Electrical Circuits Chapter 24 Activity Examples

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Exercise 144, Page 420

1. A transformer has 600 primary turns connected to a 1.5 kV supply. Determine the number of

secondary turns for a 240 V output voltage, assuming no losses.

N1 V1

For a transformer, N 2 V2
V   240 
N 2  N1  2   (600)  
from which, secondary turns,  V1   1500  = 96 turns

2. An ideal transformer with a turns ratio 2:9 is fed from a 220 V supply. Determine its output


N1 2

N 2 9 and V1  220 V

N1 V1 N  9
 V2  V1  2    220   
N 2 V2 from which, output voltage,  N1   2  = 990 V

3. A transformer has 800 primary turns and 2000 secondary turns. If the primary voltage is 160 V,

determine the secondary voltage assuming an ideal transformer.

N1 800

N 2 2000 and V1  160 V

N1 V1 N   2000 
 V2  V1  2    160   
N 2 V2  N1   800 
from which, output voltage, = 400 V

4. An ideal transformer with a turns ratio 3:8 has an output voltage of 640 V. Determine its input


© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 358

N1 3

N 2 8 and V2  640 V

N1 V1 N  3
 V1  V2  1    640   
N 2 V2 from which, input voltage,  N2   8  = 240 V

5. An ideal transformer has a turns ratio of 12:1 and is supplied at 192 V. Calculate the secondary


N1 12

N2 1 and V1  192 V

N1 V1 N  1
 V2  V1  2    192   
N 2 V2 from which, output voltage,  N1   12  = 16 V

6. A transformer primary winding connected across a 415 V supply has 750 turns. Determine how

many turns must be wound on the secondary side if an output of 1.66 kV is required.

N1 V1 V   1660 
 N 2  N1  2    750   
N 2 V2  V1   415 
from which, secondary turns, = 3000 turns

7. An ideal transformer has a turns ratio of 15:1 and is supplied at 180 V when the primary current

is 4 A. Calculate the secondary voltage and current.

N1 12

N 2 1 , V1  220 V and I1  4 A

N1 V1 N  1
 V2  V1  2    180   
N 2 V2 from which, output voltage,  N1   15  = 12 V

N1 I 2 N   15 
 I 2  I1  1    4   
N 2 I1 from which, secondary current,  N2   1  = 60 A

8. A step-down transformer having a turns ratio of 20:1 has a primary voltage of 4 kV and a load of

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 359

10 kW. Neglecting losses, calculate the value of the secondary current.

N1 20

N 2 1 and V1  4000 V

N1 V1 N   1 
 V2  V1  2    4000   
N 2 V2 from which, output voltage,  N1   20  = 200 V

Secondary power = V2 I2 = 10000 i.e. 200 I 2 = 10000

I2 
from which, secondary current, 200 = 50 A

9. A transformer has a primary to secondary turns ratio of 1:15. Calculate the primary voltage

necessary to supply a 240 V load. If the load current is 3 A determine the primary current.

Neglect any losses.

N1 V1 I2 1 V 3
   1 
N 2 V2 I1 i.e. 15 240 I1

1 V 1
 1 V1  240  
If 15 240 then primary voltage,  15  = 16 V

1 3  15 
 I1  3  
If 15 I1 then primary current,  1  = 45 A

10. A 10 kVA, single-phase transformer has a turns ratio of 12:1 and is supplied from a 2.4 kV

supply. Neglecting losses, determine (a) the full load secondary current, (b) the minimum value

of load resistance which can be connected across the secondary winding without the kVA rating

being exceeded, and (c) the primary current.

N1 12

10000 = V1 I1  V2 I 2 , N 2 1 and V1  2400 V

N1 V1 N  1
 V2  V1  2    2400   
(a) N 2 V2 from which, output voltage,  N1   12  = 200 V

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 360

I2 
10000 VA = V2 I2 = 200 I 2 from which, secondary current, 200 = 50 A

V2 200
RL  
(b) Load resistance, I2 50 = 4 

N1 I2 N  1
 I1  I2  2    50   
(c) N 2 I1 from which, primary current,  N1   12  = 4.17 A

11. A 20  resistance is connected across the secondary winding of a single-phase power

transformer whose secondary voltage is 150 V. Calculate the primary voltage and the turns ratio

if the supply current is 5 A, neglecting losses.

