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1 Put the sentences of the dialogue into the correct order. Some of them are already given. Tegye
a dialögus mondatait a megfelelö sorrendbe! Néhåny mondat sorszåma mår adott.

Detective Poirot (D) is questioning Miss Cruise (C) and Mr Jones (J), the suspects of a crime.

Javított verzió

D:Well, Mr Jones, you say you were in the kitchen at the time of the murder.
J: Yes, I was making coffee.
D: Making coffee, eh?
J: Yes, that's right.
D: Now it's your turn Miss Cruise. What were you doing when you heard the shots? You say you
were in the study
C: Yes, I was typing a letter then.
D: And what did you do after the shots, Miss Cruise?
C: I went to the bedroom.
D: Where you met your lover, who is Mr Jones. Is that right Mr Jones?
J: No it isn't. I was in the kitchen.
D: You weren't. You were in the bedroom with your wife. She was shouting with you when vou
suddenly took out your gun and pulled the trigger.
J: How do you know that?
D: I was sitting in the wardrobe all the evening.
J : What were you doing there, Mr Poirot?
D: I was in love with your wife and when you arrived with your secretary , I hid in the wardrobe.

C: What a shame!

2 Finish the sentences with the help of the dialogue. Fejezze be a mondatokat a dialögus segitségével!

l . Mrs Jones was quarrelling with her husband when he suddenly took out his gun and pulled the
2. The detective knew everything because he was hiding in the wardrobe at the time of the murder.
3. While the detective was sitting in the wardrobe Miss Cruise was typing a letter in the study.
4. The detective hid in the wardrobe when Mr.Jones arrived with his secretary.
5. When Miss Cruise heard the shots she went to the bedroom.
6. While Mrs Jones was quarrelling with her husband , the detective was sitting in the wardrobe.

3 The police are questioning you, and you have to give an alibi for the following times. A
rendőrség kihallgatja Önt. Adjon alibit a következö idöpontokra!

l at 7 0'clock on Sunday evening I was having dinner with my business partner in a well-known restaurant.
2. at 6.30 on Monday evening I was watching a film with my friends at a local cinema.
3. at 4.15 on tuesday afternoon , I barely finished my baseball practice and were shoewering .
4. at 8 pm yesterday I was getting ready to have a party with some friends.
5. at 1l last night , all of my friends and I were still partying and having fun together at Adams place.
6. at 5 am the day before yesterday, I was still asleep at my house.

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous. Tegye a zárójelben lévő igéket
egyszerü múlt vagy folyamatos múlt időbe!
1. When the police got (get) to the scene, the criminal was climbing (climb) over the fence.

2. It rained (rain) heavily, when James left (leave) home.

3.As James was leaving (leave) home, a bucket fell (fall) on his head.
4.While my neighbour was helping (help) my wife to deliver our baby on the back seat, I was driving
(drive) at 140 kmh to get to the hospital.
5.. 1 heard (hear) strange voices as I .was coming (come) up in the lift.


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