PALE (Cannon 1) : Facie Contravenes Canon 1

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PALE (Cannon 1) |1

A.M. No. P-06-2177             June 27, 2006 complaint against Kho and (2) a fine in the amount
(Formerly A.M. No. 06-4-268-RTC) of P10,000 be imposed on him.

RE: REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL AUDIT CONDUCTED We agree with the OCA’s recommendations.
KHO, CLERK OF COURT IV, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, Public office is a public trust.4 Those charged with the
ORAS, EASTERN SAMAR . dispensation of justice, from the justices and judges to the
lowliest clerks, should be circumscribed with the heavy
RESOLUTION burden of responsibility.5 Not only must their conduct at all
times be characterized by propriety and decorum but,
CORONA, J.: above all else, it must be beyond suspicion. 6

This administrative case is a result of the audit conducted A clerk of court, aside from being the custodian of the
by the Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) of the books court’s funds, revenues, property and premises, is also
of accounts of Atty. Raquel G. Kho, former clerk of court of entrusted with the primary responsibility of correctly and
the Regional Trial Court, Branch 5, Oras, Eastern Samar. effectively implementing regulations regarding fiduciary
The audit covered the period March 1985 to October 31, funds.7 Safekeeping of funds and collections is essential to
2005. an orderly administration of justice and no protestation of
good faith can override the mandatory nature of the
circulars designed to promote full accountability for
The OCA, in its memorandum dated April 18, 2006, had the government funds.8 Clerks of court have always been
following findings: (1) there was a shortage of P545.00 in reminded of their duty to immediately deposit the various
remittances to the General Fund; (2) a cash shortage funds received by them to the authorized government
of P24.00 in the Sheriff’s General Fund; and (3) Atty. Kho depositories for they are not supposed to keep funds in
did not deposit on time in the authorized depository bank their custody.9
the collections for the Fiduciary Fund (P60,000) and Special
Allowance for the Judiciary Fund (P5,000). It also noted that
Atty. Kho had already restituted the P545.00 and P24.00 Kho failed to make a timely turn-over of cash deposited with
cash shortages. him. This was inexcusable because he could have
purchased postal money orders from the local post office
payable to the chief accountant, Accounting Division, FMO-
Regarding the delayed remittance of the amount of P60,000 OCA. The money could have earned interest had he not
representing the amount of a confiscated cash bond, Kho kept them in the vault for over a year. 10 As found by the
explained that the Land Bank of the Philippines (the OCA, although Kho had restituted all his cash
authorized depository bank) had no branch in their locality. accountabilities, he was nevertheless liable for failing to
The nearest Land Bank branch was approximately 95 immediately deposit the collections for the judiciary funds.
kilometers away so it was his practice to keep his
collections in the court’s safety vault.
The failure to remit the funds in due time constitutes gross
dishonesty and gross misconduct. It diminishes the faith of
On the other hand, the amount of P5,000 was collected as the people in the Judiciary.11 Dishonesty, being in the nature
filing fee for an election protest. According to Kho, this was of a grave offense, carries the extreme penalty of dismissal
collected under Rule 40 of the Commission on Elections from the service even if committed for the first time.
(COMELEC) Rules of Procedure. In defense, he presented However, Kho showed remorse by immediately restituting
a letter addressed to Senior Deputy Court Administrator the cash shortages and complying with the directives of the
Zenaida N. Elepaño inquiring where to remit said amount. audit team. And considering that this is his first offense, we
The OCA, through Deputy Court Administrator Jose P. find that the penalty of P10,000 fine is sufficient.
Perez, responded that pending official instructions on how
to manage the money collected under Rule 40 of the
COMELEC Rules, it was to be treated as trust deposits and We note that Kho has already transferred to the
temporarily deposited in the Fiduciary Fund. 1 However, Kho Department of Justice. However, it neither renders this
failed to do this. matter moot nor frees him from liability.

Consequently, the audit team advised him to deposit Moreover, his misconduct reflects on his fitness as a
the P5,000 in the Special Allowance for the Judiciary Fund member of the bar. His malfeasance prima
as provided under Sec. 21 (g) of the amended facie contravenes Canon 1,12 Rule 1.0113 of the Code of
Administrative Circular No. 35-2004.2 He was also advised Professional Responsibility. Hence, he should explain why
to deposit the confiscated P60,000 cash bond in the no further disciplinary sanction should be imposed on him.
Judicial Development Fund account. He complied with both
directives on November 15, 2005. WHEREFORE, Atty. Raquel G. Kho is hereby
found GUILTY of gross misconduct for his failure to make
On January 26, 2006, the OCA received a letter-complaint timely remittance of judiciary funds in his custody. He is
with the information that Kho, along with his alleged ordered to pay a FINE of P10,000 within ten (10) days from
common-law-wife, stenographer Riza Amor L. Libanan, was receipt of this resolution.
engaged in lending out to court employees money in his
possession as clerk of court, personally deriving profit from Atty. Kho is further ordered to SHOW CAUSE within the
the interest earned. same period why he should not be disciplined for such
misconduct as a lawyer and as an officer of the Court.
The OCA found Kho liable for violating OCA Circular No.
8A-933 dated April 21, 1993 when he kept the funds in a SO ORDERED.
safety vault for more than a year. All clerks of lower courts
are supposed to deposit all collections from bail bonds,
rental deposits and other fiduciary collections with the Land
Bank upon receipt thereof. Thus, it recommended that (1)
the audit report be docketed as a regular administrative
PALE (Cannon 1) |2

A.C. No. 4904             August 12, 2004 (Tecson) filed an Affidavit dated February 20, 1986 before

the Cabanatuan City Prosecutor’s Office charging

ANA A. CHUA and MARCELINA HSIA, complainants, respondent’s mother, the spouses Chua, Marcelina Hsia
vs. and the two witnesses to the said Deed of Absolute Sale,
ATTY. SIMEON M. MESINA, JR., respondent. for Falsification of Public Document and violation of the
Internal Revenue Code. In his complaint affidavit, Tecson
alleged that he was also a lessee of the Melencio property
and was, along with the Chua spouses, supposed to
PER CURIAM: purchase it but that contrary to their agreement, the
property was sold only to complainant and her co-
By a verified complaint received by the Office of the Bar

complainant, to his exclusion. Tecson went on to relate that
Confidant on May 5, 1998, Ana Alvaran Chua and

the February 9, 1979 Deed of Absolute Sale did not reflect
Marcelina Hsia administratively charged Atty. Simeon M. the true value of the Melencio property and was antedated
Mesina, Jr., for breach of professional ethics, gross "to evade payment of capital gains tax."
professional misconduct, and culpable malpractice.
Tecson submitted documents showing that indeed the July
As related by complainants, the following facts gave rise to 9, 1979 Deed of Absolute Sale was antedated.
the filing of the complaint.
Respondent thereupon hatched a plan to dodge the
Respondent was, for years, Ana Alvaran Chua and her now falsification charge against Mrs. Mesina et al. He proposed
deceased husband Chua Yap An’s legal counsel and to complainants that they would simulate a deed of sale of
adviser upon whom they reposed trust and confidence. the Melencio property wherein complainants would resell it
They were in fact lessees of a building situated at Burgos to Mrs. Mesina.
Street, Cabanatuan City (Burgos property) owned by
respondent’s family, and another property containing an Heeding the proposal of respondent, complainants
area of 854 sq. m., situated at Melencio Street, Cabanatuan executed a Deed of Absolute Sale dated April 1,
City (Melencio property), also owned by respondent’s family 1986 conveying to "Felicisima M. Melencio" the Melencio

whereon they (spouses Chua) constructed their house. property for P85,400.00.

These two properties were mortgaged by the registered
owner, respondent’s mother Felicisima Melencio vda. de
Mesina (Mrs. Mesina), in favor of the Planters Development A new title was accordingly issued on April 4, 1986 in the
Bank to secure a loan she obtained. name of "Felicisima M. Melencio," the owner’s copy of
which was entrusted to complainants.
As Mrs. Mesina failed to meet her obligation to the bank,
respondent convinced complainant Ana Chua and her Tecson subsequently filed before the Cabanatuan City
husband to help Mrs. Mesina by way of settling her Prosecutor’s Office an Affidavit of Desistance dated
obligation in consideration for which the Melencio property September 5, 1986 alleging that his filing of the criminal

would be sold to them at P850.00/sq. m. complaint "arose out of mere misunderstanding and
difference" with herein complainants and their co-
respondents and he had no sufficient evidence against
Accommodating respondent’s request, the spouses Chua them.
and their business partner, herein co-complainant
Marcelina Hsia, settled Mrs. Mesina’s bank obligation in the
amount of P983,125.40. Some years later or on May 2, 1990, respondent
approached complainants and told them that he would
borrow the owner’s copy of Mrs. Mesina’s title with the
A Deed of Absolute Sale dated January 19, 1985 conveying

undertaking that he would, in four months, let Mrs. Mesina

the Melencio property for P85,400.00 was thereafter execute a deed of sale over the Melencio property in
executed by Mrs. Mesina, whose name appears therein as complainants’ favor. In fact, respondent gave complainants
"Felicisima M. Melencio," in favor of complainants. a written undertaking dated May 2, 1990 reading:

As complainants were later apprised of the amount of Received the owner’s duplicate copy of TCT No.
capital gains tax they were to pay, they consulted 4383 issued by the Register of Deeds, Cabanatuan
respondent about it. Respondent thus suggested to them City registered in the name of Felicisima Mesina,
that another Deed of Absolute Sale should be executed, widow, consisting of about 854 square meters
antedated to 1979 before the effectivity of the law more or less located at calle Melencio, Cabanatuan
mandating the payment of capital gains tax. As suggested City from Mrs. Ana Chua and Marcelina Hsia.
by respondent, another Deed of Absolute Sale antedated
February 9, 1979 was executed by Mrs. Mesina, whose

name again appears therein as "Felicisima M. Melencio," in I promise to and undertake to have the Deed of
favor of complainants wherein the purchase price was also Sale of the above-mentioned property in favor of
indicated to be P85,400.00. Ana Chua and Marcelina Hsia to be signed by
Mrs. Felicisima Mesina, within four (4) months from
date hereof so that the above-mentioned property
After liquidating the advances made by the Chua spouses and title maybe transferred in the name of Ana
"in the redemption of the MESINA properties," Mrs. Mesina Chua and Macelina Hsia. (Underscoring supplied)
was found to have "an existing balance" due the spouses in
the amount of P400,000.00, on account of which they
advised respondent about it. Respondent, by Affidavit of In the meantime, Mrs. Mesina died "in the early part of
February 18, 1986, "acknowledged such obligation" to be 1991."
his and undertook to settle it within two years.
Despite respondent’s repeated promises "to effect" the
Complainants were subsequently issued on January 21, transfer of title in complainants’ name, he failed to do so.
1986 a title over the Melencio property. Complainants were later informed that the Melencio
property was being offered for sale to the public.
Not long after the execution of the February 9, 1979 Deed
of Absolute Sale or in February 1986, one Juanito Tecson
PALE (Cannon 1) |3

The spouses Chua and complainant Marcelina Hsia thus dated July 9, 1979, both executed by "Felicisima M.

filed on August 24, 1992 a Complaint against respondent

Melencio" in favor of complainant; 5) TCT No. T-
and his two siblings before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) 48114 issued by the Cabanatuan City in the name of

of Nueva Ecija in Cabanatuan City, for "Declaration of complainants on January 21, 1986; 6) Affidavit of Juanito C.
Nullity of Sale and Reconveyance of Real Property." Tecson dated January 20, 1986 charging complainants et

al. for Falsification of Public Documents; 7) Deed of

As of the time of the filing of the present administrative Absolute Sale dated April 1, 1986 executed by
complaint in 1998, the civil case against the Mesina siblings complainants in favor of Mrs. Mesina; and 8) TCT No. T-22 

was still pending. 48383issued on April 4, 1986 in the name of "Felicisima M.

Melencio;" and 9) Complaint of spouses Chua Yap An and

Ana Alvaran Chua and Marcelina Hsia, for Declaration of

This Court, by Resolution of July 13, 1998, directed 10 

Nullity of Deed of Sale and Reconveyance of Real Property

respondent to file Comment on the complaint within ten against respondent and his two siblings. 24

A copy of complainant’s position paper was sent on March
By Resolution of December 2, 1998, this Court, noting that

18, 2002 to respondent at his office address by registered

the copy of the Resolution of July 13, 1998 requiring mail covered by Registry Receipt No. 5278. There is no 25 

respondent to comment on the complaint sent to him at his showing if respondent received this mail matter.
office address at S. M. Mesina Law Office, 30 Jupiter St.,
Paseo de Roxas, Bel-Air Subd., Makati City was returned
unserved with the notation "Moved," considered the The IBP once more scheduled, by notice of December 13,
Resolution of July 13, 1998 served on respondent by 2002, a hearing of the administrative case to January 15,

substituted service pursuant to Rule 13, Section 8 of the 2003, copy of which notice was sent to respondent at his
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. Respondent was office address by registered mail covered by Registry
accordingly deemed to have waived the filing of the Receipt No. 2953 issued by the Meralco Post Office. 27

required comment.
On the scheduled hearing on January 15, 2003, the IBP
By the same Resolution of December 2, 1998, the case Investigating Commissioner, by Order of even date, noted 28 

was referred to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) the presence of complainants, and the absence of
for investigation, report and recommendation within ninety respondent, copy of the notice of hearing to whom was
days. returned unserved with the notation "RTS-Moved." The
case was thereupon deemed submitted for report and
The IBP, acting on the complaint, issued a notice of hearing
on September 14, 2001, copy of which was sent to

respondent at his office address via registered mail, On June 21, 2003, the IBP passed Resolution No. XV-
covered by Registry Receipt No. 2605 of the Meralco Post 2003-342 adopting and approving the report and

Office. On the scheduled date of hearing, complainants

13  recommendation of Atty. Rebecca Villanueva-Maala, the
personally appeared with their counsel. Respondent failed Investigating Commissioner of the case.
to show up.
In her March 3, 2003 Report and
Given the length of time that the case remained pending Recommendation, Investigation Commissioner
from its filing, the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline, by observed as follows:
Order of October 12, 2001, directed complainants to just

file their position paper with affidavits and supporting A lawyer should not engage or participate on any
documents in lieu of actual presentation of witnesses and to unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
serve a copy thereof to respondent at his last known The moral character he displayed when he applied
address. for admission at the Bar must be maintained
incessantly. Otherwise, his privilege to practice the
In compliance with the IBP Order, complainants filed on legal profession may be withdrawn from him (Rule
April 1, 2002 their position paper, annexed to which were
15  1.01, Code of Professional Responsibility). On the
photocopies of: 1) a May 5, 1993 Certification issued by the 16  basis of the uncontroverted facts and evidence
Metrobank Cabanatuan Branch certifying that "it issued the presented, respondent Atty. Simeon M. Mesina has
demand drafts to the payees enumerated below, which committed gross misconduct which shows him to
were debited from the account of Mr. Chua Yap An under be unfit for the office and unworthy of the privilege
Savings Account No. 760: which his license and law confer upon him,

and recommended that respondent be suspended for a

D/D No. Payee Amount period of One (1) Year.
214597 Planters Dev. Bank P 805,299.54
This Court finds that indeed, respondent is guilty of gross
214760 Planters Dev. Bank 100,000.00 misconduct.