V2 150
I2  
Secondary current, R 2 20 = 7.5 A , I1  5 A and V2 = 150 V

N1 V1 N  I   7.5 
 V1  V2  1   V2  2    150   
N 2 V2 from which, primary voltage,  N2   I1   5  = 225 V

N1 I 2 7.5 3
 
Turns ratio, 2 I1 5 = 1.5 or 2 or 3:2

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 361

Exercise 145, Page 422

1. A 500 V/100 V, single-phase transformer takes a full load primary current of 4 A. Neglecting

losses, determine (a) the full load secondary current, and (b) the rating of the transformer.

V1 I 2 V   500 
 I 2  I1  1   (4)  
(a) V2 I1 from which, full load secondary current,  V2   100  = 20 A

(b) Transformer rating = V1 I1  500  4 = 2000 VA = 2 kVA

or transformer rating =
V2 I2  100  20 = 2000 VA = 2 kVA

2. A 3300 V/440 V, single-phase transformer takes a no-load current of 0.8 A and the iron loss is

500 W. Draw the no-load phasor diagram and determine the values of the magnetizing and core

loss components of the no-load current.

V1  3300 V , V2  440 V and I O  0.8A

Core or iron loss = 500 = V1 I O cos O i.e. 500 =

 3300   0.8 cos O

cos O 
from which,  3300   0.8  = 0.1894 and O  cos 1 0.1894  79.08

The no-load phasor diagram is shown below.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 362

Magnetizing component, I M  IO sin O  0.8sin 79.08 = 0.786 A

Core loss component, IC  IO cos O  0.8(0.1894) = 0.152 A

3. A transformer takes a current of 1 A when its primary is connected to a 300 V, 50 Hz supply, the

secondary being on open-circuit. If the power absorbed is 120 watts, calculate (a) the iron loss

current, (b) the power factor on no-load, and (c) the magnetizing current.

IO  1A and V1  300 V

(a) Power absorbed = total core loss = 120 = V1 I O cos O

i.e. 120 = (300) I O cos O

and I 
iron loss current, C O I cos  O = 300 = 0.40 A

IC 0.4
cos O  
(b) Power factor on no-load, IO 1 = 0.40

(c) By Pythagoras, I O  IC  I M from which,

2 2 2

I M  IO 2  IC 2  12  0.402
magnetizing current, = 0.917 A

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 363

Exercise 146, Page 424

1. A 60 kVA, 1600 V/100 V, 50 Hz, single-phase transformer has 50 secondary windings.

Calculate (a) the primary and secondary current, (b) the number of primary turns and (c) the

maximum value of the flux.

V1  1600 V , V2  100 V , f = 50 Hz, N 2  50 turns

(a) Transformer rating =

V1 I1  V2 I 2  60000 VA

60000 60000
I1  
hence, primary current, V1 1600 = 37.5 A

60000 60000
I2  
and secondary current, V2 100 = 600 A

V1 N1 V   1600 
 N1   1  N 2     50 
V N2  V2   100 
(b) 2 from which, primary turns, = 800 turns

(c) E 2  4.44 f  M N 2 from which,

E2 100
M  
4.44 f N 2 4.44  50   50 
maximum flux, = 9.0 mWb

2. A single-phase, 50 Hz transformer has 40 primary turns and 520 secondary turns. The cross-

sectional area of the core is 270 cm2. When the primary winding is connected to a 300 volt supply,

determine (a) the maximum value of flux density in the core, and (b) the voltage induced in the

secondary winding

(a) From equation (4), e.m.f. E1 = 4.44 f m N1 volts

i.e. 300 = 4.44 (50) m (40)

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 364

from which, maximum flux density, m = (4.44)(50)(40) Wb = 0.033784 Wb

However, m = Bm  A, where Bm = maximum flux density in the core

and A = cross-sectional area of the core

(see chapter 7)
Hence, Bm  270  10 = 0.033784

from which, maximum flux density, Bm = 270  10 = 1.25 T

V1 N1  N2 
 
(b) V2 = N 2 from which, V2 = V1  1 
 520 
 
i.e. voltage induced in the secondary winding, V2 = (300)  40  = 3900 V or 3.90 kV

3. A single-phase 800 V/100 V, 50 Hz transformer has a maximum core flux density of 1.294 T

and an effective cross-sectional area of 60 cm . Calculate the number of turns on the primary and

secondary windings.

