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Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

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Tumor intrinsic and extrinsic immune functions of CD155 T

a b b b,
Jake. S. O’Donnell , Jason Madore , Xian-Yang Li , Mark J. Smyth *
Cancer Immunoregulation and Immunotherapy Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, QLD, Australia
Immunology in Cancer and Infection Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, QLD 4006, Australia


Keywords: CD155 (PVR/necl5/Tage4), a member of the nectin-like family of adhesion molecules, is highly upregulated on
Cancer tumor cells across multiple cancer types and has been associated with worse patient outcomes. In addition to
CD155 well described cell-intrinsic roles promoting tumor progression and metastasis, CD155 has now been implicated
PVR in immune regulation. The role of CD155 as a potent immune ligand with diverse cell-extrinsic functions is now
being defined. CD155 signaling to immune cells is mediated through interactions with the co-stimulatory im-
mune receptor CD226 (DNAM-1) and the inhibitory checkpoint receptors TIGIT and CD96, which are differ-
entially regulated at the cell surface on T cells and NK cells. The integration of signals from CD155 cognate
receptors modifies the activity of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in a context-dependent manner, making CD155
an attractive target for immune-oncology. Preclinical studies suggest that targeting this axis can improve im-
mune-mediated tumor control, particularly when combined with existing anti-PD-1 checkpoint therapies. In this
review, we discuss the roles of CD155 on host and tumor cells in controlling tumor progression and discuss the
possibility of targeting CD155 for cancer therapy.

1. Introduction lymphocytes via interactions with both stimulatory and inhibitory re-
ceptors on T and NK cells [16] (Fig. 1B). In this review we will discuss
The ability of tumors to escape or locally suppress the immune evidence that CD155 expression contributes to tumor development
system is fundamental for their development [1,2]. Cancer im- through tumor-associated immune suppression, how this immune sup-
munotherapies targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 or CTLA4 immune check- pression impacts responsiveness to cancer immunotherapy, and why
points function by relieving immune suppression or promoting immune targeting CD155 and its associated axis might be beneficial for cancer
activation, and have achieved durable efficacy for some patients across treatment.
multiple tumor indications [3–5]. While more effective than che-
motherapies, and with greater ability to induce long-term durable re- 2. Cell-intrinsic biology of CD155
sponses than those seen with targeted therapies (BRAF/MEK inhibi-
tion), existing cancer immunotherapies are nevertheless associated with The Nectins and Nectin-like molecules (Necl) are a family of Ig-like
innate and acquired resistance [3–6]. As such, the identification of al- proteins that play important roles in supporting cell to cell adhesion via
ternative approaches and targets that may improve responsiveness homophilic and heterophilic interactions between family members.
when used in combination with existing immunotherapies is a current Necl5, also known as CD155 was originally defined as a receptor to
priority. One attractive target is immune regulatory functions of the cell permit poliovirus entry [8,17], however, work by several groups ulti-
adhesion molecule CD155 (Poliovirus receptor [7]). CD155 is com- mately implicated CD155 in a suite of physiological/pathophysiological
monly over-expressed by tumor cells and upregulated by tumor-asso- processes [14]. The extracellular region of CD155 contains im-
ciated myeloid cells in both membrane bound and soluble forms [8,9] munoglobulin V domains, a C1-like domain, and a C2 domain [14].
where its tumor cell-intrinsic roles, which include promoting cell to cell There are four splice isoforms designated α, β, δ, and γ. The α and δ
adhesion [10], cell motility [10–13], contact inhibition [14], pro- isoforms contain transmembrane domains, with the α isoform con-
liferation, and survival [15] have implicated it in tumor progression. taining a longer C terminus and an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based
More recently, CD155 has been shown to play important tumor cell- inhibitory motif (ITIM) that is necessary for CD155-signaling and its
extrinsic roles by modulating the function of tumor-infiltrating tumor cell-intrinsic biology (Fig. 1A). By contrast, the β and γ isoforms

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.J. Smyth).
Received 26 September 2019; Received in revised form 6 November 2019; Accepted 19 November 2019
Available online 26 December 2019
1044-579X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S. O’Donnell, et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

Fig. 1. The tumor cell intrinsic and extrinsic roles of CD155.