214761 Atty. Simeon Mesina, Jr. 77,826.10 First, by advising complainants to execute another Deed of
Absolute Sale antedated to 1979 to evade payment of
capital gains taxes, he violated his duty to promote respect
2) Affidavit dated February 18, 1986 of respondent 17 
for law and legal processes, and not to abet activities

acknowledging a debt of P400,000.00 to complainant Ana aimed at defiance of the law; That respondent intended to,

Alvaran Chua and promising to pay interest thereon within 2 as he did defraud not a private party but the government is
years to commence upon the signing thereof [February 16, aggravating. 33

1998] and, in the event no partial or full payment of the

principal is made within 2 years, Ana Alvaran Chua "is
under no obligation to pay any lease rentals over the lot
situated in Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City where the
Oceanic Hardware Bldg. is erected;" 3) Deed of Absolute
Sale dated January 19, 1985 and 4) Deed of Absolute Sale
PALE (Cannon 1) |4

Second, when respondent convinced complainants to CANON 15. A LAWYER SHALL OBSERVE
execute another document, a simulated Deed of Absolute CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND LOYALTY IN ALL HIS
Sale wherein they made it appear that complainants DEALINGS AND TRANSACTIONS WITH HIS
reconveyed the Melencio property to his mother, he CLIENTS.
committed dishonesty. 34

Rule 15.07. - A lawyer shall impress upon his client

Third, when on May 2, 1990 respondent inveigled his own compliance with the laws and the principles of
clients, the Chua spouses, into turning over to him the fairness.
owner’s copy of his mother’s title upon the
misrepresentation that he would, in four months, have a CANON 17. A LAWYER OWES FIDELITY TO THE
deed of sale executed by his mother in favor of CAUSE OF HIS CLIENT AND HE SHALL BE
complainants, he likewise committed dishonesty. MINDFUL OF THE TRUST AND CONFIDENCE
That the signature of "Felicisima M. Melencio" in the 1985
document and that in the 1979 document are markedly
35  36 
different is in fact is a badge of falsification of either the JR. is, for gross misconduct, hereby DISBARRED.
1979 or the 1985 document or even both.
Let copies of this Decision be furnished all courts, the
A propos is this Court’s following pronouncement in Nakpil Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the Office of the Bar
v. Valdez37

As a rule, a lawyer is not barred from dealing with SO ORDERED.

his client but the business transaction must be
characterized with utmost honesty and good
faith. The measure of good faith which an attorney
is required to exercise in his dealings with his client
is a much higher standard that is required in
business dealings where the parties trade at "arms A.C. No. 6792             January 25, 2006
length." Business transactions between an attorney
and his client are disfavored and discouraged by ROBERTO SORIANO, Complainant,
the policy of the law. Hence, courts carefully watch vs.
these transactions to assure that no advantage is Atty. MANUEL DIZON, Respondent.
taken by a lawyer over his client. This rule is
founded on public policy for, by virtue of his office,
an attorney is in an easy position to take DECISION
advantage of the credulity and ignorance of his
client. Thus, no presumption of innocence or PER CURIAM:
improbability of wrongdoing is considered in an
attorney’s favor. (Underscoring supplied)
Before us is a Complaint-Affidavit 1 for the disbarment of
Atty. Manuel Dizon, filed by Roberto Soriano with the
Respondent having welched on his promise to cause the Commission on Bar Discipine (CBD) of the Integrated Bar
reconveyance of the Melencio property to complainants, of the Philippines (IBP). Complainant alleges that the
consideration of whether he should be ordered to honor conviction of respondent for a crime involving moral
such promise should be taken up in the civil case filed for turpitude, together with the circumstances surrounding the
the purpose, the issue there being one of ownership while conviction, violates Canon 1 of Rule 1.01 of the Code of
that in the case at bar is moral fitness.
39 Professional Responsibility;2 and constitutes sufficient
ground for his disbarment under Section 27 of Rule 138 of
In fine, respondent violated his oath of office and, more the Rules of Court.3
specifically, the following canons of the Code of
Professional Responsibility: Because of the failure of Atty. Dizon to submit his Answer to
the Complaint, the CBD issued a Notice dated May 20,
CANON 1. A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE 2004, informing him that he was in default, and that an ex-
CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE LAWS OF THE parte hearing had been scheduled for June 11, 2004. 4 After
LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND that hearing, complainant manifested that he was
LEGAL PROCESSES. submitting the case on the basis of the Complaint and its
attachments.5 Accordingly, the CBD directed him to file his
Position Paper, which he did on July 27, 2004. 6 Afterwards,
Rule 1.01. - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, the case was deemed submitted for resolution.
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
On December 6, 2004, Commissioner Teresita J. Herbosa
Rule 1.02. - A lawyer shall not counsel or abet rendered her Report and Recommendation, which was later
activities aimed at defiance of the law or at adopted and approved by the IBP Board of Governors in its
lessening confidence in the legal system. Resolution No. XVI-2005-84 dated March 12, 2005.

CANON 7. A LAWYER SHALL AT ALL TIMES In his Complaint-Affidavit, Soriano alleged that respondent
UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY OF THE had violated Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the Code of
LEGAL PROFESSION AND SUPPORT THE Professional Responsibility; and that the conviction of the
ACTIVITIES OF THE INTEGRATED BAR. latter for frustrated homicide,7 which involved moral
turpitude, should result in his disbarment.
Rule 7.03. - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct
that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice The facts leading to respondent’s conviction were
law, nor shall he, whether in public or private life, summarized by Branch 60 of the Regional Trial Court of
behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of Baguio City in this wise:
the legal profession.
PALE (Cannon 1) |5

"x x x. The accused was driving his brown Toyota Corolla "3. Complainant having been able to ward off his
and was on his way home after gassing up in preparation attempted assault, Respondent went back to his
for his trip to Concepcion, Tarlac with his wife. Along car, got a gun, wrapped the same with a
Abanao Street, a taxi driver overtook the car driven by the handkerchief and shot Complainant[,] who was
accused not knowing that the driver of the car he had unarmed;
overtaken is not just someone, but a lawyer and a
prominent member of the Baguio community who was "4. When Complainant fell on him, Respondent
under the influence of liquor. Incensed, the accused tailed simply pushed him out and fled;
the taxi driver until the latter stopped to make a turn at [the]
Chugum and Carino Streets. The accused also stopped his
car, berated the taxi driver and held him by his shirt. To "5. Despite positive identification and overwhelming
stop the aggression, the taxi driver forced open his door evidence, Respondent denied that he had shot
causing the accused to fall to the ground. The taxi driver Complainant;
knew that the accused had been drinking because he
smelled of liquor. Taking pity on the accused who looked "6. Apart from [his] denial, Respondent also lied
elderly, the taxi driver got out of his car to help him get up. when he claimed that he was the one mauled by
But the accused, by now enraged, stood up immediately Complainant and two unidentified persons; and,
and was about to deal the taxi driver a fist blow when the
latter boxed him on the chest instead. The accused fell "7. Although he has been placed on probation,
down a second time, got up again and was about to box the Respondent has[,] to date[,] not yet satisfied his
taxi driver but the latter caught his fist and turned his arm civil liabilities to Complainant."12
around. The taxi driver held on to the accused until he could
be pacified and then released him. The accused went back On July 8, 2005, the Supreme Court received for its final
to his car and got his revolver making sure that the handle action the IBP Resolution adopting the Report and
was wrapped in a handkerchief. The taxi driver was on his Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner.
way back to his vehicle when he noticed the eyeglasses of
the accused on the ground. He picked them up intending to
return them to the accused. But as he was handing the We agree with the findings and recommendations of
same to the accused, he was met by the barrel of the gun Commissioner Herbosa, as approved and adopted by the
held by the accused who fired and shot him hitting him on IBP Board of Governors.
the neck. He fell on the thigh of the accused so the latter
pushed him out and sped off. The incident was witnessed Under Section 27 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court,
by Antonio Billanes whose testimony corroborated that of conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude is a ground
the taxi driver, the complainant in this case, Roberto for disbarment or suspension. By such conviction, a lawyer
Soriano."8 is deemed to have become unfit to uphold the
administration of justice and to be no longer possessed of
It was the prosecution witness, Antonio Billanes, who came good moral character.13 In the instant case, respondent has
to the aid of Soriano and brought the latter to the hospital. been found guilty; and he stands convicted, by final
Because the bullet had lacerated the carotid artery on the judgment, of frustrated homicide. Since his conviction has
left side of his neck, 9 complainant would have surely died of already been established and is no longer open to question,
hemorrhage if he had not received timely medical the only issues that remain to be determined are as follows:
assistance, according to the attending surgeon, Dr. 1) whether his crime of frustrated homicide involves moral
Francisco Hernandez, Jr. Soriano sustained a spinal cord turpitude, and 2) whether his guilt warrants disbarment.
injury, which caused paralysis on the left part of his body
and disabled him for his job as a taxi driver. Moral turpitude has been defined as "everything which is
done contrary to justice, modesty, or good morals; an act of
The trial court promulgated its Decision dated November baseness, vileness or depravity in the private and social
29, 2001. On January 18, 2002, respondent filed an duties which a man owes his fellowmen, or to society in
application for probation, which was granted by the court on general, contrary to justice, honesty, modesty, or good
several conditions. These included satisfaction of "the civil morals."14
liabilities imposed by [the] court in favor of the offended
party, Roberto Soriano."10 The question of whether the crime of homicide involves
moral turpitude has been discussed in International Rice
According to the unrefuted statements of complainant, Atty. Research Institute (IRRI) v. NLRC,15 a labor case
Dizon, who has yet to comply with this particular concerning an employee who was dismissed on the basis
undertaking, even appealed the civil liability to the Court of of his conviction for homicide. Considering the particular
Appeals.11 circumstances surrounding the commission of the crime,
this Court rejected the employer’s contention and held that
homicide in that case did not involve moral turpitude. (If it
In her Report and Recommendation, Commissioner did, the crime would have been violative of the IRRI’s
Herbosa recommended that respondent be disbarred from Employment Policy Regulations and indeed a ground for
the practice of law for having been convicted of a crime dismissal.) The Court explained that, having disregarded
involving moral turpitude. the attendant circumstances, the employer made a
pronouncement that was precipitate. Furthermore, it was
The commissioner found that respondent had not only been not for the latter to determine conclusively whether a crime
convicted of such crime, but that the latter also exhibited an involved moral turpitude. That discretion belonged to the
obvious lack of good moral character, based on the courts, as explained thus:
following facts:
"x x x. Homicide may or may not involve moral turpitude
"1. He was under the influence of liquor while depending on the degree of the crime. Moral turpitude is not
driving his car; involved in every criminal act and is not shown by every
known and intentional violation of statute, but whether any
"2. He reacted violently and attempted to assault particular conviction involves moral turpitude may be a
Complainant only because the latter, driving a taxi, question of fact and frequently depends on all the
had overtaken him; surrounding circumstances. x x x."16 (Emphasis supplied)
PALE (Cannon 1) |6