A  M  BM  A   1.294   60  104 
Since then = 7.764 mWb

E1 800
N1  
E1  4.44 f  M N1 4.44 f  M 4.44  50   7.764 103 
from which, primary turns,
= 464 turns

E2 100
N2  
E 2  4.44 f  M N 2 from which, secondary turns, 4.44 f  M 4.44  50   7.764  103 

= 58 turns

4. A 3.3 kV/110 V, 50 Hz, single-phase transformer is to have an approximate e.m.f. per turn of 22 V

and operate with a maximum flux of 1.25 T. Calculate (a) the number of primary and secondary

turns, and (b) the cross-sectional area of the core

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 365

E1 E2
(a) E.m.f. per turn = N1 = N 2 = 22
E1 3300
Hence primary turns, N1 = 22 = 22 = 150

E 2 110
and secondary turns, N2 = 22 = 22 = 5

(b) E.m.f. E1 = 4.44 f m N1

E1 3300
from which, m = 4.44 f N1 = (4.44)(50)(150) = 0.0991 Wb

Now flux, m = Bm  A, where A is the cross-sectional area of the core,

m 0.0991
hence area, A = Bm = 1.25 = 0.07928 m or 792.8 cm
2 2

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 366

Exercise 147, Page 425

1. A single-phase transformer has 2400 turns on the primary and 600 turns on the secondary. Its no-

load current is 4 A at a power factor of 0.25 lagging. Assuming the volt drop in the windings is

negligible, calculate the primary current and power factor when the secondary current is 80 A at a

power factor of 0.8 lagging.

Let I1 ' be the component of the primary current which provides the restoring m.m.f.

Then I1 ' N1  I2 N 2

I1 ' 
 80   600 
i.e. I1 '(2400)  (80)(600) from which, 2400 = 20 A

If the power factor of the secondary is 0.8, then cos 2  0.8

from which, 2  cos 1 0.8  36.87

If the power factor at no load is 0.25, then cos O  0.25

from which, O  cos 1 0.25  75.52

In the phasor diagram shown below, I 2 = 80 A at an angle 2  36.87 to V2 and I1 '  20 A and is

shown anti-phase to I 2

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 367

The no load current, IO = 4 A is shown at an angle O  75.52 to V1

Current I1 is the phasor sum of I1 ' and IO and by calculation:

Total horizontal component, I1 cos 1  I O cos O  I1 'cos 2

= (4)(0.25) + (20)(0.8) = 1 + 16 = 17 A

Total vertical component, I1 sin 1  I O sin O  I1 'sin 2

= (4)(sin 75.52) + (20)(sin 36.87) = 15.87 A

Hence, magnitude of I1 = 17  15.87 = 23.26 A

2 2

 15.87   15.87 
tan 1    1  tan 1    43.03
and  17  and  17 

Hence, power factor = cos = cos 43.03 = 0.73

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 368

Exercise 148, Page 428

1. A transformer has 1200 primary turns and 200 secondary turns. The primary and secondary

resistances are 0.2  and 0.02  respectively and the corresponding leakage reactances are 1.2 

and 0.05  respectively. Calculate (a) the equivalent resistance, reactance and impedance

referred to the primary winding, and (b) the phase angle of the impedance.

2 2
V   1200 
R e  R1  R 2  1   0.2  0.02  
(a) Equivalent resistance,  V2   200  = 0.92 

2 2
V   1200 
X e  X1  X 2  1   1.2  0.05  
Equivalent reactance,  V2   200  = 3.0 

Ze  R e 2  X e 2  0.922  3.0 2
Equivalent impedance, = 3.138  or 3.14 

Re 0.92  0.92 
cos e   e  cos 1  
(b) Ze 3.138 and phase angle of impedance,  3.138  = 72.95

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 369

Exercise 149, Page 428

1. A 6 kVA, 100 V/500 V, single-phase transformer has a secondary terminal voltage of 487.5 V

when loaded. Determine the regulation of the transformer.

no load sec ondary voltage  ter min al voltage on load

 100%
Regulation = no load sec ondary voltage

500  487.5 12.5

 100%   100%
= 500 500 = 2.5%

2. A transformer has an open circuit voltage of 110 volts. A tap-changing device operates when the

regulation falls below 3%. Calculate the load voltage at which the tap-changer operates.

no load sec ondary voltage  ter min al voltage on load

 100%
Regulation = no load sec ondary voltage

110  V2
 100%
Hence, 3 = 110

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 370

 110  V2
from which, 100

V2  110 
and 100 = 106.7 V = voltage at which the tap-changer operates.