(A) The intracellular domain of CD155 contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) capable of recruiting SH2-containing tyrosine phos-
phatase-2 to initiate signal transduction by acting as a mediator of the important cellular functions of CD155 including adhesion, contact inhibition, cellular motility,
proliferation, and survival. Many of these functions are achieved through simple interactions with other members of the immunoglobulin superfamily. For example,
CD155 can interact with growth factor receptors such as platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) where it can enhance growth-factor mediated Ras-Raf-MEK-
ERK signaling, and also with integrin αvβ3 to enhance cellular migration. (B) CD155 expressed by tumor and tumor-associated myeloid cells can interact with at least
three lymphocyte-expressed receptors to modulate their effector functions. The inhibitory checkpoint receptors TIGIT and CD96 are upregulated by T and NK cells
following activation and increasingly when exposed chronically to antigen in settings such as cancer and chronic viral infection. These receptors and compete with
the costimulatory receptor DNAM-1 for binding to CD155 and function over time to diminish T and NK cell functionality in the tumor microenvironment. In NK cells,
interactions between α1β2 integrins (LFA-1) and DNAM-1 appear to be necessary for DNAM-1-mediated NK cell activation.

lack a transmembrane domain and are secreted, however, the biological knocked-out demonstrate defects in proliferation, cell cycle arrest [25].
function of these isoforms has not been clarified [18]. The CD155α
ITIM domain can recruit important signaling intermediates such as
SH2-containing tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP-2) to initiate signal- 3. Cell-extrinsic biology of CD155
transduction [11,19]. The initiation of signaling by CD155 is usually
preceded by its interaction with either with other nectins, growth factor The overexpression of CD155 seen in many tumor types was ori-
receptors, or integrins [15,20,21] (Fig. 1A). Collectively, these sig- ginally hypothesized to act as an extrinsic tumor-suppressor mechanism
naling inputs enable the cell-intrinsic roles of CD155 in promoting capable of alerting the immune system that a tissue had undergone
cellular proliferation, migration, contract inhibition, and survival; im- malignant transformation [8]. This hypothesis was born-out of the
plicating tumor cell-intrinsic CD155 in promoting tumor progression, observation that the co-stimulatory receptor CD226 or DNAX Accessory
invasion, and metastasis. Molecule-1 (DNAM-1) expressed by T and NK cells interacts directly
The signaling outputs of CD155 have been proposed to have mul- with CD155 and the closely related CD112 (Nectin-1) molecules to
tiple effects in the context of cancer. For instance, an in vitro screen promote their activation [26]; the latter of which can also bind
identified that knock-down of CD155 significantly reduced tumor cell CD112R, a checkpoint receptor expressed by T cells [27]. These inter-
migration [22,23]. In one study, CD155 was shown to play an essential actions were shown to trigger NK cell- and T cell-mediated cytotoxicity
role in growth factor-mediated cell migration. This effect was found to and cytokine production [28,29]. In addition, mice genetically deficient
depend on the co-localisation of CD155 αVβ3 integrins at the leading in DNAM-1 demonstrated significantly less anti-tumor activity against
edge of migrating cells and the indication of intracellular signaling via CD155 positive tumor cells than wild type mice; with a higher in-
Rac and Cdc42, which have well-defined roles in cell migration. In cidence of carcinogen-induced tumors, accelerated tumor growth rate,
addition to migration, CD155 has been shown to promote tumor me- and increased experimental metastasis [30]. Despite these observations,
tastatic spread [23]. Over-expression of CD155 in rat glioma cells was over-expression of CD155 by tumors has been associated with dimin-
shown to increase Src and focal adhesion kinase signaling, which in ished activity of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and worse prognosis in
turn reduced substrate adhesion and promoted cell spreading [24]. several cancer types [31–33] which argues, at least in these tumor
Subsequently, observations made using mouse tumor models support types, against the aforementioned hypothesis and suggests that the
this conclusion, where CD155-expressing tumor cells have been shown overall effect of CD155 in the TME is in fact immunosuppressive for
to have greater metastatic potential than tumor cells in which CD155 many solid tumor indications.
has been knocked out [9]. CD155 signaling also appears to be important In tumor tissue, the activities of T and NK cells are commonly
for tumor cell proliferation. Tumor cells in which CD155 has been suppressed by interactions between checkpoint receptors and check-
point ligands expressed in the TME. Among these are the T cell

