A Book Fair

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A Book Fair

Now-a-days a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of
interest for books amongst the general mass. In a book fair a lot of pavilions are
set up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books, reference
books etc. are displayed. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair
becomes crowdy specially in the evening. Both male and female customers
gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. Seminars and
cultural programmes are also held. A book fair reminds us that books are our
best companions. They are always at our side when we are in danger; they
change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. It is books
which help us to forget jealousy, malice and superstition. Again we get these
best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.

A Book Fair-2
A fair where books are organized to display and sell is called a book fair. All
sorts of book such as novels, rhymes, adventure series, text books, dramas,
children books, reference books etc. are available here. It is usually arranged by
any organization like Bangla Academy or the publishing company. Book
exhibitions are generally held in divisional cities as well as Zilla towns. Now- a-
days a book fair has become very popular amongst the mass people. In a book
fair hundreds of pavilions are set up. The book stalls are decorated tastefully
and thus the attraction of the customers is drawn. Book exhibitions are held on
some special occasions like 21st February, Pahela Baishakh etc. with a view to
publishing newly published books. A book fair is arranged to commemorate the
language movement of Bangladesh. We the most loving students along our dear
parents normally pay a visit to the book fair held in the Ekushey Boi Mela held
on Bangla Academy Dremises. We also visit the entire book stalls arranged here
having various old and newly published books from home and abroad. The
writers and publishers are found to visit the book fair to know the sense of
interest for the book they write and publish. A book fair quenches the thirst for
reading books of the people on different subjects. If instills a love of books and
develops the inhabit of buying book. People feel excited when they visit to a
book fair.

A Bus Stand
A bus stand is a place where a bus stops for the passengers to get down and get
into the bus. It is quite a crowded place. Inside a city area, bus stands are seen at
different busy spots. Local buses generally do not maintain fixed bus stands.
However, for intercity buses there are fixed bus stands on highways. In cities
there are sheds for the passengers at bus stand. In the maximum bus stand there
is a waiting room for the passengers. It is a temporary shelter for passengers.
Passengers wait here for sometimes to get on a bus. Actually a bus stands plays
an important role in the field of communication. Through it creates problem,
like traffic jam. Our communication system would break down without it. When
a bus comes or starts passengers become busy in procuring a seat. There arises
hue and cry. Pushing and shoving occur among the passengers. It looks like a
mini battle field. The drivers and conductors are also very busy. They try to get
as many passengers as they can. Generally, a bus always jam-packed and it is
more jam-packed during office hours. A bus stand is always noisy. Many kinds
of things are found road-side tea stalls, other small shops, hawkers selling betel
nut and cigarettes at a bus stand. Daily newspapers, magazines and seasonal
fruits are available here. Though a bus stand is crowded, it is a useful place
indeed. However, for a secured and comfortable journey, the service facilities of
each bus stand should be improved.

A Day Labourer
The person working on ``No work, no pay’’ basis is normally a day labourer.
He is a very common person in our society. He does heavy work. Generally, he
has no land and property of his own. He exchanges his manual labour on the
basis of daily payment. He works in different fields according to his strength
and ability. He rises early in the morning and goes out in search of work. He
works hard from dawn to dusk for his employer and gets his wages at the end of
the day. He is absolutely dependent on his daily work. ``No work, no wages’’-
such is the fate of a day labourer. If he gets more work, he earns more. When he
earns more, he and his children can eat to their hearts’ content. When he does
not get any work, he and his family have to go without food. Really the life of a
day labourer is a painful one in our country. He works hard all day long but he
can hardly make his both ends meet. Sorrows and sufferings are his constant
companions. He can hardly enjoy peace and happiness. His misery knows no
bounds when he gets ill. It is true that the rich and privileged class of the society
do not evaluate his services properly. It is our duty to recognize his services and
do something for him so that he may live a decent life with dignity.

A Moonlit Night
A moonlit night is a night when the moon shines brightly. Such a night is really
charming and enjoyable. It presents a beautiful sight. It glamorous beauty
dazzles our eyes and sooths our heart. The moon bathes the whole world with
her silvery light. Lakes, rivers and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night. The
grand spectacles that the lakes, rivers and tanks present cannot be described in
words. The whole nature looks bright and appears in celestial light. On a
moonlit night the moon looks like a disc of silver. The moon plays hide and
seek behind the clouds. Twinkling stars surrounding the moon make the sky a
fairy land. People of all ages enjoy a moonlit night. Boys and girls make
merriment. The young and old pass some hours by gossiping and telling stories.
A moonlit night is the most enjoyable to a newly married couple. Poets of all
languages have sung highly of a moonlit night. Lower animals also enjoy the
moonlit. Birds come out to their nests. The animals wander here and there. In
fact, a moonlit night is a night of beauty and joy. It is also pleasant and lovely

A Railway Station
A railway station is the part and parcel of train communication of a country. It is
a place where the trains stop and start from. Here the passengers get into and get
off from the trains. A railway station is very noisy when the trains arrive here
and leave it. The passengers are found standing in rows collecting their tickets
before the ticket counters. A railway station is found crowded with passengers,
hawkers and porters. Almost in all railway stations tea stalls, book stalls and
waiting rooms are found. Hawkers shout in their trade cries. We all old and
young have heard the trade cry, `Chagaram’ or `Thanda pani’ in the railway
station. As soon as the train arrives at the station passengers get off from the
train. At the same waiting passengers want to get into the train. At times
collision takes place between the two groups of passengers. When the train
leaves the station, again it becomes very calm and quite.

A Rainy Day
A rainy day is dull and gloomy. It rains all day long. The sky is overcast with
thick clouds. The sky is not seen. None can go out without an umbrella. Water
stands on roads and roads become muddy and slippery. Those who have offices
and other business go out with umbrellas over the head, shoes in hand and
clothes folded up to knee. Passers-by also move in the same way. Sometimes
people slip and fall on the muddy road. When it rains in torrents, people get
drenched and stop midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They cannot
go out in search of work and cannot earn their daily food. They pass the day
through suffering. Most of the students do not go to school. Only a few go to
school but they get drenched on the way. So classes are not held and it is a day
of great joy of them. Other people also stay at home and pass the day without
doing anything. A rainy day is not pleasant at all.