In the IRRI case, in which the crime of homicide did not sentence and granted him probation. And yet, it has been
involve moral turpitude, the Court appreciated the presence four years21 since he was ordered to settle his civil liabilities
of incomplete self-defense and total absence of aggravating to complainant. To date, respondent remains adamant in
circumstances. For a better understanding of that Decision, refusing to fulfill that obligation. By his extreme impetuosity
the circumstances of the crime are quoted as follows: and intolerance, as shown by his violent reaction to a
simple traffic altercation, he has taken away the earning
"x x x. The facts on record show that Micosa [the IRRI capacity, good health, and youthful vigor of his victim. Still,
employee] was then urinating and had his back turned Atty. Dizon begrudges complainant the measly amount that
when the victim drove his fist unto Micosa's face; that the could never even fully restore what the latter has lost.
victim then forcibly rubbed Micosa's face into the filthy
urinal; that Micosa pleaded to the victim to stop the attack Conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude may relate,
but was ignored and that it was while Micosa was in that not to the exercise of the profession of lawyers, but
position that he drew a fan knife from the left pocket of his certainly to their good moral character.22 Where their
shirt and desperately swung it at the victim who released misconduct outside of their professional dealings is so
his hold on Micosa only after the latter had stabbed him gross as to show them morally unfit for their office and
several times. These facts show that Micosa's intention was unworthy of the privileges conferred upon them by their
not to slay the victim but only to defend his person. The license and the law, the court may be justified in
appreciation in his favor of the mitigating circumstances of suspending or removing them from that office.23
self-defense and voluntary surrender, plus the total
absence of any aggravating circumstance demonstrate that We also adopt the IBP’s finding that respondent displayed
Micosa's character and intentions were not inherently vile, an utter lack of good moral character, which is an essential
immoral or unjust."17 qualification for the privilege to enter into the practice of
law. Good moral character includes at least common
The present case is totally different. As the IBP correctly honesty.24
found, the circumstances clearly evince the moral turpitude
of respondent and his unworthiness to practice law. In the case at bar, respondent consistently displayed
dishonest and duplicitous behavior. As found by the trial
Atty. Dizon was definitely the aggressor, as he pursued and court, he had sought, with the aid of Vice-Mayor Daniel
shot complainant when the latter least expected it. The act Fariñas, an out-of-court settlement with complainant’s
of aggression shown by respondent will not be mitigated by family.25 But when this effort failed, respondent concocted a
the fact that he was hit once and his arm twisted by complete lie by making it appear that it was complainant’s
complainant. Under the circumstances, those were family that had sought a conference with him to obtain his
reasonable actions clearly intended to fend off the lawyer’s referral to a neurosurgeon.26
The lies of Atty Dizon did not end there. He went on to
We also consider the trial court’s finding of treachery as a fabricate an entirely implausible story of having been
further indication of the skewed morals of respondent. He mauled by complainant and two other persons.27 The trial
shot the victim when the latter was not in a position to court had this to say:
defend himself. In fact, under the impression that the
assault was already over, the unarmed complainant was "The physical evidence as testified to by no less than three
merely returning the eyeglasses of Atty. Dizon when the (3) doctors who examined [Atty. Dizon] does not support his
latter unexpectedly shot him. To make matters worse, allegation that three people including the complainant
respondent wrapped the handle of his gun with a helped each other in kicking and boxing him. The injuries
handkerchief so as not to leave fingerprints. In so doing, he he sustained were so minor that it is improbable[,] if not
betrayed his sly intention to escape punishment for his downright unbelievable[,] that three people who he said
crime. were bent on beating him to death could do so little
damage. On the contrary, his injuries sustain the
The totality of the facts unmistakably bears the earmarks of complainant’s version of the incident particularly when he
moral turpitude. By his conduct, respondent revealed his said that he boxed the accused on the chest. x x x." 28
extreme arrogance and feeling of self-importance. As it
were, he acted like a god on the road, who deserved to be Lawyers must be ministers of truth. No moral qualification
venerated and never to be slighted. Clearly, his inordinate for bar membership is more important than
reaction to a simple traffic incident reflected poorly on his truthfulness.29 The rigorous ethics of the profession places a
fitness to be a member of the legal profession. His premium on honesty and condemns duplicitous
overreaction also evinced vindictiveness, which was behavior.30 Hence, lawyers must not mislead the court or
definitely an undesirable trait in any individual, more so in a allow it to be misled by any artifice. In all their dealings, they
lawyer. In the tenacity with which he pursued complainant, are expected to act in good faith.
we see not the persistence of a person who has been
grievously wronged, but the obstinacy of one trying to
assert a false sense of superiority and to exact revenge. The actions of respondent erode rather than enhance public
perception of the legal profession. They constitute moral
turpitude for which he should be disbarred. "Law is a noble
It is also glaringly clear that respondent seriously profession, and the privilege to practice it is bestowed only
transgressed Canon 1 of the Code of Professional upon individuals who are competent intellectually,
Responsibility through his illegal possession of an academically and, equally important, morally. Because they
unlicensed firearm18 and his unjust refusal to satisfy his civil are vanguards of the law and the legal system, lawyers
liabilities.19 He has thus brazenly violated the law and must at all times conduct themselves, especially in their
disobeyed the lawful orders of the courts. We remind him dealings with their clients and the public at large, with
that, both in his attorney’s oath 20 and in the Code of honesty and integrity in a manner beyond reproach." 31
Professional Responsibility, he bound himself to "obey the
laws of the land."
The foregoing abhorrent acts of respondent are not merely
dishonorable; they reveal a basic moral flaw. Considering
All told, Atty. Dizon has shown through this incident that he the depravity of the offense he committed, we find the
is wanting in even a basic sense of justice. He obtained the penalty recommended by the IBP proper and
benevolence of the trial court when it suspended his commensurate.
PALE (Cannon 1) |7

The purpose of a proceeding for disbarment is to protect Trusting respondent, complainant agreed to purchase the
the administration of justice by requiring that those who property through respondent as his representative or
exercise this important function be competent, honorable attorney-in-fact. Complainant also engaged the services of
and reliable -- lawyers in whom courts and clients may respondent for the preparation of the necessary documents.
repose confidence.32 Thus, whenever a clear case of For this purpose, respondent demanded and received a
degenerate and vile behavior disturbs that vital yet fragile ₱400,000 fee.
confidence, we shall not hesitate to rid our profession of
odious members. Confident that respondent would faithfully carry out his task,
complainant returned to Denmark, entrusting the
We remain aware that the power to disbar must be processing of the necessary paperwork to respondent.
exercised with great caution, and that disbarment should
never be decreed when any lesser penalty would Thereafter, respondent prepared a contract to sell the
accomplish the end desired. In the instant case, however, property between complainant, represented by respondent,
the Court cannot extend that munificence to respondent. and a certain Bonifacio de Mesa, the purported owner of
His actions so despicably and wantonly disregarded his the property.1 Subsequently, respondent prepared and
duties to society and his profession. We are convinced that notarized a deed of sale in which de Mesa sold and
meting out a lesser penalty would be irreconcilable with our conveyed the property to a certain Ailyn Gonzales for ₱3.8
lofty aspiration for the legal profession -- that every lawyer million.2 Respondent also drafted and notarized an
be a shining exemplar of truth and justice. agreement between complainant and Gonzales stating that
it was complainant who provided the funds for the purchase
We stress that membership in the legal profession is a of the property.3 Complainant then gave respondent the full
privilege demanding a high degree of good moral character, amount of the purchase price (₱3.8 million) for which
not only as a condition precedent to admission, but also as respondent issued an acknowledgment receipt. 4
a continuing requirement for the practice of law. Sadly,
herein respondent has fallen short of the exacting After the various contracts and agreements were executed,
standards expected of him as a vanguard of the legal complainant tried to get in touch with respondent to inquire
profession. about when the property could be registered in his name.
However, respondent suddenly became scarce and refused
In sum, when lawyers are convicted of frustrated homicide, to answer complainant’s calls and e-mail messages.
the attending circumstances – not the mere fact of their
conviction – would demonstrate their fitness to remain in When complainant visited the Philippines again in January
the legal profession. In the present case, the appalling 2005, he engaged the services of the Jimenez Gonzales
vindictiveness, treachery, and brazen dishonesty of Liwanag Bello Valdez Caluya & Fernandez Law Office to
respondent clearly show his unworthiness to continue as a ascertain the status of the property he supposedly bought.
member of the bar. He was devastated to learn that aliens could not own land
under Philippine laws. Moreover, verification at the
WHEREFORE, RESPONDENT MANUEL DIZON is Community Environment & Natural Resources Office
hereby DISBARRED, and his name is ORDERED (CENRO) of the Department of Environment and Natural
STRICKEN from the Roll of Attorneys. Let a copy of this Resources in Olongapo City revealed that the property was
Decision be entered in his record as a member of the Bar; inalienable as it was situated within the former US Military
and let notice of the same be served on the Integrated Bar Reservation.5 The CENRO also stated that the property was
of the Philippines, and on the Office of the Court not subject to disposition or acquisition under Republic Act
Administrator for circulation to all courts in the country. No. 141.6

SO ORDERED. Thereafter, complainant, through his attorneys-in-

fact,7 exerted diligent efforts to locate respondent for
purposes of holding him accountable for his fraudulent acts.
Inquiry with the Olongapo Chapter of the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines (IBP) disclosed that respondent was in
A.C. No. 8010               June 16, 2009 arrears in his annual dues and that he had already
abandoned his law office in Olongapo City. 8 Search of court
KELD STEMMERIK, represented by ATTYS. HERMINIO records of cases handled by respondent only yielded his
A. LIWANAG and WINSTON P.L. abandoned office address in Olongapo City. 1avvphi1

ESGUERRA, Complainant,
vs. Complainant filed a complaint for disbarment against
ATTY. LEONUEL N. MAS, Respondent. respondent in the Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) of
the IBP.9 He deplored respondent’s acts of serious
RESOLUTION misconduct. In particular, he sought the expulsion of
respondent from the legal profession for gravely
Per Curiam: misrepresenting that a foreigner could legally acquire land
in the Philippines and for maliciously absconding with
complainant’s ₱3.8 million.10
Complainant Keld Stemmerik is a citizen and resident of
Denmark. In one of his trips to the Philippines, he was
introduced to respondent Atty. Leonuel N. Mas. That was Respondent failed to file his answer and position paper
his misfortune. despite service of notice at his last known address. Neither
did he appear in the scheduled mandatory conference. In
this connection, the CBD found that respondent abandoned
In one visit to the Philippines, complainant marveled at the
his law practice in Olongapo City after his transaction with
beauty of the country and expressed his interest in
complainant and that he did not see it fit to contest the
acquiring real property in the Philippines. He consulted
charges against him.11
respondent who advised him that he could legally acquire
and own real property in the Philippines. Respondent even
suggested an 86,998 sq.m. property in Quarry, Agusuin, The CBD ruled that respondent used his position as a
Cawag, Subic, Zambales with the assurance that the lawyer to mislead complainant on the matter of land
property was alienable. ownership by a foreigner.12 He even went through the
PALE (Cannon 1) |8

motion of preparing falsified and fictitious contracts, deeds Professional Responsibility, the code of ethics of the legal
and agreements. And for all these shameless acts, he profession.
collected ₱400,000 from complainant. Worse, he pocketed
the ₱3.8 million and absconded with it.13 All lawyers take an oath to support the Constitution, to obey
the laws and to do no falsehood. 21 That oath is neither mere
The CBD found respondent to be "nothing more than an formal ceremony nor hollow words. It is a sacred trust that
embezzler" who misused his professional status as an should be upheld and kept inviolable at all times.22
attorney as a tool for deceiving complainant and
absconding with complainant’s money.14 Respondent was Lawyers are servants of the law 23 and the law is their
dishonest and deceitful. He abused the trust and master. They should not simply obey the laws, they should
confidence reposed by complainant in him. The CBD also inspire respect for and obedience thereto by serving as
recommended the disbarment of respondent.15 exemplars worthy of emulation. Indeed, that is the first
precept of the Code of Professional Responsibility:
The Board of Governors of the IBP adopted the findings
and recommendation of the CBD with the modification that CANON 1 – A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE
respondent was further required to return the amount of CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE LAWS OF THE LAND AND
₱4.2 million to respondent.16 PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND LEGAL
We agree with the IBP.
Section 7, Article XII of the Constitution provides:
Sufficiency Of Notice Of
The Disbarment Proceedings SEC. 7. Save in cases of hereditary succession, no private
lands shall be transferred or conveyed except to individuals,
We shall first address a threshold issue: was respondent corporations, or associations qualified to acquire or hold
properly given notice of the disbarment proceedings against lands of the public domain.
him? Yes.
This Court has interpreted this provision, as early as the
The respondent did not file any answer or position paper, 1947 case Krivenko v. Register of Deeds,24 to mean that
nor did he appear during the scheduled mandatory "under the Constitution, aliens may not acquire private or
conference. Respondent in fact abandoned his last known agricultural lands, including residential lands." The provision
address, his law office in Olongapo City, after he committed is a declaration of imperative constitutional policy.25
the embezzlement.
Respondent, in giving advice that directly contradicted a
Respondent should not be allowed to benefit from his fundamental constitutional policy, showed disrespect for the
disappearing act. He can neither defeat this Court’s Constitution and gross ignorance of basic law. Worse, he
jurisdiction over him as a member of the bar nor evade prepared spurious documents that he knew were void and
administrative liability by the mere ruse of concealing his illegal.
whereabouts. Thus, service of the complaint and other
orders and processes on respondent’s office was sufficient By making it appear that de Mesa undertook to sell the
notice to him. property to complainant and that de Mesa thereafter sold
the property to Gonzales who made the purchase for and in
Indeed, since he himself rendered the service of notice on behalf of complainant, he falsified public documents and
him impossible, the notice requirement cannot apply to him knowingly violated the Anti-Dummy Law.26
and he is thus considered to have waived it. The law does
not require that the impossible be done. Nemo tenetur ad Respondent’s misconduct did not end there. By advising
impossibile.17 The law obliges no one to perform an complainant that a foreigner could legally and validly
impossibility. Laws and rules must be interpreted in a way acquire real estate in the Philippines and by assuring
that they are in accordance with logic, common sense, complainant that the property was alienable, respondent
reason and practicality.18 deliberately foisted a falsehood on his client. He did not
give due regard to the trust and confidence reposed in him
In this connection, lawyers must update their records with by complainant. Instead, he deceived complainant and
the IBP by informing the IBP National Office or their misled him into parting with ₱400,000 for services that were
respective chapters19 of any change in office or residential both illegal and unprofessional. Moreover, by pocketing and
address and other contact details. 20 In case such change is misappropriating the ₱3.8 million given by complainant for
not duly updated, service of notice on the office or the purchase of the property, respondent committed a
residential address appearing in the records of the IBP fraudulent act that was criminal in nature.1avvphi1

National Office shall constitute sufficient notice to a lawyer

for purposes of administrative proceedings against him. Respondent spun an intricate web of lies. In the process, he
committed unethical act after unethical act, wantonly
Respondent’s Administrative Infractions violating laws and professional standards.
And His Liability Therefor
For all this, respondent violated not only the lawyer’s oath
Lawyers, as members of a noble profession, have the duty and Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. He
to promote respect for the law and uphold the integrity of also transgressed the following provisions of the Code of
the bar. As men and women entrusted with the law, they Professional Responsibility:
must ensure that the law functions to protect liberty and not
as an instrument of oppression or deception. Rule 1.01. – A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
Respondent has been weighed by the exacting standards
of the legal profession and has been found wanting. Rule 1.02. – A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities
aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence
Respondent committed a serious breach of his oath as a in the legal system.
lawyer. He is also guilty of culpable violation of the Code of
PALE (Cannon 1) |9

F.B. Santiago, Nalus & Associates for petitioner.
CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND LOYALTY IN ALL HIS Ismael A. Serfino for private respondent.