J.S. O’Donnell, et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

Fig. 2. Upregulation of TIGIT and CD96 diminishes DNAM-1 stimulation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. (A) In tumor associated stroma, activated CD8+ T cells
are likely to express DNAM-1 and comparatively lower levels of TIGIT and CD96 due to lower TCR signaling resulting in a net positive signal generated from CD155
expressed in the stroma. (B) As tumors emerge from tumor-associated stroma into tumor tissue (parenchyma), DNAM-1 can be down-regulated, and the expression of
PD-1, CD96, and likely TIGIT can increase resulting in a net negative signal to the T cell from tumor CD155. Their interactions with CD155 expressed by tumor and
tumor-associated myeloid cells (APCs) are associated with a dysfunctional T cell phenotype.

immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains (TIGIT) and CD96 immune domain of TIGIT contains an intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine-
checkpoint receptors which both compete with DNAM-1 to bind with based inhibitory motif that is responsible for mediating its inhibitory
CD155 (Fig. 1B) [34]. This competition functions to suppress DNAM-1- signaling [45]. Single cell RNAseq analysis of human cancers has re-
mediated T- and NK cell-activation. These interactions occur with dif- vealed co-expression of TIGIT among tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells
ferent affinities [35]. For example, DNAM-1 has the lowest affinity for expressing other checkpoint receptors such as TIM-3, LAG-3, CTLA-4,
binding CD155, followed by CD96 which has an intermediate affinity, and PD-1 [46,47]. This was also shown in a recent series of articles
and TIGIT which binds with high affinity to CD155 [35,36]. This is defining the transcriptional regulation of CD8+ T cell exhaustion in
likely due to the unique structural interactions that each of CD96, both chronic viral infection and cancer [48–50]. Importantly, these
TIGIT, and DNAM-1 have with CD155 [35,36]. The competitive inter- effects might be cell type-dependent as expression of TIGIT appears to
actions between CD96 and TIGIT with DNAM-1 are reminiscent of the be important for the suppressive activity of Tregs in the tumor micro-
process by which the CTLA4 checkpoint receptor, competes with the co- environment. Tregs in TIGIT−/− mice have reduced suppressive ac-
stimulatory receptor CD28 for binding to B7 molecules expressed on tivity, and in mice TIGIT+ Tregs have increased suppression of Th1 and
antigen presenting cells (APCs) (Fig. 1B) [34,37]. DNAM-1 contains an Th17 immune responses when compared to TIGIT- Tregs [51,52]. Im-
intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine tail (ITT)-like motif, upon in- proved CD8+ T cell function has been seen following blockade of TIGIT
teractions with CD155 or CD112, this intracellular domain has been alone or in combination with other immunotherapies [53–55].
proposed to signal via the adaptor protein Grb2 [38]. As is the case for Similar to TIGIT, upregulation of CD96 expression on intratumor T
other co-stimulatory molecules including CD28, DNAM-1 down-reg- and NK cells has been shown in several solid cancer types. Recent
ulation has been seen on T cells in the setting of chronic infection studies primarily in mouse tumor models have indicated a role for CD96
[39,40], and on NK cells in advanced cancers and has been associated as a T and NK cell checkpoint receptor. Initial investigations suggested
with T cell exhaustion and diminished NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity that CD96 mediated human NK cell adhesion to CD155-expressing
[28,29,41,42]. These findings might suggest that loss of co-stimulation target cells [56]. The first evidence that CD96 might act in an inhibitory
is a key feature of lymphocyte dysfunction, however, the mechanism(s) capacity was shown in CD96−/− mice, where NK cells were found to
underlying this effect is poorly understood [43]. produce greater IFNγ in response to IL12, IL18, or LPS stimulation [57].
In contrast to DNAM-1 downregulation, TIGIT is highly upregulated It was also shown that these mice were resistant to experimental lung
on both CD8+ T cells and tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells, and has metastases and carcinogen-induced tumor development [57]. More
also been reported on tumor-infiltrating NK cells [44]. The intracellular recently, CD96 has been shown to reduce the activity of CD8+ T cells,