A Rickshaw Puller
A person who pulls a rickshaw for earning his livelihood is called a rickshaw
puller. Very often he drives the rickshaw of others. He is quite familiar both in
cities and towns. Generally, he lives in a slum. Through he works hard from
morning till late night, He leads a poor life. He does not consider the condition
of the weather. He works hard despite foul weather. Sometimes there arises
chaos between him and the passenger for fare. If he falls sick, His family
members fall in distress. All of them have to starve. He cannot enjoy peace and
happiness. He also suffers from inferiority complex. His children cannot hope
for a bright future. Sometimes some passengers behave roughly with him. But
he does not have any sufficient strength to protest it. Some rickshaw pullers try
to cheat the passengers. He takes rest here and there or sitting on his rickshaw.
On the whole, his life is full of sufferings. To support his family, he has to drive
the rickshaw despite his sickness. In fact, he leads a poor and sub human life.

A School Library
Every school has a library. It is a part and parcel of the school. It contains a lot
of books. The books are specially kept for the use of the students. Student
should not be satisfied with text books only. They need other books for pleasure
and for gaining general knowledge. The tastes of the students very. Their liking
for subject also is not the same. Some like books on history, other may like
books on adventure. So their school library contains on shorts of books that may
be interesting to the students. A school library has no full time librarian; an
assistant teacher works part time as a librarian. He manages and looks after the
library very well. He issues and takes back books. He chooses new books in
consultation with the headmistress and other teachers. Sometimes he works
overtime to make entries into the accession registers. His care and hard work
can make a school library very useful. A school without a library looks empty.
So, every school should have an enriched library.

A School Magazine
A school magazine is an annual publication of a school which contains the
writings of the teachers and the students of the school. Almost every well-
established school publishes a magazine every year. It indicates the total
performance of a school and creative genius of the teachers and the students. It
contains poems, articles, short-stories, jokes, one-act play, riddles all written by
the teachers and the students of the very school. The publication of a magazine
is a very difficult task. The editor and assistants have to work hard to publish
the magazine. The magazine committee invites writers from the students and
the teachers. Then the best writings are selected for publishing. A fund is
formed name magazine fund for this. The school magazine serves many useful
purposes. The most important is that it brings out the latent creative talents of
the students and thus helps them to be great writers. A student feels proud and
happy when he finds his own writing in the magazine. The school magazine
also reflects the academic and co-curricular activities of the school. The
students can learn many things from the school magazine. In a word, the school
magazine is the mirror of the school. So, every school should publish a

A Street Accident
At present street accidents are regular happenings in Bangladesh. Generally
street accidents take place in the urban areas and in the highways. The causes of
street accidents are reckless driving, break failures of vehicles, overtaking of
one vehicle by another, driving by unskilled drivers. Over loading of vehicles is
another reason for accidents. Another reason is violation of traffic rules.
However recently I witnessed a terrible street accident at Shaheb Bazar in
Rajshahi. A rickshaw puller was pulling two college students to Shaheb Bazar.
At that time, a driver of pick-up van pushed back the rickshaw. Then and there
the two students were run over by the van. They were spot dead. But the
rickshaw puller escaped narrowly. On the other hand, the driver of the van fled
away. The pedestrians surrounded the area. The road was covered with blood. I
could not but shed tears. Meanwhile, the police came to the spot. They seized
the van and the dead bodies were sent to the hospital for autopsy. I really feel
very sorry for those who face unnatural death by street accident. Street accident
is like a curse in our life. This problem can be solved by all out efforts from
both the authorities and the general mass.

A Street Hawker
A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He
carries his materials on head and sometimes in hand and sometimes in a small
handcart. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good
profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His
customers are children and women. He brings toys, sweets and other things for
children and sells them at a fixed price at a good rate. He also brings bangles,
ribbons, clothing, fruits, utensils, fancy goods and things of domestic uses for
women. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. A
hawker also knows the time of his business. He does not come when
housemasters are at home. Rather he comes when housemasters are out of home
and when women are free from their household work and duties.

A Tea Stall
A tea stall is a small shop, which sells tea and snack. Everybody knows about a
tea stall. There is hardly anyone who does not visit it. A tea stall is found almost
everywhere. We can see a tea stall in the corners of the streets, near office or
factory, steamer or launch ghat or in the platforms of railway station. A tea stall
is annually found in a village hut and bazaar. In a tea stall there are a few chair,
tables and benches for the customers to sit on and enjoy tea. Biscuits and
different kinds of handmade snacks are available there. There is often a boy or
two to serve tea to the customers. In a tea stall, the manager does not have any
specific place to him. But he generally sits beside the cashbox. Generally, the
customers go to him and pay him the bill. But sometimes the boys of his stall
collect the money and give it to him. It is a place for gossiping, rest and
recreation. It is frequented by the passer-by, tired office assistants, the labours,
and the rickshaw pullers as well as the students and political thinkers. They go
on gossiping in groups on any kind of subjects. A tea stall opens early in the
morning and is kept opened till midnight and remains busy because customers
come every now and then. So, it is very popular in our country.

A Village Doctor
A village doctor is a physician who lives in the village and gives medical
treatment to the rural people when they become ill. He is a popular figure in the
village. He is familiar to almost all the villagers. He is not a qualified doctor. He
is a quack. He starts his career with the experience he had gathered by working
with a doctor or in a dispensary. He can deal well with the common diseases.
He has a dispensary with an almirah, a chair, a table and one or two benches. He
sits in the dispensary, examines the patients and gives medicines. He receives
the cost of medicine. Then he goes out in the village to see his patients.
Generally, he goes on foot. In absence of any qualified doctor, a village doctor
renders useful services to the villagers. He in an important person to them. A
village doctor is highly regarded and respected by the rural people. He is a
welcome guest for the rural people as he is readily available at any time to
respond to their call. In fact, a village doctor is very instrumental in rendering
service to the patient.