The adage that blood is thicker than water obviously stood

for naught in this case, notwithstanding the vinculum of
paternity and filiation between the parties. It would indeed
have been the better part of reason if herein petitioner and
(emphasis supplied)
private respondent had reconciled their differences in an
extrajudicial atmosphere of familial amity and with the grace
A lawyer who resorts to nefarious schemes to circumvent of reciprocal concessions. Father and son opted instead for
the law and uses his legal knowledge to further his selfish judicial intervention despite the inevitable acrimony and
ends to the great prejudice of others, poses a clear and negative publicity. Albeit with distaste, the Court cannot
present danger to the rule of law and to the legal system. proceed elsewise but to resolve their dispute with the same
He does not only tarnish the image of the bar and degrade reasoned detachment accorded any judicial proceeding
the integrity and dignity of the legal profession, he also before it.
betrays everything that the legal profession stands for.
The records of this case reveal that petitioner was
It is respondent and his kind that give lawyering a bad employed by his father, herein private respondent, as farm
name and make laymen support Dick the Butcher’s call, administrator of Hacienda Manucao in Hinigaran, Negros
"Kill all lawyers!"27 A disgrace to their professional brethren, Occidental sometime in April, 1980. Prior thereto, he was
they must be purged from the bar. successively employed as sales manager of Triumph
International (Phil.), Inc. and later as operations manager of
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Leonuel N. Mas is Top Form Manufacturing (Phil.), Inc. His employment as
hereby DISBARRED. The Clerk of Court is directed to farm administrator was on a fixed salary, with other
immediately strike out the name of respondent from the Roll allowances covering housing, food, light, power, telephone,
of Attorneys. gasoline, medical and dental expenses.

Respondent is hereby ORDERED to return to complainant As farm administrator, petitioner was responsible for the
Keld Stemmerik the total amount of ₱4.2 million with supervision of daily activities and operations of the
interest at 12% per annum from the date of promulgation of sugarcane farm such as land preparation, planting,
this resolution until full payment. Respondent is weeding, fertilizing, harvesting, dealing with third persons in
further DIRECTED to submit to the Court proof of payment all matters relating to the hacienda  and attending to such
of the amount within ten days from payment. other tasks as may be assigned to him by private
respondent. For this purpose, he lived on the farm,
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is ORDERED to occupying the upper floor of the house there.
locate Atty. Mas and file the appropriate criminal charges
against him. The NBI is further DIRECTED to regularly Following his marriage on June 6, 1982, petitioner moved to
report the progress of its action in this case to this Court Bacolod City with his wife and commuted to work daily. He
through the Bar Confidant. suffered various ailments and was hospitalized on two
separate occasions in June and August, 1982. In
Let copies of this resolution be furnished the Bar Confidant November, 1982, he underwent fistulectomy, or the surgical
who shall forthwith record it in the personal file of removal of the fistula, a deep sinuous ulcer. During his
respondent, the Court Administrator who shall inform all recuperation which lasted over four months, he was under
courts of the Philippines, the Integrated Bar of the the care of Dr. Patricio Tan. In June, 1983, he was confined
Philippines which shall disseminate copies to all its for acute gastroenteritis and, thereafter, for infectious
chapters and members and all administrative and quasi- hepatitis from December, 1983 to January, 1984.
judicial agencies of the Republic of the Philippines.
During the entire periods of petitioner's illnesses, private
SO ORDERED. respondent took care of his medical expenses and
petitioner continued to receive compensation. However, in
April, 1984, without due notice, private respondent ceased
to pay the latter's salary. Petitioner made oral and written
demands for an explanation for the sudden withholding of
his salary from Atty. Apolonio Sumbingco, private
respondent's auditor and legal adviser, as well as for the
remittance of his salary. Both demands, however, were not
acted upon.

Petitioner then filed an action with the National Labor

Relations Commission (NLRC, for brevity), Regional
Arbitration Branch No. VI, Bacolod City, on October 17,
G.R. No. 104599 March 11, 1994 1984, docketed therein as RAB Case No. 0452-84, against
private respondent for illegal dismissal with prayer for
JON DE YSASI III, petitioner, reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and payment
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 10

of full back wages, thirteenth month pay for 1983, observance of the requirements of due process. He also
consequential, moral and exemplary damages, as well as charges the NLRC with grave abuse of discretion in relying
attorney's fees. upon the findings of the executive labor arbiter who decided
the case but did not conduct the hearings thereof.
On July 31, 1991, said complaint for illegal dismissal was
dismissed by the NLRC,  holding that petitioner abandoned
Private respondent, in refutation, avers that there was
his work and that the termination of his employment was for abandonment by petitioner of his functions as farm
a valid cause, but ordering private respondent to pay administrator, thereby arming private respondent with a
petitioner the amount of P5,000.00 as penalty for his failure ground to terminate his employment at Hacienda Manucao.
to serve notice of said termination of employment to the It is also contended that it is wrong for petitioner to question
Department of Labor and Employment as required by Batas the factual findings of the executive labor arbiter and the
Pambansa Blg. 130 and consonant with this Court's ruling NLRC as only questions of law may be appealed for
in Wenphil Corporation vs. National Labor Relations resolution by this Court. Furthermore, in seeking the
Commission, et al.  On appeal to the Fourth Division of the
dismissal of the instant petition, private respondent faults
NLRC, Cebu City, said decision was affirmed in toto. 3
herein petitioner for failure to refer to the corresponding
pages of the transcripts of stenographic notes, erroneously
His motion for reconsideration  of said decision having been
4 citing Sections 15(d) and 16(d), Rule 44 (should be Section
denied for lack of merit,  petitioner filed this petition
5 16[c] and [d],
presenting the following issues for resolution: (1) whether or Rule 46 and Section 1[g], Rule 50) of the Rules of Court,
not the petitioner was illegally dismissed; (2) whether or not which provide that want of page references to the records is
he is entitled to reinstatement, payment of back wages, a ground for dismissal of an appeal.
thirteenth month pay and other benefits; and (3) whether or
not he is entitled to payment of moral and exemplary Prefatorily, we take advertence of the provisions of Article
damages and attorney's fees because of illegal dismissal. 221 of the Labor Code that technical rules of evidence
The discussion of these issues will necessarily subsume prevailing in courts of law and equity shall not be
the corollary questions presented by private respondent, controlling, and that every and all reasonable means to
such as the exact date when petitioner ceased to function speedily and objectively ascertain the facts in each case
as farm administrator, the character of the pecuniary shall be availed of, without regard to technicalities of law or
amounts received by petitioner from private respondent, procedure in the interest of due process.
that is, whether the same are in the nature of salaries or
pensions, and whether or not there was abandonment by It is settled that it is not procedurally objectionable for the
petitioner of his functions as farm administrator. decision in a case to be rendered by a judge, or a labor
arbiter for that matter, other than the one who conducted
In his manifestation dated September 14, 1992, the Solicitor the hearing. The fact that the judge who heard the case
General recommended a modification of the decision of was not the judge who penned the decision does not impair
herein public respondent sustaining the findings and the validity of the judgment,  provided that he draws up his

conclusions of the Executive Labor Arbiter in RAB Case No. decision and resolution with due care and makes certain
0452-84,  for which reason the NLRC was required to
that they truly and accurately reflect conclusions and final
submit its own comment on the petition. In compliance with dispositions on the bases of the facts of and evidence
the Court's resolution of November 16, 1992,  NLRC filed its
submitted in the case. 12

comment on February 12, 1992 largely reiterating its earlier

position in support of the findings of the Executive Labor Thus, the mere fact that the case was initially assigned to
Labor Arbiter Ricardo T. Octavio, who conducted the
hearings therein from December 5, 1984 to July 11, 1985,
Before proceeding with a discussion of the issues, the and was later transferred to Executive Labor Arbiter Oscar
observation of the labor arbiter is worth noting: S. Uy, who eventually decided the case, presents no
procedural infirmity, especially considering that there is a
This case is truly unique. What makes this presumption of regularity in the performance of a public
case unique is the fact that because of the officer's functions,  which petitioner has not successfully

special relationship of the parties and the rebutted.

nature of the action involved, this case
could very well go down (in) the annals of We are constrained to heed the underlying policy in the
the Commission as perhaps the first of its Labor Code relaxing the application of technical rules of
kind. For this case is an action filed by an procedure in labor cases in the interest of due process,
only son, his father's namesake, the only ever mindful of the long-standing legal precept that rules of
child and therefore the only heir against procedure must be interpreted to help secure, not defeat,
his own father. 9
justice. For this reason, we cannot indulge private
respondent in his tendency to nitpick on trivial technicalities
Additionally, the Solicitor General remarked: to boost his arguments. The strength of one's position
cannot be hinged on mere procedural niceties but on solid
bases in law and jurisprudence.
. . . After an exhaustive reading of the
records, two (2) observations were noted
that may justify why this labor case The fundamental guarantees of security of tenure and due
deserves special considerations. First, process dictate that no worker shall be dismissed except for
most of the complaints that petitioner and just and authorized cause provided by law and after due
private respondent had with each other, process.  Article 282 of the Labor Code enumerates the

were personal matters affecting father and causes for which an employer may validly terminate an
son relationship. And secondly, if any of employment, to wit:
the complaints pertain to their work, they (a) serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the
allow their personal relationship to come in employee of the lawful orders of his employer or
the way. 10 representative in connection with his work; (b) gross and
habitual neglect by the employee of his duties; (c) fraud or
willful breach by the employee of the trust reposed in him
I. Petitioner maintains that his dismissal from employment by his employer or duly authorized representative; (d)
was illegal because of want of just cause therefor and non- commission of a crime or offense by the employee against
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 11

the person of his employer or any immediate member of his for petitioner Jon de Ysasi III's absence
family or his duly authorized representative; and (e) other from work during the period of October
causes analogous to the foregoing. 1982 to December 1982. In any event,
such absence does not warrant outright
The employer may also terminate the services of any dismissal without notice and hearing.
employee due to the installation of labor saving devices,
redundancy, retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing xxx xxx xxx
or cessation of operation of the establishment or
undertaking, unless the closing is for the purpose of The elements of abandonment as a
circumventing the pertinent provisions of the Labor Code, ground for dismissal of an employee are
by serving a written notice on the workers and the as follows:
Department of Labor and Employment at least one (1)
month before the intended date thereof, with due
entitlement to the corresponding separation pay rates (1) failure to report for
provided by law.  Suffering from a disease by reason
work or absence without
whereof the continued employment of the employee is valid or justifiable reason;
prohibited by law or is prejudicial to his and his co- and (2) clear intention to
employee's health, is also a ground for termination of his sever the employer-
services provided he receives the prescribed separation employee tie (Samson
pay.  On the other hand, it is well-settled that abandonment
Alcantara, Reviewer in
by an employee of his work authorizes the employer to Labor and Social
effect the former's dismissal from employment. 17
Legislation, 1989 edition,
p. 133).
After a careful review of the records of this case, we find
that public respondent gravely erred in affirming the This Honorable Court, in several cases,
decision of the executive labor arbiter holding that petitioner illustrates what constitute abandonment.
abandoned his employment and was not illegally dismissed In Dagupan Bus Company v.  NLRC  (191
from such employment. For want of substantial bases, in SCRA 328), the Court rules that for
fact or abandonment to arise, there must be a
in law, we cannot give the stamp of finality and concurrence of the intention to abandon
conclusiveness normally accorded to the factual findings of and some overt act from which it may be
an administrative agency, such as herein public respondent inferred that the employee has no more
NLRC,  as even decisions of administrative agencies which
interest to work. Similarly, in Nueva Ecija I
are declared "final" by law are not exempt from judicial Electric Cooperative, Inc. v.  NLRC  (184
review when so warranted.  19
SCRA 25), for abandonment to constitute
a valid cause for termination of
employment, there must be a deliberate,
The following perceptive disquisitions of the Solicitor unjustified refusal of the employee to
General on this point deserve acceptance: resume his employment. . . Mere absence
is not sufficient; it must be accompanied
It is submitted that the absences of by overt acts unerringly pointing to the fact
petitioner in his work from October 1982 to that the employee simply does not want to
December 1982, cannot be construed as work anymore.
abandonment of work because he has a
justifiable excuse. Petitioner was suffering There are significant indications in this
from perennial abscess in the peri-anal case, that there is no abandonment. First,
around the anus and fistula under the petitioner's absence and his decision to
medical attention of Dr. Patricio Tan of leave his residence inside Hacienda
Riverside Medical Center, Inc., Bacolod Manucao, is justified by his illness and
City (Tsn, Vol. III, Dr. Tan, February 19, strained family relations. Second he has
1986 at 20-44). some medical certificates to show his frail
health. Third, once able to work, petitioner
This fact (was) duly communicated to wrote a letter (Annex "J") informing private
private respondent by medical bills sent to respondent of his intention to assume
Hacienda Manucao (Tsn, Vol. III, Dr. Tan, again his employment. Last, but not the
January 22, 1987 at 49-50). least, he at once instituted a complaint for
illegal dismissal when he realized he was
During the period of his illness and unjustly dismissed. All these are
recovery, petitioner stayed in Bacolod City indications that petitioner had no intention
upon the instruction(s) of private to abandon his employment. 20

respondent to recuperate thereat and to

handle only administrative matters of the The records show that the parties herein do not dispute the
hacienda in that city. As a manager, fact of petitioner's confinement in the hospital for his various
petitioner is not really obliged to live and afflictions which required medical treatment. Neither can it
stay 24 hours a day inside Hacienda be denied that private respondent was well aware of
Manucao. petitioner's state of health as the former admittedly
shouldered part of the medical and hospital bills and even
xxx xxx xxx advised the latter to stay in Bacolod City until he was fit to
work again. The disagreement as to whether or not
petitioner's ailments were so serious as to necessitate
After evaluating the evidence within the hospitalization and corresponding periods for recuperation
context of the special circumstances is beside the point. The fact remains that on account of said
involved and basic human experience, illnesses, the details of which were amply substantiated by
petitioner's illness and strained family the attending physician,  and as the records are bereft of

relation with respondent Jon de Ysasi II any suggestion of malingering on the part of petitioner,
may be considered as justifiable reason there was justifiable cause for petitioner's absence from
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 12

work. We repeat, it is clear, deliberate and unjustified thereafter abandoning the job upon accomplishment of his
refusal to resume employment and not mere absence that objectives, private respondent takes the novel position that
is required to constitute abandonment as a valid ground for the agreement to support his son after the latter abandoned
termination of employment. 22
the administration of the farm legally converts the initial
abandonment to implied voluntary resignation. 25