J.S. O’Donnell, et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

Fig. 3. Expression distribution and mutation frequency of CD155 across human cancers.
(A) Expression of CD155 detected by RNAseq across 32 cancer types. Each dot represents a single case, the color of the data point corresponds to whether and what
type of gene alteration is associated with CD155 in each case as described in the legend. Error bars represent SD. (B) As a percentage of total cases, the proportion of
each tumor type that contain a mutation, fusion, amplification, deep deletion, or multiple alterations in the PVR gene. Data presented are publicly available from the
TCGA and interpreted using

and promote their acquisition of a dysfunctional phenotype in mouse factors in the tumor microenvironment [58]. Despite these observa-
tumor models [57–59]. Expression of CD96 appears to be most common tions, further studies will need to establish whether the im-
among tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and NK cells [44,58,60]. Unlike munosuppressive activity of CD96 seen in mice is conserved in humans.
TIGIT, expression of CD96 is much less common among CD4+ T cells in In summary, the effect that CD155 has on tumor immune suppression
mouse tumor models. In human colorectal carcinoma, expression of PD- will depend on the relative balance of stimulatory (DNAM-1) and in-
1 and CD96 appears to be selectively upregulated by CD8+ T cells in- hibitory (TIGIT and CD96) signals produced by these receptors in
filtrating tumor tissue, but not those in tumor-associated stroma, sug- tumor-infiltrating T and NK cells. In addition to DNAM-1, TIGIT, and
gesting that its expression is regulated by antigen exposure or other CD96, a recent study utilizing a novel method for ligand-receptor