A Visit to a Historical Place

A historical place is a place which has an eventful and memorable past. It surely
has some important past event worth notable in history. As a student I also like
to visit places of historical interest. During the last autumn vacation, I had a
scope to go to Dhaka. Beforehand I went to Dhaka for several times but during
my latest visit to Dhaka I had enough time to visit the historical places of
Dhaka. It was a very interesting and also educative for me to observe Dhaka
city from the point of view of historical interest. Dhaka is an old city, that
stands on the bank of the river Buriganga and it was founded by Emperor
Jahangir. New Dhaka has its fashion and glamour of a megacity but the old
Dhaka bears the symbol of historical interest. Though old Dhaka is unclean and
congested it has much charm. The old fort of Lalbag, the Bara Katra, the Chato
Katra, the historical cannon of Kala Zam Zam and the Shahi Mosque, the Tomb
of Pari Bibi, the Star Mosque are all the old glory of Dhaka. Again, in the new
city their historical places like Gana Bhaban, the Curzon Hall, the High Court,
the National Museum, the National Stadium, Baitul Mukarram, Hazratt
Shahjalal International Airport and what not. When I went to National Museum,
I had the opportunity of seeing and experiencing many unknown subjects about
our country. It had a great impression upon my mind. By visiting a historical
place, we can see and known about the past glory of our country. My latest visit
to Dhaka gave me an exposure of the past history, economic background and
political trends of our capital city.

A Visit to Cox’s Bazar

It was the end of December. My annual examination was over. Then we some
friends went on a visit to Cox’s Bazar. We reached there in the afternoon and
put up in a hotel near the sea beach. I had never seen the sea before. So, I had a
curiosity to see the sea. In the next morning when we got up from bed, we went
to take a walk on the sea beach. The sea was rising and breaking upon the
shores. We enjoyed ourselves by seeing the big waves splashing endlessly along
the shore. We were amazed at the frequent change of colour of the sea. We
passed a few happy hours by the sea beach. Some of us also took bath in the
sea. Then we returned to the hotel. It was at about 5.30 p.m. we again went out
of the hotel to have a walk on the sea beach. This time our main intention was to
enjoy ourselves by observing the sun set scene at Cox’s Bazar. Really, it was
such a wonderful scene which is really impossible to describe. In fact, the short
walk on the sea beach of Cox’s Bazar had to us a most memorable incident of
our life.

A Winter Morning
There are six seasons in our country. Winter is one of them. It is the season of
mist and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense
that sun rays cannot get through it. Even thing at a little distance can hardly be
seen. Birds’ chirping is not heard. The cow and other animal cannot come out.
But it is not so in every morning. Dew drops fall on leaves and blades of grass
at night. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning sun fall
on it. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather straw
and dry leave to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the
sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So,
everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing and getting ready for going to
respective places. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious sweet cakes, pias
of date juice and many other things. The scene of the winter morning vanished
as the day advances. The sun goes up and the fog melts. A winter morning is
enjoyable in many respects.

An Ideal Student
The word ‘ideal’ refers to a ‘model’ or ‘icon’. So, an ideal student means a
perfect student who can be a role model for the students. An ideal student is an
asset to the whole nation. An ideal student must have some features and he
should perform duties. He must be truthful, honest, polite and punctual. He is
about his duties and responsibilities. The first and foremost duty of an ideal
student is to attend classes regularly and studying attentively. He must be
obedient to teachers, dutiful to parents and friendly to fellow students. He gets
up early in the morning. He maintains and follows a daily routine. He spends his
time in a planned way. He does his homework timely. He does not cram his
lessons rather he always tries to understand whatever he reads. Generally, he
prepares his own notes, revises them and writes them for several times. He
keeps good contracts with teachers and other good students. An ideal student
must be conscious of the rules of health. To keep body fit he regularly takes free
hand exercise. He joins in all the co-curricular activities of his institution. He
takes part in sports and games. He is a sharp debater and a good orator. He is
respectful to superiors. He is very helpful to his classmates. Finally, the way of
his life is that of high thinking and plain living.

Baishakhi Mela
Baishakhi Mela is a regular phenomenon throughout the country. It is held
every year in the month of Baishakh through the festivity and merriment of the
Bangalees. Baishakh is a month of festivity and enjoyment for the Bangalees.
Baishakhi mela is the reflection of the true picture of rural Bangladesh. In
Baishakhi mela our potteries and traditional handicrafts, bamboo flutes and
goods of our daily necessary are sold. In Baishakhi mela some stalls are there to
sell snacks and refreshments. In such a mela sometimes some cultural functions
of the traditional Bangla folk songs such as Zari, Sari, Bhawaiya and Zatra are
held. People also come to these functions with spontaneity and enthusiasm.
Such melas go on all throughout the month and witness huge rush in evening
time and on holidays. So, a Baishakhi mela acts as a connection between city
and village because such melas are also held in cities and towns. The Baishakhi
melas familiarizes us with our traditional culture and life style.
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a kind of posture and breathing exercise. It brings together physical and
mental disciplines to achieve peace of body and mind, helping you relax and
manage stress and anxiety. Traditional yoga puts emphasis on behavior, diet and
meditation. But if you are not just looking for better stress management and not
an entire life style change you can still help. Yoga trainers gradually choose
easier to complex activities for practitioners. However, all practitioners do not
necessarily need the same kinds of practice. The potential health benefits of
yoga are numerous with its quiet, precise movements; yoga draws your focus
away from your busy chaotic day towards calm as you move your body through
poses that require balance and concentration. One may enjoy improved balance,
flexibility, range of motion and strength. Yoga might help with a variety6 of
health conditions such as cancer, depression, pain, anxiety and insomnia etc.
yoga can also help for weight loss and reduce heart rate and blood pressure. But
one should not expect yoga to cure him 100%; it can help some health
conditions when combined with standard treatment.

