeable about religious artifacts, the
locations where they might be stored, and the traps that
might protect them. On his back, Berf carries a massive
pack filled with all manner of trap detecting and disarming
devices. He has the tools and skills to handle just about any
type of trap, but even he will admit that he’s not a master
of any particular type; more of a generalist. Very few people
know that he is a cleric; he keeps his holy symbol covered,
and only reveals it in the most dire of circumstances.

Personality Traits
Berf is persistent and doesn’t give up easily. He nearly
starved to death once when he delved into a trap-laden
dungeon in search of a lost relic.

Berf is a bit reckless at times; a few people may be lost along
the way, but the rewards might be worth it.

Berf regrets putting his former partner in a dangerous
situation, one that led to their death.

The desire to see what’s beyond the horizon has gotten Berf
into trouble more than once.

Roleplaying Berf
Berf says what he thinks and lacks any subtly with his words.
He is one of the toughest dwarves you’ll ever encounter, with
the stamina of someone half his age. He tries to make everyone
around him think he doesn’t get scared or feel pain but, deep
down, even he has a breaking point.
“Don’t touch a thing!”

A set of tough, rugged clothing, a set of trapmaker’s tools*, a
small boot knife, string, a wooden hammer, box of 50 1-inch
iron nails, a small envelope holding 15 hollow needles, a
thimble, a round leather scroll case containing 10 pieces of
parchment, 5 small pieces of writing charcoal, a spool of
wire, a spool of thin braided rope, a spring, a pulley, and a
pouch containing 5 gp.

Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends 167

Spellcasting. Izzy is a 13th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
Izzy Freeleaf ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell
Small humanoid (rock gnome), lawful neutral attacks). Izzy has the following wizard spells prepared:
Class Wizard 13 Armour Class 11 (mage • Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, mending,
Background Trapsmith armor) minor illusion, prestidigitation
Occupation Hireling Hit Points 45 (13d6) • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, feather fall,
Speed 25 ft. floating disk
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • 2nd level (3 slots): knock, levitate, locate object, shatter
8 (-1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) • 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, gaseous form, lightning bolt
Saving Throws Int +10, Wis +8 • 4th level (3 slots): arcane eye, dimension door, wall of fire
Skills Arcana +10, Insight +8, Investigation +10,
• 5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, passwall
Perception +8
Tools thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools, trapmaker’s tools • 6th level (1 slot): true seeing
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18 • 7th level (1 slot): antimagic field
Languages Common, Gnomish
Tinker. Using her tinker’s tools, Izzy can spend 1 hour and 10
Arcane Recovery (1/Day). When Izzy finishes a short rest, gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device
she can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours
slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than 7, (unless she spends 1 hour repairing it to keep the device
and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. functioning), or when she uses her action to dismantle it; at
that time, she can reclaim the materials used to create it. She
Artificer’s Lore. Whenever Izzy makes an Intelligence
can have up to three such devices active at a time. When she
(History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or
creates a device, she chooses one of the following options:
technological devices, she adds +15 to her roll.
• Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster,
Empowered Evocation. Izzy can add her Intelligence
or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or
modifier (+5) to one damage roll of any wizard evocation
soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet
spell she casts.
across the ground on each of Izzy’s turns in a random
Gnome Cunning. Izzy has advantage on all Intelligence, direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature
Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic. it represents.
Potent Cantrip. Izzy’s damaging cantrips affect even • Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame,
creatures that avoid the brunt of the effect. When a creature which Izzy can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire.
succeeds on a saving throw against her cantrip, the creature Using the device requires her action.
takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but suffers no
• Music Box. When opened, this music box plays a single
additional effect from the cantrip.
song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when
Sculpt Spell. Izzy can create pockets of relative safety it reaches the song’s end, or when it is closed.
within the effects of her evocation spells. When she casts
an evocation spell that affects other creatures that she can ACTIONS
see, she can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if
they would normally take half damage on a successful save.

168 Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends

Izzy Freeleaf is a 29-year-old gnome wizard, and an expert
when it comes to identifying and overcoming magical traps.
She takes great pride in her unique set of skills, as well as
her ability to use magic to simply bypass traps in clever
ways. She is tall and slender (for a gnome), with a rosy pink
complexion and silvery-white hair. She wears fine clothing
and rarely gets her hands dirty.

Personality Traits
If Izzy gets dirty (literally or figuratively), then she has done
a poor job. Izzy works smart, not hard.

Izzy strives for perfection and the best possible outcomes in
all aspects of her life.

Izzy does what she does because she loves the challenge and
the feeling of accomplishment it gives her. The money is
simply a necessity.

When something goes wrong, Izzy immediately tries to
assign blame, even if it is with herself. She has a difficult
time letting go of failure.

Roleplaying Izzy
Izzy is a somewhat frantic gnome who is obsessive about
cleanliness and efficiency. Despite the manner in which she
works, her spellcasting and her work with traps is perfect
almost every time. She holds herself accountable for any
failures, often to her detriment.
“Yes! That’s the ticket!”