J.S. O’Donnell, et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

proteomics identified that the NK cell receptor KIR2DL5 is also likely to several ongoing clinical trials investigating various treatments are at-
be a ligand for CD155, however, the significance of this interaction has tempting to measure CD155 expression in tumor tissue prior, or fol-
not yet been defined [61]. In tumors, an increase in expression of the lowing the initiation of treatment in advanced solid tumors (Clin-
inhibitory receptors (TIGIT and CD96) and reduced expression of co- NCT03667716), ovarian and gastric cancers, (
stimulatory receptors (DNAM-1), is likely responsible for the observed NCT03342417), melanoma ( NCT03712358), bladder
immunosuppressive properties of CD155 seen in solid tumors (Fig. 2A cancer ( NCT03789682), and prostate cancer (Clin-
and B). NCT03071328). Importantly, elevated soluble CD155 has
been associated with increased tumor burden, and has been proposed as
4. Expression and function of CD155 on host immune cells a potential biomarker of disease progression [18,75].
Several findings suggest that CD155 is associated with tumor pro-
Under physiological conditions, CD155 is widely expressed at low gression: First, genetic deletion of CD155 from tumor cells in mice re-
levels on immune cells where it has been proposed to play various roles sults in a significant delay in tumor growth and metastasis [9,76].
such as co-stimulation of CD4+ T cells [62] and MHC-independent Second, expression of CD155 in transplantable tumor models in mice
positive-selection of T cells in the thymus [63]. There is also evidence genetically deficient in CD155 was found to significantly enhance pri-
that CD155 is expressed on endothelial cells where it has been shown to mary tumor growth and metastasis [9,76]. While overexpression of
attenuate CD8+ T cell responses [64]. Recent evidence indicates that CD155 might support tumor progression due to its cell-intrinsic effects,
CD155-expression can be modulated on tumor-infiltrating leukocytes recent evidence suggests tumor cell expression of CD155 meaningfully
and that this might function in suppressing the activity of anti-tumor suppresses anti-tumor immune responses. Relating to the latter ob-
immune responses [9]. To date the most compelling evidence sup- servation, using several retrospective cohorts in melanoma, a strong
porting its role in immune suppression came from studies in gene- and significant association between poor response to cancer im-
modified mice deficient in CD155 expression. In these mice significant munotherapy (either anti-PD-1 alone, or in combination with anti-
delays in primary tumor growth and experimental metastasis were seen CTLA4) was identified in melanoma [77]. This followed the demon-
in comparison to wild-type (CD155-expressing) mice [9]. Bone marrow stration that elevated CD155 expression associated with a diminished
chimera studies were used to confirm that CD155-expressing haema- IFNγ gene-expression signature, but not necessarily reduced CD8+ T
topoietic cells were responsible for suppression of T and NK cell- cell infiltration in pre-immunotherapy-treated tumor samples and this
mediated anti-tumor immune responses [9]. specifically highlighted CD155 and associated pathway members as key
CD155 expression on immune cells can be detected among tumor- regulators of CD8+ T cell function and response to cancer im-
infiltrating leukocytes in the primary tumor and tumor-draining lymph munotherapy [77]. Together, these studies suggest that CD155 over-
nodes, however, it appears to be mostly restricted to myeloid cells [9]. expression by tumor cells plays an important role in promoting tumor
In human melanoma samples, CD155 expression has been observed on progression both as a result of intrinsic oncogenic pathway activation,
CD14+CD11c− macrophages, CD14+CD11c+ myeloid cells, and and also of extrinsic suppression of anti-tumor immune responses. Im-
CD14−CD11c+ dendritic cells (DCs). Co-localization of CD155-ex- portantly, it is not yet understood whether soluble CD155 contributes to
pressing myeloid cells with an M2-like, immunosuppressive phenotype immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment, however, if the
with T cells in these tumors suggested a potentially immunosuppressive soluble CD155 isoforms can bind CD96 and TIGIT, this might be a
role [9]. possibility.
The mechanism(s) responsible for upregulation of CD155 on tumor- The overexpression of CD155 observed in cancers likely occurs as a
infiltrating myeloid cells is currently unclear. One report in patients result of a variety of mechanisms. CD155 overexpression has been as-
with sepsis revealed that CD155 and the closely related CD112 (Nectin- sociated with the cellular stress responses to reactive oxygen species
1) molecules were selectively upregulated by circulating monocytes (ROS), and also constitutive expression of the MYC oncogene with in-
[65]. In a separate study, ex vivo exposure of mouse bone marrow-de- duction of the ATM-ATR DNA damage repair pathway in human tumor
rived macrophages and B cells to LPS was shown to promote upregu- cell lines [78–82]. In addition, a single study found that in vitro cultures
lation of CD155 in an NF-κB-dependent manner [66–68]. Given that of human melanoma cells upregulated CD155 when exposed to IFNγ
toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands are common in the blood of both septic similar to the adaptive upregulation of PD-L1, however this observation
patients and in the tumor microenvironment, this is a possible stimulus has not been replicated [66,83]. For PD-L1, its expression in tumors
for myeloid cell CD155 upregulation, however, this hypothesis requires tends to be limited to regions of immune cell infiltration [84,85], except
testing. for rare instances in which PD-L1 is constitutively expressed by tumor
cells [86]. By contrast, when expressed, CD155 staining tends to be
5. Expression of CD155 in human cancers homogenous throughout tumor tissue, independent of immune cell lo-
calization [87]. This observation lends itself to a genetic rather than an
While expression of CD155 by tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells has external immunological cause as seen with PD-L1 upregulation in the
been shown to play a significant role in suppressing the anti-tumor presence of IFNγ. One likely mechanism is amplification of the PVR
immune response [9], in the TME the primary source of CD155 is gene itself which appears to be most common in uterine carcinoma (∼7
probably tumor cells [8]. Overexpression of CD155 by tumor cells was % of cases) and associates with its relatively high expression of CD155
first seen in the early 1990s by researchers attempting to develop (Fig. 3A and B). However, in tumors which show low CD155 expression
therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against proteins overexpressed by and do not show evidence for amplification or copy number gain such
tumor cells, however, at the time it was not recognized that the tumor as AML, DLBC, and Thymoma, selection against CD155 overexpression
antigen targeted was in fact CD155 [8,69]. Overexpression of CD155 may be driven by DNAM-1 expression on tumor infiltrating lympho-
has since been reported in many cancers including melanoma [70], cytes; however, for this to occur stimulatory signaling via DNAM-1
lung adenocarcinoma [71], pancreatic cancer [31], ovarian cancer would have to outweigh immunosuppressive signals from TIGIT and
[41], myeloid leukemia [28], neuroblastoma [28,69], colorectal cancer CD96. Nevertheless, these CD155 low cancers seem to be an exception;
[72], cholangiocarcinoma among others (Fig. 3A) [73]. This observa- the majority of tumors types show high levels of CD155 gene expression
tion has been associated with poor clinical measures including lymph (Fig. 3A and B). In addition to amplification of the PVR gene, mutations
node metastasis, a reduction in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, tumor in other genes that result in enhanced Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK activation,
histological grade, primary tumor size, and poor prognosis in retro- elevated fibroblast growth factor signaling [7,88], and also aberrant
spective studies across various solid cancer types [31,73,74]. To better activation of the hedgehog signaling pathway have been shown to re-
understand the relationship between CD155 and clinical correlates, sult in CD155 overexpression in vitro [89]. An understanding of the