Climate Change
Climate change is the most important issue at present over the world. The cause
of climate change can be divided into two categories. They are due to natural
causes and the causes created by men. Global warming is the main natural
reason and using harmful chemicals in everyday life is the main reason created
by men. The climate is changing rapidly that results in the earth’s average
temperature. The global climate change and its consequences are leaving a bad
impact on the developing countries like Bangladesh. The serious consequences
of climate change are rising of temperature, greenhouse effect, erratic rainfall,
floods, cyclones, drought, melting of polar ice-caps etc. which seriously affect
the living of the people of poorer countries. Bangladesh for its geographical
locations is likely to be the most affected. The developed nations which are
more responsible for such climate changes should take responsibilities to protect
the victimized countries. A one meter rising of sea level will submerge about
one third of the total area of Bangladesh which will uproot 25-30 million people
of Bangladesh. These people will become refugees. To reduce the bad impact of
climate change people should be aware. Tree plantation can reduce global
warming. Avoiding of the use harmful chemicals can reduce environmental
pollution. Student should be careful to protect the environment and to raise
awareness. Thus student can play a vital role to reduce bad impact of climate

Dangers of Smoking
Everybody admits that smoking is very harmful habit. Smoking is harmful to
health yet there are some persons who are in the habit of smoking regularly. In
most cases the habit of smoking is formed through bad association. Sometimes
it is created out of the person’s curiosity about cigarettes. It is the source of all
fatal diseases. It creates cancer, bronchitis, heart attack and many other deadly
diseases. Researchers say that one puff of cigarette contains fifteen billion
particles of injuries matters. The nicotine of cigarettes prevents the free flow of
blood through the veins and prohibits the proper distribution of oxygen in the
parts of all body. Smoking is in all respect against morality and ethics. It
destroys one’s character. Besides, all other bad effects it hampers the congenial
environment for the non-smoker also. Fortunately, everybody is becoming
aware about the dangers of smoking day by day. Voice against smoking is
raising more and more. In Bangladesh smoking in public place is discouraged
with fine and bodily punishment. We hope that someday all people are aware of
dangers of smoking the production of cigarette will stop. We shall inhale fresh
to ours content.

Drug Addiction
Taking of excess of particular kinds of drugs to get rid of frustration is called
drug addiction. It has now become a global problem. People get addicted to
drugs for variety of reasons. Sometimes young people become frustrated out of
unemployment, rejection in love, lack of family ties, political abuse or other
such reasons. Then they take drugs to get release from their mental pressure.
Addiction to drugs causes a great harm to the physical and mental health of the
users. They feel drowsy, lose their appetite and finally they become devoid of
all human senses. When the drug addicts are unable to afford to buy drugs, they
commit social crimes like hijacking, stealing, robbery etc. The poisonous drugs
kill them slowly but surely. Drug addiction not only harms the addicted but also
degrades his family in the eye of society. Abiding by the rules of religion and by
following the rules of health one can avoid being addicted to drugs. Avoiding
bad company is also necessary to remain safe from the bad effects of drug
addiction. Creating awareness at personal and family levels against the
dangerous effect of drugs is also necessary. It is high time we saved our young
generation from ruins by drug addiction.

Early Rising
Early rising is the habit of getting up from bed in the early morning. It is a very
good habit. It is essential and good for good for health. This habit is of special
use to a man in various ways. The man who rises early in the morning can take
some exercises or a walk in the morning fresh air by the river side or in the open
field. The morning air refreshes both body and mind. Then the air is full of
oxygen. There is a calm and serene atmosphere everywhere. One can enjoy the
beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with
colourful flowers and green leaves and chirping of birds is also hard in the
morning. All these make them cheerful and healthy. The beautiful gifts and
colourful nature in the morning remind everybody of the creator. One feels like
to pray to god. An early riser has many advantages. He can start his daily work
earlier. He has nothing to worry. He is never in haste. As an early riser has
enough time to work, he can earn more and become wealthy. So the habit of
early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom. An English proverb
says, ``Early to bed and early to rise/Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise’’.
So everybody should practice early rising.

Environment Pollution
Nature, land, air and all other things around us in which we live are called
environment. Environment pollution means a remarkable change in chemical,
physical, biological characteristics of environment. It has become a serious
problem in our country. In our cities, the air is constantly being polluted by
smoke for factories and from carbon monoxide gases emitted from motor
vehicles. The ground we walk on the both urban and rural areas is polluted by
uncollected garbage. Water is untreated sewage. Industrial waste and
insecticides alarmingly pollute water. The another form of pollution is sound
pollution. We have noise from motor vehicles, mills and factories, aero-planes,
domestic appliance, radio, cassette player and so on. The air we breathe, the
water we drink, the food we take are not always absolutely pure for health.
Environment pollution leads us to way of death. So, to live a happy and healthy
life, environment pollution must be checked. And for this, effective steps should
be taken immediately.

How to Learn English

English is an international language. We learn it as a second language in our
country. But it’s a matter of great regret that most of the students of our country
feel great difficulty in learning English. But they do not know that there are
some rules for learning English. The first and foremost duty of a student is to
attend his/her English classes regularly and listen to what his/her teachers say in
the classes. Secondly, students have to read English correctly and try to
understand it properly. Thirdly, students have to write frequently what they
have learnt. Finally, student have to make habit of speaking English in their day
to day life. This will help them to speak English well. Beside all these students
have to use dictionary to know the meanings of the difficult words. I believe, if
anybody follows the above suggestions, he will be able to read, write and speak
English well.

Nowadays, the word ‘Internet’ is a household word and has become a very
popular and interesting thing throughout the world. Almost every people of the
world are either familiar or connected with the common word. Internet is a
computerized network of information. It functions smoothly, easily and rapidly.
A man can dial a number from his computer and a link to the internet will soon
give him a connection in and outside the country according to his expectation. It
is practically a network of all networks. The business communities, economists,
teachers, students, politicians and other professionals are now seeking necessary
help and information through internet. Businessmen can learn the business trend
and price of commodities of other countries. Economists can learn the economic
trend of the world. Students can go through several books from the libraries
without going there. They can seek information regarding admission to different
foreign universities. Despite its innumerable advantages, an internet has got
some negative aspects. This is because the indecency and nakedness of the
forbidden world of internet are goading our young generation to the bottomless
pit of moral decadence. Besides, blackmailing, virus infection and stealing of
information cause great harm to the users of computers.
Life in a Village
Life in village means living in rural areas with its simple features. As
Bangladesh is an agricultural country the rural life here is marked by
unsophisticated nature and agrarian activities. It is different from town life in
many ways. In rural life houses are made of straw, bamboo and mud. A very
few tin shed houses are also found. The houses have spacious yards often with a
kitchen garden in front of it. Vast fields smile with green crops, rivers and
murmuring streams flow gently. Trees are bent with ripe fruits. It seems that
nature has given her bounteous gifts to those who live in rural areas. Peace and
quiet is everywhere. Kinship is intense and relationship among the neighbours is
very deep in a rural life. There are no road accidents, no obnoxious smoke of
mills and factories. However, a rural life has its drawbacks too. There is no
good doctor in a village. In the rainy season movement is very difficult because
there is no paved road in the village. Children do not get standard education
because there is no good school. So, sometimes a rural life may seem very dull
and monotonous without any medical facilities, communication facilities and
lack of good schooling for children etc. Yet, those who love calm and cool life
are fond of leading a rural life.

