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English VII

Activity 4. Concerts you have been

Name: Gustavo Angel Fuentes Ramirez

Carrier: ITEC
Group: 8° “A” Date: 20/03/2021

1. Use the adjectives for describing music and give your opinions about a type if music
you like and a type of music you don´t like. (20 words each description)
2. Answer to the questions. (15 words question 1, 30 words questions 2).
1. What type of music do you like (at least 3 types).
2. Which bands, singers, and albums do you recommend for each type of music?
3. Save your activity in PDF and name with your Name_Lastname_Activity4.
4. Upload your activity before February 21st 23:59.
5. Consider de following rubric your writing
English VII

 Well, I love listening to hip hop music, for me it is very upbeat and
catchy. I also like to sing and I think it's my favorite. I like this type of
music because it motivates me to do things better and also to dance.

 I hate the heavy metal, that type of music is boring, awful and is too
loud. I always have to have to turn down the volume, for me that music
isn´t interesting and fun.

 1. What type of music do you like (at least 3 types).
I like hip hop and rap music, it really is my favorite kind of music, it is
very catchy because when I listen to it makes me want to dance and sing.
Sometimes I also like to listen to a little rock.

 2. Which bands, singers, and albums do you recommend for each

type of music?
In hip-hop I recommend Snoop Dogg, Eminem and Drake, by the latter
singer there is a very good album called "Scorpion". I recommend it, it's
very interesting. And for the type of music like rock, I recommend Bruce
Springsteen, Arctic Monkeys, Freddie Mercury, etc. These are some of
my favorite singers, their music is interesting, catchy, good and relaxing
for me.
English VII

Writing Rubric

Category Pts. 4 Pts. 3 Pts. 2 Pts. 0

 Writes, either Writes, either Writes, either Includes 1 or
by hand or by hand or by hand or less of the
electronically electronically electronically elements
including 4 of including 3 of including 2 of indicated in
the 4 elements the 4 elements the 4 elements the
indicated in the indicated in the indicated in the instructions.
instructions. instructions. instructions.
Content and
Content is Content and
comprehensive purpose of
Content is fully Content is not
and accurate the writing is
comprehensive quite
most of the unclear.
and accurate. comprehensive
and lacks

- A maximum - 5 to 7 -- 8 spelling, -9 or more

of 4 spelling spelling, punctuation spelling or
Punctuation and mistakes, punctuation mistakes, punctuation
spelling maximum 4 mistakes, maximum mistakes that
punctuation maximum which do not make it
mistakes which which do not obscure the difficult to
do not obscure obscure the meaning of the understand
the meaning of meaning of the word the message.
the word. word.
English VII

-- Contains a - Contains 5 to - 8 grammar  9 or more
maximum of 4 7 grammar mistakes that mistakes.
grammar mistakes, interfere with -Grammar
Grammar mistakes which however, they meaning most mistakes
use do not really do not really of the time. really
interfere in interfere in interfere with
understanding understanding meaning. 
the message the message

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