With his position as farm administrator of Hacienda

Manucao, petitioner unmistakably may be classified as a As earlier mentioned, petitioner ripostes that private
managerial employee  to whom the law grants an amount
respondent undoubtedly knew about petitioner's illness and
of discretion in the discharge of his duties. This is why when even paid for his hospital and other medical bills. The
petitioner stated that "I assigned myself where I want to assertion regarding abandonment of work, petitioner
go,"  he was simply being candid about what he could do
argues, is further belied by his continued performance of
within the sphere of his authority. His duties as farm various services related to the operations of the farm from
administrator did not strictly require him to keep regular May to the last quarter of 1983, his persistent inquiries from
hours or to be at the office premises at all times, or to be his father's accountant and legal adviser about the reason
subjected to specific control from his employer in every why his pension or allowance was discontinued since April,
aspect of his work. What is essential only is that he runs the 1984, and his indication of having recovered and his
farm as efficiently and effectively as possible and, while willingness and capability to resume his work at the farm as
petitioner may definitely not qualify as a model employee, in expressed in a letter dated September 14, 1984.  With 26

this regard he proved to be quite successful, as there was these, petitioner contends that it is immaterial how the
at least a showing of increased production during the time monthly pecuniary amounts are designated, whether as
that petitioner was in charge of farm operations. salary, pension or allowance, with or without deductions, as
he was entitled thereto in view of his continued service as
If, as private respondent contends, he had no control over farm administrator. 27

petitioner during the years 1983 to 1984, this is because

that was the period when petitioner was recuperating from To stress what was earlier mentioned, in order that a finding
illness and on account of which his attendance and direct of abandonment may justly be made there must be a
involvement in farm operations were irregular and minimal, concurrence of two elements, viz.: (1) the failure to report
hence the supervision and control exercisable by private for work or absence without valid or justifiable reason, and
respondent as employer was necessarily limited. It goes (2) a clear intention to sever the employer-employee
without saying that the control contemplated refers only to relationship, with the second element as the more
matters relating to his functions as farm administrator and determinative factor and being manifested by some overt
could not extend to petitioner's personal affairs and acts. Such intent we find dismally wanting in this case.
It will be recalled that private respondent himself admitted
While it was taken for granted that for purposes of being unsure of his son's plans of returning to work. The
discharging his duties as farm administrator, petitioner absence of petitioner from work since mid-1982, prolonged
would be staying at the house in the farm, there really was though it may have been, was not without valid causes of
no explicit contractual stipulation (as there was no formal which private respondent had full knowledge. As to what
employment contract to begin with) requiring him to stay convinced or led him to believe that petitioner was no
therein for the duration of his employment or that any longer returning to work, private respondent neither
transfer of residence would justify the termination of his explains nor substantiates by any reasonable basis how he
employment. That petitioner changed his residence should arrived at such a conclusion.
not be taken against him, as this is undeniably among his
basic rights, nor can such fact of transfer of residence  per Moreover, private respondent's claim of abandonment
se be a valid ground to terminate an employer-employee cannot be given credence as even after January, 1983,
relationship. when private respondent supposedly "became convinced"
that petitioner would no longer work at the farm, the latter
Private respondent, in his pleadings, asserted that as he continued to perform services directly required by his
was yet uncertain of his son's intention of returning to work position as farm administrator. These are duly and
after his confinement in the hospital, he kept petitioner on correspondingly evidenced by such acts as picking up
the payroll, reported him as an employee of some farm machinery/equipment from G.A. Machineries,
the hacienda for social security purposes, and paid his Inc.,  claiming and paying for additional farm equipment

salaries and benefits with the mandated deductions and machinery shipped by said firm from Manila to Bacolod
therefrom until the end of December, 1982. It was only in through Zip Forwarders,  getting the payment of the

January, 1983 when he became convinced that petitioner additional cash advances for molasses for crop year 1983-
would no longer return to work that he considered the latter 1984 from Agrotex Commodities, Inc.,  and remitting to

to have abandoned his work and, for this reason, no longer private respondent through
listed him as an employee. According to private respondent, Atty. Sumbingco the sums collected along with receipts for
whatever amount of money was given to petitioner from that medicine and oil.31

time until
April, 1984 was in the nature of a pension or an allowance It will be observed that all of these chores, which petitioner
or mere gratuitous doles from a father to a son, and not took care of, relate to the normal activities and operations of
salaries as, in fact, none of the usual deductions were the farm. True, it is a father's prerogative to request or even
made therefrom. It was only in April, 1984 that private command his child to run errands for him. In the present
respondent completely stopped giving said pension or case, however, considering the nature of these
allowance when he was angered by what he heard transactions, as well as the property values and monetary
petitioner had been saying about sending him to jail. sums involved, it is unlikely that private respondent would
leave the matter to just anyone. Prudence dictates that
Private respondent capitalizes on the testimony of one these matters be handled by someone who can be trusted
Manolo Gomez taken on oral deposition regarding or at least be held accountable therefor, and who is familiar
petitioner's alleged statement to him, "(h)e quemado los with the terms, specifications and other details relative
(p)ue(n)tes de Manucao" ("I have burned my bridges with thereto, such as an employee. If indeed petitioner had
Manucao") as expressive of petitioner's intention to abandoned his job or was considered to have done so by
abandon his job. In addition to insinuations of sinister private respondent, it would be awkward, or even out of
motives on the part of petitioner in working at the farm and place, to expect or to oblige petitioner to concern himself
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 13

with matters relating to or expected of him with respect to statements to petitioner supposedly indicative of the latter's
what would then be his past and terminated employment. It intention to abandon his work. We perceive the irregularity
is hard to imagine what further authority an employer can in the taking of such deposition without the presence of
have over a dismissed employee so as to compel him to petitioner's counsel, and the failure of private respondent to
continue to perform work-related tasks: serve reasonably advance notice of its taking to said
counsel, thereby foreclosing his opportunity to
It is also significant that the special power of cross-examine the deponent. Private respondent also failed
attorney  executed
32 to serve notice thereof on the Regional Arbitration Branch
by private respondent on June 26, 1980 in favor of No. VI of the NLRC, as certified to by Administrative
petitioner, specifically stating — Assistant Celestina G. Ovejera of said office.  Fair play

dictates that at such an important stage of the proceedings,

which involves the taking of testimony, both parties must be
xxx xxx xxx afforded equal opportunity to examine and cross-examine a
That I, JON de YSASI, Filipino, of legal
age, married, and a resident of Hda. As to the monthly monetary amounts given to petitioner,
Manucao, hereinafter called and referred whether denominated as salary, pension, allowance or ex
to as PRINCIPAL, am a sugarcane gratia handout, there is no question as to petitioner's
planter, BISCOM Mill District, and a duly entitlement thereto inasmuch as he continued to perform
accredited planter-member of the services in his capacity as farm administrator. The change
BINALBAGAN-ISABELA PLANTERS' in description of said amounts contained in the pay slips or
ASSOCIATION, INC.; in the receipts prepared by private respondent cannot be
deemed to be determinative of petitioner's employment
That as such planter-member of BIPA, I status in view of the peculiar circumstances above set out.
have check/checks with BIPA representing Besides, if such amounts were truly in the nature of
payment for all checks and papers to allowances given by a parent out of concern for his child's
which I am entitled to (sic) as such planter- welfare, it is rather unusual that receipts therefor  should be

member; necessary and required as if they were ordinary business

That I have named, appointed and
constituted as by these presents Neither can we subscribe to private respondent's theory
I HEREBY NAME, APPOINT AND that petitioner's alleged abandonment was converted into
CONSTITUTE as my true and lawful an implied voluntary resignation on account of the father's
ATTORNEY-IN-FACT agreement to support his son after the latter abandoned his
work. As we have determined that no abandonment took
JON de YSASI III place in this case, the monthly sums received by petitioner,
regardless of designation, were in consideration for
whose specimen signature is hereunder services rendered emanating from an employer-employee
affixed, TO GET FOR ME and in my relationship and were not of a character that can qualify
name, place and stead, my check/checks them as mere civil support given out of parental duty and
aforementioned, said ATTORNEY-IN- solicitude. We are also hard put to imagine how
FACT being herein given the power and abandonment can be impliedly converted into a voluntary
authority to sign for me and in my name, resignation without any positive act on the part of the
place and stead, the receipt or receipts or employee conveying a desire to terminate his employment.
payroll for the said check/checks. The very concept of resignation as a ground for termination
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that my said by the employee of his employment  does not square with

ATTORNEY-IN-FACT cannot cash the the elements constitutive of abandonment.

said check/checks, but to turn the same
over to me for my proper disposition. On procedural considerations, petitioner posits that there
was a violation by private respondent of the due process
That I HEREBY RATIFY AND CONFIRM requirements under the Labor Code for want of notice and
the acts of my hearing.  Private respondent, in opposition, argues that

Attorney-in-Fact in getting the said Section 2, Rule XIV, Book V of the Omnibus Rules
check/checks and signing the receipts Implementing the Labor Code applies only to cases where
therefor. the employer seeks to terminate the services of an
employee on any of the grounds enumerated under Article
282 of the Labor Code, but not to the situation obtaining in
That I further request that my said this case where private respondent did not dismiss
check/checks be made a "CROSSED petitioner on any ground since it was petitioner who
CHECK". allegedly abandoned his employment. 40

xxx xxx xxx The due process requirements of notice and hearing
applicable to labor cases are set out in Rule XIV, Book V of
remained in force even after petitioner's employment was the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code in this
supposed to have been terminated by reason of wise:
abandonment. Furthermore, petitioner's numerous requests
for an explanation regarding the stoppage of his salaries Sec. 2. Notice of Dismissal. — Any
and benefits,  the issuance of withholding tax reports,  as
33 34
employer who seeks to dismiss a worker
well as correspondence reporting his full recovery and shall furnish him a written notice stating
readiness to go back to work,  and, specifically, his filing of
the particular acts or omission(s)
the complaint for illegal dismissal are hardly the acts of one constituting the grounds for his dismissal.
who has abandoned his work. In cases of abandonment of work, notice
shall be served at the worker's last known
We are likewise not impressed by the deposition of Manolo address.
Gomez, as witness for private respondent, ascribing
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 14

xxx xxx xxx While we are in full

agreement with the
Sec. 5. Answer and hearing. — The respondent as to his
worker may answer the allegations as defense of implied
stated against him in the notice of resignation and/or
dismissal within a reasonable period from abandonment, records
receipt of such notice. The employer shall somehow showed that he
afford the worker ample opportunity to be failed to notify the
heard and to defend himself with the Department of
assistance of his representative, if he so Labor and Employment
desires. for his sons'
(sic)/complainants' (sic)
aba(n)donment as
Sec. 6. Decision to dismiss. — The required by BP 130. And
employer shall immediately notify a worker for this failure, the other
in writing of a decision to dismiss him requisite for a valid
stating clearly the reasons therefor. termination by an
employer was not
Sec. 7. Right to contest dismissal. — Any complied with. This
decision taken by the employer shall be however, would not work
without prejudice to the right of the worker to invalidate the
to contest the validity or legality of his otherwise (sic) existence
dismissal by filing a complaint with the of a valid cause for
Regional Branch of the Commission. dismissal. The validity of
the cause of dismissal
xxx xxx xxx must be upheld at all
times provided however
Sec. 11. Report of dismissal. — The that sanctions must be
employer shall submit a monthly report to imposed on the
the Regional Office having jurisdiction over respondent for his failure
the place of work at all dismissals effected to observe the notice on
by him during the month, specifying due process requirement.
therein the names of the dismissed (Wenphil Corp. v. NLRC,
workers, the reasons for their dismissal, G.R. No. 80587).
the dates of commencement and (Decision Labor Arbiter,
termination of employment, the positions at 11-12, Annex "C"
last held by them and such other Petition), . . .
information as may be required by the
Ministry for policy guidance and statistical This is thus a very different case
purposes. from Wenphil Corporation v. NLRC, 170
SCRA 69. In Wenphil, the rule applied to
Private respondent's argument is without merit as there can the facts is: once an employee is
be no question that petitioner was denied his right to due dismissed for just cause, he must not be
process since he was never given any notice about his rewarded
impending dismissal and the grounds therefor, much less a re-employment and backwages for failure
chance to be heard. Even as private respondent controverts of his employer to observe procedural due
the applicability of the mandatory twin requirements of process. The public policy behind this is
procedural due process in this particular case, he in effect that, it may encourage the employee to do
admits that no notice was served by him on petitioner. This even worse and render a mockery of the
fact is corroborated by the certification issued on rules of discipline required to be observed.
September 5, 1984 by the Regional Director for Region VI However, the employer must be penalized
of the Department of Labor that no notice of termination of for his infraction of due process. In the
the employment of petitioner was submitted thereto. 41
present case, however, not only was
petitioner dismissed without due process,
but his dismissal is without just cause.
Granting arguendo that there was abandonment in this Petitioner did not abandon his employment
case, it nonetheless cannot be denied that notice still had to because he has a justifiable excuse. 43