J.S. O’Donnell, et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

mechanisms responsible for CD155 overexpression by tumor cells may experimental metastasis models including B16F10, 3 L L lung carci-
allow for the development of therapies to decrease its expression and noma, LWT1 melanoma, and RM-1 prostate carcinoma through an
enhance sensitivity to cancer immunotherapies. IFNγ- and NK cell-dependent mechanism [60]. More recently, blockade
of CD96 has also been shown to improve CD8 T cell-mediated anti-
6. Targeting the CD155 axis with therapies tumor responses in mice [58].
Blockade of TIGIT and CD96 together or in combination with other
The significant immune suppression induced by CD155 in addition conventional checkpoint inhibitors blocking PD-1 or CTLA4 appears to
to its very broad expression distribution in cancer highlights it potential be more effective than monotherapy treatment. Importantly, this has
as a therapeutic target. Supporting this idea, preclinical studies in mice been shown in models of experimental metastasis (in which tumor
genetically deficient in either CD155 or of TIGIT and CD96 have en- control is NK cell-mediated) [60,94], primary tumor growth models
hanced anti-tumor immunity [9,90]. As such, blocking this interaction (usually CD8+ T cell-mediated) [9,58], and also spontaneous metas-
with CD155 in the TME might be an effective therapy for tumor control. tasis studies following surgery to remove the primary tumor (NK cell
In experimental settings, the use of monoclonal antibodies against and T cell-mediated) [94]. However, whether the anti-tumor effect of
CD155 has been explored as a method for improving tumor control. In targeting CD96 and/or TIGIT partly or entirely depends on blocking
one study, experimental metastatic burden was reduced in im- CD96/CD155 versus TIGIT/CD155 interaction and whether redundancy
munocompetent mice following administration of anti-CD155 [91]. in exists between CD96 and TIGIT is still unclear [94]. These findings
vitro assays revealed that anti-CD155 treatment reduced tumor cell provide evidence to suggest that independent of inhibitory receptor
migration and invasion [91]. Additionally, CD155 blockade has also competition for DNAM-1, CD96 and TIGIT have intrinsic im-
been shown to improve the function of antigen presenting cells in ex- munosuppressive signaling effects. Mechanistic studies to investigate
perimental sepsis [92]. To date, clinical studies have not been carried the differential regulation and impact that CD155, DNAM-1, CD96, and
out to assess whether CD155 blockade is feasible in human cancers. One TIGIT have on the anti-tumor immune response are needed. An addi-
potential limitation of this approach could be that in addition to tional consideration for the therapeutic blockade of TIGIT and CD96 is
blocking the interactions of CD155 with TIGIT and CD96, CD155 that their upregulation has been associated in tumor-infiltrating T cells
blockade might impact stimulatory interactions between DNAM-1 and with terminal differentiation. In turn, this might suggest that blocking
CD155 (Fig. 1B). Selection of cancer indications for clinical trials tar- the interactions of TIGIT/CD96 with CD155 might do little to re-
geting CD155 should therefore be guided by CD155 expression levels on invigorate the anti-tumor immune response [48–50], however, the fact
tumor cells as well as TIGIT/CD96 and DNAM-1 expression levels on that therapeutic efficacy has been seen preclinically argues against this.
infiltrating lymphocytes. There are currently several clinical trials in various phases testing the
To avoid any issue inherent in blocking CD155-DNAM-1 interac- efficacy of anti-TIGIT monoclonal antibodies. To date, there are no
tions, targeting exclusively the inhibitory side of CD155 pathway (CD96 clinical trials assessing the efficacy of anti-CD96 therapy (Fig. 4).
and TIGIT) has already been shown to have a beneficial effect on tumor In addition to CD155 checkpoint blockade, another therapeutic
control (Fig. 4). Early studies suggested that TIGIT blockade enhances approach takes advantage of the overexpression of CD155 by tumors.
the in vitro killing of tumor cells by mouse PBMCs [93]. In addition to An oncolytic viral therapy, Poliovirus-Rhinovirus Chimera (PVSRIPO)
this, blockade of CD96 has demonstrated efficacy in treatment of which binds specifically to CD155 has been developed to promote

Fig. 4. Progression of therapies targeting the CD155 axis in cancer.

A description of the current phase of development that therapies targeting CD155 or its ligands, DNAM-1, TIGIT, and CD96.

J.S. O’Donnell, et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 65 (2020) 189–196

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