Load Shedding
Now-a-days load shedding has become a household word. Load shedding
means failure of electric power or power cut for a time being. On the other
hand, it means distribution and controlling of electric supply. It causes when
there is a shortage of electric supply against the demand. Besides, age old plant
and machinery, poor maintenance, low grade fuel and labour unrest are
responsible for low production of power which results in load shedding.
Electricity plays a very dominant role in regulating modern life. No progress is
possible without electricity. But it is a matter of great regret that the load
shedding has become a common affair of our day to day life. It is really causing
great trouble. It is boring and unbearable. Students suffer in their studies very
much, particularly before the examination. Besides, mills and factories become
paralyzed. As a result, industrial productions decline, entire social order is
disrupted. Shops, hospital etc. are all affected by it. Everything comes to a
standstill. The businessmen find it difficult to run their business smoothly. Load
shedding proves a great curse to the people who have got used to an electricity-
oriented life. The only remedy of load shedding is to produce adequate quantity
of electricity in the country and the proper distribution of it. Government should
take proper steps to check it as early as possible. Accordingly, the government
should set up more power status in the country. Correction in this sector must be
stopped with an iron hand.

Morning Walk
As the phrase ``Morning walk’’ suggests the walk which is taken in the morning
is called morning walk. It is a good and easy form of exercise; it costs nothing
but benefit much. People of all ages can take morning walk at dawn. For a place
which is surrounded by fresh and pollution free air parks, road-sides, open fields
are suitable for taking morning walk. Walkers usually wear loose and
comfortable dresses like trousers. They also wear kades for easy walk. Among
the morning walker, the diabetic patients are the most common. It is must for
them to control sugar level. Morning walk keeps our body fit. In the morning
the air is fresh and nature remains calm and quite. The environment is also free
from din and bustle as well as pollution. It also cures many diseases and makes
our body active and strong. That’s why doctor advise of all ages to take
morning walk. Moreover, this is one of the easiest forms of exercise for which
does not need any instrument and another is the least possibility of getting
injured. It is such an easy exercise. That even the old and the children can take
it. So, we all should take morning walk.

My Favourite Sport
Everybody has his own favourite sport. I have also. My favourite sport is
Cricket. I like it because it is a good recreation and keeps my body fit for work.
The game of cricket needs two teams each having eleven players, two sets of
stump, a wooden ball and bat. There are three formats of cricket: Test match,
One-day match and T-twenty match. Generally, the duration of a one-day match
is 100 over, each over having six bowls. A test’s match duration is generally 5
days. A T-twenty match covers 40 over. Two umpires conduct the game and
sometimes, a third umpire is required to solve an acute confusion. At the
beginning of the match a toss is adopted to select a fielding group and a batting
group. A batsman may be bowled out, run out, stumped out or caught out. When
a bowler bowls, a batsman hits the ball away at a good distance and runs to the
opposite wicket. The batsman of the other side runs to his place. Thus one run is
scored. If the ball crosses the boundary line, four runs are made. If it flies over
the boundary line, six runs are scored. If a batsman is out, another player takes
his place. After interval the fielding group comes to bat and the batting group
goes to field. Both the teams try to out all batsmen of the opposite team. The
team which scores more runs wins the game. The duration of the game is guided
by the fall of wickets or completion of the over. Cricket is a very popular game
all over the world. It teaches us patience and promptness of mind. Besides, it
makes our body fit and strong. So, I like the sport very much.

My First Day at School

In 2006 I was six years old. I can remember a very important event that
happened then. That was my experience about my first day at school. On that
day, my father took me to National Pre-Cadet School situated in our village. He
took me to headmaster room. My heart beat fast. But his smiling face and gentle
words put me at ease. He asked me my name and I told him my name. Then he
pointed to a letter chart and asked me to say some letters. I could say then all.
The headmaster then called a teacher. He told him to take me to my class. I bade
goodbye to my father and with the teacher entered the classroom. He welcomed
me and gave me a seat in the classroom. My classmates received me warmly. I
felt very happy. My teacher made me understand my lesson and then ask some
question. I could answer them all. After that there came some other teachers.
The school breaks up at 12 p.m. I saw, my father was waiting for me. We came
back from school by a rickshaw. I can never forget this memory. It is a
memorable day in my life.

Natural Calamities of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities because she is affected by
different natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, drought, river erosion,
storms and earthquakes and so on. All these are very common affair here. Every
year natural calamities bring about devastating effects on the people of the
country. Among these devastating forces of nature floods and cyclones are the
most common which visit Bangladesh several times each year. Heavy rainfall
and inadequate drainage system all over the country are some of the causes why
floods occur each year. We all know what flood and cyclones do to us. Flood
water and cyclones wash away people and animals, damage crops, uproot trees,
rage houses to the ground and make life stopped for the time being. The
miseries of the flood affected and cyclone affected people know no bounds.
They take shelter in shelter houses. They suffer from want of food, clothes,
medicine and so on. Sometimes cholera and diarrhea break out in the affected
areas. Cyclone Sidr, Aila, and recently Mahasen have given us a serious
warning of further disaster. The government and NGO’s should come forward
to help the victims of the natural calamities.

