Kidd 1 Xariea Kidd CJS 220 Fall 2020 Road To Rehabilitation and Reform 10/28/2020

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Kidd 1

Xariea Kidd

CJS 220 Fall 2020

Road to Rehabilitation and reform


~The youth that are attending a place like Oak Hill are being affected by what problems?

The children who were attending Oak Hill were being released in worse behavioral

conditions than before. Students would constantly come in and out of the school being there is

no rehabilitating events occurring. The school had appeared to be run down but still useful in

regards to minimum requirements. The school contained a 24-hour holding room that was

displayed as a 24-jail holding room. The appliances would occasionally work and less than 50%

of students arrived to class. 

~What are the confined conditions that occurred at Oak Hill Academy?

Sources say students were being bought drugs by either staff members or parents.

Students were brutally abused by staff members who did not need to be treated in such a

manner. The overseers were dressed in authoritative attire and were locking students in their

room’s days at a time. Being dressed in authoritative attire allows the perception that the

students were criminals. There were also acts of sexual actions being taken by staff to students

and students to students because of lack of protection after hours. 

~What were the educational conditions that took place at Oak Hill?

Being the academy was in poor condition, they had little to no funding. The students

who attended school experienced poor communication by the teachers. The teachers were also

lecturing the students at a poor level of academic standards. The students who were

academically advantaged were not given rewards for their success. 

~Describe the reforms that took place at Oak Hill.

Oak hill Academy was soon torn down and allowed new changes towards the Justice

system and a greater learning center. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) was

created for a new established center for court-involved youth. With this center being open and

organized, it has displayed an image of improving your life in a safe and secure organization.

The teachers are given the role of youth developmental specialists who assist the students. 

Engaging with the youth demonstrates better academic and lifestyle outcomes. 

~Use “Cycle of Juvenile Justice” to resemble back to Oak Hill Academy Juvenile Justice


With individuals believing there needs to be harsher crimes against juveniles, some are

not able to see how harsh the punishment is in regards to poor-conditioned schools.

Demonstrating harsh behavior towards criminal-minded children results in failed upcoming

leaders. Oak Hill students were treated poorly in a poor environment, with poor education, with

poor supervision, which resulted in repeating enrollment. Removing them from the academy

resulted in better academic and behavioral results. 

Extra Credit 

Ja’Quan used his rehabilitation to his advantage by staying active in and out of school.

His mental strategy was focusing on sports and being the greatest athlete, he could be. Being

involved in sports, allowed him to be busy enough to miss the streets and strive for better

academic achievements. He used the support of his teacher and mother to stay committed to

school and not being involved with street or thug-like activities. Rewarding him demonstrates

that good things come to people who do the right things, and it encourages him to continue. 

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