Exercise 150, Page 430

1. A single-phase transformer has a voltage ratio of 6:1 and the h.v. winding is supplied at 540 V.

The secondary winding provides a full load current of 30 A at a power factor of 0.8 lagging.

Neglecting losses, find (a) the rating of the transformer, (b) the power supplied to the load, (c) the

primary current.

V1 6 540
 V2 
V2 1 and V1  540 V hence, 6 = 90 V and I 2 = 30 A

(a) Rating of transformer = V2 I 2  90  30 = 2700 VA or 2.7 kVA

(b) Power supplied to load = V I cos  = (2700)(0.8) since power factor = cos  = 0.8

= 2.16 kW

V1 I 2 V  1
 I1  I 2  2    30   
(c) 2 I1
V from which, primary current,  V1  6 = 5 A

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 371

2. A single-phase transformer is rated at 40 kVA. The transformer has full-load copper losses of

800 W and iron losses of 500 W. Determine the transformer efficiency at full load and 0.8 power


output power input power  losses losses

  1
Efficiency = input power input power input power

Full-load output power = V I cos  = (40)(0.8) = 32 kW

Total losses = 800 + 500 = 1.3 kW

Input power = output power + losses = 32 + 1.3 = 33.3 kW

  1
Hence, efficiency, 33.3 = 0.961 or 96.10%

3. Determine the efficiency of the transformer in problem 2 at half full-load and 0.8 power factor.

 40   0.8
Half full load power output = 2 = 16 kW

Copper loss (or I R loss) is proportional to current squared

   800 
Hence, copper loss at half full load =  2  = 200 W

Iron loss == 500 W (constant)

Total loss = 200 + 500 = 700 W or 0.7 kW

Input power at half full load = output power at half full load + losses = 16 + 0.7 = 16.7 kW

losses 0.7
  1  1
Hence, efficiency, input power 16.7 = 0.9581 or 95.81%

4. A 100 kVA, 2000 V/400 V, 50 Hz, single-phase transformer has an iron loss of 600 W and a full-

load copper loss of 1600 W. Calculate its efficiency for a load of 60 kW at 0.8 power factor.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 372

output power input power  losses losses
  1
Efficiency = input power input power input power

Full-load output power = V I cos  = (100)(0.8) = 80 kW

Load power = 60 kW

60 3

Hence the transformer is at 80 4 full load

   1600 
Hence, copper loss at 3/4 load =  4  = 900 W

Total losses = 900 + 600 = 1.5 kW

Input power = output power + losses = 60 + 1.5 = 61.5 kW

  1
Hence, efficiency, 61.5 = 0.9756 or 97.56%

5. Determine the efficiency of a 15 kVA transformer for the following conditions:

(i) full-load, unity power factor (ii) 0.8 full-load, unity power factor (iii) half full-load, 0.8

power factor. Assume that iron losses are 200 W and the full-load copper loss is 300 W

(i) Full load power output = V I cos  = (15)(1) = 15 kW

Losses = 200 + 300 = 500 W or 0.5 kW

Input power at full load = output power + losses = 15 + 0.5 = 15.5 kW

losses 0.5
  1  1
Hence, efficiency, input power 15.5 = 0.9677 or 96.77%

(ii) At 0.8 full load, unity power factor, output power = 0.8  15 = 12 kW

 0.8  300   200  192  200


Losses = = 392 W or 0.392 kW

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 373

Input power at 0.8 full load = output power at 0.8 full load + losses

= 12 + 0.392 = 12.392 kW

  1
Hence, efficiency, 12.392 = 0.9684 or 96.84%

(iii) At 0.5 full load and 0.8 power factor, output power = 0.5  15  0.8= 6 kW

 0.5  300   200  75  200


Losses = = 275 W or 0.275 kW

Input power at 0.5 full load = output power at 0.5 full load + losses

= 6 + 0.275 = 6.275 kW

  1
Hence, efficiency, 6.275 = 0.9562 or 95.62%

6. A 300 kVA transformer has a primary winding resistance of 0.4  and a secondary winding

resistance of 0.0015 . The iron loss is 2 kW and the primary and secondary voltages are 4 kV and

200 V respectively. If the power factor of the load is 0.78, determine the efficiency of the

transformer (a) on full load, and (b) on half load.