Necessity of Learning English

The necessity of learning English is not a hyperbole in the age of globalization.
English is an international language. It opens windows to the entire world. It is
widely spoken in the world. Being fluent in English is certainly a plus point in
today’s globalised world. In the job market, English is given more priority. It is
the official or semiofficial language in more than 60 countries and of many
international organizations need employers who speak and write a standard
form of English. We can learn the current world through reading English
newspapers and journals. World literature, culture, sports, politics, geographical
locations and latest updates are made available in English language. Today
more than 80% of all the information in the world’s computer is in English. To
get any information from internet English is a must. So if we don’t know
English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world.
Without English language the present world could not reach its present heights.
The language of science, arts, commerce, business, mercantile transactions,
diplomacy and even conflict management and peace overtures in English. So,
English is being used more popularly for its international acceptance. English,
as a gateway to social and economic upward mobility, it recognized as part of
the current reality. Moreover, a student must have efficiency on the skills of
English to do well in the exam. Actually the importance of learning English is
undeniable for its benefits the world population is gaining.

Our National Flag

A national flag is the symbol of independence to a nation. It also bears our
nationalism. Bangladesh is an independent country. As an independent country
we have a national flag. Its shape is rectangular. Its length and breadth are in the
ratio of 10:6. It may be made of cotton, linen or silk. The background of the flag
is bottle green in colour with a sound in the center. The bottle green colour
stands for the ever-lasting freshness, youth, vigour and vitality of our nation.
The sun is the source of all on earth. Hence the sun globe signifies that our
nation is continuous and everlasting. The blood red colour of the sun globe is
memorial for the endless sacrifices of our nation in the bloody struggle for
liberation. Our national flag is hoisted in front of schools, colleges, universities,
business firms and tops of house on different occasions. On days of mourning,
we hoist the flag at half past mast. We look upon our national flag with great
pride and respect. We salute the national flag in deep respect.

Our School Library

Every school has a library. Our school has also a library. It is situated in the 2 nd
floor. It is a part and parcel of the school. It contains a lot of books. The books
are specially kept for the use of the students. Student should not be satisfied
with text books only. They need other books for pleasure and for gaining
general knowledge. The tastes of the students vary. Their liking for subject also
is not the same. Some like books on history, other may like books on adventure.
So the library contains all sorts of books that may be interesting to the students.
Our school library has no full time librarian; an assistant teacher works part
time as a librarian. He manages and looks after the library very well. He issues
and takes back books. He chooses new books in consultation with the
headmistress and other teachers. Sometimes he works overtime to make entries
into the accession registers. His care and hard work can make the school library
very useful. A school without a library looks empty. So, every school should
have an enriched library.

Our School Magazine

A school magazine is an annual publication of a school which contains the
writings of the teachers and the students of the school. Almost every well-
established school publishes a magazine every year. Our school also publishes a
magazine. It indicates the total performance of our school and creative genius of
the teachers and the students. It contains poems, articles, short-stories, jokes,
one act play, riddles all written by the teachers and the student of our school.
The publication of a magazine is a very difficult task. The editor and assistants
have to work hard to publish the magazine. The magazine committee of our
school invites writers from the students and the teachers. Then the best writings
are selected for publishing. A fund is formed name magazine fund for this. Our
school magazine serves many useful purposes. The most important is that it
brings out the latent creative talents of us and thus helps us to be great writers.
We feel proud and happy when we find our own writings in the magazine. Our
school magazine also reflects the academic and co-curricular activities of the
school. We can learn many things from the school magazine. In a word, the
school magazine is the mirror of the school. So, our school should publish the
magazine every year.

Pahela Baishakh
Pahela Baishakh is the first day of Bangla year. The day is observed with
traditional festivities of Bangladesh throughout the whole of the country.
Bangladesh regards the day as a public holiday. In occur dance with age-old
custom, traders and shopkeepers open halkhata, a fresh account book and
distribute sweet meats among their respective buyers and clients. Many a socio-
cultural organization draws up vivid programmed to celebrate the day. The first
programme of the day begins at early in the morning at Ramna Batamul in
Dhaka. A leading cultural organization, `Chhayanat’ by name organizes the
programme. A huge number of people putting on traditional dress join the
programme. Bangladesh Television telecast live the programme from 6 in the
morning; our national dailies bring out special supplements. Bangladesh Betar
and Bangladesh television air special programme on the occasion. Learners and
teachers of the institute of fine arts of Dhaka University bring out a colourful
procession from the institute ground at 9:30 am. They carry festoons, posters
and banners. They wear masks, at that time, Bangla Academy, Shilpakala
Academy, Jatiya Press Club hold cultural function. By the observation of the
day our young learners can be acquainted with the age-old culture of

Pahela Baishakh-2
Pahela Baishakh is the first day of Bangla year. The day is celebrated in keeping
with the age-old tradition. The day is celebrated all over the country. The days
first programme is held at dawn at Ramna Batamul. The rural people celebrate
Pahela Baishakh with great enthusiasm. Many kinds of pithas are made in
home. They wear new dress and attend the local fair. The traders and
shopkeepers open fresh account books called ‘Halkhata’ and offer sweets to
their clients. The urban people bring out colourful procession. They put on their
best dress that is Paijama and Panjabi. They take panta rice with pepper. They
pass the whole day in great joy and forget the sufferings of life for the time
being. Different cultural organizations organize different functions. The day is a
public holiday. It has a great significance in our life. It reflects our age old
tradition and culture. It bears the testimony to the fact that we have a rich
culture of our own. It is the manifestation of our cultural heritage. We welcome
the Bangla New Year with traditional festivities. National dailies bring out
special supplements. Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television air special
programmes. Bangla Academy, Shilpokala Academy and Jatiya Press Club
organize cultural functions on their respective premises.