Component pouch, spellbook (containing all the spells
she has prepared, plus the following: arcane eye, arcane lock,
fabricate, and secret chest), a set of tough, rugged clothing, a set
of trapmaker’s tools*, a small boot knife, string, a wooden
hammer, box of 50 1-inch iron nails, a small envelope
holding 15 hollow needles, a thimble, a round leather scroll
case containing 10 pieces of parchment, 5 small pieces of
writing charcoal, a spool of wire, a spool of thin braided
rope, a spring, a pulley, and a pouch containing 5 gp.
enhanced dungeoneer’s pack

Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends 169

Max Rosewater REACTIONS
Medium humanoid (human), neutral Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that Max can see hits him
with an attack, he can use his reaction to halve the attack’s
Class Rogue 5 Armour Class 15 (leather damage against him.
Background Trapsmith armor)
Occupation Hireling Hit Points 17 (5d8 - 5)
Speed 30 ft.
Max Rosewater is a 39-year-old human rogue with a focus on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the detection, disarming and circumvention of non-magical
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) traps. He’s run into magical traps enough to know to look out
Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +5 for them, but he hasn’t quite figured out good ways to deal
Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +4, Investigation +5, with them. Though he may seem rough around the edges at
Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7 first glance, he is actually quite the gentleman and highly
Tools thieves’ tools, trapmaker’s tools respected in low places. He has a wiry build and wears his
Senses passive Perception 15 favorite leather armor which is tattered, but very comfortable.
Languages Common, Elvish
Cunning Action. Max can take a bonus action on each of his
Personality Traits
turns to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. Max loves meeting new people and hearing about their lives.
He’s even got some tales of his own!
Fast Hands. Max can use the bonus action granted by his
Cunning Action to make a Sleight of Hand check, use his
thieves’ tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use Ideal
an Object action. Max is never too proud for anything. He’ll work with anyone,
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Max can deal an extra 10 (3d6) damage so long as they do their part.
to one creature he hits with an attack with a finesse or ranged
weapon, if he has advantage on the attack roll. He doesn’t
need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the
target is within 5 ft. of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and Max once failed in disarming a trap, which then got the
he doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. entire team he was with killed. Max barely escaped, and has
never fully been able to forgive himself.
Second-Story Work. Climbing no longer costs Max extra
movement and, when he makes a running jump, the
distance he covers increases by 4 feet. Flaw
Thieves’ Cant. During his rogue training, Max learned thieves’ Max can be overly cautious, and sometimes take too long to
cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows him do a thing. He gets irritated if he gets rushed.
to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only
another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such Roleplaying Max
messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message Max will take on almost any job he’s offered. He is a sucker
than it does to speak the same idea plainly. for tall tales and scintillating stories, and has plenty
In addition, Max understands a set of secret of his own to share. Despite this, he sometimes
signs and symbols used to convey short, becomes melancholy while reflecting on his
simple messages, such as whether an area is past. A tragedy killed many of his friends, and
dangerous, in the territory of a thieves’ guild, he holds himself to blame. This makes him
loot is nearby, the people in an area are easy extremely cautious while on the job.
marks, or whether they will provide a safe
“Steady now. Don’t rush me…”
house for thieves on the run.


A set of tough, rugged clothing, a set of trapmaker’s
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 tools*, a small boot knife, string, a wooden hammer,
(1d4+4) piercing damage. box of 50 1-inch iron nails, a small envelope
holding 15 hollow needles, a thimble, a round
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 leather scroll case containing 10 pieces
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 of parchment, 5 small pieces of writing
(1d6+4) piercing damage. charcoal, a spool of wire, a spool of thin
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 braided rope, a spring, a pulley, and a
to hit, 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 pouch containing 5 gp.
(1d6+4) piercing damage.

170 Chapter Fourteen | Trapsmith Legends

Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this
Legal Appendix License, including translations and derivative works under copyright
law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity”
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby means product and product line names, logos and identifying
designated as Product Identity as provided in section 1(e) of the marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories,
Open Game License: Any and all material or content that could be storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language,
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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
Notice of Open Game Content: This product contains Open indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
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Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License
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as Open Game Content. (1) all monster statistics, descriptions of 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
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Game Content, (2) all portions of spell descriptions that include
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
previously released as Open Game Content, (3) all other descriptions
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,
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date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
in the text, (4) all previously released Open Game Content, material
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Treacherous Traps, Copyright 2020, Chris Haskins, Nord
Games LLC.

You Hear A Click...
Treacherous Traps is an incredible resource for game masters looking to get more out
of their dungeon design. Contained within are over 250 pre-built traps ranging in level
and lethality, so that you can always find the perfect trap to challenge your players.
Also included is a random trap generator, consisting of 50 trap triggers, and 50 trap
effects that, when combined, create up to 2,500 different combinations.
Along with the tips and tricks for using traps, puzzles, and riddles in your fantasy
games, Treacherous Traps is the perfect accessory for any dungeon architect!

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