be served upon the employee sought to be dismissed, as

the second sentence of Section 2 of the pertinent
implementing rules explicitly requires service thereof at the II. Petitioner avers that the executive labor arbiter erred in
employee's last known address, by way of substantial disregarding the mandatory provisions of Article 279 of the
compliance. While it is conceded that it is the employer's Labor Code which entitles an illegally dismissed employee
prerogative to terminate an employee, especially when to reinstatement and back wages and, instead, affirmed the
there is just cause therefor, the requirements of due imposition of the penalty of P5,000.00 on private
process cannot be lightly taken. The law does not respondent for violation of the due process requirements.
countenance the arbitrary exercise of such a power or Private respondent, for his part, maintains that there was
prerogative when it has the effect of undermining the error in imposing the fine because that penalty
fundamental guarantee of security of tenure in favor of the contemplates the failure to submit the employer's report on
employee. 42
dismissed employees to the DOLE regional office, as
required under Section 5 (now, Section 11), Rule XIV of the
implementing rules, and not the failure to serve notice upon
On the executive labor arbiter's misplaced reliance on the employee sought to be dismissed by the employer.
the Wenphil case, the Solicitor General rejoins as follows:
Both the Constitution and the Labor Code enunciate in no
The Labor Arbiter held thus: uncertain terms the right of every worker to security of
tenure.  To give teeth to this constitutional and statutory
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 15

mandates, the Labor Code spells out the relief available to further prays for exemplary damages to serve as a
an employee in case of its denial: deterrent against similar acts of unjust dismissal by other
Art. 279. Security of Tenure. — In cases of
regular employment, the employer shall Moral damages, under Article 2217 of the Civil Code, may
not terminate the services of an employee be awarded to compensate one for diverse injuries such as
except for a just cause or when authorized mental anguish, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings,
by this Title. An employee who is unjustly and social humiliation, provided that such injuries spring
dismissed from work shall be entitled to from a wrongful act or omission of the defendant which was
reinstatement without loss of seniority the proximate cause thereof.  Exemplary damages, under

rights and other privileges and to his full Article 2229, are imposed by way of example or correction
backwages, inclusive of allowances, and for the public good, in addition to moral, temperate,
to his other benefits of their monetary liquidated or compensatory damages. They are not
equivalent computed from the time his recoverable as a matter of right, it being left to the court to
compensation was withheld from him up to decide whether or not they should be adjudicated. 51

the time of actual reinstatement.

We are well aware of the Court's rulings in a number of
Clearly, therefore, an employee is entitled to reinstatement cases in the past allowing recovery of moral damages
with full back wages in the absence of just cause for where the dismissal of the employee was attended by bad
dismissal.  The Court, however, on numerous occasions
faith or fraud, or constituted an act oppressive to labor, or
has tempered the rigid application of said provision of the was done in a manner contrary to morals, good customs or
Labor Code, recognizing that in some cases certain events public policy,  and of exemplary damages if the dismissal

may have transpired as would militate against the was effected in a wanton, oppressive or malevolent
practicability of granting the relief thereunder provided, and manner.  We do not feel, however, that an award of the

declares that where there are strained relations between damages prayed for in this petition would be proper even if,
the employer and the employee, payment of back wages seemingly, the facts of the case justify their allowance. In
and severance pay may be awarded instead of the aforestated cases of illegal dismissal where moral and
reinstatement,  and more particularly when managerial
exemplary damages were awarded, the dismissed
employees are concerned.  Thus, where reinstatement is
employees were genuinely without fault and were
no longer possible, it is therefore appropriate that the undoubtedly victims of the erring employers' capricious
dismissed employee be given his fair and just share of what exercise of power.
the law accords him. 48

In the present case, we find that both petitioner and private

We note with favor and give our imprimatur to the Solicitor respondent can equally be faulted for fanning the flames
General's ratiocination, to wit: which gave rise to and ultimately aggravated this
controversy, instead of sincerely negotiating a peaceful
As a general rule, an employee who is settlement of their disparate claims. The records reveal how
unjustly dismissed from work shall be their actuations seethed with mutual antagonism and the
entitled to reinstatement without loss of undeniable enmity between them negates the likelihood
seniority rights and to his backwages that either of them acted in good faith. It is apparent that
computed from the time his compensation each one has a cause for damages against the other. For
was withheld up to the time of his this reason, we hold that no moral or exemplary damages
reinstatement. (Morales vs. NLRC, 188 can rightfully be awarded to petitioner.
SCRA 295). But in Pacific Cement
Company, Inc.  vs.  NLRC, 173 SCRA 192, On this score, we are once again persuaded by the validity
this Honorable Court held that when it of the following recommendation of the Solicitor General:
comes to reinstatement, differences
should be made between managers and The Labor Arbiter's decision in RAB Case
the ordinary workingmen. The Court No. 0452-84 should be modified. There
concluded that a company which no longer was no voluntary abandonment in this
trusts its managers cannot operate freely case because petitioner has a justifiable
in a competitive and profitable manner. excuse for his absence, or such absence
The NLRC should know the difference does not warrant outright dismissal without
between managers and ordinary notice and hearing. Private respondent,
workingmen. It cannot imprudently order therefore, is guilty of illegal dismissal. He
the reinstatement of managers with the should be ordered to pay backwages for a
same ease and liberality as that of rank period not exceeding three years from
and file workers who had been terminated. date of dismissal. And in lieu of
Similarly, a reinstatement may not be reinstatement, petitioner may be paid
appropriate or feasible in case of antipathy separation pay equivalent to one (1)
or antagonism between the parties month('s) salary for every year of service,
(Morales, vs. NLRC, 188 SCRA 295). a fraction of six months being considered
as one (1) year in accordance with recent
In the present case, it is submitted that jurisprudence (Tan, Jr. vs. NLRC, 183
petitioner should not be reinstated as farm SCRA 651). But all claims for damages
administrator of Hacienda Manucao. The should be dismissed, for both parties are
present relationship of petitioner and equally at fault. 54

private respondent (is) so strained that a

harmonious and peaceful employee- The conduct of the respective counsel of the parties, as
employer relationship is hardly possible.49
revealed by the records, sorely disappoints the Court and
invites reproof. Both counsel may well be reminded that
III. Finally, petitioner insists on an award of moral damages, their ethical duty as lawyers to represent their clients with
arguing that his dismissal from employment was attended zeal  goes beyond merely presenting their clients'

by bad faith or fraud, or constituted oppression, or was respective causes in court. It is just as much their
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy. He responsibility, if not more importantly, to exert all
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 16

reasonable efforts to smooth over legal conflicts, preferably On August 21, 1985, herein complainant Rosaura Cordon
out of court and especially in consideration of the direct and filed with this Court a complaint for disbarment, docketed as
immediate consanguineous ties between their clients. Once Administrative Case No. 2797, against Atty. Jesus
again, we reiterate that the useful function of a lawyer is not Balicanta. After respondent’s comment to the complaint and
only to conduct litigation but to avoid it whenever possible complainant’s reply thereto, this Court, on March 29, 1995
by advising settlement or withholding suit. He is often called referred the matter to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
upon less for dramatic forensic exploits than for wise (IBP, for brevity) for investigation, report and
counsel in every phase of life. He should be a mediator for recommendation within 90 days from notice. Commissioner
concord and a conciliator for compromise, rather than a George Briones of the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline
virtuoso of technicality in the conduct of litigation.
was initially tasked to investigate the case. Commissioner
Briones was later on replaced by Commissioner Renato
Rule 1.04 of the Code of Professional Responsibility Cunanan. Complainant filed a supplemental complaint
explicitly provides that "(a) lawyer shall encourage his client which was duly admitted and, as agreed upon, the parties
to avoid, end or settle the controversy if it will admit of a fair filed their respective position papers.
settlement." On this point, we find that both counsel herein
fell short of what was expected of them, despite their Based on her complaint, supplemental complaint, reply and
avowed duties as officers of the court. The records do not position paper, the complainant alleged the following facts:
show that they took pains to initiate steps geared toward
effecting a rapprochement between their clients. On the When her husband Felixberto C. Jaldon died, herein
contrary, their acerbic and protracted exchanges could not complainant Rosaura Cordon and her daughter Rosemarie
but have exacerbated the situation even as they may have inherited the properties left by the said decedent. All in all,
found favor in the equally hostile eyes of their respective complainant and her daughter inherited 21 parcels of land
clients. located in Zamboanga City. The lawyer who helped her
settle the estate of her late husband was respondent Jesus
In the same manner, we find that the labor arbiter who Balicanta.
handled this regrettable case has been less than faithful to
the letter and spirit of the Labor Code mandating that a Sometime in the early part of 1981, respondent enticed
labor arbiter "shall exert all efforts towards the amicable complainant and her daughter to organize a corporation
settlement of a labor dispute within his jurisdiction."  If he
that would develop the said real properties into a high-scale
ever did so, or at least entertained the thought, the copious commercial complex with a beautiful penthouse for
records of the proceedings in this controversy are barren of complainant. Relying on these apparently sincere
any reflection of the same. proposals, complainant and her daughter assigned 19
parcels of land to Rosaura Enterprises, Incorporated, a
One final word. This is one decision we do not particularly newly-formed and duly registered corporation in which they
relish having been obliged to make. The task of resolving assumed majority ownership. The subject parcels of land
cases involving disputes among members of a family were then registered in the name of the corporation.
leaves a bad taste in the mouth and an aversion in the
mind, for no truly meaningful and enduring resolution is Thereafter, respondent single-handedly ran the affairs of
really achieved in such situations. While we are convinced the corporation in his capacity as Chairman of the Board,
that we have adjudicated the legal issues herein squarely President, General Manager and Treasurer. The
on the bases of law and jurisprudence, sans sentimentality, respondent also made complainant sign a document which
we are saddened by the thought that we may have failed to turned out to be a voting trust agreement. Respondent
bring about the reconciliation of the father and son who likewise succeeded in making complainant sign a special
figured as parties to this dispute, and that our adherence power of attorney to sell and mortgage some of the parcels
here to law and duty may unwittingly contribute to the of land she inherited from her deceased husband. She later
breaking, instead of the strengthening, of familial bonds. In discovered that respondent transferred the titles of the
fine, neither of the parties herein actually emerges properties to a certain Tion Suy Ong who became the new
victorious. It is the Court's earnest hope, therefore, that with registered owner thereof. Respondent never accounted for
the impartial exposition and extended explanation of their the proceeds of said transfers.
respective rights in this decision, the parties may eventually
see their way clear to an ultimate resolution of their
differences on more convivial terms. In 1981, respondent, using a spurious board resolution,
contracted a loan from the Land Bank of the Philippines
(LBP, for brevity) in the amount of Two Million Two Hundred
WHEREFORE, the decision of respondent National Labor Twenty Pesos (P2,220,000) using as collateral 9 of the real
Relations Commission is hereby SET ASIDE. Private properties that the complainant and her daughter
respondent is ORDERED to pay petitioner back wages for a contributed to the corporation. The respondent ostensibly
period not exceeding three (3) years, without qualification or intended to use the money to construct the Baliwasan
deduction,  and, in lieu of reinstatement, separation pay
Commercial Center (BCC, for brevity). Complainant later on
equivalent to one (1) month for every year of service, a found out that the structure was made of poor materials
fraction of six (6) months being considered as one (1) whole such as sawali, coco lumber and bamboo which could not
year. have cost the corporation anything close to the amount of
the loan secured.
For four years from the time the debt was contracted,
A.C. No. 2797             October 4, 2002 respondent failed to pay even a single installment. As a
result, the LBP, in a letter dated May 22, 1985, informed
ROSAURA P. CORDON, complainant, respondent that the past due amortizations and interest had
vs. already accumulated to Seven Hundred Twenty-nine
JESUS BALICANTA, respondent. Thousand Five Hundred Three Pesos and Twenty-five
Centavos (P729,503.25). The LBP made a demand on
respondent for payment for the tenth time. Meanwhile,
RESOLUTION when the BCC commenced its operations, respondent
started to earn revenues from the rentals of BCC’s tenants.
PER CURIAM: On October 28, 1987, the LBP foreclosed on the 9
mortgaged properties due to non-payment of the loan.
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 17