Physical Exercise
Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body. We have a
mind as well as a body. There is an intimate relation between these two. A
sound mind goes with a sound body. Physical exercise keeps our body healthy
and our mind in proper condition keeps away our body from diseases. There are
various kinds of physical exercise. Swimming, running, walking, riding are
good forms of exercise. Gymnastics, wrestling are also good kind of exercise.
Modern outdoor games like football, cricket and hockey etc. also known as
physical exercise. The village games are the best physical exercise. All forms of
exercise are not, however, suitable to all. The weak and old may walk in the
morning. We must take exercise till we sweat. We must take exercise each day
of our life. With weak lungs, reeling head and aching tooth nobody can read the
works of Rabindranath and Nazrul. Such a man cannot carry on research in a
laboratory. Physical exercise is necessary to develop the brain. A healthy man
enjoys life better and greather happiness. A weak man sees a bear in every bush.
He falls an easy prey to disease and death. Many people sit down closely to
their books and refuse to take any exercise. They are soon seen decline in health
and fall victim to various kinds of diseases. So, without regular exercise we
cannot expect to enjoy sound health. So, we should take some kinds of physical
exercise regularly to improve our health.

Price Hike
The rising of price of essential day to day commodities is called price hike.
Price hike is not new in our economy. Nowadays we are very anxious to see the
price of necessary things going up every day. It is increasing by leaps and
bounds. The situation seems to be beyond control. The poor and middle class
people are in a fix for this sudden price hike. The reaction of the common
people about it is also very bitter. As the price jumps without any reason, people
with limited income can’t do anything but bear the extra expense. There is no
denial that with this critical situation. Bangladesh is row in the grip of economic
crisis. Even the high officials of government have described it as serious one.
Though the government is trying to control and regulate the market but with a
little success. It is occurring in an irregular way day after day. If the situation
goes the same for long it will cause failure to our economic system. Besides, the
law and order situation may decrease. It is supposing that some big merchants
working in syndicate for making large profit is responsible for price hike. A
number of traders are trying to manipulate the market and creating artificial
crisis of day to day necessary goods. They are causing a problem to the whole
nation to satisfy their greed. To get rid of this situation every conscious citizen
and the government should protest against syndicating and manipulating the
market by some criminals. Strict rules should be implied to find out and
punished the culprits who are involved in creating artificial crisis.

Road Accident
Road accident has become a common and fatal event in our transport system. It
is the collusion of vehicles while moving on the road recklessly. As nobody can
predict when vehicles collusion will occur. So it is called ‘accident’. There are
many causes of road accident in our country. The roads and streets of the most
of our towns and cities are narrow. Besides, they take irregular turn to every
direction. Secondly, rush driving is another major cause of road accident. They
always seek scopes to overtake each other even where it is unnecessary and
unsafe. Defective and out of date vehicles plying on the road increase road
accidents. Again, the driver’s deficiency and indifference contribute to increase
road accidents. To control road accident, the government and other non-
government organization like “Nirapod Sorok Chai” are working to solve the
problem. Strict rules against reckless driving should be implied. The criminals
should be given exemplary punishment. Defective vehicles should not be
allowed to ply on roads. Moreover, people of our country should be made
conscious about the problem. Then we can hope for a safe road and transport

Satellite TV
A television station which telecasts its programmes using satellite is called
satellite channel. There are thousands of satellite channels around the world.
Entertaining as well as educative programmes are telecast on them. People of
every age and every class are fond of them, but the young and the teenager are
too fond of them. Satellite channels have many advantages. Different channels
telecast different programmes. The world’s culture, politics, trade and
commerce, science and technology, games and sports can be seen on television
screen through satellite channels. It broadens our outlook and helps us to break
down prejudices. It has a contribution to the process of globalization. It has
some demerits. Some satellite channels telecast vulgar programmes which
accelerate social and moral degradation. It also gives rise to cultural intrusion.
We cannot ignore satellite channel as it becomes a part and parcel of our life. If
everyone remains morally cautious about the production and telecasting of the
programmes, the status of its different programmes will improve.

The 21st February

The 21st February is a red letter day in our history. It is observed as the Shaheed
Day or Mother Language Day. Throughout the year of 1952 the students and
general people of the then East Pakistan protested against the adamant
declaration of the Pakistani leaders that ``Urdu shall be the only state language
of Pakistan’’. The Bangalis opposed and protested this unjust imposition and
denial of the status of their mother language. They demanded for Bangla to be
given the status of the state language. Their protests culminated on 21 February
1952 when the police fired on a procession brought by the students at Dhaka
University campus. Some of valiant souls-Rafiq, Jabbar, Salam, Barkat were
killed. They are the first martyrs in the world for the cause of language. This
blood-shedding is the historical 21st February. Since then the day is being
observed as Shaheed Dibash. Through their sacrifices and blood, the martyrs
brought home their demand for the status of Mother Language. In recognition of
the struggle and to promote and sustain every language in the world the
UNESCO declared 21st February as International Mother Language Day in
1998.Since then the day is observed with honour and solemnity throughout the

The Importance of Reading Newspaper

The reading of a newspaper is a part and parcel of an ideal citizen as well as an
educated person. A conscious citizen cannot pass even a morning without
reading newspaper. So the reading of a newspaper is very useful and important.
It is called the store-house of knowledge. Today a newspaper is one of the most
useful and powerful mass media all over the world. It brings about the current
news and views of home and abroad to our doors. The newspaper gives us the
latest information about politics, education, agriculture, trade and commerce,
science, sports and games, fashion, arts, culture, about literature, about the
different nations and communities of the world. One can learn the time table of
railway, steamer and airlines. We also can learn the valuable speeches, views
and opinions of great scholars, great leaders and scientists of the world. The
shopkeeper, the trader, the businessman can know the prices of goods and food
gains. The students can know the dates and the result of public exams and many
important lessons by reading newspapers. It is the best means of communication
between the government and the public. It is like the mirror of the whole current
world. We can learn the current world by reading newspapers at home. It helps
us to broaden our knowledge as well as outlook. The value of reading a
newspaper cannot be explained in words. Therefore, we should from the habit
of buying and reading newspapers.