(a) Rating = 300 kVA = V1 I1 = V2 I2

400  103 300 103

Hence primary current, I1 = V1 = 4000 = 75 A
300  10 3
300 103
and secondary current, I2 = V2 = 200 = 1500 A

Total copper loss = I12 R1 + I22 R2, (where R1 = 0.4  and R2 = 0.0015 )

= (75)2(0.4) + (1500)2(0.0015)

= 2250 + 3375 = 5625 watts

On full load, total loss = copper loss + iron loss

= 5625 + 2000

= 7625 W = 7.625 kW

Total output power on full load = V2 I2 cos 2

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 374
= (300  103)(0.78) = 234 kW

Input power = output power + losses = 234 kW + 7.625 kW = 241.625 kW

 losses 
1  
 input power 
Efficiency,  =  100%

 7.625 
1  
=  241.625   100% = 96.84%

(b) Since the copper loss varies as the square of the current, then total

 
copper loss on half load = 5625   2  = 1406.25 W

Hence total loss on half load = 1406.25 + 2000

= 3406.25 W or 3.40625 kW

Output power on half full load = 2 (234) = 117 kW

Input power on half full load = output power + losses

= 117 kW + 3.40625 kW = 120.40625 kW

Hence efficiency at half full load,

 losses 
1  
 input power 
=  100%

 3.40625 
1  
=  120.40625   100% = 97.17%

7. A 250 kVA transformer has a full load copper loss of 3 kW and an iron loss of 2 kW. Calculate

(a) the output kVA at which the efficiency of the transformer is a maximum, and (b) the

maximum efficiency, assuming the power factor of the load is 0.80.

(a) Let x be the fraction of full load kVA at which the efficiency is a maximum.

The corresponding total copper loss =

 3kW  x 2

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 375

At maximum efficiency, copper loss = iron loss

2 2
x2 
Hence, 3x  2
from which, 3 and x= 3 = 0.8165

Thus, the output kVA at maximum efficiency = 0.8165  250 = 204.1 kVA

(b) Total loss at maximum efficiency = 2  2 = 4 kW

Output power = 204.1  0.8 = 163.3 kW

Input power = output power + losses = 163.3 + 4 = 167.3 kW

  1
Hence, maximum efficiency, 167.3 = 0.9761 or 97.61%

Exercise 151, Page 433

1. A transformer having a turns ratio of 8:1 supplies a load of resistance 50 . Determine the

equivalent input resistance of the transformer.

 N1  8

  RL  
 N2   1  (50) = 3200 Ω = 3.2 k
The equivalent input resistance, R1 = =

2. What ratio of transformer turns is required to make a load of resistance 30  appear to have a

resistance of 270 

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 376

2 2
N   N1 
R1   1  R L    30 
 N2  i.e. 270 =  N2 
 N1  270 N1
   9  9 3
from which,  N2  30
and N2

i.e. the turns ratio required is 3:1

3. Determine the optimum value of load resistance for maximum power transfer if the load is

connected to an amplifier of output resistance 147  through a transformer with a turns ratio of


The equivalent input resistance R1 of the transformer needs to be 147  for maximum power transfer.

2 2
 N1   N2  2

 R
 L    
R1 =  2  from which, RL = R1  1  = 147  7  = 12 

4. A single-phase, 240 V/2880 V ideal transformer is supplied from a 240 V source through a cable

of resistance 3 . If the load across the secondary winding is 720  determine (a) the primary

current flowing and (b) the power dissipated in the load resistance.

The circuit is as shown below.

N1 V1 240 1
  
(a) N 2 V2 2880 12

2 2
N  1
R 1   1  R L     720 
Equivalent input resistance,  N2   12  =5

Total input resistance, R IN  R  R 1 = 3 + 5 = 8 

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 377

V1 240
I1  
Hence, primary current, R IN 8 = 30 A

N1 I 2 N  1
 I 2  I1  1    30   
(b) N 2 I1 from which,  N2   12  = 2.5 A

I 2 2 R L   2.5   720 

Power dissipated in load, P = = 4500 W or 4.5 kW

5. A load of resistance 768  is to be matched to an amplifier which has an effective output

resistance of 12 . Determine the turns ratio of the coupling transformer.