Respondent did not exert any effort to redeem the For his defense, respondent, in his comment and position
foreclosed properties. Worse, he sold the corporation’s right paper, denied employing deceit and machination in
to redeem the mortgaged properties to a certain Hadji convincing complainant and her daughter to assign their
Mahmud Jammang through a fake board resolution dated real properties to the corporation; that they freely and
January 14, 1989 which clothed himself with the authority to voluntary executed the deeds of assignment and the voting
do so. Complainant and her daughter, the majority trust agreement that they signed; that he did not single-
stockholders, were never informed of the alleged meeting handedly manage the corporation as evidenced by
held on that date. Again, respondent never accounted for certifications of the officers and directors of the corporation;
the proceeds of the sale of the right to redeem. Respondent that he did not use spurious board resolutions authorizing
also sold to Jammang a parcel of land belonging to him to contract a loan or sell the properties assigned by the
complainant and her daughter which was contiguous to the complainant and her daughter; that complainant and her
foreclosed properties and evidenced by Transfer Certificate daughter should be the ones who should render an
of Title No. 62807. He never accounted for the proceeds of accounting of the records and revenues inasmuch as, since
the sale. 1984 up to the present, the part-time corporate book-
keeper, with the connivance of the complainant and her
Sometime in 1983, complainant’s daughter, Rosemarie, daughter, had custody of the corporate records; that
discovered that their ancestral home had been demolished complainant and her daughter sabotaged the operation of
and that her mother, herein complainant, was being BCC when they illegally took control of it in 1986; that he
detained in a small nipa shack in a place called Culianan. never pocketed any of the proceeds of the properties
Through the help of Atty. Linda Lim, Rosemarie was able to contributed by the complainant and her daughter; that the
locate her mother. Rosemarie later learned that respondent demolition of the ancestral home followed legal procedures;
took complainant away from her house on the pretext that that complainant was never detained in Culianan but she
said ancestral home was going to be remodeled and freely and voluntarily lived with the family of P03 Joel
painted. But respondent demolished the ancestral home Constantino as evidenced by complainant’s own letter
and sold the lot to Tion Suy Ong, using another spurious denying she was kidnapped; and that the instant
board resolution designated as Board Resolution No. 1, disbarment case should be dismissed for being premature,
series of 1992. The resolution contained the minutes of an considering the pendency of cases before the SEC and the
alleged organizational meeting of the directors of the Regional Trial Court of Zamboanga involving him and
corporation and was signed by Alexander Wee, Angel complainant.
Fernando, Erwin Fernando and Gabriel Solivar.
Complainant and her daughter did not know how these Based on the pleadings and position papers submitted by
persons became stockholders and directors of the the parties, Commissioner Renato Cunanan, in his
corporation. Respondent again did not account for the report1 dated July 1, 1999, recommended respondent’s
proceeds of the sale. disbarment based on the following findings:

Complainant and her daughter made several demands on "A. The complainant, Rosaura Jaldon-Cordon and
respondent for the delivery of the real properties they her daughter, Rosemarie were stockholders of a
allegedly assigned to the corporation, for an accounting of corporation, together with respondent, named
the proceeds of the LBP loan and as well as the properties Rosaura Enterprises, Inc.
sold, and for the rentals earned by BCC. But the demands
remained unheeded. Hence, complainant and her daughter, "Per the Articles of Incorporation marked as Annex
in a letter dated June 4, 1985, terminated the services of ‘A’ of Complainant’s Position Paper, complainant’s
respondent as their lawyer and repeated their demands for subscription consists of 55% of the outstanding
accounting and turn-over of the corporate funds, and the capital stock while her daughter’s consists of 18%,
return of the 19 titles that respondent transferred to the giving them a total of 73%. Respondent’s holdings
corporation. They also threatened him with legal action in a consist of 24% while three other incorporators,
letter dated August 3, 1985. Rosauro L. Alvarez, Vicente T. Mañalac and
Darhan S. Graciano each held 1% of the capital
Soon after, complainant found out from the Securities and stock of the corporation.
Exchange Commission (SEC, for brevity) that Rosaura
Enterprises, Inc., due to respondent’s refusal and neglect, "B. On April 5, 1981, complainant and her daughter
failed to submit the corporation’s annual financial Rosemarie Jaldon executed two Deeds of Transfer
statements for 1981, 1982 and 1983; SEC General and Assignment conveying and transferring to the
Information Sheets for 1982, 1983 and 1984; Minutes of corporation 19 parcels of land in exchange for
Annual Meetings for 1982, 1983 and 1984; and Minutes of shares of stock in the corporation.
Annual Meetings of Directors for 1982, 1983 and 1984.
"x x x           x x x           x x x
Complainant also discovered that respondent collected
rental payments from the tenants of BCC and issued
handwritten receipts which he signed, not as an officer of "C. Both Deeds of Assignment particularly page 3
the corporation but as the attorney-at-law of complainant. thereof indicate that respondent accepted said
Respondent also used the tennis court of BCC to dry his assignment of properties and titles in behalf of the
palay and did not keep the buildings in a satisfactory state, corporation as Treasurer. The deeds were signed
so much so that the divisions were losing plywood and on April 5, 1981.
other materials to thieves.
"x x x           x x x           x x x
Complainant likewise accused respondent of circulating
rumors among her friends and relatives that she had "Together, therefore, complainant and her daughter
become insane to prevent them from believing whatever owned 1,711 shares of the 1,750 shares
complainant said. According to complainant, respondent comprising the authorized capital stock of the
proposed that she legally separate from her present corporation of 97% thereof.
husband so that the latter would not inherit from her and
that respondent be adopted as her son. "No increase in capitalization was applied for by
the corporation.
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 18

"F. Respondent claims in his Comment, his Answer "The 2/3 vote required by law was therefore not
and his Position Paper that on April 4, 1981 he was complied with yet respondent proceeded to
elected as Chairman and Director and on April 5, mortgage the subject 9 parcels of land by the
1981 he was elected President of the corporation. corporation.
Respondent’s own Annexes marked as ‘G’ and ‘G-
1’ of his Comment show that on April 4, 1981 he "J. Respondent further relies on Annex ‘J’ of his
was not only elected as Chairman and Director as Comment, purportedly the minutes of a special
he claims but as ‘Director, Board Chairman and meeting of the Board of Directors authorizing him
President.’ The purported minutes was only signed to obtain a loan and mortgage the properties of the
by respondent and an acting Secretary by the corporation dated August 29, 1981. This claim is
name of Vicente Mañalac. baseless. The required ratification of 2/3 by the
stockholders of records was not met. Again,
"Said Annex does not show who was elected respondent attempts to mislead the Commission
Treasurer. and Court.

"Respondent’s Annex ‘H’ and ‘H-1’ shows that in "K. Further, the constitution of the Board is
the alleged organizational meeting of the directors dubious. The alleged minutes of the organizational
on April 5, 1981 a certain Farnacio Bucoy was meeting of the stockholders electing the members
elected Treasurer. Bucoy’s name does not appear of the Board, have not been duly signed by the
as an incorporator nor a stockholder anywhere in stockholders as shown in respondent’s annex ‘G’
the documents submitted. which was purportedly the organizational meeting
of the stockholders.
"The purported minutes of the organizational
meeting of the directors was signed only by "L. Also, Annex ‘J’ of respondent’s Comment which
respondent Balicanta and a Secretary named purportedly authorized him to obtain a loan and to
Verisimo Martin. mortgage the 9 parcels of land was only signed by
himself and a secretary.
"G. Since respondent was elected as Director,
Chairman and President on April 4, 1981 as "M. In said Annex 'J' of respondent’s Comment he
respondent’s own Annexes ‘G’ to ‘G-1’ would stated that complainant Rosaura Cordon was on
show, then complainant’s claim that respondent leave by virtue of a voting trust agreement
was likewise acting as Treasurer of two allegedly executed by complainant ‘in his favor
corporations bear truth and credence as covering all her shares of stock.’ The claim is
respondent signed and accepted the titles to 19 baseless. The voting trust referred to by
parcels of land ceded by the complainant and her respondent (annex ‘D’ of his Comment), even if it
daughter, as Treasurer on April 5, 1981 after he were assumed to be valid, covered only 266
was already purportedly elected as Chairman, shares of complainants yet she owned a total of
President and Director. 1,039 shares after she and her daughter ceded in
favor of the corporation 19 parcels of land.
"H. Respondent misleads the Commission into
believing that all the directors signed the minutes "Being a former lawyer to complainant, respondent
marked as Exhibit ‘H’ to ‘H-1’ by stating that the should have ensured that her interest was
same was ‘duly signed by all the Board of safeguarded. Yet, complainant was apparently and
Directors’ when the document itself shows that only deliberately left our (sic) on the pretext that, she
he and one Verisimo Martin signed the same. had executed a voting trust agreement in favor of
"He also claims that ‘all the stockholders signed’
the minutes of organizational meeting marked as "It is suspicious that complainant was made to sign
Annexes ‘G’ and ‘G-1’ of his Comment yet the a voting trust agreement on 21 August 1981 and
same shows that only the acting Chairman and immediately thereafter, the resolutions authorizing
acting Secretary signed. respondent to obtain a loan and to mortgage the 9
parcels of land were passed and approved.
"I. Respondent claims that the Board or its
representative was authorized by the stockholders "N. It is also highly irregular for respondent who is
comprising 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock, as a lawyer, to allow a situation to happen where, with
required by law, to mortgage the parcels of land the exclusion of complainant as director the result
belonging to the corporation, which were all was that there remained only 4 members of the
assigned to the corporation by complainant and her Board,.
daughter, by virtue of Annex ‘I’ and ‘I-1’: attached
to his Comment. "O. Respondent’s own pleadings submitted to the
Commission contradict each other.
"The subject attachment however reveals that only
the following persons signed their conformity to the "1. For instance, while in his Comment
said resolution: respondent Balicanta who owned respondent DENIES that he employed
109 shares, Vicente Mañalac (1 share), Daihan deceit and machination in convincing the
Graciano (1 share). complainant and her daughter to sign the
articles of incorporation of Rosaura
"Complainants who collectively held a total Enterprises and in ceding to the
of 1,711 shares out of the 1,750 outstanding capital corporation 19 parcels of land in
stock of the corporation were not represented in Zamboanga City, because ‘they freely,
the purported stockholders’ meeting authorizing the intelligently and voluntarily signed’ the
mortgage of the subject properties. same, yet, in his Position Paper,
respondent took another stance.
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 19

"In paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of his Position "Respondent’s purported minutes of
Paper which was submitted 12 years later, stockholders’ meeting (Exhs. ‘15’ and ‘17’)
respondent claimed that ‘it was actually do not reflect this.
the idea of Atty. Rosaura L. Alvarez’ that a
corporation be put up to incorporate the "There was no explanation whatsoever
estate of the late Felixberto D. Jaldon. from respondent on how complainant and
her daughter lost their 97% control holding
"2. Likewise, respondent claimed that in the corporation.
complainant and her daughter were not
directors, hence they were not notified of "3. As a further contradiction in
meetings, in paragraph 2-6 (c) of his respondent’s pleadings, we note that in
Comment he blamed the other paragraph 2.7.C of his Comment he said
stockholders and directors for the that ‘only recently, this year, 1985, the
corporation’s inability to comply with the complainant and her aforenamed daughter
Land Bank’s demands saying that they examined said voluminous supporting
‘have consistently failed since 1982 to receipts/documents which had previously
convene (1.) for the annual stockholders’ been examined by the Land Bank for loan
meetings and (i.i) for the monthly board releases, during which occasion
meeting’. respondent suggested to them that the
corporation will have to hire a full-time
"His own pleadings claim that he had been book-keeper to put in order said
the Chairman/President since 1981 to the voluminous supporting
present. If (sic) so, it was his duty to receipts/documents, to which they
convene the stockholders and the adversely reacted due to lack of corporate
directors for meetings. money to pay for said book-keeper.’ But in
respondent’s Position Paper par. 6.3 he
"Respondent appeared able to convene stated that:
the stockholders and directors when he
needed to make a loan of p2.2 million; ‘Anyway, it is not the respondent but rather
when he sold the corporation’s right of the complainant who should render a
redemption over the foreclosed properties detailed accounting to the corporation of
of the corporation to Jammang, when he the corporate records as well as corporate
sold one parcel of land covered by TCT revenues/income precisely because since
62,807 to Jammang in addition to the 9 1994 to the present:
parcels of land which were foreclosed, and
when he sold the complainant’s ancestral ‘(a). The corporate part-time book-keeper
home covered by TCT No. 72,004. Edilberto Benedicto, with the
indispensable connivance and instigation
"It is thus strange why respondent claims of the complainant and her daughter,
that the corporation could not do anything among others, has custody of the
to save the corporation’s properties from corporate records, xxx’
being foreclosed because the stockholders
and directors did not convene. "4. In other contradictory stance,
respondent claims in par. 7.3 of his
"This assertion of respondent is clearly position paper that ‘complainant and her
evident of dishonest, deceitful and immoral daughter sabotaged the BCC operations
conduct especially because, in all his acts of the corporation by illegally taking over
constituting conveyances of corporate actual control and supervision thereof
property, respondent used minutes of sometime in 1986, xxx’
stockholders’ and directors’ meetings
signed only by him and a secretary or "Yet respondent’s own exhibits in his
signed by him and persons who were not position paper particularly Exhibit 15 and
incorporators much less stockholders. 16 where the subject of the foreclosed
properties of the corporation comprising
"It is worthy of note that in respondent’s the Baliwasan Commercial Center (BCC)
Exhibits 15, 16, 17 and 18 of his position was taken up, complainant and her
paper, there were 7 new stockholders and daughter were not even present nor were
complainant appeared to have only 266 they the subject of the discussion, belying
shares to her name while her daughter respondent’s claim that the complainant
Rosemarie had no shares at all. and her daughter illegally took actual
Respondent did not present any proof of control of BCC.
conveyance of shares by complainant and
her daughter. "5. On the matter of the receipts issued by
respondent evidencing payment to him of
"It is further worth noting that rentals by lessees of the corporation,
complainant’s voting trust (annex ‘D’ of attached to the complaint as Annexes ‘H’
respondent’s Comment) where she to ‘H-17’, respondent claims that the
allegedly entrusted 266 shares to receipts are temporary in nature and that
respondent on August 21, 1981 had only a subsequently regular corporate receipts
validity of 5 years. Thus, she should have were issued. On their face however the
had her entire holdings of 1,283 shares receipts clearly appear to be official
back in her name in August 1986. receipts, printed and numbered duly
signed by the respondent bearing his
printed name.
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 20