The life of a Farmer

The person who does the work of farming is known as a farmer. In Bangladesh
the life of a farmer is not so good. He inherits a little land. He is illiterate. He
does not how to plough his land scientifically. He cannot apply scientific
method. He has only a pair of bullocks and some handmade tools. Often he has
not enough money to buy seeds, fertilizer or pesticide. As a result, he cannot
produce more food for himself and his family. He wakes up early in the
morning and goes to his field. He works in the field under the burning sun and
ploughs his field to grow crops. He comes home at noon, eats his meal, takes
rest and again goes to his land. He is born poor. A farmer is left on the mercy of
nature. He has pleasure and pains in life. If he gets a good harvest, his face
beams with joy. On the other hand, if the crops are not good, his sorrows know
no bounds. He and his family starve. He leads a very poor life. Through he
works hard, he cannot lead a decent life. As a farmer can solve the problem of
food, we should have sympathy for him.
The use and abuse of Mobile Phone
Mobile phone is the most recent invention of science and technology. It is a
cordless cellular phone which can be moved from one place to another easily. It
is a small telecommunication device which the user can bring with whenever he
goes. Nowadays, mobile phone is more convenient than telephone with the help
of mobile phone a person can communicate with another person in the shortest
possible time. It is more interesting that mobile network has been merged with
the internet network. This has opened a new vista to the users. It has given
scopes for the users to access the global telecommunication system remaining at
any corner of the world. The mobile phones are used for entertainment also.
They can be used listening songs, watching videos and keeping data. Thus
mobile phone has become a part and parcel of daily life. But there are some
drawbacks also for the easy availability of mobile phone. Students have a
tendency of using cell phones rather than attending to their regular academic
studies. Criminals and miscreants can also carry out their crimes easily by using
cell phone. Unnecessary calls including prank calls that disturb the call
receivers. Excessive use of mobile phones can cause various diseases including
damage hearing. Though there are some demerits, mobile phone is very useful
for the daily life.

Traffic Jam
Sometimes, there is too many traffic or vehicles along a street or a road in a city
or town. They cannot move forward or move very slowly. This term is called
traffic jam. Traffic jam has been a very common but disturbing problem in the
cities and towns of our country. This problem is the result of rapid growth of
population and the increasing number of vehicles. Most often this problem
occurs in the congested areas where the roads are very narrow. The causes of
traffic jam are many. In proportion to our population roads have not increased.
The roads are all the same. There are many unlicensed vehicles which should be
brought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules.
Traffic jam is largely due to thousands of rickshaws plying on the busy roads.
Overtaking tendency also causes traffic jam. The number of traffic police is
insufficient. Most often traffic jam occurs at office time and also at time when
the offices break. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes traffic jam
is so heavy that it blocks half a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our
works are hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying
patient and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by
adopting some measures. Well planned specious roads should be constructed.
One-way movement of vehicles should be introduced. Traffic rules should be
imposed strictly so that drivers are bound to obey them. Sufficient number of
traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicensed vehicles should
be removed. After doing all things we can hope to have a good traffic system
for our easy and comfortable movement.

Tree Plantation
Trees are a great boon to us. Man has a close relationship with them. So,
without trees we cannot think of our existence. Tree plantation has become a
common form to all in our country. There is hardly any man who is not familiar
with this term. Tree plantation means planting trees more and more. Trees are
very essential for our existence. At present, tree plantation has become a
burning question. We cannot live without oxygen. Trees supply us with this
oxygen and they take in the harmful carbon dioxide. They also supply us with
various kinds of nutritious fruits to eat and wood to make our houses and
furniture. Besides, they give us shade and prevent floods and droughts. Various
kinds of valuable medicine are also prepared from trees. So, trees are a valuable
asset to a country. But it is unfortunate that man has been cutting down trees
largely and randomly. They are not planting sufficient number of new trees. As
a result, Trees are decreasing in a large number day by day. Where there are no
trees, rainfalls on hard ground and flows away along the surface. When all the
top soil is gone, no trees or plants can grow on it. At last a country may become
a desert. For all these reasons, we should plant more and more trees. We should
raise awareness among the people of all walks of life to make tree plantation
programme a success. If there are enough trees in our environment, our
environment will save us from various disasters and ensure us a healthy and
happy life.

Tree Plantation-2
Man has a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with trees. They
are our friends. Trees play an important role in our life and economy. Trees are
useful to man in three very important ways. They provide us shade, shadow and
they help to prevent drought and floods. Trees bear a great impact on the
climate. If we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn into a great
desert. Again there will be no rain and as a result the country will face a great
crisis. Trees prevent the rise in temperature. They give us oxygen. Trees give us
food and shelter. They make the land fertile. We get timber from trees. This
timber is used in making houses, boats, ships and furniture etc. They save the
house from cyclone. They also give shade to protect us from the scorching heat
of the sun. Many trees give us fruit. Trees help to cause fain. They prevent a
region from becoming desert. Trees provide shelter to birds and beasts. Trees
are things of beauty too. We can also take care of trees by not cutting them. We
can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant
trees more and more. We should plant trees more and more for a better happier
and healthier life.

Use and Abuse of Facebook

Facebook is an internet based social network connecting to people worldwide.
Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintain social and friendly
relationship between people living far and near. Any person can search their
friends as well as near and dear ones on-line and can send invitation. If the
invitation once accepted, they become friends in terms of Facebook and can
share everything of each other stored in their Facebook. Facebook allows us to
make numerous albums and upload photos and documents and make friendship
with a lot of people. Any Facebook member can write comments on their status,
on other member’s status and photos etc. Facebook provides on-line chatting as
well. With the help of Facebook, we can easily find out our long lost friends as
well as near and dear ones who are already Facebook members. It can be used
to raise awareness and share news among the members. However, Facebook has
some disadvantages as well. Crooked people may upload obscene and
objectionable photos and comments, pimps and touts also use Facebook so as to
hunt clients. Besides these negative aspects, Facebook is a great boon of
information technology.

Victory Day
The 16th December is a red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day,
we achieved victory at the cost of a bloody battle and Bangladesh came into
being and occupied a place in the world map as an independent country. Every
year we observe this day with great solemnity. We remember the supreme
sacrifice of the heroic sons who died for the country and pay glowing tribute to
their departed soul. The day begins with gunshot. The whole country wears a
festive look. The national flag is hoisted on top of each house. Many meetings,
seminars, symposiums and discussions are held. People of all walks of life go to
the national mausoleum and offer flowers there as a symbol of profound
homage to the myrtered valiant soldiers. This day is a day of great joy, hope and
inspiration. This victory symbolizes victory against injustice tyranny and

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