2 2 2
N   N1  12  N1 
R1   1  R L    768  
 N2  hence 12 =  N2 
768  N 2 

N1 12 1
 
and N2 768 8

Hence, the turns ratio of the coupling transformer is 1:8

6. An a.c. source of 20 V and internal resistance 20 k is matched to a load by a 16:1 single-phase

transformer. Determine (a) the value of the load resistance and (b) the power dissipated in the


The circuit is shown below.

(a) For maximum power transfer, R1 needs to be 20 k

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 378

2 2 2
N  N  1
R1   1  R L R L  R1  2   (20000)  
 N2  from which, load resistance,  N1   16  = 78.13 

(b) Total input resistance when source is connected to the matching transformer is R IN  R1 ,

i.e. 20 k + 20 k = 40 k

V 20
I1  
Primary current, 40000 40000 = 0.5 mA

N   16 
I 2  I1  1    0.5 10 3   
N1 I2

N 2 I1 from which,  N2   1  = 8 mA

I 2 2 R L   8 103   78.13

Power dissipated in load, P = = 5 mW

Exercise 152, Page 435

1. A single-phase auto transformer has a voltage ratio of 480 V:300V and supplies a load of

30 kVA at 300 V. Assuming an ideal transformer, calculate the current in each section of the


Rating = 30 kVA = V1 I1  V2 I 2
30 103
I1 
Hence, primary current, 480 = 62.5 A
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 379
30  103
I2 
and secondary current, 300 = 100 A

Hence, current in common part of winding = I 2  I1 = 100 – 62.5 = 37.5 A

2. Calculate the saving in the volume of copper used in an auto transformer compared with a

double-wound transformer for (a) a 300 V:240 V transformer, and (b) a 400 V:100 V


V2 240

(a) For a 300 V:240 V transformer, x = V1 300 = 0.80

From equation (20.12), volume of copper in auto transformer

= (1 – 0.80)(volume of copper in a double-wound transformer)

= (0.20)(volume of copper in a double-wound transformer)

Hence, saving is 80%

V2 100

(b) For a 400 V:1000 V transformer, x = V1 400 = 0.25

From equation (20.12), volume of copper in auto transformer

= (1 – 0.25)(volume of copper in a double-wound transformer)

= (0.75)(volume of copper in a double-wound transformer)

Hence, saving is 25%

Exercise 153, Page 436

1. A three-phase transformer has 600 primary turns and 150 secondary turns. If the supply voltage

is 1.5 kV determine the secondary line voltage on no-load when the windings are connected

(a) delta-star, (b) star-delta.

(a) For a delta connection, VL  VP

hence, primary phase voltage, = 1.5 kV = 1500 V
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 380
N   150 
VP1  2   (1500)  
V  N1   600  = 375 V
Secondary phase voltage, P2 =

For a star connection, VL  3 VP

3  375 
hence, secondary line voltage = = 649.5 V

VP 
(b) For a star connection, VL  3 VP or 3

VL1 1500
VP1  
Primary phase voltage, 3 3 = 866.0 V

For a delta connection, VL  VP

N1 V1 N   150 
 VP2  VP1  2   (866.0)  
N 2 V2 from which, secondary phase voltage,  N1   600 

= 216.5 V = secondary line voltage

Exercise 154, Page 437

1. A current transformer has two turns on the primary winding and a secondary winding of 260

turns. The secondary winding is connected to an ammeter with a resistance of 0.2 , the

resistance of the secondary winding is 0.3 . If the current in the primary winding is 650 A,

determine (a) the reading on the ammeter, (b) the potential difference across the ammeter, and

(c) the total load in VA on the secondary.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 381

N   2 
I 2  I1  1   (650)  
 N2   260 
(a) Reading on ammeter, =5A

(b) P.d. across ammeter = I 2 R 2  (5)(0.2) = 1 V

(c) Total resistance of secondary circuit = 0.2 + 0.3 = 0.5 

Induce e.m.f. in secondary = (5)(0.5) = 2.5 V

Total load on secondary = (2.5)(5) = 7.5 VA

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 382

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