"It is difficult to believe that a lawyer of Commission recommends that he be

respondent’ stature would issue official meted the penalty of disbarment.
receipts to lessees if he only meant to
issue temporary ones. "The pendency of the cases at the SEC
and the Regional Trial Court of
"6. With regard to respondent’s claim that Zamboanga filed by complainant against
the complainant consented to the sale of respondent does not preclude a
her ancestral home, covered by TCT No. determination of respondent’s culpability
T-72,004 to one Tion Suy Ong for which as a lawyer.
he attached as Exhibit 22 to his Position
Paper the minutes of an annual meeting of "This Commission cannot further delay the
the stockholders, it behooves this resolution of this complaint filed in 1985 by
Commission why complainant’s signature complainant, and old widow who deserves
had to be accompanied by her thumb to find hope and recover her confidence in
mark. Furthermore, complainant’s the judicial system.
signature appears unstable and shaky.
This Office is thus persuaded to believe
complainant’s allegation in paragraph 3b "The findings of this office, predominantly
of her position paper that since September based on documents adduced by both
1992 up to March 1993 she was being parties lead to only one rather unpalatable
detained by one PO# (sic) Joel conclusion. That respondent Atty. Jesus F.
Constantino and his wife under Balicanta, in his professional relations with
instructions from respondent Balicanta. herein complainant did in fact employ
unlawful, dishonest, and immoral conduct
proscribed in no uncertain terms by Rule
"This conclusion is supported by a letter 1.01 of the Code of Professional
from respondent dated March 1993, Responsibility. In addition, respondent’s
Annex ‘H’ of complainant’s position paper, actions clearly violated Canon 15 to 16 of
where respondent ordered Police Officer the same Code.
Constantino ‘to allow Atty. Linda Lim and
Rosemarie Jaldon to talk to Tita Rosing.’
"It is therefore our unpleasant duty to
recommend that respondent, having
"The complainant’s thumb mark together committed acts in violation of the Canons
with her visibly unstable shaky signature of Professional Responsibility, thereby
lends credence to her claim that she was causing a great disservice to the
detained in the far flung barrio of Culianan profession, be meted the ultimate sanction
under instructions of respondent while her of disbarment."2
ancestral home was demolished and the
lot sold to one Tion Suy Ong.
On September 30, 1999, while Commissioner Cunanan’s
recommendation for respondent’s disbarment was pending
"It appears that respondent felt compelled review before Executive Vice-President and Northern Luzon
to over-ensure complainant’s consent by Governor Teofilo Pilando, respondent filed a motion
getting her to affix her thumb mark in requesting "for a full-blown investigation and for invalidation
addition to her signature. of the entire proceedings and/or remedial action under
Section 11, Rule 139-B, Revised Rules of Court," alleging
"7. Respondent likewise denies that he that he had evidence that Commissioner Cunanan’s report
also acted as Corporate Secretary in was drafted by the lawyers of complainant, Attys. Antonio
addition to being the Chairman, President Cope and Rita Linda Jimeno. He presented two unsigned
and Treasurer of the corporation. Yet, anonymous letters allegedly coming from a disgruntled
respondent submitted to this commission employee of Attys. Cope and Jimeno. He claimed to have
documents which are supported to be in received these letters in his mailbox.3
the possession of the Corporate Secretary
such as the stock and transfer book and Respondent’s motion alleging that Attys. Antonio Cope and
minutes of meetings. Rita Linda Jimeno drafted Commissioner Cunanan’s report
was accompanied by a complaint praying for the
"The foregoing findings of this Commission disbarment of said lawyers including Commissioner
are virtual smoking guns that prove on no Cunanan. The complaint was docketed as CBD Case No.
uncertain terms that respondent, who was 99-658. After Attys. Cope and Jimeno and Commissioner
the legal counsel of complainant in the Cunanan filed their answers, a hearing was conducted by
latter part of the settlement of the estate of the Investigating Committee of the IBP Board of Governors.
her deceased husband, committed
unlawful, immoral and deceitful conduct On May 26, 2001, the IBP Board of Governors issued a
proscribed by Rule 1.01 of the code of resolution4 dismissing for lack of merit the complaint for
professional responsibility. disbarment against Attys. Cope and Jimeno and
Commissioner Cunanan. And in Adm. Case No. 2797, the
"Likewise, respondent clearly committed a Board adopted and approved the report and
violation of Canon 15 of the same code recommendation of Commissioner Cunanan, and meted
which provides that ‘A lawyer should against herein respondent Balicanta the penalty of
observe candor fairness and loyalty in all suspension from the practice of law for 5 years "for
his dealings and transactions with his commission of acts of misconduct and disloyalty by taking
client.’ undue and unfair advantage of his legal knowledge as a
lawyer to gain material benefit for himself at the expense of
"Respondent’s acts gravely diminish the complainant Rosaura P. Jaldon-Cordon and caused serious
public’s respect for the integrity of the damage to the complainant."5
profession of law for which this
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 21

To support its decision, the Board uncovered respondent’s TCT No. 62807 to Jammang, when he mortgaged the 9
fraudulent acts in the very same documents he presented parcels of land to LBP which later foreclosed on said
to exonerate himself. It also took note of respondent’s mortgage, and when he sold the complainant’s ancestral
contradictory and irreconcilable statements in the pleadings home covered by TCT No. 72004.
and position papers he submitted. However, it regarded the
penalty of disbarment as too severe for respondent’s Second, the factual findings of the investigating
misdeeds, considering that the same were his first offense. 6 commission, affirmed by the IBP Board, disclosed that
complainant and her daughter own 1,711 out of 1,750
Pursuant to Section 12 (b), Rule 139-B of the Rules of shares of the outstanding capital stock of the corporation,
Court,7 the said resolution in Administrative Case No. 2797 based on the Articles of Incorporation and deeds of transfer
imposing the penalty of suspension for 5 years on of the properties. But respondent’s evidence showed that
respondent was automatically elevated to this Court for final complainant had only 266 shares of stock in the corporation
action. On the other hand, the dismissal of the complaint for while her daughter had none, notwithstanding the fact that
disbarment against Attys. Cope and Jimeno and there was nothing to indicate that complainant and her
Commissioner Cunanan, docketed as CBD Case No. 99- daughter ever conveyed their shares to others.
658, became final in the absence of any petition for review.
Respondent likewise did not explain why he did not return
This Court confirms the duly supported findings of the IBP the certificates representing the 266 shares after the lapse
Board that respondent committed condemnable acts of of 5 years from the time the voting trust certificate was
deceit against his client. The fraudulent acts he carried out executed in 1981.9
against his client followed a well thought of plan to
misappropriate the corporate properties and funds The records show that up to now, the complainant and her
entrusted to him. At the very outset, he embarked on his daughter own 97% of the outstanding shares but
devious scheme by making himself the President, respondent never bothered to explain why they were never
Chairman of the Board, Director and Treasurer of the asked to participate in or why they were never informed of
corporation, although he knew he was prohibited from important corporate decisions.
assuming the position of President and Treasurer at the
same time.8 As Treasurer, he accepted in behalf of the
corporation the 19 titles that complainant and her daughter Third, respondent, in his comment, alleged that due to the
co-owned. The other treasurer appointed, Farnacio Bucoy, objection of complainant and her daughter to his proposal
did not appear to be a stockholder or director in the to hire an accountant, the corporation had no formal
corporate records. The minutes of the meetings supposedly accounting of its revenues and income. However,
electing him and Bucoy as officers of the corporation respondent’s position paper maintained that there was no
actually bore the signatures of respondent and the accounting because the part-time bookkeeper of the
secretary only, contrary to his claim that they were signed corporation connived with complainant and her daughter in
by the directors and stockholders. keeping the corporate records.

He likewise misled the IBP investigating commission in Fourth, respondent’s claim that complainant and her
claiming that the mortgage of 9 of the properties of the daughter took control of the operations of the corporation in
corporation previously belonging to complainant and her 1986 is belied by the fact that complainant and her
daughter was ratified by the stockholders owning two-thirds daughter were not even present in the alleged meeting of
or 67% of the outstanding capital stock when in fact only the board (which took place after 1986) to discuss the
three stockholders owning 111 out of 1,750 outstanding foreclosure of the mortgaged properties. The truth is that he
shares or 6.3% assented thereto. The alleged authorization never informed them of such meeting and he never gave
granting him the power to contract the LBP loan for Two control of the corporation to them.
Million Two Hundred Twenty Pesos (P2,220,000) was also
not approved by the required minimum of two-thirds of the Fifth, Commissioner Cunanan found that:
outstanding capital stock despite respondent’s claim to the
contrary. In all these transactions, complainant and her "5. on the matter of the receipts issued by respondent
daughter who both owned 1,711 out of the 1,750 evidencing payment to him of rentals by lessees of the
outstanding shares of the corporation or 97.7% never had corporation, attached to the complaint as Annexes ‘H’ to ‘H-
any participation. Neither were they informed thereof. 17’, respondent claims that the receipts are temporary in
nature and that subsequently regular corporate receipts
Clearly, there was no quorum for a valid meeting for the were issued. On their face however the receipts clearly
discussion and approval of these transactions. appear to be official receipts, printed and numbered duly
signed by the respondent bearing his printed name.
Respondent cannot take refuge in the contested voting trust
agreement supposedly executed by complainant and her "It is difficult to believe that a lawyer of respondent’s stature
daughter for the reason that it authorized respondent to would issue official receipts to lessees if he only meant to
represent complainant for only 266 shares. issue temporary ones."10

Aside from the dishonest transactions he entered into under Sixth, respondent denies that he acted as Corporate
the cloak of sham resolutions, he failed to explain several Secretary aside from being the Chairman, President and
discrepancies in his version of the facts. We hereby Treasurer of the corporation. Yet respondent submitted to
reiterate some of these statements noted by Commissioner the investigating commission documents which were
Cunanan in his findings. supposed to be in the official possession of the Corporate
Secretary alone such as the stock and transfer book and
First, respondent blamed the directors and the stockholders minutes of meetings.
who failed to convene for the required annual meetings
since 1982. However, respondent appeared able to Seventh, he alleged in his comment that he was the one
convene the stockholders and directors when he contracted who proposed the establishment of the corporation that
the LBP debt, when he sold to Jammang the corporation’s would invest the properties of the complainant but, in his
right of redemption over the foreclosed properties of the position paper, he said that it was a certain Atty. Rosauro
corporation, when he sold one parcel of land covered by Alvarez who made the proposal to put up the corporation.
P A L E ( C a n n o n 1 ) | 22

After a thorough review of the records, we find that daughter. The respondent merely held them in trust for
respondent committed grave and serious misconduct that complainant (now an ailing 83-year-old) and her daughter.
casts dishonor on the legal profession. His misdemeanors The properties conveyed fraudulently and/or without the
reveal a deceitful scheme to use the corporation as a requisite authority should be deemed as never to have
means to convert for his own personal benefit properties left been transferred, sold or mortgaged at all. Respondent
to him in trust by complainant and her daughter. shall be liable, in his personal capacity, to third parties who
may have contracted with him in good faith.
Not even his deviousness could cover up the wrongdoings
he committed. The documents he thought could exculpate Based on the aforementioned findings, this Court believes
him were the very same documents that revealed his that the gravity of respondent’s offenses cannot be
immoral and shameless ways. These documents were adequately matched by mere suspension as recommended
extremely revealing in that they unmasked a man who knew by the IBP. Instead, his wrongdoings deserve the severe
the law and abused it for his personal gain without any penalty of disbarment, without prejudice to his criminal and
qualms of conscience. They painted an intricate web of lies, civil liabilities for his dishonest acts.
deceit and opportunism beneath a carefully crafted
smokescreen of corporate maneuvers. WHEREFORE, respondent Attorney Jesus T. Balicanta is
hereby DISBARRED. The Clerk of Court is directed to strike
The Code of Professional Responsibility mandates upon out his name from the Roll of Attorneys.
each lawyer, as his duty to society, the obligation to obey
the laws of the land and promote respect for law and legal SO ORDERED.
processes. Specifically, he is forbidden to engage in
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. 11 If the
practice of law is to remain an honorable profession and
attain its basic ideal, those enrolled in its ranks should not
only master its tenets and principles but should also, in their
lives, accord continuing fidelity to them.12 Thus, the
requirement of good moral character is of much greater
import, as far as the general public is concerned, than the
possession of legal learning.13 Lawyers are expected to
abide by the tenets of morality, not only upon admission to
the Bar but also throughout their legal career, in order to
maintain one’s good standing in that exclusive and honored
fraternity.14 Good moral character is more than just the
absence of bad character. Such character expresses itself
in the will to do the unpleasant thing if it is right and the
resolve not to do the pleasant thing if it is wrong. 15 This must
be so because "vast interests are committed to his care; he
is the recipient of unbounded trust and confidence; he deals
with his client’s property, reputation, his life, his all." 16

Indeed, the words of former Presiding Justice of the Court

of Appeals Pompeyo Diaz cannot find a more relevant
application than in this case:

"There are men in any society who are so self-serving that

they try to make law serve their selfish ends. In this group
of men, the most dangerous is the man of the law who has
no conscience. He has, in the arsenal of his knowledge, the
very tools by which he can poison and disrupt society and
bring it to an ignoble end."17

Good moral standing is manifested in the duty of the lawyer

"to hold in trust all moneys and properties of his client that
may come into his possession."18 He is bound "to account
for all money or property collected or received for or from
the client."19 The relation between an attorney and his client
is highly fiduciary in nature. Thus, lawyers are bound to
promptly account for money or property received by them
on behalf of their clients and failure to do so constitutes
professional misconduct.20

This Court holds that respondent cannot invoke the

separate personality of the corporation to absolve him from
exercising these duties over the properties turned over to
him by complainant. He blatantly used the corporate veil to
defeat his fiduciary obligation to his client, the complainant.
Toleration of such fraudulent conduct was never the reason
for the creation of said corporate fiction.

The massive fraud perpetrated by respondent on the

complainant leaves us no choice but to set aside the veil of
corporate entity. For purposes of this action therefore, the
properties registered in the name of the corporation should
still be considered as properties of complainant and her

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